Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 04, 1847, Image 4

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    ~ ~.
rrhided frem first Purl
'hank Thee that Thou inlet given them thus early
to see the value of innocent e and the poNt or of
t.ction.•' When he finkhetl, Jlathats - ay, rose
and said. " I almost forgot h stormed,
Lather:' :dud :-h:• id proceed will n . step some.
whatligitter, and a. •artonii-what vrith
her preparanints fur otter or „a: , our rountrydolk
14111 call it. Rippi r. er r titruekoften aintattv
ietAy to fire k. • 1 wked • I ttt on the road
the Colonel to come—remarked that the:4(qm
grew heaviera-'nfisl wt tut sret n-Ititt and
tutli were on her %vit,- to'tatty:
:41.'kfili-bell \tar, ht and : 1111 it m.t, not \I the-•.
kit rft•i•Aii•or, reltimitt2 irmit frierttiftq.
rolled, Willi a ttiessa•re from the, kind, Conottel.—.
'• The maul s,l'ae not ,tent them ‘t ord •• it
might not eottie till distk. but he would unit till it
did ronn•."
"Me Col: wine and- oil 1(o. - sai,l
It ha.. been to film/ the i.t this trimbh:.
we have a di:4appaslitituteltt. IlterP's a t•ottiloti
comes hantl-ift-haml ith .
The,days, a= we have -:eel. weir at their
test. Mrs. Ha:haw - 41c . moved slowly. the afternoon .
was very dicary. awl the shadows id the shanty
evening were thickettimr. when the father and Jim
ther sat doe to, their Thanks:nvifig meal. Mr.
Hathaway's zrace was much lomzePthan usual but
their was no alksinn to their :unction. Fir could
not uow trust his voice for this, his body and mind
were beginning to feel the pressure. - II was only
half-past three! he wondered it was so dark'. and
again and again he vc iped his eyes. 11. suffered
t• mother, to cut ti t ) ter hint his favorer. bt, ot
turkey. 'He took. :went-ding to mu rural cu.-itotn.
link of all - the'' various v.•.;.-taldes and caudt
ment, and though he remarked. •• there was net rr
a tenderer ttirk P) there. ~ ,P . P lripzi ne vet to 11.16-
been a tougher one in the chewiwr. As to the
poor mother she •caohl not eat—she loathed the
sight of the food: and wino her hushaud. who had
tried not to observe her a, she moved
on the table, lir:tout of their places and then into
them, grid :turned her food over awl oier flit tier
plate, witlanit tasting •• Poor mother •
there's no use in
, trying!`• she mei ed hack her
chair and took ref uge in her I the adjoining. bed
room. •There she. sat by the window, lookinir tip
the rc 4 d as tong as she could discern 'timee or tree
as landmark. The nightsattly doWn on the earth
as , it had an her virit. The stir 40 longer fell,
but the wind rose and gusts cirie f,weepin, do wn
the hill-side, and masiug in the ehinitte), mid pen
etrating. eyery crevice of the .li' lit letottnent. • She
shook, as it agnli were on her, as :hi- retented
to her husliMid, and : irr i ew her chair glow to him.
cm You had *best light a can 10, mother, - said Ire :
Col. Miles will want a litzht to guide him through
this driving. storm ; light tw-o nod set' them in the
window." Site lighted and pineed them, and, ,at
down again the table w i ts left sta:aling. A wo
man aceustruned to perform the domestic office:-
through all the routine ot en Sleadd) An,
' COM(' what will, joy or si:kx):x, with the periodical
epa ratarihi xttstttim a n tl ,olare al tmal life
must be"paralyzed before she negleets thrm. - And
so-was poor 'Mrs, HathaWay. •The thought of her
good, lamest, true, ever-cheeful boy, in the eon
viet's unifonn, among the molly gang, of culprits
and committed vagrants on Blackwell's Island.:
such as she had heard it deseribed, with the neg
lect, misrule, and wretchedness that pre . vails there
---the'thought of her little Ruth—where tvas aft
this cruel, stormy night
No wonder the poor woman had left the table
standing as it was when her husband rose from it
—no wonder she leaning ott the arm of her
hieiband's chair, listening for the Colonel's
belaand hearing only the howling storm, and not
heeding it, she, heard her husband's little consola
tions dropped in now and then, "if the Colonel
conies at all, he 'll come soon ,'* and with a sigh,
(most unwonted sound) from that bosom of sunny
cheerfulness: •• it does not much signify whether
lte come to-night, for its certain no mail can mune
thrqug,h to-day. The ColoneU' . folks will be e:peo
ling him, I shotild not wonder if he'drove through
bad as it is !" A long—long. pause. •• Merry on
us! that is a sleb , lo-tell !'' A breathless pause.—
" They'rr cone by Ido wish the Colonel ails
- well hotne—his people will feel dreadrully, an it's
all on our accountv .1t wits a pity he staid. we 'Alight
have known there would have been no news from'
them to-night !" Another pause, and a
Waist of wind; and the poor mother asked, " what
' will bec4ine o6ltuth if Elie is ott the road this wea
•• Mother, Him who tempers tho wind to
the shorn lanib. If she gets Charlie's pardon: be
ll be paid for it all. - .
" Pardmil - exclaimed Mrs. Hathaway, in the
only prowl tone that ever came (rorn her, •• I'd pot
kisk pardon for.the innocent
" Good, mother, good ! keep. to that brave -feel
ing, and well weather the storni.'' But it seemed
That all the mother's courage had spent itself in. that
one outbreak; she again sank into deqterate; 'mo
tionless silence. ft is a bad night," ri t iurrtiMed
Hathaway, " and worse indoors than out !'' and sad
ir'ivas to see the miwries that belong only
inl;, ',gathering over this little family, where patience
.and pious conteui had so 'long reitoted.
Suddenly Mrs. Hathaway raised her head, her
heart again !lttered. Sheitiared not sprats, but as
the wind for a moment lulle,l , she thought she heard
approaching -bells. Her husband's sltri-or senses
heard them too. , She started to her feet. "They
hare stopped hers! it is the colonel" - she exclaim
ed: in another instant the outer door of the little
.porch was throvrn open. arid the inner door. and
lteth rushed, in and threw herself in mother's'
arms. exclaiming, •• cleared ! cleared!. cleared'"
Softly- and slowly after her canie l'itarlt•s, thought:
tut awl eonsidetate even at this mninent, and•loold-
Mg back lest he should overly/1/.lln his mother with
, oldilen ivy. What followed tan scarcely be
(-rived_ There were loud sielaniations, a .s 1 hyste
rical bursts of emotion, And then a deep silence—
first broken by the colonel, who .smotl amt. tears
of si-mpatlty running down his cheeks Last enough
itt !Hilt away the ke that stiitened his whiskers.—
liathawal !'• he leNelairnell,
t: y„, 41 , withered arm is rotinit.tharlie's neck
it 4y:its. that arm that hail scarcely had a per
-.bruit tor yews:, l t s4 received a iny---
dto current ut feeling that stir
-7.1. o . ) e wt nosy turned
an gathered WWI
'gilt fell, but
NI est-
Pelitible mot.
terion.. ertorLft - tram
tc,f "twit 'Et,
. mother and
t 4 .I.racetl liini. the witlwreu
1-e p.\ tat a.llianks!riVirlO!
'(•;t0. t , •11.•% eNI ia'111;i211
Colonel Miles. ill go home theitappiest mart in
Berkshire—except you, Hathaway."
" Oh, no : stay with us and eat supper," replied
Hathaway. " Well have the best Thaelitlitiug
kit Massattesetts." •
' "The table is sot already," he added. With his,
_habitual chtaMing : laugh : and I " Do stay—do stay,
dear ca.n.ol;" came from mo.bc4, Chat les arid Ruth.
lint theca - 4(mM could cia no account stay. " His
own s ife and child,ea w ere waiting, at home," he
said : and now be began to think considerable of
them : and what decent fa her ever staid from his
own child-en Thanksgiving day.' And with the
showeriog !hanks and I lessio 4 p of the 11,01, ti w a l lt.,
he depancil. ••I - here are notments whea the outer
errs . of the undemonstrative Ingle-Anteicau breaks
;I%t ;1%. :Ilia 4141 W.: the ‘ , 4Otiillg lire' , to•twolli :t.
Now it e as, that all 31i --: -Ettomt t :ardner;s bouzz
lit itl }trot isions Call.t!iuto play. The rt.-heated tins
key, rosters, miece-pie and pmnpk in-pie, tarts and
sances. melted att:lV Its- ore the keen appetites it
emir happy (wilily . It tat's cal. t. ttlone n asset a-ide.
-: Mr. Ilea-haw. - she -aid in a low voice to her
mother. " talked of cominz up the next day. - -
llathawa) averted : , as he: asked for another and
another lit, that he had not' eaten u foil sheaf -Mee.,
Rielt.went away : his good wile said every tric,tail
fill had tasted bitter : and Ruth did not believe any-' i
!thug could to tste good in New Val:, Flut thesel
were only parentheiiehl remarks. sit bile every par
ticular of their bee experience wit: related. Our
brief suittinar ) most he in strot7 contrast lu flictiii
fusenf;,s of our friends.
It seemed, that on ttw day preceding that on '
which Charles was to have his trial, a treachinous
friend of a noted young woman, one 31.uilda Jhn
.. .--
so ii! came to 1-1 trishaw. and tt Id hi in, that. it ire
• would go to the the: that evening. he would sce
Ois Jack-nn in the pit--that I trtaild join Matil
da Johnson as she canto down teen the a.dleA
whin' /11 , ^ play tea- over—and that ti n . 3 latd,b,
1,, wool,' wear a certain i-hawl. which hail been niii.4.4!
lonn Brown &.Wils<ni . ,i a few clay: prey iiin, to
Chink.; I fathaway's committal. IleTishatt accoof
iaLtly went to the theatre it ith SZVI(IIO*... \ polio.-
°dicer. well acquainted with Miss Matilda, was ,11.-
rceted to keep his eye on her...
Everything went rigie. Ti,,' miserable parties
we,e. followed to their lodzitig% Renshaw plenti
li,d the shard. Various other articles, subtracted
tjCITTI itiii-shop of Metsrs. BroWn Sz \%•:t-or,, were
fiinnit /11110 M, MISS .1011/15(1:1 . M . tine Clothes : and Ate-
and the wretched young man whom she had caught
in her toil , i S,: ruined, were committed to the Toombs'
Jaebson confessed that he thrust iuto Chad n', pocket
t h e s t o h m ~ lotkls found there. and' irlowles w a. , , el
erinr,e. dismi: r ed lionorahly,.withom atrial. '.}...rett
Mr. Brown and Witson, - Melt said, in con Indite_
the sniry, - hail the ustu:e to say they ‘i ere ',my
for what had happened : and they (alerts( Mr
Renshaw- and Charles much better teritoi than they .
were on before, if they would return to them : hot
Mr. Ilefishaw is not a man to he whistled off an,l i
on at the pleasure of Messrs: Brown and Wilson.
He is already engaged -at the first shop in the city. ,
where they htive fixed }trots---where. he says. the)
'despise the Brown and Wilson fashioil. of ; asking
one juice and taking another---nt telling , thf , ell:to
mer that goods cost more than they really did cost
•—•or that they have sold them for what they never
did sell them thr—or that sonic. grandee. Mrs. So
and So, has brought stich—zand - that there Ls not ,
another in the shop, 'or in the city - -or any other •
of those ennteniptible lies by which dishonorable •
dealers impose on foolish women , and by wha•li :
Mr. IlenshaW says, father, they corrupt their clerks. ,
and, teaching the poor boys to lie for them. it can-
not,be wondered at if they end lit stealing for •
•• And it does not end there. - said 31 r. .11aillit •
way ; - "the covetousuess, tricking, and lying. that
are practised in small dealings, are carried , into
later ones. Our gOod name is endangered and
our La - 501N: degraded. The Browns and Wilsons
become speculators and repudiators. IfenshaW is
a sensible man. Ruth."
"1 gueSs he is, father : and a true friend. Tho:e
wAs,notbieg that-could be .thought of that he did
not (la for us, and crowned it all, at the last. - -and
little Ruth struck her hands joyously to"ether—
'• by getting Charlie a post nektio himself in the
shop of "A. T. Stewart 0 Co.' ~
COLD SUMMER 'or Ixl6.—ln looking cwt.'s the
prices of grain, Sze.. iii former Unit's, we find tlee
in the. Winter following the cold June of 1‘12(1. the
price of vOrn wits from t9O to 10 per bushel.
ryti 2:1 75 to :::.2.butter cents, hay -25. -dour
It Stiff he recolleMed by some of. our
that in thisti.wn we had a slight fall of silo* on the
ft t Li of Jun,. I t . 21 . 4,0 snowed to Boi , 101). arid t:trweral
inches fell in Bangor. There was at
:rost on riknot
every ni,-,jht of the first week in June. In the in.
tenor of the State, at that tint,. icicles were seen
pending from the trees, and the foliage w:4-8 Hast
et-1. AtiPortfand in 15 hours the thermometer de
scenited4llin 84 to 31 dogree , t. In llallowell it
snowed on the-tith, 7th, and Bth of Jun , . and ch..
the 10th lee was formed of a fourth of an inch in
thicknesz , --birds were so benumbed as to be taken
by the hand. At Montpelier, Vermont on the Bth.
snow was more than 3 feet deep. In Cabot, Vt..
the snow was eighteen inches deep. Art °cerium
from Vermont, dated Angug 21st, of that :sante year.
says-4 the mountains are covered with snow. and
the atmosphere unti-u-illy cold." It snowed in-New
England on every month that year except July.-
1 . l'ortt-mouth Jonnial.
BLM - KBLRRY SYRCT.—The following tlii rPreiot
fur making the famous blackberry e.yrup. No tam I
y•bould be without it. •• All who try it n ill find
it a soveri4gp remedy for bowel complaints
•• To two quarts of blackberry puce, add It.dtian
ouw each of powdered nutmeg. ciaparnint and
allspice. and a quarter of an ()mice eWpowdeced
clores. Fon' thew together to _et the suet it
Ate :piers, and to ,preserve the I , erry vice. While
hot, add a pint of (lamb proof pure French brand% .
and I , u-ellen with 'loaf sugar. Give a child two
teaspoonful three times'a day, tout if the disorder
is 'tot checked. add IC the finantily. - •
said a gen/lei/I.w t/i hi- Nails
•• I want ion to clear up tivr thing s iu arc
garret . auil scrub it out.' -Can't
no holly- said Samtio. - Can't do it -aid
VTIIIIIII.III. "oily vatil vint du it r•
rtes-a, F.e *p0:44.(1 to httrh
trnt: Oi.n Newport deacon iipon/re
tnrning home from mee:iriz, im Sunday. perveived
Mitt boy hard been making eity, nog : alter lee
ttirin2 them on the impropriety of doing such tlting . s
at any time. partiettlarly i 4 atitroh,iart, he
thit • ' l l
A l
'haw itn) ielt,
Tl , 111 13P.11.112;1(IDUZ atiZAUMIZIE
JT. HEA I) LEY,ED OO OH.,--1---The Magaainejur
.. formerly. under the cant of D. Mind. eohtimebeesits
Fourth Volume under the editorship of 4 . .3 . . lies
author of `.Napoleon and his Maratals," ": "Woushit „ tion
and his Generals," "Lrtiers Goa, Italy," &e,&c. . We
hazard nothing in saying that this Magazine is destined
to till &largo place in public estimation; that it will nut
only inaiptain its present enviable reputation, bubearn
to itself xi far !uglier Isipulatity, and Leanne the corn.
panion of many a circle -to which ills now a stranger,
gladdening by its presence. while it exerts an influence
pure. elevating and healthful. 'The editor will:bend his
energies In make this the most popular Magazine of the
day, and while availing himself ofirs•i-tatice from the
nest writers, he will draw treciy front his own izhausi
less stoic.
It w,iti continue to maintain its high timraa tone, mot
nothing will be ahnit , ed into its columns which tcilt
minister to' the corrupt passions and tendencies of youth
or which the author ••dying would wish to hint."
Tic design is to Wirer the public a Magazine contain
ing all the intrarqon and 11111' fr at of the lighter periodi
cals, while it 111,A:A its a dttfeta. tit patiti and is not ex
posed to the sante objections.
It is issued monthly. conttnen,ing w ith May, contain
ing 32 pages of ori . 'g'inDimatti-r, !minted on tine page!.
in hand , :otne env , rs, ssith a splendid ~it el engravin.rAtnd
colored flows-r, in each numher, with . occur., , nab tnusie
and is got kr in every rest eel in the hest style of the
art making a yearly volume of 3-It pages, full of choir,
tllu's:ratani , ,. and I •ruaing ion , le,„..aut ornament to the
t..Lks, or a itch 1 uable past:rut to a froind.
B.,ek OU , nl'erE and VUIIIIIIIPICaI W•ly a on ka111).
Price only J 2 per year, if tit advance_ 3 copies for
8 robes for
The Preis and die pulse daily awarding ua the
very Lizbest Se•tnuouiolst,t tLe editorial ability of our
Llagazine, and tile Leanly aid taste %Nith wi:u•h it is ein
b, ILr hid, playing it it, kid: very II rat MIA 11l every IL
xpirCt, among the thousands.o! tahah we sel t et the
u‘vine :
.-"Ale I(SatPc, '
tl kely ren is athuitahly
lifted to gi ye a eltarin to a work It ilits."— Act/.
r the t Itarz,e ' , II. T. s radley, the
tonost popular wintirot the :i c e, paethet a mill pthotizer
iniert..l oil! he I.lkt it to t‘ di known and
~, teat ri:...111,8a. of 11 , 4,1117 1111814 e to LI
:111e y 801 t•trr itt.d Itr•t nt.te.
•• The new t ditor ham Rif:-td that intense and ultsort
•i 1.4 interest into its pave. for %%IV , h hi , 'witting are ie
titatkahle. The wott, 11:,s pained in the, jus%er which
enchain. the .s . inpathit s anal ra, the mut itti.ot, With
out lositt4 at yt . , na of 114 I. , lnter dttit•te arid' Eict eta
morals and ,ty If Petto,e, tit.
.• We wish this Niagaztile much success under its pre
sent guarihansbit.. - -Ade..oute tun/ U ur,oll.
The editor Well knownas retie o f th e r t io,4 Lrtliiaut
writers 1.1 the day: 4 —A ni‘ elh iced in id.
" Their motto is to minGle the ixaulityl with the
good . N. E. ;"etr.
Mr. Headley euntrilietes to the prevent Nf.i'y num
ber liberally in his usual pleasing 1".
Ella Lilefihi ANAI add greatly to the interest 01 the
publication, and have great Lull iii extending it.
etreulation."—r!iri , :;,tn
'• This very neat monthly is 42-ming favor, n lining the
roughness of life. arid tdes-ing the f.rnitly Where it alights,
Esti, ;• , Ijr,. .11,1,s:fief( uar",
' Phis is 11I141111 . :11431111My the, 1 . 1'4 Nhgaz ne of it, kaut
in the eoliniry."—Na.cie..4 , t /:.
Beau iful as it is '.% ill , lO. —L 'Cy rrrer
,;:j• '1 few g ft::,er,t+ wanted, to circu
late this work, to It born the hr't irekeent , rtiq will he
ory•red. E. E. MILES.
4t I 151 N3, , tlU St., N. VOIk.
Vanelfage, Sarsaparilla, Can.!!! Candy, and Farr
and Gene
OF Tut VERMIF t:t;E, nntluug more tweet lc Faid
than what is said 11/ the luldovewg ceriineatea of re
sidents of Lutes pe county :
t Nlny 17. 1817.
I aged Vut!vatiry I t two 4.f my children.
rt operated well. and expellNl a 4man ny of worms.
can recommend it as a valuable me.
I• 141' (. .)RTRIG.:IT.
ToWN J.m. at . ISI7.- -Jehe Koons, Leg.—
INut Sir—You will pl,a,i• me four b.ttles more
Shepherd's Vermifta : r.e. Ttla. three 6 , ,ti! ,, s Fen-ha.:ed of
you a short time ago hase teen u.ed wad, teht ef
fects. They were giN en to three of my ehil.lrett—in,aue
ca-e 65 worms-were wilel.l‘ 3, ill another IGI, mad ill the
1.1,,t 67. lam ai,x44l, to give the of my finely the
benefits of this medicine, ra.3d thr,-ef,re onler 11.4 above,
This as lerlde<ll - the 1 , 1,4 article Ma; xvornis
that has ever 6 , en ti,is pelt of the rutilitry. I have
tried ttrrick • s, IlvaeLa-t's and =e,<7.l( "there, but without
any good effect. 1 ours, with e,teein.
Price 25:ete. per bottle.
f Me licrautoiria
titre Tall diseases riri,irtq Porn wt
iniparr IhP Mond,
•Senifuia, irf its varitrus firms, rheumatism. pim
tugtu!es, on the face. eruptions on the .kin. bnik.
le., ringworm or letter, cancerous atree•inns, chro
nic sore ryeA, scald heml, enlargement and pain of the
hones and j drop,,y, dyspepsia, chnini e
di eaw•s of the and•ariAing, loon an
of mercury, afro all chruoi c Dow ilutionaL dibeabeg wi.
readily yield under this vrevarati , ,ii.
When the lungs err ilisea , rd, as is afteti the case,
Or when pimples appear on the face;
The former will vanish, the Litter give way,
By' the use of Shepherd's sare,vir if le,
The tnedicine under eonsidecatimi is a compound prf
paration of Sitsaparilla. and from its containing togre
diems wholly vegmal,iv; aht. h it is believed are ill 11 ,
other preparation ot the kind, the moat
have been I•ll,cteil by its 11.1% Pa ce, 75 per bottle
Grrown I i rrr me,l .I;_ f -itr• Pills
A. and del.ilitatin2
complaint, u0.,.h fit -sink to xo croat exto.lit in inan
parts of the country. and which-ts so liable to terannatf
in serious organic u.eerat (lowa -T. is (0.(1( entirely cured
by the use of the celebrated 1N FEVER AND
AG f • E'l'l te.e , pccific Pith. never fail to drive
the diseasfirom the Fy st em, and reainie the c institution
to its original healthy condition. Europe, a...urn a.
America. can testify to their woad , tful efficacy. Thou.
saii(ls of boxes have been u..ed, and nearly a., inatly
(i . .v;duals te.towil 4 , hca)ifi.
For •ale by BOD1)Els' & CO.. Proprietor., No. 39.
North Frederick, street, alltt:nure,. and by appointed
Agt ids. c SI per box.
Plot the't-uci! of cough.,, asthma, i-at errh,lironcht
trs, hoarseness. sore ,pitting of blood, and
ail other complaints of the thro It 011,1%.1test, and those
ariAng from a thsordered condition of the Lun4s. and for
clearing the tome, &c. Pram 1., rent- per paekage.
Let, those who are troubled vk ;1h hanrienebs• of thrplet,
Or croup nr Intombitis—forget not to note;
That it eon be cured, and that they can tired re,,t,
Or when staid with catarrh or romp:al:4s of the. breast.
The / 1,66 ' 6 coml.'s'ing the ‘'onlii•ilittil Medicated Can
dy hate been selected %% ilk the utmost care and attention.
and entirely from the Vegetaidr king.lotn—therefore nu
fe ar n e we l h e apprehended of its producing eten the sltght
est injurious elferi.
AG EN•ra—MoNTANYES' CO., Towanda ;J. C'.
Adams. Rummenstlekl r-o•ek AlLe at Spurs, Stamhne.
Stone; Sherwood, sug. co.
A. New !king in 01(1 IV‘sox,
Dn-A'J. COLE would merits-Ally inform the citi
zens-of Wysog and ciiittity, that after diligently
prosecuting the artily of Physic and Surgery in all it:
various branches for bent r th in t tree years undt'r the
immediate care and instruction of Stuhut S. Davis.
M. D., of Binghamton, in addition to the attendance
.on a' full and thorough course . of Lectures at the Medi
cal College of Geneva. N. V. Ile feels a full (milli •
donee in assuring his friends and patrons that no pains
will be spared to render himself useful in tnelioratintat
the suffering's of his fellow wan ; and on all ore:Ilion,
will be totind in - readiness to gi: e prompt and careful
attention to such business in his line as :nay fall to In
hands. Dr. Cole may be found for the present r 4 he
residence of 1). E. Martia. Wysas, A pril •1 I ,
I. ‘I2GE assortment of Brood Cloths, Caesura, res.
4and Stutinetts, which , we have long been fatuous
for selling good and cheap. now eheaper than 'ever—
and upon which we challenges the world, just received
at • 0. D. rLETT.
To;anda, Nov. 3, 1816.
«t►sl •
FOR the cure of DEAFNESS, painis,, and ! he dn.
charge of matter from the earn. .4 ho all .osedis
sgrteable sound., like the buzzing of it sectk, -:
Ring of
water,..whirzing of steam, &c., tite r ., which , • • gym
toms of approaching , deafness, antral-4u genes •at
dant with the disease. Many persons who h've n
for ten, fifteen, and even twenty years, ; a were
obii,f a to INC ear trumpets, have, after using et or two
bottles, thrown aside their trumpets, being ma perfect
ly well. I'llysiciana anti Surgeons highly r unnend
its use.
The very great number of happy results tha have fol
lowed the use of SCA lII'A'S ACOUSTIC L., have
been truly astonishing. And what is wond til, some
who were deaf from birth, have been so much mproved
as to hear emmuon ctinventstion very reattily. k -
It would tie the heieht of presumption to Warr,ant a
cure in all cases, hut in nine cases out of tentof recent
date, tlicre is a cettainty that the results will be most
!nippy and satiAcfatory lathe patient. Theplicatiori
of the oil prodoces no pain, but no the contras an agree
:dile and 1 leasant sensation. The recipe for his meth
cane has lien outlined form an Aurist of glib' reputa
tion, who has found that deafness, in ninetee . cases out
of toeuty. was produced from a want of a ' El in the
nerves of hesrmg , or a dryness in the cars ; c is of
therefore was to find something which wortlil create a
healthy critfition in those parts. After a Lung series of
wiped risen I s his efforts were at last crowned. with sue
eess,-lii the discovery of this preparation, which has re
ceived the mom' of SC.% R PA'S COMPOUND A COUS
TI C tit h. A lone lest of certificates might be given,
hot such is the confidence in the medicine, and so high
has ken its repuiatiiimAllat but one of them will be at
present puhlislied.:
MosT Eyrnionnt9ALlT CI n !--A hay in Solidi
-141. Co.. 'Pa., find now about eighty years of
had heel) grailuarly getting deaf for more than 41)
so that it wri, nett to impossible to make her hear
cortvcr , atinn in the luuderd mite of voice. Lest winter
Ow V 4 1, induced it.) try -• 'Scarp:is Oil fot Deafness." It
is only in to add th it she used tWu bottles, .and
perfectly retdttrcd—she is cured. Ally information
nr tegarl to the t tv he obtained at the store of Dr.
Jayne, N.,. S, Th , rtl Meer,. Philadelphia,
For Ity s. 'ld ANI MERLIN, Towanda. Pa ;
only te..rtmt G.r I;(.1 1101 . 11 county. 28-1 V
.1 Very loasporfant t'onsantritiration
Yu ALI. r 631.01,4 Iv ILL PLACLS,
A/ 01 times,
I 1 Di: Ala; r!.11:K. get curet : if well. employ
110ms:tires. to continue et). E‘ery ‘indivitiuni indulges
to halm , . wid' must, to a greater or les.-er extent,
arrange the .41noratde and antricate cotubittatwita which.
form thy F.).tem, and conscquently
EVI'OT 11111 l I1.1:IL
po.srs,; gorne rni:ti. yet enleaCi. lig. it 411 VIC and ac
rtr.LtrJ agrirt for pre,erviag all the funettattauldieLsaly
goutl Ur ler.
1.) ft. W I..)*:i
s‘ristetTlll.l.l Aso wiLD 1111.1111‘
Win adlleVe this insult. and ,41. , tilit be in every faintly.
dud in the hands of every person. wh., by busities., pro.
t. ssion or ct•lo.141 47, , urre of life, is predisposed to the ve
ry: many Lin: , atlmetit c that render life a cure, ins end
or a hle,•ine, and thistly aggregated con..
is the cause
or DI: NTH
Thr Bitters here tnetittone.l are compounded by a
Mall of Brent skill and knowledge, from the simple Na
ture-. preaet,tr to thrice- afro rare to tind them, and which
are the only relialde.autidotes t" the poison of dismage.
The chart ineredient.: are the universally-hrloved Stir
supgrit; and the ilirk if he C/eerry Tree, with
which the red man of the f •rest cures nearly every di:,
ea_o . t}:e•ergate. Thew• materials, though
rfui en then . acti,m, arc, as common sense teaches
sod prepa , e I as they ore here, one of the greatest medi
r,,l , per , ,l,lcs in the inhabttabJe globe. By taking
tlier•C 111TT1.11%, the arc , ill 'Mil may be restored to beau
ty. and av•. 1.1 the sharp knife or the surgeon ; for they only eradicate pimples and tumors. hut overcome
CANCER :V.%adfitNG'S EVIL! •
Whoe% cr is suljectisi to the horrfirsef Ctiostrmption,
:h. , u1.1 at mice nurchas- this sure remedy. In the train
of Costiveness follow dreadful trot/ coriareariona, often
times in., •rrii very frequently mania in hypochondria,
%toli.nt hraJ.n rt, •palp.lotions,' and other affections of
the heart urr I rhea ,autic swellings. Dr. Com
of Ole most etTleient medicines in routing
the enrnii! and their fountain head, that tan possi•
b'y he procured.
From being confined in close rooms, and from taking
a small intxlicurn of exercise, numerous persons daily
are made to eleplorea lreri rof appef ire,painfill headaches,
torah-was of the mum furig,uur, tenni of energy
e.ulliciefit to permit them to seek recreation, &e.
These persona say for yearn. that they " don't feet very
It they do not employ a method by which they
can feel or Iry wt.t.t., they eventually sitik.uuder a se
vere tit of 'line... and are
only by n miracle, and even'then the kneel, kerb, blis
ter ~[(ea/mael have left them mareshattered hulks, full
of aches and eorrows, and slot only a pest to themselee:,
hut a source of thszust and annoyance to all with whom
they come in contact. All these
rosy h e a void e d by an early application of the virtues of
these Dri-Trita. For the truzh of this. the proprietor
pledges his word- and honor, tind in evidence ran show
filvs of undoubted certificates which he has received, un
4olultetl front all (piasters. De does not, however, ask
the iittrand to swallow his certificates. but his Birrtdis,
and is withog to stake all he holds dear on earth in fa
vor of their worth.
iu either arwobfied or srrcrr fin in, will disappear be
fore the tpiatztle- of Dr. NV Jinni preparation, and the
r•ire may he relit.d tin ac a prentanent one. Did the
131 err as possess no other recouttuendation, it
he one of the finest vecetahle compounds medic al sci
ence can invent ; but it is equal to the complete eradi
cation of
in every shape, and of every sift-elk/11, foinor or gigantic.
.1 the b l ibtry apparatus. Individuals who are constitu
tionally billions ought regularly to take this mild agrees
h'e and ercellcut Twice ASn meatus:vv.. as it will dif
fuse health throughout evety fibre of the frame, and
send happiness and love of lite thrilling to the heart.--
Fainille.v lo keep 11 on hand.
Every medicine chest on t r, oarel of ship should abseil:ie.
well %forked with this capital remedy, as SCURVY
rannot afflict those who take i‘, or long resist ha vigor
ous assaults. ALL lurrarrirs or -enc. acoon vanish
before it, and the old relics of earlier imprudence ihva-
Thbly disappear, soon after being submitted to its action..
Ercry rompluini of the stomach is broken by it. Tar.,
Eirrycs s hare in no instance failed of curing JAI: ND Ctit
nENERAL DEft)LITT errry rtxorganizaiir of
By neglecting thejittle inroads made upon the latter
%a'.t I”ir Min of our fellow bongs are rendered extreme
ly ini , eraqe—so miserable indeed, that they wish to die.
'Evert bottle of "Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla and Wild
Iliit,rs," contains a modicum of joy and content
1" ,, r each "(diem. and imprudent sufferirs. Ite
iurnitier that an injudicious use of mercury is inevitably
pr ,, ltielive of many esils which are put to flight by this
glorious and unsurpassalde compound ; and that afflic
tions winch are
may 5f arorsafely ofrihrough its agen
cg. As a medicine which must benefit
trim the struts delicate LT the roa ei an ♦in DEB,
runtvu i NTA p b , n o equal is to be found for it. It
mould be well to bear in mind!that prertitt ire is infi
nitely more deAirahle that cur4and that Dr. Woods
Sarmparilla and Wad Cherry' Bittrrs ARE BOTH.
Put up and sold in large bottles, at $l, by WYATT
Ac KF:FeH I'M. 'Wholesale and Retailttgents, 121
Fulton tit. N. Y., HUSTON 4 . LA DD. Towanda, and
by druggi:t generally throughout the . I:. S. 5 I
and the Green Mcrantain Ft *MN , Ointment, for,
sale by the subscriber, only agent for the town and ho-;
rough of Towanda,. (1`22 N. N. 'BETTS.
_ .
T A DIES ! I SAY, LADIES ! ! If you have moda l
1 4 up your minds to buy a nice dress. clock or shawl'
this season, don't fail to call at No,S, Kick Row, where
yon can find the most, best and cheapest articles in thall
tine, that is kept in town, besides all kitids of trimmingti,i
Reineuthcr, call at
WI. NYE dt.:CO.„`vtaistaie
inOrna the.c.k4en — s or Tim
landa and tibe Oildinginnitly, that'
fit to ile Ld h e a r *e ni o l n kt an da d 4 : c ll74l l 3 f f u gg
4 - • • I
• ,
10 . i
.1 6 n...sum sr.ani,
fiats, and workunneWthatcannot
be *D . :poised, in additieutO the. usual
assortmeniin country shape, we.wiltkeepinibandlind
make to order SOFAS, of venous and most app roved
patterns ; Sofa Rocking Chairs, upholstered inr superior
style, and for ease and durability cannot be surpassed
even in our large vales. Also, the ikalf French Ma
hogany •Chair, beautifullyf upholstered; with curled hair,
which never loses its elaUtieity, and finished whir the
beat bait seating. We Ratter ourselves that having
had much experience in the !midmost, we\ahall he able
to satisf,,,all who may tee; disposed to call, both as to
quality srful price,• and by strict attention to business
hope to merit and receive,the patronage of a liberal corn..'
triunity., . . 1.. M. NYE & CO.
Towanda, Septembet,l, 1846.
MA r BE HAD at our .ehop Much lower than it
has ever been sold in Towanda. Goods are
cheap, and wheat ant lowered, and that is the- reason we
can afford all for to du it. All kinds of produce will
be received in paymett, Also, LUMBER of al/ kinds.
Sept. i . L. M. NYE 4 CO. •
/ZS _a Er, • r9l mig •
ITrILL be kept on hand a large assortment, and
made to order on aborter notice and fur less ma
pry, than can be produced at any other establishment in
the land. Those who are under.the necessity of pm
curing•that article will and shalt be satisfied. A gaud
hearse and pall may be bud in attendancc,when desired.
Septendier I , 18.15. • L. N. NYE & CO.
1 •
N/A. ":3 (0 • ;Ak ,
In Towanda.
I f M. BA K respectfully informs the public that
he has commenced the GRAN E:-STOIN E husi-
SI es., in all its branches, lit Towanda, where ha will be
wady at all tiint-s 4i attend to all calls in his line.
Grac•e•slofes, tf
every dcscriptitni,:4•c.,
made to order, and furnished as cheap as WORK and
MARBLE of the same quality can be obtained at any
shop in the country.
He invites the public to- call and examine his work
and materials, hoping to merit their patronage by strict
attention to business, and by superior workmanship and
good marble.
LliTl'Eß-OIITTING done with neatness and des
patch, in the W i est style..
Shop on Main street, next" door-to- T. Elliott's store,
and three doors shove Briggsl Hotel.
Towanda, M trch 12, 1817. 40y
t t ,
in t )V B ma k t 's a ' i ‘ td "l S n: 'h h o a e ve Sf- a l s k ' in t g i hues d in t e l i " i s n v tl t tt s •
itorough of Towanda. and may be found at the old stand
of Hathaway.lately irccupied by Elk:matt Smith. neat
I. H.:Stephens' Exchange Hotel, where they solicit a
share of public patronage. They intend, :by a crireft.l
election of stock, and by attention in the interests of
their euattimers,tp make as neat and durable work as can
be manufactured in this portion 4-the country.
They keep constantly on hand, and will manufacture
to order, morocco, calf and coarse boots and shoes;
Ladies' Gaiters, shoes and slips; children's do.i gent's
gaiters and pumps, &c., &c. •
Towanda, May 14, 184
COSTIVENESS, have given their rem testes of cures
made by ha use.'whllln all other remedies Wive faded, and
the proprietors are now prepared to offeri.', •
P. ' ONE H UriatitED DOLL AV'S
to any persons afflicted with Piles, and all diseases' of 4
similar nature, or which are found in ceenjunttion with
`the Piles, if a cure is not affected by the use of
It is an INTERNAT. RENEnT, not art external application,
and will cure any case of Piles, either bleeding or blind,
internal or cittemil.and the only thing that will. • There
is no anistake about it. It is a positive eure,„speedy and
permanent. It is also a convenient, medicine to take,
and improve the general health in a remarkable man
ner. It is very intbl in its opper a tion s , and may be Li
ken in cases of the most acute infiammati ra ', wttoout
danger. All external applications are in th highest l 1 -
gree disagreeable, inconvenient and otrensi ; and friiin
the eery nature of the . disease, temporary in)their effects.
'Phis medicine attacks the &Neese ' at its; source, and
removing the cause, renders the cure certain and Ferma
ne ta
_ .
Although the Electuary was originally prepared_ for
the cure of Piles, yet it has proved itself to be a medi
cine far superior to,all Ohers,, in all discillkes of an in.
flamm'aiory r haracter, with a rleterminarion of blood to
any particular part or organ. In Inflammation and
COngestrons of,the Liverand Spleen ; Inflammation,
Soreness and Clceratiqn of the Stomach°. Bowels. Kid
neys and Bladder : Inflammatory and Mercurial Rheu
matisin,,ii is the hem medicine ever discovered.
For all Impurities of the Blood, arising from the . , m
prudent use of Mercury, or other causes ; for all dis
eases of the skin and scrofulous affections ; iri all cases
where the blood is powerfully determined to the head,
producing dirsinesa anddistress, Dr. Unbent's Electuary
is entirely unrivalled.
Married ladies are almost invariably subject to that
painful and injurious, disease, the Piles, with consequent
inflammation of the Stomach, Bowels, and Spine, weak
ness of th,Back, sow of the billed to.the head,
the Electpary is perfertly,aelfe fur pregnant ladies and
the [host useful Cathartic that can possibly be used, i'n d
it will not ianly remove the Piles and all inflammatory
diseases without pain or irritation: but will ensure an
easy time, a sufir delivery, and a sound constitution in
the offspring.
. .
• Rsnoirst, June It, 1847. .
I have been atllcted for years with the Piles, and
have tried, Without anything like permanent benefit, al
most everything. assuming..the It All E of a remedy. 1
had, as a matter of course lost all 'confidence in medi
cine. Linder this feeling, I waa - induccd—not without
reluctance. I confers--to use '•Heutam's Escc-rt•Alli."
and harrilig used ii for about three weeks according to
the directions laid down, I find, to my utter surprise as
well as satisfaction, that every symptom of the disease
has left me. I think it due alike to Dr. Upham and
myself to make this statement.
O. W. NcLEA N. late a the L. S. N.
DR. UNIAM—Dana Sra.—About fiveyears ago I
was afflicted with whit icas called Chronic Dysentery.
I have suffered gilh it. ever since, anal physicians have
told me that my liver was affected:int/ that my bowels
were ulcerated, for blood' anti, pus; attertded with a pe
culiarly putrid smell, were the frequent discharges. A
short time since I Made a visite to Massachusetts, in
hopes of benefit from a change of air, but suffered' More
severely. than ever before. While there a physician of
fered to cure me for $4O, in three months. Happily, in
the midat,ot intense pain, occasionally relieved by laud
anum. I saw in the wrapper of your Electuary, a perfect
description of my complaint, together with many certifi
cates of cures. This gave me great confidence in the
medicine,..and I purchased a boi, and nine doses of
which hes apparantly * cured trie,,, and I am prepared to
say every thing inlits favor, or render any service I can
to humanity by subscribing to its merits.
Respectfully Yours. .
BEN.I.%AtIN pEßeriAl., so youth siith st.
Sold Wholesale and 'retail by W YA TT ..V. KETCH
UM, 121 Fulton St. N. Y., HUSTON St I.ADI) To
wanda, and be druegeat generally throuahout the I'. S.
. a bit. NOTICE. —The genuino Electuary
akta 2 ('..l s _f A. Ipfiam N. D.) : The hand is a 1.451 dune
wall a, pen. ,
Kalt),-Utti/MtV;;*i_A, i)j ,
ITtie a liscribera stin ti n , I I
to mantifae re and Illieep- , th , 6 ,,
at -their 01 stand, an Lid s oit i:
and wand Alma CHAIRS;si,
SETTEEof •sarions Mods,
HMI/TM IPS of e,-
ri‘in, which. we will ver
sell y c6v 6. Z
cash or
i torinee, or W_
toitibet, 'hite 1,04 Bas te
or Ourturbei ci air plank. f 4. N .
long--eithei Buttonwood B ar
be received tfor oar Mork.
ttclel'in 14 neatest manner.
TOMKIZieI di litAelfiNs4,ll.
Towandli, Feb. 22., 1847.
qj lir
r e fits viuy fin:iii:argailty .1
h s crlb e r would respectiully 'say ts:h ia
, y rs and the publi genevally, th at 4,, hi,
i f
evi l alto manufactu e of China ; et c ., at ht,
t f lc wi t th de of ridge street,in th e i s ah l .,
a .,, i ti t , .. Yellow' ouse" -He keeps ce ,
hand ; nr will mak to order, (in i neat pirf
111 all articles in is line as ch eap alai,
Iris friends can be se; plied with
nits°, and Common chairs, of di,,,,
atterm—settm, Rock Jaz ch a i rs,
Children !I Choirs. 4-r.. A. c .
Alio—nrdstends and Tables.
old shop
ing know
stand) , on
durable st
Ca 'I a
will nabs;
J see me at my, shop on Budge strict, 44 , 1 I
ly you thatyou can buy rea.onal4e.
_wi„to wood, Cucntubtr and bum*.
utcti in exchange for chairs uoreaß,t,tke
J EbSE 1:41.1.04.
N. 1.1
plunk, w
No. C.
da, Jan. `26, 1847
Brick Row, again in theFielir
W. ii. Chatitherlist
HO Just returned fromthe Mi•
. of New York with t larra
supply of - Watch's; Jewelrs tap
SliVer p arr., rorrmisin g ii, paoty
the follow ire snider; :—Les o
L'Epine slid Plant Watches, wit,.
.00 a complete: as.ortment of Go
Jewelry, such at Ear Mugs, Fo.
44, Breast Pins, Braqe lets. Lockets, Cold dams.
us, Kepi; etc. , Also, ull sorts of liilreraatt,
quantity of Steel lit m1 , :. --till of will:I . / le o t i,,,
exceeeilingly cheap for C.\ till.
hew - repaired In) sbert notice, and trerre*4
ell, or the money %ill he refunded, and a %M(.
• (tient given to that effect It - required. • J
3.—MAPLE 611jA ft, and Country Prodow
puyrnent for work; fttl els). Item nng, an d
Mat thr l'roduct brunt be paid wheal& work
—1 war, against credit in . all its forms. '
'IV. A. 1:1I1,1113E1ILEC, Aerlit.
arida. April C 8:, 18.17.
' I? ,
ger Rin .)l
Gold P
and an
fur .441 e
‘S el
to run
ten agr
3101{1:11011:S. nI: PI I. ES. is a diFeace lirfit! lY :
Ica by joc•itl int: ,i. 4; i•••-ii.‘ •nr,.. pottntice ....Id:
tants, undue di tcruir•i cirlyi ~ 1 1 Y .,,,i/ ~ ill's lietnortilaY
ve:se -: hy ex ress. •-• r• •ii .a. ti - alkin.;; -or a coreirsett
starept . the liver. an !;••.-rit'iinty i• - ill'ii• constitution:tett
It.,ts usun a y consi,!eri tt 111,!rr ll•rre:fortn, or wie. ei .
as foo‘. s :111iiitl l'ites, "VI:" le I'Ci.s. •:1:1 Bkv ,l "7 I ' le'
Ti,,i 11 1 4 4 .:12.0 I<:,1 l': li.llllbii. aktt! ho %Pry to c.l kopsi:
thatdescription of :tit sy info.Juis is not t!temet! nee! say v
' 1
1 . e th,it has foltplacd the ussof the Eothi
rail int the cure of this dis.-ase, has i•ioca ttulyostow4-
ina.' IL v -lob as it )Ls: advise their patients to to 0. S
the 41)1y Ptte Niettieine.
iri addition to its being a pesitie remedy f the•Thlea
it ne er fails to rime that INTOL EIIt.NBLE 111,E%
win Ii ti so Very riimrnoit, and has its Imam) . mtar
; . parts as the Piles. '
ail the fin Losaing, from.the editoral C*llll3 Qf to.
is Weekly Messenger; ‘ ,
uNii AT lasi —A :SIRS. i21:11.V. 1 ,, 11 7111 PI-LAS '
ly eICI4II3F Will Chemists !ave ; mg b a ;mama ,
' Vtr a medicine ttaft i% till cure or of UK Meg
Ikilesotne diseasel, the Piles. , iiet sl. h* al laF
the result. Dr. .I.ICKSP.V's 1 1 11. E Enlitk
CA [ION not only stops all threat„ allays pun Ind
inil.pnation, suLdues thulium leaf:. aching, but &cur
all cures, like a charm and in ~ i,a's: s lug toDt, FeIF •
son whose lives have heel, fend( red iiii , eraae tor yeas
qnly A few from the great twin: r of cetuficates id
he tubliSlied. Read the folto , atiez :
J New V0rk,..72l BrOAd A n. :,, 1 ,• •st.s t 5, !at;
;Or. N. JACK 40V—Dear :--IF; \t„ i ‘,0, 1 5 ... n ..tnr et
six bottles .4y - our Pile Einb- , i ,- ,•. ~J : IW 4 lb”'
pay ; to keep myself, arid pin for a er Mao. I
fried of mine. who hive, found coat relief in ass
fro nmy bottle two or three ticie s . VOU reil*M 4 r'
s h in in Philadelphia, I we. ariferiaz dresdi , illy fott,
.thi terrible scourge. I only took or i ebettlettelllVte•
I +VC not used it quitg o ail. and am now perfralYn li '
:Is' you mny suppose, : I, proclaim the, ieues of Pur
medicine wherever , I go' . I tea in.ery Mend AO Ii
end it is singular to perceive r i ees, mane are . ;1)&14
in Shis way'--I belicq, half of 12,y acqq.lll4:co 0
ink re or less aillirted. Let me Id! NM/ that l'''u r "
set here as fast you clioos , ,,k , ,!),,,•. 11'h,i,,y41 WO
a eernileate'froni me, j ut.l 1415:.: li;iie it sod wu art $
liberrrt+ity to show this letter if sou wish. '
yours. I.F: \VP- P...FIFURR
For sale hy A. S. CHAM RE El IN, Toward& Ps;
oily Agents for B ratlf , rtl Countv.2 6 m6
Intira. tsurning, and Balalo Litt.
FOR Ist:.
'PrTIE Proprietiws of the ahove I ',cc aid - eur•frier u
run a Liino of l'ilYwagi , 11,134+ between Etiffllti`
C tIZNINt: and 1.11•TE,A1.0, tor the areorrosAse s
o f
'Emigrants not! F`a 1 ' 4 •• 1 4 f '
mates, moving 11 . ' 4 .
eiities not heretofore offered to the Emrerant froafto
stctionof New York, Petiroyelvania. .
i The Boats of this Line air of the FIRST CL•O
fitted and futnished with all the row:emeriti. tole'
ennimotlation of l'.A OK ETIS, comm.‘n to] by etpeettc
eB (,'attains, and towed by reiave 'of Huns..
BOAT HOME, ('apt. if: ty, THampsON.
" l'EMPtll', Capt., IM. TAYLOR-
Boring tho season of IS lt one of the 9bor, Bus,
Will leave Coating anti Elmira even tveek c . the lo" i
lining order; • .
C7 ""N "P. every NIMItIaV ere-hire. at f. o'clurk.r. if .',
E L , YI RA , every Monday evening, ar II o' clock. P. ' 1
'Timing down Seneca ?mks every Thimelar aott
ing, tottehtioY at Big strennt, L n di . an d Th e te. e d
qear tug Buffalo for Cumin.; and I:llinia, 1:1CT 11'''''''
av mornipgt,
• •
FOH FREIGHT' Q} P,lto:'.lf.;t.apt•ly
Wm. Nllttory. Corn;dz.
U. Strang "& ('o,
Wintermute"& Tuttle, fforsritli'
A. Nit:4ll, Ilaratta.
L.Q.'l l ownsend.
11'Ootlworth & Noss, Lodi.
& Holly. (7enera.
Gay & Sweet. ;Voter/on ,
J. Shoemaker, Sen . cra
• Bakorkir 1 Gas, Ifnatezfraffl•• .
N .Vt i •jr ,.s. b
I . , l;; , c t l , J . cr,ftv. •
pK N E , ...z. , -- ynr s u ou t. di: i re:tin, t. sty lea. b lmurlft . II: b t i. h . :!;0 11
iinfl will
. be .ohl accortliitoiv. _ 1.3.111 n Z1P 5i , _ ... . ,. .... C1) -
7 erms of Me .1.3 ra (fiord I i ejlorl lf '
Twor", dollar„ and fitly rents , per annuli', IFirrf c"
firdurtril ir paid wif bin the year;' and for V"" Sit.
fall v in advance, f) 1 . 1: 1) i / I..1:1 H-W W he i!'"l'r t ''' ls : f
1 Sil!'s.cribers at libricty to theemitinue at ay te: ,ll,
!pay jno .1 rreJra:zes. Mo:.t kind, 1.1"Cor 1111 I Po"'
VecetSexi I)ay incot„ at' the utailat i.l
ice. or ei
W.ertisernruts, not eXCVI:t1:11, .1 , it „,6.
Isp.erted for fifty cent., ; ext•rs
twenty lire crtit. A tligeklnerna;li•tivearrF 18
rt .
Jo oPn• TI 7rr;,, evrri.' nr'ly aad
p e ditiou. , ll executed on arty anJ
Lot tem on htitiroiss pertai,tirr:: to the' o •"- •
iTe oFliostao„io euswe attention.