Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 17, 1847, Image 3

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    Matistabir, /kr. .
Wanted,, to riddle JeWtlry ! •
I trANTED4tre actiie, ltiliqfgen . • t; young men to
)peddle Sultry and Pokey Goods, oft. foot.
To young aka. vaka can Coma 'telt recourmersied,
- nert: encouragintentlirill be given: Personidesirons
of engaging in tfit Willies!, will-please call on the stibz•
sliber, at WniMellittell'a la Totrianda tp., op the 28th
nth or :11)th of Ntiriern?tv inst:i or on the 1 4th or 15h
"I December next, , ti 2 Erin .KIDDEFt;
TOTICE is hereby given to Retailer, of Foreign
Goods and . Mc rciandike, veto have 4int_paitl their
i ons cs for 1847, to call and pay up immediately.
November 4.1847. . J. REEL, Treasurer.
g (tik)
. , .
VIE largest and moat extensive assortment of NEW
4 : .- i 1 I, OODS, suitable to the season, seleetisd with great
ore, and for sale cheep a.• the cheapest, for cash or ep.
ri waved credit-4-just opened at -
LA ' Towanda, Oct, 5; 1847. -0. D. BARTLETT'S.
, 1 1 isf A w (1. •fo; 0. IV s' l'
t- . 'i ,--, •, •
:' 3 i ' ' ! !, --;--
IL. S. & M. C. MERCUR,
-1"- 1'11448611g of more than' their tuna!' tariety ; which
offer. to the public at their proverbially low prices.
i'oseanda, aeptember 25, 1ft.47,
, -
VES,';Paints, Varnishes , and Dye•stuffs. of almost
, • k..l..every kind, at • sep2s MERCER'S.
.1f• —French, English and — American Cloths; plain
fancy-Cassimeres and Sattinetts; satin, silk, valert
'i': di and. worg p
ell-testio, verycheap at ••
0 1 ,5 MERCUR'S.
ORSTED DRESS Goops.—Plaiu, figured and
plaid, black and colored Alpaccas; black and ca-,
1 sea French I .l.erinoes; Oregon- Plaids; rich French
and common - - asslimeres,_Del.ainesAc., a great variety
et steles for sweat . sep2s MERC UR'S,
IRON & N large .gasortment for sale, at
I *Sep2s ME RC R'B,
&1) 2 .5.'7. MERCUR'S.
r MASTER'S OINTMENT.—A new supply of
Al this deservedly popular article just received at
jj.kftllVV,AliE..—A very lirgf stuck of Hardware, of
Li every description, just ' MERCUR'S.
M.Dei.aine, Straddle
and Wool Shawls, a't at MERCUR'S.
B.OOTs & ~ .,HOVS,.consistinLof cow•bide alkd kip
Leta, ladies' and misrigslippers, gaiters and halt
zmrts; children's shoes ;'.;ilso an elegant assortment of
flats and Caps, are now.:opeuiug at the Savings Batik,
sep29 NO. 5, B. H.
COTTON VA RN, carpet warp, baits wadding, w irk
ing, brown and bleached sheetings and shirtings,
mi .! : be found at a - bargain and very low at the Savings
sep29 • NO. 5, B. R.
p Q R THE LADIES—a arge assortment of white
'I - :goods, such as Irish linens, cross bsrred,and striped,
medins. - jiiconetts, awi a rouslins, ike.; also swiss m. 14-
13,l muslin edgings, thread and cotton edgings, bobbins,
Ali fringe anicputtons, lace buttons, patent whalebone
-Lira.-piirsutWisk; in shalt a great _variety of fancy
I:Vals of every descriptiorr, may be found at the
- i I ST OF PERSONS engaged in sendinn Foreign
1.4 Goods and Merchandise in Bradford county, clas-
Aril ancl'arranged according to law for•the year 1647:
Namck ' , Liquor. C1e,.., A m .'
Ktem boro•—James Fritcheir, - (no liq.) 14 $7
C Pail, , " 14 '•7
H S Comatoci . 4 13 10
' GA lc Perkins, " 13 7
~. - ---
. -.' I,tii Ellsworth ; ", 13 10
H Ayh n elpt, ' " 14 •i 7
~4.• C H Herrick, " 14 7 •
' Welles & Harris, •• .13 •13
A Ilir ns 1 w r .—Johti Watkins, - . " 14 • 7
Asyluni7-John Briton, jr. , '•" 14 • 7
..4 Elmer Horton, • " 14 •7
A W Renslow. (liquor) 13 • IS
Binlingn , n—A &8 H lityrley, (no liq.) 13 10
, 4.i. Jolifilir Daniels, - " 14 7
',,j Cory . ; j dr.. Gee, .. ' 1-3 .' 10
: EJ w.a Overton, .; " 14 7
I 'intow—Ctierles E Ratliboue. . (liquor) 13 ' l5
Newman & Brown, " .14 104
Durel,-1:•Woody & C 0.., (no liq.) 14 •7
. •
.• 0 D Chamberlin, " 14 •7
Coolhaugh & dallibury, " 14 7
Franklin-1 W Mervin, • - - • 14 •7
•R K. Hawley, ," 15 7
Berra—Wm. Angle, 1 - 't 'l4 7
T. Hun!phry, " 14 -• 7
loilioe-----1 1 Wrfeird, :. . 13 10
' , JS&.I Xl M Hinman, (liquor) 14 HI
John Hanson, i " 14 103
- •.1B& G Smith, :" (no liq.) 14 i' , 7
- :41.: Naglee, . . " 14 . 7
Coolbsugh & Salsbury, • " 14 7
S l', & R Fowler,
nrw . ell—T 1:k liumpbry, , " /4 7
- .. Heiwy Gibbs, " 'l4 •7
Fike—D Bailey. " 14 •7
• A S Smith, N " 13 •10
J E Bullock, . " 14 •7
Rome—L S Maynard, • " 0 14 7
Ridgbury—Aaaph Colburn, i' 14 7
' Charles F. Wilson, '(liquor) . 14 'lO4
"pbeshequin—Kinney & Satterlee, ." . 13 15
. Talk & Whitheck, (no liq.) 13 •10,
.Wm Campbell, • " 'l3 10
Smithfield—L. E Durfey, • • (liquor) 13 '•l5
It •Bollock & Co., • 13 15
- E 8 Tracey, (no liq.) 13 15 ,
Standing- atone—J C Adams, , " 14 •7 '
. . Mix & Storrs, " 13 10
• ' 11 W Tracy, " (liquor) 13 *l5
Towanda boro'-Huston & L'add, (no liq.) 14 7
HS& NI C Kereur„ :, 12'123
S S Bailey,. ' 10 •7
Burton Kingsbelyi " 13 90 <
Elliott & Tominns, " 1 . 13 •I 0
O D Bartlett, " " 13 ' , lO
A S Chamberlin, " . 14 • •7
.W H Baird & Co., " 13 90
'Tracy & Moore, " 14 •7
Jr Kingabery, jr., " 14 •7
AN Bfus, • .. 14 •7
, liontanyes & Co., " 13 .•10
'Hugh O'Hara, ' w 14 7
t T Fox, - " 13 •10
C Reed, " 13 •1.0
Tr 4 Y—E & E Runyon, i (liquor) 13 15
•,,,,, U F - Redrngton, ", 11 223
8 W &.D F Pomeroy. • " - I I ' 2 ' 2 4
0 P Ballard', " 14; 104
Baird & Stephens,{
C.lster—Guy Tracey, liii lig.) 12 12
. " 14,.-'7
Pecklikm & Mathir, I. 0 14', 7
W.rn Gibson, --'
" 14 • 7
V1 2,7• 01 -=-Julson Holcomb , • - (iSquos) 14 "164
-;ells—Janies Taylor, - (no fig . .) 14 7 tu W
Y a hnong 4 --E &A Lewia, , ~ 0 14 6
_ .0 B Fisher, - ~.. 1
" -14 7
''''" ''-M 1 1 & G'll Wellee,- " 13 •10
Warren—R r ' .. " 14 "7
.ooper, ". ..
B Buffington, [domestic) ":" 14 . 3 4'
MTyrrell, i" fti 7
1119 e paid their licensed. J. REEL,'Trea4urer.
Treasury Office, Towanda, Nov. 17, 1647.. T
lieneral Seott. - in The City of Mexico
hruither krze stock of Goods just received at
b ' h icil *are been carefully selected for the Fall Truth.
P' public are invited to call and examine their
. stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and
rro r k
lloote & tshoes,Hats & Gaps, and everything
'lam line of Stsples,imited to the wants of this. region
ssSuntry, which have been plircbased exclusively for
ash. and at the lowest ebb' in the'market. Vrito-hope
old friends will not forget to give us a call, as we
tan make it:an object •fpr them to do so..
T owanda, August .18, 1847.
Incubate le, .
_ _ •
UMW a ()
(I) Met
- 7 - ", •
.LARGE and well selected assortment of Fell
AWinter Goods,just received, and for sale 1t( EL
morr & TOMEINS, consisting of ,
RON, NAILS, &C., &C.
Among our Goods may be found, French, English
and American Cloths and tassinieres; also, a good au
sortment of Fancy Camitneres and Tweeds, sheep!.
gray loth and satinets; also, a good assortment of
Over coat Cloths and Cloaking!.
For the LADIES, we have any quantity of Ging
ham', M. Delaines, Cashmeres, alpaccas, of all colors
and !Mee', both dition and silk. warp ; Shawls.; of all
kinds, dress silk, Mark and fancy, with trimmings to
Also—Bonnet Silk Ar. Bonnet Velvet with trimmings.
MUFFS—a large stock.
New Arrival it No. 1, Brick Row !
4. S. - Chamberlin,
rnett meitieg, and offers for sale at the DRUG
DEPOT, No. 1, Brick Row. a large addition to) his
former stook, eonsiatiog of every variety of
Groceries, Drugs end Medicines. Dye Stuffs, •Paints,
Oils, Petfumery, Fancy Articles &e.
which will be sold at wholesale or retail, at unusually
low prices. Terms CASH. Towanda, June 16, 1847.
PATENT MEDICIN Kg, -every kind now in 'use,
can be found cube Drug D4pot ; Agent for Jayne's
Smith's, Clickener's, Moffat's, Pain killer, and various
other medicines. 4 full and general -supply always on
hand jel6 . _ No. t, BRICK ROW.
THE old firni of WM. H. BAIRD & 1 30., having
been dissolved by mutual consent. and the subscri
ber being disposed to keep 01. D N 0.3, (villa is always
right) GOING AHDAD,wouId now announce to those
who like to buy goods cheep, that be is now daily re
ceiving front the City of New York, a new and splendid
assottment of Gocids, which, he is bound to sell as chest)
as they can,be bought thjs side of the city of New York.
My assortment consists, as usual of
Now, Mr.and Mrs. Everybody, just continue your
old habit of dropping_ in at No. 3, before purchasing
elsewhere, and if I don't sell you goods right, "don't
buy them." I have acconimailating clerks, who..will
always be happy to wait upon you in arse you don't
find the Old Man constantly on hand himself, and I
hay u 3 doubt but on pricing the goods you will be glad
to toy.
Mel thankful for past favors, bestowed upon the old
Om, and it shall be my aim to merit a continuance of
the same. nova W. BAIRD.
QEA FOOD.—Codfisli antl-Mackerel, any quantity
►` fur safe at nIO BAIRD'S.
BROWN SHEETINGS,Ahout '43,000 yards o
Brows Sheetingi, just reed at BAIR WS.
VSTINGS.—S.tin, allk, satin stripe, silk velvet
V and other Vestiags, for winter Or summer, fall or
spring a great assortment at BAIRD'S, No. 3, B.R.
CHOICE DRY GOODS.—Mpaccas, French Mari
1./ no, Oregon plaids, monslin de laines, Columbian
ginghams, of all descriptions, &c., &c., at
Nov, 10. BAIRD'§, No. 3, Brick Row.
UR GOO DS.--Gefitleden'a fur caps, Ladies' muffs,
1 &c., a good assortment at BAIRD'S.
SA Mill saws, and 6} feet and 6 foot cross cut
saws, et BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Row.
HATS dr CA PS.—A good assortment silk and fur
Hats. gent's glazed 'caps, with capes, (a great ar
ticle for stormy weather,) .men and boy's cloth caps.
children's velvet caps, &c. You will find all. these
kinds, and many more, at nlO .4 . 1 RD'S.
HORSE BLANKETS.—If you vrant'a good and
cheap article of the kind, call at BAIRD'S.
_ _ _
PAINTS.—White and red lead, Venetian red, Spa
nigh brocOn, copal gum, littiarage, chrome green
chrome yellow, cami6h, &c., at , i3AIRD'S.
habit buttons, and all kinds of fixin's for trimming
dresses, at BAIRD'S, Ne. 3,.Brick Row.'
ril.OTHS.—Ftench, and English Broad Cloths and
Cassimeres, Sattinets. sheep's gray, a good assort
ment at nl.o BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Row.
LA DIESI—Do you know where to find, the nicer
French Lace Capes in town I—the spot is it
Nov. 10. BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Row.
IA DIES' CARPET BAGS, a splendid article, at
J Nov I . BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Row.
k_J MILL. Monroe. Kept. 28, 1847.
(bi.) BE WARD !—Strayed sir stolen from the sub.
c7).4.." 'scriber, residing near theirentre of Litchfield tp.,
Brad. co.. l'a., about .nine weeks ago, a dark brown
sq . AG, heavy bodied, horns mostly black. _A reward
of twS dollars will be paid to any person whO will give
, infirmation where said stag nsv be found.
0,1.118, 1847. LEONARD DEMAREST.
Another Great. Victory .in Mexico .!
rr HE news was received simultaneously with news
i that there had been, another great arrival of New
Goods at the
.4nd caused - a Tremendomy Excllement ! !
The present proprietor, C. REED, takes this oppor
tunity to return his thanks to his former patrons and
the public generally; and also of informing them that he
is now receiving a very . large and general assortment of
Fall and Winter - Goods, of every descripion, which he
pledges himself, shall and wiil be sold as 1 9 w la at any
other establishnient within 100 miles of Towailala.—
The pUblic generally are respectfully invited to call and
examine to satisfy themselvns at No. 6, Brick Row.
TOwands;; 4 eptember 21, 1847.
- _
7 Za..ta , ILIZ.IIIIIO'
At No. 7, New Brick Block,
ti &ow in full blast, where the public can lie: accom•
modated with CRACKERS, at wholesale; B.e•LL
CA RI:F. , by the hundrett or'thousand, will be furnished
at prices which will mike it an object for Groc. :-
country twgise us a
jr.) Csaa.s, of every,i(eacription, for public or private
parties, furnihhaJ to ordeirtm the shortest notice.
Oct. 2.6 . C.IRTER & SMALLtEY.
COCOA & CHOCOLATE, genuine and frkah,
E$T INDIA PEPPER di% DUE, a spltndid ar
,tkole, put up in wine vinegar, expressly for faini
ly use. 4 :* 027 CARTER dr. SMALLEY.
WINDOW GLASS.-7 by 9, Bby 10, 10 by 12
10 by 14, 12 by 16, 1Z by •18, 14 by 11, all o
good *tatty and in excellent order, for sale by
October 19, 1847. 0. D.BARTI.ETT.
To ✓4ll Indebted
THE subscriber, hiding made new arrangements, is
very desimus ofdenting up his old scedunts, and
requests those indebted, to settle immediately, by giving
their notes, payable in the spring, if the are not able
to square up now. Immediate attention is requested.
variety, cornpri,Mg all the latest styles and moat
beautiful patterns, just received and for sale very tow
SUMMER SHAWLS. a beautiful assortment of
Berage, De Lain and Brocha Shawls may be found
CONTINUES to carry on the above business in all
its branch ,at her old stand, corner of River and
Bridge str where Bonnets and Caps can be pur
chased work will be done promptly, fashionably,
and at satisfactory prices as usual.'
Toivands, October 27, 1847.
Itacbanbiw, &c.
N t i co 1 Q.
Just Received at No. 2, Brick Row,
Oceans of New Fall & - Winter Goods,
Iv}Heti must and Will be sold at the say lowest
notch for CasA or Ready Pay. Every person
who may want GOOD and CHEAP go 4, is respect
fully limited to call and examine this stock; Don't
fail to call as it costs nothing to look. and we consider
h a favor to show the goods, and will try to make it an
Object for those wishing to buy of E. T. PDX.
10 BALES BROWN *MEETINGS, drillings,
1 e‘f Blurting., wicking, wadding, batting, cotton yarn
and carpet warp, cheap as the cheapest, at No. 2, 43.
IL, at sepls FOX'S,
flINGIFIAN18! GINPHAMS!-30 pieces new and
X.,Jr most splendid styles, decidedly the prettiest ever
in market. Also, Oregon Plaids, Silk Plaids, and all
the new styles dress goods all at No. 2.,,Brick Row.
25 P121. - -RLFC & STRIPED ALPACCAS, at the
very lowest possible prices at FOX'S.
TIARDWARE, a good assortment, including Iron.
1.1. Steel, Nails, &c. at No. 2, B.R. FOX'S.
AINTS, OILS & DYE-STUFFS, also Matches
by the gross, at No. 2, B. R. FOX'S.
SEALED HALF BUSHELS, on hand_and for sale
at sep 15 FOX'S. r
Cooking and Parlor Stores.
ius r received - at MONT.4NYkS CO'S, • large
ai lot—Also, PIPE. and a few second-band 'levet, all
of which will be sold cheap fo: pay. Sept. 7,1847. -4
Stock of Goods in the Savings Bank.
consequence of the great rush at the Savings Bank
for Cheap Goods, the proprietor baa been induced to
replenish with a splendid assortment of SPRING &
SUMMER GOODS, which are now opening, and sell
ing at greatly reduced prices. The proprietor. Mr. C.
REED, pledges himself to fully and amply sustain the
credit of.the institution which it has hitherto borne, r.e.
for selling goods cheaper than any other establishment
in Bradford co. Persons desirotis of testing this, have
only to call at No. 5, Brick Row, and satisfy themselves.
July 7, 1847. C.:;REED.
• and Light Gingham; have been veceive4 at the
Savings Bank, and are selling twenty:five. pee cent.
cheaper than ever. jy7 C. R E ED.
BOOTS & SHOES—.A large and exhaustless as
sortment of coarse and fine boots and shoes, ladies'
full and half gaiters, kid ties, buskins, French kid slip
pers, children's cloth and morocco shoes are now selling
eery low at the Sayings Bank, No. 5; Brick Row.
g -P LaVra l 7 1E -3 :RH-Prns
•nowbeing the time to transplant Fruit
Trees, the subscribers ,wonid say, to those
• wishing to purchase, that Peach trees, bud
bed with the choicest Fruit in the country
can be had at their Nursery in Wysox._
Nov.B, 1847
Greenwood, Nov. 10. BY S. C. NAGLEE-
SOT? 13;1`4)339 SKIM ifttaMcs
KINGSBERY h CO.. are just receisiag,
rectly from New York and opening at the new, recently erected at B.Kingebery's old stand,
a large assortment of Fall* Winter Goods, comprising
Broad cloths, Cassaneres. Sattinets ; Alpacas, of eve
ry description ; French 4 - Engiish Merinos; Mon
seline DeLoine.s ; Gingham, a great variety ;
- Cashmere if woolen Shawls,: Domestic goods,
Amory am! Worts. of every description.
Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Boots i r Shoes, Sole
-and viler Leather, French and common calf and
kip skins. Nails, squ(rrr. round ano Sioedes Iron,
• Glass, Hats and Caps, nit and Stone Ware,
Paper Hangings. Buffalo robes and Mob,
Mackerel, Codfish, Shad and Herring.
The attention of the public is respectfully invite.' to
our present large stock of goods, which are now exhibit
ed fur sale at the lowest price, for ready pay. 'they
have beep selected with unusual care and attention, ex
pressly far the accommodation of onr customers, and
we believe offer inducements to purchasers no where
else to he met with.
120 - - Remember, before purchasing elsewhere, to call
at B. Kingabery's old stand, and essmine our goods and
prices, u we are confident they Will meet the views of
the closest cub buyers.
.1. K. SMITH,
Oct. 12, 1847. W. F..MENARDI.
This /f gay for Bargains.
STUFFS, selling. at coat, at , FOX'S.
OILS, PERF UM E a apl •naid article of Hai
Brushes. Thermometers, and Fancy Articles, fro
sate at jelti No. I, BRIER ROW.
Fair•Waraing and the Last Tidied
THEREBY warn every person indebted to me, that
unless immediate payment is made, they will be
Rued ! This notice is given without respect to persona
and all persons knowing themselves indebted, will save
costs, by giving prpmpt attention.
Towanda. Oct. 12, 1847. S. HATHAWAY.
SAY! JOHN! don't tell any body that we will pay
the " ready John Davis," for 100 bushels Chestnuts
and 500 lbs. Lard. CARTER & SMALLEY.
113t 1 / 4 . 1 j0
ALARGE end extensive assortment of School; Clas
sical and MiAcellaneous BOOKS; also a large
stock and great variety of Papers, including note, letter,
cap, folio, post office and wrapping papers; togethet
with a complete assortment of Blank Books, Visiting
Cards, Enuelopes, tre., ; all for sale cheaper than
the cheapest, by nl9 O. D. BAR TLETT, •
1 - ITOULD again inform the Ladies that Ribelkas just
41 1---- remmed from New York, with the latest end
tont fashionable style of Ha's, Caps. and Head dres
ses ; also a large ani choice selection of Millinery
Goods, consisting of Plush Velvels,Silks and Salina
a large assortment of Ribbons, Flowers, Plaines and
Laees. Also French embroidered diemiseltes,giinps,
fringes and black trimming lace ; all of which will be
sold at as low a price as can be purchased elsewbere.
Towanda, October 12,1847.
$ -- E 1 OW,8:01/0.8. h.(6 1 ,& 1 011 1 1 1 /CIL
HIS Institutien is now wider the charge of Mr. P.
W. Gcsa; a graduate of Yale College, assisted
by Mr. 0. H. Pasi-r, of Conn. The first term com
menced on the 15th of Sept. ult. The second will
commence on the 6th of Dec. Pupils are admitted at
anytime. 1[11XII:
Tuition per Icrm of eleven weeks;
Common English studies, $2 60
Higher English stories.
. 4 00
Ancient Languages and higher mathematics, 500
Extra charge, (larand 2d terms) 25
Arrangements (sill be made to stone the se.reices of
an accomplished Preceptreas in the spring.
Oct. 12.. J. D. MONTAN YE. President.
WHEREAS, my wife, LAVINA DUNN, hsa lett
my bed and board, without arty just cause of
provocation. this is hereby to caution any person from
harboring or trusting her on my account, as I will pay
DO debts or demands of her contracting.
Rome, Aug. 2,1847. PATRICK DUNN.
APB! CA PS !—Men's, Boy's, and Children's 'el
vet, plush: cloth and fur, and furstOmmed caps.—
comprising the greateet variety ever seenin this place,
jest received smiler sale very low by-
October 19, 1847. O. D. BA RTLETT.
G --
INOHAMS & PRINTS,.—PIain and twilled Oing
being, English and American Prints, a beautiful
assortment at se?2s MERC Rl3.
xszmi' wax&
Thomas Elliot TVN. C. Timikins,
H .
AVING assmiated themselves tagetleir in the
Mercantile Ma mess, hope by elms application
and strict attention to bosinees, to merit a share of pub•
lie patronage. They may always be found reedy to
attend to any person who whiles accomodationsin f their
sourwill occupy the ololisteltd 04E . /4111ral MVP!.
ate ha jolt been emerged and wads awe spo
on* and convenient, customers will find it very plea
sant to do business trr.' -- ELLIOTT & TOMEINB.'
M 27. 1847.
Is now ; opening • new end .splendid Assortment of
staple snd fancy goo& at his store. (cause. on Main
streetpuo doom below Efridge street (west aide) nearly
op to Montanys's & Co.) embracing all articles
generally kept in the country, 'nth a.
Dry -Goods. Groceries; Crockery and Glass
ware. Hardware. Nails. Iron, all the
varieties Steel, Glass, Paints
Linse Oil, -Lamp Oil 4-c.
which he offers to billets at Ognsual low prices for
Cash, Produce, or approved credit. And would re
spectfully invite all wbo wish to purchase to call and
examine his goods and prices before purchasing else
wbero, as he is confident he CIA Offer good bargains.
June 1, 1847.
DRINTS, M. De Leine.. Gingham's, limns, &e.—
The L•dier will find • beaqtiful aseottnient at
June 9. BETTS.
AGREAT variety of shawls scarfs, parasoh• Ladies
and Misses• Bonnets very cheap at BETTS'.
UACK & BEAVER CLOTHS. black and fancy
Caaimeres, and all goats of Summer Anil's, • large
awortment, low forleasla at BETTS'.
WINDOW & WALL PAPER, • nice 'ninety and
cheap at BETTS%
HARMS & BLOODS' Grass eerily', and scythe
samba ;also Harris' cradle scythes at BETTS'.
SlLKS.—Black, colored. plaid, and charigeable anew
Silks also, white and colored flonnet Saline. at
DRESS GOODS-100 pieces now opening • the
Sayings Bank, consisting of French Merinos, plain
Alpaccas, Abysinian stripes, cenlover plaids, cashmeres,
inouslin de laines, plain and twilled gingham., Arc.,4c.
all of which will he sold low at REED'S.
ESTRAY.—Broke into th e enclosure of the subscrs
be!, ou the 25th of August last, a RED COW, 8
or 9 year' old. The owner is requested to prove pro
perty, pay charges and take her away.
Troy. Sept. 27. HOWARD SPALDING,Sen.
wiucWnmal Abvedisnitenti.
New Springy and Summer Goods.
N. - N.. BETTS,
CLOTHS & CASSIMERES,' Yr:stings, °Vero» ,
Cloths, rut u brown. olive'and gold mixed Bea
sera will be sold very low at 'SAVINGS , BANK.
DRINTS. of every variety and style. foreign and do
meatic, now opening atwluilesale and retail; at
soPesior style and finish, and at prices to snit those
who wish to purchase cheap.
HOEB--Ladies' Misses and Children's, a large vs
net) , on hand at je9 BETTS'.
The Saddle and Harness Business
IS still continued by ELK ANAH SMITH, J. CULP
&C. T. SMITH, under the Firm of Elkanab
Smith & CO., at the old stand North side of tka Public
Square, where will be tept constantly on hand Bed
Plain and Quiltei Saddles, Plated and Common
Harness, all kinds of Trunks, Vahan, and all other
work in their line,
Carriage, Trimming 4 Military work
done to order. From their experience and punctuality,
they are in hopes to receive a share of public patronage.
Work can be had at their shbp as cheap as at any other
shop in the connty of the same quality. May 18. '47
r-Ak- wr AFA: .
Copper, Tin, and .Sheet Iron, Brass
T 1 C. HALL is now receiving 60 tons of the above
Ls goods, which be is prepared to sell at wholesale
or retail, to suit purchasers, st the most reduced prim.
Tor cash, lumber or gniin. The most liberal prices will
be paid for west, oats, arm and lumber.
Store and Manufacturing Establishment, orithe
corner of Main and Bridge sts., where may be found the
largest and best assortment of stoves, this aide the city
of Albany, each as
N umbers.
Buckeye cooking skive, arrang,ol with a rota
ry top, and trot air oven combined, I, 2,3, 4
Rochester Empire hot air oven, 4
" Universe, ' n
," Fulton, " (improved) 2,3,
Congress tight air cooking, 2, 3, 4
Knickerbocker,, " 2, 3
Albany Elevatd oven " 2,3, 4, 5
" Premium " 2,3, 4,5, 6
Race's pat. self-regulator, air-tight parlor, I, 2, 3
Rochester ear tight parlor, • 2,4, 4
Congress do. Albany do. (roasters,)
Albany Fancy wood parlor,' 3,4, 5
N. Y. city . " 2,3, 4
I, 2
I; 2, 3
'. parlor coal stoves,
Common cylinder do 0
A Large quantity of bore Pipe, Elbows, Tia, Brass,
Copper, laintaved >4 Britannia ware, Zinc, ke.
which he will sell as above at wholesale or wail. She
iron, Tin, Brass and Copper Work, made to o on
short notice, and warranted. Perstins wishing to pur
chase the above articles will do wellbre - alhng at the
above store, before purchaaing . ehere. as the propri
etor is bound not to - be natiersold by any living man.
5,000 SHEEP PELTS wanted, for which cash will
be paid. October 27, 1947. 6m
&EnoUser Large and Splendid Lot of
Ready made Clothing
STORE. Hercoisthe place to get cheap clothitig,ltt
least 50 per cent.. cheaper than at any other place. 111
have all kinds to snit customers. My stock is large,
consisting of Cloaks, Coats, Pants , Vests, &e. dee.—
..Elegant and newepreinilem styles,- ant! at astonishing
low prices.
Cloaks. Over Costs, Brown, Drab, Do., business
Costs—all kinds, Black Dress Coats, French Dress
Do., Gold Mixed, Do., Sitinett Pants, Cashmere Do.
Black and Green Monkey Jackets, Fancy Satin Vests,
Black Do., Cashmere, Do.,- Double Breasted Do.,
White Manville Do. Also—Canton Flannel! Draw
ers. Shirts the same, and some• splendid line Shins.—
Also—Blue and Black Cloth, Brown Da , Caseltnetee,
Plain, Fancy Do.. Vesting, of all kinds.
7Cutting and Mending done cheap and making
up at • - L. BATCHELOR'S
Oct. 9, '47. • ' Clothing Store.
Fourth of July, et No. I, BRICK ROW.
SALT-.• 100 NAL Salt just received and for ode
1 b 7 at BAIRD'S. N 0.3. B. R.
LOUR.-50 sacks of first rate flour just received
and for sale at BAWD'S, NO. 341. R.
024 17 202:111E21 9 0 =au g
• EO R laCi 5it313021%11141119
Late of the Claranumt Rouse, Domande, 'Pa, maid
was destroyed by /we on the IVA qf March last,
HAS leased the old stand, on the west side of the
Pgalc square, lately occupied by WI/limn Briggs
.„ . sign of die Tiger, where he is prepared and will be hap
or to - wait on his old customers and the public generally
His howl is in good order, and his facilities for sae
commodating travellers and visitors, such as will enable
him to give ample satidamion. Charges moderate.
Towanda, Ocober 20, 1841. ,
In Me maim of Ms application ofEzehMl . Cool:
and others, of tin "First Christian church in t
Salami* . of antithMiin Bradfuri county,' &P.
Maar ten*, 11147. '-
N°TiCZ tigetebi Madrid Catty. New.
ten Colvini•Cyrei Fauna" .Hiram Penuniards,
and Ahem have presented *the said coup as instrn?.
meat in writing, and the objectinnicles and eundkiona
eat faith and contained thersii appearing to thous kivrfet
and not injinkins to the community, directed that said
writing be 6104 and that notice be given in one news.
paper printed in said county of Bradford, for at least
three *pas before the net; court of annum pleas of
said county. setting forth that an application has been
made to said court to grant such an act of incorporation,
according te the act of Assembly in . such cases made
and provided. A. McKEAN. Prot-
Pro't.'s Office. Nov. 1. 1841.
In the atatteroftheapplieutionif Eli Itaird,a , rd alters.
of the " First Presbyterian church and mug, egation
of Troy " Stplemblr term, 1847.
NO'FICE is hereby Om that Eli Bald, Ebenezer
Pomeroy, 801. Morse, D. F. Pomeroy, A. hung.
and others, base presented to the said Courtin instru
ment in writing, and the objects, articles and conditions
set forth and contained therein appearing to them lawful
and not injurious to. the community, directed that said
writing be filed, and that notice he given io one news
paper printed in said county of Bradford, for at least
three weeks before the next court of common pleas of
raid county,, setting forth that an application has been
made to said court, to grant such an act of incorporation,
according to the act of Assembly in xuSh cases made
and provided. • A McKF.A N , Prot.
Pnet.'s Office, November 1, 1817.
BY virtue of sundry writs af - Vendiiioni Exponas is
still from the court of common pleas of Bradford
ceunty, and to me directed. I shall expose to public sale
at WOODRUFF'S HOTEL, in the borough of To
wanda, on Monday m the 6th day of December next, at 1
o'clock, P. M., the following described parcels of land—
A piece or parcel of land in Springfield tp., bounded
north by land of Salisbury-Grace, east by Geo. Grace,
south by David Brooks ; Chauncey Guthrie. and Chaun
cey Bouts and west by land of W. H. Westbrook.—
Containing one hundred acres, more or less, with about •
eighty acres improved, with one two story framed house,
one framed barn, one framed abed, three apple orchards
and a variety of other fruit trees thereon.
-Seised and taken in execution at the suit of Wake
man B. Hubbard use, vv. Milton Brooks.
Arso—A piece or parcel of land in Wyalusing tp.,
beginning at a post and stones adjoining lands of Isaac
J. Leber and Ellicott H. Brown, and running thence
south 2° west '149 p. to the :Susquehanna river,thence
by and with the same west to the line of Certified
Springfield, thence by and with the same, north 13° w.
157 p. to a post and stones, adjoining lands of Squire
Mills, thence south 88° cut 133 p. to the beginning.— ,
Containing one hundred and five acres and ninety-nine
and a half perches, be the same more or less, with about
fourteen acres improved, with one log house with one
body to a block-house thereon.,
Seized and taken in executiejo at the snit of Mary To
land, Margaretta Toland, Elizabeth Toland and Julian
ne Toland vs. Isaac Everett.
-ALso—A piece or parcel of land in Wells tp.; Brad
krrd county, and'Jackson, Tioga co., Pa., bounded north
by Joshua G. Spencer, east by 'land of Joseph Sturde
rant, south by Emu Roberts and on.tbe west by Clark
Stillwell. Containing seventy-one acres more or less,
with about fifty acres improved, with one framed house,
one framed barn and an orchard of grafted fruit.
Seised and taken in execution at the suit of Jonathan
Owen vs. Lawrence L. Ameigh.
A Lso—A piece or parcel of land in Troy tp., bounded
north, east, south and west by lands of Ezra Long. Con
taining about one acre, with two framed dwelling hoo
ka, one framed wagon shop, one stone blacksmith shop
and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in oxecution at the unit of W , H.
Purdy to the one of S. Pierce vs. H. L. Lowman,.
Auo—A piece of land in Outten tp.. beginning at a
hemlock tree, it being the south east corner of said tract,
running north 1204 p. to a post by a beech tree, thence
west 88 p. to • post, thence mouth 153 p. to the Towan
da creek, from thence following the windings and turn
ings of said creek to the place of beginning, Contain
ing eighty-seven acres, be the same more or less, with
about fifty acres improved with o e framed house and
framed barn and a small orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Joseph
D. Drinker and Israel P. Pleasants,i administrators de
bonis non, of Henry Drinker dec'd., vi Chester Thomas.
A tso—A piece of land in Troy (pi, bounded u fol
lows to wit : on the north by vathnt band, on the
east by land of Jess Beach, on the soar 14 Noah Leo
and on the west by Robert Claffin, containing fifty
four acres all improved with two framed houses one fra
med barn, one saw mill and en apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in eseeution to the suit of O. P.
Ballard-vs. Beriah Pratt and Stephen H. Stiles.
Asso—A piece of land in Albany and Monroe tps.,
bounded 'as follows to wit north by Owen M. Can and
Charles Diffenteugh, on the east by Edward McGovern,
on the south by Daniel Miserly, and on the west by John
Flings' land, containing about four hundred and eleven
acres more or kss supposed to be about twenty-five acres
unproved with one fretted and log house and one log
barn thereon.
Seized Ind taken in execution to the suit of Hugh
Riley vs, Thomas McGovern and Daniel Sluuery T. T.
Aasci—A piece or parcel- of land in Wyakning. Be
• ginning at a post and stones on the old' Springfield tp.
lids, (certified) adjoining land of Johnson Palmer, and
running dunce north 86° west to a corner of land certi
fied to Humphry end Danielslirown's heirs, and,
by and with said certified land south 24° east per.
to a corner on the acutherlytine of a lot warran
tee name of Thomas Shuman, paten to Henry Tot
and, deed ; thence with said li uth 88° east, in the
line of certified Springfield ; thence by and with the
same, North 13° werst,.222 - Perches to the place of/'be
ginning,. containinge hundred and 41 scree ea 34
perches, be themethe more or less, with about five acres
improved, and' one shantee thereon
Seixerrand taken in the suit of Mary Toland, Marge
. Toland, Elisabeth Toland and Juliana Tuland vs.
John Gartland.
ALSO, a piece or parcel of land situate in the town
ship of Burlington. bounded as follows, to wit : begin
ning at a white maple, N. W. corner of lot No. 182 oh
warrant lot No, 1724 , thence west ,on said warrant line,
100 perches to a post, 8. E. corner of lot No. 287: then
9orth 81 perches to a post ; thence east 100 perches to
hi post : thence south 81 percher; to the beginning, con
taining Fifty acres and 100 perches, strict measure: it
being intended for the south_ ball of lot No. 277, on war
rant let No. 4438, with about thirty saes improved, one
log house, one log shed and one other small building
Seized and taken in the suit of Paxson & Davidson
to the use of Abram A. Mace vs. George Bennett.
ALSO, a certain piece or parcel of land situate in the
township of Albany, bounded and described as follows,
to wit: Beginning at a post and stone corner, which
elands north 31° E, and 200 perches from the north end
of lots No. 79 and 80; thence S, 59° Eut, 106 perches
to a past and atone corner, thence not% 30° west 80
perches to a post and stone corner, thence north' 59°
west 108 perch& to a cheenut corner thence west 31°
east. 80 perches to the beginning, containing fifty acres.
- ALSO, one other piece or puck of land situated in
said township of Albany, described by survey as follows,
to wit : beginning at the south east corner of 'another
lot conveyed to Andrew Jackson, and thence by the same
north 31° east 80 perches toe post, thence south 59°
east 106 perches to a post, thence south 31 ° west 80
parches to a post, thence by land of which this is a part,
north 59° west 108 perches to the place of beginning,
contidning fifty acres which said tracts of land are part
of tracts no. 79 - warantee name " John Moon" called
" Moonfield," and no.• 80 warrantee " Hannah Wood
ruff," called " Monmouth" and pattenthd,by the com
monwealth to Samuel Wallace.
Seized and taken in the suit of Josiah Jackson vs.
Andrew S,Jackson.
ALSO, • piece or parcel of land situated in Wells
township described as follows, to wit: beginning at' a
post, thence by lend of John Strong, east 252 3.10
perches is •poit and stone, thence by land unknown
south 289 3-10 perches toe hemlock, thence by land
of John Hall. west 252 310 perches to a put, and
thence by binds of Wm. Seely ,(now owned by John
Brownell,) north 269 .3 10 perches, to the beginning,
containing four hundred acres and allowance &c., be
ing • lot of land vented to tEllferd Seeley by warrant
dated the 30th day of July 1831 by the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania: excepting always' lot surveyed and
deed to Charles Seely from the north east corner of 'said
containing fifty acres;, and one other lot, surveyed
and deeded to Alfred Seely, out of the south aide, ;on
tabling seventy sixes of hand; for boundaries. reference
teed lbveritsementa
tegal. 4 2atvertionintte r
Wind made terisid'disdiorWmAndy to-Cleadse
ly and Alfmtdealy r won belly diaqww.
Seised andiakeir in
eat eotion-at dossed at Aram G.
Ely vs. George aliberled.• .
ALSO , --Tbelbllenvole Pim' 4tdede Iris
me and , bewared north by **Tonna br
the Avyliem, iamb by C. 7b. Weak awl wade
by dw dfinadeilleaneb t sontainito adel* **lR*
wrap impievsd,witirase kanesibasve Inv is bedew
awe thased barn jai a small webardiallinece.
Meisel and taken in enettstkni et des sited 411 17 .10 t.
Bartlett. 'i t. 14. Lewis.
A tstio6l-4 piece or wort of foot fie . Mem *pi,.
Wlftil bT Towsnetwereek, eels by Agloat.Cu►
bunk WWI by Issas of t.r.i" Weed, west by tier Sans.
der branch of the Towintls ens& Cesetisimp timer
bombed acres, with fifty sexes impeo*, with 011 e UMW
ed ?nom., one kauled barn and shed, aril smell ondlind
..ci7e<l and t,,hn in execution at the snit of Wink= •
Wetting, now to die use of Fierlenck Watts, 116
..thy, II
ALSt I—A 16t of fan& in rmenia tpg llouniferl ate t,
follow*, Montt fit dle highway. west by land of Limy
Furman. K. C,Oliver. on the! smith, 'me by land of'
Henry Furman. Confab :Mg one handsel) men, iritb
about forty arms impeovoit, atilisPeen leg homer 'balsas.
Seized anti taken in execution at the snit of Log arr—, ,
Thomas, to the use of Whittlesey & flobiniseti„ via IC
P. Case.
A LSO--A 'piece of land in Leroy Cp. , bounded sort&
by lands of O. Perry, east by Harry Holcomb, saattipby
sterling and Cyrus Holcomb. !admu* by 4011 of 3 -
M. Parr. Containing forty•tllee nears, twenty scree
improved, With taro log - houses, mod one lag ban., mull
a small °reliant thereon.
Seizrd Ind taken in eseention f 1 the !nit of ri.n.s,
W.H. Titres, vs. Osden Streeter.
JOHN P. MEANS,- fiberifL
Sheriff's Office Towaride, Oct. 27, 1E447.
PURSUANT to an vider of the Orphan'. Court of
Bradford county, will be exposed to public oaken
Saturday the 23d day of October, V 847, at two Wrier*
P. M, upon the premises all of the Wasting describ
ed tract of lend situate in Sheshequin township, Btu&
ford county, Pe., containing thirty-nine amens/ Ohwr
shouts, adjoining lands of 'John Brink on the west; J.
Marshall and R.Gtiffin on the north ; lands of Thomas
and Sainte! Marshall on thOpeth; east by owners un
known; being the . fernt lettlir- 7. ocenpied and - owned by
Benjamin Brit.k,. deed. Tines ;node known $n 'IM
day of sale. DANIEL BRIM ,
Sep. 27, 1847. Ex's of Benj. Brink, deed.
The above sale stands postponed to the 4th Dec. al
the 16/TIO place and time of day.
persona indebted to the Estate of Absalom
Wilcox, dec'd., late of Leßoy township, are" here
by requested to make immediate payments; and MI
persons having demands against said estate me reques
ted o present them immediately to the subscriber.fer
settleMent. AMOS W. WILCOX, Ades's.
Leßoy, Oct. 19th, 1897.
ALLpersons indeLtak to the estate of lease Wikox
late of Leroy township, deceased, ens hereby
regirested to make payment without delay, and thaw
having claims against said, estate, will please mood
them duly attested to the sabsciibere.
Leroy. November 2, 1847. Administrators!.
NOTICE 'is hereby given to all persons interested,
that A. G. Matthews and J. D. Huffploy execs.
tors of the estate of
Samuel Matthews, deceased,
late of Orwell; . George raWbanke, administrator et the
estate of
Samuel Pairbanks,.deceased,
late of Columbia ; Julius Pratt, one of the .dmeisiwra•
tore of the estate of
Azeid, Pratt, deceased,
late at Cantor); A R. heir" wee of the etlatietsftetets
of the estate of
• No Binh eranmer, deceased,
late of Monroe a Mild P. blade, administrator of the err
late of •
Jonathon B. Slade, deceased,
late of Columbia; Joseph Allen, J. ht; Cranmer and
Polly Cranmer, administrators of the estate of
Stephen Cranmer, deceased,
late of Rome, have filed and settled in the °Mee of the
Register of Wills, in and foi the County of Bradford,
the accounts of their several administrations upon the
estates aforesaid, and that the same will be prsaentad to
the Orphan's Court of said county, on Monday, the Sib
day of Pecember next, fotconfiimation and allowance.
• L. Er DEWOLF, Register.
Register's Office, Towanda, Nov. 3, 1847. •
T IST OP JURORS, drown for December terni and
JLI erosions, commencing December 6, 1847.
• omit
Durefi—Harry Benjamin, Simeon ,Decker;
LeroyAddiso'n Brigham, Aston Knapp;
Ridgbeity-8 mith Brown;
• Sptineleld—Wodoard Derry;
ScnithreeldL-Stephen Calif!, W. P.
ISouthi Creek—Eben Dunning ;
Her/jai—Geo. W. Elliott;
Athens tp—John ariffien ;
Wpalu■iag—Charles Homo
Shesheqoin—Wm. Horton 2d:
Windham—Parley Johnson Je
Burlington—e-Wm. Knapp;
Columbia—D. Lilley ;
Rome—Freeman W. Maynanl :
Athena born—Geo. -W. Mathewson
Troy tp_--Rufus Rockwell, Reuben Stiles;
Prankßit—J. C. Ridgway I
Canton—Benj. B. Smiley.;
Monroe—Freeman Sweet;
Albany—Rollin Wilco/ /
InAttelig sustoots—rtirt *Ere
Pike—Richard Ashton, Simeon Taylor., Aaron Wood;
Granviller-Ekm A. Bailey ;
Franklin—Wm. lEake
Wyalusing—lra Brown ;
Ridgberry—HoWard F. Bart, W. S. Halsted ;
Warren—Calvin Buffington. Samuel Lyon, S. Wheaton;
Springfield—lntaeCoolay, Paul Furman. Jas. U. Grace;
Burling on—W . Campbell, C. T. Merry:
Rome—M. C. Cannon, Arnest Forbes;
Orwell—Eli Fletcher; ' •
Sheshequin—Alfred Gore, J. K, Horton, Henry Kings.
Towenda bozo—D. C. Hall, Cyrus Smith ;
Smitbdeld—W. F. Kellogg ;
Troi tp—Jainea Merritt, Alonzo Moree,S. A. Taylor,
Chas. Williams ; '
Towanda tp—David Rutty;
Litchfield—Aaron Stone ;
Leroy—Ansel Tillotson;
Herrick—Abner Taylor ;
Standing Stone—F. S. Whitman ;
Wyeent—John W. Whitney
Ulster—Wm. Walker ;
Springhill—Demon 'Acts, Jerome Green ;
Orwell—Lyman Bromism ;
Wysol—D. P. t4tlett, Curtis Prink;
Windham—Simon Brainard, Henry Dunham, baniMl
Gamine •
Warren—i Bowen, E. L. Stephens •
Ulster--Daniel Clrabbuck
GranviLle—C. Churchill, Joel Packard ;
Hemek—E. Carr. Thos. Jmes;
Toy tp—Wm, Cliften ;
Pike-8. Chaffee. Myron Stevens, 11. Stevens;
Durell—Wihmn M. Decker;
Rome—Smith Forbes;
Springfield--W rn. Grace, Geo. Sergeant ;
Sbadiequin—Jeremiah Kilmer ;
Columbia--John H. Furman, PelJq Peel
Burlington—Jelin Prratt, Jr. David Ross;
South Creek—,Heni. Quick.;
Troy Imiro-!—G. F. Reddington ; •
titchffel4..:Elijah %dent I
FraukliumOlum, Stevens: •
themilp.. 7 ficorge Walker;
aitlglierry- r 4Ohn Wallace;
'Aißia*oitegtr-Ltivoqte IL Welles, J. K. Wright.
find itto"tirt : advanTage - 10canTita — he
DraiellePotophere they can be supplied wiiir view
rfurtichrtkaited,imeh u phials, essences. dew;' aieibs
best terms. jets NO, 1, BRICK EVA..
1' • s