Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 10, 1847, Image 3

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    JUT:isnit4p,' t.
407 IMMO '
,•f r itE ..b.iibi. - 47 noW openirig * s ilks ':' of
1_ Main and Bridge, ete..e, eery exteradee iro - ira.
tile stock of NEW COOD..tesiefuilyielectral, _ith Iv
view to suit the - marketembracing a liege stack of
4. Dry Goods,: Grocerigh CM :4m Hard-wifre %Boots
~ and Shoes, Naib;.l7lflimq Plar y, - Crds Ina Ants? '
f: Codfish, Mackerel, Sperot and Tallow Can
din , Dye .Stuffe;' etc- y .etc-7 ac.
Also 7 —a great vanetrof Caps, Mutrifid Bmr . kb_
~ will potatively be sold in prirara ,that will giverilisfac
don to purchasers. ' J. KINGSBEBY, Jr.
N. B. I shall in Isew days; receive the kiost "eaten.
live 01 '4 10 E 1 40 of DOCKS -4 , STATz9NtRI7 ever•
offered for surle-in this maaer,--fishich will be sold at re
duced prime. . . ' osto
MR& DO.Cre.
kJONTINUEB to carry on the above business in all
-ifs brandbes, at her 014 stand, corner of River -and
Bridge streets, where 'Bonnets and Caps can be put
chased, and work will be done promptly, fashionably,
aiul at satisfactory prices as usual." •
:..p,wanda, October 27, 1847.
To Jill - I_ 1 •
THE subscriber, having made new arrangements, is
very desirous ofxsettling.up histlislil accounts, aqd
requests those indebted, to settle immediately. by giving
their notes, payable in the spring, if they are not. able
to square up now. Immediate attention is requested...,
_4 variety; compii:ing eH the I. st styps and most
beautiful porn*, just rststFril a . d for sale very low
by .19 'i t " 1:I. BARTLETT.
4,2 UM MER SHAWLS a henu
Berne, De'Lain and , BrcrrlntS
Wanted, to. Peddle Jewdry!
IT ANT.ED. tt.ree active, intelligent, young men to
I peddle Jewelry and Fancy Goods, on foot.
'to young men, who can come well recommended,
hbera. encouragement will be given. Persons desirous
of engaging in the business, will please call on the sub
scriber, at 51 ra;ltelpeneh's i 1 Toisanda tp., on the 214th
29th or 90th ot November inst.; or on the 14th or 15h
of Dertemher next. n 2 EPH.KIDDEIt,
U'a -Ita' , II 4 4EZMILEISC3O
y °TICE is hereby given 'to Retailers of Foreign
Goods and 'Mr rchantlize, vrho_ have not paid their
licenses for .104'4 to call and pay up immediately.
November 4, 484 - 4. • J. REEL; Treasurer.
THE old firm of WM. H. BAIRD . & having
• been dis Solved hyinutual consent. and the aubscrii-:
her being dif , pcsied to keep 01.1/2ii0.11, (who'll, always
tiAt) titll N it;• AH E AD, would now announce to those
aim like-to buy goodi cheap, that he is now daily re
• erring from the city iif New York, a new and splondid
assortment of Goods.w.lnch he is bound to soil as cheap
es they can be bought this side of the city of New York.
hiy assortment consists, as usual of '
Now. Mr. and Mrs. Everybody, just .continue your
e;il habit of dropping in at No. 3, before purchattiip g
riiticybere, and if I don't sell you goods right. "don't
Inly them." I have oilieciiiimodatin g clerks, who will
•tdo flys be hippy to'wait upon you in case you don't
fit.ti the QM Mare constantly oi hand himself, and I
J ‘l . doubt but on 'pricing ibe goods you will be glad
ta buy.-
frel thankful for pa's‘ favors, bestowed upon die old
frit. a nd it stiall he my ;aim to merit a continuance of
t!le same., novi • E. W. BAIRD].
r g
471 C r aro :.j4
THE larzeg and most extelsive assortment of NE W
G suitable to the season, selected with I ; re.o
Aide cheap as the cheapeat,Tor of
.proved credit—just opened at
net. 5. 1847. 0. D. B ARTLETT'S,
H. S. & MERCUit,
more than their usual variety, :,which
rir, i; l?r✓ to ihe public al their procizrhially low prices.
T..wtmd,,i, September 25, IS4/:`
(111.$? „Paints, Varnishes and Dye.siiiffs. of almost
/ even' kind, at sep2s
INGIIAMS PRlNT.—Plain . aniltnilleil 1;Ing
-15 hams English and A'r - heriean Prints, 6 beautiful
it4sartment at arp2s • MERCUR'S.
-) —French, English Ind American Ci-alis plain
and fancy Cassinieres and Sattineus; valen
ca and worsted Veviiniga, very cheap at
VORSTED DREBt4 GOODS.—Plaits, figured and
V V plaid, Hark and colored Alparroa; black and c..-
fined French lt.erinoes; Oregon Plaid; rich French
and common Cashmeres, Del.nines, etc., a great variety
ei,tylevi Tor gale et sep2ls ' M E ROHR'S,
IRON & .N A ILS.—A large assortment for sale, at
sep2s . • M E RC CR'S.
Vt)VA SCOTIA GRINDtifo Nrg. for sale at
sei.2s . 3". M ER(;liß's.
hc LisTtirs' ottiTSIENT. , _—A newlsopply of
..11 -this deservedly poptdar article just received at
I_l A Rll NV A R E.—:l, very large stock of Hardware. of
41 . cry dewription, just reed at RCUR'S`.
1,,1 \lll.S.—troche. Thibet,, M.DeLaine. Siraddla
sw4 •\►'rol lqrge agCt at ME I.IGUR
F) dot consiattniof row-hide f eint kip
kaa- pperS, %niters. and halt
ti :kb... ; also .in elegant aasoriment.iii .
liw:f4nil Caps, are now opening it the Savings Bank.
ai•za KCI. 5, B. R.
Y A RN, tarist.l Warp, ftifts A.stilling, wick.-
- iv 2. brow n and bleached sheeting,' and Airtingv.
I.t lound at a torgain and very low at the Savings
- so. B. R.
1 . 2011 TIIE 1, I.)lESsfa litrge • adsortment of white
ge , sls, such as Irish linens, email banvd.andstriped
piennetts, swiss rnuslins, Ate.; also swiss m, 11,
"'I musiiii edeings, thread and coigne, edging'', bobbins,
411 ( iringe and buttrins, lace buttons, patent whalebone
4irrA;purse twilit; in short a great •sariety of fancy
1 , 0114 of every dnieription,inay he found at the
• sen'27'
10 - ft,
" .i1.=2111.11.9
At 50. 7, New Brick Block,
'IS now in full blast. where the public cnn be .accom •
nust4ted with CRACKERS, at wholesale; SMALL
C K 1 ,by the hundred or. thousand; will betyrnished
Prices which aritl m ike it an object' for Grocers. in the
q , ts!ry to give us a call.
7.71 CA K Ls, of every deser;ption,for public or private
furnished to order-on the shortest nottiir.
1 01 :()A dr CHOCOLATE. genuine and fresh, by
E , T INDIXiPEPPER SAUCE. fi splOodid aw
hile, Nit up In Wine vinegar, expresAy for fatui
'WINDOW GLASS —7 by 9, 8 by 10, 10 by. 12,
• ihy 14, 12 by'l, 8, 14 by I ft of
I ` .,,al c6ality and in excelle 6
nt l order, l for le b y I, o
,11.1.,Ler 19 .1 1 4' 4 11. - 0. D. DA RTLEI*•
EitkERH SHAWLS a new and ricb article
also. drab, and 'mode colored Cesttiner'e. - Stnadtlis
'" Piaui woollen shawls, may bo found in abundance,
Ic;lyl.,w at • REED'S, D.R.
- -
i l rat si V
deAEOE and well selectedusortmenk
,Winter Goods , just received, anallciallt Dr-.
Liorear. i robiNltlB. consisting of • 2
DIY GOODS; GROFEDIER, teanwar., cioctut
0 'IRON, NAILS, IC., &C. -
Among our Gppds' may be found, r1:11411,• English
and ilmeriesn Cl and Caskimeres; also, a 'good as
sottmeta of Fancy Cassimerat and Tweeds, - sheep's
gray cloth -and sattineta ; also, a good aalorttnent of
Over coat Cloths asst Cloaluva.
For the LADIE': we have any quantity of Clittip ,
tiniu,.M. I:famines, cashmeres, alpaccas, of all colors
and price l / 4 hoth cotton lad silk warp ; Shawls; of all
kinds, ditis silly black and fancy, with filament' to
sotncipond. •
Also-=Bonnet Silk & Bonnet Velvet with trimmings..
hold stock.
• t , • ELLIOVT & TOMKTNB. .
Arrival - tat No. 1, Brick , Bow . !
- •
4. 8,. Chamberlin,
Dlocw rseeiviog,cod offers for sale at the DRUG
EPOT, No. .11riclrlitow. a large allition his
former stook. eoosii at of every misty of •
Genetic% Beggs aid Medicine% Dye italic, Paints,
-• Oil% Perftynery, Fancy:l/Wen it.
which will heek . gtl at Whale/Ida at Mali. at antatialij
low prices. 'Fein, CASH: T o*anda, June 16; 1841.
41DAT'DNT kfEDICINSRP every kind now in dee,
can be forind•at the Drug Depot Agent for Jayne's
Smith's, lidotrat's,, Pain killer, and tarione
other medieines. A full and general supply always on
hand jelp No. l, BRIM( ROW.
First Arrival of Goods from New York.
• Burton hiftsgsbery, L
TS now receiving a general askortment of Spring and
Summer Goth's, which, will be sold cheaper than
;plods ever offered in this place before. His
friends will find as they mount the steps at his door that
prices go down. - Call 'arid examine for youraelvwe—
I My goods and prices will praise themselves. You will
find a large and gem-rsl assortment of every variety of
Dry Goods, Groceri s, Hardware. Crockery, Glass,
Nails, Iron, Steel. Paints, Oils. Dye Si uffs, Boots , Shoes,
Mos, Caps. Codfish, Mackerel, &c., &c.
iful R.:DM:nen% of
awl. may hp found
Mylriends and the public genet/illy are respectfully
Invited to call and examine my stock, as I arri satisfied
I can oiler them goods cheaper than, at any uther Store.
May 7th, 1847.
f IST OF LE TTERS, remaining in the Post (lea
..LA at Athens, quarter ending Sept. 30, 18.17.
Berttan lithe' • Iht John
Brown Simeon H ' O'Caon John
; Brown James sen Park James N,
Bloomfield Thomas Price Miss 8 M
Clerk o' the Circuit court Peters Mrs Eliiabeth
'Crane II .iiert Pelton E W
Curry E Eld Roaers John'
1 Demore4 Nickels' Richards .R M
French Samuel • Rogers EfizAbeth H
Call/N..ld Miry , Reynolds 'l' 8
Hendricks F Smith Joseph
Havens Fanny Stanley Ann Elias :
Hulet James Smith John i.en
Havens Kobe* .„.Bwariwooll Geo K
1 Haden John @trepan' Joh
....tihnson A C • Brnith Harriet M
Lyon C B Titus-M H.
Loudoem James Varomieken H II
Lamb H a rrison Vergerann Joseph
Lane Thomas ' Weller A
?def.:twain James Wilson Bradford
Maawell 'Ehotnas Whiteß
Maxwell Wm Wainer Miss A P
Mijier Frances A Westfield Elisha.,.. M orgaret NV Mishap Henry. j
Nearing Phut* Ann 'Vert' Levine
Fir lot of New Goods in Towanda.
viNTANyEs.& CO. are receiving a large and
I.VA , general assortment of Spring and Summer Goode
which will be disposed of at wholesale or retail at re
illiced prices. April 'ZO, 1847..
KINGSBERY & CO.. are just receiviag,
rectly from New York and opening at the new
brick stole, recently erected at B.Kinieetsely's old stand.
a large assortment of Fall.* Winter Goods, comprising
Broad cloths, Cassimeres. &Minds '
• Alpaccas, of eve
ry description ; French ly Engiish Merinos; Mou
selinc DeLaincs ; Ginghnms, a great variety;
Cashmere 4. woolen Shawls ; Domestic goods,
linsvry and Gloves, of every description. •
Groceries, Crockery, Hirdw Boots 4. Shoes, Sole
and upper Leather ; French and common calf and
square, round an, Swedes Iron.
square, _
t;, Has and Caps, Tin and .tone Ware,
Vaper Hangings, Blatt) robes and 11145,
.41ackeril, Codfish, Shad and Hrrring.
The attention' of the pul;lie is tespectfully invite.' to
our firesent large stock of goods, which are now exhildt
cal for lisle at the lowest parleftas, for ready pay. • They
have'been selected with unusual care anffattention, ',a
reas-1y for the accommodation of nor customers, and
wi;helieve offer inducements to purchasers no where
else to he met with.
RememtWr, before purchasing elsewhere, to call
at B.liingsbery's old stand, and. examine our goods and
prices. RR we are confident "they will meet the views of
the closest cash .buyers.
Oct. 12, 1847
T"l' Institution is now under the charge of Mr. F.
W. Gua r, a graduate of Yale . College, assisted
by Mr. 0. 11. Peis-r-r. of ,Corm. The first term com
menced on the Vsth of Sept. ult. The second will
commence on the 6th of Dec. Pupils are admitted at
any-time. T&I/L7 , 1a :
Tatit;an per terns of eleven weeks
Common Entrii.ll studies, $2 50
Nigger English stin ire, 4 00
AiiimmtThanausges arid higher mathematics, 5 00
Ezira thaw, (Ist sn.l 2d terms) 25
Arrangements wilt tie made io sceure the services of
an itecomphithed Preeeptreas to the spring.
t 2. J. D. 11( /NTA N YE. President.
-- - •
Another .Gretit. Victory
in Mexi co !
, r HE news'wea received simultaneously with news
1 that there had been another great arrival of New
Gootla at the
.40 caused n Treniendous Excilement ! !
The present proprietor, C. REED, takes this oppor
tunity to return Isis thanks to his former patrons and
the public generally, and also of informing them that he
is now receiving a very large and general anhortment of
Fall and Vt inter Goode, of every descripion, which be
plealges himself shall and wiil be sold as low as at any
other esnahsishment within 100 miles of Towanda.—
The public generally are reypectfully invited to call and
examine to satisfy themselves at No. b, Brick Rows
Towanda, Ne .mber 21. 1841'.
rhi mod extensive Clo Ming Ware...toast in the U. R.
RE -s ;PEN - FOR WIN l'Eft.. 100.1 00 garments
on band and ready for disponi. Wholesale h ketail.
To patrons we would say, that h icing hut one price,
those Who ti not understand the. real valuation price of
goods, will have an opportunity of purchasing CrArments
as low as professed judges. Jobbers and &Apes in
made Clothing. eon replenish their stocks for the
winter. sod nfigaguarantee the largest establishment in
Philadelphia to select front. We attend personally to
the paejoug of goods, and see that a good assortment of
sizes and isell•made articles are-put up. ISM& suits
fomented as per order.
00- Our good. are for sale only at the large building.
128 Mattel at.. southeast corner of Market and Fourth
its., Philadelphia. r C. HAKINT ES&
. Philadelphia, September 29, 1847. , 3mlB
. - ,
glaW ZdaaiSo =DV &TAM%)
-AletOsubiPp 4rsa -*
alr - 41 1 0041),
14 Racked . istfto,t;ritegellow, •
:TITHICH must inia:itilt be waist tbe , serY
V V notch for Coe% re" Ready Pay. 'Every period
who may want GOOD stet OfteltP geed!, fit raftwett
- fully. invited to call 'tuft:amine' this Mock. Don't
fail to call as it costs nothing to loo& snd- we consider
II a Earth to show the goods, and will try4r make it en
object for those wishing to buy of E. T. FOX.
skurtings,wicking, siadding,batting, cotton yam
and csrpst warp, cheap es Ow cheapest, at Nq.!..8.
R. at . . sepliS FOX'S.
(11NOHAMS! GINGBA1118!ie:30 pieces newand
most splendid styles, decidedly the prettiest ever
in market. Alio, Oregon Plaids. Bilk Plaid:. and all
the new styles dries goods all at No. 2, Brick Row.
25 ". pLic & STRIPED ALPACCAS. at tbe
very lowest possible piker At FOXIIk
DrARDWARE, • good assortment, Warding ARDWARE , bon,
Steel, Nails, &e. at No. 2, B.R. FOX'S.
DAENTs, oilas & DYE-STUFFS, also Matches
by the gross, at No. 2, B. R. FOX'S.
SEALED HALF BUSHELS. on hand and formai
at . rep 16 FOX'S.
"'- Cooking,' and Parlor Stoves. •
11113 r received at MONTANY&S - ¢ Ccrs, • large
J lot—Also, PIPE, and a few aecnnd-hand stoves, all
of which will be sold cheap fo. pay. Sept, 7.1847 i.
Stork of Goods in the Savings Bank.
consequence of the emit rush at the savings Bank
for Cheap Goods. the proprietor has been induced to
replenish with a splendid assortment of SPRING &
SVMM ER GOODS. which are now opening, and sell
ing at greatly reduced prices. The proprietor. Mr.C.
`REED, pledges himself to full] and amply sustain the
credit of the institution which it has hitherto borne, i.e.
• fur selling goods cheaper than any other establishment
in Bradford .co. Persons desirous of testing this, have
only to call at No. 5, Brick Row, and satisfy themselves.
July 7.1847. C. REED.
and Light Gingham., have been received at the
Savings Bank. and are selling twenty-five per cent.
cheaper than ever. jy7 C. REED.
101 00111 & BHOES.—A. l a w an d ea h ana d eia
'sorrtment of coarse and fine boots and shoes. ladies'
full:and half gaiters, kid ties, buskins. French kid slip
persEchttdren's cloth and morocco shoes are now selling
Sec) , low at the Baeingi Bank, No. 5, Brick ftdc:
T IST OF I.ETTERS, remaining in the Post Office
1-4 at Towanda, quarter ending Sept. 30. 1847.
Bennett Chester Kilmer Josiah
Bowen Timothy K.rk Michael •
Bliven Robert Lewis William
Bancraft Legend • Lawrence John K
Burlingame Leander Leroy Eile a b a rh mi st
Blauvelt Elijah K Lent Daniel
B dley Jeremiah Laughlin John
Bowman David . More Mrs Sarah
Be•inetl Henry. Moory &Irvin
Clark chair Pedler Morgan E W
Conhongas Nelson ?denude Richard
Conner David Myers James
Camfiliell John Mayloo Michael
Carol Eliza A Minims Joseph
Doi John M Oltiley Juhii-
Whoa Cha's For Jas M Purcell Denis
Daytoil Albert Payne Sela
Drake John 2 . Porter Daniel K
Ellis WillisM Rosy Niche Ann Miss
Essenline.2 Miss Stephens Harvy
Fergeraiin Wm Burton Scranton Oliver
Poster Miss Jane E Stone Ingham
Flyn Patrick Swerijarvii C
Frizeerald Cornelius Sweeny Michael
tiordner Jacob 2 Spalding Joseph
Ceer Robert 'Stanley John
Haiku William Tupper G K
Flays Michael Towner Edmond , Castel .
Harlem Wm J ": Walsh William
Harkness Lucinda Wens Louisa
Hoyt Miss Jane Webb Andrew
Hine Henry W Wattles J Morris
Irvine Jamva W Warner Henry
Johnwm Andrew WitridruliJarad
Jackson Thom= W. 11( Ann
A. S. CH NMBERLiN. P. M. -1
This Wag for Bargains.
STUFFS, selling us c.•rt, at FOX'S.
011.3, PERFUMERIES, a sid ndid article of Hal
Brushea, Therrnmucters, and Fanry Articles, foi
sale at jel6 Nu. I. BRICK now.
Fair 'Warning and the Last Notice!
THEREBY warn every person indebted to me. that
unless immediate payment is made, they mill be
sued This notice is given without respect to persons
and all persons knowing themselves indebted, will save
co‘ts. by giving prompt attention.
Towanda. 0rt.,12. 1847. S. HATHAWAY.
Q . 4Y! JOHN ! don't tell any hotly that we will pay
the •• truly John Davis," for 100'busbela Chestnuts
and .500 lbs.- Lard. CARTER & tiM NLLEY.
. 113.7," aMQ Ci' l o.4llM2):tari.c2ri
ALARGE end extensive assortment of School, Chu
erica! and Miscellaneous ;WOKS; also a large
stock and great variety of Patois, including note, letter,
cap, folio, post office and wrapping papers; together
with a complete assortment of Blank Books ; Viriling
Cards, Enuelopu, all for sale cheaper than
the cheapest, by ul9 O. D. BA R FLETT.
0 S je,
Miss Griffin,
AXTPULD again inform the Ladies that she has just
V returried from New York. with the latest and
inxt fashionable style of Hale, Caps. and Head dres
s& ; also r large ani choice selection of Millinery
Condit. consisting of Plush Vdrds. Si/1m and Satins ;
a large assortment a. &Manz. Flowers. Plumes and
Lusts. Also Freud: embrwdered ehemisctlex, gimps,
fringes and black trimming lute ; all of which aillbe
sold at as low a price as can he purchased elsewhere.
Torn suds. Ilrtot , er 12. 1817.
LIS , ' LE FIERA renaming
. III the Peat Office
rII ,
at Trig. quarter ending Sept. 90, 1847.
Avery William Kenyan Elsgeheth Hisi
Alvord Nathan Krum Stephen
Berry Harry D Elm Goddard 1
Baxter Glenn= Maxwell Thomas •
Brenta Wen Noble Orrin T
Battemon Allinson Peter Alphenso
Burritt Ely Pierce ?Samuel
Covert - W m
Chase Wm R
Coo Benj , Stanley John t
Od' Ester P Min . Smith Mary E
Carpenter Welsh Smith Grace Amando Misr
Coleman Thai titlettnek Geo W . .
Duvall Stephen ' Strang Fredrick 1 .
Furgeraon John Shepherd L C
Field Abider Tears John 7
Hager Daniel Warner John
Huntington Chas Williams Charles.
Hart Amna Wilier Jacob T
Hatton Elects MMw Webber Lucinda R Miss
1., RI/NYCIN. P. M
General Scott in the City of higico .
And another large suckof Goods just nzeiecii at
which hark been clivfolly selected for the Fat Drade.
THE public are invited to call and examine their
stock of. Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardwire and
Crockery. Itoots & lihoes. Hats & Ceps, and everything
in the hue of staples, suited to the wants of this. region
of country. which have been purchased exclusively for
Carib, and at the lowest. ebb in the market. We hope
our old friends will not forget to give us a call, as we
can make it an•oliket for them todo so.
Towanda, A ugu.t I 8,1847. .
0011. CHAIN for bull wheel's to saw mills, dtc.ate
just received and fur sale by
October 19, 1917. 0. D. BARTLETT.
Rittenhouse Amos
Silvernail Nicholas
- •••
• t a l 4 ' •
12 Mr: rt••; , •ThWiri l 7-• AItIOWA-tri - -
1:10VIEL0 1 -ium&isted: tbsoittlyei riortbor fr. OE,
(.I.4l. l 3flitrintilolowiposo; bete bl-44048
eta strict Attention to boalosis; to merit it'sitoop of puh.
fie pottOosortt.—: they - may otosis Ito found ready to
attend to agfitttsot!Wbo - wiabwaa+oitodatioosio their
They wilt mem tht , old stood of Elliott & Meteor,
sod as it toot pug Imitot-eolorged sod made more aped.
nom end eonveniont. eintomers will lad it arty plea.
ant to do bailors. as. EIsLICITT & TOM KIN&
May 27, 1847. • • •
New Spring and Summer • Goods.
TB nay opening • new - and splendid sasortrelit of
1 staple and fancy goods at his Arlie. (skttste on Slain
attest' tiro doors below Bridge !Beet (wait aiire) nearly
opposite Makeups's & Co.) embracing all articles
generally kept Witte country, such as
Dry Goods, Groceries. Crockery and Glass.
ware. Hardware; Nails. Iron. all the
varieties of Steel, Glass. Points
Linseed Oil, Lamp Oil 4e.
which he offers to puicbasers at unusual low pric.s. for
Cash, liroduce. or approval credit. And would re
spectfully invite all who. wish. to purchase to call and
examine his gads and prices before purchasing else
when), es he is confident he can offs.: good barg■ins.
June 1 1947.
PRINTS. M. De taints, Gingham. Lawns, &e.
The Lurie' will find a beautiful asenitinentrat
June 9.
AGREAT trinety of Wiwi* scarfs, pentads Wins
and Mhumns' Bonnets very cheap at - BETTS'.
BLACK & BEAVER CLOTHS'. blark Ind fancy
Cass:mere.. and all sorts of Summer stuffs, a lame
assmortment, loss for cash at BETTS'.
f INDOW & WALL PAPER, • nice esiiety and
cheap se BETTS'.
HARRIS & BLOOD3' Gran scythes and scythe
smiths ;also Hani; cradle scythes at BE 17d . .
• -
SILKS. —Black, colored. plaid, and changeable mew
Silks.* also, white and colored Bownei Salina. at
DES GOODS--100 pieces now opening at the
Savings Bank. consisting of French Merinos, plain
Alpaccaa. A byaintan *tripes, eerdover plaid*, cashmeres,
moualin tie banes. 'plain and twilled gingliamo.
all of which will he wild low at REED'S.
11.0TH8 & CASSIMERES, Vestinge, Overcoat
Cloths, such ss brown. olive and gold mixed Bee-
Teri will be sold very low a SA VINGS BANK.
fß.AY.—Burke tutu the enclosure of the subscn
bet. on the 25th of August last. a RED COW, 8
or 9 years old. The owner is requested to prove pro
perty, pay charges and take her away.
Troy. Sept. 27.. HO WARD SPA LDING.Sen.
V)RINTS. of every variety and style. I,reign and do
mastic, now opening at wholevale and retail, at
k.../ superior style and finish, and at prices to soh those
who wish to purchase cheap.
soli) MONTAN YES it' CO.
SHOES—Ladies' t Hisses and Children's, • large ea
riety on hand at jr9 BETTS'.
Dati r iOcialniqi
THE cispartneisbip beretofote existing between the
pubscribers in the mercantile business. was dissolv.
ed on the 10th day of August inst., by mutual consent.
Those indebted to the firm will make immediate pay
merit to E. W. Baird, and those having demands again
the firm will fitment the same to him for settlement.
August 3n, 1847. E. W. BAIRD.
I shall wait until the Monday after September court,
(which aril be the 20th Sept. 1847) for payment of
all debts due the sboye firm. Debts not then paid, will
be sued, without discrimination or favor. Do you un
derstand! au3o E. W. BAIRD.
The Saddle and Harness Business
Is still continued by ELKANtjH SMITH, J. CULP
&C. T. SMITH, ender the Finn of Elkanah
Smith & 00, at the old stand North side of the Public
Square, where will be kept constantly on hand Beat
Plain and Quilte? Saddles, Plated and Common
Harness, all kinds , of Trunks, Valices, and all other
work In their line,
Carriage Trimming 4 Military work
'done to order. From their experience and punctuality.
they are in hopes to receive s share of public patronage.
Work can be had at their shop as cheap Es at any othea
shop in the conntv of the same quality. Mae IR. '47
41310 IST .111a3 SW •
Copper, Tin, and Sheet Iron, Brass
DC. HALL is now receiving 60 tons of the above
. goods, which h r is preparec to sell at wholesale
or retail, to suit purchasers, at the most reduced prices,
for cash, lumber or grain. The most liberal prices will
be paid for w eat, oats, corn and lumber.
Store and Manufacturing Establishment, on the
corner of Again and Bridge ste., whrre may be found the
largest and best assortment of store., this aide the city
of Albany, such as
Buckeye cooking stove, amnged with a rota.
ry top. and hot air oven combined, 1,2, 3. 4
Rochester Empire hot air oven, 4
" Universe,
" Fulton, " (improved) 2, 3,4
Congress tight air cooking, 2, 3. 4
Knickerbocker, " e l ' 3
Albany Elevated oven " 2, 2 4, 6
" Premium 2,3, 1, 5,8
Race's pat. self-regulator, air-tight parlor, I, 2 3
Rochester err tight parlor; 2, :4 4
Congress do. Albany do. (roasters,)
Albany Fancy wood parlor, 3, 4, h
N. Y. city 2,13, 4
parlor coal stoves, I, 2
Common cylinder do I. 2, 3
A harp quantity of Stuse Pipe, Elbows, Tin, Brass;
Copper, Japanned A Britannia Miff, Zinc, Le.
which he will sell as above at wholesa:e or retail. Marl
irort Tin, Bran and Copper Work, Made to order on
.hort notice. and warranted. Persons wishing to pur
chase the above wide' will do well by calling at the
above store, bhfure .purchasing elsewhere. u the propri•
etor tr hound nortO be undersold by any living man.
6,000 SHEEP PEL I'S wanted, for which ca.h will
be paid. October 27. 1547. 8m
Another Large and-Splendid Lot of
Ready made Clothing t
STORE. Hero is the place to get cheap dollung,ot
least 50 per cent. cheaper than at any other place. I
have all kinds to suit customers. My stock is large,
consisting of Cloaks. Coats, Pants, Vests,- dte. etc.—
:Elegant and new premium styles, tun' at astonishing
low prices.
Cloaks. Over Coats, Brown, Drab, Do., business
Costs—all kinds. Black Draw Costs, French Dress
Do.. Gild Mixed. Do.. Satinett Pants. Cassimere Dn.
Black sod Green Monkey Lektiii. Fancy Saun Vests.
Black D Cashmere, Do., Double Bresatol Do..
White Mancillc Do. Also—Canton Flannell Draw.
era. Shirts the same, and some splendid fine Shirts.—
Also—Blue and Black Cloth, Brown Do., Caasinsetes,
Plain, Fancy Do., Vesting* of all kinds.
17Cutting and Mending done rhea!) and making
uP L. uKretiEhows
Oct. 9, '47.
Clothing Store.
.J -Fourth nr filly. at No. I. BRICK ROW.
`AL bids. dalt ito,t received and . for sale
A 7 at BAIRD'S. N 0.3, B. R.
LLOUIL—bu sacks of fist rate dour just received
r and tot sale at. BAIRDI3, NO. 3, D. R.
, _
Ewen i s .
_,-froutHre eiswareennwasrplese of HMdford
e[uM j.tb nes difitied:rsieltezpine to-Public Wile
at WOODRUFF' HOTHil y billhebunuieW of T.*
warlike, en Monday; the IlthihOe of Member setter:l
o'clock, P.M., the fulfinOtlg efeettriba'pirreelionf buuf:—
A piece or parcel of rind Inßpritigaila yr buiii;iled
north by land of -Salisbury:Gaon, sink - by- esb;l3/toce,
eolith by David Brook Chatinmy Guthrie. end'eflann
ery Houle and west by lead of W. 11. Westbrook.—
Containing une hundred sews, more or lees. with about
eighty acres Improved, with one'toro storyfromed house,
one framed barn, one framed abed, three apple orchards
and a varjety of other fruit twee thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Wake.
mad% Hubbard me, ,vs. Milton Bru.A.s.
413.sto—A piece or parte! of land in Wyalusins tp.,
beginnings at a pastand atones adjoining lands of LA 4C
J.lAhar and Ellicott H. BrOwn, and running thence
south 2° west 149 po to the Susquehanna river. then.
brend with the same west to the line of Cemded
Springfield, thence by and with the same, north 13° w.
Ib7 p.lO a post and stones, adjoinint lands of Squire
thence south 83 0 east 133 p. to the beginning.—
Containing one. Mindred and Eva acres and
and a half Ouches, be the same More or less..vviu. about
fourteen acres improved, with one log house with one
body to a block-house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at these& of Mary To.
land. Margatetta Toland. Elizabeth naiad and Julian
n* Tallied vs. base Everett.
Atso—A piece nr parcel of haul in
,Wells 1p„ Brad-
ford county, and Jackson, Tioga co., Pit, bounded north
by Lsibua O. Spencer, east by land of Joseph Stardie.
•ant, sloth by Zeno Roberta and on the west by Clark
Stillwen. Containing severtty.cine acres more or less,
with about fifty acres improved. with one framed house,
-one framed barn and an orchard of grafted fruit.
Seised and taken in execution at the suit of Jonathan
Owen es. Lawrence L. Arncic.h.
B ET l'Er
A tao—A piece or parcel of land in Troy to, bounded;
north, taw. a• utb- and west by lands of Ezra L,ne. Gui
taining shout one acre, with twp framed dwelling boo
one framed wagon shop, ode atone him:humid! shop
and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seised and taken in execution at the snit of W. H.
Purdy to the use of S. fierce vs. H. L. Leisnuus.
ALSO—A pirce of land in Canton tp.., beginning et a
hemlock tree. it being the south east corner of said tract,
running north 1204 p. to a past by a beech, tree, thence
west 88 p. to a poet, thence south 153 p. to the Towan
da creek, from thence following the windings and turn,
mg. of said creek to the place of beginning. Contain
ing eighty4seven acres, be the same less, With
about fifty acres improved with' o e framed house and
framed barn and a emall - oreherd thereon.
• Seized and taken in esecatina at the suit of Joseph
D. Drinker and Israel P. Pleasants, edniinistrators de
bonia non. of Bony Drinker dec'd.. vs. Chester Dunne,.
Also—A piece of land in Troy tp.. bounded as
lows to wti : on the north by vacant land on the
east by land of Jess Beach, on the south by Noah Leo
nerd, and on the west by Robert Chan, containing fifty
four acres all unproved with two framed houses. one fra
med barn, one saw mill and so apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken In execution to the suit of O. P.
Ballard vs. Beriah Pratt Mid 'Stephen H. Stiles.
Akeo—A piece of land in Albany . and Monroe tps..
hounded as follows to wit : north by Owen M. Can and
Charles, Diffenbaugh, on the Edward McGovern.
on the south by Daniel Beverly, and on the west by John
Flings' land, containing about four hundred and eleven
acres more or less supposed to he about twenty-five acres
improved with one framed and log house and one log
barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution to the suit of, Hugh
Riley vs, Thomas McGovern and Daniel - f3luttery T. T.
A Lso—A piece or parcel of land in Wyalm lag. Be
ginning at a post and stones hn the old Springfield tp.
line, (certified) adjoining land of Johnson Palmer,uld
running the nce north 86° west to a corner of landicerti •
fled to Humphry and Daniel D ow n ' s heirs, and thence
by and with said certified land south 24° emit, 259 per.
to - a corner on the southerly line of is lot in the warren.:
tee name, of Thomas Shuman, patented to Henry Tol
and, decd ; thence with said line, south 88° east, in the
sins of certified Springfield ; and thence by and with the
same, North 13° west, 282 perches to the place of,
ginning, containing one hundred and 41 acres and 34
perches, be the same more or leas, with about five acres
improved, and one ehentre thereon -
Seined and liken in the mit of Mary ',Wand, Margo
retta Toland, Elizabeth Toland and Juliana Toland vi.
John GartleLd.
• ALSO, a piece or parcel of land.situate in the town
ship of Burlington. hounded as frillOws, to wit begin
ning at a while maple, N. W. comer of lot No. 182 on
warrant lot - No, 1724 , , thence west .on said warrant line,
100 perches to a post, 8. E. earner of lot Not 287: then
north 91 perches to a post ; thence east 100 perches to
a post : thrice south 81 perches to the beginning, con
taining Fifty acres arid 100 perches, strict measure: it
being intended for the south half of lot No. 277, on war
rant lot No. 4438, with about thirty Beres improved, one
log house, one log shed and one other smell building
Seized and taken in-the suit •of. Paxson & Davidson
to the use of Abram A. Mice vs. George Bennett.
ALSO, a certain piece or parcel of laud situate in the
township of Albany. bounded and d escribed as foliates;
in wit :Desioning at • post and stone .cornet, which'
stands north 3t° E and 200 perches from the north end
of lots No. 79 and 80; thence 5, 59° East, 106 percher
to • post and stone cornet, thence north 30° west,Bo
perches to a post and stone corner, thence north 69°
west 106 perches to a rhesnut . eirner them:pietist 31°
east. 80 perches to the beginning, contgining fifty acres.
ALSO, one other piece or. parole of hind situated in
said township of Albany, described by survey as follows,
to wit: beginning at the south east comet of another
lot conveyed to Andrew Jackson. and thence by the same
north 31° east 81 perches to a post, thence south 59°
east 106 perches to a post, thence south '3l° west 80
perches to a post, thenie by land of which this is a part,
north 59° west 106 perches to the place of beginning,
containing fifty acres which said tracts of land . are part
of tracts no. 79, wartime. name " John Moon" called
" Moonfield." and no. 90 warrantee "Hannah Wood
ruff," called " Monmouth" and pattenicd by the com
monwealth to Samuel Wallace.
Seized and taken in the suit of Josiah Jackson vs
Andrew 8, Jackson.
ALSO, • piece or parcel land situated in Wells
township described as follows, to wit: beginning at a
post, thence by land of John Strong. east 252 3.10
perches to • post and alone, thence by lend unknown
south 3f69 3-10 perches to a hemlock, thenie by land
of John Hall, west 253 3 10 perches, to a puit, and
thence by lands of Wm. Seely (nosi owned by John
Brownell,) north 269 3 10 perches to the begirining,
containing four hundred acres and allowance &c.. he.
mg a lot of land granted to Alferd Seeley by warrant
dated the 30th day of July. 1631 by the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania :" excepting - always& . lot surveyed and
deed to Charles Secly from the north east corner of said
lot, containing fifty acres, and one other lot, surveyed
and deeded to Alfred Seely, out of the south aide, eon
raining seventy acres of land; for boundaries reference
being made to said deeds of Wm.Seely to Charles See
ly and Alfred Seely, will more fully disclose.
Seized and taken in exceutiori at the suit of Anson C.
Ely vs. George H. Shepard.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land, in Monroe twp.,
hounded north by Towanda creek, east by Asylum Co.
lands south by lands of C.L.Ward, west by the Schra•
der brim+ of the Towanda creek. Containing. three
hundred acres, with fifty acre* improved, with one fram
ed house,.one fretted barn and shed, and small orchard
Seized and taken in preentiem at the snit of William
Watkins,,now to the use of Frederick Watts, vs. Tim
othy Yl.Lewiv.
ALSO-A lot of land in Armenia tp., bounded as
follows, North by the highway, west 'by land of Henry
Furman, B. C.Oliver, on the south, and by land DI
Henry Furman. Contalnintr ono hundred acresovith
about forty acres improved, with two log houses thereon.
B,i,zed and taken in execution at the suit of Long &
Thomas,, to the use of Whiulesey & Robinson, va. N.
P. Case.
A L.SOsA piece orland fn Littry tp., bounded north
by lands of D. Perry, cast by likYry Holcomb, south by
Stetliut.and Cyrus Holcomb, and west by land of J.
M. Farr ? Containing Tony-three acres, twenty acres
improytid, with two log boluses, and one log barn, and
a small 'orchard thereon.
Seix4 and taken in execution at the soot P.II. &
W.H. Thus, Ira. Oaten Streeter.
JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff:
Sheriff's Offlee Towanda, Oct. 27, INT.
pEp LE RS will find it to tlieit'adventage to call at the
Drug Depot, where they can be supplied with eve
ry article desired, ,nth es_ phials, essences, titc., on the
best terms. +elo No, 1, BRICK ROW.
v To R
Nettikttfiii.23ii "day Of Oxide
10, •11(44piltek
'olopict otlatid ritwate
laid counLi ti Ps. containing lb'
hi& or Jeb4l
illififiißeria• ff. Minn ceihi
h i . tialmurEiduvbititon the sq
owls the far* 4ite,1 1 ,.,!
134.ajanstri T r ,*
Jtly of &lie..
. 27, 1847,• Ex's •
11 mbar. rwlq .lands
the . e' r isee and UMW of clay,
prosennei oi on °decal
Bradf.W.e.surk, geild ern
county, 00-the 10th troy of
expo , ol to Rite by pubiiu
min, on idEllftlilly..tba 2.11 di
o'clock, P. P. the folloiwiug
with its appurtenant...l44W' tete
Towanda. sod bounded Omit by
it frours; north by tint opter p
lot ; south by C. L. %mil i,t.
ererted; end east by the we
tot tbat Trouts Vain st, by
fonzierly in the occupancy of
Dink's property. The Morro
being 7$ feet wide onlcrst.,
south and north lines of Walk
live !mit, will be sold es the_pro
Delpencb, Ilec'd. Terms mad
sale. MARRIE Al
Sep. 1 1 ,9, !SU; • Ad's of
A Lf. persdn. indebted to Q,
CLAGGErr. tete of 811 "
hereby requested to make pay
those baying claims against said
sent them duty attested to the
GEO. W. Ei.AG t
Springhill. October 18, 1847
ADMINNTRit - torti
persons ir.debted ti
Wilcox, ciec'd.. late of le .4
by requested to make binned!'
persons basin; demands again
ted o present them immediate
settlement. AMOS
1.e110y.. Oct. 19th, 1841
Bi" virtue of sundry writs of -t•
out of the co sat of commo l
to me directed, I s all expose to
of THOS P WODilUFF,in e l
de, on Saturday, the 13th day u
o'clock. P. M., the £illoarir.g.pi .
springhill, and bounded as folio ,
by land of J. C. Lary, east by
S.unucl Cheerers, and west by 1
about eighty screstrith shoat flfti
one Log House and one saw- Al
Seised. and taken in the suit:
use al Nathan Hitchcock Jr.,
ALSO, a peice. or parcel
township of Monte, and hounds
Beginning at. white oak on thti
the said line, :Koh 884° west,
perches to a post, thence, by tan.
4(l°, east 87 1-10 perches' to s 1
Jived Woodruff north 814°e
thence by land of Absalom' C
perches to the south east corn
land, thence north 54d east,2B
south 50 ° east 87 5.10 perch
Russell Fowlers lot, thence I
south 40°esst 122 -perches to
containing ninety-one acres and
allowance be the same more n
acres improved, with one Lo;
Seized and taken in the suit I
the use of J. P. Smith and J. M
ALSO, by sundry writs of Fi. Fs. Mr that Farts,
piece or parcc4of land. situated . the township of Leroy
in the County of Bradford, 1 , coded on. the north by
lan.% of the Asylum company, .n the west lit Linde of
Horace J. Stone, an the east h lands of Joahtia Orb.
avoid. and on the south by the Pommels • creek, ell lee.
proved. wish three dwelling hou one barn and wagon
shop, one saw Mill and an appl . orchard thereon, 6311 . ,
tainipg ninety-seem? acres More or less. •
Seized and taken in the east of Martin Hawley.ts.
Alfred W. Fellows i :nd Joseph iFellows. .
ALSO, the folio ing piece o parcel of land. situated
in Ulster township, bounded an described as follows, to
wit : beginning ut a stake on t main wen or piddle
road running V. rough Ulster v. ri
lags in said toship,
i t,
thence south 21° wei4 eight pe es to another stake, a
corner, thence north 130 west 1 perches to another stake
a corner, thence north 21 0 east 8 perches to anoth er
stake, a -corner of lot no. 9, thence south 69° Past ten
perches to the place of beginning, containins 80 perches
and being lotto no. 4 and 5 on the west of said road as
laid out by Zephon tlovrers,being the same two lots con
"eyed to Sidney S. Bailey arylt lilton Body by Jawed
Holcmith by deal dated the Iht rfay.of February, A. D.
1839. all improved with one small house thereon.
Seined and taken in the suit Of S. N. sod A. Rex, va.
Sidney S Bailey and Milton Bailey.
ALSO—By virtue of a writ nf Letrati Facies, issued
and directed to me, one - undividdel thi-d part of a ;whin
message piece or parcel of land u rtuated lying and being
in the township of Franklin en ray of Bradford date of
Pennsylvania, and hounded atqfollows, to Wit: begin
ning at a post corner (being the south east corner,
thence by lands in the warranileie name of Peter Ladlay,
south twenty nine and a half degrees wentwo hundred
and twenty•six perches tea het:dock, tit by latuls
t ince,
in the warrantee names of &Anne! Sidtkin and Nathan
Hardy, north tarty degrees what three hundred and
twent§ perches to a post. thencell land in theiwarraw
tee names rifJoseph Ladley,nort twenty-nine and a half
l b.
degrees east twu hundred and twenty-stx perches to a
maple, thence south 'sixty degrees east three hundred
and:twenty perches to the begin ihg, containing four hun
dred and fifty sties, being the tritct of land surveyed -to
Peter ',silky. on • warrant dated the twenty fourth day
of February, 1794. One half sere improved, OM biopic
house and two coal openings .th6von.
Seized and taken in executimi at the snit of John N:
Weston, vs. Nathan Smith, 1
JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff..
Sheriff), ()Mee, Oct. I I-, ,1047. ..
ORPHANS' COURT SAL ".-111 pursuance Matt
till order of the Orphans' court of Dratlfwif connti,
there will be exposed to public pale on the premises, at
o'clock in the afternoon of the nth of 'November.
neat, a tract of land situate in Rideberry sp.. adjoining
hinds of Morris Stephens on the south. and by landirdi
Dan A. Gillet on the east, north end west. contaildne
three acres, or thereabouts, all improved, with a small
framed house, and a saw.roill thereon erected.
E. RECKWITIL Ad. de horde nein
of the estate of Albert A. Beeltwith, deceased:
Ridgberry, September 2 08. 7.
NOTICE is !serail , given to all Penland intonitell j .:
IN that A. G. Matthews ssid J. D. Humplay *Oft.
tors of the caste %if
Samuel Mattlic4
late of ; George Pairba4l4 — adminiattatoi at dm
estate of . /
Samuel Fairiank, deceased,
tate of Columbia ; Mhos Prat moot' tits adathelistri
ors of the *gate of
David Prvit:Oexoseiri;
I*" "f 61 " I °D ; ohe of the talasinistratisis
of the estate of ll
N0•23i2 1 1 rrztntere, Avtraarf,
late of Monroe ; Mial f'.'rsiade administrator of the es
tato of • -
Jonathan It Slut; dec e a s e,
latex!Columbia; Josirph All I, J. M. Cramer
. ond
Polly Cromo•r. adminhoraton she mime o f
Stephets Cranna , daease4
late of Rome. hive faled,and Or led in the °Mee or the
Register of Wills. in and for e County at-Bradford.
the accounts of their several a ministrations upon,
af.iressid. and that t• . me will iii itrelitvibtrito
the Orphan's Court of said coq y, on Monday, the
day of December next, for eon mati n and stloaribee.
L. E. a ErWOI.F. Reenter.
Register's Office, Twvonds, }boy. 3, IB4T.
1 2Thd11
ti:eotot Of
je-094qValtd bY
metki kopm . fia 1 1 0 ,
j DV *" 134 * deed.
iu 4 ee. ii
. .
irr,S XL.E.,
ho qpleqe c.ittoto•
indic Ira liltf Sr 'paid
.; kiltiflnhe
. 43,..Outccyona *alm
a Ontabnitteni e itt 2
sbribea let; Orgraind
the 'email , * di veld
&eeedetiettgoet 'itch
of Vitik'W,Aihs'
0 9- wb_ l 4,bili_,:itelefto
elid 'or iiiiirwiathrs'
lately tieWhilied4;iiid -
Vet. B. &aim 4-the
deirdb,4 4 , foil*
a w7' deep ithise:the
nie .Dd Werd'irespre
terty.otituaati tradets
knewit 444 the O t t of
zti 5
7 014 r ELL, '
"a. Delpeeehidield,
fOirl or
estattrof GalltGE
gbi4loop., ilieVotro
flt whholitt difkiread
j mote l vriy Ogre Fe
bactifier. •
Err, Adaiinistrifirt
Lamed Alm°fern
township. stir hews-
payments;. and all
said eitata aro rogues
y to the• eabgerilor fir
WILCOX, Adra'r.
nditinni exxinnitt imbed
pleas of Bradford .co..
public male at tha home
the borough of 'rowan
r November nest ; at 2
or or parcel of land, In
es. to Witt On thiftuitth
Isaac Lacy. month, by:
Jeo. 6ttijtb. contoitling
een atriaalnprovwl With
111 thweati. • -
D. IC thowtt,.la the
Juba L. North,
land aitqated in dm
- as fiats . wa, to arff:—
warrant, thence along
; e hunched , and nicety
of George Tracy „ninth
'post, thence by hind et'
thirty pefehee to d post.
bangh, south ti° .east 8
' r of said CooLieugh's
rebel' to a post, thence
to a ping, otter of
orig said Fowlers -tine
the place of beginning,
forty-seven perches . anti
less, with abobt 90
cox aid One Lotaint
I f a H. %sob : now le
IGregg vi. fames Abu-