Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 20, 1847, Image 4

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The Tow% Farmer's Sorigo
I have no sparkling, gems, fore,
To bind around thy brow,
.1 cannot bind my heart to dune
In a golden channel flow.'
And didm thou at , k for these, rove,
' How bitter were my part,
For the,only wealth my potle can boast,
Is . a. true and loving heart.
true and loving heart, l ov e,
I know: its little worth,
ro men forget that hearts 113 Maven
Are as jewels on the earth!
i3ut I . have . .l9ve,
And thou'dost ask no more.
For haviog this, mhat'er .-av men,
• -Thou knoWest I am riot poor.
Thou knotted am not poor. 1.1.4..!
My hands disdau, not tot I,
I ti ght
h e.daily tight at mar.,
WWI th'estern, rebellion.. soil,
A n d as I sow I reap, .10% e.
My just and equ3l part—
And though I have nut gold :tans,
• I have' a true and . 101 - ing heart.
Transplanting Frutt Treys.
First *pare the grounil there they are 10 1.1
put : so thatwaterl%i ill nor remain on .r n ear thi
, Examine tihe roots of the trees In•lorc• phm
ling, arid pt! out
4 a1.1 rotten or th. , : . eetiv , roo:s an,
cid in (shorteo) a / 11 that arc hpft-c,l 011 : 0,o 1-i.• to
rmi, to sound wood above- i!te en re
ful - nol to pLurt too deep, at till. 111:12. 1,12 tt
4 your tree
your tree does not put out shoots ill sprint/
,vit the usual time. or 5.6.111 titl,nrs do tine .%ter(
. planted at the sage titre, :live it one zond
at the roots. ani tio`lnort , %.% i:Co- it rctilair, io
matit state,; but if the WI: rct: , .:1;1:: nr -th4-
turn black, watdt the lie,d ;1 , 1(1 body t,‘ i:h a tt..ccr
tug pot orr , yrirure.every evenin7 Fnuti!.t‘Nn.
It l t . ias to.4,ll;itit (Jr grew. ea-4
catering the . head and w icer tl n mutt.
. .
. . .
T itavO tut4.l t tki'es to renaUl until t;ft. la , ' of .h)h -
, withotlt puttinu out u,lraf or :•k - 1 ,, 0t of an) kin,1.,;,r,,i ;
after titat become usliac ' , pet:intent:4 A., zul) at unv
No nitirture shoubt he put to the 1; ith tree-. except
it be a little tiegetable manthe, 'r(men.
IniXed with the earth that 1 , to , e,rt‘er ,the
iluj;tion is tie pun - illy a-1;eil lN bother it ti.i
to plant fruit trees. ill ;ills ; E N! nig or
this latitude lutist di fiend on the roil into 0 had,
ihry are to he 'pot. It the kid Li , a wei, clayey one
it is best to plant ill the spiitt4; I , iif it it boi
grarely soil, tlie autumn 'is preferable. because N 01/
gain tour or tii . e weeks in the grui% th ut >tali plant
in the spring.
if. ater be allowed to remain about the roots of
trees that are reeentlY planted. and are not groa
it will FA:ably rot them by bee/min2 stagnant
and putrid. Trees should be planted therefore, so .
that the water will run over and otl the roots, which
is all they require to aflord them nouriohmew.
Watering the head and body ef a tree that io tar- .
dy m Putting birth its show , . t< the safest ; arid m
deedtbe only sure h • of bi in..zinz them out, while
a continued watering of the row- to almost sure des
truction to them.
Trees planted On a south wall .oMenee. that do
nofput out shoots in due season, shmild be cover
ed for several hours when the sun is out. if the
:weather be warm. The leaves may be.eonsidered
a sort of suction pump. ‘vhieh draws up the nmis.
tore from ittvoots and prniltteesits ior retise growth,
whereas a tree without leaves. and that is not already
attached to the ground has no meant of Parrying oil
the moisture from the roots. For example, if two
branches of equal size and weight, the one with
leaves and the other without them. are placed in
Vessels containing :14 equal quantity of water, and
exposed to the sun, the one .having leaves will take
up the greater part of . the liquid. while the other
will consume comparitively
, Some ten years ago. I imported from paris 210
• pear trees on quince stocks,. whose roots on tin
found to be entirely black and (lead. I
shaved off with a drawing knife all the roots down
to the stump. These I planted in trenches. h ir"
them tocross-bars to keep them tirm, and alert
filled up the trench with good soil. The heads and
bodies of thesi , trees were r!,egularly washed in dry
weather until they began fir sprout, which most of
them did in abundance during the summer, and I
Itnally sated out of the whole number, 174, which
became as well rooted and as. good trees as any
s 'in my garden, • •
This has happened more than once. Three or 1
lope years nes), I itnporteil,among other trees, ay en- 1
ty plum trees, from six to seven feet Itif_ilt. runl the
heads of which had begnlblielded the previous year
in s france. These bud*bad. grown from •wive t o
twelve inches long, and were perfectly fresh *Len
they arrived : but the roe s on examination were '
found entirely dead. Tlo of these I gave away: '
One was good for notl ing. and the other seven
I planted in my gar len, havin4 cur out all the ~
roots that had! fibres, t icy being catirely dyad
Ova, of my {hen said I might as" well plant my
walking stick.' Sixteen et these are now, flourish
ing trees, well girwit and %veil fo,ited. new rotas
being induced b):.m'ans of 'washinii the upper part
of the tree., S. i7s. l'EttxiNs.
) Remarks.—Theforeging will please such of our
readers as like plarri,; sensible adt ice, from a
throughly practical_nirui. We have ourselves seen
'with great surprise andlsatisfaciion the trees rctcred
to as havimt been so successfully transplanted by
Mr. Perkins under what were the meg`tlkuilitat:ozile
cireutristance.s. The great udr;ifitage, of the mole
he practices,. of watering Ihr btrk. and not waterirtg
ttitens - i7s 3t a tree ; in a . half dormant state, ct:r cor- .
-respondent thoroughly convinced us in his urn
garden. Our readers are solicited to put in pritet3cr'
the inyaluable a...vicelhe gives them. Therets '11.3
doubt that'hatf the trees that die annually from the
ignorance of transplanters, perish Isom a mistaken
notion of deluging their rdots trail water daily,
•:;heltheiEfibrips'are so feeble as to dread A as
much as a patient afflicted with the hydrophobia.—
The Mother'•
There are scent.s anrtsunny places,
On whi.•h themory loved us
There are tnan,y happy fares
Who have known and loved us well ;
But amid joy or . rnul dejeccu,n,
There is nothing can hegAu!c---*
That can show the fond affection
'Of a mother's welootne smite.
. The race of mankind would perish did they cease
to aid each other. From the time the mother binds
the child's head tih the moment that Keene kind af..
sistant wipes tpe*iith damp froth the brow of the
dying, we cannol.exist n ithout mutual help? All ;
therefore, that:need aid, have a right to ask it from
their fellow mortals no man who holds tile power
Of granting, can rcluzu i: without Lrinit
, N'eto Pork tlbucitiseiniuts.
To Western Merchants.
• 103 — .1YW IK CO al Xi,
September I.*ll.
?VW. unrieee, peed. hicreliatos ItTee)ouOrt and AV'ele of
c:') of Nvw Votle ura•l enr tbr fithtntl'attp s of
lend by lice eolintry 1 r•-ei, I, Weise in 110Wfi the I ic118 . 11 , 1 0,
at i c ii 4. 1 xttltrit Ittr ra/ t tatartr) lie reuAna, tS 110 stt.rttt
14 it,' m a y a rt e iter.r • -
1k ice loll! I n pier•'l .it lice s. 'real fif SOT ,. Olif
rat po tr.. .31+ , 1 ltr - rjrattcal, taa 111311,
a"' Jbr I 1.411 ;Ad sad al: ff icrltAtlciL4.
. ..
:VA RI RIOT . : SI John st . crow: Oof N moutau Au ‘intucn.e
1 ,,i, ~, of aca Da blv Clotioug al - t, son hand,
1::'2 I c.l-st.
Floor Oil Cloths.
ALITEri, ►i(lrr A t'... ul [lvo , OA Ow) , 7 .!
• con., Willy on laud a gt. al asburtm,ut ut
tilt at g 1.0.1.
Cloth lioes.e.
IVLSON G:IIUNT S. zo.: 11.1:Lato oprei, conwr of :slh,tl
itt Law!.
A I,nroc w 'A ( - 0 . t• 141
P. 04 • ittlatt • r Le, and W
in Aqi y tr hat u,to 11.1,111. Yt V.
vir 11. POW N & .1
81,.:Cyr , I 1 itrnla r: , rra nr i Hyo. :3111dt, JA. , :111 .5 1,0
n Wt:! 3.:1
S Sfi W R 001),, u i.O rm.! vlu r.
1•,:,11 s;tr,,.!
Account. Books and Stottoncr,
& LOL I IiVA.I, w nnr 4 . 01 r 140.1 b 0
. itupnr•,\ Awl N,un,nnn“rvib u 1
r It :s, Cann 11.• proses, Inks and
66.ri." , 0; Stu:
'. r a is 1101 . 1111.rDA'," 1 , 0! nr , %O.
1' r ,•:,.• I ..; •4011 . i.. .\ • 1•,..41r , ' , '
r, ,Nu 40 vi
IV,it atti )
& •••
Alf. lit , or I !. n in ' •••:1
ft •.
Tiorpedd Igagnetic Machines.
Dr. 5N11T1..•". 4 l'r. ur wk. c 11 urh n, s • 11,tr.
1 , 1:1 . / I bl.rxer, do auc •tt .ost Uu t,....11. 4 • .
.211:!•13 - Tuitht
Snuff 'Dud Tobace
IT.TER I.oltßlf..t I 1 Ss•• a c.. nnuuuarlurrr, a'
"!flll4 , l :• , . 1 , lark r..1.-r• fur -41:c ltacc..LA.• Ha
to;, Fr• Rapp, . a., Ir :•ad SOW'. nlll. Ile
,0 4 . 11,,. SIIIIA Nol 1.1 . v0. .L !1... 111 , de 311
I 11 , litc Lestatlellaen
Id . u.i 1 R.ll pro., cut - trio s i.t I.y whir... , I.g us ...busc.
Iron Safe Depot.
lIERRINU an.: I v \Val. r
r• i 4.. tr” .131 Atlt gen, lie 0.0 rtA
lila aduf s
Fancy nnzaar.
\V \IVIII.H• 4 7. Accur.l,.•iis. 1
19 . -1 l• 'win •
Voars .. 1 . 1 A
r 'l' b:111$ .'^;ork. A 11
,• a , ..•• ..t tin '....1‘v.11J‘.. r pLr to .1 1/
_.7Vott oh•
1".‘111/:.1Vi ••• 11..1•ryortm rule It..asics
t %. to 1 4 1 ,‘ b:rt • ;
• • Sainraander Safes.
lilt 311.1 !..1141111,11,ki,
W.t13101•11 , r••• r - -
111.-11 , r`rt Or \V;I.I. r re ,1•1 no• "
• s l• ~.all• 1,11,kt, n/1.1
wv.) (twit t Kat. • Fur 6) A
t ` .t Wirt, r .rretri. :Sreu l utk og••n; thv
:;•c:‘./. is A nu) stv. , lgl , Or, rrgo
Saddle,ry. flarnexo and roach hardware.
w 1 1,0( ‘l. os. lort‘iti.or ttir. r find .1111 , 01,f fur flit:
1.011 W lar li• a• r• :2 0 : 0 Pr arl N?re f.
- Wholesale Crockery %tore.
w or;slk . l. R N Cut...7l.untlt b . Kcw• lurk
po,k isj att.: 14r et:
coi:rosi . s Lire +Nu 11r.Nro. ( - Lot. 2 yolk —MAN,-
- Llk In ...V S. °Tr, I sol. Thc n 1 me lull and
tlu ko. C;1 1-, , rt2. , \IAN& AL op IluAn M
yitigt the hook tur the Inpre.vrtiwnt roads
-Pul•ifsica) by .4 :4 1M N .t Co. in John succl.
. '
. • AlTl•teal Inatruments.
rIiCVAtZI) 6All , K - 1 rollon. ror Gold. 3ianufnetumr and•of irr kr. 1.,e11u.,.m::c 00 Willa air latio . ;.! :10...riffle!!! of
Ai,), ,•,! j : ,,,,,,, ~,, ~.. , ..., .I*-,, in IN) .VIN.,. U.I ii tO-13 0!
ovoorni no-r06a0.1 n conslanil on hand
J • Nilo IV NE, itri,r'er rm.l a.j . frpri.v , tl
rft , fat entfi.l« $14 ., ..fl al,. farts .` s•f fay.
{tpoq , t!.. - f4i Iff )114111 It !Jr' , 1-19--Ne 2,1
1 , .r4. :111,1 Isql,lon
It I.IIS BltBl S. Cedar pat Importer tutii r.ll Unto!
4 14, , , t .r; itZ onto: 111(g, P.I Ire !Wan Elt It
(N.J.!! B , 1 , 1" . 7• rf lox ry 110,0 n S.
(11,\Rf,r,S n ft , iillll:S rl s 1 . 21,t,
Wid Stark lien's , 0n.' , ,, Vann", and
J. II & .1 11 I`ll.\ r - r. T. 1 ,,, , of r
!, and 11 Papers No
1.1, Pea L btre , •l
India Rubliber Goods.
1 Al..10000:..-0r 0101 f.).4i 0r 0 all
itU:Wcr \,.n,. rc ir - Z . ,: dcri
India Rubber Shoe•
FRISMII t0,11::f : 11,1, r k nol, of Rubber
and si./". I /..V . :11 ( •"_l4l • lit i'll.llll
patt . ”,t 5110, and PrOV:thf M...
Manufacturer. of Sheet and Roll Bytia.
sutrti & it!.. tor ,Viso
i;tytet t t 1.1.1 f:rtist,:tii I Cupp, r nt t .l I , c 41, 1..0.'•
k:ikks Cli 13r,.. ant Intn 14 ti. Tnbl. n:t.l (CASIORS
.for sute by the li..t( ( 1 IMP \NV o.llce '21;2 'Pear: ft
Stout and Ward,
Mani..."3.-11.1 . awl :...,.:s .11 LO O T S & ;OE' :
. Ptan
vrr: vr t.r.ATIfF.R MArlllN•r. .
(atitetitiatti art Cita r Ct poP•11 , -.1 111:1••!1 ne• tr 01 , :r , t11 0. t
Itiallittr Iron, lta - hat, ..1 Otlk Ittttlsittr att.: flat"
lilt- tir2 Wor . part nt tire lie ntrr•rltr.l
Tutu aunt r.Vl.lad la F t•ltatr. and lirlitittrd Pal
Itltlti.tfitt anti to p tr. sat ft nn OT , l•tfft it. the
• 1411. ,, , her II In••••t pr,,wpt wltn; on. %%. fit • Mltrl-
I'arety....-. 33 Ferry str.•rt
Leather rand Finding Stores.
M A RMSTRONG & 'ON'. No -ry . an.l No
ry st IllipOrtrr% of C:1111.1:I iIS. •t 20.• thrrutt, iuxting g101..0n% &e
EDiV RD GODFREY . , Importri of Silo,• F.n• and Drat
et to span• sitilaittitt• 114 urt.clre of N.,
zifi ' , rad el \a•s• York. A. cltcristre gal
loons and ral.uns
LUWI9 FATMAN & CO. manufartnrrra of Nintcltes and
Muck. TW 1/111 up lit lin woo.h a and 121111 Cr t.oaca . and a ll
111:121' 11 , . ;42 0.4" , 12. ant Warr , tlr , ' hi a any Hall alr 1.2 r
100 frt. at. tierrr r•trltlliftirtUrv-1 011,11, the enarfpw,n Mr
Jula,•• !Suck., rk.a/ t) 2 0/ A 1/u NI/ Sold
strict. r {'MlOll .t rent
&W If LErs rr.ntini•telory n•,-1 •A-nr• r•- , .m,
•I' . r r.. ; J• 4 I , n , •
I 1 . 411.f.An (I.‘Gt . r:RIC c, ry(:s4
I , •. 1 0r t•• I.•pi •,•- lb it. t N ct
11t.r....1. 1,4140},
Wel u cht,a;.r . A
Bagley.. Celebrated Go;ld Pens t
(7. a,. C. Int) Bros ks . :ts (,(!,
1 V O. l I, flied gild pen , : /1711.1 pr11f...• 1.7 . ...1c
3: rains
!t: Vt . 11.1.1.V11S to „',•cfl; , tirnl.•t rt fia:c• (•nt
straw gockts. urrtLn IL,. tt:ttl 1..4 Pt a,
col tu., 01 I.•u I.nn.• nt./ rk•.l j , l • •
PLATT RBI : 1 ,0 I. Nv.ho'esair (iiorr r. an i dcnirr .11 pros
tra. w rOr.• pin an.! .10(.1....." 1..0 ors. Fegll.l" ,
/4.0 11... i. COUT,I 4.2 11. , ;.:n•0.r c'rekl
CI'NIVIING. itomoactnrcet 11 I. , •
.n , •n 1 n.r 11..r1 , 1t 1110 0 I SrSr , .2. l ' irat • 7.
:MA nil %Ilpe r or Illtsss.
Lamps I tamps S !
ilowca P• F ,, VNT
s sup." v are soot., or to all other. manuthetured
J It Fas t.p,
A. Thompsoninn & 13114111111 e to.'pot.
11 LII John , ta,esa.altl.-61.-r in Thom-
Init z ari alal Breathe in.,l em. 5. ?quaker; t,. r 1 ,5 honks
I 1,g,4. • 1 ,t,'1,1 ,Vn•••ra. extrwelt o•ntin,les
ry revs and ea el ;a ar lop and knell e.ries {opt m itotart,c 563rea The tract} seppheal at t,,e
realket pr.e< 4
TF10: 4 4 - PEANTI Gr.r.r.'Ne Invort,r of and il,alPr
1.1..•0ti and l'n,lada 40k.a l'ortrr and A. Sea - _h an.l
cltaaapa L rac Cder. lfrt liroadwar. . • e•
V B. HIPII.\ RD IA VF. ,£741,1..1' Prttn—f`r ce Is. 2s. and ts,
t, r b.. , :c. sex I Orlefq 'e.:. , :oi is CuSh I pr.l ten• so T,nlfitt.,
R ti..hterd, !sl. D.. Pd John at. wtll meet prompt ntienr,ort.
11F.RVEY C; I. N.NV. crhole4nlc denle in wooden ware.l.a‘
tens. bmntshs runts, enrsiftge. IWlnelk vr.eklng ninich,s. &c
Jui:n.nnolun..ware and Arner.catt et eta No •JV Pu..ttns gt" -
Ai Brooms: & Wooden Ware.
SALA. C SMIT.t. t...t+ removed trout h's old stood. No la'.
.t...,1',0,1 itri . rt. In Noll:. Fitlmo. cor n NI aker street 1110 Old
stand Is 4SeN !"). G W Strtah, in the name of - Stutth &CIF -
For sale cheap.
3 tin) dot. Patritt•d, i toOn nc.os Tab*. cedar a*.dp:Lmed,
:SLOO tt Rrnoto:. ass".!. ; last doe IIII:t:le tt. flAf Ortea .
'And n lorgr tts..nm.tot c MI ktrolS of itt'bod nod w.flotv.
wpm. c.odog. 0 rte. r,,sr.c 4- . lao perm 4 ',..,, rf, ~,/,. ~,
ciiiii. , lS ..:. of 11111111111.1.101 , 1 . 1 k r,ct. at . trl*Fttl ton. ror3r star
ti V. I i .1. ‘ 1711. I Ntit'll n•lNrst riAP, retiitit , ...rrt t .. nitl:,.. for .
at r. f st sr , l,ifeliti, sit .•Cl..rial OKI r Ite . ftded 5,,,,,.
in, i.: 4 , : 1a , 1L.11001 . 5. NI/sot-vs.,. }'taint's. he ,1t1...
Ptentinuts 11wfirtied to Levi k Brown,
' By the nutrient! Institute foil •G Eels .:..
IN 1840—A
. Stilver Medal for Suritr . SAd - Peos.
I. 1841—A :Diplonta fio (1,,13 Pent'. . a
1842--- V.l)iploma fin the best Gold 'Plena.
. Is4s—A Diploma f..r the hest Gobi item,.
1844 —A Diploma for superior Gold Perm.
' IA4S—A giver !44e4el for the heat;Gold Pens.
18.16—.1 Silver Medal lot the best Gold Pens.
i This is t.i certify., that the otiose is a•true copy itorn
i the recorits of the A mOiren InAtittile - -N..
Gm l 8 Per. <<r. ti the American lultitute
The Graefenbeii Vegetable Pills.
Twenty thousand tones sold each and retry week
notice, that P. CANOE MOLL. Elmira, for Cho
mung, Tompkins, Cay lige. Seneca, Ontario, Allegheny,.
Yates, and `trine n counties, 1. Y.. and for Bradford,
Warren, Crawford, *Flogs, Putter, M'Ketin, Eric, Clin
ton, Center, and tt'yonnoe counties, Penn.
The General A gent i 4 fully : prepared to appoint sub-
Agents a herever there ia DO Ananch of the Company ;
either on personal appliption, or by mail, pad paid.—
The rapid sale of these celebrated.pills and the calmer
dinary curet they are constantly; effee ling, render them,
by fir, the most popular pill of the age. 'An Agency
will consequently be very valuable. ,
The Gmefenberg Pills.= inconceivably 'superior to
any ever before discovered. In all bilious complaints
in general derangement of the system : in all disorders
which rest& from a had state of the blood. tirese pills
arc a sovereign remedy.
In the: class of disease called chronic; the.Greefenherg
Pills achieve their highest triumphs. Here: they defy
all competition., ntvring within the -hidtlin recesses
of the system, they quietly but,surel,y partly the blood,
root out disease. and give toneJand vigor to the body.
Cures era constantly these Pills, in cases
where every other means had completely failed. The
most abundant proof of this could be given, but a trial
of one o ill convince the patterd. They can be or
dered and MIA by mail, at trilling . expense. The price
In 25 cents a buy. Where two dollars word'? are order
ed, and the money remote& the Company will pay the
postage on the pills. Remittances at the Company's
risk. tl lierever them is no agerilt of the Company,
they can be ordered by n.ail.
This e - Pills are btking the place of all others, and
no fork prrson should be without them.
At It hone compltints, bowel eampltints, constipa
tion. dyqpitsia. fever a 1.,: agtie,,dpeadaehe, jaundice.
vir dieumattrui, till' It (31 , 31,1.1111tt
sickness, &c.. dix., yield at once to these. Pills.
Itiey purge away tttietiive tu3nitits,. et test the progress
of de•em,e. apd nt the same elide restore tone and vigor
`to the svetr in. In en.ce of general dkrungernent of the
heidt h. they are svocrel . gw.
Liv tlntr nt,e, the we a k will become strong; the pale
and billow; cotnplesiati he restored to 3 perfectly fre,di
and healthy color; all the bad sy niptunia well ono by
one disappear.
In short, these rills are an ihcotweivable advance
triton any other /1/[3llcille,ev. t Lvdore tarred to the pub.
lie, .1 tribfwill sriti•fit
In additi n to the aliose, may be found at the .no
iner,ms diTritii of the Corn Hoy, the follontug
parable ulydlrrnrs, via:
•TLe Graolenberg Sarsaparilla Compound;
.1)e Lotion ,
‘• Irver and Ague Pills;
•t ettildren'a L'anarri ;
tr Green Mountain Veaetable Ointment
The attention ut tho-e guillemot from tiiikease, are pa•
tieni.oly invited to examine and decide for thentsekei
The following named persons are duly authorize•
agents in Bradford Colin y, fur the Pale of the ahoy(
medicines (Min the Graetioiberg Company:
N. N. Betts,Toearida ; Daniel Bailey & Son. Le
; D. B. Cotton. Litchfield ; J. V. Daniels, Bur
lington ; J. M. Eds ill, Wells; DaYid Gardner. Athens;
Theodore Hart,iing, Union and Canton ; A. L. Merritt,
Wells; Mix & Stiors.Stanalnist ;Stone; C. T. Murphy
Ridgherry ; George Nichols, Rome; T. M. Pike. Ul
ster; Rogers and Friteher, Athens; Henry Russell,
Windham; Stacy & l'oeer, Springfield ; B. Buffing
ton, South Warren. lOy
THE subscribeis still continue
to manufacture and keep - on hand
at their old stand. all kinds of cane
and wood seat CHAIRS; also
SETTEES of various kinds, and
E DST EA DS of every descrip
tion, which we will sell low for
carh.or Prodipe, or White Pine
lumber, White word, Bass wood,
or Cucumber el air plank, or 4 by
4 Scantling 13 feet long—either Buttonwood, Basswood
or Maple, will also be received for our work. ir
'ruining done to order in the neatest manner.
Towanda, Feb. 1$ IT.
irrmifuge, Sarsaparilla, Cough Candy, and Fryer
and Ague Pills.
OF THE ERM I 11; E, nothing more. needfaip
than what is Sabi in the tolloiving certificates of re ,
tridents of Luzerne county
I esed t?hepherd'A Vermiftige for two of my childten.
It operated well, find expelled a vaan•i , y of worms. I
can recommend it as a valuable
Ttawx Hitt., Jan. 2(1. 1817.--John Koons, Lsq.—
Dear St
r—:UU will please Send me four bottles more of
Shepherd's Vermtfue.e. The three bottles purchased of
you a short time two have been used with the happiest ef
fects. They were given to three of my children—in our
case 65 worms were expelled, in another 16.1, and in the
lask67. Ism anxious to give the rest of my family the
benefits of this medicine, and therefore order as above.
This is decidedly the best article for destroying worms
that has ever been in .this part of the country. I have
tried Orrick's, Reaktst's and several others, but without
any good effect. Yours, with esteem.
Price 25 cts. per bottle. B►vt at. M. Sv TITER.
.94 phenrs Sarsaparilla. for the permanent
4 1 cure all diseasrs arising. from an
impure condition of Me blood.
• •
Viz :—Scrofula, in its various forma, rheamatiam, pim-
Ora of postutea on the face, eruptions on the akin, taaik,
Itl—tchee. ringworm or letter. cancrous ether ions, ehro.
sore eye.. scald head. ei Iv itepicnt and pain of the
hones and j- i te. tuirlKlgn, dropiy, dyspepsia. chronic
,li,s. t ses of Ita• Innvc and f i4lllg horn an elrraF
of mercury. all chrome corwourimial diseases wi..
readily yu hl under this pre' a, mita,.
When the lungs are disea,.e.l, as if often the, care,
Or when pimples or pustules appoar on the face;
The fi , zotez w vani.h, 'he way,
fly the use of Shepherd's :idrslarffic
The medicine under consideration is a compound per
potation of Sarsa.onlls. an 1 from its comaining inare
thews isholl . t %egetoble; which it is believed are in n
other prrpaittion .4 the kind, the Curt , '
have been errected by its Prtee, 75 cts. per bottle
German lerrr an .Izur
FIS En AND, Ant - E.—This intim-table and delitlitatine
complaint. winch prevails to so,arval an extent in roan%
pots of the country, and whieh so liable to terminal,
in serious organic visceral It tP..aSe. is now entirety cure'
he the use of the celebrated GERMAN FEVER AND
AGI:7E PILLS. These specific Pills never fail to drive
the disease from the system, an•l rssto•e the ciinstitution
to its 'original healthy einolition. Europe, as well as
America, ran testily to their wonderful efficacy. Thou
sands of boxes have been used, and nearly as many in•
dividuals restored to health.
Vior sale by BODDER & Proprietors. No. 39,
Noih Frederick street. Baltimore, and by appointed
Age Tits. Price SI per box.
Shepherd's Compound 3lttlicaled Candy,•
For the cure of coughs, colds, asthma, estarrh,,hronchi•
tis, hoarseness, sore throat, croup, spitting-of blood, and
all other complaints of the throat and chest, and those
arising imm a disordered condition of the Lungs, andfdr
cleiring the voice, &e. Price 121. cents per package. •
t,in,th . oib who are troubled with Skiarseuess of throat,
Or ckopp or bronchitis—forget not to note;
That it can ere cured, and that they can find rest,
Or .alien seized with catarrh or complaints oltbe bretet.
• The ortieJescomposinizthe Compound M ed . (. ariP
dy have been selected with the utmost careen .. •
and entirely from the Vegetable kingdom mime no
pair need be arprehentied of its producing e slight
est injurious effect. • -
Anzsrs--MON.T.ANYF:V & CO., Towanda': I, C.
Adams, Rummersfield creek ; tfiz iSt Storrs, Sjoniling .
St one; --:,-;lls4eryoood, Rusla,,S4rt. en. 2m3
• YANIXIIK D r1a1111..440 ;
HS. & Mi. 'C. MERCCR, have removed
• GOODS to the Store formerly occupied by ik
Mix 45z..letV, , nortli side of the, public square, ..vvflilt
therrartit.ptellareil to supply their customers as herctor
fore. • Towanda, March 17. 1847.
irs,..4DIES can titian superior,assortment of DRESS
1...409Ds & CLOAKING"?-, at MERCIT'S.
T]," t IOR the cure of DEAFNE.VS - , pains,'and the 4 dis.
i charge of matter from the ears. • Also all those tits
ag,recable sound.-, like -the buzzing of it sects, falling of
water. whizzing of steam, •iitc., ake., which are symp
toms of approaching deafness, and altos generally atten
dant with the disease. Many persons who have been
deaf for ten, fifteen, and even twenty years, and were
obliged to use ear trumpets, have, after using one or two
battles. thrown aside their trumpets, being made perfect.
ty well. Physicians and Surgeons highly .riampunend
its use.
The very great number of happy results that have fol
lowed the use of SCARPA'S ACOUSTIC OIL, have
been truly astonishing. And what is wonderful, some
who were deaf from birth, have been so much improved
; as to hear common conversation very readily.
It would be the heielit of presumption to warrant a
cure in all cases, but in nine cases out of ten of. recent
date, there is, a certainty that the results will be most
happy and satiscfstory to the patient. The application
of the cal produces no pain, but on the contrary an agree
able and pleasant sensation. The recipe for this medi
cine has been ootained from an Aurist of great reputa
tion, who has found that draftiest . , in nineteen cases out
of twenty, was vroducet i l from a want of - action in the
nerves of heating. or a dryness in the ears; his object
thetefore was to find something which would create a
healthy condition in those parts. After a long series of ,
experiments his efforts were at last crowned with suc
cess. in the discovery of this prep...unlit - Oh. which has re
cc, eed the name of SC A R PA'S COM POUND ACC/I.:S
lit; Itli.. A long list of certtfie idea might he given.
hut such is the coofideneis in the medicine:-and so high
has been its rltutaiion, that but one of them will be at
present lOW
MOSTi 04011 t0,N..1 11 T Cl' E!—A l dy in Smith
( field, Brad. "a.. and now shout eighty sears of
age, had been gr.uloo,l% , geittitz /leaf for - more than 40
that it was nest 1. , Impossible to make her hear
ettii%ersatmn tit the tone of voire. Last wittier
,he was induced to try searps's flit for De t if - o esc' Ii
is milyWermottory to odd that she used two bottles, and
is pert.-cily restored—she is curt.d. Any information
to felond to the case may he obt•nned at the storeot Dr.
Jayne, No. S. South Third ioreet.
For sale by .1.. S. ANISE;ftLIN, Towanda. Pa;
only agent (or 8ra.1.1 ird tr.orit 2.4—t y
.1 Very .Impuilarat t4sitinualtcation
bill; ARE s'lcK, get cured : if well, employ
lmeasures to continue so. Every -individual indulges
to habits, which must, to a greater ur les-er extent. dt.:-
arrange the adoorahle and sumcate curnhinanuns which
form the system, and r”rp.rqueittly
EVXRT I •1111'llaVAL
should possess some nold.yet efficacious. simple and ac
credited agent for preset rittg all the functions of the 6.4
good order.
_ _
will achieve this result, and .h , uld be in every family,
And in the hands of every person. rah", by Im-ones., pro
fession or general course of tile. is predisposed to the ve
ry, many little ailments that render life a curse, ins rad
or a blessing, and lin4lly 'result, 03 their aggiegatrd con
dition, is the cause
Sn.r.m. May 17. 1847:
JtA4: Conrnmirr
I scAmitest
all- 1 JIIC9.
The Bitters here fnentioned are compounded by a
man of great skill and knowledge, from the simple Na
tura presents to those who care to find them, arid which
are the only reliable antidotes to the poison of disease.
The chief incredienis are the universally-heloved Sar
saparilla and the Bark hf the Wad Cherry Tree, with
which the red man of the forest cures nearly every dis
ease of the internal organ. These inatetia/s, though
powtrful in their action, are, as common Bernie teaches
and prepared as they are here, one of the grealej meth
cal aperuf;tes to the inhabitable. globe. By taking
these avrrsas, the arn fuluua may be restored to beati•
ty, and avuid the sharp ktole or the surgeon ; (or they
not only eratlir*te pirtipleA and tumors. hot overcome
'Whoever pi trutjeciet/ to the horrors of roasuraptiou,
should at once ptirehim. thtv anre remedy. In the train
of Coriiivenev. follow drewlful lw-a/ mor z er , t r olv, o ft en .
times ins , nily, very fregoentiv mama m hyporithrtdrio,
violent herlibrrher, palp,totiow• at d tofu r aff canoe of
the heart and 'rhen mat ir sseellincr. Dr. Wood's rorn•
pOund is one of the most efficient inedn in,. in routing
the complavits. a ,d'their (Junta= head, that tan possi
tdy he procured.
Front twing confined in close rooms, and from taking
a small modicum of rxercn.e, nurncrouw per..onoi daily
are matte to deol,te a In a ,f rspiobte paottfulherultrehes.
lernktiems if ,he nun , lr, Lingu,,r. WWII 41f energy
ruili , let,t to permit them to seek recreation. &c. &.
There persons say for years th.o they .• dsm't lee:I very
styli." If tt ey do not employ at meth-4 by which 171 , .y
can Teel gt•rrt. wut. they evtritually 1111 . ,k older a Se
vere fit of illnoss, and a-e
only by a miracle, and even then the lance!, ffech. Uls
ter and crd,nic I have kft them mere shattered lhulks, full
of aches and corroors, and not only a pest to themselire4,
but a source of disgust and annoyance to all•with whom
they come in contact. All these
may he avoided by an early application of the virtues of
three Drrecad. For the truth of this. the proprietor
.pledeett his word end honor, and in evidence can dhoW
tiles of undoubted certificated winch he had received, un
solicited from all qusatept. He does not, hoteser, ask
the ittvaud to swallow his certificates, but his BITTEita,
and is Willing to Stake all he holds dear on earth in fa
vor of their worth.
in either Cf I fie! iir reef' pm, will disektear be.
fete the qualine of Dr. ‘t% preparation, and the
cure may he retied on as a permanent one. Did the
BITTER 4 posaeAa no other recommendation, it would
be one of the finest vet stable romp tunds medical sci
ence can invent ; but it to equal to the complete eradi
cation of .
LIVER rourr,ArsTs,
in every shape, and of every :ilfectim, in;rtar or L. r . ,' lru nc e ,
ot the hiliary apparatus. Individuals who are coospu.
banally billi.ots ought regularly to take this mild a g reea.
hr rind eicellent Tosi IC inn irsatrv-r, as it Will dd
fuse health throughout fire of the fame, and
„,„1 and: love of lite thrilling to the heart.—
Firm,Tes ouch' to kr ep it in !wad.
Every nied,r,ne cheat on b.iard of ship shotil.l also t.e
Well 11:454,,,1 tsith this
eannrn anti. th se Wh. , take It. or I , n, resist its vigor
HOS .11-Roilli a. A I.L oF 711 E BLOOD vanis.t)
before ii, and the old reltra of earlier imprudence inva
riably disappear. stain after being submitted to Its actenu.
Every criorphsint of the stomach is broken by it. Ti,K
80-rgets have in no instance failed , 1 curing JAl:Stoics,
0 CiEn5L LITT errry of
By neglecting the little trir..atLi music upon e latter
vast portion of our heings are rendered extreme
1v miserable—so miserable indeed, that they wish to die.
Every bottle of " Dr.,Wood*sSartitiparilla and Wild
Cherry Butters," contains a modicum of joy and content
fo r each of these anxious and imprudent sufferers. Re
member that an injudicious use of mercury is inevitably
productive of many evils which are put-to flight by this
glorious and unsurpassable compound ; and that afflic
tions which are •
• •
may epee:lor and safely beahntiled - ntr through its agen
cy. As a medicine which must benefit
from the aI . MPLY delicate 'to the roxrirtrn AND DEC.
BIN , . t,c ALID, no eqII/11 ta * to be found for it. It
cr.,' Id be well to bear in nand that pr'etra ire to ittti. mare d•<irable that eurr and that Dr. Woorrt
Sar , apr.trilia, nnd W 1d ('har ryA RE 110 I.H .
Put op and wild in lame h at I. by \S YArr
r(;wm, w),„) de and Retail Agents, it.ll
Fulton Sr. N: HU'S l'‘)N LAUD, Towanda, and
by druggist generally throughuutlip U. 8. 5
aryl the Orrr Mollurt re;ietuble Ointment, fur
sale by die Pultsc. i her, onqii/ent for the town rind bo
r.:mei of Towanda : * „411:,?. ,' N. N. BETTs.
T A DIES ! I SAY, I,lplE4r 4lf s-nu !taw made
%.1 up your minds to buy a n ,eras. elt•rk,iir shawl
tkis season, don't feil to call at Row, where
yon can find the mo.m...,.4aintr eheape.t articles in that
hue. that is kept irk!town,liesideinll kinds of trig-online.
Remember, rail• rash YAM Letl.
ia i rk jwE rn
111. 1 "311M 1111117 ZILIE "JE2Cilkite
L. M. NYE 'dr. CO., would re
fly inform the citizens o(Tow
and the public generally, that
have on hand &manufacture
rder all kinds of, CABINET`
:NITU RE, of the limit mate
, and ,worlFrosnship that cannot
....arpassed , in additionto the usual
assortment in country shops, we will keep on band and
make to enter SOFAS, of various and most approved
patterns ; Sofa Hocking Chairs, upholstered in superior
style. and for ease and durability cannot be passed
even in our large cities. • Also, the half Free b. Ma
hogany Chair, beautifully uphobrtered, With cu hair,
which never loses its elasticity, and finished viith the
best hair seating. We flatter ourselves that having
had much experience in the Wausau, we shall be able
to satisfy all who may feel disposed to tall, both as to
quality and price, and by strict ,attirntion 'to ?anew
hope to merit and receive the patronage of • liberal com
munity, 1... M. NYE & CO.
Towanda, September'l, 184.5. • ' .
_ ^`4
J, _ _
31 A h Y . B e E ve kl r A b y en at so o ld ur in shop ow m a u n c d h a. l7 G er than
crap. and wheat EMI lowered, and that is the reason we
can afford all fur to dolt. All kinds of produce will
he received in payment. •Also;LUMilElft of all kinds.
Elept. 1. i - L. M. NYE' 4 CO.
Ti n t: lh:
in ke o p r t ae o r t o l
n ha . s h ti orfr a ri l n a o ra ti e ce a a s n so d ir r e i Z, „ , m an o. d
cry than can be produced at any other estildialin4nt in
the land. Those who are under the neceaaity of pra•
curing that article will and shall he sattstiell. A good
hearse and pan may be had jn attendancelen desired.
Sept,nther 1, 1545. L. M. NY & CO.
-- - I
AC Ala Z. CO .
Its Toteasda.
TT M. BAKER respectfully informs politic that
LI • he has commenced the GR AYE-S 'ON E
nes*, in all its branches, at Towanda, soh e he will be
wady at all uaws to attend to all calls m it%
Tomb•latlcs. G ravO stones,
every description. 4.c.. 4-dt.
made to order, and furnished as cheap mai WORK. and
MAIt Li L the same quality con be obtained at any
shop in the country.
He invites the public to call and exarginzliis work
and materials, loping to merit their patronage by strict
surnlimi to huainess, and by stipertur worlstuatiphip and
LET FER-CrTTING done with ncwtne+s and des
patch, In tlt.• latc.L 81 le.
_ .
Sh"p virr..t• neiltinor to T. Elliott's sttire
,1.,r. Briza.t I I
h 17. 15.17:
t i vr HAVE rziED DR. urilAyrs Ewyrr-
Oral VEN ESS, have given their certificates of-cure*
made Ivy its uce. wfieh all other remediesi have failed, and
he I t..prietoi. rt.tsti prtntre,l to offer •
to an y p e r s ons afflicted With Piles, and all diseases of a
stair hatillr, or o hick are tomtit in conjure , Cron with
the Piles. if a cure is not atfeetel by the use of
it is an INTlllat • riE M MIT/. n ' eol an externsl application.
and will cute any case f Piles, either bleeding or blind,
internal or t ,..external, and the only thing that•willi Th. re
is no mistake about it. It is a positive cure, speedy and
permanent. It is also a convenient medicine to take,
and lairtive the general health in a remarkable man
ner. It is very mild in its opp e rations, a nd M a y he ta
ken in cases of the most acute inflammation: . without
danger. AU external applications are in the highest de
gree disagreeable. inconvenient and offensive ; and from
the very nature of the disease, temporary in their effects.
This medicine attacks the disease at its source, and
remo4!ing, the cause, renders the zure7certatn and rema
Ithou.qh the Eiertosty was ortginially prepared for
thoNta'e o: Piles, yet it has ptoted itself to he a inedi
einertaf.superior to all others, in all diseases of an in
t] ontna•ory character, with a determination of - blood to
any Pauit'ulAr Pitt or trrgan. In Inflammation and
ronge.tioi.s of the Liver and Splern ; lidlatnutation„
Sorentes. and I'leerati , .n of the Stomache. Bowel.. Kid
neys and Bladder : Ir;flsnimatory and Mrrcurtal
the hefts Medicine ere( dnrcovered.
For all Impurities of the ft.•in the, rn
prudent tivlC of Mercury. or other catowd ; for all Ahu of the 14;tti end .crofol.o.‘ affections ; in all car,es
where the hhtuil ie itoweift4ll,i.lotermincil to the heat?,
pr ! .tlucitig il.zztried• at:3 tLipesti, Dr, Upham's Electuary
to entirely
Married ladies are almost invariably subject to that
painful and injurioutcdisease; the Piles,teith consequent
inflammation of the Stomach. Bowels, slid Spine, ti eat:-
netts of the Back, flow of the blood to the head. &c.—
The Electuary is perfectly 'safe for pregnant ladies and
the most useful Cathartic that can possibly he used, and
it will not only remove the Piles and all inflammatory
diseases without pain or irrOtion; but will ensure an
easy time, a safe delivery, and a sound constitution in
the offspring.
RxitwAY, June 16, 1847.
I have been till cted for: sears - with the Atlea. anil
have tried, without ant thing like permanent benefit, al
most everything 14,41rning the AU of a remedy. I
had, as a matter of course lost all confidence in medi.
vine. t r itOel this feeling, I was induced—not without
reluctance; I cfinfess—to nee `Trusses EF.F.CTUAHT."
and hissib'g used it fir aloof three weeks arronling t.i
the directions. Iwtd dawn, I find, to .my utter surprise as
well as-iatistaeri .n, chart every symptom of the disease
ha+ t..ft• me. I think it due alike to Dr. Upham and
myself to make this statement.
G. W. NcLEAN, late ,of the U. 8. N.
a i i.—A bout five years ago I
waalliiicted with what was called Chronic llysernery.
the, suffered with it ever diiiec, 4t1,1 physiciairs . hace
Wid me trial my liver was atreetril, an.l thst toy bowels
Werr Lilee , ated. tor Wood and pus, ati•!,pikil with a pc.
eit;zar:y putril.erhell. o ere the ft-event di-charges.
sh..rt time since I nt.nie a visite to Mvvsu. husrt , s,
.I ,, ;6fl.olteillt 11 . 0.4 a ch3o2r of Alf, hut suit ted mine
.evi re'y Own ever liefore. While there a p:tvsteinn of
f-red to cure me for $4O; in three months. II
the mid-t n't intense pain, occasionally relieved bt Intl.
WHIM. I saw in the ordpper of your Electuary, a perfret
desetiptt .n of my complAt, together with many certifi
cates of cures. This gave me great ciifiilence in the
Medicine. and I purchased a Isix, and nine doses of
which has apparatitry cured me, and I am prcpaned to
. tiwy every thitig in its favor, or render any service I can
to humlinity by subscribing to its merits,
BENJ ti tlla PE:ROYAL, 89 South Sixth AL'
Sold Retail by W yAT r & K ETCH
UM, 12J Fulton St. N. V., HUSTON aft. LADD T,.
wnnda, and hr tlrurgv-0 generally ifirouehout the U. S.
Prin.e $l. a box: NO'IsICE.—The genuine Electuary
liAts'''(;:r A. Upham M. D.) The hand in also done
with a pen.
No, 1., Brick Row, again. in the Field !
Ir. .1. Chamberlin,
—,0% . AS just returned from the city
• P.:. • of New York with a large
0 --- 3 , ..„,, ,,, suripty of Watchns. Jewelry arid
i /5
~., :tri ii t, S th i , l , ter r . ,7k a , re l , „.e Coll ar . i r i es ,i in r : : ;_n i
, !) , : , ..:t r:
t' 4 - . 'it L'Epiee and Plain Watrhe., with
' N I
. . .. 4 1 2.-- ,-- . a con,plete assoitlTlCTlt of ( ;old
Jewelry, sorb as Ear Rings, Fin
ger Rin t 's, Breast Pins, Wavelets. Lockers. Gilt rli,rins, ; Tiv,
Gold Pena. Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware; . tklucl
and any quantity of Steel Hearts—all of which ho uffen; ' ally in
for wale exceeedinttiv cheap for CAs H.. I Sul,
We chers repaired on *hurt notice, and warranted i payme
to rho well , or the money Will he refunded. and a writ- I reelotr
ten azreetnent gi von to that etfrct if required. 1 Arlt
N. 8.--tM A N,E SI•liA ft, and Country P o lure ! lincii. i
taken in payment Ifir work : and ale t. sutra noir, ri , r 1 tweritt
flower, that thc Pradhee newt be paid when the tco-:: . Jo a
is done- 7 1 war against credit in ill its forms. , pediti ,
'W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Agent. I Let
Towanda, April 2.8, 1817. i ree of.
and Buffalo Line,
t i tt l iove gi l:ine will amide' t o
Boat, between ELMIRA,
Op for the accommodation
moving West,Sffordieg fa
' le the Enaipult, tram tha
a are of the FIRST 'CLASS,
an the coartuience- wrist,
8, commanded by experietio.
relays of Horses.
pt. A M. TAYLOR. •
1147, oee a) thesbare Bow,.
leaks every week is the bd.
fr- HE.Plolithetonaof the
'fah it" Mw of "Tcassa
of Ethigrants and Pundit
sithies ant heretofore offer
section of Netv York, P
. The Boats of this Lin
fitted and famished - wit
ommadation of PACKE
ed Captains, and towed
During the season of
will leave Corning sad
lowing order:
Coast so, every Mood
Etx tit A, every Monde
Towing down Sett
ing, touching at Big 8
,leaving Buffalo for Corn
day morning.
on Board, or to
eterilng, et 6 o'clock, P. M
teasing, et 6 ,e'clotk, P, 14.
Lake every Thursday sant
rearn. Lotre, Ovol Drcsdea, and
rig and Elmira, every Wetlift.
• .
Wm. May. ~ Corning, •
. S. B. Stray, & Co, Eie,:re,
Winterutut. & Tuttle, lierwhrair
A. rash, larana.,
-. .
L. Cs. Tow sei il, 13 . 1; Nfre.m:
Ikoodworti & Jost, Lodi. . ..
• Price &Ii Hy, Goitre. -
Gay & S ect, Wgrierioo.
J. Shoe - et, Seneca Falk, ' •
Baker & I oss. ,ifunte-zuhar.
H, Weigh , Rorlacier.
' 11. Niles, 844/0.
-.- • _
1.1:r.t AIC :1 - 1 1 1 011 rs gYs.C:i..i s
Tlii4 way fur l!nry, i i,h7
THE subscriber would respei•tfully say to hil old
customers andAtile public generally, that he ho,
re-coniurtmeed the manuf actii re of Charts, eic„ id bis
old sh .p on the ninth !side ul Linke street, art, the b al k!,
mg known as • the - keilow Ihite.e." He kellis Se a .
shindy sin hand, or oli,l make to order, (in a nett lied
durable style) all articles in his line as cheap as the
cheapest. tits (lend i can he bpi plied with
?wiry. Illipior and Common C'heria. of differ
ent poltern4Settee2. Rucking Chairs,
chitirrn s'Clsoirs. 4-c.. 4 - c.• .
Also—Btdsitads cad Talks. '
my shop on ridge street and 1
•ou pan loiy rensonatle.
tool,. Cocurnher end Bassoon!
change for rbal rs uorra.otlaVe
. it 4.17. . . F .,. ;:•.:1 -_ , E. "I'A ‘ Ltda.
Cal and eee me
will Matiay y hat
N. 8. —ll ti ito
plan!:. wanted in e
r0 ,, 111.1.t,
v.AlTurs (R%
tN:ie NEvEn a'4 a
I iDIt is rota's:lenity ms:mn tell that
elhetile VL hit h Las ,sivt ft such unl•
!alp , faetion. 1115
Th#7 hap- stood ,
all ether rttordi
he severest trials, by curing %t il
ted, and have established a rep u i a .
envious dander:l which hare been
lion in the face of
tamed acmnst them
Eath produce, by t eir variations of temperature, pece•
liar climb. upon tb human body. The heat expanth
,nd the cold contra tt c volume of the eitculatine flu
id, and ift hen than es take place stathif n'y, the elleets
are to ten s. lions. V right's Indian Vegetable Pt;lff (VW?.
teraet the evil ittflu nee uf.totalden changett;by !union;
the blood, and kre nc the stomach and botaela iu a nate-
I ral and healthful ~,,,
Wright's Indian l'e:etable
kn instance has never conie of
hest Pills has ing beer Liken. without
to mire. In Chills and Fivt r the hn r
fns gre chi..f)y &ordered, superindtt
feat debility. When the symptoms
are shoal I he ; lord trefore resonib to
•mr doses will give suelVmantlest re.iet
%ill neces-Ary to olinunue the um:
That scourge of it
Pi!l.4 stmt.! unnva
our knosslt.dge of
eirecting a compl..
anti Minna tuncti
red by great phy
first. apprar, nu II
these Pills. A fi
that no
or them
‘Vriv,ltt's India Vr , getahle Pills will be f,itind• tern
superior. hi tt, ,, disea%e, the jotce aesk al 3
deticuent In 41141 ty. . Cotiseqhently. the d1g, ,, t10.111 , 1117•
pertect 'slid the lealth impaired. 11,, Pula
the bile from th stomach, restore tone, atolt:al.roo
the dige.tien.
1 FOR JAI:NI It E., •
Pd:. arc eri , ,Py Ftej .t ' a;
.1 .1 oh hor coniphtiot, the) operao ,
.eneral and um funTe lomemie. of deo...
purttl Inz the 1.400 ti: 3111
..cret'lLMS, they rt tao Fause,rii
Wright's (nth.'
ed to tf-,e 1. mo
uron the one u
mg the stonnicl
rectifying the
thee, and of al
r disonle r •
11. would be ditlittult preriselit te ti 11 i , V. hich of td ,
two vexes W itiht's,lnthan Vir.zrtill,e Pit beiv .ot,'
the greatest b tssingl But it is s ry evrt..ii thll l' ,
Pills has giv ii health. and spirits, snit a good rat .-
ien; - to timid?. dii of females, who o said. a it. isi..l tn.w.
have been in i eir grave, , . A boa o f Wnglits liizai
Vegi table Pc a is an inestimable medical ciridioakin ii
certain pen a. .
The press ice of pain in any putt, in.iatatra a ca r li t i
state of the h nod. which nautili• to itti na to . co , rw.
A few doses of Wright's Itidtici - Vegrtahls . Pill; niol
on going to . will be certain to , o.e relict, alhe bw
be at allpnssitile.
i l
_sens dons accompanying liver complasit v? ..r
the Most tv
Whet! the H ,bit.,at ditoi.etru"-
is frequently brotlit an by liver c,,Wi.l.llni. A pstn:
aulTi•ring fri n thit'thseise. should no i,it nut n" ,
pretended c tet , :. yet‘i,h, t c an• v,.,v iltoadn.6 t:l3 ..
worth a straw .in the ri Met al ii; • t!. , .. c.0n , 1 . ~tt. lj•
Ind has hi eon teen tho.'4, I , t tt ,i,..1:1 , tot tale "°`
dy has pro ted nsell wor,” 14 oi t;,,. ,i..,, , ' W
'then shsli
~ tia done I II e g
~ .., '' r ::'
Vegei able pill , a friar.
are If t+,..4 . s CiN ', : ' • ~p eciatlnns, ere ~tilts_ t,,, t,t, . p ~./..1{.....1.,..
fikiiure. A vt3 we d,av 1,1 all
• • ! . 'l'l2l THEM. ':.
There is nil risk run—nu fie,,, , y C.; rot. n 3n:37-I°c ul.
certain of birnefir.
' ONE IVOND NI, ii;F,.
Ai have lw,' that IA (i.ths. 4 ':, 103 I ' l ' . '
, a a - leo le " the '0,.. e... , ,:iie ~,,.."
TICK TO T 111,4 ! . 11•.., • 1 r 1 . , '
tly, t hirh atietui 1- i .'. :::..1 ;..- .1 ..:.::'...
,ire all
ni:vcAnn , or iv:. \ ;:-,:,
of wrioea lii V. ertah',•l'..:-. I , r‘. 1 ."
I f
inirodni: e n of em ti
s le :wine, 1.. 'l,ll Pi . • , 1. ''''
hoard of ! ' Now ..hat h..,ii: 4 then,. .' • '
vtivit Ire hey. but nn-era: 1,• id , 1 1:01 , .,.. 01 i!... 'f
medicine! 1). , rnore ii:,,, it 1 . ,11 ,'..t i.
t /ne mani advert 'Nes • Improved - "Intl ,sri Vo:e , 4: 4 " l'' '
'1 his wotill he a joke, it it vwcre its.sser!“l...l
ware oh? Such.
11 .. lIF THE REGUI. Aft ‘tir.7"4 - TS.
Th.l .
re is no ,if. tv eke.% hero. Ti‘r e,a,,i;ry
ina with !moan!, rie:teis, Loch of in , .. 1. v .... et
Ent nhi "it 1.. 'turd 1 , Is riot /he 1-I,:tleri.7i.'"
nine hut ' , Wit falter titan a 1. -, ' , ! er aukl a mar '''''. -
Bit' of tie /collar acentA only, . - r .:,%* 2 C 33i ' . T
Agents in Bradford county —VI •• i i:iii...... 1 / 4 L . "- p.. "
wands; A. H. Gaylord. t '.infon : S • A.V'` l4 P ' F ,% . :
meroy, Troy ; Coryell & Gee, E,.ist 13.irlinct"o• " ' '
Gibson, Ulster; I. S. Ellsworth. A them : (i° ,T- '. •
Milan ; ,IL. 7 .:Yluocly & Co., Fterichtot ; I.taalel lin " .
Hornlirk ; J.C. Adam', Rummer:iv
,1 eirvlC: 1 .1 •7'
Rathbole. Canton ; W. Caw Ftlell, Sheshov.aa ,;•
NV arfor , Mennwton.
Me Pills< a.
heal,' of.
,t.rt Remo
RGE assortment of Broad Oaths,
Sattinetts, which we have tong boa
g good and cheap', now cheaper thin
n which we challenges the aorid,Jo,t rof'
A I; .
li- an'
for selli
apt op.!
!lila, Nov. 2, r 4 •S6,
-•_ _ _
of the Bradford
at Mara and gny rentsi per :tannin
• d if paid within the year; and far e '0 414(.-
advance, Oxr Doti t Id N di be d c ilitrtd .
kriliers at liberty to d.sroi.•inue at 3:l‘ gine.
3rrearagPa• Moat kind.. t '..evrar
d in payment, at the inarto
e•rti.4enariLts . Hot exceeding a 'iv . '" 1 . ,,, 0 6
wrertect rdr fifty cirtits;; ev.iry
4ve cents. A disc,,,,al u,:0e:.)% early .. 1 " t "
'PRINTING. of every desernitiirn.
vir•ly executed on neW and fashionable tylw•cam
ells on business pertaining to the efEcell' usk
postage, to CCISUIe atttennen.
L , , • ri
.;. ~