Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 03, 1847, Image 1
MOM MAMIE 413116 16W. Ali D A :' inebnesital nilf. Nonsiba NO. Moue INiseele.Pkileaelplua Weekly Pepsi.) PATRIOTIC POEM. • P Septaebe:. lB47. 1 1.0 IKON. llPAirpor mom Das Stan —The fashion of daticatione asd_ weals:ma tomes to have meetly passed away with the cases which cre wed it: asa indeed, in this cooing has never sat prevailed. I *el inclined in *hip latauce 1D reviv e the coma and WV, it Jane' beet* gaterals as the ace garrat•lodged hillside': herees/ders qty more wastaatial area or amaifying their good rubes. Apart Area grated& recollections of 'Law Sunii? 1 Itl honored by the slight opportunity 1 sow eider of giving this slight le stimatuat error of one who Isis given ssequivo tit roof of purity of papaw, by andenvaing M shay tit ha , her progress of an evil. which Bras Steady breaks:woe which et last eat gallant Weisel may be mocked. .The present pear o n *nil Mare prospects of our country Word a euttlect which eteiles the dellest,iniagitiation, and it hat Indeed My gasiwina of the aforesaid to the viaduct's* Sr the (alma' g pais, which I hereby nespeetrall, ineetdie la yea. Yours truly, .1. • RAY/iIOND BARSTOW. H.ll. of the West! that erst with paeans proud e,;used from old Bunker's height the 'echo load, When.first oppression's chain was widely flung, And the first free-born anthem boldly sung; When proudly rang, far over land and sea, The thrilling shout "Columbia shall be freer And heard, in concert with the pealing Cry, Proclaimed a nation's birth, and freedom nigh. Far o'erthe earth theelectric impulse ran, And formed an epoch to the race of man. Wake to the touch—all feeble though it bet-- Of him who sings , the glory of the free! Here, where the free heart's altar proudly stands--; • Here, where a home is reared for many lands— Here, where the bound may loose his tron,chaia, 'We'll retie that thrilling anthem once again. No" titled' fool may lord it over worth, Or haughty frown by accident of birth ; The only patent of high - rank we own, • is that, which, stamped by him who rules. alone, • ' Harks to "the eye the wise, the good, the great, ' And poipts the vile and coward to our hate. Scarce *renter arasatte brilliant hope to naafi -When inawthe _bore:the blue empyrean span. Then when thefwaee-tossed wanderer o'er the seas, Felt on MS sinsiraita Cheek the warming breeze; s . nuffed the first'set.seirled Magnolia:saki, And furled in unknown bay his tattered sails ;' "The long-seated seerei Sins had boldly broke, And a new world to second birth awoke. A mighty nation rests upon that Shore Whose boundaries are oceans, and their *riser s. * - The war note defiance. bere the 'sad, . At morn and noon is still the rising orb Cenci its bosom vast ; or setting dun Where Bunker's heighthis lingering twatneabtorb: In mid-day splendor lights the waving cord On broad Columhia's banks. and brightly sheds Orr the smooth brealt of her, the gentle born, The mild, the mighty Pacific, and on the beads 'Of snowy peaks, a dazzling lustre throws, • i-find warms at once the vine, and gilds its snows. Mountain and-river, cataract and plain— • • f.? The soh -Which sees the earth, sees not again . rpon her breast her giant nature stand Ac Rs the greatness of our native land; Where bread savannas with their vesture bright ' , Spread leaguer away beyond the ravished sight, And tldweraerfangled meadows; on whose sod • Wild verdure springs fresh from the hand of God ; Where rivers on their winding courses stray, We coma their miles by thousands ; far away Their sciuree, the peaks of Oregon, and find a grave Where the Atlantic rolls its sullen wave. Far in the sea the rushing stream is hurled That drains the- area of a quartered world, Where eercharged seas leap from a mountain brow, Ana fincongealed snow. From that dread yortei *Where they darkly If such might tie- - ,as tiara st liquid hell. ' hs 'Waters changed in aspect, who might know The same pure stream that on the rocky brow Before the awful plunge, emus smooth and gfeen, That glideth to the leap With feidant sheen: Al the satneeleinente now this, Thai boom and roar, that boil, and whirl, and hiss ! Ah! who Might think, *rho haw thy waters shine; On the fir lake of woods, and gently lave Its pebble beackott'break in ripple fine, That thosfeitilitat ever shame old Ocean's were, And make the hardy aeaiaan—who had felt Its wrath itestorms, an heard its wildest rave in shrieking tempest--at ihe thunder melt, And own the women lb tea'rt of fear, While listening to itiy'e:rash of waters drear! The fight of science gileTs dhr Country's name. Ithirieso'er the' earth, end gives us wider fame:, Resift is the speed cif*thoughtthe Jightqing horse Bath passed a continent' 'O, Wand of Morse The great long-sought' with Wiry crowns this hour. And rime and space have ,yielded "to thy power ! We gave a 'Fulton to the astonished world, And land apd sea, and lake and stream, .nntitrled Their secret nooks, Where keel hid never plorghea, T,o pay their tribute toihe HeavereendOwed. The firelfesi monster cleaves the mountain Waves, The tedpest's fury and wild Ocean braves, speeds 'on her course; let wind; be foul or free, And conquered lies thy-power. 6, Mighty le4l The iron steed, careering o'er the plain, , Speaks of thy wondrous genius, once again. With these, and nerved in Freedom's come to show Oar might, we fear not the invading foe. A ttniefe fleet bears down open the land; • The i‘ort.fires lighted, and the boats are manned Yet, ere invading prow has touched the,strand, •Or foot of foe left mark upon - the sand. The tocsin sounds from Oregellito Maine, From Oregon to'California, and again • • - Wakes the wild echo by Superior's were, ' Calls to the rescue all the time and brave; he foe, amazed, are mate with battled wrath, , • A breathing>palissule stands in their path ! Trtr lighentg flash, the Ocean wave. the wind. Have yielded, vassals to the powerof mind. • that the Power which blessed us in the past. Would bear our hopes rind Wishes to the homes. , Of unfreed millions, where, in bondage cast, The light of heaven-born freedom never comes I 'To thee, our father-lead. with anwipas. thought. ._11:e turn, because from thee we had our birth; T c:, lo ng estraneed, tho' fiercely-we have fought. we cannot still forget the spot of earth :Whereop the pilgrim lather's. sad and few. Fronoopeed their blessing. and their last adieu. We feeltthe glory which thy bards have sung, And hoist tsspeakin Shakespeare's native tofigue. 14 : e ' fe erdbY "glo r yr," but without thy " sharne,"l And carve'upon Time's scroll another name. 2 Britain! with thy boasted power of good. Why, in thy wicked purpose, halt thou stood And hid' the light which might have kindly shone her land and sew. o'er hike and island lone, T heir -happiness secured. where now they groan, And blessings heard, instead of curses' tone; Bloated with ravished wealth, with heathen spoil, 91:bythy plunder, rather than thy toil, • 4 7,Withdraw thy hand, nor wield the tyrant rod er starving wretches, "by the grace of God." Bright Prance, rich soil of brave and fearless-hearted, The home of chivalry and land of La Fayette! t'fi O'er the fate the patriot's tear bath started: • While gratitude can live, we'll ne'er forget. • Li kethierild meteor's glare when gloom was deepest. Move thy land the Cprsieatt arose; Lille the eomees flash he passaL thou steepest • Here daftly fin' the light he did disclose. . • . . - • . . • ' . ~ , „ • , —...-- -.............--,..-._..., . - --- ,:, ... ... ,t, ..., •,. ~ . t ,„ .14 , , ~. ..„.....: s i-• , . '. .-• :'., - _ _..' . 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' , ' -,.... , • r . i. ........i'. rc , ... ~.., , t: . 7,4 , i .. , Nl_ .0y..,§,.1 , -4. '..,..• 0 - 14 i, --,, 2 - - , - t t 4 _t • • ' .. • 1 r 't - t!-I • 2 ; . - , . , Al itaavrasass 91, mu iliscurklit ORO 4)nr;41 1 3 1 ,4i. - . • .' I. •7. • , . . . • . • . ' . 4 . ; • • - ' , ' • . . - ...?" , t , --4." mu - 1-e^.ita.a.rf.t " , ... . . , _ • ' • , , , ~: ' •.:. , ',,. , # , . , . • • , ' - 44, 4 ,7, ;Tr ~....,. • . . • PURLISIIRD • VIM! IVEDNESDAY I 47 TOWAItDA, BRADFORD COVITIT,' Pk., BY SON: " ~ . . . • ' I - - E . , ~$. GOODRIR ot ~ ,•• • _ ~ : , ____ MMM 0, may *swung ones more along each valley Ring oat, and melt thy beszt-strings, as of yore, Lad spirits of thy wine-clad mountains raily, To five the sonny land of soag ogee more. .. Poland, thy ate is seale¢! and gone tby glory... Stricken from earth Where coca they boldly stood Thy 'ehivalrit, defenders. Sad the sooty. When Russia's despot.revelled in their blood. , Thy fan's, 0 Greece! have crumbled to thevalith.l The lyre is gone that waked thy sows to birth,- Thy palaces are moulderiztg, thy warrior graves Lie smooth beneath the prow of Moslem slaves. Where now the eternal city of the hills, Where,Brutos struck for Liberty and Rome.! The serf with toil the rich Campagna tills, And tyranny and strife find there a borne, Sunk into slavery more base, less kind Titan iron chains-..the bondage of the 'mind. Land of the glacier t where the raged peak Locks down on storms, and sees above no cloud, Will not the sons of Tell arouse, and Wreak Long-slumbering vengeance on the oppressor 011041 Wake, Switzerland! and show the world thy Pants. Alike against a king or priestly gown. Once more again, far o'er the western sea, Land of our hopes, we gladly turn to thee. We boast no storied ruins, crumbling balls, To tell orpower past, of glory gone. , • , Ours are the stately troth-cemented Walls. Speaking of the present, and still pointing on To wider, deeper, higher, longer. fame. While virtue lasts, we play the noble game Of far progression in the work of good. Nor join the segments of our whole with blood. In peace, we seek to work the great design, More glorious far than structure wrought by shine Of bayonet and sabre; these compel.;-- And forced submission comes not half so well As that which, wrought, and while the end the same, Links with a voluntary work the builder's sauna Not like the wasted soil of Europe, old And sown full deep with foul and nozieus. seeds Of (yranq and strife; thy virgin mould Unpregbant all, lies free from wasting weeds. Unlike the deadly stream by murder shed, At which all nature shrinks, and verdure dies, Thy soil, enriched by blood of patriots dead. In thankful vesture glads the si:timer skies. Too rich a boon to sleep beneath thy breast, It springs in dowers to taste the healing wind, Or clothes the silent mound with greener vest, !kind. '. And lights the chilling grave with warmth more There, to each hallowed spot, let freemen come, And thank the mighty deal for freedom's home With grataul tears, and bend beside the dastl Of those who granted us our !,holiest trust. , These, by those grassy altars--scattered wide; On sunny slope and mountain's rugged side— There kneel, and swear, by every Sacred grave, To cherish pure, what they , had died to save ! Freedom entire, we boast of nothing less, l From humblest thought to thunder of the press ! Exulting boast,—no crown or jeireled hilt Endorse a fool ; we ask for gold—not gilt. - I No galvanized alloy may pass as gold, No title, as a garment, bought and sold. As man is xis, we honor him and raise .By what kings cannot force—an honest praise! What man with man, when hucklered by the right. Can with an honest purpose bring to light, We seek no more, we ask for nothing less,— In this, we look to God our hope to bless. No base entail contracts our free-born powers; " Forever and forever" it is ours ! . . No short-Eyed lease, or held at others' wil l; Blood-bought we gained, in fee we bold it still In our own right, by our own just conversion Let him' beware who seeksfor a reversion From this estate. Reversion he may have When the lastpstriot slumbers in the grave! What yet is ours Ire know not, but we feel That time will yet a prouder wait reveal, ' 1 When our brave infant promise spreads to man; When in our strength, submitted to the test, That in all we still shall lead the van. And stand before the world, the greatest, best; It not, farewell to lee* beneath the sky. And trampled liberty may weep and die. But-hope and sense alike forbid the thought, Oar glorious station it too dearly briurdt ; Onward, and on, we take our dashing eights Far in the realms of Freedoneg peeketal light. 'fill to the zenith gained, we pause, and stand, And beckon to the world with helping band. To reach in high career our bi estate. We herald to the earth—be f ,be great—. i fi Trample in dust the monarc s feeble rod, And stand erect, the imagefif our Got! Responsible to dim alone, And feel That love, and right, have' triumphed over steel, And be the first great work now s- nnlY given. To make all earth atlas:pother heaven. O God; let not our he 'ca ge be wasted; Shield front destging strife , this happy land. Let not this last g t hope of man be blasted; Bold up itis altars with thy mighty hand. ' Goon Soo .—lt should be the aim of young men to go into good society ; by good society, we. 'ean not the rich, the proud and fashionable ; but the society Of the wise, the intelligent and thp good: Where ) / cu find men who know more thartifou do, and from whose conversation you can gather Infos. maticni, it is always safe to be found. It has broken dowit many a man by associating with the low and sterf vulgar—where the ribald song was inculcated, and die indecent story told to excite laughter; or in iluence the bad passions. Lord - Clarendon attribut ed his success and happiness in life, to associating with persons More-teamed and virtuous than him self. If yen wish to be 'wise and respected-4f you desire happiness and not Misery, vcie irliiseyhtt tit itis - eciate the intelligent and geed. Strive for moral excellence and strict integrity, and you will never be Mood in the sinks of pollution, or on the benches of liquor-sellers and raihlers. 'Oboe 'ha bituate pints& to a. virtuous course—once secure a love for good society, and no punishment would be greater than by accident to be obliged for half a day to aseotiats with the low and TAO. Tim BIAS AND THE Tra-ltams..—The bests of Eamtschatka live chiefly on fish, which they prfa cure for themselves front the river. A few years since, the fish became very scarce. Emboldened by famine and consequent hunger, the bears instead of retiring to their dens wandered about, and some times entered villages: On a certain occasion, one of them found the outer gate of a house open, and entered in ;. and the gate accidentally closed after him. T% woman of the house bad just placed a large tea -kettle of hot water in the court. Bruin smelt .of it, but it burnt his nose. Provoked at the pain, he ven.ed all his fury upon the tea kettle.-- He folded his arms round it, premed it' with his . whole strength against his breast to, crush ; but this, of course, only burnt him the more.- The bor.., rible growling which the rage aqd pain forced from the poor beast now brought the neighbors to the spot, and Bruin, by a few shy put out of pis misery. To this day, however, when anybody in *es himself by his own violence, the people I the village call hint " the bear with the tea-tetde." ItaiLkee • I=l One day, a lad, apperemty *best nineteen, pro. seated himself before our Ornbasuldai Fit St. Pam burgh.- wets pure spociziee of the genus Yankee; widz esso too abort for his bony awns, trommros hill way op to his knees, end hands play ing with lemons and ten-peony usilain his pock et. Re introduced himself , by saying, " Prtjust come out here to trade wide* bur Yankeenotions, and I leant to get sight clear Umperos." gi Why - do yot wish to see kitar " Why, Vie brought bitti s= present, ill the way from Aralraty mew him coosidemble, and I want to rota him, to kive is to him with my own hands." ' • Mr. Dabs smiled Miteutwered, "It Is inch s common thing, my lad, to male crowned heads a Feint,. apeating something handsome in re turn, that lam afraid the ~Emperor sou der this only a Yankee trick. i?thet have you brought "An seam" " An acorn! what under the sun induced you to bring the Emperor of Russia an acorn?' "Why jest before I sailed, motherand I wanton to Waskteptin to 'site about a pension; end when we was there, we thought we wouldiest;etselsrrer to M. Vernon. I picked up this orient tbeve;and thought to myself, I'd bring it to the Emperor.— Think *aye I be malt have heard considerable about our General Washington, and I eitpect be Must ad- mire our institutions. So now you see I've brought it and I want to get at hire." "My lad it is not an easy matter fora stranger to approach the Emperor of Russia; and lam afraid be will take no notice of your present.. You had better keep it." " I tell you I want to have a talk with him. I expect I can tell him e thing or two about Ameriky. I guess he'd like mighty well to hear about our railroads, and our free schools, and what a mighty swell our steamers cut. And when he hears how well our people are rain on may be it will put him up to doing something. The long and the short on't isiT shan't be easy till I get a talk with the Emper or; and,l should like to see his wife and children. I want to see how such, folks bring up a family." N. • Well sir, since you are so asetednined upon it,. I will do what I can for you ; but you must e to be disappointed. Though it would be rather an unusual proceeding, I would advise you to call on the vicechineellor, and Mate your wishes; he may possibly assist you." that's all I want of you. I will call again, and let you knoW how I get 0n,",1 In two or three days, he again appeared, and said, 1 1 Will, I've seen the,.Emperor, and had a talk with him. He's a real gendenum, I can tell you. When I give him the acorn . , he said he should set a store by it; that there was no character in an cient or Modem history be admired so much as he did our Washingten. ke said he'd plant it in his palace garden with his own hands; and he did do it—for I see him with my own eyes. He wanted to ask me so much about our schools slid railroads, and one thing or another, that ,he invited me to come again, and see his daughters; for he said his wife conk% speak English better than he could. So I went again yesterday ; and she's a fine. kncisking woman, I tell you ; and his daughters are nice sa b . 7l a Well, what did the Empress say to you i" "Oh, she asked me a sight oR questions. Don't you think she thought we had no servants in Ame r kyl I told her poor tilks did their own work, but rich folks had plenty oi servants " Hut they you don't call 'em servants," said site Cflitou call 'em help." I guess ma'am, you've been leading litre. Trollop says I. We bad that book aboard our ship. The Empeilar clapped his hands, and laughed as if heed kill himself. , "You'r right, sir," says he. " t'ou'r right. We sent for an English • copy, and site's been reading it this very rooming!" Then. I told him all I knew . about our comity, and he was Mighty pleased. Ile wanted to know how long I espected to stay in these wig. I told him I'd sold all the notions i Tbroitght over, and I gues. tied I should go back in the satin - ship I bid 'em good b, e, all around, and went about my business . . Ain't I had a glorious time I I expect you diatt calculate to see me ran each a rig?' "No, indeed, I did not my lad. You may well considef.yoursclf lucky; for it's ► very uncommon thing fin crowned heads to treat a stranger with ea much distinction." Mew days stay be called again, and said "I guess I shall stay here a spell longer, I'm treated so well. Tether day a grand officer came to my tooth, and told me the Emperor had sent him to show me all the curiosities and !dressed myself, and be took me with him, in a mighty fine carriage, with four horses; and Psi teen te the theatre and the snleiseinti; and I expect I've seen about idlithat there is to be seen at St. Petersbrugh. V* do :you. think of that Mr. Dallas I" It seemed so incredible impitdy Intfikee lad should thus lre loaded with attentions that the ambassador scarcely knew what to think or say. ' In a short time, the strange visitor reiMpetdeil. " Well," said he, "I made up my mind to . go home ; so I went and thanked the Emperor and bid him rod bye, I thought I coultrnt do tio he'd been so 'Ctn. Says he, "is there any thing else you'd like to see before you go Ame riki I" I told him I should like to Act a peep at Moscow; for I'd heard considerable about their setting fire to the Kremlin, and I'd read a deal about General Bonaparte ; but it would costs sight o' ma trey to go there, and I wanted tocani my mm l 7 l to mother. So I bad biro good bye, and earn off. Now; what do you guess he did next mooring, - vow heaent the same malt in regimentals, to ear- Ty2toito Moscow, in one of his o • and • me back again, when I've all I want to see." And we're going to morning, Mr. Dallas. What do! ' new?" 'And awe eMingir, the next moraimpthe Tinted boy pawed the Ambilsiclor's bones in iiplendid eosokand four, waringNahandketrhief, end shoe. dig; "Pod-tire Sixa•blar _ • Mr. Dallas afterwards learned tram the asegemet that all the **Ware tamed by this adeentarous youth —:trimly true. Re spirt heardirem him **wow waited upon by the publio cams, and trews; with as muck anemia& , ea to many bellowed upon fort* ambassadors. The laritidinip of him, reported that he wrier:-, selling in Cireassis, and writing a Journal, which he interaind to publish.. Now, wbobs a Tantee s eould have done all that --Linta Maui CM= Gtua—Every amiable propensity in the heart Omen, every endearing tie, every seared pledge, every honorable faith*, are set aside and forgotten when gaming takes porsesion of the hnmsn mind. This irk Mit said at random: it is the voice of' truth and experience, has been exemplified'in ma w, thousand hnd yet the danger is nev er seen by the young beginner. Manx eyouth of hit promise enters upon the career of gaming more out of thoughtlessness than viciousness. Not the hand with which the system is ineulmeml, nor of the train of bad propensities that unnecessarily en ter into the composition of a gamester, he steps in to the fatal path withoot the intention of pursuing it far, and withoutlear of being bat in itelabyfint' he. But presently the leprosy seizes him, and the &gee of`ttororspreads his whole heart and mind.. Eli love of gaming increases alike, whether he gains or loses. It fixes, and as it were, fascinates his whole attention, so that every thing else is neglec ted. The company he keeps, the language he bears, the scenes of degradation he daily witnesses, poi sons the stance of moral feelingi within him. The jealousy, the rage, the revenge, incident to the em ployment in whibh he is engaged, generate a fe rocity of tamper. He is lost to all that is good and prepared for anything of evil. He that by habits of honesty and industry might have gained competent wealth: he that might hate been isomer: of joy and felinity to an amiable wife, and the father of a progeny that would have blessed his memory ; he who might have been an oritament to society, and an honor to the human family, is at last a vaga bond, as destitine of property as principle—the grief and shame of his kindredzaAtlespised of the worldiinul a burden . to himself. 131tonveas.—It is a most painful spectacle in fitmilies where the mother is the drUdge, to see the daughters elegantly dressed, reclining at their ease, with their drawing, their music, their . Earley work, and their reading—beguiling theniselves of the lapse of hours, days and weeks, and never dreaming of their responsibilities ; but, as a n -•••,- saryetatisequente ofa neglect of duty, growing Noes- Ty of their useless lives, lay hold of every newly in vented stimulant, to rouse their drooping ernergies, and blaming their fare, when they dare not blame then God, for having placed them where they are. These individuals often tell you, with an air ofaßee erf (for who can believe it real?) that poor dear mama is working herself to death ; yet tto **nes do you propose that they should assist her, than they declare she is quite in her element —in abort, that she would never be happy if she bed only buff en hitiat ti!, do. Dxszawks—A rosins. tames ov Comm* sus nutec.-- , Capt. Sanderson, in his later, noticed in another article, says,'( it is seta they the Mexi can") had twenty thonsand troops in this battle, so says Harrison nosey from Columbus, whom l found fighting with the enemy - -416 havhvg deserted from Puebla, rind is now a Owner, and will be shot. mu is the opinion of most of the officers. Report says that these deserters have all since been bung. This 'Kinney was a . tailor by trade in this city, and it is a melancholy record to make of his end. he was a very decided whig, and we cannot see what tempted him to this; great crime of deserting his country, except the effect produced by the Whig papers and each speeches as those of Corwin. He has a Child in this city, his wife be ing dead. We did not suppose our city would have such a reproach to bear from one of her volunteers. —Ohio Statesmen. Pkvoirrut.-4heits Ss Orlerting more desira ble in ilinighter than intelligence joined to a gen tle via The mind is fashioned aid furnished in the main, at idled. BM the character ';is derived chiefly tom home. Row inestimable isthe confi dence et that mother in prodtang kind feelings in the * bosoms of he &Olin, who never permits herself to speak to them with a load voice, and in hank znkind tones. Puncn3s-noll.-4be following example pi trial punctuation arm* illustrates the necessity of put ting stops in their properplases Cassrentered 00 his head, his hinnies on his fret, armed dais on his brow, these was a elondin his tilos band, his &Wel sword 'in his eje, an are saying ntshing he eat down." Kate Awax.c.--A sleepydesiCat, who sometimes engaged in popular ganios(bearing the' minister use the words ehttillept this mortal coil," started up, milked his eyeas,AM exclaiined, " bold on— it is my deal !" /` Bastrrir.—; y should a young, woman pride herself in beauty E She knows not now long it will last; were it 'to bloom forever, she still should prid = erself in that which would render her more estimable. Ciarriox.—Never enter a sick room in it state of perspiration, as the moment you become cold, your pores.absorb. Do not approach contSgions disorders with an empty stomach, nor sit between the wick and the fire, because the heatattracts the thin . vapor. SWIM you happen to catch yourself whistling in printing office, and the compositor tells you to whistle louder—don't.youlo it. Ilieigh of Zombie *eil: - Tha Rev. Dr. Wilsons. of IttOtiis--talict-liss re can* tuella thomtglifhlf MAY Land and Hatted the soar of his travels +Alder the title of unit Load of the BLble Visited and, Deieribe— presentato itikreine,nisaioa of his visit:Q.4- (mb'. Weil:. The Rev. Dr. Wilson found-a =time of tire' Sa mettans still, and hal some intending conversa tion with one admit priests. In li e immediate neighborhood is Jacob ' s Well, *ins our Zonl on etentered dui *On= :of Samaria, With sith • t hn phew images instructed her in th e se e torte fie* cot *WIG* uulh• Ml* well is. situated amid the ruins sofa church which once warrourideci The mouth mouth was covered with two large :stOneil.-- Rolrmg away these, the tmvelleis,'With their aden osine, swung themselves down tole kind of plat firm, where they kindled a, light, and commenced propitiations for. ascertaining the depth of Jactiies Well. It is now innate disclose our plan of op email* to our native altendates. ," Jacob," said we, "a friend of outs, en English bawdier, and minister, (the Rev. Andrew BOrtar of Collate,) dropped the five liioks of Moses andthe other in spired records lute this well, shoot Ones yearisgo, and if Ton will descend atil bring them up we shall give you a handsome beinhish." " Bak shish?" said the Arabs, kindling at the sound; "if them is to be baksbish in the nisei we must have it, for we are the lords of tbit tend." " Well, down you go," -said we, throwing the rem over their 1 shoulders; "and . you shall have the bakshish."— " Way, verily," said they, "you mean to hang us, let Jacob do what be pleases;"' Jacob was ready at our command; and when he kad tied the rope round his body below his shoulders, be received our parting instruction?. We asked him to venom 1 to us the moment he might arrive at the surface of the water, and told him that we t should hold the tope as to prevent him from sinking, if there was any considerable depth of the element. We told bin also to pull mat one of the candles With which he had stored his breast, . and to ignite it when he m i g ht get below. As he looked into the fearful pit, on the brinb of which he stood, terror took held of him, and he betook himself to brayer in the He brew tongue. We, of course, ore him no inter ruption in his solemn exercise,-es in the circum swim of the case we could not but admire the spirit of devotion which he evinced. On a signal given, we let him go. • The Arabs held with us the rope, and we took care that he should descend m gently as pessible. • ' When our material was nearly exhausted, he 'called out if I have reached tiss bottom ; and it is at present aloarcely covered with water." Forth with he kinilled his light ; and, that he might bare every rdwietage, we threw hilt down a quantity of dryistickis, with which be nude a blaze, which clitly'owed us the *hole of the well, from the top to - bottom. , 1 We saw . e end bf the rope at its Jew& part; til e and we pu a knot npon it at the margin above, that we Might are the exact rneethent when iamb might np. After . for about fi ve minutes fo the Bible among the stance and mild at the , one friend joyfully cried out-a." it is 'col found ! it Is found ! it is foetid !" We were net slow, it be supposed, in Oing hint our ecini. grata' The prim he carefully pet into his slow, it ; then he declared his readiness, with our aid, toimake the!' ascent. ' 4 410 * no easy matter to get hits pelted tip, as we to keep' the rope ifrem th e edge of the well it should snap tinater. When he fc/ 1 came into our hands be less hie to speak, end we laid down on the margin of the well, that he might rolled his breath.' 4! Where. is the bair- AM?" Were the first words Which be n feted, o regaining his faculty of speech. ,It was immetfi stety forthcoming, to the extent of about e sover eign, and to his fullest satisfacdort. A similar sum we divided among our Arab aristants. The book. from having been io long steeped in the water and mud below, wtth the exception of the boards, was minced to a mass of pulp. In our effort to recor-'1 or it, we had ascertained, dial depth NI the well, which is exactly seventy-five feet. Its diametin. is about nine feel. It is entireli ii hown but of Sold reek, and is a work of great labor. It bears marks about it of great thdquity.,/ltni well la deep," was the description given' of it by. the Woman of Samaria to our Lord. zit 'min, s now noticed, has the same character/althertgh to an eater t . it is per- MPG filled withthe atones which am 'thrown into it, to sonnl t ry travellers and pilgrims. The adv tore which I have now noticed being over, we emerged from the well : and sitting down at sts4iscrelt, we. mildew bet think of the scenes en / v1 events 'of ether days. We were lieu to the very kparcel of ground that 41mi* gave Joseph." Jacob's Watt Was here! Here Jesus, the Savior, sat, wearied with his jonineY,lsufferingfrom the in firmities of that lowly-Inman nature he bad assum ed, when became from heavim to accomplitihthe work of our redemption, whith his Father had giv en him to do. Hem bespoke with inimitable sim plicity and majesty, " as never min spare, setting himself forth as the Soiree and givpr of the coii ens and aatisfyinr, Waters of ttemal Life. CANT Num.—The ladies= should be careful never to indulge iu the cant phrases that are often in general use. We notice in 'exchange paper that ; one recently fnendhenself m 66 embarrassed in do ing so. She often used the *mil a nothing elle," and the'prectiee became a habit with her. 'One 'day the minister of the pariah enitett to see her. She was makings bustle. !‘ What are, you making that use leas Article fort" said he. "0 to year to church," was the reply. "Really," teloilita the gotitl *tan, "you wilt not wear that to chiarch, will you -" I shan't weer nothingelse,ii siOthelady. The minis ter was greallpiatonished.ind thelady erribarrassed. The fink degree of folly is think younelf wise ~ the next to tell etherseo- . *int Oesripe aN -counsel. e „ A grniteroan w , !ir.cp rcs . l4qt,c! • citylt)f fi/foi, an; aAtic of onraineity contained ip'the Mexico. Thu Les are °bulimia j i qosiiiittable stake r". " . • i , -- docaenAltar Seriice: 4 tugs eolden caudlestickii, Ott'::" large galena bracelet' 5.01 13 :!. 4 . 1 4 1 4 Seq. With .pediaii . and. piacia;-,1 .4:-Intdier'''Cimdkerinfrirni.golA • 2 golden censors. 'goldehmensilstosprita L cleholyi 1 eras of golden, filagree wort. 2 goidittrin: Ana 2 golds, do: Pzialirimszi-...”, 2 Peatspeelts-olgoa: , • The weight oflhis eh& serrket 460 pornidei and it* .value not - less The Wage of the Imamate, church, is of solid goldoldorned, jewels--tile-weight of the image a teliauas, 1112,700. ha value, lad no less-than $40,000: The image of etinciiptiert weighs 39 pounds—value 8625 The silver *nil which adorns Presbytery weighs 21.26+ . polutds vibich is gilded with pure _gold. magnificent. It has fifty-four brut 22 feet, circumference 30 feat, ml by an iron Chain and bolt weighin cost of the lamp was 871,343 374 II gold and silver alone is $46,0(g). The principle " tabennwle, il c species are preserved, is 474 i weighs 44 potinds of pure gold. ed with 5872 diamonds, its NO aids, 544 rubies Wit amerhysti, t Its . cost• was urSards of $1.50,000 richly worth. The large CibriOnt is of pure weight; and has 1670 &anoint worth $10,580: The Chalice, of pure gold, Wei has heir, it 122. diamonds, r4OO 4 I and is Worth about 94000. The jewels id these cups Emperor .Charles V. to addition to those cups there ritt'i chalices of i rai gold, mostly richly *dented. diamonds; and precicnis stones-6 large golden plates with 'their incense boxes and bells of go The United val ue of these cups and plates is n le ss than $20,000. Thesilver service of the rah is very bean dial and extremly valeable. along the, pieces are 12 chandeliers, 42 incense hoses; 12 large branches . , t feet each, Ti silverl cups and incense burners, 90 s2Ver ftruilestieks and a eireadtedV of branches; I silver statues; t. 'refy large aller'etoi. set, beNrittiliilty engraved, fist the &Posit 'dr holY things; 2 lamp standards, -with eaCh ire dusters of branches; 2 larie ' , standard Candlesticks, ;each a i r six fiet big', x; 20 silvek car& ' ka,.very large, in ' the aisles of cathedral. V?I :et silver Alton *in eilVer, 30 to 40,000 ." k ., -. • . The robes and garments of et .priesthood ale of the riches wed 'meet costly d 'Odom The more expensive were gifts of the Edipertir Charles V. It :Goon Srcassrins.—" Let , spirits bring the prieticesef hir standard of rite Bible; and w ir . ith this body and soul destro 1 holds out his tempting. symbo to all around him ; when be notpre, and sees its 'demorali his hands 'are polluted in trap of the drunkard : when has mothers and children. are ptn hopeless sorrow caused by th iris his business to retail, let b he ran'be a • participant in, scenes, and yet be free frow quire whether 4e, can c knees r and pray for the blessi on and to prosper dm works . ; inquire whether'he ;seriously send forth Iris hogshead of brandy to be a bleeding to his to he can lie down on his calm =a tanquil mind, w miseralde andl f wretched : It:aping to! destroy, and Se n a td into eternity tinder the i vided for them Within his d well such passages of the and then let tonsciente gly to ba th iliiit giffstb . his Heig h be l hits drunken ." " Let uo block, or an occasion to fall "Itave rib fbilowiliip with darictiese." "'Let no'rnah ry man another's •Nvealth.' ye . eat or drink, or .whhtsoo glory of Gel." Mixrio Lalnm per Tilt Simartforas has the follow Mexican ladies at tho the leffenson, at the Slatanio many of the "'upper tea ill , They iciiilattglt Off elect when the Cadtudu or are as - attentive-as mice at a_nd - e_;Ertess Their ittliikftfi . Ones, the atukt is over, tb 4 a ?cowhands them. a mal ofikcielie.ate pairef tea" as much iineeeeern SS age' At the bead, of alms: a Sen.; lithe aback sefans and. mean, ittapd 'the one he h the suns to onothey, sod looks Aire witht ETC. ' id t • ' vitvwg. 4- •0, MUM itase: a WWI • . 12 4 ARV; • flitidatlitila Itittia !!M (ttmlOmil is not than 11125,00 e. . .tidEmf this I . tick -6984 iernda,-41 silibr'pod the flow df tbs of silver, of of ts•sppeaaance is . era, its height is I . is suspended 16;50 Ibis: • The and its value of 4 ! _cit e hil,s I 1 09 u; 4 , 00i9r itiak 1942 ewer , a ucttypari. which it is now 'ld, o£9 ti ll stt i f it: It is s 5i painibisid - eraltiiiso pearls, re the gift of the .41 who sells Oikient &air calling to the n be mores I . mg agent, 8 ito),ji-Ta-sind ! ows its deloteriOna ng tendency • wren I . nutting it to the hand (la luta nivta and I . ng indigence and t very -articto svbich tux irigdiro vbither r the tango of such gailt. itl - go-tapir of God m *imp f bis *at. I oelievs; thattoa will •shiskey, 'or tent, Of ellow rCien, er wheth ; Mow it Atte with a I et% fina — ke . 'on the . oritain. he .hoctbreo of whotaltito pima pro-, Or, tat 'him polio* ort4 of God as thee, htT *vorcliot.: 4 1 4 705 i .r rink Naha irdlietA his -pialvitatnillin . .1 n t4sZttbitteetrirsy . .. , ) 4uxftiiitftir*bits -or -'); • • iiicif!, 'bet eve " Whether 'therefore Cr ye de, ie all to the nextar.-=-A. 'miter et :v .in reference to ho re—" . tie little. tit - i' . theatre ' has u4t , otetecl I • • tand'mwithin iti walls. 1 edy ail' ii:opedy, but "(kis I broUglit Oil, they ii,ltifdvemeiita . of a cat ), ih - he measured term., ty get out their cigurAtii4 I, If we, between the jaw a they puff atruf aid*" litem= would in ..a !aft: I . will lighkone-ef these 41 it to i llecueighhei t I- I lighteit.. , Sherrill. de , ~. eti oath the v:k . li*`bur t . I r. , I. . ..J :