Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 06, 1847, Image 3

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    oro. H. Morgan, headed " Address to the One.
Ti c e Democrats, and friends of the late Henry A.
msh i ce berg," to which; is appended the following
concur in the above statement,' Augustus
s pr igman." Now I beg leave to say that I never
saw -
this Address of G. H. Morgan's pntil I saw - it
pabltshed in the North American of this morning,
and I never gave*-my concurrence. The 'whole
therefore 'so far as I am concerned, is a fora
E ery, In I rma to the' affidavit . purporting to be
signed by
me, also-published in the North Ameri
can AO this momtg. I desire to say, it, is entirely
'dttrbient flow the one sworwte b,y Me before David
Harr i s E s q. The affidavit made by Me - before Squire.
Harris was merely in regard to the identity of bee
and had no reference whatever to the Hon.
Jesse Miller and Henry J'etriken, as Mr-Harris will
r e remember. Further than this, I desire to say,
that to the best of my knowledge ; and belief, Messrs;
Miller and Petriken never wrote any of the articles
-for the Champion - referred to by the North Araeri•
an of the Sid init. ,
• -Auousrus SPRIOMAN.
ilarrisburg, September 27, 1147;
I certtfy, that the toreving statement, was salon
urdy made and signed -my presence by Augustus
tyngman; WM. KLINE. J. P.
Harrisburg, Sept. 27, 1847., Dauphin County,
. .
To the Editors of the Demseratie Vision :
I hare seen the affidavit as published inAke North
American of this date; signed by 0. H. Morgan and
Augustus Sprigman, purporting to have been taken
before me on the 6th of August, 1847. and desire to
say that it is entirely different from the one woen to
before me ; additions have been made to it since it
vas 'sworn to. DAVID HARRIS, J. P.
Sept. 2.7,' 1847. Dauphin County.
Editors of tike - Dentoeralie Union
Gas LLLL have Juit seen the /Vora Ameri
ka:l.o( this day, (23 irily and on examination of
the articles published t rein, purport ing to be ex
quasi taken from the Champion , " - published in
this place during the wipter of 184344, that I
received certain designated communications
from Jesse Miller Esq., and Col. H. rertiken,
and handed thrill to the Editor of the " Champion"'
fur publication. I pronounce the charge to be a bole
.lie. I never received any comutinications from'
either of those gentlemen to be handed to'the Editor'
09the "Champion," or any other.paper for publics
pod or otherwise.' Those' 'who have. stated that I
did, have done so at random, and they- are wanton
and malicious liars. I am, &c.,
Harrisburg, Sept. 23, 18 4 ' . C . SELIER.
- 4!
Feirther Fabee64ids.
The North American attempts to Support its in
famy, by declaring that the . affidavit in its posses.'
1,05 is iik,the hand writting of David Harris
This is not,true, The affidavit was not in Squire•
Harris's writing, but was written before it was taken
to !he Squire's , office ; was only five or six lines in
length refering merely to two papers, having no re
tetence to Messrs. Miller and Petriken, as Aiignitus
Spngnnan certifies. sprigman farther says, that it
was signed having a blank of two inches or more
between the body of the affidavit and the signatures
which space we presume kas since been filled up
to suit the purposes of Federalism,—Dena. Union.
rErom the Pennsylvanian.)
Yet Another Climber.
Since the above was written, E. S. GERMAN,
.f,bq., one of the Editors of the Democratic CA/M.
pins, front its origin to its discontinuance, has
placed the following complete and indignant refuta
tion of the above slander in our hands. He speaks
by authority, and from the record. Mr. Ganstsx is
t Irty a resident of Philadelphia, and is one of our
MONI intelligent and respectable citizens.
- Testimony Si' Mr. E. S. Geroasat of
IPlBllidelphlia. - • ,
Ta the Editors of the Peansykanian :
Gentjemen—My attention was called to an arti
cle in the North American and Visaed Stales Gazette?,
of the 23d inst..,over the signature of Sett( Salisbury; Hon. JESSE MILLER and HENRY_
PE - lIIIKEN with the authorship of certain article)
. scams), Hon. Hamm A. M , published
the Democratic Champion, of Harrisbug,iluring the
campaign . of 11.843-14. I happened to be connected
with the paper directly after -it was first started, till
discontinuance, and know the authors of all the
hides published from that time forward; and I am
2 ready now to testify that to my certain knowledge
Jim Nlria.tsi. awl Haase Preatass, • their get
- trrs published, is this day's Pen*aylt s ati, assert
truck. I was not the author of those bitier
rles against Mr. M and others—bat I
kiwi who was. The author was a person who is
in no way connected with the ddrotaistrat ion, nor
has he been at any tine wince it.came into power.—
I say, further), that there was no such endorsement
- •on the manon.rints as is alleged by the North Austere- -
ma, at the tine they were handed en for grublica
s:- non, or at any subsequent time 'by fhose who were
connected with the paper and know "the: author or
• authors; They are sourionsoeven if they had been
•. made. All the articles passel thrisegh my bands
previous to publication. The assertion of thus.
sear that Mtisin and Pzwuinvn are the authors
Lille articles in question, isa base falsehood; led
I stand ready to prove him a liar before any legal
tnnunal. • Tours, respectfully, • •
E, 8. GERM - ,.
•M•• Philadelphia, Sept. '24th, IS$.
The True VlMlllers Sr mamenaerig
Mem the renroylvindirml
One of 'the most seenri lons articles published in
the " Harriiburg 'Champion," in regard to the late
Ron. ficwww A. Measearatast, was headed 4 The
Blooded Parson." This article:l with ethers, has
yen charged by several of the witnesses of the
North American, upon the Hon. Jesse Miller. The
original tot muscript of the production having fortu
sately been. obtained, it is now in 'the hands of a
rehpeetable gentlerhan in Reading. On comparing
,t with the ihand-writting of JOHN 8. RICHARDS,
of that plaee, it was at once ide Itified, and en being"
yesterday to him, he admitted it was MIS In:M.
warm°. JpRHN 8. RICHARDS is a prominent
?desalts mid is the same person who was connect
.o., with th attack upon the character of Mr. Mull.
LI% 01,116, mediatety preceding his death, Which
attacks a mated in " The. Berks # Scluyikill Jour
we the o gain df the Federal party of Berks coon
.o of line he was then the Editor, and with which
to is still ttisposed to be connected.
Now, what wilt an honest community say to the
foal atter*, on the part of the Editors of the North
Aneriam, , and their morally debased coadjutors, to
It the authorship of these abusive artisles on in •
aacent aktd res pec t able citins I Add this too
'stole the Oatizaas i ef the auth rs of these articles
4 it preteOing to o thed tears o er the memory of a
Fitz who was literally slandered to his death ! An
holiest and indignant community wily not permit
lad coat i uct as "this to go " unwhipt of justice."
Federal Coastslaity.
The Bradford Argos, we perceive,.has opened
te !load gates of hypos itical tears over the terrible
!lattice done by the wieked latojbote to the late
- 11 r. Mablenberg; What will be thought of its ho
nesty ea sincerity, when its readers review its col
"MB in 1141, when Mr. ,Mnigenberg - well the
Democratic candidate for Governor. Then Mr. M.
l 'aa a wicked and vile loco ftaiting bet the
dest and injured man the Aignil would ric” . . re P'
"me him. If we mistake not, that print teemed,
11 _ 111 . 4 time, with the islsehoods and slanders -of the
mts and Schuylkill Jousts', attacking and 1112-
P e achiiig Mr., Muhlenberg's private character, and
" i ng his family circle—slanders as wicked as
k ssnlimself could invent, and penned by the
114 " 4 Who wrote the, celebrated Champion maim
"Pts:: now attempted to be fastened "pm the
Irtend s o f Mr. S h ank. We give the evidence
" 4 mother celumn,:that Mtn S. pickanb editor of
t tize , vile and malignant Federal paper, the Berke
4,(1 Schuylkill Journal, wrote the most objectiona
'e and malicious articles 'which appeared in the
Pion, ,and over isthich the whole federal . gang
/igis Wsting their lailnattlions.
11•Nvisim mrWari.s . is Skeippto Cleltbiag.
We feel •etrtmentined by recent tiblenradani to
caution our friends once mittoV v‘
i the a rt ifices
of thll enemies of the Demieradsl7 J, ht whate
er guise dry come, wh- go about preach
lug reform s or whe ther circulars from
tin bote—whether they comics from the Federal
party or whether they come Item the State of New
York, pretending to redresithe *rungs of the gol
den' of Bredkord county. 4ey are sincerely and
truly the friends of the Scutt& why this .pretended
anxiety for the election of candidates upon the fed
eral ticket! If they honestly believe the settler it
oppressed and persecuted by the Landholder and
speculator, why are they so sauces to secure the
election of B.qt. Myer, who has no interest in com
mon with, or sympathy for, Ott settler—who never
paid for an'acre of land in his life, and who has
publicly expressed his disapprobation of the law,
passed last winter exempting a poor man's oxen
• . sale on execution.
If they really desire a Representative to pass
laws restricting the quantity of land to actual Set.
tiers, and to prohibit the forced sale of a man's
hOtnestail, why so clamorUus for E. R. Myer, who
has added to the wealth he inherited, by - selling the
koweiteads of his aeigisizoii4 c - vaireubata:
We emote our Dem' ' friends that the mas
ter spi ri t, and great icuir in this movement is an
enemy to the came of Democracy, and in fall con
cert with the Federalists to defeat the Democratic
candidates and destroy the organization of the De
mocratic pasty, in the county.
Nan gibeertisancuts.
wL - .. 0 P0 1 .!45l
THE subscriber is now opening at the corner of
Main and Bridge.sta.,a very extensive and deeira
ble stock of NEW GOODS, carefully selected, with a
'view to snit the market :--iembrMina • large stock of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hard-wan , , Boots
and Shoes, Nails, Glass, Putty, Oils and POiss,
Codfish; Macirrel, Sperm and Taw Om
-dies, Dye Stuffs, dc, etc., etc.
Alsw--a great Variety of Caps, - Muffs and Bois, which
will positively be sold at prices that will give satisfac
tion to purchasers. J. KINGSBEBY, Jr.
N. IL I shall in a few days, receive the in exten
sive caulogue of DOCKS 4r STATIONERY, ever
offend for sale in this market, which will be sold at re
duced prices. act('
VI DI NEir ( 4 , OID %
largest and most ear - naive sweetmeat of NEW
1 G °CODS. suitable' to the senson,seleeted with great
care, and for sale cheap as the cheapest, for cash or up.
proved credit—iost opened at
Towanda, Oct. 5, 11147. D. D. BARTLE
rt WIT -41 " ( 10 gla
4 ,
H. S. & M. C. MERCUR,
• •
Consisting of more than their yowl variety, which
they ljer to the public at their proverbially low prices.
Towanda, Flieptember 25, 1147.
On.B, Paints, Yamaha' and DyeatilTs. of almost
every kind, at 0ec025 AINICU
el ING H A Mla & PRINT IS.—Plain and (Idled Ging
hams, English and American Prints; • beautiful
amortment at attp2b MERCUIVS.
J —French, English and American Cloths; plain
and fancy Cassinierin and Sattinetts; satin,alk,valem
cis and worded Vowing*, very cheap at
mrp2s MERCUR'S.
WORSTED DREBB GoODB.—Plain, figunid and
plaid, black and colored Alpacas; black and ear
bored French !cartoon ; Oregon Plaid.; deb French
and common Cashmeres, Delainek &c, • great variety
of 'eller rot sale at ..p25 M E RCU R'S,
& NAILB.—A 'large anointment Gm We. at
1. argon MERCUR'S.
.ep2s MERC UR'S.
VrCALISTER'B . OINTMENT.—A new supply of
/V.I. this deservedly popular ankle just received at
seta' MERCUR'B.
HAULIWARE.—A very ;arras& of Hardware, of
every description, just reed at MEKCURIL
SBA WLB.—Broette, T6ibet, M.DeLaine, Reradilla
and Wool SAatels, a large asst at MERCUWB..
BOOTB At. SHOES, consisting of cowhide end kip
boots, ladies' and misses' slippers, gaiters end half
gaiters; childcare" shoes; also an elegant assortment of
Hats and Caps, are'now opening at the %sings Bank.
sep29 . NAb, B• R.
COTTON YARN, carpet warp, batty , adding. wick
ing,, brown and bleached abetting" and shirting,
may be found at 'bargain and very low at the Samnp
Bank, sep29 NO. 5, B. R.
UDR THE LADIES—a lugs a s s ortment o f whit e
goods, such as• Irish linens, cows berred,andstsiped
mnifirai, jaconetts, awing muslin& /he.; else swiss mull,
and muslin edgings, thread and cotton edgings, bobbins.
silk fringe and buttons, lace buttons. patent whalebone
skirts, purse twist:. in shoot a great variety of fancy
goods of every description,inay be found at the
sep27 8A VlNtit2 BANK.
The most exteariee Clothing Warehouse in the U.S.
RE -OPEN FOR WINTER. 100.800 garments
on band and reedy for disposal. Meta* *Retail.
To,patrous we would lay. that having hut one price.
those who e o not andeistand the real valuation pries of
goods, will havklizaimormnity pufthimingGarments
as low es probssi :judges. Jobbers and deniers in
ready made Clothiii4, can replenish their storks for the
winter, and we goaranum the Impel estaWishmest in
Philadelphia to edict from. - We attend personally to
Me pecking of goods, and am that a good assortment
sizes and well-made articles are pot up. Single suits
forwarded as per order.
Cr Our goods are for sale only at the large banding.
IRS Market et- sontheamMerser of Market and Fourth
ate, Philadelphia. O. HAKNESS.
Philadelphia, Septern*l9
Milder Greta Nittery is
_Mexico !
z news was haireadibiemltanesuly with news
T_ lE : that there had bees
-.101•1 of Now
Goods at die
And causal a Tranasdous Excite/nal
The peewit preprister, C. REED, takes this sprew
amity to Minn his thanks Ite his pewee end
Iha pobrie grendly, end else ef in them that he
is ow WOrnot • will'isrilf r and pasnd of
Tall end Winter Coeds. of nary ammileim which be
pledrd himself shall and will be sold as low es at any
otheristablishment within 100 miles of Towanda.—
The pOlic generally are respectfully invited to call and
examine to satisfy themselves at N 0..-5, Brick Row.
Towanda, rlepeeniber M. 1847.
PEDLERB will find Rio theleedvantage to cadet the
Dios Depot, wherObey out be supplied with eve
ry article desired, such se phials, eeeences. dte., es the
best terms. jet It No, .14 BRICK ROW.
rrERKERE SHAWLS. a new and with article;-
1 'bee, drab. and mode colored Cashman, ggazuhllo
end plaid woollen @bawls, may be found in abundance.
on 4 totreowly kw at RDEDIS 9 .14
maw eacoania
A. LARGE and well Arca' d assortment of Fall and
Winter Goods. just received, and baisle by EL
LIOTT' 4k• TOMKINS, consisting ci
kV., GC. .
Among our Goods may be grand, French, English
and American Cloths and Ceosimeres; also, a good u
se; torn tof Fancy Cassbnerrs .and Tweeds, sheep's
gray cloth and satinets; also, • good essorunent 01
Om coat Cloths and Clookings.
For the LADIES. we.have any quantity of Ging
ham, M. Do abler, Cashmeres, alpacas, of all colors
and Faces; both cotton and silk warp ; Showily, of all
kinds, diem milk, black and Sway, with trimmings to
Also—Bonnet Silk & Bonnet Velvet with trimmings.
MUFFSe large stock. •
Grand Triumphal Exhibition of the cast • and :nag
nifirent collertion of
W Vir/1163) AilSTlllllkila f§
October 14, 1847, for 1 day only.
g Hours of exhibitioU from 1t03,P. M.
CIO" Prices of admission 26 cents. Children under 9
years of age, half prim
e The procession will he preceded by the flew and co
lossal ROMAN CH A RIO l', constructed after the model
of the Ancient chariots of the Roman Conquerors, in the
most costly and gorgeous 4ty le of workmanship, being.
$0 feet in length, by 17 in height,
/ream b 1 Alleckt Slough PH* aeA Norms.
Of Prodigious Size and Weight,—and Containing
The Cavalcade consisting or the carriages containing
the Animals all newly painted and gilded in the most
superior style of workmanship, and drawn by beautiful
dapple grey horses that could be selected. regardless of
expense, will parade through the principal streets to the
SPACIOUS PAVILLION erected for the exhibition of
this 'matchless collection of Wild Animate., where the
public may have an opportunity of witnessing the
Thrilling Perforrnantra of , ran Amburgh.
whose dimimon over thee, terrible and powerful crea
tures has been so aniyenrally acknowftplged throughout
Europe and America.
co- For particulars see the large ind small bills at
the hotels, &c.
The above celebrated exhibition of animals will ex
hibit in Athena, October 13th ; Troy, 15th ; Ralston,
16th. C . E. BRNTOI., Agent.
Elmira, Corning and Buffalo Line,
I II a042,Y0
connected with this line, (see advertisement in an
other column, will leave Elmira on Tuesday. 14th inst.
and on every 'alternate Tuesday thereafter, during the
Wild ere yes about here ! Ara't ye! Yes, I guess so !
THOUSANDS of times the question has been asked,
Where on earth are all the Boots and Shoes ma
nufactured that supply the continual rush at the corner
of Main and Bridge streets? O'Hara answers that this
is the place, and these are the things we do it with !
Seventy-eleven new fashions
every two seconds,:
Put on the Stains !
Hear ye ! heir ye ! 'and understand, that o:Thira, at
the corner of Main and Bridge streets, will gall at retail
this season. 39,781 pairs of Boots. Shoes and Brogans,
at a less [nice than ever was or probably ever will be of
fered again in Towanda.
The Ladies' Department in this - establishment is
richly furaisbed with fashions. Ladies', misses' and
children's fancy and common boots and shoes, even to
the extremity of the latest fashions. Mistake not the
place —Corner of Main and Bridge streets, the only
Moe Store in Bradford County; Half cash and half
trade for Butter. H. O'HARA.
Towanda, June 16, 1847.
MHE subscribers are a little later than usual this
1 . spring with their extensive stock of merchandise;
but what the good people of Bradford county have lost
by our delay, we will now endeavor to make up to them
in the quantity, quality and price of our goods.
We are now on hand_ with the LARGEST, BEET
AND CHEAPEST stock of goods in Towanda, bought
exclusively for cash, and since the great reduction in
prices. Ow stack consists as usual of
Dry Goods, Groceries. Crockery, Hard
ware. Drugs and Medicines.
For further particulars look along through the paper.
We need not say " Call and examine our Goods,' for
we know that every body WILL call at No. 3, before
purchasing elsewbcre. WM. H. BAIRD & CO.
June 15, 1847.
TUST received at No. 3 Brick Row, an extensive
s/ MOO rtmest of rich and desirable dress goods of the
latest style, such as striped Tarlatan, embroidered mu..
lin, Cherry lustre, M. De Leine, Gingham Lawn,
mourning organdie, 11alsoritie thinkers Robes,. Ladies
suiptal dresses, trier with all the new and fashiona
ble fancy good a t at found in the city of New
York, and will be sold cheaper than the same goods
can he bought at any other a tabliabnient hi the county
Remember this, and before you purchase atop into
D RY GOODS. --Everything in the line of Dry Uoads
usually kept in this country; or ISM wanted for
use, no he found et No. 3. The said goods were par..
chesertin New York after the great rush was over, and
when there was a great depression in the Markets, and
co9segueudy were bought cheaper and shall be sold
cheaper than any stock of goods in Bradford county.—
This is true; if we do say it ourselves, and if yon don't
believe it, just drop in at No. 3, where the chiktren cry
to come and you will become convinced that goods
can be amid cheap in Tototasda.
SALT—too bbla. Bak jost received mid for aok
at BAIRD'S, N 0.3, S. R.
FFLOUR.-50nets of lino rate Boor just received
and for sole at BAIRD'S. NO. 3, B. it 4
New Arrival at No. 1, Brick ;Bow !
4. to. Chamber/In,
I 8 sow and elan for asla at ths DRUG
DEPOT. No. 1, Brick flaue. klaryp addition to his
brow Meek, wensieting at erreirrineit et
Gromoter, Drop od NolicipAys Sto(fr, Nap,
ills, Mum, Fmk! letok& lie.
which will be .old at wholesale or pkilauguaY
low prices. Terra. CASH. Tow June 16, 1647.
CIROCERVS. in the eoutstry, ma be supplied with
kAI all ankles in their line, On the mostlreasociable
terms, at je le No. 1, BRICK ROW.
Fourth of July, at No. 1, BRICK ROW.
PATE'DIT MEDICINES, every kind imp in use.
can be found at the Drug Depoc; Agent for Jaynes
Smith's, Clickinees. Moffat's, Pain killer, mud venous
other medicines. A fall and general supply always on
hand .je I 6 No. I-, BRICK ROW.
illerdpubix, mac.
zsigvg mon. .
Thomas Elliot k N. Ci.Tnmtlis
.hig Received of NO. 2, Brick Row,
06C118 - of New-Fall & Winter Goods, HAVING thri"e'ves . "etherin th e
Mercantile business, hope by Ante app lication
WHICH must and will be soldss the very lowest end strict weention to business, to merits share of pub•
notch foroCartA or Ready Pay. Every person tic intronage. They may always In found ready to
who may want IMOD and CHEAP goods, is respect- attend to any person who wishes accomodations in their
fully invited to call and exandne this stock. Um% line.
fail to call as it costa nothing to look. and we consider They will occupy theold stand of Elliott & ilercur•
ii a favor to show the goods, and will try to make it an sad as it ha! just been-enlarged and made more spsei
object for those wishing to
ELLIOTT & buy i of B 4 T. ;FOX. ons and convenient, customers will find it •very plea
ttn.2 BALES BROWN /MEETINGS, drillings. I rat to do hnsiness
shirting', wicking, wadding, batting, cotton yam I Ma i 27 ' 1
and carpet warp, cheap as the cheapest, at No. 2, B.
R.. at septs FOX'S.
fIINGRAMS! GINGHAMS!-30 pieces new and N. BETTS,
most splendid styles, decidedly the prettiest ever iin now opening a new end splendid a.4sortment of
in market.
Alm, Oregon Plaids, Silk Plaids, and all on )lain
the new styles dress goods all at No. 2, Brick Bow. s c reet ataP t L a ,jb o d- ra tan b e tY h i g w ".34 l:rid at g h e i :t a ree to t re (w ( es sit t il si at de e
) nrarly
opposite limtanya's & Co.) embracierOall articles
generally k pt in the country, such as -
Dry Goods, Groceries, ('rockery/ and Glass
ward. Hartltrarr. Nails. iron. all the ;
' varieties of Steel, Glass, Paints
Linsce , l Oil, LampOil'4-c.
which he offers to purchasers at unusual low Kites for
Cloth, Produce, or approved credit. And would re•
medially invite all who wish to purchase to call and
examine his, goods said prices before ,purchasing else
wheriwas be is coufident he cat k offer good bargains.
June 1 1847.
25 p5..111.K & STRIPED ALPACCAS, at the
wy lowest powoble poets at FOX'S.
HARDWARE, a good assortment, including Iron,
Steel, Nails, &c. at No. 2, B.R. FOX'S.
PAINTS, 011. et & DYE-STUFFS, also Matches
by the geese, at No. 2, B. It. FOX'S. ,
SEALED HALF BUSHELS, on hand and for i
at sop 15 FOX'S.
SEVEN TIMES within thirteen months, mu wife
Rebecca Corbin, formedy Rebecca Daggett, hasl . - - - --- -
left my bed and board, I forbid aft percons harboring or 'IORINTS, M. De Laines, Ginghams, Lawnsi, dr c.—
- trusting her_on my account, after this date. - ' /- Tim Ladies will find • beautiful asSostment st
September 8, 1847. - CHARLES CORBIN. ' june 9. ! - 1 BETTs'.
Cooling and Parlor Stoves. A GREAT variety of shawls scarfs, pamsobs 1,31 j h.,
JUST' JUST ' received at 14101VTANYES n CO'S, a large ..1.. - 1. and Misse,s . Llionviets very cheap at Burrs..
ktt—Also, PIPE, and a few second-hand stoves, all B iAch: & BEAV ER CLOTHS, black and fancy
of which'srill be sold chetap foe pay. Sept. 7, 1847. , Cass:mere.; and all sorts of Summer stuffs, a large
—--- ---- , awsortment, low for cash at •
linty Carairy. T
--.- 4 - -
appear properly armed and : lITINDOW do WALL PAPER, a nice Variety and
tl.l ii
w directs, for military parade VV cheap at BETTS'
ie 2d day of October next, at - --
sdroff's Hotel, in Towanda. FT
W, M. TROUT, Captain. .
Bradford I
YOU aro commanded
equipped, as the
and drill, on Saturday,
10 o'clock, A. M., at W
Flept. 8.
& BLOODS' Grass scythes and Oaths
-Li 'maths ;also Harris' cradle scythes at BE 7"T.''.
CriD T A / ).EGC I O.Ig VITYT)I33.ATO General Election Proclamation.
HEItEAS, by an act of the Assembly of the Com-
New Arrival in Towanda, of a Splendid Lot of 1 VI morivrealth, entitled "an act relating to the clec-
Ready-made Clothing, Lions of this Commonwealth." it is enjoined upon me to
give public n-tice of such an election tig be held, and al.
lITHICH I will sell 30 per cent. cheaper than can
so the enumeration in such notice, what officers are to be got at any other place, which is en extraortli
be elected, I. JTHI`f F. MEANS, High Sheriff of the
nary dent. To all cash buyers, I would say, come
county of Bradford, do hereby make known mut give no.
and see for yourselves. I can be found at all times, !
tice to the electors of said county, that a
thine doors north of Bridgeut My assortment consists of
n will be held in said county on I LESAI the
Cloaks and Coats, and Vests of all kinds ; Pants. of •
12th of October in the several districts in said county
Faiwy Can:mere, Plain Black do. ; Dress • • •
•so w i t :
, • Coals, Orercoals, Sack Coats, ter. In Albany, at the school house in the north district
Also, a lot of Broad cloths, Black:Wrench cloth, fancy near the house of W. Wilcox.
Cassimere, fancy restingiblaik satin resting, 4-c., te.,, 1 In Asy sum at Jacob Frutchey 's'
all of which I will sell very cheap. y In Athens boro. sVE. S. Mathcwaln'ie .
Customer's work still done, and Cutting and In Athens tp , at Julius Tozer's.
Trimming done cheap at L. BACHE LE It'S - In Armenia at John S. Beecher's.
Towanda, Aug. 25, 1847. Clothing Store. In Burlington at Addison McKean's.
In Canton at Benjamin Coolbeugli's, '
In Columbia at Jame! Morgans's:
In Durell at S. S. Bradley. ; and the qualified eke-
tors residing within the limits of that portion of Asp
lam Tan annual meeting of the directors of the "To- towsie b, p recent l y ae t, ,c ithy authority of the court
wands Savings Bank," C. & E. REEB
were :of Quarter Sesiisio*in - and for Bradford County, to
elected in placs of G. E. Flynt & Co., whose term 1
the township of Duren, shall vote at the place of holding
expired May 1641847. It is the intention of the new ,
elections in said Durell township.
Cashiers & Co., to sustain the credit of the institution I
la Franklin at William Deemer's.
by - " putting goods low down " to pay up customers.— I
; •In Granville at the school house No. 1, at Granville
We therefore invite our old customers and the public i
generally to call and examine our stork of New and ,
In Herrick .at Wm. Durand's,
Cheap Goods, just received, and convince themselves ,
, In Litchfield at R. Park's.
of the truth oPthe old adage, that " Goods have, can, In Lem. at the
schen/ holm in Leroy.
and shall be sold cheeps r at the Savings Bank than at in vionr 7 oe
et J. P.
- Smith ' s,
any other establishment in Towanda. No. 5. B. R.
In Orwell at. the house formerly occupied by L .11.
May 18, 1847. C. &E. REED. . R
TOR SALE, a TIMBER LOT, situated in the fp.
of Burlington, in this county, containing about 157
acrio, on which is a good mill site.: Fer further par
ticulars enquire of J H. HA YNEB,'at Hawley's store,
Franklia. July 7, 1847. • • 2m4
---- - - -
MP AIL 3C IMT r- Ar .1117 •
arattraw Ooaaautag
RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Towan
da, and the public generally that he is prepared to
execute in the neatest style all descriptions of
Mum Sign. Coach or Carriage Painting. or
Trimming ; and every variety of Fancy
. and Ornamental Painting.
From his long experience and the many specimens of
his productions' now in use, he entertains a flattering
hope •that by close appllcatiod to his profession, and
being prompt to order ho may secure a suitable share of
public patronage. He may be found at all times at the
Chair Factory of Tomkins & Makinson, where be will
be on hand to attend to the calls of those who may writ
bis sero.ces. PAPER-HANGING done on short no
tice, in • superior manner and reasonable terms.
Towanda, July 6,'1847. - Iy4
Stock of Goods in the Savings Bank.
TN consequence of the great rush at the Savings Bank
.I. for Cheap Goodi, the proprietor has been induced to
replenish with a splendid assortment of SPRING &
SUMMER GOODS, which arc now opening, and sell-
ing at greatly - reduced prices. The proprietor. Mr. C.
REED, pledges himself to fully and amply sustain the
alkit of the institution which it has hitherto borne, i.e.
for ling goods cheaper than any other establishment
in adford co. Persons desirous of testing this, have
only call at No. 6, Brick Row, and satisfy themcelvps.
July 7, 1847. C. REEP.
and Light Gingham, have been received at the
81;vinga Bank, and are selling twenty-five per cent.
cheaper than ever. jy7 C. REED.
ooTs & SHOES—A large and elhaustless
sortment of coarse and fine boots and shoes, ladies'
toll and half gaiters, kid ties, buskins, French kid slip
pers, children's cloth and morocco shoes are now selling
very low at the Savings Bank, No. 5, Brick Row.
Proceed, GastSemen 1
rage. about these days. just up there at No. 1, Brick
Rrow, where you can find Aristocratic Cigars. Gentle
m m's Fancy touches. and every thing in our line ambit.
Drug Depot, uncommonly cheap, wholesale and retail.
July 7, 1847. A.S.CHAMBERLIN.
T IST OF LETTERS remaining in the Poet Office
at Athena, Pa., quarter ending June 3Q, 1747.
Abbott C Mott Alvah
Andrews C. P. Mills Jane
Aldrich John C Murray L 8
Arnold 0 MeDole John
Brion Nancy Merchant M G
Brooks Peter Norbury T 8
Bock Joseph 2 Mailer, Henry
Brown Anions, Pakisser - John
Bowman A - Raymond Elias
Chapman C D 2 Relfleld Junes ; 2
Caramel H Smith C B ~.
Canington .1 Y Steward B 14
Drake Francis 660 p r
Durphy Lyman '", Snyder Mary A
Hilda° Robert Swartwood Geo K
Edwanle A Furman Niels.*
Falwou Jamas t Tracy E 8
'Gardner L A . Wilco; Blain)
Hyatt elder L B I Wearer Joe
Hawkins A : West Wm
Hyatt M R Mrs. Wooley Win
Jacksona ' Watkins Mary
Crum el des t Warren Win
Knickerbocker Adelii r York Lavine
Livingston L ' C. H. HERRICK. P. M.
First lot of New , Goods in Towanda.
MONTANYES' & CO. are receiving a large and
general assortment of Spring and Summer Goods
which will be disposed of at wholesale or retail at re
duced prices. April 20, 1847.
TNUNBAR'S. Reeve's; and a aplandid anielelof Im
-1../ ported CIGAR'S, at No - .1.,8R1CK ROW.
serthaubilt, tat.
New ping and Summer Goods.
In Pike at E. Dc Wolf's'
In Rome at L. S. Maynard's.
In Ridgehery at S. Harman's.
In Sheshequin at D. Brink's
lu Smithfield st A. J. Gerould's.
In Springfield at T. Wilder's... .
In Standing stone at Simon Stevens.
In South Creek at the school house near Asa Wilde*.
In Springhill at the house of D. D. Black.
In Tovranda born, at the Claremont I-L:use.
In Towanda tp. at the school house near A. Gregg's
In Troy bore, at F. Hervick'a.
In Trey tp. at the house of Wm. A. Guatin, near
the residence of Peter Garabrant, in said township,
In Ulster at S. B. Holcomb's.
In Warren at R. Cooper's.
In Wells at E. E. Ayres'.
In Windham at E Russe't's (deceased) •
In Wyalosing at John H. Black's.
In` Wysiox at the Academy, At which lime and
place the electors aforesaid will elect by ballot—
One person for Governor of this State.
One pertain for Canal Commissioner of this State.
Two persons to present the county of Bradford in the
Honse of Representatives of this Commonwealth
One person far Treasurer. of Bradford county.
One person for Commissioner of Bradford County.
One person for Auditor of Bradford county. •
And in and by said act, I am further directed to give
notice "that every person excepting justic of the peace
who shall bold any office of profit and trust under the
government of the U. States, or of this state, or of any
city or incorporated - district. whether • commissioned
officer or agent, who is or shall-be employed under the
legislative, executive or judicary department of thi.: state
or of the United Suttee, or of any incorporated' district,
and also that every member of Congress.eird of the state
Legislature, and of the select and!commun council of
any city, or commissioners of any incorporated district
is by law incapable of holding or e/wicking, at the settee
time the appointment of juds,,, inspector or clerk of any
election of this commnpvielhh, and that no inspector or
judge or officer of s..,cti election shall then be eligible to
any office to be. then voted for.
By the .th section of an act passed the 16th day of
April, 1840, it is provided that the 13th 'Drawn of en
aut passed July 2d, 1839, entitled " an act relating to the
electors of this commonwealth," shall not , be so constru
ed as to prevent any militia officer from serving as judge.
inspector or clerk at any general or special election of this
In the Gist section of the act first above mentioned, it
is enacted that every general and special election shall be
opened between eight and ten in the forenoon. and shall
mnpnee without interruption to adjournment until 7
tc*ek in the evening, when the polls shall-beclored.
By the 18th section-of the. act passed 2d Feb. 1846,
It shall be lawful for the judges and inspectors of any
general or special election which shall hereafter be held
in the Armenia election district in.the county of Bradford,
to dose the polls on such election at five o'clock, P. M.
It further directed, that the meeting of the . Judges
at the court house, in Towanda, to make out the gene
ral return. shall be on the third day after the election,
which will be the 15th of October.
JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Sept. 16, 1847.
orationaS Reform Jroantnatimes.
FOR ASSEMBLYI Charles - Drake, of Granville ;
• —B. Rand Myer, of Wysoa ;
For Commissioner—'t A rn. Briggs. of Towanda ;
For Treasurer—Alexander Lane. of Burlington; '
For Auditor—Earl Nichols. of Burlington.
The National Reform Association of Mounts® Lake
have chosen the.*bop ticket. and request for it the
support of the ftisnds• of National Reform throughout
the meaty. THOS. SMITH, President.
Wit. Menotti. la.. See. sep29ts
SlLKS...—Black. colored. plaid, and chit:treble mese
Sab i also, white and colored Bonita Satins. at
septa MERCUR'S.
DRESS GOODS-100 pieces now opening at the
Savings Hank.consisting of French Melina', plain
Alpaca's, A bysinian stripes, cerdover plaids, cashmeres,
inouslin de laines, plain and twilled gingham.. Stc..4c.
all of which will be sold low at
CLOTHS & CASSIMERFA, Vesting', Overcoat
Cloths, such as brown. olive and gold mixed Bea
vers will be sold very low at SAVINGS BANK.
ESTRAY.—Broke into the encloeure of the sulvieri
ber, on the 25th of August last. a RED COW, 8
or 9 years Ohl. The owner is prove pro
perty, pay c.harges and take her away,
Troy, Seta. 27. P IEIOWARD SPALDING. Sea.
Bradford county,
Saturday the 23t1 day
P. M., upon the pre=
ad tract of lailideiturde i
ford county, Pa., contai
:bouts, adjoining lands .
Marshall and R . Griffin on•the nob
and, Saarorl 'Marshall on•tho *oath
known ; being the farm lately occ
Detain/On Terms
day of sale. DA
~ceti. 27. 1947. Es's of I
oliPti A N'S
IN pursuance of an order of
Bradford county, held at Towa
ounty, on the 'nth day of Sept.,
ripused to sale by public s•idue
mews. on Saturday. the.23d day . 1
o'clock. P. Al., the following des.
with itt. appurtenances, situate in
rowandri, and hounded surest by
it fronts; north by the tipper pa .
lot; south by C. 11.. Ward's lot,
is erected ; mot east by the west e
lot that tomb; Main at., by , him I
formerly in the occupancy of VLI
Bank's properly. The aforesaid ,
being feet wide on 14 at., en
south and north lines of Waikini
live lot. , will be sold as the pro '
Delpeueb, deed. 'fermi made
sale. ' MARKIE AN
• ' T
Sep. 19, Ad's of Fi
NikeiAl. CO
Ivo:TOrE is herehy given, th
k•oriimon Pleas will be held
day the llsth cloy of Oct. nrx
the Hon: William Jeasmp. fur
causest ivhich have been eertl, l
which may he seen at tae Prothe l l
Ai;Moat 241 h. 1047.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Ckmcnt Leo.
nerd, sate of Springfield MEI., deed., fee busby
requested to make payment wit out delay, and these
having claims against said es will please moment
them duly attested to the.suhsc .
ORPHA LEONA 1:), Adminlatratrix.
Springfield, September Id, IS T.
afARPIIANS' COURT SAL.; .—ln pursuance of en
onier of the Orphans' con of Bradfo-d county , .
there will be exposed to public • le on the premises, at
I o'cloa in the afternoon of ib- 4th day of November.-
next. a tract of land situate in :idglxury tp., adjoining
lands of Morris Stephens on tl south. and by landsof
Dan A. Gillet on •the east. northland west. Containing
three acres, or thereabouts, alliMproired, with a small s
framed house, and a saw-mill thereon erected.
E. BECK WITIR, Ad. die' bonis non
of the estate of Albert *. Beckwith, deceased.
Ridgberry. September 21, 1847.
0111'11A N'S COU
ll•pursuaree of an—order of
Bradford county, held at
day of May 1f147, will be ex..
vendue or outcry, on the pa
24th day of August next, at I 0
ing described lot of land situate t
and bounded as follows:
east by lands of James Dewitt,
Morrison, and west by the big
Mlle to Troy. Containing onel
,bouts, being land of which W
of Troy township, died seized.
the day of sale. CH
July 26, 1846,
11, 7 HERE AR, my wife, LA .
V my bed and bowl, an
provocation. this is hereby to
harboring or trusting her on
na debts or demand: of her
Rome, Aug. 2, 1847.
FROM the enclosure of ill.
of the 29th of July, ult.,
4 years .old, with black manes
shoes, high-life and • good tr
ride. The one with shoes, h.
Wells, Aug. 2, 1847,
i • This fray fort Bargains.
STUFFS, selling at coed, at FOX'S.
AT THE SAVINGS MINK may Le found the
Cheapest GROCERIES n town. A few snicks "
of which we will enumerate, viz :—A superior article
of black or pouchung tea ; gi n teas of all prices and
quantities; olil Java, Rio an Laguira coffee, crushed.
powdered and muscovada so ar; molasses, sperm and
mould candles, lamp and lin oils, raisins. fish. AK.
July 21. O. 5. BRICK ROW:
The ;Saddle and 11 arneAs Business
TS still continued by ELKA SMITH, J. CULP
&G T. SMITH, un.,le the Finn of Elkanab
Smith # CO., at the s ola stanL;gorth radian( tha
Square,.whera will no kept natantly orp hand Beat
Plain And goatee Saddlek, Plated and COWIN. t
Her:leas, all kinds of Trunks, Valium, and .ell other
work in their line.
, Carriage Trimming 4- .Ifilitary work•
done to order. From their experience and'puncitrafiry,
they are in hopes , to receive a share oFpubllc patronage.
Work can be had at their shop as cheap ea at any elites
shop in the county of the sar4 quality. May !8.'47 .
General Scott in thsi City of - Mexico !
And another larere streek7lf , Goods just received at
Otitis have been carefully selected for the Bill Dude.
THE public are invited to call and examine their
I. stock of Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardware and
Crockery. Boots & shoes, Hats &Caps, and everything
in the line of staples; suited to the WOOLS olribis region
of - country. which have been purchased exclusively for
Cash. and at the lowest ebb n the market. Wie pia
our old friends will not forg to give us a call, is we;
1 ,
can make it - an object for the Mdo so.
Towanda, August 18; 184.
THE partnership heretofor - 1
scribers, under the firm
day dissolved by mutual eon,
in the hands of John
4settled. A.ll persona inde
mediste pay inent.
August 19, 1847.
( — VI'S, PERFUMERIES, . splendid article Bid
Brushes. ThermometCraY and. Fancy Article% fat
sale at . ;el6 'No. I. RRICIr ROW.
First Arriv4lot Goo l s from-New York ,
Burton kingsberit,
IS now receiving a general assortment of Sprig awl
- Summer Goods, which will he sold chequer than
goods were ever Offered in this place before. Hie
friends will find as they mou tails steps at his doer that
prier go - doserr. - —Call - and .santine for yourselves,
My goods ang prices will • • themselves. Yeti will
and a Imp and general merit or swill 'Om, et
Dry Goods. Groceri..•, war. Coockery, Glue.
Nails, Iran, Steel. Paints, Oil Dye Wolk 11014,11Nioni,
Hats, Caps. Codfish, Meek , Like, tic.
My friends and the public generally are reepertfulli
invited to call and erimine gy stock, as lam Satisfied
1 can offer them goods chea r than at any other Store.
May 17th, 1847.
THE Subscriber offers
AND CAPS at the
Brick Row. where the hat m ,
waa"formerly kept. Those
Cash. will be accommodated
Fur Hats from one to four d
to Three dollars; Wool hats
cents to one dollar; Caps •1
dollar—accOrdiort to q u ality'
!gay 27; 1847.
Coen of
cask en
ip,, Und
er dieter
we*; J.
a lands of rtaimaa
east byo*neon nn
pied and own& by
ado known on Ow
enj. Brink, deed.
jr SALE.
Orphan's Caen -of
• iniand,fas -Mid
A. D. 3847.114111 w
r outcry on thip purr
°eaglet' nest, at 2
'bed lot of girmand
the koroughtil Niil
.• nd street, on which '
or Wm. Watkins
which his new bunt
• of - wad wows/
tely purchased. and
In. D. Storm, as 'the
• ~gibed lot‘ jig sale.
• 147 deep itlw* sagi r e.
anJ Ward's
y of the late Francis
nowll on the ity of
Delreucb. deed.
ll' r
t a special caw) of
t Towanda cat 14.-
? o'clock. P. M. by
trial 'of lb" menial
to him i . i bia of
.otary's aka
. McKEAN, Prot.
he Orphan's •docut of
loaracds on the aim&
' • to sale by public
ouses, on Tuesday the
clock P. M., the
fn the township of Troy,
hp land of . 7 -- Ward.
south by land of Wm..
way leading from (hau
-1 hundred acres or thew
,' . Knox, deceased, lam
Terms midi knows es
of Win. Knoz.-dreiL
INA DUNN, bat Mk
• out any just elms er
union any person from
•y account, as I win pay
• ntracting.
eutatiiber on thelsistit
and tails. One without
veler, but not broke to
the off hind Swot' white.
! existing between th r ew*
i f Wikoi 4 , Sage. Is tEw
1...nt. The accounts st e
Icox, by wham they elll
F ‘-., ere requested toenail*
J. W. W1LC9214.
P. SAGg.
his new stock of HATS
; rst building south. of the
!nufactory of Mr. Thomas
who wish 14 purchase fer
at very. reduced priers,
liars ; Silk Hati from one
om thirty-seven and a half
om eighteen cents Ito, ono
• •