I= C r4ivorpoi osot.._Tii. ipso lamr Ns" HesaM ttrti.l.444 • ltis well known that the effect atershes . on the health is great anitclecided. - in ;Plainer which abaUatl in them, the inhillitanti enflerset only horn intermitting fevers, but from ,trieumatisnf - and its kindred /bermes. Their influence are not of (bat assiduous character which some suppose?or atleast "the effects ate-alwvs evident in the trailatenance and frame- of tie",,iiiditisluals. Emaeirion, en brio ,abdomen, and keblenesa t me some of the genera/ effete which manifest themselves in persons ' who claim to enjoy health. Bet it is not neetessary that these wet aid marshy wends should be ex, rendes in order to exhibit a deleterious intletruce upon health; even ditches, stagnant pools, motion less water, each exhale matter which change healthy so unhealthy actions of the system. Puddles anti pools, drains and sewers, op rate most injuriously, and contain poisonous elements, which are exhal-, 1 1 lug so long as a particleremaius to moisten the 'sur face.' Our.country, abounds in marshes. Some places which are now healthy and free from inter miuents, were once abounding in them. The pro gress of agriculture has in many instances entirely. banished this severe disease, end so es good his. bandry extends two-fold influence, beneficial in its thruster, is sure teforlow healthfulness and wealth. Mats never benefits himielf in a legitimists way, with derbfing his blessing, first receiving them in his own broom, and then thatof his neighbor. It ib not' however at-all essential that a marsh or pool should exist, its order that poisonous vapor should be generated. Anima* and vegetable 'matters in combination ig deep mould, such as is found in the western prairie, is sufficient tergenerate a pestilence when exposed to the sun beams, ded when mois tened merely with dew, is sufficient in itself to form the miasm andlloat in the atmeephere. Turfl new plowed, or turned over, especially if the areas are large, turns a country healthy before, into a re gion of sickness. From researches which have' been instituted by Thenard and DupuytxensMosca ti, and by M. Rega, ud - d Isle. the miasmatic 'ex halations have been found to•eontain animal mat.:l ter, and hence it is probable thai it is really corn posed of both animal and vegetable matter. It has lees shown by Vanquelin, that the exhalations from the Pontine masrhes afford animal matter in a putrescent state. In the foregoipg instances howev er, this matter was obtained from the waiter or soil but succeeded in obtaining it from the atmosa , ere over the great southern American mars" - - a fact which show that the poisonous ef finv.- - exhaled- in a tangible state. These pois )ric,-1 rases contain in addition to animal matter, Ugh: -arberetted hydrogen, azote and carbonic acid and snlphertted hydrogen. By vaporization of dew in the rainy upon our Western praries t and the wat er of marshes, these organic and Poisonous effluvia pre dissexhinatsd in thermosphere, and are waled by the breeze over wide meas. An interesting and important fact may be stated in this place r viz that age influences or modifies the effects of marsh minim, Infants or children ender two are less affected than those of three or four yeast.' This may arise from the greaterespo . sure of thedatter. So old persons are less affected than those of middle age, or who are engaged in' artisan pursuits. Children when attacked with disease, fall victims to its influence more easily , than adults; their morality is greater in the propor tion of 10051 to 1546, and it has been observed that fester deaths occur ist infan below one year, than an those of three or bur year') after 10 years dm influence of marshes is less to be leaned,. and the •capahility to resist marsh : Animism up to twenty .filre li -years, from twenty-five to fifty five the stmeeptibil , ity again increases though it is nester as great as in childree between) the ages of two and len years.— Old personas as .beady stated are more 'exempt from marsh intimate. Food:and exposure basilisk conditions which faeoi its influence. Bad and Bl• conditioned food, night air, especially when heavy dews are formed, favor very strongly miasmatic disease. When ill-clothed and ill-fed troops are forced to - March by night in a marshy country, it - amyl* expected their ranks will be decinested.— The emigrants beet Ple4 England to the rich wets. . ter) rivers may expect disease and death provided they plow up those / prairies bottans, and thereby expore themselves to witishmtion from a sathee ehatged with animal scud meddle matter. These are asiendfies which the first sender* can scarcely expect to escape ; cinstunstances may delay the deeelepensent of diseases' E. 'hen a favotable "a eon may occur but they. 161 iqn kfr be iresvitablis in the end.. ' , • Great fatigue, hind labor, favor also the influence cif marsh poison. Closing winderws,keeping with in doors, avoiding dews, ..noderatelahors, and a 'husk regimen, May be set dram) as some preven tives to ths)influenee of the; proneness' exhalations of.marsfies:a—ainierians Ammo( elAgrievriarre cad sctoice. From observation+ appeals ther dlserfre will be bi proportion to' iihe ceincestitridion of animal ornii ram to Which an iiidlcideal may have been eves ed. Hence precautionary measures will not be use less. A residence by the side of a manila or upon ,a polifli where Ase turf has:been needy tented - up she'd be closed ttpon that aide towards ths' s miss maze grounds, when the wind blows from therrer.:... So the night air should be avoided, especially after hot and sentry days, when mach dew will be form , ed, - or rather where much exhalation will take . piece when the miasm will be concentrated in at night fall. &) it :is important that the v*tar of the asylum should be promoted, and that during the pe. riots when there logreater exposure to point), the different vegetablertonica Amid be employed ) is. Vainbret, which is the most Prwerful, or for treat of .thk'polverinrisl hitter Maha r as infusions' ef *km, as the isupatoritm,:bonaet, is. Socha phis amid al - Wtaifillitigele;the.4ecteithe **vies floc‘Jt Tans:—,Lireatileal'ot fun haebee4sit e==ri Tales." ' The last, we llelte evfolla "RalifiTtlett ate • _ _ _ ie#l l hike *aar=lirriFitaltietr:em," was rr No - -416.t teem ffigivrekteri _ mid the , buutpkiat,, itait Name ceblabk-4 . 014eitkiatilmee issued tedium BE down my •betweges,inmy, ,aimm mim , ie f e N airn fp! Arkfitaitais'`Tbatortze 100 :h t lfeta: i /Y4 11 i,j 6 ,30 1 baOlgr) massy, • and w.inu.ipi he IR fiNtiy i three pistols, a paeli of a. bowie linte tiud them ail under my pillow." 012112 lin NOM =I " that evit r:P u b tl t i e t t f u l l i gi f di lr wider, cultist seaiona L ure.' tent Very re far. shersiutylpopet 'situation tci , this subject ; Sheep need waterinxintetar t ...well as,,roths They will do better without water in the sutatner than in winter. • Owing to the sticetdent 'food 'on which they subsist, in summer, cl4l44 F i F e Airless water than in the winter whembey feed on dry W rier and the dews which they &sahib' , early feed- I ing in the summer mornings, afford a better supply of moisture than the snows and ice of winter. In many cases , animalsgo too long with outwater. 'ln the winter, teed a horse on dry fodder, aid al low him no water from sunset until akin o'clock at night, and then lead him to water and -be will al most always drink freely : bed most peseta give horses water at night, after they have been eating a few hours. Every.person word,' say that it would be improper to suffer him to ge without water 10 br 12 hours litter he was in heed of it. We 'have noticed that a ho k rso that will invariably drink at nine or ten o'clock et night, if deprived of this chance occasionally, and is allowed water early in the morning s be will not drink then. His thirst h • abated by an equilization of moisture in the sys tem. Every man of observation knows that this has been the ease withihnneelf, when he has been thirsty and could obtain no drink: The importance of supplying animals with water whenever they need it, is evident to every reflecting person. How injurious must be that course of treatment that al lows animals to suffer with thirst, and as they will not drink much when water is offered eight or ten hours after, to feed Them again with dry food till they are extremely thirsty and then drink to excess in cold water Now, if it is bad management to allots horses to go along without water, how is the case with cattle that often drink in the morning, and do not drink again till they are housed at night, and are then fed on hay, and probably become quite thirsty,but must go without drink till morning, again have dry fod der, and; get no water until 24 hours froin the time they drank the day previous. Can any farmer ap• prove of this course! Do any farmers practice it Allowing Mai cattle run in the yard. where they can have constant access to water, and are tied up at four or fife o'clock in the evening and have no water till nine o'clock the next morning, having during this time that they have been without water, nearly all the food that is allowed them for 24 hours, is it proper treatment. To test this fairly, carry water to cattle, or turn them to water at nine o'clock in the evening, and they will decide the question, as does the horse in relation to himself, when allowed to drink at ilia time. We have been particular ,on this eubjeet as it is of great importance, and one that is not properly considered-by those who are, in most respects, ju. dicious managers. If this evil is difficult to reme • dy, it might be conveniently abated, by giving each animal aleir quarts of water, after he has eaten his evening meal. This will be, at least, ta, partial re lief and prevent his drinking so great an excess the next day;'wbich is very mjurions, especially in cold weather. We have fed sheep many years where they could have constant access. to encelleat spring wa ter. In dome cases they were within six rods of the water, ig others, twelve or fifteen rods. After the usual time •of housing cattle, at night, the sheep would eat the most of their suppers and then all run to the water and drink. In the morning before they had eaten half their breakfast, they would go and drink again. Now is it reasonable 'to suppose that daring the timer the sheep are drink' twice cattle need no, water, when eating the e kind of food t Wil our correspondents give their views on this sabject.—,Bostois Cul, &MEP vs, BRIARS.—.-" What time in the year is best for cutting briars l" .The history of a field of nine acres which bad been for many years greatly infested with the tall bramble, the la* running va. riety, and an intermediate kind will furnish the best answer to this question lam able to give. Various means were used for their eradication, amongst which were enitiwg while in bloom, cutting in Au gust, plovring'in autumn, be. Some were cut in the light and some in the dark of the moon without any perceptible difference in the result. In the fall of 1845 it was seeded drown with wheat and timo thy. After the eropwas removed it was used as - for cattle and 'the briars grew most luxe riently. They were cut close to the greandin Feb ruary 1846; and a pert of them again in g 7tme, and the remainder in August succeeding.- This plan wait highly recommended in a letter published in tier Western Farmer in 1831, by a very beelligent• and enterprisingfarmer in Kentucky. Amaysoate. times succeed, but in this case the briars seemed, if all affected by it, to be spreading more rapidly than before. In Sept. a flock of sheep, sufficient umber to keep the pasture short, was turned in, anal is a few weeks the young briars were cannily stripped of their leaves. Thor sheep,_ for the preservation of health are tre- ' quer* Changed from one pasture to another, but alwaye febeterd lathe briarswhim young shoots l i lagealto appear. *coarse has am! Isien pur sued for nearly a year, mamma of the briars are entirely dead aruFfew that yet eihibit`syniptoms of 'life have not been permitted to thrcivr up any new shoots this year. Now I would say to those who JO not wish to raise their black berries, or to supply their neighbors with that escellent fruit, let your fields be seeded down with such grass as you prefer ; then let all the tall briars at least be cut and ruben into heaps daring the winter and early spring, oust as soon as the :young ithOots begin to appear tenpin your sheep in sufficilent numbers to eat all tbirlerivis; and if after pureeing thiscontse fortwo yeas, any brims ate left, 14un willing to bear the respaseftrility of having erred 'fumy judgment up nallthequestion. „A fanner• told me on yesterday ,64 thet be would-net. keep.% flock of sheep if they Anne netsmeseful in deatroying weeds and briata. 7l faratit Wes-ever ix*lol-114 lie t4 ool l * Fwere"easily killed by cutting itawn in• toesiackot the inefeb=inlivgPoititie-did' tiot • Ati** 4o 4ol: lut4 44 .tWiefar he found , himself about wheri,lietagan, :41e then pioanii a ftecleriTatestpl and what he could not do with the rygie l ' listed byr the Inpu t was_pooti 411 " 4 . .4 1 late 4 l. • 4 1 40 ti tei leer elhittlyi.* l 3il4o4 6 tki‘'‘Fht l isPi___. contifintd in twnworoteihanimet6.) cut :lea bikes thrt,Watti.7a rohu astute' IWri hig4 adraft of it. ilis'plati,anceeeda yeo, well. iATsvi44s cd2ho f c4rhlnltti firreb,recenti* heldiow ing leirfirpeitt ireek4NlSkrtrac.4ol4lxit thekeOlatfficile the only itiamemitich ;firer tie trilinznisli, anti :wing which thereis instimace." . 'MOP kw Stock. ' .77-,•ruVrtZtE f. •.. , , . • . Set infakilillag• ADAK., Great, lids 4h4 'iv* iron `that than hod Wm .pother 11'1,t 04 lOW I_ L 1 . ..Ski r rNGSAlsiDikv • b.: , eitafe l / 4 1 'a . TOnsenclous EzeilbrUnti! Ito *Anti pninietot, C. REED s 'atlit thianpitte• sonny to, mornhis,thsaka to hie former patrowa and ihe public Rif 7 , and sloo alolloriallsethesa diat . he ii no* receiving a' !y hie and general amotiatentni Fall sad It!iliter Gtaidi, of every pledges !uwell' dudi and will be sold as losi et soy other estalgidunent within 100 miles Of Towittati.-- Th• Public_APP•niUy ass nospoetfully invited as van sod examim ooth/Yllioleleoleno at No. 6, Brick law:. ..Towands,OePtowher 2 4 WI TDST 'Or.A.ETTERN rennin* is tin Pak 04eo li at Troy, gamier and* Dar..Al, 11147. • ' Ase 7 W II- - - Lindeman Jamb a A week Wa . tigii"kini urnst art, Allen rfaint . Denson B W McAlliii 11 J Dunham Mrs Crain X illajerwil• Jallimil Bombay" Atka ' McAllister chasm, Beath /URI ' ' Mama James Manahan! Rik Jane McKean Jobe But,, Clarissa Marriage 9 9 ~ Dakar Joshua Merwin Mrs Mazy Boas Martha J Miller Mrs Sarah T Case Jareh ' Mom Jame" Case Jibes Merril James Court Will Nolen ROT John Damming Josiah 1 / PIMP Mn Akigal D Dickinson Mimi bank Poem Wiegman Elliott Sair l Finton Bah Guild D C Reynolds Id A Gramma & Cross Rose Jeans 0 Hayes & Laths Spalding, Kim Kohn K Hazard E W Spalding Mrs Ikon K Hiskoek Harmon R Seeman Randolph Janson Alfred Shattuck Mrs liSmoph Johnson P H eon* G W 2 Jones Miss Lucy 'Short Thomas Kelly Wm F Sweet Wm I gib Erman. 3 !Will Miss Emus* KiSJobn Team Jain Landon Mini Emily, Webler Mize Ronne Wilber Hon Reuben. LAYTON RUNYON, P.)l. Lamb lames LIST OF LETTERS, remaining in the Peat Orme at Towanda, Tatter ending Dee. 31, 1341. Bottom John IttnneSt Thomas Bell .1 A Baker H M Bowen Stephen Blackman Elijah H Brian War Bailey Ciudadlla Burns Lucy Booth Wis. Blackman .1 0 Bromnson WyWts Conley Mary Chapel Will Cooper /sines Cartes Smith Cole Wm Chase Isabella Danoho Margaret Drell Peek 'Dougherty Pail Drake Francis Dempsey Margaret Eounits Daniel Meow John W Freeman Prudence lAMBI L C Gaff Mrs Geo .1 Hurley Cornelius Harrison Wm W Hyde Naleltile• • Haynes Johan Hicks Jesse Tars= Awe Hinton Richard Thompson Wm Harris Wm Tsylor Metilda C Jones James , Whitmore Michael Janes Least Rev Wallbsidgellansl Johnson Conk Wood leinnel Kingsbury Esther Williams O. J. Killcellin Thessalia- Wheeler James Kilmer Jesemish • • Yard Ants• Kellum Eunice S. CHAMBERLIN, P.M. ANNUAL REPOW? ditto Receipts sad &radi tures of the BottrofTatrindsobrtbe yew 1841.- ascrufer. Balance of duplicate for 18464• Amount " 16478 Rent of Engine Nam, Limes for clans and menage* zzazweirvisa. Work done on streets, Curbing and flagging. Expense of borough election, Paid Indies et the late ere, Advertising report and for appeal notices, J.P.Kinsman mooring engirt. boner, D.; M. Bull,' reinoving pauper, Wm Mix anion m poor mentor, J. D. Geiger overpaid on duplicate*, do exoneration , do do percentage do J. D. Goodenough Justine flies and s4lieam7, 211 do for trunk, S 00 de serviesess.cletit, 25 00 do office reit, 000 do percentage es Tremont, 14 40 Burgess and town council, 00 Paid on judgment,' 9 70 111010171111 01111:11110. Amount °outmoding Jan. El; 1847, booed toiling's/7 20, 1848, Retarded and cancelled Jan.2o, 1948, To as sum sa's arrows. Received on duplicates for 1848, do do • 1847, Rent of engine house, License for areas•and menagerie, Borough orders, oftrisa. Berviar as Mit, Marius* Treasurer's per centavo. Borough order* returned, •ssstw Judgment against Miutht & Woodeuff, toss •vas. Balance in the Treastaty, Jim 2P, 113411, Expense foe support of the peer for OM • Coanett(Wiper.. Boo' of Toile*, Jae. 24.181 Re; the Dello old Teens Coteleil ref the Elorotegit of Toemda, do herebreertifyi that the latesehtele a troirststentat of the reasipte aed -ea at mid &Rough foribe yew 0147. b. lt. LILL, Douses, Witttalt aserstsi , : ., • • • Dower Kisisittwr, 1.3 - • • • • IN ram Baavrases, • ' 2 - , P' i 7 B:Sairtarr.. 'Attest=4. Cleft • AiggiM4l,' L.) tth ti • :1 Xpeittr:net Ifeoe*Phinisi a eisJk. 10 ; Inia-meXiso l 44 l :ittifitegil JAE 16 the PloPer cowl, Tiessureft 9no god!ir fot ose -- et MIAOW ; atld the =Opt the away libei let *Oka* of, , map' er sal fug- nie PGYlErkenoet be 'bade to tome, so iteivrer'the ire* to fhe anal Seer. Bee pesophie laTe. 11144 b lese ThiTreat/oft seer.piepived a reedei *kb piyolecies. • JAMBS PEClLl'neeftrini Tr 4. ISA . , . MCI I. SAY. LADIES I I If you ma, - .Li ;op yaw minds ter bay a•niew dam. *balm aboad ififi-4aW; &Mater tali ion. S. Mick itoOlibare weatitiatabdi:beiiipmei: attidei bidet In town ( Widen oil kinds nftrionnings; Remembes, cali, at not I BAIRD'S. Randall Daudet Rockwell B C Laughlie Terry Lent Wm J Lyon COME* Legg Stillman Moller James Moran Pat% Maiky Mitchell McCracken Peter Mason Wm Michael Moore Cornelius Northrup Stephen Post Isaac $ Parana Mail Flake V E Pittman Thomas Pinney Amos Post Lawrence Post Minis Phelps Daniel B Blain Patrick Shores A e II &hem H W Staatse Charlie 'I thekke Gilbert Bbsswood Jams Elarion Babes Swartwood Charles latorin.DriM Taylor J • 48 64 £37 68 8 41 10 00 $OO4 66 $l6l 38 10 90 8 15 lb es) 6 50 ID 00 05 8 00 16 40 6 08 • •R 0 57 $370 85 $502 Ili 177 50 $770 36 437 98 0238 #4B se 400 46 6 41 10 00 6 83 1452 as 00 00 6 00 14 40 487 98 04132 38 $9 83 AI 37 .2211. as MN ~:~ • - • • 41131.LENGE1 ieIit&LCENGE , • ` k tif (*Omit 5 a Tto- 3 :n lirL i vreowerkveplimelPsffityltr* stsempt ay asses of our frourmatti; keel • a arMilass whisk -Altsis.prohialiaskiltialim tateti Mao vs Mow i•Aad.ere ,, 'ma umliarak intrAmt) obameasima. soder the caesaimmeom mtattlud mark. war it sot mom Arm mobable dfeafanaaio issy direct timpublic omfmaa a amalid esaimimsks kilo dm maim at tie multitada of grafia.. am of the Dergurerma art • • Wa weld' am mint seek AS blearalia publicity; slab theraby aria far .imalf Odom opining bat ara•Asagita that miserable ebatmary by lAA samossamoss *sins Si satin over gamthis wrath. h is M. mks dtbassult-, kra ambitimaoestlesp.imalf as u mifludnas,•ila wales claim tbat we saw trews. fascia• seastity., by. awoke•tho One , Emma Ameribis:wat stela ,Oust make 000 alma dm ming d a giros ausiber of rito• atiensetypar *wasted at tia Deriamom NW, org. F. MON% 171 Meeting steeele-millembilit s peat- Of monad periodica in tra sit them Rae salsibar as erase Dumber from say mbar parr ba the UMW flumes.. This is ao Ws boost—ant mem Wirt wa emy. Weeiene &atom that the public should •give their patmasp kr merit, sot pumas . • We ask bevesibiation, free, . Ws bar thrown the , glove. Who will Oak it rm l M. P. SIMONS, 170 Clootoet *Mk • await* ahe atete Heel" )141034 04* N. U. It will be wedenitowL by our. couatil Abode, that As above disallow 'mummer yet boo aammal, sod we mho wilt it waimatood„ that we 61 sat laved tombs by Ibis wager. as we bare elreedy mrpremed our ONO= b apperrima the prise to Mass charitable par ton. Salto M. P. NIKONS. ■bCien I Gene's koprrostyp Reno, No. 1118 Choomot et, Bona ea meow of EighlA ii., • 1001ITRAIT8 him tb• twolisst haat pial• the hir pit ohm, giggly or in mops. The Proprbsorsaie wstrantsi in ming. dot their work has pined • rein- Minn mood to none in the world. Extracts front dam Press :—" Wean is' the expo mien. chastely wired in the ehading."—Lager. "The art has arrived at mat perfection, and rots undaunted or minim it better than Meoh;mo & Ger moo."—Baltissore Iris. Admirable ! nothing. can exceed dasie extpriate de. licaey."—U. S. Gazette. Extract from the report dam Jod ea. et the We feir of the Franklin Institute •" thapterzeorypes—kirl ibis department there are .oms very excellent epeeimens to the exhibition, and the Judges think they me a prognei. eke impremment in this branch of the an. They have not recommended on award hr favor of any of the cons. mimes Wants ilispened.to link as- first in wok?, the esilectics McOl.llEB itGERMON. eacoatatningthe lord number of superior specimens." Sentll AFFLICTED REATi 1 DIULADELPHIA MEDICAL HOUSE.—Eitab .L limbed 16 Yam age, by DIL KINKELIN. The olden, sena; and best heed to careell fennel of seam diseases, diereseeof doeskin andoolitely habits of youth, is DM EINKELIN. N. W. dottier of Third sod Union . ne., between Spruce and Pine, l,j equates from the Ex change, Philadelphia. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. tooth who here injured tbenteeken by a metals pee dee frequently indulged in habit frequently learned from evil companions a, is achool—the area of Weigh are nightly fek, emu when Weep. end destroy both Gebel end body, should apply imeridiately. Weediness and constitional debility immediately cured, earl fall vigor sesiened. AU Mere poet Pei& YOUNG MEN! If you value your life se your health, eamember. the delay of a jai" nay, eves a Pea., may Pm" Vol ra iii; both of body and mind. Home let no Wee modesty &titre from making known your ease to one who, (roes eliestiiin and respectability, an alone befriend you. He wierpheen himeelf ander DM KINKELLN'B treat ment, may eiligioasly confide in ids honor es a gentle ness, end in wheat bosom will be forever mined the se met Man patient. Too many think tbay will hog he secret to their own bans. surrout, thesusetees. Alas ! bow often is ibis a fatal delusion, end how many a promising your*/ men, who essigbt hem bean sr enteessot to society, has fadel from the sank. , courritt itortainDs. • finding it inconvenient as wake presooal application. can, by Mating their ems expficitly, together with ell their symptoms, (per letter. post-peitiOlterve forwarded to dream a chest containing Dr. Klemedier tappet:POP ter amonlingly. ,Pecilegte ef Maficines fortwaried to Of part 011ie U. ff. ei a noment's notice. (09' 03•Peees ears sarreamiddressed to DR. KINKS- Philsoldpide; will be promptly attended to. ° See arhertimmem in the elpint of the Times, Phila.- ... PAIN HILLER. Death to Pain; relitf tb•the sick; healerYo therrinkl A helm ie found for the whole lament race in ANDREW'S PAIN KILLER. pRIS is an entirely Vegetable Compound, composed A. Of tirenty.five different hnnedients. ands an later al and ext e rnal remedy. Put up in bottles, varying in price 23 to 71 cents. each. For Anther mum. Wa seepamphlets, to be had of every agent gratis. con ;Walnut' brief history of the teigin and discovery of the Pain Killereeeitiflesam of curse. din:MMus, &e.' Cstreson.--Eselt bottle has the smitten signature of the peopeletor,L Annawwmen the label, and without, it nose am gentaitw:. &were of hawkers and pedlars selling from boom it' haft, representing it to be the geneineTain bold only by the ihilitnitryr: levier appointed agents is this county A.S.Clamberlim feerandint 0. P. Ballard, Troy, George 4.Petkins; Athena , •1..44. Runyon, do. J. J. Warlord , Monroeton ;- 'C. E. Rathbone, Canton. . Bold in all the prireipel'sbone Wale United States, Canada sod Texas Wholesale agents in the dip of New York and vici nity: 'hydra. Cori* & Co, 2111•Prati-at.; Wyatt & Ketchum, MI Felton-at. Mem Ahmed. RI the proprietor, or CI. W. Schuyler, post pal, will .rite with prompt attention. tiy uttarucaismso Jutuvr (- GLoR saawerawar t • 'Late of the Clernestmt House, ilocando. Pa., tohlai mu darned by fire on tie 124 of Karel lad, Tj'"AB isased the old stand, oa the *est side of the II pablie wpm% lately occupied by William Briggs sign at the Tiger, where be is peepers* end Intl be hap py to wait on his old enmonsenrand the public generally His house is in good order, mad his facilities for se commedating travellers and visitors, such u will ratable him to give ample satisfaction. Charges moderate. Towanda. °Goober 2O . • ... 1 17% 7 M7M AITHEREAS doe Hon Joes , N. Carrrsonsar, Pre v oident lodp Of the 14th Judicial district con. Fisting of the counties of Lustros. Bradford, and To. 111 1 .111 d H. hieigetiond Rabb, Wilber Negro., haw. date Judges hi and for the imay of Broilibid, he lo• sited their precept, bestial died thi Itheiriey of pee. 1147,1erinedirliet ei for holding • courted geratersera. sines of the pewee, ammo pleas endn's 'emit tot Tawas& OW- the - away of •Inidised, o orpben the Ist fens* of fakery best, Mot the 7th, to - condone tiro weebir. • , Node** lIMOAN* body siooei lo.tbw 00,0101! 'Justices of tlfr Phosiond CoOdobim of dor osootrid Btiilfeli,-1 it dioy fai ikon Owl iheorikrdwitiooper Mims, It I AM& tholliwooos ire& with volifil44ll4piiitkolor sitioloadosio, and other Wit tw torigmulo*, dim w'hi e hjotheir ofko Nefttathis,litftikaii(ii?d i oPaPi"-. 3 7 tylfiCieligf or ithaFf* t° Proseo, 6 .1;010010 turoariooli-beiwthajoiLoLosaioaao; otowor ohiO :boost 1 fipoopiiiii: M jii %AL Voiottiswito be thoo• vat dm vurpr oment e st ai d 'lbis Or '• /won we rigoosoid to Impose!. oil Willa, atkodaoto,lovembly latheii . moots Dowd at Timm* the 4&b erg illgosl7., in do yew at as Lord 1111011. sod of Om .x :44 dno Linked bon • :.7 • > JOHN F. 4111114 1 a* ittek. DiTzsr. ostool4o,,Aing _wet r am be *WIN *PM, PIPS; ACM l r4rArafi &dew Clkimises. Maifit a, Nil ;!alms, and Tarim isibwkiumpcir,. 4 coil rid generaksproy ohms cni .We,. ' -1610 qtto. MUCK- . . . RAWilSo—ltroebe, ' . DeLaine. S Woot•Shrucli, a large asst atMERCUIVB. ffr77 • i :41M6460144t,""g' ' awl - -.. ." '&44 MO. "Orr,- - - ( - owlet! r. , ::1 . „....• • - irmi I°4 I:::***,lo4,iakoo, ' "P- " Ilif • 13Errzza. : a. __ ' BENITE:dirs :317017,,,-:40711 ----. _----, . ,400, w,---- '-'- - a t ..1v n • • -,., I , ,; col or-i141415.,04.,11:4114* :, • c .. buntai i l t bh !!•76.*A rt o A 4' . . ...,_ '. -• . ~-., ar cogsuOir :" 4 Rir r oo . , ''‘ii.e . ' l i mg -411141 - '" ' word., 13. --- ..„..'i i i i i tot • t •' * ikintlbg_,,, s ki ) bi ,1.--- .f , ; • usintlat, ..0 . -.i.. •if matiFt will owe mitelqta Tdritoir ..ro =Akio - • - _ town** PA,t01347.K f at ,r,l • MP° AIL MC ler mg. ler 4Eil{in • • =NM Oa A " L • 11? ESPtcTFULLY oitYowen, 14. de, end the public gene , be ii Pale* ni; exams in the neatest style pewit of House. Sign, Coach or Carriage Painting: or Trimming ; and every iniridt ti,Flekity _ aind Onuensattal Painteng.` I From * ha long expatiate and the niany'Aieclattni of pu k loatione now in use, he entatteine a flattedlig • hope that by close application to his profession, and beast prompt to Wet be may mews a **baba share Of Public patronage. He may be bound et all does at the, Mee Piggery of Temkin* do Ideldama, where he will be on beadle awed to the calls of dumeitho may wait his ..rimes. PAPEit-HANGING deal on short no tice, in a superior wanner and reasonable terns& Tuweeds. July 8. 1847. , Iy4 A Woolen Factory at Rome. THE sobseribers arks plower, in musounchor to the citizens of'Bradlord multi and Welty, that they Ws leased for a term of years the Ibirildins athlete irt Wyelose township, and known es logimin's Factory, and which they art now fitting up with maphinery mud apparatus for the manufacture of broad sad usnrou cloths, Ovine),, &a.. is superior style end on the; most reasonable terms. Those wishing totters wool manu factured upon , shares will find it to their oti!osiefie to give them a tall, as they are determined that no pains shall he spared to give the most perfect satisfsc They work Wool into Woad' or narrow dressed dabs . for one half the cloth, or if preferred, they will Many lactate by the a nd as Mims o—Breed clothe for from dl to $1.25 ; Nowa cloth, froor44 to Nits. Other articles manufactured for proportionate prices. 'llrOot anding snot cloth dressing wilt be done - on abort notice and reasonable team. , Thee will beNe rved for business at or befogs the first dime nex t Wyslunnit„ April2s, 1847. HA LL fit HILL. New Tailoring Establishment, in NO. 2 ) Brick Row, oral the store of E. T; Fast, third story. mo s' at et tit riqrs.AßlA 1:f jardstwrzw.. tufweikoicatuipot Tom da. and the public generally. thitki hakteamed his Take shop go No. 2, Uri& Row;Biiow, over the rfarsof E. T. Pox, third story, whets he solicits thole in want of Tailoring, to give him a eats. Having been employed in the most fashionable estab lishments in Philadelphia and elsewhere, and' being di. tangoed to Vent no pains to ,plaise, customers _miry depend upon . haying their work done promptly and In' a good sty! cis Can be bed at May shop in town. All wort warranted well made and to fit. 010 r eattitit;done cheep, and warranted.. !IQ" Canary Produce Wien sin mount for .Towanda, August 90,1M7. BOOT & SHOE MANUFACTORY. ellilliW4ll4l 4 TORN W. WILCOX. basing prbehead the into: rest of his late pawner, respectfully infittmethe pub lic that he may still be found at the old stand, near T. P. Woodnes went. where he still solicits* sharesif public patronage. • He intends, by a careful, selectian of stock, and by attention to the interest& of his cute men to make as neat and durable stock as can be ass siofactuted in this pea of theeounny. He will keep constant'; on band. and manufactnre to order, Marotto, Calf aid Coarse Roots aad Shoia ; .P,adies' Gaiters. Shoes and Slips ; Children's do. ; Genet Gaiters and Pumps, 4-c. • (7 Coantyy Produce, of most dmaiptions, taken in paymenVfor stork, at the market price. Towanda, Aaiun, 30, 41847. • No,. 1.4. Brick Row, aialo . in the Field ! PP. a. Charesberfia, —TliriAB jeurrittonred from the city As IL of Neti York with a large , „ik 'supply of Watebei f Jewelry and i • 47 Silvir ware, eomprisineht plot, .. , the following articles s--Lever. ', • L'Epine and Phan Watches, with . ..1)* 16, - --- a complete assortment of 'Gold Jewelry, aucliws Err Rings;Tin ger Rid ;a, Breast Pins, Ilribeleta.Locketi;tiohl ehaina flold Pens, Kaye, rte. Also, all sons or Bitiersne„ and any quantityofBteel Himdw—ell of WM& befolllts for salaexeseedingly cheap for CASH. • Wefthea repaired orribort notice. and' nevrairied to nut well, or themoney will be refunded; atsl • writ. ten agreement given , to that effect if regained. • N. IL—MAPLE SUGAR. *ha Country ?indeed taken in payment for work ; and ales. boar* mei - anal /fusser, ,tlast Om Produce must be paid saes Gike i toinit it done-4 war against credit in alt its fort* W. A. CHAMIIItftLIN, Agent. Towanda, April .103, 1847. ILIEINTSVIELIVO ILIDNOVIIP7ro The 'edict] Faculty he bin! Dr. Carter's Infallible Remedy for Hummit. Tense of taking. and size of cloaca eatirely dt tile. option of the patient! THE aboie medicine can be Mind it all times at the Heir establishrient of CARTER & SMALLEY, together with an entire new and fresh stock of GAO crimprising every thing, in their line. such as Tea, Cof.e, Sugat. Tobacco, Pepper, Spice, Chbco late,Zocoa, Caron, Figs, Reline. dce, and an endless miety of other articles too numerous to mention;" all of atieb will- be sold as low as the pipe cab be bought west of the Empire city. We also offer the meet splendid assortment of French. English and Ger man TOYS, ever before offered. in Northern Pennsyl vania, together with a felt useretrwan,of .Nnts,Oonfac ticmarieei Yankee Notions, Fancyglawmare, dut., which muss and will suit sate quality wed price. , Oct. 11. 1847. CARTER it SMALLEY. The Saddle and Banns • 'Business Vow =odium by an d 4. :CULP surrui the ieLlt,thab 8114fi 4 094 win be ad li e e p t eto, dlmsO t*#Me4 rubric 'llest FII ear QuikeZ Wier, damlon itiorms. Trypka, itenies,, other iyeit.iti their limit: Tritnnib l ik 4'‘ tiork -6one tasiietc. Irmo their expetitcom exelposetoslity. they ere* hope to meive &Aim o(pollio ,fistmoitge. Wirt am at4beiiatioP 44 chews; et any etliea 160 P it thecmltlNT esiity 18.'47 , :144 - TAItORRiG IMBUEMENT! zatokrateirppige N3r. • clti of Laiion;) second !army of aew Brielt bicseir;ereefed by ltintOO r10011.37,,14 ltaia street. where they are prepared to t f k iocgtooß t ordefaht theirtioa with r oectiotel* t direpach.. Frooreteir long end ritittato Iristriii466 in the el.' Mod their 14 0 10 4 F• saPedellee garaltMliit4l 4 o o4 ' 'vg. la tlindso 4 tJtojrtettF44,ol:o;aoPftgatpt 'able to One the too* fasidhois lute; addio_eaatikte, Writ, „ti* stteti Attestant& Wod lifehdirsiyhiu: to giaereettlfit*n to dwir cuetemere.:' r.t. 4 ' 44.4 a, Coilijr4o, w„colli4al4lYinstralitorl! rept* -14. up.. • .44 1 4 . "O. Ili , Tilinesda, Ott. 12'; !SW — PR R. DAVIS.- ' w-IVE*LEB.7IIB,LISIDigiv? :. - .... ...:.• '• '•;.•*lismiikr - 'l l mlloll*lzar. :„.; ~,, , ••. • - p,t r,,.: , , 7. , : 14 ... i e t.,• 4 , 041 ,„ .. •-• _ .LLL____— ko-gdy ymeitbitiorre... , .. ~.„..., sii4s publie—sesseimy, tits 1 :1 , — .l , - -.1 IT, . titeY. '' .. sii'Ultiltlisitsfeelete 1-11 ; . I 1 , tweaks • . ,of CABIN ZT • _ J ,I. i m 611 tediette• el :1 -- .'- 9111 : I C I ' - labia' ' rt. ! .soomoosa ii ioraoy- 'we,* kosign! boa ti *silo si wise' tiOlfAllp of miaow aiid Mat spptsso petteme ; Elcds Rocking Ch erg, sioadwetod is 2.11: sii kraal sad -4' . , itsinsel is asgesitd avow. i his . a ili g .,; ; . . tie tied( hawk Ifs. liogsny Ma. bentstifillY with, ended ha -obeli sleet teens. t i • 7,1111 Sallied with d a beet hie se a ting: .Ws _ • _ourselves diet able tosisitil stsPnitwooll Ibuletaaa, we Ala he aide to enlists aliwbo my feet 450310.10 Clinf both •ai 41 *IOW , led Vial: aolk bt . . iffitlaktiaw Ile :buiSese f ond. *V° mast 101 t. 11104 " 11 141 ,1 11 4. 40 Pii a liberal solo; away. ~ , , 6 ,_ ..=_ -i ~,.!., *Nu 4 co. Towanda, nerember 1,16e7; x C . LET fuitirrirvats lIAY BE HAD at t ube . p lead hng thou' it ime river been : in owskirta. - adrids'ir e Co; erind F Kiird wheat an ;end that . le di Alia' can afford MI for to do ft. AN kinds of febdtiai. be received in *lntent. Also; LESSER ef all • Kept. 1. • 16 lit. I!T1 4 (10; • • 411,...111:30 *rump . - IMIVILL be kept on i loge eseretniao, sad VW mai to order on ihortsinetiee aid forint n o , trey then can be proclaim/ et 'Roy othereetabliidasentio the laid. Those who site ender the treeqrsitj of pro Curing that article will sad shell be Satisfied: A goof • as and pall may be boa in Ittendinne When, dented. Sepses* 1, NO, • ! L. bt. NYE 't CO. _.l • . NM ,. "w EIZI# NIT 71Eigi . Kai • Copper, Tin, at Sheet Ira, 1404 JOINNWEILMITTIM WM . woosatat /XS aria L. i-.-.. . 1 2 egs, 11 C. HALL is , seeeiving 60 tons of tits aben L. goods, which he prepared to, sell. at wholesale' or retail, to emit pm* at *ninon reduced prism for cub, lumber or ' . The most liberal porn will be paid for wheat, oats, icon end lumber. Stan and • Komearod Estabiialourn, on Ila corner of Kiin and Bridge stii.,Where may be foetid the largest and best.rsortnient of stone, this aide the city of Albany, each as Numbest. Buckeye cooking wini t !rranged with a rota ry top, and-hot air n combined, 1,2,9,4 Roctiestet.Empire hot l air oven, 4 " Universe, " 4 " ' Vahan, " • (improved) 2,3, 4. Conyers tight sircling - , 2,3,4 Knickerbocker, " -2, 3 Albany Elevated oven / -" 2,3, 4, 5 _ " Premium N. -1, 3, 4,5, 6 I Race's pat. selimpdallor, air-iftght parlor, 1,2, 3 Rochester air tight - plidm, 3 1 . b, 4 Congress do. ; Albany de. (roasters,) Albany Fancy wood parlor,. 2, 4 ,"5 N.Y. eity • a I ' 2, 9,4 I. prior tad newels, ' 1,2 Common cylinder do . 1, 2.3 A Lop 'tastily of i SiIITO fipe, Elbows, fio, koi tojiper; Japan iv kituida wart; DK, it. 'which ho will sell as hove at *banal° or wail. Shed iron, 710, Brass Copper Work, made to order on I lan short notice, and Ira Md. Persons wishing to pur chase thOibove arti es will do well by calling st the above stole, before p rchlising else Where. as the propri etor is briond not wire ondenrold by any living roan. 5,000 SHEEP PELTEEiranted, for which arch will he paid. October 17,1847. 6m ANOTHER GREAT BATTLE ! disOthar Lurie and Splendid Lot of Readt ,madeacothin i r I JUST anived . st . BATCHELOR'S CLOTHING STORE. Here lathe place to get An* clothing, at least 80 pet cent. tiberiper than at serothei place. 1 •havo all kinds to sait customers. My stock is large. condoling of Clodui. Cants, Panes, Vista, die, ite. Elegant and new premium styles; and at astaskishint t lossC Over C prices. ts, Brown. Itrati f Do,; i, loaks. basin/se Costa—all kinds, lack Drew Costs, French Dress Do., Gold Mixed, &tined Pants, Casitinere Do.. Black and Green Monkey Jackets, Fancy *in Vests, Black . Do., Castitmos Do., Double Breasted Da, tiiick. White Manc)llc . :Also—Canton Flannell Draw ers. Shirts the and some splendid_finq Shim— Alao—Blue and B Cloth,: Brown Do., Cawirrieres, Plain, Fancy Do Vestinipi of all kinds. o:7Cutting an Mending done cheap and making up at L. BATCHELOR'S Oct. 9, '47. Clothing Store. BOOTS ,AND SHOES. Mist are yen aht it here ! Aril ye Its, I grog's! THO CSAN DS of times the question has been silted.. Where on earth ore -all the Boots, and Shins me nufactured that supply the continual rush at the eorne: of Main and ßridge streets! O'Hara answers that this io the place, and these are-the thine we dolt with ! -www..- Seventy-eleven new fashions every two seconds! ----------- - . Z - '4--- 2, - -- - -:,....--, Put on the Sham !! , ..- . - :---, - .7 • ~ 7 -: - - Hear ye ! lies ye ! and understand, last O'Hara, st the 'corner ofMa it and pridge wee* will sell at retail this season. 14,781 pain of Boots, Shoes and Brogans. at a kw pricethan ever was or probably ever will be of fered again in Towandi, The Ladies" Department in this establishment s richly furnished with fashions. Ladies',. misses' and children's fancy and common boola antshoes. even . w 7 R 3 I l n the intremitro Art latest fashiolls. Mistake not th e place -Corner' f Main and !Wage strieti;•tke only Shoe Store is radford County!. Halt casli'and 0 trade for Butter IL 'O'HARA. • Towanda, ri. e 16, 1847. . V .fg 4 alt, --- 3 --- - -----31,-- A. 1 ---- IEI - - ---- vw ----- In Tottalliki. iIM. BA ER respectfully informs thepebler that a tiles ommenced the-GRAVE-STONE ben nars.'in all its tenches, at Towanda, win** be will be ready at ail tl • to attend to all calls in his line. Illimusnents Tomb-tables. Grave-stones , of ' .et ry description, !Pc., 4-e-, , . made to order and furnished as cheap :0170RK an'! MARBLE .of he same quality can be °builder at sop shop in the ner3r. ' He invites it public to call and 'asinine Me ItA and materials hoping tarnish theif patronise 1 9 sfi' V ' r attention to 'Peas, arid Itioninitiot workmanship an' 800 nimble.' LETTER.CUITIIIO done with neatness and der the patch, in etik. - ' • t Shop on am swee