Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 10, 1847, Image 4

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    --- - - -----...ter---- ------------ ' - ' • -..-
Cistelrfalf ftrayi Filing Illalll4l l llPf , - -*'''' • .Toltekitnile is.
. E .: ----- .
_.. ., -f
liars, whoteseihri Water, as a constant ligrrorNe —,
. gvl if Co 511 alil A ZID
for .man or animals, is essential to sound health. Its :
relative -salubrity depends oft the -various animal, Ser t 4naller• -111 4% ':" "
I:lftwaders!esetaterabiatsAtteisetiert. aid Attistitof the
Vegeta/0S and iiiineial 'particles, with which it is / .yvi Ziev! IrOdt. *TAU thentathrOl! of the Idial.stlilie 3 0i :::
" k''til by the curustre l g e nm i t , ogr e te u r n itira thr..:r tu , s: t e w ss:/ . 2 , 1
hitpreignated, and the plates *hence it is procured. beacon grad ilelliali
The transparency or purity of s that obtained from wEr nir Chalc y_
ND . y a lrepa= li tu la iltaes ii •crta,b; branches, . . ore one
Weft of springs; Variesaccardin to the strata of earth western trends that no pains skull be spared, ' lnt out part, to
"through whioh it pere , ,la:e.t The m - oA . mitoles.micie rt"Lse
nuw ell '" mera•
.-- • -
1/ 1. % - ‘ 111..1 . N*9 w .AND HEITAG. tt.orrittNG
fluid, derived from Sprlnlie issoin.r; from pure sand- a 1.1.0 rst ;..",r; John at, rrfrner ot Na•seu AU nitro an
t2OllO or primitive rocks, rtrlrCi i saad•. - 1011, rincipal. stovik'of B:x:seeable tlettleng alwal a ots band. •
Iv collapsed of 'Eranite or (pinta. ;lie, -, ,i% n 1• d` t 1 t;/ 1, ltr r. %I-law & co., teili s..vls FANCY iish)Ds,
1.-2 Peara.
dorgene a fig:re; ten. The waver of lakes
nose Claths
Al ,ntn, t:rivr 4.1:0 , Mantrraetertrs 01 . r.00r o.lttoe.. 72
and ponds has similar, pattperie3 in general. as that
el rivets Crbrooks, being loss agitated, and con• t n at EL hal-v. " a31 " 1:7 all lain4ll gr it " a mrml 4 f
taining more orgarde matter in a state of deeompo: 1 Cloth %
"AR' owse. -
WLSON‘G Huvr &co , •
chitin, it acquires a greater degree of purity, and en 1. 1 ;,„,. • ' ,e- r oost comet pi N 1641.
consequently is less fit ler culinary use ; though, on aLuttictl. naßgrow e co.. Carpet warehouse. No ' so
account of its eoftris es, it pay be ern ployed with . • i'"il street . 51 /"lnficipre 2 Cheeteettede ii rule , sad hlc
hawk Valley' works. both at Attaterthltn, N V.
advantage for washing clothes. • , S.k . MrEl. POW NE. (diocesan to null Jr.B:weeit I wh lessl
Rain-water collected in the vicinity of cities or i 't h ." 3 /e*lts I t hiti l'7ri n ,,,..arld art 844 4 :"Is•W ' John °ll tree r t ,
populous towns, as well as in the' neighborhood of , ,--twecll ...1 'l"' a nd -*l4reell
-2,71 a t WI
area ? L OD, wholesale rooksellets and Stationers,
marshes or mines, especially during summer, is al-,
ways more or leas impure. Tnerekrre it should. heemant Beelu and Stationery.
itch & LOl.l 111.3. ' L 01 mania= street *
one door south I
not be used, if it can be-avoided, except for wash- Cedar at..importora at, e slaumiteratere of stank Books. Pa.
per. Maintold letter writers, Copying presses, inks and all
tug linen, fac:,.pr watering plants, unless it be.' pu- k nds of Stationery,
rifled by filtration;or other means. The fluid ob- ti. r. & v.,. DOC . I3I.F2ISA. importers end wholesale dealers
mined by tits wing snow is somewhat perer; but i i; n ls . n .-Fre i neh' ralglish• German Cud American Stationery - Alm
e n en l eiT l a lia t su an p d er neer Looks, No. 40 John et.
of all natural %velem, that obtained by melting hail ibac u a
. is the most pure, as it contains fewer extt\aneous HASKELL & MERRICK. Druggists. No. 10 Gold at.: also
-particles, in Consequence of its congealing high in fur eforiegenareaimPahnilufadasetTrhe'raofe) chemical
ma ''st enacia ' and
be air ; , so ihat it cannacombine with noxious in- _
41 _ 4 ' T .4 oryesiss Miaiptotie Maehissea.
gredientaduring its descent. Like all water, how- Ur r . ,; n ' u, i i r . l , l' !""nuna T orpedo • Niagne'le Machines; 'l"'
aperor to any in the United States: manufactory
ever, which falls frorrethe cicalae, it contains minute i No 0071 Broadway.
tla quantities of air, carbonic avid nitric acid, carbonate PETER . LORRlLAllt o ir ik S a o sT e rr a m s t 7E lb ' i a li l b e e s e l eg °. e t c. a:Leaner. 42
of an3mcnia and other salts,. Chatham at. New Y
,vorerß•French, Rappee. seoteb and other Song'. t aTso se .:n a.
Well, or pump water, is generally less pure than c 11 1 , eh ! w i i , ng and smoking tobacco, and every art . tele In hi e s
the preceding, - as it very, frequently contain.. lame t o,' and full t price e vc
current 'a l t u se al I n T rily g a r dt i sis p : n".': punctually above. attended
quantities of carbonate of sulphate of lhne, ' Iron Mao Depot.
l a itO w . N e os r 137 and 1 , 19 Watrr st. manufactu
are the cause of "1 artiness," and the property of si - r , T r o , r ,i„.‘,,T r T ',„ n „ 4 genuine double and single Salto
cur4krtg soap. In till large towns, thet bare long. 'n a n d " 5441 ' ' I
been inhabited, the wells are generally unfit for use. w ATclins it A w d e l i r i n I sa' cc° F ancy
a eons B -,
Toys,Fancy Goods, lee
in-cons4 . 2quence of the - ground ha4ing been tainted 'No 105 Chatham sein'are•
w ; Lich 1.1 . n r 0j5 ,.. . i s. e
c s II oF? r ; on d eruMai , on. low fir cash. N. n duc
hy church-yards, vaults, and other nuisances,
. doubtless, is the cause of much su ff ering. and even try the etta v h e l4te u m rui"a"la t h el d rit:,!Nn o cro'ctrent.k . ..i)?4.Lit
at.- near John. .
of the shortening of. life itself. Therefore. hi all
Ftl %RV
e P r i ;t 4 r 4F L ORNI SCALES for rale by F.LIE.9I7CIS
regions v here lime-stone or other impurities in the .
soil abound, or where the farmers unavoidably have : RIO); k. c , I Salam ander sates.. 6 r ;
to sink their wells to a great dep th . would recom- • • Safes. w ' ar " ra: " ltTd ru tice Fro a en ten :la d ra o one " d a ... 1 1 - e'd!.; imp an ro d r t c!
mend the construction of cisterns near all tbe ;nil i
ie.- e n :l e e n e`l o o n o t t , h w c ar,i ‘ : r olrW au r t .llT " C ' 'i l t t l l l . ll r e . tr i gS e lll n e ti rt% n i;ilJ l l3s. 'nle al " kelli..
and pal farm-buildings for retaining the watch !which i o s tli; i r . a , ay n to
lli ... ,, tt a i t c t h i.
. .k tr t e in t .'s ..\ iate „,, fei; . in
l ase. For r sa :e , try A
may fail from their roofs. By ibis rhesus a large nufacturcrs. .llso by Re.;ma . nd is &' a C C o rn , t i' l lii p e r ei the • l u n i a id
b: Houseman Lowry. lit. Lotus.
supply of whole-some water may be had' ther rear t Saddlery,
' round, at a eoinparatively
,small cost,. which will tv. , o, huCiC. eiiaarca-atn aild
anwoetu C r o c a r ch li on iar tpo v e r r are.
for the
, supply of large dealcrs.W toct
) Pearl re.
not only be mentifl in all purposeS about the house,
but will he•found useful in irrigating the garden, as t , iv. onstli r ltTt a z!s e Frokery " 1 " .
t t,!
audt st., New York. Careful
peeking and low prices.
well as for ttre \vatering ol the stock.
cot.To .. N-A r L i 'lra IND TrM ES (11 iiitßity C' t sy. 2 v o ts..-1r s ,s.
The most convenient'd durable mode of con- or (Ivo Score; I vol. The above are fall and
• :groping a cistern, is to mi ke
it of zeeirruiar form,
just atah rh i e nie
ted i l:%ear. or RINIP MA Imp—
under ground, with the 'bottom and sides lined art h. Pubbabed by A. S:ii.Aft. rr \ 4 l33 a Co.. e i si n g u hra n ' eln t! f roads.
bricks or stone laid in hdraulic cement: and io Blusleal Instruments.
y -.•
i 4 .. IiOWARD MACE. el Fulton ear. Gold. Man fa tan d
many cases mortar maybe plaatered directly car the Importer. keep* constantly on :ere
hand the target,, . n . .r u tme r tit rit
sides of the pit 'without the aid of bricks or stone.- .. , t i t , , T i c er a a l i w za tar t: ;: ro ai a i r i lo m ie ns re t rz t it;se cn r3 , t ai m i l. Also, eul i kinda of
• A cistern . eight feet iu . diameter and nine feet I J. F. BROWNE, Importer 'and manufacturers of improved
deep, will hold about one hundred barrels,- and L a te
ar i 0 4 1 double action Harps. single do., mw e, straws An.
1 from 200 to tow dollars. Established IEIO-10. 251 '
will require three thousand four lvinclred bricks to . t 13rwaY. New York. and London .
face its sides. The cement to be employed should Ctit l •° s . 5 -1" 8 • 5 . 1 Cie; at. Importer and Dealer in Conllir
be of first race Quality , such as that used in the con- e y Goode, Bro r rar o ituat .ni rt Sca sk t i . p re s, n /t h ru a sts, 6 l7ol:4 lF L:
struction of the Croton aone . duet, or the Eerie canal. CIIARLFA D RHODES, 120 Pearl street. New York Fancy
and Staple Hardware, Beads, Combs, Lhatons and Brushes.
Tf this cannot conveniently bp obtained, a very good .
article may be made of four parts brick-dwt, finely j• t i tot l in j oga m . • F T s ' o ß dr t e rr wl f tre ct ra rg eo m er' d c i u m n por rope °r rs, l Vo. r
screened ; eight parts fine, sharp, fresh-water sand, 138 cad st r ee L dia ii.
twelve parts lime completely slacked by burying D. Itorrom aN. Itlaintfacttrre'bblierGo ods .
rand Dealer in ll kinds ofind'a
Bobber Goods ; warehouse No. 27 Maiden Lane, cur. 'Nassau
,in the ground so as to exclude , :the air during the
proem of slacking; three parts powered quicklime, K,
it. J. FRlSlll l t idi omr a aiss Rubber ori ter S i h n o s e ll ih kinds of Rubber
newly burnt ;and thes, and manufacturer's agent for Goodyear'scelebrated
Parts powered charcoal. - patent shoe, and Providence shoes, 250 Pearl at
First, mix the slacked lithe, brick-dust, charcoal and Manntheturers of Sheet and 80 1 l B rae..
SMITH & ia.cons. us John at.. New 1, ork Al.omr ale
, sand, with water sufficient to make a mortar thinuer Cr op
par rods.vota. and Brass and Copper Tubin g sad Stair
than, usual; then `sprinkle in the quick lime. Mix . vi li
well' With a trowel, -and use immediately as it' will for sale by Brass s E a A n G I II n C I eZ2r Of d r.7l2 C A ST arl O at. Bs.
soon grow stiff and hard. • . -
Cisterns should be completely covered with
planks or stone, so as to exclude insects, dust and
leaves., If the building 1 , 1 be
,situated on a hill-bide.
' it word be , preferahle to Conduct the water to the
place; where wanted for use by means of a pipe.
withdut the labor of pumping, or lifting it out by
halyl.-Amencan A gri,...ulturisc:
Ttst Etaxim's • Csr.r.n.—We believe in .small
faims and in thorough cultivation. The soil laves
to eat as well as its owner, and should he nitrtured.
We believe in larg crops which leave the e land
better than they found it—making both the farm
and fawner richer at once.
We believe. in going, to the bottom of things, and
therefore in deep ploughing, and enough 151 it—all
the better if with a subsoil.
IV:e believe tha(the best fediity of the Soil is. the
.spirit.of industry, enterprise and intelligence ; with
this,- lime and gypsum, bones and green manure.
marl tSr, plager, wilt be cf little mite.
We believe in good fences, good barns, good farm
heit*>s, food , rieck i and good houses.
l'tge believe in a clean kitchen, a neat wife in it,
a spinning piano ; a clean cupboard. dairy and con-
We firmly disbelieve in farmers that will not im
prove; in farms that grow poorer every year; in
starved cattle : in farmers' boys becoming clerks
an'a 'mechanics ; in farmers daughters unwilling to
work ; snd in all farmers who are ashamed of their
RECIPE roa Dram BLVE.—Take one pound of
pounded taproot!, boil it in a sufficient quauity of
water until alt the substance is out of it, then take
about half a gallon of'tho liquor and 'dissolve ono
cancopf verdigris, and an ounce of alum in it. boil
your yoFri the i tcri, wood water one hour, stirring
it and keeping it loose. 'coke out your yarn, mix
the half gallon'that contains the virdigris and alum,
then put yopr yarn into-the mixture, and boil it four
hours Miring and keeping it icrage all the time, and
'taking it out every hour to give it air, afiert"
dry it, then boil it in soap, and water, and / it is done
The above will dye six pounds of couOn yarn an
elegant' deep blue. After which put in as much
yarn into the same liquor, and boil it three - hpors,
stirring as before, and you will have a good pale.
blue,. or boil hickory bark iu ym - r liquor:, and
you will have , a beautiful green.
Rest assured there is no imposition in tfic at , ove.
It is cheap. Any person following the, recipe will
fitlitit proves sidsfactroy.—.Soulhern Calticatur.
et.MENT sore Carers.—White of eggs, ',/nl;klell up
with a hula _quicklime, (or chalk burnt in a com
mon fire and pounded.) will make a good Cornellt
for glaas and porcelain. It, not absolutely ne
cessary that the 4alk should be burnt, though it is
generally used' so.
Are you wronged Bravely revenge the wrong.
Slight it and the , r begun orciv4 d
Stant and Ward,
Manufacturers and wholesale dealers in BOOTS & SIIOES,
No. 251 Pearl street.
iatretehed on the only patented machine in the country }---
rhese bandstare made from the bun of oak leather, and from
the bean or solid part of the side only. thoroughly stretched
and cemented. and rivited together. and warranted to run
stra•ght and to give smisfactscm. Orders addressed to the
subscrtbet with meet prompt attention. WNI ICUMGEII.,,
. Patentee, Ferry street.
, Leather and Finding Store*. M
ARMSTRONO.A. SONS, No. 64 Vtscy and No. 6. Fer
ry st. Importers ofcalfskins. shoe thread, tasting. galloons itc.
EDWARD conntry, Tmponcr of Sboe Findinrs. and Deal
er in shoe manufacturers articles of every description No.
2' Pearl at, Ncw Vujk. An extensile assortment of gal
- loons and ribbons.
Lr.wis-r&TNIAN & CO.. manufacturers of Matches and
Blacking, put up in tin. woaiien and paper boScs ; and &.I
matches sold by us are warranted to keep in any climate for
years. as they are manufactured under the charge of Mr.
Jacob Backes, lair chemist for A. Dialer, Sold No WO-Eagan
went. corner Fteton streci.
D. k W. 11. LEE'S manufactory and warerooms of Chairs and
Cabinet rurniture, IGO Fatten at. Sofas, Divans, Bureaus,
corner Cedar street, (opposite the Ctr Motel. N. V.) are ce
lebrated throngheut the world, for their beauty, durability,
and extreme'elicaputas.
, Basler, Celebrated (fold Peps I
A. 0 EI.a.GLEN di. Co., Lek broadway. (up stairs) atenufitem
n-i• of their ever pointed gold pens and pencils. The trade
i 4upptled at the lowest rates.
D. S. NVILLIAMS. wholesale dealer in Rats. Caps, Muffs.
i Buffalo robes. Straw goods. umbrellas and parasols, lIM Pearl
street,. corner of Maiden Lane. grLowest market priced.
PLAIT DRUSII, wholesale Grocer, and dealer in provisions,
teas wines, ibrergn and domestic liquors, segara, kw. le.,
1(O West, corner of Robinson strFet.
iCIIARLF,B CUMMING, manufacturer of 011 e, hide vri=
curled hair. nears foot oil. Ite.. &e., No. 2, Plan sheet.
• constantly on hand iiperior moss.
Lamps I Lainps I 1
Howes P.revr Soup kkrrrost Gars For: crane Claes:woes
Lsisra." They are superior to all others: manufactured by
J.G. Fay, 1:X1 Fulton street.
V. IL Thosupsosaf an & Botanic Depot.
H. NVISCIfFSTER. 1003 John it. wholesale dealer in Thom-
VOLUM and Botanic medicines. Shakers herbs; medical books
glass ware_ syringes, distilled waters, extracts, olnuneuts.
syrupa and every variety of simple and comp6und medicines
usasilly kept tn Bonnie stores The trade supplied at the
lovvtit Market prices.
THOMAS DEANE GREENE. Impanel of and dealer u
London and l'lidadrlphia Parka' and Ale, Scotch Ale and
Champagne Cider, 152 Broadway.
REV. B. HIBBARD'S Viettl3l3 Prus—Price Is. 2■. and 4s
r.,.r box, retail Orders leadenly dub) and seat to Timothy
R. It.bbard. M. D., 98 Raul et, will MIA prompt attention.
HER vEr O LAW, wholeaale dealer in wooden ware, Mus
kets. brooms, mats, cordage. twines. wicking. matches. .fr.e
Japanned boom/rim and Americas netts; Nol2 Faium st.
Brooms Wooden Ware. •
,NYLArit C. SMITH. has rerocrred from los old sand, rfk
Fulton street. In No 25 Fulton, corner Waxer surer. His ora
stand is kept by C. W. Smith, in the name of •• Smith h Co."
For sale cheap.
Inc 23 doz. Pairtteikl`afle.l 10 00 nests Tabs. cedar and painted.
OP* - Brooms, nas'd. 1 1000 doz. Brushes,-assorted;
And a large aasortment of all kinds of ,wood and willow.
ware, cordage. twine. mats, Also agent for the sale of
curled Siva!, at manufacturer's prices, at Fulton, cor%Vsiter •
M. WILLARD. 150 Chatham, corner of Mulberry. offers for
sale at h s wore rooms% an .excellent and extended assort
ment of Beds Bedsteads. hianrasses. Feathers. &c. 4t1.5
Premiums. Awarded to Levi Brown,
By the ilicrieas inelitott for Cold Pens.
TN 1848—A 'Silver Medal for Superior Gold Pons.
1841—A Diploma fot Gold Pens,
1842—A Diploma for the bestOold Pens.
1843—A Diploma for the best Gold Pena.
• 1844--A Diploma for superior Gold Pens.
1846--A eilver Medal for the best Gold Pena.
- 1848—A Silver Medal for the bat Gold Pens.
This is to certify, that the above is a true copy from
the records of the American Institute
Rec. 'Bcc. of the Notericsn Institute.
—Tkentattelibtig VegMbl ; Tillik
Twat] , !bait toACUId - rael aid eery wed ,
--eft— - r '
IiErtiRiSPEINBERE* COgrAN* 4 lTei*lgive
ijotieeioo:Ps..4. /P1.0ER801.L.:041 11 1404- 71 0;'
'um& Tumfbkirer.esynp. &ono. Ontario.AiiegisAy.
Yates. aniLftetthen couptiee..N.Y.s stelelos-Bradeird,
Warren. Csawfoed,-Tiage, Potter. M'Keaa. Erie„Ciisr•
ton. Center. ent.Wyorningeonurieee Peoi? •
The General Agent is fully prepared to appotnt a suly-
Agents wherever there *no branch ofthe Ceatmtny ;
either of personal opptieseion,, or by mail s pect
The rapid sale of theseielehrated pills aithe extcactr
'hastY ewe. they Cr. coUsland, effecting. render them.
by (sr, thu most popuhg pill of , the age. An Agency
wilt conseqmnt)rber very -valuable.
•Pills are inconceivably superior to
any aver before discovered. In alrbilious complaints :
to general derangement-of the system .in all disorders
',stitch result from a bad., state of the blood. the* }ills
are a sovereign remedy. ._
In the claw ofilisease called throttle, the tititenherg
Pitts achieve th eir highest triumphs . Here ey defy
all competition. &Inuring within the hidden messes
of the system, they quietly but surely purify the blood,
root out disease, and give , tone and vigor to the body.
Cures arz constantly effected by these Pith, in cases
where every other mean* bed completely failed. They
moat abundant proof of this coald be given. but a We
of one inn will convince the patient. They can he or- •
dared and sent by mail, at tridfiig expense. The prise
is 25 cents a box., Where - two dollereveurth are order
ed, and the money remitted, the Company will pay the
postage on the pills. Remittances at the Company's
risk. Wherever there is no agency of the Company,
they can be ordered by well.
Thete Pills are taking the place of all others, and
no sick person should be without them..
AIL bilious complaints, bowel' complaints, constipa
tion, dyspepsia, fever and ague, headache, jaundice, li
-ver complaints, rheumatism, all stomach complaints,
green sickness,.dre., &c., yield at once to these Pills.
They purge away offensive humus, arrest the progress
of disease, and at the same time restore tone and vigor
to the system. In easee of general derangement of the
health, they are sovereign.
By their use, the weak will become drone; the pale
and bilious complexion be restored to a perfectly fresh
and healthy color ; all the bad symptoms will one by
one disappear.
In short, these Pills are an inconceivable advancer
upon any other medicine ever before offered to the pub
lic, A trial will nib* any one of this.
In addict to to the above, may be found at the nu
merous denots of the Company, the following incom
parable medicines, viz:
Tbe Graofenberg Sarsaparilla Compound
" Fye Lotion;
" Fever and Ague Pills;
" •Chi/dren's Panaees ;
" Green' Mountain Vegetable Ointment.
The attention of those suffering from disease, are pa.
tieularly invited to examine and decide for themirelver
The following named persons are duly authorize ,
agents in- Bradford floun'y, for the sale of the abovt
medicines from the Graefenberg Company :
N. N. Berta, Towanda Daniel Dailey & Son, Le.
raysvil le ; P. B. Cotton. Litchfield i J. V. Daniels, Bur
,lington ; .1. M. Edsall, Wells; David Gardner, Athena;
Theodore Harding, Union and Canton; A. L. Merritt-
Wells ; Mii & Storrs Standing Stone
_; C. T. Murphy
Ridgberry ; George Nichols, Rome; T. M. Pike. Ul
ster; Rogers and Fritcher, Athens; Henry Russell
Windham; Stacy & Tozer, Springfield B. Buffing
ton, South Warren. 10y
THE subscribers still continue
.. I to manufacture and keep on hand
at their old stand. all kitda at cane
kiii i il and wood scat CHAIRS; also
/ '
SETTEES of various kinds , and
:- ..., _ /
BEDSTEADS of every descrip
\". ~
- \ lion , which we will Dell low fur
x cash or Produce, or Wbite.Pine
• ; \ lumber, White word. Bass wood,
or Cucumber el air plank, or 4 by
4 Scantling 13 feet long—either Buttonwood, Basswood
or Maple, will also be received for our work.
Turning done to order in the neatest manner.
. Towanda, Feb. 22, 1847.
'JP lIC 21111 T 'Mr X .211117 1111Gilr at
111331133 'So 411141Wato
PESPECTFULLY informs the citizens - of Towsn•
l da, and the public generallY that he is prepared to
execute in the neatest style all descriptions of
House, Sign, Conch or Carriage Painting. or
Trimming ; and every variety of Fancy
and Ornamental Painting.
From his long experinice and the many specimens of
his productions now in use, he entertains a flattering
hope that by close application to his profession, and
being prompt to order be may secure a suitable share of
public patronage. He mey he found at all times at the
Chair Factory of Tonakins & Makinson, where he will
bevit hand to auend to the calls of those who may want
his servees.- PAPER-HANGING done on short no
tice. in a superioi manner and reasonable terms.
Towanda, July 6, 1847. Iy4
A Woolen Factory at Home,
THE subscriber si take pleasure in announcing to the
citizens of Bradford county and vicinity, that they
have leased for a term of years the building situate in
Wya!using township, and known as Ingham's Factory.
and which they are nowt:kiting up with machinery and
apparatus for the manufacture of broad and narroa •
cloths, flannels, &c.,in superior style and on the moat
reasonable terms. Those wishing to have wool manu
factured upon shares will find it to their advantage to
give them a call, as,they are determined that no pains
shall lie spared to give the most perfect satisfaction.
They work Wool into Broad or narrow e .m 1 cloths
for one half the Cif4l. Of if preferred, they will manu
facture by the yard as follows :—Broad cloths for from
$I to $1.25 , Narrow cloth, from 44 to 50 cts. Other
articles manufactured for proportionate prices.
Wool canting and cloth dressing will be done on
fibrin notice and reasonable terms. Their will be pre
pared for business on or before the brat of June next.
W 9 1 1 1 %1 11 1 1 g. April 25, 1847. HALL & HILL.
THE subscribes are a little later than usual this
spring with their extensive stock of merchandise
but what the good people of Bradford county have lost
by our delay, we will now-endeavor to make up to them
in the quantity, quality and price of our goods.
We are now on hand with the .LARGEST, BEST
AND CHEAPEST stock of goods in Towanda, bought
exclulively lot eesti, and since the greet reduction in
prices. Our stook canasta as usual of
Dry Goods; Groceries. Crockery, Hard
ware, Drugs and Medicines.
For further, particulars look along through the paper.
Wa peed not a y •'Coll and examine our Goods," fur
we know tha t every body WILL call at No. 8, before
purchasing- elsewhere. WM. H. BAIRD & CO.
June 15..1841.
Corner Of Main and 'Bridge Streets
JEST OPENING, at the corner of Main eats ßridge
street, a well-selected 'assortment of new and fash
ionable DRY GOODS, which will be sold unusually
low for ready pay. The stock consists in part of
Sennett, flannel, gingham , alpacca, the cheapest lot of
prints in town, edgings, lusertinp. Swiss and cam
bric rousting, linsey, canton flannel, drilling,
bleached and brown Muslin. -(not to be
• surpassed) ticking, check, cashmere.
totton, wool and buck gloves,
_ cotton hose, suspenders,
Gerinan banddrchrs,
cotton and pongee tidkrs,
gingham cravats. plaid shawls.
wool comforters, cotton tape., patina
thread, sewing silk, cotton bells, packs
pins, needles, spool cotton. hooks snd eyes,
suspender. skirt and metal buttons, with many oth
er articles. o•galiy found in • store, not mentioned
The pablicare meted to call and examine the stack
before purchasing elseithere. is they will be sold elm
et slum at anY other establishment in town.
T.wavds,-IS . lov. 11. 141.011A1A.
eisoctirrs. in the country. eon be supplied with
N-?il 111 articles in their line, on the most reasonable
term*, et No. 1, BRICK ROW.
-I> 'sib ..,
44 1
--.---- MI. . .........
_j ~I
VOR the eurwat _DBAFNEBS, -pains, and the duo
matter from the ears. Also all those die
agreeable senadv, like the buzzing of it sects, falling ot,
-water, whisking of atom. &c, die., which are symp-
Aetna of approaching &iffiest,. and also generally attar
dant with die disease. Many Marna* who here
deaf for ten, fifteen, and even twenty years. and wee
obliged to ustyrer trumpets, have, after using one or tw
bottle's; 'thrown *side their trumpets, being made perfect
'ty well., Physicians and Surgeons highly 'recomusen
1 ifs net. .5 .. .• . . _ .
, Tint very great number of happy results that have fir
1 lowed the ;se ogiItARPA'S 40IP
-been truly astentshing. And what is vloderful, sox
I .who were eat from birth, have been so much inipmtil.
as to hear common conversation very readily. 1
- It would be the height of presumption to warrant e
core in all eases, bat in nine eases out of ten 'of recent
date. aft is a certainty that the results will be twit
happy en satiscfaurry to the patient. The application
of the oil reduces no pain, but on the contrary an agl-
able and• lessen! sensation. The recipe for this m t•-
ciue has n trotained from an Aurist of great repo-
, 1
than, wh has found that deafness/
of tweet . was produced from a want of action in - t e
nerves a hearing, or a dryness in the ears; his objtict
therefore was to fi nd something' which would create, a
healthy nditiorrin those parts. After a long seriestof
aspen ta his efforts were at last crowned with suc
cess, in e discovery of this preparation, which has ke
ceived the name of 80A ft PA'S COM POUND A CO U . S.
Tic Ofll. A long list of certificates might be given
but sueki the con fi dence in the medicine, and so high
has bee its reputation, Th at but one Of them will be at
present fi shed: ,
Mos Et CRAOMOINAR If Cue c!—A Ittly in Smith
field. Riad. Co., aa.. and now about eighty years of
age, ba4 , been grsdukly getting deaf for more then 40
years, that item next to impossible to make her hear
eenvenktion in the loudest tone of voice. Last winter
she waS Induced to tee - elcarpes Oil for Deafness." It
is only ;necessary to-add
_that. she used two bout's, anti
is perficlly,restored—slie is cured. Any information
in rag rd to the ease may be obtained at the store of Dr.
Jeyne,i No.B, South Thin! street, Philadelphia.
For lale by A. 8. CHAMBERLIN, Towanda, Pa;
only agent for Bradford e,nunty. 20----ty
I rery ImpOrtant Communication
Al all times,
I F YOU ARE SICK, get cured : if well. employ
1-measures to continue so. Every individual indulges
in habits, which must, to a greater or letiser extent, dis
arrange the admirable and intricate combinations which
form the system, and consequently
EVFRY tsmicrivcrAL
should possess, some nuld,yet efficicious, simple and ac
credited agent fur preserving all the functions of the body
good or. Ser.
AAA ULA •ND WILD ComaUT sitertlis
wilt achieve this result, and should be in every family,
and in the hands of every person. who by business, pro.
fesaton or general course of life, is predisposed to the ve
ry many little ailments that render life a cum, inr esul
or a blessing, and finally result, in their aggregated con
dition, is tbecanse
.The Bitters here inentioned are compounded by e
men of great skill and knowledge; from the simple Na
ture presents to those who care to find thin, and which .
are the only reliable antidotes to the poison of disease.
The; chief ingredient• are the universally-beloved Sar
saparilla and the Barhof the Wild Cherry Tree. with
which the red man of the forest cures nearly every dis
ease of the internal organ. These materials. though
powerful in their action, are, as common sense teaches
and prepared as they are here, rme of the grenitet medi
cal nperatites in the inhabit:Able globe. By taking
these arrrzass the scrofulous may be restored to beau
ty, and avoid the sharp Knife pr the surgeon ; for they
nut only eradicate pimples and tumors, hut overcome
Whoever is subjected to the horrors of Consumption,
should at ono" purchase this sure remedy. In the train
of Costiveness follow dreadful local congestions. often
times insonity. very frequently mania or hypochondria,
violent headaches, palpitations, and , other affections of
the heart and rheumatic swellings. Dr. Wood's Com
pound is one of the most efficient medicines in routing
the complaints, and their fountain head, that tan pouf
bly be procured.
From being confines] in close rooms, and from taking
a small modicum of exercise, numerous persons daily
■re made to deplore a loss ofappetitelkainfal headaches.
weakness of the muscles, languor, Want of energli
sufficient to permit them to seek recreation: &a. &.—•
These persons say for years. that they don't feel very
well." If they do not employ a method by which they
can feel %USTI st.t., they eventually sink. under a se
vere fit of illness, and are
only by a miracle, anti even then the bowel, leech, blis
ter and arlonsel have left them mere shattered hulks, full
of aches and corrows, and not only a item to theintrehre-.
but a source of disgust and annoyance to all with whom
they come in contact. All these
may be avoided by an early application of the vinnes of
these BITTERS For the truth of this, the proprietor
pledges his word and honor, and in evidence can show
files of undoubted certificates which he has received, un
solicited from all quaaters. He does not, however, ask
the-iiivalid to Swallow his certificates, but his Div -Tams,
Midis. willing to stake all he holds dear on earth in fa
vor of their worth.
in either a ramified or Revere form, will disappear bw
fore the {patine- of Dr.. Wood's preparation, and the
cure mai , be relied on as a permanent one. Did the
Birrsits posseiw no other recommendation, it would
be one of the finest vegetable compounds medical sci
ence can invent ; but it ts equal to the complete eradi
cation of
in every shape, and of every affection, minor or , g;ganfir,
of the biliary apparatus. Individuals who are constitu
tionally billions ought regularly to take this mild agree's
ble and excellent TUNIC AND •PLUICNT, as it will dif
fuse health throughout every 6hre of the frame, and
send happiness and love ok life thrilling to the heart,—
Families ought to keep if on hand. -
Every medicine chest on board of ship should Owls,
well stocked with this capital remedy, as SCURVY
cannot afflict those who take it. or long resist its vigor
ous assaults. ALL INPCNITILI Oa THL BLOOD vanish
before it, and the old relics of earlier imprudence inva
riabjy disappear, soon after being submitted to its action.
Every complaint of the stomach is broken by it. I'ns
Birrc as have in no instance failed of curing. JauNDICL,
GLIteuAL ni.istirrg every digorgonization of
By neglecting the little inroads made upnn the latter
a vast portion of our fellow beings are rendered extreme.
ly miserable—so unlivable indeed, that they wish to die.
Every bottle of "Dr Wood's Barsaparilla and Wild
Cherry Bitters," contains a modicum of Joy and content
for each of these anxious and imprudent sufferers. Re
member that an injudicious use of mercury is inevitably
productive of many evils which are put, to flight by this
glorious and unsurpassable compowid ; and that afflic
tions which are
may speedily Ind safely beshuilled offtbrougla ha agen-J
ey. As a Inedieinewhich musChenefd,
from the SJNPLT delicate to the CONTINID AND DES
PAIRING txr.eLin,no equal is to be found for it. It
would be well io bear in mind that preventive is infi
nitely more desirable that cure and that Dr. W oo d's
Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Bitters ARE ,ROTH.
Put up and mold in large bottles, at $l, by WYATT
&BE rcHUM. Wholetale and Retail Agents, )21
Fulton Elt. N. Y., RENTON tt lADD, Towands, sod
by druggist generally throughout, - ite U. 8. 6
and the Green Moahan Ve'gm, table Ointment, for
ante by the ouherriher, obi! Veld for the town and bo.
rough of Towanda. d 22 N. N. BETTS.
T AIRES ! I SAY, LADIES ! ! If you hare made
LAI up your minds to boy • nice dress. elnak•or shawl
this sesiann. /tool fail in rill at No. 3. Rick Row, where
von can find the most hest and ettespoo /mkt//in that
line. dud is kept in town, twoides all kinds of trimming/4
Remember, cell at . mll B A IRD'S. •
Ito 1 :
,ettt r i
;lest mate.
surparseirsi.,- ` 1 1 3 0 1 01. 4111
assortment in country shops, we will keepon ingtdruid
make to order SOSAS, of various , and meek approved
patterns ; Sofa Rocking - Chain. upbotateredin superinr
*kirk. and for wise and durability canal be Nursed
even in our latge cities. Alio, the haft Teen' . Ma.
Litany chsir, beautifully uPbe*Liedsailtb matlfd f air,
which never hates its elasticits,,,and liniObed or4t, s ttie
best hair seating. We tfauer oursolVes- that., having
had much experience in thwbusinsio, be .- sable
to satisfy all 'who may feel ai v asea ,call,-Iroth, we to
quality rind price. and by strict attention to :bs4riess
hope to merit and receive the patronage of • iibenil com
munity. L i M. NXE;dc GO,'
' Towanda, September 11346:
caarawit. ralit.rrivße
MAY BE HAD at our strop atnehlovre! than 'it
has ever been 'sold in Towanda.' GOO& are
chew. and *brown kitvered, and tingle die tense we
Can afford all for to do it. Ali kinda '64,produce will
be received in payment.Also.LUMßEß,of all kinds.
Sept. t. H. BYE 4 CO.
111CfirialEr'.1111E - 1111.1111711Nii •
WILL be kept on band a large asiortment, and
made to order on shorter noticeend for less J 110•
ncy than can be produced at any other-catabliehment in
the laud. TEwise who are coder the necessity of pro-
curing that. article wilt and shall be satisfied. A good
hearse and.pall may be bad in attendance when-desired.
September 1, 1845. L. M. NYE .dr. CO.
"g?,3 MD 11" .A . TIV IVIL 7
• • In Tana ncia.
M. BAKER respectfully informs the nightie that
he has commenced the GRAVE-STONS_bust
ness, in all its brandies, at Towanda. where he will be
; ready at all times to - knead to all calls in his line.
111onurnents, Tontb-tables. Grave-stones. of
every description.
made to order, and furnished as cheap as WORK and
MARBLE of the same quality can be obtained at any
shop in the country.
tie invites the public to call and examine his work
" and materials, hoping to merit their patronage by strict
attention to business, and by superior workmanship and
good marble.
LETTER-CUTTING done with neatness and des
patch, in the latest style.
shop on Mam street, next door to T. Elliotesstoter
and three doors above Briggs Hotel
Towanda, March 17, 1847,
cosTiveNEss, have given their certificates of cures
made by its use, when all otiiir remedies have failed, and
be proprietors are now piiristred to offer
to any persons afflicted with Piles, and ill diseases of a
similar nature, or which are found in conjunction with
the Piles, if a cure is not affected by the use of
it is an !mean:vat, Kant - tic, not art external application,
and will cute any case of Piles, either bleeding or blind,
internal or external, and the only thing that will. % There
is no mistake about it. It is It,positive cureitperdy and
permanent. It is also a convenient medic ne to take,
i t
and improve the general health in a remit able man
ner. It is very, mild in he opPerations, ari may- be ta
ken in cases of the most acute inflammati n, without
danger. All extemat applicaiihns are hi, the highest de
gree disagreeable, inennvenien and offeWsive ; arid from
the very nature of the disease, emporarj in 'their effects.
This medicine attacks the il cease at `lts
.source, and
removing the cause, renders the cure cOtatii and perma
nent. .
Although the Electuary -ices origi ally prepared for
the cure of Piles, yet it has proved it 1f to be amedi
cine far superior to all others, in all diseases of an in
flammatory character, with a determination of blood in
any particular' pact or organ. In Inflammation and
Congestions rif the Liver and Silken; Inflammation,
Soreness a nd 11:11necation olthill Stomach., 8.411411*. jchi
neys and Bladder : Inflammatory and Mercuisl Rheu
matism, it is the, Lest medicine ever discovered.
For all impurities of the Blood, arising ftom
prudent use of Mercury. or other causes ; for all dis
eases of the Ain and scrofulonti eircetions ; in all cases
where the blood is powerfully determined to the head,
producing dircinrse and &strew, Dr.. Upbeat's Electuary
is entirely unrivalled.‘
Married ladies are almost invariably subject to that
painful and injurious disease, the Piles, with consequent
inflammation of the Stomach. Bowels, and Spine, weak- .
ness of the Bach, flow of the blood to the head, &c.—
The Eleetuary is perfectly safe for pregnant ladies and
the moat useful Cathartic that can possibly be used, and
it will not only remove the Piles and all inflammatory
diseases without pain •or irritation, but will ensure an
easy time, a safe delivery, and a sound constitution in
the offspring.
R.qtratat. June 16, 1847.
I have been afß etc.! for years with the Piles. and
have tried, without anything like perManent benefit, al
most everything assuming the sans of a remedy. I
had, as a matter .of course lost all confidence in medi
cine.. Under this feeling, I was induced—ndi without
reluctance, Lconfrse—to use "UPUAM:a Eaccrustar:'
and having used it for about three weeks according to
the directions laid down, I find, to my utter surprise as
well as satisfaction, that every symptom of the disease
I has Left me. I think it due alike to Dr. Upham and
myself to make this statement.
G. W. NcLEAN, late of the Ti. S. N.
mg. UPHAM—Hasa S►a.—About five years ago I
was afflicted with, what was called Chronic Dysentery.
I have suffered with it ever since, and physicians hare
told me that air liver was affected, and that my bowels
were tiler:tined, for blood end pus, attended with ape
culiarly putrid smell, were the frequent discharges. A
short time since I made a visite to Massachusetts', in
hopes of benefit from a change of air, hut'atillt4d more
severeLyAbion ever before. While there a physician 'of
fered to cure me for $4O. in three months. Happily, in
the midst nt intense pain,. -occasionally relieved by laud
anum. I saw in the wrapper of your Electuary, a perfect
description of my complaint, together with many certifi
cates of cures. This gave toe great confidence in the
medicine, and I purchased a box, and nine doses of
which has apparently cored me, and I aro prepared to
say every thing in its favor, or render . any service I can
to humanity by subscribing to its merits.
Respectfully Yours,
Sold Whtileaale and Retail by YA Tr& K 're H
UM, 121 Fultnn Si, N. Y., HUSTON & LA MI TO
wands, and by druggest generally throughout the U. S.
Price $l. a him. NOTICE:—The genuine Electuary
thus A. Upham N. D.) The hand is also done
with a pen.
No. 1., Brick Rw, again in the Field !
Tip .a . Clus n therttu,
TiIAS just returned from the city
• 11 . of New York with a large
supply of Watches,. Jewelry and
• 4 7, Silver ware, comprising in part,
'L the following articles :—Lever,
L'Epine and Plain Watches, with
\\S)h,„47., •-•- • • a, omplete a s sortment •of GOld
Jewelry, such as Ear Rings, Fin
ger Rin ;a, Breast pins, Bracelets; Lockets, Gold chants.
Gold Pens. Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware,
and any quantity of Steel Benda—ill of Which he offem
fur sale eiceeedingly cheap for CASH.
; Weehes repaired nn short police. and warranted
to run well. or the money, will he frfunded. and a Writ.
ten agreement given -to that effect if required,.
N. B.— MA PI .E'SI IG AR. and Country Produce
taken in payment for work ; and ale,. learn now, and
farerer, Hurt the Produce mast be paid when the work
is done—l war against credit in All its forms. .
Towanda, April. VI, 18.17.4 •
iltz - asi ' raiffal• Line,
T 3 Pro .. '. : - Aboherfi-Plierforill eonenoe l e ,
ina's '' , of ' No' loses between BI:IllitA,
CoitirAff , ‘
~_,, , • ' rog_4 4 Nif.' l .6 iii°
ar murfan . /44 : niikeoi moeioglAresi t ' 4.
' cilitiaSOCh % ..
. iiireted to 0 0 EilattOte hap dila
I itaill lof Neii - V 'Pepailisitii.. •
‘ - tfielleito 'ord . Linen,. of the PIRBT CLASS,
lite,r a hrt u f n iifi 'Wilk id 'die - eOneinienei mdse.
Anxiiolotation'ofFA 'Silt; counnolnhelf, espenene ,
ad Veptainii; utid-' ed by" Mils of Hone,
BOAT • ROME. . opt.: B. W., THOMPSON,
~ poriog-thoiseo; fi of . . 2141., OM of the above, l ow ,
will lam cocain inCElsoira sway week in the . fig.
lowintooleek . :..
o.9alif Ple.+ 4 . l l.flY
giitem",everx 11 1 1
' ,Towing'ilown . F
ini..tiiiiebing it '
leaving Buffalo Coi
del, looming. ; '
on Bowl, Or to
8, B,
1 - Wil
BOAT RO E t CAPT. 11 . . w. TffOMPSON,
connected . ith. this line, (see adverti s e ment i n i n .
other column,vtl leave Eintira.on
.Tuerday, 14th Mit
and on every a tomato Tuesday thereafter, during the
SeIISOD • • sepls
tiew ailoring Establishment,
Corner of Main and Bridge its., 'over H. °Tares
Boot and Shoe Store.
R • .: il.til'O'Zribatlii - ,112 . 2
i t
ESPECT LILLY Wilms the citizens of Tomas.
da. end t e public generally. that be has comment ,
ed the Tailori g bOsmess, at tho corner of Main and
j a
Bridge sta., i the shop recently occup.ed by Mark 1:,.
Armen. wher e he solicits those in want of Tailoring,
to give'bim a 11.
Having bee employed in the most- fashiimsble estal.
lish tnents in hiladeiphia and elsewhere, and being de.
terminal to: TO no pains to please, customers ram:
depend upon Irving their work done promptly end in
• good style s can be had at any shop in town. All
work warnant well made and to 6t.
ca , cool done cheap , and warranted. ' . .
Towanda, . ugust 30, 187'7. .
TO HS W WILCOX - , having purchased the lute ,
..11 rest of hie late partner, respectfully informs the pub.
lie that he May still be found at the old stand, near I'.
P. Woodreff's tavern, where be =still Solicits a share of
public' patrianage., lie intends, by a careful , selection
of stock, and by attention to the interests of his custo
mers to make as neat and durable work' as can be ma
nufactured in this part of the country. .
He keep constant y on hand, and manufacture
to order, Morocco, Calf and Comae Bolds arid neer .
Ladres' Gaiters, S h oes and grips J -Children'a do.,
Gent's Gaiters and Pumps, ecc.
cO. Country Produce, of most descriptions, taken in
payment for work, at the market price.
Towanda. August' 30. 1847.
=lPdaU ".SM
,'the Medical Faculty in Anus!
Dr. Catler' i Infallible Remedy for IleNcrit.
Tentft of takinr, aild size
.af doses Wifely
at the option of thepatient ! ' . .
T" '4 . bore medicine can Iv tours) at all times at the
new establishment of CARTER & ...IrIVI A 1.1. f V,
tatether with an entire new and fresh stock di Gi:V.
CERIES. compnsing every thing in their iir> such
as Tea. Cotrire, :Sugar, Tobacco, Pepper. *re, Chaco
law, totoa, Ciiron. Figs, Raisins, &c.. and an millet,
variety of other articles top numerous to mention:"
all of hich will be sold as low as the gaßte cal lc
bought est of the Empire city. We also offer the •
most sp endid assortment of French. Cnclish and Ger
man T Y B , ever before t?frered in Northern Pennoi
vaniao ether with a full/ assortment of Nuts. Border
tionari Yankee Notions. Fancy gla;swarri,;&c, which
Must a ri will suit As to quality and price.
Oct. 12. 1847. CARTER & S VALLEY.
r a g sl y
G" H. &-R. DAVIS. TAILORS. ; larefrni ,, Po
• City of London. ) h:ive opened a shop, in the
second story .of the new Brickblock, erected by Burros
i Kingabery, on Main street, where they are prepand la
execute all orders in their line with accuracy & thcspatch.
FICUn their long nutrrigorotis in.trucnon in the an.
and their extensive experience as Foremen, in the hest
shoptin London, they fed perficay competent of lain;
able t please the moat fastidious tsars, and to emote
their ivork in such substantial :and finished style, ii to
I give tratisfaztion to their cueloMers•
(ICj' Cutting 'done to order, scut warranted to fit if
G. 11. DAVIS,
Pll3'l'7wlyanindaad,"EluciLt.L2„..._lSF. 7!-,I__..R.D.AA:IS._
What are you about here' Arn't yr! Yes, I prose.
r 1 \11101:::.1AN DS of times the question has been raked.
Where on earth are all-tha Boots stet Shoes IS ,
nufitetureti that supply the continual rush at the Nina
of Main and Bridge streets? (I'l4 art 3rpmers that des
is the place, anti tlaeae arc the things we do it nail'
! -
ta1ft...... - Screeit)..llyrgel
.'"'''''''-4-:---r- -ff -------'------' ''''..' l'ut tin tile. Suaol!
Meer ye ! heat ye ! and understand. that 011.o.s;
the r corner of Main and Bridge stre,t: , , wdi 'en t d - r ` ll.
cilia season. 39,781 pairs of Boots. Shoes an‘l43r o -' l '''
at 4 less pi ice than ever was or prubaNy ever all; '...cuP
Need again in Towanda..
The Ladies' Department iai this establislarnl
richly furnished with fashions. holies', mow,
children's fancy 'and common boots and Ai". tl " )
Ihc ic.
the extremity of the latest fashions. 'Mistake oat ,
place -Corner of Main and Bridge lowa,. th e , '"IY
ax Stor . i' in Bradford County. Half cob an d
soeormanngtls,gwaJnoemild6;clhBel now chea er
7p e 5
e for Butter. -
H. O'Bitg A *
.... -
' ..
LARGE assortment of Broad Cloths. Dt` itun :,
and &lunette, which We have long been f '" --
• upon which we chttileFlM the w otliljust ,1 .
1 ,..
at • • - 0. 'D. BARTI,EI'•
Towantla,Nov. 3. 1646. ,
p tbatA
MOE'S et; GIMPS, of all tools ; $ l, " 541161'
and other trimmings for ladies! dre4ses and Ca.
_......,....& C ° '-
_i_.-...z_.----__:___-_- - ... _.--- -- -:•_ -- - -- --
terms of the Brad ford Reforie r *
'Two &liars end fitky cents per swim ; r" .1165° ,
deducted if„psid within the year:- and for CM`n
ally in tatiflee. ONE DOLLAR will be &Jutted. /.1
u 6 "
I"ibers lawny to tlioetuttione at 4ov 6' o"
paying avvearscevt. Most kind,. of C" ~.tut i'ss
received in payment, at the market purr. 0 , 0
..I.Aserti.ements, n o t oxe ,,ll o g a ,loin of t ,
lines. inserted for fiky cents ; eccry sub/gloating:
rt 0.
twenty-five cents. A discount ins.le to yeasty '2 46 0 ,1 e i•
1 ii - is Pntsrtuo, of iv/pry description. 01112!
ui t ' o p
Paitintnily executed on new so d,fashiotia btr
Litt ic 00
ere on business pertaining to the 0. vo .
roe of postage, to ensure attention •
F onda, netting,. at 6 p'clock, p.
Way, eYening, ,it 6 o'clock, P, M.
nip : Like every Tborsdey awn.
and Dresden, •nd
Corning and Venire, every Wakes-
T j'AbSAIM, afply to espial*
Mallory, Corning.
latnag e Go, Blinira.
• ate & Tattle, Hossehnufs
estl, Havana'.
Townsend, Big Silvana.
. worth & Post, - Lodi.
I & Ray, ON
*Sweet, W
ownsket, Seneca Is.
& Ross, Banteransa.
right, Rodscrier.
Ws, Buffalo.
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ruing and Buffalo Line,
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