Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 19, 1848, Image 2

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    Wrabfcivti aopavitv.
Totranda, Wednesday, April 19, 1848.
Nominees of the National Convention.
r 1.1.1 t Biosta,of Clearfield,
DAVI . .. D. WAoLvies, of Northampton.
1. Henry 1.. Benner. 13. John C. King.
2. Horn IL Knew's. 14. John Weidman.
3. Isaac Shank. 15. Robert J. Fisher.
4. A. 1... Roninfort. 16. Frederick Smith.
5. Jacob 8. Yost. 17. 0 1ohn Criswell.
O. Robert E. Wright. 18. Charter A. Black.
7. Wm. W. Downing. 19. Geo. W. Bowman.
S. Henry Haldeman. 20. John B. Shannon.
9. Peter Kline. 21. George P. Hamilton.
10. B. S. Schoonover. VI W. 8. Davis..
11. W. Swetland. ' 23. Timothy Ives.
12. Jonah Brewster. 24. Joseph G. Campbell.
FOR rANAL commissimm,
Tar. Hos. Dim- Wit.mar, arrived at this place
on Friday evening last, summoned by Telegraph
from hi) duties at Wazdtington to attend the funeral
of his oldest son. whose distressing and melanchii
ly death we published last week. He returns nest
Gov. IlkaalV• Veto Mosooge.
We announced last week, that Governor Shunk
had vetoed four of the Bank bilis passed by the late
Le.gislature. We now haie the pleasure of pm...en,-
log our readers the message returning the 'hills to
the Senate,' and we . most heartily mid earnestly
commend it to their consider-irion. This message
it a merited and witheri.ig rebuke to these Demo
crats, who in the capacity of borers.,'have spent the
vrinter at.ll4isburg, lavishing their money to ef
fect the re-cli4r:e of These Banks. It teaches them
a well-deserved leoten,—a lesson, virloch we trust,.
will be often repeated, should the influence of their
money ever hereafter prevail, as it has now, with
Democrats. of easy virtue. It will 'also do match to
check the system heretofore so unblushingly`pur
sued of purehasing the venal and. corrupt, and of '
endeavoring, by the potent influences which cor
potations know so well how to wield, to seduce
men from thbir principles—to perpetuate an out
rage upon the rights of the people.
The banking system of this State, as at present pur
sued, serves but to-secure from the hands of merit
ed justice, tho Se-who speculate upon the necessities
of the people—it is tou'often the cloak for knavery
and duplicity, legalizing the most' outrageous and
unprincipled schemes - of fraud and. deception. It
has served' us a barrier between the offended laws
and those who rioted in spoils "trzquired front the
industrious artizens and the " widow and the or
phan." Behind it -have been perpetsated with impu
putlity the most gross and .audacious attempts—
too often successful—at plundering theccommnity.
It has - been an injury rather than a benefit ; and
sooner than return to-the era which *as distinguish
exl by the indiscriminate charter of every mind
corporation that came to the halls of legislation,
asking- fir special privileges, the community would,
we believe,
-be ready to see the whole system blot
ted from existence. The people of the North have
leatne by sad experieneeithis lesson, and they,
at least, i hive no sympathy with those- who now
complain of this Veto.
Gover4or &hunk, in his
, last annual' message to
the Legislature, laid down the principles which
should govern his action in regard to Bank charters.
These wise and wholesome regulations, this veto
'message reiterates, while it 'points out plainly the
restrictions which should be incorporated in the
charters of all &inks which asked a renewal, as
well as other salutary measures which would pro.
teat the public from fraud and deception.
That the friends of these banks have shown a
contempt of the i wishes of the people, and a deter.
mination to force their re -charter by any means; is
apparent, but they have blindly forgotten that the
Executive of our State has a power to stay their
usurpation—and that' we. now have, fortunately, a
Governor who is not to be corrupted or swayed
from the honestaryl fearless exercise of that'power.
ft was only asked that they should exhibit the
evidence of their soundness. ThaA they should
show salistactorily that they 'had been conducted
. npon upright and liberal principles,. and that they
were worthy of confidence, and the enjoyment of
the principles they asked it the hands of the Leg
islature. This—if it were the case,—was an easy
task for them ; and their . unwillingness to comply
with this reasonable request, showed that there was
at least' reason for suspicion.
The wise and wholesome regulations which Gov.
Runk recommends to be incorporated into the
*haler of every new lank, - should be by him rig
idly insisted upon. The people-of this State were
never yet awed by the Atchley Power, and they
will sustain every public servant *bo so zealously
maintains Mei,. rights. They hold dearer still, 'the
present Executive, for the dispositiod - he has ever
•Inartifested to preserve inviolhble those rights, and
to resist the aggressions of monopolies and corpora
dltcrs Itr.stmen.=-The Et:moille intelligencer of
the rith inst., says .
" In our last we noticed the resumption of work
hy•the Rough auil Ready, and the Danville Rolling,,
Mills, at this place. Since -, that time the" Montour
company hare paid off all their liabilities here, and
have their arrangements made for • starting the
large Montour Rail llfill next weeit. The paying
out of many thousatizl dollars, in cash. here 4N,ithin
taw days, and the completion of the:arrangements
for going att with the Montour, and other works,
is giving to our town a lively and cheerful aspect,
again, which had been clouded for a few weeks
past by a temportry suspension of work at adl the
Facers or Patsostss.—The Owego Cozens
gives a long account of the escape of two prisoners
from the jail of that county, on Satutday morning,
Pit ill*, Their names were John Mclntire (a col
oleo( scan) and Matthew Woodcock. Conettible,De.
Witt, a few days since, pounced upon Mattiser, in's
tavern at Istossimois 4 h, Pa., but the justice of the
Peace st that piece refusing to give hlma warrant,
iff 3 Peeped.
Wll Zegtslassie.
This body adjournedou the 1 lth inst. The See.
ator, (Mr. Mason,) and' the Representatives,
(blissers. , WAr mos and Storrs,) ken this Caen%
have returned to Ostia home& We take *se&
In Doting their teem, to bear testimony to the
'prompt and thorough manner in which they have
discharged the duties of their several posts. We
point withipride to their votes during the entire Beth
sioni as representing fully the views and inter. as
of their constituents, and being based upon the
soundest and most radical Democracy. In the de.
bates—and among the yeas and oays—upon the
re-charter of the Banks, they have uniformly adop
ted the liberal and just views of Gov: Shenk, and
endeavored to protect the rights of the many from
aggressions of the few.
Appointment by *b. Governor.
JOHN C. Knox, Esq., of Tiaga county, to be Pre
side;nt Judge of the 10th Judicial District i composed
of the counties of Westmoielsuid, Columbia and
The appointment was unanimously confirmed
on the day it was made to the Senate. Mr. Knox
is a gentleman of fine legal abilities, of affable and
courteous manners, andwill make a prompt, digni
hq, and popular Judge. .
Brilliant Stiate•wawa.
As this is the season for whitewashing, we pub
bah by request, the rezeipt for making a brilliant
stucco whitewash, such as is used on the East side
of the Presidents house, at Washington. F The fol
lowing is the recipe for making it, with a few ad
ditional experiments, -learned. by experience:—
Take half a bushel of clean unslacked fitne, slack
it with boiling water, covering daring the process
to keep in the steam, strain the liquor through a
fine sceive ur strainer, and atfd to it a peck of clean
salt, previously well dissolved in warm .water ; 3
lbs. of ground rice, ground to a thin paste, and stir
ed and boiled hot; half lb. of powdered spanish
whiting,. and a lb. of clean glue, which bas been
pveviovatly dissoled by first soaking it well and
then hanging it over a slow fire—add 5 gallons of
hot water to the whole mixture; stir it well and let
it stand a few days covered from the dirt. It should
be put on quite hot ; for this purpose it can be kept
in a kettle on a portable fumance. It is said that
about one pint of this mixtitre will cover a square
yard upon Theoutside of a house if properly applied.
Brushes more or less small may be used according
to the neatness of the job required. It retains its
brilliancy for many years. There iOl nothing of the
kind that will compare to it for inside or outside
walls. Coloring matter may be put in and made of
any shade you like. Spartisfebrown, stirred in, will
make a ref or pink, more or less deep according
to quantity a delicate tinge of this is very pretty
for inside wall.. Finely pulverized common clay,
well mixed in with Spanish-brown, before it is
stirred into the mixture.'makes it a lilac color.—
Lamp-black and Spanish-brown, mixed together
produces a reddish stone c i olor. Lamp-black, in
moderate quantities, makes a slate color, very sui
table for the outside of buildings. Yellow ochre,
aired in, makes a yellow wash : but chrome goes
further, and makes a color esteemed prettier. In
alt these eases, the darkness of the shade will of
course depend upon the quantity of the coloring
manertsed. Test the color on a shingle and let
it dry. Green must not be mixed with Lillie, it des
troys the color and peels off.
Kr The woman whsi was found in the river, at
this place, on Wednesday morning last, was a Mrs.
TEMPLE, the widow of a revolutionary soldier, and
hided at Athens Pa. She was upwards of 80
years of age, and partially deranged. It is.suppos
ed that she went into the river, and was either
drowned, or died from the effects of cold. She was
with the family in which she-resided, on Tuesday
evening, at 9 o'clock, but eluded their observa.
tion, and escaped from the house.
NEW Voila ELEc-rtort.—The municipal election
in the city of New York Wok place on Tuesday
week. The result is the triumphant election of
HAVEMEYER, the Democratic candidate for May-or,
over the combined opposition of Whigs and Hun
kers. Mr. H. is a delegate from the Utica Conven
tion to the National Convention. The Whigs have
a majority of the Aldenuen,through divisions among
the Democrats in several wards.
Otr We learn that Mr. P,ratancs, at Athens;the
mysterious disappearance of whose son we pub
lished a week or two since, has received a letter
from him dated at Columbia, Pa., to which place
he went on a raft of lumber, which passed down
the river on the night of his disappearance. ,
Caovs.—Pennsy/torna.—The Chester County VII.
lage Record says : u Farmers from almost an parts
of our country represent the crop of wheat and rye
as I yoking exceedingly favorable at this time of
year--especially in the Great Valley, the garden of
Chester county—where last year the eft? was very
New York.—The Ontario Repository thinks j,he
wheat crop is generally badly winter-killed and
that the cror will be light. Such hasbeen the pros
pect, but within a few days we have heard several
farmers express a different opinion, and that it is
now presenting an appearance. One farmer in
formed us his wheat was so large that it would have
to be fed down.
We learn from the Orleans RepubliAn that a
gentleman who has-just made a tour of the south
ern and southwestern sections of that county, says
that wheat on the ground, begins to - present a very
lively and promising appearauce--having recover
ed, since the warm weather, from the sickly ap
pearance which, in some instances,
it had previ
ously presented. ,-This statement is confirmed by
the farmers of thntisection.
Maryand.—The Montgomery county . Journal, of
Saturday, say's:
it We have never seen the wheat look prettier or
more promising at thhi season of the year, than at
present Our farmers have used guano very ex
Ohio.—The Ohio Cuhirator:',says that the wheat
mops in the middle -and northern ponioris of the
State mainline to appear health y . Tire Troy (Mia.
mi-county) Times, of the Pith inst., says the proe
peet of the wheat crop is generally flattering.
Fame Trx*s.—By the mail yesterday, we recoil , .
NI our rrgular file of Texas papers.
The 14....,..1i51ature of that State adjourned on the
21st ult. after a session of one hundred days. A
large amount of business has been transacted: The
act for the apportionment of the Representatives
and Sena:or:3, which passed the Legislatunk on the
first day of the session, .has been segued Yky the
Governor, and has become a law. Agreeably to
this act, the House of Representatives will be lim
ited to 47 members - and the Senate to 22.
Capt. H. H McCullcick's Company of Rangers
were encamped at Hamilton Valley 50 miles above
Austin, on the 25th ult. They were ail in a state
of excellent health, as well discipline, watchful and
constantly on the alert.
sides the subscription of 3100,000 in, het corporate
capacity, the citizens of Cleveland have subscribed
Sso,ooo ig:their individual capacity , The route
from Hudson to Cleveland iI to be immediately
surveyed, with a view to put it under contract in
Toe Recztrra at the Batton Custom house forth°
first quarter cf I%IR, amounted to $3,21.9,073
Gitveremer fillayskts P Yeti,.
lb the Spats and Hsase ofßirtieutatives.
Gisaressusat:—The bill entitled u Ali set to tet.
tend the chaster of the Beek of Chambenibutir e p
has been presented for my approval.
The charter of this bank will expire by its own
limitation on the Am Wednesday of May, 185111,
and the present big proposes to extend it for a fur
ther period of ten years from that date. The bills
to extend the charters of the Farmers' and Drovers'
Bank of Waynesburg, the Columbia Bank and
Bridge company, and she Farmers' and Mechanics'
Bank .of Philadelphia, are also before me. The
charters of these institutions will expire by their
limitation in May and November, 1549, and it is
proposed to extend each of them for ten years from
the time of their expiration.
The importance and responsibility of giving or
withholding my sanction to Ihe renewal of the char
ters of these institutions as srell as others of a simi
lar character,. which may be presented during the
present session, has induced me to bestow upon
the subject my most serious consideration.
The great injuries which have been indicted up
on the whole people, but more especially upon
those who are entirely dependent upon their daily
wages for the subsistence and comforts of them
selves and families, by the-failure of banks and the
depreciation of bank, demand it the hands
of. those entrusted wi th r power of legislation on
the subject, the utmost caution and deliberation,
before they extend a system which has, in so ma
ny instances proved itself vicious and deceptive,
and ruinous to the laboring and producing portions
of the people. •
In my annual message, presented to the General
Assembly at the commencement of the present ses
sion, I took the occasion to present the following
views on the subject.
“Nothing can contribute so much to the main
tenance of our present prosperity, as a sound cur
rency. Pennsylvania is rich in productions of al
most every description required by the wants of
mankind; and nothing is necessary to make her
people the most independent in the world, but a
proper regard for her true interests. To advance
these, she must not be seduced from her devotion
to sound principles, by the artificial contrivances of
false economists, whose selfish theories are as de
lusive as they are destructive of the public good.
"The present is a most propitious period, when
there is an abundance of gold and silver in the
country ! to make a determined effort to increase its
circulation, and secure to the people the currency
which the wisdom of the framers of the Constitu
tion of the United States pmvided. Instead of cre
ating new banks, or increasin% the capital of old
ones, our efforts should be directed to secure the
solvency of those which already exist. and thereby
render their circulation sound and reliable.
” Impressed with the force of these considera
tions, I am conviced that the increase of the bank
ing capitalcf the State, would be unwise and im
politic ; and I respectfully recommend that before
any one of the existing banks is rechartered, a
searching scrutiny be instituted into its affair'', its
management, its credit, and its means, and if it be
found that the notes have `been suffered to depre
ciate ;—that the accommodations have been be
stowed upon favorites, and large speculators, and
dealers in money, instead of being diffused among
moderate and safe customers ; that the issues have
at one period encouraged speculations by their ex
cess, and at another oppressed honest industry by
their connection ; in short, that, the legitimate otr
jests for which the privileges we're granted, have
not been by frir, faithful , and judicious manage
ment accomplished, then the charter should be
suffered to expire by its own limitation. The dis
continuance of such institutions will promote the
public good, and will be hailed with approbation
by ,all but those who have for private oain, wrest
ed them from the purpose for_ which t hey were es
`"The policy, so just towards the public, while it
may, to a moderate extent, diminish the present
amount of banking capital, will strengthen public
confidence in the other banks, and add to the sta
bility and soundness of the currency. And as it
-may, also, increase the profits of existing banks,
beyond a just compensation to the shareholders for
their investments, and as this excess of gain is de.
rived from the special privileges conferred upon
them by the Legislature, I recommend, that the tax
imposed by the act of the Ist of April, 1835, upon
I dividends exceeding six per cent, per annum, be
increased. While the inducement to excessive
banking will be reasonably checked, by the in
crease of this ta,i, the finances of the State may be,
to some extent, improved, and the public welfare
promoted. The policy indicated will lead to the
rigid execution of the law, prohibiting the eircula
lion of foreign notes, under the denomination of
five dollars, as soon as the balance of the relief is
sues is cancelled. This will be a positive advance
in the improvement of the currency, which should
be then followed by a law prohibiting the circula
tion of all notes, below the denomination of ten
dollars. The channels of circulation will then be
filled with • an abundance of gold and silver, the
public secured against the chances of toes by rrok
en banks, and a depreciated currency; and the
way will be opened to such further improvements,
as the real interests and convenience of the people
may demand.
"The cautionary enactments I hare truncated,
cannot fail to increase, rather than diminish, the
amount of sound cimutatiing medium, fully entitled
to the public confidence. The effect will be to
bring the specie of, the country into active circula
tion, to furnish the people with a substantial curren.
cy, that cannot be impaired by bank failures, and
to restrain the-tendency of the banks to foster ex
travagance, in time of prosperity, and bheck the
means of oppression in time of adversity.
"A theory has been advanced and put into prac
tice, in some of the States. called free banking. It
is based, in part, upon the specie, and in part upon
State stocks, hypothecated with the government.
In other words,nkp become the creditors of the
Commonwealth, by 15nrchasing -her bonds; these
are deposited with the government, and the govern
ment endorses and returns tothe bankers, notes
prepared for circulation to an equal amount I can
perceive no grounds for confidence in this system.
It must explode, in a country where it is adopted
Ito any cishaidenible extent, whenever a rerulsiqn
I occurs to test its stability, for it is a deviation from
true principles. Sound and safe banking can only
be based and conducted on money, gold and silver.
Neither individuals nor banks can lend that which
they have not; and if they lend credit in the shape
of bank notes, without the means to redeem them
in gold and silver, they commit a frapd upon the
community- 1 as they lend, and put in circulation,
that which is not money nor the representative of
"If this system of converting State stock into
banking capital, and hypothecating it as a security
for the payment of. bank issue, were hot a delusion,
mortgages upon real estate might be used for the
same purpose, which would afford an equal, if not
a better security, for the payment of the notes, and
by this process, the whole value of the real estate
of the country, might be con',erted into banking
capital, and the peoi le into a nation of bankers.—
This proposition shows, that the whole scheme is
illusory and unsound. Free bapking, in its legiti
mate sense, is the right whicfr4very man enjoys
to lend his own mony to whom he pleases. It is
the exchange of money for securities, 0 repay with
interest. It involves no fictitious increase of the
circulation, but may be carried on to an indefinite
extent without affecting the currency. This is the
free-banking, which has St all time supplied, and
does now supply, the wants of a large proportion of
borrowers, and commends itself to general confi
dence and approval by its simplicity and adaptation
to the circumstances of the people."
In recommending ct that befere any one of the
existing banks is rechartered, a searching scrutiny
be instituted into its affairs, its management, its
credit and its means, and if it be form‘that the
notes have been suffered to depreciate, that the ac
commodations have been bestowed upon favorites
and large speculators and dealers in money instead
of being diffneettamong moderate and safe custom
ens—that the lames have at one period encouraged
speculation by their excess, and at another oppress
ed honest industry by their contraction---in short,
that the legitimate obj=ts for which the privileges
were granted, have me been by fair, faithful and
judicious Management eittromphshedl; then Nu:bar
ter shoord be Wisesd to expire by hs own limits
title." I intended that the ineeetigetion shotdd be
rigid and thorough, and that the chisteril "eldtiot
be renewed as a snare matter of course without ex
lamination, as has generally been the a: se hereto.
fore. The time for the mysterious secrecy which
has so long !shrouded the transactions of banking
institutions, has goes by. When they apply to the
Legislature for a renewal of privileges, they should
come with clean, hands, and ought to be required
to give the new satisfactory evidence of the char
acter of their discounts, and the nature and vague of
all their assets, and of their faithfulness in thesexe
titian of the trust eonfided to them. It is only by
requiring such testimony, that a reliable opinion
can be formed, as to their solvency, and then title
to perfect confidence.
In regard to the bill immediately before me, as
well as the others referred to, so far as) am inform
ed, no such investigation has taken place, nor in
deed any other, beyond the examination of their
_statements, and the representations or
those immediately Interested. These statements,
it is well known, furnish little information which
can be relied on, as .satisfactory, in regard to the
solvency of the institutions: It is only by a rigid
inquiry into the charac.terpf the notes and bills dis
-counted, and of all the 'stets, that any valuable and
practical result can be attained.
In withholding my approbation from the bill un
der consideration, as well as the others to which I
have referred, I do not mean the most remote sus
picion in regard to their solvency or management.
So far as I know, they are as sound as any other
banks in the State, and may have been as well
conducted. Indeed, some of them sustain as fair
a reputation.= any in the State, but the time has.
arrived when the public interests demand that no
bank should rechartered, without the most thor
ough le:ruder into its condition and management;
and it was only on condition o( such an investiga
tion being first had, that I expressed a willingness
to give my assent to the recharter of any bank. In
creating, or renewing institutions., which are to fur
nish the circulating medium of the State, and which
every man in business is compelled. from the hab
its and customs of he country,lo receive as money,
nothing should be. en for granted, or lea in doubt,
which is suseOptible of satisfactory proof. By pur
suing the course indicated, those institutions which
are unsound will be detected and exposed, and the
community may be protected against fraud and
imposition, while those that are sound, and hon
estly conducted, will receive the confidence they
As none of the charters of the inatitut inks which
are now before me for a renewal of their privileges,
will expire before the Ist of May, 1849, I cannot
perceive that they will suffer any material detriment,
or that the public interests can be jeoparded by the
postponement of their applications for another year.
I am more persuaded that this- is the true course
from the fact, that I am fully satisfied there are yet
many valuable provisions which ought to be en
grafted upon every bank charter in the State, in or
der to protect the interests of bona fide stockhold
ers, and to secure the people from a recurrence of
the evils which have heretofore resulted from the
defects of the present system. Much has already
been done, The principle of individual liability,
which was for a long time pertinaciously resisted,
as destrnctive:cf the whole system, has been es
tablished, andis now received with favor, not only ,
by the people at large, but by many of the most
enlightened bankers in the country. It is true, the
application of the principle may not yet be perfect,
but that its introduction, even in its modified form,
will have a salutary influence, by prod icing more
caution and care on the part of .4.cickhdflders in re
gard to-the management of the biaks. as well as
by affording a better ultimate security to their cre
ditors, will not be denied.
Having attained this point, it is our duty to pro
gress with the advance of enlightened public opin
ion, and to provide such reasonable and wholesome
restrictions, as the public interests require, and as
the public sentiment demands. Among the further
restrictions which have occurred to me as practica
ble and proper, are the following :
let One restricting the amount of issues to a less
proportion to their capital. They are now general
ly athorized to inn& three times the amount of
their capital. This is too much, and ought to be re
duced. It is the main cause of those fatal expan.
sionu, and contractions, which have heretofore pro.
ved so destructive to the beet interests of the coun.
try. The amount of debts they are •permitted to
contract, ought also to be reduced, so as to restrain
their operations at all times within reasonable and
safe limits. •
2d. The banks of the State ought all to be requir
ed to keep their notes at par in the city of Phila
delphia. It is the products of the country which
are sent to the eastern markets, that form the le
gitimate basis of bank discounts in the country and
and as the country banks have the benefit of the
country circulation, and the advantage of discount
ing the bills and drafts on the eastern cities, where
they receive par funds in payment, it is asking but
a small return for the favors conferred upon them,
that they should keep their paper at par. This
would put an end to a system of brokerage and
peculation, which indirectly robe the people of the
interior of many thousands of dollars, annually.
4th. Ranks ought to be treated as public institu
tions, because they furnish the currency of the
State, and affect the pecuniary interests of the peo
ple more than any other institutions of the country.
The directors ought to be placed under oath, and
sworn to observe the provisions of thecharters, and
any wilful violation of them, ought to be made
perjury. The whole proceedings of the banks
should at all times be open to the inspection of any
reasonable number of the stockholders, to a corn
mittee of the Legislature, and to any officer of the
State duly authorized.
4. A failure to reedern their notes on demand,
in specie. ought, in itself, to-be an absolute forfeiture
of their charier, except as to winding up their con-
corns, and for any act done as a bank after such
failure, the fact ought to be allowed to be given in
evidence as a bar to any suit in relation to any
banking operation, subsequent to such failure.
sth. After a lapse of a few years, they ought not
to be permitted to issue paper of a denomination
below ten dollars.
• These are some ofthe most prominent provisions,
which ought, in my opinion, to be engrafted on our
banking system, and applied to every bank-in the
State; and I cannot perceive any time so favorable
for their adoption, as when the banks are asking
an extension of their charters.
No extreme measures towards die banks that
are calculated to disturb or derange the business
habits of the community, aredmirable,but thepeople
have a right to expect front every public function
ary, who has it in his power to contribute in any
degree to the correction of the evils of a system,
which has heretofore been prodoctive of so much
mischief, his best exertions to prevent the recur
rence of these evils.
Entertaining the views I have expressed, and
the belief that no injury can be sustained by e delay,
I have come to the conclusion at present to withhold
my assent to these bills. By the postponement,
the banks will have time to prepare
,and exhibit
satisfactory proof of their condition and mange
merit, which is not now before me, and some well
di2ested amendments to the system, calculated to
still further to mitigate if not eradicate its defects,
may be matured.
For these reasons, I have directed the bill to be
returned withont my approbation to the Senate in
which it originated. FRS. R. SHUNK.
ExEctrrom Ca.ieaaa, April 7, 1848.
Durracsairo Accrotar.—A . fearful areident occu--
red at Union, Efrbome C 0.,, Y. on Monday lag.
It ap?ears that a man had driven his team into a
ham to throw off a load of hay. A son of
,Mr. Cat.
ferry, aged about 14 yew, was standing on the floor
of the barn, nearlhe horses, with a pitchfork in his
hand, and It is supposed accidentally touched one
of the horses a very gentle one, kicked the boy on
the side of his head, breaking a 'piece out of his
skull about three by PiX inches. Little hopes are
entertained of his recovery.
Wee ; as Stevie*.
Steamboat Die aster-4/litir Liter Loi*
resumed in lingtlfrrias—Stsicide Liert
7 • 4 ST. Lows, April is.
The Ileambaa Cba
! aw Oak was deem* bra n ,
iwhikilying al Doichi bunling, pia
the firareneneer mid four of the hands paislna
the flames. The boat was loaded with a' valualle
freight for Cincinnatti and N. Orleans, on which on
ly about $BO,OOO was insured. Among the proper
ty upon which there was no insurance, was near.
iv two hundred tons of hemp, consigned to several
New Orleans firms.
Reports of an 'anticipated resumption of Bastin.
tie; in New Mexico have been received here by
the arrival of Mr. Hurts from Fort Arkansas. He left
the river on the 9th alt. A large body of hostile In
dians and Mexicans had assembled within striking
distance of the fort, and Col. Gilpin was preparing
to march out and attack them. The Chequene In
dians had been making a hostile expedition against
the Pawnee and Snake tribes of Indians. They
brought back 25 scalps.
Lieut. Scull, of the artillery, wbo was stationed at
Fort Mann, bad committed suicide by shooting
himself with a pistol. ,
Liam rams Ytics.rsii.—The schooner Ventura,
Captain Dorantes, arrived here last evening from
Campeachy, which place she left on the 27th tdt.
By her we are infomted that Coma Perry had
paid a visit to CSmpeachy, and was to have pro
ceeded on to Palanque, but after having aninter
view with Gen. Bruno, the Commodore thoright it
unnecessary, and deputed for Vera Cruz--leaving,
however, at CaNtipeachy one United States steam
r and one schooner.
The city of Merida, we also learn by this ant
vat, was well fortified; and the principal - part of
the Yucatan troops were within the walls, having
plenty of ammunition and provisions. Capt. Do
rantes thinks that the statements which have been
published in the north, (founded mostly on transla
tions from the Havana papers.) have been mach
exaggerated, and that the Indians are not by any
means so bad as many persons believe—at least
that they are not much worse than their opponents.
Indeed, we haie begun to think so, too, lately.---;
There are always two sides—sometimes more—to
a story. And as to the local disturbances, fights,
gritos l and so on, in the territories of Mexico, blame
generally attaches as much to one faction as anoth
er; and there is just as generally an average of
,cowardice, sanguinary rascality, and meanness ,
among the Mexicans 0. Crescent, 6th inst.
Democratic State Central Committee, was held at
Harrisburg, on the 28th ult. E. W. Hurrea, Esq,
of Lancaster, took the chair ; and Gen. C. SEILER
and J. G. McKisixr, of Harrisburg, Geoaor. Purr,
of Philadelphia, alel .Jour C. Atreas, of Berke,
were appointed Secretaries.
Resolutions were - adopted directing the Chair
man and Secretaries to address a circular to each
of the delegates to the National Convention, for the
pledge required by the State Convention, - and ap
proving of the nomination of JAMES BECIIANAN for
the Presidency and ISRAEL PAINTER for Canal
Commissioner—and also, a resolution declaring it
" inexpedient" to demand pledges from the Elec
Now, it appears to us, that the adoption of such
a resolution as the last referredl to, was not only
inexpedient but palpably impolitic, so far as re
garde the interests of Pennsylvania's candidate.
The friends of other candidates, may inquire--
why is this course adopted They may infer from
it, that the Central Committee, or some of them,
want to see who the national nominee is, before
asking pledges to support him. It might give rise
to a suspicion abroad that unless a particular man
be nominated by the National Convention, our
State Central Committee or a portion of its mem
bers, will not be inclined to support him ; and when
the fact that the mover of this resolution, is in the
habit of opprising regular democratic nominations,
the adoption of the resolution strikes us as decided
ly impolitic.—Westrhester Republican.
A FAMILY Boas= To Dr.srli.—We learn from
West Bloomfield, rays the Newark Advertiser of
yesterday, that a fire broke out in a frame building
at Mount Prospect, five and a half miles frorri this
city, about 11 o'clock last night, after the family
had retired, which consumed the building with the
family of the tenant, a Mr. Stur, who alone escaped.
Mr. S. was alarmed by a colord man who threw
stones against the building for the purpose df wa
king him ;. when be jumped from the window of
the second story to the ground, after requesting his
wife to follow him, but for some reason she was
unable to do so, and remained in with her three
Children, the eldest being 17 years of ace, and they
all perished in the flames together !
THE Eltr.ctrrioir or Nxsn.—We understand that
Thomas Nash; who bad been convicted of mur
dering a female in this county, some two or
three years ago, paid the penalty denounced by the
law against his awful crime, on Friday last. lie
was hung at Troy, in Montgomery county, whither
he a had removed his cause for trial.. The rope by
which he was first suspended brolte, and he fell to
the ground. He requested the handkerchief to be
removed from his eyes, which was done, and he
sat up and conversed with the bystanders until an
other rope was procured, and he was then hung.
"the way of the transgressor is hard."--
Waynesburg (N. C.) Argus, 4th inst. •
ASV:RICANS AND nra Poes.—Pope.Pius gave the
Consul of the United States a private audience
Saturday, 12th ult., to receive the address of a large
number of the.citizens of New York, to the Sove
reign Pontiff, expressive of their respect and admi
ration for the character of one who, has done so
Much to promote the cause of liberty in the Pontifi
cal States, and in Italy generally. Major Smith, of
New York, the bearer to Rome of this ad tress, was
presented to the Pope, who expressed his warmest
thanks to the citizens of New York, and his . earnest
wish for the continued prosperity of the whole Ame
rican people.
A Drusraoes FIRE Is NEW Yorth.—A, disastrous
fire occurred in New York on Saturday afternoon,
in the sum refinery of Dennis Harris. The build
ing and stock were destroyed—lose $150,000. The
worst part of the buisness was the lam of two lives.
Henry •Fargis, ashistant foreman, and George Kerr,
one of the assistant engineers, received fatal inju
ries from the sudden falling of a portion of the
building. Three other small fires occurred the
same day.
LARGE ROBBERY AT firciusorm.—On thursday
morning,- while Mr. H. T. Pairo, of Richmond, Va.,
was absent at the bank, some one entered his Ex
change Qtrice on,Main street, and took from a
drawer, in which-Mr. P. had inadvertently left the
key, and took - 481000 in bank notes, and $l5OO in
checks. In another part of the office were $BOOO,
which were not touched. There is no clue to the
ed. At the close of the session the democratic
members held a caucus ; aid adopted an address to
the democratic electors of the State. Wilniot Pro
viso resolutions, and resolutions of sympathy with
France, were also adopted. The address is :man
ifesto of the position of the Van Buren democracy,
and a complete indication of their anti-slavery po
Barrtsu Wier limos —We are in receipt of pa
pers from Barbados to the 23d ult.
The Wept Indian news is generally of a despon.
ding nature: and in these ties we find nothing but
complaint of dull timer, scarcity of money, failures ;
troppa,ge of plantation.., Ste., winding up with, corn ,
plaints against the borne government.—N. Y. Ha--
Abourum Commcam—The itdmit Advertiser
states that a million barrels of flour, and nearly 211,-
000,0010 bushels of wheat were extruded from that
State last year, besides 1,000,900 pounds of wool
sad other products.
Two Deis LIT= MOM VEIL Ciete...The U. S;
steamship Virginia, Captain Ttle Fe r, arrived yes.
today from Vera C ! eer y vas Tempter. She left the
kinner pert on the 271 Pr and the linter the 3ld ult.
She I. only two days later from Vera Cruz than the
New Oriente.
:There had been no Dater arrival 6trm the interior.
The imlnvisum is strengthened in Vera Cruz that
this army was about to make a retrograde move ,
meat. .
Col. Wilson, of the Ist Infantry, toot commantf
of the. Detainment of Vera Crua-ore tier 26th. Maj.
Lamotte, of the same regirhent, acts temporarily as
adjutant general.
The following is from die Five American of the
26th tilt ;
Naysu.—The U. S. titetner of war Snwpion ar
rived ur port yesterday evening from Lagnni, in
tinny boors, and reports that the war steamer yia ,
ter Witch was to leave kir this port. The steamer
Mississippi, bearing the ! bro>id pennant of Coro.
Perry, arrived at Sictifeins its the evening. m g
Commodore did not come to the city yesterday-,
but will probably visit us so-day.
We find nothicg new in the El Noticiosi of T.
pico, touching Mexican Weirs. It has a story that
rather !anima passed through llluentla on the 2'3d
ult. incognito. He was recognized, pursued a n d
taken. Upon being brought before magistrates ; b e
raid be was on his way eat Queretaro, and took that
route to avoid capture, as a price had been set up.
on his head by Gen Scott Here the story on o,
and we presume the •vrrtby par* if it Were he,
7thpursued les journey un*cdested.—N.. O. hearse,
—On Saturday April Ist, as the locomotive 'David
R. Porter, was stiuting from the depot at Gayspon
with a train of cars, the boiler. exploded upward,
with a report that was heard all over Hollidays„
burgh and Gaysport. The cast-iron dome with
rods safety valve, and part of the neck of the boil
er attached, weighing about 300 lbs. was carried
Some 200 feet in the air,
and thrown into a field
150 or 200 feet from the road. The shed over the
boiler was torn to pieces, and one of the upright
posts some six feet long and three inches square.
carnet; across the turnpike, and intervening space
about .300 feet, and driven almost horizontally into
the roof of a house where it still sticks, projecting,
like a flag staff.
Tbe engineer Mr. John Wagner, was stooping
over the railing at the time of the explosion look . -
ing at a piece of iron he hid placed to carry off the
driving wheel; to this position he is indebted for
his life; had he been standing erect as usual, he
most have been instantly killed. As it is, he is se
' verely, though we hope not dangemnsly scalded
on his face, breast and left arm. His cap was torn
off his head, part carried to the turnpike and part
- following the dome to the field. The fireman,
I Henry Taylor, had just left the platform and was .
letting on the pumping beam, anal he escaped un
hurt. •
• The cause of the explosion was a defect in the
iron of which the boiler was %lade. The iron AIM
bad originally, had been cracked in bending„ and
the only wonder is that the explosion had not taken
place long since. M. Wagner is a practical engi.
neer, a skilful machinist, and one of the most care
fill and competent engineers in the employ of the
State. The David R. Porter was built at Reading
about 1840, by Dentirer & co..
THE CAERE OF FREE LBOR.—Aside from politi.
cal organization in the free states, there are several
dames of men who we expect will help to resist
the ar4ressions of the slave power:
First, the men of wealth, education and leisure,
who undererand Ektrfectly well the unfairrim of
allowing representation for slaves, and though they
wtll adhere to the constitution, they will never con.
sent to extend this inequality any farther than it re.
Second, there are the philanthropists. real aid
plefessed. The philanthropist by profession. you
will find an ugly customer. He is always a reform
er: but in this business he will work with a will,
for he will be reforming others' sins, and not his
And last, though not least, there are the la6or.
ing men of the north—the hahlY sons of toil, who
know that it is labor they must look for every
earthly thing of value, and that, therefore, it is their
policy, and they believe it to be their duty, jo
Tate labor by every means in their power. They
cannot fail to see that slavery tends toi degrade their
calling, and that the more slavery is extended, the
stronger will be be the tendency.—Chrealm Demo
Brian - my von LortsPHILLIPE.—When the new s
of Louis l'hillippels flight from France arrived in
Bmgton, on Monday night, a brilliant party was
coming off in a fashionable quarter. The king's
fall from greatness became the subject of conversa
tion, and one superlative specimen of tall society—
a real topsawyer among them—remarked—'•
really sorry for Lewee Fileepe. I think he is to
be pitied. He is an accomplished gentleman, and
there ought to be a meeting of the gentlemen of
Boston, qualified by their wealth, position and in
fluence, to represent the
public opinion of the city,
to prepare an address of sympathy with him in hii
misfortunes, and send it over to him by some dele
gate of acknowledged 'respectability and standing
m the community."—Boston
SUBLIME Sorrow-vv.—ln the Place du Carmtiscl.
says the Presser, after the municipal guards had
ceased firing, some of the citizens, enraged by the
conflict, wished to sacrifice these unfortunate men.
One of the citizens eYclaimed. They killed my
,afthe Palais Royal. and I in turn must kill
one of them !" IA National t;ttaril • standing by him.
immediately said. " Remember that ifloutilo kill
one, you will also have caused the death of bro
ther." The - - üblitrie \cords at once extinguished
every feelin;
TERRIBLE .—On the 11th inst.. thehoncs
of Louis Bartl r, situated about two tulles he
low Fort:Wr was entered by a Spaniard,
who asked or a drink of water. The wa
ter was of connte tendered, when the Spaniard wir
ed her and forcibly carried her into a swamp. Fri.-
innately her husband, who was out, returned in
time to hear her Rcreams, and she was re,cned
uninjured. The villain, however, made Ins escape.
THE Crnziss OF FLORIDA are agram agitating the
expediency and utility of uniting the wxers of the
Guff with thane of the Atlantic, by means of a ra•
nal across thei Peninsula. It "is said that the ths
lance between the navigable waters of the Onitha•
coochee to Silver Springs, the highest point of na ,
ligation to Sti.lohn.s, is only 17 miles. It is e.o .
mated that thi3 'coat will be about half a million of
sray.—We leam with pleasure, says the Paris Can
stitntionneltat the payment of taxes to the recen ,
tog offices i Paris are already very n umerous. —
The tax pa r
rs have been distributed only a very
i f
few de an yet a great many. citizens, - withoot
waiting for second notice, have " paid" in. seine a
half, someree-fouiths; and some even the whole
of the amounts of their assessments for the year.
Cot.. NJ IOLA S NAN Rnsxscr.Aes, a venerable
soldier of e revolution, expired in Aliwan '
Wednesday', in the 94th year of his age. Col. l'all
Rennselaer Jwas . with Montgomery at 'the storms::
of Queoec, lwas at Ticonderoga, Fort Miller, Fort
Ann, and at Bemis' Heights..
THE Pi:411.9 'OF EMIGRANTS—Of 100.000 eel"
grants, sayjs the Liverpool Mercury, who WAY
crossed the Atlantic for America, 6090 perkhed d ""
ring their vjoyage, 4109 en their arrival, 5200 (re"'
sent to thc4hospital, and of those who settled in the
? f
towns 19 died.
fell mortally wounded before the city of Nemo,,,,
were interred at Savannah on Saturday .part o:: 111
military honors.
A Gnersi.—Thegnod folks of Dosles!own. (r , ))
are all agog about a ghost which is said to u a 1 I..tht'',
night in that vicinity, sin the semblance of .)y
‘vith a white ccii.