Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 27, 1847, Image 4

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[ccsaximi 'Ansi Tilt FIRST pact.]
ed with him,and though I bad received a Where
cut in my left ann. 1 secceeded in pinioning his
.arm With my right, so that he was unable to avail
himself of the weapons hc still possessed: We
-were,on the very verge of the precipice; and now
the struggle Wes, whether one or both should make
the fearful plunge. Our strength might be equel; but
in'addition to the 'a ound' in my arm, .1 was obliged
to guard against the 'chigger titi hie!' • t e tarried in
his belt. My feet were planted a:4.4lth tl.e heavy
-limber that had been placed on the edge of the
eliff, f 6 prevent tie ese,fa• ah accidents which 411,, , ,ht
.ottereisehave Oct uthel. Not a word ntss stda ty
either—every muscle o both ehts erhieed to i:s ut
most tension—death was befeee-one er both of us—
and such a - death:--but there was not t thought of
retreat. At this critical moment, by la change of
our position, felt the handle of the iligg . f.n• within
r ee gr asp, and quick as lightning it iv,hs plunged to
its hilt in his body—he s:arted, thouett uticoesc:ous
from what source The injury he lied received, and ,
'the pain he felt, arosee--his foot slip fed on the rock
- r and by a sudden and vigorous effort. I lifted and
whirled him 'over the verge of the horrid
. abyss.—
So sloe however, was our grasp, that he pulled me
over eith him, but . with my disengvged hand I for
tunaiely.seized the timbers, and as the Suddenness
of the fail loosened his held, while he fell, I remain
ed 'clinging to them, as to my laethold on life. • W ith
my disabled arm., it is doubtful what the reSuh might
have been, had not Louisa. witnessed my perilous
situation, & with her characteristic presence of mind,
hastened to rny'aid, "and with the
,assistance she
cold afford, 1 mime enabled speedly to gain in safe
theeeeer batik.
- Holiehlohe was gone—l ventured to look over
the edge of the precipice, and saw, at twenty
feet from the summit ; the wretched "ann clinging
to, aproiecting ledge, which had -checked his
,de e
scent for an instant.—Below him there was nothing
to prevent his being dashed bn the ragged rocks,
which at an immense depth lay pilttl et the foot o
the cliffs. there was inch an expression of agon
, ized horror in his countenance, as his - eyes turned
up to us, that though his compressed lips sternly re
fused to beg for avistaitee, yet, had it been id my
Power i should have saved him. I had no time
,hoWevie, for coneiderhtion; his hands were obliged
gradually, to relax'their grasp; an4with a scream of
--, horror, which lei% through my ears for a moment.
he was crushed on the rocks far below. Even
at that distance, I could perceive a slight conenlsive
Movement, but it was momentary—the body rolled
from the last rock, and avith a hollow plunge„ the
body of the .unfortnnate Holienlohe was swept
away by the dark rolling.flood. 1 have seen hun
dreds die the field of battle—out I never have
seen a death that precluded such an impression on
' my -feelings, as did. that of Hoheidohe,
After giving vnt to the emotions of gratitude
hto heaven, whic.le.we felt for o'tir escape,, we hur
ried forward, anxious to pass the frontiers, a* we
had no reason to believe that Hahenlohe and Wal
lenktein had undertaken this expedition without at
tendants; but tine met witieno`more difficulty, and
the passport which I had provided, , enabled me
t 3 pa s s .the frontier post without question, we the
next day found ourselves safe in , Dresden. We af
terwards learnekthat immediately after the flight
. of Louisa from the convent Al as known, the oceur
hence excited a great sensation in the capital. Ho
' henlohe who had not entirely relinquiehed hid de
signs on Miss &iceberg, and who now faecied he
haw an opportunity, not only of securing her,
but of inflicting condign punishment on the person
a •
who he considered ag his rival, with his faithful
agent Wallenteein, and a few others on whom he
• mild depend, left Vierina with a determination to
secure the fugitives, as we were termed, at every
• Ward: By our precaution in leaving the great'
road he missed us ; and after proceeding as far as
Drsden and hearing nnthirg from us, he directed
his followers to retrace theft. steps, white he, with
Wellenstein agreed to wait there a short time, in
order to meet us thengelves; should the advance
party fail. This party had pissed, on their retina
• up the-valley of the Elbe, but a few hours before our
,arrival, and this it was left to the principal actor in
the pursuit, had his agent, to attempt our capture.
We lost no time in Dresden, but hastened down the
rivet - to Hamburg, where we were fortunate enough
,to find a vessel on the eve of starting to the U. States,
and in which we engaged our passage. It was
new that Itelaimed the fulfilment 'of the promise
'made by the lovely Louisa: with blushes it was ac
corded, and before our 'sailing, the angelic girl,
united her fogunes with, mine, forever.—That was
one of the rue% happy moments of my life : and her
unweveimg constantly, kindness and love, has
contributed to lighten the cares and lessen the re
grets, that -attend the forsaking of friends, and the
change of country and of home. 'Our voyage was
quick and pleasant, and we arrived at Philadelphia
in safety. I knew that. many Germans were settled
in the interior, and in my excursion, i found one
or two whom I had formerly known, They were
!settled in this retired and beautiful valley, and here
. I have fixed , my self where far away from the
cares and firistleofelife, and in the society of my
Louisa, end.afewsfriends, I enjoy as much happi
, riess as belongs to mortals.
• Here Lovvendorfl concluded his narrative,in which
I had beeg deeply interested ; and as Mrs. Lowen
dorff 14m:it yet returned, the conversation fumed
on the aompaigins, he had made in the service
of the emperor. Lowendroff wrist' man-of modes
ty; as well as intelligence ; and he forbore to 'men
tion, except incidentally, the honombleipart he had
'anted in, thorn.; they were described with a vivacity
and minuteness, which proved
,kis intimate ae
qua'ntance vrith•their plans'and details.
It was evening before Lenin returned from the
r ilidt - to which chariy had called her. Francis, on
ler entering, left my l4t, where he had been sitting,
examining my pockets' for sweet-meats, to treccive
the kiss and embrace of his mother; and the happy
Lowendorff eviteenly re,p..t . lN,lthem both with a
mixture of complacent) ection, tyulPride. The
day passetl- 7 and Mother—and thy'
my health was elistored .4 . , . • swilling to leave
the abode of so much...x:l4lnd peace, love.—
. - But a letter from Jenkins, at Pittsburg, -decided my.
resolution—business called mo,invax a ..-- kfi
the hospitarmansion of Lowendoiff and its respec.
. ted inmates, with a feeling of regret which I had
no wish to subdue, and though I have never since
had the happiness of seeing them, the remembrance
of the tovely and virtuous Louisa, and the pleas
ing recollection of the sunshine and light, which
her presence threw over pathway of life, was
too deeply engravers on my newt, to be ever erad
Neu) pork
To Western' Mitehants.
179' 23 VT NOME CL8.1,310a
4September 1847.
rit:lE under - A . :vett. Merchants, Mechanics. and Artist* albs
city of New York. avail th.toucives of the advantages
fere.' by the eotintry press, to m T ate known the hua-nesa nod
!vest On. and aidiett the calla of coutoryNnerebinua, who wash
to purchase any art ctrl rn theolOut.
Gr tut toot prepostd the several branches we ussnre oar
weeverit tr riieilkatt .10 r d au. stmu be *paled, vu oileplizt,
pi, use Loth aidynettinew caw:omen.
W A Rti*.OrSE:. John et-. corner of 1% Duna. An 11111113CASC
sloth of seastoiabk Clotblng always on hued.
11:2 I end it.
„Floor, Oil Clothi.
.11.RPO. 1101 T .4. Cu.. Ntitsuniicturrl. ut roor 01 Cloths. 72
. John tt.. bore coa>:autl}• on loud a p.a.. ral /SbOTTISICIII of
Cut gouda.
Cloth Hosts. ,
WI.SON G. HUNT (to afteet, corner of Maid
en Lang,
..+l . .nataca. BARSTOW h Cu.. Carpet Warebotrae. No. asu
1' arl pqrm. Mtinterketnees. Charinuundtt Works, sad No
,, hawk 1. alley troika. Letti nt Amsterdam. N Y.
SA Nl1:11., tlplV:i E. (successor to Hull A Reerre.) who!etale
a'.'er in Drugs, Yam's. and dyc Stuffs, ill). bJ John street,
!between Wfilient and Geld streets. r
S S. A w WOOD, wLolesule Booksellers and Statouers,
I. Pearl street
Account nooks and Stationery.
rum & Lovi ttELL, ttt vrill.arn street. one door south of
Cedar st.. fruporters and ltlantaluqurers of Wank Pooirs. Pa.
per. Martabid letter writer", Copying proms, inks and aU
k -ad* of stationery.
L. F & E. DOUBLEDAY. inaporters.rtnii wbolessk dearer*
in French. English. German and American Stationery—Also
Manufacturers of superior account books, No. 40 John st.
(between William and Nassau.)
AsKr.r..i. it, MERRICK. Drumests. Nor 10 Gold : also,
Agcnt for scrotal Ehilmielph:achmnical manufacturers, and
for an eztenslre manufacturer of dye woods &c.
Torietto Magnetic Machinate.
Dr. SMITH'S Frilmium Torpedo Magnetic Machines war ;
rented superior, to any. in the Vatted State*: manufactory
No 2971 Broddirty.
Sane and Tobacco.
PETER LORRILABD Saud and'robacco.ninnafacturer.
et ,l lthnin at. Is4w York, offers for sale Maccolopy, (rose -fla
vored) French, Rappee. Scotch and other Snuffs : also. fine
cut che*inglitid smoking tobacco. and every article In his
hne. of the very best quality. Orders panctuallyttiended
to, and full price current sent by addressing as above'
Ikon Safi DOW. -
SILAS C. lIC.P.RING Nos 137 and I.A Water tn. man intern
ter of the ongnial wilder!' genuine double and cook" Sala
:yonder Safes.
2 Adams' Fancy Bazaar.
WATCHES. Jewelry. Accordcons; Toys, Fancy Goods, ilsc.
No 19E Clauhrun square.
BOOTS & SHOES on eommiss:on. low for cash. N. R Ana
ton. sale eve 7 Tuesday at half pastnkne o'clock. A. M. Just
try the cash symem_and save 10 or 1 per cent. A.D.GALE
in 7 Pearl at. near John,-
1'..4 I RBA NK'S PLATFORM SCALES rate by Fantusams
- Ir. Co. 81 water street.
Salamander Safes.,
RICH & Co 'a Improved Patent double and lfingle Stlariander
Safes. warranted free trom 11•1311111r111-11 decided improve•
Menton the -:•• Orir.nal Wilder's - Genuine Patent." Refers
cuce to upwind* of twelve hundred merchants hauktirs. and
irliers woo have Rich & Safes In use. For sale by A
S Alamo I.3kj water street. New York, agents for the ma
nutacturern Also by Raymond Gibbs & Co, Claiesivir and
by Houseman & Lawry, St. Louis.
Saddlery, Harness and Coach Hardware.
BUCK. extensive manufaemrer and imPorler hair the
. supply of large dealers. 209 Pearl street.
Wholesale Crockery Store.
F. -W onssu RV. No. 56 Courtiandi st.,New York. Careful
packing and low prices.
COLTON'S LATE •VD Ttiera or HENRY CLAY. 2 vols.—Mims
rtsta's Los Or Gee. Scorr. t vol. The above are fall and
authentic works. Guzarts's osr ROAD MATING—
just the book for all interested in thoimprovement of roads.
Published by A. S. BARNES & Co., 51 John street.
Iffstaleal Inetruntents.
EDWARD BAACK. el Fulton.. ear. Gold. Manufacturer and
Importer, keeps constantly On hand the largest assortment of
ihlusical Instruments of every description; Also, ail kinds of
musical merchandise Constantly on hand.
J. F. 'BROWNE, Importer and tnanufactarera of improved
patent double act.on Harps. singl&-do., music. strings, ate.
Darns from to 1.1300 dollars. Eambliabed 1810-10. 2bl
• Broadway. New 1 ork, and London .
CHARLES ARMS, 51 Ceder if.. Importer and Dealer in Combs
and every deserpuon of English French and German Fan
cy Goods, Buttons. Pertumt ry,Srfap#, Brushes, llocery. fte.
CHARLES D. RIIODES.I2I Pearl airier. New York Fa.
and Staple Hardware, Beads, Combs; Buttons and Brush .
I 11. & I M. rRATT, Btanuraetnrers and Importers of Paper
Hanwinge. Borders, and, wide Wtadow Curtain Papers, Pio.
138 Pearl street
India Rstbbber Goods. •
Et lIODGMAN. Manufactory' and Beale' 111 all kinds of India
Rubber, Goods ; warehouseZo. 27 -Maiden Lane, oar. Nassau
M. J. FRISRIF.. Comtnischn dealer in all kinds of Rubber
Shoes, and manuflicturer`a agent for Goodyear's celebrated
- patent shoe, and Proridenen,shoes, 250 Pearl st.
Manntae torero lot! Sheet and Roll Brass.
SMITH & JACOBS, lIS, New York Also for sale
Copper Rivets, and limas an Kopper Tubing and Stair rods.
All kinks of Brass and Iron ita. Table and Sofa CASTORS,
for sale by the EAGLE CO PAN Y ; Office2ll2 Pearl at.
• Mont and ward, •
Manufacturers and wholesale dealers in BOOTS I SHOES,
No 253 Pearl street.
(stretched on the only' patented machine in the country.l--
These bandstate made train the butt of oak leather, and from
the heart or solid part of the side only. thoroughly stretched
and cemented. and 'trued together. and warranted to run
straight and to give satisfacLon. Orders addressed Se, the
subscriber will meet prompt attention. WM KGMBEL,
Patentee, 33 Ferry street.
Leather and Finding /Morel,.
M. ARMSTRONG & SONS, No. 61 Vrsey st . and No. 8. Fer
ry st. Importers of citlfskuis. shoe thread. lasting, galloons.k.e.
EDW A RD GODFRE Y, Importer of Shoe Findings.. and Deal
er in shoe manufacturers uncles of every description. No.
eV Pearl at.. New York. An extensive assortment of gal
loons and ribbons.
LEWIS FA TIVIAN & CO.. manufaaturers of Matches and
Blacking. put up in tin. wooden and paper boxes ; and all
matches.sold by us are warranted to keep an any climate for
5 years. as they are manufactured under the• charge of Mr.
Jacob Backe& late cberrust for A. Mists. eolifNo SOO Front
wurCet. corner Fulton streets,
D. & W. H. LEES trunanfietory and warenxuns of Chairs and
Cabinet Furniturq, 166 Futtou at. Sofas, Divans, Bureaus.,
Ottomans. &c. •
corner Cedar street. (opposite the City Hotel. N. Y.) are ce
lebrated throughout the world, for their beauty, durability,
and extreme cheapness. -
Baglers celebrated Gold Pens 1
A 0 EAGt.E•;I & Co:. DAI Broadway. (up stairs( manufactu
rers of their ever pointed gold piq and pencils. The trade
supplied at the lowest rates. .
D S WILLIAMS, wholesale dealer in Bats, Caps, Muffs,
Buffalo lobos. Straw goods, umbrellas and parasols, 161 Pearl
street, corner of Maiden Lane. ()J Lowestmarket prices..
PLATT BRUSH, wholesale Grocer, and dealer in provis:ons,
teas wines. foreign and domestic liquors, vegan, &C. &c..
160 West. corner of Robinson street.
CHARLES CUMMING, manufacturer of glue, hide whips.
curled heir. nears foot wt. &c., &c., No-2, Platt street. Also
constantly on hand superior moss.
Lamps t Lamps I I
LAWS." They are superior to ambers : manufactured by
J.O. Fey. LIS Fulton street.
E. S. Thosnitsompan £ Botanic. Depot.
WiNCtIESTER. 10d Jahn at, wholesale stealer in Them
somata and Botanic medimars. Shakers herbs. medteal books
• glass ware. synege.s, distilled waters. extrema, ointments.
syrups. and eve ty variety of ample and compound medicines
usually kept to Botanic stores The trade supplied su the
lowest market prices.
TIIOMAS DEANE GREENE. Importer of and dealer in
London and Philadelphia Porter and Ale, Scotch Ale and
Champagne Cider.l.t2 Broadway.
REV. IL HIBBARD'S Victims= Prua—Priee Is, N. and Is,
r box. retell Orders cash) and sent to Timothy
R Hibbard. M. D., 96 John at, wilt meet prompt satcatien.
HERVEY G: LAW, wholesale dull er
in wooden ware, bas
kets. brooms. mitts, cordage. twines, wicking matches, to
Japanned tin-ware and American Civets; "I'VoSI Fulani et.
Brolasa r & Woolen Ware.
SILAS C. SMITtI. has removed front his old stand, No 19.
Fulton street. to N 025 Fidton, MRCS %V stet street. His old
vkanil is keilit- 111 , O. W. Smith, iu the name of "Smith it CO".
Fur salc cheep,
Bonn dor. Painted Faits.l 1000. nests Tubs, cedar and painted.
:row- Brooms. acid, 1)000 dot. Brushes, assorted
Arnie large assortment of all kinds of wood and willow.
0 or. cuttings. 'twine. mitt, no. Also.apent for the sale - of
c..rh,,l Saul. at manufactinces prices, and 'Fulton, Cof Water
M. WII.I•ARD. 150 Chatham. cornet of .111alberry otters for
safe at h•• ware rooms..invexcellem and extended assort
twat of Beds- Bedstcada,Wakrasses, Feathers, are. .015
Premiums Awarded to Levi.Browu
Br-4e Americas Institute he Gold Pens.
TN 11440—A %deg Medal fO' operiorGold Perm
1841—& Diplama fm Gold
1842—A Diploma for the beatGo Pens, '
1943—A Diploma for the best Gpld
1844—A Diploma for superior Gold Pens.
1845—A Silver Medal for•the-heat Gold
1848—A Silver Medallor -the best Gold Pram
this is to rwtify. that the above is o true copy from
the records of the American Imitate
HEN air ittEIGS,
Stec. Sec. of the American institute.
The_ qr!!eid)ert - NftitatlO
Tweity tliiissitbozul soli aekas Om . a;
• ! • •Ir
• •
mine, that P. C. INGERSOLI., "Mita, foe Cho,.
Mang, Tomptitui,Caympt. - Elenece,Ontarits, Allegbenj;
Yates. and bleuhen counties, N. Y., end for Bradford,
Warren, Crawford. 'flings. Potter, Miran, Erie, Clin
ton, Center. and Wyocaiiag counties, Penn.
The General Agent is fully prepared to appoint sub-
Agents wherever there is no branch of the Company
either on personal application, or by mail, pospartf.-i.
The rapid sale of these celebrated pills in thstextraer
diniry odes they are' constantly effecting, render them,
by fir, the roost popular pill of the age. AtßAgetcy
will consequently be very valuable.
The Graefrnberg Pinatas inconceivably superior to
any ever before discovered. In all bilious complaints :
in generfl derangement of the system . in sal disorders
which . result from a bad state of the blood: theta pills
arc a soseereign remedy.
' In the elites of disease called chronic, the Graefenberg
Pills achieve their highest triumphs.. Heretl e y mi llefy i
all competition. tr 2 ntering within the hirldco
of the system, they quietly but surely purify ilinblood,
rot ontelisease, and give tone and vigor to' he body.
Carte aroconstantly effected by these Pills, in cases
where every other means had completely failed.- The
awls) abundaot proof of this could be given, bait a trial
of one Nix will convince the patient. They can be or
dered and sent by mail, at trifling expense. The price
is 25 cents a box. Where two dollars worth are order
and i tke money remitted, the Company will pay the
protagl - sn — the pills. Remittances at the Company's
risk. Wherever there is no sgeney of the Company,
they-ea:oe ordered by mail.
These Pills ,are taking the place of all others, and
no sink personishould be . without them.
Al. bilious complaints, bowel complaints, constipa
tion. dyspepsia, fever and ague, headaehe• jar:iodine,
ver complaint, rheumatism, all stomach complaints,
green sickness, Ate.. Ike.,
„ yield at once to these Pills.'
They purge sway offensive humors, arrest the progress
of disease, and at the same time restore tone and vigor
to the system. In easels of general derangement of the
health, they are onrereign.
By their me, the weak will become strong; the pale
and bilious complexion he restored to a perfectly. fresh
and heulthy color; all the bad - symptoms will one by
one disappear.
In short, these Pills are an inconceivable advance
upon any other medicine ever before offered t - ,5 the pub
lic, A trial will satiftfy any one of this
In additi m to the above, may be found at the nu
merous depots of the Company, the following incom
parable melicines, viz:
The Grao(enberg Sarsaparilla Compound
Vye Lotion
Fever and Arm Pills;
" Children's Panacea ;
" Green Mountain - Vegetable Ointment.
The attention of thole suffering from disease, are pa.
tieularly invited to ersmine and decide for thernselvet
The following named ppnions are duly authorize ,
agents in Bradford f'oun y. for the sale of the above
medicines from the Graefeuhorg Company:
N. N. Betts, Towanda ; Daniel Bailey dri Son, Le
raysville ; D. B. Cotton. Litchfield ; .1. V. Dahiels. Bur
lington ;.1, M. Edsall, Wale; David Gerdue 4 s, Athens;
Theodore Harding, Tinton and Canton ; A. L. Merritt,
Wells; Mix & Storrs. Standing Stone ; C. T. Murphy
Rulgherry ; George Nichols, Rome; T. M. Pike. Ul
ster; Rogers and Friteher, Athens; Henry Russell,
Windham; Stacy & Tour, Springfield ; B. Buffing
ton. South Warren. lOy
D aint)Bixig _k 138.
THE subscribers still continue
to manufacture and keep on hand
at their old stand, all kis& of.cane
and wood seat CHAIRS ; also
SETTEES of various kinds, and
BEDSTEADS of every descrip
tion, which we will 'sell low for
cash or Produce, or White Pine
lumber, White wo.xl, Bass wood,
or Cucumber 484 plank, or ,4 by
4 Scantling 13 feet long—either Buttonwood,Basswood
yr 1114iple, will also be received for our work. -
Turning donate order in the neatest manner. _
Towanda, Feb. 22, 1847.
and loge, kruparilla, Cod Candy, and Fever
and Agne Pills.
OF THE VERMIFUGE, nothing more need be saip
than what is said in the following certificates of re
sidents of Lucerne county:
Satz*, May 17, 1847.
I used Shepherd's Vermifuge for two of my children.
It operated well, and expelled a quanity of worm.. I
can recommend it as a valuable medicine.
Isaac Comietre.
Tows HILL, Jan. 20, 1647.--John . Koons, Laq.— .
Dear Sir--You will please send me four bottles more of
Shepherd's Vennifuge. The three bottles purchased of
you a short time ago have been used with the happiest ef
fects. They were given to three of my children—in one
time; 65 worms were expelled, in anothecl64, and in the
last 67. lam anxious to give the rest of my family the
benefits •of this medicine, ind therefore order as , above.
This is decidedly the best article for Destroying worms
that harAever beet in this part of the country. I have
tried Orrick's, Reakist's and several others, but without
any good effect. Yours, with esteem,
Price 25 cut. per bottle. Saxes& M. 6:firm'. -
Shepherd's Sarsaparilla. for the permanent
• cure of all diseases arising from an
impure condition of the blood.
vi z :--Scmfals, in its various forms, rheumatism, pint
plea or pustules on the face, eruptions on the skin, boils,
blotThes, ringworm or tetter, cancerous affeviona, chro
nic sore eyes, scald head, enlargement and pain of the
bones and joints, lumbago, dropsy, dyspepsia, chronic
diseases of the lungs, antHiseases arising from an excess
of mercury, also all chronic constitutional diseases
readily yield under this preparation.
When the lungs are diseased, as is often the ease,
Or when pimples or pustules appear on the face;
The former will vanish, the latter give way,
By the nee of Shepherd's Sarsaparilla.
The medicine under' consideration is I compound pre
psratinn of Sarsaparilla, and from its entraining ingot.
Mews wholly vegetable; stieh it is believed are in 11.
other preparation of the kit4l,l4most astonishing curer
have been affected by its we: rice, 75 cts. pei bottle
German Fever and ..dgue Pilo.
Favaa •an Arierr..—This intractable and debilitating
complaint, wnicb prevails to so great an extent in many
parts of the country, and which is an liable to terminate
in serious nresnic vi.meral disease, is now entirely cured
by the use of the celebrated GERM. %N FEVER AND'
AGUE PILLS. These specific PtHirai:nor fail to drive
the disease from the system, and restore the constitution
to its original healthy condition. Europe, as well as
America; can testify to their, wonderful efficacy., Thou
sands of boxes have been mid, and nearly as many in.
.dividuals restored to health. i
For sale by HODDER & CO., Proprietors, No. 39,
North Frederick street, Baltimore, and by appointed
Agent& Prim $1 per box.
Shepherd's Compotrnd Medicated Ctrndy,
For the care of cough., colds, asthma, catarrh; bronchi
tis, hoarseness, sere throat; croup, spitting of blood, and
all other comptsintd of the throat' and chest, and those
arising from a disordered condition of the Lungs, and for
clearing the voice, &e; Price 121 cents per package.
Let those who are tionMed with hoarseness of duos;
Or croup or brotichforget not to note;
That it can be cured, and that they can find rest,
Or when seized with catarrh or complaints of the breast.
The articles counseling the Compound Medicated Oen
dy have been selected with the utmost care indent:Won,
and swiftly horn the Vegetibleltingthon—lbenefuni ch ,
fear need be apprehm*d of Rs producing eventke ithghfr
sit injurious awe._
Aossi.--MONTANTES' & CO., Towanda ; .1, O.
Adams, Rummeradeld creek; Mix avEttornis Standing
Stone; Sherwood,Roah, dos. co. 2ra3
AL At M. C. MERCUR, have removed their
• -
. r .-Anrizattw ; „
ANS* -011.1'
r i ft „ I raqi .
. 1 _
FOR the core of DEAFNESS, pains, mid the du e .
charge of matter from the ears. Also all those dir
agreeable sounds, like the buzzing of knee*, falling of
water, whizzing of stem, d e., Ike., which; are amp.
toms of approaching deafness, and also generally wen
dant with the disease. Many parsons who bare been
deaf for ten, fifteen, 'and even twenty years, and were
obliged to use ear trumpetts, bare, after using one or two
bottles, thrown aside their trumpets, being made-perfect
ly well. Physicians and 'Surgeons Melly recommend
The very great member of happy results that have fol
lowed the use of SCA lIPA'S ACOUSTIC OIL. base
been truly astonishing. And what is wonderful, some
who were deaf from birth, have been so much improved
as to bear common conversation very readily,
It would be the height of presumption to warrant a
cure in all cases. but in nine cases out of ten of recent
date, there is a certainty that the results will be most
happy and satiscfstory to the patient.. The application
of the oil produces no pain, but on the contrary an agree':
able and pleasant sensation., The recipe for this medi
cine has been ootained from an Amist of great reputa
tion, who has found that deafness, in nineteen eases out
of. twenty. was produced from a want of action' in the
nerves of hearing, or a dryness in the ears; his object
therefore was to find something which would ream a
healthy condition in those parts. 4 After aJong•series of
experiments his efforts were at last crowned with sac.
ems, in the discovery of this preparation. which has in.
ceived the name of SCA lIPA'S COMPOUND ACOUS.
TIC OIL.. A long list of certificates might be given.
but such is the confidence in the medicine. and so high
has been its reputation. that but one of them will be at
- •
present published:
Most Ex rasoamosar Co•s!—A lady ;in &Ai
field, Brad. Co., and now about eightY years of
age, had been gradually getting deaf for more than 40
years, so that it was next to impossible to make her hest
conversation in the loudest lone of voice. Last winter
she was induced to Iry " Scarpa's Oil for .Deafness." It
is only necessary to add that she used two bottles, and
is perfectly restored.--she is cured. Any information
in regard to the case may be obtained at the SUM Or Dr.
Jayne, No.B. South Third street, Philadelphia.
For sale by A. S. CH MBERLIN, . Towanda, Pa.;
only agent for Bradford county. 28—ly
rent Important Conimunication
At all times,
F YOU ARE SICK, get cured : if well, employ
'measures to conunue so. Every individual indulges
in habits, wbich most, to a greater or Wow extent, dis
arrange the admirable and intriatte combinations which
form the system, and consequently
1 Nnir . tritiat.
should possess some mild;yet efficacious, simple end ac
credited agent for preserving all the functions of the body
good osier.
Will achieve this result, and should be in every family,
and in the hand■ of every person. who by business, pro
fession or general course of life, is .predisposed to the ve
ry many little ailments that render life a curse, ins ead
a blessitig, and finally result, in theiraggregated con
dition, is the cause
The Bitters here mentioned are compounded by a
man of great skill arid knowledge, from the simple Na
ture presents to those who care to find them, and-which
are the only reliable antidotes to the poison of disture.
The chief ingAlieriss are the , dniversally-beloved tar.
eaparilk and the Burke/the Wild Cherry Tree, with
which the red man of the fixes{ cures nearly every dis
ease of the 'internal organ. These materials, though
powerful in their action, are, as common sense teaches
and prepared as they are here, one of the greatest medi
cal operatives in the inhabitable globe. By taking
these etprans, the scrofulous may be restored to beau
ty, and avoid the sharp knife or the surgeon ; for ,they
not only eradicate pimples and tumors, hut overcome
Whoever i* subjected to the horrors of Consumption,
should at once purchase this sure remedy. In the train
of Costiveness follow dreadful local congestions, Mien
times insanity. very frequently mania or hypochondria,
violent headaches, palpitations, and other affections of
the heart and rheumatic swellings: Dr. Wood's Com
pound is one-of the most efficient medicines in routing
the complaints, and their fountain head, that can possi
bly be procured.
From being confined in close rooms, and from taking
a small modicum of exercise, numerous persons_daily
are made to deplore a lots of appdite,painfollieadaches,
weahnesi of the musefes, languor, want of energy
sufficient to permit them to seek recreation, dte. fk.—
These persons say for years. that they " don't feel very
well." If they do not employ • method by which they
can feel ILVITC wat.t.,they eventually sink under a se
true fit of illness. and are
only by a miracle, and even then the lancet, leech, blis
ter and calomel have left them mere shattered hulks, full
of aches and corrows, and not only a pest to thenwelve,‘,
but a ionic* of disgust and annoyance to all with whom
they come in contact. MI theve
may be avoided by an early application of the virtues of
these &ITT sas For the truth of this: the proprietor
pledges his word.and honor, and in evidence can show
6lcs of undoubted ce rt ificates which he has received, un•
solicited frum all uneaten. lie does not, however, ask
the invalid to mallow his certificates, but his Bursa:,
and is willing' to stake all he holds deaf on earth in fao
vor of their worth.
in either a modified or severe form, will disappear bs•
fore the qualitie- of Dr. Woimi's preparation, and the
cure may be relied on as • permanent one. Did the
Itinsas possess no other, ,rec.ommendstion, it would
be one of the finest vegetable compounds medical eei
enc• can invent ; but it is equal to the complete eradi
cation of
in every shape, sod primary sfestion, minor or gigantic,
of the Intim apparatus: indigilduals who are constitu
tionally billions ought regularly to take this mild agreea
ble and excellent TONIC AND •PLRISST, as it will dif
fuse health throughout every fibre of the frame, and
sent happiness and lova of life thrilling to the heart.—
Families ought to keep it on hand.
Every medicine chest on board of ship should aim be
well stocked with this capital remedy, es SCURVY
cannot afilict those who take it, or long realm its vigor
ous eigasults. At.t. turourrias or vas atoon vanish
before it, and the old relics of earlier imprudence inva
riably disappear. soon after being submitted to its action.
Everyteropktint of the stomach is broken by It, Tea
Barrens Lime in no instance Gilled of curing /Amiens,
esiftast DIEVILITT every disorganization of
By neglecting the %lute inroads made upon the latter
a vast portion of ocr fellow beings are rendered extreme
ly miserable—so miserable - indeed, that they wish to die.
Every bottle of "De. Wood's Sarsaparilla 'and wild
Cherry Bitters," contains a modicum of joy and content
for each of these tuitions and imprudent sufferers. Re
member that so injudicious use of mercury is inevitably
productive of many evils which am put to flietbx by thii
gloried. and unaurpassable compound ; and that mires
time which ars .
may speedily and safely imattuffied offtbrongtt iti agen
cy. As tinedides which must benefit •
from the SIMPLY delicate to the COXIIMS. AND ens
estateo zaresiest no equal is. to be found for it It
would be well to bear in mind that preventire is infi
nitely more desirable that 'cure and that De. Wood's
Sersaparelles mut Wild Cherry , Bitters ARE ROTA.
Pat up and sold inlanue bottles. at St by WYATT
&HE £CHUM. Wholesale and Retail Agents, 121
Fulton 81. N. Y.. I LADD. Teresa* and
by druggist ifteseelly thmegbout she'll. 8.
and the Greta. Mountain !Wolfe% Oinintelel,fee
sale by the aubacribet, agent fot the town and bo
rough of Towanda. d 24 N. N.
LADIES ! I SAY, JAMS! ! If you have made
up your minds to buy a nine dress. docker shags!
this season. don't fail to ail at N 0.3, Brick Row. where
Ton 'eau find - the rsost, best and cheapest ertielee in4bet
hue. that is keptin toetu.tguides dtkivideof trieetniass.
Bemilvibef, Bill et - wet I • BAIRD S.
. 13 _ 0eter
itse t weity;
end . 6 .. , ni ith sbed eur w led itit h i a b ir e .
b to blar ueh lea ex ti pe nE rienee W i e ni t il h a e tte bu r stn °ursel isa, : ell e ah th
a a ll r. be hsti str a l g e
to defy all who may het divan(' to call, both as to
qu l ow ity an and:a sep iee tnn . ari
bai d try: atric t
ui4b. attention to bullion*.
ho to meth sad receive the patronage of a Infant com
a) pity. L. M. NYE ./ir. CO.
- -
[ c aware*. run.rrrvar
AY BE HAD . al our shop much lower than it
has ever bari4solll in Towanda. Goods are
• p. and wheat am wered. and that is thatestion we
afford aU for to 1. it. Ad kinds of produce will
received in Alan, LUMBER of all kinds.
Sept. 1. , M. NYE 4 CO.
K • 1, ckil :,ti C_ 'I- -
1 -
I Al/ ILL be kept 4n hand a larg e assortment, "and
• '
J made to order OG shorterMotme apd for less coo
, than can be prodieed .at any other eaablishreent in
, e land. Those wale am under the necessity of pro
ring that article will and shall be satisfied. A good
, mend pall may he had in attendance when desired.
September I. 184.8. L. M. NYE & CO.
/to Thpanda.
M. BA KEHrespectfulli informs the public that
• be has commienced the GRAVE-STONE bull
., en, in all its breaches, at Towanda, where he will be
'ready at all times tit! sand to all calls in his line. .
Monuments. TOmb-tables, Grave-atones, of
every description, 4-c..
made to order, and furnished as cheap as WORE and
MARBLE of the same quality can be obtained at any
shop in the country.
He invites the public to call arid examine his work
and materials. hoping to merit their patronage by strict
attention to business, and by superior workmanship and
good marble.
LETTER-CUTTING done with neatness and des
patch., in the latest style.
Shop on Minn street, next door to T. Ellioteastore,
and three doors above Briggs' Hotel.
Towanda. Match 17, 1847. it-ty
COSTIVENESS, halm given their certificates of cures
made 1,, its ow, when all other remedies have failed, and
he proprietors sre now propared to offer
to any persons afflicted with Piles, and all diseases of a
similar nature, or which are found in conjunction with
the Pike, if a cure ii not affected by the use of
it is an in at. Resigns. not an external application,
and will cure any case of Piles, either bleeding or blind,
Internal or' external, and the only thing that will There
is no mistake about it. It is a positive cure, speedy and
permanent. It is also a canvenitnt medicine to take,
and improve the general health in ■ remarkable man
ner. It is very mild .in its opperationa, and may be ta
ken in cases otitis most acute inflammation, without
danger. MI external applications are in the highest de
gree disagreeable, inconvenient'and offensive ; and from
the very nature of the.disease, temporary in their effects.
This Medicine, snacks the disease at its, source, and
removing the cause, renders the cure certata and perma
Although the Electuary was originally prepared for
the cure of PiDrip, yet it has proved. itself to be ■ medi
cine far superiiir to all othiVa, in all &leases of an in.
flimmatory character, with • determination of blood to
any pudendal part .or 'organ. In Inflammation and
Congestions of the Liver and Spleen ; • Inflammation,
Soreness and Ulceration of the Stomache. Bowels. Kid
neys and Bladder i Inflammatory and Mercurial Rheu
matism, it is the best medicine ever discovered..
For all Impurities of the Blood. arising ftom thet
prudent use of Mercury, or • other causes ; for all dis
eases of the 11114:1 and scrofulous sffeetions ; 4411 cases
where the blood is poweiftilly determined to the head,
producing dininess sad dimness, Dr. Upham's Electuary
is entirely unriealled.
Married 'ladies are almost invariably subject to that
painful and injurious disease, the Piles, with consequent
intlammatiod of the Stomach. Bowels, and Spine, weak.
ness of the Back, flow of the blood to the bead, flu.—
The Electing is perfectly safe for pregnant ladies and
the most useful Cathartic that can possibly be used,nad
it will not only remove the Piles and all inflammatory
dinners without pain or irritation:, but will ensure an
easy time, a safe delivery, and a sound constitution in
the offspring.
Lamar, June ar, I , 1847.
I have been stßieted for years with the Piles, and
have tried, Without anything like permanent lienefit, al
most everything weaning the :was of a remedy.. I
bad, as a matter of course low all confidence in medi
cine. Under this feeling, I was indueed—nOt without
reluctance. I corifeas—•to one "UPtilllelt
and having used it for about three weeks according to
the directions lakldoirn, I find, to my utteesurprise as
well as satisfaction, that every symptom of the disease
has left me. I think it due alike to Dr. Upham and
myself to make this statement. •
0. W. NeLEAN, late of the U. S. N.
DX UPHAM—Dias Sta.—About five years ago I
was of lictid with what was called Chronic Dysentery.
I have suffered with it ever since, and physician* have
told me that in; liver RIM affected, and that my bowels
were ulcerated, for blood and pus, attended with a pe
culiarly putrid smell, were the frequent discharges. A
short tins" since I made a visite to Massachusetts, in
l e
hopes of ben efit from a change of air, but suffered more
severely n ever before. ' While there a physician of
fend to me for $4O, in three moths. Happily, in
the midst 'of intense pain, occasionally relieved by laud
anum. I win the-wrapper of your Electuery, a perfect
deseriptio of' my complaint, together with many certifi
cates of c res. This gees me great madame in the
medicine. and I pu rc hased a bog. end nine doses of
which apparently cored me, mid. lam prepared to
say every thing in its &vire, or lender any service I can
to Ingoardty by subscribing tolls merits.
f Respectfully Yours, _
BENJAMIN PERCIVAL, 89 South Sixth at.
Sold Whoinsle and Retail by wirArr & KETCH
UM, I2l[ Fulton Si. N. Y., HUSTON & LADD To
wanda, aild by druggeat generally throughout the U. 8.
Price lII,i a box. NOTICE.--The genuirie Electuary
thus (3' A. UphenilM. D.) The band is also•dorie
with a peh. - - , ' •
Elmira, Corning. and.- NIL* „Line,-
--:-.--- - - - i - 1114.7i,
fimir, Niiiiilliori or ; - 'Masai Limairill mani lla , to
• ran a na of Paws a Boma between ELMIRA.
'COO /A ING sad Burr LO, for the accommod it i n
OfEatigntafe sad remit , moving West,./A r di ng Z
citifies oar Itireestforo , ,to for Emigrant; from thi s
section of New Yolk, P • tightknit'.
The - Boots of this Li aro of the FIRST CLAM,
t it
, fitted and. - faralehed , all the coareakied ,Blot;
•commodatiba Of PAC :Commanded by expetiesw
al Copula's*, and towed y volleys of Horses.
Dnring.theveason of 11347, one of the above Boma
will leave-corning and Imint every week in the fol.
lowing order: '.
Coasiao, every Monde evening, at 6 o' c lo c k, p . . NJ.
ec k
,Ecittas, eve9t- Monde evening, at 6 o'clock, P. M.
Towing - 4*n Ben - Lake every Thursday ta dm ,
inyootiehing at Big nt, Lodi, and Dresden' a d d
teivtng Boffidofor Co rand Elmira, every Wwide,.
day morainm,-
on Board, or to
"CO, focthivo.; ;
blies& arr..
the toilet mita
orknitambip thatestoot
seep Go' falai and
sod *Ft approved
Phoisteral iD superior
• Iwo:noosed
French Mar
PABSAGE, appiy to Captai4
ty, Corning.
g & Co, Elmira. •
to & Tuttle, Horsehead s
nsend, Big Stream,
.-& Post, Lodi.
olly, Genera: • .
eet, Vl'aferioo.
er, Seneca Falls.
• • Nontentaia, ,
t, Roe/seder.
Buffalo. •
Wm. Mall
S. B. 8t
W intern)
A. Nash;
L. G. Do
Price &
Gay & 8 a
J. Shoe
Baker &
H. Niles,
for Bargains!
oak respectfully say to his old
.e public generally, that-he his
anofacture of Choirs, eta-,at his
i side of Bridge omen, in the bail&
irellowlteuse." He keeps COD.
silt make to order, (in a nest and
ides in his line as cheap as the
Is can be supplied with 4 1.
nd Cop non Chairs. of differ
- &Mits. Rocking Chairs,
's Chairs. 4•c..
steads mad
at my shop ori Bridge street, and I
you eon boy reasonable.
THE subscriber w
X customers sad t
old chap on the north
lag known as the
manly on hand, nr
durable style) sr
chesinst. His frier
Fancy, Winsor
nil patterns
. Childrel
A Ise-.-1
Cal end see me
will satisfy you the
N. B.—Whito
plank, wanted in
wood, Cucumber and Baseiroed
sehangs for claire uorresonaVe
Towanda. Jan.
0, 1847,
BEST PRI I'D ! It is confidently asserted that
there zrZTTR was oredrcine which has given such unit
form and universe satidaetion, as
They have at..
all other remedies
tion in the face of
raised against the,
the severest trials, by enrintr when
ailed, and have established airepiiii:
he eniious slanders which'have been
Each produce,
liar effects upon
rnd the cold con I,
id, and when e
are often serious.
teraet the evil in!
the blood, and k
ml and healthful
then variations of temperature. peca
, e human body. The heat expands,
acts U e volume of the cit collating flu
ges take place suddenly, the effects
W right's:lndian Vegetable Pills confl
uence of sudden change:, by purifying
ping the stomach and bowels in s nate
T.hst scourge o the W est. W right's Indian Vegetable
Pills stand unlit' allied. An instance his never come to
our knowledge of these Pills having been mica, without
effecting a cam tete cure. in Chills arid Fever the 6 , 111
and Wisp/ fun tions are 'chiefly disordered, superindu
ced by great ;typical debility. When the symptoms ,
first appear , , time shout+ he lost before resorting to
these Pills. 4 few doses will give such manifest relief
that no persuasion will be necessary to continue the am
of them. I .
Wright's 4nd an Vegetable Ptlla will be found very
superior. In his disease, the gastric juicEis weak and
deficient in it slaty. Consempmtly, the digestion aim
perfect and t health impaired. These Pills regime
the bile from e atornsch, re, tore its tone, sod trimmer
the digestio
Wright's In lin Vegetable Pills are equally well adapt
ed to the re 'mi.! of this complaint. As they operate
upon the on. general and unifoYm principle, of dune
ing them°. ch and bowels, purifying the blood, and
rectifying th secretions, they remove the.cause
dice, and of U other disorders.
It would • difficult precisely to tell to which of tho
two sexes right's Indian Vegetable Pills have heel
the greatest blessing. But it is very certain that tbme
Pills have Yen health, and spirits, and a good complex.
ion, to bun reds Of females, who would. without them,
have been their graves. A boa of
,Wrighbi Indian
Vegetable ills is an inestimable medical companion at
certain peri.
nee of pain in arty part; indicates swoop!
1 , blood, which nature is striving to correct.
I , - of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills' taken
bed will be certain to give relief, if the dung
editions accompanying liver complaint are of
' retched description. Habttuar druid:moms
i y brought on by liver complaint. A patient
, m this disease, should not he mocked web
cores; yet there are very medicines that are
w in the removal of tb's complaint. Cake
t bate been the chief rehance, but the woe
' red itself, worse than the disease! Whit
be done 1 We say, give ii . righes Indian
Pills $ trial. If they do not exceed Youres
we are willing to bear all the opprobrium of
And we say to all
to risk run—no money thrown sway—you are
The pi
state of it
A few dc
on going
be at all 1
the moat
is frequent
mel hu h
dy has p
then shed
There is
certain o
yon have found that Wright's Indian Vegeta.
are a." leetle" the Most, medicine you eov
ISTICK TO TORN ! Don't run after awry tir
( "dr. Which attempts to bluster itself 151.0 oda
# l lbove all
ht's Indian Vegetable Pills. Previous to the
ion of this medicine, Indian Pills were new
Now what hosts of them I' And after all.
they, but miserable imitations of the original
. no more like it than chalk is like Mewl
advertises "Improved" Indian Vegetable Pills.
uld be a capital joke, if it were less strides. Be
all such.
is ao,fafety elsevehern. The courdry is sine&
counterfeiters, both of Money and of medicine.
kb is -swat I Is not the Colinterteiterof Iwe
little better than a tobber.and a murderer!'
the regular agents only, %re say again.
is in Bradford county—Mostanres & Cate
i A. H. Gaylord, Canton ; S. W.& D. F.
Troy ; Coryell xllGee, East Burlington; 41 rg"
Ulster; L 8. - Ellsworth. Athens: Go! I tic !'
X. Moody-*Co., Frenchtown ; Daniel Brink,
ook ; .1. C. Adams, Rummerdeld creek; Choke
i 7 mcnroeton.
Canton t W. Campbell, Sheshequie ;I . i'
.1 1 ‘ he.
hie :Pills
heard of,
start Re.
of Wri •
beard o'
what a
One m
Thum or,
ware of
ing wit
al ;
But w
cine bu
Buy of I
'A 1
Gibeo ,
ARGE.essestmeat of Broad Mali, Carp
J Satirical, which we have long been Ws
31g g ood . and cheap, Wow, cheaper than eel—
oa which we challenges the world, just reori" l
la, Nov. 3, 1646.
A eat'
and a
of the Bradford -Reporter•
dollars and fi oaks per annum
if-paid within fty.
the year; and for CASH rdtP
advance. Clam Dottaat will be deducted.
fibers • at liberty to discontinue at OW ua k •Y:
11111.11feVell. Moat kinds of COV3TRII. PllOOlll
6 ed in payment, ay the market mire.
vertisements. Ant - exceeding • squire of "---
I inserted for Ofty; cents ; every suberOurot ustrattn,
y-five cents- A discount made to yearly adTrolg ers
PIITICTI NO, or every: 'description. artily
ously executed on new and , fitskionah/e type.„:„
Ingot on aoeinesepeitainiug to the of f ice atuni.c'" , "
pootegn;to Mot's , attention.
ded ..
pavi ,