Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 12, 1848, Image 2
Az . • 27:, --•" - ,1 di • Hi Vlreoforti opovtev. da, Wednesday, Jan'y 12, 1847. EV The Previa* at the Late Eleetlaa. We again say, that we are mortified and aston / ishetl, to see Gov. Shank's election claimed as a triumph , overthe principlei of the Proviso: - Tliat the. Washington Union should say so, is not a mat ter of wonder, tor' our great grandfalher..Ritrhit, is so far past the,grand climacteric of life, atito permit his credulity to be easily imposed upon. Nothing would be too strong a dose for hint, provided it bore the stamp of an official, and mime authenticat- Oil by one who sucks at a Entail WA of the govern - meat.- But that onr wtonby friend of the Penny)- . vanian, who whilome, as editor of the Lancaster Intelligenier, was so highly respected among the rr Young Democracy," and gained' himself such ere dit for his - independence and straight-forwardness should permit the Slander to go imrebaked, much less to tacitly. sanction it, by the admission of arti cles into his columns, asserting this flagrant false . hood, is indeed surprising. Can it he possible that he will r. 4 now A. suppliant hinges alba knee, ...That that may follow fawning," or tat he will permit his independence to be cor yupted, or his perception of the Right perverted, by all the offices ni the gift of Government ? We have a better opinien, Y here, in the North, and expect hint to speak-Rut boldly and fearlessly for Truth, ",though the Reavens fall." This infamous slander upon the intelligence and patriotism of the people of this State, is doubtless ..caused by the belief (hit the Honorable Secretary of State, in his letter to the Becks County Meeting, incorporated the doctrine therein contained, into the creed of the Democratic party, and so made it a test at the electicst This is a great mistake. No one man can speak for the Democracy of the State. They are not to be bought and sold like sheep in the shamble; nor will they permit themselves to be shoverbout on the political chess-boani„to im prove any man's game; especially when asked to . N support so monstrous a doctrine as legalising Sla very in Free territory. _The people of Pennsylvania were too proud of their present excellent Governor--than whom, a purer or worthier man never was at the helm of State —to sacrifice him after the Secretary's letter had ap peared, even when his election was at the risk of being misrepresented. This letter would have been - most slisastrous, putforth at the eve of election,upon almOst any other occasion, But the people had too much confidence in VILANCIII It. Suesk, to believe for a moment that he favored the doctrine of the Buchanan Compromise. Ile has stood up for the R,mrr against _the most powerful influences that ever corrupted legislation, as no other man except Hickory ever did. his interposition has saved community from many fraudulent schemes, and hilfirmnessUverted many evils which venal legis lation has endeavored to force upon them. He is tired most deeply in the 'hearts of the people of Pennsylvania. The late election is the highest compliment that could be paid him, and a three. fold honor, after, the renowned letter written by the Secretary of State. k was an ungenerous attempt' to make capital out of another man's popularity, and showed but little regard for the success of the Dem'ocratic party ' in this Stale. The intention was plain : If the par ty was successful, to claim i 4 as the baits of the Burks County letter; if unsuccessful, to charge the defeat as the products of the Proviso; consequent ly, the Washington Unioe rays awe have carried Pennsylitmia against the authors of the Previa° Fathrr Ritchie have acme, or the gender ofyour paternal cognomen will haie to be changed ! You can make no man of common intelligence believe that. Say, rattier, we. have, carried Pennsylvania against those who would sacrifice its best executive, to answer their own, ends. Why, who were Gov. . Shank's firmest friends in the State t Who labrir • ed more zealously for him than the Membet of ' of Congress, and the papers of this Congressional /*strict ! The warmest friends of the Proviso were :west zealous for Gov. Shrink's re-election ; and if they thought for a moment that it would be charg ed as &victory fur slavery pmpaganclism, by late rested and selfish politicians, they' relied on their gym protestations; the high character of their can didate, and the . intefligence of the people of this State es an answer to stair err untoended allegation. ltd the Reponer we repeatedly stated that the -PrriViso formed no issue at the coming election ; that it was not a question of party, and he who sought to make it aech, was its enemy. Ms. Wil marbfinself, at Weller/enough, declared it was in ab way involfed in the election, and has ever de - prated my attempt to make it a party question. its friends have nnitormly ancl folly declared it wee rio issue at the Gubernatorial efeetiOM Wier desir ed it Who. Made it a test, in any way ; mach kr&F opposition. to it the tcuch-stone of fealty to 'the Democratic party? Those who week' seek such a result, are enemies to freedom, hostile in feeling to the Denrineratie party, and would endanger the perpetuity of our Union to• answer their purposes of setraggrandizeinent.. God grant they many never affect it ! The Tariff of 14416 ..--.. .• Vice. President Liave•thecasting - roter for the Tariff of ttS4S, the Pennsyltt __wet stood almost solitary and alone, in the state, as the deferiders of that vote:' Eric Chtemer. "" Almosts alone; indeed, were the Penntsylva• maw add Observer. 'They had but about half ado zenimnictenions--and among that ball dozen we „with pride,. was the York Gazette. Now, its be difficult to find.half dozen, deinocratic or federal, to sustain the monstrous wrong to. which that carte gave a death blow."—York Gazette. With the Observer we are• not 'acquainted, but we trahritte in the Gazette a faithful and zealous ut...laborer with the then Democratio papers of this District - in support of the Tariff of 1846. As the - - Gazette t r ul y ny e , the -plaice of their course is now generally 'conceded, and the- fanner opponents of therm* tariff; are now endeavoring to see which shall outvie the ether-kr protestatiensef affection for the ashasure which was to ruin the country. They • have teamed a lemma, which aril/ we trial be of service w them. .11..CALuoip, editor of the Owego Advertiser, has been elected Clerk of the' N, fork State S,enate. 11/Martis Vast - Mares est Me Prseadlowsey.• We are ivstifled to observe the attention of. the Delrater: ,taploly,fammt to be distimusbod et prr , Awns V:4lt the.nrigt shen:fiir theiresiderily. ie Pad* f°r znaP Y_lirOenati vitt b° v O9 l thal4nutualfisa in its innipityof its meinbers, which, was ever the ewe indication Of ita sue cesajprior to hie rejection by the National Conven tion; entfEjlistins defter hinfluiditiatitiendelia sufficient reason has been, or can be, assigned-for that rejection. He received a majority of vote*, and a decided-expreseuon in his laver, from mote than three-fourths of., the, thentocracy of the .Union. The claims of the seVenil tilisdidittes at tbei time, wet° fultLantLfredY. (1113, X/1 13 4'Y meetings of the people, and so general an enthusi astic was the preference for Marlin Van Buren, that Mr, Buchanan felt it his duty to withdraw hip name, thereby leaving Mr. Veit Buren almost the only occupant of the field. By refering back to the Demperatic papers of the country, it will be found, that with but few exceptions, his nomination was -regarded as settled-; -requiring only the forms ora National Convention, to make him Legitimately he nominee. The convention assembled,' authorised arid required by three' fourths of the Democratic electors of the Union to nominate Mr. Van-Boren. The delegates from this 'State were so ksabected, .but with others, they corubined to adopt a rule, by which the voting for him would be a mere farce; and thus was the solemn action and decision ofthe people treated. Of what use was it to say, that in- . , structions were obeyed, by voting for Van Buren until his nomination was out of the question; when those very men had erected a guillotine to'behead him. We repeat, there has not ban, nor can there be assigned a sufficient reason for his rejection.— Then whyinay not the friends of justice and intm rity persist in the vindication of one, than whom, our Country banterer imd, a paper or a better states man. His measures, so replete with -justice and equality, have been and are now sanctioned by the people. His administration, has, since been the polar star of the Democracy; helitendiy hung out our lights, that have guided us or. in the enjoyment of a true adminiitration of the government. We may be permitted to speak plainly on this subject at this time. is a seasonable period. No Dem ocrat need attempt to conceal the convictions of his mind, as to the effect on the party, made by the rejection- of Martin Van Bum. That, leaven is at w5O, diffusing itself throughout the Union, and stain the standard of that best of men is raised. the pure in principle are rallying around it. The Dernbcracy never have, and never will condemn a faithful public servant, We hope yet to see the flag of Martin Van Buren waving on every hill, in every valley, and hung out at every hamlet, with this inscription on it, lays:Garry sccev TIFIVOSPEL NM MI/1 Philadelphia for Dallas. The delegate 'election, which took place in the, city and county of Philaaelphia, on Monday 3d inst., resulted in the triumph of the friends of Gro. M. DALLAS. In the city the delegates elected stand thirty-eight friendly to Mr. Buctuffax, and forty-- seven for Mr. Dallas. In the county, the result was, forty wards for Dallas, to eighteen wards for Bu- chanan. APPOINTMENTS NT THE GOTERNOR.--Willianf Colley and John A Speaker, to be Associate Judges for the county of Sullivan. lion. Roman WiLara, has been appointed Re venue Commissioner for the Judicial District, com posed of Lucerne, Bradford and Tioga Counties. Proceedings of the Penn'a Legislature. Iperteepotbdenee of the Reporter.) IhRILISIRTRO, Jan. 5, 18471 Both branches of the L%islature organized yes terday. In the Senate, Mr. Williamson, the old Speaker, was again elected Speaker by the vote of the whip—the dements" voting for Mr. Hill of Westmoreland comity, The Senators were all pre sent except Mr. Black. ° Mr. Benner of Philadelphia comity announced the presence of Capt. Small, who was elected last year, but did net take his sent for the reason that he was in Mexico,. fighting the battles of his coun try. Capt. Small came forward, was qualified* and toook this seat as a Senator. It was said that then Whig Senatoni intended to raise a constitetionad ob jection to his taking his seat on this,gromxl that he was an officer of the army of the VniOti , States. They had the question pp in cauctav, where the more wise and prudent ones prevailed, and the projecti well fin them, was abandoned. The Capt. is a very gentlemanly, talented mei, and will make an able Representatiie. He is quite a lion here. Mr. litunmersly, the old clerk, declined being a candidate for re-election, and the Whip have nominated Mr. Pierson of Somerset co„ as his suc cessor, They have made several changes in their nomination for the other offices, among which is one for Transcribing Clerk in place of our friend Chapman, of the Susquehanna Register, I know not what objection was made to Chapman, unless it be that he is too honest in - politics for the Federal wireworkets. Of course allNhe whig nominations wiS be seinue4 as they have five majority in the Senate:. In the home, aen. Parker of tyccrming county, the nominee of the Democratic members, was elected by the unanimous vote of his party .friends. Oa taking his seat he delivered a very neat and pertinent address, of which I enclose a copy. 'The selection of Gun Packer is ahappy one for the entire House, and especially so for the mem bers of his party. His great experience in public basinesi, his acknowledged talents, and his excel lent business habits, will render` im one of the beet and most popular Speakets that has occupied the chair for years. Mr. Jack, the Democratic clerk, who watt turned out last year by-the whips has re ceived the nomination almost nnaniesomfy for re election ; and a Mr. McCreety-of Philadelphia ca l lir nominated foi. 4 Serarrant at•attas--both will be elected, of eTrnie. Tad" et trZ o'clock, the Govetner ermimanica ted his towage to both bosses. It is an mils and strongly Democratic document, reflecting itt a Most lupid and forcible Manner the great principles for while the party fought, in the great and Onions struggle on the 12th of October. It will be read with pleurae' by every true Democrat in the com monwealth • Very little other business has be done as yet, except the avointment of the usual committees to inform the respet;tive Houses and the Governor, that they were organized. and ready to proceed to business:. The Governor bas been quite sick for several day but ie now recovering. G. w ~ a Werhlish this weerGor Shank's message to te LfOrlw#,.. leis unusually M4o4* plaiK topteltenillte and written dinumt thif 1 -3 1 ifinenrie*o! sniiil are exhibited krn. .irmerv . i# ,conditgo.- viiillr: upon the suttees till kill Whe n inlilet ,4,. gP . - nil satifactionkL . tis tAi i all thee) in oppeliticia are vieirea with distrust. iirehT4lierio'laerice' nl~h!liee~ii the proceedings of a meeting held in Bulli to coun ty;; also . of a meeting held in Athens; and the re: part of the meat Terryiown Mew Meeting, by a rP ee ! atc l• ; . • • . Artoirtfickr . lor Watford Countp, 'Mar Bridibid Reporter.) Ihrisperity of Ilyidtimed County. Masan &irons :—T - rigret exceedingly to see the progress of improvement in onrecnnityao much impeded in contequence of the come mot* by a few LAID hang., The truth is, we are in a situation almost Its des plorablf i were the people m the oldconnttiestm der the feudal every seeder occupy ing land was compelled to. de sertice fo his Lord. The landedintereses in Bradford Co. are held by a few individuals who hive purchased them in tor a mere song, compared 'with what they now charge the settlers for them, For instance / the lancls. of " The Rank of North Americal!whO had contracts, bonds and mortgages &c., againit the settlers, amounting to about one hundred thousand dams, besides a large body of lands unsold, have recently been purchased by a company in this county for the sum of thirty five thousand dollars, and lam credibly informed that said company now demand from the settlers the utmost farthing of principal and interest. Now what is to tr . .done The set. tiers cannot pay this amount, even if they were to be driven off their lands. They are generally poor, but honest hardworking. men, and most of them have large families to support; they have gone up on their lands, cleared up and improved them, con fidently looking to a compromise with the holden; of the lands, such as would unable them to eventu ally pay for their farms. So far as the original hold ers were concerned they hare not been disappoint ed in their anticipations. They were willing to make such compromise as the settlers could live by, and with that view and in order to place the Lands, at the disposal of men in neighborhood of the settlers, they disposed of all their interest, amount ing, in contracts, bonds and mort,, , Yages and land, to a considerable amount over 5100,000 for 5a5,000. The present company by demanding every farthing of the settlers, propose to make on • the operation some seventy or eighty thousand dollars.. Trial OUGHT Nor ro DO rr, and if I am not mistaken as to the kind of stuff the settlers are' made of ? they can not and will sot do it. There ane two questions to be considered. First, the settlers are not satisfied (as they ought not to be until they have the means of knowing)' that the pretended holders have the legal title Jo saiskland& Secondly, If theybave the tide, the settlers are una ble and unwilling to pay for the lands more than three times the • amount the present pretended holders paid for them. Should it appear that their title is good the settlers will be willing to pay them a rem. sortable profit upon their investment, Ikeppose they were to make five or ten thousand dollars, that is a splendid fortune ;at that rate the settlers could probably eventually pay for their farms and support their families. Something must be dotie ately to bring about union among the settlers. I am informed that with a view to make arrange ments for that purpose, a meeting is to be held on the 20th inst., at West Burlington. I hope it will be well attended.. Jan. 10, 111.113., A Frowns TO THE SKTTLI r eaS. - • Apirraerr of the receeptHr and payments at the Stat Tree:in/mfr. defrost year $847, uPith ewe es(intale of the same for the year 1848. Receipts. KeeeiPuir Ibo. Estiinsie, taia Lando, $16,293 04 616,00 q 00 Auction potamissione, 21,700 00 21,000 00 Auction dude!, 83,831 0/1 65,000 00 Tax on bank dividends, 128,807 13 123,000 00 Tic on corporation stocks, 124,806 80 126,000 011 Tax on real and pemonal estate, 1,390,781 19 1,409,000 06' . -. Tamura licenses, ' 34,963 13 40,009 00 Retailers' heehaw, 143.084 70 150,000 00 Pedlars' lierniMma, 2,291 04 2,800 00 Brokers' limas, 6,698 al cow 00 Theatre and circus' Reenact 930 00 1,000 00 Pamphlet laws, 398 29 400 00 Militia. line* 11.090 37 15,000 00 Tar en mita, &c.,. 47,184 67 60,000 00 Tax on certain officers, 13,611 56 1) 1 ,000 00 Collateral inheritaree tax, 42,743 55 50,000 00 Canal and raiimed toll, 1,687,995 61 1,700,000 00 Canal fines, dm., 5,018 07 5,000 00 Tell on earoffinent oflimnr, 2,490 00 • 3,099 00 Tar ow loans i 118,977 90 120,009 00 Loans, 220,089 89 Dividend. on turtipilor mai .lock., bridge stc 1,076 79 ' 1,000 00 Mellolion lands, unit 25 Accrued interest, 2,043 $0 2,900 90 Refunded cash, 2,242 69 &Ants, 8,000 00' Pees of the public officers, .1,257 41 1,500 00 Miscellaneous, 6,379 18 6,000 00 $3,97'7,025 89 $3,921,900 00 Balance in the Treasury Dee. 1, 1848 & 1847. 384,876,10 680,890 85 $4,361,704 39 #4,802,790 83 AssYlarr of the receipts mid manner at the State Treasury, for thefileat ?at 1847, sea ale atimate of the eame for the year 1818. Payments. Payments, DV. _ Estimate, 1847. Public bnproweinents, 0690,575 95 0771090 00 Expenses or government, 300,113 37 k 210,000 00 Militia expenses, . - 116,8111 75' 20,000 00 Pensions and grataidee, 24,850 13 23;000 00 Charitable institutions,- 29,090 0 20,006 00 Common achords, , 796 . 8 04 04 • 200,000 00 Loans, 289,064 46 Interest en hone, 2,002410 41 6,000,0011 , 00 Guaranty of interest, 30,800 06 30,000 00 Domenic creditors iat'st., 5,133 bi 5,860 00 Conceited relid notes, 150,000'00 380,014 00 . Dotnager melba public worts, 11,467 21 KM &V Ravenna Conaniusisnear, 98.20 2,300 80 Public bolilinP4ls masoas, 1,802 3 7 JAW 00 Eastern rearm& redie Penn. ' mak _ __ ..._ icsur tr . f r IMI OR that.*look at Weald* 16,550 99: , . 3,400 05 Peoitentiso7, 14,915 00 15,000 00 &Si Library, 1,934 80 1,000 00 goose of Riefopt, 4,000 00 4,000. 00 Cooveying fogititeo, . 079 67 Pochooto, , 00 2,000 00 Niciamoo km* 1,751 51 Abatement or state tas, 40,369 57 40,000 00 Philadelphia riots, 41 00 Miscellaneous, 5,229 3S 6,000 00 IP;680,1113 74 $3,510,300 00 ilehaseeia the Lamp Der.4 o 1847 & IMMO 85 111,096,400 85 $Oll, l /04 ao 44,601,710 e 5. . , thi•Left JO* 4, SIN& • ik.-sraitaiji Ole; Cog 7- ' 1 4 108 410 064 47 , i'• Asaitst fistiflamitttiP , new to the Great God, crowd themselves upon the Representatives of the people, at this annual med ia*, Alntedeaccdttiag , a.pent , yearjeekteses , the; reward of honest iodeerry, itt ry Orsinie of. the citizens.. Animated with health and enconrag. .tiaiiew, their have - ettemdily progressed in the the, accomplishment of their destroy, and while en terprise has been highly favored m the develop. nienf Of oh, gent iiso4toes, the abseiling piriperes dad Sae of rociai otganitaticki, religion, mondity, education, refinement , ham hem cherished and advanced. Althoogh peace andr Inniquaityr hive reigned within the borders of ' State, we are identified with' end deeply ' in l ima war with Mexi co, in which the a • le engaged...-s war with which the prudence, , and desire riffle people to retain friendly relations, could not &telt ; and which was eventually foiced upon us, by the duty that Mete ttpottevery well regtdaied I3otern• meat, to protect the rights *fits citisehs i and mak fain the bourn of the nation, it t =i, our tm ho l erests, and our 1n talons, are peaceful. The people e their bands the sovereignty of the notion, and exact from their enters obedience to their will. By their eon trolling influence, they sanction and preserve the cardinal Wiley of maintaining amicable relations with all other nations. By them the tights of Ame limn citizens, in all parts of the world, arid the ho. nor of the nation are held sacred. Violation, of these national rights and national honor, append to the justice, and invoke the power of the wholepee & for their vindication. The war of 1812, with England, arid the existing war with Mexico / are illustrations of this distinguishing feature in thecha racter of the American people, Patient of niury while wrongs am sufferable, and reasonable hem or a returri to amicable relations, upon apritable principles, can be entertained, yet no nation may, with impunity, violate the obligations of treaties, or break faith with the United States,. In defence of these just righte r the Filter of this people is resistless. Every citizen fields himself responsible, end the army springs into existence, not by courscriptiorui,.contrects for enlistments, but by the voluntary impulse of independent free men, animated by patriotism and urged onward to deeds of heroic valor, by the approbation of the whole nation. This invincible spurt glided by the science and skill of the officels , has bed our armies in Mexico, from one victory to another, and from. one great ,winmph to a greater, and will lead them still onward, until apermanent and honorable peace is secured. While the honest pride of every Ame rican is gratified, by the great achietements of out soldiers, hitssonfidence in our free insittiticria, and in the means to defend and preserve them, is strengthened. Tn the support and prosecution of the seer in Which we are engaged, Pennsylvania has given to. ken of her ancient and uniform fidelity to liberty and the honor of the nation. tier voluteers were among the first to tender their services, and in eve ry enconnter with the enemy, have magnified the military fame of the Commonwealth, by deeds off •romantic chivalry and noble daring. In these great; achievements, many of our heroes have fallen in al foreign land. The moans of the winds of Heaven, ] in painting through the long graretin their garves, are re-echoed by the sighs of their friends in the father land, and the sad requiem is tribute to thek sofferings and their valor, The finances and credit of the State—the amoursi and condition of the public debt, and the means of reducing it, are among the objexta, which claim the first attention of the `ReprersentatiAae of the peopilet The amount of the public debt, on the Ist Decem ber, 1846, was $40,789: 7 577 Ot) On the Ist December. 1841, it args f according to the iteport of the Audifor General, as follows, viz: rENDE,D DEBT. S per cent. stocks, e 1.72L315 Oft afi 37.907.000 37 41 900 ore on Relief issues in circulation. WHIM 00 interest certificates outstand'it, 353.1193 trt Interest certificaus unclaimed, 4,439 WI Interest on unclaimed and out- standing cettificstes. to 1 psi Cent. to Ist August, 1e45, time of funding, Dollestie creditors, Oeitig 8160. 627 4 8 less than it tires 011 the fst of December, 18411.--- This payment,- of the reduction of the debt, witlr in the last financial year, was effected by the can cellation, at the Treasury, of one hundred and fi fty thousand dollars of the relief issues, and by the re• ceipt of State stocks in payment of old debt', which is allowed in certain cases by law. There would have been two hundred ibotesand dollars of the relief issues cancelled, within the year, in accordance with the requirements of the law, but the payment of the interest which fell due on he first of February last, left the Treasary so much exhatieted, that the amount which should have been cancelled on the 31st of Airirch, was not then on hand. It will be recollected that it became necessary to anticipate a portion of the means of the year by a loan of $200.000 00 to meet the interest which fell due on the Ist of February. The bafante in the Treasurypn the Ist December, 11146, was 8384,678 70 The receipts inte the Treasury, during the financial year ending the 30th Nov., 1847, from ail spumes, includ ing the loan of 8200 ; 080 0 above referred to, were, 3,977,025 89 Making 817 aggregate of 4,36/1704 59 .The payments made out of the. Veto , bury, during the same period,. fad". , ding the* payment of the loalt of 8200,000, were, 3,680,817 74 Leaving the- balance in the Treasury, on the let Dec., 1847, 640,890 85 being 8996,712 15, more than it was on the Ist Dec., 1846. E The estimated amount cif . 3= Habig - outstanding taxes, .orr the tat Mo., 1847, was, 538,881 00 and the estimated amount of thesame, Boa Ist Dec., 1845, was 541,68 S St atria' exhiliits an increase; in this item, of To which add the increase of the bat• mace in the Treasury) of and werhavoibe sum of g 02,404 51 as the e increase of thetalance in the Trea sury, an a Mtastanding taxes on the Ise Decem ber, 1846: This calculation shows, that the revenueseuess ed and waning, within the financial year, ending it on the 30th Nov. last were not only adequate to meet the demands n the Treasury, within the year, but exceeded ern by the man of 8302,404 51, as above stated, d if to this mnu be added the amonnt of the debt paid withfir the year, to !RM.:- 8100,027 49, we have err sear of 8463422 00, as the mime of the revenues accruing within the year, over the payment of the interest oaths public debt, the oarsmen of the government, and the other or dinary demands upon the Treamiry. 'nits presents a very encotungingview ofthe im proving condition of the finances of the State. II is the fins time, since the commencement of the internal improvement system, that the permanent revenues accruing within the year, unaided from any other source, have exceeded or been equal to the demands upon the Treasury. It is trine, the in terest upon the funded debt, and other claims upon the Treasury, during.the two preceding years, in chiding the payment of a portico ofOm publiedebt, by, the cancellation of relief notes, were punctually paid ; but in , doing_thie, the 'balance' which had ac; cumulated in the Treasury, on thelist Dec. 1844, by the previous stupension of the payment or the interest ott the public debt, for two and one-ball years, as well as die ainoent of tareithen otitstand• 4 4.4541 EO7 94.005 47 X 10,628,949 51 6,192 36 296 f 212 15 AarigiatOWWW4ran linnieniniit Wilkins& in - nIY to Itif t telt -4841 ,01$ 6 , 3 thi c kyggitic 10' Anmiamm of,,the receipts and eapindiforesiof cuOtta do tokith much care, lad upon ,9.cial w ittiAle °WTI ° 11 ; °C , Clrytiesinteda=killeelbrai:Ptrl *ll Josems - forthe fintmcid,Tear, ending on the Mb Nov . 1848; is j_ $3,921,900 08 And that the eatlated amount or ex 111hiattiWItirtNelititiolosditt,in7F4:- eluding the cancellatkin of 8200,000 toilet tuxes, is 3,576,300 00 In h exhibits sliest:hosted mess of . L TINTO!". over expentlitorpa, of rardialk- eat/I/madame loathe can. venation of relief nOtea, which are a I . 7.'plattrof the trablio•thirri - - L _ - Anfl Vie have the rein - - 1546,010 00 as the estimated` excess of receipts, of the ,anent figantial year , ending on the 30th November beet, the the papiisest of the interest on the public debt; , the earnest demandi upon, theTreaserys estimates, when taken I con e r entirely safe end reliable. ring the list , years, the actual results' have been. more fit= vet-able to the Treasury, than were anticipated by estimates , Notwilhata n ding the extraordinary ft , ... which otetirred dosing the past year, the stsipt damage to the public works , find the . in , ~, , of the trade tpon them, far tibont Usti ~ ' , the, the tolls taken by thew/ledges, Within the y I aoconlhtg te the report of thd Caned Certunis..., la , , o, =owned to the sum-of $1,6810175,1d, • 0U11;08I 11 more than was taken in the' • inglear, and exceeded the estimate Made r I. - last year, sear one hundred thoueand , dol . no unusual interruption of business oceurred„ i 41 3 t amount taken would certainly have . 4eaclied . teen hundred thousand deltas. 1 :'t e estimates of canal and railroad tolls; fcrrthe Eftt year, Is seventeen hundred thousand dol-1 whieh, - there is a good reason to believe, is er below than.above die amount which will be eked- The expenses . of repairing the damages the ee blic ivorks, by the theida of the past year, ill pnacipally fall upon ; the current year. They are, however, included in the estimate of the ex- knees of the year, and will not affect the results presented in the preceding calculations. f The amount of relief issues in circulation, off the i Fae first of December last, was nine hundred and 1 thousand, six hundred and sixty-lour do ns, of which fifty thousand were cancelled at the reasury, on the 31st of Dec., leaving eight bun red and eighty-one thousand six hi:tricked and sue -four dollar., still outstanding. The ineans Eddie t reasury, it is believed, will be gdequate tuthe can eelletion of the whole amount now in eirtslalke, iwithin the present and secceedieg year, 14any of :therm are so defaced, as to be almost illegible, and `are trek for eirceltaitte I besides they • vitiate ,, the icarrency, and finiiieb an exerts for the ear of small notes from other States, in violation of law, and lessen the circulation of gold and silver among the people. Justke to- the public Creditors, who are' el:tripe/Idd to receive them in payment of their interest, when they are below par as well as to the people at large, imperatively demands that they, should be taken oat of etreelkion as soon as pract icable. I, therefore. recommend' the passage of a law, lltirwing such of the Banks as have ismed .these notes, to fund them ate rate of interest not exceed ing six; percent. per annum payablusemi-annually and that all the surplus means m the Treasury, be. yond the payment of the interest on the public debt and the current expenses of the government, be ap. plied first to the redemption or cancellation of those that may remain in circulation, as they come into the Treasury, and then to the payment of the amount funded by the banks. The resources of the Treasury will be sufficient to cancel all that may be received in payment of dues to the Commonwealth, and to pay the banks the amountstunded in two years. By this process, should the banks agree to fund any considerable portion of them, all may be taken out oLcirculation m the present year. • It may be urged, that as thcise notes do now bft• interest, they ought not to be converted kW a debt on which interest will be pay able. This, however, is but a superficial view of die subject. There IS no longer any excuse fora continued violation of the public faith, by the pay ment of the public creditors in a depreciated curren cy, and the Small amount of Interest, which will have to be paid, jf the banks agree to fund a portion of these notes, will be more than a:Ape - n*od by relieving the character cf the Statte fronr ate con tinuation of this act of injUsticer, and the people from leases incident to a depreciated eirculatiod.--=r This currency had its origin in an - evasion of the COnstitution, and ought to be 'clotted out of remelt-. brance. It may be safely assumed, that we have reaetred a period, in our financial history, when the perma nent revenues of the Commonwealth exceed, an merit!, the interest on the public debt, and the ordi nary demands upon the 'Treasury, beat least half a !alien of dollars.) And this excess, it is confident ly believed, may, by a judicious revision and amendment of the revenue laws—a prudent and teonemical cootie on the part of the Legislative and Exetritive departments of the goverminent, and the faithful' mierageinent of the public *arks be aug mented in a few years to one million of d vSars,aa a a sinking fund, srithod increasing the hardens of those who no* pay their taxes, on a hill return and fair valuation of the* prbtreny. This sum applied semi-annually, with its . interest, to the re demption of the five per cent. Sttaatte 'mocks, at par, would discharge upward of sixteen'millions, four hundred thousand dollars, of tbedelk. in twelve years, and reduce it at the end of that tithe; to twen ty-three millions. It is believed that elf the relief issues will be redeemed and cancelled by the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty, and lithe op erations of the sinking fund are then commenced, oh' the funded debt, the result thus anti!lipated, will be' reedited' in the' year one thonerand eight hundred and sixty-two, at which time, there is good reason to believe, the net income from the piiblie works wilt be more than sufficient to pay the interest on the' balance of the public debt, and thereby relieve the people from all further :duvet taxiition for this purr. I . Some may view thin pr4positien asoftsionamand delusive ; but I regard it as entirely practicable un der a wise and prralent ad MitlatrafitalPf the affairs of the State The ainienting. trade upon our public worts, and the consequent increase of busine.tik in our commercial and manufactuti%!cities and towns, and the increase or population and taxable property within our limits, crembt fail, coder a proper en forcement of the revenge laws of the state, to add to the means of the Treasury every year. If, hover:. er this great object is to-be effected, the public rev, emitter must net be &welted to Other purposes, and the most rigid eexcemy, and the strictest accounta bility of the yytdic agents, mns be required and en forced. It is among the first and highest duties of those entrusted with the adnihnistration of the gov ernment,' to adopt the most of .mentis, en der existing cireenastariem, to increarsepoblic con fidence and guard against the good faith of the State being eve? ;gam called in question, to reduce the public debt, and relieve the people from perpet ual taxation to pay interest. I, therefore, feel thilim pelled by amuse old* to renew recommen dation contained in the last annual m (re, which is in these word*: " In connection with is subject I respectfully recommend to the General Assembly the propriety and policy of proposing to the people, an runendinent to the Constitution of the State, un der the fond of the) 10th article of that instrument, by which the income from the piblie improvel' tams,) l after dediasting the necessary expenses for repairs and uperuttenderiee.ths l emma ari s i ng from the e St,4 o tax on real and personal property, for a certain per' , an such e th er items of income as it may be d coed expedient to; include, shall be set airart end p edged for the payment of the interest • upon . the priblic (tat, andthe gradual li liquidation of the principal. Sucliqth amendment, iudieionsly ar ranged would, I apprehend, meet with the &mid ed approbation of the people of the Commonwealth. It would concentrate public sentiment upon a fixed object—venieve all &mite of the ftilliress of the pub .„,.,. --:-.... eselay ll* .• , , ~ • 'of the ~.'elQ. "gaiainnentsas public . ebt. It would giver's., a r e ,!dililoissil sec . _ and . ranee to the pe o pl e and to blia•-; - itml e i, ' ') in no events eeeld the' remit*, be wetted from its legithel e o rest, and ;mould furnish ctmclusiiereasens b for the ettenel * cheerful payment' of the Mee re • Au insAusdity:'of • taitatiett ifieftig . 6-01% large aimentitheleirf Miserly thicel le tax'ander exim m , -Iso m eireoing assessm ent, and Ibtf unequ a l ra g; ation of that which its ,_ , °enemies , to h e a aublect ofjust esennpl,ii *. : 0 t am well aware the re niiiinsue.l- ;Mies - • Stith' All subje' e i = icke but still the experience s f the operation of nthe s tem, and the detects I flute bettome icktikei d will point oat some edieli be the grievance:, ,which exist, and wine' sh ould be adoptea 1, t h em !F =a l reverstfroy, invite the attention of the 3 A ssem bl y, to * thorough e xaminatieft of subject. Whateveri ' amount of taxation one mar t moves by in in .. , or 'imperfect e re e tn i on of the law, ts in impost atirl fraud upon his neigh. yam ; bor, who n i akes lila return of his properly, a n d pays a tax upon a fair Valuation: Th ere are no en mere intimately eraineet e d iiith, or 'which ha ve a ere direct influence upon the interests of the kb than the currency and the banking /Teethe • ' 1 There is to believe, that the par perity of the ' peop of th e United States, pa r . ticularly those connee with the agricultural inter ests, hes been protented, by the removal on th e part of the British Goiremment, of -the lka d u n e , upon our exports ofgrain, and other agrimifie ra l pm ductions, and the motrifications of our own tad , b y Which the comenercial exchanges of the two com ings hate been greatly augmented, without affect. jeff, injuriously, so eras I sm infoeteed, any of the great manufacturing interestspr ober induarial pur suits of our people, J . Other causes, in et/retina:tied .bit *he:those aped rid to, hate produced a large hither of ilpecie into the U. 8,, during the past year, which has gene into active circulation among the people, or found its Way into the vaults of the banks. Th is increase of the precious metals while it shonl&dispeese, in a great degree, with ;he use of paper currency, has a tendency trimcrease it by enlarging the neonate the banks to extend their issues. The etfeet of winch. if encouraged, will be to proinote sOeemlation, and over-action in every department of business, and thus, make the present substantial prosperity of the people, the means of produCing adversity and de. pressiori. The Veritions eif the Constituntiorial Tteasety hate had. derilbt will continue to have, a. most salutary latittettce, to restraining the tendency to excessive bankins by keeping the public revenues out of the vau lty of the banks; apd compelling them to be preparedjto redeem their notes, and furnish , specie, tc meet the wants 'of those who have cCistorns, and other dries, to pay to the government. $345,510 00 200,000 CV Although the restraining influence of this great measure; upondhe banking system is most benefi .Cial still it does nett dispense with the necessity of caution end prudence, on the part of the States: in every thing pertaining to and banking and paper circulation. Moderate dimiimination difses,, 'with a song currency, limited ko the specie standard, may be re garded as theneral l and healthy condition of x country byy whic the pate rewards of labor are se. cared, and, ail the_great interests of the people ad vanced, while high duties and a redundant paper currency operateas unnatural stimulents and ere .ntelapparant but /delusive prosperity. Sleeking can contribute so much to the manners. anop of oat preeent peosperity, es a sound currency. Pefinsylvama is ,rith 'in prodnictions of almost ev er y description required hi the Wants of mankind ; aria nothing is necessary to make ber people the most independent in ; the world but a proper r et ard for her true interested To advance these, she most not be sedficed .frorn her devotion to sound principle., by the artificial contrivances of false economists, whose selfish theories are as delusive,. as they are deatrective of the public good. The present is most propitious period, when there is an akiundatice of gold and silver in the country, to &eke e determined effort to increase its cir :illation, and secure to else people the currency which the wisdom of the framers of the Constitution of the United states provided. Instead of ereaung new banks. oe increasing the capital of old ones. our efforts should be. directed to secure the solvency of those which already exist, and, thereby render circulation sound and reliable. • Impressed With the force of these consuloratiops. I am cooViacecl that the increase of the banking' capital of the S(ate, would be unwise and inipelii; : and I respectftig recommend, that before any one of the existing banks is rechartered, a search.n.: scrutiny be instftuted into its affairs. its Li 13114 ., meat, its - evedit,land its means ; and if it be found that the notes hive been suffered to depreciate. that the accommodations have been bestowed upon fa toriteS, and' large speculators and dealers in Inner, instead of being diffused among moderate and 'ate customers; :that the issues hare at one period en couraged speculators by their excess, and at anoth er oppresseff honest industry, by the contraction: in short . ; that the legitimate object for which the ptivileget Weregrantett, have not been br ram fanh ful:and judiCioas management accomplished, then tfie - charter strotild be, suffered to expire by its ova litaltatiorri nrecfisciantinuance of such ins.itnnoto will promote the priblic good, and will be hailed with 61 4 Prubtitiene by but those who have, for pn vategain, vOested them from the purpose for which they were -established • This polity,. so just towards the public, sink it may, to a moderate extent, diminish the present amount of banking capital, will strengthen public confidence in the other banks, and add to the stabi lity and soundness of the currency. And as it may. also, inereaSe the profits of existin g banks, beyond a just compensation to the sbhreholders for their invesZretratt, and as this excess of gain is derived front fie sytecial privileges conferred Upon them br the Legislatetve, I recommend, that the tax imposed. by the act Of the Ist ISb5, upon dividends exceeding Six per cent. per anomie', be increased.--= While the indotement to excessive banking will he reasounbtylchecked, by the increase of this tax, the finances oft the State, may be, to some extent, Ito' proved, and the public welfare promote!. This policy indicated', will leadib the ext" cution of the law prohibiting the ciTrulatiod of for eign notes. ander the denaminanott of five dollars. as soon as the balance of the relief issues is cancell ed. This *ate a positive the improm ment of the enrreticy,which should be then folioed by a law (prohibiting the circulationbf all notes. below the 'denomination of ten dollars. The chan nels of circulation will then be filled with an al•ie dance of gold and silver; the public secured aravt the chancies of loss by broken banks, and depreciV ed currency: and the way will he opened tit silo further irrprovernents as the real interests and venience,of the people may demand, The cautionary enactments I have snrosied. not fail to increase, rather than ditnintsh • the am ount of a:sound circulating medium, fulll ent,:li-1 to the public, confidence. The effect will n: hr the specie of into active circulation. '"•"' furnish the peciple with a substantial currency..43'. cannot be impaired by bank failures, and 10 re' strain the tendency of the flanks to foster carol' gance, in time of prosperity, and check the mean' of opprestsion in time of adversity. A the nry has been advocated and litst int o tice, in sOme of the Slates, Galled FREE DANKO"' it is based. its part; upon specie, and in part apt. Slate st4irs, hypothecated with the Governineo . " — In otherlwords, banks b ecome, the cmhtvr,ol , cmcongwealth, by purchasing her bonds ; are devosited with the government. and the gmeT s runt endorses, and returns to the bankers.",',„ prepared for circulation, to an equal a mou nt. 1 perceive grounds for confidence in thistr t f. o . It mu-it 'explode, in a country where it is aaPr e ' r. ,... any considerable extent; whenever a trrui' i^ ". curs to eat its stability,. liar it is a deMation true principles. Bound• and safe banking ca:2;•-,53;',.. be based and condiatterfon money---gor ' d s°. *either individuals or banks can lend that they babe not ;• and if they lend credit the xr of bank notes. without the means to redeem gold and silver, they commit a fraud upon the c ; h3; munityt as they lend and put in circulauml• ci Which is not money, nor the representa tst money .If t s syStem of converting State sIN bankingand hyyothecattne; a' st : &N. fbr the!payment of bank issues. were net