Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 25, 1847, Image 4

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• • ThartATßlCXeles.-
11,11, XJICLAT.
When graspiiii tyranny offends I . •
Or.attgry bigots frowm
Whet' rulers plot foeselhich ends.-
TUr keep the peopletdowm •
When statesmen form unholy league
To drive the world to war;
When /mares -in - palaCes intrigue
For ribbons Or a star:
We raise our heads, surrey their deeds
_ And cheerily reply— •
Grub. little moles, grub under ground.;
There's sunshine in the sky.
When canting hypocrites combine
• To curb a free man's thought,
AV bold all doctrine Undivine
, That holds their canting nought ;
When round Their narrow pale they plod,
And scornfully sesame
That all without are cursed of Dod,..
And justify the doom;
We think of Heaven's eternal love,
And strong in hope reply—
Grub, little moles, grub "warn. ground ;
There's sunshine in fire sky.
When greedy nnthors wield ihe pen •
To please the vulgar town—
Andgreat grieves as injured then
And heroesiof renown ;
rander,lo prejudice uncle i ati,
Apologise Air. crime.
And daub the vices of the mean
- With battery like slitnt ;
For Milton's craft, for Shakspeare's tongue.
Wkbbish, but yet reply—
Gruidittle moles. glob under ground,
There's sunshine in the sky.
'When snug philosophers survey
The various climes of earth,
And mourn—poor nageltagi of a day—
Its tou prolific birth ; •
And prove by figure, rule and plan
The large fair world Om small
To feed the multitudes of man
That flourish on its ball,
We view the vineyards on the hills,
And corn-fields waving high—
Grub, little moles, grub under ground. ;
There's sunshine in the sky.
When men complain of human kin&
In misanthropic mood,
And thinking evil things, grow
To presence of the good ;
When; walled in prejudices strong,
They urge that evermore
The world is fated to go wrong.
For going wrong before:
We feel the truths they cannot feel.
.And smile as we reply—
Grub, little moles, grub under ground ;
There's Sunshine in the sky. ,
[From the Geneva Gazette
The Potato.,
This plant, solighly esteemed by- the generali
ty of mankind, and of the first importance as an
article of food for the poorer elassf,s, is evidently
and rapidly advancing to its final extinction in this
' We cap hardly conceive of a greater calamity to
the people of this cotuttry than the ,utter
tion of the potato. We have once .litaitn . visited by
a total failure of the wheat crop in many sections
of our country, when wheat was imported for dO
mestic use from Europe, suppose a more exten
sive failure of the wheat crop to happen again, an
occurrence 'which we are not by any means secure
against, and suppose the total extinction of the po
tato at the same time, who will undertake to calcu
late the inconvenience that would ensue to the peo
ple of this country "f All people Ipok with fearful
~ apprehenson' to the sad event.
The plant is beset by a disease which admits of
no cure, it is a lingering, flattering malady,' like
c. sp , I. ion in the human family. It intermits
;'• .. . ally, resumes a healthy aspect, for a time,
returnts . with accumulated strength, and death ensue.
Variens conjectures are afloat as to the cause of the
.diseased many remedies prescribed for its cure,'
but they have all thus far proved abortive: I do
riot belive that the true cause of the disease has yet
been fully ascertained. I believe the efliCient cause
ii inherent in the plant itself. It is an exotic, and
it segms that by an established law of Nature,
plants transplanted from their native to a foreign
soil will, by loni ll and successive reproduction from
the original stoc sicken and decay from exhaus
tion. The longevity of plants that have been trans
planted froni a foreign Soil depends much on the
harditiesser delicacy of the original stock in the
place of its nativity. The potato is among the
' hardiest plants, and has undergone the longest
series of of reproduction in soil foreign to its nature
of any exotic known to agriculture.
The first discovery of the plant by a Eirropean
was by Pizarro, in his passage over the. Andes in
1526—'27. Ale there used it as an article of food
for his famished soldiers. After the conqueror
passed the Andes, Mr. Prescot says, " higher up
the Cordilleras, beyound the limits of maize; dpi,
\vas found the potato. the introduction of which into
Euroi e has made an- era in the history.of agricul--
titre. Whether indigenous to Peru, or imported
from the neighborhood of Chili, it fanned the great
staple of the more elevated plains, and its culture
was centnued to a height many thousand feet above
;the limits of perpetual' snow in the temperate lati•
'odes of Europe. Wild specimens of the veg,eta
might be seen still higher, springing Op spon
ously amidst the stunted shrubs that -clothed
t fry sides of the Cordilleras." It was introdne
- Spain about the middle of the 16th century
an o England in 1596. .
historical scraps are introduced to the
" le the reader for the purpose of showing first;
the e ocality of the original plant ands second
ly, its P 4 or of thproduetion from the seed of the
144- traPk,iinted plant to a foreign soilk Long,
however, tit has withstood ;he debilitating v effects
' of refihxla n in a foreign soil ) we tindihal it is
obliged to . ) d at last. It is a strangLez=iril'istrange
load, the f
f which is not congenial-Tainr-oa
lure, and fail.
nOurish it through - lir many sue
cess 'ye genens. I believe this to be the true
eat* of the Lase.
T k e mext i 'dry is,. how shall we avert the con
sPfloontes•Of • impending evil! I answer, by
resorlingto the ;?..tnal stock, in its native-strength
ann vigoi, in the f ~ , t hs of the Andes. The task I insist, it the be , den duty of the General- -(lo
vermin to Perform. re Constitution devolves on
Abet:Government the , wet to provide for c am g,eit
entd welfitre. :What i ore essential to the wel
: fits! than the potatoe in round and healthy condi
tier I What !pare dot • , • ,tal to this nation than
its final extinction ? I : ' • ire, there is an act of
Commis which authorizes' .e Navy Department
• to direct the officers of the N • to collect and•bring
' horne'valuable plants and - - . from foreign coun
-. tiles,- -. - slihether it now exists :' not, I know not.
. 4. If it doc a tri, let a respectful appliesh' 'on be Matt . e to
Ole; ht ,stat of the Navy Departing-it. requesting his
"I to this important nikter : and it will be sure of
a falkrabie kftsiofi. F lo3*lliiitihe power p)
act tiliallyu ritk , tripe t let Con
gliqsbfk.nteltzed.nn *Oa : 10 , A0,1
shottlituot , bi,:lelayed. • • -Ct
will add to what the*stready "ittiliwthe
phuitshoulatte taken intuits =AP , :gint4ll
not fr9nt acountly to wl4e .
ed, gthongtrit may to allJamenaance,bw aiktnt
ishiug state 'in that,coitnny. welt!' it from "the .
Aucles, we ate sure of 'in oriOnalitoek,,,Fod: rutty
be sure that i it will be ab4r to withstand as many, re
productions among masill has undergone since. it
wick :kg introduced intO Europe.
Things WhOrli we Want.
....... •
We want stronger indireement to agricultural la.
born, through our.pijblie authorities, by means of a
liberal policy of patronar. in the bounties and re
wards ; arld we want stronger guarantee for recom
pense, iti 4 .the establishment of a better system of
practice. '
, We want more prild,r. and less party spirit; more
devotedness to the Sttur, and the interest of the
people at large, and le t s local interest, individual
cupidity, and persnua aggrandizement.
We want, more Stittltultis to individual effort, and
less to jo*it stock companies. Sten Will be guilty
of acts oflinjustice and oppression, in a corporate
capacity, . ; which they will be ashamed to Comm t
on their own individd4l responsibity. • In the one
case they do but shantyind they general by contrive
to shift upon others the odiuin of a bad act.. But,
alone,they have no subterfuge, no excuse. -
We want, fo boys, who are designed to till the
earth, scient c and industrious echools, that they,
May acquit , simultatheously, and, in the scholastic
period of fe, a knoiviedge,pf the best practices itt
fatining, and of die princiAs . n which it au
now alone be judiciously & suce - fully conducted
. We
/ want more practical busine men in our
legislative halls, as Well as upon our fa • s—men
ofjud,t,rment, and independent bearing--at , who,
though they do not talk as much, can think an • let
as correctly and as promptly, as professional talkers,
and who, knowing best the tree interests of the Mass
of our population, are likely to do the least • injury,
f they do not do the. most good. . .
We want a more extended circulation of agri
cultural periodicale:because they disseminate use
ful knowledge, stitnulate, industry, call into action
laathat genius, awaken laudable competition, induce
general improvement, bring into exercise the no
blest feelings of our4iature, and inculcate good will
to-our fellow man.
We want to have inculcated and taught, by pre
cept and example. Jn our public halls, in our social
circles, and in our schools, high and low, the great
moral and political:duty of identifying our individ
ual with the public interest, and of considering the
one as in a great measure inseparable from the
We want more Isystem—more employment for
our females, that they may be more healthy, more
robust ; and more ieriviceable to prosperity—more
contentment with eur rural employments—a
te desire to increase our knowledge, to improve
ow, practice, andtth bring our sons up " in the way
they should go - -;as independent tillers of the soil.
We want more attention paid to augment our
manures, the foodl of our farm crops, that our lands
instead of growing poorer every year, may incpeame
in fertility, in products, and in profits.
We want to understand, better than we do, the ,
the principles ands practice of draining; that much
of our best land. Ow unproductive and misome,
may be rendei!ed productive, •protitabl, and
We want to ex
Ter, as tending'to i
furnish manure,
'end the culture of roots and Clo
perpetuate fertility, fatten cattle,
d fill the granary. I •
I nviction that we can improve,
that we trill improve, and we
cimscions that . we have improv
-ment of our farms.
We want the
the determinatio
shall then becom
ed, in the roan
ARTIFICIAL At. rt.—There are now made in Al
bany beautiful d ..r knobs of common clay and
some other mixt . res. Mr. Pepper of Albany, we
believe is the in •entor, and it is not an incitation of
agate merely, is as real agate as that formed in
Nature's own !Oratory. From this by a preeess
of remelting and careful but expeditious moulding
and baling, in ovens similar in appearance to those
used in bakeries, Air. Pepper manufactures
door knobs and!other articles or household orna
merit4f7l;re dtrrability and beauty. These . door
knobs are of the highest polish and are blended
with - a - Variety cif colors an 4 are strong and beauti
ful. Set in silver or bronze, the knobs are sold,
at a rate which already commands the market.—
It is perhaps AT generally known that the common
clay fused in a crucible runs like water, and makes
a beautiful stone. The door knobs in the Albany
Argillo Works are fused and then put into the an
nealing nieu. 'After the knobs come out of this,
they have no appearance of Agate until they are
grodnd and polished, which is done by a cast iron
grindrtrinr on which a stream of wet and sand con
tinually flows. The method of grinding is not in-'
genious„ all being done by hand. It is not pos
sible to conceive to what perfection the manufacture
of glass and earthenware may be bought, and to
what purposes the allele may yet be appled. The
balance spring of a... Chronometer is note made of
glass, as a entistiniteforsteel, and possesses a greaten
degree of elasticity anda greater power of resisting
the alternations, of heat and cold. One of these
chronometers with agless I:valance-spring has been
exposed' to compejition with nine other chronome
ters on a long voyage, and the 'result was in favor
of the glass-spring one.-IScieniific American.
DittisisG.—h is almost needless to observe that
the importance of draining- is not properly appre
lciated by our farmers, or that few have practised it
systematically. , A writer ori•tbis subject very just
remarks : "Our ;best lands are denominated
cold and wet soils, because the water is suffered to
soak into the ground, and there remain until it des
troys the power Of prsdocing little else than
or a poor crop of poor gqisi:" We are scarcely
able to define that peculiar species of hallucination
under which those of our farming friends suffer.
who permit their - richest, most Valuable, and most
productive'soils to remain submerged, while they
exhaust-their wea l lthand energies on and and sterile
uplands; casting their manure broadest, and taxing
their utmost efforts in order to y wax .poorer rather
than, richer while by properly draining and manu
ring these' submerged lands, they might render
them . far knore productiie in valuable products
than their sandrand porous soils, which are de
nominated dyy, simply because they drain them
selves. • is
The hiOest peak of the Rocky mohniains i 2 12,-
.sno fen t, and James . peak is 12 ; 000 feet. •
_ _ _
all IPAllitilaklEl44s , A4 1151,
T TiAlettpti.l3 Y, gillToll.--7-s-s_.. This )ILaifee
deViareof D. X*, e — stweiliewilti
Penni yultztae wider the, editorship ; of J., '-nsavileY.
wialsorlifimNipOleen and, hia.
biii - Onsenas Letters /trilyTi tile.,_ We
he waking Inlaying and this idipzolvoutitiea
se Jul a large Phice,in.reltho ea*** [lit it *ingot
only maintain its present enviable reputation, but earn
Anima else bigher4epalarity, aud tereurrie ; the eerie
psalm efirway a eirele-10. _Which it 4. 4 1 ,0 1 .1 _e Stranger.
-gladdening by its preetioss,.while it exerts as influence
pure, elevating and healthful< The editor. will bend his
energies to make this the most popular Magaine.of the
day, and while egging himself of elisisunqb frtim * lhe
best writes* be Will dMer freely from his rilin t Shaiul*
less store.
It wait:Winne to maintain its high moral tone, sod
nothing will be adinittatt into its columns *lda *ill
minister to the corrupt peastous and tendencies of youth,
or whielfthe author . 4 , dying would wish to blot." ' ;-•
The deign is to effete the . a Magazin* contain
ing all the attraction and-interest of the lighter peri:s.h — -
cats, while it moves in a kilfe,tent path, and is not ex
posed to the same objectionss.,
It is issued monthly, commencing with May,contain
log 32 pages olleriginal matter, printed on fine paper,
in handsome cetera, with a splendid steel engraving. abd
.colored flower, CIA each zurrnber, with occasional music
and is got up in _eveiy - respect in the best style of the
art, making a yearly volume of 324 pages, full of choice
illustrations, and forming an elegant ornament to the
.r table, or a rich and valuable present to a friend.
Back numbers and 'phones always on band.
Price only $2 per year, if in advance. 3 copies for
$3. 8 copies for $l2.
The Press and the pnb.ic are daily awarding us the
very highest testimonials of the editorial ability of our
Magazine, and the beauty end taste with which his em
bellished, placing it in the very first rank in every re
spect, among the thousands of which we select the tI-
I owner
"Mr Headley's lively and versatile pen is admirably
fitted to give a charm to a work like titis."—A'ese York
v " Under the editorial charge of J. T. Headley, the
most popular writerof the age, we predict • still stronger
interest will he taken in this already well-known and
valuable Magazine. The name of kleadfry alone is a
sure guaranty of success.“— Far mer and Mechanic.
---" The new editor has infused that intense and absorb
ing interest intb its pages fur which his writings are re.
mutable. The work has gained in the power wbifb
enchains the sympathies and rivets the attention, with
.. t losing anything of its former chaste and elevated
mo Is and style."— Windhani CO. Democrat.
S wish this Magazine much success under its pre
smit gua *anship."—Adrocationd Journal.
Thcedit• is well known as one of the most brilliant
writers of the ."—Ameriean Agricuturist.
"Their motto ' to mingle the beautiful with the
goad.—N. E. Rerr. .
"• Mr. Headley contr uses to the present May num
ber liberally in his usual p - big style."—N. V. Tribune.
"His talents will add tly to the interest of the
publication, and have great in. enee in extending its
circulation."—Christian Intelbge
"This very lest monthly is gainin favor, refining the
roughness of life, and blessing the family here it alights,
Es%' etua.'"—Massachusetta Eagle.
" T - is unquestionably the bejit Magazine .f its kitid
in the w
ary. '—Nantucket Erifttirrr. I
"13 utiful as it is valuable."—Lutheran Ob -. .. .
( A few good responsible Agents wanted, to cite • -
late this work, to whom the best inducements will be
°feted. ;fu E. E. MILES, Publisher.
4t.1 151 Nassau st.,N. York.
NIB &ND 23133).8TA1K.D8.,
THE subscribers still continue
manufacture and keep on hand
their old *mud. all kit ds of cane
Ind wood wet 4:HAIRS ; also
'ETTEES of various kind; and
iEDSTEADS of every down!).
ion, which we will sell tow fur
Cash or Produce, or White Pine
lumber, White wo Boss wood,
or CucUmber ci sir plank, or 4 by
4 Scantling 13 feet long—either. Buttonwood, Diwswood
or Maple, will also be receise4or our work.
Turning done to order in the neatest manner.
Towanda, Feb. 22, 1847.
Vetaitifage, Sarsaparilla, Cough Candy,* Fever
mid Ague Pills.
OF THE VERMIFU(E, nothing more need he s nip
than. what is said in the following certificates 64,re
i dents of. Luzerne county :
etscaw, May 17, 1847. \
I used Shepherd's Vermifuge for two of my children.
It sweated well, s and expelled • quantity of worms. I
eau recommend it as a valuable medicine.
To WN lI,LL , Jan. 20, 1847.- -John Koons, Lag.—
Dear Sir-=You will please send me four bottles more of
Shepherd's Vermifuge. The three bottles purchased-of
you e short time ago have been uiedwith the happiest ef.
recta. They were given to three of my children—in one
case 65 Worms were expelled, in another 164, and in the
last 67. lam anxious to give the xest of my family the
binefits.of this - medicine, and therefore Order as above.
This is decidedly the beat article Tor destroying worms
that has ever been in this part of the country. I have
tried Orrick's, Realist's and several others, but without
any good effect. Yours, with esteem.
Price 25 cis. per bottle. SA3II: IL M. tiNir out.
Shepherd's Sarsaparilla. for the permanent
cure of all diseases arising from an
impure condition of the blood.
. _
Viz:—Scrofula, in its various forms, rheumatiarn, pim
ples or pustules on the face, eruptions-on the skin, boils,
blotches, ringworm or letter; cancerous affections, ehro.
nic sore ryes, scald head, enlargement and pain of the
bones and joints, lumbago, dropsy, dyspepsia, chronic
- diseases of the lungs, and diseases arising fmns an excess
151 . mercury, also all chronic constitutional diseases
readily yield under this Preratien.
When the lungs are diseaseZ;itris often the case,
Or when pimples or pustules appear on the face;
The former will vanish, the latter give way,
By the use of Shepherd's riarsaparilic
The medicine ander consideration is a compound pre
privation of Sarsaparilla, and from its containing ingre
clients wholly vegetkble; which it is believed are in n.
other preparation of the kind, the most astonishing cur .
}usebeen effected by its use. Price, 75 cts. per bottle
German Fetter iuul Algae,. Pills. .
Fsvzit LCD Ancs.—This intractahlesind debiliiating
complaint,.wnicb prevails to so great myextent in many
parts of the country; and which if so liable to terminate
in serious organic visceral disease, is no" entirely cured
try the usemf the celebratal GERMAN FEVER AND
AGUE I'lUs. These specific Pills nerdfail todrive
the disease from the system, and restore the constitution
to its original healthy condition. Europe, as well as
America, can testify to their wonderful efficisey. Thou
sands of boxes bare been used, and nearly as many in
dividuals restored to health.
f For sale by HODDER & CO., Pmpriekos, N o , 39,
North Frederick street, Banknote, tnd by appointed
Agents. Price $I per box.
Shepherd's Compound Medicated Candy.
For the cure of ectuKhs, colds, asthma, catarrh, bronchi
tis, hoarseness, sore throat, croup, spitting of blood, and
all other complaints of the throat and chest, and those
arising from a ;disordered condition of the Lungs, and for
clearing the voice, &c. Price 12i cents per package.
Lit those who are troubled with hoarseness of throat,
Or croup or bronchitis—forget not to note;
That it can be cured, and that they can find rest, •
Or when seized with catarrh or compliant, of the breast.
The articles composingthe Compound Medicated Can
dy have, been selected with the utmost °amend attention,
and entirely from the Vegetable kingdoiii--thenefore no
cola need be apprehended of its producing eve; the slight
est injrnious effect.
Au ExTo--MONTANYEB' & CO, Towanda ; J. C.
Adams, Runimenifield creek; Mix & Skin; Standing
Stone; Sherwood, Ruah, Sus. co. 2073
MR.M201111 1 1•621.11TiMIL.111,_••
T_T 8. &M. C. MERCUR, have rammed their
• GOODS to the Store formerly occupied by H.
Mix & Son., north aide of the public square, where
they. are prepared to supply their customers as Immo
fore. Towanda, March 17, 1847.
1 ,
D .- G.
ignitable so, 111. , of
Water, whizzing . of eteszo,!*, &e.,7 which •sueroy'top.
tan . Of approiehing ileifneita4tal else getierally
dant With the 'disease. r Mary petwThea Who have been
deaf tk, fifteen, and . trien• twenty years; and were
obliged to . nab eartrumpetii, have, glee using iitti or tiro
bottles, thrown wide their tnunpetebeiiitinadeverfset-
Physicians and Surgeons highly reeorn!nend
The very great number of bappy results that have fol
lowed-the use of MOSKVA'S ACOUSTIC OIL, have
been truly astonishing: And what it wonderful, some
who were deaf from birth, base beefs so much improved
as to bear common conversation very readily.
It would be the height of presumpticin to warrant a
cure in all cases, but in nine cases out of ten of recent
date, there is a certainty that the results will be most
hoppy and satisefatory to the-patient. The application
of the oil produces no pain, but on the contrary an agree
able and pleasant sensation. The recipe for this medi
cine has been uutaioed from an Autist of great reputa
tion, who has found that deafness, in nineteen cues , out
,of tkaenty • was produced from a went of action in the
nerves of hearing, or a dryness in the ears; his object
therefore Was to find something which would create a
hellthy condition in - those parts. After a long aeries of
experiments his efforts were at last crowned with see
ress, in the discovery of this preparation. which. has re
ceived the neon 21 . SC,A BPS'S COMPOUND ACO US.
TIC 011.. A long list of certificates might be given.
but such is the confidence in thi: medicine, and an high
has been its reputation,' that bat one of them will be at
present published:
Muse EXiIIADRIVIXiiIT Ccrtrti—A lady in Smith
field, Brad. Co., Pa.. and now about eighty years of
age, had 'been gradually getting deaf for more than 40
years. so that it was next to impossible to make her hear
conversation in the loudest tone of ,Dire. Last winter
she was induced to try .* Mcartra's Oil for Deafness." It
is only necessary to add that she used two bottles, and
is peifeetly restored—she is cured. Any information
in regard to the case may be 'obtained at the store of Dr.
Layne, No.B, South Third street, Philadelphia. ti;
For sale by A. S. CHAMBERLIN, Towanda, Pa.;
only agent for Bradford county. 28—Iy
rem . Important 'Communication
Al all timeg.
IF YOU ARE SICK, get cured : if well, employ
measures to continue so. Every individual indulges
in habits, which_musti_to a greater or leaner extant, dis
arrange the admirable and intricate combinations watch
form the systeni, and consequently
abould ponces some rnilil,yet efficacious. simple and ac
credited agent fo preserving all the functions of body
good crier.
will achieve this result, and should be in every family,
and in the hands of every peraon..who by business, pro
fession or general course of life, is predisposed to the se
ry many little ailments that render life a curse, intresd
or a blessing, and finally result, in their aggregated con
dition, is the cause
Bitters here mentioned are compounded by a
treat skill and knowledge, from the simple Na•
• to those who care to find them, and which
?liable antidotes to the poison of disease.
Tient' are the universally-beloved Sax•
Bark of the Wild Cherry Tree, with
r the forest cures nearly every di*.
These materials, though
t, as common sense leaches
sre 11
The chief
tozpartila and
which the red
eat* of the int
powerful in their el
add prepared as they are here,
ca open:flies in the inhabit_-
these BITTERS, the scrofulous may
ty t , and avoid the sharp knife or the .
oak only eradicate pimples and tumor,
''.Whoecerts subjected to the horrors o! C'
should at once purchase this sure remedy. In ,
of Costiveness follow dreadful local congestions,
times insanity. very frequently manicnor hypodum.
violent hectdaches,palpitalions, and tither affections
the heart and rheumatic swellings. Dr. Wood's Com
pound is one of the most efficient medicines in routing
the complaints, and their fountain head, that tan pas&
bly he procured.
From being confined in close rooms, amd from taking
a smell modicum of exercise, numerous persons daily
are made to deplore a km of appetite,paiofulheadaches,
weakness of the muscles, languor, want of energy
sufficient to permit them to seek recreation. ikc. &
These persons say for years, that they " don't feel very
well.", If they do not employ a- method by which they
can feel\gurre watt., they eventually sink under a se
vere fit oisillneits. and are
only by a miracle, and even then the ktneet, leech, Ma
ter and =bawl have left them mere shattered bulks, full
of aches and comma, and not only a pest to thenisebreA,
but • source of disgust and annoyance to all with whom
they come in contact. MI these
may be avoided by an early application of the virtues of
these Brrents. For the truth of this, the proprietor
pledges his word sad honor, and in evidence can show
files of undoubted certificates which he has received, un
solicited from all gusaters. He does not, however, ask
the invalid to swallow his certificates, but his Birrans,
and is willing to stake all he bolds dear on earth in fa
vor of their worth.
•er a modified or see form . , will -disappear be.
ore .ualitie. of Dr. Woods preparation, and the
cure may be ; • Is a permanent one. Did the
BirrEns possess no ot ,- • mendation, it would
be one of the finest vegetable compounds medical sci.
mice can invent ; but it is equal to - the Complete inhal
ation of
in every shape, and of every affection, minor or gigantic,
of the biller, apparatus. Individuals who are constitti
tiorially billions ought regularly to take this mild agrees.
b!e and excellent rosin •ND APIA/SAT, as it will dif
fuse health throughout every fibre of the frame, and
send happiness and love of life thrilling to the heart.—
Families ought tram i 1 ou 2 eissuri.
Every medicine chest on board of ship should also be
well stocked with this capital remedy, as SCURVY
cannot afflict those who take it, or long resist its vigor
ous. assaults. ALL txrvirrnas or TAX ALiion vanish
before it, and rile old relics of earlier imprudence inva
riably disappear, soon after being submitted to its fiction.
Every complaint of the stomach is broken by it. Tea
&Trams have in no instance failed of curing JAVXDICX,
usxstat DSAILITT every disorganization of.„
By neglecting the hide inroads made-upon the latter
a vast portion of our fellow beings are repdereaextreme
ly miserable—so miserable indeed, that they whh todie.
Every bottle of " Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla god Wit
Cherry Bitters," contains a modicum of joy and content
for each of these anxious and imprudent sufferers. Re
member that an injudicious use of mercury is inevitably
productive of many evils which are put to eight by' this
glorious and unsurpassable compound ; and that ink
dons phich are
mity speedily and safely besbufiled off through its agen
cy. As a medicine which must benefit
from the SINPLI delicate to the CONTINZD AND DIM.
T•IAINO INVALID. DO equal is to be found' for it. It
would be well to bear in mind that preventive is inti•
nicely more desirable that cure and that Dr.' Wood's
Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Bitters ARE ROTH.
Put np.and sold in large bottles, at $l, by WYATT
KETCHUM. Wholesale and Retail Agent* .121
Fulton St. N. Y., HUSTON LADD, Towanda, and
bj druggist generally throughout the U.S. 5
:11.. and the Green Mountain Vegetabk Ointment, for
sale by the subscriber, only agent for the town and bo
rough of Towanda. d 22 . N. N. BETTS.
LADIES ! I SAY, LADIES ! ! If you have made
up your minds to buy a nice dress, cloak or shawl
this season, don't fail to-4n at N 0.3, Brick Row, where
you can Sod the most, and cheapest articles in that
line. that is kept in town, es all kinds of tiinsmings.
Remember, call at nett BAIRD'S.
NEW. BMW; e r
- 1111i1116 - iiiiiitAN 6 41=1304 7.
_ speedy inforri the eithisutteETWO•
- - ,• • a and Ipubficieller=
r they 'hate on head* man
i Iy. illowder hirIdsIaVABUREFF
IFEr RN ITU BE, lot-the hest Aare.
- "wrists, sad workrosnstsivshatcarkaot
tittlielled , ino"‘ l l.4* - 01 1 ,
issOitureritlikcountry shops, we witkilipt*litend - juid
make to order SOFAS, of variouildridineitt spitirlisd
patterns ; 'Seta Rocking Chairs, uphidstered lit superior
style. and for ems sad durability cannot be.suipassed
aen 'eur • large cities. Also, the big French . Ms.
beggary Chair, beautifully uphohitered i vrith curled link,
whichwever lawn - its elaidicity, and finished with the
beattair seating:. We Aster ourselves , _that • having
-had ouch experience in the busiesiode, shall, be, abbe
to Musk all-who ugly ket disponi:die 'eslL , boat as to
quality-and price. and by strict attention to,lawinear
hope to weriCand receive the patronage of elibersitera
sudsy. - • L. M.) NYS &
• ..-Tosninds, September 1,184 b. • , •
. - -
MAV BE HAD at our shop mnihie n tar then it
has ever ,been sold in Toiranda. Goods are
cheap, lad Arlie* run lowered, and that is tharison we
can arThrd itl folio do it. All kinds 1;1 prisinne wilt
be received in -payment. Also, LUMBERerall:Mia.
Sept. I. I L. M. NYE * CO:
ilICE11:103181 - 1E - 31M11111141/1
VCAL be kept on hand a largn assortment, and
..Mrmade to order on shorter notice and forfeits mo
nay 'than can be produced at an other establishment in
the land. • Those who are, rind r the necessity of pro
curing that article will and sh Ibe satbified. 11;,gcnid
hearse and pall may be had in attendariHe when desired.
September 1. 1845. L. M. NYE & Co.
In Tininunia.
HM. BAKER respectfully informs the public that
. he has commenced the GRAVE-STONE busi
ness, in all its branches, at Towanda, where be will be
ready at all times to attend to all calls in his line.
Monuments. Tomb-tables, Gsaae•stones, of
' every description, 4-c.,
made to order, and furnished as cheap as WORK and
MARBLE of the same quality can be obtained at any
shop in the country.
He invite.s the public to call and mistnine his work
and materials, hoping to merit their patronage by strict
attention to business, and by superior.wortmaaship and
good marble.
LETTER-CUTTING done with•neatuess and des.
patch, in the.latest style. •
Shop on Man Greet , next demi to T. Elliott's store,
and three doors above Briggs Hotel -
Towanda, March 17, 1847
COSTIVENESS, bash given their certificate, of cures
mule by its use, when all other remedies have failed, and
'the proprietors are now prepared to offer
irany persons afflicted with Piles, and ill dijenses of a
nilar nature, or which are found in conjunction with ;
therPiles, if a cure Is not artecicilly the ure of
t is an INTVINAL RINILDT, not an external application„
and will cure any case of Piles, either bleeding or blind ;
internal or external, and the only thing that will. There
is no mistake about it. It is a positive core, speedy and
permanent. It is also • convenient medicine to take,
and improve the general health in • remarkable man
ner. It is very mild in its opperationi, and may be ta
ken in eases of the most acute inflammation, without
danger. All external applications are in the highest de
gree disagreeable, inconvenient and offensive ; and froin
the very nature orate disease, temporary in their effects.
This medicine attacks the disease at its source, and
removing the Cause, renders the cure certain and. perma
tf;the greater/ mai
-lobe. By taking
restored to
; for they,
Although the. Electuary was origins/1y prepared for
the cure of Piles, yet it has proved itself to be a medi
cine far superior to all others, in all diseases of an in
flammatory character, with • determination of blood to
any 4 particular part or organ. In Inflammation and
Congestions of the Liver and Spleen ; Inflammation,
- and Ulceration of the Stomsche, Bowels, rid-
Bladder : Inflammatory and Mercurial Rheu
is the best medicine ever discovered.
wities of the Blood, arising ftom thei in-
Mercury, or other causes ; for all, die
, and scrofulous affections ; in all eases
-- fully determined to the head,
tress,Dr. Upham!. Electnary
For et,
prudent use
eeses of the
where the b
producing dizziness
is entirely unrivalled
TO M..
Married ladies are
painful and injurious disease.
inflammation of the Stomach,
Demi of the Back, flow of the blood
The Eleetuary is perfectly safe for
the most useful Cathartic that ran . I .
it will not only remove the Nes and
diseases without pain of irritation,', but
easy time, a safe delivery, and a sound coned
the offspring,
Ranwst, June 16,
I have been afflicted for years with the Piles, and
have tried, without anything like permanent benefit, al.
MOM everything assuming the maxi of a remedy. I
had, as a. matter of course lost all confidence in medi
cine. Dnder this feeling, I was induced.not without
reluctance, I confess—to me ''Uirnsat's Eserresav,"
and having used it for about three weeks according to
the directions laid down, I find, to my utter surprise as
Well as satisfaction, that every symptom of the disease
has left me. I think it due alike to Dr. Upham and
myself to make this statement.
Cr. W. NILE AN, late of the U. N.
—— - -
DR. UPHA W.—Deja Saa .— About five 'tenant° I
was afflicted with - sr/320 was called 'Chronic Dysentery.
I have suffered with Weyer since, and physician* base
told me that my liver Was affected, and that my bowels
wersualtested, for blood and pus, attended with a pe
culiarly putrid when, were the frequent discharges. A
short time since I made a visite to Massachusetti, in
hopes of benefit from a change of sir, but suffered more
severely than ever before. While there a, physician of
ared to core me for $4O, in three months. "Happily, in
the Midst of intense pain, occasionally relieved by laud
anum. I saw in the wrapper of your Electuary, a perfect
description of my complaint, together with many eerti&
cates of cures. This give toe great confidence in the
medicine, and I purchased a box, and nine doses of
which has apparantly cured .me, and I am PONT! to
say every thing in its hoar, or render any servic e (I can
to humanity by subscribing to its merits.
Respectfully ,Yours ....
BENJAMIN P AL, 89 South Sixth at.
Sold Wholesaler Retail by W yArr & KETCH
,UM, 121 Pollan/A. . Y., HUSTON & LADD To-
Wands, and by d t generally throughout the U. S.
Price $4 a box. -NOTICE.--The genuine Electuary
thus (ICI . - A. Upham M. D.) The hand is Mao 'done
with a pen.
No. 1., Brick Row, again in the Fiel4ll
D'. 4. Chamberlin, .
P.% i ITAS just returned from **city
-LI- of New York with a large
..ii .upply of Watches, Jewelry and
•',IF Silver ware, comprising in part,
". t the following articles : Lever,
- -s, , - L'Epine and Plain Watches, with
• \ I
\tlii,;_ I .-'' • complete assortment of Gold
- Jewelry, such as Ear Rings, Fin
ger Rio ;a, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, Gold chilli,
Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware,
and any quantity of Steel Beads—all of which be offem
for sale execeedingly cheap for CASH.
Watches repaired on shott-notice, and warranted
to run well, or the money will be refunded, and a writ-
ten agreement given to dist effect if required.
N. 8.--MAPLE SUGAR, and Cnuntly Produce
taken in payment for work; and ale,. learn nowj and
forerer, that . the Produce must Le paid wizen ihetvo --.
a dane—l war against creditin all its farms.
Towanda, April 28, 1847.
' , variably subject to that
'Nies, with consequent
lnd Spine, weak•
the bead, Arc.—
It ladies and
be used, and
„Dm, - • • reit 1014 1 t., •
PnijOgailla it the AM lA4 oo k si aswt .
1.7 n 7 e a. „Uwe DWI iliinm.ol3ll= •
0: 010 McCk and OUrTALQ, tor - Aha
efEenigrents and Families, moiipir..Wi s
drake not berettlferwatted la lb*kluttint fiaat iii
The Haute of Ibis Linevinsof •the MO
fitted and fotniehod *lb snie‘c)
aointoodatioe oIPACKM, •44rteutsob7 Plot*,
ed Captains, and towed by relays dawns,
I. '4 TEMPEST, Capt. AM.
During the mason of 1847, one.ot.the above g o ,
wwing ill
corder ie Cornn g end Elmira every week in yg,
Coast so, every 46(onday_ evening, at 6 &et a * p.
E Immo, envy *Uhl evening, at deisli. P.
Towin_vdoww,,atmetA Lakt even' Th ursday m em .
ink, waybill* at .Thrldltela44.o4l4 and Du* and
leaving Bat*, Rtr Colett and simiea , every 'Wed ge ,
or to EIGHT OR PASSAGE, apply to Csio s h a
Bua, •
WtsillaßotY4 Commg -
S.D. Strang & ea.
Wintermute dt. Tuttle, Horsehe a d s
A. Haab, Havana. ,
L.G. ToWneend,ll4 Stream.
_Woodwotth & Posii J.
.pri x r 4 Holly, Genera.
G a
_& Sweet, Waldiao.
.1. Sboenteber, Seneca Palo,
es & Roes, Montezuma.
ibight; &cheater.
H. Ist ► *. •Buffaio.
AIZI 021,41211a1 -
is Spay for Raigcrins I . .
tn i, THE an bee mould respecthilly ny to his di
CVMOM and thet-pablie generally, that h e l a
re-commenced the manufacture of Chain, sie,, e t bi
old shop on north side of Bridge etreet,in lb.
, Ileda,
inesimown as the " Yellow House." He hi/ sew
smutty on ha d, or will make to order, (M a set*
durable style),t-all anichis in his line as cheap as the
chtespest. Hik friends can be supplied with
l i ra
-Fancy: Wi lor and Conimon'Chairs. of drier:
int past s--Settees, Rocking Chairs,
C Wien", Chairs. 44..,4-0 ‘
AI is--Bedsteads and Tables.
1 , 1,
y that you can buy reasonable.
and.. me at my shop on Bridge street, and I
. will satisfy N, B.— hito wood, encumber sad Burned
plank, wanted in exchange for chain; uo
terms. i JESSE, TAYLOR.
~ .
Towanda, .lan. 20, 1847. . • -
. -
IA BEST RIEND! It is confidently united t
there strut , was a medicine which has given such rit:
form and univ ersal aatisfsetion, u . ,•
They hard stood the severest trials, by curing - when
all other remedies failed, and have established a repots-
MID in 'ale fate of the envious slanders which have been
raised against them,
Each pnxince, by their variations of tensperature, peep•
liar effects upon the human body. The heat expands,
and the coldicontracts 0 e volume of the eiteuleting flu
id, and when thanea take place suilikaly, the effects
i t itiost
are often scribes. ri t's Indian Vegetable Pills con.
teraet the eill id! f sodden changes, by periktiu g .
the blood, and keepin at and bowels in a nata -
nI and healthful con o .
That scour e, of the West. Wright'. Indian Vegetable
Pills stand nrivalled. An instance has never come M
our knowledge ofiliese Pills having been mien, withoet
effecting a Complete cure. Ku Chills and Fever the nVIII
and biliarylfunctions are chiefly disordered, superinds.
ced by great 'physical debility. When the symptom.,
first appearL no time should he lost before ream* 40
these Pills.! A few doses will give such manifest relief
that no perakussion will be becessary to continue the ae
of them,
Wright's n
r ;
dian Vegetable Pills will be found wry
superior. n this disease , the gast ri c juice brweak and
deficient i quality. Consequently. the digestion ie im
perfect an he health impaired. These Pills . moor
the bile fr the stomach, restore its tone, and improve
the digesti ri. •
Wright'. Indian Vegetable Pills are equally well adapt. the removal of this complaint. As they operate
upon the oiae general and uniform principle, of claw
ing the outreach arid bowels, purifying the blood and
rectifying i the secretions, they remove the cause of !awe
dice, and Of all other disorders.
It would be difficult precisely to tell to which of dis
two aexcea Wright's Indian Vegetable Pdls have brin
the greater blessing. But it is very certain that thaw
Pills have given health, and spirits, and a good complee
ion, to hundreds of females, who would:without thew
have been in their gores. A box'of Wright, Islip
Vegmtablb Pills is as inestimable medical companisin
certainjobricids. - -,-:
The ' we "of pain in any part, indicates a corrupt
state of ' e blood. which nature 4s striving to axon.
Akw d of Wright's Indian Vgetabhi Pi ll s skin
on goin tar bed wilt be certain to give relief, if the 69
be st all possible.
liver complaint cars Habonal drunken
complaint. A point
Id not•be mocked with
rery Er ... la - Kipp that sec
'this complaint. Cato
reliance, bads tease
in the disease ! What
give Wright', Indian
do not exceed year a
ir all the opprobrium of
When you bare found that Wright's Indies Terb
Me Pills are • " !cede " the best\ medierbe feu cm
heard of; wrier. TO -num ! Don't rim after eery
start Remedy, which attempts to bluster If kno - 11 0.--
riety. . Abair, all
of rillrthiThhan Vegetable Pills._ Previose\'
introduction' .of this medicine, Indian were a !
beard of ! Now what boats of them.! And
what are they, but miserable =nations of-tke-abO r
medicine no mare like it than chalk is like Maw
One man advertises "Improved" Indian Velle-11'
HI won
want of all such.
There if nospfety elsewhere, The country Us"'
ing with counterfeiters, both of money and of ado?'
But which is worst 1 Is not the ccronterfeiter obi a 4"
cine but little better Than a robber and a murdwo
Buy of the agents only, we so, again. T
Agents in Bradford coo ,oty—Montanyes
wands; A.R. Gaylord, Canton ;S. & FT" .
meroy, Troy ; Coryell & Gee, East Burlitictoi“„_ we '
Gibson, Ulster ; 8. Ellsworth, Athens ;
Milan ; U.Moody & Co., Frenchtown ; Danie l 9 '
flornbrooli; J. C. Mau" Rummerfield creek; Ch ide ;
Rathbone, Canton ; W. Campbell, Sbesbellui °
Warlord, Mcnrocton.
A LARGE assortment of Broad Cloths, C
4 4.
and Rattioeta, which we bate long tea
631 ' "Wog Rood and cheip, now,cheaper ago tin
and upon which we challenges th world, jud
at 7 . 0. D. BABTI.Zis•
Towanda, Nov. 3, 1846
Terms of the Bradford R,Orier'
Two dallies and fifty cents per annum; nr"
deducted if pirad within the year; and fur CASH
ally in advance, OSZ DOLLAR will IsilledUC ltd•
Subscribers at fiberty to discontinue at any "
M i ng arrelirofre • Most kinds o! COVNTZT nos
received in .payment, at the market puce.
Advertisements, not exceeding a squire o f MO
lines, inserted for fifty cents ; every subsequent
twenty-five cents. A discount made to yearly
Jos Pn perms, of every description, nestlr aed
• Would, executed on new and rashionstkrg e ,i'
Letters onlitiiinfteita pertaining to tiiiiirce trar 4 : —
re° 2C , PrilPet fo•ttothute attention. •
ho.oo .
thrown awny—lst Ott