Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 10, 1848, Image 3

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A fount of Long Primer. partly worn fount of Breytee,
nosey new : and various otherprinting materials not in :me,
and cheap ,' at this otbee.
Agents for the Reporter.
B. NV CARIt, N 0.410 North _Fourth in.: and Don.building,
N. E. corner of Third and Dock at., Philadelphia :
'• V R. PALMER, N. W. corner bf Tbird and 'Chesnut streets,
add I6 O- -Nassan it., (Tribune buibbngs,) N.Y.:
003110 E PRATT, 164 Nassau et., (next &or. to Tammany
Rani New York.
arts . 11.EADACIL—Wrighei Toditin Vegetable Pills •are a eel ,
man cure for every description of „bead ash, becanas they
lermisithe body frordtbose mor,,id hurried, Which, if confin
ed Sr the stomach, are the these of rostra and sickness, want
of appetite, disagreeable tame in the mouth, bad breath,
ing of the gums, decayed teeth, and many other distressing
6mptaints , and when taken into circulation, and thrown upon
the earjette in t ers'of the body, give itise . to every malady inci
dent to man. Fear or five of Wright's radian Vegetable Pills,
taken once tn twenty-four hours, Will, in a abort time, put a
complete stop to Sick Headacb-111 the same the digestive orgalis
will be restored to a heap) , tone. •
lIFWARE OF 1130tXTEIFKITS AM) 13IFFATICFE,6!--rerneiraber, that
the original - and only . genuine lantart Vamsranut Nita have
the written signature of WM. W WRIGHT on the top label of
each-box. .
The above celebrated pills for sale by
Montanyes & Co.. Towanda. U. Moody & Co.. Frenchtovrn
S.W.* D. P. Pomeroy, Troy. D. Brink, Horubrook.
Coryell &Gee. East littemon. J. C. Adams, Rum. creek.
Wm Gibson, Ulster. C. Rathbone. Canton.
Vlsworthi. Athens. W. Campbell, Sheshequin
Guy Tracy, Milan. .1..1. Watford, Mouroeton.
Principal office - Sand general Depot. 169 Race St. Phil's.
Ts Druggist■ and Dealers la Medtells.. Dr.
Wlstar , o Balsam of Win Cherry.
_This celebiated - and infallible remedy for the cure of Con
sumption, Asthma, and Liver Complaint, was discovered some
six or seven years ago, in the city of Philadephisti the rnsi
dance of one of the most distinguished physicians thA ever liv
ed. Since that time it has, by its way through the opposition
Of quacks and counterfeiters. until, by-its true value, and intrin
sic'excellence,sl has gained fior . itself& mosteniiable popular
ly, and estabgibed itself in the confidence of an intelligent
nod enlightened public, from one end of the continent to the
other. 'The teetirnony of thousands who have been relieyed
and cared by this valuable article, will show that it stands an
rivalled—at the head of all other medicites for the cure of dis-.
rates for which it is recommended. The genuine Dr.. Wis.
tar's-Balsam of Wild Cherry is now for sale by duly appointed
agents, and all respectede dealers in medicine in all large ch
ic: and important towns throughout the : U. S., and Canadas,
and British provinces.
The genuine signed L BUTTS - on the 'wrapper ; S,o:d by
CI I Ahl BERLIN & PORTER, Towanda. •
Dr. Farwell's Pacific Balm.
The most satisfactory testimonials given as to the beneficial
effects...of the above great medicine. The cures 4 which'it has
and atfect, will convine all that it is the beat preparation
ever discovered, law Consumption, Coughs. Asthma, and the
LITCT, and the immense sale of Om Balm is another proof of
tts virtue. *. Sold by J. KlN(;s.llEtati,..m,
May 8,184.. t Corner of Nlain and Bridgests.
The World'• Train Killer.
l‘r the cure of It heuiriatitun, Spraius. Sufi' Joints, Frozen parts,
Darns, Old sores, Sore, throat, iliarrhma. scalds, beutses, tooth
ache, illre rite. An External and Internal Remedy.
March For :Sale by J. KINGSBERY. Jr.
PCBLIC MEETING.—At a meeting of
the Settiers;rec7ntly held at Wes( Burling
ton, the following resolution was unanimously ad
opted :
Resolved. That a general meeting of the Settlers
of Bradford county, be held at Towanda, at the house
of T. P. Woodruff, on Tuesday, the oth day of May,
189-8, (the same being Court week,) at' o'clock, P.
M.; for such general action as may be deemed ne
cessary to the community at large.
In pursuance of the foregoing resolution, a gene
ral attendance of the Settlers and the citizens gene
rally, is requested. By order of ,the Committee.
PorrroNtstlNT.----The above meeting is postponed
to the last Satiirday of August next, at the same
place . aLnd time of day. It is thought best to post
pone ineeting. in ;consequence of the hurry of
busiii&s. May 3, 1.848.
New- Abvertiseincuts.
HAS arrive:4in loam, and,usy be found for a few
weeks at Woounc - cy's Horn.. His friends are
inwited io call. Towanda , May 10,1848.
C.' - PORTER, Dl. D.
IPl3l'57gliCOZ4l.lZr almalorEam i ,
'TIPPERS his professional services to the people of
A.-/ Towanda, and-vicinity.
' Office at Chamberlin & Porter's Drug store, No.
:prick Row.
_R fers to Dr. tics:cos, Towanda. my 9
TV csale and Rstail Dealers in
Al, Brick Row, Towanda.
JUST reseiringi large assortment of Drttmt,
cines, Chemials, Perfumery. Choice. Wines and
Liquors, Grocerie Paints and Oils, Dr Woods and
Dye Stuffs, Stationery, Toys, Fancy Articles, Confec
tionary. Brushes, Combs, Stone and Class Warre,„Can.
dies, Blacking, Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, &c. The
- fallowing list comprises a few of tho articles kept at this
sugars of all kinds, Stuart's isitgar house syrup, molas
'see, syrups of all kinds, pepper, spice, museard, pepper
tialli3C, cloves, nutmegs, mace, raisins, Zane curnit ta,
citr9n, cinnamon, salad oil, cassia buds, tamarinds, cho
colate, cocoa, soda, lemon and water biscuit, rice Starch,
ginger, sale rates, saltpetre, government Java and Rio
coffee, whale, lard and sperm oil,detuijohns, jugs, bot
tles, pipes, paste and oil blacking, leather varnish, dye
Woods and• dye stuffs, indigo, copperas, alum, bar, vari
egated and white soap, sperm and tallow candles, &c.
at otiose rN.
Writing, letter and cap paper, English drawing paper,
London and Bristol board, black, blue, red and carmine
ink, indellible and India ink, water colors, ink stands,
a.sorted,Auills, toed pens, sealing wax, wafers, crayons,
drawing and carpenter's pencils, envelopes, dm :
• !Tobacco, Sour load Cicero.
%Cavendish, twist, plug and fine cut chewing, Spanish
and Scarfalatti and common smoking, all sizes, manna
boy, Scotch, rappee and Amer O ran gentleman's snuff:—
Imported Samna, a great variety, includicg La Normas,
Panatelas, Urges, Regalia. , Justo Sanz, Rosaic, Manta
4ams, Ptesardos, Lapoetas,TAncipes, Fragaricias, La
A lianzas, eigarettos, cigar cases, and mgic:rea.
Brushes and Combs.
Paint, varnish, marking, sash, Whitewash, counter,fiesh,
broom, clothes, tooth, nail, comb, hat, hair, shoe, stove
and lather brushes. Ivory, dressing, side and back
- combs, of all descriptions.
Seeps, Perransers-and t'Aplestrea.
41,bita's ambrosial - shaving cream, Henry's Chinese
vi: , •Pousselrs shaving' cream, genuine military soap,
Loa's brown Windsor, walnut oil, palm, almond and
French tiOlet. and Hull's variegated soap, wash balls,
&C. Lubin's extract, jockey club, eglantine mousse.
Patchoolly,isoquet de Oregon, ext. de violettes,
- cachous aromatitiue, pastilles, bay water, blk . lavender,
n crull , oil mask. perfume satehelsotto rose, rose water,
PoniAde, amandine, mcen fun, Perartn r rrench and Am
rtiradhtoilet powder, Jules Hauers aqal Phalion's hair
dyes, Preston's and Merrill's pungents, bear, maccasser,
buffalo and antique oil, ambrosial tooth paste, chlorine
detergent and orris dentrifrice, endermic soap, &c.
.Toharca segar; thimble. pin, specta
cle a n d lancet cases, artificial nipples, breast pumps and
pipes, nursing bottles, self-injecting pumps, glass and
composition syringes, ear trumpets, trusses, body braces,
Shoulder braces, abdominal supporters, bed pans, forceps,
turn-keys, lancets, letbeon, chessmen, lige, whalebone,
patent pails, purses, pocket bra4ks, wallets, abasing box
es. razor strops, Italian whisks, flower and garden seeds.
Towanda, May 13, 1848:
-_ - -
AT. CHES.—Golsh's;Uillispie's and Pierce ; F
Ss 1.111. bon Matches, by the gross or he ,BBrinceir.
Row. —
mYS CHAMBERIAN I ti at 4I ° fr i ER.
414:341ad1241.TE eo-paruiership heretofore exi s ti n
g hrteeen the
in the practice of Medicine and, Surge
ry is this day dis s olved mutual consent. 'Fheir
comits are left-with 1. B.CROSS. at Ford's Drug Store
~..and who is i..uiy authorized to settle them.
Towanda, May 9, 1919. (71121t.t.. K. L.lDli.
A. Menthe Assortment et Mil-mak WIWI
Just received at L. Baftiteter's
MY stock 'is large, comprising a full smoetment of
ILL Summer Clothing of every kind inch as Tweed
Croton, Queen's Cloth, and silk mixed Grecian Sack
and habit cloth, Linea and cloth dew COATS.
• Also, PANTS & VESTS, of every kind; cravats
and handerchiefs, gloves Sod summer hose, all offered
cheap—scr cheap that I think it will pay for coming and
looking at my stock. ,
Also, A good assortment of Broad Moths, Cassimeres
and Vesting., Tweeds and Kentucky Jeans, Linens
dm, that I will make up to order, and very cheap. 'I
pledge myself to sell as cheap as can be bOuglo any
where in the country. 1.. BATCHELER.
Towanda, May 8, 1848.
Spurious articles afloat
VTR. J. ANDREWS, in justice: to your valuable
IV" `PAIN KILLER, and for the benefit of the pub
lic, we hereby certify that we have Used your Pain Kil
ler in our Faatrilieslfor years, for many of the diseaies
for which it is recOmmended, and we deem it the best
Family Restorative in use, and would recommend every
family to keep a supply on hand, in case of sudden ill
ness or accident.
Rev. Aaron Jackiciii, pastor first Baptist church, Ithaca.
" William Comm, Peach Orchard, Tompkins Co.
Rachel Wilson, James Clark,
Ann Dudley, Philip Case, •
W Hastings, - Ann Teter,
A Baker,• A Bower,
John Do olittle, , M Collins,
John B Owens, Ithaca, N. Y., 1848.
Never purchase the Pain Killer witho, the written
signature of J. Andrews, on the label of each bottle, in
black ink. Sold by CHAMBERLIN & PORTER,
and JOHN. B. FORD, only agents for Towanda.
For further particulars see advertisement in another
column. . N 47 I y
THE enrolled Militia and Volunteers within the
bounds of the Second Brigade, Ninth Division, P.
M., will meet for discipliner, inspection and review, as
follows, to wit : In 'companies on Monday. the bth day
of June next, and in
.Battalions and Regimerits, as fol.
The 341 regiment, commanded by Col A. K. Bosard,
Id Battalion, on Monday, the 12th day of July next.
2d hat. same regiment on Tuesday. the 13th.
The 4th regiment, commanded by N. A. Elliot—lit
battilian on Wednesday, the 14th ; 241 battalion same
regiment, on Thursday, the 15th.
The let volunteer battalion of Ting/ county tom
... Asa by Lieut. CoL Joseph Yonkin, on Thursday,
the 15th.
The 2d regiment 'commanded by Col. H. H. Seely,
on Friday, 16th.
The 3d volunteer bettaiion of 'Bradford county. com
manded by Lieut. Col. L. J. Bradford, on Friday, 16th.
The lit returner battalion of Bradford county, com
manded by Lieut. Col. Theo Wileer, on Saturday. 17th.
The Ist regiment, commanded by Col. P. C. Ward,
on Monday, the 19th.
. The 4th volunteer battalion of Bradford county, com
manded by Lieut. CIA. B . Laporte, on Tuesday, the 20th.
The 2d volunteer battalion of Bradford county, coin
mended by Lieut. Col. J. A. Codding, on Wednesday,
the 21st.
The sth regiment commanded by IdeoL Col. Jacob
border, on Thareday, the 22d day of June ner.
Adjutants and Captains are requested to be punctual
in making out their roll copies and their lists of sheen , /
tees, as directed by the militia law at April 25, 1814.
W. E. BARTON, Inspector, 24 brig.
Inspector's MT, ? 9th die. P. M.
East Smithfield, May 1, 1848.
JOINER,*B TOOLS. —A good amortshent of Bead,
Moulding and Bench PLANES. grooving plows,
and other Joiner's Tools, just received from the manu
factory, and for sale iow by n. D. BARTLE
PATENT MEDICINES.I—AII tha moat celebraied
Medicines of the day, can be found at NO.l, Buick
At' Wholesale and Retail.
ivioNTA - Nyts & CO. are now receiving fresh
(torn New York and Philadelphia, the most dead
nitde lot of GOODS, ever offered in this market, and
think thit au experience of twenty years in the selec
tion of nods had ought to enable them to purchase as
cheap u the cheapest. We invite public attention to
our stock, and think we can offer inducements worthy
the notice of the most close buyers and amateurs of de
sirable goods. May 1; 1848.
ALL femora' indebted to the estate of Ebenezer Ml
nierMec'd., late of Granville tp., are hereby reques
ted to make payment without delay, and those haying
claims against said estate will please present them duly
authenticated for settlement. WM. L. MIX,
Granville, May 1, 1648. Administrators.
825 REWARD !
1.0 •I‘COIEN from the stable of the subscriber, residing
in Athens tp.,•on Tuesday evening, April 25._a
ROR RE 1. M ARE, with a blaze on her face, and a white
mark on her rump. The above reward wid be given
for the recovery of the Mare, and the arrest of the thief.
Athens, April 26, 1848. CHAS. WDUFFIE.
DISSOLUTION.—The co-partnership heretofore ex:
biting betweon the subscribers in the Cloth Man
ufacturing business, in Monroeton, is this day dissolved
by mutual consent. All poisons indebted, by pole or
book account, are hereoy notified that payment must be
made immediately to .1. Ingham. at the Factory, with
whom all accounts are left, es it is the determination to
have all accounts settled by the 16th day of May—after
which date no time will be given. J. INGHAM,
Monroeton, April 24, 1848. D. INGHAM.
Tbo above business will hereafter be carried on by
J. INGHAM, who has provided new Carding Machi
nery, and will consequently be enabled to supply all
who rosy favor him with their patronage, with prompti
tude and despatch. By his long experience in the bu
siness, and strict attention to the wants of customers,
he hopes to merit a continuance of that liberal patron
age which has heretofore been extended.
Monrocton, April 24, 1848. .
o vain._37 mix \wail:v-1 I.
DAVID INGHAM: who has heretofore carried on
the above business at the manofacudy. in !Honor.
embraces 'this opportunity to inform all who may need
his services, that he has iAnoved to Leroy—two miles
above the corners—where he is prepared to execute all
orders in his line in such a manner as to give general
satisfaction. The patronage of the public is respectful
ly solicited. Leroy, April 24, 1848.
li mol--.. -- le W t /14. II& .41
CA ME to the roclosote of the subscriber, on the 26th
of April BROWN HORSE, about eight or nine
years old ; no particular, marks about him.' The own
eras requested to come forward, prove property, pay
chimes, rod take him away. WM.SNYDER.
Sheshequin, May 1, 1848.
GH. & R. DAVIS, .TAILORS, (late from the
City of London.) have opened a shop, in the
second story of the new Brick block, erected by Burton
Kingehery, on Main street, where they are prepared to
execute all orders in their line with accuracy & despatch.
Flom their long and rigorous instruction in the art,
and their extensive experience es Foremen, in.the beet
shops in London. they fed perfectly competent of being
able to please the most fastidious mate, and to execute
their work in such substantial and finished style, as to
give satisfaction to their customers.:
07 Cutting done to order, and warranted to 6t if
properly made up. G. H. DAVIS,
Towanda. Oct. It. 1947. - R. DAM.
CLOTHS ! CLOTHS ! !—Every body admits that
the .heapest in town are to be found at the Cen
tral store calland see ;bo charges for showing goods.
XCUT AND MILL SAWS, hand and wood do.,
at the Central store. at N. N. BETTS.
saws, and 64 Gnu and 6 foot cross cut
saws, at BAIRD'S No. 3, Brick Row.
illentianbi;e, ac.
No. 1., Brief Rev igiptia ii the Field !
, I
of: (4,4111111017111a 3 ,
_ TjASjust Misused fiewithechy
Ike • .1.1 of New Eark with a large
.. .ik supply af Watcher,' Jewell& and ,
, Silva ware, comparing Is pan.
-the following snicks :—Lees,
L'Epine mud Plain Walehae, with
- Y a complete 'assortment of Gold
Jewelry, such as Ear Rings. Fin
ger HMIs, Breast Pins, Bumble, Lockets, Gold chains,
Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware,
and any quantity of Steel Beads—all of which ha aim
fin sale exceeedingly cheap for CASH.
Watches repaired on abort notice. and worranled
to run well, or the money will be refunded, and a writ
ten agreement given to that erect if required.
N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR, and Country Produce
taken in payment &await ; and abr. /earn now, and
forever, that the Produce must be paid when the work
is done—l war against credit in all its forms. •
Towanda, April 28, IS4R.
Wtoll 13 AWE MEW DV.
MITE proprietors of this lontestabfished Line, still
St continue the business of lieigbtinp merchandise,
produCe, lumber &c., between
„Binghamton and Jraet YOrk,
and solicit the continued patronage of their friends.:—
They are prepared, with increased facilities to sown
ntialate the public, havinff
which will enable them to despatch • boat direct from
Neta,-.York to Binghamton DAILY during the season,
with NO TRANSHIPMENTS on the entire route.
C:7• They invite a call from their friends before shipping,
oir their charges will be at lowest rates.
C. M'KINN EY. Binghamton ;
'Aerarrs :JESSE HINDS. 7 Soulk4l. , N. York;
G 3 Theosubscriber still continues the business of Sto
rage and Forwarding, end rimy at all times be found at
his well known storehouse, where he keeps for sale at
lowest prices, Flour, Salt, ,Grindstones, Ropes, Pitch,
Oakum, Beet, Fork, &c.
Ca Cash paid for all kinds of Lumber and Presioce,
delivered at the Storehouse. C. WIELINTNEY.
Binghamton, April 2!, 1848. 45m6
MBE Collecteneof the aeveraliminß •
County,atiftif tdT - ke a • ac
tion of
,five per teal. from the amount of State Taxes
placed in their hands fur collection, against every indi
vidual who shall pay his or her State and Comity taxes
in full, on or before the first day of July nett ; and the
amount so deducted shall bB allowed them is their set.
tlement. The same, however, to be paid by then into
the Co. Treasury on or before the sth day of July,lB4&
C. R. RUSSELLO Clerk .
Commissioner's Office, Towanda, April Si). 1.841 L
.Taft vo :versa R. ca-Am
Miss Griffis.
TAKES this method of informing the public that she
has removed hei shop to her new building on Pine
street, two doors from Main street, and directly west of
No. 1,-Driek Row, where she will be most happy to
wait upon ail who may require her services. IShe will
beeaeiving, in • short time, from New York, the
SPRING FASHIONS, for the current seaman, togeth
er with a great variety of MILLINERY GOODS, which
will he diiposed of cheap, and to which she invites the
attention of those wishing to purchase.
-- Towanda, April 28, 1948. •
T IST OF LETTERS remaining in the Fr*. other
..1:4 at TROY, quartet ending March 31, 1848.
Brooks George Leonard Nosh
Be. ry George Loomis Alvin
Carpenter Lawrence Owens Samuel
Case Miss Naiscy M Salisbury John
Christman Emily Miss Watson James
Gwyne W H H Whoeler Tibbil
Dickinson A A Miss Wheeler 8 J Mrs:
Godard Thomas H Watkins D S
Jenner James Wood Joseph
Johnson Hubbard Webber Charles Royal
lirdical Faculty ii Arms!
Dr. Carter's , lnfallibk Remedy for Humane.
"Tune of takmg and size of doses eatirely
at Mc option of the patient!
THE above medicine can be band at all times at the
new establishment of CARTER & SMALLEY,
together with an entire new and (rest, stock of GRO
CERIES, comprising every thing in their line, such
as Tea, Coffn., Sugar. Tobacco, Pepper, Spice, Choco
late, Cocoa, Citron, Figs, Raisins, &c., and an endless
variety of other articles " too numerous to mention t"
all of which will be sold as low as the satne can be
bought west of the Empire city. We also offer the
most splendid assortment of French. English and Ger-
Man TOYS, ever before offered in Northern Pennsyl
vania, together with a full assortment of Nuts, Confec
tionaries, Yankee Notions, Fancy glassware, &c., which
must and will suit as to quality and price. .
Oct. 12. 1847. CARTER & SMALLEY.
The Saddle and Harness Business
IS still continued by ELKANAH SMITH, J. CULP
&C. T. SMITH, under the Firm of Elkansh
Smith & CO., at the old gaud North side of the Public
Square, where will be kept constantly on hand Beat
Plain and (bikes! Saddles, Plated and Common
Harness, all kinds of Trunks, Felines, and all other
war* in their line,
Carriage Trimming 4. Military work
done to order. From their experience and punctuality,
they are in hopes to receive a share of public patronage.
Work can be bad at their shop se cheap asst any Gahm
shop in the county of theism. Quality. May 18. '47
What are you abut here ! Aral ye! Yes, I muse!
•i•HOCBANDB of times the question has been asked.
1 Where on earth ars all the Boots cud Shoes ma.
nufactured that 'apply the axitional rush at the corner
of Main and Bridge 'nodal O'Hara answers that this
is the place, and these are the things we do it with !
Seventy-eleven new fashions
every two seconds
Put on the Steam ! !
Hear ye ! hear ye ! and understand, that O'Herth et
the corner of Main and Bridge streets, will fell at retail
this season. 29,781 paiis of Boots, Shoes and Brogans,
at a less pike than ever was or probably ever will be of
kred again is Towanda.
The Ladies' bepartment in this establishment is
richly furelked with fashions. Ladies', misses' and
children's fancy and common boots and !hoes, even to
the extremity of the latest fashions. Mistake not the
place —Corner of Main and Bridge streets, the enty
Sloe Store is Bradjoid County. Halfeash and half
trade for Butter. H. O'HARA.
Towanda, June 18. 1847.
IITHITE LEAD, No. I. extra, dry and ground in
VV. oil, at the Central store. N. N. BETTS.
HORSE BLANKETS.—If you went a Kochi and
cbeapiutiele of the kind. call at BAIRD'a.
0148, Points, Varnishes an Dye•stu ff s. of almost
every kind, st sep2s MERCUR'S.
' QHEETINGt3-1000 yards just ;erred and For sale
1.-1 at melt= MONTANYEB & CO*l3.
IRON & NAILB.—A large assortment for sale, at
sepls MERCUR'S.
'WORSTED DRESS figured and
V V plaid, black and colored Alpacas ; black and co
lored French b. erintets ; Oregon Plaids; rich French
and common Cashmeres, DeLaines, d« a vest variety
of styles for sale at sep2s MERCUR'B,
GINGHA M 8 & PRINTB.—Plain and lwilkd Ging.
hams, English and American Prints, a beautiful
assortment at sep2s
Sliscdlancsins eAbnertiscuents.
11161.410 i
JOHN W. WILCOX. -has mocreed his establish
sent to the shop between Klagslery's sal Bart
lett's-4ton,, and *bete be still solicits s sham of
puddle patronage. He intends, by a careful selection
of stock, sad by unladen to the interior, of Ms auto.
mars to make as neat and durable work Its can be ma
nufactured in this put of the country. • -
He Will kespleonsteney on hand, and manufacture
to order, Senate, Calf and Ceara. Boots and-Shoes;
Ladles' Gaiters, Shoes end Slips; Children's do.;
Clent's Gaiters end Asa" *e-
V' Country Produce, of most deuuiptions, taken in
payment for work. at the marine price. -
Towanda, April Se, 1841.
Treasurer's Sale of Unseated Lauds.
NNOTICE i. hareby given, that agreeably to Rai act
of General Availably of the Conunonarralth of
Peirtaylsania, maid the 13th day of March, 1 813, en
titled " An act to iunendvhs act entitled an set directing
the mode of sang unseated lands for taxes, and fur
purposes," and of an act peasedthe 13th day of Match
1817: " a further supplement to an act *Raided an set
directing the mods' of lulling Unseated lands, and for
ether purposes," the following trams of UNSEATED
LAND will be sold at public sendtia rim the 11th day of
JUNG sad, (being the mond Nooday.):, at the Coed
Howls, is lb. borough of Towanda, in the county of
Bradford. for the messages of Taxes dory and the cost
accrued on each let respectively ,
No- ofl N 0714 To
tV Aer . a. wnships.
294 Albany. Abel Pierce, 17 19
IGO ". Mums Bradley, 908
280 " Nathan Carey. 13 58
100 a Daniel Shepard, ' 5 95
100 , " John Knight, jr. 686
110 " Henry Stark, 702
250 " Caleb Calmat,* .40 87
4:8 " George Lowman,* 68 6?
175 " Adam Wagoner, 3 40
286 " Thomas Bratney,• 29 59
400 " Frederick Caatator, 12 00
82 " , Peter Beason, 4 57
400 "
J oseph Anderson, 12 00
" ohn Barnes, 9_oo
200 '• & Asylum, Chas. Bennett, 11,70
400 " " Thos. Edwards, 23 40
184 Asylum, Christopher Avery, 10 63
100 ' Sally Fish, 5 85
200 0 John Sherwood, t 1 70
1519 1000 Athena, Chas. Carroll, 19 50
1494 88 Buttingicm, do. 168
1493 195 " • do. 3 81
1486 293 " do. 572
149$ 104 ". do. 202
202 Canton, Frederick Baum, 11 82
200 ° Heavy Beek. II 72
4131 " George S. Trifle, 23 98
402 " John Barron, jr. '23 52
26f " Thomas Atmore, Ibl
68 George Gunk 397
179 " Witham Lewis, jlO 48
1 211 " John Vaughn, 12 33
31 " do. 183
202 " James N. Barker 83 02
210 ' " William Austin. 12 28
100 " B.ephen Maxfield, 6 85
260 " George Tracy, 15 21
73 Franklin, Samuel Bryson, 4 29
343 " Henry Bette., 10 31'
343 " Joseph Bette, 19 57
300 " Samuel Nichols, 62 45
343 " John Betts, 19 57
342 " James Betts. 19 37
400 " Henry Bryson. 22 80
373 " Samuel Cooky , , 21 39
343 a Peter Edge, 10 57
400 * Samuel Edge, 22 80
343 " *Memel Fritz, 19 57
400 " Simon Hardy, 22 60
376 : " George Moon, 21 39
400 ' " Joseph Beele,t 22 80
400 - " Healy Neely, 22 80
400 " Peter Temple. 22 80
400 " George Temple, 22 80
400 " James Hardy, 'n 80
400 " Jonathan Hampton, 22 80
400 " Nathan Hardy, 22 80
400 " Peter Hags, 22 80
400 • Paul Moore, 22 80
400 ° A edam Skidoos. 22 80
400 • Joseph &dikes, 22 PO
400 " George Biddoas, 22 80
343 0 George Edge, 19 57
400 0 • Paul Hardy, 22 80
400 0 , George Castator, 22 80
400 ' • Joshua Cooky, 22 80
400 • George Hem 22 80
400 A Nathan Hap, 22 80
400 • Hoary Hardy, 22 80
400 0 Peter Seely, 22 80
400 0 James Siddone, 22 80
400 0 Peter Siddons, 22 80
440 . etepti Bolling/swath, 22 80
400 0 'Samuel Ham' ea 60
I t 400 0 -• Samuel Hardy," 63 60
400 0 • Samuel Temple,* 63 50
400 ° Samuel Siddona" 63 60
400 0 Andrew Hardy,* 63 60
437 " and Monroe, Win. Gray, 29 40
237 Monroe, John likerena, 13 89
4373 " Epb McAdams, 25 59
434 " Thomas Hamilton. •25 38
419 " lmec Millnor. 24 53
203 " Jacob Dowsung," 33 60
109 0 Jamb Smith, 636
49$ " Samuel Anderson, 22 80
400 " Harman Casimir, 22 80
400 " JOnathan North, 22 80
400 " Peel' North, 22 80
400 " Frederick Scholia, 22 80
400 " George Saone, 22 80
400 " Mary Ellie, 22 80,
448 " Ann Harris, 13 73
220 ". • Mary 'Wallace, 12 97
400 "
400 " • Peter Hampton, 22 80
400 ° John M00re,22 80
400 0 James Nort, 22 SO
400 " Hannah Woodruff, 22 80
400 " Robed Haaaptoo." 63 60
41X1 " raw &bona; 63 60
400 a Elemnel Plonk" 63 .110
1516 988 Ridgbery„: Charles Carrell, 67 71
1507 381 " do 19 33
1515 169 4 do 990
1115 40 Elaitldleld, Robert Blackwell, 3at
140e1 100 “ Charles Carroll, 6 85
1487 160 " do 877
1492 850 " do 43 07
1491 1114 " , do 10 75
1490 929 " and Atkin,. do 63 47
3164 31prioeull, Polar Gazump, 13 68
6688 1100 Wails, Jaime dr, dliOn, 64 35
5689 1030 • do 69 37
6691 964 a a• 66 43
6693 128 0 do 743
5687 1100 "di Saadi eseek„ do 64 35
'To these tracts miutraVreittr a star, (•) are added
the tares for years previa* to 1846.4.
LAMES M. PECK, Treasurer:
Treeing Wee, Math 27, 1848.
adored, plaid, Rai ehangesbkt eras
S Bilks j alma whits and adored Bonnet &dine, at
2,24 ' ME BOVRIL
and Light Gameness, have been received at the
Having. Dank, sal see aelliag twenty-dew per and.
cheaper than ever. jy7 C. REED.
PAINTS.—White sad red lead, Venetian red. Ope
of beam copal pas, litharap. chrome green.
amine Yellen. rendatt, ke., at iBAIRM3
ANE to the enclosure of the sabseriber, ii Monroe
township, en Shotarday, Aim* 15th, a- don eolond
MAUL with a lig akwg bar bock. Has apparently
been mad of the pole.vd. The owner is reposed
to prove property. pay Astro. and take ketaway.
Aril X 6, ISM 6IMEOX WildW/WIT:
rwENnto +Mt' peg attractions , at** ,Casilblate
kl et MONTANYVB * CO., Se.•i ami..s, s
what, easy be find all of the *aping adapipl to apriing
Laaaberates don't pain is, we bate the Atit
War that is tiebt. and the Pod that is iw► Most Web
'TWO Tani Essiditoo best km, just vu.
J. sabred. at 110NtitrilIVI & CO.
2OBBL/3. HE PORK and few kaadted of
Haw as band, at INONTANYEB &
Warrantee Amount
Nano-s. of tomra
SPRING 4A-4--E-si-
LIST OP LETTERS remaining is the Post Office
at TOWANDA. March 31. MIL
Agar/ WMlttgaguin Loge* Marl
Bishop WOO Myer M C
Bemoan Daniel Mon Gawp
Bustler at
Ballard A lezandkr
Brandy P
Bennett I
Billings Ern;
Beardsley Bush
Bump Addis
Briglrus Amanda
Cross Abner
Carman C
Carsick F•ederick
Constable Wtgb '
Crowley Barth°
Chase MatiLla •
Rey nal& Sophia
Robinson Ellen
nbanaban Daniel
Dbolp Win
ganor ars 11 D 2
Mont David
firsekirell 0 II
Sarno Ws
Sloan Gamy
Stowers Andreae
Tryout D •
Taylor gnats
Vaught =Aim
Wood David
2 Warner A M
Wilson In
White D
Woodruff .1 P
Wvllloridp Samuel
Walborn. George
Manias .1
Dunlap b F
Davis David
Lerma) , George
Etheridge J D .
Flawing Harriet
Ford Henry Rev •
Foster Jane E
Goff Huniphry
Granular Eli
Gnu Harriet
Hall Jacob
Hawkins Margaret
Jennings rionisa
Johnson William
Johnson Joseph
Kelly Sophia 0
Kingaman J
Kipp Makes' Miss
Knappin Ann
Kite Mary
Upside ti
W121.0.W1a DX Xi/MUM
Hair . Dressing aid Bathing Saloon !
g. Cooper g G.' Jadtsamit,
DEsPEc rruux infinite their aim& end tha
public generally. that they have fitted up that large
room in the New Brick Block of B linipbery, Timms
de, is a superior style, where they will take pleasure in
waiting upon their. old customers, and making new
In addition, they will keep constautly on hand a
Rood monment of FANCY GOODS, muck am Bear'.
Oil. Noce—.. l . Oil, Os Ninon, Cologne, Victona
prelims, Hair brushes, filming and Tooth brushes, and
A LSO—A 11 kinds of Liam' curl& Demme and
Collars, Cravats, Suspenders. Rama and Strops, Ameri
can Shampooer, for sale by the honk, for restoring
the hair and
. preventiug the accumulating of dandruff—
warranted to keep the hair from falling off if said ac
cording to directions. Always kept on hand afresh
supply of lined and composition hair. Dye warranted
tochange the hair instantly from a nod or gray, toe
beautiful brown or black.
Gentlemen's Coats sad Panto droned or coloredared
warranted to give satisfaction. Razors booed an short
nosier. Boots and shoes blacked to order. Call and
see for yourselves. Pets V.
min subscriber respectfully inform the Ladies and
.1 Gendeasen of the Bennigh of Towanda end its
Unity, that he will commence teaching a PUBLIC
the 22d inst.. at the NEW . HALL, belonging to Ha
$. dr. M. C. Henan. New ht ginner*. as well se those
who wish to improve in the science of singing. are So-
liciterl to attend. He flatters himself tbothoin hie ups- -
fiasco in teiching vocal easeic. be will be enabled to
give eatidection. Terme made known on the fret
evening. IL S. BASSETT.
Towanda. March lb, 1818.
nN TUESDAY, P. M.. the 7tb est., between the
Book sod Methodist Climb • GOLD PENCIL.
• very heavy one, with • yellow none. The ander will
panne leave it at this Wee, and they}hall be Morally
rewarder . . Month lb, ISM
BROWN BREETINGB.--About 43,000 yonls of
Brows Meetings, just ne'd at BAIRD'S.
VESTINGB.--adlo. Mks 1014•• stale 'eon
V sod Gabor Vosangs4 far lobster or sooner, Ad or
spring ; o pest assortmeat at BAIRD'S. N. S. D.R.
HARDWARK, ■ good oomonmot,iocloatog
meet, Nails, eke. at Na S. B.R. FOX'S.
10AINTS, OILS I DYE-STUFFS, elm lidosehes
1 by the pose, at No. 2, B. R. Far&
habit buttons, end all kinds of Asin'ii for Wanking
ladies' dresses, at BAIRD'S. No. 3, Brick Row.
MUFF* !—Thees furred animals are to b. had at
the Central store, fens 37i amts. to $l3. Mark
the place. if you want to &e cheep. N.N.BErrB.
HATS & CAPS.—A rood aisottnient milk and far
Bats, cent's gland cam with capes. (a great ar.
tick fix *army weather,) men and boy's sloth saps.
children's sleet caps. &c. Yoe will and all thaw
kinds, and many Isom at tall BAIRD'S.
LADIES!—Do you know Where to And lb@ aiosst
French Laos Capes is , tows I—the spa is at
Nov. 10. BAIRD'S. No. 3, Beak Ram.
BOOTS & 8110g8,.ttopsisting of o ne-hide land kip
boots, ladies' and ausese slippers, piters end ball
gaiters ; children's toss; also an *pint aseertarestri
Bats and Cape, ato now orsiog at the Savings Bank.
step', NO. 5, B. R.
Positive_ly Ike last Notice
ik LL'pwsosts indthied to the sehseriher, am hereby
notified that eanketent meet be mile ismsordanaly
without fan. A prompt attendance to this eell, win
we his the dairymaids aerenity of teeming I. !nem
sures to compel payment. D. C. HALL.
Towanda, Minh 29th. 19411.
9:1111111LIMEIS a 011111LOPIELo
CALICOES AND DEtAINES. a good aseortiseat
—also some vary pretty GINGHAM,. selling at
city coot. Also, a misty" et other goods selling at rano
lees than first cost No =Wks shoat it either. The
balsam of the sriator gawk mast and shall he wad at
Goa price. Piniaa 1112 orno, at Fors,
Towanda, limb 22, 2 ! Na 2, BOA Row.
DRINTB-1000 yank int wbkk will nil
to comb ewitoaors at eow. • I
N OTICE is hereby given that I haee les sty accounts
for Prothonotary'sin fair, the hand
LER, for collection ; end I those
of N. J. KEE
se that are in anode%
will save cost by calling hie and settling the saw*
iannethately. Ha will generally be foend a 4 the Pro.
Abenotary's ogre.. I also tender my grataftil acknowl
alpinists to all thaw who have favored me 11- settling
and balancing the demo& I had,against thew.
March 1, 1848. AARON URDU t IL
CWiICZ DRY 1306D8.—Allitem. Freed' 1100.1-
so. Oregon pl aids. die msage as Caletabile
plaid& ph:bans. at all 'pima. &e., &e.. at
Nov. 10. • AIRDS. No. 3, Bridt Ram
rILOTNB ASSIMERES. Vadep. Overesse.
ruck as brawls. aim .ea gold seized. Bea
vers w sold very low; et SAVINGS BANK.
V - RINTS, of ivory mem rod foreign and do.
mestii, now opening ;at orlodesolo and titan, at
Mregeo H A
Morrie Joe
McLendon Mary
Miler W.
McClave' Martha
Noble C
Nobles It Co
Owen W
Potter Joseph
_Paine Charles C
James 1".1 Perry
Pool &sad
Porter *Mathaitiel
the isss the in
cam ' es of the agent,* Salvo
tboirity of *t erecting said county. hays
and proeundthe EveluselfcafChinch, near J
is Cherry inserdy oforeoritl fel the PorPa
ins sad Wolin lbw aaveral coy% le and fa
I, of Solftrau.,;nutil public buildings stay t
appropriated for said county. We hare el
at said place a temporary Jail sod nits
wherein alo.llllrllllll °guars of the toasty
the Public itetionla—u.d transact their Du
county until twenty ogees • c., may be es
propriated fraud! aunty.
Fiat Court to • wares= CM die rims
June A. D. OHS.
JOS-. 1140LYNA X.
WO 27. JAI&
Airrilebterd lathe -agate
B. BEEMAN, deed.,lete of Writ
are hereby reePiested to age mown le
end those having Clll2lll against raid
present them duly authautihated for sett
C. 811
Wyalosing.7 Feb. 9th. 184.4
ALL. persons indebted to the estate e
ffADLOCK, dec'st. , late of !Acid
hereby requested's° make payment 'tithe
those hewing claims against said estate wil _
seat them duly authenticated for seu
Litetibrg. TAMeti 28; 1 Ms. Mummers.
ALT. ;persona indebted to Ow
.11131701 4 1,de01., boo of C_
Wei, reirented to make payment
thole bo *inn agostatooki •
sent cheat do rn
t, autbetriested gur
Colonpliajdoreb lith, 1848.
1.1. indebted to tb
W MON, dee'L, late of
requested to make payment wi
bating asioss spinet said esial
them duly suthontiealed for vettl
Springfield. April so, um.
uz subscriber proposes to attend t i m io e low Imakeies
herealire, Ms the following terms: El waits; nit*
in the Common pleas, before sibitrat and Juste.;
and wilt:mai no charge far service arriess his eldest
succeeds in the suit. From esperirteco aid observatima
be is of the opinion the; if an attorney i siedieinally
convinced of the justice and practicability of his elient'a
me 4 l.
cams to recommend • suit or defence. be should be
willing to ri sk his fees on the result et rams; and
if -in any coin he ii unwilling to • ib. risk, bo
armlet consiatently plunge his client into the expanse
and sincettamey of a lawsuit by his advieo. -
Collections of every description will I. attended to
epee the sans tense. Conveyancing imi ether kind.
of office balances dorm promptly my suossaabir
(0 011 ice in die Noah end of Nick law stir the
Post cillioe. west aide of mein street Toneando.
Towanda. Jan. 'MIL HENR( BOOTH.
.45,W5P(OMINXIW AN.W; g3,43.W.
BAs removalhis office to D. essh'S new ter.. ow
seesad street, where be will be phlned loses them
who need his professional Services. a 49 , 1111174-
ADMINIsTRATOkrs -NcrricE. •
ALL persons mdebred to die awe;of WILIJAK
BUCK. dre'd.,late Filre royal*, ire bevel"
uegoosserl to oaks payment without iialsy. and Mow
bay*, &kiwi wing the said edam u4ll &me present
thew duly outhenikairri for aotKemen!.,
PERLEY ii. BUCK, ilithijolsbnmor,
- February 23, 1143, 0* moorty.
Gods- fir the Pa*le,
• - AT TIM i
I%T N. BETTS i s Just nweivieg, at Ow Centreigen
.111 • in the new brick Mock, • very large and desire.
biro stock of GOODS, which he effete at a very swill
advance two cost. Purchasers devilries of getting the
wank of their money, rind having*. Oatisfacuon of be.
ing honestly dealt with, will find s k , , r interne to ex
amine bie stock briers porcharitag. ~
Among my goods may be found I" ILEngruit and
American broad cloths, do. caul , ailli 141 vet and
satin wirings, fancy testis's, sheep'. gray,cloths, ma-
Wits, Kentucky jeans, tweeds, finals. knit woolen
shirts and drawers, cotton do.; alpsears, a grcat variety,
Preach seines, silk and wool do., e Woes, Oregon.
Vie, lease and' weekn plaids, 'log 1 crerams,
nweifik siNi, born* velvets and set trimmings to
correspond, gimps and fringes a pod assortmen t, bees
sells and woolen carpet bags, Nu& strains . ; cash
mere, detain, french and woolen plai shawls, dame.
tic golds. hosiery and gloves, swiped 4 and 8.4 oil
clothe, window shades, rtee. Groceries, croekay,itone
and tin ware. hardware, boots aid oboes a largr assort-01
meat. Leather, nails, square, round iind common bar
-iron, plow and sledgepatterns nail tai, horse oboes and
nails, band end.hoop iron, era, englirth blister, german.
amen* spring stwls, 7 by 9, 8 by 4 lll ii i ta and 10 by 12
glaskiPoUy. linseed and lamp oils, of all kinds,
mackerel ter: I and 2, codfish, dr.c. c.- Goods sold at
cash prices few grain, Ironer. cheers oke. Wanted 1000
fax and earths skins for which cash Will be paid.
I take Ibis method of informing .old friends and
customers, drat I have made arrange ants with Mr. N.
N. Betts, to partially take charge of, :and assist him, in
hi. business. I world, therefore, betverY happy, to see
any of yeti at the above mentionerlesurblishosent, where
goods moat ancrwill be sold at Very low
. Tate., to my
motto is it ever has been, small profits and quick
salsa. Call and see- Y re truly,.
1 r
12 DALES BROWN SIRE. ,!GB, drillings,
siditings, wicking, wadding. batting, tattoo yarn
and carpet warp, cheap is Ito cheapest, at No. 2, D.
R., at . , FOXS.
AVEH4thq satisfaction of =non
friends, and the-publics that
in the new thick Block of Bs
all who wish to indulge in the heal
lag exertise of • Cosa or Wino B
he seeotamodatad. 0:7 Call and t
The-pries foe Bathing coos,
vibe bathe by the month. Weenie.
sopetior style . and finish, mod
wbo witit to pordwoo cheap.
sole MONT
data ea hand at
NAlLS—from a 4 inch spilut
II lb* Central stoie.
New Tailoring Es
la No. 2; trici Rate, over tie'
• third storw.
D al ZP r
da. and the public generally%
hie Tailor shop to NO. Z. Bak
r" T. Fos. third ittwy. where he
et Tisileriat, to give him a
Having been employed in.the • • ,
lidunents in Philadelphia and el •
lenwined to spare no pains to pi
depend upon having their work, d
• good style as can be bad at any'
work warranted well made' and to ,
C. Cutting done cheep, and w
ta Oratory Produce taken in
Threads, August 30, 1847. • I
said nun
erected or
• Ala*
.io keep
It or
Ila■kT kg
wie Otis,
' M W AY.
delay; mil
age, their earner
, ey bavejust epee.
YT. irt Towanda.
Ehigebery. where
fel end invigorat
tb. ein at in, time
Feb. 9.
=atm To thaso
r poses to suit Atm
Wm'., a large vs
n to aishoo nail, at
ore of E. •T. rot;
eitioss of Tonres.
tbe has renewed
over the wore of
Hefts there in went
fashionable estab
here, and being de.
yaw,t fee Wilk.