Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 05, 1848, Image 3

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    Ir6i Minctlistuteals.
NT, OTICE is hereby.' given to a l co t ota t *coated,
'lll that Beall Wheaton and Bally Wheaton, adwes
of the estate of • , -
John ifheatond, , -
late of •Wsxren township: and W ism Rtt U, Etter-
dian of
Angdine Webster, - 4
minor child of Joseph Webster, late of Windham ip. ;
and Wm. Rneimll, Guardian of' , .
George Webstet,
minor child of Joseph WeFater, late of Wittilham'r tp. ;
and Henry Miller, adm . r. - of the estate of - . •
. • Plot,. Cole, deceased, •
m e o f Troy tp, hacie filed and settled in the office of the
gejister of Wills, in and for the Co. of Bradford; the ac r
counts of their - several administrations upon the estates
aforesaid, and that the same will be presented to the
Orphan's court of said CO. on Monday the 6th day, of
February next, for coofirmation and allowance.
(, L. &IDE WOLF, Register:
Register's . Office, Towandit,Zecz-30, , •
-• -.' • 311301111111711r3EfLA:Illit• , •
( - JAME to the enclosure of the subscriber, mime time
during the pas Wilmer, a Spotted yearling HEIF
ER._ The owner is requested to prove property. pay
charges, andtake her away ! ED. PATTERS9N.
Towanda: 3 Januar] 1 , 180 * •
J. N. Sumner, M. D., Dentist,
big next profeasional visit to Towanda,
VT n JUNE next. He may be found at Wood
ruff's-Hotel. jy4
I. F 'l' I •
BY the second section of an act of Assembly passed
April 25, 1844, it is enacted that any person who
may desire not to be called to "attend any militia train
ing, may exempt himself from loch call, by paying to
the proper county Treastger, one dollar for the use-of
' ; and the receipt of the county Treasurer
Mall . be evidence of the payment of said fund. This
payment must be made in time to deliver the receipt to
the enrolling officer. See pamphlet-laws, 1844, pige
398. The Treasurex is . now prepared to receive such
. loy ments. • JAM ps PECK, Treasurer.
Treasury Office, Towanda, Jan. 4, 1848. -..
M i rth Rogers, by her next fried, Eliphalet Mason,
Isaac Rogers. In Brad,Jord Common Pleas,
No. 65, -February Term, 1847.
TO ISAAC. ROUE RS, defendant in the above cause :
You ere hereby notified that Zelpah Rogers, your
sife, by her next friend, Eliphalet Mason, has filed her
-pentiodifor a divorce from the.bonde-cif-Janstritneirjr,=-L
And an alias subpccna has been returned, and proof
made that you are nut to be found in said county. You
therefore, hereby required to appear at the court
h . JUIIIe in the borough of Towanda, on Monday. the 7th
liar of February next, being the first day of Februaryi
irrm of said court of common pleas, to answer the said
rrimplaint, and show cause, if any you have, why the
said Zelpah shall not be divorced from you.
JOHN F. MEANS, Slieriff.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, tan. 4, '11348.
.drawn for Frbruary Lei m and
"LA iessione, commencing Feb. 7, 1847.
;throe tp. —J. F. Ovenahire,. J. P. Green, H. Beach
Al! , any—Myron Wilcox ; •
turlington.l. Campbell, Earl Nichols, Li.. Long ;
4',m,m—t'amtlel Owen; AasTratt, jr.;
c,,lumbia— r lonathan Peck;
Lichfirld—s. Vand'usen, A. C. Brainard ;
orwelk—E. M. Farrar, James D. Newell
rlke—Fligene-Keeler ; • •
Lnrc—Hiram H. Mann ;
•i,7lritthill—S. P. Maxfield;
>pyngfield—Francis G Benaet ;
-vl,6eld—Amos Pierce,,Wm: E. Barton;
-Wladtiain—H. W. Dunham, Samuel Jackway ;
Beers, Huinphry Mosher.
Ainany—James Willcox,, C. Heverly,lch'S,hod Corson •
Joseph Lee;
Athens tp.—G.Tozer, F.A.Tyler, E. Cony", D.Brovrn
Athens boro—Gen. Merrill, Win. H. Baird;
Burlington—G: Dewitt, iohn Rws u Cs. D. Godaij i ;
Cittton-A. Bothwell, J. VandykaThornes niey
Nuarn Rockwell;
- Durell—A. V. Hurlbut;: • rz ;
Lichfield—J. P. Munn, T. B.' MerriltyD. B. Cotton;
Monroe—Samuel Gimmick ;
°l)rweil--Jaines Cleavelend ;
Mr—Homer Stevens;
,Come—Philander Robison, Nathan B. 'Hill;
1: - ,,!:tt!erry—Wm.'Buck, (1 orge Fishier;
r. , pringfield—AAlanson S. Cole;
z'uothtleld—Leonan.l Pierce ' •
t.tantitng Grlle ;
-sh6hequin—Archibald'-Forbes •
.D. Black ;
Tr p tp.--Steikp Stile., Benj. H, StepherS ;
11 yalusing—Joriftban Hornet.
M'lluffie, Joseph M'Duffie ;
Albany—Samuel Brown ;
• Burlington- r -Ctiarlea Scouton
• ruunn—S.Rockwell, jr., J.H . Newell, S. W.Vandyke ;
'.:olumbia—Lester Peters, C. Tinkham,'D.D:Watkins ;
Durell,--Harry G, Goff; ..,,
Franklin—W Lilian' Lantz;
leinj—Walter Moses
swell—Vhandles Canfield ; . •
Lrae--Elijah W Towner ;
`,nngfield—Richard Havre t
J. , Scoville, Benj. Silvers;
'll)l4l6dd- 7 C. E. Pierce, H. Huntingdon;
%eshequirr—Ulpsses Horton ;
`lath Ctieek=bylvester H. Brown ;
handing" Stone-•i-P. D. H evens ; •
• = t - %sande boul T E. D. Montsnye, -Luther H. Scott ; •
r•oy tp;--R
oina€nbar ; •
.1-ter—Levi , N. Davidson ;
Vcalusing—E.' E. is, IL Fuller, .Rufus Cleaveland
Harvey B.lngbani ;
Windham—hi .11artstiome, 71.Rossell ; •
kyana—s. Strickland, jr.,, Chester Pieree.
LETTERS, remaining in the Post Office
Li at Towanda, quarter ending Dec. 31, 1847. •
hum John Knineik Tho Mas •
J A ,•• Laughlin Terry
inker H M ' Lent Wm J
' , lien Stephen Lynn Cornelia -
.. 3 4 1 1L111a1l , Legg Stillman
Wl7 f Mellen - James
Moran Pat'k
Liras Lucy Ma)ley Mitchell
McCrkel en Peter
Mason Wm C
Miettell Mich el • •
Moore Cornelius
• Nortbntp Stilthen
Post Ilan 2 .
• Pearsall Mary
Piolett V E. •
Patterson T-homas
%. Pinney Armes
Post Lawrence
• Post Marvin
is Phelps Daniel B
!rpm f Slain Patrick
itel \ Shares & U
I WSabato W
.udence Stant° Charles
' Sickkr Gilbert
mo .1 Sher Wood James
.rnelius BlossonEsbon
Vm W Swartwood Chart* -
mica • -.Shake - David
in H • , Taylor /
-'i Tanner - Amos
• 1. " Thump Son Wm
Taylors Matilda C •
Whitmore Michael
v Rev . Wallbridge Sarn i ' •
pub Wood Slimuel H '
Esther Wi hamdl- O. J.
'blows 2 Wheelerlames
uniatt Yard Apn
. did
irilliam Scott,
triovegt his office to D. Calih)r k iiew office, on
Id street, wh;re he will be Owed to see those
iis professional services. Dec. 29, 1847. y
e gat-.
eves l3 •
!—Just received by express, ne l iupply
lI.TF.VN, including sorne No. LLy s. and
alitieF, at i 17.9 . MERC 1115.
soma F'S - SALE,
py virtorkir sund4 writs' of Vend. exit;.llissued ou
-L-P, of the court of COMMIS Pleas of &Wad County;
to re director, I shall expose to publievile at the house
or r. P.-WOodruft t in thetoroughof Tierands,on Mon
day the 7th day of February next, it orie o'clock P. M.,
the following piece or parcel bfland in the township of
Wysox, and bounded as follows, to wit : en the north
by lands or John Johnson, on the east by Lyman TfUOI.
bull, south by Bertrand Whitney, and west by land in
possession of :Pomeroy Goreline. • Containing 'about
eighty six acres more or lees, about thirty five acres im
proved, with two log houses thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of E. R
Myer's use vs. Wm. White, John White and Dennis
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate
-in Armenia tp, Bradford Co. land bounded and described
.as follows, to wit: ttorth by land of Nlfred Ripley, east
.by land in possession of John Benson, on the south by
land of Riley Hawkins and on the west by unseated
Ind. Containing 100 acres , with about 60 sere. im-
proved, with one double log Inman, one framed barn and
a small apple orehasd Menton.
seized and 'taken in elevation at the snit of Peleg
Peck, now to the use of D. Vsndercook vs. Rho Benson.
ALSO—The following piece or petrel of land situate
in Athens boro, and bounded es, followN to wit: north
by lands formerly owned by the Towanda Bank, east
by lands of Lorenzo Row!andiron; south Canal street.
and west by Thomas R. Dieu. Containing 4400.r0
feet all improved, with one framed house and one fam
ed barn and a few fruitttrees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Abel Hosk
ins now so the use of N C. Harris vs. Nathaniel Clapp
and Forbes Low term tenants.
ALSO—A tract of land situate in the township of
Orwell,. Bradford county, bounded as follows: Begin
ning at the north west corner of a lot formerly run out
to.B. Bostwick, thence south 50 perches to a post, thence
east 75 perches to a post, thence north 50 perches to the
north east corner of it lot run out for said Bostwick, a
beech tree, thence west 75 perches to the place of begin
ning. Containing 93 acres and a half, with about 16
acres thereof improved, and a framed house and barn,
and also an apple orchard thereon..
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John War
ner vs. Elizur Warner.
• ALSO—A piece or parcel of land- situate in Wells
township, and bounded on the mirth by land of Abraham
Terwilliger, east by land' of Asa Gillett, on the south by
land of Dennis Lewis, and on the west by land -iiriSilas
Odell. - Containing 60 acres more or less, with Omit
I Or es thereof improved, and a framed house an& barn
t z n ed . and taken in execution at the suit of Win. S.
Ingalls, - -vs.'-larries Terwilliger. ,
ApSO- 7 The following piece or parcel of land in the
ownship of Granville and bounded u follows, to wit :
on the north by lands of J. B. Morrison, on the east by
.1. H. Ross, south by land . in possession of-H. Ross, and
on the west by land of Henry- Putnam. 'Containing
123• acr e s, with about 40 acres improved with one doub
e lok house, one log barn. and an orcbard thereon.
fifeized and taken in execution at the suit of James E.
Pierce, to the use of Hazard and Pierce Ye. Jacob Grace.
ALSO—. 4: picef or parcel of land in Wyalnaing tp.,
bounded and described as follows :—north by land of
the estate of Elisha Whitney dec'd., and James Butler,
east by land of the estate of Noah Ails t dee'd.,isouth by
lands of Thomas Broom and Austin Stallonl,6nd west
by land of Daniel Brown. Containing one hundred
acres, with about seventy acres improved, with one ('tam
ed barn, one framed house; and one orchard of fruit trees
consisting of apples, pears, peaches, plums, eitt thereon.
j Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Joseph
I'. Bosworth, to the use of Daniel Bailey, vs. Mason
ALSO—A piece orparcel of land in Orwell tp., bound
ed as follovis : beginning at the north west corner of a
lot formerly run out to Ralph Bostwick, a beech sapling,
thence south fifty perches to a post, thinee east seventy
five perches to a post, thence north fifty perches to the
north east corner of a lot run out fir. said Bostwick, a
beech tree, thence west sevinty-five perches to the place
of beginning. Containing twenty three acres and a
half, with 'about sixteen acres thereof improved, and a
framed house and barn and also an apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John War
ner, vs. Elizur Warner.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Monroe tp., sun
veyed in the name of Alice Supplers. •containing too;
hundred and one acres and eighty perches, hounded as
foll:nvs :—eommencing at a white pine on the south
branch of the Towanda creek, thenee south fifty degreei
east three huntlro I and twenty pen hes to a chesnut oak
corner, thence south lbrty four, west two hundred and
thirty perches to a maple, thence south one hundn d
and lorry perches to a white oak, and thence north thir
ty degrees, west three hundiedrand twelve perches' to a
post near said creek, thence down the same to the place
of beginning, with tweniy•fiie acres Unproved; with l one
log house and one log barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Robert C.
Hall & Gordon F. Mason, to use of Mark C. Arnot who
Stands subrogated to the rights of the PUN, vs. Samuel
Cranmer jr., and Richard Northrop
ALSO—By virtue of a writ of Lever' Facies all that
certain -piece or rsircel of land situate. in Smithfield ip,
aradford co., end bounded as follows, to wit : Begin
ning it a brech tree, the north cast corner of warrant
No. 1156 . and the south east corner of warrant No 1157,
thence north 89 deg. and IS minutes, west 111 perches
6-10 of a perch to a hemlock, thence north .45 minutes.
east 141 perches and 5.10 to a beer:l), thence south 89
deg. and 15 minutes, east 11 l perch,m4nd 3.10 to a post,
thence south 45 minutes, east 151 perches and 5-10 to
the place of beginning. Containing 105 acres slnd 4-10
of an acre.
Seized and taken in execution anbe snit of William
Bingham, devisee, &c. vvStephen
ALSO—AII that piece or parcel of land situate in
Smithfield tp., bounded and describedtas follovra, to wit:
Beginning at a beech, thence south 45 minutes. west
110 • perches and 5-10 of a perch to a beech, thence
north '45 minutes east 110 perches and 5-10 of a perch
to's post, And thence north 89 deg. 15 minutes, east 151
perches and 4-10' of a perch to the beginning. Contain
ing 104 acres end 5-10 of an sae.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Alexan
der:Baring and Henry Baring, who survived Robert Gil;
more, Thomas Mayne Willing, and Chas. Willing Hair,
devisees in trust of the estate of Wm. Bingham vs J.
Wriod, Adm'r. of the estate of Abner Thomas dec'd.,
And Hiraui Farnsworth terre tenant. •
ALSO—AII-that piece or parcel of land situate in the
t ,yrnship of 'Athens and Stnithfield,Beginning at a post
on the north line of warrant No. 1157,, thence south
80 deg. and 15 minnietelfifiast 111 perches and 1.10 of
a perch to a beech sapling, thence south 05 minuteaWest
152 perchesand 8.10 to the tieginning. Containing 150
acres and 9-10 of an acre.
Seized said taken in execution at the suit of Alexan
der Baring and Henry Baring Iho survived Robert Gil
more, Thomas Mayne Willing and .dharles Willing
Hair, detiseett in trust of the estate of wm. Bingham
vs. Jonathan Wood Adm'r. pf the estate of Timothy
tlinghaiti.deceased and Eli.flosley endgame Goodsell (
tern tantinut.
JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Ern. 23, 1847
.Melissa Ly i4iun, by her nest friend, Job P. Kirby, vs:
Charles Dyman. •In the Commosi Pleas of Br rd
County, No. 221, Sept. Term, 1847. . -
1.0 CHARLES LYMAN, defendant in the , above
causei 'You are hereby notified that Melissa Ly
man, your wife, by her next friend. Job P. Kirby, has
fileditier petition for a divorce from the bonds of inert
moriey. • And 'an alias subpoena has been returned, and
proof madObat you re not to be found in said county.
You are therefore, hereby required to appear at the court
house in Om borough ot Towanda, on Monday. the 7th
day of February next, being ete finst day of February
term of said court of common pleas, to answer the said
complaint, and show cause if any you bsee, why the
said Metier' shall not be divorCed from yoxi.
J. F. MEANS, Sheriff.
'Bheriff's Office, Towanda. Dec. 27.1847,
And&lees .drotice.: , -
MAE undersigned, having been appointed by the. Or .,
Ccnrt of Bradford 'county, an Auditor. to
examine and decide on the exceptions filed teethe allow
ance of the account of Anson H. Bowe, idmioistratior
of the estate Matthewlkhennethora, dee-eased, hers
by gives notice that he will attend to the duties el his
appointment, at . his office, in the borough of Towanda,
on Thursday, the 27th - day - cif January, A. D.,,1841105t
1 el'elock..P. M., of which all persons inteiested. will
please take notice. C.KELLY, Auditor.
Towanda, December 28, 1847.
OVERSHOptil f of every description; for ealervefly low
b 7 • • 4.4 H. QTARA.
inertly:nib*, kt.
.4. agov... - 4....AND...i.. _ .
H. S.; _Ez,
la AVE REMOVED store;:tersier,fr
Main and Pine streits ;iibere..efifirl
ing a new assortment of WINTER OODDlctirishich
the **WWI of /the *die is respeetfußyreqi
-Towanda, December 21. 1847. ~
300 RRELS . SALT, for sale by
B eal 14EitCURIS.
Geofts ftir the People,
NN. BETTS is just receiving , at the Centtal store
• in the new brick block, a very large and desira
ble *stock of GOODS, which he offers at • yeti small
advance from cost. Purchasers desirous of getting the
worth of their money, and having the satisfaction of be
ing honestly dealt With, will find it Steil interest to es
-amine his attack belore purchasing.
Among my goods may te found French, English and •
American broad cloths, do. cassimere, silk velvet and
satin vesting', fancy castings, sheep's gray-cloths, sat
inets, Kentucky jeans, tweeds, Unary., knit woolen
shirts and drawers, cotton do.; alpacas, a great variety,
French mesinoes, silk and wool do., de !aims, Oregon,
gala, lama and woolen plaids, gineltimi, Cashmeres,
mantilla silk, bonnet velvets and satins, trimmings to
correspond, gimps and fringes a good assortment, bras-
sells and woolen carpet bags, brorha, stradilla, cash
mere, delain, french, and woolen plaid shawls, -domes
ti; goods, hosiery and gloves, carpeting', 4 and 8-4 pH
cloths, wintioir shades, Arc. Groceries, crockery, stone
and tinware, hardware, boots and shoes a large assort
ment. 1- Leather, nags, square, round and common bar
iron, plow and aleclgepatterns nail , rod, horse shoes and
nails, band and hoop iron, cast, english blister, german,
american spring steels, 7 by 9, 8 by 10 and 10 by - 12
glass, putty. lids' eed and lamp oils, paints of all kinds,
mackerel no. 1 and 2, codfish, &.cificc. Goods sold at
cash prices for grain, butter, cheese &c. Wanted 1000
'foe and martin skins for which cash will be paid.
I take-this method of informing my old friends and
customers, that I have made arrangements with Mr. N.
N. Betts, to partially take charge of, and assist him, in
his business. I would, therefore, be very happy, to see
any of you at the ibcitte mentioned establishment, where
goods moat and . will be sold iat very low rates, for my
motto is as it ever has been, Small profits and quick
sale* Can and see . tours truly.
.YDS. SHEETING, (heavy *gooda,) sell
t7 tng at 8 and 9 cents a yard, at the Cen
d22 N.N.BETTS.
trgi store
CLOTHS ! CLOTHS! !—Every body admits that
the cheapest in town are to be found at the Cen
tral ore; call and re; no charges for showing goods.
UFFS!—These furred animals are to be had at
the Central store, from 37i cents, to $l3. Mark
the place, ityou want Muffs cheap. N.N.BETTB.
NAILS --from a 4 inch spike down to a shoe nail, at
111 the Central store. N. N. BETTS.
at eery cheap rates. and a beautiful article. at the
Central store • d 22 N. N. BETTS.
XCUT AND MILL SAWS, hand and wood do.,
at the Central store.. d 22 N. N. BETTS.
NITHITE LEAP, No. 1, extra, dry and ground in
V oil, at the Central store. N. N. BETTS.
NTEW ORLEANS and sugar house MoWises, loaf.
ill crushed, New Orleans, and - common brown sugar,
rice, pepper, spice, ginger, - nutmegs, saheratus, raisin;
tobacco, extra plug and paper, Scotch and maccaboy
snuff, Arc., all of •wroich are selling at less than " pro
seritially low prices," at the Central store.
December 22, 1847. N. N. BETTS.
UMW (2;A(),43140t
ALARGE and well selected assortment of Fall and
Winter Goods, just received, and for sale by EL
LIOTT & TOM h i ,INS, consisting of
Among our Goode may be found, French, English
and American Cloths and Cassimeres; also, a good es
aortment of Fancy Cassimerra and Tweeds, sheep - 'i
gray cloth and wattinets also, a good assortment of
Over coat Cloths and Cloaking*.
For the LADIES, we have any quantity of Ging
hams, M. Delaines, Cashmeres, alpaccas, of all colors
. prices, both cotton and silk warp ; Shawls; of all.
kmds, dress silk, black and fancy, with trimmings to
Also—BonnetBdk & Bonnet Velvet withtrimmings.
• M U F FS—a large stock.
THE old firm,of WM. H. BAIRD dr. having
been dissolved by mutual consent, and the subscri
ber being disposed to keep OLD N 0.3, (who is always
right) GOING AHEAD, would now announceto those
who like to bay goods cheap, that, ha is pow daily re.
ceiving from the city of New York, it new and splendid
assortment of Goods, which he la bound town se cheap
as they can be bought this side of the city of New York.
My assortment consists, as usual of
Now, Mr. and Mrs. Everybody, just continue your
old habit of dropping in, at No. 3, before purchasing
elsewhere, and if I don't sell you goods right, "don't
boy them." I have accommodating clerks, who will
always be happy to wait upon you in cue you don't
find the Old Man constantly o:► hand himself, and I
have to doubt but obi pricing the goods you will be glad
to buy.
I feel thankful for past favors, bestowed upon the old
6rm, and it shall be my aim to merit a continuance of
the same.. nov2 E. W. BAIRD.
QEA FDOD.--Codfish and Mackerel, any quantity
LI for ale at alO BAIRD'B.
BSHEETINGB.--About 4000, yards o
/LI Brown Sheeting., just roc i a of BAIRI MEL
IT ESTlNGS.—artim silk, satin stripe, silk trivet
V and mbar Vesting'. for winter or summer, fall or
spring; a great assortment at BAIRD'S, No. 3, BA
/AY GQoBB,—,klpacees, French Mari.
no, Oregon- plaids, moullin de Patinas, Columbian
plaids. igiegharne, of all descriptions, &e., at
1144.1111r8, No. 3, Brick Boer-
Fua 000D8i--Cleatlemea's cut baps, Ladies' wolfs,
&c.,; a goad asiortmeat at - BAIRD'S. •
Q AMTS.—MA iaws, and 6t feet anti 6 foci cross cut
8E 44 4 , ; 11AIRIES E Ne. 6, Brick Rom
TjAlll & CAP*I:—;.A good modrtmeM II& and fur
11. Etats, gent's;glallevi caps, with capes, Wiled ar
ticle &hammy wester,) man sod boy's elder .sips.
children's erdvet asps, &c. Tod *ill (WV' thins
kinds. end many more, at WlO BAIRD'S:
, M iott
.I.JL cheap article of the khid.
and red lead, Vatiettin red. eta;
With teems, copal snm, htharage, chrome, green,
chrome-yellow, varnish, &E., at BAIRD'S.
habit buttons, and all kinds of fizin's for trimming
Ladies' dressier, at BALED'S, No.-3, Brick Row.,
rtLOVHS.- - -Ftench, and English Broad C!othi and
li Casshnetee. Sattineti, sheep's gray, a good saws
went at WO BAIRD'S, No. 3. Brick Row.
T ADIES!—Do you know where-to•find the , nicest
Li French Lice Capes in town I—theepot.l4 tt
Nov. 10. BAIRIY43, No. 8, Brick IoW.
LADIES' CARPET BAGS. I oplitad article,' at
Nov. 11: BAIRD'S No. 3 , Erick
1-4 variety, eompribing all the Idea styles and reit
baele4ery - low
mutirld P s/241414 jam reer4 v ed
by . 7 u 1 9
1110pinbig; ty:
r ...!•••••••••. '
" Atteiltei4dat ;N0.4 . 4144 Rom
902118' it New‘Fall'k Viterthids
and wiII 6e=add.Laae nay lowim
IV V - notch fa Couto, Amok -Pay. fore4y person
mho.atsysinst.f.XlOD andAMlHAPigoads. ion:meet
to,resitimsd manias - this, *Wu o Don't
fag to it cods, nothing to Look. and we consider
h a favor to shove the goods: nod sultry to make it. as
' object kr the milking to buy of PDX.
dcd sibiligit, wicking, wedding; batting. ewes yes
sea carpet wup cheep es the allapelk at .No. B.
R.. et ery)ls FOX'S.
ra_INGRAMIS! fiINGRANS!.•IO pieces new and
mait 'pleural styles. decidedly the prettiest ever
in market. Also : ("man •Phiids, Bilk Plaids. and all
theism styles drew soodsell et No. Brisk Row.
very lowest poisible price? - FOX'S.
HARDWARE, to good iteetwtment. including Iron.
Neils. &c. at No.l. B.R. ' FOX&
by the grew, et No. 2, D. R. FOX'S.
QBALED HALF BUSHELS ) on hand and for Bile
►►..77 at - rep 15
Cookittrand • I arlor SNITS.
Tusr *calved it MONTANYES 4. CO'S, a large
lot- - Aiso, 'tufa few necxmd-hand stove; all
of which writhe sold cheap fa. pay. Sept. 7, 1847.
Stock of. Goods in the Sayings Bank.
T N consequence of the great rush at the Savings Hank
1 for Cheap Goods, the proprietor.has been induced to
replerish with a splendid assortment of SPRING &
SUMMER GOODS. which are now opening. and sell
ing at greatly reduced prices. The proprietor. Mr. C.
REED, pledges himself to folly and amply sustain the
credit of the institution which it has hitherto borne. Le.
for selling goods cheaper than any other establiihmeut
in Bradford co. Persons desirous of testing this, have
only to call at No. b, Brick Row, and satisfy themselves.
July 7. 1847. C. REED.
and Light-Gingham, have been received at the
Savings Bardi,,/ and are selling twenty-five per cent.
cheaper than Warr. jy7 C. REED.
BOOTS & SHOES.--A large and exhaustless. sa-
Borman of coarse and fine boots and shoes, ladies'
full sod half pikers, kid ties, buskins, French kid slip.
pers, chtldren's cloth and morocco shoes are now sang,
very low at the Savings Bank, No. 6, Brick Row.
Greenwood, Now. 10. By 8. a NAGI.EE.
1i1317 GRUIPAD_ SOW &aim%
BKINGSBERY & CO., are just reeeiviag, di
• reedy from New York and opening at the new
brick store, recently erectrd at B.Kingebeiy's old stand,
a large assortment of Fai¢ Winter Goods, comprising
Broad cloths, Cassimeres. Sottinets ; Aleucas, of eve
ry description ; French Ir English Merinos ; Mou
seline DeLaines ; Ginghnms, a great variety;
Cashmere ly woolen Shawls ; Domestic goods,
flosio7 and Gloves,. of every description.
Crockery, Hardwire, Boots lr moes, Sole
and , upper Leather, French and common ...ell and
kip skins. Nails, square, round one Swedes Iron,
Glass, Ibis and Caps rut and Stone Ware,
BEiffalo robes -
Paper Hangings, Buffalo
Mackerel, Codfth,'Mad and Hefting.
The attention of the public is respectfully invite.' to
our present large stock of goods; which are now exhibit.
ed fur sale at the lowest pric'a, for ready pay. They
have been selected with unusual care and attention, ex
pressly for the accommodation of oor customers, and
we believe offer inducements to purchasers no where
else to be met with.
cr.Yßrmember, before purchasing elsewbere, to call
at B. Kingsbery's old stand, and examine our goods and
prices, as we are confident -they will meet the views of
tho closest cash buyers.
J.K. smvu,
Oct. 12, 1847. W. F. MENARDI.
This Way for Bargains.
STUFFS, selling st cost, it' -FOX'S.
U T 'S'
PERFUMERIES. • spl •ndtd article of Hal
Dopthes, Thermometers, and Fancy - Articles, fat
sale at isle No. 1, BRICF. ROW.
Fair Warnlag aid the Last flatlet
T HEREBY warn every person indebted to dos, that
unless Immediate payment is made, they will be
sued ! This notice is given without respect terminus
and all persons knowing themselves indebted, will save
costs. by giving prompt attention.
Towanda. Oct. 12, 1847. S. HATHAWAY.
SAYf JOHN ! don't tell any body that we will pay
the " ready John Davis," for 100 bitshcls chestnuts
and 500 lbs. Lard. CARTER & SMALLEY.
LARGE Sod e.stensite assortment of School,Olas
shod and ! Miscellaneous BOOKS; also a• large
stock and great variety of Papers, inchiding note, letter,
cap. folio; post office and wrapping papers 1 together
with a complete assortment of filesak Rooks, Visiting
Cords, Enuelopes, okc., 80.1 all for sale cheaper than
the cheapest, by 019 0. D. BARTLETT.
IXTOULD spin inform the Ladies that she his just
V returned froni New, York, with the latest and
mist fashionable style of Hats, Caps. arid Bead dra
in, also a' large an choice selection of Millinery
Goods, consisting of Pluck Velvds. Silks acrd Satins ;
a large assortment of Ribbon*.lrloweri, Planes and
Lam. Al tib Ps;enifi eminvidered eleniistUal, gimps,
fele, and black trim
as m faceface ing all of Which wffibe
sot at as low • pries
. can be prichiard einewbers.
owandi. Oelober 12,1847.
41 4 • -
mina lnititutirra Is now under the charge of Mr. F.
1. W. Gunn, I !Waste rif Yale Collets., assisted
by Mr. 0. 11. Privre. Of Doran: The OA' term, corn.mooed on the 151 h. of Sept- ult. The locoing Al
eminence' a die 811 t of Dec. Poiiile an idatitted ai
NV time. . :
• ration per lank of &ties weeks,
ar3iiniioii English %tidied; • _ . sd to
Blither. English steam_ '4 00
Ancient Unity* inidislafirt ituttri,ides i , 600 ,
Dein Thinik - (rel arid 'Alain - re) 25
Arringeriminteleitldle Rude curt. die .ernyhres 'of
en accomiltaid . .Preeeptiesii-in the wing. .
Oct. 11. .1.1 f: MONTAN= F -
117 HERE AR, my wife; LAVINA DBirilY, Mika
Vl' 1157; bed and MO, abbaft.any jot mob a
prate: aim this is hereby Ao elation any. pewee *oft
honoring: or watintber away eassunt, se Lein pey
no-debts ottlegiaale of, bet mowing.
Roast, Aug. 3,1H47. _ PATRICK DUNIC.
MtrFltlS—A aseortzbeed (it Orkin& and quail:.
timers now selling very tow at the &Tinge Bank,
N 0.5, Briek.itow. • d 1 C. REVD.
fIROCERIES:=4Iatii aim! eiteosive . ensoittintnt,
‘Jr Of'every denetitotion, has gost been received af . the
easingir Bank, and'are reWng the.* than the &tip
est, at No. 5, Brick Row. C.. REED.
PAPS!, GAPS of arm kind and awl t also Maw
:Osetiboas,-easaisting of Man i a sandals, Wised&
buskins, and all, otbet o kinds, just tasked. send - fig
low at the Sawbuts Dank; dl ° C. REED.
TotilTrtß . lk 80D1 C,RA — palle s
edicskside 50e,n411.„ , di
VIVA MUM OINTSENT:—A issim.s.66 of
this deservedly perilisr iddeftt justrimiitted , re
, ''...,,,,,,.............5.... •••+••••;,..,..,.....-
- , Ai - At , ZEM: . 1 5 .5118:44 -
. • . `'. . - .a, . . . .
;,,,.''`-. 1 . -, '.',A i ,L...,..:
TaollllB.. Ailililt; BE6 Plc. lAOMMilit t ,
TIMING, alediiiii kiiiiiroi '. Ico r sh i t i i e - - as
I ca
^ ' .
MELMultilf Sa.m ll6 . 1 04 c. ON,
..-491i15, file
and *Mt mintiest I to boaismos; W. •'t • soaro..! PO: .
fie patiapse. They Gray shiaya - liiii4l:Tellay to
'attend to'UOy person who wishes ' stilme is Utak
They willoceop y the old stan d, .4iliott ii. Marcus,
sod as it his just beau enlarged an d made mote slasci
dots and converdset, costumers 1411 lad it eery plea
sant to do tabula Ili. EL LiOTT. dci TOMICINEI.
. May 4T.1847. i ,.. - . .
SLlCl3.—Black, eddied; Odd :1* etwageablednes
.Silks r also, white sad adotedl3sand Satins.,Wt
sep24 4 MERCeirti,
DRESS GOODS—lob . pieces ow opening at the
savings Bank. consisting td:Frpoch Moines, plain
Alliaccap. Abysinien ptripes, cerdosar plaids, ciethmeres,
snonslin de !sines, plain and twilled'gingbama.
all 'orithich wilt be sold low at REED'Ss'
V Clothe, inch is brows. oh"!
vent.will be .old very low it 8A
ETRAY.—Broke Tito the enct ofihe Wear
her. on the 25th of August sr RED COW, 8
or 9 years old. The owner is relented to prove pro
perty. pay charges and. take her sway.
Troy, Sept. 27. Hi) WA RD SPA I.DrNG.Sen.
Z) HINTS, of every variety and style. foreign mud doe,
tnestie, now opening et wholei4le end retail, at
aulB "MOSTA NYlra & CO.
sePedor sifts . 2011611 M, and at} prima to snit thole
who wish to wave amp. .
ea 19 MONT,
SHOES—Ladle. Iltinies.ond C
new on hand at jr9
another Large mid apteadtd Lot of
Reads made Clothing
J STORE. Here lathe place to gat cheap dot/sing, at
least 50 per cent. cheaper than at any other place. I
have all kinds to milt customers. My stock is large,
consisting of Cloaks, Coats, Pants, Vests, &c.
Elegant and new premium styles ' , a& at astonishing
low prices,
Cloaks, Over Coats, Brown, Drab, Do.. business
Coats—all kinds, Black Dress COlds, French Dress
Do., Gold Mixed, Do, Satinet Pints, Cassimeri Do.
Black and Green Monkey Jackets, Fancy Satin Vests,
Black Da.,kshmere, Do. Double Breasted Do.,
White Mancilic Do. -Also- 2 Canion -Flallell Draw
ers. Shirts the same, and some splendid fine Shirts.—
Alsw—Blue and Black Cloth, Brown Do., Cassimmes,
Plain, Fancy Do., Vesting, of all kinds.
(0 Cutting and Mending done cheap and making
Oct. 9, '47. Clothing Store.
1 Fourth or July, at No. I, BRICK ROW.
SALT -100 bbl.. Salt just received and for Sea
at BAIRD'S; NO.g. B. FL
General Scott in the Ch Of i Mexico!
And another large stock of . Goods lost received at
which hare been cal Vally selected: for the Fall Trade.
TITE public are invited to call and examine their
stock of Dry Goods. ()taconite, Hardware and
Crockery, Boots & Shoes, Hots & Caps, and everything
in the hue of staples ' suited. to the wants of this region
of country , which have been porcbstMl exclusively for
Cash, and at the lowest ebb in the Market. Cie hope
our old 'friends will not forget to give to a call, u we
can make it!an object for them Man
Towanda, A ugulit 18, 1847 k
COIL CHAIN for bull wheels'; to dm mins, &cake.
just received and for sale by
October 19. 1947. O D. BARTLETT.
ANEASURES--Half bushel, peck, four quart, two
ILL quirt, and one quart meastiresi at BA iRDIL
MUFFS—a great variety of elegant =tiffs, am= ye
ry beautiful—just receiveil and fir sale very low,
b y
019 0. D. BARTLETT.
ALARGE assortment of Broad Glottis, eassimenia,
and Sattinetts, which we have long been famous
for selling good and cheap, now cheaper thin ever—
and upon which we challenges the world, just received
at 0.. D. BARTLETT.
Towanda, Nov. 3, 18461
FRINGEB & GIMPS, of ati kiodri ; glad, Bgi►ocis
sod' other trimmings Gm lOW &rises sod grind*
by oulB MONTANYE dr. CO.
T L TOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, that a meeting of
1.111 the stockholdersfor erecting .a • bridge over the
north east branch of the river Eltawittelienna, at Sr near
the 'inert of Athena, in the etiantj of Waren!. will
be held at the office of E. H. Perkins 13eQ., is the limo'
of Athens, on Tuesday the 1 lth day of January 1848,
it 1 o'clock P. 111:. phipas of eibefirig one
President, six Manageri, 9di Theis firer, Mid meth Oth
er officers as may be necessary sor the ensuing year:
W. PATRICK,SLC. Athlfle, Dee. O. 1847.
59 Gold, corner of Ann Street. New Tort
ROBERT TAYLOR is prepared to furnish hind-
Easi Ttpe, 'lnd Printer's H.tens' of all kinis, at
short tiodee, End cin reasonable terms:
Proptietoill of nestepapers, *the tail hot ddveriieed
for the subscraets; allo this "ebb* %hie notice for 3
months.previoas to Jan. tie aidued to re
ceive pity Hi that, oti plirdiesing eve theta the dintiont
of their bills for Wye:tieing.
Old Type token hi mann* tat raw at 9 cents per
lb. 261-3 m
. TO AU indebted /
/pith subecriber , basing male new arianpmenbkie
1 lie iy desirous of settruqg tip his old accounts. mad
request, th ole Babbled, to Settle immediately. by shing
their note'. payable in the dining, if they ere hot AB
to square dp tiori. arnotedlite,lliiiiithia it requested.
.*‘ IMB •
""• - '4 , •
Copper, Tin, and sheet Iton 4 Brass
/11/10111 AND iiirmiLt• • •
Wcoslaux, as uTAH.
• L; •
ri C. tail is 'limb nxisiiiiig ill iciiiii of die shine
Al. goods, which bids preperad 16 sell at Wholesale
or remit, taisuit Mirehaders, stl as Most reduced piker,
for nee, lumber or rain: The wed Bend rim win
be pnd * %twist, oat', PiWilid U 31101,11 .
stare Ad ailantireettirirf Ettabrinimint. oh thb
collier Of Mai sod Bridge -whale may• be found thii Millatusent ot emu; this the city .
of Albany, such ai _ i
Buckeye Cooking Wove, ithanimi'Whit s wits*
ry top, and hot air oven combined, 1,2,3,4
Empim bet air " wreni - 4 le Thlseral; . 4 4
a e altos; • r s
I thdproted) 2,3, 4
Camictesa tight sir eadking. 1 Si 3 . 4
limickerbeckeris e - -• 1 ... •2, 3
Annoy Elevated Omni 4, . 3 3,4, 5
' Premium ' s . . . '2 4 14 4, 13, 3
Roe's pat. selkegulatdr, "'Might pailafi IA 3
itoebaiter air tight paikirii - • 2 1 k 4
Congress do. Alban" . do. (wastes,)
I Alblipy ranej woon . peclor, , , 3, 4, i
IC Y.. city 0 r -2.3.4
4. ' parlor emd atriier4 ' li 2
Comma cylinder -kid I. •- • 1,.213
1 Large quality if Pam Pipe,lbws, Tin, frisk
CiPPer, &Wadi; kilauialearei Wit:lie:
which heirriltsell a ab9lll et ttibolessle, or. Wait; slted
iron, 1 Onus and C or 4 mode tO cprier.ap
Ann Wide, oiaoita. ' fri rilyis *midi CI pur.
does thostrote - ardelse mat' *eh titealliipr it the
abate stork beton potebasialelsevisbete. as the propri
etor is boapd not. to,be undersold by any living non.
5,000 SHEEP ALM: pasta; for tdock oatifin
teepar - liciag Xl7, Ye l . tin
Wm. jt,pingi:to tlitvit S: -Plow; ;
.Ltring . 4,CAtiniFels , Thas.lo l I
Ro. tOribittary tent, * - 46.
MHZ inimigned, being been orpoiSal
1 to (Hotta 'flitoth, moneys rebid M. iNt
read' awe; 11:virtimi ,of elm:ldiom limMed
wiliotteMf ti theiftitim of oppoistiblitst
therSitbArty othavoryi fB4Wat etiett
his, oboe is the kotioook, or i'ninds..slef!
in pent* intelista ate *OW'
claim, or tio'Llobareed from roMiblith Ipfon
Dee. itt tIatERONIt.
Atiiittriivit ortilitt:
T -HE ut . idersivird, Auditor.- spOointed IT
of nun ?loner Lhadfortketentyc .
money vs Jty girtin TOrif of • of lOgri f
on No. 22 . ?di term ,, ISO: OT sittrain
tobn Keret sr. lifilnat Nfittft atilt, herrehtt
that he will attend to the &Okla of his a
bin office in Towandn.boiongh s on To - .11
day. of January. IN% at two o'clock, P.
time and pl.ce aU persona integrated Si'.
neient Chi* olden' Wore huni Of be —•
wining in kW/ add fond* ,
Ller. 2! . . , 1R41rf, . aikNiiir inintii,
Id esdisgs, Oriescoat
gold lard - Bei;
RIOS' Wait
' • ttakilttkeltAdnlttleed
THE endetwizsi, beripg beet' aPpordie; Atatee
by di t 0 • 'a toed Brafonif eeint 1. twine&
shal asseKoh Manta fond tabled „ thti- - Ad•
ininistretor'e idle of the toot estate of %awe do ,
Mimed. Will attend-to thedritSettof bie appef , inyeot..on
Monday, the tfot dill .failitisfry nail, at Oqiisa in
the aftern'Obrt, et hrs office inn the imortlik
wherand-Where. ail ptnons interested. are required- to
present their elating before hire; or be debarred hone
coming in for a share of odd fent •
Dec. 28. tsti. fltssis rittEttlt,
Another' Great - 'Victory In
Tlit &Ws** reettied ahrathatieatialy
that th*na had Win another great armlat of - ?it*
Goods at the:- -
tea* • tarp Ira
Rad' caused a i Trein endous Exciter:en! I
The present proprietor, C. REED, takes ' his oppor.'
twilit). to return his thanks to his (tract ' tr oth sod
the public generally, and also • of informing t tri dial be
is noir receiving i very large Steil general nt of
Fall and Winter Goods,..of every descrip• , which Its
pledges himseff shall WM WM be sold as l •as st any
t i me
other establisholeat within iOO miles of Inas.—
The public genets* ate trspectrully invited to esti and
examine (deathly themselves st No. 5, Brldk Row.
Towanda, weptember 21, 1847. , ,
o[l.Bl Paints, Varnisher and DyeNotriirs,
, ifl4ost
every kind, at relitS MERCVR'S.
—French; Dogfish and American Cloths; piain
and fancy Cassitheres and Saari:Mita ; satin, silk,Saien
cis and worsted Vesting', vtiy cheap at ,
sep2s mtßouws.
itrottsTED DRESS C . OODS.'-01ainAlurodind
V V plaid, black and colored Alpacas; black and ift.
tared French h.erincies; Prima Plaids;rich _Pea
ind ncimurn Cashmeres, DeLaines, tat far - pity
of styles for fate ai sepiS at tura,
IRON &NA ft'S.A taiga assolrtuientitoi at
dep2i ktRIZeUR'S.
NOVA BdOTiA ORiND tEITOES. for sale at
ero2s MEtletTleB.
1011EDI.E RS will find it to thei►'adeantage o call at the
Drug Depot, where they can be enppli with eve
ry article desired, each is phials, essences. dtc., on the
beet terms.. jel6 No, 1, BRICK ROW.
/FEE largest and most exteasire assortment of NEW
.1 GOODS, suitable to the season,seleetel with great
care, and for sale cheap u the cheapest, foir cash of *p
etered credit—just opened at
Towanda. Oct. 5, 1847. O. D. BAR i LETT'S.
&ST 11237. =LEO Ca 43501:411129
FOR salecheip for Cash and Lumber. ICA *id es
amine thrns. TRACY & MOORE.
Towanda, Nov. 17, 1847. N 0.4, Brick Row.
QPANISH, sail half Spanish CIGARS, for sae ut
►~7 itny. quantity, by n2s TRACY at MOORE. •
MILL AND X CUT 8A 8, 6 r t" rate ankle,
for aide rime') bb TRACY dr NIOORD.
NE liAiivori OF LOG
.CHAINS, for sale by
ixivit tRACY • MOORE.
U13E04 ifIniTAUTIIDA - I'9
At No. 7; Net Melt Bleep;
illi no* in frill blest. lobare the public een be sieicirri;
modated with CRACKERS, at wholesale; Sato
AILS,. by the hundred or thousand. will,be e faro
Pi prices which will mike it en object for Grci hi cent ' e
country to give as i MIL .
elf' Carr., of every description. fot• pribild dr private
pasties, foroisbed to order on.tbe rhorteskrimPie.
lict. 2/L . .CARTER & /MALLEY.
COTTON YARN, carpet wiry; bate, visiddhig. wick
int. tenure said bleethid ,sheeihtiCand shininge.
Inaj be leend at a bargain mid +ell Meet the Baving
Bank,,' • tep29 ' NO. 6, B. R..
QOOTS di, SHOE consisting of co *- hide andtip
boots, ladies' and anises' slippers, pital and
fillers; ettileiren7s shoes ; ale an elegant assonawilt of
Rats aid Cape, ate now opening at the 84 , 00 ilinht
eltis43 HAMS & Milted COOP
English and Atnetiant Prints, a Wie l d
eiskiitinent at seplls • )11E/Ultit.
Irre uscursp
I Fresh Sapplt of ,Dry Geoh,..Broietiesi ghtierb
Doeti &Mu Cal Netts; lke.l
TV 5T received, wallet ee* sepv4 of BOOTS
d M
BRO at the emir of Main Bridge:AL
OentiaJfae calf god kip boataidoeblecamal tinges:aims
Water proof kip ba ; Jekep nut eemosJeafs A
Norse beet isisseeiilaii
Lif staitoceirocia tii.legdiliag shoes: -
All of ;ate df Oie be. taamifiediem tietteial be
sold kw by . _ 6122 11.010111 A.
QUOARIto.Tea..C#Fse. Codfieb aita inlay
ipe Omuta& H. 011A418.
TP4on want to gat nen. &Mob. and wdt
BOOTS. lan will aloe main byWill at %Maw
nei Ohio and paidge - • It. HARA..
SOLE LEATREIt--4 large lot of oh, oidlionloot
13 tanoqd Jot 'Ole by X 3 1 .. _ O'HARA.
. toktA far *nolo. atmodist
. Kieft 4 'll. O'HARA.
Mt ti of
A = & CAM it good airromot food,
for solo &tip, by 1122 HArfIARA..
Nei Arri*il at o. 1, Brick: itow.t:
. .4. R. oftailibemoi,-
nc* ticeivior, 'ilia Offer; fw Ole .1 the Ng&
DEPQT. No. 1, Brick Row, • kiriosalitioate'lda;
former moi. eoaeletilig of army tociotrof , •
linories, liregaid Nedleina.lo4 Atlas, Mask
0 01; rediattlf hanaltticks,#to
. 1% be e0.14' akir - hoQudsar_We,ll,,ainowrielly. :
low prices. Terme CASH. ToweodecJelne. 16, 184711
r-641 - 1111jrAID F,OIIII.I‘IIIEAT L et .114§0N*,
V.X" MILL liirOaitio Sept. r 1847.
A editor
• I mtapt
it.v at
• *bin
the efetn
if AN et
• nodes
meat, at .
Rob Ifit
I.*l Which
I •
1 11 Ss% Min.. patent pig
Nee pep, heel balle,bristles,
at H.' -O'HARA.