Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 05, 1848, Image 4

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:,~l9rltpltt~ ',
The Pheossettr.-1111b Poittlrir, liespente
416111ftie. SSW nut • -
The *tied of printing *Rd its irdhirce, 'is ape ,
Nhicl} only ine#iases gibe . more we conternehtteit.
•Titiviumen mind, with itsmighty powerssofexpan
. Mon, lad itt its restless desirefcr improvementrm
gale% just ituch. Machine as the printing prOs to
• glen it Ml' play; it puts. within its grasp-a POwer
just suited both to means and end. h is the philo
soptheds stone to the mitatt:- -- naultiplies the thoughts
of roan into infinite numbers, and scatters them
over 'millions of the race at the same time. 1. 4 'ketch
es rip every important discovery, anV gathers to
'gether the mighty, , thoughts and great conceptions
of - the master spirits of the earth, and with one et
fOrt Matters them far and vide, to instruct and
lidrten the .world
• The boner at his fireside, the mechanic in hip
shop, and the student in his study, may, through the
agency of the press, collect together, in a small
compass, all the valuable information and discorin -
les appertaining to their respective callings, and by
proper application make them available to the every
day businesi of life ; but to no one class does the
press promise so much good as to the agriculturist
—to none Lail arneans'so easily effective for. ad
vantage, and by none should it be cherished so
• hviitily and warmly. The mechanic may have
his journals and periodical devoted exclusively to
Ills interest, but-after all _there is an ihtricacy in the
-details of his trade, a vast amount of mieutint, which
_cannot be, red raced to paper, or explained only by
practice, sad much is lost by the attempt, and half
the effect is destroyed by reading_ what is so dafi-.
cult tacommtinicate with tool and material before
him. But a great deal of-the operations of the far
_ mer is so plain and simile that h may be spread an
N,paper and made intelligible by words and figures;
rffid the farmer may study to-day and practice to-
morrow, and reduce to immediate teat and advan
tage knowledge thus communicated—and particu
.o? lar is the case when be has been educated'. a far
mer and trained to habits of thought and action, mi•
table to a tiller of the soil,
I do not wish to be understood as advancing the
idea that my body can make a fanner in a day, a
week, or a year. • 1 verily believe that men should
- be educated and trained .from their youth up for far
mers, and when thus fitted and prepared they are
in a position to receive the full advantage of the
press; then. it is that, knowledge comes to them in
all its force, and they are fully prepared to adopt,
use, and profit byat. less trouble than any other
clam. I repeat, th'e farmer, above every body else
should prize the press—for who, like him, can en
joy his newspaper, his magazine, and his books?
—who has so much leisure to peruse, read, and
study. them f- , 7 who so free from mental strife and
ilerplexing cares IL.tmd who, then, can so fully en
joylntelleettud pursuits, and so easily store the
mind with useful information ?—who so cheaply
partake the pleasures and gather in enjoy the fruits
of knowledge?-Just - look at the position of the far
mer in this particular. He has nh profession with
its office, to hanass the mind with its perplexing
questions relating to property or to life; nor (as is
the case with most of offices.) to dissipate the
. mind with idle rUzitors. He has no store with its
goods and wares, its day-books and ledgers, to ffis ,
tract his attention and trouble him day and by night.
He has no shop in which to toil, and labor, and
sweat, day and night, 'withers reereatioe or rest.
The farmer's retreat and place of rest when the
labors of the day are past, is his own home, by his
fireside andin his family circle... And what place
on earth sosacred,‘lial owed, and so like heaven,
as the farmer's peaceful, quiet home 1 Pride has
snot entered there to despoil it of Its simplicity and
purity! fashion has not sung her syren song within
its bowers, to lure its inmates into habith of eat-lava
gance, and ao deform them with its outside gear.—
Nor ins vice and - dissipation crept in, satan like, to
&tract the hatmony anti break up the,peace of the
happy family.' At least in thousands of farmer's
homes, none of these things have' yet entered ;.and
is not such a place sweet and boll}. Whatabeatiti
ful place is such a family circle—what a- divvied
. spot, where kindred hearts gatheearomtd the same'
fireside, and mingle together und er the same roof
earnmon sympathies and mutual affections. This
• world has no brighter or better pictures. And it is
within this holy plac4his own good home, that 1
• would fiver the farmer ent& when the -day's•work
fe done, ater all the bars are put up and the ham
doors secured—and after the beast of the. field have
been cared for—and them, surronhded by biii-iirofk,
his household gods, whom to love is, no sacrilege
and to , reverence - no. idolatry—abere, with his little
tines about him, I would have him take his news
paper, his periodical, and his book, and amuse
himself by retiffmg and conversation, and by study
and reflection. There in his saixtom sonctorum,
the . bunter e mny stnirethe highest social and intellec ,
tnal pleasure; and there' fit and prepare:hirciself for
the good firmer, the useful and Virtuous citizen 4 and
the holiest upright man.
Thereare doubtless seasons of the year wheithe
- merecannot ehjoyall the ad vantages above indicated
• —.when, the hurry of the harvest is preasilag and
when the fatigues of the long summer &ay have ex
hausted the - s ystem —but - this is _comparatively hit a
siunt season; at -last ninetwelfthsof the yearthefar
, mer has - abundant opportunity — for mental culture,
for leading; study and reflection, and...turfy, if he
will, lay.dp day by day a little useful infirmation
and be - continually filling 'up his mind withinspos.
WU isms and , valuable knoirledge, so to use and
improve as oeossion in *her life requires.
hare fanner'then, ignerani=4t, hi point of in
tell*** and influence, he' stands - secocul - --is not 1
tharfault Ids oinl—is it not teenier he has neg
k.ctUct to imprave the means and' take - who:pow of
threiscumstaneeti within his' reach for acquiring
lEnowlhOlps, an-well, that which is general ss that
relatinginotailvely to his own business I If the
famtv oils imptortra dire' potion' of their leisate
honniby sooty-and nifieetiou, instemr , of 'Dashiki,
thalt.,alliavray, in idle cooveitaficin, ind'vrith
the - procionstime wil l '4ll their
ot,mrkcr affords them toe. improvement
"acetiktied.ia cultivatien of the intelleti,
as in ; the enjoyment* social ' pfcasimms,lii worth'
not be hingbefore they Wadi stand forth the' this
• in poirh of intelligence, an/ be thus prepared to ex
exci!, 111 0 4 : ' 1 1 7iPer - hall:one" 44 !I:4omm their true
Pill% in society.
I have no-ides that every fanner ever cart or will
beromb sit - tempe r author, or sehrilii; bai Ile think
that all' may baund are gap negieet• if
they' ilo'not-llietionuf well infirtned
nu* 'Oa hartlS lldlY Ttarirti4 pre?"red 40
orklig/MlP.iuooeertltty e very,Pata#L .
111 .4 eh gen?l,v,tapciiiicifiel - liiii.fiee coon=
, • ' " • . 4 •0••••••••: " ' - • "•• - -
try. - The mean are within the.teach of
Escilities are afthelati . . to - be used;
and t ask thtiartaera-,WParassylvaitis if the* 11111
not tesiiiuMits&esind stri4 aftei
and Moral etevation—seek tudintandselar its. pm.
pee*lmainatee theirtiobleWling: - o power
is Y 4 ;olr lati4—ytio;*dolt if' fon will. ',life
ranee is now:being otalety year aatlita3
number of well informed ferment; but let the ma•
meat= of advance be increased. and then
consummation so devoutly wished for :Will be
sooner effected, : the 'rescue of agricultunt from
a secondary position in society, and its elevation to
its titre position above and at the head of all' other
calliggs in point , of intellectual, `moral,' and political
standing and iafluence, as yell as in numbers and
weal t.
_ fiasve-4ncap,-41 is pnababli that the ;potato
crop will be affected with TO fee many years, and
if so, wheat and other gr ai n most probably con
thine to bear a good price. Wheat will bear land
tendert the greater distance,-because of its -cam
tnanding the better price. Corn and other grain
land carriage only a short distance, be
came of their commanding an inferior price.
Indian conAreing the more certain crop, I ma j or
opinion that persons having land* adapted to -its
growth and cievenient to shipping, should now
plant it largely f& expottation. '
land' well adaptei to the - wraith of wheatshauld
*f mune, be capped wit'* this. at any reasonalie
distance from water carriage. There tiresome see-
Lions of dark stßavial. lands on James River which
are not adapted to wheat, but inn not adapted to rye
and therefore, should be sowed in this crop, if the
owner will take the precsnticat to keep the rye at a
respectful distance from the wheat, particularly af
ter harvest. What the rye crops requirel for its
perfection, is saltpetre, and all lands containing
vegetable mould have this Wt.
I repeat that it is my opinion gridn is to sea well
for many years to come, and, therefore, hope that
more grain and less tobacco, will be made. Itseems
to me that any person whoatrould now make tobac
co, where his lands are adapted to gmin, - must
make his estimates Upon random principles. To.
baco must sell for a very low price for several yews
to come although but little tattall be made.
But mydnain object in taking up my pen wan to
say something on the subject of sheep, and in the
enamel will say in broad terms, that I believe the
grazing and rearing of sheep on mountainous lands
is not the hest prospect for piefitable investment 1
can bring my mind to bear on.
Remember I speak of mountainous lands and I
will give reasons for its preference.
1. The • env °sphere, vegetables, and Water are
most healthy on motuaning, for all manner of quad.
2. i ti.
ru s bat especially far sheep, and their specie..
'store will here place a coat of wool on the
body the sheep adapted to the climate he is in
--for the older the climate the more wool is re
quired to comfort.- •
3. The land costs but a trifle.
4. Every year the sheep are on such land the
pasturage is improviat
5. The shepherd-can, whilst following the flock,
carry an , axe and be continually improving the range
by cutting and trimming trees.
6, So long as those are pastured, no timber can
ever grow when once cot down or, belted, for the
sheep will eat every sprout as they appear.
7. The highest mountain in Virginia is the Cold
Mountain in the con,. of Amherst, and on this
there is now to be seen the best sod of greensward
and white clover in Virginia, and perhaps equal to
any in the world. •
it. MI the above being facts, sheep mast here *
and on such lands, grow toa large size, fatten kind
ly, and yield a heavy coat of wook
I am glad to learn that a pageant of Lynchburg
intends, nest spring, to pat Kflock of one thousand,
oti the Blue Ridge, W and as I intend to put about as
many on the Cold Mountain, at the same -time, I
challenge him, in honorable rivalry, tre face up like
a man, and name hislerms. My shepherd, toO,-
is, a man of parts and chivalrous to a nicety, and
as the two shepherds will be in full view of each
other (only about three miles apart) he. wiit be
watchful and see that no-man shall beat him in in
dustry and neat management, And for all this a
coat of many colors.sball be his extra.
Some seven or eight years past 1 grazed a Bock
of about fora. hundred Tor two years in succession
on and above the Cold Mountain, and when they
returned home, in the fall they were as fin as }
could desire.
It its my intention to make a few acres of m
ow near the top of the mountain, the hay fro
which, in addition *the gracing in and. out of
meadow will keep my flock till Chnlttnas, as w
ss . in early spring. The,flock will be wintered
my residence.
1 will close with another eulogy en the' m
tants of Anfierst. Where thelands are either m h
elevated or rich, I:either-broom or sedge is to be
seen ; neither is there a brier, or USW, of heedle,•
or indeed any other pest to be toned.—southern
Pluto. Z. D.
Tine. Lastutini is Wrenn or Ins -Hutz--Itian.
does notdeat with' hill as,G4 deals with
him. He causes the sum to shine, and his showers
to desoinfilrila equal' profiaioa upon all But in
adjusting the frewards of - fiber;:lws adept Such
equitable role. We pry hugely for labor of the
head and little for the tabor of the _bolds. We
etodi;ete the scale of the prieei; ,
not amindiat , to
the utility or the actual seanitysifthelatror;;but to
the demand and supply: Heme l that elan thou
,lit sirs, -the to* numerous&toy ate
the merat.leid peopliciiiociev,' We cannot con
trol the laws of nature. • Yet this we may do—pep'
as liberally is we can afraid for labormimuii
lidior-Ldisr Lbw el the peon. - -
Sam. to Fsaruso.-.41ki1l adds Intro frith* peoftir
of fanning than had work. .. %the arfleitr: Ofixtter,
for kistance, the .116216 outley , itiseepiliodiloensady
.thsAsrune to make a hundreds pOundsofpnortruttet
as WOnt bu required , toliake
that wldeb - isgemil. • •Bui.tOtatake4wcr articjecare
marketed there may iieleuer airdottate-efrsteat
eatra-profitirstie plicketbf * the ulcilfnl ria:ryostur.-,-F
The importance of ecimitiitrming
those who have such be is noted 'above in
nearly evaiy depatnnent of tneir labor: .•
Lultioduninvotubeig seked,what .bevaatio to
Amities for, said; . 'wilt 'it 'obit
lOU mane! Ali* tirt*,l l 4"*".rs4lo `tpay be
eure that 4 *meet ioitiastilor-Eheoi!latity
Dio Ito ever sidi
• a
Me again to fix her diess
pila . lo-gOitiettisancuts. -
:,-OtEALNO* egAirtENtEC
11 IUIVX OfiatiffirTely patisistlifoni Voir pint
...fetned anitapt b mesa deer Ihnsietty. le
*Aiken 'which *air Prohnional akin-Aniii. !,'
- Ingiee than' , And we wotillinswthniejine
obserntios; under lie tiesiukveseese ores • '
taunt, went it set Sons thin probable /tat 'ebb -
• isseareeniiwit e dient - tbs ham • '
sisminatien into vonts of the IBUlthadelt •
son of the thuguarean ax. . - - -
We *Mild an aunt seek an bawd& public:li'.
thereby win for itself golden opinions: but we • •
that namable chiming* by which mere pretence pi
Lo inition poor seakimo worth. tomalte this van
Jog-ambition avorlesp itself or 'withdraw its *unities
clainn, hitt we paw treepem on ha fancied arturity. •
• • the glove for is honorable test of slull. 0 •
gags is 8600 thin *einem* of sr given utuaber of d
guerrsotypes irseeeted•st the Deperresa Faherrof N.
P. blbtONS, 179 Cbaitilli street, will exhibit •
amount of perfection in the-Art than any similar err
erne number from any nther finny in ihaVniiad eta •
This is no idle boast—we asean"whet ere asp *Ns a
desirous, that the . Poblie should give their lattansge •
1 1 merit, not pretences •& •
I lWe ask hivestiption.fres, impartial investiga
don. We have throw* the Wm. Who will pick •
op M. P. 81111 INS, fig Mesta' street, *
oppoffilif the Stets Besse, Philadelple•
N. B. h will be °admit - nod ,by our country fries&
that the above &sheep his mover yet, been accepted
' and we also wish it melerattiod, that we did not in • •
to make by this wager, as we have slundy expressed • •
intention to appropriate the prim to some charitable par
poem. am29n 31. P. SIMONS.
idlers t Gerakon's Dugerrertyps hew,
No. 199 Chesnut d., tout east corner of Eight* it.,
PORTRAITB from the smallest breast in to the lax
gest sire, singly or in groups. The Proprietors are
warranted ill saying, that their work has gibied a repu
tation second to now in the world.
Extreme from the I'rest—" Life-like in the expres
sion, chastely correct in the shadinit."—Ledarr.
" Tit. art has anima at pest perfoetion. and none
undemand or paetics it better than McClem & Geo.
Admire* I netting' as exceed their essahile , de
licaty."—U. a Gazette.
Extract from the report of the Judges. at the lest hi/
of the Franklin Imitate Daguerreotypes-4n this
depariment there are some my excellent specimens in
the exhibition, and the Jodie, think they teas a prover
sive improvement in this branch of the art. They have
not recommended an award in Wm of any of the cont.
voltam tint are disposed to rank u first in order, the
collettion df McCLEES &GENMON, as containing the
&Tat number of superior ipeelhefte • gen 29
limbed Id yam ago, by DR. HINKELIN. The
Adak meta, and bast hand to can all lonni of • ••*
dimness, dissesesof the skin and solitary habits of youth,
is DR. KINKELIN. N. W. corner of Third and Union
its., between Spruce and Puss, 14 squares from the Ex/
change, Philadelphia.
Youth, who have injured themselves by a certain frise
tics frequently indulged-in—a habit frequently learned
from evil companions or at school—the effects of 'shish
are nightly felt, even when asleep, and destroy both mind
and body, should apply immediately. Weakness and
constitional debility immediately cured, and' full vigor
restored. All letters post paid.
If you value your life or your health, remember, the
delay of a month, nay, even a week, may prove your /W
-in, both of body and mind. Hence let no fobs modesty
deter you from asking known your ,case to one who,
from education and respectability, can slonotrefrientlyon.
Hs who places himself under DR. KINKELIN'S treat
ment, may religiously confide in his honor se a gentle-
man, and in whose bosom will be forever .odted the se
cret of tba patient.
Too many think they will hug the secret to theic own
hearts, and cure themselves. AIM! bow often is this
a fatal delusion, and bow many a promising young man.
who might have been an ornament to society, hae faded
from the earth.
findiag it inconvenient to make personal application.
can, by stating their cue explicitly, together with all
their symptoms, (per letter, post-paid, ) have Arrtorarded
to them a chest containing Dr. K's appropria
ted accordingly.
Packages of Medicines forwarded to any part of the
U. S. at a moment's notice. (y 29
caPorre emu verve's, addressed to DR. KINKE-
Philadelphil, will be promptly wended tn.
See advertisement in the Spint of • the Tinsel. Phila.
The most extensive Clothisig
,Warekouse isi the
11)11D-OPEN FOR INFNTRR. 100,000 garments
AL. oft hand and ready for disposal, Wholesale h•
To patiters we would as;, that having but one price,.
those atm Ro not understand the real valuation price of
goods, Win-hams art opportunity of potholing Garments
as low as prolapsed judges. Jobbers and dealers in
ready tomato Clothing. can replenish their• stocks for the
winter, and we guarantee the lave esemblislkotent ilr
Philadelphia to melees Mare We agree Woodall, to
We packing of goods. atm:lees that a good emortiment of
aims and well-made articles sea pot op, Single snits
forwarded as per order.
(IC' Our goods are fol safe coal at the Attie huildiag,
12tt Matter it. sonalhost cornet of Market abd Foupth
sts., Philadelphia. C. AKNE S2
Philadelphia, September tO, 1847; - 3516
u 4 t
Death to Pain retie to the 'sick ; healttr to the
A &thy it Jima", for the whole human race,
.L .of twenty-eve diffcnint ingrairemsomd is an inter
nal end external timely. Pit up in bottles, *Eying itt
price from.2s to 75 cents, earls. For forther.pastuns
lets, ewe pamphlets, to be had of everreitent gratis, eon.
hieing a brief history of the cuisininddisecreeri of the
Psi* IQitler, cendilraleirof came. dinsitions, rte.'
Csarrox.--Each bottle has the wiitten signature of
the proprietor, J. Areniers, oaths label, and without,
it none are genuine. Beware of hawkers and pedlars
welling from holies' so house, iepOsenting. it to be the
getinlhe'Pain Biller. .
Bold only by the Bayliss iceingir appointed spars
in this county
AJLChambedin, Towinde. 10. P. Ballard, Troy, '
Geargb A. troths, itthrtss 1.4. E. Runyon,. do..
5 - 5,j. Worforkilloatodolt C.B. Rathbone ? Catetinke
noldisfell the principal wars in the United States,
. .
canadi sid--Taxiia.
wbalias 4,01. in the eitp . of New, Yeti and '3d.
iffy: WaydoeL Cori* & Co., titrirestrie.i" Wjatt
& Ketthoto, tll Onion oddness:Et* the
proprietor, or O. WAlettitylei, ptot paid, wignatiet.,with
prompt attention. • 14Y
Liate tae tibritimint Akar: numpsda, P which
tier &ski/yeti" fin oak ViLli of Narek.lait,
IMMlLlielittfeepiT igniikim the ilk We oftbe
al: Pita soldate, klaYbeeepied by Wiframo"Brigis_
at SI etbdtirtiebtikt%*l4 wad wen* ber
prolirsk bbo sid eueesers usatbspoblielfteW
bow) IF bit goad ordevaisa his- facilities
onsmoiliitioe *Airs ynavbisailiv. sorb ..well swab*
to:eye *jai pitiefactExu
roijanft CWabet 20 .. , L';
VOX THE LADIES —a loge uselimaifet wfjite
goods, such ee trialk kraik,bini4.*l.loll44
I nsualinsjacooettr, swim litany* , ate. ;, alio milk
isaissolis Art*, 6**,l aistraittrifOirigkitaikip,
ikOlitgib, Ind Latta* whalebone
.pensi twist; in abaft s reit eleiety of 6E4
pekeisveiviesariplioe• eleyle hesittei the
, :59117 • -SAVINGS:IIAM.!
'''..f,. 7 '''l o lllTM-, , ,,,,
Irlolollllintie thin tOlai.F i ll*:
ZieitA : 0 10'01116406 * 041 0/4;,*
ilMairlifliffekk4'. e alikerii" thug W.
- 1 - - - .liiimins - ibii:**lesa‘PtianitiaAiisitly:_
aur sktbrie NananinViysiz. , •-, . t• .„ , .
~ • , :t ';‘
_. . T. W. BROWN,
1110114-41147.,,,, Tel: Ii . FIERM4S.
• 4'";••'!f!.
0 0 0 4 14 Me al t S
; ishualbeft- skill evaoao
Amor iicassgseten464 km** Iliad
atlitto44o4l:4, all kis oliof moo
mio.seak-CHAIRB; got
SSTTEI3II at 'swims Ithtdo,, - sail•
- _BEDSTEADS of ow/ floactip.
ga; ' Goo, ioltkb wo salt-law Sot
sooli4t Prodioo, or-Wlito Foie
lumber, Mgt* woad, BIN
0 , amanita , el sit platilr;* 4 br
4 &soffits 13 Spit long—eitherßottonwood,Sommood
or Maple, will 'also be nweired for our wort. ' •
Ta r nintagowt• odor* lootoot moutest.
' Towebasprob. - • •
' -SOP 31C2IMUT .11(1111 Ka. •
Itown 64 alma,
_ t _ •
ESPZCTIPULLY tektite the Omens of T IM*
ds, end the public generally 'Olathe is prepena to
emote in the seated style ell deeeriptioos of
House. Si,e,COads or Carrive.Painting. or
Trinint'i and every variety of Amy .
wW:Oriamental Painting. •
From bis long experiences said the many specimens of
bis conductions now la ow, be entertains , a eattering
hope duet , by does application to his -prObieloa, and
bong prompt to ordeals may secure a suitable share Of
public pattnamge. Ifs may be footed at se times at the .
Chair Factory at Touskies Makinson whets be wiii
'be an band to attend to the calla of than; who may went
his esesires. PAPER...BANGING dons on abort no
de.. in a superior manner and reasonable tarns.
Towanda. July 6. t 847. 114
A Woolen Factory at Home.
HE subscribers take ;demurs in announciarto tee
citizens of Bradford county and vicinity, that they
have lamed for a term of years the building situate in
Wyaing township, and 'known a Initials's Factory.
which they are now fitting up with ramble' ery and
apparatus for the manothriture of broad and narrow
cloths, &nada, &e., in superior style and on the most
reasonable terms. Those wishing to have wool mann.
factored upon shares will End it to their advantage to
give them • WI, at they are determined that pepsins
shoal be spared to give the most perfect ordain tion.--
They emit Wool into Broad or nano* dressed cloths
for one half the cloth, or if preferred, they will mann.,
facture by the yard afollows ~...Brood cloths for from
$1 to $1.25: Narrow cloth, from 44 to 50 its. Other
articles manufactured for proportionate prices.
Wool carding and cloth dressing will be done on
shin notiarand reasonable terms. Thee will be pre.
pared for business on or before the Stat of Jame neat.
Wyrduang, April 25, 1547. HA LL & HILL.
New Tailoring Establishment,
In No. 2, Brick Reno, air the store of E. T. Fox,
tleird story.
R o tit Vb at alt
EIftECTFUI4LY informs the citizens of Towan
da. and the public generally. that be has removed
Itie Tailor shop to No. 2, Brick Row, over the store of
B. T. Fui, third gory, Where be solicits those want
of Tailoring, to give him a call.
Having been employed in the most fashionable estab
lishments in Philadelphia and elsewhere, and being de
termined to spare no pains to please, customers may
depend upon having their work done pmmptly and in
s rod sty Ie es can be had at any shop in town. AU
luta Wirmated well made and to Bt.
3 Cutting &m cheap, and warranted.
Country Produce taken in payment for work.
Towanda, August 30, 1847.
Joni W. WILCOX barb*, pnrchased the into
rest of hislate partner, respectfully intorno their
lie that be tray slip be found m the old staid, near T.
•P, Woodruff's tavern, when he Olt solicits a sh' ,of
public patronage. Be intends, by a careful selection
of stock, and by attention to the interests of his canto.
mere to make as neat and durable 'work as can be tini
nufirctured in this part of the country.
He will keep constant' y on band, and manufactnre
io order, Amax, Calf and Coarse Boots and Shoes
Ladies' Gaiters, Shoes and Slips j Children's
Canes Gliders and Pumps, ht.
03' Country Produce, of most descriptions, taken in
payment for work, at the market prim
Towanda. August 30. 1647.
N. 1.; Brick Raw, again in the Field
pr. wt. alanissberis,
- .... IT All just returned from thii city
.11C -LJ. of New York with a large
C ' .1 '47 il k supply otWatehea. Jewelry and
1 " Silver ware, InstoPriablf in Pm'
- ~t he following articles :—Lever,
L'Epine and Plain Watches, whit
3 L ° `: a ceosphte . assortmene of Gold
• JeWeby;stich as Ear Rings. Fin
ger Rings, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, Gold chains,
Gold Pena. Keys, etc. Also, all,sorts of biliterivare,
and any quantity of Steel Beads—all of which he offers
for silk aratitadingty cheap kw CASK.
Watches repaired on short nolk ta, and utarranied
to ion well,or the money will le - refunded. and.• Writ
ten agreement gi,en to that effect if require&
N. 8.--MAPLE SUGAR, and : Onunlr7 Produce
taken in payment for work; and aim leant now, and
trreeer,fhl file /'codas moat be paid when timer/
dove- 1 -1 war wiled credit in all itopotre.
tevrandir, ApAl SS, ISM .
la \ lll ;11 Eatalri P lEirto
Watt imoilff to ifild
•Carter`einfallible , Rentedy for litninntie.
. of taknig and sae of dons ealbtly
at the option of the patiaitt-
MSS 'boos medicine am be Mood at all times at tie
.L tsar sitabrtdoinut, of CARTES 4,13142.LLEY.
twber with en entire iglf indllitsli 'mita of *RO.
MUM: enaiprisingeeir3i thing is their hue. such
se Tea. Caw. finger. Tobacco. Peppery, Spits, Chaco
late. Cocoa. gum, Film Ilaleitte. am. and all Wien
variety of abet articles •• too aomnoocto mention
alt of which - 01. be sold .as. kr as dti nor can bP
touch wolitaftho Egbpir, Qua Wei's* Afar the
moat splandidWinatmeat iifffeneC ' e a G er .
moo TOYS, o'er *Gin oltwed,lit%
stook tbgethee,with a full amonown tuba. Confer
*twines, Yankie Nations, ram slesaware, Its,, which
most and will suit alto quality sod
Oet. 12. 1847. OASTS* & SMALLEY.
The = l -..lliiritess Bishiess
Train etiatiened - by EINANAH MINIM' CULP
live. T. loam Orli- the Tam Mani
Said & CO., of the eiti Mend North see onto Piablia
where mill be kept heal* Bat
MM.'. oust filaikee !Wan, .P
end Comma
of V an !* o4 :; l 4 l44l k M OO
watt isia*-
Ty ring wing
dosel to NOW:. APretritheir eigierkeet aetpaaetaaiity,
they:mein hopes ti moire • sham di pebbit' pmegeme,
Week 'derail had et their shop is chap nest any ether
IbbPleilbe =mete ethic. woe WPM!. ) 1 .4 IV*
(1,11. 11- Di_ i lVl ll ;•Zittoo;rkstifrois
N.. - City of Lentiftittarie. ?imbed : . asp, the
stead dory of 414 vikeilltielt-goti, ever* by &noel
Kiesetsv. bo Maiispatieet: where theft* pimping till
cisme 111 miens firtheirlitteiridteicettnly &,11.4.1#1.1
Fitee teen' ligroin!! Otereisilerjrtmaisa— dill
e~eigetelif#l l olkeee reeimee.* the 1384
Oasts piiaef the meet tiotaa‘e tali" add to itkeeitto
disk wink le oak SAW!! siple, Oa
Vierietidictiegi le4bireatemags..= if-, . • 4
Ountagilleims.ti-eeiler, ad enriammil :wk.*
properly; made Alp. 7 4G. H, v vs,
Towanda, Oct. 12, 1 D1V143.
t 0 a I
4, 4
L.OR .
_amp 44 Wm: 10u.-
WNW.asinde,, Rho ~lb. boa* of iamb. Wig of
wanmoihissimg iff'sigsm c whisk lin wow
Soon of approgitheig.diellies. asil abo gimerally; mks
dant with thee. gnaws.; Many pawns she have bee
deaf kr len. bllei in. and even twenty yowl, and ewe.'
obliged to Wil see uusileth km Ay using oat of two
botsbni, thrown akida-thar tnaipeti. being made mint
ly well. Physkiane and Burgeons highly rboamlesead
ha imit; - - -... t ; .1 - , - - .. .. :1 . -,, ~- '-_•,..' .
-..-grbe my-a* ingather of 118;10 results thilt. bums fol
lowed the use MISCARPA'S -ACOUSTIC OIL. lave
-been truly amentehing.. And whet at welideefidoome
bath, whom, deaf from Mr* ba toss ad mteh iinifited
as to bear cernaton am • ' very readily. • . ,
" h.would be tbs Wight. of' pre sumption to Cattatit a
cure in all caner, but in • out of ten of recent
date, la it teatainty th the results will be most
happy and eithicknory to A ' patient. The application
of the oil ;induces no pain,hilt on the contraty an agree •
a t ble and pluming senestion.: The recipe for this mai
cane hero been hatained. from an Amid of great mute
tion, who has found that diniffnees, in nineteen awe out
of twenty. was produced from a want of action in the
nerves of hearing, or a dip:gess in the ears; his object
therefore was to find something which would create a
healthy condition in those parts. Afters long series of
expergatente his efforts were at last crowned with sue
cent, in the discovety of this peroration, which has re
ceived thename of SCA RPAIS COMPOUND ACOUS
TIC OIL. A long list of certificates might be- given
bet such Is the confidence in the medicine, and ea high
1 has been its reputation, that but one of theta will be at
present published:
field, Brad. s.. and now about eighty. years of
age, had been Co.., radusily getting deaf for more than 40
years, se that him neat to impossible to make her bear
conversation in the loudest tone of voice. Last winter
she was induced to try .• liganpa's Oil for Deafness." It
is only necessary to add that she used two bottles, and
is pitfall:By restored -. be is cured. Any jollification
in regard to the ems may be obtained at the mania Dr.
Jayne, No.ff South Third street, Philadelphia.
For sale by A. 8. CHAMBERLIN, Towanda, P.
only agent for Bradford county. . t6—ly
Farr Imperials. COmmisinsiaillos,
TO ALL reasons rir ALL
At all times,
p 4 YO U ARE. SICK, pi cured :if well, employ
nes to continue so. Every individual *dikes
in habits, which milk to a greater or lesser anent, die.
mange the admirable and intricate cometnations which
form thiqseent, and arnaegnendr
snits 11111111111DCAS
should. poems soma saild,gra afficacious. shag& and ac
credited neat for proserviag all the fatictioas of the body
good or*.
win achieve this result, and shark, be in every family,
and in the hands of every person. who by bissiness, pro•
fruition or general course of lik, is predisposal to the ve
ry many hide ailments that render life a mine, instead
fir a blessing; and finally result, in then aggregated con
dition, is the mule
The Bitters here mentioned are compounded by a
man of stem skill and knowledge, from the simple Na
ture presents to those who care to Bad them, end which
are the only reliable antidotes to the poison of disease.
The chief ingredients are the unieersally-beloved Sm•
aapartlla and the Bark of the Wild Cherry Tree. with
which the red man of the forest cures newly erety dis
ease of the internal organ. These Mettesialit, [hood'
powerful in their action, are, as common genie teaches
and prepared as they are here, one of the greatest medi
cal operatives in the inhabitable globe. By taking
three airrsas, the scrofulous may be motored to beau
ty, and avoid the sharp Imam or the surgeon ; for they
not only eradicate pimples and tumor., but overcoats
Whoever kisubjeeted to the horrors of Ootsumptiou,
should at once purehase tide sure mmedy. In the train
of Costiveness folioti dreadful bm/ mutations, often
times insanity. very frequently mama or Aipotliondria,
violent Imadaeket,p4itolimm e and other affections of
the AeK ami rkeumeasure2ngs. Dr. Wood's
pound it cogia•of the most efficient medicines in routing
the cciinplehits, and their fountain heed, that can'possi
bly he prodatid. •
From being contated in dose rooms, and from taking
a small modkinoi of exercise, numerous persons daily
are made to diploma ion of appelile,poinfalheadaches,
weakness of the nisdee, gatenriar, want of energy
sufficient to permit them to see - kaeation..&c.
Thal persons saj for years. that they "don't feel mil
well P If they do not employs method by which they
can find Letts waits., they eventually .aicilf under a di
vers i fit of Ulnae, and are
only, by a miracle, end even then the lanai. blis
ter e nd calomel have left them EOM shattired hulks, full
of aches and corrowt, ; yi d not only 'patio themselves„
but coerce of disgust annoyance to with - Whom
theft come in contact. .Atl these
may be avoided by an early 'application of the virtims of
there BMrana. For.the truth of this. the proprietor
pledges his word and honor, and in evidence can show
filet of undoubted certificates which he has received, am.
solicited from all grunters. Ha dam not, however. mit
thaiintatid to swallow his certificate,. but Ws Urresai,
ands willing to stake af.he holds dear on earth in fa-
I'm of ditir worth
in either a randifietfor _severe form, will disappear hi.
fore the goalie. of Dr. Wood's_ preparation, and the
dolt . tot*_ be relied' on Wei pirmanenl one.. - Thd the
I:birettas poise se no other mcovoinentfinion, it would
be; one of tbe fittest vegetable compounds medical mi.
sees din invent ; but it is equal to dm tloniplete midi&
cation of
inn etety shape, and °revery affection, infitor • orgiintite,
of the biliary t agmanittm, individuals who are constitu
&wally billions ought mgkilkrly to bake this mild agreea
bin and sxcellentroste *alt n artairx,r, as it will dif
fire.healfiiithro. ughOilt sty . fibre of the (rime. and
quakippitiess and lon- ifs thrilling to the heart.—
Asinine. eigla to keep : onland.
in•trkry InWitine Out on boinl Of ship should also be
it mocked with
_thie 'Capital remedy, as SCURvit
nOt aMict those vrho like it, ‘Or, long resist its rig;
• isaaelta. km: ephliriletas es Tali iLOOD MI
foru.k r atul the old Klieg of earlier iittprudlindi in.*,
. MO disappear, soon after beim/submittal to its action,
t verYeomplaintof the etoinich te'brokert by it. Tom
~ voramehava in
failed - of miring am:mem,
infielLALL aitatt.rri nag disiinvoniratiow of ' ,
By neglecting thefidsintosdi road* tip* the latter
rat poetioo a our hikw beiNP ar. teadeed extreme.
y maiseenble—so missraide indeed: that they - wish India.
"sty bottle of •:Firl: Wood's , and Wild
Otani Bitten; aintalarslitta&nin of jossod comsat
tar oath of anxious and imprudent satfimun ' Re
• Moodier that an injudicious ass of insmityis inevitably
limilactile amen, tviis At** are patio flight by, this
gloriosa and unsarpsaabitteompound ; and dist &Mc
then tildcli ars -
ihs7 saki? beibulliad elft Itionit its ape.
ey.. , As nmedieloi *Mich- Inuit beim& , •
:EVERY BODY. • • .
Rom *Amine *natio' to, cowman awn am
rataino,uvaani no equal la .to im found -for it. It
would be.weit to bear in mind that preventive is inn.
Miele morellealrablethat:eure.unit that Dr. ;Wools
SeriaPvir4'ad' Wild Cherri Bitters ARE ROTH.
Pat no and mid in largirlitMliM4lolt. b 7 WYATT
eirgronum.l. , wiloctlbtellK Arida; - 1 2 r
Folios MINITON-41AD1):Towainkl. and
dibitlibe SionallE7, RUMishotit the 13.-8; •
T Mae! I Skit, LA-DIES t !, It.joo live mirk
./Li op yet* who& tat bay Loh* them. dasher shawl
seammt dottribol to aft 13 NO. 3, Iliciritoor. Wier.
• • air triii tharaeatbbit attercheaptatartielesia that
Hoe. that it kakis is taiiatoilthintla oe l tainting&
liorattilagtri AV rod 1- lam
lett:lora tti agozo,4: giag7 , or. Oen a,
-8 , ;". ale* mei ebilimmest. emir fluid sho t
Undo' gag *him dAsest reify Toirirtyichaqi
las vier; bjr St d E: T. FOX
• MerNiCIPOr
• ^ L. K. NYS & CO., modd lo .
.befeendieeitilene of Toy.
71/4"—• =herwaY,
tr , $7l, • "'Y ` 57 "" ' lln dituro
.1 cadet , 10 1 1 Ude et rABIBET
- YMMVITURB. liko beet not e .
•4eleolidw k iettmesei f ti"
isipsupoialadditionto Means!
ameatmeier. in'eriontiy.alteparvi walk*" cia hood oo d
make to order ,801 0 A81, of mime sad moat
puffin; Sofa Reeking Chain, irPhastard in superior
Ott allifoe trek dad altarability emelt in "typ hoi d
aseo iikeet odes.- mei, the half Nadi Mir
barmy Chat. beautifullYlltdaletemA with curled hair,
which bane lover ita alamieity, and fnahad tritit
beet be* oratint..., Wwt Same -emeelme that harlot
bad moth napalm* iw tho Imeisiom,. ere Aid be able
to lake all who may fed dieposed to all, both i s to
quality and price. load by maim Leticia* t o ! m i me
hope to merit and mei,e the patronage do liberal now
manity. • ' - L. NYE tit
Toetanda, geptasher,l, 1847.
dim die.
. can:Anne awit.orrrtas
MAY BMHAD rat Gni *bop ninch -lower than it
has ever been sold a Towanda. Goode we
cheap, and Whist am lowered, Oaf that -ice the mace we
can afford all for t 0.40 it. AU kinds- of pmdoe• will
be received in Papuan'. ' Also, LUMBER of atl Mau;
Rept. 1. • L. K. NYE 4 CO.
41C412.111Lr 4 .11EMIVISMITS •
SILL be kept on bead a lame aawanneak ind
NA" Wide to order an shorter nodes and for kee
neythan can be produced at any etherawtabliahment io
the laUd. Those who ere under the necessity of pro-
curing that snide will and OW be eatiefted. A good
bearaCand pall may be bad in attendance *ben desired.
Beptendser 1. 184 t ., L. IL PrYE & co.
reAcir coax,
lia Towaseda:
11. BAILER infonas the Wolk that
1.1. he has oinsireenesd die 131tAITEATONE boa.
hese, in all its bratiettesi at Tooessida, where -be iriU be
ready at anima to attend loon es& m big Ihee.
Monuments, Tomb-tablei, drave•stones, of
every description, arc.,
iitsdb to order, and famished as cheap as WORK and
MARBLE of the mane gualtly can be obtained at any
shop it the country.
He invitee tins public - to cell and examine hie work
and materials, hoping to merit their patronage by strict
attention to business, and by wipe* workmanship and
good marble. ,
LETTER-CUTTING done with neatness i♦nd der
pateb i in the latest style. . . . •
Bbop on Mato wreck neit door to T. Elliott'. stare,
and three doors•above Briggs' Hotel.
Towanda. March 11. 1847. • 4 i
COSTIVENESS, have given their certificates deems
made by,its use, when all other remedies have failed, sod
he proprietors are now prepared to offer
to any persons afflicted with Piles, and all diseases of it
similar nature, or which are. ound,iti. econimscelati with
the Piles, if a cure is not *timid by the use of
it is an Is - at. Rxxzwit, not a'n eternal application,
and will cure say case of Piles, tithe bleeding or blind,
internal or efterant, Yid' the only thing that will. Them
is no mistake about it. It is a positive curs, speedy sal
permanent. It is also a convenient medicine to take,
and improve the general health in a remarkable man
ndr. 1k is very mild in he Oppenitions, and may be ta
ken in eases of the most acute inflammation, without
&mph All external applications are in the highest de
gree disagreeable, inconvenient andotfeiwits; sod from
the very natureof the disease, temporary in their effects.
This medicine attacks the disease at its source, and
removing the atm; Tenders the care certain and perms,
vent. •11
Although thio Electuary was originally prepared for
the cure of Piles, yet it bas provigi itself to be* medi
cine far superior to all others, in all diseases of a in
Bammatory character, with a determination of bin dto
arty particular part or organ. In Infiammition end
Congestions of the Liv4r and Spleen ; Inflamosnao,
Soreness and Ulceration of the Stomachs. Bowels.
neys and Btadder : Inflammatory and Mercurial Rhea
matism, it is the best medicine ever dismayed..
For all Impurities of-the Blood. arising Rom thei to
prudent use of Mercury, or other causes ; for all di,
eases of the 4in and scrofulous affections ; in all row
Where the blopd is powerfully determined to the he'd,
producing Oiliness and distress,Dr. Uplism's newly
is entirely unrivalled, -
' lles are almost invariably abject billet
painful and i jurious disease; the Piles, with carequent
inflimmatima of the Btoresach; Bowels, and Spine, weak.
tress of the Reek, flow of the blood to the hisd, lc.—
The Vertu' is perfectly safe for pregnant ladies sok
the most u ul Cathartic that can possibly be tieed,wd
it Will not o ly remove the Piles and all inflamnotaly -
diseases wit out *lf . of' irritation'," lint will enrol:all
easy nine , s safe deliver,' sod a sound constitution in
the, offsprin .
I f
Ranlirar, June 16, 1647.
I have barn 'Meted foi Tears with the - Piles, kJ
have tried,Without anything like permanent benefit, al
most everything assuming the wales of s remedy. I
had, as a .Matter of course lost elf Couldernee in midi.
tine. Under this feeling, I was induced—not without
reluctanee, 1 confess—to use "Urea re's Esservara."
and havingused it for about three weeks according to
the &radio • laid down, I find, to ' my otter surprise te,
til l
well as sa ' faction, that every symptom of the disease
his 'left I think it due alike to Dr. Upham ste
myself to Make this sta t ement.
O. W. NcLEAN, late of the.U. B.N.
R. U HAM—Due Si a.—About five yews sgo I
vias afflict ' with what was called Chronic Dywarry.
I have au red with it ever since, and physicians ba ts
me th ' my liver was effected, and Mat my hoe&
were uker ted, for Mood and pus, attended with $ Ps'
culiarly pertrid smell, were the frequent discharges A
short timelainee I roma rt visite ro Atisseettneetts °o
hopes : ofrtlit. fr om a change of air, but v aried Sore
severely ti eieg beftire: While there a
s physiosnek
feted to quern* for $4O, in three Months: flotrill. i e
the midst lot intense pain, oecesionally relieved by lue
mum. Iwlin the *ripper of your Electusey,s PO,
crates of
desetiptio orn ti
i, nplaint, together with many ante
tea. Thistave me great con fi dence ill d°
medicine. a nd I. purchased a box, and nine deo"
which h .apparaVly cured me, and Ism prePie d W
ay ever, Atria Ni et favor, or render -any swirl lola
to hum ity by matteMibing to its merits.
al l
. , Reepeetfully Yours.
. BENJAMIN PERCrfAL, 89 - South Sixtei‘,.
Bolddoissala" and Retailby WYATT& KETOK'
UM,l2Follow Pt It., HUSTON & LADD
wands, aby cleanest generally throughout.'
Price $1 e - box. "NOTICE.—The genuine
'1 - • A. Uptiiin The bend-
thus (i
with a
/10.7:arache, Thibet, M . DeLilac.
YlT ool4 4glarga, a hurl asst at MERCUIIi
OTC CA" V—Meteti Boy's, ant/ Cbiltfree'
plash. cloth abli car, and for trimmed 01
camp • az NI treater} variety ever seen ill'
jag r ivtal Uhl for lllkle very low by
Oct° r 19:' 1847: • • 6.D. rionvrt
nnottsara •wirtair . wpzixtstt.ii ,
` : 11 " F. *Mears Goodrial:.
. -
annum! For Crab paid at the time of. eubserasng ~,,"
'.l..ARlitilt be,dedsketad klfLid switiun the )insist! w."-r
,nrry ..?413 artH be tue& . ... - . These terms be 14
,adhered ta: liabuhrWeekahh .at Deny to diseoutisse it
:time". a phystiethif arrearages.
.11:7" itet7Otaananna, pet 'exceeding A Ig nore di . Id.
tlireg,,tirseitarßl ; each .14;4014111C111 '40(001
. ....,.._
paid trY Produce and Wded, received In PO°
hasix Months - Both the demo( sahseribinf , ,
..—lrr rithitioltoori emery description. neatly sts e
...n.t..___ . **rimed, het neer tad thsthonahle tYhet.- I , N ot ,
"Ill"' Reporter !Mice. i$ in .o'o hteam 'We ,dc
Cornell et . 3,ltvn and Bridge sts, nitranCs o o thr nor th
ft - VD . P P.7013VA,.