',agricultural.` films, -Pins, BartaOws.---Shiniter's Farmer's Libratysaya the manual term of the hog's life is little kn w or the reason that every man's hand ° n 4,. f is raised against him, as if he wrre - itrstis itumat.e - generis,a,pirate and an outlaw !. But it is relatedby the Rev. Gilbert White, on this:_sul Oct, that a neigh bor of his kept a half-bred Bantam sow. "who was as thick as she was long, and - whose belly swept the ground, until she was seventeen, w.lien sli showed some tokens of age .by the_ decay of hr i l teeth and the decline of her fertility, and was the? fattened and killed." ' For ten years she produced two litters annually of about ten. and once above 'twenty at a litter. At' a moderate computation.Ai was allowed to have been the mother of some three hundrerl, pigs! The hot: Aim's a striking example of the effect's of emasculation, which, trays the sqine revered and amiable author, brings man,, beast and bird, to a resemblance to the other set. Thus, eunuchs have smooth, utnnuscular arms. thighs and legs: broad hips, and beardless chins, and squeaking voices.— Caponeohave small combs and gills, and have a pallid look, like pullets, about the head: and barrow hogs have Small tusks, like saws; but if left in pots seseion of their masculine faculties unabriged, their tusks, on which they'rely as the horseman On Ills sword, grow to immense size. On our late tour to the South, we were presented with a brace of these warlike weapons, sharp-pointed as a Cossack's spear, curved like a Turkish cimetar. Toy tad brandished in the days of boarish vigor Ilya glir - ous grunter, property of Col. Hufiar, the accomplished and indefatigable Postmaster of Charleston, and were large enough for, and so shaped as to su,..est their being made into handles for horse-whip?: METHOD OF ASCERTAINING, Till. WEIGHT OF CAT TLE. wattle Ltvtairi.,--This is of the utmost utility for all those who are not . experienced judges .by the eye, and by the following directions, the weight can be ascertained within a mere tritle. Under the head Cattle we have already given a .useful table of this subject : but the annexed rules will be found of service. Taking a string. just behiud the shoul der blade; measure on a foot rule the feet and in cheifthe animal is in circumference, this is called the girth:Alien with the string' measure from the bone of the tail, which. plum lSa the line of the bin-. der part of the buttock : direct the line along the back to the forepart of the shoulder blade; take the dimensions of the footrule, as before, which is the length, and work the figures in the following man ner :--Girth of the bullock 6 feet 4 inches: length make 5 feet 3 inches; which, multiplied together, make 31 square superficial feet ; that again mul plied by 23 (the number of pounds allowed to each superficial foot of all cattle measuring less than 7 or more than 5 feet in girth,) makes 731 lbs.: and where the animal measures leas than 9 and More than 7 feet in girth, 31 is the number of pounds to each foot. Again, supposing a-pig or any., small beast should measure two feet in girth and two feet along the back, which multiplied togethecmake 4 square feet, that multiplied- by eleven, tire; number of pounds allowed fur each square foot of .cattle measuring less than three feet in girth. makes 44. to bring it to stones.'is 3 stones, 1 lbs. Again. sup pose a'calf, sheep, &c., should measure 4 feet 6 inches in girth, whioh multiplied together makes 16 and one-half square feet: that multiplfed by 16. the numbet of pounds allowed to all cattle measur ing less than five feet , 'a.tu.o more than 3 in girth, _ makes 264 lbs., which divided by 1.4 ; to'bring it to stones, ;16'18 stone 12 lbs. The dimensions of the girth and the black cattle, sheep, calves or hogs, may be as exactly taken this way as it is at'all ne cessary for any computation or valuation of stock, and will answer exactly to the fore quarters, sink ing the offal, and which every man who can get a bit of chalk may easily perform. A deduction Must be made for a half-fatted beast of one: stone in. 311 from that of a fat one, and for a cow that has bad calves, one stone must be alloied and another for not being properly fat. MORE HELP TO THE FARMER.-4:utplioric acid is eoming into common tise,, among niglisli fa'riners. Some buy whole cahloads of it. The old price was eight cents per pound, but it can now he had in Liverpool for three—platinum reeeirers c though they eost 85,000, effecting a great saving, when substituted for glass in the manufacture. The pro -1 duction of crops remove the phosphate of lime from the soil—bones dissolved in sulphuric acid produce this phosphate, and the phosphoric acid so produced has bein brought to bear upon the land with' the most beneficial effects. Professor Liebig gives it as his opinion, that the , commercial prosperity of a . t.ouritry ma`• be.estimaz ted by the qnantity of titilphuric acid it consurnes". and NC Pusey-I.\ I. D. declared, in a lecture on it, last month, that lie coni4ders it no adequate criterion of the degree of civilization. In Wiley and Pitt natn's new edition of Liebig. page 184. it is remal - ed that Ingenhour proposed diluted sulphuric acid • as a-ineans'of ineroiing the tertility of soil. Sprin -kleil in calcareouslsoils gypsum is formed, but this is a-costly' manure--100 lbs. of concentrate sul phuric acid diluted with 1,000 lbs of water, being equivalent only to, 176 lbs. of gypsum. TREATMENfir OF HORSES.—To take. Film Nat a Horse's Tye.--Blow loaf sugar and alittle sal*, into the inflamed eye, and-in most, cases it would be relieved. Sassafras -buds pounded, and put in water, to stand Until it becomes nearly as thick as cream, applied to the eye is an excellent remedy for inflamation. To RelicveC'holie v. Amts.—Ruh spirits of tur pentine an the breast at the 'horse: and if he be drenched With it, he will be relieved. Horses should never be put to severe work on s full sto nact; nfore horses are hurt by hard driving after a full' feed : than upon a full feed after a hard driving. To PnEsmise PEAell£,S.--Gean yoar peaches by pouring hot water upon them, and afterwards wiping them with a coarse cloth; put them into of earthen jars. cork them up, and fasten the corks with wire or •stro,, twiny: then place the jars iu a kettle of hot water, coverfng them to the cork, and boil the orator until thriatmosplimie air is ex pel/0 front the jars; after which seal them uptight with wax. Peaches prepared in this why retain their original fhwor and are equally as delicious, when cooked in the ordinary manner. st months or a year after being put up, as it inst. taken tram the tress. • Remember that Lai,or is necessary to exeellenee, fins ii an eternal troll), although vanity - cannot be tatitiglit to believe, of indolence to heed it. - . Voting 1...t.t vs:: il l ti l e _erection of tttrir hustguld:4; •Lunld be earentl Hot to •t•tert one who I? twit firt ,•,,i Nan pork `l.bigrtistmcnte Premiums Awarded to Levi Brown, By the American loililute for Gold Pros. • TN 0 1 140—A Silver Medal for Superior Gold Pens. .1841-1 Diploma fot Gold Pens. 1312—A Dtplores for the best Gold Pens. 184 . 27—A Diploma for the best Gold Pens. 1844,—A Diploma lor cuperior Gold Pens. gIFL 1846.1-A Silver Medal for the hest Gold Pens. 1848—A Silver Medul 141 the - he.tOold Pens. • Thi. ts.to elvtify, that the above is untrue copy from the records oldie American Institute HENRY MEIGrt, I 6m38 Rec. Sec.of the Ainerean litatitute. A W oolen Factur)aVHome. THE subscribers taku pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Oradford county and 'vicinity, that they have leased for ;term of years the, building situate in Wyalusing township, and known as Ingham 'a FaCtory. and which they are now fitting try with machinery and apparatus fur 'ho manufacture of broad and narrow clothe, flannels, &c., in superior style end on the most . reaaunable terms. Those wishing to have wool_ manu factured upon shares will find it to their advantage to give them a call, as they are determined that _no pains shall bspnred to give the most perfect vatisfac lion.— They work. Wool into Broad or narrow created cloths for one half the cloth, or if preferred, they will menu facture by the yard as follcws:—Broad cloths for from $1 to $1.25 ; Narrow cloth, (tom 44 to 50 cts. Other articles, manufactured for proportionate prices. Pool carding and cloth dressing will be done on short notice and reasonable terms. They will be-pre pared for business on or before the first of June next. Wyalusing. April 25, 1847. HALL & HILL. 6 God made the world for me, for thee, for till." RESOLVED, by the National Reform Association of Mountain Lake, July 29, 1847, That a card be publishedin the Bradford county papers. callmg for vo lunteer cotitributions to a Tract and Lecture fund, an thorizing Henry Ephrism Leach to collect the same. Therefore, all contributions - paid over to Mr. Leach. Agent, Messrs. James Wilcox or Charles 8., Scouton, Treasurers, will be thankful!'" received, and duly applied to the furthering the following measures: let. An investigation of land titles hi Pennsylvania, from the first known transfer up to the close of said in vestigati•tn, and the same recorded in the county where in said lands are located. 2d. To pass a law, securing to settlers who make, or those who purchase ithprovementa of settlers. a fultcom• pensation therefor, before writs of ejectment can be sus tained against them. 3d. To tax all lands owned over 440 acres, byi eidualcur companies, (say) $I per acre, per annum, be applied in paying the state debt. ; Dow at Burlington. Brad: co., July 24, 1847. - JOHN GUS Ns, THOMAS SMITH, Preldjents Wir.t.zsm l'Ciatots, Secretaries. • . A Lax. Lira, ,Tuwands. Bradford co., Pa., August 5. 1E47. Citizens of Bradford County :—By . • respectable , few of your number, I have been prevailedon to sacrificr Imy peramal interest ands quietude, to travel 'over youe leautiful roo.uniains, and lecture in behalf of down-trod den humanity. For my health, Igoon WI . for cheap nees sod convenience, I have procured a Tin Box to car ry my clothes in, after the form of a portable desk. If provided for, I shall hold meetings at all suitable places, and in my lectures, give you more freely the measures of the Reformers. As seon as a suitable sum is 'collected, to defray the exPeese of printing, eke; i intend to write out a book for your convenience. Thanking those who have cxtendea to me, thus far. their friendly ho4aitalities, and eo-operation, I accept the agency, and set out in Hope: "'fee WORLD Is My CDC XVI i-.-TO DO 00021 is sir RELactox," Thine for Truth, and its eternal rewuuls, among which I find n Humes rota ♦LL. " 3w9 HENRY EPHRIAM LEACH, Shaving and _Hair Dressing. •-• Solomon Cooper, RESPECTFULLY informs his old friendsand pat rons, that having been obliged to abandon his for mer stand on the afternoon of the 12th 'ult.. hi is now permanently located on the west aide of the public square, two doors north of Briggs' tavern. Grateful for past favors, be hopes by superior skill and attention to merit an increase of patronage in future. He will always keep on hand a supply* of oils, es- Settees, perfumery, and whatever is accessary to give an agreeable finish to his operations, and will spare no pains in his en4avors to adapt his style to suit the vary ing tastes of his customers. ALSO—Shampooning for restoring and a sore pre %artistica to keep thee Hair from falling out, or turning gray, for a beautiful head of hair isti - posrerful auailiar 1) RINI'S, If every. variety and style, foreign and rdo roestic, now opening at wholesale and retail, at Ma ' MONTANYE'S &CO FRINGES & GIMPS, of all kinds; also, Buttons and other trimmings for ladies' dresses and vistas, by aul4 MONTANYE & CO. CASSIMERES & vESTINUS Of eery supelior style and finish, and at prices to snit those wbo wish to purchase cheap. aulg MONTAIVYES & CO. HOES--Ladies' Misses and Children'•, • large a• 4.7 rimy on hand at je9 B FOR RENT. • 4411 THE VALUABLE FARM of the-sub scriber situate about one and three-fourths miles* from the borough of Towanda, is of fored for rent for a termofoue year or more. ft contains about eighty acres of improved land, with the necessary buildings thereon. For further Portico lint, and for tenets, enquire of Ulysses Mercur. Esq. of Towanda. JAMES NESTOR. Towanda; A ugcst 27, 18.47. BOOT & SHOE MANUFACTORY. eidal#ll JOHN W. WILCOX, having purchased the inte rest of his late partner, respectfully informs the pub lic that he may still be found at the old stand, near T. P. Woodruff's tavern.jahere he still solicits a share of public patronage. He Amends. by a careful selection of stock, and by attention to the interests of his custo mers to make as neat and .durable work as can be ma nufartitred in this part - of the country. He will keep constant y on hand, and manufactnre to order, Morocco, Calf and Coarse Boots and Shoes ; Ladies' Gaiters, Shoes and Slips J . Children's do. ; Gent's Gaiters and Pumps, 4c. . . .00" Country Produce, of most descriptions, taken in payment for work, at the market price. Towanda, August 30, 1847. New 'Tailoring Establishment, Coraer of Akin and Braze sts., ores H. O'Hara - 5 Boot .nnd Shoe Store. ara a ) atZ tirt D EMPECTFULLY informs the citizens of rowan -Lk. de. and the public generally, that be has COUIIIIII,IIC ed the Tailoring business, at the corner of Main and Bridge sus., in the shop recently occupred by Mark Q. Arnout, where he solicits those in went of Tailoring. to give him a call. Having been employed in the most fashionable estab lishments in Philadelphia and elsewhere, and being de cent-lined to spare no pains to please, customers may depend upon having their work done promptly and in s good style as can be had at any shop in town. All work warranted well made and to fit. g 7 . .t.;titting done cheap, and warranted. Towanda, A mnist 30. ism • DISSOLUTION. Tr"E partnership heretofore skis ing under the firm of Hitter 4r-Fowler tit the [.umber business, has horn this day dissolved by mutual consent. Persons in fielded to the concern War-dash., payment, and those having claims will present them to Joel Ritter. one of the firm, by whom the buainias in %lure willbecarried on._ - JOEL 'RITTER, . ReaAing. A a,;. 14, 1144 j. ROGERS FONAEre utti~incitts. The Grailetiberg - Vegetable.- Pills. A-- Twenty thoundlists add nth ud tYtTY WO! rriiE GR-iI'ENIIERG:COMPANY hereby give 1 notice, that 'P. C. INGERSOI.L. Elmira, for Cho- mung, Tompkins, Cayuga. Seneca, Ontario; Allegheny, Yates. and Reuben mintier. N. Y.. and for Bradford. Warren, Crawford; Iliga, Potter,MlLean, Erie, Clio -ton. Center, and Wyoming counties, Penn. The General Aprils fully prepared to appoint sub. Agents wherever there' is no brailiclxolll;,PallY either on personal apphealion, - or by Weil, paid.— Tbe tepid wale of these celebrated pills iheextrsor dinary curarthey are constantly erecting,` redder them, by fir, the most popular pill of tha age. Ad Agency will consequeitly be very valuable. The Graefenberg Pills are inconceiviiidy superior to any ever before discovered. In all billed* complaint. in general derangement of the system . in all disorders which result from a bed state of th"-blood. them pills arc a sovereign remedy. (--) In the:clam of disuse called chronic, the Graefenberg Pills achieve their highest triumph*. Here they defy all competition. lingering within the hidden remits of the system, they quietly but sirely purify the blood, root out disease, and give torsi and vigor WWI body. Cures am constantly - - - effected by these cases where every other mama had completely feted. The most abundant proof of this Could be given, but a trial of one box will convince the patient. Thar-eau be or dered and sent by mail, *trifling expense. The price is 25 cents a box. Where-two dollars worth are order ed, and the money remitted, the Company will pay the postage on the pills. Remittances at the Company's risk. Wherever there is tus,agenty of the • Company, they can be ordered by a.ail. •Tbeie Pills eve inking theplve of all other, and no sick person should be without them. AI bilious complaints, bowel complaints, constipa tion. dyspepsia, fever and ague, headache, jaundice, li ver complaint+, rheumatism, all stomach complaints, green sickness, &c., &c., yield at once to these Pills. They purge away offensive humors, arrest the progress of disease, and at the same time restore tone and vigor to the system. In eases of general derangement of the health, they are sovereign. By their use, the:weak will become strong; the pale and bilious complexion be restored toe perfectly fresh and healthy color; all the bad symptoms will one by one disappear. In short, these Pills are an inconceivable advance upon any other medicine ever before offered to the pub• tic, A tried will satisfy any one of this. En additi in to the above, may be found at the nu merous depots of the Company, the following incept. parable medicines, via : • The Gradenberg Sarsaparilla Compound; _ " . N. 'F ye Lotion ; " Fever and Ague Pills ; " Children's Panacea ; " Green Mountain Vegetable Ointment. The attention of those suffering from disease, are pa' titularly invited to examine and decide for themselvet The following named persons are duly authorize* agents in Bradford t'oan•y, for the sale of the above medicines from the Graefeuberg Company: N. N. Betts, Towanda; D■nicl Bailey & Bon, Le. naysville ; D. B. Cotton, Litchfield ; J. V; Daniels, But. lington ; J. M. Edson. Wells; David Garduer, Athens; Theodore Harding. Union and Canton ; A. L. Merritt, Wells ; Mix fit Storrs, Standing Stone ; C. T. Murphy Ridgberry ; George Nichols, Rome; I'. M. Pike. Ul ster; Rogers and Pritcher, Athena; Henry Russell, Windham; Stacy & Taxer, Springfield ; B. Buffing ton, south Warren. tOy VELIRB tIVWD ag:OBTAAD) THE subscribers still continue to manufacture and keep on hand at their old stand, kinds of cane and wood seat CHAIRS ; also t EIETTEES of various kinds, 'lnd BEDSTEADS of every descrip• lion, which we will sell low for cash or Produce, or White Pine lumber, White word, Bass wood, or Cucumber cl air plank, or 4 by 4 Scantling 13 feet long—either Buttonwood, Basswood Of Maple, wilt also be received for our work. Turning demur order in the neatest manner. TOMKINB & MACKINBLAN Towanda, Feb. 22, 1847. SHEPHERD'S MEDICINES, cossisTrse or Vermitage, Sarsaparilla, Cough Candy, and Fever and Igoe Pills: OF THE VERMIFUGE , nothing more need be 'sip than what issaid.in the following certificates of re i d ins of Lurerne county I used Shepherd's Vertnifnp Cu! two of my children. It operated well, and expelled a quantity of worms. I can recommend it as a valuable medicine. Towx HILL, Jan. 20, 1647, -John Koons, Laq.— Dear Sir—You will please send me four bottles more of Shepherd's Veratifage. The three bottles purchased of you a short time ago have been used with the happiest ef frets. 'pie, were given to three of my children—in one case 65 worms were expelled, in another 164, and in the last 67. lam anxious to give the rest of my family the benefits of this medicine, and *reface order as above. This is decidedly the best article for destroying worm, that has.ever been in this pert of the country. I have tried Orrick's, Reakist's and several others, but without any good effect. Yours, with esteem, Price 25 eta. per bottle. Sateusx M. Sxxnes. Shepherd's Sarsaparilla,. for the permanent cure of all diseases arising from an impure condition of the blood, Vie„:--/Scrofula, in its various foetus, rheumatism; pim ples or pustules on the Fier, eruptions on the skin, boils, blotches, ringworm or totter, cencernue affections, chro nic sore eyes, scald head, enlargement and pair• of the. bones and Joints, lumbago, dropsy, dyspepsia, chronic diseases of the lungs, and diseases arising from an excess of mercury, also all chronic coninitutional diseases Tri.. readily yield under this preparation. When the lungs are diseased, as is often the case; Or when piuiples or pustuks appear out the face; The farmer Will vanish, the latter' give way. By the use of Shepherd's Sarsaparilla. • The Medicine antler consideration is a compound pre paration of Sarsaparilla, and from its containing ingre clients wholly vegetable; which it is believed am in other preparation of the kind, the most astonishing mire, have been effected by its use. Price, 75 cts.per bottle German Fever and Ague Pills. FILTZII AID AO 1:114,41b11 illUlletlibill and debilitating complaint, wnich prevails to so great an extent in many parts of the country, and which Immo liable to terminate in serious organic visceral disease, is now entirely cured by the use of thicelebrated GERMAN FEVER AND AGUE PILLS. These specific Pills never fail to drive the disease from the system, and restore the constitution to its original healthy condition. Europe, as well as America, can testify to their wonderful efficacy. Thou. sands of boxes have been used, and nearly as many in. dividuals restored to health. For sale by BODDER & CO., Proprietors, No. 39, North Frederick street, Baltimore, and by appointed Agents. Price $1 per box. Shepherd 'a Compound Medicated Candy. For the cure of coughs, colds, asthma, catarrh, bronchi• tie, hoarseness, sore throat, croup, spitting of blood, aed all other complaints of the throat and chest, and those arising from a disordered condition of the Lungs, and for clearing the voice, &c. Price 121 cents per package. Let those Who are troubled with hoarseness of throat, Or croup or bronchitie—fiwget not to note; That it can be eared, arid that they can find rev*, Or when seized with catarrh or complaints of the breast. The articles composingtbe Compound Medicated Can.. dy have been selected with the utmost care and attention, and entirely from the Vegetable kingdom—therefore no fear need be apprehended of its producing even the alight. est injurious effert Au asta—MONTANYES' di. CO., Towanda; S. C. Adams, Rumenersfield creek ; Mix & Storni, Standing Stone;. Sherwood, Rush, Sus. co. 2m3 _ski x *lx IP_ MI TTS. dr M. C. MERCUR, base removed their • GOODS to the Store formerly occupied by H. Mix ex Sons, north aide of the publi c impure.' where they are prepared to supply their customers as hereto fore. Triwanda, March 17,1847. 111 b. = ISAAC CORTI4I4IIT AISZI AIMS= on.t a fkL uttitr an na A \ POR ibe cure of DEAFNESS, pains, and the dia.( theme climate, front the ears. Abo ell thomedir agreeable sounds, like the butting of keno, Ming water, rthicting of dew, &c., &c., which am sy toms of approaching deafness, Ind also generally a dant with the diseseeii Many pergolas who have deaf for ten, fifteen, end even mot,' year', and was obliged to nes ear trtiinpets, have, alter gamma or trio bottles, thrown their trowels, being snide perfect -0. welt. Pby end Surgeons highly recosensend its use. The very Yon number of happy rend* Wet have fol lowed the n0i..4 - SCARPA I B ACOUSTIC OIL, have been truly astomsbing. -And what is wonderful, some who were deaf from bink, have been so much improved as to bear COMMA conversation very readily. It would be the height of presumption to warrant a cure in all awes, but in nine cents out of ten of recent date, there is a certainty that the results will be meet happy and satiacfstory to the patient. The appliestia'res of the oil produces no pain, bat on the contrary en ay*. able and pleasant sensation. The recipe for this medi cine has been eoutined from an Alain of great repute. ion, who - has found tbat deafness, in 'limners cases oat of twenty; was produced from a want of action in the nerves of beating, or a devices in the ears; his object therefore was to find something which would create a healthy condition in those parts. After a long sake of experiments his efforts were at last crowned with suc cess, in the discovery of this preparation, which has re ceived the name of SCAR PA'S COMPOUND A COUS. TIC OIL. A long list of certificates might be given, but such is the confidence in the medicine, and so high has been its reputation, that but one of them will be at present published: MONT ExritaestpurAnt CITIE!—A la in in Smith field, Brad. Co. es.. and now about ei gh ty years of age, had been iraduaily getting deaf for more than 40 _years, so that it was next to impartible to make her hear conversation in the loudest tone of voice. Last winter she was induced to try"- Scarpa's Oil for Deafness." It is only necessary to add - that she used two bottles, and is perfectly restored---sbe is cured. Any in arm • in regard to the we may be obtained at the store of . Jayne, No. g. South Third street, Philadelphia. For sate by A. S. CHAMBERLIN, 'rowan Ps4 only agent for Bradford county. I y 4 Flair Important ConentunicaSton TO AIL PIIIAMOS 121 ♦LL PLACES, At all times. AND UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES. IF YOU ARE SICK, get cured : if well, employ measures to continue so. Every individual indulges in habits, which must, to a greater or lesser extent, dis arrange the admirable and intricate combinations which form the system, and consequently IN DI 71111 VAL should possess some mild, yet efficacious, simple god so. credited agent for preserving all the functions of the body good on DR. WOOD'S SAIsIPAIt)LLA 1310 WILD SITTIAS will achieve this result, and should be in every family, and in the hands of:every person. who by business, pro fession or general course of life, is predisposed to the ve ry many little ailtnems that render life a curse, Molted or a blessing, and finally result, in their aggregated con dition, is the cense OF DEATH. The Bitten bete mentioned are compounded - by a man of great skill and knowledge, from the simple Na. tune presents to those who care to find them, anti which are the only reliable antidotes to the poison of disease. The chief ingredients are the unisersally-bebured Sar saparilla and the Bark of the Wild Cherry Tree, with which the red man of the forest .eons nearly every dis ease el the internal organ. These materials, though powerful in their' action, are, as common sense teaches 1 411 ENTIRELY HARMLESS ; and prepared as they are here, one. of the greatest meth"- cal operatives in the inhabitable globe. By taking these eivritas, the scrofulous may he restored kit beau- ty. and avoid the sharp knife or the surgeon ; for -they not only eradicate pimples and MINIM but overcome CANCER AND KING'S EVIL ! Whoever is subjected to the horrors of Consumption, should at once purchase this sure remedy. In the train of Costiveness follow dreadful local congestions, often times insanity, rely frequently mania or hypochondria, violent headaches, palpitations, and • other affections of the !kart and rheumatic swellings. Dr. Wood's Coen. pound is one of the most efficient medicines in routing the complaints, and their fountain head, that can possi bly be procured. . From being confined in close taking a small modicum of exercise, •isily are made to deplore a loss of , Inches, weakness of the muscles, energy' sufficient to permit them to These persons say for years. very well." If they do not - employ they can feel QV 11 - 11 'WY LL, they" were fit of illness, and are SAVED FROM only by a miracle, and even t bliss ter and calomel have left them , full of aches and ;arrows, arid not Ives, but a source of disgust and ar them they come in contact. MI - FEARFUL CON: may be avoided by an early . theme Bursas. For the trm pledges his word and horror, files of undoubted certificate solicited from all quasters. the invalid to swallow his eery and is willing to cake all he vet of their worth. it THE DYSPEPSIA, in either et modified or severer form, will lure the gualitiev of Dr. Wood's prepare ewe may be relied on as espernsanent o Birritas possess no other recommended , be one of the finest vegetable compounds ones can lanai ; but it is equal t 6 the co cation of LIVER COMPLAINTS, • in every shape, and of every affectioll, mi , or &antic, of the biliary apparatus. Individuals who are constitu tionally billious ought regularly to take eh' mild agreea bles end excellent Toxic AND Arcatiewr, it will ri ff- fume health throughout every fibre of tti frame, and send happiness and love of life thrilling t the heart.— Familiar ought fo keep it on hand i fb Every medicine cheat on board of ship °old also be i well stocked with' this capital remedy, SCURVY cannot afflict those who take it, or long r mist its vigor boll lIINDIUILIL ALL INIPITNITICS or yes ?Loon vanish i n before it, and the old relics of earlier im udente inva riably disappear, moon after being submit( to its action. Every complaint of the stomach is brok by it. Tax &Trees have in no instance failed of cu g accerucs, u 111111•1 nxiirxrre every ofisorganizati of THE NERVOUS SYSTEif. By neglecting the little humid! made tfpnn the latter a vast portion of our fellow beings are rendered extreme- ly miserable—so miserable indeed, that they wish ladle. Every bottle of " Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Bitters," contains a modicum of jtiy, and content for each of these anxious and imprudent sufferers. Re. member that an injudicious use of mercury is inevitably productive of many evils which are pat to flight by this glorious and unsurpamble compound ; and that afflic lions which are HEREDITARY may speedily sod safelY besbufiled off through its agen cy. As a medicine which must benefit EVERY BODY, from the atrrecr delicate to the CONVINZD AND DVS FAIDING INVALID. no equal is to be found for it. It would be well to hear in mind that pretty/tire is infi nitely more desirable that cure and that Dv. Wee" Sarsaparilkt and Wild Cherry Bitters ARE BOTH. Put up and sold in large bottles, at $l, by WYATT & KETCHUM. Wholesale and Retail Agents. 121 Fulton Bt. N. Y, HUSTON 4- LADD, Towanda, end by druggist generally throughout the U. 8. 5 THE GR2EFENBERG YEGETABEE PILLS and the Green Mountain Vegetable Ointment, for sale by the subscriber, only agent for the town and bo rough of Towanda. d 22 N. N. BETTS. _ - - LADIES ! I SAY, LA DIES ! ! If you hare made up your minds to buy a nice dress, cloak or shawl this season, don't fail to can at N 0.3, Brick Row, where yon can find the most, beat and cheapest articles in that line. that is kept in town, besides all kinds of trinnnittipt. Remember, call at , nv I I BAIRD'S. virtues of v rioter show uo ask 'SRI, fa- ppear be. and the Did the 'P'• it 'would •• ical pieta etadi- NEW . EIVT - 31111VECIISIMET .111 1 .111111-110=1311433/.• " • Cr ' NYE & 00., wordage - spedlly infants the citizens of Tow • - - 'ti ands and the public. enerally, that they ham on - Und & roanufsetare P , to order all .kinds of ' C ABINET 'FURNITURE, of the best mate - si tisk, and workmimship tbat cannot -"" be surpassed,inadditiontothensual assortment in country shops, we will keep on band and make to order SOFAS, of various and mod approved patterns: Sofa Rocking Chairs, upholstered in superior style. and forums and durability POEM be surpassed even in our huge cities. Also, the half French Ma hogany Chair,bundifully upholstered, with curled hair, which nave loses its elasticity, and linidted with the best hair seating. We Batter ourselves that having bid ranch ripens' nee in the business, we shall be able to satisfy ell who may feel disposed to call, both as to quality and - Price. sad by strict _attention td business hops to merit and ready* thopetrenageef a liberal com munity. L. M. NYE di, CO. Towanda, Septentber 1, 1445. I a. p :1 MAY BE HAD at oar shop inn& lower than it has ma been sold in Towanda. Goods ate cheep, and wheat em lowered, and that is the reason we ean_atford all for to do it. All kinds of product/ will be teeeived in payment. Ales LUMBER of all kinds. Sept. 1. L Kr NYE 4 CO. ' 40. E • :al ;Ali f _ IVirILL be kept on hand a large assortment, and made to order on shorter notice and for less mo- ney than am be produced at any othei establishment in the land. Those who are tinder the ;necessity of pro curing that article will and shall be tisfied. A good hearse and pall may be had in attend ern when desired. September 1, 184.1. L.' N. NYE & CO. r/La z 3 21 0 011 , /a Towanda. HM. BAKER respectfully informs the public that . he has commenced the GRAVE-STONE busi ness, in all its bninebes, at Towanda, wh he will be rattly at all tunes to attend to all - calla in his line. Monuments, Tomb-tables, Grate -stones, of every description, *c.. made to ordir, aid furnished as cheap as WORK and MARBLE of the same quality can be obtained at any shop in the country. : . . He invites the public to call , cd examine his work and materials, hoping to merit their patronage by strict attention to business, and by superior workmanship and good marble. LETTER-CUTTING done with neatness and des- - patch, in-the latest style. • Shop on Maul street, next door to T. Elliott's store, and three doors above Briggs' Hotel. Towanda, March 17,1847. 40y TEN T ,OUSA ND PERSONS THAT HAVE USED DR. UPHAM'S ELECTU. ARY for the PILES, CHRONIC,DYSENTARY, INFLAMMATORY DISEASES AND SEVERE COSTIV ENESS, have given their certificates of cores made by its nee, whenall other remedies have failed, end h• proprietors are nowpared to offer • ONE HUND RED DOLLATS to any persons offhand with-Piles, end all diseases of a similar datum. or which are found in conjunction with the Piles, if a care is not erected by the envoi - DR. UPHA M'S VEGETABLE ELECTUARY. it Is an Isrannac asmibr, trot an external application, and will airs any G&W of Piles, either bleeding or blind, internal or external, ate the only thing that will. , There is no mistake about it: ,It is a positive cure, spee d and permanent. It is abet a convenient medicine to 'take, and improve the general health in ■ remarkable man ner. It is very mild in its opperations, and may be ta. ken in cases of the moat acute inflammation,. without danger. All external akilications are in the highest de gree disagreeable, inconvenient and offensive ; and - from the very name of the disease, temporary in their erects. This medicine attacks' the disease at its source, and reaseeng the canoe, renders the' can mien and perm.. tient. INFLAMMATORY DISEASES. Although the Elecivary was originally prepared for the cure of Piles. yet it bas proved itself to be • medi cine far superior to all others, in all diseases of an-in flammatory character, with a determination of blood to any particular pan or organ. In Inflammation sod Congestions of the Liver and Spleen ; Inflammation, Soreness and Ulceration of the Stomachs, Bowels, Kid neys and Bladder : Inflammatory and Mercurial Rheu matism, it is the best medicine ever discovered. IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD. For all Impurities of the Blood. arising ftorn thei in prudent use of Mercury + or other causes ; for all din-, eases of the skin and scrofulous affections ; in all circa where the blood is powerfully determined to the Bead; producing dirtiness and diskette. Dr. Uphant's Electuary 1. entirely unrivalled. - • TO MARRIED LADIES. , lik Married tidies are almost invariably subject to that inful and injurious disease, the Piles, with consequent - + fiammation of the Stomach, Bowels, and Spine, weak nese_of the Back, flow of the blood to the head, &c.— The Electuary 6 perfectly safe for pregnant ladies and the most useful Cathartic that ran possibly Jet used, sod it will not only remove the Piles and all inflammatory diseases without pain or irritation,; but will ensure an easy time, a safe delivery, and a sound constitution in . the offspring. , CAPT. G. W. McLEANIB CERTIFICATE. Ranwtiv, June 16, 1847. I have been anima for years with the Piles, and have tried, without anything like permanent benefit, al most everything assuming the aura of a remedy. I had, as a matter of course lost all confidence in medi cine. Under this feeling; I weisfindaced--not without reluctance. I confess—to on "UPlLiles Esactecas„" and having used it for about three weeks according to the directions laid down, I find, to my utter Omni* a well as &Vibration, that every symptom of the disease has left me. I think it due alike ,to Dr. Bilbao' and myself to make this statement. G. W. NeLEAN.4hte ot the U. S. N PAILADELUPIA CERTIFICATE. DR. UPHAM—DateSta.—.Aboit five 2 leara ago I afilictsd with what *as called Chronic Dysentery. have suffered with, it ever since, and pilYsitians hive •id me %twiny fiver wu affected, end Ilfeleitl bowels ere ululated, for blood and. pus, attended with a pe •lierly putrid smell, were the frequent discharges. A time since I made a - visite to Massachusetts, in opts of hum a chat* of air, but suffered more rely than'evei before. .While there a physician of era! to cure me for $4O. in three months. Happily). in • e midst of intense pain, occasionally relieved by laud um, I law in the wrapper of your Electuary. a perfect • escription of my complaint, together with'inanrcertifi - tea of cures. This gai, me greet confidence in the • • icing, and I purchased a, box, and tine doses of bids has apparanq vied me, and I sift Prepared to y every thing in its favor, or render any service I can • humanit to its merits. By Yours, BENJAMIN PERCIYAL, 89 South Sixth at. Sold Wholesale and Retail by WYATT & KETCH 'AL 121 Fulton st, N. Y., HUSTON & LADD To. sada, and 'fly druggest generally throughout the V. 8. ' rice $l. a bolt. NOVICE.—The genuine Electuary hue (,c• A. Upham M.• D.) The hand is also done ith a pea 00 'l., Brick Row, a , in in the Field ! R. a. Cita , tin, Pft• la AB j returned from the city of New York with a large - su pply of Watches, Jewelry and Silver ware, comprising in Part, the following articles —Lever, . L'Epine and Plain Watches, with - a complete assortment of Gold Jewelry, Such as Ear Rings. Fin ger Rin rs, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, Gold chains, Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of -Silverware, and any quantity of Steel Beads—all of which be offers for sale ezceeedingly cheap for CASH. Watches repaired on short notice, and warranted to run well, or the money, will•be refunded, and a writ.. ten agreement given to that effect if required. • N. B.—MAPLE'SUGAIL and Country Produce taken in payment for work; and els% learn now, and Areas, Mat Me Produee must be paid taken Me work i, done-1 war kgainst credit in all its forms. WI A. CHAMBERLIN, Agent. Towanda, April 28, 1847, ~,.... Enka; C o rning : and B idets the, me . male pro r imw. of the above Line will tgettin n i, t o Ifop Line of Neap Boats between ELMIRA, CORNING and BUFFALO, f9r the accommod at io n of Emigrants end Vansihts, moving We st, affordin g fa cilities not heretofore Wined to the 'rmpant, h oot this 'section of New York, Pennsylvania. . The Boats of this Line are of the MRS? CLASS, fitted and famished with in the convenience anise. • coma to d a ri orle f PACKETS, commanded by experiene. ed Captains, and by relay. of Horses. BOAT ROME, OOP. H. W. THOMPtwai , • .. TEMPEST, , Capt. AM. TAYLOR. During the season of 1847, one of the above Boar, will leave Corning and Elmira every week in the fol. lowing order: 1. Coasixe,everyjnonday evening, at 6 o'clock p. R . &mina, every Monday evening, at .6 o'clock, p, ”... Towing down Scum Lake every Thursday MOM. ing, touching al Ifii Streaso;lodi, and Dresden an d leaving Buffalo for Coining and Elmira, every w e d ms „ day morning. FOR FREIGHT OR PASSAGE,appIy to Captain on Board, or to Win. Mallory', Corning. - - S.D. Strang & Cm Maim. Winterise's Ara Tattler, Horseheads . , A. Nub, Ilavana. L. G. Townsend, Big Stream. . • Woodworth & Post, Lodi. . - • Price & tidily, Geneva. Gs yt & Sweet, Waterloo. J. moniker, Seneca Palls. Ba er & Ross, Montezuma. • H, Wright, RoiAcefer. H. des. Buffalo. • VILA lat3i C3II.AXIIU; ThFs Way for Bargains : ' rpHE subscriber would respectfully say- to . his old .1' customers. end the piiblie generally, that he Ina iv-commenced the manufacttire of Chairs. etc., it his old shop on the north side of Bridger street, in the build. lug known as I the " Yellow House." He keeps con. dandy on haul}, or will make to order, (in a neat and durable style) i all articles in his line as. cheap as the 7. / cheapest. it friends can be supplied with Fancy, Wi sor and Common Chairs. of differ ent pall ens—Settees. Rocking Chairs, Ch ldren's Chairs. 4-c., 4 , i. " AI o--Bedsteads and Tables:: e me at my shop on Bridge street, and j fulhat you can-bay reasonable. " - V hito wood, Cucumber end - Basswood in exchange . for chairs uoreasonab!a ' - JESSE TAYLOR. Call and will satisfy.y. N. B. plank, wan terms. Towanda, ran. 20, 1847. S OWN REMEDY! THE INVALID RIEND ! • It is confidently asserted that as a arediiiiur which has given such uni ernl satisfaction, as S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS. stood the severest trials, by curing • when ies failed, and have established a repots , of the envious slanders which have been them, 'MATURE .1: 1 1 BEST there zir sera form and uni WEIGH' They have all other rem tion in the fa raised spinal SPRING SUMMER, FALL AND WINTER.- Each produ.., by their variations of temperature, peen. liar effeets u , n the human body: The heat expands, dnd the col contracts it a volume of the circulating flu id, and wbe changes take place suddt the effects ser are often ious. W right's-Indian Veg le Pills coon tcract the e I influence of sudden changes, by purifying the brood, akeeping the stomach and bowels in a natu ral and hea ful condition. FOR FEVER AND AGUE. . iiii That scourge of the West: Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills stand unrivalled. An instance has never come to our knowledge of these Pills basing been taken, without effecting a complete cure. In Chills antlF - ev4the liver and biliarylfunctions are chiefly disordered 4- ,stupifindu. ced by grey l physical debility. When 'the symptoms first appear, no time should be lost before resorting to these Pills. A few doses will give such manifest relief that no persuasion will be necessary to continue the use of them. ! . . ! FOR DYSPEPSIA. Wright's radian Vegetable Pills dill be found very superior. In this disease, the gastric juice is weak and deficient i quality. Consequently. the digestion Ono perfect an the health impaired. These Pills femme the' bite f to the stomach, restore its tone, and improve the diges ' O . ' \ . I . FOR JAUN•DICE. Wright's kndian Vegetable Pills are equally well adapt. ed to the froths.' ofthis complaint. .As they °mate ,;) upon the Oe general and uniform principle, of cleans ing the st mach and bowels, purifying the blood. and rectifying the secretions, they remove the cause oflaun