E f• r • ,wdm. rwi=W.l..... in c orntnencingleintkintßy4er7stsreist i ltith . oue numegultisPOomGrAwa-41841-ssibiens,d,--4-413*- 'vain hope la' we shall be able to say any th ing tiesi 'art& origirtel, but witlillielit'ore.snaa ppe, that Are may be able to remind some of then:sofa few thingslbeimightiithertvists have esettped their fecellecticms. If we shall succeed in thist:latterpur la:1; the height 111-0 F• arobittieti will have been gottified,and out objectallained. Before We come to poticer:Atf ea to m label s Of the farm -Ave vieutd, • ' 16WeVe" r,lse peake a few passing remark/spathe prospect. of a foreign mar , ketforthe surplus products of the grain grower.— And in the-first pl a ce, we Vvould observe; ihat the intelligence subsequently received has but tended to confimtrthe opinions we previously formed and itipreisteif in our -December number. All the realsons which operated; serve butto;strengthen our belief in the soundness of the opinions - we then fornied and gay it voice to. Indeed every sentence of the Queen of Eettlnnd's speech to parliatnent,;all the opinions _of the British press, connected with the znonetar}' .- affairs of thetnited Kingdom, go to show that the moneyed revulsion . of experience, arose * from the necessity which pervailed there during the last year,. of eking out so heavy a portion of their purchases of breadstiffis and previsions with /inion—that it was (he necessity of sending their precious riietals to us, to' procure the necessaries o hfe that brought about that stringency in money matters tie has led to ail her commercial embers rasment,Tand-brought ruin upon so many commer. vial houses 'of theretoforetood standing. Had Eng land been able to pay for the tkirty-lhra millions of ertre food imported by her, with'the products of her manufactories, the operatir would have been one' of immense s Profit to her, because it would have been the reward of-the-current industry of her peo ple ; but when she had to draw so largely upon her past earnings to sustain their wants, its effects were immediately felt, and as aconsequeisee, natural and inevitable, enterprise became enveloped in difficul ty, ainl speculation paralyzed, for the simple reason that banks could no longer grant accommodations, became the incessant drafts which had been made upon their bullion 74, tle which forming the basis of their paper issues, could exert a potential influence to do good no longer than it remained in their swim where alone it possessed the power of representa tive creation. Some have been short-sighted enough to ascribe to_ the railroad enterprises of England. her monetary difilsulties of the last year, but such an ascription is-as absurd as fallacious, as every dollar thus occupied, tended to stimulate and bring into active life her industry, create labor, and give employment. ' And (hoWevar unproductive ally of these enterprises may have proved to the in dividual stockholderc, as the rneney did not go out a. of the Country, but on the contrary, was 4:E-A in the couriti - , it could exert none other than a.beneficial infinchce, because, oftlie vast amounts thus invested being confined to a few bands, being lock ed np in the coder Of capitalists—it became diffused waseirculated through every vein and artery, and , thus became the common source of employment and•reward to the industrial classes. Through the failures in England have become less - frequent, the pressure for money comparative ly al)atell, the effects of the demands made last vi ar japan her past earnings, will's-continue to be felt for a -year or so, and until the sum thus expend- . ed shall be replaced by future earnings; and hence it is, that her inability to be an extensive purchaser of foreign products will also continue so long as the cause which produced it may last. Fruitful as England is, large as are. the products of her fields, . she muds. however, from the density of her:popula tion, ever continue a customer for a considerable portion of her breadstuffs„ and so long as her duties shall reritain as now, we may, to a certain extent, divide the supply* with the grain producers of Eu rope, though from the superior contiguity of those hordering on the Black sea, and the Baltic, and the cheapness of labor in those countries, they will, ,except in years like the past, always have the ad vantage over us—and hence it is, that khgland heretofore has mostly drawn the deficiency of her supplies from these countries and that our exporta tions of flour there,, have been governed by the rates of Exchange. In taking a 'view of all the Operating causes, with the desire to arrive at just . conclusions, vte have beyeme impressed with the belief, that uhbongh our exportations to England, bf breruisteffi.and provisions during; 18413, will fall very far short in amount to those of 1147, still they wilt be greater than they had been for a long series of years prior to the latteryeex. The reason cif this is obvious--the famine of .18t7 cleared out all sthe accumulations of former years, so that, though crop of grain in England of last year proved a pro ductive one, the actual deficiency will be greater than in framer years less productive inasmuch as the dentands of consumption will have little or no uarchoused grain to back upon. The some cause which operated Aweless out.the depositories ot En gland, bad =a like effect in clearing out the barns in - our mit country—for much gain which had been held over .a year of two, for better prices, found markets duritg; lbe' last year. Theffeports of all the tall nxitlii and canals, which are the carriers of the producti; prove this, XI the unmistakable fact, that their lines of transportatioves were increased mote than an hundred per cent . It is plain then, from the firemises suggew,ed, that the consumption of Will have, to rely ripen the productiUns of 1847 4 - almost exclusively for supply, whether that consumption shall have relation to foreign or home demand, and.sucli being the case, the inference it a legit irnate one, that prices will so rule, as to!yield a fair reward, to the producers of breadstuffs and provisions doting the present year. Of the article of Corn and. Corn -meal, we would remark, that if . paims be taken to send mane to the markets:pi' :England, * Ireland, and Wand, but writit shall have been kiln-dried, during thepresent yea,r,A4l6 sapeilor 'excellerke as a cheap feed • for inap r anti- a i fmteper for stock, will somoromand it te . rayKthai it will establislyperminent markets in those countries, and contine to find outlets t 1 sere for' a *my 6titi4idemble Pettit* of our sorples. Turtfing'ficifn prospettice demands; arid prim, let us see what may be done during this month' Working Holier and Millen-4s thernoble eres. Sues sinuttait. severely sit the ei'dinarria 6Ors of the fertuand;eis ithey centhinedlo be receive nil prisAble atiee lion, kiedieifl iPt Pace,' .They shaaßha led ant neutered *I- ftrilavhourep three times. a day, .be be curried or carted, anti:lashed ncaisPet' down night and morning. And 'as it is' AlegrOre that ihey ,liould enter upon their spring labors in fine ~~ M dlc Tlr F ( " --- —_ 4 11- 540iik GA' . . : - liikt in g iti e , now, they .- %, rat 01 - graielood, their l al it k ihimfd f•- ' wen tetakOrrigtkinig Ifink v#4l laitkeleAtled ersl irlarging. vo lt their hair'ehoinl , a . .pc . F . deadand. theiritides boon the should Ittiire a quart of buckwheat gal, or i pliant n— .r, iseed meal mited , irt Theitiftsed - tbriceaVeekthria., )xen4:or so , andlithould receivetsiobra7 lags in aiLectqlogni likiandful ,c4-. 2 4 11 0 5 44 9 ii#; ounces of salt, eacb--this tattermaybe eitharmix ed tip with their feed or placed in theirtroaditsib . ,be consumed by them between M ear ' ' 7:.'' '' Workiog Oren.—Let .iucreFoltdAsili .boxiieted out to these faithful animals, not forgetting, that if hard labor should be reqiiired of thein,"titnt . coth andeob meal inan ladmirabbi encomia& uf agre4=th, fa, and a disposition to do their work kiridly, .. In we might say, that he whotcho expedsthem to do a full day's work must never fail to tiled them daily allowances of both long and short feed, as DO animal can meet such demands, upon his strength unless he be well . fed. The ox, though he can ex ist, and often is compelled to exist out of doore t ne vertheless delights in and thrives much better when allowed a rid warm bed to rest his weary limbs upon. Re should also receive twice a week a handful of salt—or what is better, a handful of a mixture composed' of equal parts of salt, lime and ashes. .Afildi dint In-Calf Can.—Each of these should experience increased attention. Their lodgings should be in a dry warm shell s facing the south,— Besides the astral allowance of hay or fodder, they should receive daily, 'each, a portion 'of Traits' or their equivalent in corn and cob meal made into slops m which cut straw should be mixed. If or rubbed down daily, their comfort would be greatly increased and their appearance im?roveac while the same attention should be paid to salting them ai is to the horses and other beasts of btirth en. Once in every two weeks pour in the "cup on the top of the head, just behind the horns, a tea spoonful of the spirits of turpentine, and thus pre vent them front having the hollow horn. Currying their manes daily and good feed will prevent their becoming lousy. Should they however become so, wash the crown of their heads and tops of their necks with strong brine, then'With nWisp of straw rub them dry, when you should oil them from the crown of their head down the back bone to the rump with fish oil. This if repeated three or four days in succession, will kill all the lice. Another safe remedy is a decoction of the garden larkspur. The surest prevention is cleanliness and good feed itt.t. Neither a cow nor an ox will ever get in that condition if well fed and curried daily. Breeding Mares and Colts.—These should be pro vided with warm sheds, dry bedding and good food, short as well as long, and in every respect, except in quantity, receive similar treatment as the working horses. Young Stock of all kinds, must 'be provided with - dry warm sheds, and bedding, and have their ap petites reasonably gratified. lie that expects a young animal, who may be ,half-starved, to grow, elabor ate flesh. le and fat, has faith enough to be lieve in Ile discovery of the philosopher's, stone. Striae, Breeding Soul, Pigsj pad Store-Hogs.— These should be all provided with good pens in which they may sleep warm and dryclind f should be fed and watered 'regularly; have charcoal or rotten wood at all times in their pens, and given a mixture of equal quantities of salt and ashes once a week, say a handful to each hog, and half that quantity for a young•pig. Breeding in and in must not be indulged in. beyond the the second genera tion. Sheep.l—Presuming that you have provided your- . self with proper gelds for these animals, we will ad monish you that it is necessary to keep their s beds 1 dry—that you ehoidd daily gifts,le eaph sheep three pounds of hay or ifs equivalent in other food—that they require to be watered every day, and tabe al lowed salt at all times—that you, should twice - a week put tar and salt into a trough free to their ac cess, and throw theth :pine bows to browse upon at least once a week: tilt where wool is your chief object bean meal is . she best short food you can give them, .it being the most active agent in the secretion of wool kneWn to , the flock-masters. Barns, Stables and other out-buildings.—Subject these to a scrutinizing examination, have all neces sary repairs promptly made, and then white-Wash each thoroughly. . ,po s ihry Houses--. Give to these such a cleaning, nests and all, as will leave nothing filthy behind— then white-wash them inside and outside, t kins care to infuse salt into , the white-wash. .Poultry.—lf you wish your hens to lay, provide under cover, convenierifto your hen house, a pile of sand, gravel, and one tel ashes, for your fowls to dust in, and somef old broken mortar, or lime fer hens to pick at. Mix with their food fresh 'irn of some kind, choppe d fine, until the frost is out of und, and yon 'may rest assured that your hens will upply you with a goodly numberof treil eggs. When a hen cannot, owing to the frost, ' scratch anti procure worms and other ine'r't=, you must supply her with , a substitute, which j ean be found dike in fresh meat or fresh fish ; -when the latter may be used, it Should alwars-be belled and the bones picked out Give - a hen lime, ashes, sand, gravel and fresh meat, and she *ill lay near ly as well inWinter as in spring, sninmer and' au tumn: . Roosters should be changed I every two years to avoid the evil of breeding in and in, an evil which not only decreases fecundity, but impairs the vigor of the constitution. Turkeys, thinks and Chickens should at thii sea son of the year be fed three times a day—their food should be alternated—Corn, oats buckwheat and potatoes, mashed with corn meat'are all good—so also is turnips chopt Fme—or cabbage when mixed with meal.• • Fewin and l'encis.--It you have not' already dotte ao, go forthwith to the . woods an& get out aft the, aielF that you m*y require hirlencing Opposes. Whew eat down, haul it home, and employ your "hands ih Wet weather in Morticing - the -posts and sbasping and pointing the rails, in ;order that you may be ready upou the earliest, occasion to erect new or -replir your old fences. (Amelia:* that while ricketY fences encourage Sao* tenomtnit de ' predations, that stab, lento are taken as the sure evidenoeis era - slavenly farmer; the world will be much add.cted to draw Itafavoreble Acenclusions dram outwani apearances, and too ituithatitithitt !ci make arty allowances for neglects of atztYii4 'the Idea: . • ' • • • • ' Gaut.—if yciulaire needene ab already, hare a. rod substanti a l gale hum; on ev ery field or' your. TO 'mid with-profit, is ofeuxe but tovrite aptl y' is of prat:flee. - "-r. = iii' ve..44, p., • Another iat., - Vtetory ,o f t s t reeei.ea Nitimilegaugai•iritg*.p. A* theeelumi been eaetbsr rest arrive! ettlge* SAVINGSBANK; Mufed rriwAiloin . The moat leoprse' et, C. REED. talleii dal °Peat ,{eukts toj,nptorp thanks ut his, fanner ileum, end .the Putgir-VeMilY l : 4 11 %0 of. iikrafaing din" %bet Ito ie new reeeiveet 114 la* end geßepteleastmeet.of mow. . wtliclolo pledges himself shal and Win be mold as low se ,at any other establishment within 100 miles of Towanda.— The public generally ire teepeedidlfinirited oxamineto widely theemslveo si Nac Eh-brick Row. [ Towanda, September 21, 1447. T orr OF LErrzitamminbliinishe Pik - 016di • - .La at Troy, gasser ending Dee. 31, 1847. ' • ' • Army W B - Lindurimia iseoli N " ' ' Augustin W Lucia harm ,• - - , Allen Seed Landoll Levi '1 . - - - Bensoa B W JAcAffeell 1 , . . Bentham Mrs Cecilia NI McGeorge James Bentham Abbe McAllister Chauncey Beach Benj McKean James ,„ ~ Blanchard Miss Jane McKean Sohn • tr• Baxter Chrism Morrison E R Baker Joshua Merwin Mrs Mary Boal Martha .1 . Miner Mrs Sarah ,T Case Jamb More James. Case Jebel. Me:thiamin Covert Win Nolen Rev John Demming Josiah 2 Pearce Mn Abigal D Dickinson Mime Sarah Pierce Wigbtman Elliott Sari Randall Daniel Pintail Seth Rockwell R C Guild D C Reynolds M A Grannies & Crass Rose Jesse G Hayee & Latlin . Spalding Mts . a deka II HavirdE W Spalding Mrs Susan* Hickock Hamra R Seeman Randolph Johnson Alfred Shattuck Mrs Seraph Johnson P H Smith G W 2 . Jones Miss Lucy ShonThornas Kelly Win F Sweet Wm J Kid* Erasion 2 Smith Mile Eunice • Kif John . . Tears John 1 Landon Miss Emily Webler Miss Rosins Lamb James Wilber Bon Reuben LAYTON RUNYON, P. M. T IST OF LETTERS, remaining in. the Poet Offiae 1.4 at Towanda, quarter ending Dec.,3l, 113a7. Bottum John Kinneik Thomas Bell J A Laughlin Terry Bakst H M Lent WM J Beaten Stephen Lyon Cornelia - Blackman Elijah H Legg Stalinist BrillO Win Mullen James Bailey Cinderilla Moran P4'k Burns Lucy Malley Kitchell • Booth Win McCracken Peter Blackman .1 C Mason Win C Brownian Wyllks Michell Michael Conley Mary Moore Cornelius Chapel Will Northrup Stephen Cooper James ' Poet Isaac 2 Carter Sarah Pearsall Mary Cola Wm Pioleu V E Chase Isabella Patterson Thomas Danoho Margaret Pinney Amos Dowell Pats Post Lawrence Dougherty Pat'k Post Marvin Drake Princit Phelps Daniel B Dempsey Margaret - Slain Patrick Eastoits Daniel Shores,R & U Fleeter John W Salsbury H W Freeman Prudence Stanton Charles 2 Gaskill L C - Sickler Gilbert Goff Mrs Geo J Sherwood James Hurley Cornelius Slosion Esbon Harrison Win W Swartwood Charles Hyde Demetrius Shores David • Haynes John H Taylor I Hteks Jesse Tanner Ames Horton Richard Thompson Wm Harris Wit Taylor, Matilda C Jones James • Whitmore Michael lanes Lester Rev Wallbridge Sam'l ' • Johnson Cash . Wood! Samuel H iingsbary Esther -Williams 0. J. Killculliit Themes 2 Wheeler James Kiluier Jeremiah s Yard Ann Kellum Eunice A. B. CHAMBERLIN, P.M. ANAVAL REPORT of the Receipts and Expendi tures of the Bore' of Towanda, for the year 1M7., 'scum. Balance of duplicate for 1848, Amount :. 1847, i.-nt of Engine house, License for circus and menagerie, MIWINDTIIIIIII6 Work done on streets, Curbing and flagging, ,12 00 Expert of borough *onion, • ."- 8 lii Paid polies at the /ate ftro, Advertising reparfand for aritetil notices, 60ti J.P.Kinsman removing engine home, 2111 00 D.U. Bull, removing pauper, 2 25 Winf,Mix services as poor master, - 800 J. El Geiger overpaid on duplicates, 16 40 do exoneration do • '' 608 do percentage do 20 57 J. D. Goodenough justice fees and stationery, 232 do ' for trunk, 3 00 do services'as clerk, ' 25 00 do ' offset rent, 500 do . per tentage as Treasurer, 14 40 Burgess and town coma, 99 00 I Paid on judgment, 2 70 110110r0.111 011101111. Amount outstanding Jan. 23, 1847, Issued to January 20, 1848, Returned and cancelled Jan.2o, 1849, 711.11•61111.1011 nrroaT, Received on duplicates for 1846. do do 1847, Rent of engine house, License for circus and menagerie, • Borough orders, 1310231 Serriceras Clerk, Other rent, Preagsrd's per cottage, • 14 40 Bcrrotigh orders retained, 437 tlit Judgment spinet Martin Woodruff, NMI TUNA. • tiletwe in the Treasury. Jan. 20,.1N8, Expense foe support of the poor for 1847, Council Once, Bore' of Towanda, Jan. 20, Wei the Dirge . , and Town Council of the Borough of Towanda, do hereby certify, that the foregoing is a true stateming bf the reeeipts and expenditures of said Borough for the year 1847. D. M. BULL, Burgess. . Wastes "Bswszs, Burros Kraelsany, ' Wer.r.ss Bsownser, r, iTzsatAx Bulges, o z ilhoest 4 3. 141 LIT, itted.:4 .D:Goodenough. Clem.. o . 22ll=ttka Intfra i ntlZEO B y (4e second,aectien of an ea of Asseaibly passed April 25. 1844, it is enacted that any person who mey ditaintnut to be called to attend any militia way exempt himself from such by paying to the proper 'county Treasurer, one dollar Grr the, use of Militia fund; and the receipt of the county Treasurer shall berevidenee.of,the payment of seafood. This payateigmust be made in time todeliver the receipt to the. enrolling officer. See pamphlet laws, 1844, page ,29/k. The Treitaimlr lentie, prepared to receive each , JAMES M. PECK, Treasurer. TreatiiiirQtra*TOiraida; Jan.- 4, 1548: LADISEVITBAY, LAMES ! joo bay e made mpjoAs. mbar to boy a nice dress, cloak or shawl Of ,doh imam AN , ' callai No. 3,l3ticlißow; wimp Yol4 con dud this taiiii;beitood 'chemise - articles in that liar. that ii 'timits in town,h vides all kindest! ttitoniinga. Ttrmosober, can at n. I l BAIRD"S: = - - 42,101? writ svg ki ;4it, Wflisiebbenridtrei!V Sa wered attempt: by sees of oar fratenuq, to force Wripirtnittli)shide doh' Iprefissiintif dad *h sa veto. the Ad wivesoeld - coseisseVenr Whet obroryskiwonder thweineciinseesi el Soliebereid ma* trash sot emserillen peobeble that dde epodes of forthrunuk May Skeen the podia eye from audit oretohndolliniethe write d the toolddle son of theThilperneli would es* sent ask en henerable public ly, ind thereby win for itself golden opinions; but--see despla that alienable shimmy by which more presence gains enrosation: emit tenibmiwolth. hie to wake this mak: itteitabitioe ortnieer itself as witbdtsw , its tipsiest claws thaws nostimpanoir but fancied scerily„ by dirtettitig the emit art bottoroble lest of skill, Our gage is SIM than the ammo ef *Ow number of it Ittertentypitt needled at dm , Dageerrout Pelkre OM. P. =BIMONS, 1710-. Claims street,-will Maas gat* er amount at Wadi= is Me lit thin any sieribresr ersge number from any other pliery in the Oohed Sams. This is no idle hoed—we mem what we any. W. are desirous that the public Amid give their penvairge to merit, not pretences - - We fob inemeigattomiree, rigid, impartial ineletiga• tiara. We have thrown the glove. Who will pick apt it - M. P. SIMONS, 179 amass street, opposite' the State Hamm Philadelphia. N. B. It will be understood by our country Mend. , that the shove challenge hae. Dever yet been accepted, and we also, wieh ir understood, that we did not Stood to make by this weer . as , we have already expressed our intention to appropnitelhe prise to seine charitable par . !VIOL 3m24n M. P. SIMON& $ 48 64 53T 68 8 41 10 00 11604 65 SL66 38 X 370 65 $582 86 177 50 $770 36 437 98 •33 38 $43 66 409 46 8 41 10 00 6 85 $483 38 $4O 00 6 00 $482 38 •4sn. $9 63 $2B 37 $222.84 - - • Wien 6_ Germon't Dinmedype looms, so. 198 'Chesnut at., south cad corner of ;Eighth at:, ratz.szet.srai A. ' ' • . DORTRAITS from the smallest bread * to the lar. I geg shu„singly or in groups. The Proprietor* are warranted in saying:that their work has gained a repu tation second la none in the world. Es f rom the Press :..,." Life-like in - the expres sion, y correct in die shading ." —Ledger. 0 The rt hu arrived at great perfection, and none understand 'or practice It bed& than Neglect & Oct. mon."—Haftimore Iris. j " Admirattle! nothing can exceed their exquhiee de• t licacy."—U S. Gazette. gurus m the report of the Judges. at the last fah of the F " lin Institute: "; Daguerreot y pes--in this departmen ithere are Wins very excellent specimens in the eshi : and . die ludgesithinit they see a progres sive imp* toed in this branch of the art. They have not recommended an award in favor of any of the com petitors, but are disposed to rank as first in order, the collection of McCLEEB & GERNON, escontstning the largest number of superior epeeimens." -6m29 AFFLICTED READ ! PEILADELPHIA MEDICAL HOUSE.—Estab fished 15 yews alto, by DR. KINKELIN. The oldest, west, and beet hand to ears all forms of secret diereses. diseases of the skin end solitary habits of youth, is DR.KINMELIN. N. W. corner of . Third end Union its., between Sprumeand Pine, squares .from the Ex &singe, Philadelphia. - TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Youth who have injured themselves by a entails prac tice frequently indulged in---a habit frequently learned finessed companions or at sebool—the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and destroy tooth mind and body, should apply immediately. Weakness and ea:oedema debility immediately cured. and fall vigor Jimmied. All letters post paid. YOUNG MEN If you value your life or your health, remember. the delay of a month, nay, even a week, may prove your tn. in, both of body and mind. Hence let no false modesty deter you from making known your case to one who," from ethreation and respectability,can alone befriend you. Ile who places himself under DR.IINKELIVIII treat ment, may religiously confide in his honor as a gentle man, and in whomkosom will be forever socked the se cret of this patient,. Too many think they will hug the secret to their own hearts, and cure themselves. Alas ! how often* this a fatardelusion, andhow many a promising young man, who might have been an ornament to uMiety, has faded from the earth' . COUNTRY INVALIDS, finding it inconvenient to matte personal application, ego, by stating their cue explicitly, together with all their symptoms, (per letter, .postpaid,) have forwarded to them 'a chest containing Dr. VS enamor appropria• ted accordingly. Packages of Medicines forwarded to any part of the U. 8. at a moment's notice. • 1,20 0:7-Porr raw Larraas, addressed to DR. }LINKE LTN, Philadelphia, will bs promptly attended tn. • See advertirement in the Spirit of the Times, Phihi. PAIN BILLER. Death to Pain • raief lo the side; health to the weak! A baba is found for'the whole human rate, in' AND . REW'S PAIN HILLER. r PHIS is an entirely Vegetable Compound, composed I. of twenty-five dirrorent ingredients, and is en nter osl onii external remedy. Put lapin babe. 'Mind in price 800 to 76 casts, each. Pose fart* pottreti ! lass, see pamphlets. to he bad of every agent gratis, con taining a brief history of the origin and discirimy of the Pain Killer, certificates of cures, directions, eke. `. • Ctirrrii...—Each bottle has the 'written signature of the' • ,J. Anima ws, en the label, and-without; . it none ate genuine. &mini of hawkers sod podlane selling from house to house, representing it to be the genuine. Pain Killer. Bold only by alas following regular appointed agent, in his many A.B.Chamlierlin, Towiridal 0. P. Ballard, Troy, George A. Perkins, Athens, L. 4 E. Runyon, dab I J. J. Wirrford, idotiroeton ; C. E. Rathbone, Canton. Sold in aft the principal towns in the United that" Canada and Texas. ' Wholesale agents in !bit city of New York and ski, nity: ilaydock. Cotlicti & Ca. 218 Pcarl.st. ; Wyiu & Ketchum, 121 Fulton-at. Orders addressed to the proprietor, or G. W. Schuyler, post paid, will meet with prompt attention. . 2ey 221AVIIISMIELi% diaLEVir • 01121 NWO M1G1M22. 1 / 9 Late of the Claransunt House, Towanda, Pa., whial mai destroyed Gy fre on the 12th of March last, HHASleased the old stand, on the *est side of the public square, lately . occupied by Willism Briggs sign of the Tiger, where he is prepared and inn be bap py to wait on his old customers and the public generally His hones is in good order, and his facilities . for as connudating travellers and Tian" such as will enable him to give ample satisfaction. Charges ;moderate. Towanda,'Oc•oher 20, 1047. F7r'.* I lITHEREAB the Hon Joao N. Corresouss, Pre. V Y Went Judge of the 14th Judicial district corn rioting of the made, of Lucerne, Bradford, and. Tio ga, and It: Morgan and Reuben Wilber &qrs., AIM. elate Judges in and for the count,' of Bradford, bare is: cool Weil precept, hinting date the 35th day of Dec. 1847, to nal directed for holding a court of quarter ars eie"er the Pelee; common pleas and orphan's court at Towanda for the County of Bradford, on the let Monday of February next, being the Ith, to continue two. weeks. Notice la therefore hereby given, to the Coroners, 'hastier* of the PfSfie and Constables of the county of 'Bradford, that they be then and there in thekproper persons, at 1 a',olock,itt the 'forenoon' of Weds', with records, iniittisitinns, examinations. and other their te roymbranoes, to do Mom things which to their office appertains to be done and those who are bound by recognizance or °themes to prosecute against the prisoners who are or may be in the jail of raid county, or who are or shalt be bound to appear at the said (Mort, are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shat he just. Jurors are requested to he punct ual in their attendsnce.iagreeably to their notice. Dated at Towanda, the 15th day of January. in the year of our Lord 10118, and dabs Independence of the linked &muslin seventy-third. . • JOHN P. -MEANS,' MAL PATEAT , MEDICINES; sleety kind now in use, ego be round at the Mutt Depot; Agent for'4sYsit's Winkles, Cliekenees, West's, Pain kilter, sod various *gm medicines. A fait sativenpni supply always nu tianiX 308 No. I BRICK' ROW SUA W1.8.1.-ittochc, Thit4t:l4i.DeLaini, Btndllti and Woot Shwas, a tarp an% ay StERCUINI. ~isullnttwns ~ie~!iisetatnis: • • CaUMWlatniMinfigia " TBIB stibleOZ at 'dl /B i t c ri b t. day , 114 • fl i ps; driiiiM ItikAAN kkil• ;am mo " - spa meal' ieit CHAIRC ' 4 6 1 2 4 4/1, 4 aTrrEtsd SEIMTEADB icem, Ufa fur, 1146. 1 we, will foe 411, • epsy rr w e Piothick'ir - Whitelti " - bar , Whilerreid,lll.lll4 dr eenotiei et aria:di; oil by 4 Beirading 13 feet look—eNber DettosweekNeeeersoa r or Maple, will also be reedited : fir oar vie&' inurag'lloneur order% the TOMKINB do MACKINAC:S. Towanda, Feb. 33r14411 -oz . - i "1 ~ - - MP . . - ill&. 31C .I* -4 3L -1. • AC lilt ail. 0 , _. 1 . amat p st. ALL , N ip, DEE3PECT -- Mgr rm. iliiii -.,.:-: ,orrion;*l 1.4,i di, and the pOldie Wale. ,le puq4o- ,lo eimaikin 'hayed.* styli , . ArFripdtnis ot . e . Hotise; Sigit, 6ach'ir , miageraiiifing. or i ng i liiinoing y and ea anxiety ,of Amy .- -old OHM/Sent Painting.- --- - - From his long.expaelt*n mid the inamr . apecinirms of his prodnations now in nae.'he entertains * Sattering, hope that by, close appllestion.to 'his profession, and being Prompt to onler be may secine a sortable shale of piblic parsonage'. Hai may in found et all tidies at the, Chair rectory of Tonkin* & Mating* Where be wilt ba on hind to attend to the calls adman who may want his service* PAPER-HANGINgdone On short nth' Lice. in a superior manner and reasonable tennis. — 4 . Towanda. July 0.1847. , I y 4, A Woolen Factory at, Borne. HE subscribers bike pleasure in announcing to the T citizens of Bradford twenty and vititilty:, that ihei hive leased for, a ter* of years the "bbilding situate in WysJesiog Winehip, and known as Inghste's ratiorY; and which they are nowfining up With essehinely sod • ipparatus for she manufacture of br oad and nanow cloths, flannels, & c , in superiotityle and on thirMost assailable num.. ` . ,Chose wishing - to have wool vino • factored upon , shares will find it to thibr adsanWill give them a call; as they' sal delennin * ad 1114 no na , Shaft beep:tied to give the roost' p!rfeat satisfac tiorw--- r They work Weal Sato Breed or iserrowdriesed Cloths far one half the cloth, or if preferred, they will 111144 facture by the yard as follows :—Bmed cloths for frees $1 to $1.45; Narrow cloth, from 44.t0 fillets. Other articles manufactured for propartibnate prices. Wool carding and cloth dressing will be dons- on shots notice and reasonable terms. They will be pre. pared for business cm or before the first of June nest. Wyalusing, April2s, 1847. HALI? dr, KILL. New Tailoring Establishment, In No. 2, Brick Bow, over the i stoze o f E. T. .70x, tkini storyt SlVOMPlltnYUretis REBPECTFIThLY informs the eitisens of -Tawas da.. and the public generally, that he 41 rdtboved his Tailor shop to No. 2, Thick Row. over the stored E. T. Fox, third story, Where be solicits those in' want of Tailoring, le give hint a call. Having been employed in the mosrfaahionable estab lishments in Philadelphia and elsewhere, and being de termined to spare' o pains to please, customers' may depend upon having their_work done promptly andin s good . styt eas can be had at any shop in town.- All work warranted well made ad to 6t. p~ Cutting done asap. and ',tenanted. (I:7' Country Prance taken in payment for worn. Towanda, A tigna 30, 1847. LOOT & SHOE MANUFACTORY, ai. ..~ . , TORN W. WILCOX, having purchased the into rest of his late partner, respectfully informs the pub lic that be may still be found 'at the old stand, near T. P, Woodruff's tavern, where he still solicits a share of public patronage. He intends, by a vandal selection of stock, and by attention to the interests of his custo mers to make as neat and . dumble work as tan be ma nufactured in this pmt of the country. • He will keep constant on band, and mamifsetnre to order, Morocco, Calf and Coarse &oh:did Shoes Lathes' Gaiters, Shoes and kips; Children's Gent's Gaiters and Pumps, Ire. Q a Country Produce, of most descriptions;taen in payment for work, at the market price. Tommie, August 30, 1847. No. 1., Brick Row, again. in the Field,! fr. 4. cirri aseberish : ...... ITASiost returned froanthe city ike: . .1.1. of New York with a large 0 C . . Ak .apply of Watcbeir,.. Jewrdry rind i . 4 7 Silver ware, comprising tEL part, t the folio:nib:lg outlet:vs :-Levei, ~ L'Epine end Plain Vi7atebes, wit); .‘,‘ \I ik.. ki , ~:: ~'' --"i a complete assortment of Gold .. Jewelry, such as Ear Ringi, Pin go', mes s , Breast pun, Bracelets. Lockets, (told chain Mild PessOkeys, ete. • Also, an aorta .of Silverware, and any quantity of Steetikedri,--all of which be offers for sale ezemedingly cheap for CASH. Wambes repaired on abort notice. and warrankd to run well, or theorem) , will be refrindwil. and e writ. ten agreement given to that effect .if requtntd• ~ - N. 8.--MAPLE SUGAR, and Country Produce taken in payment for work; end alas. ktrt now, and forever. that the Produce must be paid when the work is done--4 wet against credit in all its forms. - W. A. GllAMßElllil.N,.Agent. - Towanda, April 28, 1847. . ==lEl2laM Ir,lwomemz. • The litany la Dr. Carter's infallible Remedy for litemosg. Tame of token; and size of doses Windy at the option of the patient! TBE above medicine can be Mond &101 thews at the new establishment of CARTER & SMALLEY. together with an entire new and fresh 'emelt of CRC CERIES, comprisdfig every thing . in ;then line. such. u Tel,' Cave, Sugar. Tobacco, Peppet, Spice, Choco late, Oocoa,Citron, Figs, Raisins, &e., and an endless vsriety_of other articles " too numer o us to mention ;" all of which will be scild as iow as the. saute can be bought west of the Empire city. We she. offer the molt splendid assortment of French. Eng4h end. Ger man TOYS ever before offered in Northern Pannityl vania, together with a full assortment of Nuts. Confec tionaries, Yanks. Notions, Pitney glassware. dec., which must and will suit sato quality and price. , Oct. 11.'1847. CARTER & SMALLEY. • The 4ddle .flarness• Busiiiem Is ids continued hy.ELKANAH SMITH, J. CULP &0. T. SMITH, under the . Finn of Elkenah Smith & CO., at the old stand Moth aided tha Public Square, where will be kept constantly on hand, Best Phan and Ictelttet' Saddles, Plated and Common Harness, akin& of Trunks. Valli" end , alt other work in their line. • Carriage Trimming 4. Military work done koorder. From their experience sod punctuality. they are iq balmlike receive* share of public patronage. Work can be bed at their.shop as cheap meat any aches shop in the conntv ofthe.same quality. May 18, '47 - - . , TAILORING ESTARtISMIENT! (1 H. & IL DAVIS. T.tf ILOR.7."rtafefrom the IJ~. City of Loudon.,) have oiierso 'a rip, in the second story of the new Brick black, dieted ty Burton Kingsbery, on Main street, where, they ire reputed to execute all orders in their line with accuracy . & despatch. From their long and rigorensi ity,the art, end their extensive experience psi roccu4e.-4.• the best 'bops in London. they feet perfectly ctNnPr ll 4 3l -or.bejng "Melo Please thermion fristirtione owe. and-teaxecute their wort in suchentritartthit and rugshitaitiler a lk give aadsfaaion to, their magenta*: v13:7 Cuithig 4 10 4 1 1 . t •enler• 10d. waminted te fit .if P oitetlY Shadaltit•cl , • . 13.,H; tiol B s • Towanda, Oct. I.; 1847. ylB -DAV*. ===2: = =M MAY BrILAD tit an has ever been 'Mkt% • cheep. and wheat am bwered, , can afford all form do it. An be received in payment. Sept. 1. 111C411112.110" - NiTrILL be kept on band made to *alarm eh ney than eau be produced at .1 the land. Those who are any curing that *Wide will end di hearse end pub may be had in September •1. 1847. eai•Tlo Copper, ii Tin, atdiga, WIIOLLIMLI DC. HALL is now . 1;000, winch be is or retail, to salt purchasers, for each, lumber or grain. be paid for wheat, oats, corn Store and Mrinufeduri earner of Main and Bridge largest and best smottment of Alba y, as Number. Hockey. cooking stove, en inged with a lo ta_ ty top, sad tot air o'er ; " biped , 1 ,21 3.4. froehester Empire hot air`dven, 4' " Universe, " 1 4 : i 4 Fulton, " I (improved) 2,3, 4 Congress tight air cooking,l 2,3, 4 Knickerbocker, a 2, 3 ' Albany Elevated oven la 2,3, 4, 5' a Premium I a 2,3,4,5,6' Race's pat. self-regulator, iii-light parlor, 1, %• 3 ' Rochester air tight parlor, I 2,4, 4 Congress do. Albany do; (roasters,) Albimy Fancy wood parlor, 3,4,5' N. Y. city a 1 2,3,4 " parlor coal doll* 1, 2 Common cylinder do 1 " 1,2, 3' A Large quantity of It re Pipe, Elbows, Tin, Brat • Copper, Japanned & itritaania ware, Zia; Ate. which be will sell as abo c t; s d t wholesale or retail. She ' iron, 71n, Brass and C es , Work, made to order on abort IN:otide, and warranted. Persons wishing to pur chase dm above articles ill do well by calling at the above MOM, before pa , ing elsewhere. as the propel- " etor is bound not - to try' , adenoid by any living man. 5,0011 SHEEP PEI 8 wanted, for which cash will" he paid. ,October 27, 1:47. - 6m ANOTHER GBEAT BATTLE !` another Large ,and Splendid Lot of Ready Negate Cloodayl "[UST arrived at L.-BATCHELOIFS CLOTHING J STORE. Here is place to get cheap clothing, at least 50 per cent. cheaper than at any other place. I base all kinds to suit Icustomers. My stock is large, • consisting of Cloaks, Costs, Pane, Vests, &c. &c.— Elegant and new •melium styles, and at astonishing low prices. ; . . . Cloaks. Over Costif, Brown,' Drab; Do.. tasriness Costs—all kinds, Black Dress Coats, French 'Dress Do., Gold Milted, Do.; Satinett Pants, Cassinifte Do. Black and Green Monkey Jackets.,Fancy Satin lists, Black Do., Cashmere, Do., %able Brassie& Do., - White Maurine Do: Also—Canion Fianna Draw-" els. Shirts the stone and some , 1 , splendid fine Shins.-- I Also—Blue and Blan Cloth, Balm Do., Cesaktieres, • I Plain, Fancy Do., V 'Aga of alltinds. - . o'Cutting and ending ,donef cheap kilt f making : up at L. 131TCHELOWS • Oct. 9,'4T. , Clothing StUtt‘ TOOT SHOES. ! AND . What are yea &boa here '1 Aral 10. - Yrs,' noise • rPHOLISANDS times the question has been asked, .L 'Whore on earth are all the Boots- and Shoes ma nufactured that supply the continual rush at the corner of Main and Brig% streets! O'Hara answers that this is 'the plain, and th me the things we do it with ! - . "sot . ... Seventy-elevennewfashions • -----..",-, _- every two seconds! ------------------. Put on the Steam! ! - Hear ye 1 hear e ! and understand . that O'Hara, at ' l a the corner of Mai and Bridge streets, will sell at retail • this season. 39,78 pairs of Boots, !Shoes and Brogans, at a less paw tba ever was or probably ever wilt be of fered again in To ' oda. The Lathes' epartment in this establishment it richly furnished with fashions. Ladies', relines' and children's fancy and common boots and - shoes, even to the extremity of Pie latest fashions. Mistake not the place —Corner of Main and Bridge streets, the _only Shoe Store in firiadfont-County. Ralf cash and ball trade for Butter. ii. O'HARA. Towanda, June 16, 1847 . . , - -- W . A&O•WOal c S i 'l I lirg Towanda. H. BAKER respectfully informs the public that • ho has commenced the GRAVE-STONE busi ness, in all its hranrhes, at Towanda, where he will be i t ready at all dints to attend to all cal l s in ii . line. lihnuments,i Tomb-tables, Grave evefrw descriptions 4e.. sc. made to order, 'arid furnished as abeip as OR l i t MARBLE or he same quality can be ob 'n shop in the co ntry . . -. He invites e public to call and examine his and meterials, oping to merit their patronage b 1 gt l attentiOn tp bOsiness, and by superior workmanelliP l good marble. LETTER- UTTING done With neatness and del' ?i f s patch, in the l test style. Shop on a m street,text door to T. Efßoterstore and three doo above Biligi' Hotel. . •T°wlnda. l'olt Tett 17, 1847. • 401 __ • • C ____. And Cblidren's ll+ u itt yet, pl ti. cloth std fur, an APS! C' PB!—Men's, Bo '/, And caps: - comprising t e greateet variety ever seen in this plot jolt received and for sale 'very low by October 1 !, 1847. O.D. BARTLETT, 'all:MD VEMILFOIETA) 111.1311Z11 Si CHT wsusx.so4r,. ANDA; BRADFORD COUNTY, PA. , E. Onlie aka. Go#drich. • AT TO* B; TERM TWO DOMARS AND FIFTY CFN II4 r" annum. Fo Cash pad ni the time of siikiscatung. 00,00n1;51,. I.AR rill • 4 , ducted :if paid within the year. A ift'du , '" ) , Tim. CE 'PQ with he made. These the will he orirq, adhered to. Subscribers ore at liberty ,to discontinue itt 10 . , time. upon , vaunt of arrearagea. • 11 1 IIT Adv rusements, itot exceeding a square often Inv* inserted th ~ titans for 81: erieh subsequent imertion tV et 11:7 - pou t g Frodeme and Wood, received lap ayment, . wit within lax mon th s Isom the time of sot/scribble. . Ai . (17' Job tinting. of every deicripton, neatly and eIP." lions!) , es e med. on torte and faslnonable type. d ,,,,* It 7 Ripoiter !Mice . as in. Col. Means' bnekirt._. corner o . einand 13r , dr,esus. Enttance on the nerd! - " • El '4 eb loafer tink it ostallda. ,Gooda ars . thafia reasonva, kinds-of produce pin' LUMBER of all Ends( L.M. -NYE * CO. ML/111111111S large impertinent, seal notice and brim ins. awe establisbmesdire - the -necessiijof pro: be sedidied.• ' A good' sues wheat desired.- . M. NYE & CO. 31Weinit • .0 eet Iron, —fast' IVI4 R D 11TAIL. . 1 . • '• g 60 tons of the sbini . to 'sal t wheketle . t the most reduced prime,- • e most Bend prices wai l * end lumber. • Edeblishesext, on . the:, ' - where may be found the " • (of wares, this die the city tv 33