4044 4PaWneiThTtiA ' As mills for-grinding bones ate very costly , it is a great tiesideritttra for the kimer to Immy 110 W he rip otherwise prepare them - for his emps. By the following simple method he can tedupe them to a tine powder and.increase dieir Valw . foin Take one hundred polio s of bones and place them id a kettle ; or in an old unfit for •furflter use, or ec'eft in a hollow scooped to e ground and made tight by - -with clay. Next take from thirty to thirty-five pOnds of oil ofiritriol (sal 'TlM(' acid.) mixed with one tl4n. to one hOf hs weight of water, and 'potir'imeilhebone.s. brtwo, the boneSsvilldisso':ve-into a liquid cowte, to 'which there fillist be added., by stirring hi, woisl ashes or fine: mould; until it is of the consistelify of thick mortar. Put the mixture away from rain, and in a few weeks it will become a light dry pow.- der . , i'vhieh May-p applied by the 'hand or other 'Wise, to any kind 6f land - that 'May require it. in preparing this mixture, great care Mast be observed to keep the oil of v triol from touching the clothes rir chin, as it will born them as badiras fire . :The oil of vitriul,.fi.r this:mixture, must be of a first rate quality,litherwise it wouhi regitire a greater (inanhil . than given above to dissolve one hundtled 11).7.i0f bones: The misfire answers best fora tur nip .erop but is highly valuable for ether roots as well as for grass and grain:. It gbould•be applied at the rate of twenty tir.iorty bushels to the acre `sown broadcast ow grass land; in the sprang, tot, on grain and turnip props after harrowing lathe seeo. For garden.ftr field crops planted in rows or dog's, s "kia'roots, cetera. bean., peas &e. ; it may he applit. A l in theshilis or rows at the time of soWing, or it may ' . .allerwardk7sprinkle around the plants at the time of hoeit , .—.. 'bort-Iran Forrare, Ti lIN •Eneland the question • 1,4 - s. .q?ceit discussod whether thick ear !pip seedityr %rd.; the most pith-al - AO. This is a quest - am etjually porwit oil this Fide: of the. Mantic. We hat 0 lint little doubt that 1110 pratc;wcot thick ts.q.Lititg has lia,l rna»y atlvnealgs.? . .: airmail. A 1141.1 o( ours: who is a , B,otAl limner receoni niends Mick seeding for the purpose. of . preventing the numerous k.econdary stalks; which can never strong., lie•hlif and productive is the main stein; which teirstri=es from 'the seed: That Mick eccding has the effect to prevent tifirring. out as it 'is termed; i= supported by obsetl4tions. There is more foeif fur the few stalks which may grow to gether, than rt.) the many which arc often formal where the seeding is thin.—Firrnier and Merhinir. Tti E CtI.7I:RF. OF t",TRAWEEFLItI FS.— A - writer in one of our exchanges rerriarkSj'." IS it not most sin gular that so few provide themselves with a plenti ful crop of this revs earliest and most delicious fruit! lAost no doubt, are detcrreo. by supposed difficulty aria.cost of culture. But by the following pros. an acreof strawbenit4 may be kepi in thefineAtbeari»g condition fbr - any length of time, at no mnrcroct thln to cultivate an acre f corn, after the first setting out has been done. • . Set out the plants in rows about three feet apart. and a foot apart in the rows. Keep them clean and well cultivated, by a horse attached to a plow or cellivator, and in a year or two they will bear abundantly. in a year or . two more, the plantation will want renewing : to do which let the runners till up the space between the rows, which has be fore been kept 'demi aad hi tine condition, and then plcrWortder the old rows; leaving a strip of plants Torm'ed by the runners hetween'them for new rows with : the horse,us.belux: and so indefinitely=. • KEEPING FXR3I .AEcoUNTS.:--Lel any farmer Mate theexperiment and he will find it as interesliatz as it is useful, to know from year to year the actual pro duce of his fatin. Let everything, therefore, which can, be measured and weighed ; and let that which cannrit be brought to en exact standard he estima ted as if he himself were about to sell or purchase 'it.. Let him likewise, as near as possible measure the ground which he plants, the quantity of seed which he:uses, and the manner in which he applies. The labor of doing this is nothing compared with. Ihe satisfaction Of having done it, andihe benefits . - which must arise froth it. Cenjectuwin these ca ses, is perfectly wild and uncertain varying often li'ith fierent individnak almost a hund red per cent. xactness enables man to form conclusions, which may most essentially, in innumerable ways, vail o his advantage. It is that alone which can give' piny value to his exiSerience, it is that which will .make his experience the sure basis of improve-' ment ; it will put it in his power to give safe coun sel to his friends,' and it is the only ground on which he can scscurely place confidence liliuself.—!.ker ri.slmrn Remit! HOW To TREAT LARD.—The . trying, of lard an ililpOrtallebt3llClA of econotny, re(luiriky, a line ear at rd . some direct' informatxm. Water. he it reinem ' tiered, sliould never be made use of in this proee,,,, aince it cooks the fat and makes it soft and liable to become speedily rancid. Put a lump ot fat into a pot, and then , stand the pot along side of the fire. gathering around it a few embers ; let a little of the Pat fry Of alter which put the tat over' the fire with such precaution there . is no dati.gef of the lard.:s scowirin;r, and no need of Water, but the lard, Nrhen folly cold will be found quite firm and Gulid, winch -aunt be tlie•ase if water be trade use of in try ing out.—Scientifir American. Bones ; o) - ster : rihells, deeayc i l muscles, and all articles of this kind are among the hest: 01 th ose linnetal manure which have the lunggst effect up on the soil. %Vu fear the method sri*esoteil by the 'intelligent editor of the American Farinler for the pre paration of bone manure might lose ithem much of their useful powers as operating utiou the soil.— t farrreer's fluter. TO DESTROY THE WHY4T iF• asserted, by those who have matje,tre evisritnerti,' ',hat ottc bu shel of nnslackeil litue (goutal to a .11ue powder like gypsorn) to the acre, sowed as the plants make theirappearenee, will at:dually prevent the raVia ges of the fly.. It may so, yet we:greatly However the applimnion is a iimpl9 one, and if it etfer is no veil, it. will assuredly, in most instances. do no harm Waits . on the udder aild teats of cows may -be ea sily :removed by Washing them in a :visitor of aluin and .wafer. , We have known this applica tion to result fayOrably after all other prescriptions had failed.* The Maine Farmer states that there iviir not be a quarter of-a crop of apples in that State thepres ent season .' Nartpre,lttnrested, bids me love mysegand hate all that hurt me. :41' Good fences make good neizithers miscet manl cmcnt9. PAIN JiliLtß. • Death : VOA:10 *silot44//1). Fmk! bdthi'' fritind f th. 112 tehi* Isbmalillik' . A R E'W 'B . r A'l N K 11,11 E g. rpHIS is anent IV:egeteble Compowl ioNaiwd t oventy.ficiellifirentAngredients, sod boon inter nal entkostetnalogietly. Put spin bottles, retying in price from 25 to 7.s.cent,', each. • For further fmtucu tare,iseep4mphlets, to be lied of Arm. egentgratis, eon talt#ln •erloief blow* , of the of iginond dbleo...etry, of the • Pain certifies** of cores, diter,tiont l / 2 .4z... • Clattrroxi 7 -Xech bottle:has the AvgittAn.44mitugAP , the proprietor, I As tied Ws, en the htbeitAntl i ttetthout it none are'genoine. Beware of hao:keis sod 'pediars, s tiling, frhmrhouse hon4eisttp reettittOisit toK liff the genuine _pain Killer. Sold only by the. failewing regular appointed agents intbis .coonly • A.S.Chamberlin, Towanda. 0. P, ThtiaM.tr9 7/ Georo A.Petcina,. L. 4 r ..00; J. Warrntd..Montoeton ; C. Raihbone;,Vanton.. Sold in an the_principallowna 1q the tea, Canada and Texas. . Wholesale agents in the city deltinerlirntli nitv : Haydoch. earlier & - en, MS Pearl-st. I Wyatt & Ketchum, 421 Feltomst.• Ordeta addrhitsed to the 14°11th-tor, Of Q. N. &holy hit, postpaid, Will meet with pmmpt attentiqu. lIST OF: PERSONB . eng . iied in vending I"...reign 1 Goods and lltrriharidize In Bradford" county, clas sified and arranged according, to law for the year 1847 : -Names, layupr. Class. Ai WI. Athens b..wki—Jameii Fritcher, (do lig.) It $7 C Park, " ' 14 *7 H 8 Comstock " 13 20 A C Perkins, " 13 7 8 Ellsworth, " 13 10 Er A Phelps, . " 14 1 *7 (1 If Herrick, " 14 7 . , Wig/Op.& Ham* " 13 'l3 Athens tarp. John Watkins, . " 14 '7 Asylatn--John Horton, jr. " /4 '7 Elmer Horton, a 14 '7 • ' A W Renelow, '(liquor) 13 6 15 Buffington—A & 8 11 Morley, (no liq.)'l3 10 John V Daniels, . " 14' 7 Coryell & Gee, . " , 13 10 Edward Overton, " .14 7' Canton---Charlea E Rathbone, • (14nor) 13 *l5 Newsnitn & Sworn, '' 14 10i Dureli—U Moody & Co., (no liq.) 14, •7 0 D Chamberlin, . " 14 ''7 Coolbaueh sr. Balsbury, • " 14 7 Franklin—J WIR eicur, " 14 *7 R K Hawley, " 15 7 Hrtnek—Wm. Angle, . " .14 7 • 'l'. Humphry, " 14 7 Muurue—J J WarfOnt. " : - 13. 10 JB&J B M Hinman, . '(liquor) 14 103 John Hanson, . : " 14. 10 . 1 . J II & G Smith, .:. (no liq.) 14 • 7 S C Nagle*, 2 " 14 7 Coolhougfr & Salsbury, " 14 7 S . 1. & R Fowler, ' " 14 7 (Jrwdl—'J' 8 Humphry, ". 14 ' 7 If enry'Gibba, u. 14 •7 Pike—D Bailey, . . 0 1 4 . 7 A S Smith. " 13 *lO J E Bullock, .. . 14 • 7 Rome-1. S Maynard, " 14 7,, Ridghttry—Asaph Colburn, " 14 7 Charles F. Wilson, _(liquor) 14 •101 6 . %esti, quin—Kinney & Satterler, " 13 lb Talk & Whitl , ock, (no liq) 13 •10 Wm Campbell, . " 13 10 Sniillifield—l. E Durfey, (liquor) 13 •15 M Bul:ock & Co., " 13 15 • ' E 8 Tracey, Standing Stone—. 7 C Adams, Mix & Storrs, H W Tracy, (liquor) 13 0 15 Towanda boro'—Huston & Ladd, (no lig.) 14 7 Li 8& M C Mercui, " 12 *123 8 8 Bailey, " ' 14 •7 Burton Kingsbcry, " 13 •10 - Elliott & Tomiuns, " 13 *lO 0 D Bartlett, " 13 10 ,A S Chamberlin, " 14 6 7 Wll Baird & Co., "' 13 *lO • Tracy & Moore, ~ 14 • 7 J Kingsbery, jr., " .14 '7 N N Betts, ~ 1 4 . 7 Montanyea & Co., " •13 •10 Hugh O'Hara, " l4 7 E T Fox, " 13 *lO C Revd, " 19.10 Troy—K Jr E Runyon, . (liquor) 13 15 G F Redrngton, . ." 11 : i n 8W&1) F Pomeroy." 11 • 0 1 .1 Ballard, " 14 103 Baird & Stephens, (no lig.) 12 123 Laster—Guy Tracey, ' " 14 *7 Peckham & Mather, ' " 14 7 . Win'Gibson, " 14 • 7 Wy !MX —Judson Holcomb, - (liquor) 14 • 103 NVells—danieit Taylor,'' (noliq.) 14 7 Wyalnsing—E & A Lewis, " 14 6 CB Fisher, " 14 7 MH& 0 II Welles, " 13 *lO Warren—R Cooper, - -t ". 14 !•7 B Buffington, [domestic] " 14 *33 M l'yrrell. " 14 7 • Have paid their licenses. J. REEL, Treasurer. Treasury Office, Towanda, Nov. 17, 1847. ME 'Mr Nab OM • Copper. Tin, and Sheet Iron, Brass JAPANNED IND BEITTANNIA WARE, AVUOLESALW, 4311 RETALL. C. HALL. is now receiving 60 tons of the above D goods, which he is prepared to sell at wholesale or retail, to suit purchasers, at the most reduced prices, for nigh, lumber or. grain. The meet liberal Klee§ will be paid for w eat, corn and lumber. ore and Manufacturing Estrildiatiment, on'the corner of Main and Bridge all., where may he found the larzest and best assortment of stoves, this side the city of such ad Burkeye cooking stave, arranged with a rota ry Rip, and hot air oven combined, 1,2, 3, 4 Rochester Empire hot air oven, • 4 " universe, 4 " Fulton, , " (impAr&l) 2, 9, 4 Congress tight air cooking, , 2,3, 4 Knickerbocker, " • 2, 3 Albany Elevated oven 1 " • 2, S, 4, 5 - - 1 2 Premium 2,3, 4,6, 6 Race's pat. sell-regulator, airtight parlor, 1,2, 3 Rochester air tight_pailor, ' 2, a, 4 • Congress do, Albany • do. (roasters.) Albany Fancy wood parlor, 3,4, 4 N. V. city " - • 2,3, 4 t• 'parlor coal stoves, 1, 2 ,Common cylinder do . 1,2, 3 i Large quantity of SkTE Pipe, Elbows, Tin, Bran, Copper, Japanned I pritannia ware, tine, fie. %Filch ho will sell as above.at wholesale•or retail. Shed iron, Tin, Brims and Copper Work. made to order on 'short notice, and warranted. Persona wishing to poi , chase the aboVe wades wilt do welt by ceUing at the above store, before parches - tag, elsewhere. as the propri etor is hound not to ,be undentold 7 .l7 any living man. 5,06Q1.1E - F.,T' PELTS. wanted, for which cash will be paid. Octal:lC 27, 1447.. " - firn ______ The Saddle and _Harness Business IS still c.ounnued by ELKiili/%13 SMITH, J. CULP &O. T. SMITH, under! Ithe Finn' of Elktinah sinitlxik . , Ca, at this iilikiiiiptl)lcorth side of thoPubSc swam' where will be kept cOnstantly.on timid Bela -Plain . and • quiftee' &del ]Flared ab4"tonnitan Hartwig', MI kinds of Trunks, Vances, and all Mixer work in their - I. ' t Carriage Trimming Military • work done 1147ortkoa- *From their experience and punctuality, they are itrhopes to receives share of public patronage. Work can be had at their shop as cheap as at any °ibex shop in - thi. enmity of the sametpuitity. May 18, '47 - • - • RR Wag ftraIEIBEL IT now being the time to transplant Fruit Treeii, the subscribers would say, to those ;". wishing to,purchsso 4 dun Peach trees, bud bed will, the choicest Fruit in dm country eau t 4 dst their Nursery in Wysoz. Nov.B, 1847. ('LOTUS nut be bought it FOX'S as lose as at any V place this aide of New'Yotk. al 'The Grainlitir.ireamelfis. lie n rATtilis* THE- GILMFENBERG COMPANY hereby. give ;pike.. that PiGE 11130.144 j far Cho; nerne-Tomplarie; CayogerAdtrair. oa t;theny, Yetai end•kitenben amities. N. Y., end :fit odd, • Warren, Cta w ford.: Tiogai.Poutr, WiCaran,Sek.,tlin ton, Center, inal "VVy owing counties, Penn. - The General iii,entia fully prepared to appoint tub- Aires wherever there is no branch of the Company ; either on personal a r rpliration, or by snalk, post patid..-- Tete rapid sale of these. elebrated pills sod the exempt -I..dintuy.curce ate/ are, axtortantly effecting, reader theta: -bye fir, the neotelnpufar pip Of the ate. Au Agency, ill conitividiviely ry, vainahle.* Tha,Graefeliberl feaneeivably'ketPeriotto any eve i before discovered.' "rn all bilious complaint' is grata derangemerstriaf the system lila all.disordeve which result from er bad *aura the-blood. thee pine ate a sovereign remedy. " • Inalrieelarsi of disease called chronic. the Graefenberg Pills aibieve their bigbcst, tfoamphs.. Mere they. defy all competition. id nerving talthireetia` bidden recesses of the. system, they quietly ittreiy ;AA* the root out iliarran, and give tone cud vigor to tbeiredy. Cures arz. constantly effected by than Pins, in Faire where every other means had completely failed, The met abundant proof Diehl* could be given, but a - trial of one box will convinoe the patient. They sin' be or dered and sent by mail. at trifling expense. The price is 25 cents a box. 'Where two dollars worth are order ed, and the money remitted, the Company will pay the postage on the pide,;•, Memittanoesmat the Company's risk. Wherever there is ao. agency of the Company, they can be ordered by o.atl. • There Pills are taking tic place of all other; and no sick person slroulti be winout them. bilious complaints, bows' compirenta corisdpa. don. dyape t ria l few: and agile, • headaches janadice, ii vrrcomplaints, rheumatism, all at:'-ach complaints, g. ern sickness, &e.. Ac., yield at om e to these Pills. They purge way offensive humors, arrest the progress of disea e and at the sere time recto e tone and vigor to the•system. Is es. ee Amaral derangement of the health, they are soar • By their nse. the' weak will became ettoingt the pale and bilious complexion he ree ored to a perfectly fresh and healthy color; all the bad symptoms wilt one - by one disappear. In short, these Pills ere an inconceivable edvatuae upon any other medicine ever be o eat 'eyed to the pub. lie, A trial will milt& any one of th:s.' In :Odin m to the .nbo‘e. ir be found at the n - ' The attention of those suffering from disease, are pa. tieularly -invited to examine and decide for themsclret The following named persons ere duly authorize. agents io B radford Cop t ' y . fpr the isle of the abort medicines from the trniefenberg Company : N. N. Delta, Towanda ; Daniel Dailey & Son, Le raysville;,ll.P. Cotton, Litchfield t_Ji V..Dapiels, Bur lington; J. M. Etisall,,Wells; David Gartruer, Athens; Theodore Harditit.Pmen and Canton;. A, L. Mellott, Wells; Mil & Phony; 'Standing Stone; C. 7 1'. Murphy Ritlgberry ; George NMhols, Rome; T. M. Pike, Ul ster; Rogers and Fritcher, Athens; Henry. Russell, Windham; Stacy & Tozer, Springfieldi; B. Buffing ton, South Warren. • ttty an UNMI-O,BrAcCIADS. THE subscribers still - continue to manufacture aud,keep on hand at their old stand, all kisds of cane and wood seat, ;CHAIRS ; also SETTEES of Various kinds, and BEDSTEADS 01 , every. descrip tion, whiCh we sell low for cash or Prat* or White Pine lumber, White 4 51 , 444, Bass wood, or Cucumber ci air plank, or 4 by 4 Scantling 13 feet long- = either BuUtinwood,Basswood or Maple, will also be received for our work. - Turning done to order in the neatest manner. (nu lig.) 13 15 " 14 •7 13 10 P A. -11 257 raiL" 2L Mir at 3 ;az r 44 allasto tp ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Towan da, and the public generally that he is prepared to execute in the neatest style all descriptions of From his long experience and the . many specimens of 11;t: productions now in use, be entertains a fluttering hope that by close application to his profession, and being prompt to order he may secure a suitable share of public patronage. He may be found at all times at the Chair Factory of Temkin. & Makinson, where be will be on hand to attend to the calls of those who may want his serv,ces. • PAPER-HANGING done on short no tice. in a superior manner Una iessonable terms: - Towanda, July 6, l 847: • Iy4 A Woolen Factory at HOme, THE subscribers take pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Bradfo county and vicinity, that they have leased for a term of years the building situate in Wya!using township, and known as Ingham's Factory. and which they are now fitting up with machinery and apparatus for the manufacture of broad and narrow cloths, flannels, &c..in superior style and on the most reasonable terms. Those wishing to have wool manu factured upon shares will find it to their advantage tat give them a call, as they are determined that no paini shall be spared to give the moat perfect sittisfsc tion.— They work Wool into Broad or narroweresscal cloths for one half the cloth, or if preferred, they will manu facture by the yard as follows:—Broad r! ohs for from $1 to $1.25 ; Narrow cloth, from "14 to 50 cis. Other articles manufactured for proportionat.. prices. Woe, carding and cloth dressing will he done on short notice and reasonable terms. Thev o ill be pre pared for business on or before the first of lone nazi. ,Wyalusing, April2s, 1847. HALL & HILL. Numbers. MIRE sobirribers are a little later than usual this spring with their extensive stock of merchandise; but what the good people of Bradford county have lost by our dilxy, we will now endeavor to make up to them in the (identity, quality and price of OUT goods.• We are now on hand with the LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST stock of goods in Towanda, iiought exclusively for cash, end since the great reduction in prices. Our stock consists as usual of , • For further particulars look along through the paper. We nerd not say " Caßand examine our Goods,' for we know that every hotly WILL call at No. 3, before purchasing elsewhere. WM. M. BAIRD & Jane 15, 1847. NEW DRY GOODS, Corner or Alain mid Bridge !greets. TEST OPENING, at the corner of Main .& Bridge J street well-selected assortment of new and fish lona ge -DB Y GOODS, which will be sold unusually low 'routes/4 .pay.• The stock consistsin-part of Sealant, 'llauncl o -ginsham, :alpaca, - the. cheeped Jot ,of prints in town. edgimpkiusertings.Bwist and.cam- ' !brio Battey, canton flannel, bleached 'and brown mtudin, (not to be surpamed) ticking, cheek, cashmere, tpttorOvool and buck gloves, cotton hose, suspenders, Geexasuo handdrehre. cotton and pongee bdkf 's. gingham : cravats, pl44` obits' Is, wool comforters, cotton tsPelb-Patent threads sewing silk, cotton bails, packs • pins, needles, spool Cotton, hooks end, eyei, suspender, shirt and Mils) buttons, with Many oth er articles, usually 'found in a store, not Mentioned. . The public are incited to call end examine the stock before ,purchasing elsewhere, as they will be sold-cheap er than at any other establishment in town. Towanda, Noy. iI. - . H. O'HA RA. F. W. BROWIV, T. T. WtERMAN eIROCERY'S, in the country. can be supplied With k.)r,actits,in their line, on the most reasonable teams, at jel6 Diu. I, BRICK ROW. mercies depots of the Company, the futlovring incom parable medicines, viz : The Craotenstig Sarsaparilla Compound; " V ye. Lotion ; - u • " Fever and Aguo Pills;- " Children's Panacea • Green Mountain VegetableOintrhent. TOM_KIN6 & MACKIN&.N. Towanda, Fob. 22, 3847. House. Sign, Coach or carriage Painting, or Trimming ; and every .variety of Fancy and Ornamental Painting. NO. 3. 1N TOWN AGAIN. Dry Goods, Groceries. Crockery, Hard ware, Drugs and Medicines. . Nip • esta • , . LifP4W 'l7 ACO.USTIC • s , -.oaggagplowsr ' s '.l/10/INU • • VORA* chtll'af - DEAF.NE B si loilloklilldlho:4 01 - 1." charge of Matter fnim the ears. Slso all these die. agreeable sounds, like 'the buzzing or iisects, faljimkof water, whirring of sham, &c., dcm, which antisymp toms of approaching &ugliest!, and also_gengrally atten dant with , •tliormr. Many person who have been 'deaf for ten; fifteett, and even twenty years, were obliged ,to yr ear trutip , cts,luire, after using one or two *ides, throwneiblethear trumpets, being made perfect-, ly well. PhysicliMa and it magma' highly recommend its use. The very meal number of happy results !hid tars fol lowed thu mitkofSq4BPA'S - b_ -014 been 'truly astonishing. And whit is ; wonderfil, some who were deaf fyllwbbiqh, hive been so much introved as to heationimon 'conversation very readily. ; It-would' bbthe height.of presumption to war4seya flits; in all but in bine canes out ot ten of recent date, there is a .certainty that the . regalia will be most happy and satiaterY thtiit pitieta. The application of the oil proOuteatto paid, but on the contrary an agree able and idedsittit'serisatiop. The recipe for this Medi cine has beft notlined from an Aurist Of great reputa tion,who has found that detifneeMinManteetretwes , out of twenty. was produced [roma wm4of action' in the nerves of hearing, or a &yaps, in the cars; his object therefore was• to find something which would create a healthy condition in those parts. After a long series of experiments his efforts were at last crowned with suc cess. in the discovery of this-preparation, which has re ceived theninne of SCARPA'S COMPOUND ACOU& TIC OIL. A long list of certificates might be given` but each is the confidence in the medicine, and so high has been its reputation, that but one of them will be et picsent published; Vas? Ei raaoanlif•A Cuas!—A lady In BMith field, Brad. Co., Ps., and now about eighty years of age, had been maned, getting deaf for nrore,than 40 years, so that it was nett to impossible to make her hear conversation in the loudest tone of voice. Last. winter Rho was induced"to try Y Scarpa's Oil for Deafness." It is only mammary to add that she used two bottles, and Lr petfectly restored--she is cured. by information In regard to the ease maybe Obtained at tbettore of Dr. Jayne, No.B, South Third street', Philadelphia. For sale by A. 8. CHAMBERLIN, Towanda. Pa.; only tarot for litadrool county,. 28—Iy ✓1 'fiery Important Communication TO ALL PERSONA IS ALL rcAtas, •At till times, • . AND UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES. iF YOU ARE SICK, get cured : if well, employ /measures to continue so. Every individual indulges in habits, which mast, to a greater or lesser extent, dis arrange the admirable arid intricate combinations which form the system, and consequently EVEtIT INDITIDC AL 11b0041 paws" 1101110 mild,yet efficacious, simple and ac credited agent for preserving all the functions of the body good.cujim DR. WOOD'S 4 11ARS.APARILLA AND WILD cermet BITTERS !thieve this result, and Should he in every family, and* the bands of every person. who by business, pro. fesaditzgeneral course of life, is predisposed to the ve ry m little ailments th4t render life a curse, ins cad or a blessing, and finally Msult, in their aggregated con dition, is the cause OF DE ATII . • • The Bitters here mentioned are compounded by a men of great skill and knowledge, from the simple Na ture preients to douse who care to find them, and which are.the only reliable antidotes to the poison of disease. The chief ingredients ire the univertially.beloved Sar saparilla and the Bark of the Wild Cherry Tiee, with which the red man of the forest cum nearly every dis ease of the internal organ. These materials, though powerful in their action, are, as common sense teaches u& • ENTIRELY HARMLESS ; and prepared as they are here, one of the grenfefti medi cal operatives in the inhabitable globe. By taking these amass, the sereftrious may be restored to beau ty ind the sharp knife or the. surgeon ; for they , fiot'onty eradicate pimples and tumors, but overcome • --- ,DANCER AND KINGS EVIL ! Whipever it subjected to the horrors of Consumption, should at once purchase this sure remedy. In the train of Costiveness toile . * dreadfuWocal congestions, often times insanely. very frequently mania or hypochondria, violent headoches,pri/paalions, and other affections of the head and rhetunalie swellings. Dr. Wood's Com pound is one of the most efficient medicines in routing the complaints, and their fountain head, that (SW possi bly be procured. From being confined in close rooms, and from taking a small modicum of exercise, numerous persons daily are made to deplore a lola of appefile,painfullteadachts, toraknras of the mUseles, languor; tcant of energy sufficient to permit them to seek recreation, &c. &-- These persons say for years, that they " don't feel very well." If they do not employ a method by which they can feel QUITS WELL, they eventually sink under a se vere fit of illness, and are RAVED FROM THE GRAVE only by a miracle, and even then the kneel, leech, blis ter and calomel have left them mere shattered hulk" full of achei and corms's, and not only a peat to themselve., but a source of disgust and annoyance to all with whom they come in contact. All these • FEARFUL CONSEQUENCES 'may be avoided by an early application of the virtues of these Dramas. For the truth of this, the proprietor pledges his word and honor, and in evidence can show files of undoubted certificates which be has received, un solicited from all quaaters. He does not, however, ask theinvalid to swallow his certificates, but his Bursas, and is willing to stake all he bolds dear on earth in fa vor of their worth. THE DYSPEPSIA, in either a modified or seven. form, will disappear be. fore the qualitie, of Pr. Wood's preparation, and the cure may be relied on as a permanent one. Did the Bursas possess no other recommendation, it would be one of the finest vegetable compounds medical -sci ence ran invent ; built is equal to the complete eradi cation of LIVER COMPLAINTS, in every shape, and of every affection, minor or gigantic., of the biliary apparatus. Individuals who are constitu tionally billions ought regularly to take this mild agreea ble and excellent TONIC AND APIIILENT, IS it . will dd . - fuse health throughout every fibre of the frame, and send happiness and love of life thrilling to the heart.— Families ought to keep it on hand. Every medicine cheat on board of ship should also be well stocked with this capital remedy, as SCURVY cannot afflict those vf,tto take it, or long resist its vigor. mar asaaults. ALL IMPVII/T/cs or Tar stool, vanish before it, and the old relics of earlier imprudence .inva riably disappear, loon after being submitted to its action. Every complaint of the stomach is broken by it. Tea Brresas have irf no instance failed of curing JAUNDICE, ONNZRAL DEDI wry retry diaorminizoVon of 'THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. By neglecting the little inroads made 'upon the latter a vast portion of our fellow,beings are rendered extreme., ly miserable--so miserable indeed, that-they wish to die. Every balite of "Dr, Wood's Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry gitters,". contains a in.slicinn of joy and content for each of these anxious and imprudent sufferers. Re member that an injudicious use of mercury is inevitably productive of many evils which are put to flight by this glorious and nnstirmtershle compound ; and that afflic tions which are , HEREDITARY - - may speedily and safely beshuilled olrttuough Cy. As • medicine which must benefit • EVERY BODY, from the 813/PIT delicate to the eosrassn AND PAINING Tatham,llo equal is to be found for it. It would be well to ear in mind that preventive is infi, likely more desirable am cure and that Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla and Mid Cherry bitters ARE BOTH- Put up and sold in large.hottles, et $l, by WYATT dc KR FOE UM. Wholesale and Retail Agents, 12/ Fulton St. N. Y., HUSTON 4. LADD, Towanda, and by druggist generally throughout the U. 8. 5 • THE GRAFENBERG VEGETABLE PILLti and the Green Mountain Vegetable Oiidmint, for sale by the subscriber, only agent for the town end be. rough of Towanda. d 22 • N. N. BETTS. LADIES' I SAT, LADIES ! ! If you have Made up your minds to buy a nice dress, cloak or shawl thi n season, &tetra to call at N 0.3, Brick Row, where yon can find the most,best and cheapest articles in that litre, that is kept in town, hesidesallkindsof trimmings. Remember, call at nell • -BAIRD'S. -44411 11 • ~,,, • .., „t 7 1;.: , --• 6- 1 0!!311111.M. , 4 11141inifikiw ! '' ikz - Wi aeol&irl i t i ft • iii l into 11011r04140` u . s' ''',6 W 1 4 1 1 and th e iiiilMcia,44tl '' that Irl i have on, band iz.iiiindratinii, der ill kin& of tfiil4l/)l'Et ImmE. of - thebititiiiao. and workmartship . thatCaithot, irperw.d, in additionlthe wand iporovii - will beep hand l* 4 various and In *aPpicived, thair*.aPhalat9fOitpferiar. IraltilitY cania,a l 4 slifßalho:. Also, the hid( Preach: ,Ma-: upholsteted, with curled hair, nicity. and finished With the' flatter ourselves 'dist 'having he business, we shall ;be ab e divosed to eall,,bod t as sffict kettenthni leli ' the patronage of I Wirer L.M. NYE dc? do. ,' T 84,5. - ' I 1 PUILSITEIRJe i • our shop much-loWew than fit hi its Towanda. Gooda are mad, and, that's the. reason we All kinds of prediice will AIsti,.LUMBER of all kinds. iSept•L.L.M.NYE.}CM 811 C 1111 CA_Wir"ME - `3KIIIIT.-11 ctligrlLL he kept on hand a large assortment, and NAP made to order oa shorter notice and finless mo. titiyjhan can bc produced at any other establialuneut in ilk land. Those who are under the necessity of pro. efiring that article will and shall be satisfied. A good Wane and pall may be had to attendance whets desired. September 1, 1845. L. M. Wirt & 00. A.. 13 ki)l2, - 11 * 1 411:1",, In Towanda. iM. BAKER respectfully informs the public that . he has commenced the GRAVE -81'ONE busi es, in all its branches, at Towanda, where he will tie eady at ali, times w attend to all coils in his line.. Monuments, Tomb4obles. Grave -atones, of every description, 411., 4-c_.-, made to order, and furnished as cheap as WORK and MARBLE of the gains quality can he obtained l et any shop in the country. lie invites the public to call and examine ; 's work and materials, hoping to merit their patronage by strict attention to businessond,bi superior workmanship and good marble. I..F e TTER-CUTTING done with neatness and des patch, in the latest style. shop on Matn street, next door to T. Elliutis store, and three doors above Briggs' Hotel. Towanda, March 17, 1847. 40y TEN TIIO,USAND PERSONS THAT HAVE USED DR, t: PH 'ors 'ELECTU ARY fur the PILES. CHRONIC, DVSENTARY, INFLAMMATORY DISEASES AND SEVERE COSTIVENESS, have given their certificates of cures made by its use, when another remedies have failed, and he proprietors are now prepared to offer ONE HUNDRED DOLLATS to any persons afflicted . with Piles, and all diseases of a similar nature; or which are found in conjunction with the" Piles, if a core is not affected by the use of DR. UPH A M'S. VEGETA BLE ELECTUA RV. it is an'burs *NAL Remspr, not an external application, and will cure any case ofPiles, either bleeding or blind, internal or external, and the only thing that will. There is no mistake about it. It is a.positivecore,apeedY and permanent. It is also a convenient medicine to take, and improve the general health in a remarkathe man ner. It is very mild in its opperations, and may be ta ken in cases of the most acute inflammation. Without danger. All external applications are in the highestde gree ibilagreeable, inconvenient and offensive t latal fr om the very nature of the disease, temporary in their e ff ects. This medicine attacks -the disease- at its •souree, and 'removing the cause, renders-the .7ura-certaln and perma nent. - !NFL ANIMA TORY DISEASES. Although the Electuary was originally piepared for the cure of Piles, yet it has proved itself to be a medi cine far superior to all others, in all diseasei of an in flammatory character, with a determination of blood to any particular part or organ.' In Inflammation and Congestions of the Liver and Spleen ; Inflammation, Soreness and Ulceration of the Stomache, Bowels. Kid neys and Bladder : Ihflammatory - and Mercurial Rheu matism, it it the best medicine ever discovered. IMPURITIES 'OF THE BLOOD. • For all Impurities of the Blood, arising : (to m thet na- Prudent use of Mercury, or other causes ; fur all dis eases of the skin and scrofulous affections ; in all etiAes where the blood is powerfully determined to the head, producing dizziness and distress, Dr. Upham's pectuary is entirely unrivalled. TO MARRIED LADIES. Married ladies are almost invariably subject to that painful and injurious disease, the Piles, with consequent inflammation of the Stomach, Bowels, and Spina, weak =ness of the Back, flow of tip blood to ithe head, &c.— The Ekctuary is perfectly safe fur pregnant ladies and the most useful Cathartic that ran possibly be used, and it will not only. remove the Piles and all inflammatory diseases without pain or irritation; but will ensure an easy time, a safe delivery, and a sound constitution in the offspring. CA PT. G. W. MeT.E A N'S CERTIFICATE. RAIIWAY, June 16, 1847. I have been afitcted for years with the Piles, and have tried, without anything like permanent benefit, al most everything assuming the 'NAME: oT a remedy. I had, as a matter of coarse lest all confidence in medi cine. Under this feeling, I was indticeil—not without reluctance, I confess—to use "Ur tiAM'S ESECTCAnt and having used it for about three weeks according to the directions laid down, I find, to my utter surprise as Well as satisfaction, that every symptom of the disease has left me. I think it due alike to Dr. Upham and myself to make this statement. G. W. NcLEAN, late of the U. S. N. PAILADELHPIA CERTIFICATE. DR. UPHAM—Dsan Sea.—About five years ago I was afflicted with what was called Chronic Dysentery, I have suffered With it ever since, and physicians have told me that my liver was affected, and that my bowels were ulcerated; for blood and pus, attended with a pe culiarly putrid smell, wdre' the frequent discharges. A short time since I made a visite to Massachusetts, in hopes of benefit from a change of air, but suffered more severely than ever before. While there ' a physician of fered to cure me for '340, in three months. Happily, in the midst of intense pain, occasionally relieved by 'laud anum, I saw in the wrapper of your Electuary, a,perfect description of my complaint, together with many cern& rates of cures. This gave me great confidence in the medicine, and I purchased a box, and nine doses of which has apparently cured me, and I,am prepared to say every thing inks- favor, or render any service can to,humanity by subscribing to its merits. Respectfully Yours, BENJAMIN PERCIYAL, 89 South. Ft. Sold Wholesale and Retail_by W YATT dr. K FITCII. UM, 121 Fulton St. 3Y. Y., HUSTON dz. LAUD Ta• wander, and by drnaest generally throughout the IT. S. Price SI, a boy. NOTICE.•—TheI genuine Electuary thus (y,,:it A. Upham M. D.) The hand is also done with a pen. No. 1., Brick Rw, again in the Field '. • . 1 o: .t. Chamberlin,' I'eb. - LT Ai3 just retu rn ed from the city .T AL. Al of Nest York with s large N. 13 C ~,,,..ea supply of Watches, Jewelry and I . - • ',IF/ Silver ware, comprising in part, , 4 ,, li , C, the following articles:—Lever, \ • 4 .../ '.. - ; Z L'Epineand,Plain Watches, with 0 46,..,,,,-- .;, 1 --A , a. complete 'assortment of Gold Jewelry?. such as Ear Rings, Fin ger Rip ;a, 11/east Pins, Draceletti,l.ociets, Gold chains, 'Gold Pens. Rays, etc. Also, all .sinis of Silverware, and any quantity of Steel Beads—all of Which he ; offers for sale ezcsoedingly cheap tbr .CABII. , Watches repaired on short notice, and tertierrottcd to run well, or the money will be refunded; and a, writ teri.agreement given to that effect if required. N. 8.-111APLE SUGAR, and Country, 'Produce ,taken in payment for work ; and lids,. learn' noir, and forever, that the Produce must be paid - vhcnthe work is. done--I war against credit in *ll its forma. W.. A. CHAS( BERLIN, - Agent. Tosirso;la, April 28, 1847. - - iitsttirvc . - 1 , jaffait il I• .. ' ' '' ' ' . e f tft.9 1 1098.0r 41 *le Utikerilteeattintw t o om ilid itttr i'..ll im itte Of uvii. V 11, ' gis toi let for_ ti hette tusiotb aiii EL acre . efigthigratitit itid titbit ' :Mowing .Weat, leardkg f a. 7, *dere& tidieoftde , d itkhe-Ensigrent; from OIL ' 'eeetiott Or New Viirkj . Pe osyliteria.. .. .1 ,‘Theßeetit delis • o are of the FiRBT CLA6B, rotted end , !tarnished w i lt ait,theeeitsentrarce ender, Li + ;commndetidiot PACK TS, commanded byiesperiene. itd.taptaine. - and towed by reins of Horse* , -,110 , AT HOME, 3/ : 0 .- 9 %%. 1 1 10 61_1180,N : , ~..,;,-; " ',TEMP E B7,', kilt .1 - TAYLOR. oppiap ..,..:,.Elaring,tlteotraireti ;of .t 13117, ,olletot the shove Boot s - will leave Cornhig sutri. .Elinkar t , :trery week the M. Armoring order :.\ _- ,- - •!- ~...... .t , .9118134,oirorty, _blond eitraitig, et 6-o'clA P. M. iimusA, every Monde . eiretag, al 6de ,P. N. Towing down Bane . Late: every Thtirsday loo m , tag, touching at Big, ktrnsair, - Lorli, and' Dret ; ~,,d 4 i , leaving Bu ff alo for' Coittiaken# Elinint,eiety Wene s . day mottling. .. FOR FREIGHT OR PASSAGE, apply to Captain .ion Board, or to `. • Wm. Mall ry, .6Orning,. ' .. • 8, It:l3lnt g & ICt, ;hnira. ' • - Wintenlan ek.' Tattle, Horseheads • • . ' A, Nub. largild• • ‘ ' ' - '. : ... -L.O: T reit d„Bfg*ram:: ' i - Wirodwor ai Po +, f 0 1 Price &Blially;' . .Gelitrii. -• • . Gay &BO:ftt, Witerko; .. . .1. Bhoetniker, Seneca Fet&.. Baker & loan, Ifrontemesna. • H, Wright,' HorAeder. , .. • \ t - H. Niles, Buffalo,- , .. . - . C.ARKBESS' , „., ' CLOTHING STABIiISIBIENT I , The most extensive tithing' IVarchou,l4 in the C. s. DKR-OPEN FOR MI T ER. '_ , .100 00 garmekts XV on band and ready' ~ for dhrpretial, Meade §..Retrur. ' To patrons we would say', thia having 6, nt one price, those who co not unlenitand 'the ens l valtittion price of goods,.will have an'opportunity of p l urehasitit Gannet:its as low as , .professed [judges. Jobters and dealers in ;ready made Clothing,jeair repteriiih their stocks krethe !winter, and we patentee the largest estiblishnieht in 'Philadelphia to select l from. We mood personally to the packing of goods, ind see that a goa l assortment of .sizes and well-made fetes are put up:, Single. suits forwarded as per cod r. . ' oZrOtir. goods are for sale only at the large building, 128 Market' st.. so tl east corner of Market and fourth sta., Philadelphia., '' i tin C. HARNESS. Philadelphia, 8' fambe/ 29, 1847. . ~ 3m16 New Tatiqrtn,,fr Establish) ent, td ...vo. 2. Brick Rim% over the store of E. T. For, ; third story. E:9 o `ailt a'Y It Zil la t ti -- ' ' RSPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Tori'aii da. and the public generally, that he' has removed his Tailor shop to No. 2, Brick Row, over the store of RI T. rdir, third sbiry, where he solicits those ire want of Tailoring, to gi e him a call. 1 Having been ern( loyed in the mbst fashionable ;stab ,- lishments in Phila elphia and elsewhete, and beidg de -1 termined to spare no pains ta please, clinetnerc may depend upon havi'g their work done promptly and in a good style as e n bit'had at any shop in towns All work warranted wlf made and to tit. . CI" Cutting done cheap, and warranted. Vi- Country PrOduce taken in payment for work. Towanda, Nuudst 30, 1877. BOOT & 00E MANUF,kCTOBY, iTa I P Jon.k w. NitILCOX, having purchased the init. rest of his 14e partner, respectfully informs thepub. lie that he mays ill be found at the Oki stand, near T: P., Woodruff's t vern, where he stiltsolicits a share of public patrohag lie intends, by a careful selection (, of stock, and by latterition' to the interc s ts of big costa mers to make aneat and durable work as coif he ma nufactured in th s part of the country. He will keep natant', mi..hand, and triantifactnre al e to order, 'Motor , Calf and 'raarst Pootg.aod Shoes ; Ladies' Gaiter„ Shoes and Slips ; Children . * do. , 113 Gent's Gaiters and Pumps, ire. a:7. Country Produce, of most descriptions, taken in payment for vacirk, at the market price. Towanda, August 30, 1847. • EaLi - PcsvzOLazu i-L2Q,0z.,-7:,-.1157-.:0 Time Medical Faculty in Arms! Dr. Carter'.4 Infallible liemrdy for iiuNGEn. Tune of Waken., and size, of doses «airily at the option of the patient! ,rru E above medicine can be found ritall times at the 11 new estab lishment .of CARTER & SMALLEY, together with kn entire new and fresh steCk of GRO CERIES, c tnprising every thing in their line, such as Tea, Cofer. , :Sugar, Tobacco, Pepper, Spice. Choco late, Cocoa, Iron, Figs, Raisins, &c., and an erlks vanety of oth r articles ° too numerous to mention ;" ell of which ill be sold as low-as the. same can be bought wes4qf the Empire city. We also offer the most splendid ( assortment of French. EngliA and Ger man TOYS, lever before-offered in Northern Pennsyl vania, togetho with is. full assortment of Nuts, Corder. tionaries„ Iranjtee Notions, Fancy glassware, &c., which must and will suitits to quality and price. Oct. 12..11347. RTER. & tilt ALLEY. t tirITY TAILORING ESTABLISIIMENT GH. de R. DA VlB, T.-1 if.:ORS: (late fro?, the • City etf Lorylort, ' have opened it 40p, in the second story !of the new Brick block, erected by Bonin, Kingsbcry, oh Main street, where they arc prepared to execute all oiders in their line with accuracy ss 4 despatch: From the* long and rigorous instructiou ititho' art. and their exlensiva experience as Forempi-in the best shopr in Lotidon, they fed perfectly competent of being able to ideal the most fastidious taate;end to execute their work in such, substantial and finish 4 sty., as to give satiAfri7trion to their customers. _ • to order, and warranted •to fit If, H. 1847. ylB AND stAllEs..: Arn't ye I gUissw ; times the goes . 'llas beekrasked , are all the B oos?MI Shoet, roa the continurst the: - eoreer trects 1 O'Hara srorers that this are th e thing,i,,se:c . ileit with ! Serenty-eleren nefe fojitoni , errry ttro , ittrtniirx z Pul dtt IWAh azn ye , —sr ye. and narlerstandrthat 011 ans, et the corner,Of Main and Bridge streets, will,sell at retail this seascimi 39,181 pairs of Boots, Shoes and 6 rentals; r a at a less pi than ever was or probably ever will beef' fered again in Towanda. • The •La ies' Department in this establishment l' richly furnished with fashions. Ladies, misses ad children's fancy and common boots and.lthoes, even te '• the extremity of the latest fashions. Mistake /301,1 be place —Corner of Main and Bridge streets, the rolY Shoe Store iin Bradford County.- Half.cash and lug trade fur Batter. H- O'HAft-t. Tovrandp, June 16, 1847. 767)281 of the Bradfor4 'Reporter. t Two I) 1 lars4ll,ll fifty cents per an UM ; Fine teem de-ductedi paid within the year ; a for CASH sew r ally in arlv nce, ONE. Dot.i.in will deducted. Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at any lie* , b y paying arrearages. Most kinds of Corxr or PRblit t I received in paythent, IlUthe market mice. AdvertiSernents, not exceeding a square of tech* lines, inseetedfor fifty cents; every subsequent insertion, twenty-ft; cents. A discount made to yearly advetribem JOB P rail Zra, of every .description, neatly end es' peditiously executed on new and fashionable type: • . Letters kin business pertaining to the race nat. - lea' rce of postage, to enstue attention.