Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 03, 1848, Image 2

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‘G:h raorovt. Qtporttv.
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Towanda, Wednesday, May 3, 1848.
Nompees of the National Convention.
Wrist Alll Bist.r.s,of Clearfield, . SentsforiaL
DA Vt r D. W s.s ga,.of Northam pion,
I. Henry L. Benner. 13. John C. King.
2. Horn R. Kneass. 14. John Weidman.
3. Isaac Shutik. IS. Robert J. Fisher.
4. A. L. Ronmfort. 18. Frederick Smith.
5. Jacob S. Yost. 17. John Criswell.
sS. Roben'R. Wright. IS. Charles A. Black.
T. Wm. W. Downie;. - IS. Gleo.'W. Bowman.
•S. Henry Haldeman. 20. John R. Shannon.
0. Peter - Kline. ' 21. George P. Hamilton.
10. B. S. Schoon_oyer. . 22. W. S. Davis. •
11. W. Swetland. • 23. Timothy Ives.
It Jonah Brewster. 24. James G. Campbell.
TOR CANAL commurtumn, •
Col. Pielle% Re.amintlaatell.
We team from the Pennsylvanian, that Colt V.
F. Thot.t.rr his been're-nominated by the Presi:
dent of the United States, to the office of Paymas
v •
ter in the Army.
The City efWaehhigto.—CheispPepetege and
Country Newspapers.
The city of,,Washingtgn is, undoubtedly, a great
place ; and though it can hardly ever become the
United States, as ",Paris is France,'' yet no one
will question that toward the great political metro.
polis, centralizes the talent, and learning., if not the
modesty, of the Republic. Consequently, from this
"first, great source," it'should be expected would
radiate all .the great lights which are hung out to
dispel the ignorance of the common people-44
vulgits populi—and to originate all the great mea•
sures for the political and social amelioration. There
the platforms to be laid down—the schedules made
out—and the directions given--.which we " outside
barbarians''' should be implicitly guided by if we
would preserve our casts, perpetuate our liberties,
and be ruled with Wisdom.
These expectations are notAlisappointed ; and we
almost daily see manifeistatidns, Which make itap.
parent that the Chinese in their" narrow and con--
tracted estimate of their neighbors,`,are possessed
of but little more self-esteem, egotism and sell-com
placency; than are the incongrumis inhabitants of
the fistric4—those who ate so officious in endear.
oring to manufacture " poblie opinion"' or direct its
operations, who arrogate to themselves the rights of
dictating Orin 'questions which are the prerogative
of the people, and, who hold in contempt,and direct.
ly insult the intelligence of the masses. A large
proportion of this contemptible class, is made up of
the letter-writers—whose name is legion, and
whose reputation, dubious—who seem to breed in
the very climate, and are ready to ; serve any party
or any master, and to whom no' work, however
debased or servile comes amiss. To these may be
addeelthe clerks in the department, to whom all
issues and contests, are a "question of
, bread," and
the thousand Tory drones who eternally hang about
place and pow r. There are yet others, Worthy to
figure in this list, of, whom we will now make no
The latest movement of this (-lass of persons " to
rule mankind and guide the State," is a meeting,
the proceedings of which we see published, per-
portilig to consist of c' members of the press." Ai
the names of these members of the press are not
familiar to us as being idefitified with its interests,
se cannot, of course, judge whether the meeting
was composed of editors, correspondents, pastes
boys, cecarriers. Neither do we care, for in either
case, we as an humble member of the press, pro
test against their action. We believe the count'' ,
press has vital inte c tests - at stake—interests which
are now slumbering neglected—which demand.
that they should once more raise their voice, and
reqUire of our National Representatives that justice
be Ilene them and the people.
It is but a short time since the country Preto,
vOth unanimity demanded as a matter doe the peo
ple' that papers should be allowed to go free of pos
trig* in the county where they are i tinted. Sel
dom has a measure of Reform been more strongly
sit t simultaneously called for. It was expected
that Congress would, among its first acts, rescind
the obnoxious act which repealed that wholesome
regulation. But a good portion of the session has ,
already passed, with scarcely a. movement being
made to effect it. Their time has been absorbed
in selfish and narrow scheroes, in embarrassing the
war, and giving "aid and comfort" to the Alexi
.cans. The true interests of people are neglected—
their rights suffer—to make way for matters of self
aggrandizement. We hope to see the Press, make
, another strong appeal—a demand which shall not
be negl;cted—upon their-Representatives, to effect
this wholesome and salutary measure of Reform.
These Washington -wise-acres, who claim to be
4 : members of the pressja demand amongst other
things, that the postage law be so altered, ea to
Make the postage upon Newspapers one coil for ny
elsi - dance I Now really, these are modest gen e
, men ; and would confer a high favor upon the
pie I They would permit the business man, w
occupation brings him a fortune yearly, to rectfive
his letters for a Isere piinince-while the Fanner :
vibe takes his county paper, which burdens Uncle
Sam's carriers for a half dozen miles, shall not be
the recipient in the - Reform which is iri progress.--
We have heretofore taken occasion to show that
the true, liberal, and just policy was to - allow News
papers to go free of postage tin the Comity in which
they 'are printed. For insiance : 7 —a fanner takes
his two ecanitrpapers. The postage upon them, is
RIM per rms. His letter postage durinr, the year,
, does not amount in the aggregate to on e h a lf t h at
sum. If letters should gofrse of postage, it would
bed but little practical benefit to him. Men of
business whale aorrespoodesce is extensive, dim
Oland their portage, under the old law, a seiere tax
. The cheap postage on letters benefits him—by al
lowing the farmer to receive his county papers free
of postage, he law operate. ovally.- Its provisions
would benefit all alike=in a measure at least. We
hope to see this poegeliefomi go on--not as here.
u Gam, with cmasaiprinrard and two beckwarda—
but that as its redactions prove thenaselumbeneficird,
the postage shall be cheaper and cheaper, until dm
lowest point is attained, compatible with the tote.
rests of the Department. The &steep*, be effec
ted is the repeal of , postage upon Itlevrtpapers
for the county in which they are.prinm&oor an act
of justice to the country press, and to the people.—
Let the Country Press speak out, boldly end prompt
ly, and it will be accomplished. '
Fir* lib IDeaville.
On Wednesday morning last at 2 o'clock a des
tructive fire occurred m Danville. It commenced
in the Drug Store of Mr. M. C. Grier, from an ex
plosion of the Stone Coal Stove, or some other
cause, not known, and the spread of the fire was
so rapid that the Druggist, Mr. Long, who slept in
the back mom of the Store, James and Thomas
Maxwell, who lodged over the Store of Maxwell
& Michael, and Mni. Savage and Mies Vastine,
who had a Milliner Shop, and lodged in the same
building, barely had time to escape. The two large
buildings ,were entirely destroyed, with most of the
contents. Mr. Charles Cook, who lost his whole
Printing establishment in the flames, and as it was
but partially insured, his Its* is very heavy,—he
has lost all his day-books, ledger, files, and every
thing, connected with the office, having succeeded
in snatching nothing from the flames big his sub
scription books. The burning of the Drug Store,
created such a blaze, smoke and stench, that it was
impossible to breathe or live in the adjoining, and
upper moms, hence the attempt to save property in
some parts of the building, failed entirely: The
work of destruction progressed rapidly, and was
soon over, being confined, by the prudent, and well
directed exertions of the citizens, mainly to the two
buildings, which was considered the handsomest,
and most valuably block, in town.
STAGES TO THE STATE Luxe.—We learn from the
Pottsville Emporium, that the contractors are likely
to have opposition upon their Stage Routes - : That
paper says That an arrangement has been made be
tireen the Railway and Messrs. Perces Es EDWARDS,
bi which the latter' become interested in the
senger profits. They will place Stages between
Pottsville and the York State line up both branches
of the Susquehanna, to draw the travelling in this
direction : and they will also put on fast coaches
between Reading and Harrisburg, to divert travel
lers from the present State Railroad route. This
arrangement will certainly increase The amount of
passenger business oulhe Reading Railway. It is
designed to have two daily trains to Philadelphia,
at 7A. M., and 3 P. M. One of these lines #lll
make the trip in, two hours, stopping only at pro
minent points, as Reading, Pottstown, Phoenixville
and Norristown.
had the pleasure of lister ing, on Monday and Tues
day evenings, to lectures, showing the wonderful
powers of Electricity, &c., delivered by D. HARKINS.
The lectures are illustrated by a variety : of instru
ments, and were unusually attractive and interest-
Commetatt Msosmar..—The May number of
this popular monthly has already reached us. It
contains two engracinusi the first representing Mrs
Gen. Gaines ; the second, a view. of Jerusalem,
from the Mount of Olives. The contents of this
number are all original, from the pens of Nlrs. L. H.
Sigourney, Mrs. F. S. Osgood, John Inman, and
other talented ;titers. Among the articles is au
excellent one on the life of John Q. Adams, by
Rev. Mr. Prime, called forth by the recent death ef
the great statesman. The Columbian is published
by John S. Taylor, No. 151 Nassau street, N. York.
Cc:lMRt. CASs is 11.u:cols.—The Democratic
State Convention of Illinois has renominated the
present State otficens.
ilesolutions on the question of the. Presidency
were passed, which declare Gen. Cass as the first
choice of the Democrats of Illinois for the Presi
ency, and Levi Woodbury the second.
The Democrats of the Ist Congressional District
of Missouri (the St. Louis District) huve rernomina
led James B. Botvlin for Congress. • J:
Pemosorsev..---We have been requested to mate
that Mr. Docile, of this Borough, proposes to de
liver a series of lectures at Meer-ur'd Hall, upon the
above subjects, illustrated with excellent instru
ments. The terms of admission will be within the
reach of all—and particular advantages will be of
fered to fiundies wishing to attend. The lectures
will be for six evenings—Thursday and Friday of
this, and four evenings of next week.
TEWELRY.—Chamberlin, at No. I Brick Row, has
just added to his stock, a large 'assortment of beau
tiful Jewelry and Fancy Goods, which is worthy
the attention of those desirous of purchasing.
I: gra CPEWTA NT St gingcas.---During the examinatlnn
of ministerial characters in the Wedlyan Methodist
Conlerence now sitting in this village, one Rev. gen
tleman, in answer to the interrogatory whether be
had any pro-slavery voters on his charge, said he
was sorry to stay that there were six who vcted for
Henry Clay in 1844 ; and that notwithstanding he
had admonished them often of the heinous character
of the sin they bad commited in so doing, two of
them had as yet given no signs of contrition for the
awful act, and were still unwilling to make con.
fession to their brethren fog the wound they had
inflicted ripen the cause of religion !—Owego Gdz
A GIMAT Low—The National Intelligence, is in
formed that the recent destruction by &re of Major
Graham's residence in Washington, involves also
'the lose of the valuable maps and calculations con
nected with the Northeastern IlonnOary Survey. It
is presumed, however, that they can be replaced
by copies from those in the possession of the Eng
lish Government.
Fut 111 likirrtarria.—A large stone buildringnewr
Jones' Conon Factory, owned byy S. C. Jones,rut
burned down on Wednesday afterneott. It was In
sured for f.r:6000, which nearly covered the loss.--
Some damage was done to the machinery in the
cotton factory, but it was wholly covered by luso.
THE TROPHEEL—The two brass cannon captured
at Carr Gordo, and presented to the State by Gen.
Patterson, have been raised to their places on the
wings to the portico of the Capitol.
They are beautifully mounted, sad *AI be a
handsome ornament as well se a lasting mainmast
of the prowess of me tiros id hlezieo.-11trvisburg
Den. Union.
• Rau. Roan Accuisarr.—The tiMbers of the Bridge
over Muaeova River were left open yesterday,
white two dm laden with about 30 ma were going
over. One man was iujured so much /that he is
not exptcted to recover. His legs were broken. Six
ahem were slightly injured. AU of the men were
laborers em droned.
Diu►.. air Gissacji, IL—A preacher named
Dudley (formerly a Baptist and late atieeen&Advent
preacher,) has been arrested in Grafton, N. IL for
murdering his wife.
Arrival elf the litealmahip Maidll.
gamam darnuse-_- - ids is
hrhameat Eriektisked--Frend
Amy Oimervatiom-.Addroms from /raga to
Lamsofine--Eamitomemt Lawko-.The Chartist
brbidikit by
Chartists &terminal to Prowl their petitioe--The
Goverment Inuoining Garrisea—Tottheasandl
'Droops Pcated in London.
Borne, April 23-11 o'clock.
The following in ad abstract of the foreign intelli
gence received by the steamship Acadia :
The general commotion oe the continent of Eu
rope has gone on increasing.
The intelligence respecting the insurrection in
Lombardy has been confirmed, with the further im
portant finlike that the King of Sardinia, at the
head pf an army of 30,000 troops, crossed the Pied
montese territory into Lombardy, issuing a declass
lion of war as he passed the fraidiems against Aus
tria. and marched to Milan. The Austrians, defea
ted at every point, fled as he approached, and hav
ing successfully been driven fromPalma, Porescia,
and Delensean, endeavored to esiabliah themselves
in the Dances.
The Italian Duchies have heist out into an insur
rection. Modena and Parreina are revolutionized,
and Venice, which has been dying daily since the
fatal 18th of January, 1798, now just half a century,
when the Austrians took possession of that city by
virtue of the treaty of Campo Formosa, again shows
signs of life.
In Austria proper eve 7 thing seems disorganiz
ed, and amidst the cheoucconfusion which prevails
it is quite impossible to fix the hourly changing
scene. It is anticipated that the Austrian General,
Radelsky, who is afraid to enter Mantua for want
of provisions, will be compelled to capitulate upon
the appearance of the Sardinian troops. It is said
that the disposable force will shortly the cora
mand of Charles Albert, if not less than 260,000
men. With such an army not only will all Lom
bardy be liberated, but Austria may be threatened
even at the gates of Vienna.
Savoy has declared herself a Republic.
In Switzerland a strict neutrality seems to be
aimed at, and the levying of troops is discounte
nanced by the authorities.
All the countries on the right hand of the Rhine
have been violently convulsed:
At Baden, Wurtemburo and Saxony liberal •gov
eniment, have been conceded to the people.
In Hanover the triumph of popular hiding has
been complete.
In Prussia, aher the bloody scenes, which took
'Place in Berlin,
te King has put himself at the head
of the German Confederation, and promise, exten
sive constitutional reforms. At the same time he
has plunged headlong into a dispute with the Danes
respecting the long contested duchiesof Holland and
Schel eras which by force he seems resolved to de
tach from Denmark. Oa the other hand he is ex
asperating the Autocrat of Russia to the highest
bounds of passion by encouraging the 'Poles to
erect an independent government to the Duchy of
All Silesia, Breshn and Lithuania appear to to in
art alarming state of convulsion.' It is rumored that
50,000 Cossacks suddenly appeared at Telsit, and
in the state of excitement in which the Emperor is
vibe moment, should the Kink of Prussia waver,
the consequences may be serious. The E • •
himself is vigorous and decided. He is
have ordered every man in Russian Poland, i• .
tween the age of 18 and 35, to be removed into the
interior of Russia.
Russia is concentrating a vast army in Southern
Russia, which we should deem sufficient to crush
any attempt to arrest a republic in that division of
the empire. The Emperor has issied a manifesto.
In Denmark no actual hostilities had taken place
in regard to the duchies which declared their inde
pendence. But the Danes are preparing their fleet
for offensive and defensive operations, and as it is
in excellent condition, and would inflict.incalcuible
injury on the Prussian commerce, if actual war
takes place, there is a corresponding hesitation
on both sides as to which shall strike the fiat blow.
Hanover is preparing an army to march in favor
of the German side of quarrel in" Belgium. All at.
tempts to over throw the government or to create
disturbance have failed
Belgium and Holland are comparatively Moulin'
Iris reported that the Turkish government, under
the influence of the Russian Ambassador, refused to
acknowledge ;he French Republic.
Additional precautions have been taken in
France to keep secure the person of Abel Kader.
A violent emeute took place at Madrid, on the ev
ening of the 26ii. The people and the soldiers
fought in the streets from 7 o'clock in the evening
until 4 in the morning, and a considerable number
were damn on both sides. The cause was said to
be a republican movement, and it was wholly un
expected. Courts martial have been held on ma
ny of the persons, but no execution took place.
Queen Christina was said to have fled during . the
Cassivro, the Minister, was shot in the leg, and
a Mr. Whitewelloin English engineer, was killed,
The city on the ',l27th was declared to be a in a
stage of beige. Tranquility has since prevailed, but
the provinces are excited to an alarming degree.—
Motasago and. Messassara have both been arrested
by Narvaez.
In Portugal matters continue tranquil at present.
In Sicily the 'Parliament is constituted and the
separation of the Island from Naples is complete.
It is generally believed that the King of Naples
has altogether abdicated his right over Sicily.
The advices from Athens state that the Greek
ministers had resigned. Conduriott had accepted
the task of forming a new cabinet.
In England and Ireland the greatest excitement
exists. Lard John Russel repeated in the House of
Commons oil Monday last his previous declaration
that the whole weight of the Government should be
applied to the maintainance of order and to pot
down dissatisfaction and rebellion. At the same
time his Lordship expressed the sincere desire of
both his colleagues, and Lord Clarendon especially
to listen to complaints and to apply a remedy or al
leviation to any distresses or evils which exists.
The great demonstration of Chaniiits, which was
to come off in London on the 10th inst., has been
forbidden by the English government. All the ar
rangements for the procession were going cn satis
factorily,. the carriage for conveying the petition,
and the banners, insignia, &c , decided on, when
Sir V. Gray announced to Parliament, on the 6th
inst., the determination of Government to allow
neither the assemblage nor procession to take place.
A proclamation appeared, forbidding all persons
from attending the meeting. The course pursued
by the government has not only increased the for
mer general excitement, but called forth remon
strances from even that section of the press oppos.
ed to chartists. The effect on the chartists has
been as might have been aniicipated, a detemiination
to carry out their object with more ardor than before.
At the first meeting of the convention, held after
the baiting tithe proclamation , a unanimous leo.
lotion was come to that the meeting and procession
should take place, despite the threats of government
Every delegate present firmly and coolly declared
his determination to risk his fife in the contemplat
ed demonstration, and a general belief was express
ed that their constituents would emulate the exam
ple thus xet them, by holding simultaneous &wet-
Ings in their several load. ides on the same day
Resohniont, calling those meetings, and far the is
suing of a counter proclamation, were at once
agreed to.. The members in the placation ate net
to carry arms.
Mr. O'Connor made a'on to the meeting,
which pcseesses mine at that present
time. It was that they skald recommend to their
canstituents the withdrawal of all moneys from all
Savings Banks, in order as mock as possible to de.
range the financial operations of government. As
the gross sum invested in these institutions amounts
to £25,000,000, and belongs almost entirely to the
middle and lower classes, of whom the large pro
portion are Chartists, there is little doubt, to me Mr.
crcounces own words, " that if the people would
withdraw their savings from these banks, they could
more effemoally attack the government than if they
made a direct attack on the horse guards!' - The
govannient has seein*ly determined on bringing
matters to an issue, salary bodies of cavalty,
fumy sod *Wilkey here beat cleated into the mo
tropcais, so that it is thought the force in the city
, cannot be how than 10,900. men.
ing is taken from a London Meer of the 7th instant
London at this moment in a very agitated date,
Every WO is talking about the movements of the
Chartists. • Thst government, I am assured,
extraordinary preparations, the im
menee stock of guns, pistols, and swords, which
have been kept it the Tower, were yesterday dis
tributed all over the metropolis The Bank, Cus
tom House„Eschange, Post Office, Somerset House
Guildhall, Museum, the Palaces, and other public;
buildings, are filled with these weapons of war.—
Several regiments of troops are ordered immediate
ly, to London, and soldiers are to be distributed
at various points, having ball catridges in abaci.
At council there was great difference of opinion
as to whether the Queen did her family should re•
main in London, or leave Monday next.
It was finally decided that it would not be pru
dent (m another word safe) for her to remain.—
The Queen left Buckingham Palace today for the
Isle of Wright. Yon will remember she was lately
confined, beside which it is a cold and wet day ;
nevertheless, it was deemed advisable for her to
leave town.
It may be concluded that nothing else is now the
topic of conversationin the streets and in houses,
bat the Chartist demonstrations in London,
and the
repeal demonstration in Dublin. Every boarding
in this metropolis is covered with large placards,
addressed to the people, either calling upon them
to come forward on Monday and obtain their rights
or warning them as against this revolutionary
movement. Scores of people stand before these
porters and attentively read them. - I heard ;never
al persons call the posters which wanted them
against meeting " all humbug."
Lord Palmerston, in answer to a question put by
Mr. Urquhart, said that the claims of foreign credi
tors would not be at all affected by the alienation
of any part of the territory of Mexico, and that such
a step coutd not at all affect the-claims of the cred
itors upon the public revenue of the country.
Da RIPTION or SANTA As:ie.—We published,
few days ago, a description of a visit made by
some Americans to Santa Anna, on the occasion of
escorting him out of the country. Another letter,
describing this event more particularly, speaks of
him as follows:
I must confess myself greatly but agreeably dis
appointed in the personal appearance of Santa An
aa. In every action he is the essence of dignity
and politeness—all that can be 'e.i.pected of a per
fect gentleman, and the first impression, to one Who
knew not the history of the man, would be a favor
able and lasting one. A finer face I never saw,
and his eye is as keen and impressive as ever man
possessed. His height is about five feet eleven
inches, with a well proportioned body and limbs,
thong) a little inclined to corpulency. His hair,
originally jet black, is fast taming gray, and his
countenance, although a care-worn expression is
perceptible, is a picture of cheerfulness, combined
with resignation to misfortune, He walked about
the room without a cane, but stilt with some diffi
culty, and when he seated himself, it was not with
out some pain in his crippled leg
Linn:4 acknowledge that I visited the man with
e strongest prejudtceis against him, but at the same
time could not but feel an admiration for one who
had accomplished to much with so little forifida
tion to go upon. He possesses the reputation of a
great general without having won victories! lie
has raised armies without means, and fed them
without money ; he has instilled into his country
men an enthusiasm and affection for him which
man never accomplished before with so few re
sointes; and the cause of all is a mighty mind.—
No one who has ever traced his career and
the masterly productions of his pen, who will judge
him impartially, but will acknowledge him to be
really a great man; yet his faults have been so
many, his exc.isses so numerous, and his outrages
on the first principles of honor so glaring, that no
living being can judge of his actions without con
He was anxious to obtain all the papers which
we could furnish containing the particulars of the
French Revolution and the news from the United
States ; and when informed that Mr. Clitrafcf. oar
Minister and Commissioner, had gone up to Mein
co, he indicated that his mission would he .a hope.
less one—thorgh be did not say so in express terms
—and did not give the least encogragement of a
peace. The day before he expressed the opinion
that even if it were possible to obtain a quorum of
the Mexican Congress, there 'were enough of them
who were opposed to peace, combined with those
who would not dare to rote for it, to defeat the pio
A Homccoerrnic—A correspondent
sends as the following, which will possess interest
for may of oor readers who place confidence in this
new practice.
Eighteen Homcropatic physicians of Philadel
phia, and as many of the friends of Homceopathy
as could be asked in the space of two days, peti
tioned the l eg islature in January last to get a char
ter for a Hommopathic College. They were driv
en to take this step by the resolutions passed in the
National Convention of Allceopathic physicians • ac
cordingt to which, a Diploma could be withheld
from students who had been pursuing their studies
in the office of a physician not in the regular " prac.
tice," notwithstanding the same was a regular M.
D. It was obvious that this resolution could have
been applied to Hoinmopathic physicians and their
The bill passed the Honae Feb. 12th, and the
Senate April sth, and seceived the signature of the
Governor April Bth.
Monday week, April the tOth." theibirth
day of Hahnemann, the founder of theHomatopa
thic system , the Incorporators held their . arst meet
ing in the Atheneum, a majority of the members
being present. Judge Parsons was called to the
chair,, and Dr. Sims appointed Secretary. A vote
of thanks was proposed. and unanimously adopted,
to Mr. Ball of Erie, and Dr. Whitehead of Harris.
burg, for their zealous anti disinterested exertions
to bring the bill in time before the House and Sen
ate. A committee to frame a constitution and by
laws was appointed, consisting of Judge Parsons,
FAlward M. Davis, Isaac S. Waterman, Henry J.
Boller, John M. Kennedy, and Dra. Jeanes, Wil
liamson, Neidhard and Hering, and the meetiir ,
adjourned to meet again on the 27th of April, at the
same place.
THE Taos Wosits.—We take from a protectionist
paper—the Neweitrk Advertiser—the following an
nouncement of this last new iron-works:
" Messrs. Whitaker Buck, & Co., have recently
erected large iron - wor ks at Bridgeton, West Jersey,
which will Famish ernployment to'hcrlreds of hands.
—Every hour increases the importance' and lbw
amount of the iron business in this country ; and
no State, in the ratio of its population has a g r eater
interest' in it than New Jersey—which has now
twelve fumscea, yielding 12,000 tons of pig iron
per annum; and to Bergen and Morrie counties,
sixtrthree Forges, which make annually 3,010 tons
bloontery bar icon. The consumption gull fitter quse
with the diminution of price, and this must be
effected by improvements in the processes of con
versing the ore.'
This does not look numb like a decline of the
iron interest under the new tariff —Trenton News.
Genuotis.---A patty of five young Irish woman,
on their way to Honesdale, Pa., were, on present
ing their mimed fare, found to have been Imposed
upon by some scoundrel, who had passed off upon
them $l5 of counterfeit money. It was every far
thing they had ; and they were about being left,
when a company of Sullivan county lumbermen in
terposed, and generous:3r contributed Sl5 of good
money to the unfortunate strangers.
Srocrr.—A rain named Hoffman was shot dead on
Sunday week at Reading, in the vicinity of Cin
cinnati, another named Campbell, who desired
to rev a mil or fancied wrong done to his sis
ter. murderer armed himself with a gun, and
as Hoffman rraltc(l down the street, deliberately
tired at hint.
Proceedings of the A 6, th congress.
• ". Wasstwirren, Aphl 25y1411.
SCRA/IL-116. Donbas of W, reported a hill
providing for the organization of the Teiritory of
Minnesota; she one for the organization of Nebras
ka. These, together with the Oregon bill were
made the special miler of the day Wednesday next.
Mr. Hale of N. H., .eked leave to introduce a
bill of which be gave previous no!iee, in relation to
riots and unlawful assemblages in the Distrid of
Columbia, and made a bow remarks relative to its
Mr. Bagby of Ala., gave notice that he would ask
leave to offer an amendment to the bill, end shoeld
it be considered, be would include other sprxies of
crime, kidnapping, &c.
Mr. Hale said that be would join heartily in
sing a law to prevent the additional. crimes which
Mr. Bagby alluded to, for he had been informed
that a gross case of kidnapping occurred yesterday
within sight of the Capitol ; but. he mud say that it
was foreign to the object of the bill, which was
merely for holding the corporation liable' for the
property destroyed, and no farther.
Mr. Benton, of Mo., hoped the subject would be
dropped, and the regular order of business procee
Mr. Calhoun, of S. C., spoke warmly on the sub
ject, and in the course of his remarks took occasion
to denounce the efforts of the northern abolitionists
to deprive southern men of their property. If north
ern vessels could not visit the southern waters with
out endangering the rights of southerners, southern
ers should prevent their coming at all. lie consid
ered that if anything endangered the safety of the
Union it wan this
slavery question, and be sincere
ly hoped that leave to introduce the bill Would not
be 'granted:
Mr. Westdott, of Fla., said that there bad been
no outbreak, anti no outrage committed except by
kidnappers. Messrs. Foote and Jefferson Davis of
Miss. followed for the same side.
Mr. Hale rejoined positivdly denying his having
had any connexion directly or indirectly either by
counsel, speech or Silence, with the recent affair,
and delivered himself at some length in reply to
Mr. Calhoun.
Mr. Calhoun replied that he would as soon think
of arguing with a maniac as with the Senator from
New Hampshire on this subjeet.
Mr. Hale continued his remarks; and was follow
ed by Mr. Foote, who spoke with much personal
invective against Mr. Hale.
The exciting debate ,was cotrinued by Messrs.
Mangum Calhoun, Douglas., Foote, Davis, Han
netan, John Davis, Butler an Cameron.
Mr. Johnson, of Md., moved an amendment pun
ishing all individuals interfering with slave-proper
ty. Without taking any quessiton * the Senate ad
journed over to Monday.
Horse.—Mr. Palfrey, of Mass. rose to a privi
leged question and wished to offer a reseption set.
t ug forth the whole proceedings of the,recent mob,
and proposed to raise a select committee to report
what action the House would take to secure its
members from personal threats and attacks.
A debate sprang up, in which the following gen
tlemen participate() : Messrs.. Rhett, Bailey, Sims,
Woodward, Joseph R. Ingersoll, Dm ? Gayle, and
several others. Various amendments were offered
and discussed, after which a heated discussion was
renewed by Messrs. Venable, Haskell, Giddings,
Tomb and Moorse. Without any action the House
SENATE.—The Vice president called the Senate
to order at noon, and the Rev. Mr. Slicer officiated
ass Chaplain.
'A variety of petitions were presented.
Mr. Badger submitted a resolution instructing the
Committee on the Library to purchase:Brown's por,
trait of Gen. Taylor, it the same can be had for a
reasrnable sum. Laid over.
Mr. Hale repeated his demand for a vote upon
the leave asked for by him, to introduce the bill
for the prevention of riots in the District of Colum
Mr. Benton moved to take op the bill relating to
the California claiins, and the vote being taken was
carried—yeas 29, nave 7.
Mr. Mason moved to amend the amendment, by
striking. out that part appointing Col. Fremont, and
substituting that a Board of Commissioners be ap
pointed by the President.
debate ensued, which was participated in by
lklessrs. Underwood, Davis, of Miss., Benton, Niletl,
Plidips, Crittenden, Allen, Ruder, and Case, which
was rot short by the adoption of a motion made by
M. Badger, to g o , into Executive session, after
which the SenateAourtied.
iloesc.—A message in writing was received
from the President. communicating the correspond
ence between Gen . Scot( and.the Secretary of War,
Mr. Marcy, which was ordered to be printed.
The Speaker announced that Reports from Com
mittees was the first business in order. The stand
ing committees were accordingly - called upop for
reports. and a number of bills were reported by
them and referred to the Committee of the Whole.
Mr. Butt, from the Committeeon Military Affairs
reported a bill repealing the one passed at the last
session of Congress, giving the President a discre
tion so as to return either the old or the newly cre
ated Generals, u hen the Army should be redneed
at the close of the war.
Mr. Houston of Alabama, vehemently opposed
the bill, and Messrs• Stanton, Burt, Holmes of South
Carolina, and Both', 'advocated - its passage.
Mr. McKay offered an amendment to ity which
was rejected.
Mr. McLean moved that the bill be laid apon
the table which olui also rejected.
The bill lies over with others reported. Adjourn.
SEWING MACHIN r..—The Boston Cabinet gives an
account of a sewing machine seen in New Hamp
shire, by Mr. Thomas Hunt, which appears to be a
wonder indeed. It is represented to seft foot in
length of broadcloth in two minutes, puteingin three
times the number of stiches usually made in the
same length.. No lady , on earth. nor man either,
can do it with the same regularity. The finest cam
brick stiching appears coarse and unfinished when.
compared with the work of this machine. It mat
ters not what is the form of the seam, straight, an
gular, or circular; it goes regularly along with its
steady but rapid pace, without being hindered by
any change in the line of inotion. The work is
stronger and not as apt to kip as that performed by
hand. It does all the work aoout a coat, pantaloons,
vest, shirt, cloak, ladies dresses, &c, except mak
ing the button holes, and sewing on the buttons.—
Two men and four girls will d o mote work with
this machine, than thirty persons can without
A quarter hone power will &ire more than fifty of
them with ease. It is capable of making hoists and
shoes ; also harness for horses, &c. It can be ap
plied for the making of ships sail. Indeed wherev
er a needle can work, it can work. It does its
work so rapidly, and regularly, and 'strongly; that it
mast come into extensive use. A machine for fam
ily use will not cost filly dollars, Any girl of ten
years of age can work it in the same way.; and any
person who.can thread a needle, and turn a screw,
may learn in ten minutes how to rise it, and with
it do more work in a day, than ten men can per.
[Can this be the machine of E. Howe, of Cam
bridge, Masa patented in 3846. . We received a
number of communications shod Mr. Howe from
people who had 'wrote to Cambridge and Wed to
get an aaawer.—Scientific American.
Immeownexcenw..—The State House bell, that
rung out in merry peals when the Declaration of
Independence was announced, and which was acci
dentalty cracked about three yeari again an attempt
to ringis to be deposited in •the ballot Indepen•
donee, In Philadelphia. It will be placed upon a
suilablo pedestal, under a glass case, and will re.
main a!permanent fixture of the room.
A Cm-row FacroaT ilr THE &amt.—The Pensa
cola Gazette describes the - Areadia Conon Factory,
which is now in successful operation. It is work
ed entirely by slave labor, has twenty-four looms,
and tarns oat 1000 yards of cotton per day.
WAsnrxcrox, April 26
Sew sTerr- fibrosis,.
One ofthe reasons given, again the "Proviso. , isilliatit idoneglia/ and unjust to te South to prohi.
bit -boat 2trrying slaves Into free territory. Th e
AMeeljes Inverter, in the following, meets this quis
tkZend sui""hows that the North and not the South,
healthe milielireason to complain :
"Al is said the northern man can take his proper,
ty there, - While the southern man cannot. Just such
do ' u the one can take may the other take
oo , r, , our
,emi t hhor, say, th is sou th ern roan owns negroes , while the northern Man does not,
and therefore it is wrong. _ Why not the north Pet
up a cry. that it is unequal against them to permi t
the south to take negroes there and not the north 1
The north has no slaves, and congress has prohibit
ed their purchasing them out of, the United staig s
and bringing them wi th in it. They cannot supply
themselves (if they•desire it)orily•hy purchasing of
the south. •If the market for slaves is to be extendd
over an area of six hundred thousand square miles
what a splendid monopoly doe, the Ruh immen ?
What countless millions are' tO be added to their
wealth I
No there is no inequality about l it.—The northern
and southern man can go acd 'settle side, with th e
same property. If the eouthein man says to the
noithern maul want to go to ealifornia, the north
ern man answers, come along. But what am Ito
do with my slaves says the . southern man. Do as
the northern man has already dene—tet rid of
them. But if you cannot surifice • your prup e o v
'Os you call it,) stay where you are and enjoy it—
you have cursed enough of this continent with
slavery.—The entire north an three-foonlui of your
own people_ own no such pr ' Ay. and we can
not afford to inflict all the evi of slaiery upon, our
large territories to enrich t o hundred, thousand
slave-bolders. There are no more than that, and
we believe not so many in the whole United .States.
Now reader listen to his plea. To understand it
in. all Airforce, imagine him with ten slaves chained
up and calling for justice anti equality. He wants
equal rights. He who has just purchased the fa th er
and husband, an d torn him from the wife and chit ,
dren, ready to start with him in chains for California,
is met by a law of Congress prohibiting human
slavery there and has paused to reason with north
ern voters about the iniquity of the law that prevents
his speculation. As soon Would we suppose the
lelon on his way to prison, ;would inveigh against
the equality of the law that took him and spared
the honest man.
But reader,
have you ever looked over the map
of the United States, and observed how much ter
ritory the alavebolders have already monopolized
for their peculiar institution'! Examine and learn,
that they already have, including Texas, over thir
teen hundred thousand square, miles! Over six square
miles or one entire township for each slave holder
-more than half of which has been acquired for
them within the last fifty years by the money and
efforts of the north as well as of the south. This
they have already in states beyond the control of
congress, while the free states have less than half
that extent. If the present free territories are g ivep
up to slavery, how then will the account stan d !--
Over two millions of square miles of slave territory
to six hundred thousand sacred to freedom.
We confess we can hardly contemplate the
modest demand of the ,south with patience ; with
more grief than anger do we witness the efforts of
any northern man, to hunt up arguments to favor
such monstrous injustice. , If the friends offreedom
secure for the homes, of the labtiring - whites our
entire territories, they will then have less than half
of our country. Shall they have it ! That depends
upon the people themselves ! If they will permit
their chil4ren to be deprived of a residence in
California' or Oregon, unless upon' the degrading
terms of laboring side by ,side with bondmen, they
can do it ! If they determine otherwise, they hare
thepower. , If they will that the government shall
'no longer be controlled by the two hundred thou
sund, slareholdders, but &y 'the three millions of free
men. it will' bee done!
its -4m ,
There is, thank God, - wer to resist. Such
an effort as it colt, the ogle of Paris 'to start the
conservatives of Fmnce„ need not be made here.—
All that is necessary. is an intelligent exercise of
the Elective Franchise. 1
Lynn LAW .-A friend at Tioga Centre informs
us that one Rinehart; nho has been somewhat
troublesome in that neighborhood for some time
past, was. on ,Saturday night last, after having been
duly notified to " take up his tronens" for other parts,
made to suffer the fun penalty of his misconduct
and insolehee,•at the hands of Judge Lynch. lie had
become a very great annOyance to the people,several
of whom he had threatened with violence ; and all
peneable means for the Abatement of the intolerable
nuisance proving unavailable , it was resolved to
'try the virtue of - Lyndi Law, which resolution was'
most effectuallly carried into execution by applyina
to the said Rinehart a most thorough and finfrhed
coat of tar and fenthersl—Owego Gazette.
Albany Evening Jounial of April 20th, from C. F.
Houton, Editor of the Freeholder anncunced the ar
rest of C. C. NylteelFr. one dl tie men iropiicated
in the shootineof Deptity-Sheriff Smith. I, appears
that Mr. youton, on receiving the Governor's proc
lamation' Set out immediately for Taghkanic.Colutu
bia co., Wheeler's residence. to make sure of the
SLOW reward. He arrived at the place about mi•
night,, and found the object of his visit in bed. He
was aroused, however, and delivered himself up'
willingly. On their *ay to the prison, they met the
Sheriff with a posse offorty men, boand.cin the same
Symptoms of trekl:prw manifested th ' inselres
the case of Smith on Friday, and in the appre
hension of a fatal termination.the prisoner Wheeler
was brought before him and indentified. as the min
who fired the first gen. The deposition of Smith
was verified by oath.
-WHEAT CROP.-A Rochester (N. V.).paper say%.
The appearince of the wheat fields in this reDon
is generally very tot 1. Some pieces on low grounds
have been considerably injured by the frix , l. - but
kern personal olkietWation and intelligence receo - -
ed from farmers and others who have paid atten
tion to the subject, we believe that the cmp hat ,
seldom promised better in the Genesse Valley—
The weather continues pleasant, and we hear that
the farmers in this vicinity have already commenc
ed their, spring planting.
A letter from Akron, April Bth. published in the
Utica Herald thus speaks of the prospects of lio=
coming, wheat crop of this section of western Gino, •
never was (at this season of the year more favor.t.
ble thati at this time. This remarks will apply I"
to the counties of Summit; Portage, Wayne, Shark,.!
Holmes, Columbian, and Carroll. . • I
STATE MEDICAL CoNyF.NTim, met yesterday i n
the Methodist Church of this city, and l e mporarrilti
organized by the appointment of Dr. J. P. Itr.r.rritif
of Berks co. Chairman, and Dr. Sari s , of Phila
delphia, SeCretaryr, on examination of eredennak
it was ascertained) that about 'twenty;-five Sot ieuvs
and Faculties were repreiented. For the .prrns•
vent organization, Dr. S. Horn,. of Laneaster was
appointed President ; Dr. J.P. Hamra, of jerks
and Dr. Woon, of Lycoming. Vice Presidents . ; Pr_
klissum.t., of Lebanon, and Dr. Disturcs, Seereta
The object of the convention is to tom a State
Medical Society.—Tite Laaazatriialt„ ,
last night about 6 o'clock, a Frenchman named
Mates, shot a Miss Oakes ' who was tinder
engagement of marriage to him, with a double•
barrelled pistol. One ball entered her neck 20 ` 1
another her temple. Dunes immediately afterivard
ran to a building , a shit distance otl. where he
tired another pistol at filmset, both balls enietillt.:
his head. Both were taken to the hospital. no'
cause.of Dunce's conduct, is supposed to be 1" 1 '
owy. Both wee still bring at 8 o clock this toot
ning, bat it is thought they cannot lire.
. -
Actinium—The Elmira Stage npFet lad night.
in ..the lower part oftheirillw. One of thepa-q,en
gem, an. elderly lady from Ohio, Wars eonsidemb l Y
bruised, theugh, We are happy to hear, not feno
injured.—Otergo G