r • • • - .-- -- . .... ...„... 7 .4„....,, . 4, - ---- ~,- 4 , . ~._...._:_."., , ~.. .. --,.. ,•.. 4 y- . ... ,::....%, ...... - .:..1. 0 ,- t; '- - ' -," : ,''..""'"„.. •". tb.i.0 ,7 %.,-., --- , ' . , U :91 - A•rett#fort) ,Atcpotelet. Towanda, Wednesday, Nov, 24, MI Direttug of the itotoling Cotulnittrr The tnembers of the Dettineraiic Stamlint! I'wr• Cu.. art• rrtita•sictl in tlicet at Nli:...rsereaus' Hotel. itt this Fton:;; Toe. : 4l;iy. 7tli . day of December nest at G n'elock P. M.. Ttit , fed nmned gentlemen`rornprkw said rmii t niur f • T)ENNISON JOFINSON : JOIIN El,lOl - r. HFNRV GingS. J'A NIES H. 1V . I.IIATHEII'SON, ! JOHN itoicroN: jr. G. SANDERSON, JOHN PORTER. H. \VI The COMIRMOIrEIaI CriAbl lu Ea/Aland! - . The panic amongst the commeirial circlets in England has reached an alartnite! crisis. A+ how e after house topples•and falls, and crash after eras! takes place, the remainder, paralyzed its the nii preeedented et attraction in the monetary affairs elate eauntry, wait, in almost helpless despair to see It he shall be the nest victim. The retrospect is awful : and the future equally cheerless. Banks and man urtictuting interests, heretofore looked upon as be yipul ate wadi b disaster 'have tticeumbed to the tempest raitted b the eptt,siait of a false system. The'manufato ' are closed, the poor thrown ow . oi emßloyment,., ' d tothe horrors Ot faMitte ! Ind disease_ aie atllleir the 'worst terrors u:ltit It ossult from a Want of i‘migoirnent:: The Bank of Eng land, the "great regulator . ' is _shaken to the Base.. Having its foundation on the false and iiiisellievt4,. :system whicli has so often convulsed and sliaOti England, its st o ppage, without parlia tmary 111:4 . 1. position sx..pms almost cenaM. T 1 aid of pallid ment hastberetefote been - C-s\amit . d.. on different iii-easions, - tirsitveit fropkVike calain - t . . An t i on :t .. IV 17akt of Pecentlier, 1,4 ,7 with but a . -in i I 1 ion : 11 treasufiin its stilts tite Bank 0r4 7 .41ati0. with res cited 'train-the perk! of - stoppit*-, paymem •by the 0. (aticotal discovelf in irs. i vattli: of a hut; has ofone twand notes. Titre royal cif acct cm /Atilt, it itninediatelv istiuetl. as 4.suNitilute ter erpago3s: . . :tt'ome such discovery---or som'e act of parliament tuliorising an enormous)ssere:iii r ti e y oni.anAft. S-onstituting it - legalq:entreiii..y, t , cep.ilit.. now. in the tipixi of t h f England the:only panacea for present evils, , .1 aorJin_lc ' . ...iliiptitations from /fie banking, ,„rozinneielal awl ' manufacturing iiii;:Aepts. Lace waited -Oh tool imploring sucli dm: Government render,lo which hangs civ . r them, Ilia the ;lliiiister stands upon ' Clutjter act . i and iso fu all application' for relief have ht;eir fruitli;*. Jiniv the 'niatter end, no °tie cart piPplitstey with any co r re c i n e.,,,,_lt° "All accounts rig:icethat ouch a 'revulsion has n ever taken pla n. in 11te histoV of England. and that the misery pro u..crth is overwhelming'. and .unii ttiad. ' It • cheerio , * to contrast the condition of our own ' t* . . country. Here, prosperity ls unexampled llre ! limeriter, the:. commercial man, the matudaentrere "arid even the -banking institutions, look on at the ' stupendolis sufferings. in England, not Withstanding the intimate relation's of trade mid commerce ex- Isting betweetv the two countries, with a feeling of . ecurity. The time wa r s, when a panne in Ennillinals ' protruced a correspoialing pain ic inn the United States. and as the stoney market expanded or contraeled there, no it 'exparded 'or contracted here. Then, if the Bank of Englansl was threatened,,dhe United'' States Bank, refused to discohnt, and called in its ' x :issuckettusing dismay and perhaps suffering In the i eoimercialcirele.s. • Now, we have nil great • • con fronter tuid'expapder .. , - to regulate the inoinetary of - lairs, and - with(the Heti. Toriii and the Independent Treasury. • Trade, Manufactures- and COtrunient„ flow in their proper ilmannles, and are sound and -(r.: healthy. The ;The people e f the country may congra- , tidate theinselves that this-great favorite Idea - of • I , Vr. copy from the Albany Alias the following it'lliggerf is defunct, or they might feel a rope' ' 1 cc , oura of the proceedings of the Democratic State / a . lion of the evils which overwhelmed them. '\ he n• i Coil x ention held at Concord, on the 29th ult. The the U. S. Bank closed its doors, and evely rotten entire. . uniatutmty with *lnch the resolutions were shaving shop in the state follon-ed in its wake.— ' t.: a n dopted ensures a full and steady response from !hand: heaven !it sleeps•the sleep that knows no . m . , •' tlre . people of. that State; and we predict ; in ad •wakina• :Intl he who shall attempt its resurrectioo. 1 ' •, , r'' ' Vt3)(l`. %%111 lead them on to a glorious triumph at will' Wit fail to receive disgrace and -odium at thrk",• ~e - -t he polls. The Democrats, who controlled the hantla.ol the American people ! N a t e conventi o n in Massachusetts, repudiated the Ife append an at-coma oldie number of mills (1, retrioe , of the Proviso, and their candidates were closed or stopped •in each month, from the cony. • is aven lo thous:aids. The New York State Con niencement 01 the present year, in the tlifterrart . yeoman, at Syracuse, refused to recognize its doe manufacturing districts of England, with the num-. - triues and the people of the -Empire State rejected her or hands out of emplox•;-.- - every candidate on their ticket by overwhelming 111//s Stopped. Dirt of Employ. , t 3 2.133 I . piaputirs. .111 h.rioci New Itarnpshirc strikes boldly foi Freedom, and 23 ' 7.243 :tild licr e 9pinnerley will be triumphant. 2fi - 01.61-.3 • -42 . 11 ; 242 I ...ee l " ' it rais the Attain,. .41111. m 15 I 2 - 16 1 Nctv If %upsurge. FOR Fact:racit.—We received 22 ' R. 7 95 a copy Of the rroceedings of the convention which 30 '' 7 - 942 a. , r‘citatiP4 at Concord on Thursday week. l'ilosEs 23 . 7 - 91 " 9 Normals. jr., was elected president, along with ten 30 - 1 °, 34 I i vier presidents and three secretaries. ' - 'County com- I mittees were appointed, and alsai - a state committee. Iron. J %RED W. Wit.taymi, of Lancaster. wain nomi nated by acclamation as: the democratic candidate . , at the next March election.' Richard Jennes.s was chosen delegate at large to the National Convention` by a 'tote of 113 out of 17a votes, Mace Nloulteu s substintte-•-irand the latter kleelin ilig, 'Harvey HuntoOn appointed In Iris- place. Sinriterl•csolutions were passed of the following char.wter.: Rft-drilil. That we reprd a devotion to the rights of man. in opposition to every attempt to pecrArate them tor the selfish purppses of associated -Avealth, a jealous anachtrient to ,equaL legislation, to econo ni. to the rights of speech and the press, to telt cifai., toleration. to free suffiNe, and, aboVe all finings to the glorious country in which welive, arid that l'ition - which binds us together, as the great elements' of the democratic faith. , I:rsolred. That among the doctrines of the demo cratic party. the most important is an abiding ad herence to the eompromW(es of the constitutions, as the anchor of safety to the Union itself—while al the s use time none a.-e snore op sod than ourselves to the continuance or wider extension 'of slavery, and that we will nivrlsr so,p,"reat an coil to the progress of eirili:a tim) nod humanity. whenever a proper occasion shall art tee. AND DV EVERY ,MEASCFLE CONSISTENT WITH roc rommisrivErloN ANI)'; ITS COMPROMISES; and that we deem the imputations of our opponents on that question too false to be worthy of regard, too frivo lous to be deserving of answer, too inconsistent (corning as Only do IroM men whooppose. the con cession of an hour's respite from labor .to.our own white laborers 00hr Ninth) to riselo anoint where they may be reached by any other iientitneut than conterapt . FOR WE ' ' DECLARE IT OUR SOL EMN COS V ICTION I AS THE Dt.,MOCRATIC PAM HA V k: DERI:TOPOR I: DONE, that uPinic't Xl4/ tYry nor in ”,./.,,t,try xerrobale ; chould hereafter c.ri4 ia any, ter- Itsbrurv,l 'A )M 3 Itlay ; June • July, ;•' August. Septerriber. (kqeber, Total, • • 243 Below are also the names of the firins which lase stopped since the 19th of October Barton. Irtam & Higginson, merchants ; Liverpool iterey. Young. & Co.. cotton brokers, Liverpool Bertraii, Napoleon, " ( . 611Hr:iv. Brooke & Wilson, ship ottpers, Liverpoo Grozebrook & Son, iron merchants, Liverpoo Jones, W., & Co.. wholesale dealers, Liverpoo Liverpool 'Banking Cn.. 7 Liverpoo ' Livingston* CO., East India merchants. Liverpoo Loan. James. Canadian 'lade. Liverpoo :Vlolyneatvt& Hulbert, ten broker , . Liveryoo ~ Newcastle Union Joint Stock Kink, Newcastle Sch . ()lee:, Tetlow - & Co., bankers, 1113.rwheAtei Verrien &A. thelis, manutiwturers, " Cour.ra Wanlen &^: Co., nit‘rehants, ' . Liverpool New )easy ELEc - rioN.—The official retunas show they following result : HaiheA, Dem. Wright, 'Haines' majority, The *hole number of rotes polled is 66,729: in _)1114, the number. tras 74,539. Decrease 78 to. :EDDY FAUtj.V.-11tis family of distinguish a.tistedty Professor Coo Lindi, gave a concerto( Vocal and instrumental Music at IiaIAA Church, on Saturday eveitin,g last, to the en tire satisfaction Of a,large .audience. AA' OINTMENT By THE PitiZIDELN T.—Hom. Arnold, tetnin4ci county, to be of Alarshal of the We:stem district (>l. l'enn,vl% MIZINE 34,765 32,251 EDE The «Chaspploa Maaueeellpte.l Irwin be seen by the following article float the North American , of the 15th Md., that lit •editots °filial paper have be come satisfied of the utter fal sity of of the charge made against Messrs.. Miller and others. It will be remembered that a prose cution was in4ituted agaiiist the etlitots of the North lnicrieati, by Hon, Jessi. Miller, for die publica lion oftlirse tihargesi. This retraction ninst be very 111 t, it paper. which is accustomed to an air of great complacency and self esteem, mid we !look II would hardly enow4h to do a p lrtt al operisient Pere it not for the suit in pm-pcvtive. It may be a lesi-nti to the editor of that poptitot to catch so greedily at every a Melt Federals and rene ;vale Democrats alsiils.-JA 'were far better if it kept op the fli2itil) which the 1;. S. Gazelle hitherto ,h-play Ill ; than to stoop to such arts ot, low and paltr) , ILIV , 111:Z . taken paini to examine into the testi mony in support in the charges a hich were pub. i,, this p ik per iezifinst lion. Jei ,, e Niitier, See retary of the (*officinal wealth. attributing to hint ;mil others the authorship ot certain articles publish. iii a paper once printed in I larnslittrg. i calleil the •• Ulf anipion, fielitinatory of the character of the late Ileory hltildeolx-rg.. we are rort4trifined to say frankly, - front!' fm•ts which have cone to our ‘ were perhbrediunf ite our paper refer re, Wtii. .1 we helif•ve Mr. Miller is Millicent of all 1 411 .` anon in the authorship of said article.''. Mr. Wilmot al Poughkeepsie. It is lb:oily-Mg in field a nolice like the fullwing. in ini (It! thinker': or Conservative paper, at a time When must of that portion of the party. are doing their mtupst to impeach the motives of Mr. Wilmot. in % isitin; the State of New hock. and are pervert and pronouncing them incendia. ..ke. we Lind it in the Poughkeepsie Telegraph : a strong Ctpiservative paper, whose editor is Post .l\ later at that plat+. We extract the article en . tollows DAA IVii.uoT.—Tlii, gentleman. well k two n a , an :tbir aild fearless democratic repre ,etuaiie'e in 4-H4:; , _ , ,res from the suite of l'ennmii - a• ‘l , inist our villwzo nu Wetiorsdav of last week, vv'eretl addir-s: on the evening of that d.t, ....Ile: name throughout the 1:11106, .11.1` of 1 1 1(qiin . 11q3AV/ii!4li he ntie.rPll toIIW plartirnr ...3:000,000 at the disposal of the rtesirient U. ;.Ij.i in t he. -settlement of our difficulties Melico • "that Alit'erry Or iuculunhir)• Eervitade i•~i-t any Territory w 1 M• 11 we may ac •,u;'•• f.oin' that cation.' i+ also isnown and highly reAperted for hi. 11,4 tort et tliejefariti ntJ li . t Viten. every other representativilfroin Pthnsrlvantit tailed on this great question, he as iinkttiona, of the Laliorin!:,i Interest, and the rimi-pintert(4telmses of our cottotry. Voted for it it carried out more fully the ofil law 1111:.:f‘linal principle at Equal rights rei•eptiop in our village was a cordial one._ tt ineriring was' called at the Hall for him to ad ,lrvs,,"t•tilicti was a large a n d highly respectable Ila'ruglia fair Share of whirs composed it. V. Esq., was called to the chair, and G. T. i't tarti: and C: E. WATERBURY were appoint e,t,St•ermaries. The editor of this paper then made leii remarks on the imporance of the approach -1,•- rder:ion. and the necessity of every democrat ',doing his whole d::tv tor, the success of our State Tir-ket. which the People, for the first time, had the opoortimity to vote for a number of officers not limetrifore directly chosen by them : and also to grt i• thr•ii active efforts for our Senatorial and local 'nominees. He concluded by introducing Mr. W. In the zneetin—. • In i eecri of upwards of hour. that gentle man alluded to his course on the tariff, for which lie MIS warmly applauded, and gave a history of the i;drodnetiotr of the Proviso, - and the necessity of Atindin• by it to guard against the extension of sla ve,y, during which he was frequently greeted with the apirtobation of the meeting. Mr. W. is a good speaker, and acquitted himself ‘t ell upon the occasion. Upon the particular sub jeri of the Proyiso, which was the main one of his address. he was animateil k and some- time 'impas sioned. Every one in the meeting probably agreed with loin against the extension of slavery, but all did not consider his proviso practical or necessary to affect it. 11's visit to this state. at the time he made it. was Ilia rilleulitteil to aid the, democratic party. But this ivas no fault of his. For he told the men of ,the tterkimer Convention, most unexpectedly to them. no doubt : to support our ticket, and he re peated the same remark here.. Mew Hampshire. ritory trhirh may hereafter be acquired by, or ant 2 to the United Makes; and 'hat we approve of the timer delrgatidn in 'Congress IN FAVOR OF THE W I I.SIOT PROVISO. - Thera was no ambiguity in the voice of New Hampshire and no faltering or dittisionE*l her councils. - . The resolutirms lcaye the Patriot and Clizette,) were alloptcd uN4st3toi•st.r by the eery able committer of turistsi, a ft er ;Mach deliberation, and were UNANI. 301:SLY adopted by the. Commotion. And we put them forth as the deliberate and mature coitvietions of the demoeracy of the State." Of the character of the democrats who compos ed the Convention and who uttered fearlessly in its behalf the lumpier of fteedom : that riper also sae.: ••• There were bee hundred and nifielma detentes present, as appears by the record ; anctatnong them were many of the strong men of our party. There wore old white-haired veterans, who have stood by the standard of democracy and patriotism in more than fifty tierce conteas with their constant foes,— There were men who were upon the stage during the last war, and who see the same party winch Men plotted treasin at Hartford, furnished " tory beer' to the British, and burnt " blue lights" on our coast to direct the- ship•• of the enemy to our h a d,o r s.now iti% Mg - "aid and comfort ' ' to the Me‘irati, , . rejoicing in the death of our gallant sol. dieis. expressing sj mpathy for the foe. and oppw iii;4 the planting of supplies for the pru._stwution of the, a•ar, They, tie', were young men, who receiv ed their first, pOlitical lessions tinder the adminis tration of the patriot JArKselv, which tatmht them to abhore onopoly. to resist, every encroachment up on the r ieople's rights, to guard jealously their own rights i ini their country's honor. la weigh of cha racter, at sterling ability, in patriotic devotion to de• moemey and the country. this convention has sel dom been equalled. And one idea seemedio en gross the minds of all; they were all intent upon devising the means of securing the continued pre valence of democratic principles and patriotic feel ing among our people. Mr. Clad -, a Resohnlons' and Speech. Below, we publish the resolutions offered by Mr. (lay at the Lexington meeting. held on the 13th of Nov., inst. No report of his speech was taken, as Mr. Ciay expressed his intention to write it out him self, having, been so often misrepresented by re• porters. We shall au-M.. the publication of the speech, before giving our opinion of the monstrous doctrinezi the resolutions avow. Resolved, As the opinion of this meeting. ' that the primary cause of the present unhappy war existing he weeti the United State,' of America. and the United States of the Republic of Mexico, was the ANNEXATIOX or TEXAS to the former, and the immediate oerasitm of hostilities between the two Republics. arose out of the order of the President of the United States. for the rernoval of the army tinder the eommand of Gen. Taylor, from its posi tion at corpus Christi. to a point opposite Matamo nos. on the east bank - of the Rio Bravo, within the territory claimed by both Republics, but thee. the jurisdiction of Mexico. and inhabited by its citi zens—that the order of the President for the remo val of the army to that point, was improvident and unconstitutional, it being without the concurrence of Congress, or any consultation with it,- although it was in' session; but that Congress. 'having by, subsequent arts recoranzed the war thus brought into existence without previous authority or con sent, the prosecution of it become thereby national. 2d. Resolved, That in the absence of any for mal and public declaration by Congress of theob jects for which the war ought to be prosecuted. the, President of the United States, as Chief Magistrate' and as Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Na vy of the United States, is left to the guidance of of his own judgment to prosecute such purpose,: and objerts as be may deem the honor and inter ests of the nation to require. 3d. Resolved. That, by the Constitution of the United States, Congress being invested with pow er to declare %val• and grant letters of marque anti re prisal, to make rules concerning captures on land and 'water, to raise anti support arnues, to provide and maintain a nays - , and to make rules for the government of the land and naval forces, has the mulles complete war making power of the United States. and so possessing it has,a right to determine upon the motives, causes and objects of war, when once commenced, or at any time during the pro gress of its existence. • 4th. Resolved, As the further opinion of the meeting. that it is the duty of Congress to declare, by some authentic act, for what purpose anti ob ject the existing, war ought to prosemited : that it is the duty Of the President. in his official conduct, to conforna to such a declaration of Congress and if. after such declaration, the President should de ntine or refuse to etical-or, by all the means, civil, diplomatic, and military, in his power, to execute the announced will of Congress, and in defiance of its authority should continue to prosecute the war for purposes and objects other thad those declared by that hotly, it would become the right and duty nt Congress to adopt the most effiracions measures to arrest the further progress of the war, taking care to make ample pro. isions for the honor, the ;defy. anti security, of our armies in Mexico in every contingency : and-if Mexico should decline or re fuse to conclude a treaty with us, stipulating for the purpose and, objects so declared by Congress, it would be the duty of the Government to prosecute the war, with the utmost vigilance, until they were attained by a treats- of peace. sth. Resolved, That we view with serio»s Mann ; and are utterly opposed to any purpose of annexa tion of Nlexico to the 'Crated States. in any mode, and VA iecially by conquest, that we believe the two nations could not be happily governed by one com mon authority, owing to then great difference of race, law, buignage and relgion, and the vast ex tent of their respective populations--that such a anion against the consent of the exasperated Mexi can people, could only be effected and preserved '.by large standing armies. the constant application of military force, in other words, by despotic sway exercised over the Mexican people in the first in stance, but which there would be just cause to ap prehend, migut in process of time be extended over the whole people of the United States—that we deprecate therefore, such a union as wholly in compatible with the genius of our government, and with the character of our free and liberal institufions and we anxiously hope that each-nation may be left in the undisturbed possession of its own labors, langnage,cherished religion and territory, to pur sue itroWn happiness according to what it may deem bas for itself. 6th. Reselved, That considering -the series of splendid and'iralliant victories achieeed by our brave armies , pnii-lair gallant commanders during - the war with 'Mexico, unattended by a single re verse, the United StatmiOrithout any danger of their honor suffering the slightest tarnish, can prac fice•the %irides of moderation Mid magnanimity to .watil their discotnfited foe : we have no desire for the dismemberment of the Republic - of Mexico, but only the just and proper fixation of the- limits of Texas. ' 7th. Resolved, That we do mralpositively . and ' emphatically disclaim and disavow any wish or de sire ou our part to acquire any foreign territory Whatever, for the purpose of projxsgatine e slavery or of introducing slavery from The United States Into such foreign territory. - Bth. Resolved, That we invite our fellow citizens of the United States, who are anxious for the resto ration of the blessings of Peace, or if the • existing war shall continue to be prosecuted, desirous that its purposes and objects shall be defined and known, who are anxious to avert prneent and further perils and dangers with which it may be fraught, and who are also anxious to produce contentment and satin faction at home, and to eleiate the national char acter abroad, to assemble together in their respec tive communities, and to express their views, feel ings and opinions. The Wilkestairre Democrat speaks of the rapid growth of that beautiful town, and claims for it a population of 7000; au increase of 50 per cent finee•l . B JO. - Later Cram Mexico. - • s=l • ,Preripsocas„ . Nov :4 18. The New Orleans paPtint 011ie 11th furnish ad ditional particulw brought by. the ins-is -4 ; 9f the steamer James. L. Day: The correspondent of the Couunencial"`Tirnes states that just as the steamer was getting . under way news reached Vera Cruz from Tampico, 011- 110Ulleite' e * the astounding bet of the embarkation of Santa Anna at Tampico, on board a British stew' mer, and his escape out of Mexico. Col. Gates, on ascertaining that Santa Anna was in the neighborhood, took every precaution to pro, vent his escape, but they proved unsuccessful. This news discreditedat Vera Cruz but getter-. ally believed at Tau pico. the Puebla Flag of Freedom publishes a long and graphic account of the battle of Huamantle.— Capt: Walker's whole force did not exceed 195. Be, sides Capt. Waller the following were killed: Corpoial Mocyken, Privates Hugenen and Tar box, wounded. RAN Glandiug, since dead ; Meat-hen, severely:— Rating lost a leg; Welch, Wayne. McGill. Scott and Myers, slightly. Missing—Sergeant (kscsiug ; Privates Dement, Darlington, Collins, bleCleary and Richards, of Company C. Rides. Private Murry, of Capt. Lewis's company, is among the wounded. Privote Richanison, of Capt. Loyall's company, as killed. I'rivate Fernley and Atilten, attached. to tins company. was slightly wounded. Geo. Marshall hnd issued orders, in consequence of the prevalence of the fever at Vera Crux, that all the troops arriving, there should immediately -pro ceed le Begrent. Coo Wynkonp Nil. 4 to relent to the castle of Per ote with his force. Four companies of his regiment were engaged at the battle of Huamantia. An in terestin,,e3 struggle took place between the Indiana and thetietachment of the first Pennsylvania regi ment. which should be the first to plant the Amen• can flag upon the walls of the town. Lieut. Deans . and private Stebbis, of the Pennsylvanians, proved successful. The remains cf Capt. Walker wrte at the Car , - Ile of Pe/vie, and would be forwar4tto the United StateA. Lieut. Montgomery P. Yo{mg. of Philadelphia. and Lieut. James Nlcliean, of the Seernid Pennsyl vtuna Regiment, died recently at Puebla, is pre sumedl of fever. • f.ieut. Jacob Sperry, of the Philialehlia Rangers, had died of a lance wounAl received near Puebla. Surgetin Reynolds. Lieuts Bryan and Hunterson, of the Pennsvirania Volunteers, were passengers in The steamer James L Day. Gen. Lane at l'aebla—Gen. Ceshing to !, -, arri.con Pe rote—Moventent sof the Isl Penn a. Repment—Jcp. mato and Zenobia Qw7retling—Cape. Walker - s body recovered—Death of Litut Scott. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 11. By the arrival of t'-e steamer James I. Day at this port, the Picas-tine has received dates from Ve nt Cruz to the sth inst. SE4 RS, a bearer of Dispatches from General Scott, came passenger in the Day. He arrived at Vera Cruz from the Capital tattier the escort of,a Spy Company employed by the General-in-Chief, which will, it is expected, prove of great use in keeping the communication open. Gen. LANE was still in possession of Puebla am] quartered in the heart of the city. His garriSon there is to consist of 2000 men. The Battalion of the Ist Penna. Volunteers, here tofore stationed there, had been ordered to escort a detachment of 750 men a part of the way to the National Bridge. which place the latter are to fortify and garrison. This will form a depot, and also prove an efficient check to the offensive movements of the rzuerillos. Gen. Ctsinso with a command of 1200 merl is to remain in garrison at Jalapa. It is thus seen that General Scorr with the 4., , Teatest foresight is preparing to hold all the strong points now in our possession and thoroughly establish his line of 'corn mimicalion between the capital and seaboard.• The old fend between the celebrated guerilla leaders Father Jaranta and Zenobia has broken out afresh and the men under their respective com mands have the savage chaiacer of their leaders. An entente occurred between them, which;, was very p4inuni`nary. The Jarauta party finally ,pro ved victorious. leaving thirty of their opponents killed upon the spot. The •-• field of -Mars" seems more pleasing to the Padre than. the '• monkish cowl," which we were recently told he had again taken up. Lieut. Scorr of the Army. who bras bearing de spatches to Washington, died ofapoplexy, on his route from. the Capital to Vera Cruz, whennear the latter city. The hotly of the gallant aniKunented Captain Waurea has been recovered It was &rand after having remained unburied for tw.-o days. IMPORTANT DErvioN MARK . ' MADE TO A WI LL NOT St r PIC( ST.—The Supreme Court of this State have decided that a will to which the " mark" of the testator is made. is void ? and insufficient. The act of Assembly of the Bth of April, 1833, re quires that " every will shall be in writing, and unless the person making the same be prevent ed by the extremity of his last sickness, shall be skgned by him at the end thereof, or by some per son in his presence and by his express direction.' In the case of Asay vs. Hoover. reported in the Pennsylvania Law Journal for November, 1847, the question, whether a will executed by the testator's making a " mark" thereto, was sufficient, came be • fore the Corm. Judo Bell, in delivering the opinion of the Su preme Court, says. "the true constmetion of the 6th Section of the act of April Rth, 1833. relating to last wills and testaments,U that the tetator must sign the testamentary instrument by his own prop er signature if be be able to tin so, but if prevented tmm doing-this by sickness, infirmity, or other in capacity, recourse is to be had to the alternative mode of authentication pointed out by the statue, to wit : signing the testator's name to the ins rnment of the end thereof, by some person in his presence, and by his express direction, and both the incom petency muf signature by express request must be proved by two witnesses. A MARE made by the party proposing a testamentary disposition istusinr viemx-r 15 ANY CASE, and so is the name of such party written by another person, - unless so written in accordance with the directions of the statute." This decision is highly important, and unless the mischief is regulated by legislative enactment as to wills made since 1833, will produce great confu sion. Persons who ate unable to write cannot make a "-mark," they must expressly desire some one to sign for them. There are no doubt many papers intended as wills so executed, the makers. of which are yet living—they will see irrimediate necessity of having their wills exctuted accord to law. PENNSTLVANTIA CANALI I ,--The Pittsburg American 01 Tuesday evening, says: "The injury inflicted by the late flood on the Pennsylvania canal is more serious than we had imagined. We learned from good authority, that from Holidaysburg, east for fifty miles the hreaks are frequent and large, and that therepairs are es timated to cost $200,000, and that the idea is enter tained of maki ng a mark water along the Juniata in place of reconstructing the canal o 0 its banks.— whichever way is adopted the repairs will be com pleted this winter. "The Erie extension, we are gl, at to team, is ai ready so forward in repairs as to gi e assurance of being opened this week. " An injury was sustained also on•the Ohio cross cut near Warrens, but that, we have' learned, is ful ly repaired and boats now again passing." WAoctsit.—ln New Orleans, a few days since, some waggish felloW cut trom an old paper of 1836 aotice of the arrival of Santa Anna in the Crescent city, which notice he stuck up on a bulletin board. Though it was taken down in five minutes ? it had been up long enough to set the whole 'city in Tate a stir. YANKEE DOODLE zx bizxue.—When Yankee Doodle was first played in the Grand Theatre in the audience came near bringing:the house down. SuNquebasaa apinity Bask. ..priontfir Datrit'Advertfikr, Sewell SUM* Conan RM.—Our article an tite this concemi - which appeared some two.tiweekg since, hal produced no - slight sensation: *Ow, the fact is, we hive no personal feeling in the mattii" not kmiwingany rif the parties at present gem,* bank.. We do know, howeveri from a pretty good source, that not a very longtime since,, its affairs were in a state which proved the. whole comma to be worth some thousands lens than no thing at all and unless we see some statement cal culated toaet at naught the, one in our possession, we shall be of the same opinion still in regard to its solvency. The bills, it is true, are at present redeemed by a broker in the street at a nominal discount ; but such was the ease with the - Georgia Lumber Co.,the Union Bank, Montreal, and a score tubers —yet what were they worth ? It needs something more than the fact of a redemption at a heavy rate of discount in Wall street to austainithe credit of a wOrlltlesa bank. (nem the pqroll Free Press.) MONEY MATTEII9.—The " New York Bank Note List - has the following : • i •• FTsucIF:II4SN.A. COCNTY RINE, Prnit.i.-1 Jur quannty of the bills of this book hare been Mich., put in circulation in and about Monroe, Mich., and Sandtasky. 0., in purchase of produce. From certain facts now in our possession, we:are daily looking•for . an explosion of the conceal, and there; fore caution our friends at a distance to be, on the qui ries. We shall refer to this matter again." The bills are not taken in this city except at a discount of 10 per cent. Delaware Mutual Insurance Co. The Delaware Atutual Safety Insurance. Compa ny: of Philadelphia, was incorporated by the Legis lature of Pennsylvania, in 1843. This comp. ny is authorised by its charter to make Marine, Inland Navination, and Fire Insurance, and we are suffi ciently informed of its affairs to state that it has but one exception, we believe, the most extensive bu siness of any Insurance Company in the State of Pennsylvania. Its officers, including Directors, are all gentleman of the highest standing in the corn miunity. and those having charge of its affairs, (we mean the gentlemen who perform the labor of the office,) the president, Secretary, &c., are distin guished for their ability, iutmity, and strict.atten non to the duties of their respective offiCes, and there is doubtless, no similar institution in the Union, conchicted with more prudence and judgment s and with a due regard to the interests of the company,. and to the satisfaction of the insurer. We are con fiderzt that those to whose interests it is to have their properly secured apitist loss by tire. the dangers of the seas, dr.the casualties attending the inland transportation of merchandise, cannot select a safer company with which to effect insurance, than the one we speak of. • We make the above remarks with the full Ass.u ranee of their correctness; and we may here men tion an act of liberality and promptitude on the part of the company.. which has been extended to our selves. Tbe.inaterials of our printing office were insured to the amount of Five TilocsAten Doti-kits agaiii - st loss or damage by tire, in the office , of the Delaware Safety Insurance Company, and as semi as the loss we recently sustained was summed up by the appraisers, the officers of the company at once. and without cavil or hesitation, paid over into our hands the-whole amount covered by the policy. And this was done in a few days afterthe disasters to us occured, although the company bad a lawful right to withhold from us the payment of the claim for thirty days from the time -of the fire. Such promptitude and liberality is deserving of especial • notice, and, therefore, we have made the statement for the information of those interested in the mat ter, -as conduct of thi4 character, in business trans actions, is worthy of all praise. The above is from Alexander's Weekly Mes sengcr, and we might add, that this Insurance corn-,1 pang, enjoys a high reputation throughout the state, for its.prornptness. The Agent for Bradford co., is 0. D. BARTLETT, in this Borough. , • A Drsv.avuto Comettlmv•i.-LThe Montgomery (Ala.) FL!: b . Advertiser. pays the following hand some compliment to Gov.emor Sursii " Governor Shunk, of Pennsylvania; is one of the most consistent and clear-headed Dernocnes in the Keystone State. He was a few years ago, Secretary of hate of Pennsylvania--a pesition-in that and in other States north of us which is tilled by tried and able men, who have rendered,'" the State some ser vice"—and wag taken from bat position, on the sudden death of Mr Muhlenbur'4, the Democratic nominee for Governor, awl made thecandidate foi that distinguished •post—This °mitred a short time before the gubernatorial eleetion yet he was elect ed Governor by a large majority. Under the ad midistfiuion of such men as Ritner. Pennsylvania had been inundated by chartered companies, with special and extraordinary privileges. 'Banks, and corporations for manufactunug and other purposes. were freely chartered—and the doctrine of all sorts of protection to capitalists was fast pining the asCen ileac}... Governor Shunk set himself against this tide of legiSlation for private benefit—and in the three years last past vetoed thirty-six bills, granting specil privileges to chattered companies. • He un derstands thoroughly the true doctrine of popular rights 7 -anil has made some of the most cogent and convincing arguments against the doctrine ot mo napolirs rre have ever read." • Tue. LicENsi LAW.—The Pittsburg Gazette con tains ihe opinion of the Supreme Court upon the late law authorizing certain counties to decide by ballot whether vinous spirits shall be sold in said counties The majOrityGibson, C. J., Rogers. J.,, and Bell, J., dicide it to be unconsiitutional Burnside. J.. and Coulter, J., dissent. The Court ground their decision upon the position that the Legislature cannot delegate legislative powers to the people.: that a minority of the people have tikot agreed to be governed by the majority in any other manner than that pointed out by the constitution of the State of which they are members: and that the. law is en; equal and not universal overthecommonwealth.— thus one County, may totally restrain the sale of liquors by vote, whilst it an adjoining county the old license law is . the only restriction. The major ity opinion was delivered by Judge Bell—the mi nority by Judge Coulter. The report occupies ni columns of the Gazette. VoTE AT PEROTE.—AI an election, held at the Castle of Perote, Mexico, October 12th, 1847, by the volunteers in the service. of the United States, from the State of Pennsylvania, under an act of the Legislature of the above State, passed July 21st, 1839, the following votes were polled for Governor and Canal Commissioner of the state of Penfisylva • nia. Francis R. Shrink received 66 votes Jamesjevin, . 20 Morris Longstreth received 66 votes Joseph W. Pattoni 19 Robert H. Morton, 1 DEsicig. ttv MExtre.—The Hannibal (Mo.) Ga zette, of the 21st ult., says : '') Brig. Gen. S. Pierce visited our city on Saturday last, and took looms at the City Hotel, accompa nied by, lady and son. In a conversation with him. we learited that he would leave for Santa Fe inVu veinbett He has represented to the Department that one thousand men will be suf fi cient to hold New Mexico, and, as over three thousand men have been concentrated at that point he thinks the desig n is to move a detachment against Durango. He as requested permission to do so." EXECUTION OF Mies. Rol:a.m.—Mrs: Mary Run kle was hung at Whiterborough, Oneida co., N. Y., on Thursday, at 12 o'clock, for the murder of her husband. She made no confession on the scaffold, but it is said made one to Dr. Smith and lathe un der Sheriff, Eames. A Lead Mine has been discovered near the Illi nois river ) in Tazewell cough% about four miles Gom Peona, which it , is thought Will yieTct about 80 per cent. . . The Willie t•Peteellae. - ei coilsMre inuOisagree w our able and generally ocee*mporary of the Ataturtsessea wh et , luitiste de** the result the late election in th i s Stake as a Verdict, wait the Wilmot Proviso._ wiod , , . ' : .litie that nestiou formed the, sand. lest- . ' of , e general mites behire the people a t h a t ti , e . _ eam e certain it lid - not in this county , several adjo ping' ones; otherwife, w e are coo i . - t. that with I the emlrestiasm for SHVNI, the res would have ' . essentially will s it is ra re occurrence to find' it man' who will vots imowingly for the sion of- slivery. his tru e ,: eve r as our cotemporary says, Mr. Beehanan's letter wa s gen Orally published byr papers, and it is also tnie that in some cases it as approbated, and in, An n , disapproved--mmierall the latter by the mass* of his party, so far as w were able to aMertan o f ni instead of 'dragging t at in as an issue ne i ther it- friends or opponents ose to do it; Well aware of the result. Mr. Wt or himself was orte of the warmest supporters oft Mr. Suess, and his district which is nearly or quite unanimous in favor of the principle of the Previte, (a ,few Eathaps, 'a very few, may think it in7ftrtror offered premature ly,) Tolle) up an inc Democratic majority;._ yet they will be supriiieal Iv learn that their majors. ty is set doWn as a verdict in favor of slavery i n free territory. We repeat, the Proviso here formed no past of the issue net can we think it did in any other portion of the late_: and we • hope, for the unity and success of the party, it never may. We ' trust that leading and influential organs of the party will take warning by ,The result i r sister Limit., and not indeavor to knee such ' , ' its wish. issue upon the Democratic party of pennsylvaut a es.—Nortitern DemocOrt. cow . 1 / 1 10.1D TRACK - fLinhniAns.—The broad track has been adopted by the Erie road, New York ;the Pe terson and Ramapo, rind the Ithaca and Homersviie route. This makes the broad gauge rather a feature in New York state,l and its example will 'stand much chance of being carried upon other roads that intend to do a large business. THE NATIONAL ERA : WASHINGTON CFFY, DISTRICT OF COLURBIA 1 --.-.- O. BAILEY, 11.0111130 : JOON 0. 111111171.1, COOILIN . PONDINO ELOTO : L. P. N05L11,,P1C111.111011.1. ' The leading pa of this journal is,' the discussion of the question of Slavery, and the advocacy of the main principles of the Liberty Party. Due attention it given to Social and Political Questions of general importance ; nor are the interests bt a Pore Literature overbooked. It aims to pi eserve 6i faithful record of important events t of inventions or discioreries affecting the progress of So. ciety ; of public documents of permanent value; and, during the sessions Of Congress, to present each report. of its proceedings, in will convey a correct idea not only of its action, but of its spirit and policy. The de bates on the exciting subjects'of Slavery and the Mexi can War, t specter." to anee in the nest Congress, will occupy a large share of its columns, Arrangements have been made for extending and en ricbing its already valuable Department of HMO and Foreign Correspon once. ai d It is printed on mammoth sheet, of the very finest quality, in the best stybe, at $2,00 syear.payalde in ad ranee. The generous sp y irit in which the Era hair been we l. comed by the public Press, and the very liberal patron. age it has received during this, the first year of its exist ence, encourages us to hope for large accessions to our subscription 'list: • h is desirable that subscriptions be forwarded without delay, so that they may be entered before the approach; ing Congresa, All communications addressed to 1.. P. NOBLE. Publiaher of the National Era, Washington, It r; Nkin Atinettiecments. 310 - 11:1 - 14iii GOODS.! JrIIIT 11111CCYITtl) A Frosh Sdpply of Dry Goods, Groteries, Crorkrry, Boots Shots, Caps, Doffs, Lr., Lr., which ore roiling very low at FOX'S. No. 2. B. Row. GROCERiES are trilling very cheap at FOS'S.— Any quantity of fresh Sugar, at a rifle advance from first cost, bir the bbl. or lb ; a beautiful"snick of Cofer for 9 cents; good Green Tra for 3a., extra qua. fity for 65., and everything else in proportion. Please call at n'24 NIL:, B. R. IJ - FPS; that are muffs. and can't be heat—sane re ryy choice and'beautiful Muffs that can't fail tol. 80, iust received at • fk24 FOX'S. JUST COME., L./11U U.4)..VDV.1 erl'altl9 FR sole cheap for Cosh ant! Lumber. Call and en amine them. • TRACY & MOORE. Towloda, Nov. 17, 1847. No. 4, Brirk Row. SPAISISIi, and half Spanish CIGARS, for tilt in any quantity, by a 24 TRACT et MOORE pa ILL. A.XD X CUT SA for a le cheap by TRACT & MOORE. COE HALF TON OF LOG CHAINS, far Well nov2i • TRACY & IkOX)RE. - - -- PAIN. KILLER. Death to Flair : relief to the sick : helth to Ike val.! A Labs is found Pr the wiwir h,im'iii Ti;',. IS ANDREW'S PAIN KILLER. frHIS is an entirely Vegetable Compound. comgowd 1 of twenty.five ditli rent ingredients, and is an inter• nal anal externs/ remedy. Put up in bOttles, varying in price from 25 to 75 cents, each. For further particu lars, see pamphlets, to be had of awry agent gratis, oe• tithing a brief history 'of the origin and discovery o f the Pain Killer, certificates of cures, directions, &c. Catixtaix.—Each bottle has the written signature of the proprietor, J. Asnieres, on the label, and withal it none ate genuine. Beware of hawkers and pedlars. selling from house to. house, representing it to be the genuine Pain Killer. ' Sold only by the following regular appointed arD 6 in this county : A.S.Chambeilin, Towanda. 0. P. Ballard, Trey. I George A. Perkins, Athens, 1...4 E. Eu B 3 o °. • do ' .1..1. Watford, Montoeton ; C. B. Rathbone, Canton. Sold in an the principal towns in the United Stow. Canada-and Texas. . . Wholesale agents in the city of New Vork and In ,- its': ilipiock. Conies do Co.. 218 Pearl-4; scyl 3 & Ketchum, 121 Fultonr.st. Orders a ddresses/ to the proprietor, or G. W. Schuyler, post paid, will wetted' Xis tom . attention. - .........:—.• J. N. ;Stunner, M. 1)., .I)entist. Is now in town, end will n remain al Wathirni , fr e. l, three or four weeks. His friends arc ionisi-to call. November 12, 1847. DISSOLUTION. THE partnership heretofore esisting under tbe 1 10 of CooThaugA 4 Salisbury, is tinselly &solved ,b 1 mutual comment, the businesk in future will ben:edam' b y H. C l .xd b aullb • The books and accounts of tbe Ornat e i n theliands of D.C.Salsbury those indebted ie tle firm by note or book account, will make paymen t w C. Salsbury. B. COOMIA Lfi Monroeton, or. 10, 1847. D. C.SA L 801.710. L _ OOKING GLASSES, a large assortment fa.' nl7 BAIRIeS, MASURES--Half bushel, peek, four qulrt. iw° ' qu TI» and one quart manures, at 11012:8....--` ' -*rather Leine Stepp)), 0 NEW FALL & WINTER .a00D...,5. HE subscriber is now receiving liis second f all r low LV i l i liriter usua i supply of Goods, „hid ) will b e. to id . r" T J. KiNusaelo J.. ov. 16. Cor. Main and Ervie_e RY GOODS, Groceries, Hardware. Boots 8I tr . Crockery. Nails, C 1..., Codfish and 1010 461 7 W ' v Pa! U. Oils, Hato, Caps arid Muffs, Books sod Sn' 1. ery Family Medicines, &c.. just received st : ov .IA. J. KINGSBDRY. Jr' - DEMONS wishing to purchase BUGA so bs from one to two dollars pertewL, by corner of MOD and Bridge 111 " 5116 trV Nov. 16. j. KIN