- V f 4.• • • . . Vraoko gittportfr. Till'anda, Wednesday, Oct. 27, 1847. r F.xcrscs.-- , Sorne of the Federal papers are try ihg to frame plausible excuses for their defeat in this State; others are denoUncing their own party for their retniseness in not turning out to the elec tion &e. Our opinion is that there is, bet one true reason, to' which' they must all come at list viz.-- There are more Democrats in .Pennsylvania than • Fcderalists. As to the Federalists who did not go to the pas, it is eery likely they •had become treatable that their leaders *ere on the wrong side ; that their false alarms of ruin were all gross ilecep tion and humbug, that the open opposition of the Federal patty to the war with Mexico, or the more traitorous conduct of their leaders and presses in gi:tini "kid and comfort" to the enemy ; deserved. open rebuke and condemnalte)h at the hands of all honest men ; toetber with the fact that, knowing Francis R. Shook to be honest and competent, and 'llistruistkg all further pretensions or promises of the Federalists, they were content to let well-enough alone. With anthem things before the people, we have no doubt that, had every Vote in the common wealth been placed in the ballot-box, the majority' for Honest Frank Shunk would have been greatly increased. Moar.,Facrrn.—The Slexican Argus is still 'rav ing under continued and protracted paroxysms of Whig Hydrophobia. We kicked the thing aside. last week:to escape its froth, and hoped it would hide itself in its kennel and expire in quietness.— Hut it is still raving and foaming, and snapping at every one it meets. Venomous as it js, no one need tear it much. It is too small and feeble a thing to do injury.. On meeting it again, on Saturday last, it was scattering its froth, as usual. Our first im pulse was to give it another kick ; but, on reflec tion, we thought it. cruel to chastise popr sick pup- Pelt, and so we giveihem a "pass"—too filthy to touch—let it go home to Mexico. • SENATORIAL Nommenon.c . .—The, g•enatorial con— vention for the district composed of 'the counties of Steuben arid Chemung,"in the State of Sew York,. met at Painted !lost, on the 15th igst. and placed in nomination William M. Hawley of Steobee. The Elmira Gazette sacs: The convention passed strong resolutions.iii favor,of the principles of the Wilmot Proviso: The democracy of Steuben and ChemOng is sound to the core on this question : 7 ' Mr. Itiwt.Eri • the nominee of the convention, is one of the ables( and soundeit democrats in the . district, and we cannot for a moment doubt his Election. • • Ecccrros RF:vbass.—Weliave not yet received the official returns from all the counties ; but those we have, with the. reported . majorities, place' Gov, Shunk more than 18,000 ahead. The official may vary sompwhat from' accounts received. but the majlrity for Shunk and Longstreth will fall but lit tle, if any below those figures. LiBERTT NATIONAL CONVENTION.—The Liberty party (abolitionists) 'field a convention at ftntialo. on the 20th• inst., to •make nominations: for Presi aent, and. vice President. We learn- the conmen tion was pretty fully attended ; delegates being pre . sent from all the free states, JOHN P. 1-141.. r, of New Hampshire, was .nornindted - for President, and Hon. Lt STER Kirin, of Ohio for vice President. RECRETN WAN TED.—Sergeant F. P. MINTER, of the U. S. Arhly ; is now in this place for the pur pose of enlisting troops , for the United Sixes Ser vice. • Young men, desirous of learning the " art of war" can now , have an opportunity, by calling on Mr / Minier at his head quarters at I\'ocsiruff's Hotel. I • OHIO' tLECTION.—The • election in 'Ohio has left the D'ernooeats where they were before, with a fedbral majority against them, unless .the votes of her democratic sons, now in Mexico, should change the present prospect it United States Senator is to be elected in that State. ' Okottou has elected a demoeratic Goverrinr— thesjegisiature will be federal by a very small ma jority, Which *A give that party a Miami States Senator. - The •Governor of Maine has appointed the 25th of November as a day of public. thanksgiving. This makes six States in which this festival is to be celebrated on the same day. 4 For the Brndford Reporter. Menus. Famines :--.la 4 the Bradford Argus of the -25th of September, under the head of "..;:rust elections,",peaking of the position the Whigs took in reference to the Mexican War, the writer says "they (the Whigs) knew also that this Mexican war was brought on by the arbitrary and tmconSti tutional acts of the President." I would have been much pleased if the writer had condescended so far as to givens some evidence to support s his assertion. If i have understood the whigs, they say that the war was in consequence of the annexation of Tex as.. If this position is true, then it would remain for the Witter to prove that the annexation of Texts was brought about -by the . " arbitrary and uneon stitetibnatacts of the President." A portion of the oh* pasty take tha ground that the war was in consequence of invasion of Mexican &.s ilky. by troupe of the U. S. If the writer assumes that pa , anion it will remain for him to prove, vt, that our troops invaded the territory of Mexico, id thin they done so by the " arbitrary, and uncisestamiertal acts of the President," and 3d, that the war was in con sequence of said invasion. Let us examine these two positions and'see how far the evidenee in the ease will impport,them. hi the thist place r no one will deny, that the annexation of Texas to this Union took, place, in the main, under the 'admirals tuition of John Tyler. That in 4844 it was made line of the issues before the people, that a majority belated in favor of annexation, and that the repre i.entatives of the people passed a law annexing „Texas to this Union. So far; then, from its being one by the " arbitrary and unconstitutional acts of .the president," it was done by the people them selviSk, in aeconisince with the known and expres sed wish of the people of Texas. It will be found by Consulting the hiatorj of Texas, by Hon. L. T. Pease, which will be found annexed to a history oft. AnKriett and Mexico, by Hon. 'John Niles, page at, the, ea thi 6ist Mandlai r briambitt an expeselen of public MUMMA rpon the Taw tion of the annexation of Ts to the II S. was ob tained which was found to be 3279 in favor, and only 91 against annexation. It is well known that the Congress of Texas convened by the President of that Republic, by proclamation in 1845 for the purpose of considering terms of annexation as Pro posed by the C. S.. accepted of said terms. These facts &qv conclusively that annexation was bronghtiabout by the people of the two govern ments, and not by the " arbitrary am? unconstitu tional acts of the President." Perhaps the writer may say that Texas was not a government, but a part of Mexico. I would just refer him to the re marks of the Secretary of the U. S. in a dispatch to our btrmister in Mexico under date of the Bth of July 1843- " Mexico may have chosen to coland er, and may B:Ni choose to.consider, Texas as hav ing been at all times since 1839, and as still con tinuing a *hellions *wince. Bet the world has been obliged to take a rely different view of the matter from the battle of San Jacinto in April 1835 to the present moment, Texas has exhibited the same bigns .of national independence as Mexico herself and with quite as much stability of govern ment." Texas had been an independent State with an organized government exercising all the functions of a government defying the powerof Mex- No to overthrow or re-conquer her for more than 1 1. ten years before . Mexico commenced the present • war against the United States. The independence of Texas had been acknow ledged by the:United States, England, France, and Relgiurn, and all these powers had entered into treaties with hei,,they had received her Ministers at peir courts ano -they commissioned Ministers to the government of Texas. If Mexico refused to Acknowledge the independence of Texas she was none the less independent on that accetait. It is the exercise of the proper functions of government that constitute a government, and not the acknow ledgment as such, by another power—it should be remembered that before Texas was annexed tothe United States that Mexico by an act of her govern ment had acknowledged the independence of 'Dix- As as a nation. It is true that she did, with)Mt any power or authority to impose it, prescribe'a condi tion that Texas should not annex herself to any -other power, but this does not dettrYfrom the re cognition that Mexico made of her actual indepen dence. We find, then, upon in examination of the evidence that Texas was a government, and, as such, had a right to annex herself to this Union, , \%'higgery to the Contrary notwithstanding, and now, Messrs. Editors a few remarks on the second po.ition and F have done. The charge of invasion is based upon the ground that the territory between the Nucces and the Rio Grande did not belong to Texas. It will be found, upon examining the his tory above refered to, (which is a disinterested orli having been published as long since as 1837) that the historian regards the Rio Grande as the true western boundary. On par 213 he says, It is bounded North and east by the United States, south by the Gulf of Mexico, and west by the river Bmv i o Del Nort which separates it from Mexico," again, on - page 228, he says " the western divi son, or prairie region of Texas, extends from the La Baca west, to the Bravo Del Nort, the western boundary of the country," again, on page 239, speaking of the rivers in Texas together with those that form her boundary lines, the - Rio Bravo Del Nort is named as one of them. Perhaps no Whig will feel disposed to deny that Texas includes all that territory that once belonged to the United States as obtained by uts l of France in 1803. Louisiana was acquired by treaty from France in 1803 by Mr. Jefferson and *a letter of Mr. Madison the secretary of state, dated March 31st, 180-1, he says " Louisiana extended west ward 'to the Rio Bravo otherwise call. d Rio Del Sort," and in his letter of the 3lst oflune 1804, Mr. Madison declares, that Mr. Laussatiihe French commissioner who delivered the pos se ion of Lou isiana to us, announced the " Del Nort as its true boundary," in the letter of James Monroe of the Bth Nov. 1803 he encloses documents which he says ," pore incontestibly" that the boundary of Louisiana is the Rio, Bravo to the west, in his let ter as secretary of state to Don Onis Of the 12 of March 1818 John Quincy Adams says " the claim of France always did extend westward to -the Rio Bravo," and again in the same letter Mr. Adams says, "well might Meats's. Pinckney and,Monroe write to Mr. Cevallos, in 1805 : that the claim of the United States to the boundary of the Rio Bravo was as clear as their right to the Island of New Or leans." We find, then, upon examination, that the Rio Grande has always been the known and ac knowledged boundary of Texas. Our troops, then, in moving from Corpus Christi to the east bank of thelio Grande, did not pass the boundary of .Tex as. Why, then, blame the President, whether the terr,iory between the Nneces and the •Rmvo was American ground, the Pesident had no right to de termine. Several acts of Ccmgress had. made it his duty to consider it Amedean, his predecessors, from the purchase of Louisiana in 1803, deemed the Bravo the boundary bet Ween the United States and Mexico. The Texas dof Independence, _and a Texas law in 1838, expvesly erted it—the war could not, then, have been in consequence of invasion. The writer of the'above quotation from the Argos and Gen. Scott seem to take different views of the cause of the war, the one says that it was brought on by the , " arbitrary and ancortstitu tional acts of the President," the other in. his Proc lamation charges it home upon the Mexicans them- Wilxes.. I hope the writer will try to clear lip the matter and either prove that he is right, or else ad mit that Gen. Scott is, and retrace his steps like :an honest man. Plow S.us trila wiss.,—.4:lo MendlWays An St. Laois Orgon, a man by the name etiGlallaMon, sold his wife,to James 'Todd, for filly drillers. The cir camdances which led to the sale as we have been informed are as follows: Callahoon le* the city early in the sewn ' factse parpese drafting lum ber from the upper wintry: previously, however, providing aboarding place for his wife until his return m the fall. Dorms his absence, not being provided with a weicsency ofthe needful, she placed herself under the care of Todd, whom sbe now re fuses to leave, and hence the - bill of ode by the husband regularly made and properly delivered.— We consider the second ones better match than \ th . first. Todd himself was ,sold not long since at pu ' Suction in front of the Conti Howe, we be liev or a &Maraud a half acconling to her own value en, Callahoon has net made a bad specu lation. Fannon llgarrif.—The.great race at the Union Connie on Wednesday, between Fashion and Pass enger, resulted ihthe define of the former, to the great ditappoinftent of thiiiria rif the sporting world. Before the race, the was two 10 one in favor of Fashion. A lagpLaseeentafteoney changed hands . Only two leas were ran—theinu in 7,154-sad she second in 7,48. Nisi* tigt=tL The New York Cattier states that the Hainnto9 Fish, jaw nominated as the 1144 candidate foe Lime, Governor of New York, decline, the nitwits. tion. At the recent meeting of naturalises in Houton, Prof. Henry demonetrated that two rays of heat might be eo combined u to produce cold. Ali the late accounts 'from California &tree in saying that the country has been greatly overrated. Neither cotton nor sugar can be cultivated in Upper California, and it is probable that the climate and other calms render tt unsuitable for tobacco. The New York Canal commissioners hare an nounced that the revenue from the publics works is so great that the '- tniStax will be suspended. This shows the value of the public works of that State, and the triad= of their projectors. Tbe New Orleans mew announce the arrival of an WINNu number of welanamne from the Wed, ineheliag neirly all tithe socata regiment from Ohio. A New York letter of Monday says:--“So generall is wheat and gain withheld from the market b the farmers of the interior, that, the re ceipts by our canals are now ranging something like 20,000 bbls. per week less than they averag ed lag year at this season. The surplus over law year now stands at 1,110,000 bbls." The ship-fever i• &baling somewhat at Mon . On the sth instant, there were 783 emigrants k in fever hospital, viz: 373 men, 295 wome• and 115 children. The deaths average from .•tteen to seventeen per day. In Salem (Mass.) post-office the • crease on re ceipts for nine months of 1847 o the same period of 1845, is $1,116 72; increase number, of let tere, 9,312. The Sarah Sands sail - for; New York on Wed. nesday afternoon. S • took out some gold„ as remiters look with • • rust on all bills. The U. S. v ••• sof war distributed along the coast between nyinas and San Francisco, have prevented Bch smuggling, and captured many small *easels belonging to the Mexicans. Mr,lohn Randolph Clay, charge to Lima, and Mr •th Barton, charge to Chili, left Washington o. Saturday. to embark for New York in a few days, for Chagrea, to their respective destinations The Prison Discipline Convention, at New York brought their session to a close on Thursday even ing, to meet again in June next, in Philadelphia. Late arrival bring aecount*of the reheats dal} the Enearnaction prisoners. These were the same that were the object of Col. rte littesey's lategdition from Tampico. Sixty of them have retu in the McKim. Yankee Doodle, the only American comic Our. nal, is defunct. There is a great tall for boats on the Schuylkill navigation. The demand for coal by canal is in creasing, and freight to New York has advanced to $2. The Glasgow (Mo.) News says, that Gen. Price has applied to the War Department for permission to raise a company bf mounted men, to act as an, escort for him across the plains to Santa Fe. writer in the Courant estimates the animal Ale and commerce of that city at :i 3 6,900,000, be ing more than double what it was ten years ago. 'A pig has arrived at Pittsburg, having six legs. the fiindermmt ones operating contrarily, though simultaneously with the others. An engineer of Glasgow asserts, that he has dis covered a mode of propelling ve,sels on rivers and canals at the same speed as loeomotive engineson railways, and at half the cost. A Telescopic Comet was discovered by a lady of Nantucket, on the moraing of the Ist inst., in the aLmsteliation Cephens. It is now visible to the naked eye. A steam saw mill exploded at St. John, N. 8., badly scalding throe perscms, and a man wascrush ed to death between two vessels. A store in Pittsfield, A6ss., was robbed on Tuesday night of 53,000 worth of watches and jew elry-. The Manufacturing Company of Charleston, S. C., laid the corner-stone of a new factory on Satur day last. A patriclge of perfectly white plumage was shot on the Ist of Sept., near Cannel, England. A line of electric telegraph is in active prepara tion along the railway from Vienna to Prague. Thetsteamship Great Britain, lately got off the shoals, is to be put up at auction at Liverpool. The , abolitionist 'of New Hampshire have nomina ted tin T. Hale for the presidency. Clttritc.Corkrv.—This county, the residence of ti Ir insides !" the Mexican Whig canidate for Go venor, hasj . vron imperishable Democratic glory ! It will be `iterceived, on reference to our official ta ble, that Irvin has fire votes less than Markle had in 1844, and Shunk has increased his vote 93. Cen tre is, in reality, an Iron County, and the Democra cy had to contend against a host of Ironmasters and their dependants, but one Ironmaster support ing Gov. Shunk. All honor, then to the unbe ndin g, unflinching, indomitable Demooracy of good " old Centre !"--Democratic Union. Mr. Herwett,a respectable farmer, at IClllorcully, . J., died of hydrophobia from the bite of a cat in the finger. A bridge is to be erected across the Illinois river at Peoria. It will be two thousand feet long. The Hanishl'arg Bridge, which was swept away by the great freshet •of 1846 was opened for general travel on Monday last. Major'Webster has left Boston for Mexico. He goes direct to Vera.Cruz i where he expects to:over. take Gen. Cushing. : r One hundred and twenty two companies have been formed for mining in Cake Superior mineral region. Mr. Swain, of the Philadelphia Ledger, has started Prr England, on . a visit of business and re laxation. the Government of Nem Grenada continues to - keep up a largeTarrison at Panama, to resist the landing of Flores. One thousand of Colt's Patent Revolving Rifles have been made al Hartford, Con, for the use of the U. S. Mounted Rifle Regiment. The brick work of the main building ofthe Mount Vernon Cotton Factory, at Alosarullia, was foristi eil MI Saturday lam, , A bill is before the N. Y. Senate for the repeal of the usury law. During the freshet of Friday last. as Mr. Charles Cassiday was crossmg.the. river at Norristown, Pa., in a boat. he was named over the dam. His body has not as yet been recovered. He leaves a wife and several children. Midshipman Pollock, who attempted to assassi4 nate Mr. Jewell, of the Buffalo Advertiser, has been sentenced to five years hard labor at Auburn State Prison. We suppose, then, he has bad a second trial and been convicted. A:letter in the 'Mbar Herald !Imes that Gen. Worth was wounded in one of his legs, by a spent bait. The liinb was eonsidentble shattered but it was not considered dangerous. . In Boston the city authorities get 58,000 per year from contractors for the privilege acollming, and applying to [heir own 'perposcs, the bonne oBal of the entire town. Struaracum Rowasair.—Apateamger on board the Penobscot, froni-liangor to Boston, on Monday night ? Was robbed of *550. The thief his out vaiim {lyiw tbiDeasstratis Itaissa TIM a.«•t Illsetlas—iti await. Aga it. -Appliesstesis To 'Very Democrat *bo filly apprehends and the principles:of this party to which he the reaul4 of the late' election affordscanse for the most sincere and pmfmaid gratitude. The re-election of FRANCIS R. Sewn, by a majority so decisive over all the combined elements of oppo sition, is a victory, the real value of which.can only be fully estimated by those who understand the cha racter of the opposition, and the means relied upon by the Federal - party, and their allies, who have teen•approptiately called guerrillas, to secure his defeat. Governor Sauna was, admitted on all hands to be an honest man ; the course of his ad ministration was acknowledged to be in accordance with the avowed principles and policy of-the De mocratic party; and no sorted or solid objection was urged by any Democrat-dgainst a solitary mea sure of it. Yet there w many :professing De mocrats who made opptiorr to his administration from its comm - -t ; raised the cry of " one term," and boldly -• ed his defeat in case his friends insisted his re-nomination. The bold assertions of - - men intimidaters for a time ma ny honest , good membere offhelparty who said, although- .ey saw no cause of objection themselves to the ministration of Gov.' Swim,' yet they tho' it would be better to sacrifie;e him and no m' ate a new man, rather than halanl a defeat of eparty. To these mar bis decided friends re plied, " Gov. Sheet is an honest man ; he has ad hered as closely to the principles of the party as any of his predecessors; his administration has been. distinguished by fair ability, unqueationable integrity and strict economy : it haa...been the cus tom of the party •o re-elect for a second tear ; there is no reason why he should be an exception ; it would be an act ofinjustice to yldriao the unfounded clamor of r trisa s ppouited men, and discard a faithful public servant contrary to party usages.— Place him before the people—the masses are hon est and diticerning, and with them the disaffected and disappointed are comparatively powerless." Happily these views prevailed, and Gov. Smell was re-nominated by an immense majority of the delegates in the Convention, and the result of the election has fully sustained the wisdom and justice of the decision. ft has done more. It has dispel led the delusion that a few factious and unprinci pled individuals, even though they may have here tofore held high places and once enjoyed the confi dence of the party, which they have betrayed, are capable of distracting its councils or dividing its ranks, when their treacherous character is fairly ex posed to an insulted and deceived people. ruder all these circumstances, therefore, we re gard the glorious result of oar late election. as pla cing the Democratic party of Pennsylvania epon a more substantial foundation, both as regards State and national politics, than it 'has occupied for many years. It is a great moral as well as political tri umph, in which the honest and virtuous have been sustained and upheld, and the unprincipled and factions rebuked by the stern voice of the indomit able yeomanry of the country; and proves conclu sively that honesty in politics, as well as in every thing else, - is the best policy. This victory should act, and we have no doubt it will operate as a stim- Woos to all honest public men to adhere to correct principles, to do right and place their confidence in the integrity, intelligence and good judgment of the people for support. A departure from sound funda mental principles, to accomplish 'temporary objects, or the conciliation of yascillating politici*ns, at the expense of principle and honesty will sooner or la ter drat down those who practise such a policy, no matter how elevated they may be, to the level of the corrupt demagogue who seeks reward as the price of his adhesion to the party. Our remarks in regard to the opposition ta Gov. Shenk are only intended to apply to those who, having failed to defeat his nomination., continto.d their opposition, either openly or covertly, to his election. Those who opposed his nomination, but afierit was made gave it their support, did no more than they had a right to do, as every man is en i ded to his preferences until after anomination. As Democrats, the men who pursued this course are entitled to the respect and confidence of the party, and to stand on the same platform with their De mocratic brethren but those vrho either c):)etilv - or coverly afforded "aid and comfort to the enemy," either by ruiriving, dectinneerug or voting, are de serving of nothing bnt contempt and indignation.— They are in every nay traitors to the principles they professed, and are unworthy the confidence of honest men of all parties. The Democra is party and its principles are now completely in the ascendant in Pennsylvania. We have met and rolled back the Federal torrent which has been sweeping over the land, and it is our du ty so to use the victory we have achieved as to make it redound to the permanent advntaTe of the coun try, and not disappoint the confidence the people have reposed in us. We must remember thst we have a vigilant and never ceasing opposition to con tend with in the Federal party—a party as , power ful in means, and as unscrupulous in their use, as their principles are obnoxious to the interests and sentiments of a large majority of the people of the country.. Against the schemes and machinations and wealth of this party we hare nothin ,, to inter pose but the-simple principles of Democracy, and their universal adaptation to the rights and interests of the masses when honestly and faithfelly admin istered. To concentrate the force of these Iribei ples, and give them 1 ractical effect, ottossozartos Is INDISPENSABLE among those who believe in ' them, so as to secure concert of action. We should 1 hereafter, as heretofore, adhere to the ( established mid recognized usagesof the party in reference to nominations, both and NATIONAL. They I have heretofore paired successful means of urn ting the Democratic; party, and securing the triumph of its principles, and no good reasons can. now be given for their thandonment. Iry fact we are almost ready to distrust the sin cerity of three who profess.to be Democrats, who would venture to suggest that our party usages and principles'out...ht to be discarded to secure the elec. (ion of any man, no matter how distinguished, without reference to his political sentiments. Hare we not been contending for principles, the ascen dency of which, we hare been eelling the people, is essential to their happiness and independence ! And are we prepared now to turn round, just when our measures have been attained, and are in.stic cessful operation, and say to the yeomanry of the country, we hare been playing the part of detno! gogues heretofore, and we now advise you to give up all your party organization; amalgamate with those who hold political sentiments diametrically oppose) to-those you have been taught to believe correct }. and gix for any man you can elect, without reference to tub piilitieaf view?! Can the men who thus advise have been honest in their professions hetetoforel or can the inconsistency of their pre sent course recommend and entitle them to the confidence of the Democracy of the country I For ourselves, the old fashioned principles of the Democratic ' and its established usages, are good,. enough for us; we have no disposition to abandon them, and to this sentiment we feel that every honest Democrat in the country will respond with a right hearty good will. We shall, therefore, tontine to advocate what we believe to be the embodimem of the sentiments of the party, as as; certaihed by the resolutions of nearly every meet ing and convention recently held in the State— Democratic conventioes, State and Rational--l/re best means of concentrating the strength of the party and maintaining its principles in their purity. DAUPHIN Coutcry.- In the borough of Harrisburg in 1844, Govericn Shnnk had a majority of 198,- This election he was beaten 48, makmea differ. eine of 244. In 1844. Markle had a Majority - th the county of 861. This election. Irvin has a ma jority of 918, the gain being 57. It will thus be peneived that Govenor Shunk'sincrease in the coun ty, independent of the borough, was 187 ! The guerrillas of the borough stood alone in their glory, not having a particle of influence out of What a wonderful influence these disappointed office bun. ters possess—Wonderful ! most Wouderfnl ! I Dem ocratic union. The Governor of New York has 'appointed the 25th of November, as R ‘ day of Thanksgiving. ••'.,Jw • }•!••••• • ~ra•• aftbilr nelPmftai-Crieiiiliongb*.;• EMI Said, qf Scott's Forcer—Ranta Anna Declared a 7imiter-4),er /min the Bettie Vitirica—Mitetinit ((the lexistan Congrea. • . New Orlearus, Oct. 44111. Thb steamer Fashion arrived here late last night from Vera Cruz. There it a great:amount of news brought by her, bet the. chief points are: That the city of Witieo is in quiet possession of Gem Scott's army. Several of the Northern. States have declared Santa Anna a Motor, and' hipre pledge themselves to raise a considerable amoont of t-oops; which were to be placed under the com a Gen. Paredes and Bustamente. The wherea bouts of Santa Anna was supposed to be in the neighborhood at Peimila. Neither Generals Pillow or Worth,-or any of otir Generals, were killed in the' : , battle of the city of Mexico, and none %minded except Worth, rdiOtly. The total loss of Soott watt kern& to be 1621, m killed and wounded-Lmostly the latter. • The Mexican Congress was to meet on the sth October, [at what , place is not mentioned.] Gen. Quitman was acting as Governor of Mexi co, of which our army is in quiet, possession, 'the stores being open. Santa Anna has actually resigned the Presidency, but not the army. Pena is charged with that office, with whom are associated the Generals Fervent and *leonta. Santa Anna has about 2000 cavalry with hiin and was hanging about the Capital. - Gen. am was, busy in , establishing a civil go vernment in Mexico. As early as the 16th he began his work. lie commmenced the organiza tion of an L'Annitasniento," that with 600 police men should'protezt the peace of the city, to be supported by the army. On the 18th were pub fished some "rescripts" of Gen. Scott, :relating to the judicial tribunals; &e. General Scott is reported to have called. on the Mexican States for Commissioners, to be vested with full powers to make a treaty. It is also stated, 'that he has asked of the Ay. ontamiento, a coutrihntion of 550.000, sO,OOO right off. and the rest in parts afterwards', aswanted The Mexican prisoners of war have been- or dered to to the city of Mexico. The reported expedition of General Scott to Toluca with 1500 men, t , not entirely resolved upon. but was prepared. ' The Supreme Govern ent of Mexico is, ';by authority," declared to 1 at Queretaro. Otir entire loss since I vim>, Puebla, in killed. is wounded end missing, IC ndall sets down at full tOOO. Another authority makes it 4000. and yet Gen. Scott entered the valley of Mexico with an army of only little exceeding 10.000 men The Mexican accounts representing that we were. at any time seriously repulsed, are not true. The Mexican loss is not definitely ascertained, but was enormous Gen. Bravo, was not killed, but taken prisoner. Santa Anna has returned to Toluca, fifteen Miles from Guadeloupe, with the remains of his army, intending it is thought, to attack our trains. Many more deserters have been bung, but the raader will be grieved to hear that Riley, the corn; mander of the Foreign Legion, escaped that punish ment, on some ground, and was flogged. All will be glad to hear that the American pri soners, Capt. Clay and others-, have joined General Scott. Copy of•a letter written by a 'Foreigner to one of his countrymen, a Frenchmen; at Vera Cruz, dated. ' ' - • Mexico, §ept. 28, -1847. Dear Sir :—Availing, myself of the departure of/ the British e,ourier, I send you a sketch of . scenes which I have witnessed in the capital mid in its im mediate environs. The Mexicans"were beaten at all points and in every manner in the battles and skirmishes, which took place frorrohe Bth to the 13 inst." Santa Anna left the capi'al onit)ie evening of the 13. h and took the toad for the interior. The Ameri cans entered the ci'v on the .morning of the 14th in very quiet, orderly manner, anti Gen. Scott had taken possession of the palace, when suddenly the lower-class of the people, who had vongrated upon the house tops„commenced thr owing moires (you the American soldiers. and guns %verb 'fired from the windows and balconies. General &ott Ordered pieces of artillery to be placed so lei m command. the different streets and grape shot to be dischareed upon the mob. This was - found, however, insufficient to quell the in surrection. Companies were then sent in every direction with orders to sack every house out of which firing should proceed and to put to sword every Mexican found therein. This order was promptly executed, but with great moderation, owing lo the secret instructions widt which Gen. Scott accorupined his orders. This llip effectually subdued the insurrection. which asted three ditys from the 14th, to the 16:h during which Time scenes of the most heart rending Character were enacted. • I assure yon we were much alarmed dining the whole time. , All foreigners, including those im bued in other respects with prejudice against the A rnericans, agree on one point, Ira—that the ArrWri- Can Army has not done the hundred' part of he injury it had a right to do, and which European armies.*ould have done in similar circtrinstances. A foreigner myself, and hating bgett ap eye witness to European warfare dabctat 'the close of Napoleon's military, career. I, judging by corn panson, give it as my candid opinion. that if a Continental army htui been stoned and fired upon by the populion of a- vanquished city, the inhabi tants would Dave been dealt rather more roughly. Now we tire tranquil. bin it is a sad tranquillity, living as we'do in dread of new disturbances. Our precarious , situation will not be improved until peace be concluded or the Americans send at least 15,000 Men more. The army of invasion a much to small. Fancy to yourself 7000 men in pos session of city containing upwards of 20,000 hostile. inhabitants. . The Americans have gained great glory in , all the battles 'theyare collectively and individually heroes. it is a wonderful Right to see a handfal of men cut their way through three hundred miles of densely populated country, and hoist the Star Spangled Banner on the dome of the Capitol. They have only I'soo men in Puebla, against a popula tion of more than 50,000. Ex-President General Herrera has gone to Quere taro where a Congress is to assemble next month, he took with him 4000 men, and Same Anna tell )lack upon] Puebla with 2000 mounted troops. These two bodies are the remnants of the 20,00 C regular troops which defended the City only two -weeks ago; Some persons hope that several members of next Congress at Queretaro will advocate an immediate peace—bob I doubt it. Excarrian Ditteirtmts.—On the morning of the 9th were htmg at San Angel sixteen deserters from the American army, witched taken up arms against their government Immediately after some ten or twelve were whipped and branded on the cheek with the letter D. Riley, the chief of:the San Pa tricia crowd camein for a share ofthe whipping and right well was the former laid' on by a Mexican muleteer, Gen. Twig deeming it too mucli honor to the major to be flfroed by an American soldier. He did not stand the operation with that stoicism we expected. - The next morning four others of the same com pany were executed at Dlixcoac, and on the 13th thirty mom were hung upon oows at the nine place. The i thiny were b roo m for ere *cation about the same time that Chapultepec was being stormed, and t 01. Hamey, pointing to that place, told them that they should live long enough to see the• American flag hoisted upon the battle. meats of that fortress, and no . longer. In a few moments oar colors were raised, and titer it was shown to them they were launched into eternity. The clencref lan Angel pleaded hant to sate the 14-m. Of these%men but it was in vain. Gem. Tir*. (Old them that.to Ampudia, Arista and Santa Anna. did these men owe their deems, for cr they a to the low business of soliciting de rerucm r m our ranks; and had succeeded in se ducing duty and allegiance the poor wretches woo had Ito pay so dearly for their crime*. L=El ireim...6Jia= keg! . be !men title Orthelareelaive Do, the 2.lth day 6f mended itOsi day t., duties of prayer, than, have a people had to the giver of all mowed upon them, ! will be appropriatelyi mo6weabh. I. - annexed official proclataa, Pennsylvania, that Tti oß ,. November neit, is. re com _ 1 be publicly dedicated t o t h e ving and praise. Never er - resmicon to retu rn . L uke I , . for the many blessing. b e . d we have no doubt this day observed throughout duo coot. PENNSYLVANIA In the name and by 1 out/ wily sr as Commonwealth enniskxrnia. CIS R. SHUNT{, E Cost MOSWEALTIL :I • ATIO/C -CITMENs : - -COd is great • It is our duty to adore His ~ to acknowledge His good. coniseP to Hun our sins, and' implore their form:Yness. It that we should do so, not only as a Commonwealth of tree the past year, have received ts at Ins hand-. .FRA of GOVICSSOIt or A PR Frj. I '( and g , • .1 . steam , . to bomb' is fit and becomin!, as individuals, bat citizens, who cimi unnumbered who, Under his gna diansbip our free institutions," foinded by the vri:.orn of the Fathers - of the Re p u bli c have beeri , reserved to os inviolat e . w e . have richly enjoy - . all onr evil and social pnv i , leges, and the rtgr to - we Whip God as our con. sciences dictate. liVe have been preserved from wasting pestilence Enterprise, in its tain t:ls t :erne has been earnest) put forth, and has yielded *rich re tu rn :. The fru' of the earth have been gathered hi abundance and safety. Our garners are filled t . with the finest of e wheat, to minister to our own wants and to then essities of the , destitute._ Intelli gence and moralit have steadly advanced ,stotained and invigorated by a pare and heavenly religion, whose institutioneand ordinances, unsullied by any alliance with the Pale, continue to be cherished by the voluntary derbrion of the people, and {hough in.the righteous jidgments of God we have been involved in the Mileful calamities of war, yet we I have not beers_ , .: ' 'erl up to faintness of heart, but the noble courag and conduct of our soldiery have wrought forus vi tory in the midst of clar. - tr . r a C a In view of all is goodness, Ido he 'by wow mend Thursday , e 25th day of Nov tuber not, to be observed a day of solemn tha k-go i. , .. Almighty God ; nil that the citizens o this Corn. i morrwecdth do a :mitt on that day from II •heir onii nary worldly av :ions—assemble in heir roper: live places of wdrship—humble them s lees before the Almighty for their sins. individu arid national: —render Hi e t their hearty thanks for is many and great merei , deprecate the judgments bur trans• gression h7avemented—beseech Hap that peace may be speediy restored. and the tile:sprigs we now ..so richly enjoy may be continued W.) us and to ours down to She latest generation. and the whole family of man, united in. One vast brotherhood, may share in His richest mercies. Given tinder my had, and the Great Seal, of the State, at Harrisburg, this nineteeth day of Oc tober in the year of our Lord one thotisand eight hundred and lforty-seren, and of the Chmmon wealth the seventy-second. ' i By 111EGOVEIL1;011: J. MILLER. I Secretary of the Common:red THE NATION", L CON • ENTII.m.---Several democratic 'papers in'New England seem to be very much in favor of kibl ing the Convention for the nomination of a candid.. elfor the presidency upon the-anniver ran- of our tat4onal independence. 'They urge sei era:l weighty can siileratious in support of their view-, while they believe that no good rOason can be ziv. en- t-tinsi the . Beside the enthusiasm and kind feehng and ha mony which that glorious ererk i s c a l. ciliated to ins ire, thef . consider a short au , l. 1,4-. - -r. mks campaign more likely to ensure a t oss tear. a long andxspi hies+. one. 'Amoilgll.e paper s 1% iii, ,:l reccommend his course , are the Bamror Den.‘y-.4 and Frontier ournal in Alaine, and the Roston Pc=t and lianistab e it Patriot in Nal , sacliti-ev.s. ' Severg Other highly respectable journals have taken the same ground i TheTtatriut says: "What day sO appropnzfe, for -this great nanurni . as the Fourth Of July !What happy. Itamtuutzr:q -; influencs always affect us on that glorious day'.— What a spiritiof unity and conces-ion would Inspire tie ( onm its [of tie co-wen - dim r * * "We `,.. , p , to see the de • ocratic press of the whole country le commentlin, the Fourth of July as the proper day of holding th - democratic hat ional -convention. - For ourse es. We see . ner. objecthin certainly to the Fou th .1 July, 1848, as the time for holdin; the convent . , .n. .We shall cheerfoily acquiesie a the selecti. of any day most convenient for the meeting. • t all evrnts, we do not hesitate to ex• ,tnion that it vronld he better to .hold a eriod than May, IS3B ---Washtag,m press the o at a later Cnitm. Tux Prt l riot having I public wor atatetnPnt IC Wonws:--The Canal Commissionets -turned from their inspection of the. t.s. we are unable to rite an accurate the damage sustained by the late flood. Oh the . sin line, fix.m C_olurnhia to Duncan s Island, the anal is now in navi - rable order. Front that point ti •I-tolltdaye.burg: althon^h the damages not as Brea as was at first sappo,ed, the characle: of the nee scary repairs is such as to realer it doubtful w . her the whol ,, hue can he Put 47 order before the close of the seasbn. The commissiaqm are active- engaged in orcle. in.: the repairs tole_ immetliat y - prosecuted win/ at - el-ric-' _ t) 1 tent force:awl, we learn at hopes are en!erlainell ib3l . 3 peenrc, of the Jun ata line mat: le rendere , I naritraNe ,i-xe fore J ibe . ason C 1014... From llettlidayeburg to Pittsburg, avigation has heel Zresurzed. and u e pr. ceive th. , Leech &-. Co. are running their pawa- ger lines 4 ' tween those points. The b , h on the Susquehahna Division, at the head of • nean's Island will be repaired m about two week*, which will re-open the trade between the coal region on - the North Branch, and Tide. water. There' are numerous breaches on the Kett Branch, we have net been able to learn whether i t that line an be repair throughout "its whole cl ient. beta winter. We al. t e r atified to state that the whole of the works wt 11 repaired without delay. and that no a doubt ept-ists draf they will ail be in the mdstrotn• plete ord,er, if no unusual freshet occurs, long be' fore the ~p ening of the. Spring, business -- Las Cenan.—..Fatia art stubborn things.— nt the following testimouial by way of ,what Wright's Indian Vegetable Polls uric cure of Piles. It is- from a highly reSPeC ea of Towanda : Tax P We pre -1 showingl do in they table ei Twortwitt, . July 22, 1847. . I , right:—Dear Sir—For the beuetit of the nd in justice to tile efficacy of your iiietra e MIN, ke pleasure in stating that ott aim ' , to it. --Ituring the summer of 114 he presen month; I was severely he truly ter iblc disease. the Piles, arid after vain sev ral tktherremediesl was i ndua 4 ' Moplanr ,'your agent 'at our place, CO trY, i la. I found immediate relief in the ose', n the first occasion, I was in a very ha for several weeks,, but after taking to r your T ilts, was entirety well. The l a ' t was a mere ,attack, and after three eons , AM. th ree second: and three thelhg' Dr. ' public. Vegeta& two ace and in with tha trying ii by E. D your Pt them. cituatil hoses occasio viz; tw time, e • erj symptom was removed. re at liberty to make any Proper use of thli weft of the public or yourself. maki n g 211 2 , rrs ., you plekse in form but not in sobs tan ,- t trolly yours, &c. -1 D. Vottascoog• • wz OF, SUOMI Cusjwa Coustrearstr s e -011 gloat and genuine Indian Vegetable 1011, e signature of Wigiarn Wright writierviib in the top label of each bor. Noss ono You for the aherati Resp Beer only o have t .._ a pen SIVIIVI.L mut to counterfeit this is fo - gfq and genera) depot, N0..169 Race st.. rho' ANYEir: & ' CO„ Towanda,' Pa; s6er gs county. OLE MON Brad,