Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 10, 1847, Image 1

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toantesbe Alan*, %want= W. I 8
corMiniaMe-frout Mexico.
Volk Oics. ( 1 4.,eic0,) October 7, tBl7
Eorrouvor viz RxPowrza ::—Almost every citi
zen of the ,United States who has 'been in Mexico,
has - Write:To something in regard to the customs,
mannersetc., of the inhabitants : whether I can add
anything to 'the common - stock of information is
doubtful. thing is tote, descriptions of court.-
, try. manners tulles!, made trOm actual, personal
observation ought to be ‘ken with great allovtance.
Tourists you are aware, have most grossly slaw
&rod the industrial portioircd ihe inhabitants of the
Coiled States.
Mexico has men of talent,: and information—the
veal misfortune however is they are chiefly mai
•lary men, and their itlea.s.are too feudal and clanih, •
ithtoo little intelligence among the Masses, for . a
republican form ofgOvemment; the Azetic race is a
'r nn tiless, worthless, vagabond class, and there W
m; Cincinnitus, no Washington to give stability
L)11)e ioverument when fortied, their coavulsions
.s.l revolutions have succeeded each otherin rapid
succession. This state of things must continue, until
r.ore respect is paid. to the civil authorities, p and the
military becomes legs omnipotent.
I have trequently benni the neeessit3,\W justice
.4the - e'xisting war called in question. War_ is eel.-
..Lolly a great national calamity; especially so to the
raited.States, Whose instittifons are founded on a
itinerant code of philosophy, and morals from any
But there is a point where endurance
,eisesao be a virtue, when invasion must be re
:.e,llFd. And, that war on the part of the United
Stits became inevitable after . the annexation of
*scars, and the invasion of her territory by the
Aexican 'Army, I think beyond all question. IT
Teas was an independant republic, her boundaries
were well defined and known, " Beginning at the
!tout of the Itlo Grande, thence .up the principal
etre= of said river in its source: Thence due
north the. to 42d degree north latitude; thence along
.:I,• ! hotinslary line as defined in the treaty between
'he rnitp:l States and Spain (Feb. 1819) •ti the be
:. There is no ambiguity in this language,
:.•••ie I again, repeat that after the 'occupation Of
American s3ir by the. Mexican Army,' preceded as
by a declaration of Waron the 4th of March
by President Parades. War on the part of
tilted States became inevitable, and I think it
duty, as' well as the interest of every. good
, iiizen-ho lend what " aid and comfort" he can to.
ellectinzaspeedy and honorable peace.
- Our insti , utionsy and public men, are, not tinder
,•o',d by the thinking minds here, They are too
a:A to suiipose, judging from the tone of the press,
Ina! the Whig party, as such is opposed to the War,
/lad if that party gets into power, peace will be ob
; elated on easy terms. Vain delusion !
j Tile Olive branch pricy in - }rny bumble opinion,
1 been pursued - long enough, it does no good and
j :Ids incalculably to the expenses of the war. The
kmericarm are spending milliOns and the Mexicans
are hoarding it up. The whole country'should be
. ...-cupied, Denationalized for the time being, and
. !.e army supported in the country by Custom house
ilutics, and oiler taxes; in this way the war would
terminates in six months: It would' probably
roquire 20,004 more soldiers in the field; but then
, e 1 .
• ,im
t• would in the. end be "the cheapest, surest, arid
i.t,t Way of "conqßring an honorable peace" so
in'arli talked of, but so far from being realized.
Tile - humane poll y of our govemmeitchas.clone
an good, the motive are not, appreciated. They
think-it through fear and not raver that they are. not
:.lore severely dealtivith.- This policy has had an
nther injurious effect, too few soldiers have been
sent into the country; for the safety of l i ke service.
The armies are too ?mall in the heart 'of the-ene
sues 'country. There is a point where numbers
must and will tell, it -came near being reached at
lteuni Vista, and again more recently at the i•
y i.
:tit. There seems at the present more active
lr.ttions going on for a vigorous prosecution the
War. Troops are arriving daily - from the Rio
flran.lo, and the L 7 tiitee States., There are now at
rathp three miles below Town. between 2500 and
3000 soldiers, aboot one thousand of whom were
t:tded to day, together with some 500 . horses.
rrrangernents are being made to get the tnitin tin
-.'et tvay soon. It will be under the. command of
li . liorGen. Patte son, and designed to' open the
cdnununication ith the Capitol and reinforce Gen.
-The news such we have front the Army, has
zlrtil forward arid I ed not repeat it here. I can.
r 4 t iici‘'vever refrain from recording a well merited
1 Irtbli to the heroic band of soldiers, who fought
' 0 oravely - at the Capitol. A French gentleman
41 01 e to his 'correspondent here, "That 'elite) .
'Alnerica n soldier had proved hirOself a hero to his
, :tiatr , y. and. , an Angel of mercy iot t he inhabitants"
`'''' sPeaks volt/nips for the dcsciffline, and hu
- " 1- ' 4 1!) - at the Americans, aftereight days hard.fight.
3'-'and the . execution of seven orders. such as
1 1 re
open and basking houses, to arrest the
11. " 4 /ticids. of the " lanaroni," niclass said to
"kier froilii4o,ooo to •50,0001 n-a population of
There is no regular communication with the City
°l Mexico, except througla.the•English Courier, and
' ba t I 'believe is only once' a month. For this set:
''re he has a, large salary; paid by Merchants and
aL er ha-iness fi len o f the two cities, and with .
:play of horses performs the journey in 48 hours ,
'thilance of 252 miles, of course he is char§ of
ht• wol9l with Americans, and would not like to
a :e al;lythiu, , ,; found on his rereon belonging to
4;elll.,lThe letter mentioned j 9,bove was written in
athi directed to Hamburg: hence the great
444 etilly of obtaining authentic info`rmition from the
. ,
' 4 ltta Anna's movements are at present unknown
' 6l t. one account has him beseiging Puebla, an
na <lit, is tlue. he' _passed thCongh this city 3
~. _d.~P
tew di4izise, and w
,pnt:4o o 4 l
an English vessetlyingin the harbor. Generals
waded and Yadkin anrin the Capitol - - - ritheut
eoikuuntids. Yours truly, - -
Color..' Here is a young lady 'wiu3
grows * been shelf' not a belle. Has. She
sorraidenld %tibia:the l tabeauty is? To' bellau
tered by eve ry body; besei,,, with " Manly" -arid'
hes, mock IfTectien and ftisincerrrf. endship ; to be
*tared at in The streets, and to be 'owl that
beauty is preferred to worth ; tp feel in . • •and
be superior in plactri to be , obliged to still eve,
tine emotion of the v heart; never to love, but to be
married io obedience to what the fashionable World
-says he ought to do; finally to wear paint and false
hair, false teeth, and to be false in everything; and
dying, give directions about the grave dress, as be
coming or not. Zgy dear young lady, be *a milk
maid ; dress youirich tresses in the glass of the
still water; some honest lad who will Cleat upon
you ; become the mother of good men; die with
some sense that you have not lived in vain; leave
the memory of good deeds in the poor; Qiat you
were a good mother, a kind neighbor, a nice house
keeper, a ' frugal- wife ; and such a reputation is
worth dll the homage beauty receives a thousand
times over. ,
And you, sir would be tall; and knock your new
hat to pieces in a stage-coach ; find your feet (tang
ling a country inn, on a cold night;
pay ex for your broadoloth cloak; wear low
heels,, and let your feet into the mud ; fall in love
with a short woman of fortune, and give up the
match to escape ridicule : make a constant obei
sance in garden walks ; never taste a mouthful of
warm soup, and live upon cold potatoes, on account
of the distance between the plate and your mouth,
every morsel being coaled in along current of air : -
be called "lathy" if you are lean, and a " mon
!Ace if you are fat. Have you considered, sir, all
these conditions of escaping your modest mediocri
ty five-feet-six)
Truly he is most happy, who occupies a middle
ground, as to money, fame and size. The respec
table men and wotnen of the world enjoy life, while
the extremes are miserable ; the one from surfeit,
the other from hunger. It might be shown that
there is a near resemblance between the highvit .
(so called) and the lowest Society. The same reek
leis disregard of public opinion; only in the one it
is called independence, in , the otter nesperatiopt.— ,
Kings and heroes murder, - and attain their -cods by
violence, and so do robbers and house-breakers.
Very fashionable people turn night into day ; ands°
do thieves and cut-throats and gamblers. Dandies
change their dress many times in a day, and so do
those who disguise themselves for phut!, or to
escape the police. The wealthy ride in coaches;
so do their servants, only on the outside ; and the
best part of the turkey often goes into the kitchen.
It is said that the nobility of England are proverbi
ally careless about dress ;so are beggars. -
It is not denied that there is great virtue in high '
places, often; but so is there in low and humble
ones. But as man in his best estate is neither fat
or lean, neither tall nor short, sio we contend he is
in that condition neither rich nor poor, neither fa
mous nor insignificant. Geoids, in a popular sense,
is unpractical. The men who live . for farpe, live
for themselves, not for the world. Wealth does
not fulfil the expectation of the rich; office does
not exempt from care and vexalion ; beauty is more
flattered than loved; and, in short, the general lev
el-is more accordant to nature, and therefore most
likely to be happy. • " Give me, then," the wise
man says, "to live a•calm life, away from the dis
putes and rivalries, in the enjoyment of the works;
of God, where I may feel myself growing in self
controfertd self-respect, and more anxious about
how I stand before my Creator than before man."
All is not well—with the young mother as she
leans over the.fevered couch, and wipes the death.
damp from the marble brow of her only child—nor
with the votary of pleasire as he prays for the dawn.
ing, of light, hoping to ara,ge his pain, caused by
the intoxicating cup, and perhaps a monitor within,
which tells him of damning and accursed
days gone by—nor with the opirwer of the wid
ow and the orphan, as be remembers the agoniz
ing 'supplications of victims—nor with the the
statesman, as he beholds the sceptre of power and
the diadem of glory passing away forever—nor
with the gambler in the gorgeous saloon, as deeply
quaffing spiced wine, he seizes with a gaunt,and
jewelled hand the dicebox, and daahes aside the
pleasures of a home once rendered dear, but for his
own turpitude. And, ohl the heart, there, of his
wife, broken, and which clung to him and will
fondly cling to him to the last.
To all these, that cry sounds like a funeral knell
—and brings neither hope nor consolation, when
the last hour of man has been nunibered, and his
life flickers in the socket. Happy the person who
can look calmly back to the past,. and putting that
question to his soul, hear the gladdening, Om heart
cheering response from the unerring =Suitor With
in—All is well.
i '
ALL rs WELL.—When the hum of business bas
ceased in a populous city—when fainter and still
more faint grows the laugh and the revelry, and
the heavy tread of tote stra g gler upon the stone
pavement has a solitary and unearthly sound—
when hushed is every murmur, and midnight
broods over the palace and the hut, -wha t in that
still moment, when from turret and frdm tower
peals the passing hour, has not been startled by
the cry of " all is well" fiom the guardian Watch-
Man of the night, , and been soothed and calmed by
the manic of the sound ? •
The Sabbath is like.a stream xvhich has no "tar=
acts'to astonish us with iheir magnificent thiMmr,
butwhich winds along the tranquil valley, asserting
its existence only •in the life and verdure which
appear along itscourse.
Never spend time, words,' strength, or anger on
little things, hut rosorvelhem for something more
;•-• e-D&44.5, I
‘l4-.4*.- -21 71- .`• r • .r; • -
I'6AM - it:AT :10-*A, , , ,, 80,t.,010 - COUNT), P 44. BY fox
ii-I, v ;0 , I) - .7: ii . t.." i. - , !..-,
• • Irma orextieteitanAira L:=
11137 44 tkittiO Vartfoillfan *mire . I'4ooo
lofty as 'thittliforelan triouftidn* exclaiinaa,i,
essruliag e myself alaus brambles; upon the lof
tiest summit MALT chain - which edges the Sacra
in" elite Valley. ' • .."-• _ . , •
"Not so , ' returned my friond,Tquiedy c" it would
be toe hard to climb.!!', . .
• Harry South wal One of those .Ittrft who. reveal
only. to their intimate friands-a marked peetdiarity
of character. There ate many such ;:all indeed
" ay be really so, for every man convinces' those
wh now him beat, that he possesses a full and
true • • uality ; but, more than any other of my
acquaintaricey friend managed' to mask a drea
my pi:lett - callined-him:ion and a &rimy heart under
the appearance of a ... "4nam fashionable- and high
spirited man of the world.' „His wealth and con
nection in society, of course secoreo him the posi
tion of a gentleman. Ncibody suspected him of be
ing a poet ; yet though he never wrotelitas, be
always thought poetry. Between the age of fifteen
and twenty-three he -served in the navy as a mid=
shiptnah and lieutenant, and then left the profession
to succeed to a valuable estate, and consult his own
pleasure by travelling as a gentleman at ease. At
York Buena ifirst met him, and ouraequaintance
soon warmed into friendship, so that ' before many
days past, we found ourselves travelling together
on a half hunting, half exploring expedition along
the beautirul Valley of the Sacramento. Every
hour revealed sortie new trait in his characier.-.
A peculiar freshness, not of inexperience, but the
vivid glance that never dulls by often looking, seem
ed to form his ideas upon every subject, and made
especially delightful our conversation upon the most
delightful of alt topics, love and woman's heart.—
Hithorto l untouched by the gentle passion, he had
set up for hinefelf an ideal model, not moulded, as
he was wont to exclaim, after any km of material
:lay, but one whiCh rose within his mind in dim
yet lustrous beauty, like a translucent' mist before
the dazzling sun. Such a character he conceived to
be Miranda, in ".The 'tempest," and looked upon
it as a lovely vision, never to be realized, yet ever
before him witha delicious,, tantalizing presence.
Indeed„ so often did he rhap*lize upon Miranda,
before two days had elapsed I became hearti
ly sick of my friend's poetical hcibby, and sought
every occasion to draw him out on other things.—
In this way we arrived at the edge ofthat immense
valley, and ascended the loftiest mountain to catch
air view of the - scenery around us.
" •- '
,said Harry, "it would be too 'hard to
climb. Von'bro- ambitious, and can never be sta
tionary ; you mitet eithekinove onward or " else
keep out of sight. 11 I were disposed to compli
ment, I might say, so is the sun ; but the course of
light would be degraded by a comparison with a
merely ambitious man. For my own part, I would
simply " take the goods the gods provide me'," and
glide through a happy life. in cultivating, not so
much "paternal acres," for I confess myself no
farmet, as my own heart. The little society I
would have must be associates, not rivals nor in
ferions. put you would struggle, and perfer rising
above the ignorant and weak, to being surpassed
by the' educated strong. This is your country.—
The Californians are too indolent to strive with an
energetic man;and will quietly allow him to ride
over them, provided' he is not roughshod. They
have all the pride of Spaniards, half the quick in
tellect of Frenchmen, and more than the terrible
revengefulness of an Italian bravo. At the same
time, thedaziest Turk that brakes - through life in
a cloud of smoke, would open: his eyes at these
lumps of California clay, forever asleep. Look
from this mountain top, and - say, are they worthy
of their country ? The air, that breathes delicious
health through others' veins; enervates theip.—
These noble moud aim, that we love to climb with
soul as well as hody, only amuses in them a lazy
horror of the troublesothe ascent, as they stand be
low, dully gazing upward. But, by Heaven ! there
is one below who is not ga zi ng upward in dullness !
That attitude is entreaty and despair itself!"
• I sprang to my feet and looked over the edge of
the mountain. Beginning at the spot where we
stood, an almost perpendicular precipice seemed
to slide down full six hundred feet, and then anoth
er peak rose aloft, le'ng between a little valley
with about , fi fty yard of loose rocks, garlande 4
with verdur. At the moment I did not notice, rude
hunting-lodge in the middle, my attention was whol
ly fastened on two human beings in- that remote
place. One of them was very tall, gigantic, for a
Californian, and his herculean limbs, arrayed in
the hunter's finery of his nation, bespoke him 'at
once a dangerous neighbor in time of feud. At his
feet, in an attitude of exquisite suffering, kneeled a
young girl, lovely even in the distance; and so
truthful was her posture, that we almost fancied we
heard a pleading voice, broken with sobs and tears.
Yet the hunter stood savage and immovable, look
ing contemptuously on her for a moment, and then
turning away, he walked swiftly out of the ravine.
"There is something here for us to do," said
Harry, firmly and rapidly. His words roused me
from a gime of wonder at that singular pantomine,
and hastily exchanging glances, we seized onr ri
fles, and descended the mountain in silence.
' Some hours passed before we could force our
way through the thick underwood down the more
gently, sloping slide, or skirt along the base. Even
them was great difficulty in searching for the nar
row gorge. At last, however, we found ourselves
near the cabin of the hunter,but-ous steps were de
layed a moment by a huge dxg; the Cerberns of
the regions, which rushed upon us with a howl that
sounded as if the triptd-headed monster of old had
opened with every throat et once. Our business
did not allow of such obstacles, and a shot from one
of oar-revolvers soon stretched-him upon the grass.
We entered the lodge. In one corner sat , the fair
suppliant we had seen bekne, biding:bar face in
her hand*, and moaning tOherselfthe most mourn
fir] Anatish eirchtemtinnifi grify de rny
de my l i r She had eArentlY.Suistaitin .ettr*Ow
the return , of the Californian !minter. Harry spoke
fimwords ofoncoti ~aao ; b ut at * sexual of
a grange YOWL she marled-up with-ea inefitretive
*tea and AcassAcnstgtiaklimaa'aleattPlasPed
.each of us i s het arm aritlx.a.shower. of teats, and
bEaskcsr esi - onuilf hYaUltia joy. •
We'd:re* bah t M this' itemise ieception , but at
the next Would We scrneriffered a year
.of our lives to have been in that delicious embrace
Stryige that we dic not feel ii at the time,
but when the first astonishment wore off, there lin;
gered the Sea of a *eruption that we might have
felt and remembered to the. day of our death. But
the gni evidentlyzdid not intend to repeat the sale
o'She 'Stood wondering at hPz' rePalsP as
`much as we did afterward, bat with better reason.
It was a common and innocent token of friendship
among the wart', open-hearted sex other canary,
and she, poor thing, saw a friend in every stranger
at that time. She seemed about seventeen, and
her form ehibited 6 rare mingling of grace and vo
hiptuourt symmetry that I had before deemed im
passible. All Californian senoritas possess the lat
ter, bat it is united with a spreading luxuriance of
Rink that forms a magnificent contrast to the sylph-
Me airiness of some other climes. Here, howev
er, the two were so connected that it seemed herd
to know to which dais of beauty she belonged.—
At thii time, indeekno critical thought entered my
head ; I saw before me only the Californian glee?,
big her dark eyes on us inlearful hope, and won
dered that I bad ever thought the phrase " billowy
bosom" an extravagant expression. She came
forward again, and taking a hand of each r pressed
them between her own, saying inquiringly, and
with inexpressible softness of tone, " Amiga, ?"
Then, without waiting for an answer, she hurried
on. Her father, she said, was a wealthy planter
near the Sacramento rives, herself his only child.
A young man, the companion of her youth, had
been convicted of a capital 'crime and sentenced to
death ; but a few days before the execution he had
escaped, and was sueposed to be lurking near the
mountains. He had once been an =successful sui
ter for her love, and his eight relieved her from a
load of fear she had always felt of his character
and designs. But, two days since, she extended
her evening walk too far, ttnd 'suddenly the outlaw
Mood in her path ! He stopped for no vain entrea
ties: they would be useless; but placed her be
hind him on a swift mustang,and flew to his borne
in the mountains. No pause or rest was allowed;
in one day they had crossed the valley, and stop.
ped at last before his cabin. Here he lifted her
from the horse, faint with 'terror, fatigue and hun
ger, and leaving a savage hound as ' her keeper,
he had just•started with his rifle in search of game.
She told this brief story simply and artlessly, as if
conscious that words were not wanted to color the
'deed ; and then dropping her hands, stood before
us, still in her beauty and distress.
Excited as I myself teas I involuntarily started
at the first words of Harry South. His usual calm
exterior schanged into an expression of terrible
meaning, 'and even then !saw that something more
,than mere ".compassion and anger agitated my
friend. %I:11 \ 1'e said was broken, and evidently
came struggling\up from his heart. He promised
.her protection and safe return, and without wasting
words, urged an inimediate departure. We turned
to go, and our eyes leil upon the gigantic form of
the hunter, terribly lacerated and dripping with
blood, as he leaned a,*.so the door-way for sup
port. He appeared, hard) able to stand; but the
dull glassy look of faintness in his,'eyesqseemed to
surround a fierce gleam of foii):tfl malice. A fear
full\ contest was going cui betwee his wounded bo ,
dy and the uneonqured - wilt of - so ul. The lat
ter prevailed for a moment, as, in an actually
blazing eye he rvehed towards us, raiSing his club
teal rifle. The blow was easily, ward*/ off, and
the exhausted &aimed° fell. ' \
IY \34
N ever did I fully appreciate the woman • love
liness of Clam, holding the head of the dying ar
, mion to her breast, until I saw the . young Caliihr
nian girl striving to raise her enemy abd statute
his wounds. We soon found that he was not dead;
and having carefully deposited him upon'a rude
Couch, the perplexing question arose, 4 8 What is
,to be done 1" He deserves nothing at our hands
but death, yet humanity forbids us to leave him in
that dangerous condition. We therefore remained
there full four days, while he was balancing be
tween life and death. The cause of his wounds
we could not then inquire, though they were evi
dently received in close fighi with some wildieast.
'During this time, . I acted as hunter and purveyor
of rood : the Californian, of course, was the nurse ;
and Nary, equally of course, seleCted himself sur
From what the tenter afterward laid, it appeared
that he had Wandered some distance up the moan.
min in search of wild sheep, of "broad horns," and
suddenly found himself in close vicinity to a griz
zlY bear; almost the only animal which the bold
western bunter feels to meet. It 'ls neatly impossi
ble for one to kill f it t rifle balls tarry themselves in
its body, and stein but to increase its ferociff.
ICnowine that the eye was the only part open to a
mortal wound, he calmly waited till the fierce mon
star was just about to rush upon him, and then fired
•with deliberate aim. Vain hope! The bear moved .
a little at the instant, and received the ballet in its
!hick skull. It was staggered at first, but instantly
recovering itself, it mind • the hunter in a terrible
embrace! Nothing but his calntraiss of nerve saved
him then. Torn and . breathless as he was, while
the monster's het breath was yet upon Mtn, and
the fo un•ground from those frightful jaws flew into
his face, he drew his long slender daaer, worn by
Californians for a hunting knife, and applying it
with steady grasp to the eye, drove it suddenly up
to the haft. Both fell together, but that deadly
thrust had saved him. The animal's struggle was
short; and the hunter mse f fearfully . mangled, but
still alive. 'lle tottered back as well este could, and
arrivedodly to tindnew enemiesin his own borne.
Attila arid` Of friar days, the qtmition, "What
shall we do l" was perplexing as ever. Tb bun.
4 1, , '1
ter is'as fa recovering, too fare .rittfe4tlfor our lwe
wishes, -for: we. could' not ; eipmt. hieri tranquilly to
zehretaish Ida pOze f and it acco ingly deti•r
rained by *ever:mil ilr . nce`tO leiiie hir'socretly,
_slier placing within bin rtnici: , : 1 enough to
last him several days. The. wit .nxibaing Po' us
five leagues &mt. -
paring the' journey, I. batl 'few attics' et
learning the character of our fair m m ion. She
waa mounted upon the same. 1:131 which had
carried her before, and Harry. walkir4 by her side
kept up incessantly a low-toned contersatibn, so
that I took the hint and led the way. 12kt the close
of the first day, we bivouacked is the 'tan hunting
style, and making up a. hasty . coach r the tali
fornian -girl, laid ourselves upon the • insilence.
I was just falling into a gentle doze, .tvhen a sin ,
l ee werri from my friendevroke me. 1
us trange p, I
,4 That you have found your tongue as last r What
" Why, I never thought to ask Ur twee."
" Perhaps' I can: inform you.". • '
"You! Bow did you learn it! ikl. t 4
is itr ex
claimed he, eagerly rising.
" What can it be, but—MirAiala T' !said I min.
chievondy. - I -
" No more of that, Hall" he repliedwith a man
ly blush. " But yet," added he, morn earnestly,
" she is Miranda in truth. In a few . cirds she un
veihrher whole soul. So inaocent,so ildlike,and
yet so womanly. I could say to her • Ferdi
nand .
--It Putt many a hay •
I hoe* eyed with best regard : and many a time
The himsonyof thew touguesheth imo tanattage
fra ci v7tEd — di r m tre; ; : ( nleer e tut ril y V
With so full a soul. but some defect in her
Did quarrel with the noblest grate she ow d, ,
And pet it to the foil ; bat you. oh, you,
Flo perreet and so peerless, areereated
, Ot every creatures best^
Her beauty and distress more than in t erested me
at first, and since that—whyshould not eft:freesia
—our coni.ensation has showed me a fresh, and
noble souL and has actuallyebt, as I was about
to say, made a fool of me, but a wiser ind happier
man. ~
" Happ' r ! I may congratulate' youNlshen. But
her old lo er, he will of course recover, and he is a
California . • They stab in thndark."
" Tniebut a Californian practises titinle as
well as centre. I hardly know wit' hhe feels
towards We probably saved bint ! 1 from hil a -
gering ddatb, but at the same time ro hint of
some' "more than life. Let no I , ention no
more. is a dark shadow in my psi , but thank
heaven, II
'rid me. I fear him not. I range , that
Invert ught to ask her mune P'
Withsoliloquy, he turned, over l and 1 went
ee la ,
1 to sleep.
The ,nd day gate me no better opportunity
than the *at for examining more min ely into the
character' f our fair. friend. Harry was still her
I cavalier, I sometimes fancied that his treatment
in exclad me might be aptly to ed by the
word. B tsitoated as he was, it was a pint of honor.
to give bun exclusive possession of h r eompanT,
especiall as we expected soon to reac her home.
l i
Still, as I . 'lnlay glanced back, and marked
L ai
her free, unless bearing, or heard the Musical mur
mur of hilt laugh, 'I could hardly help envying
Harry, mid his place by her .side. Towards. the
close of ye afternoon. we lathe valley' ascend •
ed the fide lull beyond. When the Summit was
'gained, faint outcry of joy from
e tillcompaxtion i .
:as she tred towards a large bad a, about half
a mile latent, showed that she • recognized her
home: We stopped and *ere almltat instantly
seen by it straggling slave who ran to the hacienda,
and in few moments, a gray-headed old man spur
' red towards us at full speed, with a ccowd of imp
1 vents following him.
" My father in
" You h ave another frieud to svelcerne," said a
deep voice at our side, and the tall form of the out
lay, stepped front behind a rock, .
"I have waited for you here," he continued, with
_singular calmness . " Your compardims I might
Itave waylaid and shot down before ibis, but they
ittce spared and even saved my life,] when I es.
petted death from them. I cannot !recover you
vnihout injury to , them, and now, 14 this - our last
meeting, I come wirh one request. the mem
ory of our childish days, by the death of my love
for you, grant It ! Let me See you alone for the last
time—for ever !" •
I hesitated; but— •
" It cannot be,- Herman," was 4turaiured faintly
by the girl, and "It must not be," more anthori•
tativelY from Harry South; derided the matter,
" Then what I have to say I will sey before wit
- He paised, and his fingers worked convulsive
upon the barrel of the rifle on tt tacit he was
Why have I left my retreat, andiellewed you
thus, while Fever ran in my veins; and nity wounds
opened at every step! Need 1 tell 'yotO 'Tis the
same - cause that curbed my proud nature in boyish
days, the same thit drove me forth, ithe same that
gained you but to lose all. Need I tell you no* - I
Ycittlifirink, and' well you may. Forgive me ; the
days of violence have passed, and, you will seek
peactfroin another. 'I must not live to see this;
I have now come to bid you farewell, audio ter.
mina* the existence which torments me. Fare
-Well!"1 commend you to the Holy,Virgiu.'
He held his open hand towardher for a moment,
then suddenly raised his rifle and tt . I. I caught
her to my arms—dead!
A maddened scream acid:illy conu dmy friend.
He instantly recovered himself, and ith a frightful
slowness, presented. his rifle and de iberately cov
ered the outlaw's heart
o Fire I" cried he, baring his bread breast " you
save me from self murder, which 4muld be hateful
"to God, and
" - No," reglieuitiarry, ictieriug dB weapon ;thoti
Satan of fallen angels, I. will 'rot Mercier you.
Woundpd though you are, you sk l have equal
Chance for life, but we mini* bolls live. Imagine
µ _
MMIEM , .!
. . .. .. .
the i t : cml l 2* meast ri4l s lii.. aside.
gli.i..-sty ,liiii i e. .... , ..
11.1 took, a paw !A - pistols beltfromisA an, il
i' - b a ud`
°c i d
ed me one. , , l,,reeeived it Mech icily," efinCgaye
it to the Californiarr.:They st oPposite each
othei, I counted. and at the last word there was s
single nsplosion.
''' The outlaw - held his pistol in the' Sam! position
is- before. He tottered, and 'pressing one hibid
nponlisbosom; sniggered to thei body hia 'MIT.
a Let me die 'by her slier be
Then looking up to flarty-stith
yeas • a poor shot; I thought
ttraffornanff--he raised‘the pist
prestied the trigger.
Though years'.
the-scene; the bod'
beside her 'gigant"
gasing, ort`thein yri
and• in the distaste(
to his child !
yoa ask for that m
chap to•a Julie' ,
bakers one'of he
a day or two ine,
"For this me,'why marry, I recon he's wuf tree
levies, I do",
"I$ it ripe Tf' - • • :--:
4 ' 0 yes, massy, he ripe shu. I dun . plugs um
drougb, if you sea so."
With that die darkey out witlii his old knife• and
making the-tirst incision in the Melon, when it gave
a long deep piercing oh ! 1
"Gosh a mighty, wats dat 7V exclaimed Cuff,
dropping his knife. ,-• 1
" What do you Ftap for 1" 'asked the gentleman
"Bream God I I tot him holle, T did."
"Come cut away and see if4ris ripe."
- Re gave another poke with ti knife and this time
the melon shrieked out, "Olin/Order you kill ale !"
• Before the last, won} was cntt, the melon went
tumbling to the ground on one tide of the.calt and
the darkey on the other, bellowing, "0 de Lord i•
0 de Lord ob heaven!"
Picking himself up, he( half scampered , half ran,-
a few paces from the eidl, and turning tc behold
the fragments of the melon, continued,
" Whew, dis nigga nebber, dat: Clare to
God, holler murder !" while W man, the celebrated
ventriloquist, walked . quietly a ay, amid the shoats
r e
and roars of the bystanders.
El i
Asscom or MR. ./crir x . : Thomas leiter;
ion, the illustrious apostle of berty, could . nit be
otherwise, or course,lhan a f less and uncompro
mosing advocate of the freedo of the press. He
r i m
had " sworn on the altar of his otry eternal hos
blity against, every form of ty y over the mind
of man." This tyranny, to his view, could appear
in no more dangerous form, an in an attempt to',
bind in fetters the free limbs and shackle the strong
sinews of the PRESS. It. is reted.of him, says the
Washington Union, that a artinguished foreign,
functionary once leisurely/ picked up a newspaper
at the Presidents`' mansion, in which he was amaz
edb to find an article con:mei-A4 g with much sever
ity on some of the leading m , res of the admin
istration. ermderstanding little of the charac
ter of our free institutions, and much less of their
spirit, the foreign minister expressed to Mr. Jeffer
son his surprise that such a newspaper should. be
allowed to ericulate in this an inmuy-,- and even to
find its way into the verych bet of the President,
whose policy it so bitterly reßroved. " Sir," said
Mr. Jefferson, " this fact is the chief pride and glo
ry of our free institutirms. tio me ;the fvell-on
your return to your native land, to take this! paper
1 1
along with you; and when yo bear doubts expres-*
sed of the perfect freedom oft re press in America,
Inform the doubter what it contains, and wutir..-
ortl4 .4ew
Snch a sentiment was tv yof the authar'of the
Declaration of Inclopendenc erthy of the Man
whose election to the F i residency gave •the death
blow to the sedition law and, black cock-adeism of
the elder Adams. How immeasurably more dig
nified such a course r thow rrit4.l3 more in keeping
with the character of a calm , and true statesman,
than the °kilted and rindictiie action of the Sen
ate, and the angry speeches iof some of its mem=
r ;
bent I The otte is full of tru philosophy, and of
the principles of free govern ent--the other is an
ebullition of spleen, unworthM of its authors; and at
war with the liberal institutioes of our country,
Hors---ro Yocso L.innes.—lf young • woman
waste in trivial . amusements the prime . season for
i l l
improvement, which is bete en the ages of sixteen
and twenty, they will regret 'tterly the loss when
they come. to feel themselves inferior in knowledge
to almost every one they con ruse vr ith ;, and aboie
all, if!, they' feel their inabilit to direct and assist
the parbuits of their Childre they Will theit
ignorance a real evil. Let it animate their industry,
and let nut l a moderst opinion of their capacity be
discouragement to their endeavors after, knowledge.
A, moderato andertaking, v tth diligent aid well
directed application. will go much farther:Man a
more lively genitut, if attend with that impatience
and inattention which too en accompany quick
parts. • his not for the wan •of capacity that so
many woman are such tridir* and ilbipid otimpart
ions, so ill qualified for the friendship and conver
sation of a sensible man, or • or the task • of inarnct
iug or governing a family ; it is often the neglect
they really have, and froin Mining to cultivate a
taste for intellectual improv tents and by his neg
lect they lose the • sineerest of lertsure, whiCh would
remain when almost evey 4ther forsook them, of
which neither fortune nor . _a could deprive them,.
and which would be a • cot fort and resource In
shim* every posssible situ , ior k i n life.
Km WORDS produce thei
souls. And a beanuful inlaJ
and quiet and con - deft the
Min out of his sour, morose
have not yet be i Tin to . •
abundance as theyought tq,
witti a iiioelki,jig
.as befell.
wite - a better
to his bead and
• stretched
own =ages on
-T men's
•it isr. They soothe
I eater. , They sham;
unkind telitig, Wo
kind words 'au' Suil;:c4;
I bc. used.
mach do
posia cart