Sat e nifty and'StitirYa nights, otirrilLige, usually as otderly and .quiet as, any town in the State, was the scene of most bru tal rips. NIA& neW whiskerimptultie t grog geries have spriiii 4 ii and thiurished'among as though, enceauttrro; and our I:tonere:Wont', sribraWecV by niniflandat ity have tribmituld'to the nuisance in silence; etil, in its rankness and !strength, as, Weiild seem,' has turned upon it self, for its , own estriiction . ; and a civil wares ran; Ong among our ,grovedes . and their customeeni We gather the panic:lllam renut_POlno3oftltisporti without frouehing for their COredeb/**.thetli!MA Tastes to the damage done.... The dernowelatheni on Saturday night was upOn groceif..oti Franklin street. Late in the evenings gang of !alloys attacked it with clubs and battering ramp.— otherwise, hickory poles, slung end demolish ed the doors and windows, above and below, (the upper part was occupied by Kelly's family,) de stroyed the filminess and fixings ; in shot; com pletely gutted the building, leaving little else bat the bare walls. The damage must have been some considerable; On Sunday night a like attack was made on Landon's grocery, Centre Buildingeflow-• er part of Colin street, with similar mullet, but less ilambge to the building and property. In this at tack; tt is said that Kelley, who suffered the night before, was himself engaged ; and we understand that he is now under arrest. Scenes of outrage -cannot be too severely condemned, and we .trust that our ciathorities will see to it that they are not. repeated, and that the actors ere properly punished. But it cannot be disguised that the proper course would ha+e been long since to have suppressed these`nuisances. Tf we encourage or permit the growth ofithese volcanoes among us, we must ex= pact an occasional explosion. P. S.--Since the above was written, we under stand that Kelley, William McJ.eod, Lemuel Breed, Rufus Patterson and Nelson Gleason, have been ex amined before Justices Boyd and Waterman, and bound over for trial, for, participating in the riot of Sunday evening.—Binghamton Courier. THE PkitIONING POWER.- - GOVeMOT Young of New York stands a fair chance of acquiring an un-, eviable notoriety for his abuse of the p ardoning bower. A list,of pardons since be-has been in of fice numbers one hundred and twenty-Seven con victs, some of them the oldest and most determined reprobates living. .In the c list are no less than live murderers, eleven convicts of manslaughter in the first degree,. eight of Within were sentenced for life and the balanee.made up of burglars. forgers, big= mists, robbers and thieves of every grade and des cription. This is a startling fact, and justifies the remark-of the New York Courier, that the Governor would save time and tronble by opening the prison ,(loot at once. What is the use of the expense of prisons or police when the fear of either isrernoted by the almost certain exercise of misplaced execu tiVeclemency ? This power, which 'was given Wisely to be exercised only -in doubtfil cases, is mischieveously perverted when it becomes the in strument through which ••audacious rogies whose crimes have given them sufficient affluence to pnr pardons may be re4toTd to society with all their civil rights. . Grx. TArtmt - stems - determinedtb'adhere to his ~ r esoliation, not to visit any place bn't his own home during his leave olabsetwe. • 'He has just declined an invitation to visit the seat Of government of Ails sissiPpi as the guest of that, State. A cotnmittee of the Legislature waited Upon him at his residence in Louisiana ; and communicated the wishes of the Legislature.- Gen. Taylor Thanked the 'Legislature tor its:kindness, but declined the inyitation. princi pally upon the ground that he -obtained his leave of absence for the express retmose.ef•visiting his fam ily, from whom he had been *mg separated, and pf attending to his private Ibrisintxss,3which had been much neglected. He also stated that he had repor ted himself to the Departntent at Wsahingtop, and that it world - be iMproper for himlo teal:mitt him -self long at a time. as imp6rtknt commdaicatsons might be addressed to bite in his absence.- - MURDER IY Porrsytu.a..-t-Aboet midnight on Sunday last, some sort of momentary, collision oc• cured between Jacob Garret and a young man, named Bertsch, in the sttecit. It was but an instant and Garret was mortally staffed at the 'head of the spinal column or hose of the brain. it was done so gnickly, that two persons in company could not observe the act, The wcrunded man ran about one hundred yards, fell and soon c.piretk Rum and the beer shores, 'which hn spread a pestilence in every direction, had soinething to do with this tragedy, as-may be :inferred 'from the Midnight hours kept by the parties. The stippoged ferpetra "tor was arrested and held to ball. Tin SHOE Btsrviss•=The illaverhiH '(pass) Banner has the follnwine gratifiying statement as to the condition of the shoe business, in which is en aged a good podion of the productive industry of Massachusetts : - "Onr manufacturers, and those who ale employed in completing ons.stitige corn: modtty, have-been exceellingly busy diming a few months past, and a very large amount of shoes have Ten sent to market. We are told that 60400 pairs cif shoes were sent to Haverhill week before last, for the South and West, brooder 'of patchasers, amh large orders are contidually filled by chit fannfact. cress." Cowirromo.—Two voung . men of Hyannis, had a, Sailing out at an anti-slavery meeting m that place recently, and one orthem having procured a cc*. hide, Reim the other a threshing. Having peiforro ed his work ) he politely tittered the- eoirhide to the flogged party that the tatter might take his satisfac tion in the stufie coin: The flogged, however, pm. ferred making application to a ma g istrate who awarded him SIO smart money. Homunix Mrannit.—The Cincinnati Chronicle Prys gentleman from Millersburg informs its -that on Sunday evening last. a young man; named Rankin.'killed uMr. Miller, his own netshew, by 'euning his throat. Both the murderer and his vic tim were-under the influence of ardent spirits when fhp . bloody •deert -- *as committed. Rankin made his escape. We learn from the same source, that a Mr. Hibler Wealdlled in Lexington, Ks', a few days since bvl man whose name our informant '? . oirld not learn. ''Cbsisnanptitin. 1 its terriblesdisease is.cotrimonlysttnbated to our clivitate But a the climate Were to blame,lhe disease would have been Inflicted on that, and not upon the people. We think the (malt v in the the people and that if the prop:e would keep the skins nithemselres and their children properly washed, and abstain 'tam glittitty,:r.ison, and idleness for a generation or two ion met:lotion winild , be no nominalism than ii now, in good @octet the disease for♦rltich'cratehing.and sulphur are the princ:- Me remedies. . flowerer, consnmpyion frrevaill as, mewl arc, and picks off ow best and prettiest of ifs. itrour ;White. In [thus state of things te e moot do the hem We can, piece nut and patch of the web of .1,, with Journeys, voyages. andffieditine. IX all the meth •eles Ave knots. of. Dr. Wistar's " Ba'ittectikrt Wild Cherry " Is what we should- first,recAatrunend. ite Wave' in our office a . brute proof of itsefEency,twhni - hnt for it, would have been be. the .od long ago.. The - inventor of dal medicine, Dr. Wtstar tens n limn of science of humanity, tind undoubtedly prepared the remed) in its best form. and the Intblic may rely upon 11 r. VMS C for the genuine article. Th.• genuine sipted I. BUTTS on the teleripet ; *VA In A. S. CIIAAIBERLIN Towanda. _ . _ SCA stet Peres asualy rommenees with Minim and sickness, Curet lawn, headoeh, redness of the E.yes iln or three 'lays a.prieking sensation is experienced , an d two an eruption of a radness begins to appear, fiirat on the face and arms, and knelly a uniform rednesi covers the whole body. In resell of Scnrit , t Fever, Wrght ? Indian 'Vegetable Fills .hosld be taken every night on going to bed, tri such doses as w , produce ecipmus evacuations by the bitteels. This coarse, if Dleperly fp/lowed up. will in a short tune auddite the poet vitt ...m snack of Scarlet Fever, at the same time the digestion *.r, be improved, anal thwblond completely purledi Berson Or POUSTEILVIT3 •NII liarrs.rox !--Remember, that ormnal and only genuine letuss Vtaarsit.s Pitts have 'fir written signature of WM. W IUG UT on tie , Ittp lhble of 14 01 box. • The ahore eelebiated pills for sale by /6,l antes & N.: Townivitt.: U. &Snotty dr Co. Frenchtbarn S Ir. kb P. poi.rierpy. TeetY. D. Brink, liornbroo. r "Trk & Gee. East Bueoldn. .1. C. &dams. Rum. creek. . 1 % el on. tarter . i C. Rathhone. Clinton. ;• Tr F2 tsworth. Athens. •Ir W. Campbell, Shesbequin 7 .7. mil.n. ~.1 I. Wairrant Motirneton. nseirst office ant priers] Depot, itp arice.,St. fill'. , . . • a.-itit 41 , 4 • AN* , W - • - • Dry Coedit, ► uroceri , est,pasdiraro and "CetierKtioekery, piia Palms, Dye stiff's. nob, NailarOlarm flub, • Panr• ilani, Calm II Bon i; flu OA . rat*Ted armther extensive use or reMeellatwous Doing Vi itt,t,'TONE4Y . , embracing aireat Own' rt 4 Mae Pam. gderehmegliepplied with PoSka t rapaT, 4c., at wholmie prtiej. k Pirkk •v+, ter.or Main thidie ,7 owai A s . i t o t s. nitpert.r..; ELW GARR, 14C1.440 Molt Pout* eorneederhird iud Rock at., Paßodelphnv VB. pAr.mEa, Ni . corner of Tinird and Cit111;1 ItMetl a • Philadelphia{ and 161 Biondi' at., (Tribune buildings.) N.Y,.: GEORGE PRATT, Ib4 Nassau at., (next door to Tammany Hall) New York. To Piriaitooo, A donut of Long Primer. partly worn ; a fount of Bremer, needy new : and rations other priming materials not ba and will be sold cheap, at Ibis odhpb. MrSONS OF• TEMPERANCE,—.The stat ed meetings of TOWANDA DIVISION, No. 101 8. of T., are held every TUESDAY even ing. at 6,1 o'clock, in the Sons of Temperance Hall, over B. Kingsbery's store. Py order of the Dir., J. H. NEVINS, R.B. Nan - rtionneute. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALL persons indebteed to the estate of JOSEPH H. BEEMAN, dee'd., late of Wyelusing townshid i are hereby requested to make paymen witheut delay; and those hosing claims against said. estate will &isle present diem duly authuntihated for settlement. C. MUM WAY. Rry aiming, Feb. 9th, 1849. ‘ Administrator. DIVEM DIDC3#II3. MB% T OST. pow weeks since from the stage, in coming 1.4 from llhmroton to Towanda, a manuscript book of MUSIC. The, Radek will be . liberally rewarded, and wiles the thanks of the :subscriber by returning the same. W. li, PERKINS. - Towanda. Feb. 16tb, 1848. ' BATHING SALOON, eogoast c 3 cik auracrast o - ET A V E the satisfaction of announcing to their nu mein lloits friends, and the public that they havejust open ed ti BATHING ESTABLISHME Ni T. in &Towanda, in the new Brick Block of Burton Kingsbery, where -all who wish to it in the healthful and invigorat ing exercise of a Coin or Waits: Bath, can at any time be accommodated. (0! Call and try it. rah. 9. The price for Bathing once, 25 cents, ,To those who bathe by the month. 50 cents. • ADMIMISTRATOWS Non CE; ALL persons are requested to' ake notice that Silas E. Shepard of Troy township, Elia. Rockwell and Betsey Rockwr 11, of Canton Township have taken nut Letters of Administration on the estate of Samuel Rockwell, deceased, late of Canton Township ; and all persona indebted to said estate are requested to call and pay up their accounts, and those having claims are re quested to present them, duly7attested for settlement.. 8. E. SHEPARD. • ELIAS ROCKWELL,. BETSY ROCKWELL, February 8, 1848. Administratont. - - - _ _ M:T/7MM RiAELSIOn Hair Dressing anti Bathing Saloon ! EMULOUS TO EXCEL! •. Cooper If G. Jackson, RE SPEC !FULLY inform their friends and tha public generally, that therhave fitted up that large room in the New Britii, Block of B Kingsbery, Tenon da, in a superior style,-where they will take pleasure in waiting upon their old customers, and making new ones. In addition, they will keep constantly on hand a good assortment of FANCY GOODS, such as Bear's Oil. Mar is Oil, Os 114drrow. Cologne, Victoria perfume, Hair bmShes, Shaving and Tooth brushes, and Combs. "ALSO—AR kinds of. Ladies' earls. Bosoms and Collars, Cravats, Suspenders, Rosemead Strops, Ameri can Bhampoone a for sale by the - bottle, for restoring the hair and preventing the acestinuliting of dandruff- 7 warranted to keep the hair from falling Wit - used ac cording to directions. Always kept on hand a fresh simply of lined and composition hair. Dye warranted tochange the hair instantly from a red or gray, toe beautiful broirn or black. Gentlemen's Coats and cleaned or colored and warranted to give satisfactioi. Rezone honed on shots notice. Boots and shoes blacked to order. Call 4 see for yourselves. Feb 9. DXSBOXIVACIDL NOTICE is given, that • the partnership heretofore IA 'misting between the subscribers, is dissolved by mutual consent. The accounts ale in the bands of M. CARTER, who will pay all debt. due by the late firm. MIL ES CARTER. January 27, I!48. R. C. SMALLEY: --- - - ITALENTINES I—Just received the choicest ever offered in this town, for ale chest by Feb.l. VISA , • O. H. BARTLETT, NOVlfin TIRE stbseicitier proposes to mtafid to law Wiliness hernalteri on the following ten*. r, Be will try suits in the Commpri pleas, before arbitrators and inset.- end will ma* no charge for service unless his. cli succeeds inithe suit. Prom txperienea and obeeivition he is of the opinion that if on attorney 6 Cuffictently convinced of the justice and practicability of bis client's cause to recommend a snit or defence, he should be waling lo risk hit fees on the monk of the muse; sad if in any ease he is unwilling to incur the risk, he cannot consistently plunge his client into)he expense and tnceruunty of a lawsuit by his, advice. • Collections of every description will be attended to upon the same terms. Conveyancing and other kinds of ofibre business -done promptly and at reckonede charges. (0-offiee in the onh end of brick Raw over the Post office. wed side of main street, Towanda. Towanda, Jan. 1848. HENRY BOOTH. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Ati t persons indebted to the estate of DAN DICK. ERSON, deed., late of Ridgbury township, are hereby requested to make payment without delay,knd li t those having claims ainst said estate will please pre sent them duly authed cited for settlement: - MILLS CARR, , • S.TENDLETON, Ilidgbtire, Dec.:lo, 1847. Administratprs. MEASURES—HaIf bushel, peck, four quart, wo curt, and one quart measures. at BAIRD'S. ItTOVA BPOTIA GREVE STONES, for 'asp •t oep2s MERCUR'S, kJ - ALT-100lt just received and for sale et BAIRD'S. Ng.3. H. R. General Scott in the City if Mexico ! And anoirei: large stock of Goods just „voiced at • PsiONTANYES & CO's STORE. 'Mick hare been earefidly 'elected for Me Fall Trade. T"publie are invited to call and etamine their stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and . Crockery, Boots & !Awes, Hats & Caps. and everything in the line of staples, suited to the wants of this region of country, which have been purchased exclusively foe Cash; and at the lowest ebb in the 'market: We hope our old friends will not forget to give us a call, at we can make it an object for them to Jo so. Towanda ) August 18, 1847. OLOTHI3. CAISSIMERES EATTiNETS,&c. 1../ —French,. English and Am4ican Cloths; plain end fancy Cassimems Indaattinetts; satin; silk, valen cia and worsted,Vestings, very cheap it sep2s IVIETWURI4. SIM= . 2rc ALARGE end extensive aseortment of School.Cior sired and Miscellaneous BOOKS; 'also a large deck and great 7ety of Papers, including note. letter. cep folio, post Office thd wrapping papPrs; togethet *oh a complete assortment of Blank Booke, Visiting Cards, Estrogopes,4e.,4*. I all for sale cheaper than cheiptat, by ul9 0. D. BAR FLEW. 3e, - - • 4kgi'ma Use People, itEN, , Ti . A . I :., 5 .-BRpC K• , : S . T OR E' I\T N. BETTO iti)natescreiving.et4l*.Csalial . n tisto J.lls in. thaw* Jut* Mock amity Loge and dein? lea dock of • , 600019,_ which harem at a, vary small . sideman from cost; hirchasuri asinine of getslog-the wrath of their mosey nahavingthstamisfactron aka. la g hopesuy.deek with, irilllnd-it thaitintersat to att amine his stock before purchasing. , :- . I. , ',. ... - Among my goods surly. haimand Freack'Engliik and Ainwricaninvad : dabs, do. cassimere, silk velvet and satin vesting", fancy seating!, sheep's gray cloths, sat. hetts. Kentucky jeans, tweeds, linseys.' knit woolen shirts and drawers, cotton do.; alpaccas.a gnat 'oriel'', Ireenchntaistoca, alk and wool do., de brinas.Oregon, yak. lama and wades plaids, gingham, csakmonso ntantilht silk, boonet.velvots and satins;: trimmings 10 Conespendoemps and fringes wood assontment e hew. soUs and arooka earpetbsgs. broths. ateeditlko canto mere dalain,french and woolen plaid shawls, .domes• tie goods. hosiery and gloves, • carpeting', 4 sad 8-4 oil cloths, window shades. ike. Groceries ; crockery, Ana and tin .wale. hardware, boots and shores large ainort. meat. Leather, nails, square, round sad-common bar iron, plow and sdelgepatterns nail rod, hems awes and nails. fend and 'Mop iron, east, engfish blister. german. american spring taxis, 7 by 9, 8 by 10 and 10 by 12 glum, putty. linseed and lamp,oils, paints of all kinds, mackerel no. 1 and 2, codfish. &e. &c. Goods sold at cash pribes for grain, butter. cheese &c. Wanted 1000 fox and martin skins for which cash wiU be paid.. 1.- I take this method of, informing my old friends and customers, that I have Made arrangements with Mi. N. N. Betts, to pirtially take charge of, and sssist him, in his business. I would, therefore, be very happy, to see any of you at the above mentioned establishment, where goods most and will be sold at very low rates, for my motto is as it ever has been, small profits and quick sales. Call. and see Yours truly, ___ _ __ it. D. MONTANYB. 2999 YDS. SHEETING, (heavy goods,) aell mg at 8 and 9 cents a yard. at the Cen tral store d 22 N . N . BETTS. CLOTHS ! CLOTHS! !..—Every body admits that the cheapest in town are to be found at the Cen trat store; call and see; no charges foe showing goods. IMPS !—These furred animals are to be bad at M the Central more, from 37} cents, to $l3. Mark the place, if you want muffs cheap. N.N.BETTS. NAILS --from a 4 loch spike down to a shoe ash, at the Central store. N. N. BETTS. Tristeam sews, IV T. N - 21 AIM .73 HAS removed his °trios to D. C uts's new office. on second street, where he will be pleased tepee those who need his profestional services. Dec. 29, 1847. y CUT AND MILL SAWS, halal and . taned,do.„ at the Central awe. 422 N. N. BETTS. TX7I:IITE LEND, No. 1, extra, dry and ground in V oil, at the Central more. N.N. nErrs. THE DIGNITY OF N 0.3, KEPT UP ! THE old firm of WM. H. BAIRD & having been dissolved by mutual consent. and ►he subsai bet being disposed to keep OLD N 0.3, (whois always right) GOING AREALt.vrould now announce mamas who like to buy goods cheap, that ha is now daily re ceiving from the city of Now York, a new sod splendid assortment of Goods, which be is bound Mien "'cheap as they can be bought this side of the city of New York. My assortment consists, as usual of DRYGOODS. - GROCERIES.CROCKERY, HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL, BOOTS & SHOES. 808 SLEDS, TRUCK CARTS. &C., &C. Now. Mr. and Mri. Everybody, just meadow your old habit of dropping in at Na. 3, before purchasing elsewhere, and if I don't sell you goods tight, '" don't buy them." I have - accommodating clerks, who will always be happy to wait upon you in case you don't find the Old Man constantly on band himself,. and I have no doubt but on pricing the good. you will be glad to buy. I feel thankful for past favors, bestowed arum the old firm, and it shall be my aim to merit a continuance of the same. noel E. W. BAIRD. C.E . A FOOD.—Codfish and Mackerel. any quantity /0 for ante at nlO BAIRD'S. DROWN SHEKTINGB.—About 49,000 yards of LI Brown Sheeting*. juoit wed at BA IRI ill. ITESTINGB.—Satin, ink, satin stripe, silk velvet and other Vestinge, for winter or summer, f e ll or spring ; a great assortment at 13AIRD13, No. 3, ILL CHOICE DRY GOODS.—Alpaccas, French Mari no, Oregon plaids, mouslin de loins. Columbian plaids. gingham', of all descriptions, itc., dre., at Nov. 10. BAIRD'S, Na 3, Brick Bow. tt Uk GOODS.--Gentlemen's fur caps, Ladies' muffs, ice.; a good assortment at - BAIRD'S. SAWS.—MiII saws, and Bi feet and 6 foot crowing saws, it BAIRD'S, Na. 3, Brick Roar. HATS & CAPS—A good alsortotent silk and fur Hats. gent's glazed caps, with capes, (a gnat ar ticle for stormy weather,) men and boy's cloth caps. childrsn's velvet caps, Itc. You will find all these kind% arid many mots, st nIO BA I RD'S. HORBE BLANICBTEL=If you limit a spud and cheap article of the kind.calt at BAIRD'S. PAINTS.—White and red lead, Venetian red, Spa: nigh brown, copal gum, litharagig chrome green, chrome marniah, dm; at BAIRD'S. ADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS.—Fringe, gimp, LI habit buttons, and all kinds of fixin'a for trimming dresses, at BAIRD'S. No. 5, Brick Row. LOTHS.—Frenett, and English Braid Cloths snd C Cassimeres, %nine% sheep e i gray, •good mem at nlO BAIRIYB. No. 3, Brick Bow. T A DIEB !—Do you know where to find the nicest .1..4 French Lace Capes in town 7—tbe spot is at Nov. 10. BAIRD'S, N 0.3, Brick Row, LAMER' CARPET BAGS, s splendid ankle, as Nov. 11. BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Row. LAMES' WINTER DREBB GOODS. —A great variety, compribing all the latest styles and most beitatiftil patterns, just received and for sale very low by a• I 9 0 . D. BA RTLETT. OVERSHOEB,of every description, for ale very low by a 22 H. O'HARA. MUFFS!—.lfist. received by express; it new supply of MUFFS, including some No. I. tyna, and cheaper qualities. st • d 29 MERCUWIS. 1 5 / 019-k N DA. .:15.0117130=2rd THIS Institution Ii now under the chirgeof Mr, F. W. Guits, a graduate of Yale Collefe, assisted by Mr. b. H. Paver. of Conn. The first lam com menced on the 15th of Sept. alt. The second Will commence oilthe 6th of Dec. Pupils are Adulated at atiy time. USX*: i nation per tans of eleven weeks 1 Common English stadia; • $2 60 Higher English smiles, 4 00 Ancient Languages and higher mathematics, - 600 Extra charge. (lit and 2d terms) 26 Arrangements will be midi to steam the amid* bf NI accompliahedPivontrest in the spring. Oct. 12. J. DI MONTAN YE. Presidena It4UPFB--A Latta amlortlnent of all kinds and quail% tiew,are now *selling vary low at the Savings Bank, N 0.5, Brick Row. d l 0: REED. fIROCERIES—A large and extensive assortment, LT of every description. bets just been received at the Savings Bank, and are selling cheaper than the cheap est. at No: 5, Brick Row. C. REED. CAPS! CAPS! of every kind mid sort; also rubber Overshoes, consisting of Men's sandals, Ladies' do, buskins, and all other kinds, just freaked. and for pale low it thb Seeing. Bank. d l C. REED. A4UFPB; that ate muffs, and can't be beat—womeve. IN/ ity chutes and beautiful Muffs that can't fail to just melted At n 24 FOX'& tAtifikrblefi OINTMENT.--A fit* 'apply di this &gene* popular article just received at sep2/I 1111118CURI: • ~~ . 5/814/ - Th" BElliot )11 . . C. iticvnla sModsk4l:therneelvair-toiredeks -ibis blemetile betimes, bope_ 'time eppbestion end 'Met **A to .u*se'saire alogb* Jic OlitrilAP., Tile] 0.7,e1!TY 8 - loud read,] 10 meals .pinsoe,wlie er)Oes ' 'wilt' 16e old *lna of tllittear, Mem; sea Ili it' bit ' siebirteit *el *Wilms Rid' mei mid teerteidiet, cisifieliete will 'leek teiy plee aim to de Winer! in. ELLIOTT*. TOMKINS. Meg Sr,: lee. QiLICS.--Biack, adorad..plaid. and eluepihiu onsa kJ Silk a j slag witivatuad Wand Bonnet &dins. at sep24 macura CLIOS, ABBlNliitEB, Voisin" t, OveCOTA , Clotho: ouch so brow,. allie sod mold asked Ur. pare will Apial pry for • . SAVINGS BANK. , !KJ --Olt • rISTRAY.-abroke otto'tbe enclosure of thspOolocrs. bet.,on theleeb et Atigust task a RED COW; i or oyeais old) -The twist is requested to provers. pony, pay shrikes mid take ber sway. • • ' Troy. Sept: 1 2T. HOWARD 8P A LDING. Sen. RINTS, of area variety awl style, frnign and do. A. mottle, now opening at wholesale aad retail, at aultil • MONTANYCS & CO. CLOTHS. CAISSIMERES & vESTINGIS er very sopetior style and finish. and at prices to suit those 4o wish to purchase cheap. anIS MONTANYEB & SHOES -.J adiea' Mimes and Children's, a large va riety on band at )e9 DF:7ll3'. OILS, Paints. Vainisbel and Dyeinuffs. of almost V __every kind; at sep2s MERCOR'S. • Cooking and Parlor Stoves. TUSF received at MONTANYES ¢ c O'S, a large el lot—Also, PIPE, lad a few second•bawl stove% all of which will be sold cheap fc pay. Sept, 7, 1847. ANOTHER ADDITION TO THE Stock of Goods in the Savings Bank. IN Consequence of the rest rush at the Savings Bank for Cheap Goods. the proprietor Oa been induced to replenish wi th a splendid assortrnenl of BPRLNO & SUMMER GOODS, which are now opening, and sell ing at greatly reduced ptices: Tbe proprietor. Mr.C. REED; pledges himself to fully and amply sustain the credit of the institution which it has hitherto borne, i.e. for selling goods cheaper than any other establishment in Bradfonl co. Pawns desirous of testing this, have only to call at No. 5, Brick Row, and satisfy themseries. July 7 1847. C. REED. LAWNS, ORGANDIES, LA WN .GINGHAMB, and Light Gingham, have been' fined at the Savings Dank, awl are selling twenty-fire per cent. cheaper than ever. jy7 C. REED. - - IEON" & NAILS..--A large assortment km 'sale, at -sep2s MERCUR'S. WORITPED DRESS GOODS.—Plain, figured and plaid, blank and colored Alpaccas ; Mick and co lored French k.erinoes; Oregon Plaids; rich French and common Cashmeres, DeLsines, &c, a great Variety of styles for ortle ac erp2s ' MERCIIR'S, SUSQUEIIAANA COUNTY MONEY takes par, for Gtiods, at No. 2 Brick Row. Towanda, Jan. 1 I. 1848 E. r.. FOX. me;:awrit-JuL.2lm. - Iriri. CAME to the enclosure of the sibecriber, tome time during the Pea *summer. a spotted yearling HEIF ER. The owner Is requested to prove property. pay charges, andtake her away. ED. PATTERSON. Towanda. danusiri I, 1845. J. N. Stunner, M. D., Dentist, 'ILL psy his next professional visit to Towanda, 11' in "JUNE next lie may be found at Wood. ref's Hotel. jy4 . REMOVAL AND 141, 0 r i Q H. S. it M. C. MERCUR, HAVE REMOVED to their new store, corner of Main and Pine streets, where they are now open , g a new assortment of WINTER GOODS, to which the attention of the public is resPeetfully requested. Towanda, December 21, 1847. . - 300 BARRELS SALT, forisate by dec2 I MERCETWS. NT we ALARGE and well makcted asantment of Fall and Winter Goods, just received, and for sale by EL LIOTT & TOMEIIIB, consisting of DIY COOK CROCIIIII, IRIDWIII, CIO ti IRON, NAILS, *c, &C. Among our Goods may be found, Franc • irglish and American CIO& and Cashmeres; a a goad as sortment of Fancy Csaalmeres and arils, sheep's gray cloth and sattinela also, a good assortment of Over coat Cloths and Closkints. For the LADIES, we have any quantity of Ging ham', M. Delaines, Cashmeres, alpacas, of all celery and priced, both cotton and silk warp; Shawls; of all kinds, dress silk, black and fancy, with trims lop to correspond. Also—Bonnet Silk & Bonnet'Velvet with trimmings. MUFFS—a large slack. Sept.l7. ELLIOTT & TOMICINS. STEW ORLEANS and sugar house. Molasses, loaf, .L crushed, New Orleans, and common brown sugar, rice, pepper, spice, ginger, notate" saberatus, raisins, tobacco, extra plug add piper; Elttotch end nisceaboy anuM &c., all of which am selling . . at lees than " pro verbialljr low prices," at the Central store, December 22, 1847. N. N. titrra. LOOKING GLA B BES AND CLOCKS are gelling at very cheap rates, and a beautiful article, at the Central stare. u 122 I N. N. BETTS. COD. CHAIN for bull whets to saw mils, &e.t!kc. just received and for Isle by .October 19, 1947, • 0. D. BARTLETT. FRINGES & GIMPS. of all kind.; also, Buttons and other trimmings for ladies' drams and limos, bY 8018 MONTANYE . & CO. PEDLERB it to'theit'sdeantage to cattalo Drug Depot, where they .gen be supplied with eve articledesired, such u philre, emenetw. ate., on the hest terms, .11,18 No, 1. ggick ROW. 1300T8 do 8110E4--it large and exhaustless as sortment of coarse and fine boots and shoes, ladies' full and half gaiters, kid ties, buskine, !Praha kid slip pert, children's cloth and niofocce shoe are now telling very low at the BONO 1301431 Eo. 5, grick now. POR THE LADIES—a tarp asaostnient of white goods, such as Irish linens, cross bernid.andstriped mballne, jaconetta. miss muslin, dm; also swiss tooll, and Muslin edging, thread and cotton edgings, bolding, silk fringe and bum* lace buttons. Patect-whilabme skirts, punts twist; in short • a great variety of filmy goods of may description, may be found at the eep27 SAVINGS BANK. • W CDC TIRE largest and most extensive assortment of NEW GOODS. suitable to the eessoniseleetisti with great tare, and for sale cheap as the cheapest, for cash or ap proved credit just opened at Towanda; Oct. 5, 1847. 0.D., BARTLETT& COTTON YARN. carpet want. battik wadding. wick in& brown and bleached abeetinp and thittinito may be found at a bargain and rory low at the Sam, Bank. eepl9 . NO.. 6. B. R. BOOTS & SHoDs , cotaisOng of cow•hidt and kip boots, lake mien' el' alippeis, gaitete sod half niters ; ehildrom's shoes; also an elepot amiortmect of Hata ani Caps, are now opening at the guinea Bank. sept 9 ' NO. 5, 11; R. Cl_OrGiLt2dB PRiNTEl.—hain and twilkd ging kA- Nona, Aosti,6 and Aotericati rrikta, i totioGful aitaatttait at mad MgRCURT. 'c.vemmt.iro4l , 4amwoe.;w,- .411 1 NUAll a bT1 OF 'Alt RXCEIPTSVD urEtDiTuitts dagmatuumurrY 11611ri—nons aiiikAirtur =I .AaraltafflciauditisiPeldii;trititagihr* 'it i ' :. A*.D•. 1 ,66 1 . !NS le . '•N , -1. . 4.b, ~...,,,i3 O -49 'BB4 60 t=fif dew and repast or old map* i 4ar 34 Coranstrandluatints toreakitiow: ' .:. :, .:.18. . 110 Coaterstaisif, ' . MO Mt Damaipf visern , ' 2 00 Fuel. 46 00 Varktalltellenfat triplosse„ 24 44 Jutting *V 22 40 Grand ,Ibtars.46B 73 . . . trawls Am* 23111'06 For Blant Beatnik , Migrant publicsl3=4* 27 69 A: litarthredsi of tote; ' • - -t. BB 12 Wild Cat tertillesinei , 4 AO Ear inprit PI Priontruit tho County lad, 181 b 9 Bills for Pilhttag, '•• Ulf eel Public Brilldings fordhtary repairs, 804. 62 41' Carrying &and support of convicts in .S. ' • 8. Peni4nriaryl 214 43,0' 1.. E. DeWolf for moral. • .- - I - 75 ' W e E. Barton for attending with enennissioriers et the time of the esuneretion of Militia funk 4 00 B taaPoorh. • 22 *6 Year. 1840 IEI4I 1842 1843 1844 EIMI En El] Jacob Red, neashrer of the County of Bradford; in County. in Tread/ a lei , 31, 1846, • 17104 73 prior so 1841, 3697 18 of 1847, 13714 75 'odiesitits, other &mai& dire the Cot 1786 et Money loaned for lioint holies, 11201 00 • Miecelteneows receivale, 3% 68 4061 oil redemption or unseated bade, 315 25 tarred do oesested land transcripts, 276 18 As porattimie On payinatu 21r Stare tat, t 33 77 • $29,143 25 gy Ashodirt ot Order' returned in 18471 $17,853 81 2 per cent. commission on the amp. 357 14 Amount returned on duplicates, 3451 90 ‘` ' ju dgments, notch, &E, 1200 45 Callector's per twitters,69B 85 Balers* llLDtsainin Jam 1,1848 i " 5880 70 County Orders in accent siiik tlu—Co-..--4-7-hrTu4ktsTt. To amount of County orders immoti in 1847 including credit olden, $18066 23 Amount outstanding - lan. 1, 1347, 64 13 By kaiak t of ,orders mimed, in 1847, 1117853 61 Doutsading Januty 1, 1816„ NS 65 stunt etrown o OrWlrtragto VIEW 86(0 11) 2 .4 NE Vir GOODS,_ Jost Received at No. "I, Mick Row, , Oceans of New - Fall & Winter Gook KINHBBERY 44 CO.. am just receiving, di- TATHICH mustabd will be sold at the very low, B• weeny from New York and opening at the noir TV notch for Cash br Ready Pay. Every per..., brick store, recently erected at B.Kingebety's oldshind. who may want . GOOD and CHEAP goods, is reap w'. a large alaatulaalt of Font Wader Gooch, comprising fully invited to can and essmine this stock. 1) I.'r Broad cl o ths cat ts ime res . Segn i * ; ,fip iccas , Or e m. fail 'oxen as it costs nothing to look. and we cassia"? IT •. 7 . il ituc hfr E m ,,iid, Ak r i a , m; k m . it a (arca to show the goods, and will try to make it ~., .r -.di m . Gi n ' g t,. a grea t var i ety ; object for those 'wishing to buy of, E. T. FOX. Coahmere 4 . w oolen Sloth ; - Ekmratie goodly - i 2 iBALEN BROWN BHEETINGS, &Blimp , . /lasi", and Mive-sr 4 . eveZ ots cilwrit: - Shirtingit, wicking, wadding,barting, cotton y• , I Orr:eerier, Oroaery, Hardware, '4 . , Sae an d carp e t warp, cheap a, the•chaapaat, at No. 2. 11. and upper Leather, French and tontmun calf and R . . at, sepls Par& kip &bib, Nails, *tare, range! any Sterdes Iron, _ Gloss, Hats and Car, T a it and Mone Ware, GifiGH ad 111:48 l id G et lNOH i t Mst 1: 1 -50 th o plecee wear: , : d r P' Hangings, 12 -1411san4 Mu ff s ' in market . Ala, el y les, ernt Plaids , Y ank' Plaids. and alt Coq* chid Heiiraig• timber, styles dress stood@ an tt No. 2. BO Raw, attention of the pantie 4 respectfuny kirk& to our present large stock of goals,tehich are bow exhibitl 2 b .143. ALIL & STRIPED ALPACCASa, t . ed far ash at the lowest ptic4, for ready pit,. They veil' 16wat ' possible Witiel' Pe at FOrA. have beets selected with %mans' eats sod attention, et- iimu :) V --- poi: : - a r i od umusent, *roams ;may fix the ecomemeadatbm iof one allainefie Ma MI a wl • No : 2, .i t Mi. 3, BA . mir s„ we believe ogee linhleleeeetloo purchasars no where " "" """ else to % met with. DADITS. OILB & DFE-STUFFB, :also Mateti.,4 ca Reinember, before ptitthilialsg elsewhere, to call 1 1 # the yam, at No. It, B. IL FOX"*. at B.Kingabery's eld,Stand,,and'evemine out goodaand .SEALER HALF BUSHEL% oat %Ad and for .4 4 ' prices. se we are mondani they will meet the sieges of it the closest cash Wyss. step 15 ! For‘ , BURTON EINGEREIFF. ' 1-1. A LARGE assortment of gra& ,GialarZ Cowan. . SMITH, 3.K. OMIT and Bettistats, which we have long berm tint es W. F. MENARDL for selling good and eiteePr maw ch "PZ t than e " — , This Wltar for Barkaissio. and upon which we chancey* the world just rerri.l.,l O. D. B TLETT. DARAPQLB, EIDN. SHADES AND ' BUMMER al „„ , L . , 3.1648. -L Brims, selling it tost e pt FOX'S. '"'"''''Par'-'"' - . - Ott it 1847. amide d Windig aid ika Lut Aimee 08h m h m _ PER Th.„„,,,,..,„„ "1148128111 11P1 1: 11 .„,,, d T HEREBY warn very pampa indebted to me. th .t .m 6 cokes Issolocriew P3rmells is mode. Busy will to o. 1. BRICVROW. m at nista* Is given 'Teel_ I° SAY! JOHN! lim i t ten seY body that'vre- win pay sea an Pawns know* themes! inde bted, vrifi the "ready Jobs Davis," far 100 bushels Chestnut", tattis, by itivinx prompt *neaten. _ _ 0 114 MI Latd. .. • CARVER WALLS` Y. Tovianda, git 3;, 1517. , HATHAILIA. MEE let‘at wilt the CeHMOs or feeatt Tazee, kr ikinikrif cuity: Towoatopit. ToWanda township; Shesisequin, Columbia. Standing Stone, Asylmis, Franklin, Sending Stony Wyalusirig, , Standing Stone, Towanda towcishrp, Wyalusing, Albany, Athena township, " Armenia, Burlington, Litchfield. Leroy, Pike, Ritigberry, Standing Stone. Towanda borougbi Ulster, Warren, Wyalosing, WYsoii Albany, Ataienia, Asylum. Athens borough, Athens sp., Bunio Comm, Columbia, Durell, Franklin, (Mittellle, Merrick, Leroy, Litchfield, Monroe, Orwell, Pike, Rit.igsben79 Pome, Coiknees Mimes. Mel arm &tied Horton, - $l3l L' fijkh Horton, 22 Hen Sherwood; 103 - H IS Sumba* Jason Hurton„ Sapauel Annahle, James A Honig; Clark. Holienback, J C Brown, Isaac. Westbrook David Rau,, Austin Stallard; James Wilcox, Hai* Murray, JanWe Ryon, Asittel Smith, Wolcott; D McKee. 6 W Humphrey Hirai° Dewey, . C Brown, qe0.,V11111011111 4 Wm, C Bogart; • J I. Gorpline, H 13 %Wen, Ephraim Beeman; Win 1) Strops, Hoiatio Ladd, Henan Marvin; Geo Terry, Wm Kiff, James R Stone; Myron Ballard; John Gray. Was B Watkins, htaddison Decker; Ira Varney, john Woman, Nathan B Weinforei Angel Tillotson, Cyrtis Merrill,, Joni P. Smith, Jacob Chnhbtick; Gen W Hamphref, Hiram Dewey, Nathan Maynard, Daniel Brink, Erasure G Duffy; Truman Rowe, James L Philip', Dal R Montgomery, Jam Tpylor , enry J Hoyt, Geo. P Preentin; Horatio Black; Ain't B roster, James L Grinding tlidney C Brainard; David Misr/old Jr, Wm Sibley; Bascom Taylor, Wee Ponta Sheshetprin, Smithfield, 13pring6eld, south Creek, Springhill. Standing Btoom Troy borough, Troy tp. Towanda borough, Towanda tp. Uhter, Wells, Wiodbani; Wyelosing, Wysoz; $18,120 36 AND NEW PRICES! ,•• • 0 3 " • 1 ' ••••:. • '17. , q o (e.i . 4"6, lt lll l . M an k •• • • rin*l3, 28' aiiaship' •' ' St 00 WiOramititotimip r •"- • ' • ' &.ohothoolvini Proeyluoteistiioissia , 4f.:‘ •, .newse r •l ,•• 1. - )* .' Mr;'• ` 47 • •411° " • M P4aesirilboo 04• I tniiisteitolor Ain^ ._64rOs • GaAs id Commoooroiikk alio; • • '' • 907 ft / 11111111 / 1 91 111 0% -.t; • 70045 doootabl vs ,eipttentliog - oodlikkapptotimmi,oBl' vs tostrip p 414;• - Poe hie it of emitt',ll64s, oad thflortirtimpot n l 7.. l l l L't • • .1112 45 Coon Kapok (eviettiooof riew4}' • •94117 02 Joseph Toginier doliiidsoiims4l,•fisiotetipb• in 1841 51 - 16,11. ' ' U6O A. Is. Craiusemoto. 1446, in fat 01,16.1111: • • " .1847, 1 • 311 31 426 31 'J. H. Disci; et*.lB - 45. io full, 41 So " hitt; 161 V. Pons* e041.5t54.6, in 04 29' 00' 1 r NM , 13100 264 40 1.M.V91 . 150,41 to &at. 1846,i0 rtat,•l37 69 , d 1847 , l 40# 00 soli MEI . _ ; i trritw M 4 ehmd—kininittWud.Awlirinee''ftm ut . 35 4131 35 98 ' 22 916 • OA' 103 05 41 • . 85..41 436 - '4 311' 80 42 61 - 00 -11-42 41 19 . 23 OS 118 76 66:82 14 74 320' 43 3P 25 . 00 16811 43 96 -22 01 21'66 45 77 31 00 JO 73 . 133-42 !orb° 32 42 327 94 200 17 12 41 • JO 12 • 239 te 221 07 ~ 448 65 - 125 54 11 61 14 62 7 91 ' 186 89 141 80 20 24 •54 Ai 30 00 . .24 50 127 00 121 09, . • , 182 76 i 145 00 37 76 112 66 .32 00 .'•80 66 138 43 123 11 79 71 65 11, 137 45 . 117 id . -94 se es tie gt se 187 26 , 125'00 62 20 irk 86 46 04 291 29 . 272 67 426 58 210 30, 206 38 956 5 8 342 64 '' 604 82 501 47. 379 37 ' ' 116 02 470 51 439 85 600 . 47 . 470 li 243 87 231 08 190 15 164 26 . 233 89 167 68 183.15 171 23 218 26 206 24 290 83 261 00 445 21 288 00 , 488 95 411 81 872 2 *O2 50: too 59 200 00 310 86 164 00 564 72 040 29 669 94 635 72. 482 441 428 84" . 212 72 90 00 109 32 185 63 294 24 268 42' 238 222 27 1557 51 526 32 875 43 455 69 416 35 76 02 313 06 .93 00 432 41 09 08 315'35 294,36 365 es. 294 18 473 ad 448 10 440 23 366 od $13411 93 0112131 Be $3451 30 • 9n9 63... $394 layob Reel; Trewnwer of Bradford County, ix artoont withwrththe Commontivalsh -(1 .Peuntylorusia, on ar - count of State Tax. To amount doo on 3oplicateo prior to 1847 b $ 10845 3 i A of dditherdos for 1847, 16436 41 toed oh tedorninitha Of doomed hinds, 29 Tr Ihrototed kod tnioactiput, 176 4:1 D h e 'Tit tom A 166224 376 40 7 , iinount aveklast asulemerat. , $ 688 33 !tenanted on duPficates prior to 184-7, 367 24 Returned on dtlplicktrit for 1847, IMO SA Collectorsesorottadous, 172 ttA , - " per centrum 456 litt State Treasurer's receipt of totes tor 184 t, 6473_6A 1 per WM: rattelatidOn ott the is 94 74 Bradrad 6 unity ts• We, the nodetsigned Cosiminionets of said Co. [a: tr.] Is hereby eetti4, the kwegoing to be a true and correct statentent of the .reeeieala and tegiendi titres mu said county, how the Ist day ollannary to the /let day of beeetiber, 1847, 'inclusive. Witness oar hands and seal or *Seelae towands, this 28th day of Jemmy, 1134& Vgi,t4l 26 $18,120 38 A. L. CRANMBIL .1. H. BLACK, - Centers. HIRAM SPBAR, Attest—C. 8. Bassett., Cie& $17.711/ 551' 2 6V 38 100 I 50 9$ 2 99 4 27 09 9 12 6 48 7 61 501 6d 17 21 6 64 114 U 49 08 R 8 47 163 81 131 £8 llg 4l 199 84 118 63 4 07 8 98 h 70 4 71 8 29 419 74 339 65 920 08 Ell 1 SO 6 60 10 18 3 90 3 Si 43 6$ DIM 2,15 t 4 $1%.154 41 199 47 11 72 19 95 /I 441 24 02 27 64- 1 91 17 08 11 51 871 23 31 (El 13 int • 13 65 17 37 14$ 14 22 NI 15 24 74 1% 19 9.01 10 SI 21 61 83 37 28 9 2S 19 22 P..+3 9 76 14 12 11 69 47 GO 21 53 15 49 17 61 23 58