Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 09, 1848, Image 3

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    - .77 Wl=s7 IZSIVE.I4.-f1eR4.1.1%; , 111 ,,,, PCN0t* AL A411E:0.., ,
rinv, and a b making appropriation for certain Da. tvtorsn Ina .ren.—Yre not deceived with . VIUTI
ti in! ications *high were wad rwiee and iifeyred to Aore—la,itithittaitattevtatifactioalo yoitiAlN* disease j
the Committee of the Whole. • will cure itself; especially if that disease be Consumption •oe;
*Nilieekip:isOluticiti itsfika Liver con4daipt• yva calitadihe•r i ssinettro b ea r s rti
131exico and Cialfoinia'were laid over..mustre taer benevolence awl a ldnd PrOciiieneo ;
The res o ut i o4, m r., Giodth„, , f so i l ih a "i n t. Lazo &vele!! 'reach . The ktnarmion)Evroally pars.'
nietit Uri Wect coinibittee of gve;l4ri'etiqtaie into ,Pisiii4On and 41 c . c aisOkcc,i, now
the Jaye trade cidati in the District of 4 : l .P ate - di ttAl li l and nnin''' runt th4OuntrYi and
doe *lave ult.. .4mg in inc
ives;ealled ap t and .W. 'Giddings*idled fix: the prq
vinus.question, ---,
kir, Holmes: movedto lay the enhjelirnritin tble
table. '• , .. , i f 1
The yeas and nays were taken on Mr. Holm es
- - _.
moticau and it was last. . ,
Mr. Garnet Duncan a resolutio ./
ns, asking'
sidentto t o communicate Gen.- Taylor's
%wary Maq's letter reprimanding Getr.-• , Gaines,
w as passed. ,_
Mr. Clingtiant presented a vesoletion, asking the
President to eetrirnnuicate theadenoe r a w
live to Gen. Scott's trial at P
Mr. Botts, offered a resblution,‘ king the IPreei
dent to eommtinicate by what aukhonty the,Secre
' tary Of the Treasury' had established a tariff in Mex
ico, which lies 'over. Adjourned. - •
Mr. Rhett in a'defence of the administration—
When he bad concluded', Mil'Gotgin obtained the
floor, and on' his motion the Committee rose and
the House adjourned.'
~....t 'i 1,,, •• • . - Fat:ass Jan 28
Se to tusk, from the committee oI L Na.
sal Affairs, introduced a ,bill to incorporate the ex
an navy -with that of the United - States.
Mr. Pearce, from the Committee on the Library
reported a bill for the purchase of the Hamilton pa
pers. - . .
The Senate then resumed "the itonsiderntion of
the Ten Regiment bill. General Cass expirs i sed
the hope C
that the debate Would soon be bFought to
close. ,
Mr. l'helpe then resumed his 'remarks and pro
ceeded with the aTurnent.
' Mr. Downs obtained the floor on the conclusion
of Mr. Phelps' remarks, and the Senate 'adjourn
ed over till Monday.
llouse.-Nothing of importance transacted.
At a meeting of more than one hund red and fifty of
the citizens of Sallivan county,. from the townships
tl Cherry, Shrewsbury and-Davidson, held in the '
Court room. at Laporte, on Wednesday afternoon.
February ; 2d, A. D. it34li.
Wh e n on motion of Robert Taylor, ROBERT
XITCIIEN, Esq was appointed President, And
on motion of John Hiddleson, GRORG6, Hrssorcza,
o'. JONES, • and DENNIS TitALl:, were appoint ed V:ce
SZ Presidents, - and on motion of James Taylor, W. M.
Lirovanhollan and John Buck, were appointd Sec
The object of the meeting was then stated, and
ral addresses delivered, when on motion of
Benjamin Mester, the following persons welre.ap
pointed a committee to draft resolutions expressive
of the sense of the meeting, viz. John Hiddleson,
trues l'a.ylor Timothy Crawley, George Eilkins
.I;id Griffith Phillips, Jr. The committee reported
::ce following preamble and resolutions, which were
unanimously adopted.
Whereas, we have seen proceedings of a meeo
tag, reported as having been held at Quirinls
schohl-bouse" on the '3oth of December last, in
4 which falsehood and misrepresentation appear to
be the order of the day. And Wherein -they_eorn
plain4to our Honorable Legislative bodies, of wrongs
.1 2 4: It hick only exist in their fertile ima,nations, and
v making a false statement of the feelings of the
i:tbabitants, • ask .for redress of wrongs, and griev
-3.; :laces Which do not exist. - Therefore '
Itesplved. That we have confidence toitelieve
dr Honorable Legislature, will examine fully as
to the facts, and having detected the falsehood, they
ill not safely remove our county seat to one cor
m of the county. making us bow in submission to
. turnpike so called ; which runs across one corit'er
fit, and which is in, no better state for 'travelling
':et the 'roads denominated "those that never can
bP travellee-in-the proceedings of the aforesaid
meeting. •
Resolved, That the present location of the cortn
,seat, has already benefitted our county more
than a location on the turnpike could have done
nl many years. As it liar opened road
uncultivated part of oar county, and given facilities
tor travelling-to every portion of it, which it is not
7 probable would have been done for many years,
it the ‘ , .unty seat:were located at any other point.
And in Tearing "up this pan of the colmty., where
4 the soil is bets, than at env point on the turnpike,
..4 t•ern the Bradford line, to the point where it crosses
. .; ! 1 east line of this county, and where water is
ahuruhrrit for. mill-privileges within half a mile of
':,is place, and where a sawmill is now beini erect-
And water from good springs within the town
and also at a short distance on each t=ide of it,
which gives . abundant water,tor all purposes of a
, - ;,•••.illage; and a fair beginning has already been
ma,le, which will enhance the value of property.
.1.),I much enrich every portion of the county.—
` I'll. say the people in favor of a removal, ‘..t we do
•fi not want the county enriched, our Wants are only
tor the gurn i pi4. We want that henefitted. =We do
not want new roads; we want the people to go
4rross'' by the - turnpike. To be sure a bridge
would cost something across the Loyalsock, bat we
o not expect a bridge, for the turnpike people to
• • come here, would cost more thati,one for the peo
ple of this part of Cherry, and from Davidson, and
Shrewsbury, to go to the turnpike. And good se.
unity has been offered to the county. commission
ers, to bitildthe bridge for two hundred dollars, ft
any time they would authorise the building of it.—
l'he creek can 'nel,w he crossed with teams, and can
all times eceept when there is a freshet in' it.
y; vend loath having been already hauled across it
this place.
Resolved,-That charges of falsehood and bribery
'wing made is order to ;, , et us to sign a remon.
sitance against' a remora[ ofthe county seat, are
'rea:ed with the scorn they merit, arid remind ns of
. he thief, who, having escaped from
. prison, ran
t the top of his lunge, " stop thief," -" stop
kcgolved. That the personalities used, and in
viniatiOns of bribery made, are so low and scurril
,us. that they are unworthy the consideration of an
.oriorable mind.
That 4; ten days of grace" as they are called by
')e proceedings of the aforesaid meeting, given by
' ,, canng commissioners, were granted by specia
'",tte-t of those who composed that meeting. an,
order that, they might • make proposals which
tt,py said they were not then prepared to make.
T '.; . y.-ttitts.sliotheir gratitude for the favor shown
iirsolvetlthat Lewis Zanet, of Cherry, being
nian in whom we have full eotifideru:e, and who
well acquainted„witb the land, at and neur this
• with the water, water privileges 4e.,
state of the roads' in every part of rthe county,
ul alone the turnpike &c.. be requester' to act.
r as in klarrisburg, and to testify before our Hon
.ble Legislature. if he 'should be called upon, re.
ice to the.sUtteruent made, antl. all Matters ger- .
trine to the interests of this county.— - -----
Resolsed.:that the proceedings of this meeting
. oe
by the - eA and published in the pa-
•.• - iirLyTerniunt t " Bradford ; and Dauphin coun
4. 4ts
(Sigriett by the Officers.)
a.: ar . N6suctigr, Jr.,
F ut
Dealer •
3" Goode. rheiteries, Dardeeere Cutlery, Creeker y, Ohio
Paiw.; Dye mtuff:g. Fish, Male. Chug, Saity
Petty,iliee, Cart, ]qua'. %al, Ike ,
'tt met received another e7tt Ore tat of trliteellaneotto
Aitits so sTINTIoNmity, efritgreat rudely of. wo
rt. wrapping, and 1101 , ! PAPER. • MerChanti supplied with
bail: as, Paper, *e.. at wl e Prices. '
Brick wore, eor. of Maui 1 • eta., Doorpi Twett..„(3l
Agents for eportee.
cARR, No. 411 Q. North FoUrth st : and Pan building.
N. E. earner of Thud and pock st Phdaddlptna
~1 1 PALMER. N. W. eornir of Third and Chesnut lanes*
' hsatelphut ; and td9 Nassau at., (Tribune buildiugs.l N.V.:
.11111 r;r. PR ITT. 114 Nassau st.:.(next door 'to Tastunany
as Nkn "
.11111.1!i price ilk); Ihed OEM s„ .„. Alitilipay. on have 'no•
eicosi therefore for itegleetmitto Have yoga 'ifseideldflikkvi-
Bp tioi deceived with quack noitruins, or "fitity;ioiiitibill of
this.infishulle raL4fieine. An individual Ch4letion, tifinth
-4 11rolinti.,reeendy paretra4d fOur battles ottwekti4 SAT—
mien! the most 'celebrated physicans in,A4 city told €ildietbr
id PatiCitt be thnkt send Old • krticle back, and e - Zellibld it for
Dr. 'Wiesen Balsam oriVild Cheery. Be not deceived—re-i
member that it is Dr. ‘liVistar's 'Balsam thin cures-40i br
Wiataes that being, back the agate of health to the cheek
Make to the eye, strength to the system, joy and gladness to
the soul, and happiness to man—ii is Dr. Ifieditrtv Thai has
Baisetkl*- 1 cOllbrilF:o l, ne‘ the siek, alonisbing syegroed
with itsieffects and is .receemmended by the best physicans
throughourtheilnpd. not doceired—hy n own un:ess signed
1. BUTTS on lie wrapper, the genuine Dr. I'llitar7s.
The genuine Limed I. BUTTS on thy-wrapper i Eto:d by
A. B:CHAfiII3F,BLIId Towanda.
&Ali= FNAPIPL untidy commences with . neuseaand sickavins,
great thirst. headach, redness of the eyes' dc. In two or . three
days a pricking sensation is experienced, std an erupti on of n
fiery redness begins to appear, 6 hit on the thee and arms, and
finally a uniform redness covers the whole body.
In eases of Scarlet Fever, Wright's Indian Vegetable' Pillsshould be taken every night on going to bed, in such doses as
to:produce copious evacuations by the bowels. This coarse, if*
property tblloweri up, wilt in a. short tim, sndiine rime mostvio
lent attack Of Scarlet Fever, 'at the 'time time the digestion
will be improved, and the Meal comPletely,purilled:
Basta or Comveravtri AND , liirtinisSlC—Bemembenr, that
the original *Manly genuine INDIAN VVALWEILII PILLs haVe
the written signature of Wid t WRIGHT on the top table of
each box.
• the ads . m celebrated pills for tale by .
Momanyes &,'Co..'/Oweards. U. Mealy & C 0... Firtmcjitorrt
ItI,W. & D. F. Pomeroy, Troy. D. Donk, Hornbrook.
Correll & flee, East Daemon. 3. C. Adams. - Atom creek.
Win iffirson. Muter. C. Rathbohe. Canton.
L. ti. Ellietorth, Athens. W. Campbell, Sibeshortriu'
Guy Tracy, Milan. .1 J. WerfortL 11oarostun.
Principal 'Office and general Depot. 16Q Race St. Plea.
To Printers.
A fount of Long Primer, partly worn ; t fount of BrOVICT
Lit'UT4 tICW: and various otherprinting materials not 14 use
and will be sold cheap, at this office.
Married, -
On Wednesday, the 2d of Ifebruaq, inst., by Elder
- Pox, of Spencer, Ma. Si:muss L Fewtait, of
Monroeton, to Miss Ms': Dußois, of Tioga Co.
IN. Y.
q this borpngh, Tuesday, February, 1, 1848. LTtrr
SYS 011+1E•sis only son of 13. 4 F..and C. E. Pow
aged three years nine months apd twenty-ftre
n Burlington, on the 4th inst.: at the residence of
her brother, C. Pratt. Miss .S►a►a has Parr,
daughter of Duct. E. Pratt, of Canton, in the 19th
year of her lige.
ed meetings of TOWANDA DIVISION
No:103, S. of T., are held every TUESDAY even
ing, at 6 j o'clock, lin the Sons of Temperance Ball
over B. Kingsbety's store.
Py order of the Div., J. B. NEVINS, RS,
Neu) abvcrtiscincuts.
HAVE the satisfactton of announcingto that numer
etis friends, and the public that they have just open
in the new Brick Block of Burton Kingabery, where
all who wish to indulge in the healthful and invigorat
ing exercise of a COLD ot.Wsau Bath, can at any time
be ac'ommodated. trj" Call and try it. Feb. 9.
The price for Bathing once, 25 cents. To those
who bathe by the month, fie cents. •
ALL persona are requested to take notice that Silas
E. 'Shepard of Troy township, Elias Rockwell and
Betsey Rockwr It, of Canton Township have taken out
Letters of Administration on the estate of Samuel
Rockwell, deceased, late of Canton Township ; and all
persons indebted to said estate are requested to call and
pay up their accounts, and those haying claims are ye..
questedio present them, dutypitiested for -settlement
February 11, ;848. Administrators.
TIT/L1 3 1: - .E3 le/Ib7FLUDDI
Hair Dressing and Bathing Saloon
S. Cooper 4 G. Jackson,
pEOPEC (FULLY inform their friend...and tha
public generally, that they have fitted up that law
room in the New Brick Block all langsbery, Towan
da, ip a superior style, where they will take pleasure in
waiting upon their old customers, aid making new
In addition, they will beep constantly-en band a
good assortment of FANCY GriODS, such as.aear's
Maceasser's Oil, Ox. Marrow, Cologne,Victoria
perfume, Hair knishes, /Shaving and Tooth br ushes, sad
Combs. .
ALSO—AU kinds of ladies' curls. Bosoms and
Collars, Cravats, !Suspenders, Razors and Strops, Ameri
can Sbampoone, for sale by the bottle, for restoring
the hair and Preventing the accumulating of dandruff—
warranted to keep the hair from falling off if used ac
cording to directions. Always kept on hand a fresh
supply of lined and composition hair. Dye warranted
tocbange the hair instantly from • red or gray, toil
beautiful brown or black.
Gentlemen's Coats and Pants cleaned or colored ard
warranted to give satisfaction. Razors honed on short
notice. Boots and shoes blacked to order. Call and
see for yourselves. Feb 9.
ATOTICE is given, that the partnership heretofore
existing•between the subscribers, is dissolved by
mutual consent. The accounts are in the hands of.M.
CARTER, who will pay all debts due by the late Gin).
January 27, JB4B.
VALENTINES I—Just 'ireceiced the choicest ever
V offered in this town, for sale cheep by
Feb. I. lA4B. 0. D. BARTLETT.
THE sultocnber proposes to attend to law business
hereafter, on the following terms : He will tiy suits
in the Common pleas, before arbitrators arid justices,
and will make no change for service poles' his client
succeeds' in the suit. From experience end observation
he is of the opinion that if so attorney si sufficiently
convinced of the.ustice and racticaMity otitis clienrii
cause, to recommend a Suit or defence, be s'.tould be
lathing to risk his fres on the result.otthe tittle; abd
if in any ,case he is: unwilling to incur the risk, he
cannot—coni - iiitiatiy,Punge his client Into the etitanse
and uncertainty of a lawsuit by his advice. "
Collections of eiery description will to attended' to
upon the same terTe t CcirreyanHtig and titbit kiwis
of office husioe, dope promptly iod at touteiitie
chat ges. •
CrrOffice in the North end of brick ROW yeef• the
.Poet office, west mdever 'mein street; Tamen& ..‘ •
Tountitle, Jm. 8. HENRY HOOTHI'
A LL persons indents& iteilhe estste of DAN DICK
/I. MON; dielf f ; late"ol 4 RittOirYsienrrAfito,ldre
hereby . requested io maw payment ,wittidot delay, ind
those baying claims against said estate will please-re
scot them duly it udrutiested. for 'settlement.
• MILLS 'CAltft,;* -
, Attar.
Tridgb9ry, Dee. 0, 1047
i qu*Tt. and e
elf titshel. peek fion,quott, two
quart weiait►ei,i BAUtirtik
SALT- 109
RIND /TON. fot,Pele "
just 'received sad for sale
WARD'S, P 10.4, B. R:
.emrsft , m
grti ( tila t•
Goods for the Pimple
101. !.I.( I i "At't 1 1 , i-fa/Ff. )
AT N. Eirrretsiomilteeisiee,l4 . the Caladium
e' thelteer- Welt illOck;liierrienterllnd 41,4164
blasts& of' GOODS, •erhieit be Edema IV very snail
imbued frodelsoetv Perebeeetedesitsesergetting the
Werth of theireetoey; , iitial•befibur the eathteetemer be.
hoitestirdeelt 'Whiff/lilted it theit inhere to es
' amine bit stock belore pureberie* • • I •' -
Aftwerairtoods may be found French, English' sod
American bt% . immirasee, silk velvet 10
sanartestimm, fancy vesting% sheep's gay clothes+ SU.
break," Keatecky Jamie, tweeds, 'litany', -knit mrealen
- Wear rind drairmi, ensign do.; siphons, $ west variety,
'l4entb'inednerrak 'ilk mod- alma do:. de killed, therrs•
gala, •htDa and'anidlen - plaids,' *inhume; eashmerits,
inantffli•Mk, bonnet *hem. tand'4atina.lihnisingt
iMershopmd, tempo and Gingers good minstasentvbrus,
Sells and lenolirecerpet-tarK broth*. sarialllW,Vcsisk.
mem delain p lrerteh 'and•woolect plaid-shawls, ammo.
de-goods, hosiery and glirierr; carpeting', •4 and 1t.4 oil
cloths, window shades, &e. Groceries, crockery, Rohe
and tin were: hardware, boo's and shoes a logs assort
ment. Letitia., nails, square, round and common bar
iron; plMestrdiledgeptilterni nailtnd, horse shoes and
nails, hind &nod hoop irosa,-cast, english Mister, german,
stherlean Spring semis, 7by 0, tby• IS and 10 by IS
glass, putty. liMeld sad" lamp oils, paints of nil kinds,
mackerel no. I and 2, codfish, &e. Ike. Wools sold at
• eash prices for grain, botter.'eheme Ike. Wonted 1000
Rd Mid skins' for' which cab will be'paid.
. .
take this m et hodd of informing my. Oil
einnemenrobat there made arrangements with bir.A..
-N.-Betta,•to partially take charge of, and assist him. in,
his business. , woold 4 therefore. be very bap ;to see
any of you at the above mentionedestabliehment, rebore
goods must and will be sold at very low rates, for my
motto ism it em has been.,smull moths ,and
sales. Call and see Yours-truly. .
• •
2 , 9ack YDS. SHEETING, (heavy' gooda,) l 4J.
a. 7 ing at 8 and la cents • yard, at ide ten
dß2 N. N BEXTS.
tril atom
CLOTHS ! CLOTHS t !--Every body admits that
the cheapest in town are to be found at the Cen
tral store; till end see ; no charges for showing goods.
MUFFS!—These furred animals are to belted at
the Central store. from 37i cents, to $lB. Hark
the illace, if you want muffs cheap. Ii t N.BETTS..
"MAll43—from a 4 inch spike down to a shoe nail; at
the Central store. N. N. BETTS.
Ifllitans Scott,
HAS removed his othee to D. Gash's new Witco. on
secon4 of t, where he pill beplea eed to see those
who need his prObilripast *vices. 'De*. 2,9, 1847.7
V CUT AND MILL BA.WB, hand and' ood do.,
A. at the Central store. d 22 N. N. BETTS.
NATHITE LEAD, No. I, extra, dry anti ground 'in
oil, at the Centeul atom, N.N. BETTS.
rTIHE old firm of V• 44. H. BAIRD dr. 1 30., hawing
Seen dimolved brit/mud consent_ and the subscri
ber being disposed to keep OLD 120.3, (whole always
right) GOING A.lf EA %would now anemia* to those
who like to buy goods cheap, that he is now daily •re
ceiling from the city of New York, anew and splendid
assortment of Goods, which he is boned losell egeheap
- as they can be bought this aide of the city of New York.
Hy assortment consiswes *anal of
BOOTS. 4(.8110ES. 808 SLEDS,
Now, Mr.and•Mrs....riverybody, just continue yont
old habit •of dropping' ih at No. 3, before purehming
elsewhere, and if I don't sell you goods right, "don't
boy them." I have accommodating clerks, who will
always be happy to wait upon you in ease you don't
find the Old Maa'constantly on hand himself, and I
have 11 doubt but on pricing the goods yon will be glad
to buy.
I feel thankful for prat aims, bestowal upon the old
firm, and it shall be my aim to. merit a continuance of
the same. tsmt2 E. W. BAIRD.
QEA FOOD.--Catifudi and Mackerel, any quantity
AO for sale at rt ID BAIRD'S.
BROWjY RITEETIO7O9.—Abont 43,000 yards of
Brows Sheetings, just reed at ' SAUDI'S.
ITEsruvcti.—satin, silk, satin stripe, silk velvet
V and-other Vesting*, for winter orsurrnaer, (U or
spring; a great assortment at BAIRD'S No. B, B.R. •
CHO ICE .DRY French Men
no, Oregon plaids, muslin de talons. Columbian
plaids. gingham, of all desaiptions, he., atc-. at
Nov. 10. BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Row.
II UR GOOD-I.—Gentlemen's fur caps, Ladies' muffs,
&c., a good assortment at BAIRD'S.
SAWS.—MiII saws, and 61 feet and 6 foot cross cut
Sawa, at BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Row.
- ------- ---
HATS CAPS.— A good assortment silk and fur
Huts, gent', glom) caps, with copes, (a past ar
ticle for stormy weather,) men and boy's cloth caps,
childron's *civet cam dec. Yoe will find all -- these
kind., and'many more, at• nlO BA I RD'S.
HORSE BLANKETS.—If you 'rout segoodi
cheap article of the klud,call at I.lilRD*B.
PAINTS.—White and red lead, Venetian red, Bp
nish brown copal gum, litharege, chrome gieon,
chrome yellow, 'garnish, dm., at
LADIES' DRESS TRlVlAlDlGS.—Fringe e .gimp,
habit buttons, and. all kinds of fizin's for trimming
ladies' dresses. at BAIRD'S, Dr0..3, Brick Row.
LOTHS,--Freach, and English Broad Cloths and
Cassimeres, Battinets, sheep's gray, a good assort.
ment at nlO • BAIRD'S, No. 9, Brick Row.
T ADIES I—Do you know where to find the nicest
14 Pesach Lake Captain town !—the vain at
Nov. 10. pAIRD'B, No. 3, Brick Row.
BAGS, a aplegdid arlicie„at
BAIRD'S, N. Brick
variety. eleePri*ieg all the. lONA &Vies and bloat
beautiful .patterns.. just ntosived.aad foriale vary low
OVERSHOEB, of every description , for mete very low
by d 22 'H. O'HA RA.
IVlurrs!—lust received by express, a naw.acipply
jot MUFFS, including sow No. 1, Lynx, and
cheerier qualities, at d 29 bIEtICURI3.-
. %V AND& Atik.itraM '
THId lanitution is now under the charge et Mr. F.
W. Goes, a graduate of Yale College. assisted
by Mr. 0. li. Pease. of Conn. The Scat term cam.
Inwood on the 15th of slept. ell. The second will
oommence en the fith of Dee. Pupils amadmitted et
as, time. rsexst -.
• Tuition ism /ern of etepea meek t
Common Entikh otmlinoi n- . 40
Higher English studies, • . 100
Molest Languages wed ,bigher uslkomMtins:, 00
Zstni dame.. (lstiusd,24l teram),,e,,2s
/Teammate will be angle IP / 1 1 81111 ;. 4 111 . Mgt P(
•onmmomplishod Promonso 010011%,
••• Oct. It • J. 14110 I:o...lkaiddent••
AVM—A tarp asso!titeti'of it 'k n6l add uali•
Gos•Iln now eidruirrt low dal &gift" ,
:UAW* Row. - 111t112D.
fIitOCERIZI6—A Ina anti astansicrs .maostawnt o
Ur" of fiery sisacsiptios, has jest bean reinevad Actin,
Savings Bank. and are selling cheigssithaw thi sthosP"
est. at No. 5, Brick Row. 41FIXDS.
APItsORPOI ! °ferny kind did reel alonsublin
, Osindboss, tonsisting of illen i sassulds,losekst do.
buskins, and an other kinds, just tetufena, and for sale
ioW sE tinfigasings Rink. d! C. REED.
NirIIIPPe, * that ere utalrig. aid WI MI bleia-i-loasairgo
aides' and bOiiktifai fa il lto
suit. jait leetiled at it24l'.m • POEM:.
OINTMENT~A. Dew supgy (
—7 Mull', * 64 9" nrai " a w a g,
A. a .
- - vfmrs-v Yrarg. -
n ;l , , Ittait
, 41111114- 44111110111 i
Waiiii4etheiiiiii.`" 644 s!elpe
Ast —auppop4
and strict atindad tsLWitnaan, niatia of puls.
08 444 1 :immAtiKi The/ milt filoi7Lbe falttk : . sd7 to
I. lll4 pd l Y aDx. pet.on who rut* afeoP+ 9 4 l l ,o W -heir
Occupy ibt24l4oiii eiElliott /Amt.
alba 114 hosituit bean taAtatit4 Itttd m . 1 48 ,
conrenisp; customers mil BO
,it my ples-
Wd`to'lle. sines . mi. ELLIOTT ilk T.OllO KllB.
4 7,At bu t I s 4 f. •
QILKIC-41fack; ecdosed, plakl. ondtilkstsieublerstess
Mitipillss,..wldts sad =Wild Jaime! !Mho. it
Cumfet& Teihiti t Owe+it
Clothe, iuArse brow*. tette Ind gold tithe& Bu
rn basOlipery low at 8A VIN(3B BANK;
rilitTlCAY.lttke usto) the enclosure of the stiltacro
-1-% be:. (411: 9 . th ot4uguat bat. aB4 COW. 8
or 9 years 014. Tha'
,oWner, is . requestell td . prove OW'
P e nt' peiLelaro6 and take her away.
Troy; pe..27. HOWARD SPALMO.Sett.
PRINTS v of ivory variety and , ltyle , furidp and do , .
mesa; sow opening at whaler& and retail, at
aulB • - ' MONTAN Yird & CO.
superior stole ,atal finish, and at prices to suit ' those
who wish Co putehere cheap.
SHoElti--Lieds( Misses and Children's, a kris sa
defy on hand at 3e9 limrpr.
/AILS, w
, Pointe, Itasher; and Dyeotuffe. of aliment
V every kind, at irep2s kt EiICUR'S.
Cooking and Parlor Staves.
Just• ,moved at iIONTANYES CQ'S, a large
10 1-4 1 4 0 . PIPE, and a few second•hapd dove% all
of which will be sold chap fin pay. Sept. 7, 1847.
Stock of Goods in the Savings Bank.
TN consequence of the great rush at the Savings Bank
1 for Cheap Goods. the proprietor hu been induced to
replenibh with, a splendid assortment of SPRING &
SUMMER GOODS, which are now opening, and sell
ing at.greatly reduced prices. The proprietor. Mr .0.
REED, pledges himself to hilly and amply sustain the
credit of the institution which it has hitherto bowie. I.S.
for selling goods cheaper than any other establishment
in Bradford en. Peruser desirous of testing Ibis, have
only to call at No. 6, Urick Row, and satisfy themselves.
July 7, 1tt47., Gs REED.
and Light Gingham', have been received at the
Savings Batik; and are Selling twenty-five per cent.
cheaper than ever. jy7 C. REED.
IRON 6t, NAILS.---A large assortment for sale. at
sep2.s MIRRCUIV.S.
TIfORSTEDIDRESS GOODS.—Plain, figured and
VV plaid, blaik and colored Alpaccas ;black and co
lored French liriooes; Oregon Plaids rich French
and common Paidunents, DeLoins+, drc, a great variety
of styles for sale at sep2s ME N RCI/R'S
_ .
par, for Goods, at No. 2 Brick Row.
Towanda, Jan. 11, 1848 E. T. FOX.
CA ME to the meioses* of the subeerihst. ems time
dotingthe paststimmer, a spotted yesilisg HEIF
ER. The weer is *quested to prove 'property. pay
charges, maths bet sway. ED. PATTERBON. •
Towanda. Jemmy 1. 1848.
J. N. Sumner, M. 1)., Dentist,
WILL Trey his next proteesioasi visit to rovrenda.
in JUNE next. He may be found et Wood
ruff's Hotel. jy4
cT G, 0 0 to 01
- H. S. & M. C.'MERCIIII,
uA VE REMOVED to their new. stole, corner of
11. Main and Pine streets, where they are now openn.
ing a nevraitsonmeut of WINTER GOODS, to which
the munition of the public is respectfully requested.
Towanda, December 21, 1847
- -
300 B d ARR I ELS SALT, I"
II 0: 4 )1) "PJ
ALARGE and well selected assortment of Fall and
Winter Goods, just received, and for sale by' L.
LEOT? & TOM KINS, consisting of ,
11113, U., 4C.
Among our Goods may be found,. French, English
anO,American Cloths and Cassiaterea; also. a good Ix
aoitnient of Fancy Cassimeres and Tweeds, sheep's
grey cloth and sauineta; al.o, a good amortment of
Over coat Cloths and Closiongs.
For the LADIES, wa have any quantity of Ging.
•hatns, M. Divisions, Cashmeres, alps cess. of all colors
and prices, both cotton and silk warp; Shawls; of all
AM', dress silk, .black and fancy, with trimmings to
Also—Utionet Si& & Bonnet Velvet with trimmings:
MUFFS—a large work..
&pt. 17. ELLIOTT 3c, TOM KOS..
'EW ORLEANS and sugar house Molasses, loaf,
1 crosbed, New Orleans, and common brown sugar,
-rice. pepper, spice, singer, nutmegs, salseratus, raisins,
tobacco, extra plug and paper. Scotch and meeeabeY
snuff, itc., all of which are selling m less than " pro
verbially low prices," at the Central store.
'December 22 1847. N. N. BETTS.
it very cheap - rates,. au& a beautiful article. at the
Central store. 421 N. N. BETI'S.
(SOIL CHAIN for ball wheels to saw mills, &c.&c.
ILI just receives' and for sale by
October 19, 1947. • 0. D. BARTLETT.
PRINCES & GIMPS, of all kinds also, Buttons
and other trimmings for ladies' dreams and viten',
by • aulB MOIqTANYE & CO.
EDLE R 8 will find it to theithaleaotage to ca at the
1. Drug Depot, where they can be supplied with eve.
ry article desired, such as phials, essences. &e., on the
best, nus, jelB No, I. BRICK ROW-
00T8 & SHOEs—A large and exhaustless as .
aortment of coarse and fins boots and shoes, ladies'
full and half gaiters, kid ties, buskins. French kid clip.
pen, children'. cloth and morocco oboes are now selling
very low at the Savings Bask, No. 3. Brick Row.
:DOR THE LADIES-4 tarp am ortatent of white
1 geode, such ea frith hem, crows berced.end striped
mane. *sows. swiss =alias. Ate.; alio awieeswell,
"'Amalie edgings, thread end cotton edging, bobbins.
galtitiop sad battooe; hoe bettese, pee, whalehooi
maw twist; its shout • Breit misty of and
goo& of seety jieseriptiosh so be found at the
If VO r a OCI ZO
iIE lamed sal lied extessilhalmootama at NEW
GOODB.lailtlmbla to Bo ssaaavosbetid withipeat
t req . and tor alio elisa* the dark !Di AA d 40.
pupalendlt-404 *mad A
loliaasta. Oct. 18C7: D. D. BARTLETT&
YARN;oupet warp, betts,Waddisg. wick
N. in 6, brown slot Ideoebed.theietitito end shifting*
may bb fOotil it gangs sotiely low it the Saw*
Banff ° leen NO. 8. 11; IL
1400/* & filiaB,celetteties of cooPhide'atalkip
iat.hotai beef. oit4 -"WNW shppere, getters ,sad
ehilthin'seboihel asthma elopnt opsottamtiit
,Hete 'Ceps, sip &Ai omit* et the &Mop Beek,
riedipsit 4> NO. A, B.
jIINGBAIIIIB 4ti and Wilt*
la bank Wish awl And Prints
mythicist st *fat AMUR
.4taiti+34 tot .i - - • I 114/4 s. - l e, .
=•, R.N. '.
. . .. ~
puplEEtEieTSilliD. .• • . ENDITUBBS - 01 41 BROP010) CONTY,
••". el" .! 4 ''''' .r .. .. % - i114 , 4• I.:. '•. t. FiXt ~..,•+l.-' '- •' 7 s .11111**1 luau
,-;.- .. .4,t. .axle 414-111i0.10/4 1 1R-4krontAan. 1, to 'Pic. sr. - incluslve.-N
~1. . . e'. .:: it . ...., . ~ , , :
~...,;, ... - 0.... ' •etflimt. It: 1-•-ifig ''.o/ .1.ii,1 P7iteq,....; , ~I i 1....
' t - •i.. ii, • *++,- , ++ ', , .1 .- ' ..
',''''''''",;. •Lt ."'' '. ' • 4 "- , ' ,
Auditors for auditing pu • I seam K
~, `
p- A
ots for $ , mount benellkl‘lo l 6evt n t :: ' " f" r itbilal
A. D. 1845 and 5, . 138 50 i l l'ornsltipyiattN,...,, r ."+ , 1 : - -, : 1 4 1,,..„ .
&ileums. . ...' 004 50 , Wotfixttlfiestiw i
i 'l7 , - , 7'' '\
Swaim of raw .60 ni4loo of oldlotiagesi% 437.34 rA. Cliudi6XlitilAtitiatittirt drailrer '
Clarooo l s sod 'Justices lariiitions, 18 .80 itswieak , .., ,1, 1 , , . 11 -t‘t:/ ; , : - ,II lig-
Counsel fees, 30 0 0 ,Boilictionso,- ~ , ,+; ,+ • • + • ,-..', 4 4 0 1.
Damage views. - 200 tiheirdri rees i tiftnatoningjulnis, fi f e.; 5{ 00
~,., 1 . • • ~ .I • ....- •
- - --
Fuel, ; 46 00 ' Cosiffii .. ' '907'18
Various incidottal upturn, - • 29 44 "Eleillat Expend* 1r... 1 ° 7.4. i...: , „-: pm. 735. 16
Justice fees, , .
I 22 IDolCutista4lesotero4ll6lollkalitiu4iiites ratoiii, SSA .75
_pranil Jurors. - • 4 68 i 3 Cos." i i pT il lrie si l l iit 6,4 ,II I ,L . ,i' - ~., , P
mews. Am"' . • - - lesis ve it'cir V
~ ..0(011" ; ,
'wit? #S For Sisal Books bud; reolpablic Mk t% 27 69 "' ' ra l 2 roar * '''''''''''''' i'' 7 ' - ' I . '' 'wit? *A
A. Martin crier a[coug, . 83 is ; Cantlime. (weethma iiiriy , • ../ -. • 6367-112
Wild Co omikates, 450 , Joseph iive,„,r, -,-,,,,,,,,,..,....• .
Eor support of Primmer* the County Jett' 791 59 1 in 1 (Oulu ,'-
.. i6 '5O
Bills for Priming. . ' 140'00 I A: L. pikiliiitioxiii.4o;l6;fil fait srrri - tie . " -
Public Bulldogs (ordin nips's*. &e.) 69 411 iv' i -• • 'rat, - • .311 $ .
Carrying support . to and suppo. convicts in E. ,J. H. Mack. OA; #4 18ijo fill „ •• 'O l 80
S. Penitentiary, N 284' 09 I " 4 EMT,. • , .. 161 f 97
L. E. DeWolf for , tr. . 1 751 L. Putnam, stint. 1846; tri Mt' 29 oti
W. E. HOMO for "trendiug with coosnissioners 1' "•'. • 6 lan • . • 233 00 7.
at tha time O f the m;ioustiou of Militia flue., 400 I .I.ll4.WabileroJk in 0wn.1646,11 MAJ.= •59 • .. -
Stationary, i 32 26
. t " " .18A7, ," ,104,Q0 - 5 3 7 0,8
'l' ar.
Jacob Rrrt, Tree:inter of the County of Bradford, in
arernrntirith said County.
To amount of Money in TresiAry et let: $
dement, es of Dec: 31, 1646, 1746 79
- Dup. of Comity tax, prior to 1847, 2697 18
- of 1847, 13714 75
Judgmenta„ other demands dim the Co: 1786 82
Money loaned for court hotide, 6202 60
Miscelianecrrs reminds, SI 66
Reed on redesnmiort d unseated Made, 315 25
Received On unseated land transcripts, 279 18
Ai premidrn on pdyntent A' State tat, 395 77
By Arneunt of returned in letti $11,622 Ri
2 per cent. commission en the rams, . 35 1 14
Almond returned on duplinttee,. 3451 30
judgment/1,40e5, 1t.4. 1200.45
Collates per eentap, MI 05
&lanai in 'Fes entry, Jae, 1, 1848, • 5880. 70
Counts) Orders in maim* with the Co. of
To smooni of Couniy orders imaged fa 1847
including credit orders,
Amount outstanding Jan. 1, 1847, •
By anions' t of orders returned in 1 $17853 81
Outstanding January 1, 1848, - toe LI
ofsp,g9Aptuta. atm 24044 , 41,,. (ro ID
hit RarAlted• at No. 2, .Brid Row
AND NEW PRICES ! 'h as of New Fail k Winter iimids,
KINGSBERY & CO, are Jot seerising, di.
reedy from New York and opening at the new
brick store, recently erected at B.Kingebery's old stand,
a large assortment of Falb' Valet Goods, comprising
Broadcloths, Cassimerrs ' Sattlinets ; Alpartas, of ece:
ty description ; fl.encht En gtials Memos ;
aelene DeLasoa ; GirrOtimmt great, taridY;
Cashmere woolen Shawls '; Damesticziads,
and Gloves - , of every description.
Groceries, - Crockery; nard&te&Ms ot Sim 504
and timer Leather, Nem* a n d maim Bobt
maim . maim ,
kip slits' s, Nails, square, round ass Swan 2ro
Glass, If* and ar t Tin and Slane Ware,-
Papa. lbagings_ robes and
Magid, Cofek, end ReNttrg. :
lie amid= itt I Qhblia id resclectrallP" it>fiib tio
Oat Proem Wei suck 004 Which ire bole It
a tor sale at tbs. bout prima. fat issibt pay: ~Tlret
ban bum selactei i.itu d pitsuar"4 ne .#0..14
per toe
iii ties tivetsia s ert.
ta, he wet *b.
fabootobio, bpi. Socialist 0111610.111. to atl
etB.lCmpberyisold OW. tad ossaistoor posh 00l
stm es we aro Wit gal *ill otlit *it *woe
ais /bola eta Weis: . ' •
LK. awn. ,
tici. CIO. W. 7. NENARDt
alt a for
STUFFS, oli.lint's 04., at - 201'15.
Ons, pettimitinti. t .plena *Mitt 1111
Braises; reettedlieteil. tea Naar Aftiska. fsA
sale at joie No. 1. BRICY ROW.
4o'Bs ! 16A tett iej holj , ilijtpej
the avoiagyleha Dois.' for 1001dif Meteor
and 500 lbek bail: OMIT= & ISlNkarAt , 4
With the - Colleders of Co
coilemeee Name.. Aral eburged . ..Ani~:4,4l . ll,„6m'systrut.'4,,,itareaut
itiehanl Horton, $l3l 35 *l3l 35 .
1, , ,. J ., 1.•• ( ' , , • i ,-* ...4
Elijah Hort- n,• •-' 21' do " L ' lr • . - 2* Pk '
Henry 91trarwrid, 103 05 '-:' ' '" -193-03
1! S Stephen., 85 41. r -. . 85 41,
Jason Horton, 4 36 • 4 36
Samuel ArMahle, - 60 42 61 00 1 4
Junes A Ennis, 41 19 23 96
Clark Hallenbeck, 88 78 • 88, "
'.l C Brown, 14 74 3 26
!sum Westbrook 43 38 26 00
David Rutty, 43 9# 22 81
Austin Stalionl, • 65 77 21 00 •
James Wilcox, 132 4;2 locum)
'Harris Murray, 327 St 39%17
James Ryon, 12 41 IV 1.7
Mahal Smith,.
239 19 221 07
Elijah Wolcott, 148 65 125 53
J D McKee, l4 62 4 7 91
G W Humphrey, 186 89 141 85 .
Hiram Dewey, 54 58 'ie . at''
1 C Brown, 127 '9B 121 , es , ,
Geo. Vannes; , 183 •/6 . , 1 1140 491 . 1 ,
Wm. C Bogart; 112 611 ~ ,
'' . 32 ,00,
•.1 L Gandine, 136 42 ' 122 'll '•
H B Bowen; 79 72 •• re3 l ll' •`.
ppbraiip Beeman, 137 4A '11710•. •
Wm D Strope, 96 26
.., 6.5 110
lienido Ladd, 187 28 05 ad
Heenan Morgan, 4s , . • 40'02
Geo Terry, - 291 29 272 37 .
Wm Kirt 426 58 218 3Q•
James R Stott!, ' '956 58 . 1142 64
Myron Ballad, 501 41 379 37
John gray, 470 51 439 85
Wm .B Watkins, 500 47 470 12
Maddison Deckei, 243 87 231 Q.
Ira Varney, 190 15 164 26
'.lohn Yunnan, 283 10 167'68
NeitharkH Wetmore, 182 15 'l7l 29 .
Ansel Tillotson, 218 28 206 24..
Cyrds Merrill, 290 83 . 261 00
Jonas P. Smith. 445 21 : 288 00
Jacob Chubbeek, 498 95 - it, a
Goo W Humphrey, 672 22 502 50
Hiram Dewey, 300 59 200 00
Nathan Maynard, 310 86. ' 164 00'
Daniel Drink, 534 12 549 1 21
Erastne G Durty„ 569 94 835 72
Truman Rowe, ' 462 48 ' 429 84
James L !Whirl, 212 72
. 90 00
Dal I, Montgammy , leid if res et
John Taylor, Jr, 294 e 4 268 42
Henry J Hoyt, 288 7; • 223 27 .
Geo. P Freeman, 557 51 526 32
Horatio Black; 875 43 455 69 .
15seil U Foster, 418 35 76 Ot •
James L Gorsline, 313 08 92 00
Daney . t Brainard; 432 41, 4119 OIL
David piiiirold li, 315 35 294 36
Wm Silikry; 383 65 164 1#
Hump Taylor, 475 56 '. 428 10- 4
Isaac AA; ' 440.211. V. 36540 ~
Towushipe.. 4l..
Towanda to 'p,
Standing ,
Springhill, f .
Standing Stone.
Towanda towikaltip,
Athens towns ip,
Armenia, I
Litchfield. •1 • .
Standing Sin
Towanda hot gh,
Ulster, •
Athens borough,
Athens tp.,
Canton, ,
Franklin, 1 •
Pike, -
South Creek,
B Prial&liii
Standing Stone,
Troy borough,
Troy tp.
Towanda berougki
Towanda tp.
Wells, i
vitt tiff Bradfirt
11641 83
laegb Rivt,lleaturbi d e Ilfdafrti amount
04 , 1140 , ' CoomocriAma of Patri/grxn4c4 on de.
emit ej Slate Tax:*
'Co umoaat~Yd ett te 1647 a 4085 li4
dipiiedis for 1647. , -10441,4.41
Reel oe, radeimAio'n nasulad bob% 1 47 . 4
nseitted tea traneetlpts, 'l ° 76 43
Ike Treisetii*nilt tEs 80E16; • 376 '43
„ .$12 4 .154
11* swam duo ILO lettleoment, .118'
Returned onApplleotee prior -to 1847, 4.167 PS
Reioined.on Anpliestr . , for 1847; iWd $
eollea k
ere onitifions, 171 88
« .050.4111
Btoto reesoreem /swipe lot taus for 1547,1 114711
eeut notoodriale act the Mori 4, 74
, $29,142 23
log; a_saa
(L. sl do hereby certify, the foregoing to OM add
iakdaridatintadit tooldiddicadd
trroe O d l e mot iimigsohorn ilkstolmAss ofd W
the 314 day 01.Pc4AIFI.beir. 1847, ioelgsiea
Witnees oar banirp,oki.:«4 at 0,1**,14 frtando:
this Salt difctiaihim3,l4e:'
I. &mottoes - 6,16e#1.;
ROPllllll4‘9!figr • i;,„ ,
$24,14 . 2 .. 25
54 13
$13,130 r 36
$lBll, $
11701Cli Aiift soli] at fib rertlaWest
Vl+ tviefil for Otsk or Rowdy Pay: vegan
who may went WOO and CHEAP s, is aspect
fully invited to nag anti'eistnine this • it: Don't
tin to call coats nothiffg to took. and 'ea ennaidaa
iii favor t 6 slisirdsolgOods, and wintry ad tasks it ea
object lot those wishing to buy of ELT. FOX.
thirainta•adtkillowAlldng. grottos yarn
X millet warp. chegg.ns ths. cheapest. ,urNotsO. 2. B.
'tepid .
Ito pi Doe 'lle, sad
etkit roar
iinesslist. -- AW..-Chlegebi PAM *Mr kids. ilia ell
LassmstyliiNtraii psiiasidtstlicu 2. BLeick Row.
25PS:41k*FitiPell `ALPACOASi at th e
~veg }ottOt postibto .ricei *. yOrS.
irr i zet t ,. go o
Nei &e. at N 0..; H.R.
8, OIL* I DTS•BTUFFS.i 41.41mcbell
die ae rieif 1.8. It. IP :re.
QE4ED, !Mir BUSIRP/Et, Simi sod fehr_ml.
. inrls
A • “ tof tin* . • lAssiOnicrell.
..112' fad Ziligiti=rd e it 'ail '&4 t• • ieea hams
for kola , abd do* i•er..
ARaspillikolo* gisAbialftwakeNtoirOM mimed
~.” ow , . fr, 1 •ad the last glee •
IF iriatatrtioNtrary-periuT:i . . 6) =o ho
.± jm oopt imswthsisi Pillissiii is dig will 6 0.
pieitt ' Tbli liodie le girn without to pewees
ilia al penHo . wstaintifig tlieftWObs Usk will salki
aids. by giyuig *opt siseniklif,
-I.lg.P.sisidsi.gai Ws NIL ~ a .11. 1 ktliAWATY.:
- ,
Iri4ei 63
•*" .. 71
t, •
.4 foi
t 2 59
111 72
119 35
j 11 49
1$ 24
21 54
10175 •
1 01
IT 06
It 64
6 71
is 81
• 20 24 Of
, *lO , •
50.66 .
• " ike
I 'll 69
• 13 es
I 17 17
6f I g s.
at 23
. 62 26'
4 27
9 12
5 48
7 61 - ' l '
b 61
gO 6 ag
6"4 82
118 tl
i 11 15
14 T 4
12 19
,%4 11 64
11 40
9 01
10 II
• 2e
• 291
3 3,6 •
3 40 .1-
65 47.
4 77
7 02
6 St
•6 33 !
10 81
3 93
11 70 H
t 77 _1
3 29
`49 09
28 47
153 'Bl
99 4
f 39
lig 65
419 id
39 69
220 08
1 sci •i
5 50
TO 18
3 SI
, 71 41
$219 IST
et4;154 . 11
4:11I 71
19a 47
564 40
24 02
r 42
14 35
21 11?
33 ST
an It
2s Ili
22 NI
it 75
14 12
11 69
27 60
21 53
15 49
17 61
23 58
Otis tis