Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 27, 1847, Image 3

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    Nas 9thortisancate.
''Z'` "Wr WC MIN •
Copper, Tin, and -Sheet ,Tron, Brant
TN C. HALL is now receiving 60 tons Of th 6 shove
. 1),, goo ds, which be is ellepareci to sell . at - wholenTe.
or retail. to suit purchasers, at the moat reduced prices,
for cash, !ufier . or grstn: The most liberal prices will.
be paid for w Jrat, oats, corn and lumber.
Mare and llanufaduring Establithment. onribe
earner of Main and Bridge sta.,"where.may be frond the
writ so d be st assortment of stoves, this side tbscity
of Albany, such u
. •
A i ,
. _
Buckeye cooking stover arranged with a rota
ry top, and hot air oven combined, 1,1, 3, 4
RoCheiter Empire hot air oven, 4
' . Universe; • .. - '4
" Fulton, H, *.
,(improved) -2, 3, 4
congress tight air cooking, I,- • 2,3, 4
Knickerbocker, • 4 • 2, 3
41bany Elevated .even . " , s * 2,3, 4, 5
Premium " 2,3, 4,5, 6
Race's pat. self-regulator, air-tight parlor, • I; 2, 3
Rochester atr tight parlor. -2, o, 4
Congress.. • do. Albany do. (roasters,)
Aihaay Fancy wood parlor, 3,4, 5
N.Y.' city 'a ' 2,3, 4
t• parlor coal stoves, .l, 2
Common kylinder -du 1,2, 8
it Large qbantity at Ett,ve Pipe, Elbows, Tin, Brass,
Copper, Japanned l& 'Britannia .ware, Zinc, &e.•
which he will sell as above at wholesale or retail. Sheet
iron. 77n,'Brass and Copper Work, made to order on
short notice, and warranted. Persons wishing to pun.
.chase the above articles will do well by calling at the
a bove store, before purchasing elsewhere. as the propri
etor is bound not -to he rAndersold by any living man.
6,000 SHEEP PELTS wanted, for which cavh will
be paid. October 27 ; 1847. 6m "
mos. DoevrE,
rtONTINUES to carry on the above boldness in all
U its branches, at her old stand, corner of River . and
Bridge streets, where Bonnets and Cops can be pur
rt,,,ed, and work will be done promptly., fashionably,
wd at satiKfaCtory prices as Usual.
Towanda, October' 27, 1847.
TO air
THE subscriber, having made .new arrangements, is
WT7 desirous of settling uti his old account+, and
requests those indebted, to settle i nmediately. by gicdig
their notes, payable in the'spring; if they are not able
to vquare up now. Immediate attention is requested.
„LW2") ` MII ”'
7, New Rick Block,
roo . now in full blast, where the public cin be aecom•
nindlaied. witli CRACKERS, at wholesale; SMA LL
Cl FA I, by the hundred or thous obi, will he furni4llo
t pricds which it an of for Grocers in the
rauntry to give tie a call..
every.description, for ph die or private
nutlet, furnished to order on the shortest n • e.
OcS 26 .
rrlialtoA 6r. CHOCOLATE. genuine ad: fresh, by
V) Oct 27. . CARTER & SMALLEY.
11 . EST - INDIA PEPPER SA liCE,.a splendid
1 V tide, put up in wine vinegar, expressly for fami
• . _ .
r INDOW GLASL -4-7 by 9, 8 by 10,-19 by 12,
11 10 by. 14, 12 1it . 16,--t2 by IR, 14 by I I,all of
; , ..xid quality - and in etc - knead ordei, for v•.le by
October 19. IRV. • • Of D. DAIO•I,ETT.
A 1 UFFS—aigreat variety of elegant melts, some ve
ry beautaul—just received and for Rale very low,
v el 9 O. D. BARI'LEI7.
! -.C. A PS". —Nton's, Buy'g, and Children's vel
- art, clrith and fur, and fur trimmed caps
- outramirr, the greateet'variety ever seen in this place,
st received: and for sale very low by
Octoheir 1 . 8. 1847. • O:.D.BARTLETT.
R'EWARD!—Strayed or stolen from the 1/n6-
U~ scriber, residing near the centre of Litchfield tp.,
Pnd co., Pe., ■taut mine. weeks ago, a 'dark. brown
ST-1(, heavy bodied, horns mostly black. A reward
of te'o dollars will he paid to any person who will give
~ flrmation where said ;tag - May he found.
Byvirtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Expoi r uu is
sued from the court of common pleas of Bradford
minty, and to me diret , tesl. J shall expose to public sale
at Vl OODRUFFS'Ain us the borough of To
'hada, on M•irmay, the 6th day of December next, a; I
n'nl46. P. M., the followiniMescribeil panels of land—
A piece or parcel of land m Springfield to ;monde&
rent by land of Saltalrnry Grace, east by Geo. Grace.
6 toth by David BroOks, Chauncey Guthrie. and Chaoti
c/ Bloty4tiiti.vvost by land Of W. Westbrook.—
CoistainisigSne hundred acres, more or lean. with shout
ogtoy arms improved, with one two story framed hoover
one framed harts, one framed shed, three apple orchards
and a Variety Aida:abet fruit trees thereon. •
Seized and taken in 'execution at the 'sib. of Wake
man B. Hubbard ore, vs. Milton Brooks.
ALso—A piece or parcel of land in Wyslosing ip.,
br6inno2g at a post and stones ',Spirting lands of [sada
I Lahar ind Ellicott IV Brown, and running thence
math 2° westl49 p. to pe•Busquehanng, river. thEinfe_,....
and with tht serer,' west to the line of Certitieu
`pringfiel,kl, thence by and with the same, north 18° is.
157 p. to'a post Mid stoner, adjoining lands of Squire
Vills,.thence south 88° east 133 p. to the beginning.—
'..ontainingone hundred and five acres end ninety-nine
and a half perches,he the same more or less, with shout
!Airmen acres unproved, with one leg house with one
•iidv to a blork-house thereon. •1/4
limed and taken in execution at the suit of Mary To.
pi, Margaietta 'Poland, Elizabeth Totand and mulisn
-41 Toland vs. Inas Everett.
.41.60—A piece or parcel of land in Wells tp., Brad.
lid county, and Jackson, Tinge co.. Pa., bourulkl north
'+' J shoe G. Spencer, east by land of -Joseph Stordel
niS . south•iiy Berms Roberts and on the weatty Clark -
milivell. Containing seventy-one' acres more or lees,
ash shout fifty acres improved. with one framed douse;
ey.framed barn mid an orthaid.of grafted fruit.
. t'sized and tirken . in etecntion at the init. of Jonathan'
Ibten vs. Lawrence L. Anirigh. 4,..
Also—it piece or parcel of land in Troy tp.; bounded.
teth, east, s.uth and west by lands of Ezra Long. Con.
48 ' , 1 , C about one acre, with two frameid dwelling bott
les. pne framed wagon shop, one stone blacksmith shop
14, 1 a few fruit trees thereon. •
Se`ned and taken in oxecution it , .
tho suit of W. H.
't'uid ) , t the use dl S. Pierre irs. Harry I . Lowman.
A Lso A piece of land in Canton tp., beginning at a
twaloett tr. it being the smith east corner of said tract,
"'mine o 120 i p. to a post by a beech tree. thence
'44438 p. to a Peat, thence south -153 p. to the rowan
-4 creek, from thence following the windings and turn.%
tits of said creek to the place-of beginning. Colublio.
NI eighty4om acres, be the same more or IMO, with
Wt fifty acres improved with •o e framed duces and
i barn and a small orchard thereon.
A and taken in execution at the suit of Joseph
rir and .Israel P. Pleasant., administrators de
xi. of Henry Drinker deed.: vs. Chatter Thomas.
'o—A piece of Wad in Troy tp.. bounded es fol
. mit t on the north by vacant land. On the
ind of Jess Beath, on the south by Noah Leo.
on the west by Robert Clafiin, containing fifty
all improved with two funned homes one fro.
and one saw mill thereon.
and taken. in execution to the suit of O.T.
. Beriah Prau and Stephen H. Stiles. •
'—A piece of land'in Albany and Monroe tpa..
J as follows to wit i north by Owen M. Can and
i Diffenbaugh, on the east by Edward McGovern.
south-br - Daniel Beverly, and on the west by John
land, - containing about four hundred and eleven
ire or less supposed to be about twenty-five acres
I with one framed and log house and one log
and!..taken . in execution to the suit of Hugh
, Thiome,.•fricGoverri and Daniel fluttery T. T.
• • . JOHN t?...higANS, Sheriff.
‘ifr. Office rotirenda, Oct. 27, 1847.
anety, comprising all. the , latest !styles orid most
hl 14tterns, just received and for pale eery tow
al9 O . D . BARTIZTT. •
MEV 4:11M1) . BSI - •
lroa TIM
'THE sitlacriber is now epenutg at the Caffi/Ir it
Main" and Bridge sta..• very exteasiverand domino
ble stock of NEW 000 a, carefully selected, with a
view to snit the mark et r 7 -cotheacing • have stock of
Dry Cicada, Groceries,- Crockery, - tisrd-waft Bs*
and Shoe,Narls, Glass, Putty, Oils . and Pte,
Codfiskml ke, Sperm and Th aw Caw
Dye Stuffs) etc., etc; do
Also—s great vanety of Cape. Muffs and Boum which
will positively be sold at priest =3l l l give satiefae
tionjo purchasers. • DENY, Jr.
shall irr a few days. receive the most am
sive - catalogue of HOCKS 4 , STATIONER Y, mar
offered for sale in this ataritst, which will be sold at Fa"
dueed prices. octll
'Pin !armlet-end most ostensive einortment el NEW
1. GOODS. suitable to the eamou,selested vritbmeat
care, and for dale cheep as the cheapest; for cab or ap
proved credit—just opened at
Towende, Oct. 5, 1147. O. D. BARTLETT'S.
H. S. & M. C. MERCUR,
Consisting of more than their stitial . variety, which
they offer to the public at th eir irrioerbtatil low prices.
Toward's, September 26, 1847.
OILS Paints. Varniabes and tlyerantis. of almost
every kind, at , aep2s MERCUR'S.
& PRINTS.—PIain and twilled Ging.
lT barna, English and American Priam, a beautiful
assortm •nt at aep2s MERCUR'S.
—Plena!, English and American Cloths; plain
and fancy Cassimerea and Elatdnetts; satin, silk, valets
cis and worsted Vesting., very cheap at
WORSTED DRESS (;0005.—Plain, figured and
plaid, black and colored Alpaccas; black and co
lored French Ir.erinoes ; Oregon Plaids; ricks French
and common Cashmeres, DeLaines, &e., a great variety
of styles for elle at isap2s ERC R'S.
IRON As NAIL /3 .— A large assortment for sale. at
sep2s liE WV Irli.
sep2s - MERCLYR'S.
14, CA LISTER'B' OINTMENT.—A new supply of
.I.l'l this deservedly popular article just received at
sep2s MERCURV.
HARDWARE.— very large stock of /fordo:mama
every description, just rec'd at MERCURI3.
QHA Wl.B.—Brothe, Thibet, M. Deliaine„&nrdilla
I.J sod' Wool Shawls, a large ass% MERCUR'S.
Bfoolll & SHOES, consisting O.
cow - hide and kips
boots, ladies' and misses' slippers, gaiters and half
gaiters; children's shoes; also an elegant assortment of
Hats and Caps, are now opening at the &Mop Bank,
sep29 • • NO IS, B. R.
OTTON YARN, carpet warp, Nitta wadding, wick
tJ and, bleached sheetingi and shirting',
truly be found ata bargain and very low at the Savings, 1"" sep29 -NO. 5, B. R.
FOR 'CBE LADIES--a large assortment of white;
goods, such as Irish linens. cross barred. and striped
murdins, jacnnetts, swiss muslin.. also swiris m 11,
and muslin edgings, thread and cotton edgings. bobbins.
silk fringe and buttons, lace buttons, patient whalebone
skirts, purse twist; in short a great variety of fancy
goods of every description, may be found at the
The most extensitt Clothing Warehouse is the U. S.
'loje E—QPEN FOR WINTER: 190,00 g arments
1.1. on hand sod ready for disprsal. Whoksak 4r /Wail.
To patrons we would my, that having hut one peke,
those who a o not understand dm real valuation price of
goods, will base an opportnnity of purchminglGarments
as low se professed judges. Jobbers and dealers in
ready made Clothing, can replenish their stocks ter the
winter, and ire guarantee the largest establishment in
Philadelphia to select from. We attend pervonslly to
the Packing of goods, and see that • good assortment of
.sizes and well-made articles me put op. Single suits
forwarded ad - per order. .
ca Our good. min" sale only at the large building,
1"8 Market at.. eonthesst corner of Market and Fourth
Ire., Philadelphia. C. H A JEN ES&
philmloloi4.-Septomber 29, 1247. 3m16
- ittenisibiwy
MILL. Moaroe. SepL '23,1847.
Another Great Victory in Mexico !
rrHE newt was received simultsneee' sly with news
1 that there had been another great arrival of Diew
Goods at the
ilnd - caused a Tremendous- Excitement
The present proprietor, C. BRED, takes this oppor
tunity to return his thanks to his former patrons and
the public generally, and also of informing them that lie
is now receiving a very large and poeml alsortment of
Fall and Winter Goods, of everg descriplon, which he
pledges himself shall and will be sold as low as at any
other estahashment within 100 miles •of Towanda.—
The public generally are respectfully invited to collated
examineto satisfy themselves st. No. b. Brick Row.
Towanda, :.eptemher 1847.
fIEDLE RS will find it to theft edvantage to call at the
1. Drug Depot, where they can be supplied with elta
ry article desired, each as phials, essences. die., on the
best terms. jel6 No, 1. 111121 CK ROW
TERKERE SHAWL S a new and rich snick ;
also, drab, and mode colored Ciabatere, Stradina
and plaid woollen shawls, may be hand in aboodume,
sod . extremely low at / REEITO, B.R.
Another . Large and SyLaidid lope Of
Ready maidle Ciloildrig
TINT arrived at 1.. BA IrCHEI.OR'I3 CLOTHING
al STORE. Here lathe place to get Cheap clothing, at
least 50 per cent. cheaper' than at pny other place. I
have all, kinds to suit customers. My stock is large,
consisting of Cloaks. Costs, Pants, Vesta, dcr..
Elegant and new premium styles, 'Mx' et estowiabili
low prices.
Cloaks. Over Costs, Brown, Drab, Do., business
Costs—all binds, Black Dram Costs, Preach Dram
Do., Geld Misr& Do.. Satinen Pants, Cesslowee Do.
Black and Green Mookiy Jackets.. Fancy Satin Vests.
Sleek Do., Cashmere. Do., Double !grouted Apo.,
White Melnik Do. Also—Canton Flame Draw
eri. Shins the same, end some splendid fins Shine,
Aim—Blue end Black Cloth, Brawn Do., Catimmes•
Plain. Fancy Do., Vaginae of all kinds.
alOotting end klisilmr done them sad =Wig
up et alt • L. stercHELoire
Oct. 9, '47. Clotbfon More.
General -Scott in the City of j .xiee
____ •
And another Item stook of Goads. jtut mita at
which have been carefully seiededfir the Fall True:
THE public are 'invited or eat and 0211Mitle tits&
dock of. Dry Goode. Greeerboo. sniederams asst
Crockery. Boots & Shoo. liats &Cork gad rierilmie
in the line 41 staples. sailed to the wswistdik milk*
of country. width have boom rireboved vsarendriler
Cash. and at the Wired, ebb an the morket. We baps
our obi friends Will not forget so Mtge no is tall. u, we
can make Wen of kti foe theE OP do so.
Toiiande. Amiga 18, tari•
COIL MAIN for bull charley,* oWs, team
joie received leaky esle by
• October 19, 1947. O. D. SANTIOrr.
11'1111Er 4re 011)
A6LAlMirlind well mketal assertment l ai F.o and
Wham Oessiadasa !strived. sod Mt saki/ EL
LIOTT a TOMEINB. emulating or
UT 61017., “11011118, 11/1011112, COMM
Mk Big% he., he.
Aiming earldwida- may be *mod,French, English
and dantsican Mite and , Cistimenme; also, a good se.
madman of Fancy Casameew and Tweeds, sheep's
gray cloth and sattioetai slim • good assoruneat at
Ow coat Cloths and Cleakinp.
. For the LADIES. era bow any quantity of Mg
hams. M. Delsines, Cullinane, alPaccas. of sU calm
and prkm, both cotton and silk warp ; Miser* if ail
kinds, dress silk, Meek and fancy, with uimmings to
Also—BoooetSils & Bonnet Velvet with trimmings.
MUFFS—a large stock.
Elmira, Corning 'and Buffalo Line,
connected with %hi. line, (ear advertisement in an
other column, will leave Elmira on Tuesday, 14th inst.
and an every alternate Tuesday thereafter, during the
ralloll. tip 1 5
What are IN abut beret Aril ye: Tes, I lotus°
rr ROMANDB of timer the question bu been milked,
/. When on earth are all the Boots sad Shoes ma
nufactured that supply the continual rush at the corner
of Main end Bridge streets 1 O'Hara answers that this
is the place, and these ate the things we do it with
a Seventreleven netafashicrns
every Iwo seconds. ,
Put 4m the Steam !
Roar ye ! bear ye ! snit understand, that O'Hara, at
the Punter of Maul endtinder streets, will yell at retail
thie4.le. on. 38i7 Sf pairs of Boots. Shoes and Brogans,
at a leas puke than ever was or probably ever will be of-
fered again in Towanda. ''
• The Ladies' Depaftment in this establishment is
richly furai•hed '4 -fashions. Ladies', misses' and
children's fancy and common hoots and shoes. even to
the extremity of the latest fashions. Mistake not the
place —Corner of Main and Bridge streets. the only
Shoe Store in Bradford County. Half cash and hail
trade for Butter. IL O'HARA.
Towanda. June 16, 1847.
New Arrival at No, 1, Brick Row !
4. 11. Chamberlin,
TS now raceiviug.-ard offer. for sale at the DRUG
DEPOT. No. Brick Row. a large addition r, hits
former stook. aonsistigg of every variety of
lissuries, Dregs sod Setileints. Dye Staffs, Palltst
011 s, htfarly, Fog" Articles tie.
which will be mid at wholesale or retail. at unusually
low prices. Terms CASH. "fowanda.- June 16. 1442.
1 ninth of July, ot No. 1, BRICK ROW.
PATENT MEDICINES, every kind . boar` in use,
can be found at the Drug Depot ; Agent for Jsyrie's
Smith's, Cliekenees. Moffat's, Pain killer, and various
other medicines. A full and general supply always on
hand jal6 No. I. BRICK ROW.
First Arrival of Goods from New York.
Barton JlEingsberg,
IS now receiving a general assortment of Spring and
Summer Goods, which will be gold cheaper than
goods were ever offered in this place before. His
friends will find as the, mount the steps at his door that
prices go down. Call and examine fur yourselves.—
My goods and prices will praise themselves. You will
find a large and general assortment of every variety of
Dry Goods, Groceri• s, Hardware. Crockery, Glass,
Nails, Iron, Steel Paints. Oils, Dye Stuffs, Boots, Shoes,
Hata, Caps. Codfish, Msekerel. &c., &c.
My friends and the public generally are respectfully
invited to-call-and examine my stock, as I am satisfied
I can offer them goods cheaper than at any other Store. .
May, 17th, 1847. •
LIST OF f e ErfERB, remaining in the Poet Whoa
at Athena, quarte rending Sept. MI, 1847.
Borneo James Ort John •
Brown Simeon H °taw John
Brown James San Park James N
Bloomfield Thomas Price Miss 8 M
Clerk of the'Circuit court Peters Mrs Elisabeth
Grans Robert Potion E W
Curry E Elul - Rogers John
Demand Nicbohn Richards R M.
French Samuel - Rogers Elizabeth H
Griswold Mary Reynolds T S
Hendricks F . Smith Joseph
Havens Fanny Stanley Ann Eliza'
Hold hones Smith John .en
Havens Babes Swartwond Gm IC
Harlan John Shepard Job
J shown A C filmiitt Harriet M
Lyon C B Thos M H.
Loudoem James annocken H
Lamb Harrison Vet:serum Joseph
Low Thomas Wiaer A
McElwain Jams Wilson Bradford '
Maxwell Thomas Whit ti Rebecca
Maxwell Win Wainer Mira A P
Wier Pruners A . Westfield Elkin
Nesbet M irgaret M. inship Henryi '
Nearing Phebe Aim York Le•ina .
First lot of New Goods in Towanda.
ItirONTANYERO & CO. M receiving large and
IVI. general assortment of Spring and detainer Goods
whith will be disposed of at wholesale or retail at re
duced prices. April 20. 1847.
BKINGSBERY & CO. am just reeeiviag. di.
. reedy from New York and opening at the new
brick atom reeendy erected at El .IKinesbely's old wand.
a large . assortment of Fall, Winter Goods, comprising
Broad dogs', Cassinteres ' Saltine 1
Saltines; Alpaceas,
rY ekgreon ; French t English Merinos • Mon
:d Pt
ine DeLainia • Gingham' ' s a great variety; ;
Cashmere t wo o len Shawls ; Domestic pods,
Hasifry and o!nves, of evmy descriptson.
Groccria, Crockery, I I Irdw ere, Boots* noes, Sae
and umer - -Leallarr, French and common calf and
kip nUis Na•• e, mind ant &Yaks ban,
Gl ass , R ats , , and,Stone Ware,
p=inr iss k::•TsCtt so* and MA
• Hornig.
Thu uremia° of the public is - II; !Rebel to
our present hop stack of gook, whidh are • • exhibit.
.d fur sale at the lowest prime. 4 ready pay. They
have been solseted with unusual care sad atumtion, • -
reedy for the sccommodstion of Mir assanonre, and
we believe afar inducements to purchasers no where
elm to be net with.'
co.gasember, before purchming ebewbers. to call
11.1Cmpbery's old stand. and ozonise our good's:id
Oboes, es we ars croallilest they will meet the views of
dortlosset cosh buyers:
Om. It, 11147. 4/ -W. F. 114Z,NSIMI.
WOW v. IPA A.V41 . 03=
.jute Institatien la now ender the charge of Mr. P.
W. Owes. a grefleihr of Yale College. mimed
by Mr. O.M. Paass. of Conn. The It term ease.
meneed on the 15th of Sept alt. The meond will
ossonsmoee an the en of D.s. Pupils are admitted at
wey dme. -
'Miaow per terns of elm* tomb/ _
Ceases Engliab modem $1 fin
Higbee English maim 4 00
-Ancient Languages and high's nualumiatiok 600
Extra charge. (get end 2d tom.) 25
Kinswomen's will he made to swore die merlins of
s.oosieepliani Prooperiesoin the %swig.
O. 12. S. D. MONTAN IT. • Pemoidene.
ac. . •
alkuliMmailk at.
VS ' Wir 41.03011%
' at No. 2, Brio Sea l
Neale of ew & - FallWhiter Gam
RICH m end will k< sold at the way lowest
22 • notch for sad or Ready Pet. Sway person
who nay want HOOD and CHEAP goods. is narms.
fully invited to call and mains ibis stock. Don't
AM to wall ss it costs nothing to look. end we reaidsr
b a 11 " to show the good/. lad will try to make it to
ajita fat those wishing to buy of E. T. FOX •
12 BA LEa BROWN SHEIMNOII, afilange.
shining; wicking, wedding. boning. moo yrs
end mint warp, amp an the limped, at No. B.
R.. in nepl6 rote.
GINGRAMIS ! GINGFIAMB!-30 pieeei a.. sad
moo splendid styles, deeidedly the Fettle* .evet
in market. Also. enrols Plaids. Mk Plaide. sod ell
the new styles drew roods all at No. I. Brick Rot..
my lowest possible Om se Furs.
LARDWARE, a good'asaaetament, isaludimAros.
Steal, Nail', &e. at No. 2. B.R.
10AINTs, OILS & DYE-STUFFS, also Matches
by the • at No. 2, B. E. FOX'S;
SEALED HALF BUSHELS, on baud and fordo
at Sep 16 FOX'S. •
' Cooking and Parlor Sloven. '
Just received at MONTANYES ¢ ccm a law
lot—Also. PIPE. and a few eeeend-band staves, all
of which will be sold cheap fa. pay. Illept. 7.1547.
Stock . of Goods in the Savings Bank.
N consequence date great rush at the tlavinp Bank
for Cheap Goads, thepropr has been induced to
replenish with a 'pleadid assentment of SPRING dl;
RUMMER GOODS. which are flow opening, and sel/..
ins at gristly reduced prices. The proprietor. --111r.C.
REED, pledges himself to fully end amply sustain tbe
credo of the institution which it has hitherto binne, Le.
for selling goods (beeper then any other establish/nest%
in Bradford co. Persons desirous of testing this, base
only to cell et No. 5, Brick Row, end satisfy themselves.
July 7. 1547. C. REED.
and Licht Ginithiuna, have been received at the
&views Bank, and ars wiling twentrave par kern.
cheaper thin mt. jy7 C. REED:
BOOTS & EIHOEB—A large and exhaustless ee
sortment of coarse sod fine bonito and shore, ladies'
full and half piters, kid ties; buskins. French kid slip.
pees, children's cloth and morocco shoes are now selling
very low at the Briny Bank, No. 6, Brick Bow.
LIST OF LETTERS, remaining in the Post 011 es
at Towanda. quarter ending Sept. 30. 1847. ts
Bennett Chester Kilmer Josiah
Bowen Timothy Kirk Michael
11liven Robert Lewis William •
Haneraft Legrsnd Leyrnmer John K
Burlingame Leander ; ' Lens! Elizabeth Mies '
Blaosrelt Elijah K . Lent Daniel
B iky Jeremiah Laughlin John
Bowman David Morse Mrs Sarah
Bennett Henry Moog Efrain
Clark chair Pedkr M..rian E W
Conbongas Nelson MeHale Richard
f'onner David Myers James
Campbell John Maybe Michas!
Carol Elias A Mingus Joseph .
Dos John M O'llikf 'Jolla A
Dalton Chet Fof .tas M Purnell Denis
Dayton Alhat Payne Selo'
Drake John 2 Porter Daniel K
Ellis William Ross Phebe Ann MN
Essenline Z Vise Stephens Hatay
Feagerson Wm Winton Scranton Olivet
Foster Miss Jane e t • Stone Ingham
Flyn Patrick Sweet Jarvis C
Fitzgerald Cornelia@ riereeny , Michael
Gardner Jacob 2 Spalding Juesph
Ceer Robert . Stanley John
Haßeft W illiain Topper G It
Hays Michael . TOrsder Edmond Castel
Harlem Win J W alsh Williarn
Harkness Lucinda Watts" Louise '
Hoyt Miss Jane Webb Andrew
Hine Henry, W Wattfris J Morris
Irvine Jaws W Warner Henry
Johnson Andrew WoodiuffJarad
Jackson Thomas Wolf Anu
The Saddle and Harness %milieu
I 8 still continued by ELKANAH SMITH, J. GULP
&C. T. SMITH. under the Firm of Elkanab
Smith & C 0.4 at the old stand-North side of tba Public
Square, where will be kept constantly on hand Best
Plain and Quilt.' Saddles. Plated and Coastwise
Harness. all kind/ at Trunks, Valois, sad MI Ohm
work in their line.
Carringi Trimming 4- Military work
done to order. From their experience and punctuality,
they are in Wipes to receive a share of public patroness.
Work can be hod at their shop as cheap us at any other
shop in the martyr of the same quality. May 10. '47
This Why for Bargoisis.
STUFFS. wiling at emit, at FOX'S.
OILS, PERFUMERIES. a spl •ndtd article •Si
Brushes, Thermometers. sod Fancy Articles. fie
sale at jell, No. I. BRICF ROW.
Pale Wands; tad the Lest lake
T HEREBY warn every person indebted to me, that
I.laniess immediate payment is made. they will 6e
sued ! Tbis'ootice is given without-respect to persons
and all persona knowinn thentselvse indebted, will save
costs, by - givinn prompt attention.
Towanda. Oct. 11. 1847. 8. HATHAWAY.
SAYIIOHN ! don't tell any body that we will'pay
the ready JOhn Davis." for 100 bushels Cheatootr
and 500 Ito. Lard. CARTER, & 6114 ALLEY.
ALARGE end extensive ameortromit of School. else.
ideal and Mirellsneous BOOKB siso a large
stock and groat variety of Paperv..itmlilding from, letter.
cap. fojiii. post office and wrapping papensi togethet
with • complete smortment of Biala Books,
Cards, Baudopea, 4z. 4e. r ail for isle cheaper thin
the cheapest, by 019 QG. BAR ELM.
p, ; 10 t jr dr.' e. sio rii : 76. 44
Ann GrUlu,
-WOULD again inform the Ladies that oho has just
returned from New York. with the latest and
mast fashionable style of Hats, Caps, and Head dres
ses; also a large and choice • wierti.m of Wilmer,
Goods, con.isting of Mak Yekets. Siam and &inns t
• large assortment of Ribbons. Floaters, Plumes cad
Lan. Also Prima soars:4rd ehensilettes.giasps.
fringes and black trimming lace, all of which will be
sold at as low a pies as can he purehamdrilsowhios.
Towanda. (*sober 1i.1847.
Carpenter Welsh Smith Gram Ammo Mir
Coleman Thou • elhattuek Cleo W
Duvall tkephen Strang Fredrick J •
Furgersan Jobs , - Sigmberd L C
Ferid Ailiget • ' Tests Jag
Hager Navel Wigton Jabs
lientinsiniv am Wilraggis Marks
Hart Arena. . Wilier Jacob T
Haltdo Elea& M Mies. Webber Lorfsillot Mies
SALT—!OO UAL Sek just received sod for Nam
at BAIRD'S. NO4I. 8. R.
UR.--50 Ardis of Snd Roar jot oseeivoil
r sod for sab at INAIRM NO, 3, H. R.
WM: MAUL - '
Thos Elliot it . N. C. Toikins l ,
""" h t,p,
HA tee
M' ° 'Io hope by • in
sad st ri ct attantiou to busistss. to a .h a of pmb.
lit pstrawsp. They say always lewd yto
attend to any pram who wiobes ' in their
lips. ,
They will Gimpy the old stand of EMU di Mager,
and ea it has jot boo seam* and made mess spud
an awkesnosaiont.axibwolou will And it yin plea.
suit ado busier,' in. ELLIOTT & TOOKINA.
May 27. ISM 1
New Spring and Summer
s. B. B
rrawsparing s new end ersortment of
tad filmy goo& st Moran. (,inure °obtain
guest two doors below Bridge Masi (west Ws) wady
mimes" bcontscr's & Co.) embracing silk article.
ti l 9 kept in the country, such u
- -
Dry Goods, Groceries. Croehry and Glass
ware. Hardware. Nails. Iron. all phi
varieties of Sled, Glass. Point*
Linseed Oil, Lamp Oil 4.e. f
which be awe to parassers at unusual low priers for
Cash, Produce. or approved credit. And rould is.
apectfially invite all who wish to purchase to csU
examine his goods and prices beforepurchaiing else.
whero. as be is confident he tan dim good *gains.
June 1, 1847.
PRINTS, K. Dail.aines, Gingbants. Lavinig,
The Ladies wdl and • beautiful asioatmeat at
jaw 9. BET fir.
GREAT variety of strurls scarfs, pa s Ladies
sad Misses' Bassets very sheep at It )178%
BLACK At BEAVER CLOTHS. black .and fancy
Casennass. and .0 sorts of Ettosstinstofk • Imo
sasoatment.low for cash st BETTS'.
TITINDOW & WALL PAPER.. nice vualiety and
WV cheap at
MI A RBIS & BLOODS Ones seythrs and scythe
11 mouths oho Hera crab, seytbaket BE MS'.
.—Black. calmed. plaid, sad elisarable areas
SSilks also, white and colored "lewd Satins. at
aap24 111ERCUlt-rd.
DRESS GOODS-100 pieces no opening et the
Sayings Bank.cnnaisting of French filletinoe; plain
Alperin*. Abysinian Wipes, certiover plaids. cashmeres.
nioualin de lainea. plain and twilled gingham.. ilite-de•
all of which will be sold law at REED'S.
SLOTHS & CABSTMERES, Vesting', ; Oven:oat
N..." Clothe, arch se brown. olive and gold mixed Bead
VIM will be gold very low at • SAVINGS HANK.
Ut3TßAY.—Broke into the enclosure of thi. Waco
her. on the 2bth of August last. • &MLitt) W,
or I? years old. -The owner is requested to-prove pro
perty, pay charges sod take her ewity.,
- Troy. Sept. 27. HO WARD SPA I.nuci). Sen.
T)RINTS, of every variety and style. firentO and do
mestic, Dow opening at oliolroale and retail. at
FRINGEB & GIMPS, of all tondo.; alas), Buttons
mad other trimmings for ladies' dre.sea and wants,
by aulg MONTANYE & CO.
superior style and WA, and at prices to inn thaw
who wish to puretura cheap.
so IS MONTAN YE'S '4lc CO,
gliChls—Larlies' Muses and Children's, a large ea
riety on hand as je9 BETTItr.
TOGS W. WILCOX. having purchased the Into•
rest of his late partner, reipectfully informs the pub
lic that be may still be found at the old stand, near T.
P. Woodruff's tavern. where he still soliCitsia share of
public patronage. He intends. by a carefu selection
of stock, sod by attention to the Interests of' his cameo.
sours to reeks as neat and durable work as an be ma
nufactured in this put of the country.
He will keep conitant'y en hind;• end manufeetere
to order, Armco, Calf and Coarse Boob nod Shoes
Lathe? Gaiters, Shoes, and Slips t Citadren's do. 1,
Genes Gaiters and Pumps, te.
07 Country Prodece, of meet descriptions, taken in
payment for work, at the market prim
Towanda, August 30, 1841. 7
New Tailorlag Establishnient,
Corner of Main and Bridge its., over 14 UP Hara's
Boot and Sitoe Store.
attiratUibilliti32:ll •
RESPECTFULLY informs the aims of Towel
da. and the public generally. that he hie comment ,
ed the Tailoring blueness, st the comer M Main end
Bridge sm.. in the Amp recently occupied $y *ark C.
Ameet. where be solicits them in want M Tailoring.
to give him
Havi mployed in the mod fashionable eetab
lish merits Ipbis andebiewhere. and being de ,
termined no pains to Meese. cuetomers may
depend upon hewing their work dons promptly mid is
good stile se can be had at any shop to town. All
work wensnild wall nude cod to 6t.
Cutting ace* dm, , lima walnuts&
Towanda. A name 30. 1 an.
TZ eospartneseisip borstals, asbeingl between the
subeeribure in the atereantile basineso.wis amok.
ed on the 10th day of August Inst., by animal eassest.
Those Wetted to the firm will make immediate pay
went to E. W.-Baird, and those having demands again
the firm will peseta the sense to him for Settlement.
WM. 11. BAIRD,
August 38, 1847. E. W. BAIRD.
I shall wait until thellonday after September court.
(which.. wi ibe the Roth Sept. 1847) for 'payment of
aft debts due the aboye Arm. Debts not then paid, will
be died. without discrimination or f.yor: Do you un
derstand 1 au3o E. W. BAIRD.
1CEM11111 1 .6%142 IMlrgarailiViro
• The left] Fanny is Atlas!
Dr. Carter's- Infallible li 6 medy for Hawattit.
Mae of, taking and size of dOses eatirely
at the option of Me patient.
THE above medicine an beloand at all times at the
sew estabreshment o(CARTER & SMALLEY,
together, with as intim new and fresh stock of GRO
CER/E4 comprisitt eve y thing. in their lino. such
as Tea, Col Ow. Sopr, Totem. Pepper..epiee, Moen
lee. Cocoa. Citron. Fps, Raisins. &c, and an snarls
variety .of other articles "too numerous to mention;
all of which viii be said as low es the mime an be
bought west of the Empire city. Wi'eleo offer the
most splendid eseastorent of Trench. Eighth and Ger
man TOYS, ever before *SIM in -Northern Pennsyl
vania, torahs, with • full assortment of Nuts. Confect
timed's, Yankee Notions. Pang girmenara. dr.e., which
seat sad will auk asio quality and *int.
Net Odka
heti Miss
i'l • FL & R. DAVIS, TAILORS' (late from the
1 ..,7 • City of London.) have
second story of the me Brick block, el by Burton
Kiegsboty. on Mlle street. whets we prepared to
eseroui all orders hi their line wi th & despatch.
Piaui their k oos sod rigerowt low • to tlas, art,
sod tbeFr esissalre ampsrleoce es f is the best
shops hi Lemke. they feelt of bring
skisto phase the snit fastidisie sod trio:mute
ewer work hi seen trobstasti p al sad style. as to
give astiatartlari to their sestowsis.
Cr Cuffing dons to odor. sod tentelsd to St if
se& IL uDA VW.
Mods, Oc t
IS, 11147,. ylk DAVI&
wilh.. ...I
Malientanro ,
I 1•1
DlffiltrArit lo 7 so order
iliadford bow*, will
Inalardayilar 23.1day_ol
P. 1/L e • sprat lb. preadses
ad tractor lead situate in
ford county, Pa., contain(
Aosta, adjoioirig loads of
vibidl and R.Gritne ao
and Samuel Morahan oa
known; being ea farm
Des}rarin Im k, dee%
dry of ash,.
The above vela viands
!be erne plate and tine
IN pan:atm or so o,&
!Indiand osooty. held at 4.
i t
:Emmy. uo the leth dey . a sow •' , ..
exposed to earill by pebble emirs or oat on the pre
moms. on Saturday. thel-Sti day of Ma. 81 2
o'vlock, F. M., the following deabribad of ground
with its appueseninces, situate in the tough of 'aid
Towanda, and bounded west by
. Simon& on which
It *tinter north by the upper pest of in. % Watkins'
lot : south by C. L. Waltrip lot, on wh hie new tent
Is erected t and east by the west end of • Watkins'
t t
lot that fronts Main st., by him lately rebated. and
formerly in the occupancy of Wm. B. tom, es the
Bank's p ro perty. The aforesaid dated let for eels
being, 736 kin wide. on 2d at.. and 147 along the
south and north lines of Watkins' and ard's respec
tive lots, will be sold es the pniperty of t e late. Francis
Delpenelt. dec'd: Terms made known the day of
Sep.`29. 1847. Ad's of Frs. Del itch, deed:
A LI. perstins indebted to the estate
CLAGOETT.Iate of Springhill to
hereby ntepiested to make pryment with
those baring this, against said estate,
olio them duly sunned to the euhortibrr
' 4rin ;hills Oeioher 18. IN?.
MAD INISTRA I OR's 1 a ricE.
ALL persons indebted to 'the ).t4d Absoisin
Wilco:. deed.. late of Leßoy town ip. are here
reque-ted 'to make immediate pity nts ; and all
persons hstiing demands epithet said est to are segues
trd o present the immediately .to th sulwertber for
settlement. AMOS W. Wit. 01, Atn'n
Leßoy. Ort. Pah. tO7.
A LL proems mdebted lathe estate o
sant Ms of Springfield tarp., d
requested to make payment without d.
haring claims against said estate. will
them duly attested to the sul.rriber.
Springfield. September 14, 1847.
Ll order of the Orphans' court of B
there will lex Ord to public.eale on
1 o'clock in the afternoon of the dth da
next. a tract of tend situate in fltdaberr .
lands of Morris eltepherrs on the south
Dan A. Grlkt on the east. north and •
Three acres, or thereabouts, rdl impror
(rained ,bouse, and a sew-mill thereon e
of ihe estate of Albert A:Beek
Biglrrberry, Beptemher 21, 1847.
nit virtue of sundry write' of Indition expanse tented
out of the court ot common pleas f Elradb;rd co.,
to me directed,. shall expose to pul.lic le at the boos.
of THOS P WOODRUFF, in the borOugh of Towan
da, on Saturday, the 13th day of next. at 2
o'clock; P: M.., the following piece or paired of land; in
•:.•:itoinghill, and bounded aa follows. toli l t . : on the north
land of C. Lary, east by Isaac acy, south by
Samuel Cheevers, and west by Gvo. Smith. eontiiining
about eighty acres with about fifteen acme improved with
one Log House and one saw Mill thereen.
&k id and taken inAhe suit of D. W. drown, to the
use if Nathan Hitchcock Jr., vs. John
ALSO, a pries or parcel .•f land
township d Moore, end bounded as f
Beginning at • white ask on the w
the said line, oath 684° west, one bun
perches to • post, thence by land of Geo
40°, east Ili 1-10 perebee to a post. H
Jared Woodrufr. north 6 lievest thirty
thence by hod of Absalom Coolhireghl
perchei to the south east corner of
land, thence north 64° wok= pert- • -
mouth 50 ° cost 87 6-10 perches to
Russell Fowlers lot.-Thence along
south 40 6 net 1= perches to the p
eontuting ninety-one seas and forty
ellowancit be the same noire or less;
acres improved ; with one Log House
Seised and Liken in the suit of Z.
the Dee of J. P. Smith and J. M. t
ALSO, fly ondry writs of Fi.
piece or parcel lend. situated in the
in the County 'pi Bradford, bead
lands of the Asylum company, ow the
Boma J. Ikons, on the east by teed
*old. and on Ibis so* hy the Tows
prated. with three dereWmg houses on .
shop, one saw Mill and m apple o
tainiag ninetrreven.CM more or I
Seined and 'skew in the suit of M
Alfred W. Fellows and Joseph PAM
ALSO. the following piece or wee .
in Ulster township,. beerier& sod -
wit: beginning at • stake an the malt
road running throtegh tniter village i
device south 21' west eight perches •
corner, thence norther west le • ;
a corner, thence berth Ill! east l . •
stake. • corner of lot no. 2, thence
perches to tbs•plass of beginning. -. •
and bring hate no. 4 and 6 on the w - I
laid out by7spbon.Flosters,bsing the
veyed to Sidney 8. Bailey and Milton!
Macomb by deed dated the . 11th day
1139, an improved with one small ho •
Betted entilaken in t the snit of 8.
Sidney 8- Bailey and Milton Bailey
ALSO—By virtue of a writ of Lev •
and directed to me, one ateksiied
montage piece or petrel of land Mutat
in the township of Franklin county 0.
Pcnnsylsan.a. and bounded as lull.
ning at a pest corner (bring the .1
thence 11 . 1
skinth tee
end twee
In the
M• 14 0. -
and twenty
died tit - -
Ping L.
of r.bmL
py to
him '
ao arks
t Miry, sod
I ilt pleas paw
Meanest Leo.
'd., ye hostelry
lay, and those
please present
nuance of en
ilfo - t1 county.
he ommiers., at °
of Pitoreenitiori.
tit., ',dinning
nd hy Jacbin(
Containing ,
with • small
e bollix non
. North,
situated in the
lows, to wit :--
t, thence along
red and twenty
•• - Tracy. north
I nee by land of
• - to pug.,
'loath 6° ell‘t 8
id Coollangh's
to a past, thence
pins, corner pf,
• Yowlers line
es of beginning.
yen retches and
with about 30
l • • one Log Baru
Moon. now to
va.Jatoso Moo-
Alb that Farm,
. • hip of Leroy
r on north b 1
hi hinde of
of Joshua Oda.
!da mei, all
• barn and - wagon
6 rd thereon, con-
' . Hawley •s.
of lied. situated
'bed us follturs,.to
street or public
. said township,
another stake, a
to another stake*
—as to soother
1 . th 69° east ten
loins 90 perebee
of said road us
me two lets eon.
Daily by Jarred
Fehrthwy, A. D.
as t hereon.
and A. Rex, o
ri ruins, used
d part of a certain
d tying and bring
BradA•r4 state of
a, to wit: begin
ith riot eikinrr)
moa t
a Own'
iod to
rah day
of the
tom so
. actable
has loft
lase or
ill pay