Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 17, 1847, Image 1

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BRADFORD RE m 0 - E•R ....
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- 6muLf,rat 7t=o
bncsbap Altmann, Noncinbcr 17, 1817
4iorrtivembrtice from irlexiro. . 4
"CANT, NEAR Mum.' Mexico. (Rm Grandc,) t
September 12. 1847.
. .
:omits or-nit REPOATER :—I hafe often, had it
ind and desire to send you a few lines before
• agreeably .to my promise ; but our . conveni
es and opportunities, in eamp, are not so great
••. numerous as . many imagine—aside from this
ment of my apology for delaying to do so, I
•e long expected to'have some definite prate
nmunicate concerning the position of attars in
•xico, and the prospect of Peace, and of our re
i home. We have been kept in a tedious and
in state of suspense and expectation, on this
et. for three months past, 'hoping and believing
I e;C:11, succeeding week would 'bring us intelli
ioe upon which we could both form and expreSs
dur friends at hoinie some rational opinion, tbuch
exi=itrid; relations betwien the two countries
,or positioit. of General F;cott, and
what most ii;terests us—our return to that best
all places—Honie. Bt't up to this, ll'our we are
'1,411 officers and men, / in the fog,. ,We have
d nn 'reliable 'information from Gen. Scott for a
1.4 nine. We learn thUl.U•steamer .supposed to
the bearer of news, recently left Vera ('ruz for
• !Mimi] States. without stoppitr , at the mouth of
. (i't cr or ar - Brasos." You may therefore. )i ,
:ile advance of us, as to Mfixic';in war c,:-!, s,
ricularly as . the arrivals, front the state to 11 is
rt .t . Mexico ,have of late become rather - iew
•i far between."
Vie arrivcd in this country the first of May, and
-t encamped -near the -bailie field of Palo Alto.—:
e swim welyi to Matamoros, and encamped there
der our IPermentai•orga, ni.ation; where four out,
live companies of •the right wing of Reg , iment
I temain. We pbxted with pur Regiment com
mons about a month, since, to escort a train of
.1211IIS up river, since - then we have been in
en on ' our own bOoks." : We haie'visited
.%cral plat s of some interest to us by this 'opera
.. and have given more variely to our brief mil
ary fife thanour Companions beloW have had.—
t,iv day: ago we were ordered, at a moments
0:„-e i from this camp some twenty miles into the
'..:1,1r to recover a valuable stock of goods•which
I; ,,i.o r ions basil of professional robbers had taken
~• ii,jit bet Ore: We wefts' saddled and off in a
•Iv niincuts. and by a rapid march of few hours.
~u , ,,,1 the rascals a;rd recaptured the good - Z.
,! , ilis. was done so quickly and unexpeca..ll).
- ,-
...c .;.,.,• ;-.trips had r time to gather up their ap
-41,,l -win, li they hail ; thrown off while refre,ll
- ::,,u. , clvcs.. WeAvere few 4ii nunibe7s. c0rn
,..,;r.,1 to them. but we set up such a hideous noise
..... 6
...,d y , Th_that they thought us a. 4 numerous (ill the
••m:•:,sling thicket.) us the foxes that Sampson
'-tithe tails and drove through' the corn fields
•• To ancient Philistines! The " chapparel - was
• :!;..ok that we could get but few fair shots at
..etri bet we succeeded in killing and seriously
, hilL! quite a number of them. These .rnoun
.4.l •:•iets N% in not fight, their sole object being
. •I , or. and wheii that is not to he gained they
•••••• I , : 1 0•Ir horse,;.s lads in a :;•poi•linen of accelerat
• it,-, .n that would amuse you .o witness. lye
o•.•• o i: of the , kirini-li without the 1055,4 a mah.
..4 one horse imured. We captured the en
o '•i, j; of _mils valued at io,tino intended for
• ••'-' l- ry cottony - winter trade. and ;:1-o manv ine-_
• ','-- o'.. our exploit. saii as Mexican Illanke:-
,at cloaks; worn by the mounteetineves, we hail
o ., ..r:akee, with some of their famous Lances and
-:!l,er arms. These • latter items of curiosity and
,: - .6fication we divided among ourselves, a4reca
4to the wish of our Captain and the custom in
-mt - cases. A 14ma11 detacriment of our Company
!rted last night for the scrtie of our first enf_ra:re-
Ail, in hopes of finding further evidences of the
K,dity and hiding places of the -roving plunderers
Ln be-et and annoy this neighborhood fur pur- for a few days, scouring the surrounding country,
se , ofqiltmderr, and well known as the celebiateit and if reports be true, -Father Jaruta'a little flocks
i.ittaes.* party of thieving Cavalry. i are dwindling away. Those rangerslook as if they,
our i;overrimetit , have lace quantities,of proxi- had seen service in a predatory border •warfare,
'inns and stores, hgre, and a few miles From us. i and to do them justice they look as if the "had seen
• it the defeated` Mexcau horde can gathenstitfi- nothing else. - They are armed to the teeth. A
minforeementsovemay be attacked by them. short pm, a pair of horse pistols, and all the knives,
':re ramp within a few days, which wrt are pre- and small • tixins," they can get in a belt. Father
crol for. r and they will have ;no • ca u s e to corn- Jaruta is represented by those that know him, to be
t.i.n any want of attention on our part. 4 a rrlnrqunate villian, he once held a military corn
tovn health is good at present; I was, like mis#ion Under Don Carlos. Thenhe was a Catho
* ether,, affected icy the heat of the sun v i d the lie prim*. here, and said he could-make more at
.11r. Miring the summer, but a more favorable stealing", lir in other words heading a band ot guer
-s-ot. el the year is *already upon us, and I find i illas: host he is succeeding I am not informed, but
alt improving daily and in
.good spirits. The should x!ie have the good fortune to meet with him,
:• - x , , , ,upott this line are mostly inactive: Geller+, 1 , shouldiake pleasure in enquiring into the state
Te, lo t 15 expected to visit his family in Octobei,..ti.mii, tigantes. Truly yours, S
11. z. his intended visit to the United ,Statesi-- . It: .
nt the troops tare gone down the river and
4,- arnped near Its ritimtli, ready fur orders to Vera
Ur:l - /.. if needed—or to the States. if a treaty can be
"^telukh;‘l. on;te, without our giving this S , ingular
i•N•ple an , Aher thrashing, A. J. -T.
I I lerrth. VcRA tober It. Iq;
THE ILEPORT ER :—The city of Vera
'land , where-the Spanish adventurer Colts".
iNt t f...)t on Alice soil,,and is 1 believe the
Spane.l l t eitv ht Mexico, having beeu founded
iN,ut tlw 1560. The Castle of San Juan stands
a coral island. The fortifications were com
zenced in 1582, and haveteen; completed at an
e 'Penbe of many Atillions of dollars.
the streets of the city are, generally laid out at
. ' 4, blattgles, and are all-paved with round stone, the
1 " 4 411 is in the centre of the street, and all the wa
-11 and filth is upon the surface of the ground, ex
le the intense action of the. rays of the sun.
i't: e city is said ho have contained at one tune a
i'c:Palation.of 20,000 wealthy Spaniards, but under
"" 11 8 . usnceof intestine wars, the population graiiti
°l innitilbhed, till in 1825 an edict was passed
her MeXtean. Congvv, z I,aniA l in g th e Itliraeirtli
residents, since which time the inhabitants have
beery more mixed, composed of all nations and lan
gnages. The Spanish however is that It was on a pleasant May morning that a steam
ken; next to this is the French. t language spo- .
vessel was riding:at anchor, opposite the town of
Buffalo, on lake Erie. You know, I dare say, that
The houses are generally two stories high, corn-
Erie is pre of those sea lakes for which posed, almost entirely of mansonry. ,The walls,
f 'ous;
floors . , and roofs are of brick, stone or marble. The
walls are plastered with lime, and when exposed the green and as you stand on its shore, and
waves dashing in, one after another, you
to the action of the weather, covered with cement.. might well think ?cm were looking at the great ocean itself. The Jersey—
for that was the name
The Architecture is ancient and unique,•and were
it not for the fact that the catholic and masonic have of the steamer—was
_dressed gaily With many
bright flags; the Blue Peter., the signal of her
ever been antaginistical institutions, I should think
mediate sailing, was at her mainmast- head ; por
that that .ancient order had had a hand in building
thie city. The feudal times doubtless 'required tern were hurrying along the narrew quay that juts
buildings susceptible of strong defence. The build- I out into the lake.; boatmen quarrelling with each
other for passengers, travellers htirryiug backwards
ings 'are fire proof, and the walls very thick.'Hence
and' forwards to look for their baggage.; friends
the little injury sustained during the bombardment
shaking hands and bidding each other farewell,
under Gen_ Scott. There was nothing to burn, oc
idle..s lounging about with their hands in their
easionally a shell would fall through the roof of a
packets; car drivers jangling for a large fare; and
house and explode, destroying every thing in that
all the various kinds of bustle and confusion, that
house, aside from such cases of extreme suffering
attend the departures of a packet from a watering
the town,sustained but little injury - . A part of the in-
jury done was by the Mexicans themselves, firing
diagonally across the t ßut presently the. anchor was heaved, the pad
dlesfrom began to turn, the sails were set, and leaving
American batlenes in the navy. There ii not a city
a broad track of foam behind her, the Jersey stood
in the United Slates, but that would have been in
westward and held on her course for the town of
ruins under similar circumstancets.
• i Erie. It was a bright blue day : and as hour after
The city is enclosed with a massive wall of;. co
hour went hy, some mingled in the busYconversa,
cal brick and lime, with loop holesat'shoredistances
tion of politics, some set apart and calculated the
for the use of the title npd musket. ,At distances
gains Of the shop or the courming-house some were.
of a few hundred teet are bastions, nine in num
wrapt up in the book with which ~ they .were en
ber, of solid masonry. mounted with heavy guns, •
gaged, and one or two, with whom time seemed
so arranged as to command the outer side Cif - tile
to hang heavily, composed themselves to sleep.—
wall, and surrounding country. Two of these has Inshort, one and all were Like men who thought
tionS. Santiago and Sonception, are of immense
that let danger come to them when it might, at
strer:th, and . stand at the extreme points of the. least it would not be that day.
colunianding the Castle, lid the, entrance to.
It drew towards fouo in the afternoon, and the
the harbor.—whialt is between the castle and the steamer. which-had hitherto been keeping. the mid
city. Taken together,. the same combination of dle of the lake, stood southwards—Erie, the place
strength, the same recuperative powers of resist- to which it was bound lying on the southern side.
ance, is probably not . to be found on.the American Old John Maynard was at the wheel—a bluff,
continent. Gen. •Scoti landed on the north east weather beaten sailor, 'tanned by many a wintery
side of the city, beyond the range of the guns, of__
temper. He had trely learned to be contented
both town and Castle. The result of that brill- with his aitation; none could say that they ever
iant achievement is well known, there was how.
heard him repine at his hard labor and scanty pay.
ever much, verymuch, to facilitate a capitulation
He had, in the worst times, a cheerful word and a
‘vhicitit is not necessary te mention here.
kind look for those with whom he was thrown—
You have doubtless read of the " mole," but if
cast often enough into bad company, he tried, at
you arcas ignorant of its use, as i was till I came
least, and generally succeeded, to say something
here you probably would like to know what"pur
for its good. He was known from one end of lake
pose a Mexican mole sutwerves. It consists sim- Erie to the other by the name of Honest John May
ply of cut stone and lime, strong and substantially
nanl. and the secret of his honesty to his neighbors
built, running out into the bay about 350 feet, and
was—his love for God.
about 60 feet broad.
• • The land was about ten miles off, when.Ahe
The water is too shallow fo r veaFo l,., to approach
captain, coming up flom the cabin, cried out to a
the shore. henCe the necessity for the mole, along
shle,of which the surf boats receive., and-discharge • •4 Dick Fletcher, what's that smoke I see coming
their loads to and from -the vessels lying in the hat- out from the hold 7 ."
bor. Horses and mules for the American army are I ,• from the engine room, sir. I guess.
landed in a different manners a rope is put around
their necks, and they are thtown overboard, and ta
ken through the surf to theishore with small boats,
The Custom house, buildings lad been finished but
a few ntonthh, when they were taken pos.session of
by the
,•. Yankee, - 'officers, they are found lobe very
convenient indeed. They would do no discredit to
any city. mid are really the only improvement the
Ale‘icans have made to the place.
A walk of two miles to the Cemetry is not unat
tended with dangers lit 11 it is performed by those
arc curious to see what is, -or has been doing.
At this place the gallant Gen. Worth w.ilatationed,
and tint drew the enemy's fires. Th•ollexicans
came near destrrning their own c&rtietry, together
%roll a very neat chapel. standing in the centre of
the enclosire. The dome. roof, cornice and walls
of the building are much injured, many of the sh o t
lio%. ever were better aimed. The wall of the ceme
try next the town ie full of ball holes: Cannon ball
and frag.nients of shell are to be found in the vicini-
ty. The remains of some American ilifficers who
fell victims to the vomito, the past season : are de
posited in vaults there. It was at the Cetnetry that
.1(ljt. Whipple was taken prisoner; the past 'sum
mer. and 'Lis said has not yet been released.
.Col. Hays mounted Texan rangers have been
Tit i4.4>..:i..u;11 Lev:.—" Dost thou love me ?' l '
asked y youth. in the holiest and richest hour of
love . —the first, when souls tintl' themselves and
give themselves. The maiden looked at him and
ti as
silent. -
'. Oh, if thou Invest my,' said he, " do not he
silent - . But she looked at him and could not speak.
" Then I %vas happy, and hoped thou wouldsi,
love me: -but now all is over—Tall hope had happi
ness," said the youth. .
"Beloved, do I not love thee, then'!" asked the
maiden,Anl she asked it again.
" Oh, why dolt thou utter the heavenly sounds
so late I" asked he:
She answered, " I . was too happy, and could not
speak ; it was not until thou gayest me My pain
that. I was . able."
THOSE boast of abstinence who have lost their di
gestive power ; those boast of chastity whose blood
is cold and stagnant; those boast of knoviing how
to be silent who have nothing to say. In short,
mankind make vices of ofthe pleasures which they
cannot enjoy, and virtues of the infirmities to which
they arc subject.
The Melanoma of Lake Erie.
the mart
Duyvil with you, then, and let me know.•'
The sailor began descending the ladder by which
you go to the hold : but scarcely had he disappear
ed beneath the deck when up he caine again with
much greater speed. „
Tlie hold's on fire, sir," -he said to the cap
tain, *ho by this time, was standing dose by
The captain rushed dawn, and found the account
to be true. Some sparks had fallen on a bundle of
tow ; no one had seen the accident, and now not
only: much of die luggage, but the sides. of the; ves
sel Were in smouldering flames.
All bar ds, passpngkers as well as sailors;Atere
called tozetlie! : and two lines being made. one
on each side of the hold, buckets of water were
tilled, from the lake, they flew along a line of
ready hands, were dashed hissing on the burning
mass, and then passed on the other side to be re
For some minutes it seemed as if the flames
were subdued.
In the meantime the women on board were
clustering round John Maynard, the only man un
employed who was capable, of answering their
How. far is it to land."
" How long shall we be getting in 1"
" Is it.very deep I."
" Can they see us from shore r •
The helmsman answered as well as he could.—
There was no boat : it had been left at Buffalo to
be mended ; they might be seven mile froin shore ;
they would -prbbably be in in forty minbtes; he
could not tell how far the fire had reached. "And
to speak,the truth," be added, f' We are all in great
danger, and I think, if there was a little less talk
ing, and a little more praying, it would be better
for us, and none the Worse for the boat."
- How's her head !" shouted the captain.
" West-sod-west, sir," answered Maynard.
"Keep her south by west," cried the captain.—
We must 'go on shore anywhere."
It happened that a draft of wind drove back 'the
flames, which soon began to blaze up more furi
ously against the saloon; and the partition betwixt
it and the hold were soon on tire. The long
wreaths of smoke began to find their way through
ale skylight. and the. captain seeing. this, ordered
all the women forward, the engineer put on his ut
most steam ; the American flag was run up - and re-
Versed, in token of distress ; water was thrown
over the sails to make them hold wind. And
still John Maynard stood by the wheel, though
he was cut off by a sheet of flames from the ship's
crew. .
Greater and greater grew the heat ; t h e engineers
fled from the engine room ; the passengers were
clustering round the vessel's bow, the gallons were
sawing planks on which to lash the women, the
boldest were throwing oil their coats and preparing
forime long stru ggl e for life. And still the court
grew plainer and plainer; the paddles as yet work
ed ; they meld not be more than a mile from the
shore, and boats had just started to their assistance.
"John Maynard !" cried the captain.
" Aye, aye, sir," said John.
" Can you hold on five minutes loji - gcr '"
"I can try" -
AM he did try ; the flames 'came nearer and
nearer • a she e t of smoke would sometimes almost
suffocate him, and his hair was singed—his blood
seemed on fire with the great heat. Crouching as
far back as he could, he held the wheel firmly in
the left hand till the flesh shriveled, and the mus
cles cracked in the flames: and then he stretched
forth his right, and bore the agony without a scream
or a groan. It wA enough for him that he heard
the cheers of the 'sailors to the approaching boats ;
the cry of the captain. " The women first, aisd then
every man for himself and God for us all!" And
tEey were the last sounds that he beard. How he
perished was not known ; whether dizzied by the
smoke, he lost his footing in endeavoring to come
forward, and fell overboard, or whether he was suf
focated by the dense smoke, his comrades could
no tell. At the moment the vessel struck, the boats
were at her side : passengers, sailors, and captain
leaped into them, or swam for their all, sari
he to whom they owed everything, escaped.
He had died the death of a Christian Ifero--I had
almost said of a martyr ; his spirit was commend
ed into his Father's hands, and his body sleeps in
peace by; thir green side of Lake Erie.
gentleman. a resident of this county, nu Thursday
last, state that he had intended to purchase a cer
tain property advertised in the Venture.•for winch
he would have given yIM, and considered it a bar
gain at that ; that he had asked a neighbor who
takes the paper to inform him of the day of sal , .
who did so, but made a mistake of a mouth in time.
and the property was sold to another for less than
E3OO before he was aware of it. This man, in this
instance lost by not taking his county paper what
-Would have paid for it, for UPWARII , OG 11)71 i.K.tits.
Vet he i.. 110 wiser front this experience, and
blames another's'mistake's for the consequence of
his own short sighted parsimony. We feel no re:
gret for that class who complain that some protita
ble sale has been lust to them, or some convention,
has been held of which they did not hear in time,
or country business been transacted to their disad
vantage without their knowledge, when at the mod
erate charge of rit2 a year, they might be insured
against these mishaps.
A few weeks' ago, when prices for wheat were
high, a Partner of Richland township informed - us I
that he had sold his wheat fur 72 cents a bushel to
a produce dealer. The market price was 87i ets.,
but not seeing the papers lie did not-think prices ,
had gone up so quick. His loss would hare• paid
for a newspaper a dozen years, but he is no wiser
for the lesson and will always be a loser in this
way, without he has foresight enough to provide a
These are not fancy sketches : we could give the
names of the parties. if it were proper, but too ma
ny have suffered in the same way to doubt tbe
statement. Those, however, who are too poor to
take a newspaper, in tins way get ,poorcf tut the
want of it.
Fi'S); Y LETTER .- The foll(m ing ori 4 tilial letter
from General IVa.hingion, was read at alate meet
ing of the New York IliAorical Society. by John
P. Simpson, Esq., shouts of laughter : •
Nl:writ-Ron, sth Nov., 1782.•
Dear Sir :—By Dr. Gregg I send you 4 lies
9. 3., which appears, to be the balance due you for
your lands.
I pray you to get me made by the mea.4urc, a
pair of tne nicest and best leather breeches. I know
not at this time,-who is esteemed the nrt-t celebra
ted maker. or I would not trouble von wuh -.4) small
a matter. Formerly there was a person called, 1
think, the Carabous, by whom very neat breeches
were made. Whether they are yet to be had I
know not, neither do I know the price of the leath
er breeches at this day, but if the money sent is not
sufficient, the deficiency shall be paid on demand.
I would beg to have them sent to me as soon as
possible. I shall thank you for reiterating my re
quest that they may be made roomy in the seat.
They generally make them so tight in the thigh
that it is with difficulty they can be dravrtion. The
measure enclosed .is the size I wouldhave, not
what they could be brought to by stretching.
Yours, &e., G. IVAsitistrroN.
HABITS or ANIMALS.—Yuu can alter the nature of
an animal by changirg its fond. It will still belong
to the family. In this particular. bees are better
instructed. When they lose their. queen bee—
which is an entirely different animal from the ;
working, bye—if you present another within twen
ty-tour hours they will not accept her nor obel i her.
They prefer taking an ordinary grub, before lie be
comes a bee, and feeding it in a particular way,
and when it leaves the grub state, it becomes a
(peen bee, and they always sutler themselves to be
governed by her. • •
The habits of ants are extremely curious. We
all have heard o ant houses, sometimes twenty feet
in diameter, filled with halls and rooms of great
strength. These and beaver dams are constructed up
on strictly mechanical principles.
In some insect species, the males have none.—
This is the case with the glow worm and the female
hak the property of emitting a phosphorescent light,
and were it nut for this, the gentlemen glow worm
would not find his way to his lady's chamber.—
The ostrich, unlike other birds, is not provided with
means of sitting down. She cannot, therefore hatch
her em, but buries them in hot sand, and leaves
nature to hatch them for her. Some birba build no
nests, like the cuckoo, which doposits her eggs in
the nests of othgr birds—but she knows .enough al
ways to select the nests of birds that have bills
shaped like her own, for then she is assured her
young will have the same kind of food [title will
precure.—Scierdoc American.
In•the whole comae of my life, never knew
.one - man, of whatever condition soever, arrive to
any degree of reputation in the world, who made
choice of or delighted in the company or conversa
tion of those who in their parts were not much su
perior to him-ell.
The Toill-Vjate—A Lesson for Uppi.
We are all on a journey. The world tltroogh
which we are pasting is in some respects like a
turnpike, all along which, Vice and Fplly have
erected' toll-gates, for the arromodation of those
who choose to call as they go, and there are very
few of all the host of travellers, who do not occa
sionally stop a little at some of them, and conse
quently pay more or less to the toll-gatherers. There
is a great Jariety as well in the,ammint as in the
kind of toll, exacted at these different kind of stop
ping places. •
Pride and Fashion take heavy tolls of the purse;
many a man has become a bemar by paying at
their gates, fur the ordinary rates they charge are
heavy, and the road that way is none of the best.
Pleasure r ffers a very smooth. delighHul road in
the outw: she tempts the traveller with many fair
pmmises, and wins thousands, but she takes with
out mercy: like an artful robber she gets her vie.
tim in her power, and then strips him of health and
money, and turns him off, a miserable object into
the very worst and most rugged road of ble.
Intemperance plays the part of . a stuffily villian.
lie is the very worst toll-gatherer on the road, for
he- not only gets flom his customers their money
and their health, but frequently knocks their very
brains out, and leaves . them lyi4 by the road-side,
a stench to the nostrils of the passers-by. The men
you meet-in the road, ragged and ruined in fame
and fortune, are his visitors. I might go on can
mending many others who gather toll of the unwa
ry. Accidents Feltnetimes happen, it 'is true, along
the road. but those who do t-et through at least tol
erably well. you may be sure have been stopping
by the way at some of those places. , The plain
common-sense men, who travel straight forward,
get through the journey without much difficulty.
This being the state of things, it becomes every
one, in the outset, if he intends to make a cmintort
able journey, to take care what kind of company
he starts with.
We are all apt to do a great deal as our compan
ions do—stop where they stop—and pay toll wbere
they pay. Ten chances to one, then, but oUr choice
in this - pattienlar decides our fate.
Having, paid due regard to a prudent choice of
companions, the next important thing is, closely to
observe him others manage—mark the good or, ill
that is pr used by every course of life—see how
those ma ~ .e who do well, and trace the cause of
evil to its origin. Thus you- will make yourself
master of The information most necessary to regu
late your nwn conduct. There is no difficulty in
working things right if you ki.ow how.
Be car ill of yOur habits. These make the man.
And theye i
mine long and careful culture, ere they
gzow to bl a second nature. I speak of gootl hab
its. Hail nes are more easily acquired ; they are
the sponlaeous weeds, that flourish rapidly and
rankly wi t hout care or cultivation. t
11 N" DIM HUM 1. -It has been said hydrophobia. is
incurable and this is no doubt true, if‘Nthe poison .
is allowe4 to diffuse itself through the systeM before
a remedy is applied But if Mr. Youatt, - theNcle
brated verinary - surgeon, is right, bydrophobio
taken in cline, is not particularly dangerous. lie .
recommends the following mode of treatment, to be
commended as soon as possible after the injury has
been reciived : Cauterize the wound thoroughly
with huh,- caustic. Let this sharpened to the point,
,be applied thoroughly to every recess hnd sinuosity
of the wcund, where the teeth . or saliva of the ani- '
mid could possibly have penetrated. This will I
form an schar, hard, dry-, and insoluble, a cont•
pound of the animal fibre and the caustic, in which
the virus is wrapped up, and from which it cannot
be &opt: . rated. In a short time this dead matter
sloughs away, and the virus is carried off with it.
Previous to applying the caustic, it will often be
necessary to enlarge the wound, that every part
limy be fairly got at, after the first eschar las slough
ed off, it will be advisable to apply the caustic a
second time 'to destroy any part that may not have
received the full influence of the first operation, or .
that may possibly have been inoculated more by
it. This carefully and thoroughly done, the pa
tient may feel perfectly safe. The poison will have
been entirely removed, and no danger ran remain.
Mr. Youatt himself has been repeatedly bitten by
rabid dogs, and other veterinary surgeons also, but
afterporsuirtr. the course above recommended,
they jiave felt entirely secure, a confidence justifi
ed by the event, as well as by experiments tried
on inferior *animals. This , advice given not by
quacks but by practitioners elf skill and experience,
and founded, it will be acknowledged on reasona
ble grounds, is worthy to be noted and remembered.
.Hosev Itloox.—The origin of this word is so lit
tle known, and yet .so highly interesting, that we
are constrained to give an account of it. It is tra
ceable to a Teutonic origin. Among the Teutones
was a favorite drink called methtglin. It was made
of honey, and . much like the present mead of the
same . name in European countries i The same bev
erage was in uge among the Sax ,as well as an
other, called morat. Which was so made of hon
ey. but flavored with mulberries. ; These honeyed
drinks were used in great abliill c:e at festivals.—
Among the nobility the marriage vas celebrated a
whole lunar month, which was called a moon, , du
ring which the festival board 'was well supfilied
with the honey drink. Hence this month of fbti
val was called the honey moon, or honey tuOnth,
which means a month of festival. The famoui
fro aric is said to have died on his wedding night, frcl6
the effects of too much indulgence in metheglin.
Max.—The ancient Philosopher defined man to
be a cooking animal. A more modem one says
he is a book-making animal : but we think the
Cleveland Herald has hit it, which says but
man is a reasoning animel 'who paintawith the sun
beams, travels by steam, talks by lightning, !Teo).
lutes in,breadstrlls.and swaps handsaws a!rd
A\ AFRICAN 'SNIK v.—The Most c •trtkm snake of
-Cape Coast and of the adjacent co average
four feet and a half b length,' burin the interior,
snakes apparently of the boa kind i. ate mkt wkh of
.gigantic size.. Mr. Duncan relates in his ti travels
in Western Africa, in 1845.46, - that in crossing a ,
swamp he . meta Intritber of women, - ladei with I
produce for the market, and necempanied by oft-
eral armed men, who walked MO rear, all much
alanned;.zmil who informed the traVeller of the. ex-
tremt danger of passing any further, as a Jaws
snake had taken op his position In a tnatarind-treo
on the road-side.
" One of the party," the author proceeds to re
late, " offered to go' track anal, show es the_ enor
mous snake, and several ethers of the party volun
their services also. ~Lccortlingly we pro
ceeded about six hundred y; s, when we arrived
at the velvet tamarind-tree ich they had spoken
of, and which was thickly vered with leaves; but,
fex tl
upon examining the tree, We could not observe
.anything of the nature described. When I was just
upon point of accusing 'them of boating us, one of
, them who stood a little behind my' horse, suddenly
calld out " Waroo--witoct !" upon which,- one of
. my soldiers seized my bridleto pull my horse - aside,
and to my amazement, the monster wax, pointed
out to tee with part of his body coiled eland a
bough ' and its head and.a considerable part of its
. -
body hanging down very tiear our heads.
" It appeared this reptile had descended the tam
arind, and had ascended a much larger tree of
different description. I immediately dismounted,
and unstrapped my double-barreled carbine, which
was heavily, charged, one barrel with swan-shot,
and the other with smaller . shot. The snake was
certainly of enormous dimensions, and remained
quite motionless. I took a steady aim at the neck,
Just behind its head, and fired the charge of slugs
effectually t though, for some time, .it seemed to
hive but a slight effect upon it, for , it raised its
bead, and coiled the fore-part of the body . nihnd
another branch of the. tree; but the spine being in.
jured, it soon appeared to lose strength, and the
tail, which was coiled round a limb, began to re
lax. .1t again uncoiled its fore-part, which hung ,
down towards the ground. I then took my sword,
'which I had sharpened equal to a 'razor, and cm the
head off at one stroke; but even then • the people
would not venture to touch it with their hands to.
pull it down, till I gave them a piece of small cord,
which 1 invariably carried in tny pocket. This was
fastened around the body, and they then succeeded
in pulling it down. The monster was of the boa
tribe, and measured thirty-one feet long, but the na
tives told me they land seen them much larger,"
SAGACITY or Tne Doe.—The following instance
of tidelity and sagacity in a dog was some time
hack related by Dr. Pariset, late President of the
Academy of Medicine at Parisi at a meeting of the
Society for the Protection of Animals A young
man, at Perpignan, was arrested on a charge ofcon
spimcy. and taken by two gendarmes from that -
city to Paris. He had a dog, which, seeing its mas
rei. carried off in this manner,. knew that he was '
unhappy, and his looks 'showing sadness and grief,
the dog followed the carriage in which hii master
was conveyed,' but took care not shqw himself
Then they arrived in'Paris the carriage
to the prison of the.Conciergerie. There
tvellers alighted, TO the deg not being
able any loner to conceal himself; assuming an at
titude of submission, of condolence, and of fear,
-came crouching master, who, surprised and
aflected, replied to his, caresses by his own, and
obtained leave from the 6 vemor of the prison for
the poor animal to remain wi him. Three months
passed beforeithe trial came on;and on the day it
took place the young man was foftewed to the hall
of justiceby his dog, which lay down 'hider abench,
where it remained, during the trial. Thcc yoUng
man was unanimously acquitted, and waamost
warmly cone atulated by numerous - friends
were present. Beloreleaving.the court he inqui.N
red -for his Ling, but he was nowhere to be found. \
From the joy which followed the acquittal, the dog
concluded that his master was outof danger, and
had nothi 'g
more to fear, and It immediately set
out for Pe ki6man, traveling night and day. After •
f more than 100 hours he reached the
arrived at his master's house, - where he
idly and scraped violently- at the door;
it was opened by the surprised family,
ushed in, his heart palpitating, his eyes
with delight, running from side to side,
nd uttering cries of joy, the movements
ole frame seeming to <ay, " Rejoice, he is
sound, and after a short time lie will be in
of you.** In reality, two days aftern - ards
roved, acquainted the faimily of the hap.
of the trial, and announciag the speedy .
him for whom,they had so long suffered
est anxiety.. From Paris to Perpignan the
is 2-10 leagues,6oo English miles. As
lie dog saw his master acgiitted, which he
mi witnessing the joy of his .friends, he
ive have rtrasoned in in this manner; "- My
is now in safety, end I ant no longer neces
him; let me run home to those who are
a state of cruel suspense by the uncertainty
le, and show them by my joy that he is
hey will then be as happy as I am."
a journey
city, and
barked 1
and whe
the dog
of his vrl,
safe and
the mid-
a letter
py resul
return o
the Brea
soon as
knew fr
, I
must h
kept in
.ot !Os f
Ti to dumb animals ig one of the distill-
ple. %
all the e
ebty an
the ire• 1
vices of the lowest and basest of the pee
-1 herever it is found, is a certaian..mark of
o and ,meaness ; an intrinsic mark, which
eternal advantages of wealth . , splendor and
cannot obliterate. It will consist neither
e learning nor true civility ; and religion
s and detests it as an in-it upon the maj
. the goodness of God,. who having mado,
nets of brute beasts mittister to Me improvi
the mind, as well wi to l the conveniencaof
hath furnished us with a motive to Met
coMpassionr toward thaw very strong anti
11, but too refined to haVe any influence on
meat o
ihe hod
of and
the that
_Tate or irrcligium