E=Ms • w: ~`i.. Kt~7„ y 1 1 / 4 111101 1121 VIM& TOWANDA: rincebap Morniin," Utust 25, 1847. From Chambere•cycAopedito4gustish Literature.] Times As by. Taros. ~ if --- The lopped tree Usti - me may grow, again Most naked plants renew both fruit.and flower. The sorriest wight may find release in pain The driest soil suck in some moistening.shower, Times go by turns, and chances change by course From foul tio fair, from better hap to worse. The sea,of Fortune doth not 'ever flow ; She draws' her favors to the lowest ebb; Her tides have equal times to come and go; Her loom cloth weave the fine and coarsest web ; No joy so great, but runneth to an end. No hap so hard but may in fine amend. • Not always fall of leaf, nor ever sprint , , Nat . enillesTs, night; nor yet eternal -tray ; The saddest girds a season. find to,siag,. • • ,• The roughest storm a calm may soon• allay. thus. with succeeding turns, God tempereth all, That man may hope to rise, yet fear to-fall.• A chance may win• that by mischance was lost; That net that bolds no great, takes little fish; t o so me thtgs all, in all things none are crossed ; Few all t ley need, but none have all they wish. I mingled joys here to man betal, Who least; bath some ; who ost, have never all. - • t A, . IR' as ted cart. • A siiiii nJ.I ret it is awa e a heart: ~ lt,is l' a Waited Ent .._ • Th4t seeks not in ner world Its happiness to find— , Find happ'iness•is like the bird That broods above=its nest, And finds beneath' its wings Life's dearest, and its.best. A little space is all that hope Or love can ever take— rite wider . that the eircle spreads, The soon.: r it will break. I Vi 111 ! BY T. S. ARTHUR Yon 4ouk sober, Laura. What has thrown a our happy face r raid Mrs,cfeaveland her uk:ce, one morning, hei alone, i.i tvith a thou,ginfnl pountenance. D•. 1 really lota soher and Laura smiled as • -I‘,u 'did just now. But the sunshine has al di•ir•lled the ttansient cloud. lam glad that I:1 W.IS not portended.' I iel; sg,hcr, mint," Laura said, after a few mo i face again becoming serious. So 1 supposed, from your looks." • 1,1,1 1 teel.so . l6 still." ..11.1)\-!•• . Iram really diecouraged, aunt?? (!gout what !" The . iiialden.:s 'cheek deep' died its hue, but she 0! reply.' • )111; and Harry have not &hen out like a pair !: , h lovrrs, I hope." • Oh. no! . ' was the.quick and emphatic answer. wkit has troubled the quiet ;raters of you •11 r, %bout what are you discouraged ! •• I will tell you," the"tnaiden replied. "It was ati.nit a week after my engagement with liar rt. that I called upon, Alice Stacy and found her • ulhappy. She had not been married over a 11101101$. I asked what troubled her; and she I tcel as miserable as I can be." " But ~ t -tai makes you - miserable, Alice ?" I inquired.— . Because William and I have qartelled—thatlis reason," she said, with some levity, tossinglher liPad and compressing her lips with a kind of defi- I Lr e: was shocked—so much so, that I could not " The fact is," she resumed, before I could all Men are arbitrary and Unreasonable.— ' They think women inferior to them, and their. , Tivf;:i as a higher order of slaves. : • But I am not roe to be put under i any man's feet. - William has led that trick witli me, and failed. Of course, to IFie foiled. by a woman is no very pleasant thing for ..no of your lords of creation:. A temTest in a tea was the consequence. ilut I did not yield the t o ntnt in dispute: and what is ruore,• haVe no idea doing so. t tle will have to kind out, sooner or r. that I am his equal in ei!ery way ; and the :locker he can be made conscious of this, the bet for both. Don't you thinkso 1" I made . no •,- - Igr.er. I was Much astoiiishTl . and stteckiii. AU men," she continued,.-"have to be - taught 'There never was a -husband who did not, at . attempt to lord it oVer his wife. And there! e 1 never a woman, whose condition as a wife; "at at all above that of a passive -slave, who did i , tot had It necessary to oppose herself at first with ' 4 aulching perseverance.' • To all this and a great deal mere, I could say It choked meuro. Since 'then, I haVe eat her freyinentfy, at home and elsewhere, but she trt'never looked happy. Several times she has 5 . .44 tq me, in company; when I have taken a seat her, and remarked that she seemed dull.— )t , „ lam dull but Mrs. Stacy there, you ree, herself. Men alwayfrenjoy themselves in ''"'fin—apa r t froin their wives, of course.: I a sbnietnneF• oppose to this a sentiment pallia 'ihrigisband : as that in company, a man rare Yralurak wished to add his mite to the genet.- 1 J o Yousne-z, or something of a like nature, But Illy excited her, and drew forth remarks that v44 ed my: feelings. Up to this day they do not 4 ?Pear to be on . any better terms. Then, there is rani% Glean—married only three Months, •and as t zl( 1 , of carping at her husband for his arbitrary, klaineero4 spirit, as is Mrs. Stacy. I couldname or three bthers who have been married ; some aver and some a longer peri&l,that do not seem voted by any close bonds. th the condition of these young friends,.ating lases m e to tel serious. lamto be married I, '‘v weeks. caM it be possible that my union lienry Arniout' will be no- happier, no more than their*? This I cannot believe. And th e relation that Alice and Frances }mid to 7111 st-rand., trouble::: me whenever I think alit. ", as tar a.:.• I have been able to 'understand ~~~_ t . ." , lA.:, 4.. es • . , 'v ., . '.t. IV tt .. • ' , . -,' . . 14 J ". - . . . . ; i. , #‘l , f.. • .Clr . ".i 1 * ft t 7. ,trz:,:7- 4 11 - • t . '&v.. I ~—st- • _. t ..-4 , ,,,..m : %tau, 0.kr,,1 1 : . • - , .,:), _ ~.: -.M:t 1. 4.,!--:.:,.n. $.3.: , tig'i•- , - VA. -, A , _ _, .. . i n. • V...„ , ._ . .. • . ,- . -., ~ -,1 . ~ .- 41. -' 4 r . -"' " • ' ' - '''.: '••-'• - • -Z l. - ...• ....! lii •-:'.-- ;/-.. 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There is, liiewise, about me a leaven of stubbomess. i . I tremble when the thought of opposition betweel tui, upon any sub ject, crosses my mind. I wquld rather die—so I feel about it—than ever have a misnnderstanding, with my husband. Laura ceased, and her aunt, who was, she now perceived, much agitated, arose and left the room without speaking. The reason of this to Laura• was aliegether unaccountable. Her aunt Cleave land', 'aft:trays s o mild, so ealm,to be thus strongly die- - turbed ! What could it mean ? What could there be in her maidenly fears to excite the feelings of one so good, and wise and gentle ? An hour af terwads, and while she yet sat, sober and perplex ed in• mind, in the same place where Mrs. Cleave land .had left her, a domestic-came in and said that her aunt wished to see her in her room. Laura attended her immediately. She found her calm . and self-possessed, but paler that water, " Sit down beside me, dear," Mrs. Cleaveland said, smiling faintly, as her niece came in. " What you sail:lllns morning, Laura she began, after 'a few moments, " recalled my . own early yearW so' Vividly, thar I could not keep down emo tions I had deemed long since powerless. The cause of those emotions it is now, I clearly see; my duty to reveal—that is to you. For 'years T have carefully avoided Premitting my mind to go back to the past in vain musing over scenes that bring no pleasant thoughts, nos glad feelings. I have, rather, looked into the future with .a steady hope, a calm reliance. But,. for your sake, I will draw aside the veil. May the relation - I am now about to give you have the effect I desire. Then shall I not suffer. in vain. How vividly, at this moment, do I remember the joyful feelings that prevaded my bosom when like you, a maiden . ; I looked for ward to my wedding day. Mr. cleaveland was a man, in many respects, like HenryArmour.' Proud, firm, yet gentle and amiable whemnot opposed; a man with whom I ' might have been supremely happy ; a 'man whose faults I might have corrected —not by open opposition to theni—‘not by seeming to notice them, but by leading him to see them himself. But this course I did not pursue. Iw. proud ; I was self-willed ; I was unyielding. gle menta like these can never come into opposition without a victory on either side being as disastAus as defeat. , We were married.• Oh, how sweet was the pro mise of my wedding-day !Of my husband I was very fond. Han some ; educated, and with talents of a high order, tftere was every thing about him to make the heart of a young wife proud. Tenderly.' we loved each other, like . days in. Elysium passed the first few months of our • wedded life. Our thditehts and wishes were one. After that, gradu ally. a change appeared.to come over my husband. He deferred less readily ',to my wishes. His own will was more frequently opposed to mine, and his contentions for victory longer and longer conti nued. This surprised and pained me. But it did not occur to me, that my tenaciousness of opinion might seem as strange to. him as did his to me.— It did not occur to me, that, there would be a pro priety in my deferring to him—;-at least so tiir!asto give up opposition. • I never for a moment reflect ed that a proud, firm-spirited man, *tight be klriv- en off from an opposing wife, rather than diawn closer, and united in tenderer bonds. I coati per ceived my rights as an equal assailed. And from that point of view, saw his conduct as dogmatical and overbearing, whenever, he resolutely set him self against.me, as was.fitr too frequently the case. • " One day ; we had then been Married about six months he said to me. a little serionsly,, yet smil ing as he spoke, " Jan, did not I see you on the street this morning "You -did," I replied.— " And with Mts. Corbin r' " Yes." My answer to this last question was not given in a very plea sant tone. The reason was this. Mrs. Corbin, a recent acquaintance, was no favorite with my hus band ; and he had more than once mildly suggested that she was not, in his view, a fit associate for me. This rather touched My pride. It occurred to me, that I ought to be the best judge of my female as- eociate'oi imd that for'my - husband to make any ob- 2!=n= 'fr.) *4fie, ___l- i i I lt PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY,- AT TOWANDA, ZRADFORD COUNTY, PA., BY E. S. GOODRICH & SON. jections was an assumption on WS part that, as a wi4 I was, called upon to resist. ci I did mil, On previlms 'Occasions, say any thing decided, conten ting myself with parrying his objections laughing. ly. This time, however, I was in a less forbearing mood. " I wish you would not make that woman your friend," he said, after I had admitted that he :was right in his observation. " And why not, - pray !:, I asked, looking at him' quite steadily.— " For reasons before. given, Jane," he replied, mildly but firmly. " There are reports in circula tion touching her character that (fear are—."— '• They are false !" I interrupted him. " I know they are false !" I spoke with a sudden excite ment. My voice trembled my cheek burned, and I was conscious that my eye shot forth no mild light. "They are true !" Mr. Cleaveland' sternly, but apparently unruffled. " I don't believe ti," I retorted. " I know her far beuer. She is an injured woman." . Jane," my husband now said, his voice slight.' ly trembling, •" you are my .wifji As such, your re putationtro is d me as the apple. of my eye.— Suspicion I been cast upon Mrs-Corbin, and that slispicio have good reason for believing ' well founded. If you associate %AM her—if you-are seen upon the street with her, your fair fame will receive a taint. This I cannot permit." •• There wiis, to my mind, a threat contained 4 , the last sentence—a threat of an authoritative inter vention. At this my pride took fire. " Cannot permit," I said, drawiig myself up,— " What do' you mean, Mr. Cleaveland I" The brow of kr husband instantly flushed.— Hetsktikitienefor a moil:tent or two. Then he said, • with foratioainmess, yet in a resolute, meaning tone.. • , CM i - '1 -5." . . MC •" Jane, I do. not-wish you to keep company with Mrs. Corbin:" '• I..wiu.!" was my indignant reply. " His face grew deadly pale: For a. moment his whole frame trembled as if some fearful struggle were going on within. Then he quietly arose, and without looking at me, left the room. Oh ! how deeply did L l regret uttering those unhappy words the instant .they were spoken ! But repentaqce came,too late. For about the space of ten min tea, pride' struggled with affection and duty. At the end of that time the latter triumphed, and I hastetnectafter my husband to ask his forgiveness for what I had said. But he was not in the par- !mks. He was not in the house ! I asked a ser vantif she had seen him, and received for retily that he had gone out. 4nziously passed the hours until night-fall.— The sad twilight, as it gathered dimly around threw a deeper gloom - over my heart. My husband usu ally came home before dark. Now he was awa • beyond his accustomed hours. tustead ofreturn ing gladly to meet his young wife, he was staying away, becauie that young wife had thrown off the attractions of lore and. presented to him features harsh and repulsive. How anxiously I longed to hear the sound of his footsteps—to see his face—to hear his voice. The moment•of his entrance I re solvid should be the moment of my humble con- fession of wrong, of my faithful promise never again to set up my, will determinedly in opposition to his judgment. But minute after minute passed after nightfall, hours succeeded minutes; and these rolled on until.the whole night wore away, and he came not back to me. As the gray light of morning stole into my chamber, a terrible fear took hold of me that made my heart grow still in my bosom : the fear that be would never return, that I had driven him off from me. Alas! this fear was too nigh the truth. The whole' of that day passed, and the next and the next, without any 'tidings.— No one had seen him since he left me. An anx ious excitement spread among all his friends. The only account I could give of him,l was that he had parted from me in good health, and in a sane mind. ,e " A week rolled by, and still no word came. 1 was nearly distracted. What I suffered no tongue can tell, no heart conceive. I have often wonder .ed that t did not become insane. But, Irkm this sad condition I was saved. Through all, m}'-rea son, though it often trembled, did not once forsake me. It was on the tenth day from" thatepon which we had jarred so heavily as to be driven widely asiipder, that a letter came to me post marked New York, and endorsed "In haste." My•hands trern bled so that I could with difficulty brerk the seal. The contents were to the effect that my husband ebeen lying for several days at one of the hotels re ; very but now Oast the crisis of his dis ease, and thought by the physicians to _ out-of danger. The wtiter urged me, From my husband, tq come on immediately. In eight hounlkom the time I received that letter I was in New York.— Alas ! it was too. late. The disease had returned with double violence,and snapped the feeble thread of life. I never saw my husband's living face again." The self-possession of Mrs. Cleaveland, at thiS point of her narrative, gave way. Covering . her face with her hands she sobbed violently, while the tears came trickling through her fingers. " My dear Laura," she resumed, after the lapse of many minutes, looking up, as she spoke with a clear eve, and a sober, but placid countenance: "it is for your sake that I have turned my gaze solutely back. May the the painful history I have , given you make a deep impression upon your heart. Let it warn you of the sunken rock upon which my bark foundered. Avoid carefully, reli giously avoid, setting yourself in opposition to your husband. Should he prove. unreasonable, or arbi-_ trary, nothing is to be gained, and every thing lost by contention. By gentleness, by forbearance, by even suffering wrong at time, you will be able to winhim over toa better spitit, An opposite course will as assuredly put thorns ip your pillow as you adopt it. Look at the unhappy condition of the friends you have named. Their husbands are, in . their eyes, exacting, domineering tyrants. But this need not be. Let them act truly the woman's part. Let them not oppose:but yield, and they will find that their present tyrants will become their lovers. Above all, never under any circumstances, either jestingly of in earnest, 'say /will," when you are opposed. That declaration is never made without its robbing the wife of a portion of her husband's confidence and love. Its utterance has dimmed the - fire upon many a smiling hearth-stone." Laura could not reply.' The relation of her aunt had deeply shocked her fellings. But the words she had uttered sunk into her heart ; and when her trial came ; whert she was tempted to set her will in opposition to her husband's, and resolutely to contend forwluil she deemed, right, a thought of Mrs. eleavelandS story Would-put a seal upon her lips. 'lt was well. The character of He4Ar mour too nearly resembled that of Mr. Cleaveland. He could illy have brooked a wife's opposition.— But her tenderness, her forbearance, ber devoted love, bound her to him with cords that drew closer 'and closer each revolving year. She never Oppo sed him further than to express a difference of opi nion when such a difference existed, and its utter ance was deemed useful ; and she carefully avoi- de. .on all occasions; the . doing of any thing that he the smallest degree disapproved, The con sequence was, that her opinion was always weigh ed by him carefully, and often deferred to. A mu tuakconfidenee, and a Mutual dependence upon each other, gradually took the place of early re serves, and now they sweetly draw together : now they'smoothly glide along the stream of life, bles sed indeed in all their marriageable relations.— Who will' say that Laura did not act a wise part% Who will say, that in sacrificing pride and self will, she did not gain beyond all calculation one, surely. She is not her husband's slave, but lus companion and equal .:he has helped to rC- EMENI " OP - DtIPONCIATION Intim . ANY QUAHTE form, to remodel his character, and make him less arbitrary; less self-willed, less disposed to be ty rahrOml. In her mild forbearance, he has salt, A beauty more attractive far thaii lip or cheek, or beaming eye. !A Tomtit:no 4CIDENT.—The following Incident Was related by Mx. P. 5.,. 'White in the course of an eloquent addreatt which he delivered at a recent celebration of the daughters of Temperance in New York. We give it as reported by the " Spirit of the Age." A widow lady in Richmond had two sons. The elder was , a printer. Instead of attending to the wants of his aged mother and supporting her with filial affection, he indulged his base propensi ty to drink. In these ‘ babits of sensualism and idle ness he wandered frorktown to town, until he found himself arnotri the Winn e away off West, in the then Territory or Viricsditsin. How he came thither he knew not. But now he became sober of necessity. During his sober life he got engaged in the fur trade, and bartered his furs for land in the vicinity of where Milwaukie now stands; land at that time which was nearly'worthless. .Every body knows how rapidly property increased in value at Milwaukie. This man soon made a: fortune.— With prosperity his affections returned. He longed to see his mother again. He started fur home.— Whee be arrived hiS mother was not there. Mother and brother both gone,and no one could tell whither. With a-sad and desolate heart he looked about him ; the world lay before him in beauty, but those whom he loved were gone—he was alone. With an ach ing heart lie retraced his steps Westward. At Wheeling on the Ohio, he fell in with some acquain tances, who induced him to become a Son of Tem- Perance. He was pleased with the Order, and im mediately took a deep interest in its affairs. Pret -1 ty soon after this he made up his mind to settle in Cincinnati. I paid an official visit to that, place, and on the same evening that I attended at one of the Divisions this , young man applied for admis sion. He gave the travelling pass word, and was formally introduced. Were I to live a thousand years, never shall I for to get that scene. No sooner was his nam"*...mounced and he stept into the room than in an instant a - tall and handsomely formed young man, with light hair, and a full and beauti full blue ej e, bounded across the floor and clasp ing the stranger in his arms, exclaimed "My brother ! oh ! my long lost brother!" The scene cannot be descrit'ed. Tears chocked the tu t. . 'ee of both. When at length the elder could fin words, his first eiclanaation was—tell me is my .. either yet alive ! Yes I said the younger.— " An., where is she--oh ! where. is my forsaken and , eglected mother !" '• She is here. and she .is well. \ God has enabled ine to support her in comfort n and s \,,1 be obth her weary journey towards the grave.— Now h r list hours will enlivened with-joy and that her ng lost one—her prodigal has returned." 'P.—Don ' t be down hearted. What" s the use in giving up to every trifling discourage• ment that may cross your path Life is not all sunshine, and you cannot make it so if you try.— Then why not take things as they come, and - submit to the allotments of Providence with a good grace ! If you feel dull, look round on the world and see if you cannot find some one a great deal worse off than we are. It makes but little difference from .what source arise the trials of life; there is no degree of suffering which has not its parallel in the ex-pe 'ricnce of others. Live while you can, and make the most of everything that will minister to your happiness. As with the pleasure of life. so is it with life's reverses, the most of their effect is in an ticipation. When, we reach the point desired or dreaded, the rose exhibits the thorn, or the deep gulf a safe, though it may be, a narrow passage across it. CHEER A Norm. Moor. -rat .the news of the passage of the corn bill reached some of the small towns in England, the inhabitants immediate ly set to work to make up the flour they had on hand into mammoth plum puddings, in honor of the event. In one towiti-a pudding was prepared, ontainin a peck of (lour and double the weight in plums, currants and other_ condiment. It was mingled secundem arum by the best cooks in town, and boiled at a near mill, from which, at 1 o'clock; it was paraded on a boat, drawn by four gray horseis. througk the town, accempauied by a band of mus c and nearly the whole population. It was after wrads cut up and distributed among those who had proeured a ticket for participation in the feast. This pudding was supposed to exceed in size the one which the old scug says was made by king Arthur, when he "ruled the land." Pzsett PicaLEs.—One of the most del icions pickles ever tasted is made from ripe Clingstone Peaches.— Take one gallon of good Vinegar and add to it four pounds brown sup r ; boil this for a few minutes and skim off any scum that may raise ; then take cling stone peaches that are full ripe, rub them. with a flannel cloth to remove the down upon them, and stick three or four cloves in each; put them into a glass or earthen vessel, , and poor the liquor upon them boiling hot. Corer them up and let them ' stand in a cool place for a week or ten days, then pour off the ligor end boil it as before; after which, return it boiling to the peaches, which should be carefully covered up and stored away for future use. REMEDY FOR FEVER AND ACV E.—Take one ounce of yellow Peruvian bark, a quarter of an ounce of cream tarter,one table spoonful of powdered cloves, and one pint of Tenerife wine. mix them together and shake it well. Take a wine-eiassful every two hqurs atler the fever is air. Before taking the above, a dose of Epsom salts, or •>other. medicine, should be administered, to cleanse the stomach, and render the cure more 'speedy S and certain• The atkve is an excellent re niedy. A Quiallt c —(lllhy iloift they bring the whole of China here at once," said Mrs. l'artinE,•ton, imtead .ot bringing it here in pnik..•' Wrote the Evening hlirroni Ballad. \ A 1. "Lost, lust. tost"—ecori: 1,%1, Shine, 0; moonbeam , thro' my lattice, Thro' my 'casement gently fall; iLe y shadows dimly picture, Fai .fimares nn the wall: So thy lid will but remind me, That thereblessed day, When I lived— now' live not— For my wits hav lea away. s I—, no .1. Gaze upon me, stars of - yen, Watch me through the si t night; When methinks the angels wh • •r, To my vacant heart, respite! • ' And their Voices will remind me, That there was -a blessed day, _ When I hoped—as now I hope'4ol—.• For my wits have passed away. Wooed and - won—and-lost forever ! Lost was I ere fairly won WiTher'd branches—gatherd roses! - Is there truth beneath the sun! So he told me, and I believ'd him; Ah ! it was a blessed day, When I loved—as cowl love not— • ' For my wits have tied away. Loving most, but all too trustftl, W , How deep love will conquer fears! Smßing through a dream—l waken'd With my eye-lids wet with tears! •it Now nip heart's.a broken vessel, But th e was a blessed day, When I wepnow I weep not— For my w ive fled away. - Bear me witness satikmountain„. Heard ye pot the vows se made ! Know ye- not, 0 silentrivev,-.. How I was beg" uq, betraftli . How upon the banks he *oo'd die ; • It was on a blessed day, For I was—as now I am not— But my wits have tied away. • Ilide me, 0 my better angel, • save me from a world of scorn Chide me gently. I can love thee, Tho' my aching heart is torn ; I would pray. but now I cannot, For it was a blessed day, When I knelt—as now I kneel not— For my !wits have fled away. e e now a sound of music faintly in mine ear 1 aver, 0, my motherl , - • - dear voice I hear. ve me ! let me clasp thee! 's a blessed day, thee- - do not spurn me— wits have passed away. Seems the Ringin:' Nearer, n It is th Do not le Ah ! it Let tne ki: Tho' er! how it darkens, brain grows raging hot; cal doth faintly whisper, forsaken, fear thee not!" in the dim future, and blessed Say, 4 est—as now I rest not— wits have fled away. Holy mot: • t And m . Now a v., Beira ' And I see' A faro When Pd; Tho' rn' THEGR EAT 1 ACHIEVEMENT OF LIFE.--The high est achievem • ts of moral philosophy, is to - rise above the • :,•-, vexations and clisappointmenht of life; and the ndency of religion; resting upon a divine basis, buoys the true Christian above the evils that suritnd him, and inspires him with mo ral. fortitude • d vigor to battle every calamity, and to'ntaintain u ruffled spirit amid the billows and conflicting cu nts which agitate the ocean of hu man. existenc . If the hurricane rages, instead of yielding to i fury, and giling away to disponden le cy, he exerits very energy-to-ward oft-danger,` and strives to, lobk forward, indulging a soothing hope that the future will be less disastrous than the pre sent. This ethcid of encountering the' evils to which every yto a greater or less degree is ex posed, depriv disappointment of its sting, is an antidote to t poison of slander, and begets a spi rit of eheerfu ess which is essential , to happiness. r Ile is like th Eagle, which, when clouds over- Apread the e h, rises. above them, to enjoy the sunshine. .!'4 matter what his pecuniary; domes tic and soci relations—if he suffers liii spirit to i be discom .d by trifling annoy-antes,. he is 'a 1 stranger to e joyment, and every day of his lifeis I embittered b4' some petty chose of vexation, which his own morbid disposition magnifies intoa serious calainity. On the other haod,overwhelming is the . misforlwlo, which can prostrate a man that ha's' beenxii:ctplibed to patient endurance, and habitua- 1 ted himself tq a uniform - cheerfulness of mind. On Loarcr!—The 7 Rev. Stephen Thurston.: of Deerport. Maine, has been attacking Odd Fellow- Ship. Hit principal argument appears 'to be that it makes a great gulf between a man and his wile! Many a lovely and faithful wife It ith pined because her husband would ,not disclote his :se crets." !! \ Fine . business for 'a Rev. gentlenno.to engage in. Tto: Humax HEMT.—TiIe velvet moss will.grow upon the sterile rock ; the misleto flourish an, the withered branch; the ivy cling to the moulderingruin: the pine and cedar remain fresh and fadeless amidst the mutations of the. dying year ; and, heaven be praised ! somethiting green, something beautiful to see. an,;trateful to the soul, will. in the coldest and darkest hour ()rho. still twine its tendrils around the crumbling altars and broken arches bf the deso late temples of the human heart. An electric current has beau discovered to . 7.1 - exist between the exterior and interior muscles .4 the animal. It was discovered by an instrument call ed the galvaniscope, which can detect very ininute influences. Of course the current is more strong iti some animals than others. A very interesting.pa per on this subject has been read before the British Scientific Association. • A N EDIMR'S APOLOGY.—An Alab;una, &liter ha ving been able to raise a piece yf muslin, a real jubilee is held in the familY on which he takesoc casiOn to give us a touch of his humor and Wit for the lack of -" Editortal.s” by saying : Sal, his better half, has the sc. I,”ors. " - The, babies, - he adds, " must have shirts and. Sal won't cut out shirts with a handsaw, no how ! PALtiTING 'lO TUC LIFE.—The Philadelphia Galaxy says artist in that city, painted.a cow Inn' cal , bage so natural that he was ofted in separate them before he had finiAted, because the Ow commenc ed exult , : the t Abbate - : , • 4-:17., h~~-"~ EMI Relationship of • In abroad upon - the war ing the condition of its inhabitants that we are very fit from being lade Tor within ramelves we possess n necessary. for Ole support of lite r bu on the-most significant things ant means-of existence—we cannot live out intercourse with the world t and while we live upon the subtle .time4here are many other substan our existence which ara`not so bon, ed as air and water, but which are and toprocute them in the tenet eco experience has led to the found which is the arranged result of Inc ~exe rti oa. e necessaries and comforts around us, but then r,cneralkit fit for our which support within our Loo' , ed from 71 I nature are a though the elurnel are scattered quire labor l to fit aiem which we eat, and reflect foi great amount of science and m ed into requisition in bringing it intch a light ' l and easily digested substance. In the Best place , i there is the science of agriculture, ithich e es a knowledge of soils, of plants and their natt il itut the food or salts required for their growth and the besi manner of producing such chirpieal results.— The earth is covered with the treys of the forest and man goes forth with his axe in his ban& to cleave them to the dust, and on their ruins makes the golden com to grow. But think' for a tit:Orient upon the great amount of skill and science that are brought into requisition iu making the simple 'lie. The mine has to be dug. the iron ore has to be dpg, the iron ore has to be roasted, the iron bhiont has to pass through an intricate process and from the crude mass, there is. the trip-harmher to form it, the wheel or engine that drives, the skill of temper = . ing and the art of finishing , • and - than the simple helve is fashioned now in a machine, and man looks on and sees a rough stick chiselled out by an inanimate hand to . fit the iron w that levels the trees, of the forest and makes a pathwiy for the smiling vineyard or the laughing vr eat field. Just reflect fora moment upon the study and experience' and labor expended in acqUiring 4 ii in knowledge of the combinations of science and echanical art necessary to make a simple axe, and you will at once be impressed with the value of science and readily perceive its :lose relationship to man.— Scientific American. A , Parable for LIIU Naomi, the young and lovely daughter of Sala. thiel and Judith, was troubled in spirit, !vellum, at the approaching feast of tnunpeta, she would be compelled to appear in her plain; undyed stola, while some of her young acquaintances would tap pear in blue and purple, and • -, fine ~ l inen of E&vpt. Her mother saw the gloci # 'that appeared upon the face of her lovely child, and taking her apart,•• related to her this parable A dove thus made her complaint tit the guardian spirit of the feathered tribe : ~1 "Kind genius, why is it that t* and strutting peacock spreads his the sun, daring the eyes of eve his richly b mished neck and ro4l tonishment end admiration of e whilst i , in iy plumage, am ove gotten by all ! m Thy ways, kind to be equal towards those under tl tection." I The genius listened to her corn replied : " I will grant thee a train rimi that of the gaudy bird you seem dethand. of thee but one condition "What is that t .. eagerly inqui joyed at the prospect of possessi! lo promise's° _much happinesB "It is, sititllte• genius, that yo l, render all those qualities of rnee , constancy, andlove,for which thy distinguished in all time." " let me consider," said the dove. " No-1 can not consent to such an exchange No, not for all the gaudy plumage, the showyvain, of that vain, bird, will I surrender thck , e qualities of which you speak. the distinguishing featuresOf my family from time immemorial. I nOst declite, gOod genius, its the condition you propose." II ,4 1 • . Then why complain, dear ird I Has Provi donee bestowed upon thee qmilift which thou vai nest more than all the gaudy adomings you ad mire ! And art thou discontent id still !" A tear started into the eve of the dove at this mild rebuke of her guardian spirit, and she prorni. , - ed never to complain. The beautiful girl, who had entered into the sto ry with deep-and tender emotion, raised her fine blue eyes to meet her mother's gaze, and, as they rolled upwards, suffused with penitential tears, she said, in a subdued tone, w ith a smile like that as. smiled by all nature, Wh6n the bow of God _pears in the heaven after a storm—' My mother, •think I know what thy story means.' LiA• me be vour dove ; let me but have that ornament of 4 . meek and quiet spirit, and 1 tau satisfied to see others appear iu rich and'"nutiv apparel;' AMMONIA IN kny me may \ satisfy him: soif of the prveriee of ammonia, in rain by symply adding a little supluirie Mur:atie acid to a.ctiantity of rain water. and by evaporafing this nearly to dry ness in a porttlain ba.-in. The amnionia remains in the Tesidat c ,in a combination with the acid employ ed; and may be de:mi.:xi either by a little powdered lime, which seperatce the ammonia, and thu4 ten.. dors sensible it 3 peculiar pungent smell. 'the sen sation pereeived on I:n4)i:46lnm:the hand with rain water,so different from that produced by puredhliH. ed wa•er,imil to which the term '• snftness " arty aprlied.i= ills•% due to the (..arbanate Of =mania contailiecl itt the lottner. 8 MEN 'lll 1 ..ua" = end 'consider- we perceive ndentheimp, the elements are dependent ed us for the moment with- surrouade '' I - r, at the same paces ary co I;fully,beetciw , t as neelisiary COUIWAS. Manner Ig of science, tal. and mate of hence ' our etistence reach r they •re. k at the bread nt upon the ical Girls. hoarse-voiced gaudy train to beholder with' crown, the ai ich passer-by, looked- and for realm, eeem not y care and pro- la►nt, and thus r in richness to envy. and shall tin return the dove over what seemed t consent tn Sur- ft; s, tenderness, tinily hare beet*