El A Dteutir SHERIFF Snar.—A short time- ago john 11. Smith, one of the Depities of the Shenil of this County, had placed-in his hands an execn. hen atrainsrGeo. I. Finkle, istned on a judgement obtained against him a few weeks since by Geo. Weeks, in the Justices Court In this city, for dama ges done the. said Weeks by having his harness and farming implements destroyed last season. On Saturday last, the day of sale, Smith proceeeed to Finkle's place, but finding no bidders for the pro. party, he adjourned it to a future day. Thence he proceeded to summon one of the jurors drawn for the next Court, (Philip B. Miller,) whq, by the way, is said to be Under an indictment for partici. patm in previous outrage s } Thence Mr. Smith proceeded homeward, and when nearly a mile nom I.'inkle's he was fired upon from the side of the road, while riding past, by-two persons with standing about fifty feet Aliment. Both balls took effect, one passing into the fleehy part .of the thigh, taking a course slanting downward, and the other striking him directly in the 'bteast. passing through his lungs, and now remains i n . his body itime*here near the shoulders. The fine ball hr* been extracted, and the wound in the bream prob ed to the depth of six or -eight inches. Immediately on being shot he fell fortva;d in his wagon ! where he remained a short time when Mr. Ainbrose S, Russell, who Was riding in the same direction, came along and conveyed him home. This took place, as we understand; late in the af ternoon. We understand that- the chances of his recovery ate very slight - indeed. To show that the villians intended to Make sure work, and 'commit , downright • murder, they did not even take the trouble to disguise their Faces. The officer knew them perfectly, and their names have bn handed - over to the proper authorities. Only a weak or ten days since, we understand a house was pulled down in the town of Taghkanic by a -gang of desperadoes, and it is looked upon as quite a remarkable coincidence , -that- the day on which that outrage wp committ e d, as well as that .of last Saturday, that Mr. George .1. Finkle should be in this city making himself as conspicuous as possible. -• We can hardly suffer ourself to comment upon this cold blooded attempt (most probably a success ful one) to commit murder on the public highway oben day. The heart recoils from inch atroCt ties.',,..Me trust the authorities have acted promptly anti vigorously in this matter, and that the perpe trators as well as those who planned the deed, will be, brought to speedy justice.—Columbia Republican. Ma. CLAY xi-Lc-TED IN litiattscEs.—Henry Clay seems to be very hostile to the freedom of the press: Some time ago--in August, 184.--a mob carried . mil; is Le.xingt, on, Ky., the press of Cassius M. Clay, while he was sick in bed. He brought suit against James B. Clay, the son and partner of Henry Clay and notwithstanding Mr. Clay's presence,-and the e xertnin'of a host of his "secret circular" friends. a verdict was given for C. M. Clay, and the Hon. Henry_ Clay, and his son James B. Clay. fell to the amount of i-VOO says the New York Mirror. The result of these proceedings forcibly recalled toms the difference between the course and reward of Hen r) Clay and C. M. Clay. The latter denounced the .war before it began, but fought in it when it at last can*, and was received on his return from Mexi-. to with universal respect. The former changed front in the Presidential canvass, turned over to the Mexican side 'embarrassed our arms when the-battle cofnmencedAy absurd speeches and -Janus-faced resolutions, and now returns.home to find General Taylor nominated in Kentucky, and his own son and partner in law, James B. Clay, ordered by jury of his State to pay 52,500 for attempting to overthrow the liberties of his country. CIIIIIVATI T.4I:F.N AGAIN GT. Tll5 AMERICANS -+ COL. RAW' NOT DEFEATED. -The steamship Ohio,. at New Orleans, bringslate'dmes from Mexico.— The only further news-of importance received by the Ohio is the conquest of Chihuahua.. In place Of Col. Rails being defeated by Urrea near El Paso, our troops entered Chihuahua in triumph on the Ist of March; for the second time. Upon receiving intelligence' of this event, Urrea, commandant of . I)urango; immediately commenced putting that ci ty and State in a posture of defence, for the plume or resistingthe invader. Besides invadingC'hihua hua, the Americans have made incursions into oth er parts of the Mexican territory hitherto. exempt from the tide of war. A body of three hundred of our troops had arrived at S - aleinito, on their way to San Lois Potosi. Mazepil, in the State of Zacate cas:—Faki also' fallen without a struggle, and the for triidable force of seventeen mounted American's, arriv ed on the 14th at Cedral, on their way to occupy Matehuela, in San Luis. A BRAVE WOMAICHOMICIDE—An unknown man demanded admittance last week, into the house,of Mrs. Roberts, living near New Albany, Indiana, on the Charleston Road, in the absence of her husband. The' individual said ihat he wanted admittance to the premises, which being refused, he attempted to gnter at the front door, then attempt ed to force a windoW, stating at the same time, he intended to gain admittance "at the risk of his life." During this time, Mrs. R. had loaded a gun which she had in her possession, with a very hea vy charge of buckshot, and a 'deliberate anti by lossfing the-piece upon a table, when the ruffan had . forced the window in such a manner as tc enable him to enter the house, she fired, and the whole contents lodged. in the right side, just below the nipple, causing alniost instantaneous death. A Coronor's inquest was held. Verdict—" Justifia ble homicide." THE CHESTER COENTY •BANK ROBBERS ARREST ED.—The suppose& robbers of Dr. Darlington, the President of the Chester" County Bank, have at hmgth, been arrested in Matamoros, Mexico. On Sunday last, Mr. - Mears, Cashier of the Delaware. tounty•llank, received a letter ,frocn Matamoros, stating that two men had been .arreslted, supposed to be concerned in the robbery. One of the per sons arrested had purchased mules, and paid ex riusively in Chester County Bank money. Forty thousand . can be secured. The prisoners await the requisition of the Governor. . CONVICTED AND SENTENCED.—WebIey Pine, who era tried at Poughkeepsie, for ihe,rhurder of Mrs. RuSseit, has been found guilty of murder and sen tenced to be hanged on the 26th of May next. The plea of hereditary insanity was set up but not sus tamed. MRS. SARAH WORTHIVRTOS:, wife of Isaac • thimenn, residing in Wrightstown. Ihieks county, gave birth, last Friday morning, to three children, (Irving.) two sons and a daughter, and expired in ▪ well. • nne hour- afterwards. Children alive and doing FIRE AT GETTYSBURG, PA.-* large frame build ing at Gettysburg, occupied by Messrs. Saltzsiver 'and Frey, John Laughlin, and' Abner Townsley, as a paint and coach shop, was dr! myed by Pre on Wednesday last, with carriage bodies ) materials, tools, kr—, at a loss of S3OOO t0.V5000. • A VIItNG GERMAN, named Potza i was arrested a few days since, in a house in New Orleans, while iri the net of murdering a woman. He had eta her throat, and was trying to suppress her screams when Caught/ GREAT Morty.tutv.--A letter from Mexico, writ ten in February, sacs that the Third Regiment of Kentucky volunteers_has lost one hundred men by disease. thirty or fo rty have been discharged, and one hundred and eighty were on the sick list. A Vicrist TO SCTENCE.-A Dr. Taylor, a Scotch man, was idiot at Cineitinatti, while dealing a dead subject from a grave-yard. He belonged to Aliens- Indiana, and his body was found by the aide of the one which he had stolen. DEATH OT CtudemAx.--Joseph Chapman, EN., the well known crowing politician inindiana, died recently in Mexico. What will the politiciannAlp without his 41 " crow!? " COLtni EL WYNEOOP'S brigade was recently re. ` 'Peed at Sail Angel by Gen. Patterson. The cell of its drill and discipline is spoken of in high 111E1 AN IMParrANT LAINWIYILIdeII,ThInn3 IN Pltb• "pgapr.-:—The I-sgislature of this Commonwealth passed one of its last acts the foilowin,g . law to se cure Oil women the right to thew trim itto petty, which the log sections are the Inver , tant ones: • " Be it enacted, &c., That every species and de steription of property, whether consisting of 'tail, personal, or mixed, which may be owned by - , or belong to, any single woman, AA continue to be the property of each woman as fully after her mar riage as before, and all such property, 61 whatever name or kind, which shall accrue to any married woman during coverture t7y will, descent, deed, of conveyance, or otherwise- shall be °Wised, used and enjoyed by such tharried woman as her own separate property ; and the said property, whether owned by her before marriage, or which shall ac crue to her afterwards. shall not be subject to levy and execution for the 'debts or liabilities of her hus band, nor shall such property be eokl,conveyed, mortagaged, transferred, or in any manner-encum bered by her hrisband without her written ociiisent first bad and obtained and duty acknowledged be fore one of the Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas of this Commonwealth, that such consent was not the result of coercion on the part of her said husband, but that the same was given volunta rily and of her own free will." " That any married woman may dispose by her last will and testament of her separate property, real, personal, or mixed, whether the same acorn ,e4 to her before or during coverture. Provided, The said tat will and testament be executed in the presence of two or more witnesses, neither of whom shall be her husband." The remaining sections provi le for the recovery of debts and the,descent of property under the new law. * Faurr—Until yesterday, the fruit crop looked re markably promising. The snow-storm of yester day probably finished the blossoms which the wind of the night before had spared. AN OLD MAN.—John Mann, upwards of one hundred years old, died in the. ermantown alms house a few days ago. Is IrsiariLlver Diseased .1 You ny find mile( a( you wilt but try in time. Our agent has • emend Me following : New Jereehßorelentown, Oct 0,1943. • Ma: Sara W. rOWLE, • Dear Sir :-1 am well aware that persons of every age and sex. and condition in life, in every part of the country have us ed, and been benefited by j ,,,• DR. wierairs SALEM:H.9F WILD CHERRY. ' 4 . My own life has been saved by it. My fathet's and my mo ther's family were both consumptive. My father mother and a sister, died with that dreadfnl disease For some years, 1 have bseu predisposed to it.myself. About one. year ago I Was quite sick for a number of . .. Reeks, confined to my bed when the pain in my side would allow me to lay. My physician pronounced my diseqse Liver Complaint; my liver was very much Inalaryp. ell, raised blood several times: the pain in my side was so se vere that the ears passing in the street by the floor affected me. I was cupped. bled. and had various other remedies applied but all to no purpose ; 1 got no relief at last my physician said he could not cure me. 1 expected to die soon, but provi dentially 1 beard 01; !tad obtained a bottle of your Balsam, which relieved me at once. I was encouraged to persevere in using it, until I tbok four or five bottles, which saved my hie and cured me. My health is now good. For Liver com plaints I believe it is a most certain care. • Slimed, Al ART lIA A. BETCHEL. I am acquainted with Mrs. Betehel—bersisrement is true. Signed, W HITALL STOKES, Druggist. The genuine signed I. BUTTS on the wrapper ; Sold by A. S. CilAMßEnibi Towanda. Itnatistsrtan •sa Gorr—Wright's Indian Vegeta`de Pills are a !SIMI extraordinary medicine Gar the cure in Rheumatism and (loot. because they not only cleanse the stomach aud bow els pe those morbid humors which. if taken into the circulation and thrown lICO2, the membrane and muscle. are the cause of the above painful maladies: but they excite the absorbent ves sels to take up that which Is already deposited. and therefore arc absolute!) certain to make a perfect cure of Rheumatism and Goo. A single tweray,five eedt box of ilk . right's Indian Ve ! table Pills will often give the roost astonishing relief; and severance according to directions will be. certain to drive pain of every description from the body. BZW• RE Or COUXTERFEMI AND IMlTATlONS!—remember, that the origitml and only Rem tike lxvisn Vaatrrsams Pima Lave the written signature of WM. RIGHT on the top label of each box. , The alMve eelebrated-pills for sale by Montanycs & Co.. Towanda. U. Moody & Co.. Frenchtoorn S.W. & D. F. Pomeroy. Troy. D. Brink, Horithwook. Coryell & Gee. East Daemon. .1. C. Adams, num. creek. Wm Gibion. Custer. C. Rathbone. Canton. 1.. S. Ellsworth, Athens. W. Campbell, Sheshequin Guy Tracy, Milan. .1 .1. Warlord. Morimeton. Principal office and general Depot, 169 Race St. cm lbocrtioemente. cuNINGO LAKE Ei T LINE Da acanitr_am 4 CM.-_ A., 1 THE proprietors of ibis long-established Line, still continue the business of freighting merchandise, produce, lumber. &c., between Binghamton and .rna Fork, and solicit the continued patsonage of their friends.— They are prepared with increased facilities to accom modate the public, hawing • FORTY. FIRST CUSS LIRE BOATS, which will enable them to ,despatch a boat direct from Need- York to Binghamton DAILY during the season, with' NO TRANSHIPMENTS on the entire ajwThey invite a call from their friends before shr r A, os their charges will be at lowest rates. V. WKINNEY, Binghamton ; lAesarrs : JESSE HINDS. 7 Suuth.st., N. York, D. A. REXFORD, • " 07 The subscriber still continues thebusiness of Sto• rage and Forwarding, and may at ell times be found at his well known storehouse; where he keeps for sale at lowest prices. Flour, Salt, Grindstones, Ropes, Pitch, Oakum, Beel, Pork, &c. pa Cash paid for all kinds of Lumber and Produce, delivered at the Storehouse. C. IWKINNEY. Binghamton, April 21, 1818. 45m6 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of JASON M. WATSON, dec'd., late of Springfield, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and those haTing claims again: t said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. LUCIUS FRENCH, Administrator. Springfield, A pril 26, 1848. •NOTICE. THE Collectors of ibe several townships in Bradford County, are hereby atohtmzed to make a deduc tion of 'hie per cent. (tom the- amount of State Taxes placed in their hands a kor collection, spinster/7 imdi- Indust who shall pay his or her State and Clemeartazos in full, on or before the first day of July nest idltd the amount o deducted shall be allowed, them in their set tlement. The same, however,-to be 'paid by them into the Co.Treuury on or bektrelbe sth day of July,lB4B. C. 8. RUSSELL, Clerk. Coramissioner's Office, Towanda, April 20, 1848.- ~~ ~T~L~I~I~~ ~~ ~It}: ~I?,iF%~I ~~~l