U 4411 , VA.7!^°"'.... - I=l7 `re.Ofitig) f-tr 4} 4v# Toy rnbi, Wednesday, FeW,y 2,1848 r A Pronunciamento from Head Quarters Hon. MAUI Wilmot need out of the Party The Pennsylvanian awl Washington VnicHt have at - last unalasked their batteries. and are openly dd- Mg the Work, -vhieh for needy nine months, they have dared only to do, covertly and secretly. Ear , boldened—for reasons which we shall hereafter mention—these papers; now, with as much conti, denCe as impudence, call upon the Democratic press of Pennsylvania to-,denounce. Mr. Wilmot— to practice forbeatriets no longer, and to measure oat so him the censure he deserves. Whatever may be the Consequence of the call from Washing . ton, the reaponsibilify rests on those who makett. This paper gets its jshare of abuse; .and the Pro .timneiamento is not less bitter in its invectives against Mr. Wilmot, than. against us. It stops but little short of ordering our eaabscribers to discontinue the Reporter. To do this, would: require but a lit .tlit stretch of the prerogative which assumes to dic tate to the Press of Pennsylvania: Without saying at t ything further in advance, we will give oar dens the Promniriamento entire from the Pennsyl vanian; a duplicate appears in the Washin,;tton ion which we have not room to insert;— "'Mt Wrr . ear AND ens Paortso.—We of going the rounds of this Federal papers, a slate meat from the Clevelandi ; (Ohio) Ilairidcalerl ut • which the editor goes on to show, that having-ap plied to Post-rna'stel General JenasoN, ler th 9 ad vertisement of the Post-Routes, he was refused on the ground of being thesadvorate of that miartiiev ous. absurdity, the IVdmOt\Proviso, Many harsh epithets are bestowed upon "Mr. Jon -sox, who is denounced as a tyrant, only lea.u,r i srcn:ivr than CALIOrI.A or Num. The -Federal papers roll the _Whole story as a delicious inerteraender!thcir tonguei, and we pereeivelthat all of they endorse- the editor in inlets:Ma as -*capital good teat)* and a highly ersecuted martyr. . This contemptible ass:4ft upon the admini:tra tinn—for;Mr. Pofs is .livl responsible f o r t h e t i e '. vision alleged to have been made by the Post-mas ter Genetal—is, we pewelie, copied into the Bead. • ford Rt7porier, 111 r, WI/Jr./l.'s special orazut, iu this State, %call. cummentg and calutnuies superadded. That distinguished gentle:non. we need hardly re mind our readers, rs the reputed author of the Pro viso which bears his nainta*and which. it hasbWn broadly asserted. was put itau his hands by ahew der and by abler opooneats _of the a aradolicy of Pots, as an obsthi ule and a threat. to t.h.t used eitherto'iuterrupt the action of Congress on the war. or to iutiundati the President. The Bradford krirortir, however, not content With eepying ti,te vile assault upon the administration folen the Cleveland paper, goes on to introduce. 11 0 01) comments, abusive, of Mr. Bucrixaaa and Poat:maater General . J‘iliNt•ON• a protest or letter hexing Mr. WILMOT s -teams. ill which that s• bold politician—a little too •-•' bold," we fatrLv, for his own sake, in this instance—demmuces the attempt , to withhold the posaotlice advertisement from the . Reporter. with much bitterness and vim lance, going in of the wav insinuates . various hold things against Mr. I.3vc:IANAN ; and closing with expressions of profound regard for Mr..lonx sox. a - horn the editor of the Air:der. in the salute . paper, ridicules 'and assails. it appears that Mr. Jona sox preferred giving the advertisement in ques tion to a paper, not controlled by men who believe the Wilmot Proviso superior tb all our principles, and who are ready,. ar any moment, if it is not adop ted, to defeat and destroy the Demberatic -party.— This plain tact,' however cunningly Mr. Witmor may seek to change _the issue, by attributing the action of the Postmaster Gcneral to other eatraes, and however malignantly duo Prairter may reek to misrepresent Mr. IiUrIIANAN'S connection with the • preceeding,is the whole source of the complaints, and the threats, in the leLter of Mr. Witalar to Mr. JWINst.3X We beg to say to Mr. Wiotor. that we think the attempt to assail Mr. :'ors. Mr. Brrti.V.S AN and Mr. Jonxsup l because the latter would not give the Brodtord Reporter a post-othen adveniSeinetit, is cool in the extreme. By what right does he assert his title to superior Democracy, anti superior claims to the favor of Mr. Polk, or the Democratic party? Is it because he has introduced into Congress a pro ject, the effect, if not the intention of witieh, is to, put off a just peace forever, and to defeat the very indemnity of which he talks in his letter? if this is his claim to the position of a ruler in the Demo cratic party—if it is thisabat empowers him to at tack. such men as Mr. Ilccibt NA N, and to encourage the oppoSition, by placing a newly-poisoned arrow in their empty quiver. torbe ir.ed against Mr, Pots -we sae, if this is his claim to demand and denounce the Enure breath, then there ip hardly' a member .of the Federal party in Congress, or the country, who has not the same power, and who carinut jus tify its-use quite as plausibly as Mr. DAVID WILMOT. There has been, on Me part of the Democratic. press, a wonderful degree of forbearance in regard to Mr. Waoter and his Proviso. Remembering his vote in favor of the Tariff of 1846—although even that act is said to have been by common ru mor, regretted almost us soon as Joie, as some of Mr7Wii.mar's subservient rotes would seem to - Phew—but remembering this vote, and for other reasons no less creditable, the Democratic press has avoided speaking of his course in pm - ssing his Pro viso upon Congress and the people, in the lenpoi censure which it so well deserved. Notwithstand ing the fact that it was opposed on high and solemn grounds by the President and every member (4 his administration. the moment it was resented in the House; notwithstanding the tart that it hag 'been used by the Federalists as their . fitvorite excuse for opens* and interrupting the war : notwithstanding all this, the Democratic paperS have been content to oppose its principles and to correct its tendencies, without speaking of its reptued author as he de served. How has Mr. WILKOT responded - to this kind treatment ? By travelling over the several counties. -of this State, bcfpre and after the, Governor's elec tion, landing and defending his proviso, and abus iog Mr. BecussAx, the Washincton Union. and oth. ers. for opposing it. But not thin only. If tra shall be defeated at the neat .Presicientint election by thefor, ter of a combined opposition, the DemcFrabc . partff,acdl he iodide! for the resultp the thoision in Aefo York. Who aided to produce that division? Who went out of his own State to ititiame our already excited political friends in Near !York, and to 'tleephri and widen the chasM between them ? Who ecccrurag ca and endorsed, and applauded the assaults upon -the whole war policy u(' the administration, even • to the denunciations Of She venerable editor of the Gaiori? An indignant Democracy will Pay to DA VID o.i - tx..itor, as Nathan said unto David of old, Thou art the man'. , ' And Y et, this is the gentleman who now profes wee to speak for eight thousand Democrats, when he atteniPts to thrust his Proviso down the 'throats of the people, and attack the ruitninistration of the' • General Government ! We - will not outrag' e the in telligent Demcii.-rats of Bradford,. Susquehanna. and Tina, by believiwi any euCh stoty •r% this. They are too•jealons of their own honor to•sappo.se theta Measure almost exelusively supported by the Fede ral parts, can he worthy ut any special sacrifice . en their part, and they are net ready to unite its a S sank upea the administration of their. choice, be muse tear administration is not willing ••to prefer . • t, the ad:watts - et the I:ll.nat P: - ovise to those who are fonhe irarOtithimatliniiiitricadatrorttiid" r , —When we say, therefore, that' we approve of ti; act of Postmalstpr General Jonteson, in refusing Deri S etterma,...oe such c e duct as Ihiii,• we . whiilrli blow well tiinodoneriby the! ' path po l i gy hioj a IV* hoi4veii/hosik--: ' is : thi Wiirinil,Pn3visoAnuyiestilie their' cilitniai dipmeibitrito den ]hat *only praceitial eyed:tint Wto pipt* the vir, 44iitst, If 40 to shviikalli /lion ad strficafrever tilt krmorable poem ßut the advertisement of the Poet Rennes was not so mucl. refused to the Bradford Reporter; if we un derstand thecasebeasaseilsthrocassd thesesiews, as it was continuo, with the 21oga Eagle, which opposed them. The Eagle had the printing in question four years ago--also, in 1840, and it prin cipal competitor, if not its only one, at the time of 1 the late distribution of the same work, was Mr. Wasters organ, the Bradford Reporter famous fin its denunciatory course in favor of the P roviso. It would have indeed beewan uuniitioied proscrip tion to have preferred. the Reporter to the Eagle, under circumstances like.these: and it would alw 'have everywhere been regarded and referred .to as au exprevion on the part of the Mitional adminis tration turfavor of one of the most baleiul measures that has ever afflicted our councils. . . RE We have said, a duplicate of the above appears in the Washington Union. The language, it is true, is not exactly the same; but the charge against Mr. Wilmot—the object of theca,—and the manner of attaining it, arc the mute, precisely: The re markahie coincidence of the articles, the almost simultaneous appeastince of them, leaves no doubt that the attack, and the Manner of it, were concoct cal by the same power, and that a concerted action was agreed upon, by those who hold these papers iu their hands, to crush Mr. Wilmot. The coinci dence as to the time of the appearance of these ar ticles.4--the intimations and charges—the order in which they are mated—precludes the possibility of a doubt, that this attack on Mr. 'Wilmot was preme ditated at Washington and agreed upon behind the scenes. We shall probably have occasion to insert some portion of tlfb pnmunciamento, as it appears in the Union, before we close this article. - This attack upon Mr. Wilmot and ourselves, re (mires that we should go back a few months, when the order.of things were not as fully established, and the fate of the " favorite son," so' clearly writ ten on the wall, as now. The Pennsylvanian, it should be understood, is under the supervision and control of a person who holds a lucrative office by the grace of Mr. Buchanan—the same gentleman who for many years was the editor of the Lancaster Irvelligencer, at the home of Mr. Buchanan—and who was ever under his nurture and admonition.— Scarcely had he eutered upon the duties of his of lice arPhiladelphia, when the Pennsylvanian was placed titi&r his charge. Thus enjoying a Itera• tivekollice iu the custom house, he is prepared to enter upon a broader field of disinterested labor for his patron. Shire then, the Pennsylvanian has been understood to know no man for the Presiden cy, but James But:ha:ion, and to echo no sound that is n'ot in tune with the Organ at ‘Vashing - ton. The political infallibility of the edhor of the Union s he., become wits the Penusylyaeian, apart of the De mocratic creed; - so much so, that the party is in voked to decapitate the man ; who 'does not like the monkey on the organ dance with every tune the grin der plays. It is from tkis truly independent, dis interested and patriotic journal, that the call is made upon the Democracy of Pennsylvania to forbear with Mr. Wilmot no longer. Neither the Pennsyl vanian orWashirigt, on Union publish the letter of Mr. Wilmot to Mr., Johnson. Had they done so, they would have been saved the labor of misiepre sewing it ; but we judge they did net wish to make this saving; being independent journals, they in dulge in the largest freedom. We deny that Mr. Wilmot made an a...-ault upon the Administration; tlea.s.senion about Mr. Polk's responsibility is as fu tile; as the assertion is false. Mr. Wilmot did not go out of the way "insinuate various hard things against \lr. Buchanan." All he said about Mr. Buchanan was jut what Mr. Johnson told him; there was no insinuation about it—the Eagle was to have the printing at the request of Mr, Buchan an : so said Mr. Johnson—so said Mr. Wilmot, on the authority Rf Mr. _Johnson. Mr. Buchanan had some reason for making this request. There were' three papers in the district having the confidence of the Bernocratic party. The Eagle did not have it. It supports the usages and principles of the party, when it is not for its interest to do otherwise. It was a quasi Harrison paper—out and out for John Tyler— endorsed the election of Gen. Cameron over there gnlar nominee,—opposed the election of Mr. IVil mot—a bigoted disciple of the Will of 1812—then hoisted the name Mr. Buchanan for the Presidency, as. a climax to the chapter. Against this paper hav ing the 'patronage of. the Government, Mr. Wilmot protested.• It Was a grpss outrage and insult to the true hearted Democracy of this District, thus to en dorse that paper y and they feel it—depend upon it, they feel it. The Pennsylvanian says thatwhich is gratuitous and wholly false, by alleging that Mr. Wilmot as sails Mr. Polk or any one else, becanie Mr, John son would not give the Bradford Reporter a post office advertisement. It may echo the venerable editor of the Union, who asserts the saran thing, and expect, by force of organ-grinding, to cram this falsehood down- throats as gullible as their own.— ' Mr. Wilmot set up no claim for the Reporter : he did ask that if the advertising of the Mail letting was to.te given teeny paper in his district, .that it be given to this paper. If not to this paper, then to one of the two others—the Northern Democrat or the Tioga Banner. But no, it must be given to the Eagle. Against ma outrage so palpable, Mr. Wilmot desired his constituency to know-he had done the utmost of his ability. The Pennsylvanian says the advertiseinent of the Mail routes was not so mach- refused to the Brad ford Report er, " as it was continued with the Ea gle." What a miserable apology. Does the Penn sylvanian mean to say, that it is the practice in the !Post Office Department to continue the advertising `of the Routes to papers.that hare before published them, and none others? They know it is not so; and yet fabricatelhis apology. All however, that is said about Mr. Wilmot'a protest, is sheer 'ramp resinmtion, and the subject is hit upon by the Pennsylvanian and Union only as' a pretence to make a wanton assault on Mr. Wilmot because of his Proviso.. They affect and hope to strike him down, and that the Democracy of Pennsylvania will take this Proinmeiarneeto as a signal. The vest, enable editor of the Union once undertook M strike down old Hickory, but the signal gave'no alarm.— Perhaps he will- meet with as poor success this time. Brit the head and front of Mr. Wilmot's of fending is his Proviso . . Mare but little who was the- anther of .the .Proviso, -Amber 'it was Mr. Brinkerhoff,- oranyother mad Mr. Wilmot offered it, and defended it—the imintraticrnshowever as'to its 'authorship are mean and malignant. It is not true that 3lr. Wilmot has attempted , to force the Proviso ati tverr one, or that he' hr any 'way, the - nu* retatitireitiffeb-bitilit law State eiectien. -'"fn the ether hand, he pursued acyposiotecarra?end prevented lo bialit; ihttOicetdeig the Proviso beit* an item:l,oW th*: )3nlaktrd Reporter .refri)mt4TinikPut iin** l kl.P.:inbil* and mtin, " 1 0 11 " 1 4# 4 PIO& ungeonOled.bY the conalint stia nOtinit .tedithusejrhiclitilts friends of the Pritifieti , iieve receiving from the Pennsylvanian and Washington union. 'They left no labor =done te flame this dpon its in the sent those who adopted its principhi. '.Scleoustant was their labor of this kind, that .arter the election, both papers sent up their hosannas of triumph on the Proviso Wile. The seserable editoiroftheAtiouil boldly ( asserted, and persist' ted in it,"thatihe eleCtitik, of Ma Shrink wse-a,triurnidi.of the , anti-Proviso: men. The Petuasylsanian ritetnted 7 . the same thing. Nor have these papers pursued a different course since; and now we base orders, that to fa vor the Proviso, is to oppose Mr. Polk, and that every man who adopts its Neckties, must stand from under. It is with a pretty grace, and slate coolness, that the Pertusylvaniaa charges us with a denunciatory course in favor of the Proviso. Not a number of that paper appeared for months, that did not adopt_ a denunciatory tone apirot the Mends of the Pro- , vino all which was endured by those friends in comparative sikance. Not satisfied that they had securely bridled irery Democratic press, and over awed it by their organic influence,- Mr. Buchanan must himself step in, and by writing a letter• to the Barks County Harvest Home Celebration, give a" clincher to the work. The Pennsylvanian from the beginning has evinced a settled determination to force this issue upon the Democratic party of Penn sylvania. Not willing even that credit should be given Gov. Shank's administration--than whicii this State has never been blessed with one, more honest, sound and democratic—it proclaimed that it was apposition to the Proviso that elected bim— etal the veverable editor said so too. Mr. Cass has frankly admitted that his mind has 'undergone 'it change on the Proviso but the editor of the Penn sylvanian, has not, as - we are aware made any such That be did at first approve, and Warm, ly encourage the measure, is susceptible of circa: . Bat there are other deserters besides him, who we : fear, could find no more feeble excuse. The Washington Union asserts the same thing and a little more, as to Mr. Wilmot's vote on the tariff But before passing particularly to this, let us notice the course of thJ Pennsylvanian on this sub join. We have intimated, if not said, that this pa per is the special organ of Mr. Buchanan. Truly did it represent him on the subject. Truly did it " encourage the opposition, by placing a newly poisoned arrow, in their empty quiver," and truly successful was it. By it the whigs have now a large majority of our delegation in Congress. With . but few exceptions, the Democratic press were gum ing Mr. Buchanan's vote for the tariff of 1842, and asserting hie adherence to it. Did the Pennsylva- 1 nian deny it? When did the course of the high taritl Democrats at that time, meet with a'signal re buke from the Pennsylvanian ? When Mr. Wilmot inflicts an injury like this on the Democracy of Pennsylvania, it will be time enoug,h for the Penn sylvanian to call upon the press, to withhold its for bearance no longer. Who knows to this day where Mr, Buchanan stands on this subject? Can the Pennsylvanian enlighten us? We will now give a specimen from the Pronunciamento of the vene rable editot of the Union : - L; But we have a few more words to say of Mr. Wilmot's political course. It is time that the putt lie should be enlightened on this subjeet t We have heretofore refrained from exposing it, but Tie has now thrust himself before the public, and lon ger silence on our part would be improper._ He objects, in his protest, to the Tiogn,Eagle receiving the post office advertisement, because it had been opposed to the tariff of 1846. Mr. Wilmot, it is true, did speak and rote in favor of this tariff when it passed the House of Representaives. We have always given him credit for this, without animad vertitr, upon his opposition to this measure, after it returned from the Senate. That body had adopted one unimportant amendment to the bill. Its friends strained every nerve to have this amendment con curred in by the House. We well recollect that at time the bill was believed to depend upon this con currence. Its enemies believed that it could again be sent back to the Senate, there was sufficient strength to deem it there. At this trying crisis, where was Mr. Wilmot found? We say, emphati cally, with the enemies afthe measure. This we heard at the time ; but we choose to speak from the re tort]. Without commenting upon his previous vote, in this the final Atm.-Tie on the last and great ques tion, L , Will the House agree to the amendment of the Senate V? we state the fact that Mr. Wilmot's vote is rt corded in the negative.- along with the names of all the enemies of the tariff of 1846. Tide the journal of the- House of July 29. 1846, page 1176. At this critical moment, he abandoned the measure which he had at first supported." • We will let Mr. Ritchie answeefor himself ; we are inclined to the opinion that our readers will conclude that be is a little too reperable, so much as to have lost his memory—he should have been left at Richmond. But before we do this, we will explain how it appears that Mr. Wilmot voted against the bill. The bill cameback from the Sen ate amended by striking out section 9. This sec tion was intended to protect against fraud, in cases where goods were entered, undervalued by 'the owner, and was to expire on the lst July 1848. Mr. Wilmot voted against striking this section out. Tree the enemies of the bill voted the same way, and its Mends too. Amon; those with whet& Mr. Wilmot voted, was the whole democratic delega tion of this state. There was no reason why it should be stricken out..• Mr Wilmot was for the bill as it went from the House. He was at that time anxious for a higher vote of duties on coal and iron. But -open the question to lay the bill upon the table, Mr. Wilmot voted, nay. This would have been equivalent to iti'defeet. Hatt the House disagreed to the amendment; we have no doubt that before a committee of conference, Mr. Wilmot would have succeeded in getting an in crease of duties on those articles. :goo he have succeeded in so doing, some of oer coternpotaries would probably teen more willing to define their their position on the tariff: WbeniMr. Ritchie says "he abandoned the Measure belied at - first sup paned," lie says that; for which nothing bat his old age excuses him. We-with:l - Owlet Mr. Ritchie answer this falsehood for himself; we think oar readers will discover some discordant tones in the Government Organ. Congratulating the ceuntry, upon the passage of the new Tariff bill. to , tbe House, the Washington Union, of Friday, July 3, 1846, says:- - "'From Pennsyliania, so distinguished in rap port of the war of '76 and 1812, and so ever ready to poet out thelife-blood of her sons in defence of the couptryrrsodevoted to the. Union, so trueto the democratic filial on all other (ideational:at the ,ta rift, these was but a tinOevote for this great tnea- - - " ..4141bafiblOrd v" teal y able and eloquent Minot. Let hint wait bat a year tomb the openstiops.if this bill defeat all The INeldit*l 4' bras vermaak vote .54e abAst4 will* t .v*oeE PinnsVanitt.t: 84:demtitill.16):18+6;114.*°:11041the re: tha lienAie t a cm 4bli; . 1 4 1 nati le filoO i s i o rme i 101141061-6,-Brauold. :PLymeporigHi 9thinitant, that aithe dernociatieeotontrtel? , vellum, holden. at Towanda, ; on the eyenlngprest. ou t ,. Mr. Wilmot was i tnannervirdy rianounnated for ComitifektiaWg lecKs'ar tioti itirkresi# on frst ballot t Tids is Mr. Wilinot's own county, audit wpo?od endorsement ol his course on the Witt question /4 in regard to his oppbnent v tile Union, of pc,- tco** i . ' " We understand that Mr. Wilmot has an oppo nent useMertinif-dembend, brififer eitilief - doebt the auccees. of this able and eloquent democrat." • In =rattails the result of the election in Penn sylvania, the taints, of October .21,, 1847,wijoices over Mr. lirshnoes re-deceit:lllond spexageWupon the defeat .of •• so many democratic( Cow Skrenghout the State, ais follows, : - " lithe 'federalists ef-Peamtylvania bad sineceetl-' ed in the defeat of Nk. lrvitmat, ilichWausthesam init of their wipirations,, their cup oftfiemph worid haverbeeis overflowing, Mr. W. -was elected in 'lB44—his first (sway, too, rin the -stage of public life—as the openandarrowed my .of all monopolies, and especially as the uncom promising enemy of tharWorst of monopolies, the tariff of 1842. His opponent then, as now, profess. ell to be ademocrat, but was nevertheless the iulvo cate of a paradox which the constituency to whom he appealed would not endorse or comprehend.— ,On this issue, boldy tended' and joyously accepted, Mr. Wilmot was choso to Congress, and the prin ciples which he had thus honestly avowed, in the face of a most formidable opposition were faith fully carried into practice in the councils of the na tion. To him, too, belonged the enviable distinction that he stood " solitary and alone," among all his colleartnes. in support of new revenue law cif '46. That a Representative' thus situated, should en counter the concentrated hostility of the manufactu rers and iron-mongers, who were so deeply inter ested in the preservation of the protective policy was natural enough. That they should adopt the means which were beet calculated too prostrate his political fortunes, was likewise to be expected.— Certainly these efforts were in no wise wanting.— A so-called tariff democrat, a popular and influen tial man, was nominated as Mr. Wilmot's competi tor ; and he had the double advantage ot being sup ported by the wings and by a. detachmentiof his own party. Witnessing this combination, the d t friends of Mr. Wilmot could not but have some apprehen sion of his success, and the most sanguine of them could not but acknowledge that the contest would be neccessarily close." "Mr. Wilmot, who alone voted for the tariff, and defended it in Coneress and on the stump, is sus tained by the handsome majority of 7201" October 24, 1846, this same paper speaks of the result in this district, as a triumph for Mr. Wilmot, of his vote npon the Tariff : "Our detrat in Pennsylvania is only calculated to rouse and to energize the friends of truth. The op ponent of an oppressive tarifi are invited, and more over they are encouraged by the success of Wilmot, to march up boldly to the defence of our principles.' Its correspondent from New York, of the same date, writes as follows :. "Mr. Wilmot's election seems beyond all reason able-doubt. We feel here as if this were compen sation for the loss of any other two candidates in that State." We cannot forbear inserting, from the Pennsylva nian, an extract of a letter from its correspondent attWashine,trni, published at the time of the passage of the new tariff bill " The Derr ocratie members from your State who with a sirmle exception Toted against the bill. doebt less considered it their duty to do so, and in this they deserve no censure from their Democratic brethren in other States. It is tho surest evidence' of man's Democracy, to conform to the real or sup • posed wishes of his constituency. Mr. Wir.stor, who voted for the bill. also reflected the sentiments of his constituency. His Opposition to the Tariff of 1542. was well known to the people of his disnict before hi . . all declared overwti MEM expresm trict GM! orsza facture, eition o His fromed defeated, EZI ME branch eincidal the attention of every candid enquirer after truth. His course needs no vindication from the petty as saults of the whifiets who scribble for federal news papers, but if it did, his speech is suf&cient, for it it is admitted friend and foe, that a more elo quent, masterly argument was not made upon the subject; it even wrung from the Whigs them selves reluctant praise." These will show what those consistent papers thonl,,ht of Mr. Wilmot's vote at that time. We might extract columns from the Democratic papers of the Union applauding the vote, as a vote for the tariff of la-S6 ; and it is reserved for the superior acumen of these two papers to make the discovery, some two years after the vote is given, that Mr. Wilmot was an enemy to a low tariff. Out upon such abominable hypocrisy ! We pity the sonductor of a public journal who has become so despicable and servile, as to permit himself to be tesed,by any man for the fulfilment of such low and paltry schemes. With such unparalleled and impudent conduct in recollection who shall hereafter.care.for the praise of the Washington Union and the Pennsylvanian, or regard their denunciation. We cannot dismiss this subject without saying a word more as to the Manner the Proviso has been treated, and consequently the position of Mr. Wit mot. Either'his opponents in most inotances dare not, or will not meet the question fairly. It is very seldom mentioned, but to misrepresent. We have observed, that at several of the County- Conventions in this state, resolutions upon this subjeet were pass ed, which are a deception, and must have been intended as such, in order to, get the people committed against the " Proviso." Those who have the charge of such meetings canrset plead ig norance. Mr. Wilmot is represented - As pdroca ting a measure, interfering, with slavery fie the states in where it exists; and hence resolutions. 9 passed, "repudiating any such interference. ey of the counties of this date who show such ' nacity for state rights, would appear tq better ' vantage, if they had practiced on that doctrine as the tariff. But the Proviso has nodthlgto do with, lavery in the states or territories where it exile. It asks • only, that it may not be extended to tewitory where it does not exist. . e Ovsztnruzimma."--" Mr. David th e u n ieri; "Mr. David Wgmot,"re the Penneylranian. How ovehrhel tier—toar extremely biting- , -how in. gad &slant! What scotching and • bake! ==l Thus' Compost - , n4or the nuaingem ant' . of 14. 1 - I it - . - perhavaK gxl*iil .., 4 . f 4" - IlitsiktPulth- The 1 04 4 0 liagOol - nev12.0 4 di * rid 'ThemAgY evading gave toanilige.****B. - it& oreinirti o, thellansir ' oliss as attractive hi% w . . u ,. ' r ' T 1 1, eillhet oa istr. Demi or Plume), whizh mum fail to draw a crowded house. . , The 1 ' ihiviks olll9l . -- - -- .lthe l li O L - -.‘ .. , titian they had *NOW abroait, sedOm rite se gment of talent, seldom found is navelingtheones. i • Truarrea. roe Sxua. tarps.—We - - tfot dia ! pio*thitasgaiii t ithens meetingOppest simultaneously at several different points,tere Wes be iagpoeed ' ihat~3tlie ' y hate ed. They are generally pubtishipi; so eshreatry the idea that the meeting reprosontod ctbelhelings of the' county , "1400 treed' hour little moms grow." Srssrawr, , Tar L-iWe beg leave tocsins. the teats of the-Union, and its-tait-piece, the PesmOrania!, nod assure them that , every drop arblocid in our ,veins is democratic ; and so .far from-ferAing any inclination to have an operation of plebotrimy per formed, we intend it shall all remain there, as long as the pulses of life beet. Tea Yorcr. or PLas..—We call the attention to the proceelinss of the meeting of the Democrats of Pike which we publish this The 4soltuksro are sound, liberal and in good tinte—thene cen trals:3 favorably with those of the Mons' weeding, which we published a iew weeks since. -neecrattic Meeting In Pi k e. At a meeting of the Democratic eitizein of Pi tp., held pursuant to public notice, at the boom of Dennison Johnson in Lernytwille, Saturday, Jan. 29, DENNISON JOHNSON, was 'called upon to preside. • Crum:met Sersenra, and Airotemni S. Sarre to act I a Vice Presidents, and Gewalt K. TASIA.R, appointed Secretary. i 4 The object of the meting being stated, after a full and free interchange of sentiment( being had, the following resolutions were then unamteiously adopted. ! Resolved, That we hold it jnst and proper to ex tend the area of freedom by , purchase, annexte Lion. or in the receipt of Indemnity, 10 the eqtire continent of America , or even to the *hole earth, at tat same time we would enter our Solemn pro test against even the smallest extension of the area of slavery. • ' Ilesofved, That " indemnity for the past, and se entity for the future," are the only safe guarantees for the honor and fame of the United States, in all her dealings to be hail with Mexico. i Resolved, That we deem it possible for a man to be a Democrat and yetibe cpposed to the Provi so, but we firmly hold it to be utterly impossible for a Representative in Congress, or a sentinel of any grade or rank, set by the people to guard the pillar of Liberty, to permit the acquisition of , territory for the purpose of the extension of slavery over soil now free, and yet be a patriot, a souqd Democrat, a faithful representative or en hon•-• man, if he knows or suspects such to be the objects of the ao quisition. Resolved, That we hold in contempt any man who will, by the distribution of Government pa tronage to the venal and Corrupt attempt to lessen our confidence in thelion. David Wilmot, our fear less, and faithful representative or in any way, by a privileged monopoly of Government patronage attempt the manufacture of public sentiment for this Congressional District Resolved, That the proceedings be signed by the officers and published by the Democratic pa pers of this Congressional District. , (Signed by the Of fi cers.) Z -- ;0 • From Wasldngtoo. (Correspondence of the New York Evening Poet.] Mr. Wilmot arrived to-day. His trip has corn- pletely renovated him. He "left this city pale and i weak, but looks now as if he could bid defiance to 1 the clew and dusty atmosphere of the Hall. Nothing strikes a stranger here more, than the difference between the facts of his personal inter course amongstthe southern members,, and the in ferences one would na6rally draw from tkedenun ciationS of the southern press. The truth is that no persoaalhatred exists apinst him on account of his "Proviso." It is a mere po litical struggle and this 'great question no more in volves the" dissolution of thw. Union" than the bill for erecting a dry dock at Pensacola. The State Convention of Pennsylvania is to be held. on the 4th of March. The canvass between the friends of Dallas and Buchanan will be very close. The for mer, it is said, his the people of the u key stone," the latter has the press. In Huntingdon' county Dallas's friends secured the deligation at the late County Convention,but the press immediately announced that the deega tion were pledged fort Mr. Buchanan. Such mis. representation has the effect of depressing the ef forts of one set, and urging the other to. extmar. ,- nary exertion. I _ __ The Presidency. (From the West Chester Rept.Phennj I regret, yet candour, which requires and demands the utterance of the truth, compels me to say, that Mr. Btu/tenon does not and cannot come before the Union with a prospect of success as fair as that pre sented by Mr. Dallas. 4r. Buchanan. es I have heretofore stated, has by his own conduct. and by that of some of his most intimate and confidential friends, rendered himself obnoxious to large num bers of honest Democrats in this and other States. His course and that of his friends in the Convention of '44, towards Mr. Van Buren.—the rejection of Woodward and Beaumont, through his instrumen tality or with his approbation, as is believed,—his vote for the Tariff of '42 and well understood oppo sition to the Tariff of '46 ; these and ruberobjectious which might be urged, render it highly unsafe to select hint as the democratic standard bearer in the approaching contest. In a former communication I alluded to another objection to Mr. Bucluban, and ,I now recur to it. because it is one that would be brought to bear upon him with tremendous force; if nominated. I mean his denial that he is a Pennsylvanian. The lad of sncia.a denial. having been made by him can no longer be concealed. It hasbeen published in the papers of the day; the Whigs have it; and would, with it alopp,, probe*. prostrate him in Pennsylvania, if made a candidate. Here is the evidence : WAsnixarretr, Feb. 16th, 1846. Dear Sir:—l have received yours of the 12th inst., informing me that. not knowing whether I considered myself a resident of Lancaster, you hive ass ssed me as such. I had supposed. that you could have known that I had. re ad suppos ed. from Lancaster nearly a year :Igo. and have ever since been an actual resident of this city, where my offi cial duties require that I shouldi reside. I trust that at some future period:l may AcAtN become a resi dent of Lancaster, BUT ruts I 4 ii•HOLLY i r SC TAIN. JAMES BUCHANAN. 4 MicatAsz. Buttner., Esq., Lancaster, Pa. t will not comment on this' unfortunate and ill. I adviser] note. The Twt,payina farmers, mechan jus and laborers of debt-burdened Pennsylvania, will no doubt do that. • • I take no pleasure in this itatingmy objections to Mr. Bucbanan.t I regard- 'lam as a statesman . ot mucti ability; he makes a very -good Secretary of State; but,,t i as a man to come, before.: peop le, be be presents not that ANALUAREPTY which sbotnue isirable anditeces.sary in the d'andidate tBtB, if the dernoctritic party rs to be tteeessful. mot,'" says •its echo, . lagiy lc:veto ! .ifely formal; I . - • i re. • • ' elm a. tjr - .* 4- 6 - -'' .ittri ' 0 d o Perrwl f" . 1 1 - hiskairs, Jas. 21; 181$ t po i joilee 'limi t s. '' " or bus beswengsged for the great. - • - ofjhe time as yet, in local and uoimpx. .t A.141 is now mule/ consulinat i o n. • -n,powers of the Pentultranie Bain* Compsny, a n d m , *lllbV !ipon . 'piny: Allstate pentkieueprinciple could sem* be suggested. °lf cialaino l 4lo:liiiiiisiive to Connect and indentlfy ossify inearpixated distant, ay at borough which' could, by any mesas be in duced to nays stock, hate the mere creaturetami instruments of< this '4l'lo comp Sgif seal gt totiugg don, to hnipitaq itentr s aopip 'in the midst of the commonwealth windy wilLita money and agents, lArghtit,9o4l 3 ,,t"Vr4. „erVf4aPortalk Wooden In the State: I thiek WS. 'Shia it nidically tight in the aendagag;atiorpaard,„ha his menages, in m inding to corporations and privileged monopolies. It has 'bear 'Mid drat "power" s esti* f rom r i t i, many to the,#lstr,".ankapy on who will °teem the yearly action of our legislature, and *bore an, who witoessese the hordes' oflierirs- 166 long ob oat the, rolbbies'; andeiptiyi . ll!",4naro a d comitaltieisi Etc, procuteftiension of privileges, (*the retnoralof wisokeposnerarisions, will swot be convinced ;that power's fast stealing from the.people. df Vedalyfradia iaQorporated compames' TheSehatelutveadOed an inipishorialproceed. big in relation to the confurttatirel of - 44es. They. refer each nomination to a ocerunittee, appointed for that purpose, composed,- of worse ofe majority of vrhigs and enemlet itelteGey. The enmeit. .tee, after mak - frit enquiry as! to Ids qualifications and fitness fresther offide; ! malte" a reportlihieb is sustained in evierl %Mabee by the . etitirevote of the vvhig Senators. The =wit& iudie Nil of the Chester and Delaware district, Was diipased of a day or two ago, by being rejected by a vote of 19 to 13. Your readers will recollect that Jude Fors ter of this place, was rejected last year kettle same district. Thus has a federal Senate sacrificed two as good men as can be found in the State. It is evident that they are determined to drive old Shenk to give them just etch a man as the Federal law yers of Chester county want, or they will put any one to the inquisition. They have even ventured so far as to name the man. But they are mistaken in their man, if they think to force him from a po sition which be knows to be right. They may re ject all his Dominations, but he will never permit a Federal Senate to wrest from him his Prerogative of making the nominations, however they may be disposed of. You will see by the Pennsylvanian and Wash ington Union, that the most severe assaults hare been made upon Mr. Wamot, forbiS bold and man ly protest to e . the Post Master General arsin 'the prostitution of the public patronage, to such gnenil la newspapers as the Tioga Eagle. lam not sur prised that his plietmt should have mused their in dignation. It contained too much truth, tiro plainly told to be palathfile; Wounded pigeons always flutter. In the attoris referred to, the grossest in justice is done Mr. W. He is charged With en couraging the assaults made upon; the measures of the administration, in all their measures intim of .the war, indemnity, &e. Nothing can be farther from the fact. Mr. Wilmot has on alt occasions, ably and fearlessly espoused the war side of the question, and avowed himself in favor of full in demnity.- There seems to be a disposition wfth some to destroy Mr. Wilmot, because he refuses fealty to certain aspirants ) for, the Presidential chair. They may by misrepresentation, and open denunciation get up a clamor among the followers of men who advertise for the. Presidency, and bide high for southern votes, and thereby cast a cloud for a time over his fair political reputation. But it cannot long exist. His talents, his honesty of pur pose, and his pure Democratic principles, will bear him safely and triumphantly above his persecutors. I predict, that, if David Wilmot rives, the day *ill come when no can man be found, claiming to be a Democrat who will own that he was among the *filers in the crusade that is now waged against him. Mr. rimer, the State Treasurer elect has not yet arrived. It is said he does not intend to take the office until the year expires, for which Jude &inks war elected, which will se on the Yith of February. ZEN°. llPSirsivialk.a. Lung.Deakins . Darr, This Medicine is designed for the curt of Coughs, Coldi Li vet complaints. Asthma. Consumption. ke. It is recossnachdci as it atetheine of great valuein'the above complaints, bos, like most other remedies that are offered, it is not an Walla* cure for all the diseases to which the human race is heir. it makes no pretensions to any other than one gnat object. r ' to restore the Lungs to their proper health anti Ciro. :latish:lT tory reference green us to its astonishing eftbdtr treltslueird health to the Lungs Sold by J...tiallNUMßlSltii,Jr,only &mho. tired Agent. S.citorm.t CVato child of Florearnits Betray, stoat tea' rears old, Irving in Co !elan Townshig, Lance stet C o oly. ket had been afflicted several years with Scrofula le the fee, arnd neck. which no only set all the popular remedies of the (Myatt deftenee. but se neatly bathed the skill of the bee rates of the Country. After ill other Weans hall failed in inks* inc. relief a trial was made o( Wright's fielian cregetable( ll4 The result was, before the-first thine boxes had beenusel.th" ulcers began to assume n healthy appearence, siirersi of the jew.bone were Malvern out. Mei :n a short tore ever restage rid' Scrofula disappeared. Some time has now eliPse.i sznee naeing the medicine. and so far from there being any 3 1'. pearance of relapse, the child presents every appeatmee robust health The abire celebrated pills far sale by Mesnanyes k Towarnia. U. Mandy & Frenehiorra & D. F. Pomeroy. _Troy: D. Brink. Hornbrook. Cot Tell & Gee. East Menton, J. C. Adams. Bum. creek Wm Gibson. Ulster. C. Rathbono. Canton. S. Ellsworth. Athens. W. Campbell. Sheshenni" , Guy Tracy. Milan. . 3. 3. Warford. Monmeton. Principal o ffi ce and general Depot, 169 B.ace Poila • Dr 'Wircar's Balsam of Cberry—ti'forrnseherl' — '` ° •" .. ception. In setting forth the virtues oft his truly greed meth' clue. we bar no .desire to deceive thrise who are Istenq under• affliction. nor da we wish to eulogize it more till" " deserves. Yerwhei are look around and see the misted: o W of *offering and distress occasioned by many of the 114 " . '" 4 m which this medicine murpfewed wo w weei . o f a t, we lei Mat we cannot urge its clanks tort stsongiy, or say too m ar' to its favor. • Various rernhires. it is true, re been offered end purred le" to notice for the cure ofdCaeas the lungs. and - some been *wind no doubt eery met' at of ail that have yet hell discrivemdit is irdliiiingd by ph ' p lu m ti n whd p er ., rmuct:t ed itsaffects, tbatmonc has prof as atieerlolldi " II " . b. Asthma.Sbortness pf Blentb.and similar affections. It rely , proabloused a poittire cure. It Ives cored Alaimo ill WO e d , a , set of ten and twenty yeani standing. after physicans - to d dared the ease beyond the tench of medicine. The potions signet! 1. Bt - TTS en the wespper , a. aby CHAMBERLIN; Towanda. • Te Prfisters. A fount of ton; Printer. arty wont : n Aiunt of The , " nearly new : and various nthrr printusg zstateriala net ID c'' e and will be gold cheap, at this office. AgraAn; for titre Itterertetre • E. W CARR. No. r 4lO North Fourth AL anti San N.E. corner orTttird and Deet sti. Finiadeirbor v P. i.atm.R..ti, W. enthreof'T.bini and Chest, )" Phibideiptda ; telinuntan it. (Tribune build GEORGE PEAT.r,'ISI 11Tainxi sr., Inez door to ki4iNeve Tocko, • In this . vittat..e,oh the 2:3d inst,FMAKCEII 1118.A.w ) ned 12 i•es and three friotzth 3 - .. =MI Ea Lt, owe!' IS I ammo,. ~falL l l