Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 20, 1847, Image 3

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New cabvertigetnent6.
USLVMEaMst§ 41E0M 8
(33'D3(31:9 2a3a2t1U3&2119
half of the Nara/front„ Tototim/a, Pa., tOhteh•
teas dr.btroyed•by fire of the f2thiof Murcia lust, .
t.! leased the al,d stand,, on ttiei . west side of the
,:quare, tately:occupied by William Briggs,
sign rof „the Tiger, where he is preparel and will he hap."
py to wait on lira odd custo era and th public generally.
. His liouss is,. in gond er, and his facilities for ac,
travellt—s an visitor*: inch as will enable
him to give ample satisfaction. Charges moderate.
rewanda„ Qt•ober 20, 13/434
A LI, persons inifebted to the estate of GEOBG.E
cLAGGErr, late of Springhill t 04., dec'd., are
hereby requested - 4o make payinent without delay, and
.those hawing claims•againat said estate, will please pre
'ont thew duly attested to the subscriber. •
GF.O. W. CLAGGETT, Administratar
Oiober 16, 18.47.
hl. perscins iudebted to the - Estate of Abs.°lam
Wilcox, dec'd., late of Leßoy township,,are here.
reque.ted to make immediate payments; and -all
l eNciris having demands against said estate are reques
tedi o present. them imittrtlintely to the subsca'sber'for
AMi)S W. WILCOX, Adnyr.
• Leßoy, Oct. 19th, 18.17.
'another Large and
_Splendid Lot of
Ready - made Clothing! •
• T I:ST arrived at L. If 1. rCLIEL.OIt!S CLOTHCNG
.tf sTORE. Here' the place to get cheap ckithing, at
keit 50 per cent. cheaper than at any other place. I
iti;.e all kinds to suit cuitomera... , -. My atcock ia large.
r.. ms i:ring'olCloakaloats, Pinta, Vesta. k t.c., a te .—
Le2,lnt and new premium styles, urn' at astonishing
l3Var prICVA.
Clacks. Oler Brown, Drab, Do., • business
o„ , e-311 kinds, Black Dress Coats, French Dres.a.
Gold Ito.. Satinet! Pants, Cassiinere Doi
1 . p.„ Green Monkey Jocketa.. Fancy faun - Vesta,
1:., Do, Cashmere, lbo. Double Brevetted ' Do.,
11„oe M,alcil'e Do.. Also—Canton Flannel! Draw.
:-.l,titu the a line, and some splendid Cwt.:hut-L—
-k '-)—Illue and Black Cloth. Brown I)./..
Funey.Do., Vestings of albkinds. •
Cuttmg and Mending done eheap.and making .
.up at • L. BATCH ELtrICS
• • 11,1. 9, Clothing,
160011.1. —A great
vtra•ty, comprl,.tog -all the latest styles ntll . l triost
patterns, just. recoveil and'- for sale very tow
*..19 D B U I . I.ETT.
A end extensive aitsortni it a Schou!, Clan.
-teal and Nli‘ei Ilaneous also a large
ow; :Ind great variety of Papers, ini•lutlin4 note, letter,
.Ito, post nti;ce and v. r.ipping papers; togetlit:
, A,3 4 _3 complete atstiiorttnent of Blank 11,,0k5,
E adopts, p-c.. ; all fur sale air.% ,er than
uheapest, by 019 .0 D. BAR FLETT. NE_AttLAIL aa tr. -3L-
AAO):LD gait/ iiiioun the 1.4..11,s that .he has just
F. icturnokl Irom New Tor k, pith Ow lat. st 2141
1.1-ht,.nabh• style of Huth, ecp. owl lit ad deck
.i!,) ilt,;V all l vh:tt e selection of M. /Liter!,
h.cott,ta:u r rof ire 14, rind :Nana, ;
24,• d-,llllllt tit of li.-LbIMS, F/Otett.S. Pltizaes and
t t,il, fifrcd c. f zenqz•ltex,gimpN,
• / ; all at which •••• ill tor .
• i t a price as ran be purcl/asea 64:where, /
(100 k r 12. )817.•
AN!) NEW !
i.:7;‘1; , 131;;ZY & CO., are jitAt
•, Voqk ant ..e11111 . 4 it iLe I,VW
r;.•rd ' y ereefrd
• „
fr nl.i Gt../; , (i.N, Celfrprisill4
" ( :
Frrllek Eal:211 1 :Sh
1).1. ; plea ravoly
P. , at. ), ~ sr a !..1”; 1 .:,
( tf 7 e• :L.
- • , I•t; IT6r. IV. At' 4.1" .Slut... Sao
•.• r. Frchth cr,m,n,,,, 0:1,1
\* ry!iwrr. 7,11 , Prl iln, Slre(jr.Ni I We,
•• II 0, ram,. ridd .‘llPia• Wore.
tobrs II ', l l l l 7r i.
'll k trl . ( . 0116,h.1. 5 41.:11 OM( licirt. , g.
T• thr_ public rs re7,Tectiully incite' to
- ; Aocir: o f . which fire now r:hthit
•+'••file ItrAest pric• - •”, relttly I. yticy
• .I•Cirti to 101 t1f)%)..t. , 0, Clan' And Al (.1111 , .11;e1-
the ucoornmodation .01 nor rtNto ( i l t.i.-. Arid
' nthr 111111.1CeMeni.S to - pun:ha...N Ito a. lo
1., t wilh.
ft ftivoThar, ludare rl..ecti,en-, to et'l
It. F. 1,.. , ...fmry • ti uld .(sad, onri examine .mr and
1, r , O. 1111 , 1/1. taf view, 21 of
rash ht.' Cfl4.
`f t / I.A. (3 1) 1; I . s ic,Y.
Itistitutien i> now uww.l.r the charge of 1.1 r.
1. W. Gt. v.:, a gia4uate of I•A`l ,, frd
.\lr.o.H.PutTr,of Conn. The lir 1.-row
-need trsi ( ttle thaw of eh. The s....rows.rakill
....tence on the Gth of 11)..c. Pupil,: are
,`,,i‘lrhtttrai at
k . Trams
if. tlerntrrrfs
:flul4-11 .11131.1.,
Ztiv :f ISh f:Stl;_tt•it,
. (.1 • 14114 gt, and 6i2iant•Mathenaatirr
( I -I Artl t:d term•)
will he made to 5( cure the Itervtort. of
k . •0r.11,11.ed Prrt•eptreAs tp the'st.fliw.
J. D. NI ONTA N Preat.lent.
• ‘.• .•c - •• •: - • ••
• •• ••
4'• .
.Ihr 111 (lien! Faculty Arms
1, . r :;• I,fn! ! il,le ntrd y • for I 11;NGER.
t(ldiNzr (tii.l ize of tlesc
Lo too oil at all times at tto•
A... , d!A0-'on),•nt of CI ICH;R & Silt A 1.1. E Y.
ar'a nn ',lee r,ew and Ire•,.h etock G
oenprlmg evtry thing in their line. eueh
Prriper,.6l , lCV,
&c., and an • endkK+
, the, :intrir•a •• tua nuirieroua to mention :"
%.ill as low 11.1 the same ran he
u,4 of 0.1 i! Entiove• city. Wc ako offer- the
`1• of . French. Enc,:ish and Ger
\ vv. r ti:.tore "tiered in Northern Peunuyl
•' tol ; Peier with full asnrtrnrpt of Neta. C onte( '
N . .11 t;,./' Notions, Fancy glasyyare. &c., whrCh
wail rn,l as to quality and. price.. . •
12. D 147. Nit r R & SMALL EY.
ii. &R. vls. T A I 1,. 0 RN. from the
J • t : f Lanrlvn , have ope'm•d a phap, in. the
, tr,,to r y of the new Brickblock, erected by Pariah
z.hvry, on Main.street ; where they are prepared to
' , run. all 'Orderb in their line with accuracy & despatch.
F ti•u their long awl nizorous in%tructiun in the art,
• r:r extensive , experie nce. as Foremen, in the heM•
kind.;t2.lthey fet I perfectly competent of being
please theenio'gt fastidious Wale, and to execute
week 111 such substantial and trundled st) Ic, as. to
'' — , Ali..f.tnion to their enstomers.
cetln g • dune to order, and warranted to fit if
ninle up. G. 11. 11 ls,
1817. ylB D \ VIA
• ' l ll`. Cks , INIEIZEs• &
. I •erk - and b
rnw a lmerr, eambroons, sum
tweedi of prlet, aril qualities. may be
- :rw.r at the'S ,l e .arrin;:.lfduk, Nu. s'„Eird. k
C. HEEL?.'
.11:It t. ,•
11:11 , V1,s a btautilul a -aortment of
r. De ' , ail' and 13roctia :Shawl. may found
J..K. s‘it
f 2 sn
4 00
Mertbmibix; tCtt
:$ ezzaz
FOR Tli6
trirliE subscriber is pow opening sti - the comer of
Main and Bridge eta., a very extensive arid desira
ble stock cd NEW GOODS, carefully 'selected, with a
view to snit the market:—embracing a large stock of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, H ird-ware, Boots
and Shoes, Nails, Glass, Putty, Oils and Painss,
Codfish. Mackerel, Sperm and Dallow
dies, Dye. Stuffs, etc., etc., etc.
Also—s great variety of Ceps :Muffs and Boas, which
will positively be sold at prices that will give satisfac
tion to purchasers. J. KINGSBEB-Y, Jr.'
B. I shall in a few days, receive the moat exten
sive cat.dogue of BUCKS 4r STA TIONE R ever
offered for sale -in this market, Which will be sold at re
duced prices. oct6
.r largest and most dlr./sive assortment of NE W
GOODS. suitable to the tlessonoeletted with great
care, and for sale cheap as the cheapest, for 'c./sh of ap
proved credit—just opened e t
Towanda, Ogt. 5. 1847. 0. 11. B s l / R.TLETT'S.
Tr 40 $'
H. S. .Bz, M. C. MERCUR,
Conitsting of more than 4hcir usual variety, whic h
they offer to th \ lte at their proverbially low prices.
Towanda, 6, 25, 1F47.
6 - 111,S, Pain, and Dye-stufr4. of almost
/ every kini. at ERC
Ll_ INUILA %IS & PRINTS = Plairi and twilled Ging.
kJ lonia. Engl:th and American Prints, a beautiful
assortment atsep2s \ ME RC UR'S.
, .
1 ., —French, En4ltsh and Amen n Cloths; plain
and fancy Cussimeres and Sattinetts; s tin, silk, valen
cia anti worsted Vekings, *ery cheap at .
sty2.s • • it'lletlit'S,
A plaid, black and cnlored A Ipaccag ; black
Wed French A erinoes; Oregon Plaids; rich Pt,
and common Ca.lintercs, Delottnes,&c., ft great vat
of kyles for sde at ' st-p 25 MENUIIIt'S
I IWN & NAILS.—A largo assortment fm:pale,-at
t 0.1.25 . M UCURS.
VA I'IA GRIN I.) STONES, lot sale at
i erj,6 M ERCUR'S. •
1 CALIB ITR'S oiNTmENT.—A new supply of
—VI Oils deservedly popular article received at
Frp2s M 11C1:11.8.
LI A W - .‘ I{ E.—A very large hardware, of
eva, y description, just recd E RC UK'S., Nl.DeLame,
and Wool Shawb , , a lir4e a..4't at VIERC-U*S.
0( Y Ts & `6llOb:S. consistuig of coA-nide and kip
1) hoots, ladrr. and- ,hppera, g.otrrs and hall
a:61,..r5; children's ; also an ele:_tant a.sortment of
Hats and (Saps, are now i;peniug at tlie Sa‘nigs Batik,
• &LTV) NO. 5,,8. H.
•(1 )N Alt N, carpet'w irp. baits wadding, Wick
browt, aid !leached Miertings and shirting',
nv” Le found at n ha ream and very low at the :Savings
1.3d0k,,, y top 9 Mt. 5. B. H.
IT cm. Tii E LA DIES—a large anso'rtinerit of white
go. , ds, butt as Iri.6 lawns. cross harred,and striped
In fish la, jiorietts, swl4- rouslins. &e. t also awl" In•
.61,1 muslin edgings, thread and cotton edgings, bobbins,
.il6 hinge ai,3 buttons, ISCe button-6, patent whalebone
tall; in :-.11.0t a gre at salt , ty of fancy
very desetiption, may t‘e loomd at the
; .oot , - re C/r th,ng Warihoun in the U. S.
1:- , /PEN FOR %%ASTER. 100,100 garments
_.!_k nn hand arid ready I. r disposal, 117rolcsule 5 Ret,td.
To patrons we wool say, that hi•ing hid one price,
tlnise ho it not und rNtritd the real valuation price of
all II powinity of iturclituilng(;trittent4
.I 1 itTut• a. prof, .0 J. , tibers and de der,: in
req.., mad, nit replenish their siocks fo- the
winter. and ve guarantee the large,t establishment in
Phil elelp!i.a to select from. We anent! I , ersonally to
trif.6in4 of goolln, and see that a good assortment of
sizes and sell-ankle t articlt. are put up. Single suits
torwar,led as per order.
17: - / - Our good's are for sale only at the large building.
128 Market st..'sooilleast corner of Market and Fourth
sts.. dintoklitht B. • C. If A KNEtiS.
Pt., septemher 29, 11 , 47. 3m I
'4i El PA in FOR 41* lIIFtT, atNIAO:SCS
A.-) . MILL. Monroe. dept. 23, ISI7. •
Another karat lirlory in Mexico !
rr'llE ta. %fi v, rect iyjd .imultaneously with news
1 that there 6stl been another great arrival ut New
~:iwlr It the
.1,1 I rouser/ a 7 re i nradons E xc it emen t ! !
I he nt proprietor, e. R E ED, takes this opi.or-
Intro) ur ',turn to, Yli.riiks to los former patrona anli
tile gerwrally, and also of informing them that lie
is now re.- i•ing . a very lame and general a,sortment of
FA Arid V. inter Coo0s; ut esery desertrion, which he
pledge,: In melt 5h.1.11 and wid be sold as low as at any
other erY4..l,tunent within lOU miles of Towanda.—
The lasl , le are re*pectfully invited to call and
examine to. satt,fy thernwlvog; at Nu. 5, Brick Row.
'owanda; -I•ptember 21, 114.17.
.1) N. DLE liM and 11 to.tlroit t olvoottg, to call at the
Drug Depot, where they can tie supplied with eve
v anti to destryd, -uch ar t itial , , 'essences. 4r,c., on Lk
tart ,erms. jell; No, 1, BRICK litiW
rr ERN 1.:12E SU A W I,N a fir w and "Article ;
I. also, drab. and mode col.sed Cashmere, I'Stradill'a
and plaid tvo,dien AaVe 5, ni..y be Ijmnd in abundance,
and rxt.l Lindy. Idtv at • RE E B. R.
A IVoolCii Factory at How,
.'r!IL 'aubscrib , rs take pleasure in announcing to t the
en.... of Biadlurd county and vicinity, that they
have leased far a term of years the building situate in
Wyalusing township, and known as logtiatn's Factory.
and which they are now fitting up woh,msehmery and
appar l atua luf elle tfranutacture of broad and narrow
cloths, It innets, &0., In superior style sod on the most
reason ible terms. Those wishing to have wool manu
factured upon shares will find at to their advantage to
give them a call, as they are detertnined that nopains
shall be spared to give the most perfect satisfaction.
They work 'Wool into Broad or narrow t ressed cloths
fur one •half the cloth. or if Feb:tied, they will minus
facture by the yard as (nib - ws :—Broad cloths for from
Isl to $1.`25 , Narrow cloth. horn 44 to 50 cts. Other
I articles manufactured for proportionate pricey.
Wool carding and cluitt dressing will be done on
short notice and reasonable terms. They aril be pre
pared for business on or before the first of June next. /
Wvalosing. April 25.1817. OA LL dk 1
0 -
General Scott in the City of Mc_ o!
t r And another farce stock of Goods )..d rrriged at
I which hove been carefolly selected for thr/Fill Trade
public are invited to call and/examine their
stock Of Dry Goods, Groceries/Hardware and
Crockery. Boots At:Shoes, Hats &C . and everything
in the line of staples, suited to the ants of this region
of country, which haYe been pur awed exclusively for
Cash, and at the lowest ebb in / 4he market. We 'hope
out old friends will not forg:eto give us a call, as we
can make it an object for On, to do so.
Towanda, August 18,1' 7.
\IT HERE as, my yr. e. LA VIN A DU . NN, has left
V my bed and bo. rd, without any Just cause or
proe. ) cation, this is hereby to caution any person from
harbonn7 or trusting, ber on my account, as I vgill pay
nJ debts or demands of her contracting.
Romt, Aug. '2, 1 1 347. PATRICK DUNN.
Atterthanbiw i at.
LARGE and well selected assortment of Fall and
Winter Goods , j ust received , and fot sale by EL
uorr TOMEINS, consisting of
Among our Goods may be found, French, English
and American Cloths and Cassimeres; also, a good as
sortment of Fancy Cashmeres and Tweeds, sheep's
gray cloth and iiittinets; also, a good assb,rtmcnt of
Over coat Cloths and Cloaking; .
For the LADIES, we hare, any quantity of Ging
ham; Ntrilelsines, Cashmeres, - alpaccas, of all colors
and price; both cotton and silk warp ; Shawls; of all
kinds, dress silk, black and fancy, with trimming to
Also—Bonnet Silk & Bonnet Velvet with trimmings.
MUF FS—a, large mock.
Elmira, Corning and 'Buffalo Line,
. • • 3 4 :1111,. fiWo
connected with this line, (see advertiseirient in an
other column. will leave Elmira on Tuesday,. 14th inst.:
and on every alternate Tuesday thereafter, during the
season. sepls
What are you about here! Aral ye!! Yes, I gurus° !
IUBAN DS of times the question has been asked,
1- Where Mr earth are all the Boots sod Shoal ma
nufactured that supply the continual rush at the corner
of Main and Bridge strceui tillera answers that this
is the place, and these arc the things we do it with
14g Seventydemi new plhions
every two seconds!
~ ---- - -z
--'.---.7r=f?-‘'" Put on the Scam : !
Hear ye ! hear ye ! and understand, thift O'Hara, ■t
the corner of Main and Bridge streets, will sell at retail
this season. 30.781 'pairs.of Boots, Shoes and Brogans,
at a less pike than ever was or probably ever will be of
fered again in Towanda.
The Ladies' Department in this establishment is
richly furni•hed with fashions. Ladies', misses' and
cliildrete; fancy and common hoots and shoes, even to
the extremity of the latest fashions. Mistake not the
place —Corner of Main and Bridge streets, Me only
Shoe Store in Brudfurd County. Half cash and half
trade for Butter. H. O'HARA.
Towanda. June 16, 1847.
ured and
nEI c
suliseriheirla are a little later than usual this
spring with their extensive litereirrof merchandize;
but what the good people of Bradford county havejost
by our delay, we will now endeavor to make up to thicii
in the quantity. qu.dity and price of our goods.
W e a 4 DOW on hand with the LARGrtiT, BEt","i•
AND CH tiA PEST stock of iploda in Towanda, bought
exelu.,ieely I'm cash, and Since the great reduction in
prices. U r ectnsisLs as usual of
Dry Goods,,Graceries. Crockery. Hard
ware. br \ tars and Medicines.
For further panic look along through the paper.
We need not r.ay Cuii \ anur examine our Conth:," for
we know that every laxly - watt. call at No. 3, belore
purchasing elsewhere. V 'l( \s l. H. BAIRD & CO.
June 15, 1547
usT ..ecei veil at No. :t Brick ow, an extensive
ass.irtinent of rich and desirable resit goods of the
latest itt Ir. such as striped TJrleton, e broidered mus
lin, Cherry lustre, M. De Leine, th gluon Lawn.
mourning 2rgandle, Balzonne Gingham Mts. Ladies
wiped dresses, together with all the new an fashiona.
Ise bney goodsthat could be (Mind in th. cit of New
York, and will he sold cheaper than the 'sem goods
can he bought at any oche: e. tablishment in thew nty.
Remember this, and before ycru purchase stop into
LIAIRD'M N 0.3, H.. R.
Tly I* G1)1 iDt.l..—Everything in tie hue uf Dry Goods
usually kept in this country, or ever winited tur
use, can he found at No. 3. The said goods were pur
chased in New York after the great rush was ovir, and
When there iva. a great depression in the Markets, and
consequently were bought cheaper and Alan/I:be add
cheaper than any !dodo uf goods in Bradford county.—
This is true, if we do say it ourselves, and if you
believe ii. just ilt,p in at No:3, where the childeen cry
to tome! and you wiil become cudvinced that goOds
cull be saitcheap in 'Miranda.
ALT— 100 blls. salt just rfreived and for Kale
1 , -7 at SNIRWS, B. R.
IMUR.-513 sacks of first rate flour just received
1 and for sale at BAIRD'S, :CO). 3, B. R.
New Arrival at No. 1, Brick Row !
S. Chamberlin,
C new riceiving, and offers (or sale at the DRUG
DEPOT. No, I, Brick Row., large adlition t• - ) his
former eutok, eonvistilg of every variety of
Groceries, Dross and Medirines. Dyr Stuffs, Paints,
Oils, Perfumery, Fancy Articles &e.
which mill be sold at wholesale or retail, at iniuvnally
low prices. Terms CASH. Towanda, June 16,1447.
GROCERY'S. in the country. can be stipplied with
all articles in Owur line, on the most reasonable
terms, at jelb No. I, BRICK ROW.
DIC 1 . 0111,.1. BRO ITER JONATH N, for the
1- Fourth of July, at No. I, BRICK ROW.
PATENT MEDICINES, every kind now in we,
can be found at the Drug Depot; Agent forldytte's
Smith's, Clickener's, Moffat's, Pain killer, and various
other medicine'. A full and general supply always on
hand jel6 No.l, BRICK ROW.
First Arrival of Goods from New York
Barton Kingsbery,
IS now receiving a general marortinent of Spring and
.1 Summer Coods, which will be sold cheaper than
goods were ever offered in this Timm before. His
Inemls will find as they mount the steps at his door that
prisfs go down. Call and examine for yourselves.—
My goods and prices will praiae themselves. Yo u will
find a large and general assortment „of every variety of
Dry G•mods, Groceri s, Hardware. Crockery, Glass,
Nada, Iron. Steel. Paints. Oils, Dye Muffs, Boot-, Shoes,
Hats, Caps, Codfish, Maekerel. drc., dtc.
My friends and the public generally are respectfully
invited to call and examine my Mock, as lam satisfied
I can offer them goods cheaper than at any other Store.
May 17th, 1847.
LlsT OF LEYTERs, remaining in the Post Privy'
s , - Athens; quarter ending Sept. 80, 1847.
Bertran James Ort John
Brown Simeon H O'Caon John
Brown 1 a es sen Park James N
Bloomfi ri Thrones Price Miss S M
Clerk the Circuit court Peters Mrs Elizabeth
Cra Rthert Pillion E W
C ry E Eld Rogers John ,
morrst Nicholas Richards R M
ranch Samuel Rogers Elimbeth , H
1 Griswold Mary Reynolds TS . .
Hendricks F Smith Joseph
If ',ens Fanny Stanley Ann Elise
Hulet Janice Smith John sen
,I ,Havens Sebes Swartwood Geo K
1 florlen John s Shepard Job
Jahrtrion A C Smith Harriet M
Lyon C B Thus M H.
Loudoem •Jameri Vannocken H H
. Lamb Harrison Vergerron Joseph
Lane Thomas Weller A . .
Mcf:lwalti James• • . - Wilson Bradford
Maxwell Thornhill White Rebecca
Maxwell Wm Warner Miss A P •
Miller Frances A iVestfield Elisha
N esbet ?if irgaret ie . • NV inship Henry,
Nearing Phehe Ann Nark Levine
First lot of New Goods in Towanda.
A ONTANY ES' & CO. are receiving a large asei
.I.VI general assortment ore - firing and Summer Good/
h Will be disposed of at wholesale or retail of re
duced rims. April 211, 1847.
mcichanbit, &rt
Just Received at No. 2, Brick Row,
Oceans of New Fall & Malec Goods,
IviiicH must and will be sold at the very lowest
notch for Cash or Ready Pay. Every 'warm
who may want UOOD and CHEAP goods, is rtmcisct
fully invited to call and examine this stock, D in%
fail to call as it costs nothing to look, and we consider
it a favor to show the goods, and will try to make it au
object fur those wishing to buy of E. 'l'. FOX.
1..4/ shillings, wicking, Wadding, batting, Cotton ya-it
and carpet warp, cheap as the cheapest, at No. '2, B.
R., at sepls 0 • FOX'S,
GINGHAM 4!-3u pieces new and
1, - ,1 most splendid styles, decidedly the prettieat ever
in"mkiket. Also, Oregon Plaids. Silk Plaids, and all
the new styles dress Foods all at No. 2, Brick Row.
25 PS. ni,* & STRIPED ALPACCAS. at the
very lowest possible priced at Furs.
HARDWARE, a good assortment, Including Iron,
Steel, Nails, &c. at No. 2, B.R. ' FOX'S.
AINTS, OILS & DYE-STUFFS,. oleo !HatchesP
by the gross, at No. 2, B. R. FOX'S.
SEALED HALF BUSHELS, an band and for sale
at rep 15
SEVEN TIMES within thirteen months, me wife
Rebecca Corbin, furmeily Rebecca Daggett, has
loft my bed and board, I forbid all percona harboring or
trusting her on my account, after this date.
September 8, 1647. CHARLES CORBIN.
Cooking and Parlor Stoves.
Tus r received at MONTANYES.Fr CO'S, a large
lot—Also. PIPE, and a few second-hand stovec,
of which will ha sold cheap fo. pay. Sept. 7, 1847.
AT T annual meeting of the directors of the " To
wanda Savings Bank," C. & E. REED "w, re
elected in plies of 0. E. Flynt & Co., whose *term
expired May Ist, 1847. It is the intention of the new
Cashiers & Co. , to sustain the credit of the institution
putting goods low down " 'tu pay up customers.—
We therefore invite our old customer, and the public
generally, to call and examine our stock 'of New Ind
Cheap Goods, just received, and cons ince themselves
of the truth of the old adage, that '.Goods have, can,
and shall be sold cheapet at the Savings Illnk than at
any other establistitnent in Towanda. No.' 5. 11..11.
May 18, 1947. C. & REED.
'FOR SALE, a TIMI:Eit LOT, situated in the tr.
4ft_Jt Bur';;,yaon, in this county, containing mixing 197
vies, on'whicla is good mill tote. Fcr farther par
ticulars enquire of J. H. 11 A YNES, at Hawley's store,
Fralakli.i. July 7, 1847. 2m4
Mm" . ..MIL. Itir '7llL'' - 2151 @G.- •
urarz.x2 (o 4 aaaya,
RESPECT infirm the citizens of Towan
and the public generally that he is prepared to
execute in the neater 4 stvle all tioscriptians or
Home, Sign, Coach or Carriage Painting. or
Trimming ; and eery rariety of Panty
and Ornamental Painting.
From his long experience and the many specimens of
his productions now in use. he entertains a flattering
hope that by close application to his profession, and
being prompt to order he may rs.cure a suitable share of
public patronage. He may be found at all times et thr
Chair Factory Of Tomkins & Nfakinson, w here he will
be on hand to attend to the calls of those who may want
his eery res. PAPEIt•H.\NGIXG done on short no -
lice. in a superior manner and reasonabla terms.
Towanda, July 6, 1847. Iy4
tock of . Goods in the Savings Bank.
4.511, ‘ consequenre of the great rush at the Savings Pant,:
fu Cheap Goods. the proprietor has been indueed to
rep{l.•n t with a splendid assortment of 'SPRING tit
SeN1:11 GOODS, which are now opening, and .ell
ing at grey y reduced prices. The proprietor. Mr.C.
REP.D.pI •ea himself to fully and amply sustain the
Credit of the i motion which tt has hitherto home, he.
for selling Good cheaper than any other establishment
in Bradford co. ersons desirous of testing this, have
only to call et No. Uricis Row, and satisfy then-elves.
July 7, 1847. \ HEED. -
and Light Ginghams; have been received at the
R,tvtnga B ink, ■nd are aellipg twenty-five per cent.
cheaper than ever. jy7 C. REED.
.BOOTS & SHOES—A large and exhaustless as.
sortment of coarse and fine hoots and shoes, ladies'
full and half gaiters, kid ties, buskins. Fiench kid slip
pers. children's cloth and morocco shoes are now selling
very luso at the Swings Bank, No. 5, Brick Row.
IIST OF LETTERS. reniaiiiiii4 in the Mr.( Office
.4 at Towanda; quarter ending Sept. 30, 154 Z;
Bennett (71 0 .,,,t rt Kilmer loairh
B..weri Timothy Kirk NI Plisel
Bliven R,rlxrt Lewis William
Bancraft Legrand Lawrence John K
Burlingame Leander L. r.y Elizabeth M las
Blautelt,El.jah K Lent Daniel
Bey Jeremiah Laugishn John
Bowman David : More Mrs Sarah
Bennett Henry Moory Earvin
Clark chair PeJlet Morgan E W
Conhongas Nelson McHate Richard
Canner David Myers James
Campbell May lon Michael
Carol Eliza. A Tit intros Joseph
Doz John M (}?Hdey Juhp A
Dalton Cha'a Fof Jas M Purcell Denis
Dayton A 'Pert
Drake John 2 Porter Daniel K
Ellis Willism Ross Niche Ann Miss
Essenline Z Mt•s Stephens Miry ) ,
Pergenam Wm Burton Sersinon Oliver
Poster Miss June E Stone Ingham
Flyn Patrick Sweet Jarvis C
Fitzuer:ild Cornelius Sweeny Michael
Gardner Jacob 1.: Spalding Joseph
Ceer Rorert • Stanley John
Hallett Winkel Tupper CI K
Hays Michael Towner Edmond Castel
Harlem Wm J Walsh William
Harkness Lucinda Watts I.cuisa .
Hoyt \lies Jane Webb Andrew
Hine Henry W Wattles I Morris
Irvine Janes W Warner Henry
John.on Andrew WoorlruffJared
Jackson Thomas Wolf Ann er
The Saddle and Harness Business,
S still continued by ELKANAH SMITH, .1. 'CULP
& C. T.' SMITH. under the Firm of tlkanah
Smith & CO., at the old stand North side of tha Public
Square, where will be' kept constantly on hand Best
Plain and Quilter' Saddles, Plated and Common
linrness, all kinds of Trunks, Villiers, and all other
.work in their line,
Carriage Trimming 4 Military work
done to order., Prole their experience and pqnctuatity,
they are in hope. to receive a share of public patronage.
Work can be had at their shop tie cheap as at smy (Abel
shop in - the.connta of the same quality. May IS. '47
•403'his fray for Bargains.
FS, selling at coat. at . FOX'S.
OILS, IRERFUMERIES, a spl • nda.l article of MI
•BrualleA, Therniorneteny and Fancy Articles, GA
sale at
. 11106 No. I, BRICV ROW.
Fair Warning and the Last Nailer!
1 - HEREBY warn every person indebted to me, that
utileiss immediate payment is made, they will be
sued . 1 This notice is given without respect to persons
nd all persona knowing-tbem , mtves indcht.ed, will save, by giving prompt , ottention. • ;• . •
Ort. 12. 181,7. S. if ITHAWX4.
`AY! JOHN ! don't tell any body that we will pay
the ‘,` ready John Davis," for 100 bushels Chestnuts
and 500 . 1b5. Lard. CARTER & SMALLEY.
i'Jvile Sela
!nista abvertisem‘ etas.
Thomas - Elliot St N. C. Tomkins,
HAVING associated themselves together in the
Mercantile business, hope by close application
and sfrict attention to business, to merita'share of pub
lic patronage.: They may, always be found ready to
attend to any' persdn who wishes accnmodatiousip their
They will occupy the 41 stand nrEiliott & Mercur,
and as n has just been enlarged and nrilie mote spa•i
otu and conveniant, customers will find it Pert/ 14c:t
aunt in do business tn. Ei.LIOTT de. TOM KIN .4.
May 27. 1847.
Neu• Spring and Sumner Gods.
N. N. Dr-17.,
IR now opening new and splendid serniineld At
staple and fancy goods at jurist/Vet (situate on Muin
street two doors below Bridge street (west side)nearly
opposite ttiontanye's & •Cu.) embiating all unities
generally kept in the country, such as
Dry Goods, Groceries. Crockery and Glass
ware. Hardware. Nails. I on. all the
varieties of Steel, Gthss P a i n ts
Linseed Oil, 'Lamp 0 14• c.
which he offers to purchasers at tint) 14 low prices fur
Cash, Produce, or approved credit. And would rr-
apectrully Maim ell who wish to pu
examine hie goods end prices befor
whero, as he in confident he eau otre
June 1 VW?.
TIORINTs, M. De Lsines, Ginghatris, Lawns,
The Ladies will find' a beautiftd assoitment at
june 9. I BETTS'.
AGREAT variety of shswis attaits, parasols To a dies
and Misses' Bonneta very chespi et
BLACK & BEAVER CLOTHB, black , old fancy
Casa-mores, sod all sorts of Sommer stuffs, ejarge
assortment, loss for cash at. BE r'N'.
11( [ I)OW & L PAPER, a nice variety and
V cheap at
A RBIS & BLOODS' -Gram; scythes and scythe
snaths;aldu Haul... cradle scythed at BE rrb..
QlLKS.—flack, colored. plaid, and than:re:Me mess
Silky ; also, white and colored 3.)•lntt Satin.. at
DRESS GOODS-100 pieces now opening at the
Savings Bank, consisting of FreruA Merinos, plain
A Iparcas. A tryoinian stripes, cerdoaer plaits, cashmeres,
moushii-de lames, plain and twilled gnighams, - dre.,4c.
all of which will be sJid low at REEDS.
& CASSINIERES, Ve.ainipt,i Overcoat
I:loth*, such as brown. olive and gold roiled Bea
will br *old very low at SAVING:4 BASK.
I: 4 l tirliAY".—Broke Ins the enclosure of therulisen
-1.4 bet, on the 26th 'of August last, a KED COW, 8
Or 9 years old. The owner is requested to prove pro
perty, pay charges and take htr away.
Troy, Sept. 27. HOWARD :!.%E' ',DING. Sen.
Corner of Main and Bridge Streas;
JusT OPENING, at the cornet of Main & Ilrid t re
J street, a well-selected assortment of new and fnh
ionahle DR Y GOOD', which will be sold unusually
low for ready pay, The stock consists in part of
Satinett, flannel, gingham, alpiol:ca, the cheapest lot of
prints in town, edgings, iii4ertings, Swiss and r am
brit.. muslin", linsey, canton flannel, drilling,
bleach, t 1 and brown muslin, (not to by
swims-red) ticking, check, cashmere,
Lotion, wool and buck glove.',
cotton hose, suspenders;
German handdrchrs,
cotton and pongee hdkrs,
gingham cravats. plaid shawls,
nol comforter", cotton-tapes, patent
thread, sewing bilk, cotrop balls, packs •
Linn, nertile4, spool cotton, hooka and eyes
ewiperider, .liirt and metal touttohs, with many oth
er articles, usually found in a store. not mentioned.
The im! , lic are invited to call and examine the stock
before purchasing elsewhere. ax they will be suld rheJp
er than at any other esta!ilishmetit in town.
T .teandx, Nov. I I. H. t rliA RA.
New Arrival of Goods, by Eipress!,
AS ju•t received from New York, a beautiful as.H
sortment of Lawns, Gish:chains, Bonnetts„ Palm
Leaf Harts, eVc.. &r., which will be sold very cheep.—
Also Ciips and P s ra..ol4 and a variety of other goods.
Call and see the reduction fmm List spring's pricers,
and if you should want any thing in the way of New
Goods, you will he sure to buy. April ' 8.17.
1 - )RINTS, of every variety and style, foreign and
mestic, now opening at wholesale and retail, st
FRINGES & GIMPS, of all uda; a:so, i3uttons
and other trimmings for Wise dresseaand smelts,
superior style and harsh, and ltynce. to suit those
vitro wish to 'purchase cheap. •
atila MONIqN YES 't!li CO.
QIIOEs--I,,,dies' Misses and Children's, a are vs
rimy on hand at jo9
TOHN W. .WILCOX, having purchased thelinte
ail rest of his late partner, respectfully informs the puh
lic that he may still he found at the old stand. near 'l'.
P. WoodrutT's tavern, where he still solicits a share of
public patronage. He in.ends, by a Careful' selection
of stock, and tiv attention to the interests of his custo•
mers to niake as neat and durable work as can he ma
nufactured in thia pact of the country.
He will keep constant yon hand, and manufactnre
to order, Mnrneeo, Calf and Coarse leonts and 6firiesi ;
Ladies. Gaiters, Sitars and Ups Children's do.:
Gent's Guile's and Pumrs,4c.
GT'? Cotintry Produce, of most descriptions, tak in
payment for work, at the market price. q j
Towanda, August, So. 1847.
New Tailoring Establishment,
Corner of 3/ain and - sts:, over N. O'Hara's
Boot and Ace Store.
ch E1aT:.2133V0 •
ES - PECTFUtLY - inforrna the citiums
Rdm. an the public generally. that he haacommenc
el the 'l' ring businesa, at the corner of Main and
Bridge eta., in the shop recently necup.ed ny Mark C.
Krnmit, where be solicits those in want of Tailoring;
to Rive him a call.
Hawing been employed in tho trinat fashionable 'gab.
lishmenta in Philadelphia end elsewhere, and being de.
terrnined to spare no pains •to please. customers may
depend upon basing their work ddne promptly and in
a gold sty! eas can be had at any shop in town. All
work warranted well made and to tit.
no. Cutting done rheap and warranted.
Totaranta„Mtgost 30, 1877.
. C a 3 l3 - 3a13 7 224.5iet
r FIB E re4partneiship heretofoteertaiitig jioetween the
aute , crihent in the mercantile business: was disaolv.
ed on the lOth day of August inst., by mutual consent.
Thom Indebted to the firm will make immediate pay
merit to Et. tV. Baird, and those haring demands again
the fins will present the'same to h.m for settlement.
August 3n, 1817
1 Khali wait until the Monday after September twurl•.
which wi wi Ibe the 20th Sept. 1647) for payment of
all debt. due the aboye firm. Debts not then paid, will
ho sued.lwithout discrimination or favor. Do you un
rte.:stem:l,l- au3o E. W. BAIRD.
S 0 DA' FouN FAIN, just erected at the Drug Depot
to which the attention of the public is ineited., 4
I'. EXEC u•roltis
puitiguArri , sh'irrder of tbel
Bradford county, Will be e
03aturttay, the SW day of ()ember. 1.
P. M.. upon the premises all of the
id tract of landlituste in Shnrherini
ford county, Pa., 6)nel:titling tbiltp:lS
abolit, equating lands - of' John Bd
Marshall and I:griffin on the north
aqd Samuel Marshall on the booth:
known; bring the farm lately *mop
Benjaudn'Briu.k, dee'd. Terrnr MAI
day of . hate. DA 1111
Es's of Bell
1! , 47
inti'llAN'S COURT
I N pur , traneo 01 en order of the 41
e•000s, he'd t Tu0,,0,d
-.on, v. loth day of Sept..
to I.y puti4ic stmdue oh
nn-c>. en J. lln+.lay the 23d day of
o'i l•a 14, P. M.; the following desbri•
with Ita approterienees, situate in th ,
Towanda. and hounded weft by Seco!
i t crows; north by the upper part o
lot ; south . by C. f.. Ward's lot, on
iv erected ; and east by the weal end"
lot that fronts Main at., by him late
formerly in the occupancy of Win.
Yank's property. The aforesaid des
being 73- i feet wide on •d at., and 1
south and north lines of Watkins' a
live lots, will be sold as the properly
Delpeoch. dec . & Terms made kno
t) call and
I purchamng clan
gadd bargains.
B.•p. 29, 1847
1 - OTICE i 4 hereby given that a i special 'cadet of
commun Pleas will be held at 'I *wands' on Mon
day the 2 - S Ili illy of Oct. next, at 2 clock, P. IC. by
the Hon. Jessup-, fur. the t '4 of the several
causes %%Fitch have been certified him ; a fist of
which may be seen at be Prothonota y's office,
Aic, , c14. 4 24th. ts 47, 1, A.. 111 KEAN, Prot.
.ALL pertions rodel.tect to the eistn ,
nard, late of Springfield
requested to make payment without
rri .
having chnt against. said estate , vri
them duly at sted to they subscriber.
1 RP/4'A LEONAIIII, ‘,lmitlistinfril.
Springfield, September 14; 1817. 4•
EHC t/
ARPH A Ns." COURT SALE.—I pormance of an
LJ order ot the frrithrms' court of Bratlfo-d county,
there will lie es• rased to public sale the premise"; at
the afternoon of the 4th ay of November.
hest, a tract of land sttnate in Ridgb fry tit.. adjoining
lands of Mortis Stephens on the tout . and by lands of
Dan A. Gillet on the east. north and'. est. • Containing
three acres, or ihereaboats, aH intim ed f with a aniaft
framed house, and a saw-Mill thereon merged.
E. BECKWITH, A.. do bonis non '
oldie estate of Albert A. B kwitb, deceased..
'Rithrherrv, s.pfrmber 2t, 184'1. - I '
811E11114 . '1"S SA
BY virtue of sundry writs of venditi ni extmna,sissued
out of the court of common plea of Eivadfoid c 0..;
to me directed; I shall oppose to publ i salerat the honsoi
of THOS P ItYoOblit:FP, ih the'nosh of Towen
on Saturday, the 13th day 'of No ember next, ail
4.10 ck. P' M., the followirgpiece or arcerof land, in
:".pritigholl. and baunded as follows, to it: on (fief:midi
by land of J. C. Lacy, east by lona Lacy, tooth by,
S.ionuel theevero, and west by Geo , with, containing
abott eighty acre. with oboe Aileen ac es improved with
one Log House and one saw Mill the eon . li
- Setted and token in the suit of D. IN: Broiler!, to the
use of Nathan Hitchcock Jr., vs. Joh L. North.
'ALSO, a peice or parcel of lan situated in the
township of ?dunce, and hounded as olloars, to wit ':•--
I.lo•gint,ing ate white oak on the war ant, thence along
the said line, ncrth 684° west, one • dred and twenty
perches to a 'post, thence by land of 0 rgc Traci, noitt
40°, east 87 1.10 perches, to a post, once by land of
Stored Wooden ff, north 61 ii . ° east thirt perches to a post.
thenee by land of A bsaluoh Coolbnug , south 6° east 8
perches to the anuth cast, corner of said Coolfiehgh's
land, thence nor ht 54° east,lild perch to a pest, theffee
south 50 ° east 87 5-10 perches to . pine, cornet of
RUM Cil Fowlers lot, thence along a id Fowles* fine'
south 40° cast '12:) . perches to the lace of beginning, '
containing ninety-one floes and forty- ven_parcho and t
allofranee be the same more or less
acres improved, with one Log House
Seized and taken in the suit of E.
the use of J. P. Smith and J. M. Orei
phy. .
ALSO, by sundry writs of Fi.ft
piece or parcel eland, situated in the
in the U.iunty of Bradford, bounded
lands of the Asylum company, on the
Horace J. Stone, on the.. east by lan
wuld and on the south by the Towa
proved, with three dwelling houses on
shop, ohe ea* Mill and an apple otc
taming semi mute or les
Seized and taken in the suit of A
Alfred W, Fellows and Joseph Fello
ALSO, the following piece or Rare
in Ulster totonthip, hounded and Age
wit: beginning at a stake on the mai
road running t rough Ulster village
thence south 21° west eight perches t
corner, thence n..rtli 69° west 10 perehe
ii corner, thence north 21° east 8 Per
stake. a corner of lot no.- 3, thence si
'perches to the plsee ofheginning, cool'
and being lobs no. 4 and 5 on the we.
laid nut bt,:Zephoti„Flewers,being the t
?eyed to Sidney S. Bailey and Milton
Holcomb by (laid dated the 11th day ol
1839, all improved with one small how
Seized and taken in the suit .of S. e 3,1
Sidney S. Bailey and Milton 13iiiiley :
ALSO—By virtue of a writ of Leeari Facies, issued
and directed to me, ono undivided thiil part of a Certain
message piece or parcel of land situate lying and being
in the township of Ftanklin county o Bradford state. of
Permsylvarra, and bounded e_ full ,to wit: begin
ping at a po-t cornet. (being Tile a° th east corner)
thence by lands in the warrantee nem of Peter toulley;
southn enty nine and a half 'degrees West, two !unlaced
and t
j a,
etity six perches to a hemlock ,( thence-by, lands,
in the arrantee naines of Samuel Sidons and Nathan
Hardy north sixty degree 4. west three hundred and
'tient perches to a post. thence by lad in the warran
tee names ofJoseph Lailley,north tvir . y-nineand a half
degrees east two hundred anti twent - a nt perches to a
maple, thence south sixty degrees tea t three hundred
and twenty perches to the begining, co tithing four hun
dred and fifty saes, being the tract of and surveyed td.
Peter lisilley,on a warrant dated the wenty fourth da).
e l
of Egbrearyk 4,2 94. One half acre improved, one block
house arid two coal openings thereon.' .
Seized and taken in execution at thi snit otiohn Illi
Weston, vs. Nathan Ijnith.
i h- JOHN 'F. 114 ANS, lehttrie.
• Sheriff's Office. Oct 11, I ti 47. ,- .
T IS r Iq' LE VTERS. remaining
at Troy, quarter ending Supt.
Avery William Kinyan ;
Alvord Nathan!
Berry Harry D
Baxter Ctarrissa
Brrgbt Win
Batierson Alanson
Hurritt E'y
Covert Wrn
Chase Win g
Case Ben)
Cal' Ester P Miss
Carpenter Welsh
Cuteman Thus
Duvait ;Stephen
Furgeraln John
Field Ahigcr
Hager Daniel,
Huntington Chas
Hart Anina
Raskin Elects 14 Miss Webber
cheapest G.ROVERIES in tow
of v4iioh we will ennmerate, vii :
of b4k or pouchong tea ; gieen tea
gusiunies; oh! Java, Rio and Lagui
pr . rwd+red and muscUvada sugar; in.
mould candles, lamp and linseed on.
July Wit, NO.. 5,
_ Lltial.2tbncritsem
I. tpboestoort of
. to public abloom
7. at Oslo o'clock
;following doscrib.
•tosnwhip,-1) rad-
Inc uses or there
. on tho West ; J.
landleof Thomas
sat by owners un
ed out Otitied by
e known'iro the
.'' • BRINK, 4
E ,B' BRVS'K. -
j. Mint dec'd. ,
rptsin'i Court of
in and . for said
.b. 2347, wilt be
&piety on the pre-
I ctober next, at 2
lot of' ground
torough of sai , t
'detract, on which
Wrn. Watkina'
hich bia new Nun
f said Watkins'
y purefuwed.
. thorn),
. a r tfte
..ribediot for sate
7 dee eloog the
J W rd's respec
t the ate Francis
n on•the day of
elpeuch, &eft__
/WI.. of Frs.
Krum St
rain God
Pctrr Al
Pierce S
Smith G !
- 81tattack
Strang r
Tears Jo
W {her
,o'neg; •
tif Clement Leo
ee'd., are hereby,
delay, and those
t please present .
E. 1
'with about SO
od one Log Data
Pow i 0
.g ye. James, M at-
. 411 that ''arm,
own ibip of Leroy
on the north by
west by land. of
I of Joshua Grit
da creek, all int
barn and wagon
ard thereon, coo-
snick Ilaw ley vi
I of land. situated
es follows, to
inlet or public
n said - township.
I) another stejts, a
s to another aike
ches another
..uth 69° east tet
lining SO perches
t of said road as
me two tots con.
Baily by Jarred
f•February, A. D.
se thereon.
etni A. Rex, vs.
in the Pest Offiesl
gl. 1847. -
)117eheth Miss
1 ,
, ph ew
l'homes •
tin 'l'
?se Amor ./-
i rY
Oe Amanda Miss
L ilri c ck J ',--
!rob 't
acinda R Mitt
r. NYC/N. P. M.
lay be found the
1 . A few. articles
supmior ankle
of all prices-and,
coffin, crashed.
lasses, sperm cud
raisin;. RA, arc.