iratti Mratifort# m o on (r• Tow a, Wednesday, May 24, 1848. FOR PRESIDENT • TICE PRESIDENT, Nominees" of the National Convention. • ' ZLECTOMIAL ?SCRUM. Wrist tw Bin Lca,of Clearfield, Senatorial DA r r n D. W.ns Nia, or Northam Mon. 1. Henry 1.. Benner. 13. John C. King. 2. Horn R. Knees/. 14. /John Weidman. 3. Isaac Shank. 15.!RObert J.'Fisher. 4. A. L. Roumfort. / 16; Frederick-Smith. 5. Jacob S. Yost. ••...17..:J0hn Criswell. O. Robert E. %reit. 15. Charles A. Black. 7. Wm. W. Downing. 19. Geo. W. Bowman. . 1 R. Henry Haldeman. 20. 'John IL Shannon. ft. Peter Kline. 21. George P. liamilton.4 10. B. 8. Scinionover. 22. W. S. Davis. 1.1. W. Stream,. 23. Timothy Ives. 12. Jonah Brewster. 24. James G. Campbell. • ciIR CANAL commtmo.wma, ISRAEL PAINTER. OF WESTMORELAND CCiUNTT. Tb Ifteporier Obr Ike Campaign Price Itedeseed The coming Presidential campaign will undoubt wily 'be unusually Severe and trying. The per liireal elements. now ,lying so calm and unruffled, will be lashed into commotion by the nominations made by the two Conventions about to meet. De mocrats must prepare for a fierce, unrelenting and unscrupulous contest with their ancient enemy. Fe deralism--driven to desperation, will rally its for- oes Mr a great and desperate effort, which will re qnire the united and vigorous exertions of Demo- crats to 'withstand. The Money Power will again be brought into-the field, and its whole influence wielded,- to repeal the People's, Tariff, and reAntact the law to protect capital. The various political q uestions which - 4;4re so often reeeived the seal of condemnation from the American people, are to be resuscitated, and urged with ten-fold vigor, by means of money, misrepresentation and falserood. The most desperate anti is now to be made, to break down, rlivide and conquer the Great Repub lican Party. lit view of these apparent truths, and of the necessity which now so urgently presents it self of ".keeping before the people" the great car dinal trutlui and precepts of the Democratic faith— meeting and exposing the misrepresentations and fallacies of Federalism,—the Bradford Reporter will lie ? ittTorded during the present campaign -from the first of June to the first of December next, at a greatly relined p r i ce . ,The coming County election, which-precedes for a !short time the Presidential, will also be of unusual ire The variousimportant county o ffi cers ire to be elected, with at Member of Congress and Canal Commissioner, and should excite' every De mocrat to renewed and active personal exertion.— Great pains will be taken to make the Reporter; during 'the approaching presidential and general contest, a faithful and efficient organ for the party of this eounty.—to supply what may be needed for a proper appreciation of the great subjects which may be discussed during the campaign--te proper- , ly refute ttie calumnies and slanders which Feder is so prone to heap upon our candidates.— The price at which it is sent, is but barely su ffi cient to save us from pecuniary loss, and we trust the Democrats of the County will take the opportunity to avail themselves of the our liberal offers. The Reporter Fill be Bent during the Campaign —4;em the first of June, to the feat - of December rtext, on the following germs : One copy for • - •Twelve copies, Twenty-lice copies for The nee's-Amity for the general circulation of a county paper must be apparent—no foreign , paper tan supply what will be needed during, this cam paign--and as we trust In make the Reporter wor thy ire hope to receive the 'support of the entire Democratic I arty •of the County. KILLED e r Lotriertm.—A man - by the name of Giles Lewis,. says the Tinge Banner, of the Nth Met, was killed by lightning in Brookfield town ship, in that county, one day last week. He was lying on the floor of his house, haring'jnet come in froni choppirig wood; the lightning struck the roof, passed down the,ehtmney, and crossed the floor so as to strike Mr. Lewis, who was instantly-killed. Ilia wife and children, besides a numb's, of others, z' were in the same room at he time, bat escaped unhurt. Scosnr..---We learn from the Owego Gazette, of Monday bud. that Richard Ball, win of StephenSall, of Berkshire, Tiop county, aged 25 years, commit ted suicide on Sunday morning, by cutting his throat with a razor. While the family were at breakfast, the noise of a heavy fall open the cham ber llpor was Beard, and Ilion going up the young man, was found lying upon his face, in front of the looking-glass, just breathing his last, the razor lying on a shelf under the glass. The cause of_the rash act is unknown. - 'N. T. acarr Ewa RAILIROMX—We understand hem the Elmira Gazette, that this road has been let from Binghamton to that place. This is gratifying news --and we'trum soon to see the 44 steam-horse" rush ing tovrard Elmira, placing Weitzel New York, and Northern Pennsylvania within a few hours dis tance of New York city. The speedy compleJ tact: or the Nadia Branch canal must then bd effect. ed, and mar producers will be aeotain of a pearl* neat and remunerating market. • Aporrnta Mask* or . rut rtnost.—The House otHepteson tatires has passed a bill, Sad the Senate will doubtless concur, admitting Wisconsin as a -State,- making the 20th member of the confederacy. The whole territory is over 90,900 square miles— the part embraced by -the new skate jest admitted is ever 46,000 wings miles. The remgoder will seam form a pow star iOthe fast incresAig coneei. lation. LOOK run pea Cocrrearponk—We learn from (lie Ledger, that a new batch of counterfeit St notes on me City Bank: of New Huai, has jest been pet in circulation. These counterfeiONmay be detected -17 the strange and irregular dm letters which form the name of the. Bank--the officer's /carnets are llp executed. $5 notes of /he Settle Bank, i 04.) counterfeit, are in circulation. 'legs Cimmaty Lav alai Dessiesiatie Miestisg. • The annual meeting 9f.dteltemeetatie patty of *rave couutyi was - hekrat tin Tuesday evening, 16th inst. • AVMHUI !Nos ; F. 1944 Pre* sided, assisted by Judges Brenner and Parkhurst, as ran Presidents, and James Hill , and Josiah Era ery as Secretaries. . A series of resolutions were unanimously adopt ed, speaking of which the Banner : says:—" The re solutions are significiint, and contrast moat admira• bly with some illegitimate ones which a few toadies said were adopted list February. As amended,the third resolution corers sorry ad which Mr. Wilmot leas . .performed in the capacity of &presentative is Congress mace Lis fast election! We had intended to comment somewhat at length on the late meet ing, but want of room forbids it this week. The meeting was harmonious, and went ,off welt. A good old Democrat, who has attended the County meetings regularly for more than a dozen years says that the meeting on Tuesiay night was the most harmonious of any 'held ; for the last three years. This speaks well for union and harmony this fall." The news from Mexico, which we publish this week, contains but little inform stilttr upon which to found a conjecture as to the probability of the ratification of the treaty. A quorum of Congress had not convened at Queretaro, amtahould they be persuaded to assemble, there is great doubt as to any action being had upon the treaty. It is stated, though lee have net seen tt firmed--tat letters have been received in Washington, from Mr. Sa me., stating that he has no hopes of a ratification of the treaty by the Mexican Government. The bill-holders of the Erie Bank, will we trust, be secured from loss, by means of Mr. Reed, the President of the Bank, who says that every dollar of his property shall go for the redemption of the notes. His property to Buffalo is estimated at .175, 000 ; _Lake interest, $400,000; stock in Pennsylva nia and Erie canal, $400,000; besides other prop erty in Erie, cash, stocks, fie., to a large amount. The Directors of she Erie Bank have taken Mr. Ws canal stock in full for his indebtedness to the bank, Mw 4ifeetto t Now ftwd• t Our merchants, very generally, during the par . * and present weeks, have been busy receiving and opening the supplies of New Spring 'ma Summer Goods. The stocks received are unusually large, and unprecedente►lly cheap. Merchandize, of ev ery dlscription,.can now be purchased here as low —if now lower—than at any of the neighboring towns ; and highly favorable inducements are of to purchasers, this spring. There is •no ne cessity of pointing out to our readers the particular places where to buy :' a reference to oar advertising columns will be sufficient Ix TROUSLE AGAIN.—The man Rkinefrarf, whose 'neighbors at Tinge Centre, recently very kindly furnished with a full suit of tar andfrathers is now cared for, through the benevolence of this County. He was arrested for passing paper money, which never laid :owe bank counter, and our county lock up, affording rather poor accommodations,- be was very considerately removed to the Tinge' county jail, last week, by officer Tiffany. We trust that he will dud things there to his liking, for the short time intervening before his return to his old quer ten in the Penitentiary, at Philadelphia, whence he'lately emerged, having been detained for a few years, for a similar crime. U. S. Sctiavoit.—The Governor of Arkinsas has appointed Wm; K. Sebastian, as Senator to fill the vacancy ()magi - coned by the death of Mr. Ashley. SOMETHING FOR THE Cuatoos.—We were 'shown, a few days ago,a gun barrel, found in the trunk of a hemlock tree, near F. J. Sherwood's, in Rush town ship, by Mr. Beebe Wells, which taken in ctmnee lion with the situation in which it was found, is really a curiosity, and elicits much speculation: The tree out of which it was taken; was only about eight inches in diameter, and the barrel through it nearly horizontally, or at right angtrarbt, ing thoroughly "grown in." It is'epwards of three feet in !mirth, four square at the breech, and eight an elegantly finished article, its sights being gold, and its breech-pin pure silver. How it came there and how long it has been there, are the questions which elicit solution. It must have been lost or left I there before the s tree commenced its growth ; but how long before, and by whom, no one can tell or surmise. The age of the tree, judging from the number of grains in it either side of the heart,is 110 yoars, and yet strange to way, the gun brm bat very slight evi d ence of rust or decay ! Whim_ found, Abe-Nl34*h wasjoet above the surface of the ground, and the muzzle slightly embedded in the earth. It was loaded with a ball, and probably other ammunition, when found, which have net been removed. It may be seen kiy any person by calling on Judge Tyler, in this Olage.--Mordroat Dentocrat. SO cents $5 $lO Coes-venom or Liscrexar.—The jury in the case of Charles Langfecilt, tried for the murder of Mrs. Hademaeherrame into Conn yesterday morn ing, about half-past 9 o'clock-, and rendered their rennet, finding tae prilaner Guilty ft /Wilier &side Furl Degree'. To the credit of the citizens of Phila. delphia, the announcement of the verdict -was re. mired without the slightest demonstration calculat. ed to insult the digoity of the Court. An excellent address to the spectators from Judge King, previous from the clerk taking the verdict, had the good ef fleet of sup 'mg ' any outward -manifestation - of of App . The prisoner gave way under the blow--all ef forts at hardihood failing to support him. His ciinmenance became deathly pale, andebaping hii hands, he sank down upon his semis the dud[, be big enable to stint). He was removed to prison, without any attempt to molest him. The day of meteors has not yet been fixed by the Court.— There is scarcely a man, woman or child to be found in the community, who does not believe the conviction a righteous one.— Phitodephia North e ttmereitirs May 20th. • .. Tiihmor tar Runk—An eitm from the office of the Bath Tribune states that a family by the name of Pinkham, Consisting of the father, mother, two NW and two daughters, were found on the after noon of Friday last, in their own dwelling, murder ed. The deel is supposed to have been committed by the father, in a slate of derangement, The rnetherand her two little daughters were Gum& in one room on a bed, with their throats cut with a razor, and the faffitr and two Loki boyi were found 111 a similar actuation 'in another room. Pinkham was a ship•carpenter, and had pm sty to the amount ,of about 3or St,ooe. .He had been a bfillerite, which delusion might have been the cause of his insanity. The Tribune adds, there is a story in cir culation that Pinkham and his wile have left a pa per in which they state that they had become tired of ligsoand had therefore resolved on killing them: , selves and children. Tux Nom The Germantown (0) Gazette says :—la this (ihe Miami) valley there never was a fairer prospect den abundant crop: The meant rains hare men a fnalinmate tbegrein (whits ) that is truly delightful, Z\• Prospeet el Paseo. The Sete Bank. Later am Med* asilart By the arrivalof dre schooner Athos, Caps. -Win we havrtone day later from Vera Cm& We in the papers but little more of interest than bas ale ready been published by mt. Swan the Free American of the 4th inst. we extract, the ftglow ing Awe limo" omits Quierreio.—We received dates fromthe city of Mexico last night, trio days later than those receirnd,by lilonday's A lever in the Monitor, dated gtierriarci, Ap!,o say that vine Dettlea were al wanting to meet* lute a quorum. The same leer dates that Senor Mon, bakes• resigning his seat in the House lefts written speech against pews, and it ia probable it will beublished. Gen Plmonte arrived at Omnibus, to take bis seat in the Senate. He is opposed toIler" ttasty' and the Govemmeat look opal him yrik ciao. The two Senators of the district of Mexico have resigned their seats in Congress. • . The writer closes hie letter, saying thathe would not be surprised to see the Governmeat, before rati fying the treaty, dissolved, and each one take the road home. The Monitor is of opinion that Conger noold meet on the tat inst. It id reported that 0:ero is the leader of the war ?arty in the House of representatives. Senor Niche!torsos, one of the Deputies deserted bid post, end left Queretaro. El Progresso, of Queretaro, says, on the 27th that Congnies will not meet. AOGICIOTA, Gee., May 19. The Express package received here today con tains New Orleans peppers of the lith,s - Tbn Pro. pellet Col. Stanton had arrived hem Tampico to the 7th, and the steamship Telegraph from Brans tiago, with dates of the 10th. Li. Jenks Beaman, at the 7th lluantry, died at Tampico on the 6th, of yellow fever. Rumors prevailed at Tampico that a quorum of the Mexican Congress bad assembled, but were believed to be unfounded. An American named Towers, bad been murder. ed at Matomoros by Ms Mexican •Servants, who secceded in escaping. Their object was rubbery. A QUERN. STOlLlre•••The MO Chair Repahani, of the 17th, has the Wowing ; Our readers have doubtless heard the repot! of the alleged apprehension et Matamoros ' in Mexico, of one of the robbers of Dr. Darlington, President of the Bank of Cheater county. Some account of the matter, therefore, as it has since been developed, may not be uninteresting. Some time in February or March last, the 'Bank here received a Loamy 401111 a Mr.Reren ßn oflicer - in the Galveston Bank,. Texas, statin g at a man by the name of Harrison had been in that place passing *too notes of the Chester County Bank ; that on inquiry being mode of him, as to his having with him notes of a Bonk so distant„ he accounted for it by representing himself as the son of a Director of the Bank ; that shortly after he left, in the direction of Matamoros, on the Rio Grande, news came of the robbery of Dr. Darlinron ; that pursuit was then made by Reynolds who follow ed on to Matamoros, where he overtook Harrison engaged in buying mules, apprehended him, found some eleven hundred 'd of Chestereotmty mo ney on him, which he took, and put him in prison. At this interview, Harrison told Reynolds that his real name was Hitchcock ; that he had received the money in Cheater county in August last, from George W. Lefever, and that he was in the Texas country at the time tithe robbery, which last Rey nolds subsequently bond to be the tact. The story of Ifitclrock, last told to Reynolds, id reletion to the money, we understand from a ger.- deman connected with the Bank here, is coma— The books of the Bank show that Mt. Lefever, at that time did draw from the Bank a Iconsiderable sum of money, which Mr. Lefever says he paid over to Hitchcock—thus fully clearing' H. from any participation with:the robbery or stolen money. But who is Hitchcock ! Why, he turns mete be the man who dionmearedvilt suddenly from Phi ladelphia, some time last fad , and was supposed to have been murdered , uite an excitement prevailed there . for some time on the subject, and suspicion was, a time, directed to a Mr. Hood with whom Hitchcock was last seen, a ,suspicion now proved _have been entirely groundless.— Hitchcock still lives ; and the fact appears to be that he secretly withdrew himself from Philadel phia. Tim RAILROAD Rtoteas.—:-The New York officers have returned to New York' with four of the rail- road rioters, who set fire to the shanty containing nearly 7000 peundeof gunpowder, which exploded, and killed one man- and wounded several others. These men were employed on the North River Railroad. The whole body on the section struck for higher wages, which resulted in a riot, the la borers arming themselves with maw The foreman on section No. 32 was dragged from his bed last Saturday night, a week ago. They made him het on lus knees, while some poked him in the ribs with the muzzle admit guns, making Mar bew for his life, and swear that he would leave the section mime Sunday night and never return. The whole four prisoners were committed mill I.nrcn Joetstecnom--The . tesidents of the vil lage of Barnwell Court House, Ga., held a meeting Of) the 2d inst. toed the character of Dr. Ma jor, who was strongly soapeeted of being a travel ling abolitionist. • The result of their deliberations was a determination to start him at onee—but be pleaded to be heard in his own defence, and was permitted so to do—not with much effect, however, ri would seem, for the final result was an order giving him two houni to start wherever he might be pleased to go—a permission of which he took care to avail himself. He had previously departed from other places under similar circumstances. Tilt LATATETTIC Fsmu.v.—ln this department of Pounce in which M. George Lafaystte lives, nine representatives were to be chosen Ito the Noggins! Assembly. The people wished to make the mem. hers of the family seven of these nine. It is said that he told them that would not do. Finally, at his very particular request, they only took him and his son, and took seven other good and true men.' Oar. Tsionssmo DoLuna Mortars—The Gover nor of Kentucky oilers 8500 reward for the amts. beosion of Dr. barman E. Nicholson, who it is al leged, lately attempted, in connection with Mrs. Martha Gotherie, the horrible crime of poisoning her husband, that they moths afterwards many.— The husband also offers Tut Km Hunsaa.—Henry C. Carpenter who has jvst recovered /16,000 of the Kidd Same Comps. ny, at New York, has another moon , pending against the bobble.blowerslor hand. The coop ny are said to have netted about $500,000 by ' operations. A 'AND Duagos,--In AlleghenT County Cone, the present week, it has been decided in the Cue of Bad vs Bolick, that poaseesicin of tweeted land for 20 years, claimed under the repressiort that it is embraced in ether patented land, ion bar to the grantee of the State. The eme, it is under% good, will go the Court of Appeals, Fxruint bilmirtrucw's Tusz—Capt. Knight, of the packet ship New Wald, has sent home a let ter he has received from Father Matthew, prowsis lag to take presage with him, on the 21st otAngust. His health laving been re-established, he would soon set oat far Rome. Tama fbri.T.—The wife of R. IL Owen, of Sen nett, Cayuga qounty. on . Saturday night' hat, game birth to threebois, weighing 10 oz, 5 lb: 10bz, and slb 4 oz, respectively. Both mahatma boys were doing well. Ramoltust—A maple diem, midshipmen, at, taeltedlo the Naval Moot in Annapolis, bad . a fight milled ft duel, with pistols, last week, and one nam ed Queen, got a ball in ins hip. This is as bad as fire rioting. E===l . 0 4 .104 .. i Scans days Jekr;r-Pnignas al die . Alerirle --27it EtedNais paid I oda* . iterarwau in a large iftsjerilfaijoroonarast - Coma ith ial fiktienki-Rwirris' 4* - Pfife if ilie Awn '''" Emoop-411101ariog lir 71g karts die:Priassuri at Li! iroir:a of, „iiii P 0 .. 1 % 4 it Noll, atA. ll ,- 1 ' • ..! . ' - 1, The steamship Cambria, Capt. 'II boo, arrived in the bay from Liverpool at 104 o'ct on Slaw day' triglnafter a forage of 14 Ala , •%wish hods London and Liverpool dates to th e of Apnl, the day of her sailusg. • i The news both commercial and paidad, is gee. erally interesting and important. Thn new govern ment security tall, designated thegovernment gag ging act , which has 'received the royal ament, ap. , pears calculated rather to increase an to allay the political excitement in !inland ; it is calculated to swains the cause of the Chartists in 1 England and Scotland. ' I The steamship Hermann, which was to have ten Southampton art the 20 th iii., was 4etiened for re pairs, in consequence of some injury sustained by her, and ponponed her departure with* 19th inn, Satnnlay: , Political affairs on the continent generally contin ue of an natio character, and ci the highest' in terest to Americana. in common* asallen,there appearilo-bicagenerid,, though gradual improve. went erailidiniunlas' g the feveriak state ol affairs throughout Europe and the political agitation in all parts of Great Britain and Ireland. The French electionshad takeni place, and all passed off, as far as i heard horn peacefully. The moderate Republican candidate s were in the seems& ant i in every arrondissement arena. The European Times, from which we copy most of our newscont. plains of fraud at the elections, but Ithe value of its testimony on this head may be judged of by the following extant : " The muse description of frond in voting which is so common an abuse in thosecities of the United . States where universal suffrage is established, has been already signalized in Paris.' " Universal suffrage," is what excites the ire of the English Journal. Its rernarke about the mem ber, of the French Government, and their measures must be received with caution ' , and with many grains of allowance for iwedjudice. M. Lamartine and the naderste party head the lists. I, Reform meetingswere takinr, Oaf* in unpins ci England and in Scotland. The ' Chsatisoi recom mence their siting* in National 'Assembly on the 24th of May. The Attorney General for Ireland hasabandened the two indictments against Mr Mitchell in one • to renew them in another. The Repeal agita tions were still going as, and menial law is talked of is soreenteereities. • - - The grand popelarfits to inaugurate the French Republic is to take *Won the ,1111 of May, which from thepreparations, would °dyne the demonstra tion of the 20th of April, in which 30,000 poisons joined. The Sicilian House of Common. has nand ads. cree declaring the King of Naplea, Ferdinand Boar. ban and his dynasty., forever fallen from the throne of Sicily, and that Sicily shall govern herself consti. totionally, and call to the throne an Italian princess soon as shall have reformed her ,tattoo. Ad ricer' received from Stettin in Liverpool on the morning of the 20th ult., are da tedi 24th of April.-- They state that letters had reached that port from Copenhagen, announcing that the . bad commenced capturing German vessels. It is mid that the Flora, Capt. White, of Stettin, and two other Prussian vessels, as well as:some Meckkni boripan and four Hanover vessels, had peen seized bar the Danes. An embargo had been I*, on all Getman vessels in Danish port!. In Prussia, public attention is absorbed in one Schleswig Holstein War, and the vpmarhineelec linos were not expected to pass off peacefully. In Vienna tranquility prevailed. • Exertions were in pregress'to reinforce the army in Lombardy, bat the vanousdistant provinces of Austria were all in a state of considerable excite ment. • EscriArto—New Reroast Wyman-re Tanana -001 roe Caerwray.—Aboot fit!) , 'members of the Rouse of Commons, comprising Messrs. Hume Cobben, Bright, Kershaw, Sir. i re Walmaley, Cd. Thompson, and other leading formers, having originated a movement in &tor of the six points of the Charter, meetings have been laid in several (Bs. trios throughout England in favor of the project, at which committees were appointed, consisting of electors and working men, to carry out the objects in view, 'the attainment t" legal and peaceable means of the extension o f the suffrage and other important and much-needed returns. Tilt CHA111773T6.-411. accordance with a resolution come to, ,during the late sitting of the Chartists Na tional Convention, simultaneous meetings were held throughout the kingdom, on the 21st inst., to elect delegates to represent the different districts t t the National Assembly which commences its sitt ing in Condon on the 24th of May. Its is math poesdby those friendly , to the principles of the Charter, that this Assembly will embrace the bona fide representatives of" the people;' and, as such, be the exposents of public opinion. At some of the mergings in the towns, over twen ty thousand persons were present ; at - Glasgow or. ver fifty thousand attend ;at Greenwich, after the meeting, the assembly walked to procession to. wards the town, although forbidden to do so by the authorities. Eventually the rioters were discomfit. ed, not, however, without some bones being brok en. At some of the meetings, cheers, Wed and lus ty were given for "Revolution," "Messrs. O'Brien, Mitchell, and Co." and " the Chatter," and groans in abundance for the " Autocrat" of Ronk and the hoary bead" Ernest of Hanover, DENINAIIN. AND PALM A—A BATTLE - 6 -TM DAN= DErtatuo,4ltorsa, Monday, 24th April . --By the noon train fromitendsherg. intelligence wastecieir ed of the taking of the town of Schleswig by the troops of the confederation, after an engagement which lasted from 3 o'clock in the afternoon of Easter Sunday, until . 4 I o'clock. The fortification called the Dannevirk, on which the Danish artille- Ty . were placed, was taken by the Prussians at the 'point of the bayonet. Aker thebattery had been silenced by the fi eld pieces of the Henoveriens, Schknrig then fell into The hands of confederation. The conflict was a bloody one, the Danes haring a strong position, and doing great execution with their wthery and riflemen before they were carri ed. The Danes had trom 10,000 to 12,000 men; the force of the Confederation was the greatest, bat was not all engaged. Four Prussian regiments of the Guard and hoe farmed the hulk of the attacking ar my. The boa of the Prosaism., so far as can be gathered from the unanthenticated accounts, a about 300 men killed and wounded, principally of the 211 and 20th regiments. Up to Monday morning, 115 wounded bad been babel into the Readably bar pital. The loss of the Danes is not yet known, but probably having font* Comparativeny ander cever 0 d is net great That the Danes rot* well is freely acknowledg ed; they retired fighting from .point to ppooiinott and held out the last. One of those accidents ' that confound the best calculations rendered the mines, which had been relied on as one of the means of defence, useless. The waters of the Schlei, an in let of the sea rather than a river, at the head of which Schleswig is built, rose to an unusual height in consequence alum:dinned, cast wind, and enter ed the excavations: ' The Ratified we* , or dam called the Dannevirk was the main 0 - fence of the Danes, and when this was carried, the 6gnt seems to have been for semetime adillet7, in which the houses of the .silhards were much injured, end sewed set on fire. The inainsideratU stadents- of 'Germany, who hive been taken prisoners by the Danes are now expiating their folly in cold and hunger, on baud a Danish man-of.war,, in the harbor of Copenhagen. The order for the advance of the Russian kgops which had been suspended, was expected an the 21@ton-be tuniet . into execution in • few days. • The &wean Coaradtatea have bum& *ni cer, warning dr veasels of that flag of the Alan- . t wlricit may Mem by proce4si, to .the ?kith Giewsirr —fetrnual Oen= stink — Okamoto, —.The er e kaki any is maihinr, tbo im a dongAili**lllat.Ovet9r. It Weir trjilake** egintiTberioWbat paniatagitatieri Iwo* to, thenist shock oldie involution, kassablidedintna. general ferment, wtdeliis loosening thekninbitkine ofsocial order; and carrying away, or* Iryi(*iltsf pillars which smmort the political fah& The King of Hanover has made a reply loan from the Deputies of the - . General Arnembiy-, of the Estates of - the Kingdom,- thanking them for their assurances ofloyality, and assuring them of intimating : his kingdom; but his intzti de l of abdi. catiag rather than submit to dictation force, On the Mut a revolt at • eim, but vas soon bloodshed. quelled by the military, without any . Hesse Camel has been restored tietreal=4 fri the of the Duchy of Baden-- . Baden on the lake of Conitatice,lhe republicans had seize Dalianeschingen, where they established a .provi sion'al government; btu they were driven thence by some Wintemburg trnopri, and it appeared that the of Bavaria, Wertemberg, Stc., had already qert the ineurrecti. The numbers of the repel,- j hcans„who were headed by Hecker and Strove are very variously estimated, and &considerable portion of them seem to be Composed. of workinen from Flaws and Switzerhind. We regret, however ! to learn that Baron Yon Gegen, the leader of the Ge rman movement for reform, and prime mover in the assembling of the preparatory assembly, at Frank fort, has helm mmeherously shot , whilst endeavor ing to tumg the repirblicerui to views of peace. The details of the affair ire•given in the Pounifurt Jour nal of the 23d.. The insurgents had intimated that they wished-toaSup to the knee sent- against Ibsen, bnewoukl t } with none. but the Generilin command, unless eral.Gnera, advanced 'from Schliengen, which tke insurgents had evacuated to Gaudern, which tho occupied, and the General stepped from the nntlis to wiry with the ?dole,— The chivalrous wair exhorted the rebels to obey the voice of the lavithey refused to listen to Ins councils, anti as he retired be was treacherously shot at and mortally wounded by the three balls. The troops ezasberated to see their chief thus W slaughtered, fell upon the insurgents, and completely routed them, leaving a great number of deadupon the field. The troops kept up the pursuit, and encountered another pasty, headed by Starve, which they also attecked and routed, when night came an and put 0. dap to the engagement. The troops which were of Baden and Hesse Cassel, had not one man killed, bet 20 were wounded. The rebels suffered greedy. The Provisional Government of lance will now disperse the aim ed bands. Hetuttexe The whafiug.athip James Maury, at New Bedford from Honolulu Dm , ta t beings. an amount of one of most h orrible occurrences in the annals of nautical suffering. The whale ship Frances Henrietta,-Capt. Poole, of Honolulu, fell in with,. at sea, last May, lat. 42 N, let 150 E, a Ja panese junk, of 200 tons, dismasted, rudder gone, and otherwise injured in a typhoon strenesost4spre aims. The commal number of the crew was see. -enema, but when Capt. Poole discovered them they mere reduced to four, and in a famishing condition. The crew had drawn lots for some time past as to who should be killed and eaten; the one upon whom the lot fell, if able, fig hting for his life and in some in instances succeeding killing one of the others, in 'which case the' murdered man was first, eaten: The survivors were shockingly scared with dirk and knife wounds, as if their lives had been often at tempted by their companions. Capt. Poole kept them on board his ship for thirty days. and then put them on board some Tithing boats, close in shore, about lat. 40 N. They were exceedingly grateful and manifested much- emotion on leaving the whaler. Moinowert To Baas Wamwr.—A publielnect ing was called' last month without distinction of party at Weybeige, Vt., the native place of Governor Wright, to consult upon the propriety of erecting a monument to his memory in that town. The me nument is designed to be set upon the public corn mob, near the Cemetery, where he the remains of Governor Wright's parents and friends, to be con structed of Vermont white Marble. The fetch is to be a plain obelisk, in conformity to .a design pres ented by the celebrated architect, Ami B. Young, Esq., of Boston.. The, main shaft to be 31 feet 4 ies, and the whole height 40 feet. The motto meat is to stand upon an elevated spot of ground, commanding an extended view of the surrounding country, overlooking more than twenty, towns in the state of Vermont, and the whole country on the west bank of Lake Champlain in this State, south of Fort Defiance, in Ticonderago tojplit, Rock, near Keesville—a region of country more than 40 miles in extent. Eximmmox.—We witnessed, lately, the disin terment of the remains 9' of John Glover, a son of Rev. Pelatiall Glover 'mood minister of Spring field. He was buried in January, 1664, one hnn died and eighty-four years ago. Notwithstanding the lapse of this long period, pieces of the ,decayed coffin, and all the lager bones of the body, with the skull and portions of the hair yet remaining up. on it, were firund and removed. This is the oldest grave, save One, the identity of Which is known.-Swaged° Gazette. Denamutv or Cl:Mt.—At the head of one of the graves in tIM burial ground at I. old St. Mary's," there stand i a cedar slab, which, as the inscription upon itindiedtes,.was placed there in the year 1717; Notwithstaridin,g it has been exposed to the weather for so long a period; it is still perfectly sound. and if unmolested by desecrating hands, a will doubtless be standing when every man, woman, and child that now moves upon the each shall have -gone down to " , darkness and the worm."—Sl. Mary's Beacon. - Coaricruzi or Da. Gcca.—The trial of Dr. Geer, thecompanion of Du Charm, the bigamist, came on at the county Court in session this week at Rome, and was concluded on Thursday evening. The jury were:out about twenty minus and returned with a verdict of bigamy as princi ,in the 2d i de gree. He was sentenced on N ' ay morning to 3 years' imprisonment at Auburn. ' His counsel in tend applying to the Supreme Court for a new trial. —Utica Guzette. 11111TERITITEN6 TO THE PESUTLVASIA In Savannah, Georgia, according to a census OA taken, me hundred and fifty thousand dollars worth of butter, l sent from New York, is consumed every year. As the Pennsylvania butter is superior to any that _Mmes from New York, as every one knows w ho has ever tasted the two unieles, our dairymen. might as well put this snug little item into theb• pockets as those a - New York. The Southentemmtry is sadly deficient in good butter. Dtirraussnso.:—By a letter from Morrisville St. Lawrence county, we learn that three children of ti Mr. Cantrell, the oldest nine, and the youngest three years were poisoned by eating of what they supposed to be leeks, last week. They lived but one 11101 F after eating the poison. --Watertown Jeff. Tat Dom Passim—The American Bible Soci etyt in 'lrieveof the great demand for the Sacred Scriptures in France since the Revolution, appropri ated )aft week - ten thousand dollars to the work of airculag,tbe Scriptures in that and adjacent tam tries. N.1:4 02114 L Cotnertsr.,--The Montreal papers state that Ettgli . sh gtrinuntintluts granted permission ksr thede4erson And 003114 4 ,t*olomun 'res/4e16 be. longing to the Revetute &pigment' of 14 United States] to descend bi- tbp'St. f.,owtenee: ..,••• • BraLic Daarrnrnote ip Ativists.—An agentfor •tha Oleic= Bible Society' repot* that out of o re tAmsoad Cimino* visited consecutively in Alabama, bef utliPar imindrecifamiligis destitute of the Bible. • , 229 s of ih, OillPS,tits.—An election is to take plice 229 and "a., to fi ll th e vaean . cy hi the asstimale ion occasioned by the death !lob. ; BY , TEL F-ORAPH AND EXPRESS ! Nitionat faveatin. • MOICAY A TUUDArIt PIIIICC:1;UNNIw °wow, May 2k - 160--9, P M. The Demomatio National Convention' organized temponuily yesterday, by ••, • , bug Judge Ban; lonisittna. Preaidentpro A committee of two from state vas ap om. ed to asamine credentials, and reportilus na meef f Delegates entitled to Beata. I n t h e oftemoorrOile permaaentorgabizationwas effected by the appointment of ANDREW gam. YENSON, of vir g inia i President, with a Viee• Pre. aident from each State except New York, and eight Secretaries. • Needy the whole of to-dap has been occupied in discussing the Two-thirds rule. . . The Committee base ag,reed to report in favor of the regular dis trict (Hunker) delegates from this Rate, almost unanimously—but this report had not been submitted, when our repot closed. . Gstriserws Gomm late:—The wonderful knocking atHydesville, Wayne county l -New Year, about which a book has been written, rs at length explained. One or two skeptical individuals who visited the house of Fox where the marvel was, ob nerved that whenevei the "knocking" was audible, some one generally Fox himself, was sitting on the edge of the bed. It was also remarlted that he mov. ed.his body in a wriggling manner though very slightly. He was requested to.leave the room and did ea One ofthe doubters took his - place on the bed, and by a slight movement of the body was able to produce the same knocking. The bed was then removed to another spot where it had a more steady footing. The astounding consequence was, that the knocking ceased, the.ghost of Canargws was laid, and a vast quantity of faith and creduli ty exploded into moonshise. Gear. Scorr's Rercratc—h wilibe seen that Gen. Scott has left Mexico direct for his Elim bethtown, New Jersey. A telegrahic despatch from New Orleans to the Charleston News says, that on his departure from Vera Ctuz, and in reply to the wrathy.; of the Americans present, he repli ed, in substance as follows: " I go ashore at the Narrows, below New York, and proceed, without entering that city, to my fam ily in Elizabeth town. Laboring under the public displeasure of the Eze^utive, it would be highly improper in me, a soldier, to put myself in the way of prqvoking shouts and cheers from my warm hearted countrymen." Gra. Comma's Ortstos or PEACE.—The New Orleans Courant says, its editor has had an interview with Gen. Cushing, who gives it as his opinion that. pere is little doubts of the ratification of the Peace Treaty by the Mexican Congress, If a quo rum does not soon convene at Queretaro, the gov ernment will have the treaty passed through the forms, without a quorum—that is, if the American Cornmisssoners wilt accept of it in that way.' (From the Biraton Evening Traveller, January 6,1e47.1 It is perhaps an set of Justice to the proprietors of Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry for us to say. that our personal expe rience in the use of this article has impressed us most (amts. One of the proprietors of the Traveller was eourtly cur ed of a severe cough of months continuance, by the use of this Balsam. And several of our friends and aequainrinee. who have tried the article, hare found it of grest,serviee in relieve ing them of severe coughs and shorthessof breath, with which they bad been afflicted. Mr. Seth W . Fowle, No. l Wash ington street, is the generatagent. -Be not deceived, remember that spurious imitations. and oth:. et preparations of Wild Cherry abound throughout . the land, Walt is Dr. Wistmes that has performed so many thousaud cares. therefore, buy none other but the genuine original Bal d Wild Cherry, signed I. Rrrrs on the wrapper. The genuine signed I. SIMI'S on the wrapper ; Sold by CRAIIIRERLIN & PORTER. Towanda. FAMILIA DISTRESS OF •ttv lILIXD, whether of gout, therms tram, Iteadaelt. toothsch. or any other kind et ach. is 3n all ea ses caused :by impure humors of the blood, which have lodged upon the phrts. and which nothing save vegetable purguirlra 141- Yilet) can remove because by no other means can unmanly be driven from the body. Vl'right't Indian Vegetable Pills have no superior, if indeed they have an equal, in morning every desermtion of peat: bemuse they carry on', by the stomach and bow,•ls. all morbil and corrupt humors (the cause of disease in an rosy and natu ral manner. Four or 6ve or Wright's taketi on going to bed, will is a short time drive pain or• ills, tress of evesy kind from the system, and restore tae toty to state amend health. Err Alli or COOMMitml AND h17717/074:—.1rmemb e r ,that the original and only genuine INDIMI VSGETMILX PILL/ MA , the Wlrlnell signature cg t4AI. PO RIGHT on the top label of each box The above celebrated Ile or vale by hlciatanyes & Co- Towanda. V..hloody & Co_ -Ftenehtown &D, P. Planetary. Prop. D. Drink. llontbrook. Coryell 4t Gee. Ealn Illainton. J. C. Aflame. Bum* Wln Ulster. C. Ratbbone. Canton. 11... F2laworth. Athena. Campbell. llbenhennin' Gay Tracy, Milan. .1 J. Warlord. Alonroetem Priricipal office and general Depot, 1 Race St. Pairs. To Printers. - -.. . A twat of Long Primer. partly worn : a room of Weller, nearly new : and various other printing materials not in use, and will be sold cheap, at this office. • __ - Dr. Furvrell's radii Valium. The MOM satisfactory testimonials given as to the beneficial effects of the above great medicine. The rums which it has and will affect. will COIIIVIIIt all that it iii the best pirparaion ever discovered. for Constimption. Coughs. Arthlna. and the Laves, and the immense sitte.of this Balm is another rvioi its virtue. sold'by I. KINGSBEMV.IR , May 8,1E45. Corner of Main and Briar tis The World's Poisk Killer. OR, DR. BRITTON'S A1.1,HEJ11.1.N6 COMPOUND. For the cure of Rheumatism. Sprains. Stitt Joints, Fmren pans. Boron Old alarm Sore throat. diarrhea. reieds, bows, 10 06 ache, Ike ie. Am External and Iniemal Remedy., Navels SIS. For Sale by J. KINGSBER 1% Jr Valuable Vegetable lieasegy. Dr. S warner essaagenned Syrup et Wild °berry. mild and pleasant to the...lute, perfectly safe rind Minu tes' in its operations.. and yet it is one of the most peewit , ' 153 certain remediesfor Consumption of the Lungs. Coughs. Colib Asthma. Spitting Wood, Liyer Complatat. Pains in the side Breast, and general Debility of the Constitution, that use invented by the skill of max far the relief of the afflicted f.d . " . .lie Certificates and evidences of its wonderful curative rev' era are daily received from all goarters.. It is 'itatiosohle to conceive the aggregate oftufkring and misery thardiss bees relieved or banished by it ; nor can we calculate the iiionesw benefit that shall accrue from it hereafter. All ages vv..; and constitution, are alike affected by it. and the &sea. eradicated from the system, the eonstinition wowed• sml health restored by tha use of DR. SW A VNE'S COMPOUN D SYRUP OF WILD CHIRRRY. flow. many sufferers de "`'' we daily behold approaching to an untimely pin., w rerted.' in the blocemof yoUth, from their relatives an friends etilirr"l with that Mud malady, CONSUMPTION, which wwet tM miserable *Where until be is beyond the power pi he° skill. If inch sufferers would make a trial of In iitoas"" l Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, they would find ihceit ,Dr. sooner relieved than by gulping the various me:feet:re erw dies with which our newspaper abound. this 'cep-ceder city heals the ulcerated lungs. stopping profuse night "'" 51% , at the same time inducing& natural healthy expectorates t" the patient will soon find himself - Ili the enjoymeid si moor' . ble health. 'The public Amild hear in mind that Pi S" 2 `" is a regular practising phes elan who has hart yearr ei eirT• tieing ih diseases of the lunks., Chest, Re. Tin forgot o r , only) genuine attic+, is Dell) prepared by DR. stY.AV N. W. corner of Mirth and Race street" Pentacle/1 4 .a Dr. Si:say:tea Comptamil Syrup . * Wild Cherry is square bottles, enveloped with s handsome steel hearing the signature of DR- 11 SIN AVM:. and O. WO 6. agent/hint all the principal towns thmuchout the L' nova Sow!: For sale wholesale and retail by CI II /31121.1 N A 111 % , TM, loin neuter kir Towanda, . 11) C. it. ik , ". Athens, Us. MB