Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 01, 1848, Image 3

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-• . .
' Forwellts Pacific Saba.
only Isledigiutt Wat dal produce certificates virtiert .t ts
A' . .. • '
-.trans sae COLDS Bryn stand s pre-enunent neer
id-other remedies for the cure of these and 'alms s effects a
MOT, itniaptiationscao conceive of thus eingtilar
ro wer.
lorrityL.- 1 t is utterly impossible to describe the beautifid
erects my Balm upon the Agawam {tatty t. The peculiar
rimes or the Pacific loam bears upon thb disease with all
as wonderful and all-healing power. It has cured thesammas.
Tea Lnma—flas no disease *bleb my balm will not endi—,
rate, 'lts virtues are such that it has complete controll:over
Liver Complaints.
cefetrartlq-`.—That moat bind disease, is treated by, my ;
Halm in %magical manner. Where there is the least "green&
ten the 4 the itoustimucut for it to rest upon, the life of the psi !
dent is Acute.
And now the catalgue of diseases br which the Balm is
rrecommended limo stop. It does not like most other Atiedl•
cams. pretend to hoick sway over every human udirmity
This Balm contains uo.Opium.—Sold by..l
3,if Towanda, 'Pa.
Agents Or thd Reports..
W cARR, No. 410 „North Pourd, in.: and Sun ~uildiag,
E. &filter of Third and Deck at, Pitiladetpfita : •
3,* B. PALMER- N. W. corner of Third tuultheanat streets,
rudadelphia ;. and 169Ntussau at., (Tribrinebtiadingaj N.Y.:
(;FORGE PRATT, 164 Nassau at., (next &or to• Tammany
60) New York. '
To; Printers.
A findu of Long Primer. partly worn : a fount of Bonnet
wrl) new : and various other printing materials not in use
and will be Fold cheap, at this °trice,
Wild Cherry,
Reprieves tinder the gallows are generally hailed with sat
istact.on, and the same may be said tor
which beyond all doubt has reprieved many from almost equal
li sure death by lung complaints. Mr. Fowle, the proprietor
wbo deals itythe'articte so largely—for people will buy mom
of it,-sends us the following note which he has just received an
the' ay of his, business •
111.681.110, Vt., Miry 5. 1947.
Mr; S. W. Towle am nearly out of the Balsam of
cherry You may (onward me, if yea please, two or three
dozens wore. The undicine gives better sausfacuon here in
pulmonary complaints than any other that I have kept I have
it e,d it with perfect satisfaction upon Myself—having been
tumbled with a severe cough for more than a year. and having
profuse night sweat for the last mouth I had tried various
popular remedies without runteriai benefit at length I tried
SV,..inr's Balsam of Wild Cherry. and before 1 had finished the
brit Louie / found great relief. Two bottles have wrought a
rlr. Yours respectfully. Ncaaaao HATIIINGS.
The granule signed I. BUTTS on the wrapper; Hold by
A. S. CrIAM BMW N Towanda.
Arrunk. or difficulty of breathing. is caused by a collection
tr morbid humor's in the air-cells of the %iipp. which prevent
;,em trOtn being duly expanded—hence difficulty and labor'.
breathing. cough. great oppression of the breast, pain in
•tie heart. palpitation of the heart and many other distressing
coniDla.iilL. •
tityighl's Indian Vegetable Pillk are alwayicertain to give
4 Asthma. because they purge from the body. those
"ion which are the cause of every malady incident to man.—
From tout to six of said Vegetable Villa...taken every night on
;.••• DD in lied. will in a short rime carry off the most violent fit
4Astbmn. and if used occasionally afterwards wilt keep the
•ysterh to sound health.
onglnal - and only genuine IvIDLN VsorrrAmat Pm.' have
ir ., :vritten signature of WAS. tVEIGHT on the top label of
itch box.
• - The above celebrated pills for sale by
Mitntanyes & Co.. Towanda. U. Moody & Co- Frenchtown
s W. & D F. Pomeroy. Troy. D. Brink. lioinbrook.
C o ryeril & (ire. • East Bur'Won. .1. C. Adams. Rum. creek. •
Witt Gtbson. Ulster. C. Rathbotie. Canton.
1, 3. Ellsworth. Athens. W. Campbell, Shesbegain
ti t " Tracy: Alden. ' .1 J. %Vert - ord. Manroeton.
Principal office and general Depot. 169 Race St. Phi Pa.
. .
At Greenwood; on the Bth lost., by the ROv. J. Fos
ter, I...ssiso Hite? to Miss ELIZASETU Fousei.
Bp the same, on the 24th inst., ate Mr. S.C. Naglee's
in Monroe, Dr. A. J. Cott, of Bradford county, to
Miss MASS B. Al4m9, of Ttoga county, Pa.
n Towanda township, Feb. 22, 1848, by the Rev. D.
. S. Chase, Mr. A an•m A. Macit. to Min t s 4Ca► M.
t • Ftsara, all of Towanda township. •
' Died,..,
In the boro' of Troy, Pa., Dec. 6th,l 847, Cituacani.
BON as, Esq:, in the '6sth' year o'f his age.
Esquire Dames has long been favorably known
n titis cotmy, having been A' County Commission
er for three "Year, and a popular Justice of the
Peace, and subsequently to the Amendment of the
Constitution, twice elected to that office.
He wasiopg a respectable member of the Baptist
Church,.arid for stveral years. since, a worthy mem of the Cung,regtion of the Disciples of Christ
in this borough. He died of Hydrothorez, or eater
in the Chest. 8. E. B.
On the 6th of December, 1E3 , 0, Mr. ALLTS E. Tiiimms
in te 33d year of his age, in the same borough
Mr. Thomas was born in the township of Troy
and ha's atm •ays resided within its limits. He has
been known to the public as a Merchant, and was
regarded as A man of strict integrity. He was a
young an of a clear mind, and correct habits.
Hkebtcanae a member of the Congregation of Dis
ciples, about five years since, and died in an nnsha
;.en belief of the truth of the Christian religion. '
He died of a chronic disease of the heart,of about
14 years standing—the consequence of a metastasis
Crheumatisrn. S. E-.l§.
atr! SONS OF TEMPERANa.—The stat
ed meetings . of TOWANDA DIVISION
No:103, B. of T. - ; are held every TUESDAY even
me, at 6 : 1 o'clock, in't'he Sons - of Temperance Rail
~ v er B. Klllgstiery's ,store.
Py order of the Div., J. B. NEVINS, R.S.
ticw azincrtiocmcats.
%THEREAB the Ron Jona . N. Coarsonms, Pre.
sideut Judge of the 14th Judicial district con
listing of the counties of Luzenie, Bradford, and Tio,
ca',.and H. Morgan and Reuben Wilber Elmira., Auto.
eintefudgeg in and for the county of Bradford, have is
,oed their precept, hearing dare the —th day of March
1 , 448,-to me directed for hoHing a court of quarter lea.
'inns of the peace, common pleas and orphan's court
e Towanda for the County of Bradford, on the let
Monday, of MAY neit, being the Ist day, to continue
, ton ;weeks':
Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners,
&awes of the Peaie and Constables of the county of
Bradford, that they be then and there in their proper
peewit', at lgo'clock in the forenoon of said day, with.
?rennin, inquisitions, examinations, and other their re.
ta"mbrances, to do those things which to their office
appertOna to be done: and those who are bound by
tecomtzanee or otherwise to 'prosecute against the
arigonera who are or may be in the jail of said county,
or who are or shall be bound to appear at the said
Tlat are to he then and there to prosecute against
mas shalt brjunt. Jurors are requested to be pada
in their attendance, agreeably to their notice.
bated at Towanda, the Ist day of MARCH, in the
year of our Lord 1848, and of the Independence of
the United States tharseventy-third.
ITOla.D_ respectfully inform big friends and the
V public generally, that he has moved his
Itlee‘ and Lodgings to the Monrotton Hotel,
ept by .1. J. Wilford, where he may at all times bo
'ouna, unless when professionallyAtgaged
Munroetan, March I. 1848.
TOME IR.:HEREBY GIVEN, forbidding all
pirsoos ‘)r harboring a- boy by the name
.ont,for I - wRI pay no debts of hie eontreting.
Warren, Feb. 24, 1848. .1021EPg BRISTER.
XrOTIGH is hereby given that I have leftimy accounts
for Prothonotary's fees, in the hands WIN. J. KEE
for collection ;' and all those that are in arrears,
*ill rave cost by calling on him and settling the earns
immediately. He will generally be found at the Pro.
Ilienarary's office. I also tender, my grateful acknowl
dgements to all those who have 'favored me by settling
and balancing the demands I bad igeinst them.
March I, 184 ft. AARON CHURBUCK.
NOTICE is given, that the .partnership heretofore
-1 existing between the subseribeni, is dissolved by
- ennsent. The aneounti are in the hands of M:
C ARTER, who will pay all debts due by the late,firm.
January 27, 1848,
NIFASUREB-.-Hatf bonhelipeck, four quart, Imp
ajt . 4 Tont surcn, 13'.41 RD'S.
Noe York 22roatistmatts.
Country Merelants Take Notice, !
Clues' quiz ran. 1 / 1 11
£A • 411111(.11R8 & 84 Maiden.. liiMe,Alete
1, HinteitAlr. Ttivem,) offer fur sale; - b.,16041:.
to suit purehasers
1,000 nue Bided Cop Paper, at $1 26 to $1 50 nit
2.000 rma Ruled Letter Paper, at 1 00 to 160 rm
10,000 rine Wrapping Pe!per, = 25 to 100 rin
10,000 rolls Paper Ranging., 5 cla. to 6 cts., pr piece
5,000 do Amerioansalin d 0.124 “ 18 .
6,000 pair of Oil Trarwporenf Window tShadeo.of our
own manufacture., beautiful designs and colori,.at from
$1 00 to 1 .50 per pair.
10,000 lbs. of Wool Twine and Wrapping Twine. of
all kinds, from 12i to 15 eta per lb.
We also have other goods in the same proportion, and
we guarantee to please you if you will call and see us at
84 Maiden Lane. 38--2 m. A. TRAVERS - 4k CO.
atmra - mazierans Dzepfe
No. 18, Cortland al., N. Y. '
(oprossTr. var. vseru.x lISTZL.)
Organized under the General' Manufacturing' Law
of the State of New York.)
OFFERmt . wholesale, in quantities to suit purchasers
at lowest manufacturer's prices for cash or approv
ed credit, *.
Parser HA:quince, of every .variety of style and price.
BORDERS to match. _
Fiat BOARD PRINTS in great variety.
TitaximaxxXx WIRDOIr BDADIR.
Winer W.sanow Cult.T,Ate PAPILIS,
Of the latest styles and superior finish. all of their own
•manufacture and importation. As their got* is large
and entirely new, they invite Merchants, Booksellers,
and Dealers in these articles, to call and examine their
style and prices, whenever they visit the city. Coun
iry Mirchants ran examineithis stork from 8 'o'clock in
the morning, till 10 o'clock in the evening.
New Tork,,March 1, 1848. 38-7 m
121 Pearl at., New York.
TNVITff the attention of CASH customers to their
.1. large and entirely new stock of Umbrellas and Pa.
rasols, of the new Paris styles, of the most superier fin
ish, with *ll the latest improvements. manufactured ex
pressly for their spring trade, and Which they offer it
Mannfaeturer's lowest prices.
Country Merchants can examine this stock at an ear
lier, than usual hour in the morning.
J. T. 1/011DLEDAY & CO.
March 1,1848.-6 w. 121 Peart st.„ New York.
THE undersigned, having' een appointed an Auditor
by the Orphan's court of Bradford county, to mar
shal asset*, and distribute the fund raised by the Admin.
istrator's sale of the real estate of Jeremiah Decker, Jr..
deed, will attend to the duties - of his appointment, on
Monday, the 3d day of APRIL next, at 1 ol:lock in
the afternoon, at his office in the borough of Towanda,
when and where all persons interested, are required to
present their claim' before him, or be debarred from
coming in for a share of said fund.
`Feb. 21, 184 g. W M. SCOTT, Auditor.
No. 198, 'Market-st., Philadelphia.
JB. P. would call the attention of Country Mer
. chants, and the public generally7to the low prices
at which he is selling BOOKS A N 1.) STATIONERY,
COLOR ED LiTROORA PDS, Fu•sts, dic..and would im
press it on their minds, that they can buy as much at
his gore for one hundred dollars-, Cain, as they can at
Credit Stores for one hundred and fifty dollars. He
sells for cash only, and having no losses, be is enabled
to undersell all others.
Don't forget ! 198 Market street, second door below
Si xt h Philadeldhia. • 36-3 m
A 1.1. persons mdibted to the estate of .WILLIAM
fl f11.71C.X. deed.,-late of Pike township, are hereby
requetted to make payment without delay, and those
having claims igainst the said estate will please present
them ; duly authenticated for settlement. •
PURLEY H. BUCK, AdmMistrator,
Pike. February 23, 1843. Cum Vert. annex.
Lpersons indebted to the estate of MARTIN
WILDEN, dec'd., ishrOf Monroe tp. , are hereby
requested to make payment without delay, and those
baying elaimitagaintt said estate will please present
them ditty authenticated for settlement.
Monroe, Feb. 23d, 1848.
• A LL persons indebteed to the estate of JOSEPH
11H. BEEMAN, dec'd.,lateOf Wyalusing townshid,
are ,hereby requested to make payruen witheut delay,
and those having claims against said estate will pleiae
present them duly authdntihated for settlement.
Wyelosing, Feb:9th, 1848
LOST, some weeks since from the stage, in coming
from M onroton to Towanda, a manuscript book of
MUSIC. The finder will be liberally rewarded, and
reclaim the thanks of the subscriber by returning the
me. W. H. PERKINS.
Towanda, Feb. 16th, 1848.
ALT, persons are requestid to take notice that Silas
E. Shepard of Troy township, Elias Rockwell and
Betsey Rockw..ll,Cof Canton Township have taken out
Letters of Administration on 'tbe estate of Samuel
Rockwell, deceased, lased Canton Townships and all
persons indebted to said estate are requested to call and
pay up their accounts, and those having claims are re
quested to present them, doly;attested for settlement.
February 8, 1848.
'W`Er - 111 DT LS AZTETing
Hair Dressing and Bathing Saloon !
RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and the
public generally, that they beer fitted up that large
room in the New Brick Block of B Kingsbery, 'rowan
da, In a superior style, where they will take pleasure in
waiting upon their old customers, and making new
In addition, thtly will keep constantly on hand a
good assortment of FANCY GOODS, each as Bear's
Oil. Ma Gar's Oil. Os Marrow. Cologne, Victoria
perfume, Hair brushes ; Shaving and Tooth brushes, and
Combs. •
ALSO—AII kinds of Ladies' ends. Bosoms and
Collars, Cravats, Suspenders, Rawrsand Strops, Atrial.
can Sharnpoone, for sale by the bottle, for restoring
the hair and preventing the accumulating of dandruff
-wanunted to keep the hair from falling off if used ac
cording to directions. Always kept on hand a fresh
supply of lined and composition hair. Dye warranted
toctunge the hair instantly.from a red or gray, tot
besitiful brown or black.
Gentlemen's Coati and Pints cleaned or colored avd
warranted to give satisfaction. Razors honed on short
notice. Boots and shoes blacked to order. Call and
we for yourselves. Feb 9.
38-4 w
ALL persons indebted to the estate of DAN DICK.
ERSON, des di, late of Ridgbury township, are
hereby requested to make payment without delay, and
theie having claims against said estate will please pie.
sent - them duly authenticated for settlement.
Ridgbory, Dec 30, 1847
QHA WlA,:—Brothe, Thibet, M.D.T.aine, &rants
and Wool Shawls, a lama abet at MERCUIIII.
VALENTINES IL.Jnag received th e choicest ever
offered in this tarn, foe sale Cheep by
Fab. 1, 148 1 3 „ 0. D. ItARTLETT.
Auditor's Jr'otier.
33 IA x.M11217,
TISX:O MOVE 1110 Brie.
S. Cooper k G. Jackson,
Good, rt.". the P.043050k2.
BEiTit Is knit receiving, at ill.; 6ntral *ore
a• • at the new 4oick block, • Very tarp end denim
ble dock of GOODS, which he offers at • very small
advance from cost. ..eure,hamersdrairous of "ening the
worth of their money. and hatingthe satisfaction of bew
log honestly .dealt with, will find it their interest to ex
atuina his stock before purcharing r
Among my 'goods may ke found French. English and
American broad cloths, do. cassithere„ silk velvet and
"sun vesting,, rasp' vesting', sham's gray clothe, sat
inets, Kentucky jams, tweeds, brags, knit woolen
shirts and drawers, cotton do.;, altar cos, • great variety,
French utednoes, silk and wool do., de bathos. Oregon,
gala, lama and woolen plaids, gingham', cashmeres.
mantilla silk, bonnet velvets and satins, hirothinits to
correspond, - gimps and fringes • good itrortment, bras
sells and woolen carpet bags. brochs. /straddle, cish
mere, dclain, french and woolen plaid "bawl", dorms
tic goods, hosiery and gloves, carpeting". 4 and 8-4 oil
cloths, window-abodes, &c. Groceries * , crockety , stone
and tin ware, hardware, boots sod shoes a latitt assort
ment. Leather, nails, square, round and common bar
iron, plow and sledgepatterns nail rod, horse shoes and
nails. band and hoop iron, cast, english blister, german,
american spring axis, 7 by 9, 8 by 10 and 10 by 12
glass, putty. linseed and lamp oils, paints of all kinds.
mackerel no. 1 and 2, codfish, &c. &c. Goods sold at
cash prices for grain, butterheese &c. Wanted 1000
fos and martin skins for which cash will be paid.
I take this method of informing my old friends and
customers, that I have made arrangements with Mr. N.
N. Betts, to partially take charge of, and assist him, in
his business. I would, therefore, be very happy, to see
any of you at the above mentioned establishment, where
goods most and will be sold at very low rates, for my
motto is as it ever has been, small profits and quick
sales. Call and see . Yours truly.
2999 II:sat 11
. 13 8 a n B ll B 9 7 ce i Nn
a ( h y e a a r y d y , at it i l e ) 0
t i r
I I :
Val stare (122 N .N. BETTS.
CLOTUS I CLOTHS ! !—Every body admits that
the cheapest in town are to be found at the CIED•
tral ewe; call and set; no charges for showing goods.
if TIFFS !—These furred animals are to be had et
the Ceutral store. from 37 cents. to $l3. Mork
the place, if you went muffs cheap. N.N.BETTS.
I\TAILS- 7 frotn e 4 inch spike down to a shoe nail, st
111 the Central store. N. N. BETTS.
erJraliQr3 1 :50 ea." =auk
HAVE the Satisfictton of announcing to their numer
ous friends, and the public that they have just open
ed a BATHING EBTABLISHNIF•v T, in Towanda,
in the new Brick Block of Burton Kingsbery, where
all who wish to indnlge in the healthful and invigorat
ing exercise of • Cox• or Witte Bath, can at any time
be accommodated. fj• Call and try it. Feb. 9.
The price for Bathing once, 25 cents. To those
who bathe by the Mouth, 50 cents.
William Scott,
IN.W ©au AN.W AM?,
HAS removed his office to D. Cash's new office, on
second street, where be will be pleased to see those
who need his professional services. Dec: 29, 1847. y
VCUT AND MILL SAWS, hand and wood do.,
at the Central store. d 22 N. N. BETTS.
TITHITE LEAD, No. 1. extra, dry and ground in
V 1 oil, at the Central store.' N .N. BETTS.
HE old firm of WM. H. BAIRD & 'XL, having
keen dissolved by mutual consent. and the animal
ber being disposed to keep -OLD N 0.3, (who is always
right) GOING AHEAD, would now announce to those
who like to buy goods cheap, that he is now daily re
ceiving from the city of New York,. new and splendid
assortment of Goods, which ho is bound to sell as cheap
as they can be bought this side of the city of New York.
My assortment consists; M usual of
Now, Mr. end Mrs. Everybody, just continue your
old habit of dropping in at No. 3, before purchasing
elsewhere, and if I don't sell you goods right, "don't
buy them." I have accommodating clerks, who will
always be happy to wait upon you in case you don't
find the Old Man constantly on hand himself, and I
have n, doubt but on pricing the goods you will be glad
to buy.
I feel thankful for put favors, bestowed upon the old
firm, and it ilia he my aim to merit a continuance of
the seine. nov2 E. W. BAIRD.
SEA FOOD .—Codfish and Mackerel, any quantity
for !ate at nlO BAIRD'S.
BROWN SHEETINGB.—About 43,000 yarila of
Broom Sheeting*, just rec'd at BAIRNS,
VESTINGS.—Satin, silk, satin stripe, s il k v e l ve t
and other Vesting', for winter or summer, fall or
.spring; • great assortment at BAIRD'S. No. 3, B.R.
CHOICE DRY GOODS.—Alpeceas , French Meri
no, Oregon plaids, mouslin de laines, Columbian
plaids. ginghams, dell descriptions, &c., &c., at
Nos. 10. • BAIRD'S, No. 8, Brick Row.
FUR GOODS.—Gentlemen's fur caps, Ladies' muffs,
&e., a good assortment at BAIRD'S.
SAWS.—MiII saws, and 64 feet and 6 foot cross cut
saws, at BAIRD'S, Pio.ll, Brick Row.
HATS & CAPS.—A good assortment silk and fur ; 1
Li Hats, gent's glazed caps, with capes, (a great ar
ticle for stormy weather,) men and boy's cloth caps,
children's velvet caps. &c. Yon will find all these
kinds. and many mom. at nIO BA I RD'S.
HORSE BLATIIKETS,—dc y ou wen t goo d go d
cheap article of the kind. call at • BAIRD'S.
TIPAINTS,--Wkiite and red lead, Venetian red, Bp.
nub brown, copal gum, litharep, 'chrome green,
chrome yellow, varnish, &c., at BAIRD'S.
/-41 habit buttons, and ail kinds of flain's for trimming
ladies' drones, at BAIRD'S, No. 8, Brick Ron. -
LOTBE4.—Freneti, and English Broad Cloths and
Cassitneres, Swine*, sheep's gray. a good assort
ment at nlO BAIRD'B. No. 3, Brick Bow.
LADIEBI—Do you know where to find the nicest
French Law Capes in town I—the spot is at
Nov. 10. BAIRD 43, No. 3, Brick Row.
LADIES' CARPET BAGS. s splendid article, at
Nov. II . BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Row.
T AMES' WINTER DRESS U001)8.—A great
JU variety, compriping all the latest styles and most
beautiful patients, just received and fa sale very low
by ul9 O.D. BARTLETT.
CIVERSHORS,of every description. for isle very low
‘-f bY (122 H. O'HARA.
Fel—Jost received by eaprme, a new supply
IYI i t r :f MUFFS. including some No. 1, Lyn: mid
cheaper go Wee, at MEROUI6S.
rr HE subscriber propoees . to attend to law business
hereafter. on the following terms : He will try suits
in the Common pleas, before arbitrators and justices.
and will make no charge for service unless hie client
succeeds in the suit. Prom experience end °beer:Won
be is of the opinion that if an attorney If- sufficiently
convinced of the justice and practicability bf his client's
cause to recommend a suit or defence. be should be
illing to risk his fees on the malt of the time; and
if in any cuss he is unwilling to incur the risk. he
cannot , consistently plunge. bis client into the expense
and unantranty of a lawsuit by his advice.
Collections of every description will be: attended to
upon the lama terms. Conveyancing and ether kinds
of office business dons promptly sod as insatiable
that ges. _
yOffice in the North end of brick Row. • over Abe
lost office. West side of mein &wet, Towstsin.
, Tesruide, lair. let& HENRY DOM.
-Env vats&
ThimasAirst &N. .C. 1, ins, -
ICrAVlNGsairsocisted thearrelent the
AA Mercantil* Winless, hope by ,I**ll applieotios
.nd aria stioatiock to bootlegs, go meth abort of pub
lic pitmans. They may alerryaler4oond ready to
unmet to auy person who wistuni accommailitians in their
line. ' • .•
They will occupy the Ad stand of Elliott & Meerut,
and as it has just been enlarged and wife mote spaci
ous and cooteniant. eusiomeni will find it sew), plea
sant to do balances tn. H1.1..1017 & TOMK.S.NeI.
May 27. 1847.
Lkittanbir, SA.
SILICS.-.-Bleck. colored. *ikons! chwegeelde mem
Si/4 26144 white end colored Simnel Satins. at
sep24 TA
CLOTHS & (IASSIMERES. Vemings, Overcoat
Cloths, each as brown. olive and gold mixed
vent will be sold P.egy tow at SAVINGS BANK.
EBTRAY.—Broke Into the enclosure of the Subecn
ber. on the 25th of August last, it RED COW. 8
or 9 years old. The °muerte reguelosd to prom pro
petty. pay charges and take her away. 4
Troy. Sept. 27. HO W4RD 8 PA LEUNG. Sen.
)RINTS. of Over, variety and style, foreign and do.
L meat;, now opening at wholevale and retail. at • -
mil 8 MONTANYE'S & CO.
snpetior style and finish, sod st prices to suit those
who wish to purchase cheap.
SHOES—Ladies' Miaow and Clahlren'a f a lame as
riety on hand at je9 3 grrB'.
OPaints, Varnishes and Lye-muffs. of almost
emu kind, at sep2s 111E1ICkill'3.
Cooking and Parlor Stores.
TEST received at MONTANYES cas, a have
lot--Also, PIPE, and a few secoml-head arowei, ill
of which will Mold cheap fa pay: Sept. 7, /847.
Stock of Goods in the Savings Bank.
IN consequence of the great rush at the Moving* Bank
for Cheap Goode, the proprietor has been iodated to
replenish with a splendid assortment of /SPRING &
SUMMER GOODS. %which * now opening, and sell
ing at greedy reduced prices.' The proprietor. Mr. C.
REED, pledges himself to folly and amply sustain the
credit of the institution which it has hitherto borne, i.e.
for selling goods cheaper than any other establishment
in Bradfwd co. Persons desirous, of testing this, have
only to call at No. 6, Brick llo*, and satisfy themeelves.
July 7, 1847. C. REED.
and Ligbt• Gingham., bows been received at the
Savisire Bank, and are selling twent7•Sae per cent.
cheaper than ever. jr7 C. REED.
IRON & N A ILS.—t large alsortment far war, at
rep2s M ERCUR'S.
WORSTED DRESS UOODS.—ePlain, figuned and
plaid, black and colored Alpsecas t black and
knell French le. erinoes ; Oregon Midi; rich French
and common Cashmeres, DeLaines, etc.. a great variety
of styles far 'sleet sep2s XI EIMER'S,
par, for Goods, at No. 2 Brick Row.
Towanda, Jan. I I. 1848 E. T. FOX.
p .ani.f _ — ids libt t In lb. -vri
CA HE to the enekmare of !Da subscriber, some time
during the pas tannutier, a spotted yearling HEW
ER. The owner is request ed to pro's property, pay
charges, militate her away. ED. I'AMTEESUN.
Towanda, January P. 1849;
J. N. Sumner, 11. D., Dentist,
TXTILL pay his nest professional visit to Towanda,
VW in JUNE nest fie may be roond at Wood
ruff's Hotel. Jy4
El Tr air' 6.41) Up $ l, a
H. S. & .M. C. MERCUR,
TIAVE REMOVED to their new store, corner of
1/ Main and Pine streets, where they are now open
ing s new assortment of WINTER GOODS, to which
the attention of the public is respectfully requested,
Towanda, December 21, 1247.
300 B
4 p ec R 2 R I ELS SALT.
°V ,
• -
ALARGE and well selected assortment of Fall and
Winter Goods, just received, and for sale by EL.
Liorr & TO/SKINS, consisting of
Among our Goods may be'found, French, English
and American Cloths end Caseimeres- also, a good as
of Fancy Cashmeres and 'weeds, sheep's
gray cloth and mattinets also, a guod assortment of
Over cost Cloths and Cloaking'.
For the LADIES, we have any quantity of Ging
ham/04. De/sines, Cashmeres, alpacas', of all co/ors
and prices, both cotton and silk warp ; Shawls; of all
kinds, dress silk,. black and fancy, with trimmings to
Also—Bonnet Silk & Bonnet Velvet wit trimmings,
MUFFS—a large stock.
NEW ORLEANS and sugar house Molasses, loaf.
crushed, New Orleans. and common brown sugar,
rice, pepper, spice, ginger. nutmegs,, saleratus, raisins,
tobacco, extra plug and paper. Scotch and maccaboy
snuff. &c., all of which are wiling at less than " pro
verbially low prices." at the Central store.
December 22. 1847. ' N. N. BETTS..
T OOKING GI.A1 4 8E13 AND CLOCKS are ael/isig
14 at very cheap rates, and a beautiful article, at the
Central stare.- d2s N. N. BETTS.
COIL C HAIN for boll wheels to saw mills, &c.&e.
just received and for, sale by
October 19, 1947. O. D. BAItTLETT.
FRINGES & BUMPS , of itt kinds; alio, Bottom
sod other trimmittplor ladi.i dresses sad visetta,
by soll, -• MONTANYE & CO.
PEDLERB will find it to theieed,antage to all at the
Drug Depot, where they can be supplied with eye•
aiticho desined, such as phials, essences. &e., on the
be, t
terms. jail No, 1, BRICK ROW
BOOTS & 8110E8—A tarp and eshattatkwe as.
mortment of coarse and fine boots and shoes, ladiel
full and half gaiters, kid ties. buskins. Fran* kid slip.
pers. cluldren's cloth and morocco shoat are now selling
very low at the Savings Bank, No. 5, Brick Row.
FTHE LADIES—a large asiottment of whits
./: goods, such as MO Wens, atm barred.andstriped
manilas, jar:opens, swiss muslin.. &c.; elm swiss mull,
and muslin edgings, thread and cotton edgings, bobbins.
silk fringe end buttons. lace buttons, pawn whalebone
hirts, purse twist; in khan a greet variety of fancy
goods of every description, may be found at the
X 1 147.4106300 0
THE %Pit tad mast extrasiveassortmsat of NEW
GOODS.suitable to thesesson,saleeted withgreat
care, and for sate cheap as the cheapest, for cahoot ap•
proved medit—jost opened at
Towanda, Oct. b,1847. O.D. BARTLETTIL
CparToN YA itN, carpet warp.batta wadding. wick
ins. brown and bleached abeetingi aal shiftless
may be found at a liargein and very low at the Swing
Bank, iep29 NO. IS. B. IL,
BOOTB & SHOES, consisting of eaw-hide sad kip
boos., ladies' and misses' slippers, viten sad WO
Otero ; children's shoes ; *boo an elegant snowmen; of
Hats and Caps, are wow opening et the &sings fink,
sep29 NO. 5, B. R.
fiINGHAMS& PRlNTBo—Pliin end wined my
Ca hams. Ema en& Amities* Pristi, a hostfifid•
assertinvt w stP2l5 111111CVWS.
6 klstit: •,I.
11*" . ipkuelL4iriiii - ) 3 aa. - to
• • • titt, `-•
Auditors fit endifilog indifirioreueole furl * s ,-, 1 Ainsont Illesogkiremos‘
A. D. 1846 and li. ~ / . _, :138,50 I Tosraskiip *we, ~ „
Aimmors, ~ 81,14 30 ! .Wolf . - --, -
. . .
Ara:lion at rum and `repairing of old bri d ges , 43 7 34 ,A. Chobbuck, Ws Arot'i and flak of Quarter ,
Commis and Justices &gala:ions, I ' 18 1 30. esseisns. . . - • < . 77,
Counsel fors. 30 00 Bridge views, . - 1
. . 44 08
Donnie Asti 2 00 1 Wieners ken fix . sounsoning brine; /le i - '(• 5 4 411)
Fuel. 46 00 : Costs in Co , unionweekkisitua b • • ' 907 "
Various lOridadal el:ponies. • 29 44 Election Es senewi, . i 438 10
Jostles fees, . 22 00 , Coubtables a trending weir end soaking returifir.,l4l 7P
Grand Jones, i 468 73 i Costs in civil suits,, • ~
,_ •
Traver"" Imre, 2918 08 . For hire of Court Room. and fi tting Up Hair.
, . . . .... _
For Blank Books for alitaitot,p6l4 Aces, 27 69 rag Jail, ' - ' in" gs.
A. Martin crier of court; . f 85 12 ' Cuon House, (creedal of testa;)-. ' . 7468 As
Wild Cat certificates, , 1 4.60 i Jusstili Tamp!r late comuiiiiiiiiner. fur vertical
Bur rapport of finaglers* the County 44, .1 -191 69
Ile for : Printing, 140 00
Public *Buildings (annuity+ rtpei re. Ste.) '69 41
Canying to and supped of eawrieurin E. "
P 3. Penitentiary.
1.. E. DeWitlf for renaming.
W. E. 13erCen for wending wilb eonweiationers
at the tittle of the enunetseleft of Militia fter. 400
Stationlyi 32 26
leeetiet with the Conceives of Co
TO W111 , 414P1w
Towanda township.
besotting Stowe.
A sy Inca.
Standing Stone,
Standing Stone.
Towanda township,
Athens township,
. Ridsherry,
Standing Stone.
! Towanda borough.
Muter, •
A meals,
. Athena boroutil4
Athens tp.,
South Creek,
Standing Stone,
Troy borough,
.Troy tp.
Towanda borough,
Towanda tp.
Wyalusing i
Jacob Red, livastrrer of the County of Bradford, in
account with said County.
To amount of Money in Treasury at met- $
dement. as of Dee. 31, 1841, 1724 72
Dup. of Comity tat, prior to 1847, 2897 18
of 1847, 18714 75
Judgments, other demands due the Co. 1748 82
Money loaned for hurt house, 8202 00
Miseellaneovs reeeivah, at 88
Reel on redemption of unseated lands, . 815 25
Received On unseated land transcripts, 279 18
As premium on payment of Stale tae, 395 77
629,142 25
By Amount of Orders returned in 1841, $17,859 81
2 per cent. communion on the same. 357 14
Annum3t, returned on duplicates,
judgments, nut!, &c., 1200 45
Colleetor's per mange, 598 83
Balance in Treasur4, Jan, 1, 1848, 5880 70
County Orders in account *ith the Co. of Bituyord
To amount of County orders:issued in 1849
including credit order., $lBO6B 23
Assent outstanding Jaa I, 1847, b 4 13
Eiy arnoort of okfers roomed in 1847, $1"78153 81
Outstanding January I, 28411,
UMW Otteagas innr Mao , Nf 21 I Tir ' (ii (C) (0 1,10 ill a
NEW GOODK, , _..... ...
. Just Received at No. 2, Brick Raw, . •
AND NEW PRICE S ! Oceans, of New Fall & Winter .Goads,
Tilicm must and will be sold at the IParylowsst
EISA for Cash or Ready Pa y• Every puma
eibo may' ant GOOD and CHEAP lirlospeet
folly invited to • esti and essmitre this st k. ' Don't
fail to mil se it costs nothing to look, and eensider
Is a favor to glow the goods, and will tty_to Its it as
object-1446mm wishing to bay of E. . PDX.
KINOSSERY & CO.. an just receiving. di
• nerdy from , N. York sod opening at dos new
brick store, recently erected sr B.Kinilebny's old lased,
a large salortment of Fall Winter Coeds, comprising
Broad doths, Caseinteres, Sattinet s ; 'Alpateas, oferm
dacrtiotton • Fiends 4 , Engtisk Merinos; Mots.
aim Deana • Ginalnans, a great variety
Cashmere 4. woken Skids ; poontrik.ealt
Rosier! and Gloves, If ever 3 di-4 1 1*ton.
Grocer % Cnrhery, Hardware,' Boots 4. um, Sdp
and *pia. Leese', Frank and comnsod ect# . mar
kip skins, Nails, 4stare, tintnd anti Swedes fron,
Gime, Bah mei Cori. and Stone Wars,
P=Sags, robes and AIN
caysi, and Haviug.
The enrollee of the public is Vespectfally MOW to
ser present imp dock of goods, which are now inhibit*
ed Ser sale at thei lowest prices. for needy pep , They
bow been selected with mond awe and attention, el:-
moldy for the accommodation of ear mutomers. and
we believe oder indomikents to perehassee no ethers
else to be met with. •
Remember, Wore pinchseireg elsewhere, to cell •
at 11•Kingsbnyle old stand, and ,esamine our goods sod
prices, as we ere coalition they 41 meet the view' of
the closest cash buyers.
istrwros smossziti,
3.8. SMITH, •
ARAFa, MDT SHADTS7 AND 8111111*Zit
wrun t s. selling at ase. at • Wirgel,
Oct. 13. 11141.
t.S . Peß jo rO XERISS.
Nsop. -toldff.e dett A * i g
d*mTmaoowsi r
QA I / 1 &wet an aa 7 boaf the' Ise 'sr
the "Nay John Davisr4rt 100 Wish Chow*
rl.llOO tbs. Lea CaVER ISZAUM
in 1846 it: full.
A. 1.. Croortitrt, t0ut.11346, Jarful!, 1115 00
0 - • 1847, 1 MI It
4. H. Sleek. etioo,, 1846; is fun, 41 50
" " 1847, 151
L., Potosi), torn. 1846, in full, 29 06
" 0 1847. 285 DO
J.M.W suksAlk kraal. 1046, is full, 121 5*
1647. 400 CO
284 09
$5213 28
pity 'fairs,. for Bradfont Comity.
Canasta?, N Mei .a . .art charged. Aint Rocived. Azal returned..Aasit vaaued. I:crecut
Richard Roden, $l3l 35 $lBl :15
Elijah Hort n 22 98 22 98
Henry Sherw ood, 1113 OS 163 05
H 8 Stephens, 66 41 85 41 : .
Jason Horton, 4 36 4 36
Samuel A linable, 60 42' P 42
lames A Duda, 41 19
Clark Hallenbeck, 88 78
JCBrown. 14 74
Issas Westbrook 43 38
David Ratty, 43 96
A wain Stehorde 66 71
Jaime Wilcox. 132 43
Harris Murray, 327 Ea
James Ryon, 12. 4 (
Aiirdwl 'Smith, 239 19
Elijah Wolcott, . 148 65
D McKee. 14 62
ti W Humphrey, /813 39
Hiram Dewey. 54 58
C Brown, 127 00
Geo. Vamps,. • 182 76
Wm. C Bogart, 112 66
L Cortina., 138 42
H B Bowen, 79 71
Ephraim Beeman, 137 46'
Wm D Swope, 96 20
Horatio Ladd, 187 26
Hermit Morgan, 48 86
Gao Terry, 291 29
Wm Kiff. 428 58
James R Stone, 956 58
Myron Ballard, 501 47
John Gray. 470 51
Wm B Watkins, 600 47
Maddison Decker, 243 87
Ira Varney, 190 15
John Vroman, 233 69
Nathan B Wetmore, 'lB3 15
' Ansel Tillotson, 218 28
Cyrus. Merrill, 290 83
Jdnaa P. Smith, 445 21
Jacob Chobbuck, 488.95
Geo W Humphrey, 672 22
Hiram Dewey, 300 59
Nathin Maynard, 210 86
Daniel . Brink. 684 72
Breams G Dairy, 569 94
Truman Bowe, 462 48
Jamey L Philips. 212 72
Dal II Montgomery, 199 33
John Taylor, Jr,, 294 24
Henry J Hoyt, 238 73
Geo.? Freeman, 557 51
Horatio Black, 8;75 .3
Baml B Poster, 416 35
James L Goraline, Ala 08 .
Sidney C Brainard, 432 41
David Griswold ' Jr, 315 35
Wm Sibley, 365 0.1
Be*om Taylor, 475 58
Lase Posta 440 22
SI 00
21 93
66 82
15 00
1:2 01
31 00
100 00
300 /7
10 12
121 07
125 33
7 91
14! . 113
30 00
121 09
145 00
32 00
123 19
65 II
117 IV
65 00
125 00
40 OS
272 67
.313 30
842 64
379 St
489 es
470 12
231 08
16'4 26
167 68
171 23
206 24
281 00
288 00
41/ 81
802 50
200 00
164 00
649 20
OS 73
428 84
80 00
185 03
268 42
222 27
525 32
465 69
76 OS
93 00
409 08
294 30
294 18
448 10
365 00 I 71 41
$1,8411 93 $12131 86 63451 30 • $129 57
3161 30
529,142 25
$18,12u ad
286 65
$18,120 88
18 311
21 58
10 701
33 4*
11 01
20 24
24 00
27 16
80 6
31 26
62 26
200 38
664 82
116 82
49 09
28 47
169 8!
131 38
99 41
1119 14
118 65
419 74
399 65
220 OS
43 66
focal, Reel, Treasurer of Bradford County, in account
with the Commonweal' of Pennsylvania, on ac
count of State Tax.
To amount doe on 3oplitates prior to 1647,$ :1663 31
of duplicates for 1347, 10466 41
Reed on redemption of unmated lands,, 29 74
Unseated land treadcripti, ! 174 4:1
Due Traistuer from die State, ' • 374 49
By amount due hist setdernent. fli US .25
Returned on duplicates prior to 1847, ! 387 -28
Returned on duplicates for 1847, • ; 900 88
Collector's exoneration., - ; 11l 88
• per tentage, ; ' 444 60
State Treasurer', receipt of times for 1847, ; 1 9479 68
1 per cent. commission on the ante, , 84 74
Bradford Casey, u.
We, the tnekrsignedCamnietioners said Co.
(L. a.) do hereby notify, the-foregoing to be # trait sad
sn caponsl
aura statement of M m
I otivate &
tams of the said county, (tote the Ist day o f enuetyl
t he 21st day Oftbseinaber. 1247, inelusivm .- ' '
Witness ohr holds sod seal at ogles, it
this Bth day . of 184 A.
J. H. BLACK, . Colon's&
Attest--C. S. Russzer., Clerk.
0 .14ILE8 et#ETING
1 .4/ shining% wicking, wedding, betting,
and cerpet warp, eheep at the cheeped,
R., et sepia
GINGRAIRS!.:4O ' seurshd
%—i.mase splendid styles, decidedly the • ' ewer
In market "Alio. Oregon Plaids. We FREE. sal ell
tbe pen. Foles,dress pools sills, hie. B, • k Wris:
V cosy lowest possible voices et
10XARDWARE,. • gra simostamok
11 Died, NalloOke. at Nei. 3. 8.R..
IDAINTs, & DtE-irrErrni.
by Ow . 4 pm, as B. IL •
14ktot ass
sad 'flonissil
and bpois
_ Towsails,Ni
of IhooPte
which, IF. Jive tom). •• ' .
cho. ikon elbripal than'
dabs& the ova. ' '
. . Q 1). BA TLETT.•
7 - 771iiirshig Os lasi ^ 'T.'
T num( warn way pesies 14144 * loa, k lkst
1 saki* immediate, parasol' is saski Ihry, soiree
a! ' This 'Wei is ii4Sdiojiiissoss
sod all 'parka tabula' ilissasstassialislasi,will omit
cots. bp wag pmaipl smaliess, ;7, '
Towanda, Oct. 1.11.rp. 111. 111411141:WAY.:-.
.Oasis 2$
.111 it*
36 '6O
41 91
199 47
sitter es
6 6l
II 69
11 71
Is 86
ii 4S
47 64
IT 06
II it
G 71
P 06
11 6$
13 $5
17 37
2 20.
2 90
2 42
14 36
22 15
24 74
12 19
11 04
It 40
. 9 GI
10 81
21 47
23 37
n 19
in b 3
14 12
11 69
2 60
gl 53
15 49
17 81
13 58
1 $0
$ 30
10 1
3 90
S el
Sam 115
$12,154 41
%Ib4 41