• rAgricrittittal..• • 'siirnmipr Disjnairein4roirii...; , 'f.4 , ' : 1 . ' . •.: ; 1,,,i us imagiric the time to have arrived when ttiP:thitlei orthe'lleCk'hutster relalive 4 , tlaritTai s tifg. his necks are about to be susperidird byrthmtng thee* to pasture. This period, tin the nerthem States;i4froin the Ist to the 20t5 0f April.' It is -a `critical time eith sheep, owing iiidie ... rigor Ad Vi cissitudes of die climate, and their long Confine: Merit to dry food--especially so with the finer- - wooled fatieties, 'arid therefore claiming morelhen ordinary-care. But many- of llieesnvolved ra te (mire to be exercised a mouth or *antecedent to the time under costsidemtion - -T : if sheep have been confined wholly within yards, and not permitted to mate the young grass until; it is sufficiently advanced to satisfy their. bun • get willintit the aid of other kid, there is greater dal;er in ruing there upon it to suildritly. The .i.e'stilts'frotir its • nvsliy and stimulating preperties, . causing scours; or purging, anti unfortunately With that portion of the flock least :tide to endure the at tack, namely, those in low flesh, and consequently feeble. In hearty all such cases death Will often Mt ice Cows.:---for these gencrou,s creatures we -I,IIIoW nidess a timely arrest of the disease is made have often pleaded - witlitfeeling,s as sineeremipain by. a return in part to dry food: . fully intense ; acid we have often been Ftirt tied . to ' But it is,better to attend to the prevention. which koow that we have pot pleaded jn vain, apt the is, to allow the flock to graze as hour or two each .success whichims hitherto crowned.oinellortsibuh day for at least a week previous; and- during this time let the hest of hay, accompanied with erain, Jar, encourages ni to make in appeal in their •be. half on the opening„oktlie, present year, igt4 wet do Is provided. If sheep, however have been trained to eat roots, and have , pariaken of them freely so by asking oar brother farmers to make early un to to-I:drawn few acres in roots ,- Ur sugar; through the month of .slarch, the danger accompa gel wertzet, rota haea,•parsnips and cat hying the sadden 'transition front 114 or other -dry Gels; ma" ...• rot , , neat ) -ear to [eel to their tnileheotte the ease mood, witt,itra measure be avoided.. , in E . lier•of thesyroots cart raised at. an ex- Notwithstanding the duty of the shepherd may . peag'' --11 se of 3 cents a bushel, all expenses told; an acre have been faithfully diseltargedby-taking out from .. .fil for their quire, properly attended, should pro time. to time such as are I.i lag. in fleet, Burin; the duce Soo buslieliyand may be made, with care, to NViniertNlMln, and putting them to better keep. yet grow largely Oph-ards of a thousand. If three pecks tolt a feW indifferent condit*- better ill be found in large tteet .. ts at this period, which ... 3, .he repent=of toots, in oddltioh to the usual allowance of long ted and treated accordingly The two eises need. feed be given to a cow daily, she cannot . only be ing thii attention perhaps the .most are generally kept to titer pail well, but made to yield good rich _ , owes which have already or are about yeah, and milk, crearn.and butter. But while we are looking • to die future, let. us not fOrget the present, therefc re ___veaylings. Whatever they are / let tizem be put upon 1)P - best-pasture the farm will-, furnish ; and- -a few i we say to every hustsmdman, have a rare that • your milc'h critis,ie addition to their rations of hay, only together. . • ~ . - The separation, will be .quickest performed by rudder;° mmtr,4laili receive, ni g h ' and ' mimin g' adoring the following inethdd :-4.et the flock iv messes of nourishment slops, that they have dry stationed on or Uwehundred Yards distance fwearthe warm beds under sheds, are regularly watered. gateway or e aws, ;aid then, livened-by the shepherd three times a *, -r and salted thrice ix week. Cows moving on a run, tire weaker sheep wilt soon fall are faithful creatures, 'and ,returil'in tenacivis'ineit-. sure every favoraed.attention bestowed upon them ; to the rear, and -When these are about to pass the Newsy, let them be cut oft from others by some they contribute as largely to human comfort as any e i ; other gift of heaven to man, but it is as unchristian erable to pounding erne hi the vicinity. • • This mode is sure, and is pref as unehilosophic, to expect them to give (towing die flock, as 'mistakes are una- I pails of milk or rich eremn and butter, when they Icoidably committed by so : doing, especially - with v I are left to the piercing Winds and sleets ; .) ..'rtarlintr.....i; owing to the undsal length of wool in in- and the i cold rains of Winter, and have grudgingly doled out ~., dividnal cases, which freq»ently hides from the T., Otepherd theiriinpoveriolied condition. 1 tn them with stinted measure nothing more suCeu t lent than dry hay of the worst and coarsest kind.-- An important duty devOtees opera the flock-mas irr to see that his sheep are rmplarly and plenti- America " Farmer tally salted from-the.titne they are turned to pas-' nue tilt the coramencement of the foddering sea. sun. Fortunately the question, whether salt contrib. • MPS to the health and thrift of sheep, is, at the pres ent day, no longer mooted, its salutary effeets' be ing universally admitted.' ' It operates to - stlinufate the appetite, and essentially aids the digestive or gaits in extracting - the mitrirnent of food and-with in a few years it has been ascertained that its 'free nse - to sheep has.mnigated, iljnot wholly prevented in - stmle Realities, that - terrible iscourre,er-to- British flocks, the firer-mt. latisecurity againit the attacks of other dangerous maladies, further time sarvalion will doulaless.dernonstiate.'.. s'• lir ;fir. Youatt's work will bele' Ond the follorting remarks on the benefits of salting : ' , Passing by the beantiful countty of 111 / Mpelier and the mouth of the Rhone, the traveller can sta. ily the line sheep and the sheep husbandry of Ar les. The district of the Cran, in length nearly eigh teen miles, and. about half as much in breadth,. ex tends from th 4 mountains to the sea-coast. It is one uniform gentle decliviliy : in no part of it is there the slightest-portion of stagnant water, and not a tree or shrub is to be seen. The ,soil is . dry and apparently barren enough, but produces a herbage well adapted to the sheep. Not less than onelmndred and thirty thousand sheep graze on this declivity." A writer s in the Memoirs-of the Royal Academy of Sciences .at at, attributes the thriiing of the sheeii'en s,;eh a spot' to the free use of halt, thereby enabling the digestive organs to extract every. par- I tide of nutriment which the food contains. I-Ic 'says, "On this spot, seemingly so sterile, by the free use of salt, more numerous flocks of sheep are bred and reared than upon any. other common of equal • extent thronghontthe whole kingdom; and; what is not less remarkable, the sheep are healthier, bar'- , dier; and endure the severity of the winter with less loss though they have fewer sheep.cots for co-, veringolnte those fed on more copious pastures, and that have besides the advantage ot more con venient shelter." . For a short timelafter sheep have been turned to pasture, precaution - must he °ix-Oozed not to , saft them too freely*, in conjunction with the.sumuia. Wing natere of 'yormggrass, scours orporging sell • follow; and its, effects upon ewes shortly Wok, partutitioo, - fif itlhiwed. lc; 4411 tend to tdxotitin,4ls — Will t e fohndiatat fully.inatCed in another chapter. If Coalmen finesilt (say Salina 'Made) licused, 3 ' two quarts to the hundred, given about once in week, is a predent limntity at that time, and: may • he increased tdibur quarts atter the ISt of :May, for ' every fourth or fifth day, during the remaiidel., Of the pasture season: it coarse salt (St.,l;besi is a quarter to rinethial :Wee than the flue' trill be proper, it being ota.!thttch stiongei Salting, in trobghti-sticiallbe well entiughrprol ded the sheep enuld lie stationary in one erielbstyo3 • but the necessity of - 40r rem4id frequerAyfor for change of.pa,Stam, requires.lbdi trio* of the - • troughs also ; and the flock-master tr ►(i ere hundred iheep-,willsoitileam that that is quite s trio troehlesotne. Again, troughs. are thought by varfni : indispensible thine; th season whetrEstpisiOals, pr.l/beet , Pd•ttY? is winging its tormentiogcamer for the reception of;the tar. (upon which salt is 'prink-: led) as a/dile/ice a inst its.attackis. But this does ' • not stmersedetheir removal, and if The thine tuttl their expens4; areo'.ttAidered; it will be 'foinicl cheaper to ponnd the Ifoeht6 several„,4i n e . s the fledat of th 4 fly and withe pentium painar us h or swah,tarrirei theirtioses which"earvery qn`citty b e performed, and far More ellemnallyl* it salt be done by themselves. in Uprights. • The writer' salts his sheep npon the gwiandtesioris the dew eraponoes, selecting a phiett '4O -- 11 clean, and titits,wass short,. and Alitlrles4..isanaful ato two or three ,parts, as st latp-quantity-AitKiwn upon one spot wilYnot:scattervifficiently the quan tity u r a 'Wbs ia r iV o -4 1 " /"fg afforded a um' .hainvo&ol i s. fertilizer of the soil, lint nid'anylie feliefineWen which isnothtety ~...l 4t, 1 , • . A ) 9111 r , -14 n ine little or nomdt.• Kitt ilLibiteg. Mistake, it• "hang the,very Ivo them, by contributing to climet the littlernintimint left in Of:caring herbage, as well &scantling ith better r• o , •-• r,4i 4, Salt is quite as necessary irk foddering seatniat,,if not More so, than at any other time, for the season that dry foal being larder of &patiou than gore, the stimulating of salt is requisite" . ln aid the process. It, is not Important their "the;,-iiii e . qr whatever else may be fed, is salted, if like ahecy have acres 1q it toughs or mangegp. • But, tl the hay is salted U'helitt is secured, none' else will be requited. This is.ileemed by a.istge, majority to he the better *air, and coincides With , the • wri ter's ieti's and Practice.—Murrd/q - Ainei-itin Shep herd. SORE 'FLITS IN rews.—There are„„pmbably but few tanners in this country numbering half a dozen cows, on which this troublesone disease is not more or less trequent. The irritation it prodnces wen• sions no small inconvenience to the milker, aslirell us suffering, to the animal and, lose of milk, For the cure of sore teats, a friend long engaged in the dairy business in she state of New York, informs us says the Main...Fanner, that-the following pretel lion is an infallible rerriefly, and . should always be kept du 'lUtia, aq:Awlie4 pePailion4y : as Cirearn' stances may demand. 1 In warm weather, its cint.. lence is often greatly increased by the teasin4 of in -Isects; and in such ewes an oupce of asselietida Ishould be added. The disease does not always ef fete the udder.-being in many instances confined to the tent, and when this is (he case, the latter should be washed in a:solution, of salt, and the op. oration repeated 4111 . 116 e effekt areure. Ointment of ivreet eldet 4 Otmees ; spirits of turpenfine, (fresh,) 1 ounce ; yellow bansillican ointment, 4 , ' ounces. , Incorporate thoroughly, and apply the mixture•warni to the teats and udder. Cnotimo.- - Neat cattle, k.d on apples or potatoes are very liable to get choked, and many a valuable animal has been but from not, _knowing how to if fold relief in time to save life. The following rem. edy is therefore pablishedivitlethe fallen and most ectifiaent reliance in its efficacy. Aswan as animal is found to be choking, pour into the mouth from a bottle, ti pint of oil, rubbiim ttie throat externally at the same time, with the hand. A friend, who by the way, is a 1st:11101 vet erinary surgeon, assures us he hai never known this remedy to fail, and that relief afforded is almost iustantaneims. The oil fabricates the gullet and facilitates the ejection of the obstructing sub snutee, without the slightest pain. If oil is not at tainable. soap and water may sometimes be substi toted with equal staves... • GRAFTING Cce - Qq. — Many orchartlisla-and prac tical:fartnerA, who have 4Xviasism-toust thircement, am ignorant of its composition, or the proportion or the ingre‘lientr. •We therefore publirir , for the hep &it of such, the following, receipt:-- "One put lyeerslallow,, two parts bettelfax, At pd four purls rosin; melt and mix well together: then pour cold Fate' s arsd work very : lhorneghly, as shoemater's vrax rs ylnted lieftfrei 'ash 4.. Wax ictr•lif46:44,l Plate iu Ibis ' WAY, Ixlserset the M vantage oftwa craelkintvet cold-weather, orWhing in hot weather. amiss Ax or A:g j4Trik`i 4 . 132.13.-r One, Or _WV Crgekhl,l l 9 WA3fit , 9 o ol..oke; 4tattiven !e4P4ea iuto the aloag , witb his yr. ifn.and familYr by five paths of a hostler tribe. On' perceiving tbe odds therwereagali#i4 hit!, the man gave himself, ritp for Ice: t. , .groan: thi4 VA* could:die but once,. they:had-belt% make up their Minds to 3uliinWto their'presetit fateWrithentreilst once, The +S; ife,:boweeer, ;.replied, Ant os.thely bad bat one lifq to ,Imirti they 'Were the more deci dedly tiOnnil to ring/Alt to iholaa,eTen tunlet:the M9lll"444erati hrbriegilmiterinhery orero.your* and by, no mearsintifid j they hatltir ,frlpio4 4l o AVM trod becominamnau.. Aug r t 434,44 1110. =1194.10 th e word t •tbela_ amine brought t h e foremost WlltriOr to the earth bullet, *1 1 3! h'er irOjao;'aninio - by a. raisMre of chitoo4tralkie j ,dit,posed. Of two - more off the eeneiny with his Arrows. ?The Worth/ wll O l4. , 09 1 4 0fm 141 4 ) Pr 4 .4 1 5 4 *4 0 . quarterri, was . ready to ~tike vongeauce on the coun%ernr e„ womerr with ,t!re *gifted tornahark, wheli"be stannbleA fell, and the dagger of his - I?tritiekl&aft. Distirayed by thidiFatic !IV; Orir'epyliAoi; g?eitolo4ur.l4- sorofiheassailing-itarty -saved liaised hi flight -erase, r 9,2 its4tridirce: 152 E eleiried .2kfivettienMatig I f' itt*Okitittilb , VOlt AMA ISINONAt AND NATlNNAll,Wmasaitsarr,”yaza Fphiits Vegitable. Eltf tiny - . Ait IrrrEv. which, if vow., la. cording iii: . ionivo - 3tiere taw guaranteed: 'YU eg ; :ineita4llll. A c ow men eonOquinie2riAthia affection le king/ of tenoning. or bead' .rugslierit - 71iation, as it irifensiliirly . =Wed abD 3 brats - 'swam igliitilitablialf lb as Putt vOr7isni from , IL MOWS@ &Wee - 44 Umme,etrielv wt. _sea. itiffociOar ill/gefint s•Alless 7 srd iretreed . b7. tba Pest glow tiahx 4 ,l l6 Ito larga., - , & ow *our the ismer coat of tiuk kesel,prakrudee si.seery evaaratkra, celled -PaPlaPrits a Wring of the bowels: this.** firma 419 1 311: 1 Maitutoi ,airk tailors end weakness ofthot trans.. In eourwitipstewees the pew experiimees serynurpaine s sibrch egrioldier cribable; and known only , *• the sufferer, which corn. ine4etr ircniediaid/ ark itßototocui4oneArqd,oronikner t!mii sainutWOOMUretri hatirs3 are very enturringondAymatiniew This disease, when of lonceentirsaaniatils eilended - by pain and weakness in the back, irritation of the kid neys surd Hodder, sod other : orAtiuryinthireicia)ty., peln rind nrodirAedi in' figs ligs'iind fret, k iener(of tress nbchit the chest; end •rtniiitiriarrtrifbesiot ,the slooilnarviscere,, icersilioniatrith piftittatlAn IX no - heart and•ojrprellionelmrwitiudle previous toad' , attack- of tbfryilearri 3 Optair4 pest devengerneht Wit mrailathiri ;literals's kens* of weight lordin liipatoittri; t iritfilijiiialiar feeling-of uneasirtent- in threbwerehl; cavroltirfian linieutorittrTied with pititi is the (Mersa ioins,inin. sea, and slight psirielh the litoiiikchopsfe &irrita* feenfoseif setivationii'irk the ffiiikiiiiiitierni; thd,in nt itat. klekhaltrienotettiediffaierftherniiirdrdedta 'sera. of 'lnlineirroand'oppressimeiniiiur region Cf the' — riaCh.i— Vire etreolation onitirsirfecelefeible, i nid`theenrretit of WOW determined inwitrif inildiivinkrardi. son art OW TISS •DOITIZ DISKINER AND COXPLiIXTIL, Dr. Dpbam's Vegetable Eleejapry. Cures Ejectaia/y and therefore prevents Wes itg.‘II.iItE.TESTIMONY Hcpsox. Dectmtier 114;1846 attire .=l have uae3 . pr. Upham'. Vegetable Pile Eilectuary which 1 purchased of you. and find it one of tbe•beat medicines in Use for the piles, and •180 for all billions affections, arising from an impure state of the system. Yours, iSte. .E. A. Cour., Marble Wales. trsrrie Drams Ilttgamis,'" Orrice, - Aa New York, Dee. 6, 1847. S ?dramas. WlArr dr. ifircusat—Gentlesten :—Un dieratanding that you are the . general agents for the sale Of Dr Uphint4 Vegetable Electuarv, for tbe- cure of Piles,l here decaried.it my duty to troirtuteer a recom mendation in behalf of , that inwalttahle medicine. have been afflicted for many,years with piki, and have /de/ Varlaisa-5eam44.01...4-..411. a • t began to considerrnposeis utterly hopeless. But about the first of Sepkeruber lamp, l was prevailed upon by a friend to make a tral,of the above.nanwkosedicine. I tool! hal 'deice and rojoice that I am not only relieved, but. as I believe; perketly cured. / most earnestly recommend it to all-rho may have the misfortune tole afflicted with that annoying and dangerous disease. Very respectfully, your ob't servant. .hY MOORE. REMARKABLE CURE OF PILES!! TlitAT YEAMS STAN DING I - . . t: :yr W I's OTO S 11C&Stkis0 Co. (Mass.) Nov. 0, 1847.1 M AMOS. WYATT & K ETC A M --Gents : For thirty years I bare been aftlicted•ss ith piles, general debility and maxmation„ causing tamors and prolamin of the bowels, and which had resisted all the medical treat ment Dr. Chapman and others could give. The last three years of that time my sufferings defy description. I was confined to bed, unable to help myself, and at last given up by my pbisieians and friends in despair of es. le pining cry heeds.; an Jac* fo three days before I was entirely speechless weld my burial clothes were made. But under Providence, and the use of Dr. Up barn's Electuary, though art esti Masi have the pleas. ttrevof stating the race to the public that my health is Mir goo'', and Isepts;te live many yeas+. if • it is God's .will.to make kOoliathe virtues of Dr Uphasn's Elect nary, and to irlixemicad it so my afflicted fellow CMS tares. It helped se beyond the expeentioss of all that knew my case. teed I only say to others that-it is, in my opinion, the best medicine in the world for Pales, or any other disease Othes-boweles and if they wilt nee it ac cording to the:directions, I will myself warrant a cure in every care. • Noun, with the ntmat expression of thankfullnews. CORNELIUS SPUR. Eoa►xoxr. Desk. Co.. (Mau-) Nov. 19. 1847 The above certificate tell* a simple and truthful sto ry of suffering and Mile& of which, as physician and witness in the case, 1 cheerfully . endorse. • DR. CIIAPKAN. NOTICE. The senetne Electuam has his written ligature. thus 1' A. Upham; ht. D.).— Tbe hand is alone done with • pen. ?nail a Ms. , T y , Sold whole wile and retail. by WYATT dt KETCHAM. Viti Fulton st„ N. Y.. end by Brume*a generally thrronhout the U. S. and Canada.. JOHN B. FORD. Allan for Towanda. Pa. 457 New. fork Abscrlisentatio.„ Country Merchants Take Notice! TOTS taw WITO TOC.,D) A TRAVERS & CO.. 84 Maiden Lane, (late A Hinton & Travers,) offer fur dale, in quantities • to snit pure/tweets : 1,000 nns Ruled Cap Paper, at $1 25 to $I 50 rm 2,000 Ms Rohn I . Letter Paper, at t 00 to 1 50 rm 10,000 raw Wrapping I'dper, 25 to 1 00 no 10.000 rolls Paper Ranging*, 5 ets. to 6 as. pr piece 5,000 do Ameriema satin d 0.12 " 18 " 5,000 pair of Oil Transparent Window S'hades. of our own Manufacture., bountiful designs end collars, at from $l 00 to 1 50 per pair. • 10;000 lbs. of Wool Twine end Wrapping Ttoine, of all kind., from 121 to 15 as per lb. We also bare other goods in the same propnwion, and we fusranteirte pima you if you will call and are us at 84 Maiden Lane. 38-11rit. A. TRACERS & CO. NIANAIKIVWC.3 TY - APOR / • No. 18 'Cortland at.. N. Y. (orostarre awir*cseanu ntrrau) • THE CROTON MANUFACTURING CO. r Organic' eettntifirike desseral Itlarinfaelkring Law ortheltlete - e New reek.) TIPPER at obrikvilleiintluantities to suit-pirchasers -11. t lowest nisinfaetueers prices for cash-tit Kirov ',ell &edit, • • • - Peers HA NOINON. of every variety of styleand-price. • Illnantas to match. l bias Pitireesirilgreat viriittyy INNI.I WIWIDOW " •0,1. PAINTILD WINDOW Saimaa and • WIDR WINDOWCUSTAIN P , - letilit styles - Ind superior finish; all otibeir darts neinnfaeture r and hiaportatilan. 'As their striditiis ditwi-thrry Mr ke Alleothauta, tile/Steelier*, I lisdi itesiets - WiSitlimehm. to call,, , SseV4ziiitsliteitheir iiilWand prices, whenever they visit the MAW rylikrehants can illumine this stock frost E~Wdr is the imputing. till leieclosk in She cresting . Nilo , York, Mardi 1,48481' .t311.-7ne The VtankihrTypegoveirye— , ro ar initehlitTypit Foondry ly occupied byNolieriTtfiloit - ht the'eity Of New ••,••4, PePs l l l l l ,WsKsidli all or (sr *me sod hog T...IIM,X.WWIA-D. 1 : 4 8 1 golf• inks comonfin g virtu . Chasm and every artielei m ry for o n4ng offs', The tyrt which are em!t_ in new •mhd4Triiin tan eittire'neW-isti'dharrliies; with demejm etiontett‘ lifer warranted to be littitnpaiwid-bt int, odd *tied' on:-Seurtnitnothelintr-tentia. AW thwtype aratiufattnert by ui is Hero CAST. •` 11.*(19telf ttiCulatir Caned toN ls o type, which 4spreif td 7r illite#wW " C 4 °Volkfoielt# istill eaga iig • initnifsepait; went. • PthlwileorlMlL pear buy Ave *Wails witektypr na Abele bills may enionothi r may giseithembsne Awe seeiatbe4issirction it hip i ;ni thai4peperi, araissolksi espy ea4ainwg kArr therm . 4 . ; WHITINIII44 TAYiLe (Eivnewerers efILVeY/Pstailh..49-IGekleii.exe.. , Atim) egasmoirieirr , "l) , .Thse.,ll4,Latii. S) e• l• ~~L... ~,.. _2~~ ' • •• err, `;- • * Ift b. • • -•-; = - i . ;,-- f" l e er ` t 4.' r -a BEM *stirettaork -- pay asis 14,Taisluvaattabirtaimukilils /Paw celebrated restisly is constantly inctlasing its JL-Asnis by. tbs twiny cosi it is tosltinit ALL OVEit THE WORLD-, It hes noar immure* *4 tne&eine for familie use tiritrit perlicethirly reeenitiended for . DROPSY: ', • " —4- - all statics efi this' roll lint luirnealitely reheard, no either of hair long *Wimp - • TlttisitipMefforeilft may. . _ .. ORATEL -' and all abmitiei or nig( &t haw pions., fa Alm ini tialising compliants it stanch alone; no other ittraican tulle yon i the cures testified to will convince dm t - P.VW,,,, PVDlallise, 4 BU• hintip. '' ' - ft . ' fl .4 ' ex i lvir ''... Wi:-.FaVETVA-AttilGITE4::::7: '"4 Toike Ist west especially, and 'heavier these cts rOiti O A, ypidai*rstilis nieditimiis ' • ''.? ' .. SO 4/141ER kii EN; OO4- r,. no deleieriaus trimpourad is si - Eart of rhea wil#,Fe l , it tinesitieke &stiles with chitiluty • itialiffetity, od does not Imre the system to* Bee pamplitett: PlLES.rpid: ' . . • eon tints if iitioit viand 'diameter it EIIDIEDI ATELIt RELFEVED, and,i core Miami by. liii egoism olden articles it ieforiefore any, other pm poration fur this disease, or for any other disuse oriip insung firm Mopitre:blood-rlikar,pihrOdrk- .4 ~. ITERLITY'rT.HE'SYSTEM. , I week bark, weakness' of the Filmy', &c. or indenta tion of same is immediately relieved by a kto days u* of this medicine, and a cure is always a result of its use. It stands as a , CIERTAIDI REMEDY, for sue% complaints, and also for derangetnentsof the fe . male frame. - IRREGULARITIES, SUPPRESSIONS, painful meestmations. Ho article has user been of lured except this which wnlld core this derangments. it may be relied upon as aare and effective remedy and did we feel permitted t do so could give . A TIIOUSA , D NAMES. f i as proof of cotes in this din riming clans of complaints. Bee pamphlet AU broken down, debilitatedeunstitu• lionfroni the effect of mercury. will find the bracing pow of this article to art immediately, and the poisonous mineral era d icated time the system. '----- --, .211W-PT4VIE DISF.ASESI. will 6nd the alternative properties of this article. PURA FY THE BLOODowal such. digestive how .the sys tem. See pamphlet for testimony of coma in all ins eams, which the limits of an adv.ertisurent will not pet- mit to be named, here Agents give them away i they contain 42 pages of certificates-of high character, awl a stronger array of proof of the, virtues of a medicine, ne ver appealed. It is one of the peculiar features of Ih;a article that it never fails to 4:::erfil in any ease, and if bone and muscle are left lo build' upon let the eutaelatni and lingering invalid hope on, and keep ta king the medicine as bong lis there is an improvement. The proprietor would caution the piiblic against a.nurn bet of articles which come out under the bead of Sara ' parillas,Syntps. &c.. as cures for Drom.grarclititc-: they are good fur nothing, and connected to gull the unwary ; touch them not. Their inventors never thought of curing such dise.wes till this article had done it. A partidor study of the pamphlet is sobeited. Agents and all wbo.sera the ankle are glad to circu late gratutiously. Put up in 30 92, bottle*. at $2 ; 1 2 ox. do at $1 each—the larger holding 0 oz. more than two small bottles. Look out nail note imposed upon. Every bottle has "Vaugn's Vegetable Lithentriptic Mixture: l 'l4oam upon the glass, the written signature of " G.C. Vaughn" on the directions and "G. C. Vaegh. in. BMW)," stufssputost tiie cork. None other are ge nuine. Prepsred by Dr. (1. U. Vaughn, and sold at the Principal 0160 e, 2091/fain sweet, Buffalo, at whole sale and retail. NatittenDon given to letters unless post.paid—ordera from regularly constituted Agents et aped: post paid letters, or verbal communicators so liciting advice, promptly attended to, gratis. Offices devoted delusively to the sale of this article -132 Nassau at, New York city : 225 Essex at., Salem Mass. ; and by the principal Druggist thnioughout the United States and Climbs, as Agents. STORRS & CO. Wholesale Agente r Philedelphia. J.I3:rORD, Towanda. T. D. Spring;Laceyvifle. -C. H. Herrick, Athena. A.Durham, Tunkhann'k. C.D. Fisher, Wyalosing. E. Dyer, Covington. G. r. Redington, Troy. April 12,1846.-1 BULLETIN NO. 4. rrliE GILEPENBERG COMPANY' hereby - an. nonce that they ate now incorporated by the I.e. islatune of the State of New York, CAPITAL $lOO.- 000 agreeably to the following Certificate hourthe See tetary of State. State of New York, • Secretary's Offiest I ° K W, that a r,ertifseie• of the Incorporation of "The draeGenberg . Company," bearing date of the 24th day oftebuasy, 11148. was this day tiled in this tans. ARCED. CAMPBELL, Albany, Feb. 26, 1848, , • Dep. Sec. of State. This step perfects the orgardaition of the Company, 1 placing it among the Institutions of the day. Among Ojeda of Incorporation weresthe following let. That we Might the. mote certainly ptatect the public *goings spurious artiiles which the cupidity of unprincipled men May attempt to introduce under the name of thesOrsefenberg Medicines, Rd. That the vast amount of business done by the Company might be placed under the sanction of kis ' lative enactment. and be thereby stamped with its ap probation, securing to the public lIILLIAILIC medicines. - The time in now near at hand when the diseaffies of spring and summer will make their appearance. if wow the Graeirriberg. Medicines be introduced, thousands of Deis will be Weed. Medical meta who have become ac quainted with the wits of these celebrated remedies, are laying in a,supply to,use in their own private pract. ice. In • -•-. ~. . .. ~, ft:U.IOM 'REOI9IO'. r!periaiTy, Owy inref Inesineedide velem. Used coaling to tn directions,* person cannot be bilioner tICI metier how sickly the oinurilti;Se great the expospre.-- `Let the - Vrest Tally ,iiif tile* s iThr bilious disorders litedlaslipear•froin thole fair iiritia'S. The Ame ican Graiefrnberitheory d'oes out presume that, ene medicine can cure all fitigewor iteit-rdierund impudent tel haunt such a &Idris - is in tlif,.i' _: . telligent community. It MM. larVuott - 70"OriWakd pretenders. I But in lid: snits of daliiiaetiffetiii by the °members Company, ' '} . EVER 1" DISEASE. r- --- - ''.---• irifillira its entitle*: The PILLB irir soyeesigitin all WA* lienzeick flyer, Intl chine& complaint.. ' -As a Ciiihartic, tberale perketly mild; thinning% end sirens. awning. The ' and Ague IrldOineningly tura Fever and Ague, Domb Ague; JitO? 'cake.: end file tkir. Ilui Heil& hitters tistererlitr tone' ce this: Sys tern ottlai'the - ecanpiezion, tante itaiwartithlibierittians [ cif Minim; dm. Thii ISimpleare if am biiis, lit' die ',Odd t and so powetfully tonderttrated that „it it tel 111415 elimperlbilatianY 'idler: Tb. ,, Childtinel Pans 'edi - if *Milt iilitiordrartry nani*-iiiiitwierrind Tee qta t new nritiges Tile - Bye Loam bas no youalltirall.forrite-4 1 bresmationand of the eyei.• 4 Tiff I:liten Vellataill 0 1 ilethe Pr.incil4 einteleele."l“,lie: ed.. The' Brunei . Sirup in warranted to care 'the worst eases of Bloody flux., Dyesetery, -Blunt ow. ChSera, Vottocii, Cholera filardinit. Arc Tba Co,. sumPtive's Balm i, Meanly' unfaiting - reinedy known. ' Tho beg `Agent for Ermines; is P.C. tem. sou, to whim s appliratirms for ugenaes may b e -id. slressed. I • , -EDWARD BARTON. eacritary.„, ' And fru , Sale by the fallowing-Agents : N N Bette. Towanda. .8.1. dr. Ikrowler. Maneostelli- AOl Chamberlin. i w Stacey - &lTozer, Springfield. AI. litenin, Wells. . John V Diniela, Burlington, ' S a ki Edrall,:' ' 'r' - Strwrii&Ve. fltanding Sninit. 1118 ipieri,.Atiletui. • Walley & Son; Leisysville. ' 1:1 Oiiiiier, t' ' O -T Mraphy e llitsbury. , - 4fie M I;VOleriii; Sprin . B Buffington; South Wanes. 11.•Ratiien. W' Main. Win Warfiel&-SouthrHill. Ono,-Nkiltolao. roe. 3 Judie* Dolaiimi, W.usoz. rl4.lhke, tag ri . ,...... D. )3 Cut*, Llichneld; ~? T Muer% OFPcii• . - .. ' ;i 471 • 1 4 .; 11:4. , 4414 -•;- I.N , i, -- ::'"I-"i - fl ag" le: _ W 2 A 11.----.---w . I.- , ?..i. ,„,, , to, CP* lgt . r.lf- - , .•.,.. j Witt / . gliiini; aid iiitartine. A Iwo( iii. it s LINE eitl kave - ',COBirpro 4 ..ix se ZLIIIIRAfor UrlPALd;irriri: ',OA 4414 thieeitha - ;Br the Ail hp; Wee': . . ' _; _ Leave C`rittdii'i;,..': ',,TeeediiisiZsii` it'irlariar;A;:lit. Lave ttitirs,a, " 0 Weatteedage,,a,f_Beeteek, P. M. leavellavatioto i ~.:44Thtrit&ii‘,: '; :;:.:..,::: - .1!.X: 'To. tiimi senee:isi.;oi . oakyiu;schiai it Big strum* staketriao Thelidith Wi de., Ws to* 11141.amick F ,eoft&tat'ds7.: . . i Leave Bitfakifor V end Cdaling.fivery Bitorday s t a 1 , 144r40. ,Ifartiire , ord , m4iar:every,hilopthiy atemos. 7 tIiiIATICORICIN6 Care,. A: IL Tattle. BOAT ELMIIIA.. Parr; IL. .W. TlllOlll/IKM. BOA',A I . a tiff#Lo k ~..,Carr, rIL elm *k s re* rfreight . Ite 'ffili7 6 ) the dillitaili on board, or to the tot lag Agoots t . , , _ lit: ILWAIdtI; Cilia* Piieflk Hay; Gate*: B: 11: 1 3044 & . N. Lipka; Usatillo 1 rieet.4., .r.whiiimutt; noioAteide Llifilleidihniiesi Kane. Ks. HioluaNAMuniu L INstedgrMonicuMs• L.O.Tovrtseod, Big Stiasat ILL, risll.lhitheater.,„, • woodworth krat, l- I . bodi• Nile' at 3494 el er ': Blade ' G.y & Sweet, Waterloo. " - ' 4114 a, WIL PAIN. HILLER. Death to Pain; relief to the'ikkfhialth to the weak A balm ,is _found for :the whole haman.eaxe, in ANDREW'S PAIN ICIJAER. 11111$ is an entirely Vegeteldo•Cornpo, composed; of twenty-fivedifirent ingtmlientsond is an inter nal and externalrepoly. .Put up in bottles, varying in price from 25 to each. For further partreu lank see pamphlets, to be had of every agent gratis„eon taining a brief buticirs of the otigin,and discovery of the Pain Killer, certificates of cues, directions, &c. . Cstrricia.--Eacti bottle lies the written signature of the proprietor, J. Aunnews, on the label, and without, it none are genuine. Beware of hawkers and pedlars selling from house t w o honer, representing it to A* the gitunioe Pain'ffiincr.r • „ , Elold only by,the following mothar appointeditgents in this county Aat.Chanaberliu, Towanda. 0. P. Ballard, Troy, George A. Pesitins, Athens, L. 4 E. Runyon, do. J. Warforil, Nlonroeton ; C.E. @athbone,•Canton. .Id in an the-principal towns in the United:States, C. de and Testis. holesale swots in the city of New York and vici- Raydoelt.Coilies & Co.. 218 Pearl-at.; Wyatt & Ketchum, 121 Fulton-td. Orders addressed to the proprietor, or G. W. tlehuyler, post-paid, will meet with pmmpt attention. 2.1 y A SOVEREIGN BALM. 1 ORtENTAL f / NO other medicine has ever been introduced to the . publicthat has met with such imparehillea suceese, as Dr. Sortix's Oats:ital. Siiv snLION'BAL3II PlLLS— having been but eix,years before the public, and the ad vertising small, yet they have worked their way,into every state In the Union and Canada*. They have ab solutely become the Standard Medicine of the day.— They are purely vegetable. and so admirably compound. ed that when taken in large doses they speedily cure ieute disease, on the strongest constitutions, such as bil ious diseases, end when they are taken in' small,doses they operate like a charm upon the most delicate, net ' iota' fecmile, and have raised nurnbers from their beds after all others remedies had-failed. We here refer to ,but few of the many miraculous commerce:mg by the use of said Pille. Spinal,slffeetion.—Anna Wood, of Rutland, Jeff. co. N. Y., was cured, after she bad been confined to her bed 5 years. with Spinal disease and Abase of the Lungs. The bill of her regular physician, (Dr.Jehrtisio, of Clay) had amounted to $604). See circulars. &sofa& and Nervous Debility .—Mrs. Downs. of Clay, N. Y.. ins Clay , cured of Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility and Scrofulous affeictims of the bead, ailed she had been confined six months, and all other medicine bad failed. Cough and Consumption cured.-s-Wm. Bendy,- of Pibketum, C. W., was eared of a severe cough after be had been confined to his bed for a long time, and was , given up by his physicians. He had used moat of the Cough Medicines of the day, and was supposed, by his friends and physicians, to be in the last stages. Dyspepaio.—A. B. F. Ormsby, of Syracuse, N. Y., was cured of de/pi-pia so severe as not to be able to work inc two year.. Wm. Smith, Greenwich, Conn., was cured of a se vere "so of DloPePsioi Costive-Mei and Nerveus.Debi- - fity of two years siandineafter expending large sums of money loon purpose. Bet Circulars. Bleeding Piles.—Asaph L. Leonard.of Aeon, N.Y., was cured- oft severe cese of Bleeding Piles, of a num ber of years standing. after lasing& variety of medicines. Severe Case of files--John Bolton, of Marwick, Ot , sego co., N. I' l . was cured of a severe-it:serer Pilet and extreme costiveness of long and painful Who would sot eacrifiee a fewahillinp to-be relieved-from so . distressing a comidaint?. The above are all eases in which all other remedies failed 'tome ougive relief. Many of the same charac ter might be published if we bad space. For particulars' see Botanic Insititute“ehichisan be-bad-of agents. ' Beersas or Cousertneerns.—•As there are "pintoes Pills in circulation called Oriental or Soyareign. Bairn, be acne ris'aiie before you buy that tiettaanse'of Di. E. Soule sla. CaNis on the feceof thit; bone.- ' 'None others can be genuine. We not aware that any one whii. is making a spueious article has yet dared to make use of oar name; -bet some of them have hail the impodente so imitaisroor hates and copy oar. circulars, certificates, the.public arceanifol erheathey purchase, they i will•-bcdoceived. , • The genuine Pills an be had wholesale and retail of Dr. E. 1.. SOULE &Co , Euclid; N.Y. - ISOM in Torinindin'hy;LlLlPOßD, and CH AM BERr LEN dr. rORTERL - Geo. A. Wrkires. Athenp; Lyman Dirfeei.l3Mithfigld;'.4t. Ai Sill; Morley, Bisrlington; Leif Tiiiite,Eltanvilli; BeniiterEntlth, Prinklin; A. , Georiiiiiirtehols: - Rtitne; H. Z. 66-66 ._#. Bu ' }—,' c' 'll r GeoeilBcott in tho City of Mexieo ! . , Asui etuiker larke-gout V -Gooii !lifsl.tetemed 61 V & AtoprrANYEs CO'S4TORE. tettidtJartec*en carrfay selected for,llia Fall Tale. MIER kilted tea l Ind 'examine their riitiiilt,L &Thy Gonda, aniCeritakilardware , and Cratkery:Boibta do Shona,lfatalc-Cipa; and everything 41ba pow efi atapleal, stilted to . &Ohmic of this region of imottrj• hiker 'been rtreheiainielnaively for OW Ind tki - thiefoleitireelib irfiffeittirkit.'AVethope oii old filen& via norforgetitigive tsa i call, ai we ein - make it an - object for therd'in do so:'" ‘. EMlZZ:itigigkakit l itOMßlß l Tc 't ARP tenii extensive sego aiiitivot Firehobl; Ohm. L.... slid(' end HiscellsnisodilKOESli - elsci s hirge ii , kind great satiety of Papersi i iKluOiitilloterletter• paolio, post of fi ce oak yet sapputg _parts; togethet . ith a complete - assortOteut..of of , Book", .visiti ow al* E,ue- 10 1?* fic*ter 1. all =tilt •alecellesPet than an:oil:it, hy :, ' 61,9 ' • i Vic _ D. If ARMEII7. - , s"zAl t zp,H,4t.ruptilivLs, on hind Ind for sal at . 15 • ' Fors. • 7E3 'cella - N0.,1101.-Chssisue-at., south sae' IlabirratArre tiOte the soma gest ataroingly or in group 'ionaasatart in ley ing, thit their r whin siontandlo noniriathe we Zama* host do; Pram lien, cheat* coifed in the shi -“-ra• arriVA *1 V bald 110 1 47 -- lialanwo " I nothing Matto. - rani* from die report of dot Fninklin histituns, dapittatent then art some: vei die .e2I(4)WoR, and the . Indies slur improvement to ibis bran not roecoirmagdai op \ rowan): bie to collection of lifeCl I EP & tamest Mgni4ler of sukrior • A FPI.IOtE 1 READ ! ----- . PHILADELPHIA HE 1 CAL Hol.7BR..._b b b. fished 15 fesuit'llir. by DR. IgNICELIN. The oldest, surest, sal best band cure all forms of mat' diseases, dittelarlathe skin stifitart habits of tooth, is DR.KINKELIN. N. W. rner of Third . sad Coke sts.,•between Spruce and ' I i squares front the Ex. change, Philadelphia. tor • TA RR PARTIC R NOTICE. `Youth who have injured emselvei by n certain prac tical frwinently indulged i habit fregueritly learner( frnto evil companions or at bool—thirecte of which are nightly felt, even when !Cep, and destroy both mind' fal and body. should apply i ns lately.. Weakness sad' coilititioual debility imme diat ely cured, and full vigor restored. All letters post 'd. • _. --. YOUR MEN s U you value fair life Or your health, remember, the po i delay of a month; nay. eve a week, may prove your ru in. both of body and mind. Hence let no false modesty deter you from making E n wt your case to one who, front education nod res bility. can alone befriendyou. He who places himself un er DIL KINKELI?i'S treat ment, may religiously eon de in his honor as a gentle. man, and in whose bosomwill be forever .ockal the se cret of tha patient. Too many think they wilt hog the secret to their own hearts, and cure theme! Alas ! how ofteri is this a fatal delusion, and how soy a promising young man. who might have been an rnament to society, has faded .• froarthe earth. COLINTR INVALIDS, • finding it inconvenient o make personal applicant:fp, can, by stating .their ea* explicitly, together with all their symptoms, (per let er. post-paid,) have forwarded to them a Chest containing Dr. K's medicines appropria-, tell accordingly. Packages of life'diehle. forwarded to any part of the U. 8. at a moment's noti e. (7129 cO7Pose ?AID terra , %, addressed to DR. KINKE LIN; Philadelphia, will . promptly attended tn. See advertisement in he Spirit of the Times, Phila. A BOOKSELL ' No. 198. Ma• JB. P. would call • chants, and the pill at which he is selling 11 1 COLOSIMO LITIIOOII.IIP , VMS it on their mind: his store for one !Hindu Credit Stores (or on sells for cash only. an , to undersell all others. Don't forget ! ( pa Sixth,Philorlehlhia WANTED, AG NTS to canvass for some Mw and Popular Yorks, in every County through- out the United l tut .. To Agents, the moat liberal eacoarnement is-otre • —with a Benin capital of from $25 to $lOO. A chance is offered., whereby an Aguit can make from $lO $25 per week. CO' For purther partieutars, address .(post paid) W. A. LEAKY, No. 158. Forth Second at., Philadelphia. h Y as ß e E ve l r i , A be fl eu at so - o ld ur i tci s p ow m a ti r i i - d h a lower th is an ire i t• cheap, and whesdam loweredoind that is the reason We can .Bond all forl to do it. All kinds ol produce wil l be seeeised in tali:tient.' Also, LUMBER of all kinds. Sept. 1. ' L. M. KY E h CO l.. _ _ JOE - O.IIII[TOLT ILL be kept on hand a large assortment, and made to onkr on shorter noticeand for less mo ney thin can be &minced at any . other establishment - in the - land. Those who are under the necessity of pro curing that article will and Shall he satisfied. A good hearse and 'pall may be had in attendance when desired. September 1, 1847. 1.. M. NYE & CO. 3E" AIL Air '3IL7 311 E. NIT 1111ri• • , • 1:13531,WZ? c0.44:4.13a) RESPECTFULLY informir tlse citizens of Towan da, and the public generally that he is prepared to execute in the neatest style all descriptions of • House. Sign, Coach or Carriage Painting. or -Trimming pond ttery variety of Fanny • atiV Ornamental Painting. From his long experience and the many specimens of his productions now; in use. he entertains a &twin; hope that _hy close application to his profePion. and being prompt to order he may secure a suitable share of public - pitronage. fie may be found at all times at the Chili Factory of Tomkina its Makinson, where he w ill be on handlo attend to the calls of those whomay want hie services. PAPER-WANGING done on short no tien..in a superior manner and imaginable taws. Towanda, July 6,1847. ly4 - M0i1 . 723 111 TKEISq LIECa titiratllll3 Vra wamenwaaTa Late of The Clarnmontifouse. Towanda,. which tims thistioyed by fire ib the 1 2th'of MariA 8 leistid the old rtand, on the west bide of the I_lk public square, lately pecopicd by NV Wiwi . ) Drigo sign of the Tiger, where he is preparegi and otll be haP py to visit on his ciacusioiners and the public genera ll Y His house is it gocid order, and 'his facilities kar it comwodsting trayellers and visitors,- such as will rhe him to give ample satisfaction. Charges m akrate Towanda, October 24. 1843. E. a. A IDNVAD . aMPOWA T iet I i PCIMISSAND .Mllll' virxux*snAT, AT -TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY , r.' By E. O'Meara Goodrich. .. . ~.--. T mum 91...--TW I) IXll.laitS AND FIFTY 11-CT4 x' annum. For Eash . pithl at the time or subserib' fie' OA r r"i', f ;.AR wilt be d.-dueled :if paid within - the year. s' ` ' ~,'''° FIFTY CENTS wilt be niatle. . These terms u..' adhered to. I.4thserittcrs ard4t liberty to dia. out.ave at ' . nine. upon payment orarreariiges. Irr Adve not fxrettiline a Wort , ni . t'''., 1 ." 5 " ' .,.., nuteried threertisements, times. for 1614*eteh subsequent insereon .?!" eaUntri Produce mil wood. received di payraoi' . AIX rivii within irix irrimitlia frourffie, time. at subsertbing c....,, l[rr Job Petting; or every-deseription. neatly and ` 1 " 6011,4 executed. on. new al Castuortahle ty P c. tr" Tte Reporter. Mite. is in Col !ikons' Fuld , Z i4 , 4 — ivrucr ° MOid and Tt.."45e. Mir :I„*.noeucc Wino /ler ...,...- 'Vi, .. ofd Loft censer of breaiiiiin bribe laN The reopriekei are out bat seised s • *eche ewes. ' p lses 41r,e ct i", sad woe 1100 Agit exquisite de. ! - 4eiiiro. ski& lad fair .esseetypes—in this iiodieut 'Talmud in ibey see a progrea. !I. of thif ad. ,They base favor of any tithe eons. as jrsi in ereks:the : ON, escontatning the 'teener 6m29 WiaittikL Si. STATIONER, ket-sI., Philadelphia. he attention of Country Met h°. generally. to the low prices OKS AN I) STATIONERY. s, Flumes, &e., and would im. that they can buy as much at d dollars, Cisn, as they can at hundred and fifty dollars. He having no losses, he is enabled Market street, second door below 86-3 m 'ET PUILVITURE C .1 Br =CCM