II inisrtllaneons rilbocrtiseinatts. MEER _ _.. REGISTER'S NOTICES.' ikTOTtcE is hereby Wen to all persons int eres t e d, IN t h a t Gabriel King and Belong:in C. ;Winer, exe ,. . t riton of The estate of r", : Asa *inner. deceased,: ;- . 'I. I,e of Rome towiship :' mad Benjamin : Buffington., ,olmtuistrator of the estate of : i Freserred•Buffulgteni, deceasat, r hoe of . Warren township; and George W.lllhattrack, administrator of the estate of ' Shabel Maynard, der]ea . Md, ... - ate of Troy township ; and, Elihu Cue and A. D. spalding, a dmintitraters of the c astate of Chaunc4 Morsei deceased, late of Troy township ; and John B. Parcel and A .c., s-ott, administratoteof the east. of •• Aioleoks Parce4, deceased, l a te of Rilgbury. townaldia; -and William H. Overton, wo oing adminialtretor Of tbefestate of • , • 11/WU= B. SW*, x 4 I , t , of Athens unanahipf: and la ud Palmer andH.D. Freeman, adminiaiudore of the estate of - IL . dY. Ward, dowsed., -:;' _- l at e of Troy township; 'Said David Brewer; auftiving administrator 01 thilieetate of .:- - Arline Clark,:direased, . ! late of Ridgbury travuship; *lid' John Vindykai •arid Illardelana Walter, adagniatrators of the estate of _ , Peter Wafter , .deceased, s Isle of Lem township ~Miti`Anson H. Bowe, aditii ntarator of the estate 4 •-- -,'• Matthew- Scke4ritorn deceased, , late of Spring fi eld townslo : and A. Webb and Ge. Diet King, administrators of the t iastate of geury C. Smith, deceased, late of E , healiequin lowratfica; and Merritt Osborne, Guardian, of Celinda Thant, minter child of Benjamin Hunt, deceased, have filed ilad . settled ih thp office of the Register of Wills, in and fm, the county of Bra fun d '„ the arieounts of 'heir several a ilnane.trations u the estate.' aforesaid, and that tbe p i 'some will be presented t 4 the Orphan.' court of mid 'aunty, on Monday, the 6th day of September neat, for c onfirmation and allowance. 4 • L.E .DE WOLF, Register. Register'e Office, Towanda, July 211, 1847. 11" HERE AB, my wife, LAVINA DUNN, has left 1I my bed and board, without any just cause or prosx.eion. this is hereby to caution any, person from baborrng or trusting heron m a y account, as I will pay su debts or demands of br Contracting. Rome, Aug. X 1847. ' ATRICK DUNN. STRAYED. OR STOLEN., PROM the enclosure of the sub's:Ries on the 'night I. of the 29t of Inly;itit.:. TWO BAY HORSE: viersald. w' mums ad tails. One with t ,goes, tugh-liiii and a good traveler, but not broke to ride. The one with shoes, has the of hind toot white. Wells, Au g:, 2, 1847. - MARTIN. FRIES: natacil Z 1 SWAT, (WPM over the store of E. T. IK, No. 2. Brick Rckv: Towanda, July 28. 1847. • T. vrivatr. ORPHAN'S I COURT SALM • y puramiike of am 4x4et of the Orpliiies Court et T Bradford enmity, litchi at Towanda .ew She tenth .!at of May t 847, will be exposed to sale by public 'endue or outcry, on the peertmism, on itmodey the day of Angina/le:ton, o 'clock P. M., the fallow. , n described lot of land situate in thetownship of Troy, an.i bounded as follows: North by landtof Waal, ~sst by lands of James Dewitt, south by lend of Wes m.ohron, and west by the highway trading from Gran. 4 , to Troy. Containing one hundred aerosol them oAnut:. bring land of which Wm. Roos, deceased; late t.. fry township, died seized. Xerms made known on me by of sale. CHARLES DRAKE, A. MORRISON, . Ad's of Wtn... Boos. 1846, This Wog for Bar es. DARkPOIA, Btlll BHADEB AND ,SUMMER aTt;FFS, selfing sit art; at Forts. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. pursuanos of sin .order of the thphenla Cenciif 113 Kurd coonty,,hiekl at Towanda, in and for aae rounLy, on the 14th day of May. A. D. 1847, will be tirkised to sale by public vtlidne at outcry ma die pro. witi, on' Wednesday the 28h day of fuly, A. D. 1847, u I o'clock. P. M., the following piece la land situate to the township of Springfield, boonaad wee& by the county road leading kr i s Tray to Tapp Point, and by Loll; of Sylieoter Leonetaloaest by Louis of Oliver Gates uid lands of Paul Strentwan teeth itsr lairds of Stephen Biwa, and oat by lanai of Daniel Bartlett and J. W. 4trcur and lands .of Lemuel Fasdknor. Carroining arie hundred acres or thereabout*, • with two story kilned dwelling homer.* foamed barn a nd other mat Louses thereon erected, sad as orchard daemon. The ,hove will be sold u the proportrof Bemianin M'Alree &e.i.—Terms en the day of este. . 4081. P. M'AFEB. J. 1114" A FEB Jane 23, 1817. Executes,' of Benj. M'Alie. DONNETS, of every style bought cheap for cash— ') algo, a lot of P ARABOtEs ` l / 4 %1ttl lib add at mat to close the lot, at No. 5, Erick Iso*. G . REED. 71. T THE SAVINGS BANK maybe found 'the . cheapest GROCERIES in town. A few articles of *tick we will enamerase, irupetior snick ri black or pouch:mg tea ; rem teas of prices and lc:amities; 01l lava, Rie sad Laguira coffee, crushed, Nordsred and muscovada saga; molasses, Velma mod could' candles, lamp and Unwed 4:1116. %/hlitmsllll2, hiy 21, 1 NO. 6, BRICK ROW. aTH,S, CA,§BIIkBRP.B gc. trt.BIINGI3L-.4se striped chef:AC*ld brown final* ga . inisniolis, stint stuffs, tweeds, of all prices and iinaltities, may be ;based at the Say/tart Bank, No. 5, Brick. Bow, Jelly 2t. t. REEV. AUDITOR'S NOTICE Samuel Coolbaugh to the use of 11. F. Bar ?rote, es. Willard C. Green. No. 210, Dee. T. 1846, Bradford Common Pleas. THE undersigned, having been appointed auditor to I distribute moneys raised, by virtue of execution ii teed,in the above suit, will attend to the duties of his Inuiutment at his office in Towanda Borough, on Sat uraiy the 4th. day of Sept. next, .at two o'clock iit the itorKon; at which time and place all moons interesi ,l ire requited , to present their claims before him, or be 4.moed from coming in upon said funds. - July 20, 1847, WILLIAM WATKINB. Auditor. DlBBO UTION. T" —P.artnership heretahore existing ender the . nem of N EY &CO.. at •filambequin. war 61 nobed by mutual consent on the first day ..of -Jane 411 The Booka and marmite will be loused at the ' l,l nand open and ready fur settlement. H. KINNEY, O. D. SATERLEE, C. F. WELLES Mt s hfthelluin July tO 1847. N. P. HARRIS, kii persons knowing themselves indebted to the old &In aunt walk upao the Captains, Mime and not only Pace " t ie , b ll l Pay up oriosta will be nude after aim days no indulgenCies gianted. Micahequin July 10 1847. H. KINNEY 4fr CO. •„ • Ana any quantity of New Goods . T HE un demigeta have loaned themselves into a partnership at the old awn) of H. KINNEY 41r. CO. e Bbeshequin under the name of KINNEY & BAT TERLEE where they may at all dawn frond ream sax on thyr customers with the 110 0 : 4 `hea p 13-they can be bad in Bradford County. HIM -VI paid for Lumber all kinds dream", taken in ex '4,,v• Any quantity; of butter wantill at the largest Pre n fixthange for goods. H. KINNEY. 0. D. SATEELEE. %tehequin July 10 1847. E. SATERLEE.' • S it atB-1 4 ,1* m isses and Children's; •kW so orrimaHlit je9 BETTS'. 1 AH L 111 111r11411C1111117'..ell.111Lat• m. U. MERCUR, base •sysnoved their '' ( MODS to the Store formerly tmealiad here "° north side of the public square. where prepared to 'apply their enstrtmers as hereto Tonerola, March iT, 1847. , - \ K81 ) 11 1ron. Horse Shoe. Round Band, Phil Mils , shoe bumi of ell kinds will be sold .7710 w Y 11. ICINGSBER`Y. MN ~ .111netjanttig, iti. BOOTS AND SHOF.S. lllutt ire ysathest kn i lnil ye! TeiS, I mil ! THIPMANDB of times the question h ilti bean M e d. Where en earth are all the Beata Shoes, nufeenmed that supply the continual rued the coiner of Main and Bridge streets I O'Hara anenrem that this is the place, and these are the things we .1p it with ! al. . Seventy-deeps nese fashi‘u every two seconds! Put on the Steam ! 1 Hear ye ! heave ! and understand, thet 011.114 at the coiner of,Maiis and Bridge streets, wilt sell at retail this season. 39,781 pain of Beets, Mums end Brorans, at a lees price the, ever was or probably ever will be a- Jared again in Towanda. The Ladies' Department in this establisluneut is richly furnished with Winona. Ladies', mime shad children's fancy and common boots and shoes, sign to the extremity of the Ismail fashions. Mistake not the place -Corner of Main end Bridge mesa, the w hoe Store in Bradford County. Half mash and half trade for Butter. H. O'HARA. Towanda, June 164 1847. 1 . NO. 3. IN 'TOWN AGAIN.. Tsubmtem are a little later than usual thii 1, spring wi their extensive stock of merehamine ; but what the good people of Bradford county have lost by' ur delay, we will now endievor to make up warms in the quantity, quality and price of our gosh. . We are now on hand with the LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST stock of goods in Towanda; bought exclusively for cook r and sines the great reduction in prices. Our stock coasima as usual of Dry Goods, Groceries. Crockery. Bard ware, Drugs and Medicines. For Idaher particulars look along through the paper. We need not say ' Call and examine our Goods," for we know that every body arras call at No. 3, before purchasing elsewhere. WM. B. BAIRD & CO. June 15, 1847. LADIES DRESS GOODS. TIJST received at No. 3 Brick Row, an extends* J asaortment of rich and desimble dress loads of the latest style, such u striped Tedder), embroidered mtur. lin, Cherry lustre, M. De Leine, Gingham Lawn, monining organdie, Balsorine Gingham Robes, Larne wriped dream, n with all Abe new and fashion. ble fancy goods that" Id be found in thr, city of New York, and will be so cheaper than the mine goods can be bought at any other establishment in the county. Remember this, and before you purchase stop into BAIRD'S NO. 3, 11. R. HATB—The largest and bed .elected assortment of Summer Hatt. consisting of Panama,Buglish straw„ Dunstable, Pedal, Pahaleaf, &F.., for sale cheap at BAIRD'S BONNETS--Flonenee, China Pedal,: Straw and Lawn Bonnets, all of the latest fashions, at BAIRD'S. 10.3170 lI IIII4OOTS & SHOES—Alan's Calf and Morreo boot's, and Congress linen% mind Ladies dhow of every gleaciiptian et BAIRD'S. 11[14.01T8 4r, MLR—Linseed, Lamp and Tanner's 1_ 04—Wkite Lead, dry and ground Venitian Red, and' all kinds of Paints for sale at the cheapest store in Tarrands„.k . BAIRD% NO. 3, B. R. - FlSH,—Mackezei, Shod, and Codfish in great abun da. at BAIRD*, es 0 e e :u. , Rica,Tobacco, Ice, can be found at BAI DRY GOOD lE .—E verything in the lista of Dry. Goods 'usually kept in this eouwsy, Sc ever wanted for teas, eau he fiend rt No. 3. The end pods were pur chased in New york after•the great rush was ova, and whew there was • great deprenion in the Mahan, and consequently wore ileougkt cheaper and skall be sold *taper than any stock of goods in Bradford nsunty.— This is tree, if we do say it ourselves, and if you don't believe it, jest drop is st No. 3, wine the Affirm cry to ainre.e and you wet become convinced that goods eat be sail chtop in Tinaanda. SALT -100 bUs. Sell jest received and for sale BAIRD'S, B. R. FLOUR. -6 socks of first nor dour just received mad fiar ode et BAIRD'S, NO . . 3, B. It. New Arrival at No. 1, Brick Row! , .4. 8. MemberUs, Is sew raceiving, and oilers for sale it the DWG DEPOT, No. I, Brick Row.. large addition M his former amok. eonaktikor of every varistrof . Stearin, Brags mei Bedlam Dye staffs, Nets, reffilelety, Pam initial whidt will be mold at wholesale or wail, at anasually low arida. Taros CASH. Towanda, Jam 18, 1847, - - - ROGER Y'S, in iheceiontsy. aot bs eapplied with Ur all articles in their rule, on the await reasonable urn* at - joie BRICK ROW. DICTORIesL BROTHER JONATHAN, for the 4. Fourth °tisk ,at No. t,,BRICK ROW. DUNBAWS. Reaves, and a splendid ankle of Im ported CIGAR'S. at No. L. BRICK ROW. PATENT MEDICINES, every kind now in use, can be biund et tbe Drug Depot; Agent for Jaynes Penktes, Mimes, Moffat's, Pain killer, and various ether medicines. A full and.general supply always on hand jel 8 No. I, BRICK ROW. 011.8, PERFUMERIES , • aroliodsd ankle of Ha Bristow, Thermometer; sod; Fumy Articles, for dale it jelB No. I, BRICK ROW. PEDLERB will find it to theieedvantage to eaU at the Drug Depot, where they an be supplied with sew ry arliele desired, with as phials, sourness. dee,. ea the best wows, )06 No, 1. BRICK ROW. SODA FOUNTAIN, just erected at the Drug Depot, to which the attention of the public is invited. INDWAIRMLMGM& • THE Subscriber o ff ers hie new stock of HATS AND CAPS it "the first Wilding south of the Brick Row. where the hat manufactory of Mr. Thomas was formerly kept. those who• wish to purchase for Cash, will be accommodated at very reduced prices.— Fur Hats from one to four dollars ; Silk Ham from one to three dollars; Wool hats from thirtyarren and a half cents to one dollar; Crap from eighteen cents to one dollar—according to quality. HENRY MERCUR. May 27, 1847. STRING GOODS, irjr S. &M. C. MERCUR have just received a 1.1 . . good ameortment of Gingham., Lawns, Sommer Sheik, Mowers, Wnwthe, &c. &c., which will be sold cheaper than ever. Towanda., May 3, 1847. New Arrival of Goods, by Express! ' B. ATINGSBERY. AS just received from New York, a beautiful air H Gorton* of Lewes, Gingham, Bennetts. Pidm Leaf Nana, de- Ike., which will be odd very cheap.— Also Cape and Parasols and • *misty of other geode. Call and see th e . redaction from WI opting% pekoe. and if you shook' want any thing in the. way of New Goode. you *in be aura to buy. April 28.1847.. First Arrival of Goods iron New York. Burton itingsbery, TlB now ,namivitig a pneral assortment of Spring and 1 Sommer Goods, which will be sold cheaper than goo& were ever offered in this piece before. His friends wikfirid as they mount the steps at his door, that prices go down. Call and esamine for yourselves.— My goods and prices will mine' themselves. You wdl find a- bugs end general assortment away variety of Dry Goods, Grocerks, Hardware, Crockery, Glass, N ails, Iron, Steel ,Paints, 0i4,. Des &oar, Boote,.Phoev. Hats, Caps, Codfish, Mackerel, &c., &c. Ifiy friends, god the public generally are • respeitfully invited td call sad eta/rine my stock, u I ant satisfied f•cen offer theft' goads cheipet thefi at Itsy other Store. May 17th, 1847. MEM WM. R. BAIRD & CO. ===MIMIMI atathanbile. NM CM STNE M E. FON, TAKES this method of informing every pelson who wants fo purr.hase GOODS, that he has opened an 'entire stock of NEW GOODS in No. 2, Brick Row, formerly occupied by C. be E. Reed, one door beknw the Post Office, where bii would be happy to show any 012111 his stock who will Error him with a call ; MI he is datensimid not to be undersold by soy one in this or any other Town this side of New York. My stock limy huge, wadding of Dry Goods, Grocenes Crockery Harrhoe, /L s , ,ot 4- *Shoes &f at A large assort ar ment cf Dress Good, Such at ..%teh and Linen Gingliants, Amin Muslin, Printed • and Argandie do., gort Plaids, Cliainbrayikand Lanus cloth. A/10, • A Aat txmety Freak, And American dads metes, testing,, on dd. Tam* ' Summer Stiffs. tr- Don't fa to call, as I will mil the Ready Rhino lad' lees than any other live pin. Towanda, June .1, 1847. TUBT received 12 - Chests Frei% Toes, selling from 4of 37i to 75 colts per lb., wanrsoted good or no side at Fors. NO. 2. B. B. COME one and all sod as ilia best Wad ellaspast So gar, Coffee sad Molasses in town at jons 1. FOX'S. NO. 2.M. R. BOOTS AND SHOES. AFIRST rats lot of Gents kip, 'sal sad come boots, fine medium and come shoes , also Lorna' fine kid B. IL Ties. Buskins, Gaiters sod half Gaiters, and an endless variety of child's shoes at NO. 28. IL A FEW Family cues HONCROP4THIC lfndi eine, with !Kemple% Domestic Physician. Also, a few Haifa Lands at FOX'S. N 0.2, D.R. C . QPICERt 4 GLASSWARE, a lit* rata wort went at jel N 0.2, B. R. 1 ODOZEN of tboarvcheop Pantsoli lett, *hick are selling at reduced prices at NO. 2, B. R. T EGHORI and Lawn Bomb: elaa Leghorn. p e w ;LI b,a l and Palm!cantata, and • great. variety it Caps at jel . KO. 2. B. R. THE Ladies do say that the largest and 'portliest assortment of Dies' Goods, Ribbons, Parasols, Gloves Hosiery, &c. in town, is to be found at PDX'S. Call and sea them as they are 'aka, from 10 to 's6 per cent. cheaper t hin at any other Store in town at jane I. 1 NO. 2, B. R. 200 I'IEOEB Cslicoeit, the prettiest in town, sel hog from 5 to 15 cents per yard at june 1. • NO. 2, B. R. SAVINGS BANK. NEW OFFICERS ELECTED. AT an annual meeting of the directois uf the " To wanda Savings Bank." C. & E. REED were elected in place of G. E. Flynt & Co, wkime term expired May Ist, 1847. his the intention Of the new Cashiers & Co., to sustain the credit of the institution la," putting goods low down " to pay up customers.— e therefore invite our old customers and the public generally to call and examine our stock of New and Cheap Goods, just received, and convince themselves of the truth of the old adage, that -" Goods have, :an, and shall be sold cheapee at the flawing' Bank than at any other establishment in Towanda. No. 5. B. R. May 18, 1847. ' C. &E. REED. OliNpl-41:0•81.1.N11111 FOR 8A LE, a TIMBER LOT, situated in the tp. 4' Burlington, in this county, containing about 157 aims, on which is a good mill ate. For further par ticulars enquire of J. 11. HA V NEB, at Hawley's More, Franklin. July 7, 1847. Sas! MP' AL- IC 3Mir , 3E 3Mir eat • - tLtMEIIII%f RI3ISPECTFULLY inform the citiseno of Torras la, and the public generally that he is prepared to execute in the misted style all descriptions of House. Sign, Coach or Carriage Painting. or Trimming ; and every varid.y of Fancy and Ornamental Painhng. From hie long experience and the many specimens of lib productions now in use, he entertains • nattering hope that by close application to his profession, arid being prompt to order he may secure, • suitable share of public patronage. He may be foundl at an tiaras at the Chair Factory of Tomkins & Makinion, when he will boson hand to attend to the calls of thos e who may want his aerv'wes. PAPER-RANGING done on show no tice. in •isuperior t manner and reasonable terms. Tod.. July f, 1847. Iy4 ANOTHER ADDITION TO THE Stock id Goods in the Savings Bank. TN consequence of the great rush at the Basing sank 1. For Cheep Goods, the proprietor has been induced to replenish with a splendid assortment .of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, which are now opening. and sell ing at greatly reduced prices. The proprietor. Mr. C: REED, pledges himself to folly end amply sustain the credit of the institution which it has hitherto borne. i.e. kir selling goods cheaper than any other estobrisliment in Bradford co. Persons desirous of testing this, have only to call at No. 5, Brick Row, and sandy themselves. July 7, 1847. C. REED. , LAWNS, ORGANDIES, LAWN VINGHAMS, sad Light Gingham" have bees reatived at the &wimp Bank, end are selling twastplive per amt. cheaper-than 41,0 f. jy7 0 C. REED. BOOTS & SHOES—A , large and exhanathos as. sorunent of wane and fine boots and awes, ladies' f and half gaiters, kid ties, buskins, Fran* kid "slip pets, children's cloth and morocco shoes are now selling very low at the fiavingallank, No. 5, Brick Row. EYNOLDIS CELEBRATED GRAIN ORA— DLEB.. grain and grass a/tithes, - scythe maths. rakes, and Quinebaugh whet stones may be found at the Savings Bank, No. 5. Brick Row. C. REED. Proceed, Gasliessess ! CRAMBERLIN'S SODA FOUNT is in a perfect rags, about these days, just mothers at No. 1, Brick *row, where you can Ind Aristocratic agora. Gonda. utm's Fancy touches, and every thing in our lineal the Drug Depot, uncommonly cheap,Tortioleesle and nits& July 7, 1847. A .S.CH AM BERLIN • LlBl 4 OF - LETTERS remainingin the Po* Office as Athens, P.., quarter ending Jenelle, 1747. Abbott C Mott Atm& -- Andrews C. P Mills has Aldrich John C Murray L 8 Arnold 0 McDule Jahn Brion Haney Merchant M G Brooke Paw Norbery T 8 Bock Joseph 2 Mallory Henry , Brown Anemias - Palmer John , Bowmen A ' Raymond Elias Chapman C D 2 Reilirld Sanwa 2 Comm' H Smith C B Canington J Y Steward R M Drake Francis Shilp T Derphy Lyman Sark, Mary A I Dilden Robert Swartwoodialeo K Uwe A Femme NWilit• • , Tehran Junes Tracy E 8 Gardner I. A Wikat nubs Hyatt side L B Weaver Jae I " Howkimr A West Wm Hyatt M R Mrs, Wesley Wm - 1 Jackass Serbia Watkins Mary Crom elder 8, Warren Wm !Wander:km Adelia Yak Larissa Livimpson L C. H. HERRICK.. P. M. First lot of New Goods ii Towsida. NONTANYES' & CO. are receiving a large ofd general assortment of Bring and Summer Goods which will be deposed of at wholesale or rimdl at re duced prices- /sprit 20, 1847. - Lototze can. Amu attpotior assortment of DRESS 600DS At CLOAKINOS, .t MERCURII. inatbanaile, Pc. SWAM ri. Thomas Elliot k N. C. * Tomkins, 1111111 A VINO asneeistad themselves together in the A-IL Min ta aOB business, hope by erns application end eerie seauden to bessiness. to merit e•share of pub- lic patronage. They may always be Arend reedy to attend to any person who wishes scannodations in their line. ' They will weepy . theald waled 'of Elliott & Meteor. sod as it lies just been sOlargad sod made nom spaci ous sod convenisat, motorway will nod it very plea sant to do babe= to. ELLIOTT & TOMKINB. /day 27. 1847. NEW GOODS ! NEB' GOODS!! elliZreceive' and lot sole a ,assortment of ni end Sernmer Goods, width will be sold as cheep for Cash es eau be found in Northern Peon's.— Customers will And it to theiredventees to call and ex amine their ilea before parasol* elsewhere /1111 7 " . , zworr & TOMIKINS. ANY quantity of GINOHAES. jolt received and far mak by • . ELLIOTT & TOMEINIS: T AWNS of all varieties; also ,Gingbarn Lawns very -La low for cash by ELgIOPI & TOMKINS. 800113 and Shoes, the largest stock in town and cheap se can be bought in the country by E. dr. T. S 0 EB, Lobes west of sal kinds—French &tun liniton. Pr. tip. Buskins. kid sliPs. Last ing ashen, soda variety of all kinds by E. &T. riOTTON Yarn, any quantity--alao Carpet warp ki whits and colored by . E. & T. (*KING tiLASSEE; of every variety for ale Lby . . _ E. & T. cm TRON of all kinds, English and Swedes', together with .1 rolled and hammered; G LABB as cheap as the ehespest,end a large stock of NAILB47 E. &T. LD Letole Nail Roils, a very large 4.luan:Yß."4l/41,74 ASPLENDID assolimeat Pares& of all sizes. so* of every Tacky of Illim'arellas by E. &T. Ir6riNNETB,* good tariety Leghorn. Straw, Laren Ii and Coburg, ebrrp[u the cheapest by N. & T EGHORN Hats of ell sixes end descriptions, to gether with • good lot of palmist(' by E. &T; A GOOD assottnaent of CAkees. la fart, we - ave IL as goad an assortment of all kinds of Dress Goods as you can find ha any store is the country. Also, * good assortment of Cloths. Caseinieres, and Sommer wiser of all kinds and descriptions as cheap for cash as the cheapest by E. & T. - SIIEETINGB and Shirting, , both bleached and & bleached cheap as the cheapest by E. & T. &UT! SVELT! ! 200 BARRELS Salt for sale at Jane 8. MOMTANYES' & CO New Spring and Summer Goods, N. N. BETTS, T 8 now opening a new and splendid assortment of I. simple slid fancy griodast hisstore, (situate on Main street two doors below Bridge street (west side) nearly opposite Montanye's & Co.) embracing all articles generally kept in the country, such as Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery and Glass ware:. Hardware. Nails. Iron. all the varieties orSted, Glass. Paints Linseed Oil, Lamp Oil 5-c. which he offers to purchasers at unusual low prices fin Cask-Pittance, or approved credit. And would re spectfully invite all who wish to purchase to call and, examine has goods and prices befogs putr.hesing else. whim as be is maddest he can offer good bargains. June 1, 10147. PRINTS, M. D• Latina•, Gingham•, L•wns, Tbt Ladies will lad • beautiful assottmeut at joss 9. BETTS'. AGREAT yodel, at An& =AN parasols Ladies ,and Inotee Rouista very cheep at BETTS'. .1114 LACK k BEAVER CLOTHS. black .and fancy Casikaaraia, mad all soda of Summar muffs, a large assortanant,low for es* it BETTIS'. WINDOW & WALL PAPER, a thee variety and at BETTS% HARBIS & BLOODS' Ones scythes end scythe soothe ;Wee MIMS' cradle scythes et BETTS'. - NEW AND CHEAP GOODS, 0. D. ljartket. HAS the pleasure to infer= his friends end ensile wen and the public in general, that ha is just re , curing a large and carefully .elected stock of seasona ble Goods, which, as bereiollont, be le prepared me sell lower than any BRAGGART. Towanda, June 2,1847. PAPER . HANGINGS. HE largest and moat beautiful assortment of Pa pa Hangings ever brought into this place, just received and for sags cheap at 0. D. BARTLETT'S. Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Groceries. Mils and Caps, Hardware, Bonnets,• Crockery, Books and' Stationery, -Iron and Sled: Paper of all kinds. Paints and Oils. Glass and Putty. NEARLY every variety of each at the above kinds of Goods so band at the lowest rate at 0. D. BARTLDITTL COIL CHAIN. - EEO? tested coil chain for Bull wheels to raw mills ind other similar uses just received and for sale cheep by . 0. D. BARTLETT. BONNETS. A splendid assortment of Leghorn and Mrs Bonnets, latest style just neeeived and for sale very loir by 0. D. BARTLETT. WOOL WANTED!! OD. BARTL p ETT will exchaa cloth or other • Goods for Wool on the best tense possible. Towanda. June t, Asuperior lot of Lawns, Bummer Gin/hams, and Monterey plaids,. new article far drums. Also, prints of ell patterns, which are stain extremely low et the SAVINGS BANK. BONNETS. Alugs and extensive assortment of Bonnets, eon-, misting of Leghorn. Albert Braids, China= Straw gimp, English Straw. dxe., together with artificial., wreathe, &c. to match, are now selling at reduced prises akthe SAVINGS BANK. SUMMER SHAWL S. • beinniful ageoitinent of Deny, De Lein and linitiniBbawla alai be foand at use tiA VINGEI BANK. ARABOI.B of ever, variety and pattern. Also, P *lles. are now selling extrwsely low at %be Towanda, May 24. 1847. . SAVINGS BANK. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. AFFW bobaill pounds BUCKWHEAT FLOUR is AO lb. mks. a esperior mid% jag Hard mad far We by Fib. 22. 0. D. BA RTLETF. HAMES AND HARNESS TRIMMINGS: JUST *aim' a hop jaaatitl of Filmic! Coma= Hamm P.hloo Ind iniaa . d. PM/ Min" sinl at • Feb. 22. M RCURII. Zo Ire V.LIBINDIEII99. UAB just rearived the longest asoottnient of NEW .000 DB ow brought into Bradford co., which he °Gera in rraclionge for CASH. LUMBER. or PRODUCE. • Moitroetern,lMay 10. 1847. iiiißSClLtrfidN. 1 Ira tilt of E. &nab t Eon Li thiy tiisaol46l .1.. by rbittruil ronordi. ilcullits. 44., dub 1111, llierninst be Immediately . • Towanda, lipy 12,4817. C. T. SMITH. Legal ithettiotents. SHE IF?'S SAL ; BlrAliftwormary writs pf tenditioni einonasimalid out:Of *waterlog' eonnicurpleao at BratlEmi to me ditectot..l cajmnin public see at the house of THOS P WOODRUFF, in the borotigh of ToWan-. J., on Monday. the Math &inf. lei nett, al '4, o'clock, P. M.. the followir4 plea eE *hie) of land, in Ridgberry township. bounded north by lands of Perrin Barnbort, west by Woke of Howard F. Burl SOSO by land of David Burt, and -east by laud of Bur:khan and Mills Carr. Containing filly acres, about twenty acres thereof improved, with a small orchard, big boom and log barn thereon. Seized and taken in ;mention at the suit of Mark A. Burt vs. John M'DoweH. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Athens township, bounded north and east by land of Isaac Shepard: sokitli ;- by lands of I;rael Mead, said west by the Po int void left ing from Athens to Elmira. Containing giant lac mime or less. all improved, with one framed linlise, a d one shed thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of IL M. Partridge vs. Almeron H. Tozer. ' . ALSO—A certain piece or parcel of land in Burling 'ton ip, bounded north by the township line between Burhilgton and Springfield, east by land of Henry L kiss, or E. 13. Tracy. and on the south by --; Shack leton. and west by Isaac Sturges. Containing one hun dred and thirteen acres more or jots, about thiltracres improved, with one framed house, one log house; and one framed barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution aethe suit of E. S. Tra cey vs. Samuel E. Dickinson. • ALISO—A piece or parcel of land in Warren, town ship, hounded northwesterly by. lauds of John 1./Jerkin son. east by-lands of Wm. Corbin sou' h-easterly by lands of George Want and Phineas Antisdel, south-westerly —by land ofJacob Rogers. Containing s'out4secria mote or less, with about 25 acres improval, with one framed tesern house two small barns and one apple or chard thereon Sin egv cation at the cult of Adminis. natant of Jaseph Price,dec'd. vs. Philip Rogers and Bosh French tent tenants. ALSO—The following piece or parcel ,of land situate in Monroe township, and bounded as follows, to wit On the south by Patrick Hankie, west by land of J. 1.. Rockwell, north by J. Hornet, east by the main road.— Containing about one fourth of an acre more ,or lets, with one framed house and framed barn thereon!, Seized and taken in ezeeution at the suit of!: P. !tido! , to we of H. H. Mace vs. John Termilegm ALSO—A piece or parcel of loud in Franklin town ship, bounded north by lands of Overton, ettf by k: Cord's lands. south by Wm- Shiner, awl West by Jacob Tall. Containing about one hundred acres, more or less, with about twenty-five acres improved, one log house, fruited barn and a small orchard thereon. Seized and taketi in execution at the sat of 8- L. R. R. Fowler yr Lewis -Shiner. ALSO—By virtue of a writ of Levan Facies,. the south half of all that piece or parcel of land in Smith field tp., Beginning in a stake and stones at the ninth east corner of lot no. 12, and'the north:west corner of lot no, 13, thence east 26 chains and 50 links rtY the north-east corner of lot no. 13, and the north-west cor ner of lot no. 14, thence south 40 chains and 75 links to the south-east corner of lot no. 13. and south-We s t corner of lot no. 14, thence *0,4.26 chitin, and 50 links to the imatfi'-West corner of lot no, 13, and south-east Writer of lot no. 12, thence north 6' chains and 75 links to the place of beginning. The whole tract ibolte des crib'ed containing one hundred and one acres and thirty two perches. Seised and taken in execution at the snit of Richard S. Stuart, trustee of Mary Caton, vs. William Clark and Silm,Betta, terra tenant. ALSO— A piece or parcel of land in Wpm: and Monroe tps.,•in the county of Bredfocd, Beginning it a white oek,ACEICIe by land of Win. Morrison, north 2° west 266 perches to a post, thence east 52 perches to a chesnot oak, ninth 73° east 127 perches to a pine, sough 50° east 200 perches to a black oak, mouth 34° west 21.1 perches to a black oak, and west 200 pear.hee to the place of beginning. Containing 4364 acres, with alloirance. Seized Ind taken in execution at the soil of Jahn Resting, Cr: Israel Smith. JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, July 21, , 1847, IN THE MATTER Or the partition of the estaia of Benjdmin Brink, deed late of • Sheshegufn tom whip —in the OF/Lin . ; Court of Bradford,coun t ;6 17 hel e rm . an . d ie d 4 evi . seet of Benjamin. BHA deed: X for wit : Daniel Brink, Brink . Smith, Ali - thews user and Wilda hit wife, Charles Smith, John Smith, Daniel b.,nh, Orson Smith, Valenfme Smith? James Smith, W in. Smith, Rachel Smith, Theodore Ilir: Brink, Henry M'Rinriey .and Amanda M'Hinnet blil infe,, and DeWitt Brink and John Brink and4heir.goatnliatr; Orison Dickey— Orrinßrink e Elizabeth Brink, Charles BOnk, Julia Brink and John Brink, Jr., and their giardisn John Brink—Elizabeth Berkeley, Janiesßrink and Hester rerbes, are hereby severalty notified that the Orphan's Court of Bradford canny on the 1 lth day of May, 1847, did grant a rule updn them to come into Court on the first Monday of September next, and elect to take or refuse the estate of said decedent at the valuation made thereof, ink' in aide they shaft refuse to accept the same, to sheet cane, if any they have, why the shame shall not be sold By the Court, LYMAN E. DE WOLF; May 22. 1847. Clerk of Orphan's Court. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. 1011URSUAN I' to an order of the Orphan's Court of .1. Bradford county, will be exposes! to public sale at the house upon the premises in Sheahequin township, Brqdfiird county, Pa., on Saturday the 4th day of Sep. tsmber,,lB47. mune o'clock P. M., all of the certain peaces. lota e( camels. of land lying and being in , said township known as , the Richard Horton farm, to be sold as the property of Patrick Cummings, deed., bounded as follows : Beginning at a corner; thence by lota No. 94 and 101, south thirty degrees and 18 Mi nutes, 82 perches to a corner, thence by parts-of 'lots No. 101, 102 end 109, south 59 degrees west, 184 perches to a corner, thence along the Sheshequin mild, . north 64.j:degrees west, 22 perches, north 63 degree' 1 west, 78trehes to a corner, and thence by pills of lots No. 1 and 92, north 59 degrees east, 236 perches . to the be 'lining, being part of lots No. 92.93 and 1011 F L in the old township of Claverack, one of the seventeen townshi &e. Centaining 92 acres and allowance, with a f home, framed barn, and out houses, and a large apple orchard thereon.. - . I 1 AL1304--All of the two undivided fourth parts or shares thq whole into four equal parts or shares to be divided ocand in all that certain tract of land being an Island coMmonly called Horton's Island, lying isi\ the Susquehanna river, just above the mouth of Bum Creek. containing in the whole. by computation; filly six acres ndin one hundred and twenty-five perches, be the sane more or less. The other half belonging to Stephen 'lewd! and Franklin —. Attendance rill be given et the time and place of sale and terms mods known. ' HIRAM MIX, May 2 , 1846. Adminatrator de hoofs non. IN THE MATTER Of theration of the estate of David Pratt, )31 late o i Canton township. deed.--in - the Or-. phial; Curt of Bradford county, of Dec. Ternl et lB46. THE , 'is and devisees of David Pratt dec l d., to wt A Ebenezer Pratt, David Pratt, Asa Pratt, Jonathan pt. Pratt, Win. Roberts. Betsey Roberts, Jesse Griffin, Wichel Griffin,Jolins Pratt and Cheater Not, are brrebt severally notified that, the Orphan ' s erAut Of Btadfqrd county on the Bth day of Mil 180, did grant a nil, upcin them to come into said ceott on the first kfoo t ay of September nest and elect to take or refuse estate of said decedent at the valuation made thereof: ad in ease they shall itfael to accept the same, to ow eau. if any their hive. why the same abate not sold. By the Court: , .. LY MAN E. Ds : WOPF,, - ,tune 1847. Clerk of Orphon's Court. The ddle and -fineness Business TH ail 'hoed I+ ELKANAH BMItH; J. CUI.P t i. ...U. . SMITH , uodei tite. Firm of Elkanah Smith & , 0., at the old stAnd Noah aide of Square, here will be ktErt constantly on hind Best Plain etaJ Quihrt Kiddies, Plated. Intl Common Hantow4all kinds of Trunkb, V ilice+V Ind all other work in their line, - Cariiage Trimming 4• Military work &the to bidet. From their experience and punctuality. they arehopes to receive a share of public patronar,.. Work . be bad at their shop as.cheap as stany.othcr shop in e count' of the tame quality. May ,18, '4 7 r f . . Ncto tkirk Premtvifii Alvan By thelineritiil! iifib—k§ilvei Meth 11341=4 Diplorifs, 1812.—k .11iploma 1843-4 Diploma ft 1844—A Dililonia fo 11345-:—A Silver Meth 1846—A Silver Mci li This is to certify, 'that' the records or IV Jttiirrii 11ElshlY ' 681.11' Woottn• T}l sub.crilicra take otHleilford , i have leseed" fe.r a r here or Wyalusing fuerriithika, Ifni and which they are now apparatus' for 'he mart cloths, flannels, reasonable terms. Thoselg to na.....-_ fActured upon shares will lsrid it toshiiil a t iVaritage to give them a call, as they are determined. tilt napalm ' , hall be spared to give the most perfect satiefaittien:— They work Weill into Broad nr narrow teaseled clathi ; for one half the cloth, or if Mtferre, they gill'. mans facture yard follcws:::- . 1103 li t ellgtfritlxt feattY $1 to $1.25 ; Narrow cloth, from 4 to 50 it t s.' Ottli articles manufactured for proportiona a pieces:' Wool carding and cloth dressing isilf "yell an abort notice and reasonable tern*. JIM be pre pared for business on or before the fi t ofiIUDIP next. Wyslunng, April 25, 1`347 1 . Ft 'Lt . & nitts. NEW i)RY 0140 Si.. Corner of AWN aced I agioto *Mai JUST OPENING, at the corner .r Nfia, & Bridge J street, A well-selected assortment 01 l pew Ai lash ionable DR Y 0 OODS, vita& will bi ear tifsually low for ready pay. The stock consi , „if? Celt of t •Satinett, flannel, giu4i niin i i alpacci t - t::s sties -t lot of prints in tow n , (*lgnite, iUsertirigs. •;*: wpiie (AO- Vic muslin's, linsey, canton fie oil, an 166 }'!cached and brown muslin, net to ' f - surpassed) ucking., check, .- shaicie; Linton, wool and buck ! doves; Cotton - hose, mispen f hi; Geiman ftanddreli , • • Cotton and pongee h • gingham crass* plaid wool comforters; eat ton tap • thread, treeriot sOfs, cotton Nei „Pins, neva'', ipeof cajun,. ' suspender, shirt and Tetra buttoite, er articles, usually found tri a ate The rthl,lic are 1010 to call, end . before putlehasing ellearhere; es they er than at any otherestabliallinent i• T.orrancla*, Not. 1 FARM FOR figtTHE subscriber offers , or sale on reason elle terivi, The veluabl FARM torioetly Mined and how' occripied b .lotiPti (IN*. ell. EN., simile one mil • ilortii Of tb bone of Towanda. The lot nclitains•FlFTY acres Ofgood 1,,r tinning land, nearty alt tmproverl, with i largp and commodious dwelling house , two rite, tinitifire or. chard, end. variety of other choler] ruit inrini Iffekrott. t.; For further particulars , Apply td esublefibet id his office in the hciTugh uf waqdsi, 7 . June 24. 1 . 847 . WIL fAhl E wET.L; Agidd. LISTOFLETTERS remaining lit th e Print 01ficis at Troy, Pa., quarter ending Jane 30. 1841: Bassett R S MoStroud Daniel 2 Eaglet A B - ' .. Mehitoalli-Mmthi*, Ikeda, El* Mason 4oFthspirriti Aft Brown A R. Parkburpt D Er B°DroeY C g Pierce Mini Mist Chesier Gainer 2 PtOvin *in' , Chase Wm R '''''''' Firkh Arnie! Comfort Lovini Peters Iphaoi Calkins Sarah T Mrs Rollins aron * 'Evans WrefT Robbie John '. Fisher Philip 2 Ranidi b. I.,llliiii Frank, Nattier? 3 Rae li A 160,. Fish Martha E. Mni Sil '1 R A Mils Oman Wm A • Shafts i Hillock (WO tSheld Jackson florae tlicaux , lOf John Thc., kliaginan Casaandei Taylor Kinyon•Joab Town • Lomb James 19 , Wbi Linderlan J magi) %V illis Miller Henry Hey 7 Wiles More Santote Wood. LAYTON . Shaving and flail , Solomon ~ ~ ~, _ , Vet SPECTF ULLY . M . fimma h . ohl frlefidsima.l.pat thathavtrtbeen obit to alanalchi his ler -Lt.' mer eta n the afternoon of thei2tla iii t:. fib is now . permanent located ori the w al& of the public square, two doors north 'of -!bi' &livid'. Grateful for pastfavors, he hopes by wirer' idikill It attention to merit en increase of patronsgbAt 'Rum*. He war always keep_ oh Kandla surit a g . o oda; co aenieli, peilumety, and orhatevg; is im e - to give an agreeable finish to his uperati ' Tiiii *ill spars ml painsin his endeavors toidapt his AU; imit the vary ing tastes of his customers. . ~ . - - ALSO--Shampacaring foi tarsi Uri aid t ante pm fi; i vantstive to Reep the Hair from ling twit, dr taming gray, fora beautiful head of hair ii a poneiral oneilier, LIBT OP - BETTERS remain' Tolland", Pa.; quarter endiiii ,Allowsy Wm Jones' • Briggs Prima-is Blakeslee E Er Bro Sin Wm Henry Mart Alai Blown Alice R Mu i•IT)P D if Beardsley DJ •- • I.se .Wirl., Can A M, Lent Torii& Carpenter Edward Lung beeline ° Convene Asoph Lents Lo Mk .- :.e. • Cummings stepped McGoirh Molise. ..i. Cooper John Maley John or Ii lith:is Chandler A Mealy Mieldil Devine Frances M'Kem Ala it• , • . , 1 4 . Douglas Wm rstaldl Marhokyr Joieph ! Bonin Pat Eck ' Ma basket Dodson Joe . Moran Pik , •-•'"' . Etheridge iliac Ti sot's, briin t,.. „, End& dird . O'Conneii Oa/' Feast , . OvertceleC, 'nee M Miss Fond deer P Phiim, Apisinniti Mime Poste/ * *by emend Mita M. Fisher lobes ernlth Jobb Fuser Jane MiA - 7 — • Thcobas- Asiple A Garthwsit Daniel . - 'rickav Aaron Harkness Lucinda Missrieni Jennarn ' Humphrey T*l). & Jas Vitienin !Bekaa . Headal.dus ••""4 . We ii t i liAniinoir • liana fluke NV Thus and John Hu'l Daniel, W 1 James Howland Malindi A gigs Wkiii lane Miss Hall Where Warren Heavy • newt. C ' isle •Aentord A. R. CHAMBERLIN. P.M. ..• _ _ _ _ _ pionership hei'entirei existing lietlreeit & E. REEIi is tidi; 114 dissolved by mutant consent. Tbe.anetniuts,, notes, &4.. due the int *I kil Ried, No.. 5, o, R. fektelteetialt. • Cii-ARLE.VIEED. bWARD.R,NED. TOi►al]da, May .24, 1847, COME TO THE MBE subsetibt.is having met ,thri lite Ire hi Towanda, • earnestly request that those who JAW wilt make every effort p ,s 1 tha map he able to mulct anti,!co tinue our business. MO maNTANYEN & ra. have sitootirin a few doors below -It • mend I to accommodate their cu liberal rims. "e have now on Goods Irpted to the sprmg tied ed of el urrsilv mince./ prices, edvencn of Good. in the city. . Stitqb '22. 1647. • St awtd, • I .P 2l e4i Ils. with oth'A , . inegfOnetf. eitutpl 110 stout will *gm arar fowl; • H.d.tihii.d. In Jutish. Mint I honalii omit Mist J . • 0117 Milli M hh --r -- U~'sfisllFa. rag ifi. Air P. 0. Jaieei; 1847. D Re* riled Kibler RESCUE! kt ith severe loan by i ' well.Blll other • Ikuost thintsohrris i • ~, ihle to put us itsfupd 1 honest 'ettgaleultents A N YEV. & CO emoosttheirlitisineve Me' street obese they omen on their towel hate! a tan supply of which will liedispo• wet! (with the yea