Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 10, 1847, Image 2

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    1.6 rtilft?.r,O, !*1 gP:P.O4*
. ToFanda„Wedgesday: Nov, 10, 1547.
Titasnrsatvou DA=.—Thursday the 26. th lust ;
to be observed as a day,of Public 'Thanksgiviru:
and prayer. Ny,e,have hivprequeted to atatti ihat
our Mercha44; t.ifidplceepers. and other businet,.
men have *greed to dose their stores and places of
husinetie t on that day, throughout the ; entire town.—
This kii,ght. We are glad to mot, ihitf t4e day IN t o .
devoted, terieily,to religious seiiii,ce.
Leseseeviete Oa ICI*: 1837•
el v DAN Sint —I had the honer, A iitw days
MK*, to receive your friendly leiter e apparaing me_
of viynr desire=e my name, after die close of
the then. app roaching canvass in Pennsylvania, at
the head of your paper; as the choice of the sterling
Detneeracy of your District for the Preeidency, and,
alto informing me of a similar disposition among
the Demoerets of the surrounding districts.
The frankness of ecoranennication and r the
con. d tive by hich it hie obviously
i s%
been dictated. CO myreapect and confidence.
Instead. therefore ;of replying to it through my old
and faze friend in eiour vicinity, as you engetest, I
'address myself eireetly to yon, and shall express
my opinione with the freedom and sincerity which
are due to the subject—to my position in regard to
it—and tie the respect and gratitude with which,'
your conduct has inspired me.
I cannot apprehend that what I am about to say
will induce any one to suppose that I undervalue
the honor' of the office with which your favorable
estimate of my capacity and principles has inclined
you once, more to connect my name. Every right
minded American citizen must regard an meant
bent of the Presidential Office, possessing the con.
faience and esteem of those who raised him to
power, and challenging the respect of all parties by
an honest, wise and,manly administration of his
trust; as enjoying the highest distinction knoWn to
the political institutions of mankind. ' lifevtthe- t
lees, I assure you that, whatever 'may has* been
icy aspirations at other, periods of my life,
I have ,
-no desire to re-occupy that most elevated public
station. I have already by the partiality of my 1
countrymen, 'partaken very largely of the enjoy
merits of public life, whilst I have not shannfti its I
Libel!, or been exempt from its inquietudee. The
favoreSand honors whichehave been profusely be-
seawiir on me, by the Democracy of the Union, are
and I fruit will ever be, present to my mind and I
gratefully impressed on my heave Every day more 1
and more confirmed in the soundness of the politi
cal opinions to which I have adhered, conscious of
having always done my dntyto the People to the
beet of my abaity, having no heart-but-rungs to be
allayed ? and no resentments to be gratified by a
restoration to power, and finding my present Posi
tion entirely adepteol to my taste and disposition, I
am sincerely and heartily desirous to weer The ho
noes and enjoyments of Privatelife uninterruptedly
to the end
If, tlepreaere, the support which you, with whom
f have not even the pleasure of a personal acquain
tance. have so frankletand honorably tendered me,
included that not only of the in fl exible and victori
ous Democracy of your .Congressional district,' bat
also of the Democratic panyeehroughout the Union,
and the consequent assurance of success, I could
not. consulting only my own feelings and wishes,
hesitate, respectfully and gratefully, but decidedly
to decline it. That any state of things Will heesftf
ter exit in which this- inclulgenee of my own pref
erences would. in the opinion dime and faithful
friemle, conflict with my duty. to the political party
to which my whole life has: been devoted, and to
which I owe any personal sacrifice, is in the last
degree improbable.
I appreciate and honor your anxious de-ire to
see the iriteitrity and firmness of the Democratic
par' of the Union folly vindicated. As far as the
temperate but steady action of one who is, by his
po.iiirat and a just observance of its proprieties, de
barred from active participation in partisan con
flees, can Lid in restoring its former. efficiency, in
rekindling its waning
,zeal and in preserving the
high ate! pure character which it has been long
and agility distinguished. yon may confidently rely
on my co-operation. Whether these desirable ole
item can be accomplished, mainly depends upon
the course which is pursued• by the respective
friends of those, prominent citizens among as who
are made candidates for the Presidency. Should
the capital of the Union, during the approaching
session of Congress, bec ome the rallying point of
their partisans, and not only their attention, but the
time and nt cation of those who are charged with
the direction of public affairs be devoted to Presi
dentenakink, instead of their appropriate duties, we
shall have little to hope in this regard.
1 ttut if mere politicalschemes and intrigues. how.
1 t ever cunningly devised -and however profitable
•- ' 1
they may have heretofore appeared; shall in the
We are euprisedsuel pained to see the Washing-present emergency give place to the unceasing and
vigorous efforts of all topreserve and protect the
ton Union, the Pennsylvanian,. and a few other pa
bleedine interests and penned honor of our coun.
pees endeavoring to create an impression that the , try—cakes which can alone attract the confidence
e result of the . recent election in Pennsylvania, should lat Ammon of the Democratic masses—the result
The clewed' as a decision against die doctrines of th ill prove far more auspicious.
t - Scarcely ever has the essential welfare of the
Wilmot Proviso. No such question was involved country been in a more emieaLeorlemo. or its
in the contest' No such was, made—and if it had ministration in greater need of thaenee'se, tic sup
, been made, the result would have shown that those port sit lhoee who raised it to pound. With a pro
bable neenrity
against it in the popular branch of
who view it in that light are far from being 'correct
in their conclusion. the National Legislature, and but a small, and it is
to be regretted, not a very harmonious majority in
A cotemporary, speaking 'of the course pursued i its favor. in the Senate, it may be called upon to
by:these papers sayer-.a In this 'they show an kr, vindicate hart past, end will be obliged to support, ,
possibly for aiiindefinite period, a distant, and riff
. norance of the public sentiment in our state, and do
ficult foreign war. The existence of that war has
great. injustice to Mr. Wilmot. We have no doubt received the official sanction of every department
that a large majority in our State are in favor of the of the Government Which is requited by the Core
doctrine hinted at by Mr. Dallas, that of confining stitution, and it is due to the Metre fame, as well
slava* to the limits fixed by the constitution. as present prosperity of this great Nation, that it be
Tbi3 Wilmot Proviso host:woo
question eitimpharaly . sustained..
.Whatever may hereafter
be the propriety of instituting-enquiries into the ne
• •
at in New Torkaand the result of the election will eeeeity o f its occurrence with a view to the just re
show public tieetimeet there upon its doctrines.— sponsibility to public opinion elate public servants,
We believe the tenement of our own State to be such an investigation may, at this time, and under
. eeietine cianunstances as well as upon principles
nearly. the same as in New a oak, and whenever , e l .• • _e.
m south. political morality, as re national expedi
ency, question shall t he put, it will be so decided.— encr be well regarded as out or mason. ,The war,
Mr. Wilmot was ,an ardent Shunk man, and the cannot now be ecniciuded with honor, unless we re
vote in his section of country, if it shows any thing ceive from Metico a just indemnity for the past,
of the doe•
upon the subject, is strongly i and reasonable security for the future. If these be
n support
trines which he boldly advocated in all his speech- not obtained. the survivors of our gallant army, who
I have, by their deeds of valor, confirmed the re
es during the canvass. •We know that the friends 1
specs and compelled the admiration of the world,
of Gov : Shunk in this section of the country, are not 1 cannot be brought home without impeachment of
the laurels they have so nobly won, nor the mem
o. aho it, and that they were opposed to its
odes of the heroic dead shielded from the rase
being m ade a questioa in his election, kering. the lion of having sacri fi ced their lives in a worse than
result." useless contest .
These so emn duties must' be performed, it is to
1 be feared with perhaps a few honorable- except
ieee within the proper aid of an opposition, number- 1
ing in its ranks many gentlemen of great talents
who hare had an unusual share of I,%ristative ex- '
perieece. and are well vette:lin the tactics of par
tisan warfare. Under circumstances so adverse,
' The real friends of the Democratic -candidates for
nominat on will wofrilly miejudr the interests of
their favorites if, without despairing of the republic ,
for that is a feeling unknown to the democratic
heart, but, disdaining sinister influences, and pur
poses of every description, they do not limit their
rivelehip to the wisdom, and efficiency of their ef
forts to exeicate the -country from the difficulties
and dangers by which it is encompassed;
STheertty looping -that such may be., the patriotic 1
course of all.
I am, very respectfully, and truly your friend,
&enure. P. Couess Esq., Editor of the Republi
can Farmer, Wilk:rearm, Pa. .
New 'ark Eleed
On Tuesday the2d last, the State of New York
held her that election under the new constitution.
We had *wed that the Democracy of our sister
State, which had been so long anti sorely rent by
intestine, divisions, aid jetdousies; would heal all
theirimPures and difficulties,- amkotne together, at
this 4iction, in the. rause.of Democratic truth, as
one Man ;'and redeem the Empire from the thral
dom of Federalism, and auti•rentism, which hare
lately fastened their withering grasp upon it. But, it
seems the Democrats of that State, have, instead of
uniting and laboring to dejeat their enemies, been
at work most assiduously tai accomplish their own
destruction; and the returnsixOlemotes show that,it
this, they have stweeeded tolbeir hearts content.
The Staterhasgotrit„ovelwhelminOyfor Federalism.
It seems that the Stsue ticket was rendered ex
ceptionable to a makity of the Democratic. party,
from the Proscriptive conduct 41 - the Delegates by
whom it was formed.
A Democratic Siege Coqesitiontissemblekat Sy
racuse on the 26th of. Sept., last, and nominated a
ticket for state officers. That portion of the party
which• rejoice in the nick-name of "old hun
kers;" had a majority in the Convention over the
"barn-burners," as the other branch is elegantly
teried. Availing themselves of this preponder-
ance, - the " old hunkers;' in making their nomina
iions, entirely excluded from the ticket all mem
- bets of the " barn-burner" divigion, although the
latter, embraces such men as . C. C. Cambreling,
Jolnyan Buren, John A. Dix, and,' until the; death
of Silas Wright, had his honored name enri lied
among its number.
This exclusion seems to have fanned into - a vio-
lent flame the scarcely, smothered coals of an old
resentment entertained by the " barn-burners"
.against the "old hunkers," 'arising, out of the de
feat of Silas Wright last fall,' who, the former al
lege, was defeated by the treachery of the latter.—
Accordingly, a mass convention of "the Young
Democracy" of Now York was held at Herkimer
on Tuesday the,27th ult., at which C. C. Cacaln...--
. hag presided. An address was reported by John
Van Buren. David F.. Field, of N. Yprk, reported'
resolutions repudiating the proceedings of the Sy
racuse Convention, and advising, the Democrats of
Ness , York fla i vote as though`there
,were no nomina
tions pretending tb be regular. They reaffirm and
stand fast by the _principle of the Wilmot Proviss
about which the Syracuse Conventior; had, said no
thing. These
, k•esolutions were unanimously adop
ted! No State Ticket was nominated. Hon: David
Wilmot, of Pennsylvania, (audior of the Proviso.)
C. Cambrelind and John Van Buren were 4
principal speakers.
Of course, under such circumstances, it is easy to
preceive thatAhe returns of the election will furniih
no indication of party strength in New, York. The
Democracy pf that state,
.although admitted to be
largely in the majority, cannot be expected to es
cape an overwhelming, and, (because . produced
by their own folli,) disgraceful defeat.
The Wilmot Proviso.
THE. Wastas Pnovrso.—The great principle in=
volved in the Wilmot Proviso, seems to be taking
firm loot in New York. The democratic, counties
of Herkimer, Delaware, Onondaga, St. Lawrence,
Suffolk, Cayuga; Wayne, Tompkins, Chemung and
West . Chester, have endorsed it fully in their coun
ty meeting,s. Those counties gave majorities for
Polls: oirerCiay of 6754.
Tux REWILNS IN Nov ery thing is
Federal—Lieut. Governor, .Comptroller, Canal
Commissioners, lissom* and Senate. The Leg
islature Will stand about 4 to 1 in both branches—
and the Federal majorities on the state ticket will
range•frrom 25, to 50,000.
NEw JusET "has done boner." She has eld
ted a Democratic Governor by about 2500 majority:
A majority of herlegislature, however, its Federal
—not so large •as last year, the Dernocraus having
gained 'one member.
ktAc G. bi'Ktarz;si has been appoiuted Post
Master at !lavishing, in the place of ions Pr.x•
rem, Esq., removed. Mr. NPKinley is dte Editor
of tligt riemocratie htion.
Cappilisitellor IMPreallimit7,-;''
7 4 k, 0 044 . ',
- ' al nit Zennineetitmo
,/ 1011 4. SA, r .:,..:,,- Goniiwefiwer 1-
*. kiteinfidaies,
_thoTrodenc" 41.4
( * t er C* l Y tirtiacightaiiiklieso ont*ly
flathe:telAtntion inittr.**a.- mow, Eis
eiktumbiaintlaimOrad, - tiie-beliere; mum Ober%
hare placed the name of Mr. BVCRAWAY at the
it. 4 .14 "ArkagfeakfAl49o" , 4l.o 3o .4 , ..fiTAchtb*
The Ifilkibirre Re - publican 'rimer. has Tint up
the 'flag ter MAaTnt VAN Boats, tua in commotion
, vith the It ofiartts of the Realtor publishes the 631-
l' l % in itget nom Mr. Von Buren 1.--
Wr~.F•r MANCH CANks.—We learnfrom the Mb
onian that the West Branch Canal cannot be placed
in repair, so as to let the water in, short of ten.days
yet. There has been a vast amount awl:irk to do,
and the energetic Supervisor, Major Hutchinson, Is,
pushing it along as fast as possible.. •We have been
Informed by him that he can have it in operation
from Loyalsock to = Northumberland in about the
nem mentioned.
: naiin A : :l 4 ; 4 ** eer Z:Z ain og s u it—of
that et ru eilieego4
breetbinf c T oe Welt= --wifi
smailm, _* l ***sdAley to stentum
-rr— orni ofte " inte in = . Mattelitomedsed'
d nearly if not mote tau
through the thro a t, 841 - W en d a s he took! neither
the power 11=12010 I,lmositot4o-makts
AreAtiw Va.
himself sunietmood in the lee* f.
_ EVNAOSINVAILY Pietimsraftwre .-- lady,iiiii.
Bunn, was riding on horseback acute six or wren
miles moutbot-Loui.slina, Mo., on Wednesday last
when suddenly slog* use atasbrokerroirbyagaiet
of Wind; that fallacroes the horse, inuneditsely bes.
'bind Besitaddis. ki l 4sllkthe korst-411 01 0P- - 1- 4 4
11 0 iselifedlittek t d.teliii! --
- - .
I 0 rest The imam over thousand Bee.
e ra tion .
libßhiesi d aran:. hernia: iinit hive re
ly hided in England are stated at - Ofist Hun.
d Beeenteen and IS half Millicent of &Bata.
ass ON inn Atie-arbeiilelereith Ties to -
t n New York and Monte* ate se* ele end hi
* Lc indeed, annihilating space—knocking old ,
Ti eat ones into abut with three angular extremi
l'i . .
r :.4. Mr. tirolfard, in Washington county, Missouri,
bas succeeded in manufacturing as beautiful China
and Granite ware, from the raw materials in that
region, .as has over been produced ut,Engdand.
Take taint of pulverized charcoal and pia it into
a bag, then put it into a barrel of new eider, and
the eider will never ferment, will never contain any
intoxicating quality, and is more and more palate.
ble the longer it is kept.
A. grand worikbaa been &insumrnated at Weilborg,
Duchy of Nassau. After five years, constant labor,
a tunnel- has been cut through th e mountain on
which the city Wailbnrg stands, to straighten the
bed of the raver Lahn.
Under the new law. Judge Parsons has sentenced
a convicted gambler in Philadelphia to a fine °MOO
and casts with lye years imprisonment.
A tam Dceo.-r-We learn froM'the Bangor Cou
rier that a few days since, a lady] closely veiled, call
ed at the house of the secretary of the Female Or.
plain Asylum and handed to the secretary a neat
note, and th en departed. The letter contained two
$lOO bills, and a single line anrfouncing the fact that
the money was a donation to, the asylum. The
name of the giver of this generous gift, so modestly
bestowed, is yet unknown. A.
The State Treasurer has issued a Circular to the
Officers of the several Connties,urging increased
efficiency in collecting the &ate Taxes, to supply
the deficiency which the recent 44xnages to the Pub
he -
Works must occasion. Isrvgwrioxs.--There ware st the late
American fair in New York, over four hundred new
inventions and improvements, sufficiently attest
ing the activity and fertility of the Arnerican brain.
Gen. Tallorsge delivered an able address at the dose
recommending stillgreat r efforts next year. The
premiums distributed included 58 gold medals,44
silver cups, 514 silver cups, 244 silver medals,
125 volumes of books, 11 special premiums, and
462 diplomas. •
ARII.MAL or &iris Asex.—The good people of
New Orleans were startled on the 17th, by a report
that Santa Anna had reached that city. Some wag
had cut Irma art old paper of 1836, after the battle
of St. Jacinto, a paragraph of that tenor, and stuck
it up on a bulletin board ; and thou,gh- it was not up
fi"e minutes, the information ran through the city
with electric rapidity.
Mr. Lon e ,mworth, of Cincinnati, states that he made
from last season's. vintage of Catawba grapes, 5000
boules of champagne wine.
The National Era, of Washington City, says the
whole, number of slave-holders in the United States
does not exceed 256,000—and this handful rule this
Nation of 20,000,000.
Mr. Bankhead, the British mirister in Mexico,
was at the latest dates suffering severely from in
damn atbry rheumatism. He has lost the use of his
lower limbs, and is almost a cripple.
Two beam were killed in Camden county New
Jersey, last week. One weighed 200 pounds, the
other, 100.
According to the recent .counts, of the late, bat-.
ilea there were forty-one 'Pennsylvanians killed,
and 267 woundel-308' in all. Ca pttain Loafer's
company of Readingi suffered ecvertly.
tn'l79o, a farmer in Kingman, Canada, bald $4.8
for &bushel of corn to plant In 1818, flour sold
in Detroit at 650 a barrel, corn at Se a bushel.
Daseirrers.—Vive or six soldiers deserted from
Jefferson Barracks, Mo, on the night of tie 17th, with them 61,7?)0 belonging to the govern
ment. They have not been heard ot.
A peke of solid stone has been found on the farm
of Mr. Silas T Belding, of Dutrhess county, having
the resemblance of a human foot and leg, of perfect
Caren. This curio' shy is supposed by many who
have examined it closely, to have once been a hu-
man limb.
A Harldsomc Speccurrron.—Amsrchant recently
nold in New York' city, 500 boxes, of lemons at $l2
Per box, making $lO per box, or $5,000 by the op
On Firday night, the 13th l there was a udecidesi
white frost" within the vikunty of New Orleans.
Two Kansas chiefs la full war cosnime passed
through Cincinnati on the 11th inst., on their way
to Washington.
The Mexican debt to English capitalist is about
It is said that Major General Panamint has given
orders to dismount twenty-eight brass guns from the
castle of San Juan d'Ulloa. for the purpose of send
ing them to the Military Academy at West Point.
The people at Chicago have been enjoying an
early sleighride, the snow on the 15th ultimo hav
ing fallen. so deep as to allow an Vulgence in.
that exciting sport.
The number of immigrants who arrived at New
'York during the month of October last was 13,182.
The Ohio statesman publishes a table from official
sources of the popular vote in that stagiest the ascent
election, taking the ate and Representative tick
et. The . awregrate‘4 , 3: Democratic, 105.822
Whigsnd 4,379 A • Democratic plurality
over Whig, 1,565. ,
Themistocles once replied to ail American who
consulted hitty"l would bestow my daughter upon
a man without money, rather than money without a
The congregation who worship in one of the
most gorgeous churches in New York, are about to
construct a separate and cheaper place of worship
far the poor. This, says the.lfew World, is making
steerage passengers of the poor in the voyage to
Major Webster has reached Nees Origam i on his
way to Vera Cruz to our his rigirnent.
Cot Bennett, who was severely wounded at Char
nbusco, is slowly recovering.
A salute was area at Natchez on the 16th in hon.
or of the valor displayed by General Quitman at
the capture of the city of Mexico,
There are in Pennsylvania. 225 &mums of the
Sons of Terriperance,havix' tg in thett= 24,889-
rnernbent,!bein an increase of 8,239 the pre
sent year.
Santsitnna being asked if be bad any personal:
dealings. with Taylor and Scott, re. •• d, " Yes
have kept up a tuning account with of theme.
The aka Demeena, at Staunton, (Va.) rase' ea
the flag of JAMES BUCHANAN. of Pennsylvania, for
Pt- . :dent, 'subject to the decision of a National Con
ofthe.oll47 .:
Monti An militate Piebfitin disslkth
ihr initiated Col. Chilli that` ie dud otieispiesfthiv
city with 800 men, and demanded that th e Ameri
cana evacuate the (citadel, giving them petmiseicti
;''Phorteltrbillfithiciracid-jficeet.'•=2-''' --
Col Childs defied Santa Anna. OA the 27th Santa
Anna annnienced a tremendous amauit upon Col.
Childs? poairiOn and thalami-in mum mined bombs
and shells-open the city;
Oa the 284 the cannonade was reauttiettbY
tlenticansibit the city defended keitiniselsisi &mu
attacks of the Americans by maims babel.
Aril* 10fitthetre Wens wil•Warlittle Witt
_ On the tat of *lobar - Santa Anna marched at the
20t)0cisvally,t0 attack the" reinfomitannos
oh their *ay yfin oa k .
_Sciatic Mexico, 'bit his
Men revolted ami plainest:ea him alraitor,
Santa Anna eiscayallwith a body shard of 130 has.
The Mexican *mimosa* had ordered Santa
Anna to Quetebtro, but belled contrary
tion towards bevies, and would probably seek re
fuge in Guatemala.
Up to the Ist:October, Cal. .Childs continued to
maintain his position in the citadel of Puebla. •
Cannonading had cessed'at all points.
The cottonotere in %Deity of Puebla took fire
daring the bombardment, and. was tome& down,
lipreading great alarm and consternation.
The reinforcements designed for Gen: Scott reach
ed Perste, October 4th.
A detachment of TexasSiangers had been ma off
by guerillas, and 19 low.
The difficulty in the Massachusetts W4in;ent bad
resulted in the dOirming of 85 of the men.
When the Jatfies 1.. Day left, there „were up
wards of 400 men at Vera Cruz, ready to leave, in
addition to those on the way to rainue General
It was rumored that it was in contemplation to
advance the war into some state which bad not
been previnu'ly smirked.
The Mexican Congress was in session at Quere
taro. The people had become smirch changed in
opinion since the fall of the capital, and were now
in favor of peace.
The extition fined out at Vera Cruz against the
guerrillas returned, after routing several parties.
The National Bridge was strongly fortified by en
American fi rce, and all was quiet in that quarter.
The Legislature of the state of Vera Cruz, in ses
sion in Cat city, inad proposed=eption of vig
orous measures against the gn
Major Polk succeeds Major Cook in command of
detachment of cavalry at Vert Cruz.
Penn's& Cousgreasionat Delegation.
Whilst the glorious results of the election in this
State have afforded to every true democrat cause
for heartfelt congratulation, it is much to be regrett
ed that the congressional elections did not also take
place this year. Owing to disaffection in our ranks,
the storm, and consequent smallness of the vote
last year, nearly a hill dozen of full-blown federal
ists were returned to Congress, who, with the fai --
fight and the large vote of the present year, would
have stood no possible chance of success. It is in
deed a drop of sorrow in our overwhelmihg cup of
rejoicing, that these federal worthies were not in
the power of the people of their several districts at
the late election. If they had, there would be a
different face on the relative strength of parties in
the congressional delegation from this 'State. A
glance at the returns will prove this : .
District b, Montgomery and Delaware, will be
mis-represented in the next Congress by John H.
Fteedley, (fed.,) although it has now, given a demo
cratic majority of over 1,200 !
District 6, Bucks and Lehigh, has given a demo
cratic majority of 800, but will be misrepresented
in the next Congress by John W. Hornbeck. (fed.)
District fl, Luxeme and Columbia, will be mu
represented for the next two years by Chester' But
ler, (fed) although these two sterling counties have
Fiver' to Shook and Lonstreth the sweeping ma
jority of 2,670 !
District 13, Northumberland, Lyeomirig, Sulli
van, Clinton, and Union, will be misrepresented
by James Pollock, (fed.,) although the majority for
Shrink and Longstreth is from 300 to 500.
District 15, York and Adams, in which Henry
Nes, (fed.) accidentally slipped in. last year, has
now given 600 democratic majority.
District 16, Perry [ Cumberland, and Franklin has
given about 600 majority/or Shenk, and yet will be
misrepresented for the next two years in the nation
al 'councils by Jasper Brady; an ultra federalist!
District 18. counties of Fayette, Greene, ant.
Somerset, will once merits rejoice in the - peculiar
ratiocin'ations and muicinatioms .of Andrew. Stewart.
the insane hero of the h gb tariff party ; but what a
withering rebuke has been administered to him by
the 5 to 600 majority for Shank and Longstreth !
To disprove these figures, be will have to write
eien yet more atr.ingely than be has on the tariff
District 20, Beaver and Washington counties,
last• year elected, by s very Elite vote, John Dickey
(fed.) as the deft congressman bnt it has now
given a majority of nearly 200 for Stunk.
District 22. Crawford, Mercer, and Venango,last
item returned John H. Ferrety, (fed.) This year,
on a full vote, every county in the district has giv.
en a democratic majority amounting in all to about
1,200 !
District 24, counties of Armstrong, Clearfield,
Cambria, and Indiana, lasi year returned Alexander
Irvin, (fed.) whilst this year it has given a round
majority, for Shank.
Here, then, are not less than rev congressional
diStricts which will be represented in the next Con-
Crby federalists; and every one of which has
year given democratic majorities, some of them
reaching even to thousands. The political divi
sion of the Pennsylvania delegation in the next
Congress will be—democrats, 7 ; federalists 17.
Had the elections taken, place the present year, the
picture would be exactly *arcane, as it should be;
for no man, in his senses, will pretend that the
skeleton results of last year reflected the true opin
ions of the people of Pennsylvania then or now.
It remains; to be seen, however whether the rev
federal congressman whom we have named, with
this unmistakeable expression of pnblic sentiment
in their several districts staring them full in the face,
will have the effrontery, when they take their seats
at Washington next December, to oppose the popu
lar verdict rendered in such solemn and imposing
form. It remains to be seen whether, in utter con
tempt of the sovereign will, they will display such
an infinite fund of assurance as to oppose the ad
ministration of Mr. Polk in the vigorous and effect.
ire proseeminn of the Mexican war; and whether
they will also lift their hands and their voices to
disturb the successful and popular tariff of 1846.
If they do this. ; as there is too much reason to fear
they will, their conduct will add another to the
many flagrant examples on record whit what utter
disdain federalism is wontto treat the popular will.
BMW IN A SAND 8AN1C...-4 melancholy accideut
wearied in our town on Satnrday the 16th inst. A
two hone wagon, employed occasionally in draw•
ing sand, was observed standing much longer than
usual at the place of loading, a sand quarry near
Mr. Smog's Steam Mill. On the alarm being giv
en it was found that a lame _bank over the sand
hole had caved down. Search was immediately
made when the body of John Teller, who was en
mad in loading, was found crushed, and life en.
tirely exthict.—Wabash (Ind.) Courier.
Twainermew.ten TroccoLcocr..—The North Am
eriMagtoriesoverthe deafeAkfatitemocr. cy in New
York, and declares it an unequivaal Isvonunciation
against the am notiaithstaud in it knou t ,' that the
very immensity of the majority, is an evidence that
,our party kept away from the Polls. It does not for
„get or omit toasty, hoWever, touching the decided
Democratic expression in New ie. miry, that that state
has been a carded in cantexprenee 07 Whig dismal
tines as to theiruominee!"
~.;.,, -...
.• ,
• .. „ .4
ta ~
, r -4.5 4,1=
7 L , --,... P
Bodl* --7 e r - 4— *" , '
Butter, '
Cent* ,
MAE . •
clearfield, : ,
Willa rr a '-
fard d,
Carbon . ,
DsuPtunt •
,gay, -
Green, .
Juniata, uncaer
tyconiing, -
Philadelphia c
Philadelplia e,
' Somerset,
&Aran '
7. ' • IrvinAmei Poo.
1 4)3
558 1944?-' 3 ; 1 — WV:.
463 .5763 ; ' , Ott
136 ' 130 , ;1.009 ':64113
4 Antia.l**o Ins
2438 2108: '2496 940
4068-- 335 7slll- ,11117,
1254 1864 : 1217 1886
3058 2520: 2971 2385
406- -, 411414eA9N14.46361-
1931 - 1860 , 4919, 1856
1139 874 1075. 1030
2477 1782 , 2612. 1713
4614 6152 1 4658. 6176
1807. . 631 , 1560 579
TB67'. , 682 484 549
966 1255 '949 .681
29.4-:, 150414 4896 -,l*7= ,
2265 1686 21'62. 1861
2861' 2559' "2861 '
786 '4B4' 187 ' 475
1872 , 2790 1961, - 2604
. 1484 1719 1441 1714
.1728 2588 1692 - 2582
182 93 ~171 88
2811 . 2113. 2768 2096
'2762 3219 • 2732 3242 ;
1914 880 , 11135 - 861.*,
• 1641 2042 , 1656 1971.
1415 :2052 1379. -20331
709 454 703, 393
980 975 991 '966.
4031 0741 4824 8866 -
1600 21411 1603 2141
2583 2239. 2686 2194
• 3296 ' 2017 3160 2089
-1874 1528 1942 '426
:313 252- 300 239
2617. 2616 ;_2588, 2555
1431 121M- ,-. 1418' 1325
1418 241 1448 270
5141 3723 , 5077 3688
2862 2359 2797 2057
1971 1231 1930 1225
; 4728 -1106 1708 .1067
3918 6512 3941. 6371
14892 7605 12650 7215
671 142 699 129
630 183 509 - 378
3720 2833 3584, 2703
933 2162 870
317 130 303 - 132
2352 1463 2298 1456
175.0 972 . 1663 980
1479 . 2463 1478 2406
1326 802 1259 786
3551 3335 3526 3321,
849 659, 824 610 1
1291 6861 1288 671
4525 2337: 4503 '2306
819 653 : 807 650
4007 - 3103 3961 3112
146,115128,138 143,833 126,115
1213,138 126,115
Majorities, 17,977
Reigart, (Native,). for Governor, 11.207
Lemoyne, (Libeny.) 40. 1.677
Morton, (Native,) for Canal Cocaner.,, 11.668
somas, (Libeny,) • do. 1,556
1 rederall-Isaats.
l a,
Where a the Federal issue*? Where are any
of Th e issues that have ever been made by any and
all factions 'nst the liemocnicy of the country ?
Singly and it, groups they have all sunk to rest.—
The issues rtf the original . Federalism of 1800, sleep
not more quietly than those of. legitimate descen
dant, " Whiatery" of 1840 or - t844. The alien
and seditioq laws rest side by side with a Bank of
StatT rate
the U. and the Bankrupt law ; and none of
their many worshippers seem disposed to weep
over their t . For what, may it not be asked,
has the country been kept in a state of political war
litee r Wh have the free and happy people of
these Unit States beer' marshaled over and over
like a hosti e army to do battle against the Demo.
crane. ad inistration of the country.? Can any
man ten Iter n any Federalist of 1847 tell why
hundreds q - -thousands. nay millions, have beer.
maddened with fear at the doings of the Deniocri...
cy 1 W they have been incited with th e wildest
hopes of a change of administration , as in 1810
and '44, well as often before I These are. ques
tions every American should ask and have answer
ed, now, and in all thee to dome , of every man
and of every party that proposes to substitute for
ocent:crag .any other political creed.
1t„,,, ge-..almost incredible -- to look back
even afe Mon years, and see what a volume of
political -4ory, ay, and political philosophy is
crowded nto that short space of time. Seven years
ago the etleral party was in the midst of a mighty
triumph. ! The country from one end to the other
was ringing with the shoats of the hard eider rev.
ellers ; log cabins and living coons, white and grey,
on four legs and two, were every where parading
our roads and streets in long processions, amid the
shouts of "change,” "change," " change," like
the triumphal buzzes of a victorious army. , The
whole seventeen millions of our citizens, men, wo
men and Children: were all tremblink with fear or
gladdened with joy. The day and the pageants
passed by—the enemies of Democracy triumphed.
Now, mark the result. Who could believe it I
These seventeen millions, with three more added
to their number, are all now as calm as a- summer
morn-- - --all,, in a general sense, prosperous; and yet
none of the CHANGES have taken place in the
country that were feared or expected. We are all
going on as before. The victories of 1840—of all
the Banks—Fiscal Agents ; or Exchequer - Banks—
Bankrupt Laws, or Protective Tariff's, not one is
left to tell the story of those who proposed or advo•
clued them. What a lesson for the present—tbt
the felting Thus have perished those Federal is-
Sues. Thus will perish all Federal---all anti-De
mocratic issues. v
There may now be said to be no issue any where
proposed against the Democracy of the country—
none at least, of those heretofore presented or
known—they have been abandoned, if not repudi
ated, tit their own advocates, as well as condemn
ed by the whole country. But new ones will arise,
nay, new ones are arising ; and it becomes erery
Democrat, as well as every friend to the re rose, and
good government of the United Slates, to scan them.
closely, and beware of the source whence tley
come. How frequently have many well dispdsed
Democrats been misled by the glare of Federal
sues—;-by their deceptive and specious delusions
when Brea presented, and. thus for. awhile enable
the enemies of Democracy to tritunphl It is to be
hoped the experience of the past will suffice to
stake them wary for the future ; that they will
look before they leap ; or, like those who have gone
before, they will regret their precipitancy and their
Now, when our principles and our party are firm
ly establiihed, and all old issues against 'us aban
doned or condemned, ir becomes us to be more
than usually watchful.
We have vigilant and unscrupulous foes who
know they cannot conquer us while united, and
therefore seek to divide that they may conquer us
so. Thii was their coarse pencliitg the late election
in this State—this is their course now in New York;
and no doubt will be attempted wherever they can
hope for macerate.
• The enemies of Democracy hate readily chang
ed their names es their measures became odious,
and they no doubt will soon be found under a new
•and more thatching cognomen. Federalist, Nation
al-Republican, Antima-on, have 'gone, and Demo
cratic Whig gill stroll follow; and, em long or the
signs of the times are disjoint and out of frame,
they will be the " only true frients of freedom"—
Once they were the "only true friends of the
enibn." Already they threaten to dissolve the
Union if they cannot rule it as they wish. Let the
Democracy of the country, we say again, look to it
- well, that no portion of there are• c aught ih the 'rap
of the new Federal issues, I Be calni. be steady—
Avait for the "sober second thought," and as in all
&neetiter'., the y will find the Democracy of the
cotuitry=-41as whole country—will decide rightly
and set wisely and vrell—Penswycznian.
Banks oldie '
1 - 11 -----" ; 7 17:77 . 1 agiftill iiii: i ft
urn of 0,
tenor that have swdiriudykept heir
and boughtthein at a diecount,ee
*,e, liMean . to the Lerifislature for rochin tet : h
'Afil'incellY aA ' ''' - ' ! hat . no .h y mai this win b e
'llw e-fiTtli
' ythninatthate that oven
taken :
*tit au** . • • - of tipeculation, and the L..„;.
*ante Arill.d. what isiugt and right, if dreg g o ;
a re-charter .. every such book. . ,
Th e L a w n .. Bank, also an applicant fe l th e
. sametAvar y , : . ,AdleirAlkalk th i ll#ltrand aw e
arrangements lit viliich her . paper is at RT. Let
alothest %IL w her e*saapie wake the conseuen.,
cm The . .ple have suffered enough t h e , b4i.,
„ in . ope ' . of the money shops ofthe Cor m ,C
m A' bre el i h, d ineaeuresehould be adopted whith
will have th , effect to purge the can't - rug from by
- . Thus object can be obt a i ned by
, , , A iewjkaussike circulaikin of every
_ .
Bee ' whose . . 4 Wunder par , an amount e cto i
to the diecou ahiligi Pipet As this am ount of
diaimont on.. 'ft paper is-the amount shared from
the - .people , * WWl* of the pledge to furnish a,..
go d ;:. : , tholaintratitnuat shottld be leviell
se ii tax , ... the-Bank for the 'benefit of the,
Treasury,. , -' , ingilt- 01 -Which would be, that Di
circulation o 8200,000; the State would realize
tax of : -1 1 1 on the circulation of every b an k t h o
keeps her p • at per cent, under par.
..., s .
- :o,orst.ts
ide riot. be
Cal. Canal
of , the Rio
armed Ame,
to the instr
rican or Me
His charges
per cent: p •
Tor the ful
he is usual
robbery, he
tr:s line.
lar case o
Mr. Bema
county I
were fed
week the
and died I I
!mine re:
The hoes I)
and in aho
pain. Th 1
and'if they
borne _begs
Walker, o,
Holman Szl
during the t
er injuriei
On the
man lell
had both
such bus'
17 4 718
A mac
ease lace
10 ; 000 in,
put in th,
rel ; with
4 ,
/tin) 2.oncrtiscipcnts.
rr now a tieing the time to tran.plant
Tree", the Subscribers (would say, in throe
wishing to purchase, that P.iich irre:. bed.
bed with . tha, choicest Fruit in li3C COUntry,
- -at their Nursery in Wyse:. .
P. W. ISki)WN.
T. I'. lk lERMAN.
can be b
Nov .8
Tipl RO
1) Bra,
V " i
Vring; 1
FUR rOODS.—Gentlecoen's for . cape, Luise: 06,
& • i good assortment at BAIRD'S.
SAsaws, and 64 feet awl ti Nat crea cut
ea st No. 3, firtrk Roe.
HA i r dc'CAPS.—A goad assortment sint sod fur
sta. Onelb glazed caps, with rapes. (a greet er•
tide PO stormy wmither,) men, and is cloth earn.
c ''!" , "? .g °rivet caps. &c. Yen will find ell these
kind-.4m1 many more. at 0 10 llNlttirt4.
PAI 1'9.--White and red lend. Venctom
n4h brown, copal gam, lithange, rime). rem
chrom - yellow. Tarnish. kr- it 1.13011D1.
T! A tIES I ESS TRI I I 11 I ;CGS .—Fringe, gimp,
h hit buttons, and an kinds of fain** for trimming
ladies maws. at BAIRD'S, 3..Berek Ro"._.
THS.--French, anti Engll,h Brod C!,.4i am'
;attisiineres„Sattinets, .herp** grey: viod •A° l '
1 1 10 B 11: Ws. N.,. 3 Brick low..
-Sirayell or stolro (lir the rat
1 -- - , welding near the centre of Cloth fi4l tP.,
Bradd c..„, Ps, about nine weeks azo, a ilov. Mass
r henry bodied, horns mostly Mack. A O r ' d
&Mara win he paid to any pervon isha will gin
Ilion where said Ilan may be found.
26, 11347. LEONARD DEMARvr
.._ .____________ ____—
• semen indebted lathe estate of Low m
c o."
A. or Leroy nawnship, deceased. are he' l l'
nns+sted to make payment without delay, and
paw' having claims against said estate , win please
tiled duly attested to the subscribers. -
ELIZABETH. i'lL os `
407. November 2, 15117. A.lminstrltao•
---, --------,--;
03i4iVanaliittS i 4 Zagt .. ) 2. i
, . ....--...
• baraCiasto sstc• alrlaa i l 3a ki
Loll of the .rlarainone Howe, Towanda, Pa.,
. • gkstreird by fi re on the t2lll of Merril lasi ,
AS leased the old stind„.on `the west ..sie dt be
public 9 131 1 81 e, latelly occupied by Willisek VW
virtu o 1 Tiger, where he i s prepared and soft he 11 1:
py t wait on his old customers and ihepublir Orals' ...
is h;11:1"" is. in good order, and his facititio for t .
ennTwklvting travellers and Visitors:each All will etif"
him to give ample eatiefaction. Charges m° 6ltrige.
Towanda, Oeoher 20. 184 /..
T _
HEREAI9, my wife, LAVINIA Di.:NN. ha;
my bed anti board, without toy jot .-
r.issiiiii?,. this is hereby to caution any Per" l. " -
mils / or trusting. her on my scrovat, as I wall' ,
iebto or &mambo Rfl bet . Contillrline.
' , genes Arm. 2„ PATRICK ur,
APS ! CA PS !—Mwn's, Dotes, and Ceildrev't
. vet, plush. cloth lhd fur, and for trimmed ()Ps --
privies the greatest variety ever gratin Ito P i '
received and for sale very low Or .s.•
tober 19, 1/341.. 0. . fIVIIIEII.4
a.NED ristaxawurna.--Our readers
I ttle surprised to hear that 'the vali ant
Sr the terror of the Mexican inhabita nt ,
l, 5 and perhaps the-dread of mi
' traders. has gone extensively to
nee business . He in. goods, A.
'cart - property, &can the Rio Grande t,
inn perils by robbers or gue rn ik,
are somewhat onerous--twenty-fiv e .
mium—but he gives ample seruri, j s
entstif his otliptions. lie ha:, ever t
olen prop e rty at the satne rate. sad as
y privy WI circumstances or any lar g e
si said to. drive a du:sting busineu to
himerstivv.---We learn that a pingo.
mortality has occured on the faun of
j in Gigortl, of Warwick township. Bucks
s hogs were confined in fourpent, and
Ithe same' kind of food ; one ni g h t 1„
ogs in heo of the pens-were taken sick
! the moining. Those in the other co
l:tined well and are thriving at this nein.
at died lost the use of their limbs st tirs ,
t twelve hours died, apparently in great
- were all fed upon rotted potatoesahkr;.
wereq/je cause of the death of of
by not of them all?
Lisburn, Cumberland co.. one of,the
ngaged at the new brideereertng br
Co., fell from the roof, whereite was
o the floor, fracturing his skull . .ile - die+l
I tight. We have not 'heard of any oth
e had received.
Isame day a man by the name of LA's).
rom scone part otthe same bridge, anq
his arms broken. Persods engazed
ess cannot be 'to-citreful.—Dim. non_
ine for making staves for barrels is is
lat Dayton, Ohio, which turns out 11 - 1$
,ty. staves per tninnte, or 1200 an how—
ten hours is Ordinary work. nzestare ie
rough, and comes out ready for the bar.
e exception of jointing.
(boa. Nov. 10. _ By S. C', NAGLEE:
910121.—,-Codfish and Mackeiel. any quanuty
le at elo BAIRD'S.
r N SHERTINGB.—AbouIt 43.0 . 00 yards of
Sheetings.first reed st B ;In) 'Ss.
lINGS,--Sstin. silk, ..satto stripe, silk velvet
other Vesting*, for winter or St1011:0Cr, faj 0 ,
great assortment at BAIRD'S. No. 3, R.R..
'E DRY GOODS.—Alroecas, French Men.
Oregon plalJa, mooelin Jc Wpm Cohoton
gbactor, of all descriptions . &e. &e, et .
Ile. BAIRD'S, Nu. :1, Brick Row.
BLANK coil %ant ait and
earl , article of the kind, tall Jit PAiRWS.
u know where to find the tact
pfin inWTl!—lhe eliot is It
PAiRIYS, No. 3. Brick Row.
-r BAGS, a spletaiirartirle, at
BAIRD'S, Brick Roar.
Olt WOW IT, o MOON k
Sept. 2a, 1 447.