Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 15, 1847, Image 3

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    fire ether steamers authorised under contracts
made in• pursuance cif law by the Postmaster
General, making , an addition, in the whole, of
eighteen war steamers, subject to be taken for
public: use. As further contracts for the„trest
. portation .of the mail to foreign countries may
be authorised by Congress this number may be
enlarged indefinitely.
The enlightened policy by which a maid com
munication with the various distant parts of the
globe is established, .by means'of American
built sea-steamers, would find an ample reward
in the increase of our commerce, . . and in making
our country and its ; resources more favorably
known abroad; but. the national advantage is
5611 greater, of having our natal officers made
familiar with steam navigation; and of having
t the privilege of taking the shops already equip
ped, for immediate service at a moment's notice;
sa d will be cheaply purchased by the compen
c ation to be paid for the transportation cat' the
mail in them, over and above the postage receiv
A just national pride, no less than our cbm
m ercial interests 4, would seem to favor the poll
c y of augmenting the number of this descrip
von of vessels. They can he'built in our noun
cheaperAnd in greater mindters than in any
her in the -world.
I refer you to the accompanying rbPort of the
1 1 stmaster General fói a detailed and satisfao
,r t w ry account of the coauition and operations of
ir •
t hat department . during the past year. ' It is
: ratifying to 6ind.:tat.l within so short period
,:ter the reduction - in the rates of postage, and
~..c . 10 iiiitlistanding the great increase of, mail ser-
11 . ; TIN.; the revenue received for the year will be
f' ,afficieut•to defray all the expenses, and that no
s`. further aid will be required for that purpose.
';. The first of the American mail steamers au
' litorized by the at of the third ofMarCh, 181 t,
vas.eempleted and entered upon the service . on
the first of June last; and is new on her third •
rage to Bremen, and outer intermediate ports.
' • Tee other vesselk authorizes under the provis-,
-,al of that•act are in course of construction,
t - -J
-1..1 Rill be put upon the line as soon as comple
'"... :ed. Contracts . have also been made for the
i!. :raasportation of the mail in a steamer from
• lestoo to Havana.
i t reciprocal.and satisfactory postal' arrange
• mtatlias been 'bade by the Postmaster Genet , -
•••:.. •. with the - authorities :of Bremen,' and no diffi
,, ..s.y. is apprehended in making similar-arrange
lents with all other Pow* with which we May
1, - • .are communications by mail steamers except.
t . . rah Great Britain.
?-,, On the arrival of the -first of the American
"' Qamers, bound to Bremen,; at Southampton, in
•le month of June last. the British poet office
.-..: •
.:•eeted the cellection of discriminattng postages
. aall letter ;rid other mailatle matter, which
A •-)e took out "to Great Britain, 'or • which went
the British post office on their way to France
. .. , 1 others parts of Europe. The effect of the
rder of the British post office is to subject all
uers and other matter transported by Amerir
..,,• •insteamers to double postage, one postage hay
: !... ....: been previously
,paid on ; the i 4 to the United
.;,' '.axes, while letters transportld in ' British
-.quiffs' are subject to
,pay but a single pos-
Z 1:e. This measure 1-as adopted with the
.- , seed object of protecting the tritlsli lino of
1•':' ..1.1 steamers , now, running betifeen Boston and
..:., "erpool, and if permitted to continue, must
•kedily put an end to the transportation of all
ters and other matter by American steamers
;,:' t.d gii.e to British steamers a monopoly of the
:siness. .
A just and fair reciprocity is all that we de
:, and on this we must insist. By our laws
:,such discrimination is made against British
, etuners bringing letters into our ports, .but
... letters arriving in the United States are sub
^t to the sane rate of postage ; whether brought
-. British or American vessels. I 'refer you to
.;: report of the Postmaster- General for a full
.4enietit of the facts in the ease, and, of the
tips taken by him to correct this inequality.—
: 3 - ,i ,, has exerted all the power conferred upon
,in by the existing laws.
-- Tile minister of the United States at London
; ,
ti ,torought the subject to the attention of the
r 't •rf ilbh government. and its now engaged in nego
. , -nuns for the purpose 'of adjusting recipracal
z -tal arrangements, which shall be eqUally just
'both countries. ' Should he fail in contludirm
.t i aßangements, , tind -' should Great Britain
* g 4,St on enforcing the unequal and unjust mea
t. tire shelar; adopted it will become necessary to
- .fer additional powers on the Postmaster
~ •.,eral, •in order- to enable him to ineet, the
; ...I,7ency, and. to put our *ern steamers on an
cal footing with' British steamers engaged in
is sporting the mail betw en theiwo countres;
-d I recommend that h powers cbe con
irred." l . -
• , In view of the existing state of the country,
'rust it may not be inappropriate, in closing;
~ communication, to call to mind the words of
.sa..iu and admonition . of the first and most ii
,irious of my predecessors, in his farewell ad
•s to his eotintrymen. -
That greatest and best of men, who served
euntry so long, and loved it so much, fore
"' with "serious concern," the danger to our
-on "of characterizing parties by geographi
discriminations—northern and southern,
, qntir and' western--.-whtnee detligning men
Ptuleator to excite 'a belief that there is a
i. difference of local interests and views," and
. .-aed his country against it.. .
' i deep and solemn was his conviction of the
t"rtance of the• Union and of preserving liar
'y between its different parts, that he de
2rtd to his countrymen in that address, "it is
•littite moment that you should properly csti
:o the immense value of your national Union
- .lur collective and individual happiness; that
should cherish a cordial, habitual and im
'tachnientlolt, \ - accustoming your
ink and to speak f it, as -a palladi
- p6iiticiii safety and prosperity ;
its preservatioti with jealous anx
intenancing wha l tever may suggest'
icion4that it can-in-any event be abaa
indjgnantly frowning upon the first
s'er.y..attempt to alienate any por
iountry fr. , in the rest, or to enfeeble
ics-which now` link together the ye--
lapse of half & century, these admo-
Washington 'fall upon us with all
;lath. It is difficult to estimate the
faker of our glorious Union of mu
tates," to which we erase much in
mr growth in population and wealth,
:hat oonstitutes ns a great and bap-
How unimportant are all our Alf
pinion, upon miner questions ot pub-
3ompared with its preservation; and
ilously should we avoid all agitating
h may tend to distract and divide us•
ling parties, separated by geogra
whoreby it may be weakened and
the blessing of the Almighty Ruler
erne, neon your deliberations, it will
be my bigbeilt' duty, no less thy,,my sincere
pleasure, tor 4 . 4llieratB,7sith yotajww meas
ures which-Mayteist. to promote „thelimot and
endmingiielfare of our common couetr3t:
WasivoioN, December, 1847.
.1111I1711[1, CORIUM
The leading purpose of this joqrnal is, the discussion
of the question of Slavery, and the advocacy of the main
principles of the Liberty Party. Due attention is given
to 'Social and Political Questions of pile* importance
nor are the interests of a Pure Literature overbooked.
It aims to pteservea faithful record of important events ;
of inventions 6r discoveries affecting the progress of So
ciety.; of public documents of permanent Value; and,
during the sessions of Congress, to present such reports
•Of its proceedings; as. will convey a correct idea not
only of its action, but of its spirit and • policY. The de
bates on the exciting subjects of Slavery rAid the
can War, expected to arse in the next Coupe's, Will
occupy a kip litter of its columns.
Arrangements havii . beeti made for extending and,en
riching its already valuable Department of Home and
Foreign Correspondence.
It is printed.on• mammoth sheet, of the very finest
quality, In the best style, at $2,00 a year. payable in ad
The generous spirit in which the Era has been wAl
corned by the public Press, and the very liberal patron
age it has received during this, the first year of its exist
ence, encourages us to hope for large aansidons to our
subscription list.
It u dable that subscriptions be forwarded withou.
delay, so tat they may be entered before the approach
ing Congress.
All communications addonsed to
• L. P. NOBLE.
Publisher of the National Era, Washington, D. C.
fl THE ERRONEOUS IMPRESSION that a variety of
medicines are necessary to conquer as many seemingly vari
ous maladies, is fas. giving way to more rational views. All
medicine, to be effective, must enter the blood.and must flow
with it to every part of the body. The effect the medicine
produces, is a general effect, extending over the whole sy
tern, though it maybe manifested outwardly at a pectiliar o -
gen. There is no such thing as a purely local effect produC . -
ed. except by the use of active persons. As well it might be
required to eat a separate dish in order to nourikh each parti
cular part of the body, ns to require a different remedy for ev
ery apparently d.fferent lament. The truth is all disease ari
ses from one cause, acting in different parts of the body
This doctrine is self-evident that but few at the present day
disphte it.
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills remove this cause wherever
it Is located, because Mei)* enter the medallion and aid the
'salutary workings of .Nature to expel the offending matter.
BENVAitIi or CoceiratrErrs. Remember the only original and
genuine Indian Veg v etable Pills Wive the immature of Willima
Wright written with a-pen on the top label of each box. •
Agents in Bradford county.
Idontanyes & Co..lowanda. U. bloody & Co.. Frenchiown:
& D. F. Pomeroy. l'rny. D. Itnnk, Itortibrook.
Corycll & flee. East Buinton. J. C. AlininC Rum. creek.
. Win Gibson. Ulpter. C. Ratlibone. Canton. .
L. S. Ellsworth. 'Athens. W ."Campbell, Sheshequin
Guy Tracy, Milan. J J. Warlord. Monroeton.
Principle office and general DePot. 169 Race St. Phi Pa.
PriatosAny Coxscsamms.—Frona its having almost, always
baffled the most skilfu , medical treatment, has very ;eaty
been termed the `• Opprobliurn of Physicians ;" and. until with
in a few years, been generally considered incurable, although%
many medical men.of the highest standing, among whom wee
may ment.on Litennee and his friend Bayle—both distinguish- •
ed authors. admit that this much dreaded disease may be cur
ed, even in - its advanced stages, when thy lungs are not.corm
pletely disorganized. This remedy which we now offer, Wis.
ter's Balsam of W.ld Cherry, for the cure of this &seas-, not
only tmanates from a regular Phys:catn, but has also been
well tested in all the complaints for which it. is recommended.
It is not my intent.on, therefrire. either to cloak it in mystery,
or :n any way deceive the public by overrating 1111 virtues ; on
the contrary. I shall simply endeavor to give a brief statement
of its us-fulness: and flintsi myself that its surpr.sing efficacy
I will enable me to farni th 'inch procifs s _esiits virtues as will ant
i isfy the most incredulmck.tuat Consurnilpilion may and - CAN
IBF. CURED,' if this medicine be reshrihd to in time. ,
The genuine signedl.!'BUTTS on the wrapper; Sold. by
A. S. CHAMBERLIN, Towanda. .
DONATION f ARTY.—The Ladies of
11017 7. the Presbyteria,lehurch and Congregation,
ofTowanda, design to give a PARTY, on Friday
the 24th inst.,at 2 o'clock P. M.,at the how, of Rev.
MR. FOSTER, for the purpose of receiving dona
tions fur the benefit of the Pastor and hi 4 family.
'rhe invitation is general. It is hoped that who
feel an interest in promoting the good cans will at
tend, withotit further 'solicitation. .
Dec. 14, 1847.
'New tibsertiscmcuts.
NTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a meeting of
-L the stockholders for erecting a bridge over the.
north east•branch of the river Susquehanna, at or near
the village of Athens, in the county of Bradford, will
be held st . the office of E..H. Perkins Esq., is the boro'
of Athens, on Tuesday the llth day of January 1848,
at I o'clock P. M., for the 'purpose of electing one
President, six Managers, ono Treasurer, and Pilch oth
er officers as may be necessary for the ensuing year.
H. W. PATWICK,SZC: Athens, Dec. 10. 1847.
59 Gold, corner of Ann street, New York
Dp O BERT TAYLOR is prepared ,to. faiths& band
it cut Type, and Printers M..terials
o f all kinds, at
short notice, and on reasonable terms.
Proprietors of newspapers, who have not advertised
for the subscribers, who may publish this notice for 3
months previous to Jan. 1.1848, will be entitled to re
ceive pay in'type, on purchasing five times the amount
of their bills for advertising.
Old Type taken in exchange for new at 9 cent/ pet
26-3 m
Goods, for the Eleople,
Al? Tag
11!TN. BETTS is just receiving, *gybe Central store
.. in the new brick block, a very large and desins
ble. stock of GOODS, which he offer* at a ve7 small
advance from co-t.. PurChateredesirous of getting The
worth of their money. and having the. satisfaction 'bf be
ing honestly dealt with, will find it their interest to ex
amine his stock belore purchasing.
Among my goods may be found French. English and
American broad Cloths, do. cassimere, silk velvet and
satin vesting'', fancy castings, sheep's gray cloths. sat
incite, Kentucky jeans, tweeds, limeys, knit woolen
shirts and drawers, cotton do.; alpacas., a great variety,
French merinoes, silk and wool do.. de laines, Oregon,
gala, lama and woolen plaids, ginghams, cashmres,
mantilla silk, 'bonnet velvets and stiles, trimmings to
correspond, gimps and fringes a good assortment, bros.
sells and. woolen carpet bags, bawls*. stradilla, cash
mere, delain, french and woolen plaid .howls, domes
tic goods, hosiery and fires, carpetinga, - 4 and 84 oil
cloths,- window shades, &c. Groceries, crockery, stone
and tin ware. hardware: boots and shoes I large assort
ment. Leather, nails, square, round and common bar
- iron, plow am! aledgepaUerns nail rod, horse shoes and
nail*, bead and hoop iron, cast, english blister, german,
american spring stlels. 7 by 0, 8 b 7 10 and 10 b 7 1$
glass, potty. linseed and - lamp oils, paints of all kinds,
mackerel no. 1 and 2, codfish, &c. ire, Goods sold. at
cash prices for grain, butter; cheese like; Wanted 1000
fox and martin Skins for which cash will be paid.
,I take ibis metbo of informing my old friends and
customers, that I have made arrangements with Mr.N.
N. Betts, to partially take charge of, and assist him, in
'his business. I would, therefore, be very'happy, tons
any of you et the above mentionedostabliikmant, where
rods must sand will be sold at very low rates, toe my
motto is as t ever has been, small profits end quiik
sales. Call and see • Yoking truly.
FOOTS ier-BHOES.—a good asaoitment of men's,
boy's. a nd children's comae and kip boots: Ida.
aa and misses' oboes, of almost every -tariety.ebeap
as ever, by ! dl • .E. T. FOX.
AHD W ARE.—A very large stuck of Hardware. of
11 every description. just -reed a • INERCURIL
COCOA CHOCOLAT& genuine end 'freib, by
Oct. 27. CARTER 'dr. 851 A lit EY:
' ilairtdianbiw 14u„ - cc'
Lsr 11,W'Aive 0 ),ID oit
AI LARGE and well selected assortnicot Fall and
Whyte Goods; just *Arad, sod for sale by EL.
I.loll' & TOMEINS, consisting of
Among our Goods may be found, French, English
and American Cloths and CM1101110111; also, a good we
ointment cif Fancy Cush:one* and Tweeds, sheep's
also, • cloth' and satinets ; also,. • good assortment Of
Over coat.ClotiWand Cloakin
For the LADIES, we have any guantiti of Ging
ham', M . Edition', Cub alpaccas , of all colors
and prices, both cotton rod si k warp ; Bharelc of all
kinds, dress silk, black arid , with trimmings to
Also—BonneiSilk & Bowan Velvet with trimming'.
MUFFfiI---1 large Mock.
Sept. 17 . ELLIOTT & MOM KISS.
New Arrival at No. 1, Brick Row !
Ts now mailing, sod offers for sale at the DRUG
DEPOT, No. 1, Brick Row. • large addition va his
former - afoot, eonsisting\of every variety of
Grocales,.Drop and ileflleines. Dye Staffs, Pilots,
. Oils, Perfotaery,lancy Articles it..
which will be sold et wholesale or retail, at optimally
low prices. Terms CASH. ATowarida, Jane 16, 1847.
PATENT MEDICINES, every kind now' in tuff,
can be found at the Drug Depot; Agent for Jaynes
Smith's, (Marna 's, Moffat's, Pain killer, and various
other medicines. A full and general supply always on
hand " jell) No. I, \ BRICK ROW.
THE old firm of WM. H. BAIRD 4. having
been dissolved by mutual consent. sind the subscri
ber being disposed to keep OLD N 0.3, (who is Always
right) GOING AH EA D, would now annot nee to those
who like to buy goods chesp,sthat he is now daily re-
Leiving from the city of New York, a new and , splendid
assortment of Goods, which ho is bound 9 . sellus cheap,
as they can be bought this side of the city oftleie York. I
My• assortment consists, as usual of -
TRUCK. CART'S. &C., •&C.
Now, Mr. and. Mrs. Everybody, just continue your
old habit of dropping in at No. 3, before purchasing
elsewhere, and if I don't sell you goods tight, "don't
buy them." I have accommodating clerks, who will
always be happy to wait upon yo u
, in case - you don't
find the Old Man constantly on hand himsel4 and I
have n) doubt but on pricing the goods you will be glad
to buy. ' •
I feel thankful for past favcirs, bestowed upon the old
firm, and it shall be my aim to merit a continuance of
the same. novS E. W. BAIRD.
EA FOOD.—Codfiab and Mackerel, any , quantity
for sale at nlO HORD'S.
J3ROWN SHEETINGS.—Ahout 43,000 yards of
Brown Sheeting.. just recd at BAIRIeS.
VESTINGS.-Bstin; silk, satin stripe, silk velvet
V shd other Vesting'', for winter nr summer, MI or
spring ; s great assortment at BAIRD'S. No. 2, B.R.
CHOICE DRY GOODS,—Alpaccas, French Merl
nO, Oregon plaids, rnouslin de laines, Columbian
plaids.ginghams, of all descriptions, &c., &c., at ,
Nov. O. BAIRD'S, No. $, Brick Row.
IN UR 0001:13.--iGentlemen's for caps, Ladies' muffs,
good assortment at DAIRD'&
QAWS.—MiII saws, and 6i feet and 6 foot cross cot
)..7 saws, at BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Row.
HATS & CAPS.—A good assortment silk and fur
Hats, gent's ulrzed caps, with capes, (a peat ar
ticle for stormy Weather,) men anti boy's cloth caps,
children's velvet caps. &c." You will find all these
kind,, and many more, at nIO BAIRD'S.
HOREM BLANKETS .— if you want a good and
cheaparticle of the kind, cell at BAIRD'S.
PAINTS.—White and red lead, Venetian red, Spa
nish brown, copal gum, liiharage, chrome green,
fhrome yellow, varnish, &c., at BAIRD'S.
LADIES' DRESS TRI MlNGS.—Fringe, gimp,
habit buttons, and an kinds of fizin's for trimming
dresses. at BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Row.
CLOTHS.—French, and English Broad Cloths ; and
.Cassitnercs, Sattinets. sheep's gray, a good stilton
mreit at 'nlo BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Row.
T A DIES !—Do you know where to Eind the nicest
JLI French Lace Capes in town'—the spot is at
Nov. 10. BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Roil.
LADIES' CARPET BAGS, a splendid articla, at
Nor. II . BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Bolin
MILL, Monroe. Sept. 23, 1847.,
Q 2
REW-ARDI--Strayed or stolen from the sub
scriber residing near the centre of LitchfieW tp.,
Brad. co., Pa.,` shout nine weeks 52,0, a dark brown
STAG, heavy bodied, horns mostly Watt. •A reward
of two dollars will be paid to any persob who will give
infirmation where said stag may be found.
Oct. 26, 1817. LEONARD DEMAREST.
Another Great Victory in Mexico .
Fri news was received simultanecrosly with news
that there had been another great arrival of New
Goods at the
end. caused a Tremendous Excitemeno !
The present proprietor, C. REED, takes this oppor
tunity to return his thanks to his former patrons and
the public generally, and also of informing them that be
is now receiving a very large and general assortment of
Fall sod Winter Goods, of Emery descripion, which be
pledges himself shill and wiil be sold as low as at any
other establishment within 100 miles of Towanda,—
The public generally are respectfully invited ?ol:Ill - and
examine to satisfy themselves at No. 5, Brick Row.
Towanda, ?September 21, 1847.
It Re. 7, New Brick Bieck,
IS now in full blast, where the public cen be aecom -
moilated with CRACKERS, at wholesale; SiAct
Cana , by the hundred or thousand, will be furnished
et prices which will ma it an object for Groan in the
country to give ns a call:
CA MN, of every description, for public or private
parties, furnished to order on the slickest notice.
Oct. 26. CARTER & :BMA LLEY.
F01.1R.-50 sacks of fire Ms flour just received
and for sak at . BAIRD'B. N 0.3, B. R.
" fide. pot up in wine vinegar, expressly for_fam
ly use
WN IDOW GLABB.-7 by 9, 8 by 10, 10 by IS,
10 by 14, IS by 16, 1 18, 14 by 11, all of
good quality and in t order, for sale by
October 19, 1 . Ot D.BARTLETT.
in, 411 hide:Wed 1
HE subscriber, basing mode new arrangementa. is
very desirous of settling opium old secounts, and
requests shoes indebted, to setde immediately. by giving
their notse, payable in' the 'spring, if they are not stole
to square up now. Inunediate attention isrequested.
. October 27. BURTON . KINGEW Eft Y.
variety, the latest styles and seat
beautiful pumas, just received and far sale very kow
by, • 1.19 O.D. BARTLETT.
SUMMER SHAWb3. $ beautiful amottnimit oir
" li i i !erigiN.D• Lain and Brodie Shawls may be fetrad
rONTINUES to carry on the above balminess in all
‘.../ Its branches, at, her old stand. corner of River and
Bridge streets, where Bonnets and Caps can be put+
chased, and work will be done promptly, fashionably,
and at satisfiretary prices ,as
Towands,October 27, 1247.
Marhaiibipi. /Or. •
€1,;(0 (1) xig 4
hat Received ni 150. 2, Brick Rem,
offing of New Fall It . WlateiVooda
nivicil must and will tie solitii the very *Wrest
notch for - cam or Ilene" Psy. -Estry perwat
who may want GOOD and CHEAP goof*** ravel
fallj invited to can and examine this stock. Doti%
fail Co call as it costs nothing to look, and we cons'Alet
it a favor to show the goods, and will try to amigo it in
object for those wishing to biiy of ' E. T. FOIL
~0 BALES BROWN REETINGS, drillings. l
Ai shillings, wicking. ma. batting. cotton yam
and carpet warp. cheap as t cheapest,. at No. it. B.
R., at sepls FOX'S..
GINGIFIAMS • 0 pieces ncer and
most splendid styles, decidedly ,the prettiest ever
in market.. Also: e-tegOn Plaids. Bilk Plaids, and all
the new stiles dons . ft ootla all at No. 2, Brick Row.
very lowest passible prices at ' FOX'S.
LTARDWARE, a good assortment. including bon,
Steel„Naila, &c. at No: 2, D.R.
DAMN, 'OILS ilic—DYß43l UFFS, alto Matches
.1- by the gross, st Na 2, IL IL FOX 8.
SEALED HALF BUSHELS, on hand and for sale
in ' st.p 15 Fars.
Cooking and Parlor Stoves.
TUB r recei•edat MONTANYES 4 CO'S. a large
al lot—Also. PIPE. and a few second-hand stoves all
of which wrll be sold cheap fal pay. Sept. 7.1847.
Stock of Goods in the Savings Bank.
TN consequence of the great mill at the Savings Bank
1. for . Chrprp Goods, the proprietor has been induced to
replenish pith a splendid assortment of SPRING &
SUMMER GOODS, which are now opening, and sell•
ing at greatly reduced prices. The proprietor. Ms.C.
REED, pledges himself to fully and, amply sustain the
credit of the institution which it has hitherto borne, i.e.
for selling goods cheaper than any other establishment
in Bradford co. Persons desirous of testing this, have
only to call at No. 5, Brick Row, and satisfy themselves.
July 7, 1847. C. REED.
and Light Gingham., beae been received rat the
Savings Eank4 and are selling twenty-five per cent.
cheaper than ever. jy7 C. REED.
moors & SHOES—A large and exhaustiiiss •as
sortment of coarse and fine boots and shoes, ladies'.
full and half gaiters, kid ties, buskins. French lid slip
pers, children's cloth and morocco shoes are now selling
very\ low at the Sayings Bank, No. 5, Brick Row.
Gmenriyono, Sciv. 10. By 8. C. NAGLE&
. EMIIV dtt433o Sisk! MU M° „ I
BKINGSBERY & CO.. are just receivi.c. di
. ;mai New York and opening at the new
brick stole, recently erected at B.Kingebely's old stand,
a large assortment of RaU4r Winter Good's, comprising
Broad cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinets ; =Alp:seas, of eve-
ry descriptioni; Engissit Merinos; .310-i- '
sehne DeLaines • Ginghnins, a great variety ;
Cashmere wo olen Shawls ; Domestic goods,
Hosifry and Gloves of every description.
Groceries, Crockery, Ihrleare, Boots if Sho.s, Sole
and upper Leather, French Ond common calf end
kip Nails, Spare, round alto Swedes I ron,
Glass, Hats and Caps, Tin and atone Ware,
Paper Hangings, Buffalo robes and Milli,
Mackerel, Codfish, Mad and Herring.
The attention of the public is re4pectfully invite.' to
our present largt stock of goods, which are now exhibit
ed for sale at the lowest p'ic'a, for ready pay. They
have been selected with unusual care and attention, ex
pressly for the accommodation of our customers, and
we believe offer inducements to purchasers no where
else to be met with.
(C. Remember, before purchasing elsewhere, to call
.110 t B. Kingsbery's old stand, and examine our goods and
prices, as we are confident they will meet the views of
the closest cash buyers.
. K. SM rr
Oct. 12, 11147. W. F. MENARDI.
This Wag for Bargains.
STUFFS, selling at cost. at FOX'S.
OILS, PERFUMERIES , a splendid a rt icle of Hai
Brushes, Thermometers, and Fancy' Articles, fot
sale at jet° No. I, BRICF ROW.
Fair Warning and the Last -Notice!
T HEREBY warn every person indebted to me, that
1 unless immediate payment is made, they will be
sued ! This notice is given without respect to persons
and all persons knowing themselves indebted, will save
costs, by giving prompt attention.
Towanda, Oct. 12, 1847. 8. HATHAWAY.
SAY! JOHN ! don't ten any body that we will pay
the " ready John Davis," for 100 bushelathestnuts
and 500 !tr.. Lard. CARTER & SMALLEY.
A III36OUSZ h 0 7 0.0111 1 / 4 .billtELsl%
A LARGE end extensive assortment of School, Clas
sical and Miscellaneous BOOKS; also a large
stock and great variety of Papeq,including note, letter,
cap, folio, post office end wrapping papers; together
with a complete assortment of Blank Books, railing
Cards, Envelopes, 4., all for sale cheaper than
the cheapest, by 019 •0. D. BAR TLETT.
O k I I 0 on on Uk NI M: lb tili
Jess Grids,
WOULD again' inform the Ladle's that she has just
returned from New York, with the latest and
mast fashionable style of Hats, Caps, and Read dreg.
set: also a large and choice selection of Millinery
Goods, consisting of 'Plush Velvets, Silks and Satins
a large assortment of itibbons, Flowers; Phsases and
Laces. Also French embroidered ehensisilles, gimps,
fringes and black trimming lace ; all of which will be
sold at as low a price as can be puichased elsewhere.
Towanda, October 12,1847.
Tins ingitutim is now under the-charge of Mr. F.
W. Goes, a grwinste of ale College, assisted
by Mr. 0. H., of W. The first term_imin
mauled on the tb Sept. ult. The seem( will
commence on th of Dec. Pupils ass admitted at
anytime. Teaks:
'Tuition per tem of &vas weeks
mon English studies, $2 50
Higher English studies, - 4 00
Ancient Languages andlhigher mathematics, 5 00
Extra charge. (let end 2d terms) 25
Arrangements will be made to mime the services of
an accomplished Preeeptress in the spring.
Oct. 121 • J. D. MONTAN YE. President.
lITHEREAS, my wife, LAVINA MINN, bag aft
V V my bed sod bard. without say just eases a
provasticro. this is busby to caution pm person from
barbering or trusting her ea ay secoorst, as I wilipsy
so &balm demo& of bar eattracting.
Rosa Aug. 2,11147. PATRIC* DUNN.
iur 11FM—A largo assoittnent of a l kinds and quill
/XL &some my Wham way low at tba Savings Smit,
No.b. Brick Row. dl O. REED.
GROCtRISS..S. isivo4oi mottowat.
devety downitioo, joist bowr ~awed at the
11 •411111 Soak Asti am /Am drown sban tho thew
101, at No. 5. Stick -Row. C. REED.
M'S! CAPS ! clever, kind end sort; also Mobil
Overskee;ti consisting of Men's sandels,Lasse!do.
buskins, end idlother kinds, just received, end foitala
low at th's Eseingi Dank. , di C. REED.
wholesale lad retail. d 1 C. REED.
VroALHirai* 'OIENT.MENT.—A new supply of
111)his desmedlTPopularrutide J oel received es
• •
Thomas Elliot lig'. 11; C. - Tomkins
-riAviNo ismelated 'hewed'', together in- Or
Xi: Mercantile business. bops by close applinuid t o
en d aft ki s s eu tion,to holdout, to merit *share of pub
lic patronage: They may always be. found rosily to
attend to any person who wishes accomodutions in their
They will occupy the out stand of Elliott & Meteor.
and as it has just been enlarged and made tmote •paei.
ous and .eonireniant, enstimiers will find it eery plea ;
sent ta do bovines; in. Ei.LIOTT & 111 M I
May 27, 1f447.
. :
New Sp ri ng -antStitumer tioodsp•
pe4l •
, .
N. 1 N.. - VETTS,
slnow o a 4 a rieW and splendid assortment ot
staple and fancy cravat; Rt his store, (sittiat;•• on Main.
street two doors below Bridge street (west std.) nearly
opposite: Montanye's At Co.) embraeutg *0 article+
generally kept in the mita!, such as I
Dry Goods. , Groceries. Crockery and Gins.,
ware,Viardwarc. Nails. iron. all the
rarictiesaf Steel. Glass, Points
Linseed Oil, Lamp Oil 4-r.
which he Offers to purchswrs at unnsnal low prices for
Cash, 'Produce, or approved credit. And would re•
spectrally invite all who wish to
.. .purchase to call and
examine his goods and prices' liefore purchasing else
where, as be is confided he can offer good bargains.
June 1. t 847. . .
RINTS, M. De Laines, Gingham., Lawns, dm.
The Ladies will find a beautiful assessment at
june 9.
AGREAT variety of shawls scarfs, plimsolls Ladies
and Misses' Bonnets very cheap at BE rrs%
BLACK & BEAVER CLOTH:3, Wick and fancy
Cssi'mereA. and NO sorts of Summer stuff, a large
awarunant, low for cash at
WINDOW & WALL. PAPER, a Oka variety and
cheep at • BETTS'.
HARRIS, & BLOODS' Grass scythes and scythe
maths ;also Haul.? cradle - scythes at BE 178'.
S -
colored. plaid. and changeable (lives
Silks ; also, white and colored Bonnet Satins. at
aep24 14ERCUIrS.
DRESS 'GOODS-100 pieces now,opening at the
Savings Bank, eons'sting of French Retinae, plain
Alpaca's, Ahysinian stripes, centneer plaid.., cashmeres,
monalin de laines, plain and twilled gingham', Ste-,4c.
all of which will be sold low at REED'S,
CLOTHS & CASSIM EKES, Vesting., Overcoat
Glatt* such as brown olive and gold 'nixed Bea
vers will he .old very low ai SAVINGS BANK.
'STRAY.-Broke Into the enclosure of the suhsen.
her. on the 25th of August last. a RED COW,
or 9 years old. The owner is requested to prove pro
perty, pay charges and take ber away.,
Troy. Sept. 27. HO WA RD SPALDING.Ben.
1)RINT8, of every variety end style, foreign and do
toest'c, now opening at wholesale and retail, at
au:B - hiONTANVE's & CO.
superior style end twiell, and at prices to suit those
who wish to purchase cheap.
HOES—Ladies Miami and Children's. a Larne va
riety on hand at je9
another Large and Sp! did Lot of
tar Ready made C/ !
oi t
el STORE. Here is the place to get cheap clothing, at
least 60 per cent, cheaper than at' any other place. I
have all kinds to suit customers. My stock is large,
consisting of Cloak& Coats, Pants, Vesta, &c. &c.—
Elegant and new premium styles, arro! at astonishing
low pricri&
Cloaks. Over Coats, Brown, Drab, Do., business
Coats—all kimb', Black Dress Coats, French Dress
De ‘ , Gokl Mixed, Do., Kitimat, Pants, Cassimens Do.
Black•and Green Monkey Jackets. Fancy Satin Vests,
Black DJ., Cashmere, Do,,Double Breasted Do.,
White Henrik Do. Also-Cauton Flannel! Draw
ers. Shirts the same, and some splendid fine Shirts.—
A iso,-Blue and Black Cloth, Brown•Da., Cassimeres,
Plain, Fahey Do., Vesting. of all kinds.
(0 -Cutting and:Mending done cheap and .makigg
1 Oct. 9, '47. Clothing Store. .
Fourth of July. at No. 1, BRICK ROW.
QALT-100 bbls. Salt just received and for sale
1...) at BAIRD'S, N 0.3, B. R.
°0311.723114.11211i 9 Z
CITIKKEBT3 at3Cra i a r aaltji
Late of the Ckrramont House, Towanda: Pa.. which
was destroyed by fire on the I 2th of March last,
HAS leased the old stand, on the west side of the
public square, lately occupied by William Briggs'
sign of the Tiger, where he is prepared and will be hap
py to wait on his old customers and the public generally
His house is in good order, and his facilities for •ac
emit - misting travellers and visitors, such as will enable
hini to give ample satisfaction. Charges moderate.
Towanda, Cleober 20. 1047.
FOR THE LADIES—a laige assortment of white
goods, such as Irish linens, awes terred.snd striped
muslins, jaosietts,-swiss muslin,. Ike, I also irwiss
and muslin edgings, thread and cotton edgings; bobbins,
silk fringe and buttons, lace buttons, patent whalebone .
skirts, purse twist; in short a great variety of fancy
goods of every description, may be found at the
General Scott in the , Cityiti- elm
And another large dock of Gdods just received at
which have been earridtly ieleded for the Fall Trade.
THE publissari invited to call and examine their
stock,of Dry Goods. Groceries, Denim's.. and
Croekerf,Doots & Shoes,Hats &caps, and everything
the line of staples, suited" to the Wants of this "igloo
of country, Which have been purchased exclusivelrfor
Cash. and at the lowest ebb in the joarket. We hops
our old friends will not forget to giVe use call, as we
can make iran object fur them. to do so.
Towanda, A . gust 18, 1841.
• •
inner, mthst,
n, and will remain at Woodruff's I/a
foot weeks. His friendewre invited to
I . IS, 1847.
J. N.
I 8 now in to
tel, three or
call. Novem
THE pettnerablp beretokre existing under the firm
of Coelbough 4. Salisbury. is this day dissolved by
mutual ailment. dui i 4 future will be conducted
by B. Cooltieugh . The books *ad accounts of the fins are
in the bands of D. C .Balsbety ; those indebted to the
Araby note or book itimount, will malts payment to D.
C. Ralsbuiy. B. COMMA UGII.
Nonmetal, Nov. 10, 1047. D . SALSBURY.
LOOKING GLASSES, a large sonatoseat for
at all BAIRD* N 0.3, D.
_ _
ItkiCABILER6tI.I•II bushel. faun queue two
SY.L. quirt w ared owe quart mower, $t BM WS.
'Old variety - 44ft* muffs. Immo vb.
LEL ry tosstifoHuse moomived sad RN sale very krer.
alga O. D. 'BARTLETT.
A LARGE 1/I ' . of Basal etstbs. Ossimaras,
1 - 2 0 . sod eattialtek whist' lei bees Jaw bees foams
for Wang geed sad cheap. now deeps, time ever.-
aad Rpm which two chalisegas.the world. jest raecivad
Towasyla. Nov. 3, 1846. '
FRIN(#EB & oimrs. of all ; also, Buttons
And other trimmings for r dresses and 'bona,
COIL CHAIN for bull wheel* If o ear mills,;
just received and for ale by
October 19, 194 O. D. BARTLETT.
' • ,7-4404,4bp.eFtiocutntfi,,,4(c..ek .1
~i ttNl
AT OW-I.''''
S:,• '',,;'s-,
iitnSTR NIYP ~. 4 -
A". poison s Wehtett ,to Ito estate of Elt;glIGE
~ cLAndtrr: !au, of Sittinghtltlinsp., deed, am
Iberetry requeste r -to nuke . payment "without delsyontd
those tostring-els u t sirainst sail! estate, 'jilt Om e.
Oman pr
sent them dnly twined to the svhsreiher.
VW. W. CLAGGETT, Administrator
1 Springhill. Oetoher 16: 1647. .
AU. Perilous it lord to the f.lutr of Al*olem
Wilcox. deed.. low of Leßoy township, ore hrrr
by reque -ted to minor outne.hate te.iy tarots ; atal ail
prrKeta haain4 .lenaanda aeaioat sai.l ...ult are reloca
ted o„prie.ot 011111 irisntrdiatrly to the olwrriber . fur
set lement. A VII IS W. W ILCOX, Ada..
Lt-R.ov, Oct. l filth, L 817:
A tINII IN IS tit .11'f.Ylt Yrl('E.l
A" pereettei mdrt.ted [Attie r.A.lte of 7,415 V V ,71c it z'
bete Leroy i.nerqdp. tteceak , ed., 'ore hereby
rNine.tea 10 Vitae ?,t) nt %rot 1110.442
hit in. eni.l .cm..a.o, pliNam: 1 mien*
theta duly us teel. du. IL- I I
101 IN C. WIT.CON.
Lerny, Not,ether 2, 1417.
iliLd act)c9lr)
H. S. 4 M. C. NIERCU4,
•.. i .
Cmivitlitio: of taOre than their moral randy. Itrhirh
they ojrer .to the public al their proverbially low initee.
Yuvranda, Serternher 25, 11147.
BET rs.
OILB' Paints, Varnishes and Dye-sniffs. altnatt
every kind, at . sep2.s E UR'S.
-------- - - - - ,
CASSIMERES & sArriswrs,&r.
1: - -French t English and American - Cloths plain
am? lane! Onasimeors. and &mittens; satin, siik,Ntalen•
rim and worsted Vestinma very cheap at '
• 125
TxTO RST ED to REISS (FOODS.-I•lmiu, figarad and
V V black and colored Alpaccas; black and s.,=
bored len•nch a. crimes , p Oriel] Plaids; rich Emend'
and common Gashtnrres,; DeLaities, &c, a great variety
of ~ty Irk (or adcat sen2s
- • ---
& assartmentla, tie. at
1 scp2s ISIERCIi 'S.
U 1? A *(10 I A sTuN r.s. fur sate et
1' sep26 MERCIUVS.
EDLERS will find it to thin advantage to call at this
1. Drug Depot, where they can be supplied with eve
ry article depurAl, .otrh as phials, essenres. &r, on duo
hest terms. jet 8 No, 1. BRICK FDAV
VZ'W 000106 J•
rim largeo and aloft assortment of NEW
GOODS, Ppitabie to the afinion,Neteeted with great
care, and for safe cheap as the cheapest. for eAsh w ap•
proved credjt—just openedlat
Towanda, Oct. 5,. 1847. ' 0. D. BARTLETT'S.
it COME, •
AV& AIME ri ALM O`..T. C5=1.1.09
VCR tulecheap tiir Cash and Lumber. Call anti et- ~
r amine them. 1 TRACY & NIDORB.
Towanda, Nov. I, ,I 7 1847. No. 4, Brick Row. .' •
SPANISH, and - half Spanish CIGARS, far sale In
any quantity, y n 2 4 TRACY & MOORri.
Ur DLL AND . CUT SAWS„:a first rate article,
in. for pale the pby TRACY & MORE. ,
NAT ,NTED. ILtee active, intelligent. young' mon to
peddle Jetelry and . Fancy Goods, on flot.
To young, men, who can &rine well recommended;
fibers, encouragement, will be given. rersonsidesiroue
of engaging in the business, will please call on 'the sub
scriber, et Mrs. Delpetrch's i Towanda tp., on 'the 28th
29th or 30th of November inst.; or on the 14th or 151 i
of December next. n 2 EPH.KTDDER.
COTTON Y A RN, carpet warp, batta wadding, wick
ing, brown and bleached 'beatings and Waning:.
may be found at a bargain and very lowit theiellMirj
flank, sep29 NO. .6.11 i. R.
another Large Supply o
THE subscriber is now receiving his second'Fall and
Winter supply of Goods, %%Web will he sold any
kw as usual. .1. KINGSBEIW, Jr.,, •
Nnv. Id. Cor. Main and Bridge sta.
DRY GOODS, Groceries, hardware. Boots & shoes.
Crockery. Nails,' Glass, Codfish and Mackerel,
Paints, Ohs, Hats, Caps and Muffs, Books and Pugion
ery, Family Medicines, &c., just received-at
N0v.16.- J. KINGSBERT. Jr.'s.
ERSONS wishing to purchase Si:GAIL! will elms
_l front one to two dollars per cwt., by calling at 914 K
comer of Main and Bridge. street*.
Nov. 1.6. J. KINGSBE • Jr.
- -
Bool'B & SHOUB, consisting of C9.lw-Inile and tip
' Loots, ladies' and misses' slipirs;gaitera and NW
gaiters; children's shoes ;• also elegant assb, rtment of
Hats ani Capol arc now log at the Savings Bank,- ,
esp2Cl NO. ‘, B. R.
*us,lish and American Prints.
assortmenk:at sep2s MER
A Fresh Supply et Dry Seeds, Grocerits,Crtiekery f
Beets k Shets, Caps, Buffs, e., .
which are selling very low at FOX'S, No. 1. R. Row.
GROCEIREIS are selling very cheap at r iO-ra—
Any quantity of freak Sugar, at iLt e advance
from first soak by the bid. ar Ib ; • beautiful smirk of
Ofee for .9 &Om; good Green Tea for Any extra qua
lity for 6a.,-and everything eke in prawn*. , Please
call at " n 24 N 0.12, B. R.
UFPI3, that ete muffs, and can't be Itee
ILL iy choice and beautiful Muffs that
snit, just received at n24
The Itdlrs Fetidly la Arm
Dr. Carter's infallible Remedy for ilincant.
Verse of taking and size of doses entirely
at the option of the patient
E above medicine can be toimd at all times at the
new establishment of CARTER & SMALLEY.
'together with an entire new and fresh stock of GRO
CERIES. comprising every thing in their line. such
as Tea. Coffee, sugar, Tobacco, Pepper, lice, Chace.
late, Cocoa, Citron, Figs, Raisins, en 'so esates'
variety of other articles *too numerous 4 mention;"
all of which will be sold as low as the Ram can be
Nought West of the Empire city. We aim 'saw the
most Splendid assortment of French. English rind lAN
men TOYS, ever before offered in Northern Peniissyl.
van* together with a full assortment of N eta, Coe*.
tkmaries,Timkse Notions, Feeley glaAwate, &e.. Wait
most rind will snit as to quailif end pike.
Oct. 12. 1647. CARTER & SMALLEY.
2. DAVIS, T4I&OU. rale_ fie
' 4 J"
Y. City of c r opened a sirnpilin tin
siarid ',My of tho blegt...teteed Ilmiest
Irmgebery, on Main stnisi. srberethity are propos' to
eilleolB all orders in their line with aceursey &delimit&
Fires their long said rigorous instruction in the mu
and their intensive esperienas as Foremen. in the best
shops in I:00km they feel perfectly competent of being
able to, plates the most fastidious taats.-sad to memo
t h e ir wort in such substantial snd finished style, as to
give eatiSfa..-tine to their easterners.
(a Clatter; done to
,order, and warranted• to lit if
properly mode up. G. H. DAVI;
- Towanda, Oct. 12, 1817. YIB R. DAVI*
OF LOG CHAINS, foi pale by
eddle Jewi Iry !
led Ging
n't 441 to