Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 08, 1847, Image 3

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ma. ii,11.111 aid ibis Proviso.
Et rag from tilt *auk of the Host D. S. Duantsoa,
delivered .in the - U. S. Senate, Merck Ist, 1847. •
" I. world not have added one single word upon
the-subject of slavery, but it is due to the oecaswn
• that mymiews upon it should be fully undengood.
FtSo far as I am advised or believe, the great
Wass of the people of the north entertain bet one
opinion upon this subject, and that is-the same which
is entertained'by many at the south. They regard
the institution as a 'great moral andr e ;tteal
' and irotddthat it had'no wisterias; are net
unaware ef the difficulties which beset it, and do
not intendto provoke. sections! jealousy and hatred
-by ill timed and misplaced diacturions.. They wilt
not Men the cry of the (scale or favor the designs
of the political schemer frtfri the north or the south;
nor will The ever disturb trench ticam the com
promises of the tionstituften. They believe the in
stitution to , be localmid domeatic—to be -establish
ed or abolished by theltstes - themseltett,,and alone
subject to their controL But being thus' the institu
tion of airiest ecivereignty, and a pchise peculiar
• io itself, they deity that such soviovionty or its peo
ple can justly claim the tight to regaidAt as transit
Cory, and, to erect ft in the territories of the United
States without the authority ofgongress . , and they,
belOre that Congress may prohibit its Introduction
into the territories while they remain such. And
further, that its prohibition in thetenitories will, by
giving dwelt a free population, as4they become
_States, tend " to form a mom perfect Union, estab
fish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for
the common defence, promote the general welfare,
• and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and
our posterity."
" They have not resisted the admission of slave
Statei because they were so inhabited, and holding
the numerical power in both houses of Congress,
thellave States have increased nearly three-fold.
But believing that it is for the " general welfare,"
for the benefit of all the states, and not for any part
of them, that tree territory should remain so, and
that it is the legitimate subject of legislation, they
desire, without intending to disturb existing rights,
at all proper times, to dwell - es, in that spirit becom
ing brethren of a common household, the influence
its extension is ealeolatea'to exert Upon the human
race and the destinies of Alte country ; and they •
doubt not, that if upon the whole, it shall appear
that the heaven boar principles for which this Union
war fi3nned will be best promoted by such prohi
bition, that those who believe their pecurriayin
terests or fx:tlitioakrelations wilt be thereby preju
diced, -will yield a becoming spirit interests sci
comparatively trivial Co r promote the general wel
. Wllll THE POPE.-A very large and
respectable meeting was held in New York on
Monday night, to express sympathy with the Pope
and the 'people of Italy, itu their struggle for liberty.
The proceedings were of considerable intenergand
impettance. Hon. Wm- V. Brady, Mayor OT the
city. president. ' Letters were read from a large
number of gentlemen who had been invited, Inn
w e r e unable Ito attend ; among them Martin Van
Buren, lilt.' Buchanan, M. Dallas, Hon. Thos.
H. 8;11h:in, Ed. Everett, .1.. A Dix and Senator
`Dickinson, all of whom approved of the objecterof
t!-e meeting. Mr. Greely presented an address,
embodying the sentiments of the meeting, which
colitains the following paragraph.-
-" The age in which we lire is' one of moral ra
ther than physical warfare--in which the artillery
orthe press commands and . silencei that of the
campis-ip which opinion is more potent than the
layonCt. W ... ..etroc.therefore. that a g ainst, any di.
rect -add -cpen resort to bloodshed,. you are'shielded
by the' panoply of good ItICIO3 approbation and sym
pathies throottoet the length and breadth of Christ-.
endoin, - bit should these expectations be disap
pointed, let the rash aggressor beware ! The first
'-hot fired in .such a contest will .reverberate from.
every mountain, summoning the brave and noble•
from. eve Clime to stand forth against injustice and
ry t.4o
'battle for freedom and mankind.
In sir ti. a - ntost, no one familiar with the history
-or eliaractOr of the AmeriCan people can doubt that
their sympathies will be inac`dre or whia/ly fruitless.-
that Italy- will be spared the devastation , and
claistendont the ilt and scandal of such a contest,
we will not herb° ‘a, doubt ? but in any ease we
w ill hope tliat•this t itimonial.,of the intere4 aid
admiration with whit. you. are regarded by twen
ty millions of, people 111 not have been wit, in
Benj. F. Butler, And a number of other gentle..
men. addressed the meeting. . •
.I.lmost.eiery nation in Christendom lyas repre•
Muted in the asefeinblage, and no less than four
foreign nations by military companies in full uni
NEw Tong u PENNSy I. V.% NI A .---Jujustice to a
tletZbOr never prosperj in the long run. The pas
'ions of a momen`l464 be gratified, present rapa
vity indulged and a temporary- advant* gained,
but disrespeCt; ill4Mill, and wept of qoutidence ;
which surely follow will more than forma coun
terbalance in the e n d.. -
.The position of New York and Pennsylvania ren
ders their ;democracy natural alli`es ; united they
might sway the union. But the selfishness of a few
individuals, basing their hopes upon the temptatioris
held out by the natural and constant enemies of
both,•army them in hostility towards each other/
The consequence i., and will be, until a better un
der Standing prevails, that both are sacrificed.
New York is the, most popuhms and wealthy
State in the confederacy.' She has hall the Presi
dency but four years, during the whole history of
the Republic. The violence done to her .in 1841
has had a fatal effect in many . respects. Let jus
tide be•done to'her in another term v and not only
will harmony be restored to her own bosom, but
-she will step farward,like'a giant and demand for
PenusylVanialer due. This it ,seems to us is bet
ter, ant more. natural than loaking for foreign and
extraneous aid, which will never be on hand
when the pinch comes. Let New York and Penn
sylvania stand . shoulder to shoulder in future, and
plots, tram and conspiracies will go out of faahipn:
—7.,lf7ilictr-Barre Farmer.
F1.,00D AT PITTSBCRO. 7 -The Piftsbur' ror:otFn
day, says : that the rivers commenced rising on
W"ednesday. and on Thursday tiftemoon they were
bank - full. The rise was principally in the Alla
xhany. The houses in " the bottom" werefiooded;
the inhabitants driven to the upper stories or fright
ened off ehtirely. Immense loss was caused to
business men, and others doing business on the
rivers. We have heard of no lives being lost.—
The injury to property holders along the river has
been senons, as we bad evidence in the shattered
frames. &c. thakpassed down. The drift wood
Was not as p lentiful as usual during.high water, no
doubt on sectonnt of the clean sweep made by the -
last rise. -
This is the higheitt water" we hide had since the
great flood of 1832.'
The New York Herald Bays , in in reference to late
runiots fronts Mexico ; of chan ges in government
and foreign intervention, with great truth; as fol.
" The speech of Mr. Clay, "when it arrives in
Mexico, will , give encouragement and. force to all
these rumors.ot the leading men in that re.
_consider by lay as xne of the greatest states
men Of the U. Stares, and probably will calculate
Von his being elected to the Presidency on the ap
proaching election here,
and that his policy will
complete change in the action of the
-American go ernment The circulatioh of such
ideas, backed the great reputation of Mr. Clay,
end others of 14 clam, in this country, will tit the
tely difficilltylwltich our government will have to
encounter in restoring matters to peace and quiet
/ a Mexico, or in effecting a permanent and quiet
pe ase. o
EWBPAPEA POSTAGE.—The Legislature of Ver
mont, proviouit to its adjournment, on Monday
w ed% passed,. tmanirnonaly. a joint resolution. in
structing the. delegation itt Congress from that State
ose their influence to p rocure the repeal of " the
laa t act of Congress relat ng to the newspaper post
RilePuitzt Vounta....llte -Weil
India Islands, incluili4 lanai* Trinidad, terns
rara. Bt. Trutc_ent r and Ilarbadoes, with the British-
SouWAiniticen"Cakinf Orentiatru, imibeinethe
example the thirteen es upott- whisji our
Republic is based, have formaa whims -"cape
for petition and protest, called the g 4- Layst Wed /e
-dict Ledrie," under which its members, enthuse"
the large majosity of all the inhibitants, are sworn,
like the t' Liberty Boys', in our revolution, to un
fliriehingly exert themselves to gainAhat partioipa
'flan in the control of their affairs, which has ever
been held by British subjects to be the birthright of
freedom e
- -
FATAL ACCIDENT.-411311t6 Newkirk, of this -
lags, a hand on the canal boat Ina was killed in
consequence of falling into the first lock south of
'Sherburne, on Tuesday night of last week. The
boat Was just entering, the empty loft when Tie
sprang forward to climb .up the gate, for the pur
pose of subduing the boat as it went. in. But his
band slippQ. off, and he fell beck upon the water
ahead of the boat:: He barely raised t hinaself against
the side of the lock, when the hewvy boat struck
him, willing ifun - round two or three times—proba
bly crushing every vital part in his body. He nev
er spoke after falling, and probably, did not breathe
after the boat touched him.. He was an industrious
hard working young man, and hat left a wffe . to
mourn his untimely death.—Oxford Times.
D. SAILRY, sarrrom : JONI e. WINITTftIi, C9llll/Zlh
PONDING ' IMITOIL i L. P. 'psis, rusitsaxa.
. ,
The leading purpose of this journal is, the diaciissiou
of the question of Blavety. and the advocacy oldie main
principles of the Liberty Party. Doe attention is given
to Social and Political Questions of general importance
nor are the interests of a Pure Literature overloooked.
It aims to preserve a faithfulrecard of important events ;
of inventions or discriveries affecting the progress of So
ciety ; of public documents of permanent value; and,
during the sessions of Congress, to present such reports
of its proceedings, as will convey s. correct idea not
only of its action, but of its spirit and policy. The de
bates on the exciting subjects of Slavery And the Mexi
can War, expected to anse in the next Congress, will
occupy a large share of its columns.
Arrangements have been made for extending and en
riching its already valuable Department of Home and
Foreign Correspondence.
It is printed on a mammoth sheet, of the very finest
quality, in the best style, at A,OO a year. payable
in ad
The generous spirit in which the Era has been wet :
comet] by the, public Press, and the very liberal patron
age it has received during this, the first year of its exist
ence, encourages us to hope for large aceessions to our
subscription list.
It is desirable that subscriptions be forwarded without
delay, so that they may be entered before the approach
ing Congrygsa.
All eomTunications adsfresseil to
Puldisker of the National Era, Washin,gion. D.
Ncto 2Dnertiscin cuts
59 Gold, corner of Ann street, New York.
Lk.()BERT TAYLOR is prepared to furnish hand
cast Type, and Printer's kLsterials of all kinds, at
short notice, and on reasonable terms.
Pr. prietors of newspapers, who have not advertised
for the subscribers, alio may publish this notice fo4 3'
months previous to Jan. 1. 1848, will be entitled to re•.,
ceive pay in type, on purchasing five times the amount
of their bills for advertising.
Old Type
in exchange fix new at 9 cents pet
Goslz ror the People,
T N: BETTIS is just receiving. et the Central store
It • in the new brick bloc* a very large and desira
ble stock of GOODS, which he offers et a very small
alvance from cost. Purchasers desiroui of getting the
worth of their money, end having the satisfecnott of be
ing honestly dealt with, will find it their interest to ex
amine his stock belore purchasing.
Among my goods may.. te found French, English and
American broad cloths, do:mutaimere, silk velvet and
satin veatings, fancy vestings, sheep's gray cloths, sat
inetts, Kentucky jeans, tweeds, limeys, knit°woolen
shirts and drawers, cotton do.; 'apace's, a grist variety,
French merinoes, silk and wool do., de brines, Oregon,
gale, lama and woolen plaids, ginghams, cashmetes..
mantilla silk, bonnet velvets and satins, ttimmings to
correspond, gimps and fringes a,good assottment, bras
sells and woolen carpet bags, *MAIL strartilla, cash
mere. delain, french ,and woolen plaid shawls, domes
tic goods, hosiery and gloves, carpeting's, 4 and 8-4 oil
cloths, window shades. &c. Groceries, crockery, stone
and tin ware. hardware, boots and shoes a bugs assort
ment. Leather, nails; square, mond and common bar
iron, plow and sledgepattems nail rod, horse shoes and
nails, band afd hoop iron, see?, english blister, .germart,
american spring steels, 7 by 9, 8 by 10 and 10 by 12
glass, putty. linseed end lamp oils, paints of all kinds,
mackerel no. 1 and 2, codfish, &c. &c. Goode mold at
cash prices for grain, batter, cheese _ &c. Wanted 1000
fox and martin skins for which mini will be paid. .
I take this method of informing my old friends and
customers, that I have made arrangements with Mr. N.
N. Betts, to partially take charge of, and assist him, in
his business. I would, therefore, be very happy, to see
any ofou at the above mentioned establishment, where
goods must and will be sold at very low rates, for my
'motto istas it ever has been, small profits and quick
sales. Call and see - Yours truly.
BOOTS & 8110E8,—a good assortment of urn's,
bOy's, and children's coats. and kip boots; also.
ladies' and misses' shoes, of almost every veriety,theap
as ever, by d 1 Z. T. FOX.
1 Froth Supply of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery,
Boots 1 Shoes; Caps, Naffs, Ise., It,
which are gelling very low at FOXI3. No. 2, B. Row.
GROCERIEti are selling very cheap r at FOX'S..—
Any quantity of fresh Sugar.,-at-'a trills advance
from first Mat, by the bbl.' or ; a beautiful. article of
alffee for 9 cents ; good Green Tea for 3a., extra quay
lit) , for 6a., and everything else in proportion. Please
call at n 24 , NO. 2, B. R. .
AIEUFPB, - thit are muffs, and can't be beat—some we
.LVI. ty choice and beautiful Muffs that can't fail to
suit, just recei v ed at n 24
H. S. & M. C. MER€UR,
Consisting of more than their usual variety, which
they offer to the public at their proverbially kw prams.
Towanda, September 25, IRV.
(11L8, Paints. Varnishes and Dye-staff& oI almost
kJ every kind.. at septa ME RC U IRI3.
.—Prancti, Enitliali and Amancan Cloths . ; phin
and fancy Casi►aens and &milieus; satin, silk, widen
cia and wonted Vestinp„ very cheap at
sep2s r' MERCUR
'TO 131
Ell DRESS 00D8:-:—Plaia, figured
Wick sad colored Alpacas; black and cur
Irked 14.etiases; Oregon Plaids ; rich Frei eh
sad coin Cashmeres, peLainek&c., a great "
of styles f . ! *sleet sep2s MERCUR
IRON 4 NAILB.—A large .aaaortment for mkt, at
HARDWARE.—A very large stuck of Hardware, of
every description, just reed at MgRCURIL
COCOA & CHOCOLATE. genuine end fresh, by
xtj Oct. 27. CARTER 8c MALLEY.'
'f-'lGtetelfirittim, tcr.
13 WV - 4110 . 11 '. ' ' — ll
'LARGE sad wsN Minted amiotiment of Tel ma
AWieser Goods, just Neared. sad for sal. by EL.
LIOTJ 4 & TOIREINS, coesibingof
-par DSfl GIOCBIIIIB, 1111M11111,
Among our Goods may be found, French, grmliith
and American Cloths and Cassimeres; also, a goodas
sotturent of rine ..Canablems mid Tweeds. awe"
gray cloth and abitnete; also, a good assortment of
I war coot Cloths and'Cloalungs.
For the LADIES, We base sag rputaStY of GiDff
haeb,.lL Debbie., Cashmerea, shwas, of all colon
sad prime, both cotton and millt--sierp ; Shawls; of all
kinds, dims silk, black and fancy, -with taioninge is
Also--:Bonnet Silk & Bonnet Velvet trimming.
IMFFF!"--a large stock.
Naw Arrival at No.
.Briek Row !
g. Chatebtrits,
18 new raceiviog, and ogres for sale at die - DRUG
DEPOT, No. 1, Brick Row. a large addition to his
former stook, consisting of every variety of
Groceries, Dreg aid "'MMus. Dye naffs, hints,
011 s, Perfumery, Paley Ankles k.
which will be sold at wholesale or retail, at unaguanY
low prices. TeraurCASH. Towanda, June 18;1847.
• DATENT MEDICINES, every kind now in use.
./. ma botanid et tbe Drug Depot; Agent for.l4:yne's
Smith's, Cliatenees, Moffitt's, Pain killer, and rioas
other malichies. A full and general w y always on
hand ! jell Na 1, BR K RC*.
NO. 3 PT UP !
THE•old firm of WM. H. BAIRD 4 C O.,
been dissolved by mutual coma:Lend the 4oAlai
ber being disposed to keep OLD N 0.34 (who is damps
right) GOING AHEAD, would now ainauceee Whom
who like to buy goods cheap, that he is now daily me
.ceiving from the city of New York, • nevr,and splendid
assonment of Goods, which he is bound to sell as cheep
as they can be bought this side of the city of New York.
My assortment consists, as co...nd•of
• Now, Mr. and Mrs. Everybody, just continue your
old habit of dropping In at No. 3, before purchasing
'elsewhere, and if I don't sal you goods tight. "don't
buy them." I have accommodating clerks, who will
always be happy to wait upon you in case you don't
find the Old Man eonstandy on band himself, and I
have o Jo doubt but on pricing the goods you will be gfad
to buy.
I feel•thankful for past favors, bestowed upon the old
firm, and it shall be my sim to merit a coatinuaatie of
the sane. nov2 E. W. BAIRD.
QEA FOOD.—Codfish and Mackerel, any quantity
/..." for ode at nlO BAIRD'a
BROWN SHERTINGS.— About 43,000 yards of
Brown Sheeting...just reed at BAIRD'S.
"rr-E9TINGB.-B.tin, silk, satin stripe, silk velvet
V ana - other Vestings, for winter or summer, fall or
spring ; a greit - Asso_rtment at BAIRD'S, No. R. B.R.
rililOICE DRY GOt i Alpaccam, French Mini.
Oregon plaids, moostin-de !aims, Colombian
plaids. gingham*, of all descriptions, &e., &a., at
Nov. 10. BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brielt_Roar.
r UR GOO DB.—Gentlemen's fur caps, Ladies' mutrs,
dm, a good assortment at BkIRD'EL
QAWS.—MiII saws, and 8i ket and 8 foot cross cot
-40 paws, at BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Row.
HATS CAPB.—A good assortment silk and fur
Hats. gent's glued caps, with (*pen, (a great ar
ticle for 'stormy weather,) men and boy); cloth caps,
children's velvet caps, &c. You will Bud all these
kinds, and many more, at 0%0 ; BAIRD'S. •
AORSE BLANKETS.—If you want a good and
cheap article of the kind, all at , BAIRIM
PAINTS.—White and red lead, Venetian red, Bps.
nigh twown, copal gum, litharage, chrome green,
chrome yellow, varnish. &e., at BA !RD'S.
habit buttons, and all kinds of fixin's for trimming
ladies' dresses. at BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Row.
riLOTHB.—French, and English Brood Cloths and
Cessimeres, Sauinets, sheep's gray, a good assort
ment It nlO BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Row.
LADIES !—Do you know where to fi nd the nicest
French Lace Capes in town I—the spot is at
Nov. 10. BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Row.
LADIES' CARPET BAGS, a splendid article, at
N0..11. BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Row.
MILL, Monroe. .Sept. 23, 1847.
$2 REWARD !--Btrayed ittilen from the sub
scriber, residing near the centre of Litchfield tp.,
Brad. at., Ps., about nine weeks ago, • dark brown
Wl' AG, heavy bodied, horns mostly black. A reward
of two dollars will be pkid to any person who will give
inlirmation where said stag may be found.
Oct. 26, 1847. LEONARD DEMAREST.
Another Great Victory in Mexicol
THE news was receivedi simultaneously with newa
that Abere had been another graat arrival of New
Goode at the
And caused a Tremendous Excitement ! !
The present proprietor. C. REED, take@ this oppor. -
tunity to return his thanks to his former patrons and
the public generally, and also of informing them that he
is noir receiving a very large and general asitxtment of
Fall and Winter Goods, of every dercririon which he
pledges himself shall and wiil be sold as lob; as at any
other establisbnient within 100 miles of Towanda.
The public generally are respeetfolly invited to call and
eremitic to satisfy themselves at No. 5, Brick Row.
Towanda, reptember $l, 1847.
It No. 7, New - Brick Block, -
T 8 now in full blast. where the public con be team.
modeled with CRACKERS, at wholesale; Beau,
CAKIIIII, bg tite hundredor thousand,-will be famished
et prices which Will make lien object for Grocers in the
country to give ne a call.
Cann, of every description, for public at prints
parties, furnished to order on the shorten nisice.
.—bo seeks o f first rate floor just received
and for sale at BA!RD'B, NO. 3, B. IL
ir V Wein. pot op in wine vinegar. exprewly for fami
ly ww. 027 CARTER & SMALLEY.
AITINDOW GLABB.-7 by 9. 8 by 10, 10 by 12,
WY 10 by 14, 12 by 141, 12 by 18, 14 by 11. MI of
Boot in ascalkat order, for sale by
October 19.1847. 0 D. BARTLETT.
To AU landdidat I _
THE subscriber, baring made new arumpunents, is
very desirous of settring - up his old accounts. and
requisite those indebted, to setae immediately, by giving
their notes, psyabis in the spring. if they era not this
to Me" up now. Immediate attention is 'equated.
variety, all the Istasestyks and most
beautiful pstterad, just reesived and Air wale way low
by u)9 O.D. BARTLETT.
SII/MI4ER SHAWLS. • beautiful assoortatent of
1 "-. 1 DeraP, De Lain and Broeba Shawls may be toned
CIONTINUEB to carry on the above business in all
tts branches, at her old stand, corner ad River and
Bridge alerts, where &math and Cape can be par.
chased, and work will be done promptly, fashionablyi
and at iatiefactery pricey as mall
Towanda, October 27, 1247. •
• .
/%` - 't • jitladinathe - * 4...
1111-Vrc 0.0 WO%
• Aut Rinied\et NO. 2; ihith Row; •
Nein of New rill & Witter aids,
WillOß seed and Inaba .old et the wesilosnot
ett& kr Carh W Rea!ly Pg• EoelYPerirol
who Tay went GOOD and CHEAP gooda,to respect•
lolly invited to cell sad examine shining& Don't
fai4 to eaU se it costs soothing to look, and we eansider
h a favor to show the goods, and will try to Enke hen
object he those wishing to bay of R. T. FOX.
0_ IIAlgr•e• p.!101471 B HEETIN9B, &Map,
• 41 ° magi, widiruig. Wins ! cotton yore
angst wotp, clomp as ON chomped. at Bra
rI_DIGHAIIIB I GINGHAbIB!-100 pima, new and
moat splendid atyka,• -the prealeirreet
in mattes. Also. ereion Mk. Silk P l aids. mind all
thenew styles dm 'roods all 'LNG. 11, &ink Rem:,
0G , k,1 very Imre possible pokes at POrtit_l_
IaARDWARB, i good. emonanne, haelacßag ben.
&e. at No. 2, B.R. FOXIL
p4V 178 . 648 & DtlS-BTUFFP4 aso Mathew
by the gloss at Na 2, B. R. FOX'S,
SEALED HALF BUSHELS, on band and for side
et sep- 15 , FOX'S.
Cooking sod - Parlor Stoves. •
TEST - received Cooking
MONTANYES Ij CO's, e. lame
lot—Aleo, PIPE, end a few wood-band stoves, ea
of which will be fold cheep km pay. Sept. 7; 7847.
Stock of Goods ht the Sates Bank.
T N consequence of the pest nub at the Savings Bank
1. for Cheap Oxide. the propr i etor has been induced to
replenish with a splendid aneertment of SPRING &
SUMMER GOODS, which are now opening, and sidl
ing at greatly reduced prices. The proprietor. Mr .0.
REED, pledges himself totally and amply sustain the
Credit of the institution which it has hitherto bores, i.e.
for selling goods cheaper than my other establishment
in Bradford es. Persons desirous of testing thisilseve
only to cell at. No. 6, Brick Row, and satisfy themselves.
July 7. 1847. • C. REED.
and Light Ginghame, base been nmeived at the
Savings Bigk, and are selling twenty. Elite per cent.
cheaper thin ever. 1;7 114. REED.
BOOTS & 13/10M—A hugs and exhaustless as.
ointment of nurse and fine boots and shoes, ladies'
full sad half gaiters, kid ties, buskins, French kid slip
pens, children's cloth and morocco shoes ars now selling
may low as the Eileainp Bank, No. 5, Brick BON'.
Ilimomood, Nov. 10. By S. C. NAGLEE.
UMW Afteetilao &NV %Mao
lop XINGSBERY & CO., are jaw receiviag, di
-1J• Metly from New York and opening at the new
brick atom, recendy erected at B.Kingebeiy's old stand,
a large assortment of Fall .4 , Winter Goods, comprising
Broad cloths, - Cassimeres, Sattincts ; Alpacas, of eve
ry' description • French 4' End fish Merinos : Moo
reline De Letitia ; Gin ghsams, a great variety;
Cashmere 4. woolen Shawls ; Domestic goods,
Hosiery and Gloves, of every option.
Groceies, Crockery ; Hardware, Boota 4. Shoes, Sole
and uppmeher, French •asul common calf and
kip skins, ire, round any Swedes Iron.
ip. .
Glass, Hats ant Calu ' 4 'in and Stone Ware,
Paper Hangings, a robes and Mil's,
Mackerel, Codfish, - dird, Herring.
The attention of the public is nreptctfitify invite,' to
Our present large stock of goods, which are nowrrvhibit
ed for sale at the lowest priors, for ready pay. They
have been selected with unrumal care and attention, ex- - - 1
presily for the accommodation of oar customers, and
we belierte offer inductitnents to purchasers no where
else 'to be met with.
(0 - Remember, bekwo purchasing ehmewheWs, to call
et B.Kinpbery's old stand, and examine our goods and
prices, as we are confident they will meet the views of
the clonal cash buyers.
7. /C; SMITH,
Oct. 12, 1847. W.'F. MENARDI.
This Way for Bargains.
STUFFS. selling at end. at FOX'S. •
OILS, PERFUMERIES , a spl •rhd article of Hai
Brushes, Thermometers, and Fancy Articles, foe
sale at jell; No. 1, BRICY ROW.
Fair Waning tad the Last Meths !
T HEREBY ream every person indebted to me, that
1. mikes immediate payment is made, they will be
sued ! Tbis notice is given without respect topmasts
and all ,persons knowing themselves indebted, will save
costs, by giving prompt attention.
Towanda, Oct. 12, 1847. 11. HATHAWAY.
SAY WOLIN i don't tell any. body that we will pay
the "reed )oh s Davis," for 100 bushels Chestnuts
and 600 lbs. Lard. CARTER & BMALLEY.
1130 M SO ics immosanntnaisr,
ALARGE end extensive assortment of School, Chao'
steal and tifiseellaneous BCKIIK9) , also a large
stock and great variety of Papertr, including note, letter,
cap, folio, post office and wrapping papers; together
with a complete assortment of Blank Books, Visiting
Cards, Enuekrpcs, ke., &v.; all for sale cheaper than
the cheapest, by 019 a D. BARTLETT.
.W.,41C11T11120 0:6.111it•
AM" Grafts,
IXTOULD again inform the Ladies that she has just
V Y returned from New York, with the latest and
M3lli fashionable style of Mats. Caps. and Raul dres
ses r also • large anJ choice selection of Millinery
Goods, consisting of Musk Vacate. Silks and Satins r
a large,assottment of &Mama. Flamers, Plumes and
Lain. Also /Prima etabioderai ekensisdles, gimps.
fringes and black Limning lace : all of which will be
sold at as low • pries as ass be purchased elsewhere.
Towanda. October 11,1847.
frHIS Institution is now under tha charge of Mr. F.
W. Gown. a graduate of Yale College, assisted .
by Mr, 0. H. Pasyr, of Cain. The first term com
menced on the 16th of Sept. oh. The second will
commence on the 6th of .Dec. . Pupils are admitted at
any time. TIM
Tuition per terms of demo weeks 1
Common English studies, ' $2 50
Higher English stunies, s.• 400
Ancient Lemma/es mid higher mathematics. 5 00
Extra charge. ( let Ind 2d tens.) ' 23
Arrangements wilkbe made trs we the services of
an ecoomplished Preaptrese m the ipring.
Oct. IL J. D. MOPITA SU, President.
TETHERS AS, my slab, LAVINA DUNN, has kat
V V ay bed and bawd, without any kook mow sa
pnwooatioa. this it hereby to maim say perms fns
barboriwrao muting two on toy awn* elf will pay
no debts or damn& of bat easuwethrir.
Airurrs—A large assortateat of all kinds sod cull
tia% are now seUlog very low et dal Ravings Dank;
No, 5. Brick Row. dl C. REED.
GROCERIES - - -A Urge and ostensive atioeUnent,
of every description, has just been received at the
Savings Sank. and ale ealliog chespes-than the cheep.
et No. 6. Brick Row. • C. REED.
AP/I! CAPS ! of every kind arid sort; aka robber
%.) Ovecaboos, consisting of blen's sandals, Ladies' do.
buskins, and all other kinds, just ietaind, and for sale
low at lbw Savings Bank. di C. REED.
utrrna & SODA CRACKERS, soda biscuit,
wholesale and retail. di C. IMED.
1/I[CALISTER'S OINTHENT.—A new supply of
/TA this &serially popular ankle just received at
0r725 /43RetIR'S.
, ,
-ODIM Millld.
TbatiAEl*. k N C. Tonkin, •
AU'° IIIII:tbomiolver., together hi db.
M hop by dose opplieotiew
ittestime brtwelisee, to wait weber, of pub
1k portiere:4 They,resy ohnryirbol fogad reedy to
.ttenJ 1. e i person who wishes arwoutodstiows to their
occupy the old stand of Elliott & lferenr.
jog teas enlarged and made awe eperi.
' enswasers will and it eery plow
They wi
sea alit
our eat •
lost to de
Ibry *Ti
ad Slaw Goods.
T 8 now opening a new and splendid miasmata of
1 Maple and finer 'at Miaow. (situate/ow klain
drat two doors below Bridge street (want side) away
r ilanisayes & Co.) embrocing all asticles
genendly kept id the country, such as
Dry Goods, Glycerin, Crockery and Glass
ware, hardware. Nails, iron, all die
varieties of Sled. Glass, Paint.
Linseed Oil, Lamp Oil ke.
which he tam is purchasers at mama low prim for
Cask,Pivilace, or improved coedit. And would re
spactruny invite all who wish toparches. to call and
examine hulAgoods and prices before purchasing else.
ahem, as be 'a confident be can order good bargains.
June 1, Ine4
PRINTS, M. be taints, Gingham:is, Lawns, &e.--
Tee Ladies will find a bamotial asnottatent at
joss 9. BETTS'.
AGREAT vanity of shawls saes, parasols Wks
and Mame Boune“, very' ebe,p at BETTS':
BLACK & BEAVER CLOTHS, Wet. and fancy
Casimerea, mod all gods of Rummer stalk a bras
amortment,low for =A at BETTW.
VULNDOW & WALL PAPER, a wee variety and
IF V cheap at
ITARRIB & BLOODS' tires scythes and scythe
LA maths ;also Barrio' cradle scythes at BETTS'.
QILKB.--Bhiek. colored, plaid, and changeablenniss
1. Silks ; alga, white and colored Bonner Satins. at
sep24 • ME ROG Irig:
TIREBB GOODS-100 pieces now opening at . the
Savings Bank. consisting of Farrah Mains. plain
Alpaccas, Abysinian stripes, cardikor plaids, cashmeres,
monslin de laines, plain and twilled gingham'. *cote.
all of which will be sold low. at''' REEWB.
CLOTHS & CABBIMERKB, Vnstjogs, Overcoat
Cloths, with as brown, olive and gold mixed- Bea.
Veen will be sold very low at SAVINGS BANK.
ESTRAY. -Broke Into the enclosure of the subvert.
her. on the 26th of August bet, a RED COW, 8
or 9 years dii. The owner is requested to prove pro. .
perry, pay charges and take her away.
Troy, Sept 27. HOWARD BPALDING.Ben.
PRINTS, of every variety and style , foreign sad do.
mettle, now opening at wholesale and retail, at
saperior style and &OA. and at prices to suit those
who wish to purchase cheap.
SHOES—Ladies' Misses and Children's, • large va
k. 7 rid" on hand iat je9 BETTS'.
_ _
.foother Large and Bp Undid Lot or
- Renoir made Poihint/
STORE. Here is the place to get cheap clothing, at
least 50 per cent. cheaper than at any other place.
have all kinds to suit eustoiners. My stock is large,
consisting of Cloaks, Coma, Pints, Vests, dec. r&e.—
Elegant and new premium styles, aloe at astonishing
low prices.
Cloaks. Over Costs, Brown, Ddb, Do, business
Costs—all kinds, Black Dress Coats, French Dress
Do., Gold Mixed, Do., "Satinett Pants, Cassimere Do.
Black and Green Monkey Jackets, Fancy Basin Vests,
Black Da., Cashmere, Do., Double Bresated Do.,
White Mancilic Do. Also—Canton Flannell , Draw;
era. Shirts the 'same, and some splendid hoe Shins.—
Alst—Blue and Black Cloth,, Brown Do., Caesium:rex,
Plain, Fancy Do., Vestings ofitOrinds.
V' Cutting and Mending done ramp and making
Oct. 9, '47. Clothing Store.
1 Fourth of July, at No. 1, BRICK ROW.
Q ALT— 100 bbl.. Salt just. received sad far sale
.t BAIRD'S, N 0.3. B. R.
911810118.1114311 an lam= 8
=lmmo Nsre scimearammh
late of the Clansmen! Howe, Tainando, Pa., which
was destroyed by firs on the lila of March last,
'ETAS leased the old stand, on the meet aids of the
11 public equine, lately occupied by Williun Brim
sign of the Tips, where he is prepared mid will be hap
py to wait on hi. aid customers and the public generally
His bons* is in good order, and him facilitim for ae
cortursdating traVellers and visitors. such ne will enable
him to give ample eatistiection. Charges atedernte. '
Towanda, Oc•aber 20. Itl4l.
FOR THE LADIES—a large assortment of white
goods, such se Irish linens, cross barred,and striped
muslins..jacortens, swiss muslin'. die;; also swiss mull,
and muslin edgings, thread and tattoo edgings, bobbins,
silk fringe and buttons, lace buttons, patent whalebone
skins, purse twist; in short a great variety of fancy
goods of every tracription, may be found at the
Gelieral Scott in the City of Memo
And another large stock of Goods just received a t.
which have been cared!" selected for the Fall Teade.
THEpublic are invited to all and examica their
stack of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and
Crockery, Hoots & SilioesM•ta &'Caps, and everything
in the line of staples, sailed to the wants of this region
of eountry, which have been purchased exclusively for
Cash, and at the lowest ebb in the market. We hope
our old friends will not forget to give 'us • call, as we
can make itilan object for them to do so.
Towanda, August IS, 1847.
J. N. Sumner, M.: D., Dentist,
T 8 now in town, and will rennin al Woodrujra Ro
-1 get, three or four weeks. His friends are invited to
evil. November 1847.
frHE pattnership heretofore existing wider the firm
J of Coentaugh * Safiskty. Willis day dissolved*
Mutual consent, &fs businais in future will* conducted
by U. Coolhough The books and amounts of thelnuits
in the bends of D.C.litehbary ; those indebted to the
firm by note or book sealant, will make paYment to D.
Maeram Salsbury. COOI,DA UGH.
m, Now. 10, 1547. D. C.ISALSBURY.
TROBING GLASSES, • huis oiroctutoot far ado
AA at ul7 -BAIRD'S, No.B, B. B.
MEASURES—Heir bushel, Peas hug quart, tiro
qutii, and on. • aseasanei. at 1144.1RD11.-
MtrYiril r .o vow varkty of otogaot saffip; ~vs.
7 boootiful—juit tedium! awl for Ws very low.
by 0. D. BARTLITt.
A LARGE uwetuwat or Broad Cl;Abe, Goraiincree.
11. and Seitinette, which we have long been famous
kw selling good and cheap, now cheaper than seer—
and upon which we cludlenges the world,,lnet received
at o. Dr. BARTLETT.,Nov. 3..18411.
RINGES & OUHPEK of an kinds • a., nations
Ind other trimmings for dra ws. and Awns,
by antB MONTANYE. & CO.
COIL.CHAIN. for bull irbeels to um dre.&e.
just received end for mile by • _
October 19,1947. O. D. DARTLErT. •
7 - . 2, titga lbw
T Oft 01%4UtiCHN8,drymis
• own, Iv semi. t
Durso-41aiiii Weßfaastn, diuse*:lo4o
Lerif --Addison Brinhara; Amon Knori s y
4 1J
lidiehinrpstik , Own ;
Spritialea , ..,Wadoard botTy ;
Smithfield--Stephen Calii, W. P. FainatiOnhy
South Creek—ben Danning; •
Herrieh—Geo.. W. Elliott;
Albans tp--Jotm Grillin ;
- Wyakasing—Charks Hower;
ehtnitenrio—Wat. Horton 2d ;
Windham—Parlay Johnson Jr y
Deribroboo—Wm. Knapp;
Cohnobia.-11). Lino, t . 1 •
RorpriteillSet W. Maynard ; _
Athens bolo-4W. Ildatherwoon ;
tp—Rufus 'Wino* Rent ni
Franklist—J. G. Ridgway ;
Canton c --804. S. Smiley ; •
INOnroct=Freetztaa Sweet y
Albsny—R*pin Wikrf
Me... Richard Ashton. MOM* Tilyfee, tkamot WeMb
Graneille--Elon A. Bailey ;
freehlimi-Win. Mika ;
Wyalusing-4ra.Brown ; .
Ilidgberry••4loenull P. Bon, W. 8. Melded ;
Warren-Cabin Butlington.Satintel L. S. Wheaton:
Bpringfield-4enveCaeley, Paul Faro, n. Jas. U. Guam
• Burlhar on—AN . Campbell, C. T. Mem:
Ronte.—M. C. Cannon, Aimed _Forbes ;
Orwell—Eli Fletcher; I.
Shosheqcin--Alfred Gore, J. it, Hanlon, Henry Irma* ,
Towanda bore—D. C. Hal, Cyrus Smith ;
SmithSeld--W. F. Kellogg A i
Troy tp.James Merritt, Alonzo Morse,S. A. Taylor.
Chia. Williams;
Towanda. tp--Diesid Ratty;
Litellftel4--Aaron Slone ; i -
Leroy—Ansel Tillotson;
Herrick—Abner Taylor;
Standing Snme—P. 8. Whitman ;
Wysoz—John W. Whitney t 1 . • .
Ulster—Wm. Walker ;
VIA TISRSZ ZV111011111111C02 . 11 . 0
Springhill—Demon Ada. Jerome Green ;
Orwell--Lyman Brownian ;
Wysoz—D. P. Bartlett„.CurtiaXiink;
Windham--Simon Brainard, Henry' Denham, Daniel
Gardner ;
Warren—H. B- Bowen E. L. Stephens;
Ulster—Daniel Chubbuck ;
Churchill, Joel Packard ;
Hanel—E. Carr. Thos. Jona ;
Troy tp—Wm. Clifien ;
Pike-8. Chaffee, Myron Stevens, H. Stevens ;
Durell--Wilron M. Decker ; -
Rome—Sentth Forbes;
Springfield—Wm. 8. Grace, Geo. Sergeant; •
Sheshequin--Jeremiab Kilmer ;
Columbia—John H. Furman, Peidg Peek ;
Burtingtcm—John Preen, Jr. Da•id Ross;
South Creek—Benj. Quick ;
Troy born—G. F. Reddington ;
Litchfield—Elijah Wolcut ;
Franklizi-Obas. Stevens; ; .
Athens tp.,—George Welker;
Ridgbeny--John Wallace ;
Athens' borough—George H. Wellep, J. K. Wright.'
ALL persons indebted to the estate of GEORGE
CLAGGErr,late-of-Springhill towp., deed, are
hereby requested to make payment Without delay,- and
those having claims against said estate,: will please pro
sent them duly attested to the subwiber.
GEO. W. CLAGGETT, Administrator
Springhill, October 16, 1847. 1
ALLpersons indebted to the Estate lof Absotem
Wilcox, dec'd., late of Leßoy !township, are here
by requested to make immediate payments:, and all
pawns having demands against mid estate are reques
ted lo present them immediately lo the subscriber for
settlement.. A 3408 W. WILCOX, Adler.
Leßoy. Oct. 19%60847.
ALLpersons indebted to the estate of Isaac Irak=
late of Leroy township, deceased, are hereby
requested tombs payment withwit delay, and those
having claims against said estate. will please present
them duly attested to the subseribefre.
Leroy. Novimber 2, 1817. Adminiilastors.
IDEDLERS will trait to theien4wintage to eon at the
Drug Depot, where they an be sapplied with eve
ry article desired, such as phials, essences, Ore., on the
hest terms. jelB No, 1. BRICK ROW.
Nr 17 co ID Oil
THE larayst-ind most extensive assottmerat of NEW
.1 GOODS. suitable to the searon,seleesad with great
are, and for sale cheap as the cheapest, foe cash or ap
proved credit—just opened at
Towanda, Oet. 5, 1847. 0., D. DARtLETris.
.L7o' AZITZ. 41424=1:42
FOR sale cheap 60f Cosh az/ Lumber. Wined en.
amine them. TR.ICY & 110011 t„
Towanda, Nov, 17. 1847. ' No. 4. Stick Rani:
SPANISH; and twit" Spanish MARS, for ask in
any quentity, by ,n 24 TRACY in MOORE.
L A, t X CUT SAWS, a first rate article,
for sate cheap by TRACY & MOORE.
bov24 TRACY & MOORS.
Wawa), to Peddle Jew(lry
vANTED. %bee active, higelligent, young men to
peddle Jewefry end Fancy Goods % on foot.
To young men, who tan como well recommended,
liter,. encouragement will be given. Persons desirous
of engaging in the badness, will piease all on the sub
scriber. at Mrs.Delpeuch's is Towanda tp., on the 28th
29 ehl or 30 th of November ihr4‘:: Or on the 14th or 15h
of December next. n 2 EPII.KfDDER.
lea/1 4 41334112 - RICO
ATVFICE is hereby given tol Retailers of Foreign
.1.11 :Geodiand Mr rcbantlize, trho have not laid that
lionises for 1847, to call and pail up immediately.
NOveinber 4, 1847. J REEL, Treasurer.
C OTTON YARN, carpet want', Nitta, waddingovick.
ing, brown and bleached sb'entinp and Alining%
may. be Round at a bargain and vier', low at the Savings
Bank, eep29 NO. 5, B. R.
' doolluer Large Suppli of,
NEW FALL & WINTER. T HE GOODS: subscriber is bow reeeivuirf his !mod Fall and
Winter .apply of Cieerbi t ,which will be eobt eery,
low es usual. FINGSBERY, Jr
Nov. 16. Cor.l Main sad &idyl WIN.
DRY MD Gtoceties..ileidwono. Hoots I Ansi.
Crockery. Nada, 'Glam. Codfish and )belserek
PAM* OWN Rot, Cop end Mitts, nooks sad thation
qty. Fondly Mwlieinao , dee.. jinft rectived at •
N0v.16. FaNnitillSitY.
DERBONS wishing to porch* SUGAR. wilt move
from tee to two dollars patina. by calling mt. the
earner of Maio and Bridal, mummer.
Nov. 16. ICHNSBERY: Jr.
"DOOM & SHOES,coonistiolt of an hide ova kip.
boob, lodine stall mime slipper., gaiters and bait
pions; chikiron'o shim ; sho u t; doisaramoissoot of
Halm an Calm. ityrio* open; at the &iv*. Bank
septa , NO. ik B. R.
CRAWLS.—n, .• At.DeLainek,
and Wool Shaw& a twee • 1 ■t MERCUIrei.
CCAPBl—Mea's, Bpi% and Children's eel.
V vet, ekuh and fur, aid fur trimaran] eals.—•
comp l ian t , the greateet variety Ste, seen in thisphke„
jent received end far sale rely how hy.
October la. 1847. O. D. BARTLETT.
GINCH3 Sc. PMTS.-413in sal twilled Ulna
hams, English sad Anwripan Printa, a beautiful
asscututeut dt serts MERCUICS.