Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 24, 1847, Image 3
ifiredstoo4e; Wanted, to Peddle Jew(try! VVANTED, &Tee maitre, Imelllgrom, young um to VV. peddle Jew eki dierf Peary goods, on kot. j o y ou nimets, who can mums well recommended, 6beta enco uragement Will be given. Perrone desirous T e n m i n g in the busiWe as, will please cation the sub. cram, at Mrs. Delpewch's la Towanda tp., on the n t h oth or 30th of November Ind.; or on the 14th or 15h D e cember nm. n 2 EPH.KIDDER. - VD 1i23391=14111250 VOTICE is hereby given m i Retals to - of Foreign A Goads and Air rehearse, who isive•not paid their in „ es for 1847, to all and pay up immediately. Noven*/ 4, 1847. J.REEL, Transurer. • 'r.l7C OCo 614 TOE lamest and most extensive assortment of NE W GODS, gettable to the semon,eeleeted with great pre, and for dabs cheep as the cheapest, for cosh or up ?roved credit jut opened at Towanda, Oct. 5,.1847. O. D. BA RTGETI"B. • • 11. S. 84' M. C. MERCUR, Now. atcziviso, , tIBRT LARGE k EERY GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FALL GOOpS, ( . .vzsiing of more than their usalit variety, which l'far to the public of their proverbially law prim. 'Towanda, September 25, 1E147- OILS, Faints , Varnishes and Dyestuffs . of almost every kind, at mep2s . MERCUR'S. ril,O c AssIME RE 8 & A TTI N ETS, &c . --French, Englisl, • and Amerman Cloths ; plain plfancy Cassimeres and Saftinetts; 'satin, silk, valen ' CIA and worsted - IN . :stings, very cheap at leP25 . • MERCUR'S. - _ -WORSTED DRESS . GOODS.—Plain, figured and • 1,1 .plaki, 'ditch and coloied Alparias ; black and co kred French Lerinoss; Oregon Plaids; rich French amnion Cashmeres, DeLaines, &c., a great variety 1. 'el Ayles for wile at • sep2s MERCIIR'B, . . IRON & NAILS.—A large assortment for sale, at 5: I , acp2s" ter _ERCUR'S. • VO WA BCO'I'IGRIND STONES, for sale et, repra - MERCIJR'S. - - - - - - - iII2AI.ISI'EII'S OINTMENT: 7 A new supply of 1 this deservedly popular article just received at • M E R'S. •ep2s .. ARDWARE.—A very large stock of Hardware, of H every description, just rec'el at MERCUR'S. L H. Tbibet, M,Derraine, Stradills L I end Shawls, a large ass't at MERCER'S. l0p0(1TS & SHOhS, consisting of cow-hide and kip 1) Waits, ladies' and misses' slippers, gaiters and half porn; ; children's , shoes; also an eleganeassortment of Ent; anti Caps, are noar openiug at the Savings Bank; 5449 NO. 5, B. R. ricrrroN r A RN, carpet warp, bat ts wadding. wick ,ing, brown and bleached sheetings and shirtings, r‘ir be found at • bargain and very low at the Savings Cml•, . ' sep29 NO. 5, B. R. `Olt THE. DIES--a large assortment of wt . )* I goods, sticti as 1r144 linens, cross barred.and sniffed jsconetts, swiss wasting. &c.; also swiss m. 11, cl,l anoint edgings, tbnimul and cotton edgings, bobbin's. -di 'range and buttons, lace buttons, patent.wbalebone Jvt•, purse twist; in short a great variety of fancy , of every description, may he found at.,the 121 I.IT OF PERSONS enßaged in rending F..reign •,(:..o and aud Merehandize in Bradford county, etas- Anil and rranged. according to law for, she year 1847: Names. ~Liquor. tine.. Aml Athens boa—James Fritcher, (no liq.) 14 $7 C Park, " 14 *7 ' •11 8 Comstock " 13 .10 II ' GA C Perkins, . " 13 7 L,S Ellsworth, . 13' to . H A Phelps, " 14 •7 1; H Herrick, " 14 7 - . 4 4Velles & Harris. " 13 •13 Athea% twp.—John Watkins, " ,-. 14 '7 Allem—John Horton, pr. " :14 *7 .. , Elmer Horton, - "r . 14 - •7 A W Renslow. • (lignor) - 13 •I 5 Carlingt.ln—A &S. II Morley, • (no liq.) 13 10 John V Daniels, - " 14 7 •':_( Coryell de Gee,' . " 13 10 .. • .- Edward Overton, " 14 7 rinton—ClArles E Ratlitione. (liquor2,l3 *l5 _Newman & Brown, " - 44 103 Durrii = W MiAly & Co., - , (no lig.) 14 •7 O 1) Chamberlin, : ' • " • 14 •7 ' Voolliaogh & Salsbury; - ". 14 7 fraoldin--.1 . W M ream . t".l4 •7 • R K Hltty, ".- 'l5 7 Herrick—Wm. A le. - • . : .q4O; 14 "7 T. Hum hry, ,lii, "- 14 7 lionroe,l .1 Wa ord. . . 13 10 J 8& J BM Hinman, (liquor) 14 103 • John Hanson,' " 14 103 1 .JEt & G Smith, . (no liq.) 14 7 . .1,.. - 8 C Masks, • " -14 7 • Coolbsugh & Salsbury . , . 14 7 81.& .R Fowler, " 14 '- 7 nrviell--T 8 Hurriphry, • " 14 7 Henry Gibbs, " I'4 '7 Pike—D Bailey. -,_ - " 14 •7 . ' A 8 Smith, " 13 *lO '.l E iltillnek, ' " 01 •7 Rome—L IS Maynard, . 1 ...14 7 ialgbuty—.Artaph Colbum, " 14 7 Charles F.. Wilson, (liquor) 14 *lO3 liesheguin—Kinney & Salterlee, " 13 15 • ' Talk & Whitbeck, (no liq.) 18 •10 Wen Campbell; " 13 10 gmittifield-1; E Darfey„ . (liquor) 13 •15 M BuPock 4 CO.; " 13 15 E 8 Tracey, (no lig.) 13 . 15 -14 anding Stone--) C Adams, * -6 " • 14 • 7 ' Mii& Storm, , " 13 10 H W Tracy, -(ligior) 13 •15 •. Towanda b.oro'—Huston & Ladd: . .(ito,lig.) 14 7 - . . H 8& M C Mercnr, " 12 923 8 . 8-Bailey, I x ~‘" " 14 •7 I . Burton Kingahery, " 13 *lO Elliott &Von:duns, • " 13 *lO ' _0 D Bartlett, " 13 10 • A 8 Chamberlin; " 14 *7 'W H Baird & Co., " 13 •10 k• . ~ Tracy At Moore, " 14 •7 . ;.1 Ringsberyjr., " 14. •7 N N Beta. ~. 14 *7 - Montanyes dr. Co.,- " 13 *lO ' Hugh O'Hara, , ° 14 T E T Fox, • '4 13 •11t, C Fteed, ii - " 13.10 -E Runyon,' (liquor) 13 45 - Badminton, " 11 224 &D F POtneroy. • ' " 11 6 224 ' Ballard. " 14 104 lel & Stephens, ' ' (no liq.) 12 124 .17 Tr a p e y. " It •7 'ecialset-dc Milker, .., 1 7 vTs %boa, r. 14 *7 Wan Rokonsb, ' (liquor) 14 *lO4 . Imes Taylor, (no liq.) 14 7 I—E & A Lewis, - ". 14 6 C HPiaber, ." 14 7 ~... Irl H& G H Welles, .. 13 •10 -3 - Coope r' - . " 14 *7 B Buffingtirn , ~ (domestie] "' 14 . at AfTyerell, ' " ' •14 7 ' dn! littenies. J. REEL. Treasurer. Oates, l'lmanda, Now. 17, 1847. Scott in the City of 'Melia! another l&rge stock V' 00..94 just received al IN TA N Es dir CO's STORE; • te-‘ll,carefutty scleeted for the Fail Trade. aGli et i invit e d in all i ' en d ennui). their of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and Boots & hhoesaista do Caps, and everything Of - staples, suited to the wants of this region Which him been purchased exclusively for at the lowa* Ali in the market. We Mate, frinale-i not. -forget to give us e call, as sir ulkelitijact for them todu IQ. agust 18 , 1117. • EMI etchanbig. &T. VIEW SOCEPOI ArtARGE end well "elected aosortioneot of Fagged Winter Goods, just veceivod. sad for ode by EL LIOTT- & TOMKINB, comdating-of DF GOODS, GROCER'S& 1111=1111, MUM, lieN, 1111L8, kC, kC, Amongoor goods may l L• found, French, English and American Cloths and assimeres; i- good as. eminent 14 Fancy Canimeres and Tweeds, sheep's gray cloth ofd sattinets; also, a gued emortment of Over cost Cloths aril Cloaktogs. For the LADIES, we have any quantity of Ging hams, M. Detainee ; Cashmeres, alpaca's, of all colors and prices, both cotton and silk warp ; Shaw* of all kjpds, dress silk, black and fancy, with trimmings to awrespond. ' Also—Bonnet Silk & Bonnet Velvet with trimmings. MUFFS—a large stock. Sept.l7. ELLIOTT & TOMEI:VS. New Arrival at No. 1 Brick Row ! B. Chamberlin, Ts new meiving, and offers for sale at the ?DRUG DEPOT, No. 1, Brick Row. a large addition t, his former stook, eonsisting of every variety of Groceries, Drug:Aid Medicines. Dye stuffs, hints, Perfumery, Fury irttaes kc. which will be sold at wholesale or retail, at unusually low prices. Terms CASH. Towanda, June 16, 1847. PATENT MEDICINES, e v er kital now in use, can be found at the Drug Depot; Agent for JaytO Smith's, Clickenees, Moffat's, Pain kiUer, and varimal other medicines. A full Rod general supply always on hand jets ' No. I. BRICK RQW. THE DIGNITY OF N 0.3, KEPT UP THE old firm of iVM. H. BAIRD & having 1 been dissolved . by mutual consent, and the subscri ber being disposed to keep OLD N 0.3, (who is always light) GOING AHEAD,wOuId now onnounce to those who like to buy goods cheap, that he is now daily re ceiving from the city of New York,. new and splendid assortment of Goods; which he is bound to sell aacheap as they can be bought this side of the city of New York. My assortment consists, as usual of DRYGOODS, GROCERIES.CROCKERY, HARDWARE. IRON AND STEEL, BOOTS & SHOES. 808 SLEDS. TRUCK CARTS . . &C.. &C. Now, Mr.and Mrs. Everybody, just continue your old habit of dropping in at No. 3, before purchasing elsewhere, and if I don't sell you goods right, "don't buy them." I have accommodating clerks. who will always be happy to wait upon you in cue you don't find the Old Man constantly on hand himself, and I have tt r doubt but on pricing the goods you will be glad to buy. I feel thankful for past favors, bestowed upon the old firm, and it shall be my aim to merit • continuance of the same. nov2 E. W. BAIRD. CE.' FOOD.—Codfish and Mackerel, any quantity for sale at . 010 BAIRD'S. RO W N SA EETINGS.—About 43,000. yards of 1.) /Mown ,Stieetings, just recd at BAIR fi'S. VESTINGS.—Sstin, 'plllr. satin stripe, silk velvet and other Vesting*. for Winter or summer, fall or sp!ing ; a great assortment at BARS, No. t, B.R. CHOICE DRY GOODS.—Alpaccas, French Merl no, Oregon Oils, monslin de laines. Columbian plaids. gingham,, of a I descriptiona, &c., &c., at Nov. 10. , BAIRD'S. No. 3, Brick. Row. Fuff , GooDS.--Gentlemen's fur caps, Ladies' mak &c., a good assortment at BAIRD'S. SA WS. —Mill saws. and 8} feet and 8 foot crosscut LIM'S, at BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Row. SAVINGS BANK HArs & CAPS.—A good assortment silk and fur Hats. gent's glazed caps, with capes, (a great ar ticle for stormy weather,) men and lay's cloth caps. children's velvet caps, &c. "oDu will find all these kinds, and many more, at nlO - BAIRD'S. HORSE BLANKETS.- , -If you want a good and 11 cheap article of the kind, call at BAIRD'S. _ _ DAlNTs.—White and red lead,', nish brown, copal gum, liotharage, chrome green, chrome yellow, tarnish, &c., at BAIRD'S. LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS.--Fringe, gimp, habit buttons, and all kinds of fizin's for trimming ladies dresses, at BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Ross. LATHS.—French, and English Broad Clotbis and Cassiineres, Sattinets, sheep's gray, a good assort ment at nlO BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Row. LADIES!—Do you know where to find the nicest French Lace Capes in town ?—the spot is at Nov. 10. BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Row. T A DIES' CARPET BAGS, a splendid article, at Nov.ll. BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Row. -• .- CASH PAID FOR WIIEAT, at MASON'S MILL, Monrok s• Sept. 23, 1847. C) REWARDltrayed or stolen from the sub -10.4.4 scriber, residing near the centre of Litchfield tp., Brad. co., Pa., alout nine weeks ago; a dark brown STAG, heavy bodied, horns mostly black. A reward of two dollars will be paid to any person who will give infqmistion where said stag may be found. Oct. 26, 1847. LEONARD DEMA REST. _ . Another Great Victory in Mexico ! THE news was received simultaneously with news that there had been another great arrival of New Goods at the SAVINGS'BANK, .Ted caused a Tremendous Excitement ! ! The present proprietor, C. BEEP, takes this oppor tunity to return his thanks to his former patrons and the public generally, and also of informing them thathe is now receiving a very large and general assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, of every descrip•ion, which be pledges himself shall and wiil be sold as low u at any other establishment within 100 miles of Towanda.— The public generally are respectfully invited to ail and examine to satisfy themselves at No. 5, Brick Row. Towanda, September 21, 1847. 7 2 2 3.12110M.L17/21. TlAZtalil2.9 At No. 7, New 'Brick Bleck, IS now in full blast, where the public ceo be accom modated with-CRACKERS, at wholesale; SC ALL Claea, by the hundred or thousand, will be furnished et prices *Web will make it an object for Grocers in the country to eve us a CO' Csa ral;of every description, for public or private parties, furnished to order on the shortest notice. Oct. 26. CARTER & SMALLEY. COCOA & CHOCOLATE. genuine and fresh, by Oct 27. CARTER dr. SMALLEY. TXTEST INDIA PEPPER SAUCE, a splendid ar- V V tide, put up in wine vinegar, expressly for fami ly use. 027 CARTER & SMALLEY. WINDOW GLASS.-7 by 9, Bby 10, 10 by 42, 10 by 14, 12 1718, 12 18, 14 by 11, all of good quality and in excellent order, for sale by October 19, 1847. 0. D. B A RTLETT. To an Indebted ! Tentscriber, having toady new amngements, is I- very_ desirous of settling up his old accounts, End requests those indebted, Co settle im mediate/Y.17 giving their notes, payable in the spring, if they ere not able to square up now. Immediate attention is requested. October 27. , BURTON KINGBBERY. L _ AMES' WINTER DRESS GOODB.—At great variety, compri , -ing all the latest styles and most beautiful patterns, just received and for sale very low b. ul9 O. D. BA RTLETT. SUMMER SHAWLS, a beautiful assortment of Baas* 13e Lain and Brocba Shawls B AN K be found at the SAVINGS K MIIIINERY AND MANTUA. MAKING. MR& D0.4.1rE. CONTIPIIIES to carry on the above business in all ha branches, at her old gaud, corner of River and *ridge streets, where Bon;a2ls and L'aps can be pur chased, and work will be done promptly, fashionably, and at satisfactory prices u usual. Towered', r ktober 27, 1847, Madpubbe, rii 411 ,, Tif 41041 p oii ;Jut Received at No. 2, Brick Rim" • Oceaneof New Fall it-WinterGoods, -txrioff must sad 'wilt be . sold.M. very the 'loers ' st •V T notch for Cask or Ready Pay, arm person who may went UOPD sad CHEAP Pods, fully invited to till sad examine this steak. Don't fail to call as it casts nothing to look, and we consider is a favor to show the. goods, mid will try to make it an object rig thous wishing to bi 10 B) . ILRIS BROWN .811EETINGS, I 40 Storting/I, wicking, wadding, batting, cotton yarn and es4pet warp. Asap es the cheapest. at No. 2, B. R.. at ,; scpls I FOX'S. GINGHAMB.! GINGHAMB!-30 , pieees new tx! meat spkndid styles, decidedly the teeniest ewer in market. Also, Oregon Plaids. Silk Plaids. and all the new styles dress foods all at No. 2, Brick Row. 3. BLK & STRIPED ALPACGAS, at the Aoki rresy lowest possible prices at FOX'S. HARDWARE, a good assortment, inclqding Iron, Steel. Nails, &c. at No. 2, B.R. FOX'S. nilAthits, OILS & DYE-STUFFS, also Matches 1 by the_groaa, at Na 2, B. i t. • FOX'S. - . SEALED HALF SHEDS, on hand and for Dale ait fin . PDX'S. _ Cooking and Parlor Stoves. TUBr received at KONTANYES 4 CO'S, a large 41 lotr.--Also, PIPE, and a few second-hand stoves, aU of which-will be mold cheap fa pay. Sept. 7,1847. ___ ANOTHER .ADDITION TO THE - Stock of Goods in the Savings Bank. TN consequence of the great rush at the Savings Bank 1. for Cheap 'Goods, the proprietor bas been induced to replenish with a splendid assortment of SPRING, & SUMMER GOODS,.wbich are now opening. and sell- ing at greatly reduced prices. The proprietor. Mr. C. REED, pledges himself to folly and amply sustain the credit of the institution which it has hitherto borne, t.e. for selling goods cheaper . than rrny other establishment in Bradford co. Persons desiraus of testing this, have only to call at No. 5, Brick Row, and satisfy themselves. July 7;1847. C. REED. LAWNS, ORGANDIES, LAWN GINGH A MS, and Light Gingham., have hem" received at the Savings Bank, and are selling twenty-five per cent. chestier than ever. jy7 C. REED. ' BOOTS & SHOE/3—A large and exhaustless ae. sottment of coarse and fine boots and shoes, ladies' full and half gaiters„kid tie., buskins,•French kid slip pers, children's cloth end morocco shoes are now selling very low at the Saaingit Bank, No. 5, Brick Row. .7 - 11111 CM WARTia if!IT now.being the lime tolransplant Fruit Trees, the subscribers would say, to those wishing to purchase, that Peach trees, bud bed with the choicest Fruit in the country can be had at their Nursery in Wynn:. _ , Nov.B, 1841 CASH, PAID 7 - FOR OATS, RYE ANO -1 05RN, Greenwood, Nov. 10. ''lBy 8. OkAGLEE. . aram taitcOalLtto ZitWM &Mao NEW GOODS, AND NEW PRICES BKINGSBERY & CO- are, just 'receiving, di . needy from New York and'imening at the new brick store, recently erected at B.Kingebety's old stand, a large assortment of Fall ty• Winter Goods, comprising Brand cloths"; Cassimeres. -Sattinets • Alpaccas, of eve ry description :Freiiih 8 Eng-iis‘ Merinos ; Mou se/jot DsLatites Gisighmits, a great variety; Casirniere k woolen Shawls ; Domestic goods, jk,i ( ry !and Glares, of ercry description. Groceries, l'ivckery, .Hardware, Boots if Shoes. Sole oval upper Leather, Freoch and common calf and hip skins'. Nadi, sipiare;round ano Suedes Glass, Hats and Caps, 'T'ul wad Stone Ware, Paper Hangings, litijia4,robes and hlup, Mar:keret, Codfish, Shad and Herring. • The attention of the public is respectfully invited to our present large stock of goods, which are now exhibit. 'el fur sale at the lowest 'pries, for needy pay. They have been selected with unusual care and attention, es pre ly for the accommodation of qor customers, and we believe .offer inducements to purchasers no where chilli to be met with. o:7Rerhernber, before purchasing elsewhere, to call at 8 .Kinpbery's old stand, and examine our goods and prices, as we are confident they willuteet the views of the closest cash buyers. BJJ-RTON EINGSBERY, SMITH,K. Oct. 12, NO: - . W. F. MENARDL This Waif for Bargains. PARAPOI,4 SUN SHADES AND SUMMER STITFFS, selling at coat, at FD.X'S.,. - i OILS' PERFUMERIES, a apl •ndtd artiettof Kai • Bruabra, Thermometers, and Fancy .koltrAciOn male at jel6 No. t, HMV" Pair Warning Red the Lest Metier! T HEREBY warn every person indebted to me, that unless immediate payment is made, they will be rued ! ' This notice is given without respect to persons and all persons knowing themselves indebted, will save costs, by giving prompt attention. Towanda, Oct. 12, 1847. 8. HATHAWAY. SAY! JOHN ! don't tell any body that we will pay the " ready John Davis i " Rn 100 bushels Chestnuts and 500 lbs. Lard. CARTER & SMALLEY. • 113WIZEZ A LARGE end extensive assortment of School, Clew A Weal and Miscellsneons BOOKS; also a large stock and great variety of Papal,.including note, letter, cap, folio, post office and wrapping papers; together with a complete assortment of Bleak Bomb, railing Cards, Enudopes, ae„ Est. f all for safe cheaper than the cheapest, by 018 O. D. BAR rLETT. .1e11101•1111..a.11E-All1liT3E3.1111Eillitio .Vias GritMs, WOULD spin inform the Ladies that she has just returned TrOVEI New York, pith the latest and most fashionable style of Hata, Caps, and Head dra ms I also a .- large , sni choice selection of Millinery Goods, consisting of Plush Velvet:JAl/a and Satins r a. large assortment of Ribbons, FloMers, Plumes and Laces. Also French embroidered ebemiallargimps, fringe, and black trimming kee all of which will be arid at as low a price as can be purchased elsewhere. Towanda, October 12,1247. WIYWA. BA lrEtrirft. THIS lostitutien is now under the charge Of Mr. F. W. (Julia, a graduate of Yale Coll*, assisted by Mr. O. H. Pa.tirT, of Cone. The Gat term cour mepced on the 15th of Sept. ult. The second will commence on the 6th of Dee. Pupils are admitted at any time. TICR*I I Tuition per terns of deven weeks; Common English studies, $2 50 Higher English dtmies, 4 Oa Ancient Languages and higher mathematics, 5 00 Extra choir. (Ist and 2d terms) 25 Arrpngements will be made to azure the services of an accomplished Preceptress in the spring. 0ct.12. J. D.MONTAN TE, Precidea. TXTRERE AS, my wife, LAVINA DUNN, has Lett V V my bed and boird, without any just cause ot prov,gation, this is hereby to citation any person from harboring or trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts' ordemsnds of bet contracting. Rome, Aug: 2, 1847. PATRICK DUNN. ri APS! CA PEI 1-111 en's, Boy's, and Children's vet, plash. cloth and for, and for trimmed cepa.— coettprising the greateet variety ever sem in this place, just received and for sale very low by October 19. 1847. O. D BARTLETT. GINGHAMB h PRINTS.--Plain and twilled Ging hams, English and American Prints, a beautiful assortment at ser2s . MERGUR'S. E. T. FOX. =3 F. W. BROWN, T. T. WIERMAN MEE • 7 =IV r • • Thomas Elliot & N. '' C.. Tonkin% LTAVING associated themselves ivedser in, the 1111 Iteramtile business, hope by elms applieition and strict attention to business, to merit a sham of pub lic patronage. They may always be bead ready to attend to any person who wishes s oomodebons in their line. They will imenpf the old stand of Elliott & Mercer, and as it has jam been enlarged and made more sped . one and convenient, customers will find it very plea sant to do business us. ELLIOTT & TOMKINB. May 27. 1847. New Spring and Summer Goods. N. N. BETTS, 18 now opening 1 new and splendid assortment of .1 staple and fancy goods at his store, (situate on Main street two doom below Bridge street (west aide) nearly opposite Montanys's & Co.) embracing all articles generally kept in the country, such as My Goods. Groceries. Crockery and Glass ware. Hardware. Nails. Iron. all the varieties of Sled. Glass. Paints Linseed Oil. Lamp Oil 4-c. which be offers is purchasers at unusual low prices for Cash, Produce, or approved credit. And would re haretfully invite all who wish to purchase to call and examine Ins goods and prices before purchasing else where, a he is confident he can offer good bargains. June 1, 1847. ----- - - - - PRINTS, IK. De Lamas, Ginghams, Lawns, The Ladies will find a beautiful assortment at June 9, BETTS'. AGREAT variety of shawls seeds, parasols Ladies and Misses' Bonnets very cheap at BETTS'. BLACK & BEAVER CLOTHS, black and fancy Cassimeres, and all ante of Summer stuffs, a large assortment, low for sub et BETTS'. TITINDOW & WALL PAPER, a nice variety and V V cheap at BETTS'. "[TARNS & BLOODS' thaw 'scythes and scythe anatha ;also Harris' cradle 'scythes at BETTS'. - • colored. plaid, and changeable area S Safi also, white and colored Bonnet Salina, at wp 24 TA RE:3B GOODS-100 Pieces now opening at the 1-1 Savings Bank. consisting of Fiend) Merinos, plain Align:am, A bysinian amps., cadaver plaid s, cashmeres, mowing' de [aims, plain and twilled gingham; &c.,tic. all of which will be *old low at REED'S. CLOTHS & CASSIMERES, .Vestings, Overcoat Obit's, snob as brown. olive and gold raised Bea vers will be mold very low at SAVINGS BANK. USTRAY.—Broke rote the enclosure of the suhscri .E4 bet. on the 26th of August lad. a RED COW, 8 or 9 years old. The owner is requested to pore pro perty. pay charges ard take her away. Troy, Sept. 27. HOWARD SPALDING.Sen. PRINTS, of every variety and style, foreign and do. tnestie, now opening at wholesale and retail, at au7B MOPiTAN YE'S & CO. CLOTHE. CABSII4ERES dr. vESTINGS of very ■upetiorstyk and finish, an!! at prices to suit those who wish to purchase cheap. atill 8 MONTANYES & CO. SHOES --Ladies' Misses and Children's, a large sit net, on hand at jc9 DF;TTS'. The Saddle and Harness Business If! st9ll continued b, ELKANAH SMITH, J. CULP &13. T. SMITH, under the Finn of Elkanah Smith & CO., at the old stand North aide of the Public Square, where will be kept constantly on hand Best Plain and Quihei! Saddles, Plated and Common Harness, all kinds of Trunks, Felice', and all other work in their line, Carriage Trimming 4- Military work dope to order. From their experience and punctuality, they are in hopes to receive a share of public patronage. Work can be had at their shop .ca cheap es at any other shop in the county of the same quality, May 18, '47 STS Aw. is), • Copper, Tin, and 86W-iron. Brass MINED AND BILITMIIII WARS, wvommatas /IND C. HAL-I,:is now receiving 60 tons of the above 1 D. goofs, which be is prepared to sell at wholesale or . il, to suit purchasers, at the most reduced prices, or cash, lumber or grain. The most liberal prices will be paid for w .eat, oats, corn and lumber. Stare and Manufacturing Establialanall, on - gte corner of Main and sBridge•sta., where may be found the largest and best assortment of 'loves, this side the city of Albany, such as webers. Buckeye cooking stove, arranged with a rota ry top, and hot air oven combined, 2, 3. 4 'Rochester Empire hot air oven, 4 " Universe,. ". t 4 " Fulton, " (improved) 2,3, 4 Congress tight air cooking ! 2,3, 4 Knickerbocker, " 2, 3 Albany Elevated' oven " 2,3, 4, 5 Premium "2, 3,4, 5, 6 , Race's pet. self regulator, airtight parlor, 1,2, 3 Rochester air tight parlor, 2,4, 4 Congas* do. Albany do. (roasters,) Albany Fancy wood parlor, 3,4, 5 N. Y. city .. 2,3, 4 parlor cad stoves, • I, 2 Common cylinder do L 2, 3 A- Large quality of Pipe, Elbows, Tie, Brass, Copper, /aimed k Britannia ware, Zile, ke. which be will tell as above at wholesale or Wail. Shed iron, Tin, Brass and Copper Work, made to order on short notice, and warranted. Persons wishing to pur chase the above articles will doorell by calling at the above store, before purchasing elsewhere. as the prripri etor b bound not to be undersold by any living man. 6,000 SHEEP PELTS wanted, for which cash will be paid. October 27, 1847. 6m ANOTHER - GREAT BATTLE ! Another Large nod Splendid Lot of Ready made Clothing! JDST mired at L. BATCHELOR'S CLOTHING STORE. Here Lathe place to get cheap clothing, at least 60 per cent. cheaper than at any other place. I have all kinds to suit customers. My stock is large, consisting of Cloaks, Coats, Pants, Vests, &c. Elegant and new preirium styles, ante at astonishing low prices. Cloaks, flier Coati, Brown, Drab, Do., business Costs—all hinds, Black Dress (Moats, French Dress Do.. Gold. Hiked, Do., fletinett Pants, Cassimere Do. Black and Green Monkey lockets, Fancy Elwin Vests, Black Do., Cashmere, Da, Double Breasted Do.. White Maneilk Do. Also—CantOkFlannell Draw ers. Shirts the sanit k and some splendid fine Shins.— Also—Blue end B Cloth, Drown Do., Coosimerea, Plain, Fancy Do., Vesting, of all kinds. ,crj•Cutting and Mending done ,, ebescp and making up al L. BATCHELOR'S Oct. 9, '47. • Clothing Store. PCTORIaL BROTRER JONATHAN, for the Fourth of July, et No. I, BRICK ROW. SALT—IOO Mils. Salt just received and for sale at BAIRD'S, N 0.3, B. R. FFLOUR.—bO sacks of first rate flour just received sod for sets at BAIRD'S, NO. 3, B. R. 111.111 L 72311011173 ,9 0 41113107: 3 (IMO= WO UMWI/3a2:30 Lair of the Cheraseertt House, Towanda,' Pa, said, was destroyed by fire on the 12th of March fast, HAB leased the old stand, on the west bade of . the public square, lately occupied by Willimn Brigp sign of the Tiger, where he is prepared and mill be hap py to wait on his old customers and thepuldic generally iris bones is in grad order, and his facilities for at commodating travellers and visitors, such as will enable him to give ample satisfaction. rhargra moderate. ' Towanda, Oc'ober 20, lea r. lIM NOnCE brherebitimoimai4pairi con,. pi OW. man Colvin. Cyril!! Fairmoo.lllirani Farnsworth, end others, have resealed to the achievers an instru ment in writing, and the objects, articles ani Condition's eat forth and contained therein appearing to them iiwful and not injurious to the community, directed that said writing-be filed, and that notice be given in one news paper printed in said s erranty of Bradfonl, for at least three weeks before the next court of common pins of said county, setting forth that an application has been made to said court to grant inch an act of incorporation, according to the act of Assembly in such eases made end provided. A . Meic_EAN, Prot. Pro't.'s Moe. Nov .l, 1847: _ In She malteroftheapplieation of Eli flaird,andothers, of the "First 1 7 .'ryierian air eo ch and ngtegalion of Troy:' arptendor term. 1847. . N is hereby given, that Kb Bahl, Ebetrezer Pomeroy, Sol. 114orse, I D. F. Pomeroy, A. Lona. and others, have presented to the said Court an instru ment inventing, and the objects, articles and conditions set forth and containediberein appearing to them lawful and not injurious to site community, directed that said writing be filed; and that notice be given in one news paper printed in said county of Bradford, fur at least three weeks before the next court of common pleas of said county, setting forth that an application has been made to said court, to grant such an act of incorporation, smearing to the act of Asseinhly in such (-slim made and provided. A McKEAN, Prot. Pro Vs Office, November 1, 1847. SHERIFF'S SALE. tty virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni 'Expanse is -1J sued from the courtof common pleas of Bradford ceunty, and tome directed. I shall exposed° public Ale at WOODRUFF'S HOTEL, in the borough of To. wands, on Monday, the 6th day of December next, at 1 o'clock, P. M.„ the following described parcels of land— A piece or percel of land in Springfield tp., bounded north by land of Salisbury Cows, ask by Geo. Grace, mouth by David Brooks, Chauncey Guthrie. and Chain; cry Houle and -west :by land of W. H. Westbrook.— Containing one hundred acme, more or leas, with about eighty acres improved, with one two story framed house, one framed barn, one framed shed, three apple orchards and a variety of other fruit trees thereon. MERCUR'S elnial giant*stinents. n the signer of Me iporteation of Ezekiel Clary. aid others, of the 4- Fioot . Clujiatiaa .ekteeeli iw the towtuhip isPradfint min*" &p., timber terns. i 8417. 4: - a I- Seised and taken in execution at the suit of Wake man B. Hubbard u•e, vs. Milton Brooks. • A tso—A piece of parcel of land in Wilda:ling tp., beginning at • post and stones adjoining lands of Isaac J. Labar and Ellicott H. Brown. and running thence south 3° west 149 p. to the Susquehanna river. thence by and with the same west todbe line of Certified Springfie)d, thence by and with the same, tier* 13° w. 157 p. to a post and stones, adjoining lands of Squire Millso6ence south BS° east 133 p. to the beginning.— Containing one hundred and five acres and ninety-nine and half perches, be the same more or less, with about fourteen acres improved, with one log house with one body to a block-house thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Mary To land, Margaretta Toland, Elizabeth Toland and Julian ne Toland vs. Isaac Everitt. ALso—A piece or parcel of land in Wells tp.. Brad ford county, and Jackson, Tinga en., Pa., bounded north by Joshua 0. Spencer, east by land of Joseph Stunle vant, south by Zenas Roberts and on the west by Clark Stillwell. Containing seventy-4xs acres more or testi, with 450uffilly acres improved, rfith one framed house, one framed barn and an orchard o f grafted fruit. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Jonathan Owen vs. Lawrence L. Aweigh. A tso—A piece or parcel of land in Troy tp., bounded, north; emit, south and west by lands of Ezra Long. Con taining about one acre, with two framed dwelling hou ses, one framed wagon abort, one stone blackimith shop and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in °aeration at the suit of W. H. Purdy to the use of S. Pierce va WI: Lowman. A—A piece of land in, Winton tp.,.beginning at • hemlock tree, it being theatioth east earner of said tract, running north 120} p. to ir post by • beech tree, thence west 88 p. to • post, thence south 153 p. to the Tristan da creek, frorwthence following the windings and turn ings of sitiecreek to the place of beginning. Contain, ingejghty-seven acres, be the same more or leis, with airiut fifty acres improved with o e framed house sod framed biro and a small orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Joseph D. Drinker and Israel P. Pleasant., administrate,* bonis non„-of Henry Drinker deed, vs. Chanel Thome,. A LPO-A piece of land in Troy tp., bounded u fol low. to wit : on the north by vacant land , on die east by land of Jess newt", on the south by Noah Ler nerd, and on the west by Robert Chain, containing fifty four acres all improved with two hinted houses one fra med barn, one law mill and an apple orchard. thereon. Seized and taken in exeeation: to the suit of 0. P. Ballard vs. Beriah Pratt and Stephen 11. Stiles. A LIO-A piece of land in Albany and Monroe qrs., hounded as follows to wit t north by OWen M. Can and Charles Diffenbaugh, on the east by Edward McGovern, on the .oath by Daniettleverly, anrion the west by 40bn Flings' land, containing. about four hundred and eleven .Scres More or less supposekto be about twenty-five acres improved with one framed and tog house and one log ham thereon. Seized and taken in execution to the suit of Hugh Riley vs, Thomas McGovern and Daniel Mowery T. T. • A Lso---A piece or parcel of land in Wya!ming, Be ginning at a post and stones on the old Springfield tp. line, (certified) adjoining land of Johnson Palmer, and running thence north 86' 3 west to a corner of land certi fied to Humphry and Daniel Brown'. heirs, and thence by and with said certified land south 24° east, 00 per. to a corner on the southerly line .of a iot in the woman tee name of 'Thomas Shuman, patented to Henry ,Tol and, dec'd I thence with said line, south 88 ° east, in the fins of certified Springfield ; and 'thence by and with the same, North 18° west, l 232 perches to the place of be ginning, containing one hundred and 41 acres and 34 perches, be thesame more or less, with tt five acres improved, and one 'banter thereon Seized and taken in the suit of Mary Tolstoi, Marro retta Tolstoi, Elizabeth Toland and Juliana Tuland vs. John Gartland. Al,BO, a piece or parcel of land situate in the town ship of Burlington. bounded at' billows, to _wit : begin oihcat a white maple, N. W. corner of lot No. 182 on warrant lot No. 1724 , thence west ! Minh] warrant line, 100 perches to a post, S. E. corner of lot No. 287sthen north 81 perches to a post ; thence east 100 perches to a post: thence south 81 perches to the beginning, con taining riftracrei and 100 perches, strict measure: it being intended for the south half of lot No. 277, on war rant lot No. 4436, with about thirty acres improved. one log haise, one log shed and one other small building thereon. Beivd and taken, in the snit of -Paxson .& Davidson to the use of Abram A. Mace vs. George Bennett. ALSO, a certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Albany, bironded and desabed as follows, to wit Beginning at • post and stone corner, which stands north 31° H, and 200 perches from the north end of lots No. 79 and 80; thence 8, 59° East, 106 perches to a post and stone corner, thence north 30° welt** perches to a post and stone corner, thence north 59° west 106 perches to a &mut corner thence west 31° mat, 80 perches to the beginning, containing fifty acres. ALSO, one other piece or pirate of land situated in said township of Albany, deseriled by survey as follows, to wit I beginning at the south east corner of another lot conveyed to Andrew Jar:kerb. and thence by the same oath 31° east 80 perches to a post, thence south b9° east 106 perches to a put, thence south 31° west 80 perches to a post. thence by land of which this isqa part, north 59° west 106 perches to the place of beginning, containing fifty acres which said tracts of land are part of tracts no. 79, warsntee name " John ' Moon" called " Moonfield." and no. 80 warrantee "Hannah Wood ruff." called " Monmouth" and patented by the com monwealth to Simnel Wallace. Seized and taken in the suit of Josiah Jackson a. Andrew 8, Jackson. ALSO, a piece or parcel of land situated in Wells township described as follows, to wit: beginning at a post, thence by land of John Strong. east 252 3.10 perches to a post and stone, thence by land unknown south 269 3-10 perches 40.1 hemlock, thence by land of John Hail, west 252 310 perches to a post, and thence by lands of Wm. Bali (now owned by John Brownell,) north 269 3 . 10 perches to the beginning, containing four hundred acres and sibilance fttc., be ing a lot of land granted to Alferd Seeley by t‘arrent dated the 30th day of Jelly 1831 * the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania : excepting & r ipss lot surveyed and deed to Charles Seely from the north east earner of said lot, containing fifty acres, and one other lot, surveyed and deeded tb Alfred Seely, nut of the south side, con %sitting seventy acres of land; fin boundaries reference bring mule to thid &Redact Wao.Seel7 to Maria Sc.. ly and Athol Sealy, will,woro folly discloser. Seized and taw in ithauties 96 thossi6 Athos C- M . , vs. Mery jEL Shama. ALSO-The foils:twin pima of bad thwart in Ma n* and bouwimi north by the Towanda oath awe by the.daykara Co. land. swath by C. L. Wirth alai troth by the tictusier Branch, containing 300 acres with Shy acres improved, with ono fraosed 1101WIL ewe lag bra one framed barn and a wall orchard *mon emitted and taken in execution at Ow wit ad O. D. Bartlett. vs. T s H Lewis. Atso--A piece or parcel of - lend in Maw twp., boonardworth l Towanda creek, east by Asylum Co. fund*, south hy lands of C.L.Wasti. weft by Ow tiebno der branch of the Torras& creek. Containing dile@ hundred acre., with fifty acne imprved, indiums blew ed house, onefruned been and shed, and antailtwebard ttwnpow. Seised and tatin in ',tampion at the oil cif !raring Watkina..tioar to the uee of Pret!filet Watts, vs. Tim othy H .I.rark. ALSO—A Int of land in Armenia to., homed so follows. North by the highway, west by dash of Henry Furman, E. C.Olivey, an the; south, and to, !sod of Henry - Furman. Containing one hundred aeres..witb about fOrty metes improved, with two log bosses thereon. Seized and liken in execution at the slit of Long Thomas, to the use of Whiukwey & Rohinsoa, ea. N. P. Case. , • ALSO--A piece of land in Leroy tp., boended sisith by lands of 1). Perry, east by Harry Holcomb, south by Sterling and Cyrus Holcomb, and went by land of J. M. Farr. Containing forty-three acres. twenty we. improved, with two log houses, and one k bark and a small orchard thereon. Seised and taken in execution at Utensil of P.H.& W.H. Titus, vs Ogden Streeter. JOHN F. M E ANS, Shalt Sheriff's Office Towanda, Oct. !7, 1847. EXECUTOR'S SALE. IDOUR . aIUANT to an order of the Orphan's Court of -1 [Mulford county, will be exposed to public waken Saturday :be 23d day of October, 1847, at two Ads& H., upon the premises all of the following &genie • clime of land situate in Shedrequin township, Brad ford county, Pa., containing thirty-nine saes or there abouts, adjoining-lands of John Btink on the weal; J. Marshall and R.GrifEn on the north; lends of nom. sod Samuel Marshall on the south; east by owners - known ; being the farm lately occupied and owald by Benjamin Briuk, deed. Terms made known on the day of sale. DANIEL BRINK, JAMES BRINK. 5ep.„ . 27, 1847. Ex's of Benj. Brink, deed. The above sale stands postpaned to the 4th Dee. at the same place and time of day. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the Estate of Aboolant fa.Wilcoz, dec'd., late of Leßoy township, are here by requeo.eil to make immediate payments; and -all persons having demands against said 'estate ire requee ted . o present them immediately to the subacriber for settlement., AMOS W. WILCOX, Adm'r. Leßoy. OCt. 19th, 1847. „-- ADMINIsTRATowsztvoncE. A LI. petions indeUed togme estate of Isaac Wilcox la. late of . -Leroy townehtp, - deceased, are hereby requeated to make payme4it without delay, and those having claims spinet' said estate, will please present them duly *gaited to lbe subscribers. z' JOHN C. WILCOX, • ELIZABETH WILCOX, Leroy. November 2, 1847. Administrators. REGISTER'S NOTICES. NOTICE is hereby given to 44 perilous iniermaa, that A. 6. Matthew. and J. D. Hunsphry men tors of the estaie Of &mad Matthews, deceased, late of Orwell ; George Fairbanks, administrator of the estate,:of Samuel Airbanks. &Teamed, late of Colombia • JuGus Pratt, one of the oduriaistrir tors of the estate of David .Pratt, deceased, late of Canton; J. R. Irvine, one of the administrators of,.the estate of - . , „ Noadiah Cranmsr, deceased, late of Monroe; Mial P. blade, administrator albs er mac of Jonalom B. Rade, deceased, lair of Columbia; Joseph Allen, J. M. Creamer sad Polly Craomer, airministraton of the estate-of • Stephen Cranmcr. deceased, late of Rome, have filed and settled in the office of the Register of Wills, in and for the County of Bradford, the accounts of their emend administration apes the estates aforesaid, and that the same will be presented to the Orphan's Court of said county, on Monday, the ith day of December next, for coagulation and allowance. L. E. DE WOLF, Register: Register's Office, Torcanda, Nov. 3, 1847. ' T' 18T . OF . JURORS, drawn for December term and 14 sessions, commencing December 6. 1847. aIAND JVROIIII• Durell--Harry Benjamin, Simeon Decker; Leroy—Addison Brigham, Aaron Knapp; Ridgberry-8 mith B. Brown; Springfield—Wodoard Berry ; ; Bmithfiekl--Stephen Ca/iB, W. P. Farnsworth ; South Creek—Eben Dunning; ' Merrick—Geo. W. Elliott; Athens tp—John OriMin ; Wyalusing—Charles Hornet; Shestiesinin—Wm. Horton. 241; Windham—Parley Johnson Jr ; Burlington—Wm. Knapp; • ; Rome—Freeman W. Maynard ; Athens boro-.-Cleo. W. Mathewson ; Troy tp—Rufus Rockwell, Reuben Stiles; Franklin—J. C. Ridgway ; Canton—Benj. 8. Smiley ; Monroe4-Freeman Sweet; Albany—Rollin Wilcox; TUAV-Xll l ll 7CR011114-..-191111T WZICK. Pike--Richard Ashton, Simeon Taylor, Aaron Wood; Granville—Elan A. Bailey ; • Franklin—Wm. Mike Wyslusing—lra Brown ; Ridghetry—Howard F. Burt, W. B. Warne-Calvin Buffington,Ratutiel Lyon.B. Wheaton: Bpringfield—lassc Cooley, Paul Furman, Jas. U. Once; Burlinwon—W . Campbell, C.'T. Many: Rome--M. C. Cannon, Ames' Forbes; Orwellr-Eli Fletcher; klbeshecin—Alfred Uwe, J. K, Horton, Henry Kings bay • Towanda lions-:D. C. Hall, Cyrus &oleic; Bmithfiekl—W. F. Kellogg ; Troy tp--James Merriu, Alonzo Monte, 8. A. Taylor, Chas. Williams; Towanda tp— David Rutty ; Litchfield—Aaron Stan Leroy—Ansel Tillotson; Herrii.lz—Abiscr Taylor ; Standing Stone—F. 8. Whitman ; Wysoz—John W. Whitney t Ulster—Wm. Walker ; TA/ T MST IL" 11101113 --I [EON II V ISLE. Springhill—Demon. Ada, Jerome Green ; Orwell—Lyman Winsome= • i . Wrol — D• P. Betlleth Otittla Frisk; Windham—Simon Brainard, Henry Dunham, Lranial Gardner ; arren—H. B- Bowen, E. L. Stephens; litster--Daniel Uhubbock ; Granville.—C. Churchill, Joel Packatil ; Hemck—E. Cans Thos. Jones; Troy tp--,Wor. Clifton; Pike—S. Chaffee. Myron Sleeves, H. Stevens; Durell-.. , -Wilron M. Decker; Rome—Smtth Forbes; Springfield--Wm. S. Grace, Geo. Sergeant; Sheaberprin—Jeremish Kilmer ; • Colusehis—John H. Furman, NM( Peck ; Burlington—John David Roes; South Creek—Benj. . Quick ; Troy, boro---G. F. Reddington Litchfield—Elijah Wolcut ; Franklin—Ohms. Stevens; Athens tp.—Geoige Walker ; Rid g b ar y......,lobn Wallace; • Athens borough—George H. Welles, J. K. Weight. , DLERS will find it to theit'advantage ao elitist use I. Dtug Depot, where they can be supplied with eve ry article desired; tech u phials, essences, on the best terms. jet 6 No; I, BRICK' ROW.