Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 01, 1847, Image 2
Mr ago v `4l e Om. Towanda, Wednesday, Dec. 1, 1547. To Those kndebted. 11 - e i;ery much to-becontitirrally remind iur itr'itrrears of their deliMitteney, and our object notv; is to ;rive notitte,..lfiat after No. .;24;. new arrangenientswiil be matte in this office, and the aceounts die the ntrice, at that time invite-414;4El settled ep: December ('curt will afford thase in• debted at oripoKtunity of calling, or . sending. and squaring typ their dues, and make us less tn, 11 1,1, hrid expert4c. Nre trust this Fill be attetult:Ll Meeting of the Slandlog Committee. • - The triembrs: of the : Democratic .Stai til it iv: Con ntittee for'llradford Co., are requeisted to meet at Mersereaus' Hotel, in this Born! en Tue,clay, 7th (lay of DecenVl next at 6o'clock PI M. The fol . Irmintz, named gentlemen compose said committee : DENNISON JOHNSON,I JOHN ELIOTT.. IIEN R Y G 114145: - J-A NE.F:S 11. WER „ C. MATHRWSON, I JOHN HORTON. jr. G. SANDERSON, JOHN .PORTER, 11. WILLEY. Cheap Poetage—Poetage on Nese:apapere. *Ware the advocates of di cap pristrzgr. We re- member of the great Republican family bf the juiced when the high rateS.of postage, were repealed Union, I solicit a small Space in your valuable pa and the present substituted ; and we are gratified per; fur the expression of my views and preferen "to learn, than -tinder tlie.'vicgornuS and SvArintvk ces in this matter. Hyd the fp:tented Sails: Wright managerrient - of C,ive Jouxsos, our present excel., survived, he would. - undoubtedly have been the Post-Master General, the receipts under the standard bearer of, and led the Democratic hosts, new law, pribe present fiscal Tear, Will show a 4,) ictrity in 1818.5 Rin he has been called away . deficit of only t',40,900. An a short tinic, the by a wise and inscrutable Providence, and while nue raised will be more than sufficient to 4frav I we 'mourn his loss we turn again to the living to the expeoses" ut the Department when, we - trust, -eel; among their number one who shall vindicate Corresponding reductions will he made ill the rates " successfully the great principles for which he con 'of postage This result, SO SOOII after the passage 6f , tei,dcd ,A) long and so earnestly. If integrity of • law, has more than realized the a»tieiplations of the character and unflinching firmness in advocating . most sanguine of the advneat es oNow pn age corri!et principles are: desirable qualities in a Can and ilemonsu.ned tire utility an d p raet i e; il,•,o4 for dint high station, then the name of IthicriN the plan. • Vcs tits of N. Y., the steadfast and confidential One of the most itrnefir:ial send proper measures mend of him whose loss we deplore', presents pc oldie new law. was the - part permitting the papers cutely attractions. Truly the mantle of Elijah inlgo of br thirty atiir.siront the place • rest on Elisha. Perhaps no one possesses tsiterepriutrd. We believe it gave' general" and f„ , ' ttec”slary qualities in a higher rlecr...:ree; or - most entire satisfaetinu in the contort:. Auk\ et tf l ee l %%hose principles have been more thortmghly tried, late Congress, while not a.word was heard in re- or who is of a purer :mind character. The leading • monstrance to it, rgeoird this portion of the law:— ,st important measures of his tuhrriiiistrution 1.0 this. great injustice was done to • the public, and 11.110 Tereiled the solemn and unqualified sanction much thinta , 2.t to the country piesses. We 'pre- of t..te peiyler-pf-the 17nion. His experience, judg some, that of the subscriber, to the Reporter, theic; went and eunnent foresight, point to Jinn as the air very many! to whom the law. as at present is man tin' times demand. fle 'seeks not the station,. of no ad ranta:!o.. and doe. not benefit them to '.the j h orever honorable it may be. lie. unlike Henry amount of a single pos!ligr. Lads. in their opera- 1 Ctay. th, treat champion of Federalism, prefers inn should ate.-et ail alike. Paliness men getter- the ph ass,-es of retirement to a seat in the chair of ally, and thorn ha% ii c'orre7rionidnits. slam to the cares. anxieties and tlisquietudes of lind great relief from the onerote. tax irripcised ! er. Lin for one (and i persume their are ma the olil law Sat the fartnitr, \NhoSe necessity for - 1 1 :1t) lam for calling him like Cincinnatus of orre s pondrnee is IrjOre'o,ll . l2to , cril!ed, does tlot•!, ohl, ti nn lii plow in this time of his country's need, Pei its benefits in that way. He" takes, or should to retie die people in a capacity for which his tad - take, his coumy paper, mid by permitting him to re- I enispe,uharly quality him. Sincerely and ardent .ceive it hoe of postage. he them shares in the re... ly to the vital interests of the people and (Inchon made by the jaw. hsisions then op- the principles of the Democratic party, and to die 'mate more equally. bw : iness man npon his letters, anti those in the country upon their paper. lavP, as it now =tandem, fa ors those most able to bear high yos-tage, such, as the etOpitalist, the lawyer, and those doing an eXtensiveliusiness, and - consequently having an exteusive coVespondenee. We are glad to see oui .cotempOraries waking tip to the subject. arq poorly recompensed. at best. Now under MIS hew subscribers residing within a few miles are sul*tell to as grilit a tax fur receiving (heir paper s as those front a distant city. It is-but justice th 4 provision be repeal ed. It will aid in the dissemination :of knowletige and useful intelligence,. and will do injustice to none.. THE NORTH A - Mt:RICAN is determined to make itself believe, that the Proviso was the great and leading issee in thP late Gubematoriabelection. It quotes our denial of this falsehood. and with its cliaracteristicdecency uses the following chaste mid courteous language : • The falsehoods cob taine'd in the above evtract are no:orious and preposterous: and Mr. Wilmot makes himself ridiculous with all parties in this - State, by a course so cowardly and untruthful.— Mr, Wilmot himself; ih sustaining the party which adocates the e‘tension of slavery, has acted the et a political slave, and has given his vote and influence against the principles which he-effects to advocate. We trust that his name will be 'remov ed from the proviso. He has. in relatiOn to it. nei `l Cher the merit of originality, sincerity, tiorfidt:lity.r Fine talk this fort paper which stands cons ictcd by its own acknow&dgrnent of a malicious slander, :irld to escape just4retribution, retracts after it has ' found it Can donl harm. This North American, which professes to include " all the talent and all the decency," has found itself obliged to make more retractions. and take back more Slanders. since it has been under„the control of the present propri etors, than any other paper in.the tithed States! We-new repeat,what we said : 1 . "No such issue was rmule at our election. Not a Democratic 'Convention in any' county if the .?'ommonwenfifti la) far as we hare seen or known. • put forth a singlt resolution against the'Proviso, or tendering that tle a test of party fealty at the pplls. Not a single Democratic paper in the -Common . wealth,.so far-As:We sew, pfiut to the election, ut-. tiled a-disclaimer of its . doctrines and principles.** And we ask the North Arnoriegn to point out the Cony:ention Whieh, s pilt forth a single. resolution against ' the PrOviso,". or The Democratic paper which "-prior tsly4 , election uttered a discyn3er of its doctrines and prinotples." This was ow lan guage; and as far as we, hare any. knowledge, it is truth, and-we itsk•the North American to controvert it, or.have another falsehotal added to the•tong hi t of V4iieh : iLis already -the author. • No democratic paper of any pretensions' to de cency; ha s ventured to qay surh a thing.. If they would be an unscrupulous attempt made to - -answer selfish ends, and a foul and. Erase libel upon the Dernocraey of the Keyston ttze-yeare indebted to a friend in California, fur a number of the Californian, published at San Francisco, by Robert Semple. It is about one half the size of the Reporter, and the terms are &i . e. dol.: :lam a year, paiti in advance. HENRY CLAT'S speech at Lexington, :mitten ont anil,corrected by himself, came to hamt yeStcrday. It is substantiaty the same ir, sentiment as the ; resolutimis otfuted by him, and published by u.s 1.1.5 t week. 1 - - ecirissso G. MC - KER ) LEY editor at the Democratic Union, has been appointed Post Master at' Haria- Tang in place of Mr. Peacock, removed. ~. : ' The Demitieratic thiion, (tete ,17th iihotilltas the . - folloving singular . paidigrapit,, Wan artic.le tecore . . ~ mending tweet three ,,: Pennsylvanians as. profier candidates for the Pr ' dent" , ' in 1838: .. " Pennsylvania h ever yielded herself to the Pr fun - of a mi...ignided. - lion, who, bent - with biggot eil fidelity upon carrying out some abstract pi-mei ille of Tight. wouki override the Conetitiitiou, and, unappairqd by the history of past political diesern sion;: ha` tib: terminated by a just and mutual com promise, would persevere to the end, even though Hurt should tw the upturning of society and the dis solution of the Union. blergroat men have always conic to the recur and spoken the voice of our ci :lnis. which %ca..; to reiard the Cknititution, to abet , the spirit and meaning of every'corriprnmioe. :In, I to (crave domestic institutions. to, the natal-dation and control of tlin, , e who are- responsible fur and affected by them. - . t : The • Union of the .7th ia,t. tiarrciivs its Tirefer cures chr.oott to cone man, and comas out very plain ly for lattreA Buchanan, tow Presiddist io IRA! (For tilt uract.iird it-rnti..r.i "• Evtreits :—.Ns the ti toe ilporoaches when the highest office in the, gift i,l the people must ;14iiin be tilled by their choice, it becomes ends to upon the subject with seriotto:ness and candor. There are many men in the Demo etittic ranks whose qualifications are ample for the dischae r ;e of its duties. and'their integrity tutilbubt ed. Bat as ititiong this number we each have our treft.iences, it becomes us not only to reflect there on soberly, bat to express the result of our medita tions at the appropriate time, than which. perhaps none is more so Chain the present. As an humble welfare ; happitte,s and .prosperity of the nation, his plecnou could. well be Claimed as a triumph of Liberty and emial. rights. It would indeed be a dad• of writ. Mg to all lo4ers of freedom. Such a result due to the man, to the people, and to the Wirienas of humanity generally. In the expressive w olds or how Jr.. " So mote it Le.- 1 , 1(11"it›. L News.—Ou Sabbath Morning, last the Public Leduer arrived at this place containing a letter from Puebla,, dated October 30, giving the hospital returns fur the two Penna. regiments. By this it would appear that the deaths, from sickness, have been greater amongst the "Columbia Guards ha la - other company., The following is the dis tr r report . : pang C.-4une 16—J. Walker, Diarrtara. 23d, Geo. Gamer. June 29—Edward'Groves, Con sumption. June 30—F. IL Best, Diarrhma Gcto. Wagttcr, Congestive Fever. July Ist—Jno. Mus tard. Diarrhoea r, Oliver Stevens, (formerly lived in Towanda - ) I)iarrbrea. July 3—Jonathan R. Saun ders, Diarrbrra: Wm. Banghart, Diarrhea ; 7th— Shepherd W. Clifton, Diarhma. Aug, I2—Wm. Swaitz, Diarrlima. Aug. 3l—James A. Lowrey, Diarrlra., Sept. 14—Lewis McFadden, Diarrhcea. Here we have the names of sixteen members of the l'orpta all of theip strong, healthy, able bodied, and temperate men, who, it seems have died of sickness. This is by far the most melancholy dings wediave l ad from the Guards since thk left Danville. Our whole community sympathize with the relations and bosom friends of the patriot sol diers, who have given - _ their lives to the service of their country, not aa they , would have desired, in the din (4 battle, but conformably to the sovereign will of the Most llitth. • Up to the time of the present Writing. we have no letters from the Guards since they- Jalapa. There is great anxiety to hear of their operations and tosses at the taking of the city of Atiaxico. Bet when the letter?... will be along is unecrtai t ,as near ly a half year has passed away since the* let. tens were received, and further suspense may have Ar be endured.—Danville Intelligencer. • R. I I I.MOT'S PEIRCH.—The Hon. David Wil mot, our talented and efficient representative it Congress, addressed a audience at the Court. honme on Tuesday evening last. , Notwithstanding re inclemency of the night, and the late hour' at which Mr. Wilniot arrived in' town, the room was crowded with anxious listeners ; there iisornething about the man, his zeal and earnestness in every thing that he undertakes, and his undeviating firm ness in the course he has marked out for himself to pursue, which causes his political friends, in this county at least, to rally around hint with enthusi/ asm and fidelity. The IN:alert of his speech Was in defence, of. the Proviso which he introduced ;it the last session, and will agaln'introduce at the nett session of Congress. For the purpose of raising funds to meet the heavy expenses of Government, be 4 would. favor a direct t tax-- an afpeafto da pitrie* i and pockets of the people- —he wou I . ci . ppcise a tax on Tea and Coffee, and the grad win of the public lands, nn -10:-.A. ' at the reduced ce, thfic could be secured to actual Neuters only.— eo z 'vane. Irma AT NOCIVOLIE. 4 the Beacon Cff- Ice.—We learn from the Herald that the American Beacon establh haling the Job Office, at that place, 'with nearly all the printing mluerialq, was destroyed by I fire on -fturday. eve ning. The lsuilding, was of brickpanahree stories high. The proprietors saved all their Amoks—and the newspaper press,. with the outside-form fpr Moylay's publication, on the press also escaped injury,: It is not known how the , lire oriOrmted, though there are surmises that that it was the work of incendiaries. The insurance on the Office will not the wboliloss, while thatiaportfhe house, belonging to Di. N. C. Whitehead, was rick& its fall value. The proprietors aintormee / that th* pa per will reappear as. soon as possible. -, Comment. ttivlitpit. VAN eintEN , I3,LECTER. A., meat the owl* ei 114.REIAtl.KITER.—MG - T#4l Barin h 62., declined being a*ididate for the nett; Preiident: in reply to aletter from the editor of the VerAkesbar,-_,- re Farmer and Inneal, Tholetter determination will be read with greft,interest,_, a4st(ne-itl to him in the judgement and allection.s of the American people, if possible, aligher place than he his heretofore held. , The condititm — of We_ country demands that the counsels and talents of such men should be brcilight tatively to our aid in the present emergency, and however great the sac rifice would be to Mr. Van . - Boren to be drawn again into the arena o 'ideal strife, we have the guaranty of his past life - to firm us in saying that the call of the democracy of t Union upon him to tend their-column is 1848, would be refused.— e - should rejoice to hear such a call Amok It would reflect the greatest honor upon thewcra cy of the Union, and would ensure success beyond a contingency, and with success the certainty of an adjustment of the. difficult and embarrassing ques tions jhat have, sprung up in connection with,our war %rah Mexico and tho,prospeet of an extension 14 mu terrilorv. MR. VAN BCE AND THE NEST PRESIDE:NTT.- The Wilkes-Barre Fanner has hoisted the flag of of ltdawns VAN BOLEN ALS the Democratic candi date for the President in 1848, and in an ably writ ten editorial sets lamb- what the editor regards the duty anti policy of the Democracy of the nation, in referentte to that great and good man. The last Farmer also contains a letter from Mr. Van Buren. upon this subject. written in reply to one from the editor of that paper, in which he expresses a decid ed preference fur the comforts of private life to the labors and anxiety incident to the Presidential chair, and intimatci pretty clearly that he has no wish to exchange the forinerfor the blandishments of office. The letter throughout breathes the high-toned senti ments of patriotism worthy its pure-minded •azid distinguished author, and While it inspires the heart with a warmer admiration of the character of the man, it at the same time strengthens the conviction that the Republican party have few abler champi ons than Martin Van Buren." A Su Bsc BEA Political MOtements, . . it will n ot que=lioned by any one that Martin Van Buren ranks amongst the ablest men of this or any other nation: that his qualities of mind are pe culiarly adapted to the trying crisis wbieh ava are avroaching. and that no man_deserves more at the hands of the people. [From the Allentown Democrat! Wevegret that the crowded state of our columns precludes the publication of the letter. Tram The Wi/keallatrre Fanner.] A :Song LE - 17F.R.—As we were about going to press. and after penning and inserting the remarks in another column headed a• the neat President," we received the following letter which explains its own origin. It will be found deeply interesting, we trust, to all our Democratic readers, and will at tract the fixed attention of every patriot under whose eyes it my come. We have, therefore, delayed issuing the Fanner a few hours to ,give phi' to it —believing that DO offering we could make would he equally acceptable to the readers of our humble sheet. Dear te.the enlightened democracy of the I'llion is the name of MARTIN VAN BUREN. For prudence, profound .counket., and moral and political courage, he has few peers and no superiors in our country. The pure principles, self denial,' statecmanlike views awl undimmed patriotism. that brelthesthro' the follonfing letter. confirms our sentiments con tained in our ructions' article. and show manifestly the inipe . live necessity of callina from his retire ment tile AMERICAN ARISTMES around whom the micorrup ed Dernocracyrof the Union can rally o ithout • read or apprehension ; and thus wipe away th decree of ostracism pronounced, in a fit of politic 1 insanity-, in IS la. The Democracy of the Uni need hint—the Democracy of the north need Itirn, and the Nation needs him'to fill the place in our history when the term of Mr. Palk ex pires. There are no two statesmen at this lime in the Union, perhaps, whose views and feeling,* upon most of the great leading questions of national poli cy. are so completely coincident as Mr: Polk's and Mr. Van Buren's and hence the great propriety of his succeeding Mr. PolLto carry out the great mea- SUreS. in a wise and prudent manner. commenced under Mr. Polk's adtninistration, and which have redounded fsi much to the prosperity of the people and to the gloryof the Union. , (From the Holmes County (Ohio) Farm. t.) LETTER FROM'MR. VAN BURT:N.—We give below. a highly intereFting and beautifully written letter from Martin Van Buren. -Every true Demount will sincerely regret his determination not to be a candidate for Preeident: and will heartily, coincide with his views in regard to the necessity of union, harmony and concession, among Democrats, in or der to succeed. We have strung hopes that he may consent to he a candidate. Our columns being full, we have not morn to comment on this letter, but commend it to the candid perusal of,every reader. NDtDATES FOR TUE PRESIDENCY The Philadelphia Spirit of the Times intimates a preference in favor eL George M. Dallas, for the Presidency, in 1848. The Trenton Plaindealer is urging the claims of Gen. Lewis Cass, of Michigan. At a mee:ing of the Democracy of Henry, county, Kentucky. on the first day of Nov. inst. the follow ing resolutions was unanimously adopted : Resolved, That we recommend to the Democ mey of The United States the name of Hon. GeorgeM. Dallas. of Pennsylvania, as a suitable candidate for the office of President of the United States in 1848, and that we recommend tarn. William 0. Butler, of Kentucky, to the Democracy of the Union as-a suitable candidate for he office of Vice • Presidelit in 1 848. The Ebensburg Mountain Sentinel has raised the name of James Buchanan to its mast-head, for the Presidency in 1848, subject to the decision of a ational Convention. The Berks County Press, edited by Col Jon. C. Myers, is out in a strong editorial article in favor of James Buchanan for the Presidency in 1848. \ The Gettysburg Compiler, has also come out in fai, of Mr. Buchanan. Geo. M. DALLis.—The Camden [N. J.l . nemo • . the name of George ,M. Dallas as a can t Presidency. A call for a meeting, °fable to his nomination, has been has raised , (Wale for tl in Caniden, made. THE C 110 Lesu were not to early in warn• ing our readers of the approach of the cholera. So long as its ravages were confined to Russia, the cause of apprehension waS\too remote to excite much fear ou this side of the Atlantic. It has now swept over the frozen confines q Russia,_ and ac cording to accounts by the Acidia, s raging with in 250 mites of Odessa. It has also c menced its ravages id Sweden. But this is not the orst. The Liverpool Mail announces the death of a - dier in Dublin by this horrible disease. lilt has t -.ken out in Ireland, God save Europe. At the bac of fainine and bankruptcy this will be the'final blo Nor should. we be file in preparirg for it here. Once in the heart of Europe, asst now appears to be, it is morally impossible that it should not cross the ocean. We must defend ourselves by sanit tory means. Let strinmit qturratine arrangements be 'nada in all our ports, and our city health in spemors-see that the nooks and corners are purified at season. Cleanliness and temperance in food and drink will do mare than au army,of doctors.- - Netr York Sun. Dimrs AND Rau lkstr..—T le New York Globe is calling the auention•of Con_ 7 o•ress to the 'best means of getting the worn . out Amish sixpences and shillings out of elm-illation: It says if we weigh a sixpence and American half dime, we shall find that the half dime has more actual silver in it than the sixpence, consequently, the positive value is in he American coin. 1 - fagi t q lit t gll kk ril : * ilh bah Pe Seri lfr iC l4. - .. ! 1 -#4 °1112 1 si n dis,Wi t sgiVikt ortAitteejlits Stgthetririii halt -0,3"4 a .iiiiciendti two ailoterug JoistreSlOm No pali a;tote General seitt,eut A sprto thflOwn bf Iftramantla that nielt,ltoring receiver/ itiTeirimtion that Gen. Santa Anna bad gone thither during the day before. . The nex t . morning he returned and re, - *de& that tariiiiiirrilty cifthe tmeini "bid left the: town leaving behind six pieces of artillery. Orders were immediately issued for the cavalry under Capt. Walker t Col. Gormand's regiment, Major battalhon, Col. Wynkoop's regiment, Capt. Taylor's battery, and Capt. 1-laitzelman's battalion - tia be in readine s s to march for the town, leaving the train with about eleven hundred men and twq PiecesKertillery - , underfthe cominand Colonel {hough. At eleven o'clock the )whole moved off in fine style. The cavalry were ordered to keep some istunce in the advance. , We had gone about two ni -4, when Capt. Walker .determined_ to push on at agi i, and surprise the, enemy; for five Miles the eavalr oved at a smart pace until we reached the outskirts o e town; ; when . Capt. Walker gave orders to form fog • close up ; he then entered a very narrow lane,, sides of which were lined with thick Wore, so ela .w in many places that • the sets of fours had to be braise ana t'e column moved by twos. On we went ata trot, until the lane opened into the main street leading to the Pla za, when, in column of fours, the order ivas..given to draw setbres and " charge." Then rose a wild yell, and such a charge ! the flashing of the' Sabres, the thundering of the horses' feet over the paved streets, were enough to strike terror into the hearts of the enemy. Two of their cannon Were pointed up the street, anodiser pointed down a cross street, and the fuse was burning in it. The terrified artillerymen moved merely to the sides oldie houses, at whom our men made their thrusts and right and left cuts, killing many in this manner; the cavalry ruslTPd over their cannon, the lancers (how many we did not know. but supposed there were three or four hundred) fled, 'our men separating into small parties, Versa ed them beyond the town, on the outskirts of which a g ood many werek.illed. Captain Walker went' beyond the town for the purpose of overtaking the artillery which had left the place. Captain Lewis went in another direction fur the same purpose. Captain Bensaneon was ordered to follow the road to see if the artillery could be overtaken. fn the meantime the most of our Men had already gone in pursuit. Capt. Loyal!. with a few men, assisted by Ad} t. Claiborne, secured some fifty or sixty prisoners at their quarters, together with their 'arms, &c. Lieut. Clairbome then proceeded to secure and bring up to the plaza the cannon (3 pieces) we had captured. Capt. Walker returned about this time, and going to the plaza waseolleeting our men. LtAnderson. (4 the *Georgia Volunteers, pursued and captured Alajor itorhide and Cot. La Yeea (a brother of the General) and a Lieutenant ; these he delivered to Capt. W alker. Lt. Claiborne, assisted by Corpo ral llescoek a n d prirate Myers and one or two oth ers, limbered tip thii six pounder and brought it to the plaza. Leaving it limbered up and the mules standing in it, and returning to get the four-pound el, the Lieut. was in the act of bringing it up, when he was forced to leave it by the appearance of ail Santa Anna's cavalry. 2.500 snow*. Corp'! Tilg,hmap..of company C'.. Rifles, brought up a smtill howitzer. Private Dusenbery, of corn puny C. took a Lieut. of Artillery prisoner, and turued !tint over to Surgeon Reynolds By thistime a good frnanv of our men had returned, and were in the plaza in scattered groups, when the Lancers charger them suddenly and unexpectedly. Our men re,•et. theta with great bravery, and kept the plaZa, with the exceptiou of a few under Capt. Walker, who retired by a street leading west from the plaza:they were joined by Lt. Claiborne and his party, who were approaching the square. Captain %Vallier led therti from the plaza--the 'enemy close on them at a charge; he turned the next street to his left, while the enemy, seeing the 4-potnifer. rushed to it to retake it. Fortunately for the few men with Capt. Walker, they saw this piece, for at the very next canter, a still larger finite met him ; he wheeled, and dashing swiftly past the 'rear of those who had cut him off from the plaza. main mi tered it. Here. the men dismounted and occupied the convent yard, together with a large house on the Conner of the square. --- Capt. Lewis and Liemenant Wiiters. with snrne ten or twelve men, charged twice upon the enemy. who gave way, and were pursuing theni, whet, they dtscoveredthey were beg surrounded- by a vast number of the lancers. They gallantly forced their way to the plaza. Capt. Bensancon barely re turned in time to save himself. Private fingenen and Corporal Merriken, of the Company C., rifles, being entirely surrounded, drove right into their midst, and tell covered with %rounds. Captain WA& gave his orders pmmptly to form he men to receive the enemy, who now made heir appears ce ,on our right. in-front. and on our 'eft. They had al o run up the four pounder to open on us. ~ Liens. Claiborne. assisted by Corporal TilOiman, unlimbered the six pounder and pointed it at the -column on our !eke Having no port tire, he pre- ; pareclto fire it with a horse pistol; the enemy came , nearer and nearer, until at about sixty yards off, 1 when they halted. At this moment the tient. fired the pistol. but the fuse of the cannon would not 1 catch, and being left alone in the plaza, he retired • to the corner house, and posted some rifleman to , keep the piece from recapture. At. this juncture Captain Walker, while examining die approach of the enemy, and looking at the four pounder on our 1 right, was shot from behind.' from a house that dis- i plan a white Rag He sunk down immediately and was borne into the yard, the men bursting into tears as the cry spread among them " Capt. Walk- : er's killed." Capt. Walker directed that we should " never surrender "'and died in about thirty minutes. Capt. Lewis made a detail of eight men. who went out and brought The six-pounder and placed it at the gate. The enemy menanced us a long time. and fired the four-pounder six or eight times loaded with grape ens of which discharges shattered the leg of Fneilerick Raborg, Capt. IV's interpreter, and a private of company C.: seeing the determination 1 of our men, they hesitated, faltered and fell hack. 1 , Capt. Lewis formed the men after Walker fell, and by his energy, and address assisted materially to suppress disorder. Lieu,.. Lilly distinguished himself by his daring. Surgeon Lamar was in the first charge by' the side' of Walker, was in the plaza when the 'charge was made, and was saved by the devoted act of Capt. Walker's slave David, who caught at the lance aim. ed at him and received it himself. He died in a few minutes. He was honeSt and faithful, and a favorite of his noble master. "In death they Were not divided." The Infantry came op as the enemy were retir ing, Colonel Clorman's being the only portion of the Infantry that got a shot at the enemy. There is much praise due them fey the gallant manner in .which they strove to be with the Cavalry. They ran themselves out of breakh, and , then ran an.— Never were men morwanzions to reach an ene- I thy. They 'had discovered the immense body of Cavalry that was making its way iu a gallop by a lel mad to the town, and loth tried to reach to - , first. When they got to t snvn we bad pos sessi... Singe, on , fleyttelds behaved very gallant ly,_and :is whole energies after the fight were be stowed us ', the woended. The w e force of Captain Walker's command did not exceed J 95. The enemy dispersed on the first charge. There must' have been more than five hundred, and i the subsequentlig,htther were two thousand five hit red strong. Company C., lost its gallant Captain,. hose fame needs no Nilo ! gy, and whose loss is irre cable. His valor, Mien •• tried, is appreciated by I e`Whote of.hts country. men. Peace be to the ashes of the noble and gal. bun Captain ! , • . , _ h Ex-President Tyler is inakinsi _ and South,. He was in eine...awash e===n =1 fFroo., he rennsytwanianjr-74 , y • 11 4 4 1111 4 11 in; EX of 1'6034 , 111e . hca reseed, has VirAy plk cedit ilimr - dtiptlitd, lc expransft. thwinuilt opu ji#:lll4:4talbahr Bogle, in phrase * - di as Eiteveik"all riiiisettneeption. A perusal ot e* rnakefonr FedetaVfnends regret tliii.cotinityibief htviis pursued, and rejoice.the heart of every true lover of oul count her glory and her institutions. Celt IC vat JO Whitetlatibiane-Aft-tbb couitaet of the leaders and the organs of the Federal party in their " aid and comfort" of the enemy, haibeen so glaringly unpatriotic, that it has converted him into a good Democrat, while abroad—a patriot be has,always been r ss his condo& fully proveS: •'Wor PErterre, Sept. 9, I 13.17: Mr .Dams - ;---Having a fittkrleisure fnhn my daily occupations, and remembering warmly and freshly several acts of kindness towards me, it gives ma pleasure to addressi knowing that you enter= fain some interest for my welfare. lam now in command of this military department, and am kept quite busy 'with continual skirmishes with *he Gu erillas, and an : occasional sharp fight with large forces' that gather between here and the coast in order to oppose trains. The health of ,my garri son isigood, and 1 have hopes that the greatmor tality which has existed in the army is now decreas ing. This is a Inuit, _laborious, and precarious service. Many of our best men hare died, and I truly con siderthe.clifiate in itself a much more formidable enemy than the Mexicans. A noble and self-deny in spirit of enduranCe actuates the men, plaint of any kind is rare. Contented to do theit duty they tisk. everything in the effort, and with a cheer fuiness 'which is gratifying to those who command, step up rea d ' t o any work, no matter What the chances. It is, - as,have before remarked, a hard service, full of toil, -privations and danger—bmit eneonnterel-a,nd bravely endured.— ludge, then , of the effect upon our good men here, when they ook back over the d' -l ance which se parates from • their friends, in an Wort' to find at home some proper appreciation of tha2-selfsacri ficing conduct It is latter and humiliating tell von, sir. there is a c Spirit abroad amon,g the Go o Americans eng„aiea to this war, which will not sleep during futurity—a spirit which awaits but their return 'to bender down upon the mouthing, sera •sytophant.4 'of a most unjust party, the full measure of an honest indignation, It is the same that brooded over our land during the war of die Revolution and the last war : and men. of the present day, palsied with age, have lived to curse, with tears of repentanbe. the hotwwhen she, with scornful finger, marked them for life as. the - roams of their country.' We, HERE, can See no difference between the men who in '76 sil/4.ored the British, and those who gave aremnents and sympa thy to the Nlexteans. This kind of language from a man who came into this campaign a Whig in policy. may siitilidstram.:r to you, bat I have actin and ;Itr7llll been compellid to listen to and to si:ffer that which would hare changed the disposition and alienated the atieetions of the most deterthined par _ 1i,7,a11. Even now, Ido not °lvy' to the leading:mil main principles of my old party. so much as I curse and deprecate the tone of, its acknowledged lead. ers and sopporters. If there is any reason .which will pre cut General Scorr from affecting an hon orable peace, commanding, as he does, the whole city of the Aztecs, with his powertul battery, it is the spirit of treason Which I unhesitatingly say is promulgated by the leading Whig journals: at home. In a sortie upon some ladrones of Jahoya short itme since. I possessed myself of all the late,news papers published in that place, and upon examin ing ihein I find in that place, the !...zttee asin Mexi co. the stroivrest argumentr published against nor army are selections from Willrg papers in the I..Ytti ted SiateA.. I send von a late ropy of the ‘,..! Bolelm de Nuticias, - in which you wilt perceive that the first article is an extract from the National Intelli- gencer Von may publish this if you please. I have he rome_t4o• di:4e.tkietl with what I have men, that I have no care for the consequences which this kind of hull' may RI-mince. ritoPOSITION To NUKE A Mow:toiy OF MEXICO. --.‘! Mustang." of the " Delta."'w-rites, on the 13th October, from Mexicivof a plan: under 'the auspi ces' of Par. des, of the King of the Freorh to place the Duke of Montpetisier on the throne of Mexice, it she will produce the signatures of 3.000 landhold. ets.. pledging,themselres to support. the measure. lie says :• " .1. paper to that effect is now in circulation. and every effort being. made on the part of its friends . to accomplish the object. Nearly the whole church are giving it their warm support, and ming every means in the r power to carry it successfully through', looking upon it as the only means of perpetuating the interests and influence of the ecclesiastical body.. " A great many of the Centralists. of wealth and strength. who have heretofore , opposed the meas. nre with decision and conceiving their pow er and place to be among the things that were, and hoping by this movement to be regain a portion of what thee have lost, are not only coincid ing with it. but are lending. it their undivided aid and influence. Also, some of the Conservatives and those of a neutral temperament in politics have yielded to the project.' "The main boar of the oppilsi , ion to &mitt An na are busy combining all the elements of their forces to avert the threatened blow, and retain the advantages gained over their political adversaries. They are very seriously alarmed with reference to the new movements, and we are led to believe that they are doubtful of suecess against their new competitors." The Washington Union also has a letter from a gentleman in Vera Cruz ; disclosing a similar pro ject. in which he seems to think the English figure Most prominently. Cit ANor. or TRADE.-111 former years, the most imPortatit business of this place, to some of our Merchants, was . the purchase and shipment of Wheat and other produce, to the Baltimore market, via the Susquelitinna river. Now Southern wheat is broughrto Danville, from Baltimore via the• C anal. to supply the demand here. Peter Baldy; Esq, is just getting two boat loads at his Steam Mill, and lt he brought a load from Baltimore in the sum er, as also, a large quantity-from the Juniata, and Ch er distant sources. The Wheat now deliverin i here 1 i from Baltimore, costs, we understant 5.1,41, that sum covering all expenses. Some o our arrners are now asking 81,50 in this vicinit , and , there is but little Wheat and flan ill well up in price here until next harvest. as th . l• .4 crop in. this region was unusually light. pa will( Intelli , 1 , genccr. PIDMV., WARD S. Co.—ln the suit of the Jefferson County Bank, • against this insolvent firm at' New York. the Juldge on Monday delivered a very Ion; and elaborate opinion on the rise and prcr r ,qwe - the Stillwell Act, and decide that the proceediu by a prosecbting creditor do ndt make the, assi e - ment if the debtors accrue to the benefit of all s e creditois, bin only to those who haveprosecuted un; der the met. "The complainants, therefore," said the Judge in - conclusion, ." are entitled tothe reme dy which the statute gives them,and that is the war rant to commit." By this it is understood that the debtors are to be committed to close custody, until they make an assignment in favor of the prosecu ting creditors, to the exclusion of all other creditors. AN9TRIRR MANUFACTURING CITY.—TIIO POTlbilid - Adoertiser says that a company Of wealthy capitalists principally from Boston. have purchased the falls at Lewiston, and from 600 to 700 acres of land adjoin ing,_ far the purpose of establishing there a ne mannfacturin,g city, Mr. Boyden; theviiief engi neer: and five assistants are noxf on the 'ground. corripleting the survey of the new city, and laying out thin, new streets, 6re.. The plan is, to run a Canal froia the falls down the river,.and some idea may be formed of the value of that pri,yilege faun . t4e factihat the head of wtiter is Ov'er fif.y feet, and factories will ho built fora long distance down the river, if required. • West inst. tl w ) - 1 , ;x(lor Your friend, . , .... - A - Ifnier busked. . , —. . n ~,, ,, .,,v i „, „ ;.•,:, , ...--,4 0 , 1 0 0 1the Eir Comier l ~0,.., . . t . r ,.. , 0 • 1 e-w M % . . t?„. -.. Anueli, B dford CO,PM,, PS'. 14. . '' tc.Et , irz: ' -.' • attirrop i Nino—.ln I oking. peer the Bing , 'ltilOton DO:merit of Nov. 9th, I discovered an arti cli-Lbendeit* Hon. David INfilinoti' and being one (i ! .ofiVsininfailiate constituent , I lost no time in perus , ingit - Judge my surprise t hen I there - hotted him denounced as a°disorganiz r and. strutting , too, un- , _der the borrowed. feathers . f another man's 'a pro. i iiid - oll t ni*l'lr •-• - ' lliaXillilirrialreffi tirelywithont foundation, t.. at I felt an indescribable sensation of disgust and 2. - 'etinPli fot4e-Menture, who would deign to:a pen join a he, and give it publicity to the world. ..N vet was there a :more" -steadfast undeviating dem rat than the liciri lida -1 vid.Wilmot, and no man would • sooner scent to I wear borrowed plumes tli4ri he. •He is not' What ' -the writit - inlltifltriticoiiieitrhaflitvettris readers esteem him to be„li vain and eggsticalereatnre!, ri ding upon the breeze of izopuliirilY, and ready to is banal but he is a plain -un sumingdemoerat, of in flexible integrity, and stri• talent sufficient. to lie- Inolish thO clique that wound the Binghatiiton Democrat. He is not ma eup of i 4roverbs or scrip. tore quOtations, butof "id _li . 1 ; •,, ' . ..,- • . .fr - isssvi.v.i.m.tx. • • Posr-Orercs Uni,irerste , ..rt.—S.R. Hobbit! ' Esq., the First Assistant Pestm er GenerOd of tbe United States, has returned ;to iii ash'ngtorigity, from his visit to different countri - in Europe on business connected with his Qthei I duties. '-'of the result of his mission We find the °Bowing' account in the Union. seems, "He [Mr. Hobble) ha not it seems, ellected a postal arrangement with he British Post-Mice.— The Govern ent of . Grat Britain still •adhere to their obnoxious orderof t,he 9th of lune last ; impos ing the British sea postage on the Americti mails conveyed in the A meric4n steamship. This order' they will relingnis..h Upon the adoption of h postal convention between the i t wo countries. Brit in dis cussing the terms for a c:priventiOn, they ihiisted.up on certain arrangement!, objected to by On pistol agent and our ministeriat London. Not ai•ceding to these. Maj. Bobbie returned ; bringing with him the British plan for a partial convention for the decis ion of our Government:p . _ "Arr.ingemeritswith Trance are necessaily .post „pone. inn], those with Great Britain shall be adjust ed ; as t • mails to andifrom France conveyed- by rn the AericaiNqeamer lave to pais through Eng land, and becoMe-sikbject to the Englisb transit post . age ,.. 1 ”In respect to our :lilt with the German States Arai Bobbie e ff ected f II and satisfactory arrange-. merits, securing the t nsrnission of letters.` by the Washin-lon, direct to their destination, either with -postage prepaid or unpaid., at the option !cif the wrh ters. with i plan of acconntabil ity. which gives to each goverment es share ottthe posta.ges. 14 same of the German States a :Ingle unifornt rate of postage on American correspondence has been agreed upon and at a reduced arnoUnt : and there is a fair pros pect " “.1 other t-Ttate will concede same advan . , 11 , §N. D. WeLlior.- - /The citizens of this plate and many from a di-starlet, were hitzlily gratified „on Wednesday-last NA ithi t an able and forcible Fpeerh, delivere'd at the Con. House, by the Hon. H. Wil mot, ofTenusylvaiiia. The house wals full to over '\_ flowing t many not b Y ng able to gain an entrance. The en} , ect was the !. Provitso,'' its oltject and. de-: sign. am we belieta he proved to the satisfa - em m , of every man presem who would he onvinveri. of the propriety of offering it and the time it was: pr u . posed. Ile was til•cineittly eheeryil dining the liiiee , rh. We teff'lmlhim our sincere thinks fur our part and in behalf o his andiencr. for tf.c . ahle and !livid manner in wlffich he discussed the sulijeet.._ Elatira"Ciazate. ,I rrt-si SrlT.SlCttixua L __,lr n ,l :x Lea rz.iif this St at r', has prepared a succinct trei iise upon the criminal law of this country. P:111 011V illy: the laws olthe Federal government a' tiell as) -the ditlereirt States,ltoiiether with"alLthe Atr.ericaif ;rilocisions of iniportltnee. The HarriAiing speakin_ of it. says!: " " The ‘voik is.talculated to throw neW 1.:.1111 upert the criminal law of Pennsylvania. as it reters ly to many of the tlecisions of our Supreme and to the practice of several of the suborthoote courts." • * NEW Vona, OFFICIAL Rgrcaat—The “flicial re turns of the late State election in New an NI-tr.:gate vote of 311.003, which is a talli•ic oil from the vote of 184-1. of 161,145, Of thi , ileti.-ieli ey 10-1.811 belong aa the' Democratic: and Z,6.334 on the side. The Whig, majority on of the candidates exceed 36,000. At Juini last: at the . Judicial election. the !loran cratie majorities ranged from 15.000 to Ig,oon, showing a difference or a loss to. the Ilemoeras of 55.000 votes, Fillmore is elected Comptroller bit• 2-1,000 less votes than were given tor Give:nor Voting. SEAT or Jt:sTice.—We learn from the Celurnlia 1).-mocrat that the new bui.clings at B/ are reported as tiiii;hecl. and ready for use. The Columbia Enquirer, at Berwick. in norm< the late deeisiim of the Supreme Court of renns‘l vania, that the Legisliume •cminot constrmtionally delegate its powers of LegiAation to a coh of the people, "tries the following pertinent questio and remarks : " Will not this (ioeision affect the qnestiou recent ly decided in our ou-n count•—the Ileinor4l! The "knowing ones . ' think .t4o. TrIE ATTACe ['PON SES:AroR - HANSEGAN —Tb" National illterv , eiteer nncl Union both . represent that SenatorHannegan is free of all blame in the dit ticulty lietween and a i ;Mr. 3.1 - cDotiald; late ly. in Indimm. It is not only clearly proved that' the Senator find no part in the assault upon Donald by a party a, ear ago, which _wait made the pretext of the-late attack; but it is estab lished that Mr. Hannffran on the occasion acted as a peace-maker and - probably was the means of sa ving McDonald's life. sA von C A M giro s.—The Pentisyl van tan fifties (litY last. Fays.:=A correspondent, in whom ire have Confidence. appeals to us todo an act of justice to this gentleman by correcting .the rumor that he voted against Gov. Sims's. "1 . know. : ..ass the corrlk t oondent in question, "that he voted for Shanl .. antrLongstret4; and the whole Democratic ticket As it is our rule to do justice to all, we cannot vi` )- late it when 'called upon in the present instancit. ATTEMPT TO ROB THE SEVENTH WARD BANs.— An attempt was made on Monday night ro enwr the Seventh Ward Bank, N. 'T'he thieves re moved part of the Bank wall, dnllea through the iron vault, erect were just at their booty when they were disturbed. The editor of an eastern paper, saw a fellow, who really.beheved that " Old Shook is r ennin;, yet. He must be the same chair that wanted to see the straw with which the' North Americzi. suckeo in" the young Federalists as bout s being eh c:cd Gcveraor by wile& Tn Pt:nue DElrr.—The Union has an official staietlnent showing the public debt now to be 12,2,423,93, being an increase of about 527,000. 00 under the present administrttien and on - accouatet the war. Call Loeser of the Reading. Artilleri-t 5 . now in Mexico, is announc+ichis havitm been elected Elea tenant Colonel of the Second Pennsylvania Rev meat We presume from " ' this Mat the totrepiii Gear; has been app, i led i. t that p ce wade .N1:- cant by the death of colonel . 'tens. • The Legislature of Georgia ruhlipenvet- lo highly eomplinientary resolutions rute,,.l to the , °ran Brig. Cen. Tivigg.s at' elegant su-sird. in honor of the distinguished services of her native son. It.. is said that when the road to the ritv 0f Mesi c4 Fla!! be opened, upwards of '2O. milli - on: , of 11 ' 1 ' tars wnnh of meltholtdise: will be thrown into the in tenor.