Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 25, 1847, Image 2

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    ratifovti r-:ittPovt(v•
Towanda, WednWay, August t 5, 1847.
- FOR iekviieserlif
lOW CA Whie 60119111111103 Mar
meeting of the Democratic Standing Com
mittee of Bradford county, convened in the borough
of Towanda, on the 6th day of .4ognet, 107, pursa
• ant to notice, the persons hereafter named were ap
pointed Committees of 'Vigilance in their respective
election districts, whose duty it will be to call a meet
ing of the Democratic electors in each of their se
veral ,boroughs and townships, on Saturday, the 4th
_of September next, for the - purgroze of electing two
pections torereetiteuMnsidekctors in the Democratic
CoirttirEavention,le be held in the borough of
Towanda, on Tuesday. the '7th darof September,
1647,f0f the purpose of nominatinguitable persons
for candidates to be supported at t he coming gene
ral election : and for such other purpose+ as said
• Convcntiou may deem conducive to the progress of
Democratic principles.
It is. very desirable that full attendance , be given
•at the primary meetings, and to secure this, timely
notice df the hour and respective z places of holding
,the Delegate elections should be.givencand the polls
kept open a sufficient length of time to give all an
• opportunity of voting.,, This will afford a free in
terchange oflopinion amongst the Democratie citi
zens of each district, and enable the delegates sent
- . •Zo thetounty convention, to correctlY represent the
sentiments of their constituents.
The approaching election is one of vast impor
tance to the interest, integrity and prosperity of our
Commonwealth. The election of Governor, is of
sufficient importance to call forth all the actie ity and
-deceitful artifices of the Federalparty ; and for the
purpose of counteracting that activity, and detecting
and exposing those deceptions, it becomes every be on the alert—to assist in the refuta
tion of falsehood and the advancement of troth.
The Standing Committee, therefore, recommend
the appointment by the democratic citizens, at their
several delegate elections, of one or more persons,
in each school district, as a committee . , to continue
till the general election, and whose dunes will be- to
form a more perfect 'organization, and advance the
great cause of democracy.
Towanda, August 6th, 1847. . -
Athens borough—C. IL flock, J. K. Wright, Noses Sawyer ;
'• township—N. Edininster. Samuel Mott. Warren Part;
Albany—Peter Siens ere, Joseph Menardi. B. Wileol. ;
Armenia—Richard Montgomery. 0. DTield..J. D. Morgan ;
Aglum—John F. Dodge. Jahkson Stone. M. tylenburg ;
.13nrlingion—Oeo. Goddard. D. Arßoss, M. Alexander;
Cantoit--Chaa :Rockwell. John Vandyke, jr., Geo. Pickard;
Columbia—Jas. C. Mtirgan, t. S. 11PKeart. W. M'Clelland;
Durel—W in. Cooltukugh, M. Decker. 0. Sullivan;
Franklin—Wm. B. Shiner, Samuel Smith, E. Clhammon;-
Gronville,-Jas. 11. Ross. Eber Swain. Theo Cortik:
I lernek—W C Knapp. Abram Taylor, Wm. Hollis, `AI ;
„Leroy—Wm. Knapp. Lindley Stone, 13eid. Smiley;
Idtchfield - -.Sainuel Davidson. D. B. Cotton. Reuben Park;
Monroe—Francis Bull. Wm. Bowman. Jos. hornet;
D;mmek. 11. Z. Friable, Lt. Gorham:
Pik—Ethel Taylor, Alonzo Smith. G. G. Graves ;
Ridgberry--Geo. Cooper. S B ilarman. N. iftennan ;
Flame—Hiram Kee. D. 'Rockwell. Wrn. Vorght;
Sheshequiri—Somers Kenney. D. Drink. le.. V. F. Horton;
Smithfield—Jas 1;eroold. H. Kingsley, Furman Ransom;
South Creek—F.. Dunning, Henry J. 1. Phillips;
Springfield—W. S. (:r.tee. C. Guthne, Frederick White;
Spnnghill—(i W. Claggett. La Fayette heeler. A. Acta ;
Standing Stone—Alex. Ennis. A. Taylor, J. fish;
Towanda hone- C. S. Russell. I. Shntlley. W. A. Chaniberlin
;err —IV C. F.tx. N. ()Moen. Win Dames; -
Troy horo'—.S. tierce. E.. F.'llallard, I. U. Morse ;
tvrp —Luther Loomis. IL Porter. ..'Spalding;
)'later—John Baseman. Abijah Mead, J. I. Gaudin., :
Warren—Marcus Tyrrell, Bowen chatter- E. E. Allen ;
Wells—S. E. AlVord. John Brownell, Orr Smith ;
Windham—Allomon 'Sibley. L. S. Rusaell, Platt Rogers;
Wynlusing—Lewis Bile.. M. H. ifollenbeek. P. Stone;
iTysoz C. Myer. M. C.. Allen. G. W. Strope. •
Election of Delessites.
We desire to say a few wordi to our Democrat
ic friends, in this county, on the subject of electing
their delegates to' the convention to frame a coun
ty ticket, and we do not know that we say it bet
ter than to adopt the sentiment and language of the
Perry county :Democrat, on the same subject .--•
The time is fart approaching when the Democ
racy will be called upon in their severs districts to
elect delegates to represent them in daunt, Con
vention, we say to them, attend to your delegate
elections. These elections may be considered but
trifling affairs by many 'of you—but be not deceiv
-ed or deceive yourselves with such an idea.—
Niuch, very much of the success of the democratic
. 4 ... party is dependent on the choke of honest and
competent delegates. When the convention is
composed of men who know the will of the peo
ple, and will go into the convention. with the single
purpose of carrying, out that will, by placing in no•
mination, such only as are known to be acceptable
to the people. a moral weight land influence is at
embed to their proceedings that almost certainly
ensures success. A ticket will there be formed by
the selection of honest, competent, and faithful men.
whom the •Democrary delight to honor, and who
Will be seen to receive the united vote of the party.
We hope then our democratic brethern will see the
propriety of attending the delegate elections,. and
choose such men as they know will carry the will
of the people into the convention, and return to
their districts with a ticket that will . meet the ap
probation of the people, as did the delegates to the
Democratic State - Convention last March, when
they presented the name of Francis R. Shunk as the
Democratic candidate—it meets the approbation of
the people—because they know him to be honest
and capable. And so it is in the formation of a
county ticket, let the convention but nominate hon
est and capable men, and our word for it, the tick
et will meet the approbation and support of the par
ty-r—and bring to - the polls hundreds who would
otherwise remain at Nene.
Another thing—sectional jealousies are some
times gotten up, this in our humble opinion is a
great error in the formation of a ticket. We never
could see any good reason why an honest, eapabie
and worthy man should'be excluded from the tick
- et, becauSe he 'perchance does not reside in this
or that part of the county. it is true We like to
see the candidates distributed as much as possible
over the body of the county, but to, establish a rule
that a particular officer must or must not come
from one or another part or particular district,
is suicidal 'to the party and often times deprive
'the party of the services of honest,?capable and
,worthy' men.
The party is always most prosperous when they
can look upon their ticket and say, these are all
, good and Capable men.--and is certain to
be the reward of the delibe of the empty
We hope our democratic friends will concur with
us in sentiment, and at the time appointed all at
: tend tleidemoeratte del ate elections, and elect
houe:t, men as tint satu.t guarantee of a geed.ticket
•.Alvan Ceastr.
The shit Ofjaitia fortbriiirir county of Miran
has been fixOd
ed for that *mak it,islifelsed st the rgeoinips ,
cal centre of the coon*, *on the lands of S. him..
Lair, Esq. in naski4g . thsfpelection of • this sciie t
the best Waren* of the "people of the county ha v e
Cridendy been cies:died, "lace it can be done
in the original Wrack* of .a county sen t it should
always be placed at the -centre, because when once
located, it cannot be changed, without injury to
those who have expended their mom - upon the
expectation of being near the county seat. No per
son can complain that be is not 'Rudy dealt with
because all are placed upon the same footing. The
Comniissieners in this inrarce, Hon: IL Wmass,
T. W. L o ve. and T. 11. Want*, Esqs., are all men
of good sound judgment. After viewing esnne do-.
zen different seitestthey finally agreed unanimous
ly upon that established by their report.
Mr. Meylert has generously agreed to give land
for the public buildings, and to contribute two thou
sand five luindred dollars towards their erection,
besides expending la r ge sums in opening and im
pawing the roads leading to the new bounty seat.
The work of clearing and opening roads will cora
mence.ineriediately ; buildings fur county purposes
to be used tetnarily, will be erected ; and with
in one year we shall expect .to 'see the wilderness
" bud and blossom as the rose."
Imemitmcr Discovatv—Too LtrE.—Our readers
will recollect that Gen. Wm. F. Packer of Lyeom
ing co. was a candidate for Representative last fall
lc the district composed of Lycomimg, Cltnton•and
Potter counties, and beaten by hie whig competi
tor 12 vote. It has t, i .3.-ently been discovered that a
mistake was made in Porter township, Clinton co„
in making up the official returns, of twenty votes,
against Gen. Packer, which makes the actual ma
jority in the district, eight in his favor, , instead of
twelve against him. On elimination of the re
turns of Porter township as, tiled in the Prodionp
tarys. Office, it appears that the .number of votes
given to William F. "Tacker is Mated in writing to
be slily-nine but carried out in figures 19, and it
seeing the return judgerovent upon the principle
that " figures cant lie," and so paid no attention to
the words " written oat at length." Of course, in
all - subsequent adding tip the vote of Porter town
ship was put down at 49=-itistead of the true num
ber 69—and the majority appearing in favor of the
whig candidate, he received his certificate of-elec
tion, took his seat in the legislature and held it
without opposition or enquiry during the entire
"Old Federal Adams county" was this year (as
well as last) the first to pay her share of the state
tax.— Wyonsiag Record.
A false record neighbor Worden, Democratic Brad
ford county was the first to pay her share of the
state tax last Year, and not a- whit behind " Old
Federal Adams" this year, as they both paid in on
the lame day,altho' the cash of'" Old Federal Ad
ams county" may have been counted and entered
upon the books first. %-).
We refer our Federal cotemioraty to the record
of the late State Treasurer, in his annual Report on
the fmances of.the•State, page 6, as to the order of
time in which the counties respectively paid their
quota of state tax : and he will there find Democrat
ic Bradford first on the list, and he can also learn
that, of die twenty-lour counties "that distinguish
ed themselves by prompt payment in July, of
the taxes of 1846" stratteen are Democratic, and
only seven, " old Federal counties."
CAMPAIGN Paissa—The talented Editors of the
Times 4. Kesiftcnie, Philadelphia, have commenced
the publication of a campaign paper to be continu
ed until after the apinoaching election, at 25 cents
for a single copy, 23 copies for 85,-50 copies for
The Times & Keystone is conducted with ability
and takes bold ground in support of democratic
men and measures, awl against Federalism in all
its forms.
Those desiri4 the campaiggn•Times & Keystone,
should address T. B. Florence, no. 35, S. 3rd St.,
Philadelphia. ' • •
THE Nwtr coxnaes.i.—Tfie klection news from
the West settles pretty much the character of the
next House of Representatives, and it is pretty cer
tain that the tigs will have a small majority in it
—enough,'pr*bly to elect their speaker and all
the officers of the House. Matthew St. Clair Clarke,
Esq., the former clerk, and Oliver Oldschool, (Mr.
Nathan Sargent,) are thus far considered the two
most formidable candidates for the office. The
Whigs will have the responsibility: of the doings of
the next Congress, and especially. that of pease or
- war, and a vigorous .or lame prosecution of the
Scsartastvah Cot-arr.—The Democratic con
vention' of Susquehanna county, convened on
Moodey evening the 35th inst., and nominated
SAMCEL TAGOART for Representative ; HARVY Tv-
Lca for Treasurer ; E. P. Faatrums for Commis
sioner; and recommended the nominatiod of F. B.
STILLETER Esq. of Montrose for Senatoi.
The Federalists \of the saute eounty hare Aim.
CAISSIDAT for RepteilcritatiVe ; P. torts for Treaso.
er, and Cummins for Commissioner, and re
commended the nomination of I. T. 1 1 11citsans Esq.
of Montrose for Senator. ,
CON,WII4I AND ins Seenat.—Even decent subjects
of Queen Victoria are ashamed of such men as
Corwin, as would appear from the following :
" A correspondent of the Boston Courier writing
from lEtdensburg, relates this anecdote:
" l learned that yesterday, a clergyman, as he
professed to be, and undoubtedly was, passed down
the ricer in the steamer, and the subject of cancer-
Billion was this same Malicia war. Ile expressed
a hope that every American now in Mexico,
would be killed or die of disease; hirrdetestation of
war in general and of the Mexican war in platen
jar, was such that be was fool enough to let out his
&hogs on the subject to a party of FTishman.--
One of the persons present asked him film pro
fessed to be an American and entertained such
hatted to his own countryman T
lie said yes. Then said his intentquaor, if yon
have not decency enough to keep such thoughts to
yourself in the presence ofstrangers, and particular
ly of people who belong tO ancl hold alliance to
another country, you are neither worthy oldie name
of American, nor fit to associate with Englishmen.
From that time forth the animal was quiet, no one
Would have any communication with him. He
was despised by every passenger on board t
The scoundrel shalidi! have been thfown over
!dear. CAurons►a Tneors.—A detachment of re
melts, under the command of Lt. Thos. Roach, of
N. Y. cis, will shortly embark from Philadel
phia, on board the Ship Isabella, for San Francisco,
California. They will join the expedition which
'New York under Col lite-semen.
. Nowfru 111: aSs.
..S. - :: . ,=;•-• - ...
. o ne :or d w aa:iticot.thi lonisch,*46lolrt . I
iiify., ibtrofilitivit lukiiT, her 1
some it I3;000 :of thultanikoftheßsitlk - . iissiid,
N,to tic it nom ofhilksiktilii* ---' . ititul4
Lai hitheito.•hitrestAnnpnwutnocharloteC, .;
- A Greek nitut uscri - pt of the sixth ieentny lilt;
been discovered , * Bairns, Which, betide- :treatise
on Byzantine painting, is Midto containan account
of 4.the. •thquerrean! , Proem, and lints * the:
manufsrture organ gotta',' In this uninuacript, the!
• ant of produring photagntp* . pictures is cane&
"Be ' ype' ... -
• • •
,r The vestry Trinity Church, N. Y. have determin
ed to open the Tower of the Church to the liubfis
every any in the week, excepting 'when public ser
vices take place.
ktits prettyname '
Ladies' Pages. (hum
are now in fashion in huis,commbnll si ot a gold
thumb and finger, Appended by a in So the
waist, and constructed with a arringby which tfiey
hold up a lady's dress in awing .wet sidewalks
from shop to carnage. ! •
A man in New York is:gobriabout proclaiming
himself to the Hebrews as the Messiah—the long
looked-for Shiloh! In consequence of • special
application from this person, a Jewish Synod, or
Beth Din, was convoked by the chief Rabbi. on the
18th day of July last, in rider. to attend formally
to his communications. .
A bade was picked up by one of the coast guard
officers at Mawgan Forth. North Cromwell, with a
small bit of paper in it, with the followint' tuscrip
tion on it: "The ship President is just lost, Nov.
lrlippears td have been ia•the water a long
The Washington rnicm 'states that there is in
the course of preparation a comprehensive and com
plete history of the war between this country and
Mexico. It will make two volumes, of about 500
pages each, large octavo.
Gen. Newman who was unable to take his seat
during the last session of the Ohio Legislature, on
account of indisposition, died at the Utica Insane
Asylum, some ten days since.
The liberal sum of 63,993, 659 has been given
by the opulent citizens of Boston, within the last
few years for religious charitable and educational
William Jones, a erk in the Post-Office Depart
ment in Washingto city, was arrested in Bahi
more a day or two , on the charge of having
purloined money f m letters entrusted to his care.
It is annonne that a number of deluded per
sona have commenced distributing tracts in Brook
lyn, Y., to prove that the end of the world will
take plhce on the 19th of October next.
The report of disaths in New York, for the week
ending August 7th, exhibits a total of 410—of which
number 130 were under one year old.
Collectors Morton and his assistants have , taken
possession of the new Custom-house, which has
occupied ten years in building. It is very spacious
conveniently ananged,and one of the most thorough
ly built and elegant edifseits is the city.
- A roan in New Means was dangerously bitten
on Thursday, of last week, by a coo snake, which
had coiled itself in his boots whilst the man had
gone into the dock for the purpose of making some
repairs to the wharf. • •
The Episcopal Chtirch, in the United States,
have contributed during the last year 852,602 for
domefic missions, and $30,425 for foreign missions.
One hundred and eight square rigged vessels ar
rived at Marseilles, kiln the Black Sea, on the 20th
ult., loaded with wheat,
The electric teleglaph from Portsmouth, gnu., to
the Isle of Wight, bee been found to succeed ad
enlist:4y an a trial, with even one wire only laid
down under water.
For the last sixth months, from the Ist ofianuary
to the 1M of July, 1847, the coinage at the Mint has
been &.3,206,223.
Messrs. Campbell and Fratte, two members of
the Illinois State convention, have been arrested
at St. Louis, for challenging each other to fight a
An attempt has been made to establish woolen
manufactures, in the Sandwich Islands, and some
blankets of very good quality are said to have been
The Sandwich Observer 'says a chicken with
four leas and three wings has recently been hatch
ed in that toWn.
Gov. Shut*, has so far recovered from his recent
illness as to be able to attend to Nis official duties.
The Chinese Lady, who is exhibiting herself m
New Yolk, is the." Along Alloy" who traveled this
country some years ago.
Miss Martineau has returned to England from
Egypt and Syria, and is contributing to the People's
Journal a most interesting series of articles respect
ing her receht travels. ,
During the action which was lately fought be
tween the French and the Cochin Chmese, the for
mer captured several boats wholly built of copper.
Raring the past month 4,545 tons of ice were ex
ported from Boston.
The coinage at N. 0. branch mint during the
month of July, amounted to 52,000,090 in gold.
They are making iron wheels in New York, which
are rani to combine beauty, lightness and strength,
and are furnished at half the'cost of wooden wheels.
This is really an iron age.
A London paper lays that the "pm en tern mills at
Toyer:thole ! recently exploded, and killed between
forty and fifty persona.
One bunched thousand women have petitioned
Queen Victoria for a law to punish seduction. Last
then refuse to associate with the seducer and there
will be no necessity for such a law.
The first railroad ever built in the 'United Stales
was the Quincy, .4 miles long finished in 1828. the
second was the Mauch Chunk Road, Pennsylvania,
9 miles long, having a track but 3 feet 6 inches wide.
The highest grade of any traveled road (80 feet
in a mile) is on the Springfield and Albany, where
it crosses the Green Mountain chain. That from
Cleveland, Ohio , to, the quarries, has a grade of
264 feet to the
Michael Depre, a young man working in Wolfs
foundery, at Cincinnati on the 18th inst., had one of
his feet burned off by molten iron. The liquid
metal was pouted into one of his boots.
It is said that when the" first Ccs4ess Met after the
adoption of the Federal Constitution it was in con
templation, but afterwards abandoned to have the
seats of
. each delegation wrought with some device,
descriptive of the staples of their several States viz :
New Hampshire to be represented by a pine tree :
Massachusetts, by a barrel of fish ; Rhode Wand,
hogshead of flax seed ,• New Jersey_ , a bundle of flax;
Pennsylvania a bag of wheat : Delaware, a bag of
wool ; Maryland, pig and bar iron ; Virginia a hogs.
head of tobacco ; North Carolina, a barrel of tar
South Carolina, a bag of cotton ;Georgia, a banal of
It is said that the lad steamer trued out about
!400,000 worth of Pennsylvania bonds for sale.
The captain of, the Chinese park has altered his
determination, and win take his craft to Philadel
phia before he leaves the United States for England
In London and Paris, the fashionable ladies have
returned to the old style of full sleeves.
In one of the countries of Connaught, Ireland,
-.C4fix 0,000 of the relief money hawk been unaccouute unaccounted .
- Jenny Lind is about to marry•. She has accept
ed the hand of a relative of Mr. Georp Grote, the
classical and radical banker, and late M. P. for
Goira i ii*??NietaNitikk
The 4 4=l i c*Am i l l t ,
lbrersiose, 140147:
Thetetnimer fashion het arrieedet•Nwes.
f r om Vera Cruz. She lel the haw pottOrt the 24
ins t.
Gen. fleott wee at Paoli& on the nth„.. _ rej . o
when there was strong probability clan inunethate
advance co theospital.
” Gen. Valencia amved at the capital on Monday
with four thousand troops.
Gen. Pearce strived at Perote after an iction with
-the guerillas near the National
bent Pipton, of inthatia, and the Su rgeon Of the
Pennsylvania R ment, ar_ dead.
They courier of the B r itis h 1,, strived at
Neva Crux . the BM, with correspondence from
the capital of the 29th, and from IPu,letia of the
1 30th.
' Mr. Kendall represents the chances of peace_in
an unfavorable light.
He saYsilcott will match immediately on the ar
rival of .Pearce—certainly in the first week of Aug.,
and it is more than probable that the ardest fight
yet will be at the city of - Mexico.
I x
The Mexicans were prepared tom him, hay
, lug all their fortifications completed, end twenty
five thousand men.
The ' English Legation was secretly exerting
every influent-It( to keep the Americana out of the
capital. I , '
Other letters to the ' Picayune
th .
chance of peace in a more favorable. l i ght, and
think the resistance to our advance war: almost
The Mexican Congress hie! referred Mr. Bucha
nan's letter back to the Executive, and *morn on
him the responsibilities of the war.. The peace
party at the capital . was strong and linciessing.—
They, have no faith in their generals.
The Sin 0/Anahuac say* that when the guerrillas
attacked Pearce, 600 Americansoreched under
their fire pntil within W app
O yards of the Mexicans,
when our forces opened a deadly fuei forcing them
to an immediate retreat.
While the Mexicans wereretre*g, the Ame,
rican cavalry rushed upon them, ing about one
The position of the Mexicans vies one of the
strongest in the country, but the Americana passed
the bridge after a short engagement,. and arrived
at Perote in safety. General Senn dispatched
General Smith's brigade from Puebla to meet them
at Perot°.
The Commercial Times considers e news a full
confirmation of the failure of Mr. rill's mission,
and that all prospects of peace are issipated.
•ha correspondence states that there has been a
contest about their constitutional rights, between
Congress and Santa Anna, each clifarging the res
ponsibility or making peace upon the other.
The discussion has shown, what was enerally
supposed, that the latter personage sincere ly desires
the patching up of the difference between the two
countries, as the sole means of @staring his grand
He is ambitious of the dictatorship. When Con
gress dissolved, it was done by the withdrawal of
such a number of member', as to leave the remain
der below a constitutional quorum.
Santa Anna held a council of general officers,
at which it was resolved to effect one mete en
counter, either by marching against Gen. Scott at
Puebla, or, rejecting the propositions for negotia
tions, calmly await his advance, and act on the de
fensive. •
In order to be free to act, Government issued a
decree suspending all newspapers except the offi
cial organ.
The Delta says that Congress had met and ad
journed without coming to any decision upon the
propasitions of our Government.
All letters' from the capital agree that General
Scott can take the city svi bout difficulty, and that
the foreign merchants of the capital are anxiortL
for his arrival.
Lieut. Whipple had arrived at the capital.,He is
treated well, and expects soon tO be exchaned.
Commodore Perry has withdrawn his forces from
Tobasco in consequence of the Sickness prevailing
among them, until the sickly season passes.
The Sun of Anahuac attributes this withdrawal to
the overwhelrnint, force of the enemy, and fear of
an attack.
Gen. Almonte was still in confinement at Meii
calzingo. Alvarez was in the capital sheet the
middle of July, and had several long interviews
with Santa Anna. Mr Trist had been indisposed,
but was convalescent.
The American prisoners at the capital think that
Gen. Scott takes it easy, and many believe that
British jealousy is endeavoring endeavoring a to' keep Gen. Scott
out of the Capital, and that Anna
sake for
The First and Second Pennitylvania d ilegiments
are with Gen. Scott, and will no doubt play their
pan gallantly in the great struggle that has by this
time taken place.
Major Smith, the Quartermaster, died at Vera
Cjnz on the 24th ult.
Lieuts. Porter, Steel, Wagner, and Alder, of the
Navy, came passengers in the Fashion.
alga &wt.—The Lower Sanduay (Ohio) Democratic
. states that, about two miles hom that -village, on
land known as the " Kerr tract," there is an ancient
mound. circular at the 'base—abottt 39 feet in diam
eter, rising oval to a point whiCh is surmounted by
an oaken stump probably originally two feet in di
ameter, which is almost totally decayed from age.
A few days since, some boys dug into the mound ;
and nearly under the stump, at the depth tif three
feet ; a skeleton was found, much decayed hat por
tions of it in fair degree of pteservation. Near the
head were found two stone hatchets, an arrow
head, a stone pipe, and—Gar more singular—a lot
of plates, apparently isingla.4s, which are covered
with tines and hieroglyphics Of different and beauti
fulcolors. The colors and workmanship betoken
a more advanced and entirely different state of
the arts than has been heretofore discovered in the
remains, of Indian tribes. Sorne of the plates were
destroyed, hot there are fifteen preseved. They are
circular ? oval in shape, and about seven inches by
ten in size.
A pipe-bovrl beautifully finished from stone was
also founditbe bowl of which is nearly round, rises
from a base, on the bottom of which are the figures
"1461." Measures have seen taken under the
supervision of some intellect citizens, farthet to
explore the singular moon . There is little doubt
that these plates contain the ltisksry of some former race
that has inhabeted this country, and farther discove
ries will be awaited with impatience.
DILEADIVI; SIIIPWREcic.—One Hinufred and Seven
ty-two Persons Drowned.--A telegraph despatch re
ceived in this city, dated Boston, Monday evening,
says that the ship Shanunga, Patten, from Liver
pool, bound to Boston, came in contact on the
morning of the 9th instant, (latitude and longitude
not given)) about one o'clock, in the thick fog, with
the Swedish barque !dune, Captain A. Moberg,
from Hamburg, bound to New York, with two hun
dred and sir persons on board. Thirty minutes after
the collision the barque went down, carrying with
her one hushed and seventy-two. Captain Patten,
of the Manama, immediately alter the collision
lowered the boats and sent them to the rescue of
those on board the [duds, of whom they eucceded,
with one boat from the barque, in rescuing thirty.
tour. Among those who perished was Captain
Vacua...muss Rz-zwi.urrnio.—ln spite of the
terrible stories of the sufferings of the volun
teers, many of those who have returned to their
homes are re-enlisting. Lieut. Col: Irvin, of the 2d
Ohio rniment r calls upon the officers and men to
volunteer again for the war; and the Ohio States
man says, " As far as we can learn, there will be
but little difficulty in reorganizing the 2d Ohio regi
ment, under Col. Irvin. The returned volunteers
very generally are highly pleased with their cam
paign sn Mexico. and feel a pride in seeing the war
Late (11111110 •
..„ . .• . •
all** 1,4 everuag al .* ;A* 01
hobo* .rt it A. M. on` the lith - 0K
Hero l . l 4 o- # lll made in la "'l:** folir i '
I' , ' irmavet i •
•-,:.pikifipairsinthas d ,sti,d the new dot,
tiseirtitigonmely. Ecliar ad-the 're.
tuns' ars been• made, they show thi
aerpb for the Free Trade canciples. Lord John
fly whit wt~ kw= a new ettlilrld#,..ltrrfree
misted for - the City of. 'Landon.
The prospects of the Harvest still Cautious tm
erecytkeiably encouraging, and evetyrwberts prom
ise met abundant yield. Harvestmg bait
been beg= in some of the southern Counties.
The crops of Whot4 Onto and Barley are us&
bodtlryfi the f Pow°, notwithstanding all
that has been said about the reappearance of the
diesaie'of last year, is affected' but to a reline&
nifics . rd extent. Reports from Ireland are equally!
flowmg. Famine and Disease are rapidly vanish
ing, in Ireland, but, by a strange anomaly, Ontreo,
still continues life.
4 04
The accessions of the Prelacy, Priesthood lord 1
gentry of the Country to the Old Ireland party
are large, and- the weekly contributions steadily
increase. It is est ected that a large Proportion of
Repealers will be returned to the imperial Parlia
ment this election.
The remains of Mr. O'Connell were embarked at .
Birkenhead, for Dublin, on Sunday, where they it
tived the following day.
Several heavy failures have occured in the Com
trade, and many others of a serious clurraeter are
A distinguished literary =et= • ance
for the benefit of that child Of Genius,. '9 , Hunt,
was given in Liverpool on Wednesday The
r= characters were borne by Chas4Dic.kens,
Jerrold, Mark Lemon, Cruiksliuwk and
• A formidable conspiracy of the most diabolical
character bad been detected at Rome. The object
of the conryiratora, who amounted to several hun
dreds in number, was to massacre the citizens and
remove the Pope' to NaNes by force. Five cardi
nals, with exalted civil' and military officers, are
discovered to have been abettors. . • •
Popular feeling has become more tranquil in
France. The king *as' -,Welf - received. by the
people upon the celebration of the glorious. Three
Days. The Chamber of Deputies is about to be
dissolved: •
Several sanguin ary sanguin ary battles hav been fought be
tween the Russians and Circaisians, the former
being defeated with considerable la s.
Switzerland is threatened with a revolution.—
The Sonderband or Catholic league have armed
themselves, but are likely - to be suppressed..
lir. Walter. the celebrated prcipnetor.of London
Times, died list week. He was justly considered.
the wall-of the steam press.
The Wesleyan Conference commenced their git
firms at Liverpool on Wednesday last. Rev. Sam
uel Jackson was elected President.
alecklß. &vim of .ttp Markets:
There has been a reaction in - Flour which has
taken it nearly back to the point from whence Men
when the strainer's news was received. 'Small
sales were made 'at 85,50 for Oswego, .5,25 for
sound Ohio, and $5,621,f0r Genesee in the morn
ing, but the demand increasing and holders being
firm, the rate was advanced to 85,75 and 5,78} for
Genesee, 85,75 for Oswego and $5,524 and 5,75
for sound strait Michigan.
The sales were about 8000 bbis., the whole being
for borne use and the east. There was a good de
mand at the close. Some shipping orders are in
the market, but not at pubes at which they can be
Meal is steady. Sales of 300 bits. at 82,50, a
good parcel. Rye Flour is 4,124 ; sales 150 bile.
For Wheat there is a moderate enquiry and the
lower grades have not suffered as much as Genes--
see. A sale of 1000 hush. white Genessee was'
made at 1,25, and . 3000 bush. red Western at about
100 cts. for milling. Com_was in large deniand
andbuoyant. The market received nearly as mach
as it had last when the steamer's
was made
Mired sold up from 71 to 76 cts., and yel
low. fiat a little'mixed brought 77 cts. The trans
actions reach 35 to 40.000_ bushels, nearly all for
- use and filling contracts, Sales 500 bushels
Rye at 874 cts. The market is firm also for Oats,
_which are in very 'high supply. Retailing at, 55
and 50 cts ; new are 50 cts; Sales .175 brLs Pea
Beans at 874 cis. per bush
Philaitelphla itarriket.
FRIDAY, August 20th, 1847.
FLOUR AND—The stock of Flour is ex
tremely light, and the receipts barely keep pace
with the demand, whirl is almost exclusively for
hem, use. Sales of 1500 brls. fresh ground Flour
at 36; 500 %xis., to be ground from new Wheat, at
95,14 ; 600 brls. Brandywine, to be ground; at
36,25; 400 bits. Zanesville, extra at `86.50, and
some 3000 brls. sound Western in his, at 3 578. 7 4
and 6, and extra at 36,25 and 6,50. The late for
eign advices, received yesterday, have procnced
no effect upon_ prices , but the market closes ex
tremely.dull. Rye Flour--Sales of 1500 and 2000
brls., at 3E,25 for old stock, and 53,374 and 350 for
that recently ground. Corn Meal—Demand mod
erate ; sales of about 3000 bris„ at 33,25 and 3,374
for Penn'a., and 33,624 and 375 for Brandywine.—r
Meal—The closing sale was at 53.25 for Penn'a.
row Fwvra Aso Aors.—That the afflict ay
judge of the accuracy of our statements respectin.
the value of Wright's Indian Vegetable pins in Fe.
ver and ague, we give the following testimonial from
a highly respectable and well known citizen of In
diana. Read it.
Russellville, Putman co., Indiana,July 17, 1847.
Dr Wright,--Some time since yaur agent left me a
supply of your Indian Vegetable pills. I have found
said Pills to be in great demand lately for the cure
of fever and agile. Mr. James, Boyd has a son who
had been laid up with fever and ague and llad tryed
various other remedies, alt of which Proved of no
avail. He used one box, and is now sound and wt , ll.
Mr. T. Spencer had a daughter, Mr. Hugh Groves
a son, and Mr. C. Nichols, and three of his family,
were all down at the same time with fever and
ague, and bad also tried the various other ,remedies
without effect. Your Indian vegetable Pills urn re
stored them all to perfect health.
lean assure yon, from what I have seen,
dian Vegetable pills may be relied on for a perfect
care of Fever and Ague Yours, respectfuly,'
Also an Acting Justice of the Peace.
Or 0119 Lit dOATZD Cousesassrrae—The
only original and. genuine Indian Vegetable Pills,
have the signature of William Wright written with
a pen on the top label of each box. Noss masa is
ositortes, and to counterfeit this is forgery.
Offine and general depot, No. 169 Race st., Phila.
MONTANYEW & CO. Towanda, Pa., agents for
B ~ rd county.
FORD CO.—The Liberty Men of Bradford
County, are requested to meet in Convention, in
Towanda, on Saturdap,. the 4th day of September
next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of nominat
ing candidates to be supported at'the ensuing gene
ral election: Ind for such other purposes as they
may dee,m necessary far the safety of freedom, and'
the destruction of the slave power in our country.
M. W. WELDEN, Standing
JOHN KEELER, Committee.
‘.• J. W. INOHAM,_
l•eer The
. N rth Branch Assciation of Univer
salism trill mee in Tioga Village, Tioga co., Pa., on
the third Wednesday and Thursday-in September
next. (13th and 16th). Al! are invited to attend.
By order,. G. W. KINNEY, Standing Vlerk.
Sew Ysrk Market.
Friday Ammar 2C4h. 1847
go Ash% Tivarsda ' , Pr Ar r th of Miran gi n
iamA_436l7,ife of W. Mason. easier for
r o g tho moths Glasetle, aged 707 years, 7 lom s ,
Tittrs day'.
- Nao 94iototiocants.
- .o44maing - ,1 vxm.4 - 11002 4 .
New Inhal 10 Tomsk of hi
' . .;lady-made elstbilL
Ilse sell 3o* ant. &mi n t h e
i n v as re s t eat abet Om, which is an eassamegi,
s itatileaL Ta all ails barns, I !nook) s a y, tom
slid ass he yoursaissas. lan hi found at ap t i ae.
-WNW ism astdi if Bsidp-ol My anons ensmaw. „ f
aegei Coats and Felts of all kinds; Pat s
.-,.... x. Caasiatere, Rain Black do. ; A te ,
'ftws, Overcol. 14.1 sack coohy oz.
Mk at aka dada. :likaalFrenek
tw itie Vanfill*, Meek mass reatissg 4,4 ,
atarliek gay amp.. - •
riplawanasea weak. atiltdam,sad Coifing abl
reimmaisi demi Amp at. -Lc BACHILER'S
Tweak flair!*. Wt. Clotkiai /se em .t
THE -r/
tolssourrioxii. . •
ied 9 hartdoi..evriki bMer . t6 . fink_
Fowler to the Lumber buiese s ti - ft
yea 11 mutes! consent. Female.
will alike payment, mid O we
fin rethem to .foef flitter, um et -
ist:sinew in future *Metairie!
JOEL grritk,
bees ibisday
defiled to die
baring% aide
am gnu,* *
Reading, .An
I bissoluempt
hip heretofore existing between th e al t.
the Arm of Wikox s4e. is this
l y mutual consent. The secounts ars
jarrio Wilcox, by whom they ir ip
persons indebted, are requested to Mite
eat • W.- WILCOX,
847. P. SAGE.
TH* pa .
aeribsta, a l
Jay &solved 1
in the hand,
be settled.
haisedhate pay;
August 19,
SHERIFF' : SALE.—By singe of To-Ws-a-m4.
expo.; is' . , out of the court of coannodpleas of
This county. and to me directed, I alkali expose topsto.
lie sale by pa • ic vendue or outcry, al the court home
i n We I . , . , Bit, on Monday, the 20th day of Septum.
hes init. M I o'clock, in the afternoon, a piece or parcel
i c ed
of Land in Rti township , containing about Wirt!-
two oars s ihreelparterk, bounded on the south by
H. Soper , west by Thomas Soper and estate of
jaisrboe a k. dec'd., on the north by 'Win. B operand
ewe by the B ford county line, with about fteen acme
a f house and framed, barn thereon.
r ;It ith about thirty-two acres adjoining, being
in dale county! of Bradford, and being pert and pared of
a farm with *bore, with eighteen acres implored,
bounded on by Win. Soper, east by Gibes,
Baker, loath J n Benson, and west by the land ant
above defied , be* A the Bradford and Tiogs co. line.
Seized and en to, execution and to be sold es the
property oil Mee Bimrier.
Shmrira 0 1 . , We/Lsboro, Aug. 9. 1847.
in the City of Mexico!
.tod: of Goods just rectit4d at
lfully selected for the Fall Took
sited to cell and examine their
.3ocitis, Groceries, Hardware and
Aloes, Hata & Gaps, and everything
, suited. to tbo seams of this repo
vie been. purchased exclusively for
rest ebb in the market. %,"e hope
rot forget to give es a all, wWe
for them to do , so. "
Is, 1947.
AIL lit., MI,.
of T. P. Wi:Odniff, Os Tomb,
rennin bot two week:. He la is
• all who may wish his swam
5, 1847.
berg Vegetable Pills,
?wally t newt boxes sold each sod erer ad!
Trott. that P. C. INGERSOLL, Elmira, for Chu
ming, T , sopkins, Cayuga. Seneca, Ontario, Allegheny.
Yates, , b - teciben counties, N. Y., and for Bohai.
Warren, 'rwavford, Tioga, Potter, M'Keen, Erie Che
tea k Ce r. and Wyoming counties, Penn.
The G neral Agent. is fully prepared to aerie imh
Arabs IVherever there is no branch of the Comptor .
Aberetrllpersonal application, or by mail, postpaid—
Tlia tepid sale of these celebrated ping and the rural
dimity tunes they are constantly effecting, render them
by fur, the most popular pill of tha age. rAn Also
lIP . fly be very, valuable.
Tie berg Pills are inconceivably caper's ii
any a ver before discovered . In ill bilious complaints
in ra deraelement or the system .in all Jimmie
which. t Irma a heir state of the blood. 'beep&
are a " remedy.- .._
le chew of disease called chronic. th e Gr.
Pills ' • e their highest triumph*. Hoe they
all cies 'doe. Entering within the hidden rusk
of the stem, they quietly but-surely Mill the OreA ,
root outidisease, slid give tone and vigor to &WY
Corea are conatently effected by these Pith, is mi n
W ' .• every other means• bad completely failed. le
most t odaet proof of this could be gun, tan a tall
of one bo will convince the patient. They au beat'
derail and me . by mail, at trifling expelav Tb. Pre'
ti 25 cents a boi l V ilt here two dollars worth are MO'
eat, and the money r itted, the Company sal/ Fel 6 !
Postage on the pills. 'Remittances at the Cowell
risk, Wherever there is no agency of the l'oirofel .
they can be ordered by n.ail. N.
Thete Pills are taking the plaq of all othei, ad
no sick person should be without the 6 ,,,,
Al bilions complaints, bowel comply latt ci ele lt . _
don,- dyspepsia, fever and ague, headeche4va der '"
see complaint., rheumatism. all stomach cooP
g re en rrick aces, are.. &e., yield at once to thee •
'lley, purge away offensive humors, err lt4 the Prof
of diuretic, and at the same time restore tone aw I
bathe system • In cases of general derarietoo i e
_ _
heath, they are soratio..
By their now, the weak will become strong; dc
and tdhous complexion he restored to a peffrel
and healthy color ; all the bail s ymptoms will
In awe. these Pitts are an inconceinbie edam'
epos any other medicine ever before offered p ird"
he. - A trial will satisfy any one of this
In AL.
to the above, may be found d gilt '
alet*lS d•POIO of the Company, the followitti
parable nishaires,
The Greidenbegg Sarsaparilla' Corspadre; '? •
Fye Lotion ;
" " reverend Ague rills; ,
• 4 ' Childnen's Panicea ;
" Green Moarifein 'Vegetable Ointment.
Me attention of those suffering from digest...P.
tiestariy invited to examine s and decide fit
The following namtd persons are dull mul e
agents in, Bradford Mew'', for the sale of de ""
medicines from the Greefenberg Company ,
N. N. Betts, Towanda; Daniel Bailey
raysville; D. II:Cotton, Litchfield ;1. V. D el
lington ; J. M. Edsall, Wells; David Gardo.
Theodore Harding, Union and Canton;
Wel Is ; Mix & Stone, Standing Stone ; C• '
Ridgberry ; George Nitihols, Rdme; T M. 11:
.ter; Rogers and Fritcher, Athens; Hal
Windliam,; Sissy di Tozer, Springfield;
ton, South Warren.
l cl
OTICE is hereby given thata s
l common Pleas will be held at S a oTowag
day the 25th day of Oct:: next, at 2 -
the Hon. William Jessup, for the trial of the of"
eewva "MI have been certified to hire
which tray he wen at the ISrothonotery' s
August :41h, 1847. A. McKEitN,