.THE ONAL LIRA WASIIISOTON 491* iIISTIICI OF .COLITNBIA! gAIL/T t 1C1TT01: 1111!0a. 111111ITTIZIL.• Colllllli. PONDIREI 'SUMPS 1.. P. 1101114, • naiusa“: The leading purpotie 'of this journal is. the discussion of the question of Slavery. and the advocacy of the main principles of the Liberty Party. Due attention is given to Social and Political Qualiorts of general importance ; nor are the interests of a Prinehiteratureoverloooked.. It aims to preserreafaithhilienord of iinportsuitarents ; • ofonvenrions or discoveries iffecting the progress of So- elm; of public documents of permanent value; end, d u ring the sessions of Conceal, to present such reports a ofproceedings; u will convey a correct idea not only of its action, but of its spiriLand policy. The de bites on the exciting subjects of Slavery and the Heti, ra n xpected to arise in the next Congress, will r k e upy a large shara of its colu4ins. . Arrangements have been made for extending and en-' nc hng its already -valuabliDepartrinnt of Home and Foreign dorreiyolldellt"B. It is printeri a mambroth sheet, of the very finest quabls„ its the best style, at• 5.2,00 a year.pagable in ad ` r oom . The generous spirit in which the Era bas becn wel :',-0,-med by the public Press. and the very liberal patron- Bee Si has received during this, the first year of its Paid!, :k r cure. encoureiek us to hope for large aceessibns to our sub4criptior list.' It is desirable that subscriptions be forwarded' without rf', - deity. to that they may be entered before the approach.ing uongresa.. " communications addressed to L. P. NOBLE. Publisher of the National Era, Washington, D. C. Wax! abtiertisancuts 11 UFFS—A large assortmentor all kinds and quail _Vl ties.tire now aellingvery low at the Savings Bank, Nci.s Brick Row. . dl C. REED.- ROCERIES—A large' and extensive assortment, I_T of every description. has just been received at the 143%ings Bank, and are selling 'cheaper than the cheap at No. 6, Brick Row. • C. REEF. kOIPS! CAPS ! of every kind and sort ; also rubber 'Overshoes, cnnsisting of Men's sandals, Ladies' do. Aq - and all other kinds, just 'mired. and f.t sale , it.the Savings Bank. d I C. REED. D cy11:11 & SODA „CRACKERS, sods ;biscuit, .o.\yholcsali and retail. di C. REED. DOOTS.& StiOES,—L-a good assortment of men's, beb 7 s. and Children's coarse and kip boots; also, and misses' shoes, of rilurost every variety, cheap dl E. )X. 1 b A S•can Le bought at FOX low as at any l.lai•e this itde of New York. . d I MORE NEW GOODS ! f JtST TIECFITED Frilsli.Supplyi of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, • Bats & Shots, Cups, Muffs, &q., &r., 't.hich are s'elhr:g very low at FOX'S, N. 2. B. Row. Rt/CERIE: 4 are selling very cheap at Fb.X . S.— ‘ - kny quantity,of Sugar. at a tittle •aavance 'mm lost co , t, hi , the lA. or lh ; a. heauttfut article of '•lor 9 cents; good CA:^eto Tea Ibr 3.v.. eutra qua-, tor GA, ;ILIA etcrything else in provortiort. Please r. 24 • Nit. 2, B. R. NEI • 1 1:r PS. that ate•rnuffa, and can't be beal--,omer e .ll tv choke and beautiful Mit that can't fail to j. 141 rero , rtl et J 1 - ST COlll. "5• • - -\ C -,sle cheap for Cash.aud lot mber. (', 4 11 ati,l)•x them , T4ZACV MOORE . . „,...-...1 - 41.N0v .11 1547 . - Na. •1. Brick Ron and hxlf . lip,aniAli (710 A Rs for 431.• to Am'quantity, by n 24 TRArY & Mo()RE. • A oil. AND X CUT SAWS, a fir.; nit.. article, cheap 1,3; TRACY & MIUME, OE.II 41. E TON OF LOG CHAINS. fi r . Wile by TRACY: MOoRE " Wanted, to Peddle Jew - dry ! M.VIT.I). II ree Fictive. intelligent. you •g men to peddle Jtoctiry and Fancy Go'od.. on Cont. • , ivig men, .who enn come well reeoroni , n , led. ,n,..urageinent will be given. Per:ions !..,i•rinzin the buqiness, will please c e ll! on the u h Delp,uch's i i Towantla tp,; on the 2Rth "::Inth of Noreruhri in4t.; OT•on the, 14th or 15h 4 , r n.. 0.. n 2 EPH.Ii11111tr.1?; • ^ `7, - ;•:•J4 4 , 4 2,i • TICE ra hereby Rivera to' Rtitaileri. of Foreign G nde and !.I rclnmdize,•wito have'liiit.:Da . id their w- tar 1 , 447„10Va1l and tiby up iinmetiiiitidv. ~..11,1.rt 4.1817. J.I2EEL, Treasurer. 4 , w - . 0 .054 - liit 0-4 IC I :Test and : mo-t exie.,sive assortment of'NE W I WS. suitable to tdo. season, FP I e I 'watt crent and 1.4.5a1e cheap as og:cheapest, for c tsh or ap •ii cre‘iit —just opened at' • q , ):1 , 1113. ()et. 5. 14.17. 0. D. BA RTLETT.s. 'Xi 17 aoo:Dot 11. s. C. MERCUR, NtWW ICEIVING . GC URGE & VERY G ; ;SERIL.ASSORTMENT OF FALL GOODS. 17401 c than their 7 , I..7rtety. Trlttal o ~f rrr to the public at Mei; procerlivillu lotr paces. Tnwanita. September 25, 11447. AS. P.tints.:Varnisl;es and Dye-stolfe. of almost pvcry kind; at sep2s MERCUR.S. I.I)THS. CASsIMERES & ‘TTINETS:&c , —French, ,Englisli and American Clutha; plain • fancy Cassimeres and Sattinetts ; satin, silk, 'Pala otkiGd Vestings, very cheap at 'MERCUR . S.. I)RESS GOODS.P.laiti. figured and . "pianl, 1 , 14F-1i and crilored A trice:is; black 'and mc. French !I. eritioesl Oregon _Plaids rich French • mmon Cashmeres, Del .aines, &e., a great variety • for sale at sep2s MERCUR' , 3, & large asatattrient fin sate, at ' 1,1,25 \ 111 .71 GRIND STONES, for sale •ot H•p^.3 MERCUR'S. \It:ALI:STEWS OINTMENTI—A new supply of • ' . .: , :estrvedly popular article just received at V:5 • 111 RCU R'S. II tp. ARE.—A, very large stock: of ilardware. of every description, just rei'd at #IE UR'S. LIS • —ilruche, DeLairii"; &rajala Wool Skalds, a large aset at ME BooTs &.BHOB ___ . 8, consisting of cow -hPe and•kip boots, Is'aies' and misses' slippers, gaiter's and halt 1 4. ' 7 '; chtltlren's shoes ; also an elegant assortment of ' 4 " ' : ' 4 l' . gt arc now opening at the Savings Bank. iep22 . . NO. 5, B. R. • cial ' i 45, 000, at of 1 -' °l-71 IN ----7- r.A RN carpe.' t warp, beta. wadding, wick lag. brown and bleached aheetinga and ahirtings,. be found at a bargain and very low at the Savings sep29 NO. 5, , D.R. ____ another 'Large Supply of 6V in Legi epid VII. FA Ea R & WI GooDs. inhsenl'ier is now receiving hiA second Full and alier supply of Gootil. • hic4 will very Unual. •• - KINVOBERY, Jr., 16, Cor. Minn, and fin Ige sta. on to vet loo' 'Y co; ) tot Giocalies, H-ardavar'v. Boots & I 4. " N GIN,* Codfi-h and Na.•ja•rel, *-t. CnpsMuff., B.lnkA and .Sditioh • het Lica. &c.. ju.t feetive.i I..KI\GSIkgd:Y. 6ieX.l. - ,f ilca tie in- wi.l img to trur*lsse SITU:ISdt. %val.'s/awe to. 10 two dollars per curt., by calling at this Mein and Bridge *rests. - 16. 3. KINGSBERY, Jr. ~ticcclja bi~t, Vic: XIV' gl $4O /0' . A LARGE - end4rell selected •assortment of. Talloti 1 - 1 Winter Goods. just received, and foriiele Dy 8k & 6 TOMK . INS, consistinglA . • DRY GOODS , GROCERIRS,' ft ARDW AIR,' CROCRERT, IRON, NAILS, LC., &C. Among our Gonda may be found, French, &Wish and American Cloths arid Cashmeres; also,* good is : , atirtment of Fancy Cassimercs and Tweet*. sheet?. gray clolt; and satinet*; also, • good assortment of Overicottt. Cloths and Cloilitngs.. i n For t e 1:A DIES, we have any quantity of Ging hams, M . Drlaines, Cashmeres, alpaccas,.of all colors .and IA , both cotton and silk warp ; Shawls; 4411 kinds, resi silk, black and fancy, with trimmingep correspond. ._ • Also:—Bonnet Silk & Bonnet Velvet withirimminga. MUFFS—a large stock. Sept .17. ELLIOTT & TONIKINS.. New Arrival at No.,j, Brick Row ! 4. 8. Chamber/In, S new receiving, and Wien' for sale at the DREs - G I DEPOT. No. I, Brick Row. a large addition ',dila former stook, consistin of every variety of recedes, Drugs nod Sedielues. Dye Stuffs, Nuts, • Oils, Perfumery, Fauct, Articles At. which will besold at wholesale or retail, at unusually low'-prices. Tenn, CASH. IN:manila, June 16, 1841. ATENT MEDICINES; every kind now in Toe, P can be found at the Drug Depot ; Agent for Jaynes Srnith's Clickener's. Moffat's, Pain killer, and varibus ottter medicines. A full and general supply alwipi or hand - jel6 - No. k, BRICK ROW:, THE DIGNITY OF O. 3, KEPT UP-, THE old firm of WM. H. BAIRD dr... 1 1:0., having keen dissolsol by mutual commit and the subscri ber being disposed to keep OLD N 0.3, (who is always right) GOING AHEAD, would now announceto thoise who like to bny goods cheap, that he ja now daily re ceiving from the city. of New York, a new and splendid assortment-of Goods, which be is boutid to sell as cheap as they can be bought this side of the city of New York. My assortment consists, as usual of . DRYGOODS, G,ROCERIES.CROCKERY, HARDNV ARE. IRON AND STEEL, .BOOTS & SHOES. 808 SLEDS, TRUCK CARTS. &C., &C. • Now. Mr. and Mrs. Everybody, just continue your old habit of dropping in it No.. 3, before purchasing elsewhere, and if I don't sell you goods right, "don't buy them." I have accommodating clerks, ,v . Fh4 will akways be happy to wait upon you in citelou'don't field the Old Man constantly os hand hilnsslf, and I have n. doubt but on pricing the goods you - *lll be glad to! buy. feel'thsniqui for past favors, bestowed pon the old and it shall be my aim to merit a contint4net ut the mine : E. W. BARD. EA FOOD.—Cudfish anal Mackerel, any quantity for pale at nIO B NIIRD'S. IIRO W N E ETINGS.— A bout 13,000ky Judd of ) Brown Stretinag. 3(14 reed at BAIKI.'B. v silk.. satin stripe, silk , velvet and other Vestings,.for winter or summer, fill or spring.: a great as . .orttneni at BAIRWS, , tio. 3.11.1 C IHOICE DRY GO9DS—Misoccits , French Meri k,,' no. Oregon praiklA, 'ersouslin de hones. Columbian ginghams, of -all 41ercriptiona, &c., &c.., at . Nos. In. BAIRD'S,. No. 3, Brick Row. FOX'S UtltiDs.—Gerol.•mcii'd fur caps, Imdies' mutfs, good 35:40/talent at B A I RD'S. A I , IIWR, aria 6 feet Rod 6 foot cross cut J• sa ft, at BAII{I,M N0..3. Brick Row. 1 A'l's ( • A at.aal a4sortrnent Bilk and fur 1 1.. Hntw. grtiCs 1 11.ized cape. with capes. (a great or. tide I r .o,,rtny we.ittier,) - to of and hoy • d cloth caps. ellailtr 11 . , velvet caps &c. You will find all these kind-. awl many more. at nlO . B HID'S. ti()l:sE ti 1. NK E I's. —I f you 'want a good and cheap nitwk of the kind, call at • BAIRD'S. DAINTS.--4htte and red lead. Venetian red. spa -1 brown, copal gum, latharage, chrome green, ehrotre yellow. dr.c... At BAIRD'S., T PREss TRIM NllNGS.—Fringe;gimp, 1 h i' , it buttoop., arkd nil kinds of fixin's f..r,trimming drf , ..es, at 11A I krfS. Na. 3, prick Roo,. %I.OTlls.'—Fri to-h, and Eriiit.h Cloths-*nd Gobsimeres, ziattvl ! ' t.a. !Cheep's gray ; a good assiat milt at nio BAI,RD'S, No. 3. Brick . - A DIES !—Do'you know where to find ihe ni. 1.. French Lace Capec in townl—thf , spot is at ' Nov. M. - BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Row LA DIES' CARPET BAGS. a splendid article, lit Nov.ll. IIAIRD'I3..No. 3, Brick Row. , ASH PAJD FOR WHEAT, 4 MASON'S L. MILL, Monene. Sept. 23, 1847. Qs) REWARD .—Strayed or stolen from the sub smiber;rcsidina ne . arsthe centre of Litchfield tp., Brad. co., Pa., about Moe weeks ago,' a dark brown sr;. heavy bodied, horns mostly l+, k. A reward of two dollars will he paid to any per who will give ir k fmination where said sta_ may beikind. Oct. 26. IMI7. LEONARD DEMAREST. Another Great 'Victory .in Mexico ! ri-git, news was received simultaneously with news .1 that there had been another greet arrival of New Goods at the _ • „. SAVINGS BANK, • .Aryl calmed n Tremendous E.rrilemenf r ! The, preArnt proprietor, C. REED, takes this oppor tunity to return his thanks t 2 his -former patrons and the ptfblic generally, and also Bfinforming them that he is now receiving a very large and general assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, of every descriplon, which he pledgeOituself shell and . wiil be sold as low es at any other skabiiiihment within 400 miles of Touire.— The public generally are respectfully invited to all and examine to satisfy themaelves et No. 5, Brick Row. Towanda, september 21, 1847. 1.1133,/.1 , UCIANYZMILZ. M.412 1 .11/Ea9 At NO. 7, New Brick Block, I$ now in full blast, where the .public can be accom• niodaterl with CRACKERS, at wholesale; 6,1,144 C saes by the hundred or thousand, will he furnished Pt. prices which will m rke it an object for Grocers in the country`to give us a call. CAR as, of every description, for public or private parties, furnished to order on the shortest notice. Oct. 26. CARTER & SMALLEY. FLOLin.-502sacks of first rate flour just received 1 . and for sale at BAIRD'S. NO. 3, B. R. Au t•gr INDIA PEPPER SAUCE, a splendid ar- Y V tide, put up in wine vinegar, expressly for ireful- I • use. 027 CARTER & SMALLEY. WINDOW OLABS.,-7 by 9. 8 by 10, lb by 12, 10 by 14;.12 by 16, 12 by 18; 14 by 11, all of OA quality and in excellent order, for sale by 'October IV, 1847 4 . 0. D.B ART LETT. T HE subscriber, having made new arrangeipents, very desirous of-settling up his old accounts, and requests those indebted, to settle immediately, by giving their notes, payable in the 'spring, if they sre r nett able to square up now. Immediate attention is requested. October 27. . BURTON KINGSBERY. 1 ApIES' %INTER DRESS GOODS.— \ great ..• warmly, canitar..ing Latest styles and' moat auuful patterns. just rieeivetiretol for isle very low t. • , •19 ,0.D.ART1.0 7 . _ _ jUNIMER ii A W twiuti ful amffirtnient of Beraga, De Lain anCOrectiOitaarl- may Fies.frand VINCI'S BANK • • • .MIII.INERY AN N I U* . 5i5..4),00;f1 E, ( soNTINuE:, w earty busineewin all tJ na branches, al tiri old 'rand. cotter -4u Kier and lindio streets, where Aro/wets and-Caps .cart to par* clia.ed, 11111 d work ,Wlll be done promptly, Ilashicoat* and it astailactorptificos,as usual. Towanda, 0ct0ber.,,27, 1847. To .111 Ibtdebted - . .. • ~ , --,,4 2 .g !. ...........—. - 1 ,Xeceived`of "Nti: .2, -BIN tow, Ocean "dim - Fall Winteriloodst, will must and will be soldnt thtriery low* ,VT not for Cask or Ready Pay. Drell person who may Want HOOD and CHEAP good., is respect folly inilto to call and-examine this -stock. - Don't fail to call Issit costs nothing to look, and we consider ii a favor to show the - goods, and will try to make it sus object for-those wishing to boy of E. T. PDX 12 RALEtS BROWN . 8HEET11:168 0 drilliogs. shimmy, wicking, wadding, batting, cotton pro and carpet warp, cheap as the cheapest, at,No. 9, B. R.. at, ; ; aepts _ FOX'B; GENGRAms! GINGHANS!.-30 &eta new and most splendid ityles, .deeidedlyttbe prettiest vier in market. Also, Oregon Plaids, Silk Plaids, and all the new stgleparesii4opprall.at No-2, Brick. now. 2 BLK & STRIPED ALPAC t MS, at the 5 very lowest.possible prices at • ' FOX'S. 'IAR]) INTARE, ■ good assortment, ineigligg Iron, IA Steel, Nails, &c. at No. 2, B.R. FOX'S. Pmlllris, OILS & DYE-8 11 J 1 1 7 4 4, -also Matches by the gross, at No. 2, B. FOX'S. SEALED HALF BUSRE. at . seer 15 Cooking and 'Parlor Stoves: JUST' received at MONTANYRS 4..cas. a large lot—Also, PIPE, and a few second-band stoves, aU of which Vibe sold cheap fo. pay. Sept. 7, 1847. AIOTHER 4DDITION .T 9 TliE Stock of Goods in the Saving s Bank , TN consequence of the great rush at the Savings Bank JL for Cheap Goods, the proprietor has been itauced to, replenish' With a splendid assortment "of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, which are now qpenigg r and mail ing at greatly reduced prices. The proprietor, Mr.C. REED, pledges himself to folly and amply sostadd the credit of thb institution which it has hitherto borne, i.e. for sellingoods cheaper than any other establishment in Bradt . ° co. Persons desirous of testing this, have i only to ea at No. 5, Brick Row,and satisfy themoeltfes. July 7, 1847. C. REED. . ____ LAWNS, ORGANDIES, LAWN GINGHAMS, and Light Gingham*, have been received at the Savings Bonk, and are selling twenty-five per cent. cheaper than ever. jy7 . C. REED. BOOTS & SHOES--A large and exhaustleu as sortment of coarse and fine boots and shoes, ladies' full and half gaiters, kid ties, buskins. French kid slip pers,.chtldren's cloth and morocco shoes are now selling very low at the Sly/jogs Bank, No. 5, Brick Row. CASH PAID FOR OATS, RYE AND CORN, Greenwood. Nov. 10. By S. C. NAGLE& ar...04Y dikatlllso litif3l &LOUIE, NEW GOODS, AND NEW PRICES! K!NGsBERY & CO., are just' receiving. di -13• rectly from New York and opening at the new brick 13(.010, recently erected at II Kingeheiy's old stand. a large assortment of Frtnilr Winter Goods, comprising Broad clothi, Cassimeres, S ; Alpaccas, of eve ry deseri pt ; French b . En gush Merinos ; Mou c mime DeLaines ; Ginghions;• a great variety; ' ritshincee teoolen Shawls .; Domestic goods, Host. ry and Glares. of every description. Groceries. crockery, H ache ire, Boots 4. Shoes, Sole and upper Le dher. French and cannurn vilf and kip skins: Nu ils,'square, round an( Suedes Iron, • ~Glass, Hits.and Gaps, Tea and Stone Ware, Papff Hangings, Big alo robes and Miffs, . Mackerel, „Codfisii, and Herring. -The attention of the public-is respectfully invite.' to oRr present large stoat ofgricals, which are now exhibit e,Mir sale at the lowest pric , st. , for ready pay. They have been irelected with untiaual 4 care and attention, ex pressly for the accommodation of, oar customers, and we believe offer inducements to ,purchasers no where else to he met with. Remonnher, before purchasing elsewhere, to call at B:Kingsbery:s old stand. and examine our goods and prices. as we are confident they will meet the views of the closest cash buyers. BURTON KINGSBERY, J. k. smrr W. Ft MMJ Oct. 12, 1847. . ARM. This Way for lifir gins. 10AR AP( . )I4, SUN SHADES A ND SUMMER STI:FFs, Belling at coat, at FOX'S. rIfLS, PERFUMERIES, a spl •ndid article of Hal I -- kJ Brushes, Thermometers, and Fancy Articles, fa sale je 16Yo. I. BRICF ROW. Fair 1 ; .1 lig aid the Last Notice T HEREBY warn e person indebted to me, that unless immediate .pay tis made, they will be sued ! This notice is given wt t respect to persons and all persons knowing themselves ! bled, will save costs, by giving prompt attention. Towanda. Oct. 12. 1847. S. HATHAWAY. C,,ZAY! JOHN ! don't tell any body that we will pay L., the " ready Jobn Davis," for 100 bushels Chestnuts and 500.11t5. Lard. CARTER & SMALLEY. - - . 34,0=- 1 23 6 QUAVOLMI.7I43I.BZ , A LARbE end extensive assortment of School, Claa sicall pnd MiAcellaneous BOWLS; also a large stock and great variety of Papers, inckuding note, leuer, cap, folio, post office and , wrapping papers; together with a complete assortment of Blanit Bookse.' Visiting Cards, Enuelopes, 4c., 4c. ; all for sate cheaper than the cheapest, by 019 a D. BARTLETT. MIIMIUIr-.41.1.-a/C1117„. . Jilin Griffin, 117,0t1 D again inform the Ladies that.she has just VW -returned from New York. with the latest and mast fashionable style of Halo, Caps, and Read dres ses ; also ia large an 3 choice selection of Millinery •Gonds, consisting of Phish Velvets. Silks and Satins ; a large asitortment of Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes and Laces. Also French embroidered dtemiseltes, fringes acid black trimming late; all of which wilibe sold at as low a price as can be purchased elsewhere.. Towanda, October 12,1847. _ T Atvgan'Alyrse. IS Institution is now under the charge of Mr. y. W. pt,NN, a graduate of Yale College. assisted by Mr. 0.11. PRATT, of COWL The , first term com menced on the 16th of Sept. ult. The second will commence on the 6th of Dec. •Pupils are admitted at any time. i Tgintll : Tuition per lerni.el eleven weeks; Common pn g lish studies, $2 50 Higher English studies, 4'oo -Ancient Languages and higher mathematics, 5)00 Extra t.hege, (let and 2d terms) 25 . Arrangements will be made to occure the services of an accomplished Preceptress in the spring. Oct. I2i J. D . MONTA N YE, President. WHEREAS, my wife, LAVINA DUNN, has left my', bcd and board, 'without any just awe its prov.cation. this is hereby to caution any parson trim hatborint jot trusting her on my account, es I will psy no debts M demands of bet conttacting. Rome. Aug. 2, 1R47. PATRICK DUNN. f .1! C.! A I'S Boy's, and. Children's yol k. vet , filuab. ciutii awl fur, mid fur triutined cups. coniprisitii the LI ceiktert variety ever seen in this place, jri:a ree..ivled end for wile very I,lltv by October 19, 1547. O. D. R AATLETT. • fIN II AMs & NTs.—Plain and twillettlling- I h.mR Entomb st.d Amines!) Pruitt!. a tteaatiftil li,orttat ut at Pr M E UR'S, •; AD.III 1`; Ili "Wit'l4 . . Ll 2 pi , ;to.gr. ii.. 1,411.41 1.. the estate a 'GEORGE U 1.80111.4 Isteof Spring Mil troVrp., accq.„'iro • ;.er. by retpiestetl to make payment without dell, arK l4. uot.o having chants assault acid waste. milt view* pro' semi thwusluis - attested to the subscriber. W. CLAGGETT,.Atituatitstrator Springhillittetober 16, 1847. ERN '1 8, on hand and for made Fox's. MMMlMM=o!gmcm! !MWM 43 -Aucubmedie, Sr. EOM .IFIEREff. - -* ,Elliot &• N C TTA,V ci iholuisties- typifier hi. the Ar-i-lte7t2ntile business, Wipe by close . Application and strict attention.to bosineskto merit ashore of pub• lie patronage. :.Thei may always be found reedy I to stteltd to any person who wishes actoosodationa in their They will oectspi the old stand of Elliott dr. Mercer. and as it has just been enlarged and made mom spaci ous and convenient, customers will had it very plan ning lad° bosineee in. ELLIOTT & TOMKINB., May4l7. 1847. • c New Spiine and Summer Goods. • ' N. BETTS, ' TS noir opening • new and splendid assortment of staple sod - fancy gnotaisat hisatore. (Vitiate on Main street two doons below Bridgestrest (west side) nearly opposite MOntanyi's dr Co.) embracipg all articles generally kept in the eormtryomeb a. Dry Goods, , Groceries. Crockery and-Wass ' ware. Hardware. Nails. h0n.4111-the t ; varieties of Steel, Glass,Paints • , Linsie4 Oil, Lamp Oil which be offers to purr:havers at [ unusual, low prices for Caib. Produce, or approved credit. And would re. spectfullyinvite all who vvish to purchase to call And examine btAgoods and prices before purchasing else- Wier°, ss be is confident be can offer good bargains. June 1 , 1841. - PRINTS. M. De Leine', Gingham., Lawns, dm— Tee Ladies will fld a beautiful assottment at june 9 A GREAT variety of shawls scarfs, parasols •itiadies A and Mimes' Bonnets very chesElit . BETTS'. LACK iiI3EAVER CLOTHS, Mark and fancy B Casaimeres: and all aorta of Summer stuffs„ a large assortment, low for cash r. BETTS'. "VIIII DOW & WALL PAPER,a nice yarifty and Vl' cheap at ' BETTS'. HARRIS & BLOODS' Grass scythes and scythe maths:also Harris' cradle scythes at BETTS'. Scolorsd, plaid, and changeable areas Silks ; also, white sad coloied Bonnet Satins, at sep24 MERCUIr.I3. DRESS GOODS-109 pieces now opening at the Savings Bank. consisting of French Merinos, plain Alpaccss, A bysinian stripes, cerdover plaids, cashmeres, mouslin de Nines, plain and twilled gingham., &c.4c. all of which will be sold low at REED'S. OLOTHS & CASSIMERES, Vesiings, Overcoli 1 --- ) Cloths, such as brown. olive and gold mixed. Bea- Vera will be sold very low at SAVINGS BANK. ESTRAY.—Broke Into the enclosure of the iubeert. her. on the 25th of August last, a RED COW, 8 or 9 years old. The owner is requested to . prove pro- Porgy. pay charges and take her away. Troy, Sept. 27. HOWARD SPA I.DING.Sen. DRINTS, of every variety and style, f-treign and do - mestic, now opening at wholesale and retail, at an:B MONTANYT'S & CO. CASSI%IERES & YES VINGS of very supciior style and finish, and at prices to suit those who wish to purchase cheap. aulB MONTANYES & CO. Q HOES—Ladies' Misses und Children's, ■ large vs riety on band at je9 BETTS'. ANOTHER GREAT BATTLE! another Large and Splendid Lot of . Ready made Clothing! JUST arrived at L. BATCHELOR'S CLOTHING STORE. Here is alKplace to get cheap clothing, at least 50 per cent. cheaper than at any other place. • 1 have all kinds to suit customers. My stock it' large, consisting of Cloaks. Coats, Pants, Vests, &c. Elegant - and .new _premium styles, atie at astonishing -# low prices. Cloaks, Over Coats, Brown, Drab, Do., business Coats—all kinds, Black' Dress Coats. French Dress Do., Gold Mixed, Do., Satinett Pants, Cashmere Do. Black and Green Monkey Jackets, Fancy Satin Vests, Black Do., Cashmere, Do., Double Breasted Do., White Mancillc Do. Also—Canton Flannel Draw ers. Shirts the same, and some splendid fine Shins.— Also—Blue and. Black Cloth, Brriwn Do., Cassimeres, Plain, Fancy Do., Vestings of all kinds. criCutting and Mending done cheap and making up at L. BATCHELO R'S Oct. 9, '47. Clothing Store. 10lICTORLsj, BROTRER JONATH % N, for the 1 „Fourth of July, et No. I, BRiCH ROW. SALT -100 bbls. Salt just received and for sale at BAIRD'S. N 0.3. B. R. MILLVIEZEZIIII 9I 2 , LIE= 8 oaraazat W v E 35 -0323.:1'39 Late of the Claramont House, Towanda, Pa.. which was aistroyed by fire on the 12th of March last, LT AS leased the old stand, on the. west bide of the Li public square, lately occupied by William Briggs sign of the Tiger, where he is prepared and %gill be bap py to wait on his old customers and the public generally His house is in good order. and his facilities for sr coutandating travellers and visitors, such as will .enable him Co give ample satisfaction. Charges moderate. Towanda, Ocober 20. 184 /. OR THE LADIES—s large - assortment of white F goods, such as Irish linens, cross barred.and striped jaconetts, swiss muslin.. &c.; also swiss mull, and muslin edgings, thread and cotton edgings, bobbins. silk fringe and buttons, lace buttons, patent whalebone skirts, purse twist; in short a great variety of fancy goods of every description, may be found at the sep27 SAVINGS BANK. General Scott in the City of Mexico ! And another large sloth of Goods just received al MONTAN YES rt_CO'S STORE. which have been carefully selected for the Fall Trade. THE public are invited to call and examine their stock of Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardware and Crockery. Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, and everything in tbc hue of staples, suited to the wants of this region of country. which hive been purchased exclusively for Cash, and at the lowest ebb in the market. We hope OUT old friends will not forget to give us a call, as we can make it7an object for them to do so. Towsmils,August 18, 11147. J. N. Sumner, M. D., Dentist, TS now in town, and will remain al Woodru ff 'a Ho. .1. td, three or four weeks. Hia friends arc invited to call. November 18, 1847. DISSOLUTION T"Epartnership heretofore existing under the firm of Cori!have 4. Salisbury. is this day dissolved by mated einisent. the businbeit in future will be conducted by B. Coolbaugh . The books and accounts of the firm are in the bands of D. 13 .13alsbury s lbws indebted ta the firm by note or book account, will make payment to D. C. Salsbury. • • B. COOL BA UGII. Monreeton, Nov. 10, 1947. D C SA LEIBURY. .00HING GLASSES. a largo assortment for sale Xi at , nl7 BAIRD'S, N 0.3, B. R. A/TEASURE4--Half bindle], pock, four quart, two IVI qur it, arid one quart measures, at B - MUFF great variety of elegant muffs, some re ry beautiful just received and for sale very lose b ,019 • 0. D. BART4E CT. ALARGE assortment of Broad Cloths, Cassirneres, and Sattinetts, which we have long been famous fur selling good and cheap, now cheaper than ever— and upon which we challenges the world, just received at 0. D. BARTLETT. Toorithils, No•. 3. 1646 FRING ES & GIMPS. of Al londs also. Bottom . and othertrimminp for' loslime &ernes an.l viartia. by .au lit MONTANE & CO. • • COIL CHAIN for bull wheels to saw millsoice-451c. rsoilved and for esle by October-19, 11/47. • 0. D. BARTLETT: EK=E le. the matter v)flise' r'sir of Ei Skid Curry. -and ethers, o Uri itrrist, Christian. alrorch is-llw fotenikiplofkitiiktel!ki u .. l)rtieurdcatitify." . foriber,,feren, 1' 847. NOTICE iL hi:Ay shin that EteltielVarryi New l% man Colvin,.Cyretlrainnoo,- liiretwrarassro,lll, and others, hiss presented totbe.esid cotitt an inittn law in writing, and the Olijicts.irticles and ionditiorra set forth and contained t/asrein uppearing to them !awful and sot injurious to the commenity.dirscied Abit, saki writing be filed, and the notice be wort li k oni,ne r t. paper priiited.in said twenty of Uradford, for st least three weeks 'before the nest court of comartnt pleas of said county. setting forth that an application has been made to said:courtio grausuch an act of incorporation. according to the act of Assembly in such eases.made and provided. • A. hicKEA".I. Fret. ProVa Office. Noe„1, 1847. In the matteroftheapplica don of Eli Baird,andolhem of the "Find Prosbyteriart ehtrreh arid congregation of Troy." Srptembrr term, tea?. IV OTICE is hereby given, that Eli. Brad, Ehronter - Pomeroy. Sol. Morse, I). F.' Pomeroy, A. Irak. and others, have presented to the said Court an instrd meat in writing, and the objects; articles-and eondirions set forth and contained therein appearing to them lawful and not injUrious to the community, directed that acid writing be filed, and that notice -he given in orte-news. papers printed in said actunq of Bradford, for at least three weeks before the nett court of commnn picas of said county,setting forth that an applicat4m has been made to said out, to grant such an set of incorporation, according to the act of Assembly in such cases made and provided. A 'McIf.EAN e Prot. Pro't.'s Office, November I, 1107. SHERIVF'S , SALE. BY virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas is sued from the calm of common pleas of Bradford BETTS'. ceunty, and to me directed. f shell expose to public sale at WOODRUFF'S HOTEL, in the borough of To- wands, on Monday, the 6th day of December next, at I o'clock, p. M., the following described parcels of land— A piece or parcel of land in Springfield tp., bounded north by land of. Salisbury Grace, east by Geo. Grace, south by David Brooks, Chauncey Guthrie. and Chaun cey Bout, and west by land - of W. H. Werithinok.— Containing one hundred acrei:ninrecir less, with abOut eighty acres improved, with one two story framtA hcidee, one framed barn, one framed shed, i three apple orchards and a variety of other fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Wake man B. Hubbard u.e, vs. Milton Brooks. AL piece ar,parcel of land in Wyolosing 43, Iwginvong et a post and stones adjoining lands of Isaac J. tabar and Ellicnu• H. Brown, and running th e nce south 2° *est '149 p. to the Susquehanna river, 'Nen ea , by and with the same west to the Jinsi of Certifier! Springfield, thence by and with the 'sane, north 13° w. 157 p. to • post and stones, adjoining lands of Squire Mills, thence south 88° east 13344 to the beginning.— Containing one hundred and fire acres and ninety-nine and ehalf perches, be the same more or less, with about fourteen acres rmproved, with one log house with one body to a block-house thereon. - • Seized and taken in excretion at the suit of Mary To lan 1, Margatetta Toland, Elizabeth Tolaud and Julian- na Toland ye. Isaac Everett. A tacillA piece or parcel of land in Wells tit. Brad- ford county, and Jackson, rfioga en.. Ps., hounded north by J.orhus G. Spencer, cart byt . land pf Joseph Storde vent, south by Zenas Roberts Cud on the west bTClark Stillwell. Containing eel enty-one acres more or less, with about fifty acres imposes), with one framed house, one framed barn and an orchard of grafted fruit. Seized and taken in - exei-ution at the suit of Jonathan Owen ea. Lawrence L. Amain!). A Lso—A pfeCe or parcel of land in Troy tp., hounded north, east, e.uth and west by lands of Erre Long. Con taming about one acre, with two framed dwelling hou ses. one framed wagon• shop, one stono blacksmith shop and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of W. H. Purdy to the use of S. Pierce vs. H.L. Lowman. A t.so-A piece of land in Canton tp., beg nning at a hemlock tree.it being the south east corner of "aid tract, running north 120 i p. to a post by • beech tree, thence west 88 p. to a post, thence south 453 p. to the Towan da creek, from thence following the windings and turn ings of said creek to the place of beginning. Contain ing eighty-seven acres, by the same more or less, with about fifty acres improved with o e framed house and framed barn and a small orchard theregn. Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Joseph D. Drinker and Israel P. Plesiyapts, administrators de bonis non, of Henry Drinker deed. vs, Cheater l'homaa. A tso—A piece of land in Troy tp.. bounded as fl lows to wit on thr north by Vacant lan tt on the east by land of Jess Beach. on the south by Noah Leo nard, and on the west by Robert Claffin, containing fifty four acres all improved with two framed homes one fra med barn, one saw mill and an apple orchard thereon. Seized end taken in exreution to the suit of O. P. Ballard vs. Batch Pratt and Stephen H. Stiles. - A Lso—A piece of land in Albany and Monroe tpa., hounded as follows tdwit : north by Owen M 4 Can and Charles Diffenbaugh. on the east by Edward PiteGovern, on the south by Daniel Beverly, and on the weft by John Flings' land, eontairiing about four hundred Ind eleven acres more or less supposed to be about twenty-five acres improved with one framed and log house and one log barn thereon. Seized and taken in execution to the snit of Hugh Riley vs, Thomas McGovern and Daniel Sluttery T. T. Also—A piece or parcel of land in Wynlui intr. De ginning at a past and stones op the old Springfield tp. line, (certified) adjoining land of Johnson, Pairtter, and running 'hence north b6° west to a corner oflandcerti fied to Humphry and Daniel Brown'. heirs, and thence by and with said o4rtified land south 24° east,. 250 per. to a corner an the southerly line of • lot in the warran tee name of Thomas Shuman, patented to Henry Tol- and, deed ; thence with said line, south 88° east, in the tins of certified Springfield ; and thence by and with the same, North 13° west, :232 perches to the place of be ginning, containing one hundred and 41 acres and 34 perches, be the same more or leg, with about fig acres imppired, and One shantee thereon Seized and taken in the suit of Mary Toland, Marge retie Toland, Elizabeth Toland and Juliana Toland ca. John Gartland. ALSO, a piece or payee' of land situate in the town, ship of Burlington. bounded u follows, to wit : begin ning at a white maple, N. W. corner of lot No. 182 on warrant lot No, 1724 , thence west iOWCIIII.I warrant line, 100 perches to a post, S. E. corner °Rot No. 287: then north 81 perches to a post ; thence east 100 perches to a post : thence south 81 perches to the beginning, con. taining Fifty acres and 100 perches, strict measure: it being intended for the south half of lot No. 277, on war rant lot No. 4436, with *bout thirty acres improved, one log house, one log shed and -one other small building thereon. • • Seized and taken in the snit of 'Paxson & Davidson to the use of Abram A. Mice vs. George' Bennett. ALSO: • certain piece or parcel of fond situate in the township of Albany, bounded and deleribed es follows, to wit: Beginning at a post and stone corner. which stands north 31° E, and 200 perches from the north end of lots No. 79 and 80 ; thence S, 59° . East, 106 perches to a post and stone corner, thence north 30 . 0 west 80 perches to • post and stone corner, thence north 59° west 108 perches to a. chemist corner theme west 31° east. 80 perches to the beginning, containing fifty *es. ALSO, one other piece or peicle of land situated in said township of Albany,dmeribed by survey... follows,. to Wit beginning at the south east corner of another lot conveyed to Andrew Jackson, and thence by the same north 31° east 80 perches to a post, thence south 59°._ east 106 perches to a post, thence south 31° west 80 perches to a lost, thence by land of which this is e part, north 69° west 108 perches te-the [dace of beginning, containing fifty acme which said tracts of land ere.part of tracts no, 79, watiotos name " John. Moon" celled " Moonjtekl." and no. 80 warrantee "Hannah Wood ruff." called • " Monmouth" and patiented by the Com monwealth to Samuel Wallace. Seized and taken in the suit or Josiah Jackson - vs. Andrew S,Jackson. . ALSO, a piece or -parcel of land situated in Wells township described es follows, to wit: beginning at a post, thence by land of John Suong. east 252 3-10 perches to a post and stone. thence by land unknown south 269 3-10 perches to a hemlock, thence by land of John Hall, west 252 310 perches Is • post, and thence by landsof Wm. Seely jnow owned by Jaw Brownell.) north 269 3 10 perches to the begimll4! containing four hundred acres and allentrence,fir.Ose-;:: ins • lot of buul granted, to . Alferd Seeley by warrant dated the 30th day of Inl4 1831 by She Orranttonweill of Pennsylvania.: excepting always& lot surveyed and deed to Charles Seely from the north oast corner of eaki lot, containing fifty acres, and one other lot, saner .and deeded to Alfred Seely, out of the south side, ern f taming seventy acres or land ; (or bonndarlag• 01011 nt bang made tessiddredietWitefie4iii - Cherles See. ly and Atferd•Seely, will more fully disclose.. SeistitiiiiiiatiliWOMlCUiioll. MAN ea Gassed - Ca Ely rsceittimt if. egmlisitde - •- ALSIThe &liirfOrdryirsce of bard situate , * gnus . ' roe - sad botiMkd north' by the Tinistidi(ereek mast by the Asytatii Co.4and e -soetb bit-C. Li•Werd, Mid! : wet! by the Sehtwler Branehiettahtibing - 300 iimejeth!bifty ems improved,- with one framed boos, ter,irkte homes one framed barn and a small orchard thereon. ,; Seised and 'taken in - ezactsion at the sui etb: Ire Bildletti. trii.-Te H c &wise I - • • ALsCr-41., piece ar parcel of tend Mart* tsPir bounded north by Towanda creek. east by leak 2 -- " e lands, south tr y . londi of c.b.vviia, west by &lei der branch of-the Towanda creek. Con &or hundred acres, with lift screshaperrred;with one boss ed house, one filmed barn and shed, andsturdioleitard there On. - . .. P. *et . . sratakeii to eketodttori itt the knit 4111111'am Watkins, hors. to the use of Fritierick Watts,l vs. Tint , othy. il.f.eleise . . . . - - I. • ;.., A I..Si t"-,•%; lot of Jand in Armenia tp.. bctundedlas follows. berth he the highway,.west by-Fendol.ffetiry Furman, E. C.Oliver, on the south.'intil . 4 laid of Henry rutin= .. Containing one `httildie& nerectSfth about forty-acres improved, with two log housesibereen. Seized and taken in execution at the suit ofl.ong & -Thomas, tirthe use of Whittiescy & Rubinson. vs. N. P. Ca.,. .. , . A L.BO—A piece of land in Leroy tp.; bounded weak by lanai of IL Perry, east by Harry lioleol l iottibfi and Sterling Cyrus Holcontb, and westity_f_ M. Tarr. freihtaixing finty.tbiee term - fte Iv rim improved, with two log houses, and oils In isaw, Ma& a small orchard thereoo. Seized and token in eiecution at the suit of P.lt.& W.H. Titus, vs. OWlen Streeter. • JOHN P. MEANS, Shaft Siberia's Office 'Towanda, Oct. 27, 1847. , EXECUTOR'S SALE. PVIIP.UANT toan order of the Orphab'a Could 01 . .1 Bradford county, will be exposed to pubbe sabl i on Saturday the 23d day It October, 1847, at two o'clock P. M., Upon the venoms all of the-follosiing deem*. ad tract of land (haste in Sheabequin township, Brad ford county, Ps., containing thirty-Ulna sees Or dame about.. adjoining lands of John Brink on the wawa J. Marshall and R.• Griffin on the north; lain' la of Ilion= and Samuel Maishall on the south; nisi by owners un known ; being the faqir lately occupied and owned by Itenismin Brit.k, deed. - Terms made kaolin ott day of sale. DANIEL BRINK ; JA E 8 BRINK. Sep. 27, 1847. Ex's of Beni. Brink. (feel The above sale stands postponed to the • 4th Eke: at tikgsame plaee and time of day. • ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of Absalom dec'd., hue of Leßoy township; are here by requeFted to make immediate payments ;•_.entl all persons haoinq demands evillest sni'd estate are retitle,- tetl o present them immetbatelY to the subscriber fat settlement. AMOS W. WILCO*,I Agit*. . Leßoy. Oct. 19th. 1847. A 1)511N ISTII A TOR'S N °Tit& , A 1.4 persons trideLteillo the estate of hatietile= la. late of Leroy township, 'deceased, ate . iirioy requested to make payment Without delay, kid guise having claims against said estate, vial gest* pent* then . duiY attested Lb the subaerihers.. JOHN d WILCOX, 1 . ELIZABETH wtt.capc, Leroy, Notetniler 2, IRIT. Administestais. . REGISTER'S NOTIPES. r , 'N' OTICE is hereby given to all petwonsla y terestedi .i. that A. O. Matthew. and .1. to, 1111nsp*seta tors of the eitste of Samuel Matthews, deceased,. 1 late or Orwell; George tairbanks, idnrinistrpitor of tin estate of Samuel Fairbanks. deceased ; I late of Colombia; Aolios Pratt, one of the Mheinietra tors of the estate of 1 , • " David Pratt, deceased, ! late of Clinton ; J. ft. Irvine, one of the adalinistratota of the estate of Noadiah Cmitmer, da.eased, j `-- late of Monroe; ARM P. Slide, edminiviretni of the ro tate of . I Jonathan B. Slade, deceased, fate of Colombia; Joseph Allen, J. M. C rimier and Polly Craumer. administrators of the estate o Stephen &unmet, deceased, late of Rome. have filed and Settled in the offee,of the Register of Wills, in and for the County col' Bradford; the accounts of their several admioistrationi upon the estates aforesaid, and that the same will he Oriented to the Otphan's Court of said county, on Monde', the 6rh day of t lecember mat, for confit mation and lilloWiutce. L. E. DEWOLF, Register. Register's Office, Towanda, Nov. 3, 1847.1 TIST OF JURORS, drawn for Decembeirterin and 1.4 'minions; commencing December 6, 1847. CFRANV JURORS. Durell—larry Benjamin, Simeon' Decker; Leroy Addison Brighant, Aaron Knapp ; , Ridgberry-8 mith B. Brown ; Springfield—Wodoard Berry t ' Smithfield—Stephen Calif, W. P. ternswerth ; South Creek—Eben Dunning; - I Herrick—Geo. W. Elliott ; , Athens tp--John Griffin ,' 1 Wyalusing—(Shades Hormel ; Shesheqniri--Wm. Horton 2d; Windham—Parley Johnson Jr ; 1 Burlington—Wm: Knapp; 1 Columbia—D. Lilley ; • I Rome—Freeman W. Maynard; i f Athens born—Geo. W. Mathewson ; Troy tp--Rufita Rockwell, Reuben Saler ; ! - . Franklin—J. C. Ridgway ; Canton—Benj. S. Smiley ;. Monroe—Freeman ° Bweet ; Albany—Rollin. Wilcox ; - . TRAVERSE. JUILORII--TTIST wet ##': Ashton, Simeon rsylor,, A Venn; Granville—Eton A. Bailey ; Franklin—Wm. Blake; Wyalusing—lra Brown ; Ridgherryt4laward Burt, W. S. Halsted ;- Warren—Calvin Buffington, Samuel Lyon, 8. Witeidon; Springfield—lssiae Cooley,•Psul Furman,Jaa. U. - Gime% Burlinron—W. Campbell, C. T. Merry : Rome--M. C. Cannon, Arnest Ferber; ! Orwell—Eli Fletcher; • Shesbequiti—Alfred Gore, J. K, Horton, Hihrty bery ; Towanda bnro—D. C. Hill, Cyrils Beifith Smithfield—W. F. Kellogg ; Troy tp—Ja%as Merritt, Alonzo Mdree,B4 A. Taylor, Chas. Williams; . . Tnwan4a Davidßatty ; Litchfield—Aaron Stone ; Leroy—Ansel Tillotson; Hertiek—•Abner Taylor ; • Standing Stone—F. S. Whitnidu I Myer's—John W. Whitney : Ulster—Wm. Weikel; TA~TZREZ JC OA f1 , .--ISECO If Watt •, • Springhill—Demon Ado. Joon* Greed; Orwell—Lyman Browneon ; -Wyror—D. P. Bartlett, Curtis Ffink wiall,,u3..—Sirnon Brainard, Henry Dunham, Daniel Gardner Warren—H. B. Bowen, E. L. Stephens; • Ulster—Daniel ChuhbuCk ; Chumhill, Joel racked ; Herrick—E. Carr, Thos. Jones; Troy tp--Wm. Gliften Pike—S. Chaffee, Myron &erten!, IL Stevens: Durclt—Wilson M. Decker Rome—Srinth Forbes; Springfield—Wm. S. Orsee, - Geo. Sergeitit ; Shesheguin—Jeremiah Kilmer ; Columbia—John H. Furman, Peldg Peck ; Burlington—John Prratt, Jr. Void . Rosa; • South Creek—Eimj: Quick ; Tmy horn—G. F. Reddinvork Litchfield—Elijah Wolent ; Franklin—Ohm &eters; Athena tp.-=-Gh4orge Walker ; Ridighetty-.John Wallace . ; Athena borough--Georgo H. Wallet., J. K. Wright. EDI.ERS willind itto tiselendrantsp to eeir4t the Drug Depot,.witsca they can be supplied with wit ty article desired, such as phials, essences. &c., au the hest tyre* jell!) No, I, DRICK ROW.