Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 02, 1848, Image 3

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    gisr. ELECTION / e OTICE,Tbe democra
tic electors of t Borough of Towanda
Ike requested to meet at M oilice of D. Vapdercook,
on SATURDAY, the. sth day of Felintary, HAS; be
tween the hours of 3 and 5 o'clock, for the purpose
of electing two delegatei to.the Dismantle County
Convention to be holden In the Borough of Towan
da, on Monday evening, February 7, 1844-
. R. C, SMALLEY; Commilte
W. A. ROCKWELL, . a/
D. C. HALE; fesigactswie.
viGILAN.C E cbgitimEB,-„Thetle,.
mooliatic Standing Comutitteectnei at
'house of George Mersereau, it: the , borough ofTo
wanda, on Monday evening, Dec. 6, 1847,,in pump
once of notice given ; at which meeting the follow
ing Committees of Vigilance were appointed for the
several boroughs and townships of Bradford Co.:
Albany-Ichabod Conlon, Aninah Ladd, Myron Wilcox,
Armenia-bane Williams, Reuben Mason, .1. B. Morgan;
AsYlam-Elmar Horton, B Quick, B. F. Ingham
Athens borough-J. K Canfield, J. Erdenbraek, IL C. Baird ;
Atbenstowuttlup-ailiarria MnrsAy. David Gardner, J.Watkins
Harlington-Kart Niclitls, D. A. Ross, Myron Ballard;
Canton-A. Bothwell; William R. Vandyke, C. Stockwell;
Columbia-C. S. APKitana H. Furman. Charles Ballard;
DurellStunuel Ada, jalm APhlahoili D. L. Starts
Franklin-N. L. Dodge, Ezra Champion, Hiram Rockwell;
Gmillle-J. it Boss. Wm. Bunyan, Stephen Yeoman;
Herrick- G. W. Elliott, Calvin Stone, A Taylor • ,
Leroy-Nelson Runnels, A. G. Pickard, lngham ' Stone ;
Litchfield-D, B. Cotton.' Russel Haddock, R. Pnrk ;
Monr9P - 21. P-151aith, Charles Hollon, Win. A. Mason:
Orwell ,-11. G. Chliblrock, Julius Gorham. H. Z. Friable ;
Pike-Augustus Smith, Ethel Taylor, Shelden Payne';
Rufilsberr,y-liector Qwen, Sturges Squires. N. Smith;
Rome-Charles Forbes. S. C. Maim ; John Vouglit
Sbesheduiti , -Alred Golfe, libel Horton, Albert Tuttle ;.
Smithfield-Erastus Duffels, F.nos CalitkOsear Vincent ,
'South Creek-D. R. Moore. N. B. Husk - all. J. L. Phillips;
Springfield-Larayette Leonard, T. Wilder. P. M. Horsley;
fiptingbillL. S. Keeler. 5. J. Scoville, G. W. Cluggett ;
filtanding-Stone-Simon Stevens. A. Taylor, P. Havens;
Towanda benumb-W. A.Rockwell, D. C. Hill, R.C. Smelly
township-J. AL Fox, Wm. Magill, Jr. S 'Stratton;
Tiof 6orough-4. A. P. Ballard, L. B. Morse, D. Herrick :
" township-Wilber Baker, J. C. ATKean, A. D. Spalding
Blitter . -Edwurd Attila. D. G. Chubbuck, A. Mend ;
Warren-Charles James, Horatio Bowen, E. F. Allyn;
Wells.l. T. Crandall. L. W. Knarg ir !.. F. Alden ;
WindlramCharles Walker, Platt rs; Solomon Staley;
kayralusing-G. D: Williams. Hiram Whom .1. H. Stallard;
Wyeox-D. E. Martin, G. W. Strove, J. E. Piofett.
. The Vigilance Cornmittees'ate requested to kive
seaschutble.noticeto tite-DemocrAtic electors. of their
several townships and boroughs of the CAtinty, to
meet - bn Saturday, the )fith day of February, 1847, at
the usual place for ',holding delegate meetings, for
the purpose of electing two Delegates to the Demo
cratic County Convention to be held in the borough
of Towanda, on Tuesday eveniFebruary Bth,
848, at which time: the usual deleg es will be elec
ted to repeesent this County, in the entocratic State
Convention, to be holden at Harrisburg, on the 4th
of March, 1848.
TION.—The Democratic Delegates of the
several election districts of Bradford Bounty, will
assemble at the borough of Towanda, n Tuesday
evening, February 8, 1848, for the purp se of elect
ing ; the ssual delegates to the Democrtic Conven
tion, the held at Harrisburg. March 4, 1947. -
9ANDERSON, . :Standing
MIMS H. 'WEBB. Committee.
HORACE viu.Ati-,
•ed meetings of TOWANDA DIVISION,
N0..103. S. of T., are !held every TUESDAY even
ing, at 6i o'clock, in the Sons of Temperance Hall,
over B. Kin gsbery's .4tbre. •
Py ordir of the I)iv., - .14 R.S.
El a
QIETY will hold its annual eeting at the
Methodist Church, on MONDAY EVE IND of the
first week of February Court. A gender attendance
is requested.
- By. prder of the Executive Committee.
Jan. 26. ' J. L.-SCOTT, !iSecretary.
arm rAbinrtistuteut
Under the - Management of Mr. J. Powell.
Ttie manager proposes giving Six Evenings Enter
tainment, with his talented company, and•with new and
beatitifol stenery, painted by the celebrated artist. Mr.
J. Parker,lsq., and trusts his efforts to please will meet
with support and encouragement.
On WEDNESDAY EVENING, at he hall-of T.
- P. Woodruff, will be enacted the selebrated Tragedy,
in lire Acts, entitled
•Po 7:4C. _LW MIL ANL 413111 g
Or, the Death • et- Rena.
Comic Song., by Mr. B
The evening's entertainment to conclude with the laugh
. able Tarce of the
D 7•11 It T.
,Or, A Seerrt Worth Knowing. • .
Doors open. at o'clock; curtain to rise at 7i pre
cisely. "Fmiii n seats reserved for the ladies ; no amok.
ing within the halls z of the theatre.- The stricest order
will be observed. Admittance 2b cents. •
• •
THURSDAY EVMING, will be tiertormed the cel
ebrated tradegy of the ; LADY OF THE LAKE, and
the laughable farce of the STATE SEORETB.
IA MI '331 ofilca
THE subscriber proposes to ,attend to" law hairiness
`• J. hereafter, on the following terms :He will tiy suits
. .
1 In the Common pleas, before arbitrators and justices,.
and will frisker nq.cbarge for service unless his client
)succeedsin the siiir, From experience and observation
he is of the opinion that if en attorney is sufficiently
' ronvinced of the justice and practicibility of his client's
;•••• miss to recommend a suit . or defence, he should be
silting to risk his fees on the result of the cause; and
if in any cuss be is unwilling to incur the risk, he
eannot consistently plunge his client into the expense
and uncertainty of 'a lawsuit by his advide.
Collections of every description ,will be attended to
r.: upon the same terms. Conveyancing and other kinds
, of of business done promptly and at reasonable
charges. -
CrOfflcc in the North end of brick flow over the
Poq office, west side of main street; ToWanda.
Towanda. Jan. 1848. • HENRY BOOTH.
A - LL persons indebted to the estate of DAN DICK
', 4- 1- ERSON, dec'd., late of Ridgbury township, are
hereby requested to make payment without delay, and
aloes hernia claims against said estate Will please pre
ent their duly authenticated for settlement. .
Ridghury, Ppe. 30. 1017
1 - 1 --French, English : !and American Cloths; plain
mid fancy Cassimeres and Sattirietts; satin, silk, valen
tie and worsted Vestings, very cheap at,
6425 Af E R CUR'S.
splendid 81.-
v V tick: pq up in wine vinegar, elptem ly for tenni ,
Y use
—P-- .
LUTiNS - 4 1 11.L11%
A. LARGE end catensive assortment of School, elms;
sical and Mi.cellaneous BOOKS; West a large
4, tinclt.. and great . variety of Papers, including note, letter.
-4 Np. lolio„ , post sotrice and wrapping papers; together
with a complete assortment . of Blank Books, Visiting
(eras, Enuelapes, &e., &e. ; all for sale cheaper than
t Ile cheapest, by 019 aD. BARFLETT.
,•- •
Lenernl Scott in the City of Mexico!
ARd larev Nine.k of 'Goode jiisl received at
Oita -have beim carefully :fleeted for 14 Fall Trade.
THE public-are invited o . cell and examine their
' siocit of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and
"kicry.Doots ti Shoes, Hats &Caps, slid everything
dthe hue of .taptel, suited to the want* of this region
!, ea:atty. which have been purchased exclosiirely for
'kik and at the lowest ebb in the market. We hope
to Oa- friends •will not forget to give ua us tal i es we
make it•sn'object for them to ski nor
I. 4fanda, August Ift, 1a47,
ling ,
. /HerdMb*,
for . th - ,e,4 - . ft - 14*;;,
. _. ,v
V • BETTS is just • - g‘,"'ittltitcentral stole
/II • i the new brick bbick, vi a n vetyJitigaita . aura-.
ble of GOODS, which he °feet,* - aterilimall
'ail?„from 'cost. Purchatters deirtoul: the
worth 1 their:mormy;lnd hiving deb lof be.
4 m •
g' honestly daft Witk.will find.44lheiLintratint•
amine his stock belore pnrclutriug. - • - ,
1 Among my goods may be found FrencluEliglieh end,
American broad clothe, do. cisebriere, silk velvet and
natio vestings, fancy. vesting., sheep's gray sloths, sat
i4etts; Kentucky jeans, tweeds, linseys i knit woolen .
shirts and drawers, cotton do.; alpiccss, I great variety.
Erenctrinerinoes, silk and-wool do, de lain's, Oregon,
gala, lama and woolen plaids; gingham., cashmeres,
mantilla silk, bonnet velvets and satins, trimmings to
correspond, gimps and fringes a good assortment, brus
sells and woolen .carpet ham brocha..stradilla, cash
mere, detain, french and woolen plaid shawls, domes
tic goods, kaki and gloves, carpetuigs, 4 and 8-4 oil
cloths, window hides, &c. Groceries, crockery, stone
and tin ware, herdwere, boots and shoes* large assort
ment. Leather, pails, square, round and . common bar
iron, place and sledgepatterna, nail rod, horse shoes and.
nails, band and hoop iron,. cast, english blister, german„
american sprinesOmls, 9 by 9, 8 by 10 end 10 by IS
elms, putty. linseed and damp oils, paints a alltinds,
mackerel no. 1 Ind 2, codfish, &c..lcc. Goods sold at
- cash prices for grain, butter, cheese &c. Wanted 1000
fox and martin skins for which cash will be-paid.
I take this method of informing my old friends and
customers, that I have made arrangements with Mr.N.
N..Betts, to partially take charge of, and assist him, in
his business. ' I would, therefore, be very happy, to see
any of you at the above mentioned establishment, where
goods must and will be sold at very low rates, far my
motto is as it ever has been, -small profits and,..guick
sales. Call and see: " Yours truly, "'-
2999 YDS. SHEETING, (heavy goods,) *D
ug at 8 and f) cents a yard, at the Cen
tral for d 22 N DI: BETTS.
CLOTH'S ! CLOTHS ! !—Every body admits that
the-cheapest in town are to be found at the Cen
tral store; call and see, no charges for showing goods.
MUFFS !—These furred animals are to be had at
the Central store, from37i cents, to $lB. Mark
the place, If you !rant muffs cheap. N.N.BETTS.
NAlLS—from a 4 inch spike down to a shoe nail, at
the Central store. N. N. BETTS.
Ill:Ham Scott,
41.W .- TORIBMW AIR' • .73,6. W,
HAS removed his office to D. Coles new office. on
second street, where he will be pleased to see those
who need his professional services. Dec. 29, 1847. y
CUT AND MILL SAWS, hand and wind A& at the Central store. d 22 N. N. BETTS.
TXTHITE LEAD, No. 1, extra, dry and ground in
V I oil,:at the Central store.' N. N. BETTS.
THEold firm of WM. H. BAIRD & having
been dissolded by mutual consent. and the subscri
ber being disposed to keep OLD N 0.3; (who is always
right) GOING AHEAD, would now announce to those
who like to buy goods cheep, that he is now daily re
ceiving from the city of New York, a new and splendid
assottment of Goode, which he is bound to sell as cheap
as they can be bought this side of the city of New York.
My assortment consists, as usual of
. 'BRUCK CARTS. &C., &C.
?'ow, Mr. and Mrs. Everybody, just continue your
'old:habit of dropping in at No, 2, before purchasing
elsewhere, and if I don't sell you goods right, "don't
.;buy them." I have accommodating' clerks, who will
always be happy to wait upon you in case you don't
find the Old Mdn cenatantly on hand himself and I
have o 3 doubt but on pricing the goods you will be glad
to buy.
I feel thankful for past favors, bestowed upon the old
firm; end it shall be my aim to merit a continuance o
the same. nov2 E. W. BAIRD.
EA FOOD.-.-audfish and Mackerel, any quantity
U for sale at nlO BAIRD'S.
D ROWN SHEETINGS.—About 43,000 yards o
Brows Sheetings, just reed at. BAIRIPS.
VESTINGS.—Satin, silk, -satin stripe, silk velvet
and other Vesting., for winter or summer, fall or
spring ; a great assortment at BAIRD'S, No. 3, B.R.
CHOICE DRY GOODS.—Alpaccas, French Mul
no, Oregon plaids, mouslis de 'sines, Columbian
plaids. ginghams, of all descriptions, &c., &c., it
Nov. 10. BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Row.
UR GOODS.—Gentlemen's flit caps, Ladies' muffs,
&c., a good assortment at BAIRD'S.
SAWS.—MiII saws, and 6 i feet and 6 foot cross cut
lows, at BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Row.
'TTATS & CAPS.—A good assortment silk and fur
11 H4l‘,.gent's glazed caps, with capes, (a great ar
ticle for stormy weather,) men and boy's cloth caps.
children's - velvet ceps, &e. You will find all these
kinds, and Many more, at nlO BA IRD'S.
HORSE BLANKETS.—If you want a good and
cheap article of the kind,call it BAIRD'S.
PAINTS.—White and red leadt Venetian red, Spa
nish brown, copal gum, littiarege, chrome green
chrome yellow, rarnish, &c., at BAIRD'S.
LADIES' DRESS TR NlMlNGB.—Fringe, gimp,
habit button., and all kinds of fizin's for trimming
ladies' dresses, at BAfRD'S, No. 9, Brick Row.
LOTHS.—French, and English Broad Cloths and
Cassimeres, sauinets, sheep's gray, a good assort
ment at iilo BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Row,
LAMES I—Do you know where to find the nicest
French Lace Capes in town t—the spot is at
Nov. 10. BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Row.
LADIES' CARPET BAGS, a splendid article,. at
Nov. 11. BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Row.
variety, comprit•ing all the latest styles and most
beautiful patterns, just received and for sale very low
by ul9 O.D. BARTLETT.
OVERISHOES, of every description. for sale verb low
by . d 22 H. O'HARA.
MUF FS !--Juit received by express, a new supply
of MUFFS, including some No. 'Ayr's, and
cheaper qualities, at c d 29 MERCURIS.
HIS Institution is now under the charge of Mr. F.
W. Guam . , a graduate of Yale College, assisted
by Mr. 0. H. PRATT, of Conn. The first term com
menced on the 15th of Sept. wit. The second will
commence on the Bth of Dec. Pupils are admitted at
any time. Ti11X11:
'Milian per term of ekven weeks/ .
Common English studies, $2 50
Higher English studies, 44.00
Ancient Languages and higher mathematics, 5 00
Extra charge. (Ist and 2d terms) 4 25
Arrangements will be made to secure the services of
an accomplished Preceptress in the spnng.
Oct. 12. J. D. MONTAN YE, PreSident.
It UF FS—A large assortment of all kinds and quell.
111 ties, are now selling very low at the Savings Bank,
N 0.5. Brick Row. d . C: REED.
GROCERIES 7 A large and extensive assortment,
of every description, has just been received at the
savings Dank, and, are selling cheaper than the cheap
est. at No. 5, Bric k Row. . C, REED.
ArIAPS CAPS d of every kind and sort•; also rubber
kJ Overshoes, consisting of Men's sandals, Ladies' do.
buskins, and all other kinds, just received, and for sale
low at the Saving Bank. dr C. REED.
lur trFPB. that ,are molls . and can ' t be beat—anise se-
LVI choice and beautiful Muffs that can't fail to
just received at n 24. • ,
ail' this desurefdly popular article just received it .
sep9S 'AUGUR'S.
AT Tlii
terit2bratilxmentsi -
Wst..ll. Pwdyito.Ou-we: of S,
141 ,1 " fl
Lowman. i s kis (I*, :As*.
No; Feiriarytersti, 1846.-0 ; =
TIDE undersigned, hung been appoiand, an Awritin
to distribute the coneys raised_ byilberirs mile of
Teal am*. by Sinus of ,ienutiona Waded in. lige ',mei
will ettend,to the duties of bilieptioiatereet es Monday,
'the 24th day -aliening, 1848, . reeled:P. at
hie ofßeein:thatineugh al Tennis, end What. '
ell persona interested are -.required trOweserit
claims, or belebarred/froo eamingin-opse
Dec. - 22.184r..:,,U.NERCUR, Auditor.,
4411411tOr'S Grate&
" -
I.E undesSigned. Auditor; appointed Irj the Court:
of COMMOD Pleas of Bradford county, to distribute
money raised'hy virtue of a writ of 'even facia' issued
On No. e 220,
.114 i? term, 1845, of• said apart, at suit of
John Kerning, igainst Israel Smith, hereby gives notice
that he Will attend to the duties of bis appointment, at
his office in Towanda borough, on Tuesday, the 25th
day of January, 1848, at two o'clock, .P.M.. at which'
time and_ place all persona interested are required to
present- their clainis before bur; or be debarred from
coming in upon r a id fund. -
Dec. 22.1847.. HENRY BOOTH. Auditor.
desdifor's Arletia.
THE undersigned, birring been appointed an Auditor
Iby the Orphan's coots of Bradford county, to mar
sh.' assets, and distribute *eland raised by the Ad
ministrator's sale of the seal estate of A. B. Shaw, de
ceased, will attend to the dutiesof his appointment. on
Monday, the 81st day Of January nest, at 1 o'*ck in
the afternoon, at his office in the borough of Towanda,
when and where ill pawing Intercoms], ate required to
preterit their .
,claims before him, or be debarred from
coming in for a share of said fond.
Dec. 18.1847. . ULYSSES MERCUR. Auditor-
Melissa Lyman, by her nee! friend, Job P. .Stray. vs.
Charles Lyman. la the Common Pleas if Braford
County, No. 221, Sept. Term, 1847.
Trio CHARLES LYMAN, defendant in the above
1 Cause,: You are hereby notified that Melissa Ly
man, your wife, by her Oext friend, Job P. Kirby, has
filediber petition for a divorce from the bonds of matri
money. And an alias subpcena has been returned, and
proof made that you age not to be found in said county.
You are therefore, he:seby required to appear at the court
house in the borough of Towinds,On Monday. the 7th
day of February next, being the first day of February
term of said court of common pleas, to *ureter the said
complaint, and show cause if any you have, why the
said Melissa shall not be divorced from you.
J . F. MEANS, Sheriff:
'Bherilra Office, Teicesndit, Dec. 27, 1847,
Auditoria .rotice.
THE undersigned, basing been appointed by the Or
phans' Cpurt of - Bradford county, an Auditor to
examine and decide on the etceptiona filed to the allow
ance of the account of Anson H. Bowe, administrator
of the estate of Matthew-Scheimetborn, deceased, here
by gives notice that he will attend to the duties of his
appointment, at his office, in the borough of Towanda,
on Thursday, the 27th day'of January, A. D., 1848, at
1 o'clock. P. M, of which' all persona interested will
please take notice. H.C.KELLY, Auditor,
Toviiiada, December 2811847.
DT virtue of sundry writs of vend. expo. issued du
of the court of Common Pleas of Bradford County,
to me directed, I shall expose to public sale lathe house
of T. P. Woodruff, in the boroughof Towanda, on Mon
day the 7th day of February next., at one o'clock P. M.,
the following piece or parcel of land in the township of
Wysox, end bounded as follows, to wit: on the north
by lands of John Johnson, on the east by Lyman Trum
bull, south by Bertrarid Whitney. and west by land in
possession of ~Pomeroy Gorsline. Containing about
eighty six acres more or less, about thirty five scree im
proved, with two log bonzes thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of E. R
Myer's use vs. Wm. White, Juhn White and Dennis
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate
in Armenia tp., Bradford Co. and bounded and described
u follows, to wit: 'math by land of Alfred Ripley, east
by land in possession of John Benson, on the south by
land of Riley Hawkins and on the west by unseated
land. Containing 100 acres with about 80 acres im
proved, with one double log house, one framed dun and
a small apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Peleg
Peck, now to the use.of D. Vandercook vs.Jcbn Benson.
ALSO—The following 'piece or parcel of land situate
in Athens born, and bounded as follows, to wit: ntgth
by lands formerly owned by the Towanda Bank, east
by lands of Lorenzo Rowlandson. south Canal" street,
and west by Thomas R. Davis. Containing 4400 square
feet all improved, with one framed house and one fram
ed barn and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Abel Busk
ins now to the use• of N. C. Barris vs. Nathaniel Clapp
and Forbes Low terra tenants; '
ALSO—A tract of land situate in the township of
Orwell, Bradford county, bounded as 'follows ; Begin
ning at the north west corner of a lot formerly run out
to R. Bostwick" thence south 50 porches to a post, thence
east 75 perches to a post, thence north 60 perches to the
north east corner of a lot run out for said Bostwick, •
beech tree, thence west 75 perches to the place of begin
ning. Containing 33 acres and a- half, with about 16
acres thereof improved, and a framed house• and berth
and also an apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of John Wei
ner re. Eliaur Warner.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of "land situate in Wells
township. and bounded on the north by land of Abraham
Terwilliger, east by land of Asa Gillett, on the south by
land of Dennis Lewis, and on the west by land of Silas
Odell. Containing . 60 acres more or leas, with about
0 acres thereof improved, ands, framed bathe and bars
Seized and taken in executioput the suit of Wm. S.
Ingalls, vs. James Terwilliger.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land in the
township of Granville and bounded as follows, to wit:
on the north by lands of..f. B. Morrison, on the east by
J. H. Ross, south by land in possession of H. Ross, and
on the west by land of Henry Putnam. Containing
123 acres, with about 40 acres improved with one doub.
Is log house, one log barn, and an orchard thereon.
• Seized and taken in execution at the suit of James E.
Pierce, to the use of Hazard and Pierce vs. Jacob Grace.
MASO—A piece or parcel of land in Wyalasing tp.,
bounded and described as follows :--north by land of
the estate of Elisha Whitney dec'd., and James Butler,
east by land of the estate of Noah Albs dec'd., south by
lands of Thomas Brown and Austin Bndford, end west
by land of Daniel Brown. Containing one tiOndred
acres, with about seventy acres improved, with one fram
ed bast, one framed house, and one orchard of fruit trees
consisting of apples, pears, inisches, plums, &e thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Joseph
P. Bosworth, to the use of Daniel Bailey, vs. Mason
ALSO—A piece l or parcel of land in Monroe tp, sur
veyed in the name of Alice Simples, containing four
htnidned and one acres and eighty perches, bounded as
follolors :—commencing at a white pine on the south
Istsrah of the Towanda creek, thence south fifty degrees
east t three hundred iind twenty perches to a chemist oak
corner,, thence south forty four, west two hundred and
thirty perches to a Maple, thence south one hundred
and forty perches to a white oak, and thence north thir
ty degrees, west three hundred and twelve perches to a
post near said creek, thence down the same to the place
of beginning, with twenty-five acres improved, with one
log house and one log barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Robert C.
Hall & Gordon F. Mason, to use of Mark C. Arcot who
stands @abrogated to the rights of the Plo•'a, ta. Samuel
Cranmer jr, and Richard Northrop
ALSO—A piece or. parcel of land in Sbeithequin tp.,
bounded as follows : beginning st • pod $3 perches
south from the north-east corner ,of a lot run out for
Richard Johnso'n ; thence east' 106 4-10 perches to a
post north-wed corner of lot N 0.26; thence south 79
'6.10 perches to a past; thence west 106 6-10 perches
to the east line of the Cyrus Wheeler lot; thence north
79 6-10 perches to the place of beginning. Containing
fifty-three acres, strict measure, with about three acres
-improved, with one mall plank boons or sheathe thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Lewis
B. Gilleit, •s. Lewis Norton and Elijah Townsend.
ALSO—The following pieta, or parcel of land sta
ge in Springfield tyr, and bounded as follows •to wit :
on the north by - land of • Thos. Smeod ' and Manson
Futter; on the east by land of Alvin Bailey and John
Knapp, on the .duth by Tolman] Bairdsly.on the west
byjand of Edward 'gag and Thomas Smead at th
highwey. Containing 66 mamas airless with
Legal .%bmtbsarictitd,
_ .
10 woo impend, with one ;oldbonep e ut4
ottattitiatind iteoiltiptile
orchid .
i`: &tied and tilted bilevectAieibtlho wait of owl+
Leoaird, Ad ia inistltor of Clement Labusid!vk Alt
AM, Scontitii-; Y, ,: ; (''. ; Y/1: 1 ; I_ ??.. ik
ALSO-The following pile or mug of land sit*
'ate in ?tankful . ip,, aiid. ' bounded .. - follows; to
north by land of Daniel Ciiiitli!ohn Ciiitinap
eta by A'. - Gay, south' 14 ?man& '4li i l ieoit
lest by' Nithiti ',l;:' Dodge. ContilMok 2 . 37,.' aerie
with about 60 herbi s liquoved 'With 00i:framed' home,
two log homes one framed baio - andphil' tog 14iii . and
'two apple orchard s tbdieou '
' ,Setted and taken in eteention at at Wm. •
Reimer vs, WM. Lion.
' „.;•,
• • ALSO—A 'lot 'of land situate in Ulster tp,., contain..
ing Co. focatkof annexe, boa Oath* north by land
el.'lrish Shaw ; eat by the lc hiabway,south b
Milton Baileys litukand meat nd of - Jared Mol.
comb, w ith. a two otottframed dwelling house thereon.
Seised and taken in eiecutiou at the auit of J. *.
,Benjathin to theWse of b. B:Bnidley vs. SIM Ifills
and Edward Mine. . .
A1.89-11y. Thine of,, a writ of Lerartfaciar cep ; that
certain pittc:ii,or 'maid land situate ht. .itttforld tp.
Bradford co., and beunded as killorfa, to wits Begin
ning at a beech tree,.tbe north east corner of women
No. 1158 and &southeast corner of warrant No 1157,
thence north 81144. and 15 minutes, west 111 kerchas
8.10 of a parch to a hemlock, thence north 46 minutes.
east 141 perches and 5.10 to a beech, thence smith 89
deg. and 15:minutesi mei 111 percher. and 3.10 to a post,
thence south 45 minutes, east 151 perches and 5.10 to
the place of beginning. Containing 106 acres and 4-10
of an sere.
Seized and taken in execution at the edit of William
Bingham, Ovine, &c. 'p. Stephen Wilcox.
AILLSO4-All that piece or parcel of land aitatite in
Smithfield tp, bounded and described se follows, to wit:
&ginning at a beech, thence south 45 minutes wow
110 percbm and 6-10 of a per4t to a heath, theme
north 45 minutes east 110 perches and 5-10 of a perch
to a po*.and thence north 89 deg. IS minutes, east 151
perches and 4-10 of a perch to the beginning. Contain
ing 104 RIM and 5-10 of au sae.
Seized *id taken in amnion at the mit of Alezan
der Baring end Henry Baring, who so.vivedßobsn Gil
more, Thetas May Willing, and Chas. Willing Hair.
decimate intrust of the estate of Wm. Bingham ye J.
Wald; Adm r. of. the estate of Abner Thomes deed.,
and Math Farnsworth 40M3 tenant.
ALSO—AII that piece or parcel of land situate in the
township of Athena and Bmithfield,Beginning at a post
on the north line of warrant No. 1167, thence south
89 deg. and 15 minutes, east 11 1 perches and 1-10 of
perch to a beech sapling, thence south 95 minutes west
152 perchei and 8.10 to the beginning. Containing 150
acres and 040 of an acre.
'l9eixed and taken in execution at the suit of Ale:an
d& Bsringmid Henry Baring who survived Robert Gil-
More, Thomas Mayne Willing and Charles Wang
Hair, devisees in trust of the estate of Wm. Bingham
vu. Jonathan Wood Adm'r. of ' the estate of Timothy
Bingham, deceased andßli Holley and Horace Goodell,
terre tenant*.
JOHN F MDANS, Sheriff:
Sheriffs Office, Towaod Dec. 25, 11347
NOTICE is hereby given to all persona interested,
that Seel Wheaton and Bally Wheaton, am',
of the estate of
John Wheaton, dettase4,
late of Warren township : and William Russell, Guar
dian of s.
Angeline Webster,
minor child of itceph Webster, late of Windham tp. ;
and Win. Rulelli Guardian of
George Webster,
minor child of Joseph, Webster, late of Windham tp: ;
and Henz7 Millen adm'n of the estate of
• Pat& Cole, deceased,
late of Troy tp, have filed and settled in the'offiee of the
Register of - Wills, in and for the Co. of Bradford. the ac
counts of their several administration) upon the estates
aforesaid, and that the same will be presented to the
Orphan's mints( said eo. on Monday the 6th day of
February nazi, for confirmation and allowsnee.
L. E. DE WOLF, Register.
Register's Office, Towanda, Dee. KO, 1847.
Zilpah Rogers, by her next friend, Elrphakt Mason.
vs. Liaat Rogers. In Bradford Lcrounou Pleas,
No. 65, February Term,.1847.
TO ISAAC ROGERS, defendant in the above canoe:
You are hereby notified that Zilpah Roger* your
wife, by her neat friind, Eliphalet %Won, has filed her
petition for • divorce from the, bonds of matrimony.—
And an alias subpccna has been returned. and proof
made that you are nut to'be found in said county. You
are, therefore, hereby required to appear at the court
house in the borourra of Towanda. on Monday, the 7th
d■y of February next, being the first day of February
term of said court of common pleas, to answer the said
complaint, and stow cause. if any you have, why the
said Zelpab shall not be divorced from you.
JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's (Hike, Towanda, Jan. 4, WO.
.4..7 par, for Goods, at No. 2 Beek Row,
Towanda, Jan. 11. 1848 E. T. FOX.
3•Miii°3lVilla_2 l llLllZ'.•
CAME to the enclosure of the imbue:get, soihe time
during the pas laminar, a spotted yearling HEIF
ER. The owner is requested to prove property. pay
charges, andtake her away. ED. PATTERSON.
Towanda. January 1, 1848.
J. N. Sumner, M. D., Dentist,
TXTILL pay Ibis next professional visit to Towanda
vv in JUNE next. He may be found at Wood
rata's, Hotel. jy4
111. IC', Tr G i (i) 2) I
UttVE REMOVED to their new store, corner of
114 Main and Pine streets, where they are now open.
ing le new assortment of WINTER GOODS, to which
the attention of the public is respectfully requested.
Towanda, December 21, 1847.
300 BARRELS SALT, for sale by
dec2l MERCER'S.
%4 7. ape
LARGE and well selected assortment of Fall and
Winter Goods, just received, and for sale by EL
LIOTT & TOMEINB, consisting of
Among our Goods may be found, French, English
and American Cloths and Cassimeres; also, i good as
sortment of Fancy Casaimetes and Tweeds, sheep'',
gray cloth and aattinets ; also, a food assortment of
Over coat Cloths and Cloaking,. •
For the LADLES. we have any quantity of Ging
ham', M. Detainee, Cashmere*. alpacas, of all colors
and prices, both cotton and silk warp ; Shawls; of all
kinds, dress silk, black and [alley, with trimmings to
Also—Bonnet Silk & Bonnet Virivet wiertriinmingsr
MUFFS—a large stock.
NEW ORLEANS and sugar house Molease;. loaf,
crushed, New Orleans, and common blown sugar,
net, pepper, spice, ginger, nutmegs, salwetua, raisins,
tobacco, esti.* plug and miler. Scotch and maccaboy
rant", &c., all of wpich are selling at leas than " pro
.verbially low prices," at the Central store.
December 22, 1847. N. N. PETTS.
at very cheap rater. Mid a beautiful article. it the
Centre{ stem d2s N. N. BETTS.
OIL CRAIN for bull wheels to um mills, &Ace.
just received mod for mole by
October 19, 1947. 0. D. BARTLETT.
RINOEI3 & of kinds Wm. Pinking
sad other Inseam for Wks' &ewes and limbo ;
BDLERS I'M Red it to ibeieedviatage to wdl oldie
Thug Depot.where (bet CO be supplied with wow
T article &Wei, sash is *els, sweloso. dte., Cu the
beet taus. jeltl Ito, 1, BRICK ROW.
. .•...... .
. .
. , —•-
,4,,,. p 't.....- :oi-,4.1,, !.,
..; 7.,-m i .... , ,- . , .- . i . .. s- , - 4 r. " . • • I . , 4
,s -,
. ..
.1 , ',di ' . ~ , •,: 5 ". , 4.: i - . A ...
,t ,tf ..ei. ' , .:,... ,• • 1 . 4 -' ' _ : .
~.,. "41.,, :.1..
. :
• ~.„.,- __„,,,,,--ic-3,„ ,--; --..- r: , ..- • •,••'i-:‘ i ni -•- • ' - - „
.:. 1 -1 , ,.:4. , ktinkeik., .106 , - 4***- - 41, ! .. ii,"., .1 1 , 1 c,!, _.....f . . 114 ,.. , - 1 • 41 , ~,"4 , ,,, „-, .1,.; ' '" 1 1";
• :4'
__. .
tu: , 1 •• ~.: , ,,,,),..4. If al
Andibn Ow nuliiing PIM" 0 1094 1 11 1 0 * $ ' ''' I*. t •Assintbilirodght kiwaid... t ,- ' -::-" Mt
,A. D. 1114.17 bid . 6, -',, . 1 :136, 50 4 tionieldisenslib .-. ; ;:tt. , ,-.• -' -.- r.*' 0-• '. --8 'B*- 1 ; 7 "
Abelson, - 064.50 i Wolf - ,serAtinstr„., .t ~
__,.. ...t 3 !'4
Efectionof new sad-repairiellyar 011 liblgove 407114 . 1 At ChabChtinir,L .114a-Pintly so& atelbsks. 4e •'''
Coresers mad Joann Inquinitions, - '. t- - 18, 20*i .310seibbi• --,• .. - ..,.% •. , -‘. - :
_Counsel fen. • ' . , • 30 00 ..
Brilnebtrinvz •"- '• ..- ~ L . ---, • ..... ,
. .
Damage bens. - - 200 • Sheriff's Fees for pantasining !orbs, &e.:, .54
Tail, ' ' '
Various incidental it:pusses, 29 44 t ElectionriErforinea;:' • ' , 't .4. , 1
Janice fess, 1 22 00 ! Coastables attending chief ifid'loll6eiguinuniklet. 7 ,
Grand Jurors, • - . 468 73 ! dons, in tiltil'innin. '' - - . 12
Traverse Jurors, • 2218 06 1 1Por him' Of Cant Moen aid twist apenspo t
For Blank Books Ow diabnoi:pol.llll - offins, 27 69 nay JO, •• I - . .
11/ 4'
A. Martin crier of court, I B5 12 Court Hausa; terrelikai of Diego wo 0 ,
Wild Cat tesifintes, •4 6 0 Joseph Town/ Mkt abininisnariGir *eines ' '.
Eor nopportpt Prisoners in the Canby Jail, 191 69 in 104416 fulk ' * '' -
Billa for Printing, . - in AA $llll SO
Pub& paildinp ( ordinary minim &e.j . . 69 41 of 1 • ." 1847, • Sll ai
Carrying to and support of convicts in B. ' i•J. H. Wad. ding 11140. 111- fig ? 41 59
Psuitantiary. - '28409 4 44 I u' -1847, /5/, 11l
L. E. DeWitt kor recording, ' 175 L.-1 1 `ntaithi, cab 0648; sn'fol;- 21/ MY
W. E. Berton for attending with bothindaile' ei " ' Wt. rec off
at the dais of the est mention cif Militia MA 4 80 J.M.Wati l Or s elk to etita- 1848, hi 0 ,107 60 1
fhatirwary, Et 26 a 4 kW, a 400 Of
. TOwinthips. - Collector's Named: Ain't charged: MARTllceitivolk.
Towanda townohip, Richard Horton, $l3l 31
Ethembequin, Elijah Hort.,n, • 22 98
Columbia, Henry Sherwood, 203 05
Standing Stone, H'B Stephens, - 85 41
Asylum, - Jason Suntory', 4 ad
Franklin, Samuel Annahle, -. . GO 42
Standing Stone; James A Ennis, 41 19
Wyalusing, - Clark Hallenbiek, ' 88 76
SPriallbit .1 U Brown; 14'74
Standing Stone, Dine Westrbroolt 43 - 38
Towanda townal* David Rutty, • 43 98
Wyalusing, Amato Btalfi'edi 65 77
Albany, , 3a* Wilcox, 132 41
Athens township, Harris Murray; • 327 81
Armenia, James Ryon, 12 41
Burlington, Asahel Smith, 239 17
Litchfield;' Elijah Wolcott, 148 81
Leroy, I D McKee, 14 62
. Pike. ' G W . Humphrey; 186 89
Ridgberry, Hiram Dewey, 54 58
Springhill, .1 C Brown, 127 96
Standing Mona; Geo. Vannes': 182 16
Towanda borough; Win.,o Began.; 112 68
Ulster, J L Goralior, 139 41
Warren, H If Borten 79 71
Wyiduring; Eptihridr Seeing!, 137 45
Wysox, Win D Strops, 98 26
Albany, Horatio Ladd, 187 26
Armenia, , Hawn Morgan; 48 88
Asylum, GOO Teny, 291 29
Athena borough, Wm Riff, 1 .426 58
Athens tp., James ii Stone, 956 58
Burlington; Myron Ballard; 501 47
Canton, John Gray, 470 51
Columbia, Win B Watkins; 600 47
Doren, Muldison Decker; 243 87
Franklin, Ira Varney, 190 15
Granville; John Vrnma,t, 233 89
Herrick, Nathan B Wetmore, 183 16
Leroy, Ansel Tillotson, 218 28
Litchfield; Cyrus Merril 1, 290 82
Monroe, Jonas P. Smith, • 445 21
Orwell, Jacob Chubbuek ; 488
Pike. Geo W Humphrey, 672 22
Ridgeberry; Hiram Dewey, 300 159
Rome, Nathan Maynard, - 310 86
Sheshequitt; Daniel Brink, 584 - 71
Smithfield, Enlister G Duffy ; 569 94
Springfield, Truman Rolm; 462 '4B
South Creek; James L Philip. 212 72
Springhill. Dal H Montgomery; 198 82
Standing Stone; John Taylor, Jr. 294 24
Troy borough, Henry J Hoyt, 238 73
Troy tp. Gen. P Freeman, 557 51
Towanda borough, Horatio Black; 875 43
Towanda tp. Sarni B Foster; 416 35
Matsu, James L Goraline, 313 08
Warren, Sidney C Brainard; 432 41
Wells, David Griswold Jr, 315 36
Windham, Wm Sibley, 385 66
- Wyalusing, , Bascom Taylor, ' 475 58
Wlsox, Isaac Poet 440 23
0 1841
Jacob Red, Treasurer of the County of Bradford, in
account with said County.
To amount of Money le Treseny at set= $
Clement, as of Dec. 31, 1848, 1718 22
Dup. of County nut, prim to 1847; . 2997 18
0 " of 1847, 13714 75
Judgments, mother denten& doe the Co 1786 82
Money loaned foi wart iIdUMS, g 202 00
' Miscellanea** receive* 31 68
Reed en redemption of mesa" ted hail 813 25
Cq untested land transcripts. . 279 18
A. premium on payment of Stile tax, . 315 77
11l Atentint of orders returned' in 18471 $17,1158 81
2 per cent. commission on the same, 357.14
Amount returned on duplicates, 3461; 30
jullgimenW,net, 114 1200 00
Co!lecture per Carnage, 598 85
Balance in Treasury &Ow 70
County Orders in actonnt srith Hu Co. 0 .- Bradford.
To amount of County onion homed in 1847
including credit orders, slBoe6 23
Amount outstanding Jan. 1, 1847, 54 13
By amain of orders returned in 1847, $17853 81
Ontstendkig January 1, 1847, 368 65
=7 mama wilt &tramp use ly a ow a
9 . Ira Rrcewed at. 2, Brick Row,
Oceans of New Fall &Winter 'Goods,
WHICH must and will be sold at the very lowest
`V notch for Cash or &itch Pay. Every pinyon
Who tiny went GOOD 'and -CHEAP goods, is tespcct
fully invited to call tad exkledne • this stock; Don't
&it to call as it costs nothing to look. and we eetteider
ii a favor to show the . goods, and will try.te mike it an
abject tor those Wishing to thy of E:
BKINGSBERY & CO, are just •reeeiving, di.
. redly from New York and opening at the hew
brick wore, recently erected at B,Kingebety'a old stand.
• large assortment of Pslll4 Winter Goods, comprising
Bread cloth!, Cassimeres ' &Minds ; Alpnicas, of eve ,
ry description ; trench 4. English Alermos ; Mott;
reline DeLaines ; Gistghnms, a great atriety; •
Cdshmere teoolen Shawls ; Domestic goods,
Baum/ and Gloves, of .esery dear iption.
Groceries, Crockery, Hardutart, Boots 4 . Alsoa, Salt
and tipper Leather, - French and commun calf and
kip .thrt: 1, Nails, *tare, rmind ann Swedes Iron,
Glass, Nati and Caps, Tin and Stone Wart,
-• Ran) Beal° robes and
'apa- i gs Deal, imd Muffs,
Mackerel, Codfish, Mad and Herring.
The attention of the public is respectfully itniter td
our present large stock of goods, which are now exhibit
ed for sale at the lowest prices, for rea4y pay. They
have been selected withOnusual mire and attentidn, ex
pressly fbr the accommodation Of oar cusumers, and
we believe offer inducements to :purchasers no- *here
else to be met with.
c cr Remember, before purchasing elserehete: to all
at B.Kinpbery i s old stand, and examine but goods and
prices. as we are confident they will meet the viewit of
the cloud cash buyers,
ALA ' Rat oir'soeurtent of Broseres.
end, sstlineW , *bleb vie hove long been tura'
for.ieftiog geed and cheep. wow cheaper th an ever—.
This Wag for litargafist. and. Upon w• chaUDges the word. nreeived
@TUFFS. selling at east, st s. `"'' IS".
Oct. 12, 1847.
014 PERFUMERIES, a apiNidal detide of Rai
Thetmoutessrs, toiltug Articles, fa
*lest, iota . No. i, RIG 110 W.
SAV- JOHN ! don't tell *fly body *aoe trill pej
the " may John Davie; intj64 buthet..OllPANAP
uwlO. LW: • ' omfavft & smatigY.
Amid fith the Colletters if "Co
$3313 38
■ty Taus,- he Casty.
23 99
25 08
22 01
Si 09
too 00
300 17
10 12
t:1 07
125 53
7 9i
30 00
1 121 09
145 00
222 27
126 32
455 6
76 03
99 00
409 08
2V4 36
294 111
448 10
36r CO
$1641198 $12131 86 $3 . 43l aO $129 57 ON
Jacob Rod, Treasurer of Bradford. Cointtg, 4n egeonnt
4vith the Commonwealth of Pommy:m*la, on ac.
count of State Tax:
Toinnount due on duplicates pilot to 11147,0 1084 111
" ofllupliestio for 1847; 184111 41
'Reed on tedemption of unmated hogs, 2O 74
Unmated land transcripts. 178 43
Due Thome, from the InelBl 270 42
St It'nintint dbe last iettlernent, . $ MS 65
Returned on duplicates prior to 184; 267 28
Returned on duplicates far 184; toe 66
Collector's exonaltiOne, ' 1 72 Bs
_. • a : " Pet ertgaB 6 , 466 60
Tremont?s receipt of taxes fat 184; 2473.88
1 pit emit. eorominion on the acme; 64 74
lircidfrecT County,
the undersigned Cotntetoildttere of old Co.
e.) do hereby certify, the foregoing td be a tree owl
cornet otateutent of the neeiwale end *open&
wee of the said county. front the lot do dismay to
the alot day of thicetuher. 1843, iocltisiw.
Witness out bands abd-sed of Act di 'rewash.
this With day of isnaary.lll4B.
1. H. BLACK, Cannersa
Mies*—d. Rosana,. Clerk.
$29,142 15
$11,853 81
$18.120 36
A, shirting', slicking, trmiding.battiitg, eeticia yens
eupet waipi cheap es the cheapest, it 11‘. I. B.
IL. at leelstB tar*.
GINGRAMS I Gni°MAAS !-30 Mews ono ono
most splendid styles.. decidedly the psetdeet ever
In thark4. Also. Oregon Plaids. Silk.Plaidg. and la
the new Styles dress 'foods all at lto. Rsiek Rte..
5 ro. ELK & /STRIPED ALPACC 9 AB, at the
very 2 lowtai possible prices at Vint
HARDWARE, • goodimongung..incleigini Iron,
11 Stool &c. at lc& B.R. FOX%
PAINTs, .OILS & DITOTUOS, atio.litatchca
by the gross, at Na 14, B. B. FOX'S.
OALED HALF BUSHELS. 8a itaad and for ale
at asp 18
HEREBY wins every person indebted to me. dist
mikes ininedisse !moment is taw tbey will 1m
sued? Thisnotico it, given without respect taprooms
and Apneas knowing thertiselese imiebied, wilt olio
mei, by giving prompt attention-.
Tewaills. MAR. 1;847. bit HATHAWAY,
srr3it ~,:+
Ain't retreat: AisetszosiNlVrtite:e4,
$l3l 39 I
21YB i
103 Od
85 . 41•
4 319.
9 42
S. Erf
3 iliff
' is .itt
2L do
• ro
32 4s
1 06-
20 24
S 4 62
9I 26
62 26
9 IS
6 43
61 12 IS
6 61 24 'lt
60 lt IJ
19 23
6 73 11411
11 91 9 . 111
2 39 '‘
296 38
604 82
116 92
140 08
28 47
153 81
u 47 lt di
4 71 33 37
1. 18
131 68
99 41
1N $4
7 ) (4
652 28 91
5 5$ $8 12
lo et 22 t.l
4 07
Jul Li
3 93 _1176
11 70 v" 14 11
477 - 61
'1129 37 60
gig t
839 65
22) 08
eo Num
b BO 15 49
10 10 17 111
• 90 00-68-
'II 81
$12,144 41
•12,t34 41
ii and the Lqt Notice!
SS 6u
et 31
MP 4 7
la co
637 ly)
tfl 35
II 44%
$7 g :
1 'I.
17 I fi
S 3 bi
C 321
12 GU
13 lin
17 za'
2 IS
14 ..:4