Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 20, 1847, Image 1
' I st , . e 7a1711. 7 1 72=Gi ' TO - AVXNDA: IDcbricsban illorninn, October 20,,11317 LOIJI4A. STEINBERG :‘ OR, = THE NUN OF , ST. LAWRENCE. CHAPTER IV. Lonk down; ye pods, and on this couple drop A Miss/ten mwn." Tethrest. lid. Vienna for Italy, by the way of Venice, and from that time had never seen or heard from the vliarMing nub of St. Lawrence. until I had so providentially met her in the mansion I have men ',abed but hei- image had never been effaced from my rememhrence: and my waking hours and tuldnitilit dreams had frequently borne testimony to, dol?Rintiuenet-; she hail made upon my mind. I had inet s witli LoniSa, again, it is true—She was ;ante lAvelyinuature—aye, more bright and enchatitip.4; tiir the sadness which so strongly tine all her actions at Vienna, has _disappeared, • an 3 -he seemed the personification of happiness , ;:s,ll.:—for a rrionutrit I felt disposed to envy the i n an.whe Pi)S.sessi.ii such a treasure ; it vas but fo4 moment. and it *as banished forever : and I felt ::,..po-ed to thank heaven. that by her molexion I‘4!lt-lhe loan :she loved. so much Kapp gs. 4 had;corvt. 111 kit that I ("fluid have Xred het.— l'aatt•he wwya`n individual who would, Make life in Whatever society site jpight be taraun, she would always bade been . its brightest ~.„,i,",,o_bu t I shob i ld have been aliend, indeed, have endeavored - to awaken in her .pure bosom, lwd It • been possible, feelings of dissatisfaation aith the man who adored.her ; and who. Was• evi .l!•ntly not less loved in return: and I went nesleep a lull determination to leirn front their lips' in the morning .the circumstances which hail so a.nexpectedly liberated Louisa Stieniberg, from the tannery where I had left her. .Morning came, bright and cloudless—the soft -.nth wind wafted to my open windows the per taines-Uf the sweet sceitlii'd (-lover fields, which ..ere spread in Such %%miion luxuriance far over Wfis tinging the hold peaks rl rue northinfountabiS, with golden tints, and throw-• its deeper rallies and abrupt precipices in -aper and.:bolder shade ; and in the far south the sniukes uf:Carfisle were jut! , visible„ as ter -formed a '14 . 10 fleecy cloud.. where tliey light ir. the atmosphere. The gay and haftimore, was chanting its sweet !kites troni the top:crf one of the majestic elms, whirl' -tiirid near the uansion..and on one of the depend v,gli.iity brunettes of which, its curiodsly woven was floatin_ suspended in die air ;`• on the brairches of an appletree, within a tet• loot window; the robin was potir:ing forth the Irmo.. as if eniulous of his more beautiful and flitting tom tree to tre2, the yellow ed. and the blue bird, glanced like lightning and 1:2r.:1 throw:11111e prise etlier. I was :.and as I sat musing on the prospect. nl reileetruiz an the past, the rising' *beam., earl t4t'ir fh - xxl•of radiance otter the' vtll y? and rorivertei) the slow-flow itte Conneduit to a long 4% 11r_ line of liq u id silver. hi a short time break a- announced •at the table I 'ltati — again the pleas:111C : of meeting my kind friends.' Louisa met an' n ith snide : and the affectionate greeting of Lv.ii.ndi t iff. was most cordial and sincere: ' Itr•r Breakfast we entered the parlor, which corn- . mantled a line view of the scenery I have attempt -ketch; and little Francis, who from:the time I marl been able 19 admit him to my room, had seawely left time, now clung around me with a !mid i:— which delighted hisp i ffectionate parents. fear .from your look," saidtoviendorfl. ' , that the pleasure of the mutual dischvery we made last evening. hasleptycni, wakeful : certainly the de: light we felt, produced that effect oh us." •' It did so, in some measure,". I replied " the events of t},, past. which the discovery of last even railed up, have made an impres , non on my tni,l.l': Which time will not be able to . ' obliterate : in thinking et them, and in eitilcavoring to ac. • vomit for your being here, I spent much of the raifht I found. however, that all was wild' conjec '.:rollkid I dismissed. the subjeet, that I might . :,air' !he pleasure oflearing irfrom you this moru- • • IV,• -hall c..:7atify Yon, with pleasure, jtlitt,„the f.%nu , . of 11 : 10 -fl. (lays, -we. like to recall." OrpPte..l " they were day of itide,'lhable niinuletl, with the sweetest visions of .hap : but. Louisa. where shall we'_liegiti r Al the bc ,, ititiinz," I replied : •' I must hear it all that concerns you will be icterestingtolmc," •• then, if at the beginning," answered k.iverelorff.'• so let it be. I was born near 6ratz, irealthy and respectable parents, of received such an educatititi u ,lecined 'suitable for me :an education contin ",i ichreadnig, writing - . and I — slight knowledge of 1,.e At the age of fifteen the Cotortivecrsy tewcen 14.7:many and Prance begun, and tillk,,of ardor, I catered the service OT my-cquritry 1:i cue of the regiments raised in Hungary. I &in aaue‘l in the service until peace was consipdell at` Camiio Forme°, and that found me an officer in 'ne , of .. the regiment which was .disbanded—the erate of the nation no.longer in the °Onion of ;over-' "lent, demanded such a large military force. There s something $4, fascinating in the profession of .#;) tewitching in the very clan :ter that ictenll., it4—something so dazzling in the that surrounds- the successful warrior, that:he woo; has once assumed the sword, as a profesion, leek willing to re' linquish it for the quiet and Pe.wetul course of ordinary life ; and it was not a feeling of 'regret, that I bade adieu to any colo,ektilo ns in arms, and returned to my parents. lett them a boy, but I retuined to them a man ' 4 ll rat without marks of hotiora.hle distinction. I 4 .1‘ 1 been careful qt what property I had acquired course Of my campaigns; and at the close of t -e war, found, myself in possession of several q.nins and a fortunate spnCulatfim, in , . - 9 - ... : : „...,.. 7 ... 0 .. •• • • I . ..: - .; 1 7 •'..'' '- ' +` - '!..l' f• :"..; 7tl - 41-: , - f i . ..-• . .- .. ...... - - . . • .. E ::,.....,.....„..... .:,,,...••,.,_ • „ . . . , . . • . . . .. .... . .. . . . ~ . _ ~.. _ •.,.., , , .. ... .• :...::,.. : . ! ~. . . .: , , . ... 1. .., .. . HT] .. ~. ~.. _ . whichat this.time j_bappened to engage, spec dly doubled them..,,At this time I was importuned by my parents t&-settle for life, as by the death of an elder brother, it had become evident the t they must depend upoii,r , ne for support, in their declin ing years; but the aspect ofthe .times forbid such an -event. "The peace of Campo Formeo, proved to be.nothhig-but a hollow truce; and the lapse of a few months saw-Europe again in arms.' A true subject of the empire, I hastened to its standard ; and from the defeat of the Austrains, at Marengo, to the close of that disastrous campaign, by the re treat of the - imperial army, from Italy, I was in al. most every engagement. - and was twice severely wounded. The last was in a desperate struggle near Trent, when I received a musket ball in my arms broken, by. another shot at the same moment. As my wounds were deemed mortal, I was left on the ground until the contest was over, when it was found that I was still living : amf I was im mediately carried to the hospital, and my wounds properly attended to. I had an uncle who lived near - Cris, on the Danube, above Mina: and -as soon as I was'able to be Moved, I requested that I might be moved thither---a -request readily grant ed by the archduke. here I was received and treated rr ith the greatest kindness, ana during the winter fotnitt myself gradually recovering from the effects of wounds I had. received. Spring carafe and thou,:h my arm was far from being entirely well, I requested. permission to join my corps in the arms-, which was again about to descend from the }mi.:tits Of Tyrol and Carniola, into the plains of of Italy. The application was refused, but it was accompanied with a most complimentary note, from the ,yeteran Wurmser, %% ho had witnessed the affair that came so near closing my military career, assuring me that, whenever in health wits suffi ciently recovered, I would be welcomed tb the ar- my and receive an honorable command. .1 had now nothing to do, but to spend my time in the manner that would tie the most profitable and agreeable to myself andithat was reading; and as gained strength, riding and hunting. For some cause I had contracted an a% ersion to the society in the neighborhood of thy uncle ; and having once been suject to the usual routine of receiving and paving their visits, 1 declined any further acquain tance with them as much as possible. , Have you heard the news I" said my uncle to me one morning as we sat down to coffee. •" Certainly not ; what can it be ?" I eagerly in quired : fur the situation of the aunies was such, that they were daily expecting important inteli zence, and my mind instantly reverted to that as the subject to which he had alluded. The aiews is." he teplied. -that Miss Louisa :• , ) tien berg has returned limn Vienna, to her father's, mid report speaks of her as the lovliest gal ever Yon in the capital.?' Poll, - sail I, '• such wpm:tide of words to an nounce the arrival of a girl, when I pectedto hear of events - which might have daided the fate of Futgive me my dear Louisa, for such an:ungallant expression," contiflued Lowendorff, turning to his beautiful wife, •• you will remember I had theti never seen you." . '• You have long a2o been forgiven,' replied L ou i na: ; m i d the affectionate glance she cast upon Lowendorff, showed how readily the loqiveness hail been accorded. ;.1 At this instant the .servant opened e door, . and a little rosy-checked blue-eyed girl; ve or six years of age, entered the room. " My mamma is sick,'' said the girl, "and if you are willin4, site wishes you to come down to o her house, to see her —I will ; immediately,•• said Mrs Lowepdorff; and r iqing, she took from the drawer a handful of s w eet- Meats : which she gave to the child, while she. di rected the servant to bring her shawl and bonnet. lam so:ry to have ou leave at the moment you have been iutruaucei to us, - said I to Mrs. Lowendol ‘• I shall leave myself in kind hands," replied the lady, smilinz. find limking at Lowendorff , •• I shall expect your return impatiently, but since Eleanor rei,tures your attenclunee, it would be cruel to reuse it.•' It cannot be thought of." rephed Louisa; " she has been too kindal,l attached: a servant to me, to be refused any favor .slie may request ; so saying, taking the-little gill's hand she left the parlor. N , ) sooner had Louisa departed on her errand of kimitiess..than Lowerttlorff, resumed his narrative. "My uncle," said he, "did not press the subjett i he had mentioned,. as he found it was so little interest ing to me; and Miss Steinberg was_not mentioned again by any one, while the coversation turned on the probable issue of the campaign. Two days afterl took my gun, and. determined io devote the day to the sports of the field to which I was so much attached.-4t was a beautind morning in May ; I hail already w:andereil several miles through the scarcely inhal , iied and picturesque country, through 'which flows the Ense. as it rolls its rapid course front the mountains to the Danube; when heartily tired, I threw myself on a Moss covered bank, at the-foot of which swelled a pure and copious spring, which frolicked and tunibled , over a successtion 'ofininiature caseAdes, into the rivel2 - hich uuas foaming along at the base of the rockguti was lying by me on the ground,. and• my faithful greyhound by that. The sky was pure and spotless: far. Girth the southwest, the blue ranges that.marked the valley of the Ense, were I plainly to be seen ; arid nearer, tl4,rnajestic Danube was rolling its dark Ole, far below me. In the shade of a thick clui . tie of Alpine firs, 1 lay mus ing on the past, an4VikerAing to the murmurs of the gushing spring thatflowed Erom the moss covered rock. In the cotirse of my peregrinations that morning, I had seek a large party engaged in the chase or in a pleasurable excursion, among whom were several females but they passed at such a V I PUBLI tit APTER T. If.— lly 1,,, I tv nu hunt ? T ) „.,,,p w'rat Is the ptmc , • 11 —Ttr, nty lord b.—lour chu:ce ,t 5 good . the heart Is noble'iro die." Play HED EVERY WEDNESDAY, AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY. PA., BY E. S. GOODRICH & SON. distance, that I was undiscovered, and as they were soon out of sight I thought no more on the matter. I was now, however. roused from my reverie, by the near trampling of a horse ; and thinking it pos sible it might be some of the party I had sego, I looked up, and saw that the person who had thus bro4errrity'on. ray solitude and musing, was a young femalk,mourned on a fine - black steed, -c it.. which was gracPully cantering ti, e gentle emi nence,- whichied to the spot wher . I was laying. A few specks of foam from his bits were. scattered over his breast but he obeyed the le - t. touch of the bridle, and moved as if conscious and proud of the burden he supported. No • sooner had the 14r huntress appmablied hear enough to permit me to examine her features attentively, Otani was instant ly struck with her youthful appearance and her beauty. She no sooner discovered me than I rose to my kiet and in an instant she had 'checked the noble beast on which she rode. and he was stand ing beside _me. There was a rich glow upon her countenance, caused by the morning's exercise-- a few curls were floating loosely around her neck —her eyes were sparkling with animation—and flinging me the reins of her horse, she sprang - from her seat without the least ceremony, and with the lightness and grace of a fan-v. To me she seemed more enchanting than any being I had ever before seen, and a second glance convinced me that I was not mistaken in. my first impressions. " 1 believe I have lost my way," said she smil ing. as she loosened the ribbons that confined her bonnet, and threw it back, "and i must press 'you into my services, as my dutiful knight errant, to extricate myself from this difliculyy." " Every order that commands me to be near I shall obey with pleasure," was my reply. •• Vcry complimentary," sail the lovely gi •‘ but that water looks pure and inviting, I sla like to devise some method of tas ing it." (` "If yuu will accept of such scup as I hav u se d, your wishes can be easily gratified," I tins% ered. •' I would wish for no other,•' said she as I ick - - ed a few leaves from the mountain honey-suckle, and speedily converted them into a form, which •tinsweicil every purpose of a drinking vessel She took. it from my. hands, and seating herself on the Milk from 'which I had just rise:l, dipped up some of the refreshing waters, " You, too, have been playing the truant, I per ceive," said the lady, as she noticed my fine dog and my gun "The morning was too inviting," I answered, " to be vasted in duller pursuits:" and dinging the reins over a dry branch, I seated myself near her on the green bank. •• I have been so long accustomed to a city life," said thelively girl, " that I had aduost forgotten the pleasure I used to receive from traversing these desolate tracts, and breathing there air of these mountain regions: and I felt rattle : b.saward when my brother insisted thatai should accomprny the party this morning, on horseback. But getting tir ed of the chase and my compony. I started to 1:0- turn: and now, when I ought to have been at 110110 I find myself here." For myself, I esteem it a fortunate occurencii,, since it has procured me a pleasure unexpected, and therefore. in these solitudes doubly welcome," was my reply.. " Philosophy says it is not ih courts or camps that we are to look for happiness," replied the ami able girl ; " and if the sources of it are within our selves, why may 'it not be as successfully sought and enjoyed in solitude as iii a crowd ?" "There no good reason assigned'why it may not,'' I replied ; yet in society, if not in the crowd, we are accustomed to look for it in its grea test perfection." " If society was always 4-omposed of such indi viduals as weitirselves should sclqct, it would tm- doubtedly be preferred by every one ; but it too of ten happens that in society we are compelled to endure, instead of being permitted lo enjoy," he answered. There was a soft sigh swelled het-gentle bosom. as she utterred the last words that convinced me she was unhappy; yet as I gazed Kinn tlfebeauti ful creature, it seemed impossible-that any thing _that was not of the most ethereal and heavenly or igin, could have aught to do with a being of such artless innocence and love. She now rose from the ground, and said with a smile, " I must be hastening my return, and I shall claim the fulfilment of your promise in being my guard," "Shall I assist you to your seat on your pal frey "0 no," she answered, "I intended to walk ; I am sick of riding; but give Yourself no trouble about my horse'_ fling the' bridle over his neck and he : will f0110w, ,, I did as I was directed ;Ntri-then taking my gun, gave my irm to the fair stranger, and we proceed ed towards the high road she wished to gain. " You are an imperial officer," said she, as she walked by my side. _/ How have you made such a discovery ?" I in quired with a smile. " 0, we women are inquisitive," she answered, 'laughing; "do you think I would have entrusted myself in your hands, nay, more, have,t4eri you into my service as I have done, had I. "riot, at first sight, determined what you were !" Since you have gussed at what I am, may I inquire who you are ? I asked the lively girl - " Yes, if you and I will answer as if at confession," replied the witching creature. "My name is Louisa Stienberg: you we that turretted old mansion near the Danube 3 that is my father's residence." "Castle Stienher7. i think i have heard it cal led," said I. " and a fine looking pile it appears to be, at this distance." It is so, - she answered - , " and I could now ea sily find the way thither, but I am not• disposed to part so quickly." • These words were accompanied with a mearkag look, but were spoken in such a careless manner, 11 ." REGARDLESS OP DENUNCLATWN FRON ANY QUARTER." I that I could scarcely divine their' meaning. In all doubtfulcases we make such inferences as we de sire : and .so I. did in this case. " I hate no disposition to break the bonds , you haveiso.playfully imposed upon me," replied 1, in lier"rmn pianner ; "there are some cases in which ltibE;iiiiprived of I.berty is a pleasnr." '• Think you so r' said she, with a searching :t.rlance of her dark eye ; " I have been taught-to think differently ." . C?nr first impressions are often erroneous, and it is a mark of wisdom to correct them," said I satil inz. while she blushed deeply as I drew her arm closer-in mine. "They - may be incarrect ; but it must take some time to - remove impressions so deply rooted as mine,'" answered the maiden. At Ihakinstant we saw two horsemen galloping over the hills, in a direction towards us, although at a considerable distance. " Ah," - said my fair companion, " there comes some messenger after tit runaway." "Are you. certain y ' know them at this dig. tame," I enquired. - " Quite certain," she answered; ".one is my brother Charles, and the other is,—she hesitated a moment—l dislike him so much that fain unwil ling to pronounce the name—the Count lloben lofie." " IVity do you dislike him ?-" I en-uiced. -t ear nestly, "0;1 see you have some curiosity," she answer ed, "and I have promised to gratify you. hat itari. is to be my lord ;—aced whether I will or no, I am by my kind friends, destined to be his bride." "Gad forbid!" ['exclaimed, involunntrily• 1 • Id ' Louisa started. " I would say Amen !"said she, " most devoutly, could I avail any thing but it would I,ot and I must submit." Never without you choose to do so," said. I, hastily; "you shall not be compelled to a union with any man. Rather than see you reduced to that alternative, I would save you, if it was at the very altar." "Merciful heaven !" replied arias S:ienberg, " I called you my knight errant, and I think you are becoming so in good earnest." jj " Call me what you please," I " ['hope I have too much regard fur the happiness of Miss Stienberg. to permit her sacrificing herself, while I have the power to prevent it." "Fur your good wishes I thank you." said Loui sa, with a slight tremor in her voice, •' and believe me I shall never forget your kindness The horsemen were now rapidly approaciuna. " Suenberg, sail 1, taking her hand and pre,. sing it to my heart, •• 1 must have the happiness to meet you again." °• You shall have the opportunity - if you wish it," said the beautiful and blushing girl; but now for thoughtless welcome and less .eqeareil—l hope :vou liave'emo)ed your sport this inorniug," tied the lively girl, as the horsemen came up , and think you must, as-you seemed to have entirely forgotten your humble servant." '• Not so, sister, - replied young Stienberg, you deserted us; and when we mum' you had nut ar rived at }Kane, we immediately set nut after you." " Well let that pass," answered Louisa, '• I be lieve I got rather bewildered; and had it not been for this gentleman, whom I introduce to you as Col. Lowendorff, the hero of Arcola and Trent, I must, for aught I know, have wandered here until doohisday." !iouisa's brother advanced and took my hand, expre‘sing the pleasure he felt at the meeting; but the Count took no further notice of the introduction, or of me, than a distant bend of his biodya slight nod of the head—which was retnmed by me with art air as cool and ,contemiituons as his own.—' Young Stienbei„ - g was about two years ' older than his sister,,arrd a tine looking young man. " I am much 131i - liLtrd to you for your kindness to my sis ter. and regret the trouble it has occasioned you, - said he, 'addressing me, ‘• and it you will do us the - honor to call at our home, we shall be happy to in part repay it.' • •• I should accept your inritOon with pleasure," I answered. • were it not uncertain when I shall be called to join the army in Italy." As I spoke, I rmsci.l my eyes to Miss Stienberg. and saw that though .the Count was apologizing to her with great g,allautry, he was unheard, and our conversation listened to with great interest. t Ypu trill accept,' said Louisa, with an earnest ness which could not be mistaken, any more than the clo(,uent exprest•iou of her dark eyes. • "It shall be expected." I answered in the same manner. "Lowendortfl LowendortT!" said the Count, as if strivin.g to recollect hirni , elt, that, I think, is the name of. the officer who, with his regiment of Croats, defended the causeway of Arcola, against the whole French army; have I the honor of see ing that i;entleman ? " He is before you," said young Stienberg. " I understood he was killed at Trent," said the Count. " Not quite sobad as that," replied Louisa; "but you see," contiuued she, pressing het white hand on my forehead, as she playfully raised the curls, " yousee from his paleness, that be mm.- have had narrow escape from the effects of his wounds." "It is the• chance of war," said the Count, cool ly, as he reined his horse around, while Louisa whispered—cold blooded brute !" "We shall expect you to morrow," said young Stieuberg, as I placed his sister on her paltry, and kissing her hand to me, she and the Count were soon rapidly leaving us—" and perhaix your walk has been so extended, and your strength so feeble, that you will accept my hor_•e to return to your un cle ; I can walk home with pleasure. - • I thanked him for his kindness, but declined his offer; and I soon bade him adieu, as with my new train of imaginations I commenced my return to the hospitable mansion of my uncle: 8 Father.—•' Daughter. your object/one to thy.. gerstlumun u) oo ;Arose Daughter —First hr tr old—secondly. he /A paMonDl4—alhi I eon never brine myself to like hien FaMer.—To your first. 1 any he will never he younger—to your world, yonr smiles will keep hum in good e roper—and to your last,you Will like him better when von get nepuentrd," MAMMA tiE OINYEN3III... That night I felt disposed to sleep but little, and that little was to dream-over again my inthniew with the beliutiful huntress. Men mho have never loved, may sneer—prudes may scornfully curl their lips with disdain—but I can safely aver, that of all the setisattonsof life, there is none. SO thrilling, so etheral, so extatic, as those which come over the bosom in its first and earliest love. It is then pure and free from those debasing ingredients—those unworthy motives, which so often, in after life. have their influences in deciding our destinies.— All is then fair anti bnght—hope smiles—pleasure beckons-=love's witchery allures—and, gay anti happy, we heed not the future - . Years pass, and experience, cold and chilling, .comes to convince us, that every thing that is not based on more solid foundations than those of fancy or imagination, will speedily disappear before its penetrating analysis. and charm dissolving touch. But love ) pure and rational—founded on mutual sympathies, and en dearment, and cherished as a sacred flame from heaven, will burn with unwavering 111'J:it, when hope itself Aorsakes us. Such, at least, are my Mel ings, and such my belief. The next day much to the surprise of my good uncle, I announced my intention.of,visiting Stien berg nor was it long before - I found myself there. I was more and more charmed with Loui sa, arid. of consequence, became a frequent visitor to her father's mansin. There was so much frank ness, so much innocence, so 'much undivuiSed sweetness and kinktness in* the fair girl's manner, that she fascinated all and governed the imperinm in imprrzo in which she mug ed, with a sway that was absolute yet. who thought of -murmuring or rebelling against their bondage. In her interviews with me she was unreserved—l felt that I posses• sed her contidence—but on a subject that lay near est my heart, and I believe hers also, a number of days passed away without coming to an explana tion. It is true I read her blushing cheeks and her tale telling eyes. deep and mysterious wads of of hope. which I would not have exchanged fur sceptres. When others were present, she was the same gay and reckless girl, though there were me meats of deep teeing mingled with her gayest hours. When we were alone, there was a slight tincture of sadness which carne over her at times, only to make her appear more lovely ; and the cause of winch I inn..,: have been blind not to have discovered. That cause wassher contemplated union with Count IhMentulie: - Older than the youthful Louisa, ' by a score of year there was a total dissimilarity iu their disposition and feelings—he Was stiff and formal, rigidly so---she was lively and on such a flow of spirits as she possessed. the morose coun tenance of i!Je Gown, oppeialed with chilling:and iltiadping rtlect—it vas like the union of May and December. But her friends 'were' determined on the mach—he was rich and houorable-had great influence at court—and obtained an unbounded as cendency- over Louisa's brother, who looked to the, Count as the sure source of promotion. My health had recuvered o rapidly, that I was, as I fancied, able to endure the fatigue of the service, and had reported myself accordingly ; and was now in dai ly expectation of receiving permission to join my, division. Louisa was the only object that could have detained me a tnoment. I was:unet.lay walk- ing in the thie gardens of the castle. when I saw Louisa; who was absent on my arrival, advancing over flOvalks in the same dress which she wore' at my first interview. "I been looking for you this half hour," said sl+, smiling. and giving. me her hand " I was fearful !hat you had deserted me-for another mis tress," k . " De z tert you, Louisa '... said I, in surpnse, " you do not now me, if you suppose me capable of atsuch ' • act ;" and there was an- earnestne4 in my manned that-rovered the beautiful girl with crimson. l'ciii must understand '' said she, in reply, ‘• I did no Mean that you could be guilty of an act t- Mat savored of unfaithfulness; but glory, I have t been tfught to believe, was the soldier's mistress, and 1 t i ave understood that 3ou soon intended to leave s for herarms." <. NrN 1 , en my country demands my services, they will most cheerfully be rendered, , ': was my an swer, 6 I took her hand and led her to a-little al cove, liver.ichich a wild honeysuckle spread its luxuriitrit branches, and mingled with the. tall and grace I sweetbriar, and fmni which we had a tine view f the noble. Danube, as it wafted to the im .perial ity the proudest. ofits'upper and fertile re gions.t. I seated Louisa beside me ; - and in her va ried conversation, and the fascinations of her man ner, lisoon forgot every tbihg that Was not connec ted with the lovely tieing by my side. " 11 c simation of the country does indeed de mand the assistance of every one who . is a friend to th empire," said Louisa, in a tone of subdued reeling ! " bin you—you, surely, are not sufficient ly re...vered, to risk your life in the fields, where you lave already suffered so much:" " 4 ease, Louisa," said I, `c you surely would no: ve me a Leeman: from honor, and tarnish the fair film which the very sufferings and der :4m you have mentioned, has conferred." "0, no," she replied. ".I was only thinking you might never return, and thea—" . . it What then?" I hastily inquired of the hesita- ting fir!. "you must not ask ; " she answered, with blush ing countenance and averted eyes. " I obey you," said I " but, 'Louisa, my own Louisa, I shall return : and may I have the conso lation of thinking, when I am away, that there is one in the circle of friends I have left, who will think of the soldier, and should he fall, sop, one tear fgr his fate I" • She was silent for a moment; then raising, her a _ - - C1.121.PT ER NI. - - - • • NEI 4,tik e 4 es, acid in a voico which doe cA Tii&t: %sal tic% or for,:et you—hut whom utieui .call a•Loui,a. du I. understand you.i call vou'innte ?'. - Nevvr'l", u:- •• Louisa, we lutist now enders said 1, as 1 thityetf her hand in understand yuur answer as the stances, or chalice t if 1 have mistake—if 1 have flattered my re 4 in .our remembrimee, in 'y do not pot:isess—troMyour own I dreadful confirmation—frozr!.no ten to a senunico of banishment - :• I will not deceive you, altho' ed myself," said Loui.'a. with Jently cost her a painful stru,ggl - happy : but 1 a ill not making - you 51.1—witesi We sep, - i' ver to meet again-1 most bee , henlohc, fate has =o-ordained i get the unfortunate Louisa has el " Forget you! impossible!" the lovely girl ; :shall be bless us—arid Mien, very oft° happiness of call you my dear Her hand was retained in mi around her slender c heart—in the moment of deliriot her coral lips--and *ere, boron exchanged our vows of -muut: love. What a moment ! Loui cent bosom swellef high witl have their ori6m above the stars felt that ( po , c.essed a treed might envy. Wc returned to 11 found the Count a n d Lonisa's b a short time before retuned fro+ been making inquiries for Loui ceived me wi his usual hau and I fancied that something of feeling, mingled With the recel berg. It was gissible, howev I might be mistaken in try st mined to take notice of it. " I understood," said the intending, before this time, to for the army. - " Wheu government see lii which have been tendered found backward in obeying th l «•erect, fixing my eyes on the The Count colored highly: bared that by a feigned indispi; ed the call for his services iu There are employments young soldier, than being fou front of wars," said the Coen , proved the latter. and are no ken. attempting to esvay in the this remark, he turned his ey she had taken up .a book and though he was evidently not We were interrupted in th! this delicate discussion, by a coon afterwards I left the cas EMI Two days afterwards I repair to the'anny; which w under Wurruser,_ for the p.n., : gnrous effort for the relief of ing to leave the place which resting to we, to try the fate O terview with the amiable L "1 knon;:" said the Weep around my neck,_ 4 . I kno know the indomitable spirit brother I know the alteroat hand of Hohenlohe—.but I s with him I never can vent or even death, would feeling dignity and cold p coulkl never love " Louisa do not suffer soc fill 3 our basoin." I said, k{-1 cheek " when the French tua, I shall return ; heaven and we hhall yet be happy (To BE co& Loot( AT TIIIS.—It is e change, that the drunkard c l in the form of .alcohol, in ply him with brew). for thr:, en. Each swallow at a t three of these a day woul bread; or if laid out in do! would buy seven pop. subsistence. • It is not poverty so much a ruined manl—tho rat-nut and an empty purse-4h show that must soon coin• courage to appear pour, a it sharpest sting. I The Buffalo Cminercial late Amin is said to have bei Two sailors ware killed by house on the east side of t. mast of ii schooner in the A lady fortune-teller, el retired - from business wit She is said to have received i 120113 foots, tha.-2 any oche 'A raven tcill lit" , ! OD 3 25; a bull -15 an km 20: 1 goal B;ararn. 15.11 dog" Late advices from Calti grant population from "th i native in Upper Calttorni A person asked an Iris' stockings the wrong sitl there was a bole on the .! A gentleman who has Luis Potosi, reports that inorly at that point had .=;-- ;TD, Irenairlea with#o one—one wfio you must never am I mrsza to the reply. each other," mine:. " am I to result of circuro .aile such a fatal :elf with an late r' lore ; which .1, i = I taut hear the the: lips will romiyou.!' Lit I igh I have deceiv ;effort which, evi-, "1 tuurt le i un- 'be the means of te, it umst be ne-1 :0 the briAlor you Must lin er existed." was my reply to ine—heaven 911 1. shall I , have the I:.i' 19—my arm rras asped her ki my ecstacy I kissed .high hea.xen, we and unalterable pure and lune emotions. which anti in . her lose, Ire that monarchs e ea. , lle . where we titer, who hail but Vienna, and had The Count re , eut:'-and coldness : i the 'same kind of !lion of young Stein, /.r, I reflected, that !rpri se, and I deter- nt t ,1 that you was aye lett this place o accept of services ern,' I shall not be it wishes," I ens- IMEM pr he well remem :idea, he had evad e army. • ore agreeable to the lid bribe grim -visa - go in reply : . 4 you have ;unless I am mista ormer." 4,1 s be made - towards'louisa: but did not observe him, heard. commencement of , ummons to tea ;' , and e on my return to my eived directions to Els concentrating itself ose of .making a vi ‘ antra. INras had become so inte arms,.withom another MEM rig girl, as she bung what awaits me; I of my father and my e of refusing the hated all meet it fearlessly : happy ; and the con le preferable to the un eference. of. a man .1 desponding fears to —jag the tears from her re driven from Man iprotect and bless 115 ; LUDED.I imated, says an ex .nsurnes as much main, ne i . day, all would sup ie. This is daily pray. em is'a fourpence, and i buy three loaves of I r, at its present price, 1- nough for seven cittys' .pretence that harrarsea between a proud mind keeping up a hollow to an end. 'Have the you disarm poverty of of nit, !says the ten tarfie oti tfie lakes- lightning in a warp o river, in Oswego. A. arbor was also struck. Wilmington De., has a bandsme fortune. more money, and seen lady living. • 'earq; • n re 25 :mine h e, - 10 ; a cat 10; a omia say that the erru- States" outnumbered the man why he wore hts o outwards ? " Bokase ;ther side. to be sure." rrirt d in Texas from San he 'Mexican . soldiery for- I. gone to the capitals .