IMEI Telt/Fmk IY*tsday, Apr ij S I 1848 Solt PRICIOICIITIk VMS PRESIFIENT, Nominees of the National Convention. ELECTORAL TICKET. Wrastantillsragitiof Clearfield, z senatorial. Davit a D. W kg s La i of Northampton, 1.- Henry Is. Benner. 13. John C. King. 2. Mons R. KDeaSl4 14. John Weidman. 3. talk Phonic 16. Robert J. Fli.her. 4. A. L. Ronmfort. 16. Frederick 'Smith. 6. Jacob B.lfost; 17. John Criswell. ' 6. Robert E. Wright. 18. Charles A. Black. 7. Wm. W. Downing. 19. Geo. W. Bowman. R. Henry Haldeman. 20. John K. BhaBnop. 9. e Peter Kline. 21. George P. Hamilton. 10. B. 8. Schoonover. 22. W. 8. Davis. 11. W. Bwetland. 23. Timothy Ives. 12. Jonah Brewster. 24. Joseph G. Campbell. TQII CANAL 'comulmolc raj, ISRAEL P-AINTER. OP WESTMORELAND 114INTT Langford R epralred I We understand that Gov. Shank has granted a reprieve to Langford. The death vrarminfixed the day of execution on Friday the 7th hist , but the jail not being completed, a compliance was• im possible...We base •not learned to what day the execution is deferred. T►e ?regress of the French Revolution. We publish this week later intelligence horn France, which represents the overthrow of Louis Phißippe and his family as complete, and the esta blishment, and recognition by Foreign Ministers, of a provisional government. Louis Phillippe, "the richest man in Europe," afterwandering with his royal consort, in almost utter destitution amongst farm houses, in a country over which but a few days since, he had ruled with power almost des potic, has arrived in England. His family and his ministers have sought in precipitate flight, that safe ty which they felt was not due them at home ; and with an .amount or blood-shed and anarchy, so small as to belunparalleled in history, France has risen from her sufferinty t deposed her. oppressors, and the tri-col&ed flag now floats over a Republic. The attention of America is 1110 W directed with intense interest to the spectacle exhibited in that country. Their efforts for freedom strike a sympa thetic chord in tin; country, which has sent up a spontaneous and general expression of encourage ment and good-will for the triumph of Freedom in, la belle France. The question materially arises, will she be able to maintain her independence, and rear up safely, a faorie of self-government to be the example of all Europe? Welrieline`to the airy.- inative opinion. We believe that the French na-, Lion ate ready for a 4 Republic, and though this revo lution—(like our own gtrajpus struggle for Liberty) —has been forced upon them, and fully carried out, without preconCeption or deliberation, none the less, has it realized the hopes in which that country has only dared for some time to indulge. This may as yet be only the " beginning of the end." Blood mayryet flow in rivers—the forms of goveramcia be change:it and re-modelled---confusion and an archy for a While reign supreme—yet there is such an immeasurable distance between this and former revolutions, such a determination and unity of feel ing in regard to those who have tyrannized over them that we have no hesitation in saying that the age of Kings in France has passed by—the love of liberty and the hatred of oppression so strong, that a Denton or Robbespierre cannot now flourish, and if Frenchmen are true to themselves and their ,ours= try, by bloodless and peaceful means,they Can form a Republic which shall ensure the safety and hher. ty of their country, and prove the cause of dsmum bered blessings. She has nothir g to fear from the remainder of Europe-;---Kings and Emperors are, in too much peril at home. to attempt coercive Measures tc. wards France. She rather has the sympathy and commendation of a great part of Europe to cheer her on in the great reform she has undertaken. In her former revolutions the feeling has been inimi cal to her efforts, and has served in a measure to defeat their *success. Tlie face of Europe is now changed for the better. Men have leas respect fur the " right divine," and .knowledge .cud intelli gence have made rapid progress. 41n a correspond ing measure men learn their own situation and the situation of those around them. They find them selves va , sals—servants to an aristocracy which has neither virtue nor the authority of (61 to com mend it. They •look upon other countries where Freedom has a place, and by comparison find how different is the situation of the self-governed to their own meial and abject state. Their faith in Kings is shaken—the love of liberty aroused, and a corresponding detestation of tyranny awakened. The tight dr Liberty and her handmai I knowledge - dissipates the clarinet's of the degenerate feudal ages, and before their rays the benighted Kingdoms of Europe must fade arid vanish. hi Fiance, the efforts of her men •of letters have for some time past been given to the enlight ened of the nuessets and strenuous efforts roads for the amelioration of their condition. • We believe they are thorougly informed of the tyranny they have undergone, writ have Wen prepared folly of their ultimate destinatimi—as Republicans, It is in • these labors, and in the pmgress the masses have made in the scale of intelligence, that we found ,nor hopes. We trust they may net be disappointed. -,. Tar, Fame MscAzonsc.—The Al ril number of t hi s sp i Ti d ef f pe t iwi ra l is received. It has a beau : Wel mezzotints by Sadd, anti another well execut trdt engraving,—" Memory," the design of which we like. The poet, "Taylor," contributes a pretty sketch of an adventme with a flower-girt of Flor ence, and the story from the German, of Goethe, is much to our taste. Among the contributors to this number are Mrs.. Sigoumey, Mrs. Embury, Mrs. child, Mrs., Butler, Mrs. Jane -C. Campbell, and W. ilmorri..frolmme. Will the publisher be kind enough to forward us the Match and February numbers, which baye not been rancieed ? trit" We pre indebted to Lieut.•F:. • C. MAartx, formerly of this place, now in the city of Mexico, for copiesofthe a Nitrth American," and the" Mn. erican Star," Daily paper! pribliblled in the city of the Amecs, ~. " A propmiticmirlia made in the House of Repre. prert titid i itenllo , ,„,.. • 211 ., v— r. r.,tourn I hel OTP i * s . ' n '' %":',. a . . ite •• - 62 r 1 _ Ole cm 'tiori . . :.e -,'e.. , . 1 . • Ct nl e - aMer.dlritil . alitillocqed a:Rra* nat pis for pu *.: , anisigedgP the tothiseceivedhii •theiterwici 4 ;iallectiStrofficte;io payment of thei I t tercst. ILis, amendment was , s !": 4 4Y.turge4r, 1 4,,e Speaker, Mr: Packer, Messrs. Little, Pierce, GOff, F. Smith and others, and moderately opposed by Messrs. S. W. Roberts, Myers, Hallowell and. Ev ans. The principal reasons offered for opposim , it, were that it is yet in the hands of the cotispany, whose probation does not expire until the meeting of the next session and also that the present eco nomical policy of the government forbids at pre sent any additional out-lay for public improvements. The most of the oppositiot speakers thought one year more would fully justify such an appropria tion. The amendment was lost—ayes3s, nays 43. Fires. During the past month, au. unusual number of fires have occurred,' destroying a. large amount of Property. . • On the 16th of March one fourth of the business portion of Penn lan was consumed by fire, which corrunenced in the building occupied by I). S. Startwell as a jeweller's shop. Loss $30,000. 11A destructive fire occurred at Watertown, N. V., ono Tuesday morning, 19th ult. It commenced at two and raged until about nine o'clock, destroying a large amount of property, among which was the paper mill of Knowlton & Rice and other building. Loss:L=9s,ooo. On Wednesday afternoon, March 2241, a fire oc curred in Auburn, which destroyed a number of buildings, breaking out in Reachs . block, on Gen 'lessee street. The Odd Fellows and Sous of Tem perance were burned out; and each lost all their regalia ; fixtures ; Se. (*- The Tina Eagle rejoices in a most saga. cious and far.seeing correspondent, at Philadelphia, who flow ishes over the signature of " CATO:" In acumen and sagacity, he far surpasses The ancient of that name, whose fame has come down to us modems—as the following paragraph, which we cut fmmtne of his letters will witness • • "The signs of the political zodiac ar significant, and while not aspiring to the honors of prophetic knowledge, we are constrained to think, neverthe less, that they portend one of two things : either that the Democratie, Presidential candidate, whoev er he may be, will be elected in .November dezt, or that he will not." Who cap gainsay this Who can controvert Cato's - position! It decides a greatluestion,and Must be a great relief to the Eagle's readers who have been watching the "signs of the times" to'so little advantage, for some time past. ProActic Cato ! r 1 .111"STEIIIM'S DISAPPEARANCE.—We copyttie fol lowing from the Owego Gazette of Monthly ast.-2-- :. On Thuisday evening last, Geo. B. Perkins, son of Mr. Gec. A. Perkins, of Athens, Pa., and clerk in his father's store, disappeared under circumstances which have very naturally, excited the apprehen sion and alarm of his friends. Ile was in the store between 9 and 10 o'clock in the evening, since which time he has not been seen ; and all efforts either to get trace of him or unravel the mystery• of his disappearance have proved entirely futile. The store was found closed in the morning, as usual, every thing having been left in the customary man ner within, and the door locked and key gone.— Nothing whatever is known which could have form ed an inducement to him to leave home in a clan destine manner :Ake was a yours; man of good cha ratter, and his family are among the most respec table people of Athens. The eircamstance is certainly a very mysterious and /I very melancholy one." PURLIC DINNER TENDERED TO Hoer. Moms AN BEREN.-WC find in the Pennsylvanian, a corree pondence ‘etween Mr. Van Ruren, and many its tinguished democrats of Philadelphia, tentleag him a public dinner as a testimonial of their regard for his character and their unchanging sense of his services to the country. This Mr. Van Burert de clines-- preferring to receive the proofs of their regard and affection through the less formal chan nel of familiar and friendly intercourse." Will our friends of the Albanylizi and the St. Laurence Arablican see to their packing. books, and tiave the paper intended for the Repor• ter directed norreelly ? It is somewhat oat of the way to come via Toiitcanda, N. V.. and frequent ly drains their papers for two and three weeks. There are no better papers amongst our exchanges, and we should he glad to receive them regularly. Burnie learn that Dr. Cressirdl„ sen tenced to nine months' imprisonment in the coua ty jail, for shooting a lad in Athens, escaped from the jail of Tioga county (where he had been taken for sate keeping) on Saturday night, 25th ult. It is supposed that he was furnished with a key to make his escape. FRAI'D --It is stated that St notes of the Erie Rank are in circulation. They ale not imitations of the " Relief notes, but purport to be genuine notes of the hank. There. are, of coup e, no notes of that denomination, other than " . Relief' notes, issued by any Pennsylvania Bank and consequent ly they must be a fraud.- CdtrM suN MAG VAN r..—The Columbian for April contains -in the way of -embelishments, " Eunice Marston," " Beirout and Mount -Lebanon," Fash ions and music. The contributions are Mrs. Ellet, Mrs Osgood, Mrs. *Butler, Miss Brown, Arthur, &c. The Columbian has recently made a great stride in the way of improvement, and now deservedly ranks high. Acammr..--Mr.. Wm. W. Vail, of Elmira, sho himself on Saturday, 25th ult., whilst getting over a letup, his gun teing disehamed, and the ball passing through his head. He was.3l years of o age. F:DICA L STATE CON't aTION.—A Stare Correll lion of the Medical Profession is cr be holden at Lancaster, on Tuesday, April 11th The members of the profession from the re - tspect*e districts are requested to send delegates. DAILY OWEGO GAZETTE.-;We are under many obligatio - us to the editor of the Dsily Gazette ; for important information first received through the me dium oLttis 3" paper. _ Hr.stiwor Gov. Furst.—We are *reified to learn, that Gov. Shunk's health is daily improving. and'his physicians I.)elieVe his recovery will be ra i". 1= Dustrudion If Lon Trim. wiartittSfore • bto 4ri cme Sion from ticp St • 2 " , ‘ in that ' loom at k, whici amount of property. - The vri ing very strongly, rendered the fire entirely on itiansigialite, and iiiirror hatiberitstudilefieientyl of apparatus for stopping the progress of the de vouring element, it swept vvery thing before it. The fire was discovered in Jones' Grocery Store on Canton st. , but it had already pearly destroyed_ thewooden building in Which the Store was kept, in which _nes also Camochan & Morgain's Sad dle, shop. and James Adam's Tailor shop. It next caught in Pomero s ys' store on the corner of Main and Canton sts. , and burned on Main street, Runyou'a brick stme, Baird and Stephens' : and Maxwell's store. The dwelling of Mr. Po- meroy was with ditficUlty saved, as was Pomeroy's tavern stand, on the opposite corner. . The wind blowing very strongly from the south, Long.'s " Troy House" on the opposite side of the street, was soon enveloped' in flames, and with 0. P. Ballard's large dwelling house and sore, quick. ly destroyed. The loss we are unable to ascertain ; we - hear, however that some of the property was, partially insured--we trust, fully so. The origin of the fire is unknown. Ct*— We are under many obligations to the Tioga Banner, for taking the part of the Reporter, against the Eagle's attacks at blackguardism. It will do us a favor, however, by allowing the "Eagle" to take its own course, in regard to us. We have teamed to avoid intercourse with all persons, who arc a libel upon human nature, and shall do so with this, unless he wilt give a guarantee to keep in.a situa tion to respect the common amenities of intercourse, and the proprieties of language. The name of the editor and proprietor of this paper stands at its head ; no other person has connexion with it editorially, or, in any other manner, or is in the least responsi ble for what may appear in its columns. IN A SNARL—The Delegates from this Congres sional district to the Whig State Convention, have got the Whigs of thiscounty into a scrape, as would appear lrom the following article Which we take from the last Argus:— Wuo SUALL DSCIXIS Trams NICTOUS By the proceedings of the State Convention, which we published last week, it has undoubtedly been noticed that the name of FRANCIS Tst.ta, Esq., of this county, has been published as Presidential Eimer for the 12th Congressional District. MAU.. LOS C. 14,11CL11, Esq., also of this county, had been previously seL,cied by the Conferees of Bradford, Susquehanna, awl Tioga, for the same station ; con sequently we have het, persons named for that po siuon, when we should ha,.e but one. We trust that some arrangement will be made between the gentlemen named, by which the matter may be settled to the satisfaction of both parties.— They are both ood true whtgs, and either of them well qualited foil the station. A MEETING ifr SYMPATHY WITH FRANCE, was held m the Cdpitol, at Harrisburg, on Tuesday week, by the members of the Legislature, 4nd oth ers; "tc express their sympathy in the recent tri umph of the French people, and to Congratulate the French people upon the re-establishment of their Republic." Gen. W. F. Patties presided assisted by several Vice Presidents -- one of whom was Senator MASOK. The meeting was addressed by several gentlemen including several who were not members of the Legislature. YULE IN SUSQUEHANNA COUNT T.--The Northern Democrat of the 30th ult., says----c , We hare just leered that about four weeks since Mr. E. J. Stan ley, of Chotonut, this county, had the misfortune to have his dwelling house, wood house, arirkshop, with almost their entire contents, consumed by fire. This is a great calamity to Mr. S., who is a hard working man, with a family dependent upon him for a support." ' FIGHT IN THE NEW YORK LEGISLATVRE.-A dis graceful rene9nire oecured in the •Aeembly room, at Albany on the 22d ult., between a borer, Mr. Jolm Mason of New Vor4 city, and Col. Bowen, a member from the same place. They were finally separated, before much injured, 'Mr. Mason taken in custody by the Sergeant at arms, and a select committee appointed to investigate the matter. Tits: Tararv.—A committee appointed by the Serrate has been endeavoring to discover who fur -1 nigher:l the treaty and other documents to the New York Herald. Mr. Nugent, one of the correspond ; ents of the Herald, has been committed to prison by the Senate, for refusing to disclose who furnish ed the,copy. THE SURVELIENA, for the last two weeks bias been in a flue rafting condition, and a largo quan tity of lumber has floated past here; on its way to a market. We trust that good returns await the ar duous labors and insecure investment of the Lum berman. COMMIASIONER TO S.IEXICO, COIOCICI Sevier, left tl'ashington early on Friday tnornine, by the Southern route, on his way to Alexteo. it*-- Mr. BLACK, the niember or the House from South Carolina is rapidly declinmg, and his recov ery is hardly expected. CHARM: TO ROME. -Dr. Martin, the present Sec retary of the Legation at Paris, has been appointed by the President, Charge d'Affairsnt Rome. THE BOARD or ' REVENUE COMMIW•IONERS.--The Hoard of revenue Commission&s, which has been in session about five weeks, adjoimied sine die on Saturday last, after having transacted considerable basilic:4s, and obtained very valuable information in relation to the acttraf resources of the respective counties of the State, and their ability to contribute more revenue than they have heretofore done to defray the expenses of the goVerment of this com monwealth. The Board has increased the amount upon which a three m H tax is now levied,,ovel the returns mode by the County Commissioners of the seven', corm= ties of the State, for the last year, the sum of 87,- U 14,274. This amount tsar:sassed upon twontv-twd cormtiei. The tax upon the city and county of Phi ladephia, upon the three mill item, has been in creased one million of dollars. The difference be tween the assessment, accruing to the three mills tax, iu the whole State, when the Revenue Board met in 1845, and at mewing of the Board just adjourned, is over s4o,ooo,ooo—thus making the in crease of the reveals° upwards of 1.120,000 per an num. Meat Titattnit4" Rams."—The " Lowell Carpet Company" haying-it completed a new mill, on last Monday evoinn. , a pie -nic was given by the overseers to the opet:tives, and a large timber of d Slava l bobsled French - Colonies—All signs of Mcmartliy '=-The irecTirficin oftkiti*WAlnly iiiitille 11 erj---.4 ition of Capital Puniehmenb-rie Re s ig. nation Metterntek--Tromurdous Fan in the French a nds—Riot in London, Glasgow, Edin burg and Manchester. We received, by - Telegraph kora Boston and by Express front New Yrck, fuller particulars - onto interesting news by the Caledonia. The news is. Of the Most important character: Its main features may be told in a few words. ' . • France maintains her position as a repoblie, and has been recognized as such by nearly all the Min isters resident at Paris. The King and Koyai kmi ly, with M . . Guizot. have arrived in England. bip turbances have broken out in various parts of Eu rope, and in the principal cities of Great Britian, but they seem thus tar not to have been very for midable. From the synopsis which we publish below, it will be seen that the decrees of the Provisional Government are of the most radical character, go ing far beyond simple republicanism, and embody ing many of the principles of Communion and So cialism. The Chambers of Deputies and of Peers have been abolished by proclamation of the peo ple. The municipal gu ard has been abolished, and a National Guard of 20,000 men enrolled. The National Assembly is to be convoked - on the 20th of April next. Universal sutirago is allowed. In other parts of Europe the revolution has pro duced a profound sensation. Prussia is arming for caution, but will not inter. fere. r' - A few riots have taken place in England and Scotland and Ireland was in a feverish condition. In Spain the French party has been overthrown. ' Disturbanees have broken out again at Messina, in conbequence of the King of Naples breaking his solemn promises. The city of Messina has been bombarded . The commercial intelligence is also interesting. The money market has suffered severely in France from the Revolution, and is still greatly depressed. Cotton has fallen.. DETAILS OF THE PROOHECH OF TIIE REVOLUTION.- The intelligence by the last steamer, brought down the news from Paris to the 25th of February, when the King had abdicated and fled, and a republic was announced. We give the details as they transpi red since, in their regular order. Nam, 28th Feb. The proclamation of the sovereign people of France has now declared that Government having betrayed the trust reposed in it, therefore' it is de facto and de jure dissolved. and that consequently the fall exemiseof soverei;nty has been resumed by the people. A decree 'has been passed, show the basis on which the government of France will be base‘l, as follows : The Chamber of Peers representing the interests of the aristocracy is suppressed: and the Chamber of Deputies, which has been the mere representa tive of privileged monopoly and corruption, and the majority of whose members have been participa tors in the unpardonable crime of the late govern ment in subjecting the citizens to a murderous fire, are hereby and remain tliolved, and the nation is from the present moment henceforth constituted a REPCDLIC. The citizens will remain in arms until th.'w acquire the enjoyment of all their rights. gvery citizen who has attained his majority is to be an Elector . Mere is to be absolute ireeitkom of tliOnahr tiod liberty of the press. The right of po litical and i,:dustrial association is secured to all, as the government of the future cin roily. from the p r i nc i p l es u p on w;,.,;ch it rests, respect the wishes and interests of all the French nation. The people are advised to meet in coinmunes as deliberative assemblies to eteet real . representatives of the people—the masses and i;ot the privileged few—and Until the nation has forti:ally declared that it will hear the claims of obsolete pewers. pre vious to that time attempts to restore them shall be deemed usurpations ; and tt is the duty of the citi zens to resist such attempts by foice. " Brethren, be calm, I conjure you. in the name of Liberty, Equality and Human fraternity.'' The French Provinces partake of the enthusiasm of the capital, and a republic has been proclaimed in a number of towns. M. Arago. Minister of Ma rine, sent Tor the French admirals in Paris and ask' ed them if they were willing to serve the Republic. They replied that they were. Admiral !leaden was then 'appointed commander of the forces at Toulon, and a fleet sailed immediately' for Algeria to proclaim it an integral part of the Frenclilleputr- A tern pest has raged all night. Torrents of rain fell this morning as Lam'anine stood on the swan• ease of the Hotel de Vile, and declared that the na tional workshops were open for those without wc rk. This was received with enthusiastic .cheers. The death penalty fog-political ottences has been abol ished, and 5000 National Gunrilsonmiled to defend the government. - An order has been made out to arrest the . ex ministers who fled from the grand demonstration to day, in opposition to the provisional government, which had enacted rilmrous measnres against de sertion, Lamartine addressed the people five ;ht . - ferent times during the NM ult., at Hotel de Vile. They wanted a red flag, bat he would hare none but tri-color. Ile was lin the trile Republicanism, they for that which was trailed in Champ ile. Mars; through th e blood of the people.. After sitting eii hours, peo ple were moved by his eloquence. Tears flowed copiously, hands were clapped, and general erubra ces took place, and_ the people tore him away in triumph. A 'group of forty persons attempted to de stroy the printing offices. but Colonel du Moulin issued a proclamation which put a stop to film. The people found an image of Christ sculptured in the Tuileries, and carried it through the streets, makiniv passers bow down and worship it. The Provisional Government went from. the Ho tel de Ville, to the column July. in the Place (le Bastile to inaugurate the day recompered by lib. eery. The National Guards having turned out, de filed past the column dressed in tri-color flags. The Polish refugees met, and organized a Provisional Government composed of seven persons. ' The news to-day is the Thiera, Barrett, and Bil lautt parties, have united and given in their adhe sion to the new government. During the Revolu tion. 42R persons were wounded, of whom 350 were civilians, and 7R were military. The Journal des Debars, the Ministerial organ, has joined the Republicans. Doings on the Bourse are altogether suspended. .The stoppage of the Commercial and Royal Banks created the greatest consternation. Commercial transactions are almost entirely suspended. Confi dence is totally destroyed by the announcement that two large bankers refused assistance to the pub lic in discounts. So universal was-distrust among the commercial classes that a deputation of Bank ers and Merchants sought an interview with the Minister, that lie might devise some plan which might enable them to resume business tranimetions and prevent the inconveniences which would en sue should they be compelled to suspend their bu siness. Mr. Rush, Ambassador of the United States, ac. companied by Dr. Martin arid Maj. Coussin, like.. wise waited on the members of the provisional government, to whom he delivered a flattering ad dress. The following details of this interview are taken frond the National. To-day, at 2 o'clock, the Representative Minister from the United States went to the Hotel,de Ville in formal recognition of the_provineial ipverninent. h was appropriate to the representative of the American Union to be the firm to welcomo onr infant Relinfilie,fm them 1 , no Minister of the U. S., has tanees seriogo-irCAM • it has tonelfed, . !y e t . sal governmen t, and ' Aere exchanged thii no** body . aceompaui • *Milt it nation to Ike H 1 de abet afferiti4kw American and !retie tile r abbe. . .‘ Mu. -}tovut's—OpessuiwasTbe , lkillowimr.itir th speech of Mi. Rush, the American Minister, rec - nixing the provisional government. ' 1 Gentleman :—As the Representative of the Uni States, and charged with the care of the rights A interests of my country and my fellow citizens - .sitlingirt,Frenes*id being et too great a di:4s t ate to awaitlustruction from my g overnment , . I seize .thWearliest opportunity of . ofimm , my congandai• tic/ s, persuaded that my government will approve_ i t step in which I have taken the initiative.' 'I t han i n omit to remind you that the alliance Ind frieh d -. a p which has so long existed between France and ibe United States lam certain that loud and universal expressions of hope arise in-my. country for the prweperity i happiness and glory of France under ttie institutions now inaugurated in conformi ty with the will of the nation: Americanichave an ardent hope that under the wisdom of France these institutions will have results of which the magnani mous conduct other people in late events affords presage. Undersimilar institutions the United States have enjoyed 60 years of increasing prosperity with a government of stability, and if the Union gives to others the choice of government, i without interfe rence, it naturally feels gratified n seeing' another nation under similar institutions, assuring to them selves the benefits of special order and public li bony. Permit .4 to employ the words which Washing. : ton, the great founder of our Republic, used on. similar occasions and terminate this by adding my congratulations and the earnest hope that the friend ship of the two Republics may be co-extensive with duration. , M. Anaco's REPLT.—M. Arago replied to Mr. Rush. He was dejighted to re-echo the words of Washington, and hoped that a lasting friendship would spring up between the Republics. - M. Dupont De L'Eure, addressing the Aupassa dor, said, Sir, in offering my hand, I assure ion that the French people tender the hand of friend ship to Americans. When they quitted the Hotel de Ville the guard presented arms. Cries of •' Long live the Repub lic of the United States," saluted the Ambassador. Victor Hugo was appointed Mayor of the 9th ar rondissement of Paris. Cormenin was appointed Vice President of the Council of State. - The Nlarquis - of Normandy, of En"land, was the next to recognize the claims of the French Repub. lie, and acknowledged them on the part of his coun try. The ambassadors from Russia, Prussia and Au stria took time to receive instructions from their governments. Napoleon Bonaparte, Jerome Bonaparte and NO: poleon Louis Bonaparte sent in their adhesio'fi to the Republic. offering their individual support.. Achmet Pacha, son of Mehemet Ali, fought on the popular side with great intrepidity. MisrELLANsors.--M. Arago, the Republican Mi nister of the French Marine, sent for the Admirals in Paris. They an attended. He then addressed them and asked them if there were any of them willing to serve the• Republic. They replied ? all were willing. He then said that the required a man of courage and steadiness, that he. knew them all to be so, and that he was ready to give the command of the fleet to any one that they might se lect. They declared their willingness to abide by his own decision. M. Arago then said that he had entire confidence in them all .but there wasoue among them who enjoyed an advantage which determmed his choice that 'of popularity. He therefore appointed Admiral Raudir to the command of the Toulon fleet. The nomination was at once'approred by all the Admirals present. Admiral Roudoin has left Paris for Toulon. He .is immediately tatake command and to stater Algiers: His instruettions are to take possession of any ships he' may find in the post. of Algiers, as an iutergral part of the French Republic. The chateau of Neaky was sacked and burned to the ground. There are thousands 'of caricatures against Louis Philippe in all the,print shops of .Pa• tie. They. have appeared as if by magic. Toulon papers of the loth state that the Due de Aumale and the Prince de Joitiville arrived off that port and made communications to Admiral Beudoin, who. thrir telegraph, applied to the goverment to admit them, and it is said he had been 'authorized to place a steamer at the disposal of The Prince to convey them .w,'..erever they pleased. At Berlin the news created a panic. and it was impossible to restore the current at trade. ln Frank furt the ellect was very similar. At Havre, the sensation caused the Bank of Havre to suspend, and no - hopes were entertained of its resit mrrtion. PARIS, 27th Feb At Hamburg, bilsinesrt was much disturbed, and popular movetuents, demanding 'dorm, took place. At "Harseilles, there was no disturbance. At Vienna, the news produced an unfavorable effect nq,business Antwerp adviees state that husineSs was entirely disregarded. The general attention being directed to the progress of the French revolution. A ftt;er report announces the ;Rum of De Kinder the noted banker, but gives a more favorable ac count of general trade. ExcLANA.—Aricof of the Er , K;n,g• of France and the gleen of the French, at • New Haven.—Brighton, March 3d.-We hlive great pleasure in announcing the sate arrival of the Ex King and Queen of the French.' The King, in landing, was dressed in a green blouse and blue overcoat, borrowed- of the captain of the Express. The king, had not, in fact, a change of defiling. The cx-kiiig and queen have for some days peen moving from farm houses. to the neighborhood of Treport. They were nearly exansted by fatigr,e, and on his arrival the king stater that a night or two trick he must hare given himself upN Louis Philippe ant e. Ex• Queen, with a male and female attendant. who had during the week constituted the stile of their reran master and mis tress, embarked on hoard a . , French fishing boat, year Treport, with the intention of attempting to cross the channel. At sea the party was picked up by the Express, Southampton and Havre steamboat, which immediately steered for New I-Tamn, off which harbor she arrived at 7 o'clock in the morn ing Pans. Feb. 2 On landing, the ev-king and queen were wel comed by the inhabitants, nearly the whole of whom had the gratification of being shaken' by the hand by Louis Philippe. - Her Majesty's first art was to despatch a messenger to Brighton to procure the attention of Mr. Packhouse, the t second to write a letter to our gracious sovereign, cortimuni eating intelligence of her arrival. The, following is a correct statement of the abode of the different members of the Royal family.— Louis Philippe and Marc Amelia, who have assumed the title of Count and Countess de Neu+ ly, are at present at Claremont; with whom art+ also the Duke and Duchess de Nemours, and twb children, the Count de Enn ' the Dec de Alencri and the Due and Dnchessde Aloutpensier, the Due . ess of Saxe Cciburg. The Princess Clementine i stayintr, with her husband, the Duke on a visit t her Majesty-at Buckingham palace. The Duch of ()deans, with tho Count de Paris and the. Du de Chartres, are stated to have arrived at Ennos the 2d. The Prince and Duchess deJoinville we at Algiers at the date of the Ihteitt advices from th city, and the Queen of Belgians and the Prim Sophia are at Brunel. PARTS, Frs. 29 OISTINCI:IS. El P ERSONS.--- Both Mr. Wheaton and Ambrose Spencer, whgse deaths in New York State are lannoonced, tiara tilted important public offi ces: Mr. Wheaton was our Minister to Prussia for many years, and Mr. Spencer was Chief Justice in tho Court of New York. The latter was .S:1 year. rr4c,or the period of his death. Provisionsdie .Armishire-- Capistre of Trguafpod en r . . • ' • One aundnel_ Mexicans kil/ed— W and Pillow Reword—Th e • hi m . wit No Quorum. •,, _i,. Atetren, March 28; 1848. rvieiert_ 11 L e and Express brings New Orleans pa. st)thewisnafnimuldMiulexict xtrabnaPritgeahlbuyneth'ecoanr.. ,rival the steamship . Massacheutdus, and the. s hi p E iressi-- Hennes, from Vera Cruz. The dates are to the ofth initFet,l.Nie ..-.4? .r- -47.-*:. ,-,. .....:4,-.,, , ,.. . . . The armistice which has been signed, provides that Old American troops are not to occupy any ?a r t of the country that is now in their possession. Th e collection of taxes is also to be suspended, eicept upon gambling houses, liquor shops, and places of amusement. It also stipulates that when an rlec. lion is to be held in any `plpee occupied b y t h e lancrio!unlohat theiroaprisreilb withdraw out of thsr limns of the town until-de , election is over.—. There are a number .of Other' articles giving the Mexicans the entire right of government. General Lane lit). the Capital on the 17th elf., and - about the 'font+ day he arrived at Telmaltaplan. Before that place was reached he received informa, Lion that a thousand• Mexican lancers were station ed there. They were received with a volley from escopettes, on arriving opposite the first house at the edge of the town. This was repeated fmm every house throughout' the totvn, but the ene my were soon driven- Ifrom their positions sin, considerable loss. They then collected in a beds outside of the town, when they were pursued by Gen. Lane and Colonel 'Hays and- terribly cut up. The number of killed is estimated at one hun dred Mexicans, white the lose of the American's was only one killed and four wounded. About fif ty prisoners were taken, among them was Captain Mout:name and: Iwo Lieutenants. Lieut. Colonel -Mountanee, the father of the Captain, and bosom friend of father Jarauta, escaped. It is rumored-that Generals Pillow and Werth bt d been restore& to their cornmarids..„ The anniversary of the debarcation of the Ameri can troops was celebrated at Vera Fria on the 9th inst. Some difficulty had occurred with the Apintee of the Capital in relation to suspending the assess ment of taxes for four days, till the armistice wa , signed. The members had all sent in their resig, nation to the Governor. The Archbishop at the capital had submitted a written protest ag,airist-the heavy• assessments that had been levied upon the Church property. Santa Anna was again at Tehuan on the 12th. The Government had granted him a passport, let it was supposed that his asking it was a mere to deceive, and enable him to put himself at the head of a large body of troops. The Court . .Martial demanded by Gem Worth had not been convened. The last advices from Queretaro state that thr Congress was coming together very slowly. At the 'apt meeting ; twenty one members were pre sent. , • ' Democratic Meeting In Ulster., A meeting-of the Democratic citizens of Vister township, was held at the house of Samuel Miers'. in Ulster, Thursday evening, March 16th, 1848. in pursuance of public notice. The meeting being called to order, Dr. GEORGE W. RUSSELL was elected President, Messrs. DICEERSON ROGRRS. GAR RET SINNINSON, A. M. RANDAL, SAMUEL MIER!, M. SHOEMAKER and J. Beaaows, Vice President, and John Randal Secretary. The Presidegt being called upon, to explain the object of the meet ing, arose and in a calm, clear and dignified man• ner, setting forth the principles and policy of the Democratic patty, urging them to union and action, exploited the object, in a sp4ch of an hour, with the cordial .approbation of ;bewhole meeting. On motion of James F. Gazlay, the chair appointed a committee to draft resolutions, expresaive of the sense of the meeting. The committee consisted of J. F. Gazlay. Philander Loomis, D. Rogers, Abilali Mead and Darius Mier, who after. withdrawing for a short time reported the' following preamble and resolutions, which were adopted unanimously. Whereas, We have as a nation, in-less than one century, risen from thirteen small and thiuly settled mates, to thirty wealthy and populous ones. with ev tensive territories, and from three to twenty mil , lions of inhabitants, extending our borders from the Canadas to the Gulf of Alexico, and from the Atlan tic to the Pacific oceans. with every variety=of so! anti climate : .and our boasted institutions oCpoliti cat, civil and religious liberty, and equal .rights. Mastriping ail former exampiis of prosperity. • And we Lave held out the offer and encouragement to the poor the oppresseiland the downiden of cv err civilized nation on the Globe to migrate hither to our asylum from tyranny and oppression, and held out the cheering assurance that ours is a land of liberty, and unfurled our national banner as a. beacon, both to tile oppressor . and the oppressed, of admonition to the one and encouragement to the other. . And Where .s, We are now engaged in a for. eign war, Nra4ed against us by a neighborina lion, for making a treaty with Texas, another sov ereign and independent nation, and by an amica ble agreement annexing their territory to the I . :lee:I States. And whereas, this war iselieerinlly, brave ly, and victoriously carried on by the united blood and treasure of the whole Nation. no:a abstandina the earnest efforts of the friends of Mexico, both that and this country. And Whereas, the territories of the:T.nnisiana purchase from France, the Florida purchase Man Spain, and the Texian annexation I , y the men qi Texas, were all slave territories when we ohntirn d them. and the United States government has not interfered with their " peculiar instautions."except int; the small portion north of 36° 30' north latitude. And whereas, we have reached anti acquired the utmost extent of Slate tetritory On the continent, and the north cheerfully and willint;ly contributed her full share for the obtaining Of the same. And Whereas, We believe that we are about to obtain territory from Mexico, from which the tu- Ftitution of 'Lavery has been extinguished. and which is now frA". 4 territory. • • Therefore Resolved. That our devout thanl:F. dun milt° Great Author of all rood. for the,stOal hlessings bestowed upon us as a nation from me commencement of our 'national evi,teilye to tl:e present time, for our pre4ent prosperity, •and eiativ.lor the unparalleled sureess of our I,rethrel and friends now enraged in the war in Mexico. Resolved : That it would be an act of wanton ta justice to the citizens of free states, to enlarze borders of slavery by establishing it in !otnlor . ! now free, or permitting it to be eStablished 01m-co! Resolved, That while we give our cordial a:.l hearty support to the principles of the Wilma - riso, prohibiting the introtinctiow of slavery VII, racily now free : .we diiiavow and Will loreqer pose the principles of political ritiolitionisin. seeks to intelere with the institution of slaver ;he states u here it alre - ady exists. ' .Resolved. That we give a hearty appro‘ "?'"' acts of the lion. PArtn %Vivito; our rt•pteiwilt:itit... itt Congress. on the Oregon Bouniary question, Ml the Tariff of 18-16, on the granting of men lehl 100' ney to carry on the war, ou his Pro% is(' and on 10: proposition to levy a Direct tax fur the siyon ofte war, and the liquidation of the war debt. beficv,inz it right. “to pay as we go," and that in him we recognize an advocate who is able and willing,. aria who dare represent us honestly and fairly. anti "`'. will sustain him while he supports the principle ,, • l Democracy, whatever 'nay be the consciinenciN. Res°!rid; That high asive hOld the Washin'=" l Union and Pennsylvanian, we must acknowh -, lv they have loWered themselves . in our egima:mt by their unwarranted attacks upon our high.rm , / ,1- ed and n •Ne ant honest-hearted representative tc !inn. David IV ihnot. Resolved, That we heartily concur in the - ,:r' ,l leading measnresot the Na'ioual , Resolved, That in Francis R. Shank' we,r nize as able and honest a Governor as ma ever berated. Resolved, That we are. second to none. in e' attachn.ents to Dontoeratie men and rrtea...are.. •L • s a ptoof moor I rueltear tt,lott,s to tl e ' Wr refer te the rea h 51)1011:1.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers