n afismkinm RI§OI6TER'S NOtICES. • r dz. is Web, threst to all Oman. kstimmani o • on %kid Xing and edemas C, Lame, no d ein d the estate of Asa Hinner,,,thessased, MM , d Base township; and" Benjamin Bullinstae, daiskadtat of the estate of, • . . Priserved Beffington, &zeal y s d Wanes township; add Genie . elhattoelt.- a bidiestitof the mate of•• Shag Maynard, deceased, . iso o r Thy township ; and Elihu, Omer, and A. W . opadiro, administrators of the estate of • • • Chauncey Morse, deceased, • hp d Troy township ; and John B. Passel Ind /C.C., wat, administrators of the estate of • Nickolas Parcel, &leased, • ~ Ridgbusy towoship ; and William H. Ovate., . ar yhiNt.adusipistrator of the estate of 4 -. " Walrtun B.• Swain, deceased, Athens township; . and David Palmer and ILO.. f ono sa, administrators. of the estate of. H. N. Ward, deceased, iss if Troy township' ; and David Brewer, eursiving dathistiator of the estate of Arvin Clark, deceased, bar el IRidibury township.; and John Vandyke and Bantams !raker, administristore of the estate et Peter Walter, deceased, ' Me of Leroy township ; and Anson H. Bowe, Wad iiingoe of the estate of . Mattheie-,Schemerhorn, deceased, his of lipringfieldstosinshipt and A. Webb and Ga. brie !icing, administrators of this estate of . Henry C. Smith. deceased, kw ef Sillutsbequin towrship ; and Merritt Osborne, - • 'Guardian of Xelinda Hart, mime dill of Benjemio Hunt; deceased, have filed and sistded is the dhow of the Reging 'of Wi11...i1l and for aw county of Bradford, the aceitals of. their several dmiaistrstions upon the estates aforesaid, and that the isms will be presented to the Orphans' court of said • ova l. on Monday. the 6th day of September nest, for esodnustion and allowance. . L. E. DE WOLF, Regimer. Register's Office, Towanda, July 28,11147, WHEREAS, my wife, LAVINA DUNN, hu left my bed and board, without any just cause or arsoution, this is hereby to caution any person from • or trusting her on my, account, so I will pay as d u or demands or her contracting. Rome, Aug. 2;4847.' , PATRICK DUNN. ,STRAYED OR STOLEN,' om the enclosure of the subsctiber on the • night Fd the 29th of July, ult., TWO BAY, HORSES 4yeiniold, with'black manes and tails.. One without shom - high-life and a good traveler, but not broke to Ida 'The one with shoes, has the off hind foot whits. Wells, Aug. 2, 1847. MARTIN FRIES. waumco a dacm v VIPTICIDISOZI/US aj Q-A/ 7 011441M( AFFICE aver the'Atorel of F.. T. Fox, No. 2, Duck V Ito___Tewanda, .1131 , 28 # 184 T. . D :11 . 11.M0T, • ; I. . 1.6 Ile W. ORPHAN'S (POURT iSALE. N pursuance of an order of the Orphares Cant ef 1. Bradford county; heh? at Towanda on the tenth 4y of May 1847, will be expord to sale by public ream or outcry, on the premises, on Tuesday the t4th day of August next, in I o'clock P. M., the follow ing deecribedicit of land situate in the township of Troy, and bounded as follows : North by land of Ward, era by lands of James Dewitt, south by land of Wm'. BotiisenantLweat by the highwly leading from Gran th-Troy:-.'ll.7ontaittitig one hundred acme or there. ;bouts, being - bad of w hich Wm. Knox, deceased, late gamy township, died seized. Terms made known on . .tittriday of sale. CHARLES DRAKE,. • • A. MORRISON, :„...fely 26, 1846. Ad's of Wm. Knox. dec'd. thts fray for Bargains. PRAPoi.s,'SUN SHADES AND SUMMER tSTITFS,R.44ing at coat, at ORPHAN'S •COURT SALE I N pursuance of art order of the Orphan's Court of Bradfoid county, held at ,Towanda. in and for said county, on the 14th day of May, A. D. 1847, will be espied to sale by public vendee or outcry on the pre mises, on Wedroviday the 28th day of July, A. I!), 1841, at 1 o'clock P. M., the 'following piece of land rituals in the township of Springfield, hounded north by the county road leading from Troy to Tioga Point, slid by lands of Sylvester Leonard, eau by lends Of Oliver gates end lands of Paul Shemsvae, south by lands of Stephen Mies and west by tarots of bantet Bartlett and J. W. ifercl4 and lands of _Lemuel Faulkner. nobtainitig -one' hundred acres or thereabouts, with a two story ,frazned 'dwelling house, a • framed barn and other out boasa thereon erected, and an orchard thereon. The shove will be sold as the property of Benjamin M'Affee deed.—Terms made known on the aiy of sale. • JOEL P. M'APEP., BENJ. J. M'AFEB, -• Executors of Benj. WA fite. Jane 23, 1847 B ONNETSr of every style bought cheap for cash= also, a lot of PARASOLS, will be sold at cot to close the let, at No. f), Brick Bow. CREED. ' AT THE SAVINGS BANK may be found the cheapest GROCERIES in town. A few articles of which we'will enumerate, ;Az :—A superior article of black or pouchong tea ; green teas of all priors and quantities; old Java, RIO and Leguira coffee, crushed, powdered and muacovada sugar; molasses, sperm and mould candles,. lamp and linseed oils, raisins. fish, &c. July 21, NO. h, BRICK ROW. PLOTHES. CASSIMERES & VERTINGS--alio Xi gulped check and broWn linens, gambroons, sem-. met altars, tweeds, of all prices and qualtitiei, may be pumbased at the Sayings Bank, No. 5, Brick Row. '.July 21:. C. REED, - • A UDITOIrti NOTICE. • Sainu. Coolbaugh to the use of D. F. Bar.' Stow, vs . . IJillard C. Green. No. 210, - Dec. T. 4840, Bradford Common Pleas. . TPA undersigned, having been appointed auditor to I distribute moneys raised by virtue of execution *din the above suit, Wlll attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Triwanda Borough, on Sat today the 4th day of Sept. next, at two o'clock in the - afternoon; which time and place all persons interest. td am required to present their claims 'before him, or be Aliened from Coming in upon said funds. July 20,1144 7. WILLIAM WATKINS. Auditor. DISSOI.IJ I7ION. THE co-Partnership heretofore existing under the name oI 'H. KINNEY & CO., at Sheatiequin, was theolved'hy mutual consent on the first day of June hit The Books and, accounts will be found at the old stand open and ready far settlement: " H. KINNEY, • 0.11. BATERLEE, C. F. WELLS,JR. keshequin July 10 1847. N. C...HARRIA, MI persons knowing themselves indebted td tker 0141 firm must walk up to the Captains, offiaraed not only **Mit pay up,e4osts will be made after slaty dais —no indifteenciesiranted. B heshequin July 19 1847. H. KINNEY & CO. 51T.1117 711=4 Alit any Quantity of New Goods ! ! Tut undersigned have (mind thenWelves into, a , .Y"tztoship at the old stand of H. KINNEY &CO. 'ooteqatta under the name of KINNEY & BAT TERLEE Where they may sit all times be band teal? Is *it on their customers with the good things of . L ehe aP itthey can be had in Bradford County. Hard PO for Lumber all kinds of produce taken in tat . Any quantity of butter wanted at the largest kiDria etchange for goods. H. KINNEY. 0. D. BATERLEE _nhequin July 10 1847. E. BATERLEE: • _FARM FOR SALE. • THE subscriber-offers for sale on tomb able terms: the valuable ?ARM formerly owned and now occupied by Joseph.C.Pow. ell,•Esq., situate one -mile north of the boro' , °wands. The lot contains f IFTY acres of good lifting land, nearly all improved, . with a large and to rautodiou s dwelling house, two barns, ad apple 'or -198,d, and a variety 'of whet choice fruit nee, theteon. " ittrther particulars, apply to the adbperibar it his tete in the l lough of Towanda. June 2,8, 847. WILLIAM . ELWriLL, Agent. g=nll . soon tem). monk ; Main isubeik kat t its to lOWA rrimireANDB of um:. &s q uats' be .L Whereon ear* am all the Beetwein filmerr=43l4. • imfeetand that sepply the awing reed tiflOomir WHIM aid Bridge stesets O'Hara awswereth iMOM is the place, and these me thirthinp we de k teldt:l Seventy-elerettnewfookiinU every two seeonda l Put- on the" &aim!! Hear ye ! bear y..! end Onderstend, that O'Hara, at the owner of Main and Bridge streak will 1111 melletf.n. this .11011. 39,781 pairs enema, Shearson or a low paiee than ever was or probably ever sli , lhi77l. fired spin in Towandir. The Wire' Department in thisostabli4rst le i = mi ristied with fashions. i.ey and common boots ti m sre, and o the ettnrity of the latest fashions. Mimesis Lam the piles -Career of Main and Bridge Russia, the milli nee Shore ix Bradfcird County. Half eons sad half trade far Softer. H. O'HARA. Towanda, June 114, 1847. imbieribers -are a little !ate, than usual this aprtns ve - Ithiheir extensive stock of merettudias but what the good people of Bradford county have lost by our delay, we gni] now endeavor to make up to them m Wquantity, quality and price .of our goods. e are now on band- with the LAROES . P, BUT AND CHEAPEST stock of goods in Towanda, bought exclusively fix casheand since the great reduction in prices. Our stock consists as usual of For further particulars look along through the paper. We need not say •' Call and examine our Goods," for we' know that every body WILL call 81 No. 3, before purchasing elsewhere. T W M. H. BAIRD fr. CO June-16, 1847. TUST received at No. 8 Brick 'Row, an 'extensive J assortment of rich and desirable dress goods of the latest style, such as striped Tarleton, embroidered tour lip, Cherry • lustre, M. De Leine, Gingham Lawn, mourning organdie, Balzorine Gingham Robes, Ladies sniped dresses, together with all the new and fashiona ble fumy goods that could be found in t h e city of New Yost, and will be Sold cheaper than the same goods as be bought at any other es tablishment in the county. Remember this, and before you purchase Mop into HAT'S --The largest and best selected assortotnt of Summer Hata. consisting ofPanams,Englisli straw, Dunstable, Pedal, Pelmleaf, &c., for sale cheap at • . BAIRD'S BONNETS—Florence, China Pedal, Btraw and Lawn Bonnets, all of the latest fashions, st BAIRD'S. BOOTB di. ISHOES--Men'sdalfaild Morocco boots, sod Comes& gsiteks, and Ladles shoes of every description at. BAIRD'S. PAINTS d< OlLS—Linseed, Lamp and Tanner's 4 flil—White Lead, dry and ground Ifenitian Red, and all kinds of Paints lot ale at the cheat:natatory in Towanda. j BAIRO'B NO, 3. B. R. • FlSH,—Alaikeind, Shad, and Codfislt'in great &bun dance,at BAIRD'S, el ROC E RIES.— The best article , of Telt' Coffee So gar, _ Rice.Tobieeo, &e., can he found It 111A1 DRY GOODS.—Everything in tae line of Dry usually kept id this country, or ever wan yea, can bq found at No. 3. The said goods were put chased•in New York niter the great rush was over,,and when there was a great depression in the Markets. and consequently were bought cheaper and shall be sold cheaper than any stock of goods in Bradford county.— This is true, if we do say it ourselves, and if yon don't t.eheve it, just drop in at No. 3, where the children cry re come! and you wilt become convinced that goods can be sold cheap in Towanda. S ALT -100 MAL Salt just received and for—wk st BAIRD'S, N 413, B. R. LOUR-50 sacks of find rate Boor just received for sale at BAIRD'S, NO. 3, B. R. *MOO*, NO. 3. IN TOWN AGAIN. Dry Goods, Groceries. Crockery, Hard ware, Drugs and, Medicines. LADIES DRESS GOODS. New Arrival. 0.1,--No: 1, Brick Row ! A. 8. Chamber/in, Inewltaitring, and o ff ers for sale a the DRUG DEPOT. No. I, Brick Row. • large addition bis former stook, consisting of every variety of .turoecries, Drugs and Medicine& Dye Staffs, Nits, Oils, Perfnmery, Fancy Articles /se. which will be sold at wholesale or retail, at unusually low prices. Tennt CASH. Towanda, June 18, 1847. GROCERY'S, in the country. can be supplied with sit - articles in their hue, th - most reasonable terms. st jel6 No. 1, RRTCKROW. BROTRER JONATHAN, for the P Fourth of July. at No. 1, BRICK ROW. DUNBAMS, Reese'm, and a splendid article of hu ported CIGAR'S, it No. 1. BRICK ROW. ATENT MEDICINtS, every kind now in. use, P can be found at the Drug Depot ; Agent for Jayne's Smith's, Clickener's, Moffat's, Pain kilter,, and various other medicines. A full and general supply alsiays on hand jel6 No. I, BRICK ROW. 011'4' PERFUMERIES, is splendid article of Hair Brushes, Thermometer's, and Panel , Articles, for sale at jet&'No. I, BRICK ROW. DEDL RS will find it to then advantage to call at the Drug Depot, where they can he supplied with eve ry article desired, such as phis*s, essences. 4ke.., on the hest terms. jet 6 . No, I, BRICK ROW SODA FOUNTAIN, just erectetkat the Drug Depot, 1., to which the attention of the public lis invited. 314131 SIIEZMIIio THE Subscriber offers his new stock of HATS ^AND CAPS at the first building south of the Brick. Row. where the hat manufactory of Mr. Thome; was formerly kept. Those who wish to purchase frir Cask will be accommodated at very reduced pricese Fur Hats from one to four dollars; Silk Hats from one to three ( dollars ; Wool-hate from thirtyweven to: a half cents .to one dollar; Caps from eighteen own to one dollar—according to quality. HENRY MER Meg 27, 1847. STRING G 0 0 . 1 S IIS. & M. C. MERCVR have just received a e good assortment of Gingham*, Lawns, Sommer Shawls, Elowere, Wreaths...Bre. &c. ; which will be sold cheaper than Myer. Towanda, May 3, 18474 • New Arrival of GoOds, by .Express! - •B. ICINGSBERY, • • • HAS just - received from New York; a 'beautiful as. 'aortment of Lawns. Gingham., Honartt Palm Leaf Batts, Ike, which will be mold very cheap.— Also Caps and Parasols and a wrist of other goods. Call and see tbs reduction from lams spriog's prices, and if you should want any thing in the way of New rou will be sure-to buy. Moir 211.1847. Goods. y First Arrival of Goods from New York. Burgess Kings/hem IS now receiving ir general assortmetit of Sprint and Summer Goods, whith will be sold cheaper than goods were ever offered in this pimps before. His Mends will find as they mount the Asps at his door that prices go down. Call and stamina for yourselves.— MY goods and prices will praise themselves. You will find a large and general airsortment armory variety of Dry Goods, Urocerks, Hardware, Crockery, Glanj Nails, Iron, Steel. Paints, rla, Dye Stuffs, Boots, Ethi, Hats, Caps, Codfish, -Mar ere!, ripe., /Cc. -My blends and the public generally are respectfully invited to cell and nimble my stock,* I am aitisfied I am offer theal goods cheaper than at any other Store. May 171, 1847. BAIRD'S NO. 3. B. R. WM. H. BAIRD & CO A; he Itk _ _ _ mai ~i_l~T,n~lw • E. T. FOT; • irrmido this teethed of-Inlimning evitry'penixt who worts la wawa 000D8, the he bar opened is satire stork of NEW GOODS is No. 2, Ben* Row, Soniseely occupied by C. &Er Reed, one door Wow Rai Post ores, *sew halins&lbe happy 10 show soy ono bill stock wits will Sow his with • will ; so he iisberniined not to be undwsold by any one in this or any other Town this aide at New - York. My stock is "cry bugs, consisting of D Goods, • Grocert ry es_, Crockery Hardware, Boots 4- Shoci , ,L.L A large assortment of Dress t Suck as Sack and Linen Gingkams g kam llfadinu , Printed and Argandie do., Oregon Raids, and Lama cloth.. Also, A great randy of Preach, English And Amerman cloths, Cassi- • stern settings, Croton • Cl ot h. Tweeds and • Sumter Stuffs. Don't to call, as I will sell for the Ready Rhino a little leis than any other live man. Towanda, Jana 1, 11917. TUIIIT-4,mceired 12 Chests Fresh Tess, falling from farro 75 cents per. 1b.,-,lSarranted good or no sale COME one and all and see the best and cheapest So gar, Coffee sod Molasses in town at jobs 1. FOX'S, NO. 2. B. R. BOOTS AND SHOES AFiftf3T Tate Int of Gents kip, seal and coarse boots, - fine medium and coarse shore; also Ladies' fine kid B. B. Ties, Boakina, Gaiters and half Gaiters. and an endless variety of child's almost NO. 28. R. A FEW Family emelt /10AREOPA TRW Medi cine, with Newlin's - Domestic Phystedian. Also, a few Hull's Laurie at FOX'S. NO. 2, B. R. CROCKERY if OLASBWA RE. s first rate assort meat at jel NO.2, D. R. ODOZEN o( thaw cheap Parepols left, which are adling st related prices at ; NO. 2, B. R. TEGHORN and IAIVII %DIMS ;alsoLeghora, Pearl .14 braid. and Pattzilesf hats, and a ghif 'variety of Cape at • del r r'O.2. B. R. _ THE Ladies do my that • the largest and prettiest assortment of Drees 'Goods, Ribbons. Parasols, Gloves Hosiery, &c. in town, is to be found at FOX'I3. Call and see theui, as they are sellmg from 10 to 25 remit. cheaper than at any other Store in town at' june 1. NO. 2, B. R. 200 PlECESCalicoes, the prettiest in town, eel ling from 5 to 15 cents per yard at NO. 2, B. R. juin I. SAVINGS BANK. NEW OFFICERS ELECTED. A T an annual meeting of the 'directors of the " To wandss Savings Bank," C. & E. REED were elected in plea' of G. E. Flynt & Co., whose term expired May }at, 1847. It is the intention of the new Cashiers dr. Co., to sustain the credit of the institution by " putting goods low down " to pay up customers.— We therefore invite our old customers and the public generally to cell and examine our stock of New and- Cheap Goods, just received, and convince themselves of the truth of the old adage. that " Goods have, can, end shall be rrld cheaper at the Savings Bank than at any other establishment in Towanda. N0..5. B. R. May 18, 1847. C. &-E. REED. IPMJB MIMIWing FOR SALE. ■ TIMBER LOT, situated in the tp. of Burlington, in this county, containing abut 157 acres, on which is • good mill site. Fcr further par ticulars enquire of J. H.4IA VNES, at Hawley's store, Franklin. July 7, 1847. 2m4 - JP' 111. 'IL" I r • MK= Cm aII`SMI) RESPECTFULLY' informs the citizens of Towan da, and the public generally that he is prepared to execute in,the neatest style all descriptions of Reuse. Sign. Coach or Carriage Painting. or Trimming; and every variety of Fancy and Ornamental Painting. . From his long experience and the many specimens of his productions now in use, he entertains a flattering hope that by close application to his 'profeesion, and being prompt to order he may secure a suitable share of public /patronage. Me mq he found at all times at the Chair Factory of Tanking & Makinson, where he will be on hand to attend to the calls of those who may want his serstees. PAPERHANGING done on short no tice, in a superior manner and reasonable terms.: Towanda, July 6,` I 847 . ly4 ANOTHER ADDITION TO THE Stock of Goods in the Savings Bank. N consequence of the grest rush at the Sayings Bank I for Chap Goods; the proprietor has been induced to replenish with a splendid assortment of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, which are now opening, and veil ing at greatly reduced prices, The proprietor. Mr.C. REED, pledges himself vo fully and amply sustain the credit of the institution which it has hitherto borne, is. for selling goods cheaper than any other establishment in Braidford co. Persons desirous of testing this, have Conlg to call at No. b, Brick Row, and satisfy thenvelves. July 7, 1847. - REED. _ - LAWNS, ORGANDIES, LAWN GIIGHAINS, and Light Ginghama, .have been received at the Savings Bank, and are sellin turenty•five per cent. cheaper than ever. jy7 C. REED,, rpooys & SHOES—A large and exhaustless as seHtnent or coarse and fine boots and shoes, ladies' f snd half gaiters, kid ties, buskins. F,ench kid slip. pens, children's cloth and morocco shoes are now selling very low t the Savings Bank, No. 5, Brick Row. REYIiOLD'S CELEBRATED GRAIN CRA— DLES. grain and grass scythes, scythe maths, lakes, and Quinebaugh whet stones may be fonnd at the Savings Bank, No. 5. Brick Roar. C. REED. Proceed, gesitlemen CAMBERLIN'B , /401JA FOUNT M in a perfect rage. aboot these days, just up there at No. I. Brick Rrow, where you can find Aristocratic Cigars. Gentte mm's Fancy touches, and every thing in onr line at the Drag Depot, uncommonly cheap, wholesale land retail. July 7, 1847. Ar .CH ANDERLIN LIST OF LETTER' remaining in the Post Offers at Athena, Pa., quarter ending June 30, 1747. • Abbott C Mort Alvah Andrews C. P. Mills Jane Aldrich John C - Murray L Arnold 0 McDole John Brion Nancy - Merchant M 0 . Brooks Peter Norbufy T S - Buck Joseph . 2 Mallory Henry Brown Artcaiu • Palmer John Bowman AC Raymond Elias Chapman C D 2' Relfi.ld Jamei 2 Caramel H Smith C.B Cerringtrin J Y Samar(' B M '• . N Drake Francis z, %Hp T Durpby Lyman Snyder 140 1 A Dilden Robert . Swartwood Geo K Edwa.de A . Erm an Nicholas Fabian James E 8 Gardner I. A m Elisha Hyatt elder LII . Wearer Jos Hawkins A West Wm . Hyatt Ai R Stlii Wontey Wm Jackson Sophit Watkins Mary Crum elder 8 , Warren Wm Knickmbaeker Addis YR& Latin' Livinpton L C. H.__ HERRICK, P. M. _____ First lot Of New Goods in Towanda. MONTANYES' & CO. are receiving a tittle and general assortment of Spring and Summer Goods Which will be disposed of at iiholesale or retail at re duced prices. April 20, 1147. T AMES can find a solortiat'assortateat of DRESS A./GOODS & CLOAKING'S, at MERCUR'S. Fors, No. 2.8. R., #~+ MEW NM= net t Tfinkiligi TlATllNG;leileefidid teigether . SW . llss Merissells-baawiss, s , /* don whistles and stria. vocation Se basins:skits merit eallwrietPab• ilernsalle• They - way always bar *wad wady so attend to any personirbsaisbessecassadalisassin tbsir line. They will occupy *Odd Mend of Elliott & Memo; sad as it hes PA been enlarged and Asada asses "swi ms and convenient, eastonsers will find it sten plea sant to do business in. ELLtorr a TOMKINB. May 27, 1847. ' • p . NEW GOODS"! NEW GOODS !! JUST received and for sale a spivadid semortment of Spring and Semler Goods. which will be mold as cheap for C ash es ears be food in Northern Pewee,— Costanara will find it to their adman to call and ex amine their dock before porebosiog bent. May 27. ELLIOTT it OMICINS. ANY quantity of GINGHAME , jolt received and for aide - by ELLIOTT dc TOEKINB. LA WISTB' of all varirties; Mao Gingham Lawns very low (or cub by ELLIOTT, & TOMK[NB. BOOTS and Shoes, the largest Wick in town sal II ebeap as eau be bought in the country by E. & T. 110E8, Ladies weer of all kinds — French Battin LI Batton Gaiters, Pe. tip. Buskins, kid slips, Last ing Gaiters, and a wariety of all kinds by E. &T. COTTON Yarn, my quantity—alto Carpet warp white and cAored by . E. & T. T CIMINO GLASSES, of every variety for sale -.1-4 by jt9 - E. &T. IRON of all kinds, English and Swedes, together with rolled and hammered; GLASS as cheap as the cheapest, and • large stock of NAILS, by &it T. OLD Lable icail Rods, ■ very large quantity as cheap as the cheapest, & a variety , damn iron by E.& T. A IS PLEN DID assortment Parasols .of all Mum ani of . evefT variety of Umbrellas by E. h T. BONN ETS, a good variety Leghorn. Straw, Lawn n,' Coburg, cheap as the cheapest by E. &T. EGHORN Haw' of .11 size; and descriptions, gether with a good lot of pshrileaf by E. &T. A . GOOD assortment of Cilicoes. In faet, we have A as good an assortment of ill kinds of Dress Goods as you can find in any store in the country. Also, • good assortment of Clottia, Cessimeres, and Summer wear of all kinds and descnptions as cheap for cash as the cheapest try E. & T. SHEETINGS and Signings, both bleached and un bleached cheap as the cheapest by E. & T. S.RLT: SALT! 200 BARRELS Salt for %sleet June S. • MONITAN YES' & CO New Spring and Summer Goods. 11. 14: BETTS TS now opening ■ new and splenditl i _assortment of .I. staple and fancy goods at his store, (situate on Main street two doors below Bridge street (west side) nearly opposite Momanya's & Co.) embracing all ankles generally kept in the country, such as Dry Goods„ Groceries, Crockery and Glass ware. Hardware. Nails. Iron. all the varieties of Steel, Glass, Paints Linseed Oil, Lamp Oil 4-c. which he offers to purchasers at unusu r al low prices for Cub, Produce, or approved credit. And would re spectfullL invite all who wish to purchase to all and etamine his -- goods and prices befort purchasing else- whero, as he is confident he can offer good bargains. June 1, 1847. PRINTS. M. De Laines,• Gingham*, 'Lawn., ilte. The Ladies will find a beautiful auoitment at june 9. BET AGREAT variety of shawls scarfs, perusal 'Julies and Mimes' Bonnets very cheap at BETTS'. BLACK & BEAVER CLOTHS, black and fancy Cassimere% and all sorts of Summer stuffs, a large assottment, low for cash at BErrs'. - UT INDOW & W ALL PAPER, a nice variety and Vll cheap it j BETTS'. H ARMS & BLOODS' r as scythes and scythe. maths aho Dante cradlificythea at BETTS'. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. O. D. Bartlett. HAS the pleasure to inform his friends and auto mere and the public in general, that he is just re ceiving a large and carefully selected stock of seasona ble Goods, which, as heretofore, ha is prepared to sell lower than any BRAGGART. Towanda, June 2. I 1114 7. PAPER HANGINGS. THE largest and moat beautiful assortment of Pa per Hangings ever brought into this place, just received and for sale cheapat 0. D. BA RI'LETT'B. Dry Goods, • Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Hats and Caps, Hardware, Bonnets, Crockery, Books and Stationery, Iron and Steel, Paper of all kinds. Paints and Oils. Glass and Putty. NEARLY every variety of etch of the above kinds of Goods on hand at the lowest rate at 0. D. BARTLETT'S. COIL C! ML IN BEST tested coil chain for Bull wheels to raw mills and other similar WWI just received and for sale cheap by BONNRTS. A splendid assortment of Leghorn and straw Bonnets, latest style just received and for sale very low by O. D. BA KT El"r — r WOOL 'WANTED ! ! OD. BARTLETT will exchange cloth o r o th er . Goods fur Woot on the best terms possible. it Towanda. June 1, 1847. Asuperior lot of Lawns,. summer Gingham* and Monterey plaids, a new article for dresses. Also, prints of all patterns, which are selling extremely low at the SAVINGS BANK. BON N ETS. Alarge and extensive assortment of Bonnets, con sisting of Leghorn, Albert Braids, China pearl, Straw gimp, English Straw, &c 1 together with ribbons, artificial., wreaths, die. to match, are now 'selling at reduced prime at the SAVINGS BANK. GAMER SHAWLS. a beautiful maionment of S Berage, De Lain and grocha Shawls may be found at the SAVINGS -BANK. PARASOLS of every variety and pattern. Also, Umbrellas, are now selling extremely tear at the Towanda, May 24, 1847. SAVINGt3 BANK. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. AFFWlninured Finn& BUCKWHEAT-FLOUR in 50 lb. mks, a superior article. 'net reeeived and for sale by Feb. 12. O. D. BARTLETT. NAMES AND HARNESS TRIMMINGS. JITST receive 4 a latge quantity of Pine and Common Hamel. Aim, Plated end Japan'd Henresa Trim tnings at Feb: U. MERCIJRI3. ViJklll2 l / 4 191111199 lAAS just received the lord auwortateot of NEW GOODS ever.broaght into Bradford 00., which he offers In extbarige , * CASH, LUMBER. or • PReiDUCE. Monroeton. May ID, 1847. DISSOLUTION. THE FIRM of E, Smith & Son is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts, Am.. due the firmmust be immediately paid. E. SMITH. Towanda, May 12, IM7. Cr. T. SMITH. . - SHERIFF'S - SALt. • rG , siiiiieseeiliy , Wati ei 4 - ditiiid iiimidi 41;4 ni of the triend of_nom men pleas et-Snaffled eo., to me Angled, [shell espies to public We at the bane of THOS P, WOODRUFF, in the homers* of Three; ea, on Mealy, the gill' day of Septenitier best, at 2 Aloe*, P. 11.. the following phew fee pang of WA I n Ridgbeny township. bounded north by latideig Perrin BernharL,Otest by. lands of Howard F. Burt, iiofdli by land of David %tuft, and east by hind of thwithai efird Mins Cart. tontaining fifty Acres, liberal twenty icilii thereof improve& With a small orchard, log house and • log nee thereon. i Seized and tsk in execution at the suit tof Mark A. Burt va. John M. 11. ALSO---A • or Pareekof land in Athens township. i t e bounded north ii east by find of Isaac liffiepanl, Keith' by lands of LeraelMead. and west by the post road lead-, log from Athens A Elmira. Calif:Meting , abbot 1 acre; more or less, all improved, with one frinifid house, and one shed thereon. • Seised and takim in execution at thessuit of H. M. Partridge vs. Almeron H. Tour. ALSO—A eierlikin piece er parcel of land in Biding ton tp., bounded facia by the township line between Burlington and tipringlield, east by land of Henry L. Ross, or E. S. T4icy, and on the mouth by --= Shack leton, and west bf Isaac Sturges. Containing one hull dred and thirteen saes more or less, about thirty acres improved, with cske framed home, °acing house, and one framed barn, surge few fruit trees thereon. - -_ ~ Seized and balm in execution at the suit of E. S. Tra-' sty vs. Samuel 4, Dickinson. ALSO—A pi ele or parcel of land in Warren town ship, bounded nthwesterly by lands of Jcihn Dickin son.dit east by lan of Win. Corbin south essterly by lands of Grange Brain d Phineas Antisdek ninth-westerly —by land °fir b Rogers. Containing shout 45 acres t in more or less, wi about 25 acme improved, with one framed tavern ho se two small barns and one apple or chard thereon- Seized • Seized and wain in execution at the snit of Adeni ne. tratoni of Joseph Rrince,dec'd. vs. Philip Rogers acid Bash French terre tete. t ALSO—The !lowing piece or parcel of land situate in Monroe town4ip, and bounded as fellows, to wit .;-.. OR the south by stoat Dunk*. west by land of . J. L. ' Rockwell, north J. Hornet, east by the main road.— Containing abo one fourth of -an acre - more or leer, with one framed once and framed barn thereon. Seized and to nin execution at the suit on. P. Kirby, to use of H. H. ace vs. John Terwillewer. ALSO—A prtrce or parcel of land in Franklin town ship, bounded firth by lands of Overton, mot fry M'- Cord's lands, with by Wm. Shiner, end wee by Jacob Tall. Containing about one hundred serer, more or less, with about treey-five acres improved ,; earring house, I framed barn an a small orchard thereon. Seised and t en in execution at the suit of S. L. & R. Fowler vr Litwis Shiner. ALSO—By virtue of a writ of Leeari Facia, the south half of al that piece on: parcel of land in Smith field tp.. Begin 'ng at a stake and stones at the notth east corner of t no. 12, and the north-west cornett' of lot no, 13, the ce rest 28 chains end 50 link. to the north-east corn+. of lot no. 13, arid the north-west cor ner of lot no. it, thence south 40 chains and 75 links to the south-ea, corner of lot no. 13, and south-west corner of lot not 14, thence west 26 chains and 50 links to the wrath-west corner of tot no. 13, and eolith-east corner of lot no, 12, thence north 40 chains and 76 links to the place of beginning. The whole tract above des. gibed containing one hundred and one acres and - thirty two perches. Seized and taken in execution at the Fejt of Richard S. Stuart, trnstee of Mary Caton, vs. Wiiliitrii Cladt and Silas Betts, terre tenant. ALSO— A piece or parcel oflandin Wysox and Monroe tps • in the county of Boidford, Beginning at a white oak. thence by land of 'Wm. Morrison, north 2° west 266 perches to a post, thence east 52 perches to a chesnut oak, north 73° east 127 perches to a pine, south 50°, east 200 perches to a black oak, south 34° west 211 perches to a blaik oak, and west 200 gambol to the place Of beginning. Containing 436 j acres, with allowance. Seized and taken in executlbn at the suit of John Keating, vs. Israel Smith. JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff'. Sheriff's office, Towanda, July 21. 1E147. Of the partition of the estate of Benjamiii Bnnk. deed . Irde of Sheshequin Lou nship —in the Orphan's Court of Bradford town. ty of Dec. T. 1847. THE heirs and devisees of Benjamin Brink dec'd. to wit: Danirl Brink, Brink Smith, Alpheusi Tozer and Calista his wife, Charles Smith, John Smith, Daniel Smith. Orson Smith, Valentine Smith, James SmitAjlachel-Smith, Theodor* W. Brink, Henry M• "inney and Amanda *Kinney his wife, and Delilah Brink and John Brink and their guardian, Orison Rickey—Orris Brink, Elizabeth Brink, Charles Brink, Julia Brink and John Brink, Jr., and their guardian John Brink—Elizabeth Hensley, Jamesßrink and Hestet Forbes, are herehy severally notified that the Orphan's Court of Bradford count,* on the 1 lth day of May, 1847, did grant a rule ttpon them to come into Court on the first Monday of Septetriber fieit, and elect to take or refuse the estate of said detedent at the valuation made thereof, an" in case they shall refuse to acceptlhe same to show cause, if auy they have, why the shame shall not be sold By the Court, . LYMArf E. DB WOLF, May 22, 1847. Clerk of Orphan's! Court. 0. D. BARTI.ETT €~il; : ~cttb: ,: IN THE MATTER ADMINISTRAT'OR'S SALE. TOURER.' AN to an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford county, will be exposed to public sale at the house upon the premises in Sheshequin township, Bradford county, Pa., on Saturday the 4th day of Sep tember, 1847, at one o'clock P. M., all of the certain pieces, lots or parcels of land lying and being in said township. known as the Mensal Horton term, to be sold,- as the property of Patrick Cuotmings, dec'd., bounded as tellows : Beginning at a corner, thence by lota No. 94 and 101, south thirty degrees and 15 mi nutes, 82 perches to a corner, thence by parts of lots 0. 101, 102 and 103, south 59' degrees west, 184 perches to a Corner, thence along the Sheshequin road, north 64i degrees west, 22 perches, north 03 degreeis west, 78 perches to a corner, and theme by pins of ,lots No. 91 and 92, north 59 degrees east, 236 perches to the beginning, being part of lots No. 92,93 and 101 in the old township of Claverack, one of the . seventeen townships. Centaining 92 acres and allowance, with a framed house, framed barn, and out houses, and, a large apple °rehear thereon, ALSO—AII of. the t*o rindividedt "fourth parts or shares the *hole into four equal parts or shares to be divided of and in all that certain tract of land being an [Stand commonly called Horton's Island, lying in the Susquehanna river, just above the mouth of Sugar Creek. containing in the whole. by computation, fifty id: acres and one hundred and twenty-five perches, be the same more or less. The other half belonging to Stephen Newell and Franklin -- Attendance will be given at the time and place of side and terms made known. HIRAM MIX, May 24, 1846. Adntinstrator - de bonis non. IN THE MATTER --- Of the pdration of the Wale of David Pratt, late of Canton towriship, decd.--in the 'Or . phan's C mrt of Bradford county, of Dec.. Term, 1846. /MBE heirs and derriteed of David tt dec d., to j wit! Ebenessr Pratt, David Prs Asa Pratt, Jonathan ft, Pratt, Wm. Roberts, Betsey oberts, Jesse Griffin, Rachel Griffin, Julius Pratt and heater Pratt, are hereby severally notified 'that the oiphati's Court of Bradford county - on the.Bth day of May 1847. did grant a role upon them to come into said court on the first Monday of September next and elect to take or refuse the estate of said' decedent at the valuation made thereof, and in case they shall refuse to accept the, erne, to showcause if any they have, why the same shall not be sold. By the Court. , . LYMAN D. DE WOLt, Junitt, 1847. Clerk df Orphan's Court. The Saddle and ffitrness asiness S still continued by ELItAN All mem, J. CtJLP I &C. T. SMITH, under the tine of Elkanab Smith 4. CO., at the old stand North . sideof fhb Pnt.lic, Square, where will be kept constantly on hurl ;s ee r Plain and Quiltee Saddles, Plated and fLoon oon Harness, all kinds of 'Nelms Yolltesk, ant i alt other work in their lie, Carriage Trimming 4 aalitary work done to order. From their ex patience awl punctuality, thily are in hopes to receive a s h am of p s i,* p a t ronage . Work can be had at their shop as cheap as at any other shop in the connti of the same Tulin. May 18,'47 GEIEI - - 'Nab tic& Wivertbown& Premiliais Awarded to ,Levi Brawl, By lb Americas lutituti fir Gold his. g,840.A Silver Medal 8 eyelid GM Pens: .1. 1841.•=4 Diploma for gold Pena, • " 1812--A; Diploma for . the 604004. Penni 184X-'4. Diploma' for the beet gold ti e s". 1844—A Diplome fin. stiparior ,Pmas: 1845—A /River Medal foi the beat Gold Penn.. •1846-4 Silyer 114ertat the tokeold Irene: ,•• is to entity. that the kayo's • isikk /is* the records of the American tastiltifi llEilißY MEWS; • , • •- • Rea. See.`of the A avarice_ ajoititiilh Gtn3't . A Woo ';' 4. aCisitr dt &NW. THE subscribers vire *s a u te i n announcing to the citizens of Bradford could, aid. viciirkji f6i l illhey have leased for a term of years fire Intilklizireaduthe in Wyalusing township, and known's.% lnghern*s rag:tory, and which they are now fitting up with inseftiWiny lad ,apparatus for she inafulfacture of, broad and narrow cloths, flannels, &c.,itr supederr style and on the moat reasonable' terms. Those wishing to have Roil Orkin. lectured upon sharesi Will find it to their advaetW to give them 'a cell, as they . are determined tbit 6900 a• I shall be slimed to give the most perfect satiSf.ac tion..-- They work Wool into Broad or narrow &MO #iipb, f f or one ball the cloth, or if.preferred, they win Om:- actor. by the yard as follows :. 7 -13load cloaks Ittlipm 11. rto $1.1.5 ; Narrow cloth, from 44 to 50 cts. Other artifice manufactured for proportionate,-pricti. Wool carding andi cloth dressing will be done en short notice add reasonable terms. They ern) Pus pre. pared for busimmcin'Or before the first of Rine ntntt. Wyalusing, A pril te, l 841: MALL- & HILL. . "God made the world' for me, o! thee,. folr all." RESOLVED, by the National Rethim•Aap 'tor:hition of ,Iffotentato Lake, July 24, 184 7 ; Thai a and be Plished in the FlradfOrd county papers. calling for vo lunteer contributions to a Tract and Lecture ftuid, MP ltutfififig Henry ep,hririm Leach J lM collect the same. Therefore, ill contributions paid (WIT to Mr:Leach. Agent, Messrs. James Wilcox or Chattel 11. 1 dwmtuar Treasurers, will be thankftilly , ,receive; did duly applied to the frirtherinff the folfoiring Measures :, . Ist. An investigation of land tides hi Pennsylvania, from the first known transfer up to the close of waid fa. vestigation, and the same recorded in the county where :in said lands are located: . , 2d. To On a law. *retiring to eettleni who or those who purchase improvements of settlent, a full ro pensation therefor, before writs of ejectihent ea be MO Word against them. . • . „ 1 , 35,1: Tb tax all lands owned over 440 odes: tlie . ablest. or companies, (siy)„n pet ice per suurtun t he applied in paying the stair debt. .. Done it Burlington, Brady Co., ital . S . l 847: - • 40H ISr.;AUST.IN; . l'fto i NtAs smrr , • P s d e b ig HI „,:_ W rut.] vs NI CllO ts, 41 1 ,: eieurries; Ala:. LAX G, y. I. s Towands, Bradford co., Pa., At gust 5. 1847. Citizensof Bradford Cuunly : y a respectable fewlif yOur nomber, I have been p revai ed on toMletifier I my personal interest and.quietude. to tiravel ovet you@ hoputiful mountains, and lecture in behlf of dawn-trod deii humanity . For my,health, I go o ' tiot .:'for CiteaP• A i new and convenience, f, have Proetined Tin Boa lbw !ry my clotheiin, after the fohn of otnab!! desk. If provided for; Isbell hold meetings at s 1 imitable ewes. Ttr l and in my !retitle& glie you mire free) the Mitiselessof the Reformers . As aeon as a suitable stun lacono:tad, to defray the expentie of printing, &c., intend to `write out i boot for lour convenience . tilting thaltrarho have extended to me. thus far• their friendly holpfilifities. and eo-o o pe ration , I accept the agency, and set out ill I "Tux WORLD Is 31f COCITIIii-40 Di! 0000 it; MT Ritactoki.” - 1 Thine for Troth, indite eternal rewaills, anion); which, I find '• Howssi row Att." 3w9 , : HEN RI" EPHRIAM LEACH. . i Solomon Coopd!', RESPECTFULLY informs his oh friendsand pat rons, that having been obliged tcr abandon his for mer mind on the Aftetrio . oii.c4 dfe i 2 tttnit., he is now permanently located on the west s?tbi af the public square, two doors north of Briggs' .tavern. Grateful for past favors, he hopes by superior akin and attention to merit an increase of patronage in Ibtere. He will alsiay,s keep on hand a 'itipply broils, es sent4es, perfumery, and whatever is iteeetearyio give an agreeable finish to his operations,lind will epare-no pains in his endeavors to adapt his style lo suit the vary ing ,tastes of his ijastomers. ; ' ALSO— ; -Shampooning for ritoriri , g and a Me pre ventative to keep the Hair from failing out, or turning gray, for a beautiful head of haiaiis a powerful strailiar - LIST OF JURORS drsiwty . or 84stenibet tut, apd sessions, 11341. • , ortAgn 3t-ittia4.' Smithfield—Joel J. Allen, E. W. Fanurwrirtill _i Welts—iehial Ayres, H. M. !Unary, J. 114: Bds alt ; Oolornbia—Curtis Merril ; Troy tp.--John Porter ; ! Monroe—J. B. Srnittit Orwell--Levi Friable; .Wyalusing—Jacob P. Biles; Athens tp.—Abijah 'Mead ; t Itidgbnry---John Butt, 0: West; i. . • 1.13 Warten—Sloa 1 Bow C . , Albany—Dyer 0 sky, E. P. Allen, Jaiiibit Lee ; Ulster—John M. ike, David %Yakutat ; Rome—Henry D. Rockwell ; Canton—had Wilson -Granville—Miner T. Porter :. 1 iSheshequin—Joseph S. Elliott; Wysox-411. H. Lanning. raseraic ITNORA---fintr *tat. Athena tp.—G.H.Jackson, .I.Tote jr, J.L.N.Shepard; Ridgbury—C. F. Wilson, Wm. Easton, Wm. Ball To*anda tp. —Samuel Stratton ;. : Rome—H. St-üble, Towner, SOMA Horton Pike--John A. Goading, Perry Champion, E. Crandall, John F. Bosworth; asylum—John P. Brown ; Columbia—Edward Young ; • Smithfield—Horace Piercot . Leirl L. Desch; Warren—Nathan Young ; Durell—A.„V. Hurlbut ; • Wyalusing—Harry Elliott, J. A ctii. cool. Williams; • Litchfield—J. White, Silas Bluno,lltuirell Hadtock ; ta.ter__samuel B. 'Holcomb Sheshequin—John Wolf ; • Canton—Roderick Williams, John Graj; OrwelP -Almon Doolittle. Eleasel•l Albs ; Burlington—Hansom H. Ward; Wywrx—John Martin , A macula—Lysander C. Shepard 9 • Leroy—Alvin Bailey. ' ;• - TR AVlRtilt it'llOgii-.--51.1i0ICD WS.V.G. , A than y --...Peter a teristre ; I ' • • I Asylum—W. H. Frotehey ; Springfield—Oliver Gates ; r : . Canton—lesee Griffin ; Rome--Jon Hortdn,jr.; 1 Troy borough—Layton Runyon Athens tp.l.uther Stone. Dalt GarthatoW a • Sc° "* . Nathaniel 'Flower, S. Boswovt ; Smithfielri—Joirathan Hall ; Duren—James Goa; i .. Wells—l . b. Ameigh. James Gordon' Wpm:sir—John Owens, E. B. Coolbaurl; r Standing Stnne--Hiram Gordon " i i / r Athena botetigh—Thomas I. B Its, Monroe—, —Atisolam Coolhaugh ; ' • • • Orwell—Jason Chaffee, Ira Bre yr; t L ••• Burlington—lsaac Swain, jr., r . BA H. Stevens i Ulster—Edward Mills; r•herhequin—Darwin Gina, le l Granville—R. J.Spal.ling ; Wyaluaing—W. Taylor • t Towanda horough-7 . ,,,,,m p . , Irl arren--S.B:C;„ff ee. B . An pIA, of ever* Wiriet Wiestic, now opening A wh au 1 8 MO CLOT/18. CAE‘M -16 / 16 aibpetior style And finish, Who wish to purclise chiroP. Anita -MOI SHOES—Ladies Misses a emu-subs:ha at g and Hair Dressing. Shal ' 'INGES & GIM '•, of and other trimmings for I &GIS 0 AAP,* Jr.; al style. foreign and do koala and retail. at 'TANYE'S & CO. • II nada ; also. Btattous drams and irinetta. TANYE dc CO. YESTINGS of very al prices to suit.thooe ANYE9 & CO., Children's, a lame en . BETTS'.