Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 04, 1847, Image 1

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Webncsbire /kupust I, 1817.
. [From Freices M.gazu u •.]
The Dying oh•l's.Reqziest.
"?Aram beforeJ die!
Let me hear those thrilling sounds °ace more,
Erp Ldepartio a brighter shore,
- To my home on" high ;
And sin ,, * me the strains which thou sangesfbefore,
With a tearful eye.
•• Sig hymns and songs of praise,
'For my heart is panting to hear
Thine own sweet voice, my inothet dear,
. . .Ere.l heir the days
Which shall shortly burst on my ravish'd ear„
Where no joy decays.
Wipe or those bitter tears,
That scorching fall on tt r ty pallid face,
Where anxious watching has left its trace;
For the morn appears,
'And I must depart from thy loved embrace
To celestial spheres. I '
t‘ Mother., thine own sweet - voice
Is the - sweetest music nolv - to•me,
Forst soothes my sour Withits inelOtifi
And, makes my heart rejoice;
And to die, with my tho'ts"frx'd • on kteavlb and thee
Was my heart's first choido
We'll meet, my mother, Mere
meet-above in that blessed clime,;
Nt'hoe glories we cannot know in duse
Nor can words declare
The peace, the joy, the joy sublime,' j
That our hearts will share."
Then ceased the tones so mild! .
And the mother her darling sang to rest.
Ere that sung was done she was with the blest
Her beloved Child,
briolit.ems crown'd, aid in white robes dres.od,
Pure and undefiled:
il'rout the U4tit.9l Nlngaztlie
US MNS CAIII %R1\1: M. ',lllX;Wit
SISIC'e , iros'•• 1 tiWril upon theje—
The Dill% 101, 0 . 4 earth In vi . h 9 .11.1h•-• "iamb
Ilas gl‘vn laPht of COY.'
W *to , :
about the middfe of November a bright
, ottiff . y. when the tzenial spirit of the Teat looks
back %kith out- of its farewell smiles. His warm.
trealli has spread iisilVer haze over the Ugged
l'rte mountain tops are . shining—the dried
'liiarf's bitten otl by the frost, turn round and round.
.+".1d;lo;ri Without a'istmnil. A rather narrow, brisk
am runs rapidly,. descending as it goes, till . it
,:eaclies the rear el it riea.4.. one , story house. where,
tem . :. set bat k by - a darn below, it seems like a plate
turnislied steel from which a soft, vapor is ris
me .Vamild ft.., edges is a thin coating of lee,
• •
.lade-anicr the cold of the precedimAight. The
t. , ;i)4• stands on the dtalivity.of, a hill that slopes
tradually Mini the' road, (a hundred yards from' it.)
u one end to the river, the other to the road, and
t utm.t south. Behind it is a little garden-patch,
which in the winter adyersity shows signs of being
; ,++cl for and „loved ; some plants being carefully
tad up. and a few covered with old boxes and Bar
rel: There are soine tither signs of refinement,
unt ton coininon about thki humble dwelling of our
country parts trained about the low door ;
ro-e biishes so aicela• fitted around the obi
windows•that they seem to. have 'come and to , stay
.f are of their `own accord Nca - trfess, that good
all humble home, - .keepilig all right with
!ter ev'erliuStling wings. hovers rormal this pretty
kwelkin" A small woodpile is laid up. as if by'
mathematical rule. No litter of any kind is any
e here to be seen, and one wonders what the splen
old cock with his rualesciian harem can tied to make
pick sO busily around the s - imuy doorway.
• It is but nine o'clock. and•morning at that hour,
the lifit.-etith of November. had hardly dawned
~ tt luxurious dwellers in ' house.s:., tout here
how much of the daily work 'of, life_ bad been ac
t-thilplisheir, .1 pare. turd in,4,;Yonitigui parlance,
"unfortunate man - is sitting bdlttered in ,an easy
alhiir ricer a cheerful fire, los iiiht arm and leg
withered and useless. Ills wife, a woman with a
1101,/ilinie.;:litful face, sits near the window making
re -t. and settle the implements of tailoring about
tre \Vith every stitch ; and without hindering ; it,
-he onus her eye on the lame map, and addressing
lute as country wire's use,.ahe says, L• Do you find
;Ur paper interesting father ! Is it not almost
me 1.. r lather's drops r aild the answer is "Yes,"
or as, may be, but - Ways in a cheerful lone,
wnieh. comity , from that pcior:mutilated figure,. is
'a"'!^ like a lizht suddenly kindled ir,darknea.s,
'rc.: little las' is putting 'the last to, to the
moraulg's hou;e-work. She'has cleared away the
hrtaktast. skimmed the milk, "swept up" and
mopp et { up " and is ready to sit down by her.
timber to finish off the work that always accumu
* fur Saturday. Both father's and mother's
I €'• often turn to her, and who would not love to
took on a taee so beaming with intelligence, so fresh
3 D l Ylipert ill. - Never were there prettier or brighter
or more beautiful teeth, or in palace or cottage'
more electrify rig smile than little Ruth 'lathe
"! 4. Perhaps it denied this quality from a cast
of saduess and care on her brow 3 it was a shadow
a "15e • - There it fell when her father was brought
l'f`tie from his licw factory with the flesh torn
troni his arm and I s eg, and there it remained indeli
, 1 the re , t, the face is pretty, and pleasing,
t'ut fait 'beautiful . ;her eyes are rather small and
;teyish, and her complexion, clear and pure, is not
Her hair not.only doeS not curl, and is
'tither auburn,. cherinut nor raven, but a very corns
brawn, and only rerparVable fordle neatness
' ll which she arranges ii on her very well-shaped
Ruth is said to be`the image of her father,
" 1 4 she ether pndes herelf on this resemblance.
Hathaway is re ckoned by common ob
:rrers. as we have said.„ an "unfortunate maul
"ould any amount of ill-luck - oissaltimity make
epithet ;
huh. whOse temperament is so
that his sun will break through the iteavi
...44;e6lld3 His heart is a never-intermitting loan
love to God, and Peace and good•will to man.
abet are you listening ' lca asked the
hear nothing but the taelevry
the factory makes my thoughts go straight up. —
Out friend Hathaway's voice was rather choked :
he cleared it, and added, •' but what were you lis
tening to. Ruthy, dear r'
Why, father, I was listening for the railroad
whistle; we always hear it, you know, whjn the
wind is west!'
•' Nor I, father; I wish we did not always -hear
"It puts you in mind of_ father's accident ! I
know, Ruth, and so it does me, but then it sets me
off thinking how my life was spaml, and h?w I
shoold ne-t;er, „ have known what a good woman
mother is, but for that't is not every wife that
would care for such a poor rack as. I am."
"0164uher !" exClaimed both mother and child.
'?:Well, then, it is not every woman that would
give up the,dionghts of being the wife of a rich
agent for a pomp-any, move out of a nice new
house, and stitch, stitch from morping to night .to
support her . Who has a right to be cheerful,
if l a have not? I cart tell you there's times when
" Why, I heard it. Ruth, when you were setting
up the dishes."
" Olt did you, father !" then Charlie's letter is
near the post-office by this time."
"'Don't be too sure, my child."
" I can't help being sure, mother Charlie never
fails to write When he says he will, Lid this letter
sis to tell us whether he can come home to. Thank-
giving. and itsi only twelve, days to that. and I sliall
be just sixteen that day."
Yes. yes, Rahn"r said the father. _• come what
come. may .thanksgiving day will al+vays be thanks
giving to us
" Oh, there's Colonel4Ziles!'• exclaimed-Ruth,
and she rushed to the door, not however, without
fziving her father a brush of a kiss as she passed.
Colonel Miles !" she shouted ) ". cant you
please to stop at the post-office, and briag our letter
from Charlie !" The colonel was not going to the
post-office. but his turning off place was near it,
and it was but the work of tts u minutes for Ruth
to beg a seat in his little wagon, tt: get her mother's
leave to . go herself to the post'otfice, to take the
chance of the two miles' walk home if she did not
get a cast, and above all to obtain leave to open the
letter herself, as soon as rmeived, to • whichever
member of the family it might be addressed.
Three hours passed away, when Anthony, a
colored man, liiting at Mr. Gardener's in the village
brought Mrs. Hathaway a letter from Ruth. It
cnolosed one from Charles. On Ruth's letter was
written in large characters, " Read this first:" ant
the mother read as follows: • Dear mother. and
fatlmr,—don't feel too bad. I shall be on my waY
to New York when you get this. Miss Emma
Gardner has lent me ten dollars, and what clothes
I shall want. Father can't go; and you can't leave
father, mother; and I—l can't slay. Father you
a ill keep up mothet's spirits, won't you I I know
it a ill ail come right
. .
- P. S. Mr. Gardner has gone to Boston, so Miss.
Emma and I have had no one. to consult with.. I
would.not tell any body else for the world."
Mr. Hathaway, pale and trembling. gave this
letter to her husband, while 'she read that from her
son Charles. . .
" Dear father and mother. and Roth.—l have
got into some trouble. I ask of you all not to feel
anxious or distressed. I expect . ' (rupee, was
erased and hope substituted) . " to get out well, but
if I don't I shall still keep " right side up," as father
would say. Now be cairn, mother, dear. Just be
fore we locked up last night, I observed a stranger
come into the shop; the doors were closed, anifall
the clerks called into the middle of the shop, away
from the counters._ Otis Jackson . was standing
rinse to me at the time we were spoken to. I heard
him mutter "d--n it." but I had not the least
thoirdit of what was coming. Mr.,lln - wn stood one
side of the stranger, Mr. WilsOn the other. Mr.
Brown spoke : " We have been missing," says he,
"tine goods for the last month : a shawl was taken
lest week :two yards of costly la're and one of the
' five dollar pocket handkerchiefs are gone to -day.
14 - e have a policeman here, and 'must all be
1 sean:bed. One of you must be guilty. -1 am sorry
,for the innocent, but -no disgrace will, rest upon
them.--do your duty. Rushton," The policeman
began the search, Some of our yowl. , Mon laugh
ed and joked: I could not. I was afraid it would
prove to be (his. He was the fourth searched,
nothing was found on hint. My turn came next ;
the things were found in my coat pocket, atop of
my handkerchief and everything, as if they had
just been put there. How the truth is to be found
out, - I don't know, but I feel as if it would. All I
. ask is that father will keep up mother's spirits. and
dear Ruth, only think how you would feel if I
had taken the things. I shall write daily, so don't
be anxious. Ever your loving son and brother, .
'• P. S. Direct to me " care of Robert Herishaw; )
'he is my ['lend among the clerks,"
T hone
, here was a dead silence in that hoe of the
HathaWays, till the fattier breaking out into some
thitg between a cry and a laugh, said, "Mother,
Charlie is an honest;boy and well-trained, and that
should be comfort enough; how often have you said
to me "'Charlie never told a. lien his life."
'' He never did, he never will r sobbed out the
poor mother.
Come here, mother—kneel down here—well
trust him with our Father and his Father , well
commit the ease l° him, and then we shall fell bet-
ter ;" and the still, small voice ot their prayer arose
and God was there.
The next morning at nine o'clock. Ruth Hatha
way disembarked• from a Hudson steamer on a
New York wharf, dirty, crowded, and noisy enough
to have confounded a head and heart less clear and
strong of purpose ihan hers. She had inquired of
die' captain the way to Canal street, where Brown
and Wilson's shops is, and with her little sack con
taining hel change of clothes in her hand, she
walked straight up Liberty street to 'Broadway.=
Her quick step had caught the eyC ot an omnibus
driver, who beckoned to her, and she nodding af
firinatively, jumped into the coach, thinking,-how
very kind it was of him to give her a ride!' She
asked.a man, one of four fellow passengers, to tell
her when she got to Canal street, accordingly the
man pulled the strap, the-coach stopped, and vrith
her habitual impetuous movement, she jumped out,
and dropping a little courtesy to the driver, said,
"Thank you, sir." He, fancying she was tricking
him, called- only "That's cool! Stop that hussey !
She's dodged her fare !" An impediment of vehi
cles had accumulated the passengers on the side
wall. at the comer of Coal area. gvery eye was
turned on our poor little stranger. She stopped,
turned round, and in a voice that indicated her 'ho.
nest perplexity, asked, "What does he mean !"—..
lte means to be paid, my chill," said an elderly
gentleman, who was struck with the simplicity , of
Ruth's manner, and himself gai-e the ' fare to 4he
vociferating. driver: Ruth now
, comprehended her
mistake, and . repaying the sixpence, Ae.said with
her characteristic good sense : "1 am a stranger in.
New York, sir, or I should have known • better,— ,
He invited me to ride with him, and the people
'where I live often give rides to strangers.'
• Her friend again sthiled at her simplicity. 'ad,
tied her to keep a good look-out, now she had
come to the city,. and they parted—he think•
ing her Sweet smile might pay her fare, and she
to look.for the sign of " Brown, Wilson & C 0.,"
which she coon found and enterer the shop. It
was-thronged with eager buyers and civil clerks,
intent on their sales. She looked up and down the
long counters, all were unknown to her, till at the
extremity of -one, she saw Otis Jackson. His eye
met hers and instantly fell ; she saw that in that
glance he had recognized her. He was her towns•
man and an old schoolmate of her brother, 2 years
older than Charles Hathaway. Ruth went to the
end of the counter where he stood, and said, "(his !"
her voice was low, but it had a Iteart-sound, it seem
ed'to come, as it indeed did, from another work
than that vanity-far that surrounded her. Ladies ;
t examining laces, paused to look atler; and one or
two of the clerks turned their eyei to Otis Jackson ;
expecting him to answer, but be averted his eye,
- and went to the extremity of the shop, to receive
some new customers. "Is Mr. Hens - haw here !
asked Ruth.' She was civilly answered •' Yes,
and Henshaw was summoned. " Where is my
brother r she said. There were tears in her voice
though none in her eves. It was rather an indefi
nite inquiry from a total stranger, but whether it
was her family resemblance to her brother, or the
tone of the voice supplying all that the words want
ed. Hen thaw was sure the inquiry was for Hattie-
Way. and' corning frogs behind the counter before he
replied, said, in a low voice to Ruth, "You have
heard of your brother's misfortine !"
" Ves; where is he !"
" Why—he—you cannot see him immediately;
if you will tell me where t ou are staying, I will try
to rt leave torome to you in course of the day
and go with you to see him."
Oh, I must go now. I shall stay where he is,
I hitre,no . other place."
" Renshaw !" called out Mr. Brown, iwho are
you talking to there !"
Ilenshaw went close to him and explained.
" Avretty business-this," said the surly master;
'• look, she is lingering over the laces ;they are birtis
of a fe;ther, brother and sister !" Poor Ruth had
utWonscionsly placed her hand on the box of laces.
"Go to your own business, Henshaw. behind the
counter," added Brown ; and then striding up to
Ruth, and taking her by the arm s with a mixture
of savageness anti familiarity, he said, " walk out
of my shop or I will send you to the police office."
"Tell me first where, my brother is !"
" Where all thieves should be—in the Tomb."
" The Tombs ! where rm. the Tombs!'
" Go nut and ask along 'the streetyou'll soon
find out."
Ruth went forth with a burning heart. She
walked rapidly a few steps from the hateful shop,
and then stopped. confused-and uncertain witat next
to do. She looked op dad down the street, anti in
the faces of the passers-by. No one heeded her,
while it seemed to her tlet all the world should
know what the felt and what she wanted. the
was proceeding slowly. when suddenly a finger
touched. her shoulder, and inn low T owe spoke
kindly to her. It was Renshaw's. His lace was
agitated and highly colored, and hardly seemeattie
same serene, mild countenance she had tkst ad=
dressed. " I will go with you noyv, - he saia; , " to
see your brother,"
" Olt. can you how kind you are.'
Row much this kindness had cost Renshaw.
Ruth little dreamed. Oa her leaving the shop he
had not been able to repress the expression of Ins
indignation at Brown's inhunumlty, Brown was
abusive. • Renshaw was hot and hasty, and (briar.
ing his intention of attending the little girl 'tune.
(Lately to her brother. Brown told him if he then
left the shop never again to enter it.
"Is it far, sir," asked Ruth., "to that place r
"No, a very short distance."
' " I suppose, sir, it's prison I"
" Yes. it house of detention, where persons are
I confined to await their trial" '
" Then Charlie is not yet .tried !—he is "not yet
•comiemned. is he I"
" No, no : not
" Not yet.'' struck like a tolling bell on Itutli't4
" Yout brother," ? resumed Renshaw,
you the circumstances. He told you, of course
that be was not guilty t"
"No, be did not say that."
He did not !" exclaimed Henstiaw in au alarm
ed tone
" No, sir : why -should, he !" she asked, speaking
for the first time with an assured voice. =• You would
not ask such a question if you knew Charles, Mr.
" 1 do know hira. and I fell a confidence in hit ,
integrity —but—"
• . 4 . But, what'—oh do speak- out:'
- I only hesitated because:l Cannot. bear to dire
nests you. I fear we shall have difficulty in prov
ing your brother's innocence : but we will not talk
about that now. You have never been inside 41
prison, end you must try and keep up good reso
Ruth did try. But when she saw that huge.
stern edifice, called the the mast Ave
locks were turned to admit her—ganl'-when the
keeperNaving been requested by Hensbaw to per
mit ,the young person with him to see Charles Hath
away, scarcely noticing her, led them along the
dismal corridors, with - that hardened inditlerence
which use gives, her heart sunk, i►nd ber feet, mov
ed They were intercepted und`impe•
ded by a patty visiting the prison from curiosity.—
It consisted. pf two •or three elderly people, twq very
young ladies, from the country, full ut pleasing ex-
eitement from being for the first time within priAni
walla--the scene, to their imatfitiatiuns, of rio moth
possible romance--and their cousin, a young city
lawyer, who acted a's exponent of the scene,'
'• Babe, the pirate," said he to them, e• ►s in that
cell, No. 812
" That horrid wretch we read the account of, in
the newspaper! Now 1 should like to see him - F•
" There is a still more curiouA monster, Cousin
Jane, in No. 83—the German Who burned his wife
to death."
"Oh, horrors! 'And who can be between them ;
iu N 0.82."
'- I don't know ; somebody worse than either I
suppose. Who is it. Farran
"I don't know his name :-a lad committed for
kit uncommon girl is that.”. sand the matron.
Sometimes when we meet the vagabonds going
along the corridor. just turned in front the
Points, she looks scared ; and gathers her clothes
close rott e d hes.a. if she were afraid (lithe plagiii! . :
stealing. ' vet she'll stay the live-long and till ten
'" Let us pass, if you please, ladies," said Ruth'sl or eleven at night—in that dismal cell. an 4 talk and
conductor. Our amateur visitur4 stared at Ruth. read, and k„p up her beither's spirits. She be-
One said, touching her cousin's atm. " Oh, Henry. I . gins with the Bible in the morning, and ends with
did you ever see anything si pale as that poor girl. t if at and between times the)i, read out of
Merry ! Po you think she is going to be bilUt Up i Dickens and Punch, and every kind of nonsense
here I" ,
" No ; that its impossible. What innocence. sweet
ness, and misery !" Ruth's conductor was tm- un
bolting the door of No. 82. The youngest i,f 4
-oung tallies, impelled by irrepressible curiositi.
°Dowell close enough to see. when the dour was
opened. a handsome youth. pale, lim..ard, and sir-
I MY. and asked Mr. Henshaw—and so modestly too
rowful, bending over a sheet o f paper. on which ; if he would send her brother every day a bit of
he was in ently writing. She could not see that
I s t e f-stake or a mutton chop, -to keep up his
the paper was wet with his tears. Ruth darted ' in- health and'spirits. She has bt.-en what 1 call wells
to the cell : the keeper shut the door and rebob- ,
• trained...
ing it, said to llenshaw, molly: •: You may call me ;
The last letter reeeived from the 'youte! Ilatha:
when she is ready td come out. - lienshaw. o
• ways. was dated on Tuesday. Charles•S part ey
ing to and fro. unoccupied, in the corridor. presen
pressed nut a hope. but a cheerful courage, that he
ted too tempting an opportunity to _rarity the wane was sure could not fail him, white his friends had
ladies' curiosity; and their coo-in being put np to
Leith m hint. You have !ranted me up dear pa.
asking some questions, they got possession of
rents.' he said. "to belie% e that the important
Charles's story, and what was tar more important..
thin. is•• to do right out toSPCI7I iq.-eht, - and now 1
Hensh . aw found out that the inquirer was Henry
I mean to feel and act acorditylv."
,§andley, a young lawyer, whose very clever man-1
„ Roth wrote thus
'The trial corner. nn toonor
agement df a criminal case had, a few w eels be-
I row morning. There is nothing new come to
fore, been much talked of in the city. Ileitshaw ; light so we are prepar i„ : , for the worst. The
gave Ilion a retaining fee for his friend on the spot,
amnion of the stole n articles put into Charles's
and Sandley e4g s , ,lird to get the trial put oil till test
pocket is less than ts-25, so that they canna make
timonials of Charles Hathaway's good character grand larceny out of it : anti he cannot be sent to
could be obtained from the country. On these Sing.; wing only over to Blaekwell's Island. The
documents, and on the testimony of his fellow
period of his detention then.; is at the discretikat of
clerks, he said, they must found all their hopes of
clearing him ';at the same time he confesse d the the Jud g e. Mr. Samiley thinks it cannot be loirg,.
with such testimonials to bring forward as Miss
chance was small, against the overwhelming fact -Emma has sent to us. Oh, thanks to her! The
of the stolen goods being found in Charles't ,
pus- i w orst—no the best—of it is. that Charlie positively
session. "Was there," he asked, among the refuses to have any suspicion throi - 'n on Otis. Mr.
clerks, any one who couldsbe rthspected of the vib Henshaw feels sure he is the real culprit„ and Mr.
luny of putting the stolen goods into Hathaway. s
Sandley thinks it inure than probable::
pocket!" Henshaw hesitaled, and only. said. in
You remember his • exclamation when the
reply. that there was not a,clerk in the shop he clinks were to be seanhed. : Charles has an im
should not sooner have suspected than Hathaway. pression that he felt something at his eoat pocket,
Henshaw -was a man o f str i ct pr i nc i p l es . He, did I which we both feel sure was Otis thursting the par ,
suspect—he had all ald'ag suspected--(his Jackson, eel into if. But we knew - this would be no cvi
but he was too scrupulous to run the risk of wrong- cleure i re court Charley wont tell even Mr: Meil
ing him by the expression Of suspicion that had no j Shaw, or Sandley of it. He says time will . bring it
prop( whatever. out. and merino Idle, let Otis have a ch,arice.—
After Charles's first moment of surprise at Roth's Is not he just' like father Let it storm ever so
appearance—after the first burst of their youn;_ horribly. he always belie; - es it will be lair weather
hearts—and after Ruth had sat for a few moments to morrow. Mr. Itenshaw feels certain that Otis
on his pallet, beside him, with her arms finked will prove the rogue. at last. r• and." so he say...
around his neck, silent anti shivering, o ith emo- ••1 0 . don't ,re the use ot sacrificing. an honest tel
tions, he said, " Now, Ruthy. we must not ~ - ; 31- e j low to him, ur the meantime." lie watches him
w a y so ; I bear it very well. only when I sit down a ea t d oes a mutter. The reasons u6l Mr. Hen
to write home ; and then thinking how tattier, and s l am ). „ us pi t i ons a r e these : Otis is out late at
mother, and you will feel. knocks me tip. How night. and he conies late to the shop in the I,9°m--
did you get hive. so soon. Ruth ? Flow did mother tag. He dresses far beyond his means ; and goes
bear it ! What did father say null told her often to places of amusement. especially to the the•
short sick l y. and concluded by '..4iYi"L!. • Tarlmr - atre. where Mr. Renshaw says clerks nei er should
row Charlie. we shad certainly have a letter from i ~ f t, and Mr. lienshaw says he has been srei in
them." •• cot the hr.! c f cowpony - at the theatre. I don't
l• ! Von eannot stay here, Ruth. Even if know guile h at ,
on had any place to stay, you know -father and wir means by that*: but I surmise
its sometaiug awtin. The people where Charlie
ler - want you a great deal more than I do."
boarded \vete very fond of him : and they mill
t stay here. Charlie. and I shall—and they
ct r it—and there's an end on't. -
~ivr their
testimony that he was perfectly regular
n don't know what a place this •
in habits: and Mr..Satulley will call on Messrs.
Brown & Wilson to testify as to his conduct in the
oak is for an unprotected girl. -
shop. All this, Mr. Sandley says. -may not osier ;
can protect nn:i
balance the one great circumstance agaivst him:
but this, with the dornmetits front Miss' Emma.
Mr. Smalley says, will go a great way with the go
vernor..s,l if Charlie is sent to the , Island, shall
gyi straight to Albany : for the living voice. with a
throblite• heart under it. mother. is better than a
dead writing. And if we don't get a pardon, why
then tintiriate dear father and mother—heavenly pa
tience !---such a, yon, dearest ?Miler. have*shr.own
ns ever sleet. we can remember: and you. dear.
mother. trio-- . -ottly jestdmirow' a 'little hope and
cheerfulness from lather. and -be .ore-1e sure it
will all c ome right: and Charlie 'will shine nut to
the world aS to us, ,wleri are above the
clouds, and can see iht! . Stlll all the while: and i;
the world never knows. still cannot we be content
and thanktill f—We o ill. t 4 .o,'dearestapotlit•rf lake
conrage! will help us . all! mid T shall{ soon
would cht
But, Ruth.
it : nor what Neviir
" Nonsense. Charlie
" Where can you sleep r
• " Simi)? I don't - feel much like sleephy4 : but
I can lie here on the floor, or I can ifet that man v.)
lock rite tip in some empty cell. like this. I can
do. anything but go away and leave you : that
will not do."
There ern• a knock at the door, the bolts Nrere
turned, and Henshatr told tharles that a lawyer
was waiting to speak to linn.
" Let hint wait one minute, - said Rai). and bik
ing front her little sack a bottle of cologne. and
comb and brush. provided 1w Miss Emma Gard
ner, she smoothed her brother's tamtled locks. and,
retstrited to his sweet countenance its habitual as
pect. "There, now you look like our own Char
lie," she said.
"'Wrote to
Studley entered, and he did not leave the cell
without being thorouOly convinced that Charle
was innocent, and nearly as well eenvinced that
they should not be able to prove his Innocence
and o impressed with the love of the brother ainl
sister, that he resolved to strain every nerve in their
behalf. He comforted Charles In a..sdring him
that he knew the matron of the prison—that she ,
was a humane woman—that lie wraild engage her
to ftimish his rih , ter a bed in her own r;ont, and to
see that Miss Ruth had every tacility •in :!oing to
and from her brother's cell.
" Please tell them," said 'Ruth, •• I will only
trouble them twice a-day. I 4,he1l come to Chalk.,
in the morning, and go away in the evening.
Artgrt for anpl glues. with nor h
Thus whole toripittnr. of Inar'n
Witness it in the clt , mt.= elmogrl=, ,
Lori, secs it in a =ian:r = hr art alum..
Teti Ba t s h3J paSSI:a sitier deilartun• for
Sew York ; and on each of these days thy panmts
had received a letter full of affection, mid of dew&
of every oceurenres that could be put in a cheerful
light. Their children did not express itrone hope,
for they wouhl nut embitter a ton probable disap
pointment :. but neither did they tw i ne their fears.
•• For if wort comes to wort4t, - • saki Nutt. - mo
ther will bear it better whew! am with her. The
deportment of the, j te yutritt people—Mt•ir mutual
atfi3etion--4 ,- .d the earnest devotion of the f•iSt er---
WOll for them unusual respect ana attention from
the officers of the prison. t There those• innocent
children are,: said the tui'nkey, •• both innocent,
lam sure of t:w•. There they are, with a pirate
one side of them. and fl, murderer the other. en-
joyitt . .4 themselves. If that aint innotsenee' I dtm't
know what is. I declare, if I don't expel!! %Ong'
day. when I utdoek their door, to gets the anted of
the• Lord with.them—the same as walked the Fie-
Mr. Ilenshaw brings ; and they laugh trtgrether ;
and their laugh Mo unds like • the be'st music in a
dark night. Slat ,is a wise hole thing too. Air.
!fetish:lw sent her a basket full of every kind of
notions, from the confectioner's. She would not
take their to 82 : the dear child gave them all to
by with You
•, P. S. 1 could not feel r.ty - not to make one el
trt Stith ais. I illouglit it he had plun;ed us in
thisitouble, he would feel when he came to eee
rue and remember the days/when we Were play
mates and happy together: I saw him. I dod't
know what I said. My heart wu, full, and i n
poirred itself out, hut! 7.01 nu saiAirliiln.l 11e .le
nied—retesed. But oh I (tear niother..l feet
than ever that lie is the ;•uiltv one. He. eye di:
nut once meet vitie ; and he looked and pale,
by turns' 7 and when I. came away the tears were
running down his cheekr, Who, would nit rather
he 4 %why r' •
It is ••Tliankiving clay "—.► 411 c 441 ()on. e
cratinn: nt New,land: to fattilly b•-tt' I and
family union—a day of merry
nialsing.s--a day for rustic wed
of pleasant doings: and startin
day, like other anniversaries, • '
mein to the vouni who have ti
ing of heart-chords.
The Thanksgiving day count
came in heavily. enotx.7ll to the
Thursday, ' ~ 11.uth's last letter u
ding 'Ttiesijay. . The trial .was
nesday morning, and, as it .v
t etnall atTair by the municipal
waving the happiness of au ent
probable 'pecupy but an hour o
ag-Anst t4titi, ltuth .would leaf
aliemoottloat.for Albany. ~ !
The day had come in wij4 a furious easterly
snow storm. Mi. Hathaway 4-ap. refolding Rutit's
letter. alter reading it tor 'at I't the twentieth lime,
when a sleigh stopped at his d r. and Col. Miles,
shaking the 6:10V/ from his lion skin coat , and statn-'
ping it
,from his feet, opened tl door. •' A prettY
eat .
tedious storm this, neighbors, - e said. "No neWs,
of Course, since the-letter 1 br4ttglit. you 'from the
post-office yesterday 1 . : . 11 1
.. , ..
" No, sir: none, - replied
could not expect it, coulti=we;
•• Of-course not ma'am: and
have no madett -Inv. The rivll
soap. ltuthy,-.poor little girl
to her .Iltx►ny to-day
be no boat 1 up. However.
i•ou•11 be .sure of a letter: stt
pust-office aftermeetiutf. an
How ►l►ankful we ought ►o
neighbor' as the . Colouel." snit
way a- the door closed after 1
'. Yes : mother, we have 6,rre
ful for : on.the right hand and t,
not make a poor
_Mouth if %A
c' I know I. ow4lit to feel as
I can't help thinking all the
to du after Charlie 1:4 seitteu
.-id Ha I
Du ! ti liy.she'll'do the rif
tiler. wipe oil yuurtearspid d
giving day ; let Us keep it,
reason. Is nut it Ruthr's birtl
• t To be sure, the children
bled sea, bin hove not they Lu
You know I have nothing to
read and ruminate; and a ha
to me. shire I \va. , quite overs
Pert.. I have got a habit of
I. hate come to the conclusion
enmstanees we are in that m
find us, and .what they tnake
dear children ; - inothey, how
their integrity. Look' at Char
and so generons -about Otis,
hold to-miserN iovin9com
that: And dear little Ruthy,.
therlas carried her as it vc ,
water? I telt you, mother,
children till now. A real Tli
be to its.
Poor fir.'. Hathaway woul I
stint, but it was a sunbe..l
t rouelt clouds. .•' Vll try t.
Lanksgivint,r, - she said : -el
vision basket, sent by th-'
p i c.
Gardner. " What a ' lovely
e4tizned llatbaway, as his w
pL , '-k die basket, " and eratibe
in that little jar ! Yes : just ..
think of that. What is in that
tern, 1 declare! just what I RI
when she asked me the •du
p`tiMpkin pie! apple pudding
,what's that. niother'!7
It feels like a loaf of cake
dencl Ruth.:'
" Well. no ilisnip-ct to ilt
lint Miss tnima is thoronglie - I
tle of wine. ton ! Well, Miss
opinion that it's right for tern
a itheerful glass once in a wh
tot:tiler. mother :gut you Crow
ing my heart glad according
would it not hate been a slum
the day ?"
Mrs, HathaWay assented b)
dinner in progress ; and Wile
Ic roasting in the !into's:lave
- Come. hem. mother-1 cat'
rye never had that satisfacti
broken : hut ttrust my heart i
—.kneel down here on my.
have our Worship.iliough it 14
and in. The wife knelt, resti , l
on the arm of her husband'.
spirit of cheerful gratitude sho
the salient 'points of their li
seemed to he sown at .broad
thanlied f :oil tar the peace. p
of rite country--fur their about
lig:es and gospel privkws : I
mass, but h yt such detail that i.;
made its impress on 11.6 lira
rich lian - est of the year mall
hale left .no one to believe tic
been tume4 into his izsrriec.
his pleasant home, and lits w
for kind neighbors and .boon
dear 'randier, with industry t'
love that never abated. IP
own health—for painlers 1 . .
u l
mind, and a spirit of enrym
bled stiOitly %dwell he ca n oe t
aren-- his Arai. :.h.ent chi
for one instant, ;mil then it,41,1e,
of courage, and heal.eni) ii
'Thee that they have 10 . 411i fe,
children too.. Tkou.,ll, the) h
the staters. they have tiot.ocre
throw..:h the tite. it lia.- not .
.. -
antr4 c..:0
retingsand merry
arid all sorts
.pointis in 111111.1
laaprtl vivisth
.t yet felt the serer-
• led with our story
Illathaways. It ula,i
as dated the Feet.-
ppointed for Witd,
ould be deemed a
thodlies. (albeit in
re fandly,) it would
two; and ilit weut
a New York in an.
' toilet
1 mistrust. we shall
.r will feel this Old
mould be, according'
but I think there - II
f there is a natal,
shall go on to the
wait till the gage
be for such a hind
good Mrs. Hadar-
deal to be thank
te left, anclive must
taxo . our share: of
you ilo, father. but
me what is Rut hv
ed to thaf desolate
thl. Now, plo
t for et les Thanks-
mi who has more
aye been on a trim
their course well . 1
o but sit here, and
I -
py life it has been
t as *to Outside pros
looking inward, and
that it is not theCir
ten:, but "how they
lof us, Look e'en!
ey have held _fast
le--4-alm and manly,
e is not of.those that
v : a mean company
14er love for her bro
re. through fire and
l e di
l e dul not know the
tk..g.iving day it t4hall
have smiled her as-
vainly titruggling
make it seem like
she. brought forth a
r kind. fiend, Miss
plump turkey," .ex
le proceeded mt.
-.sauce, I dire , say,
ke. Miss Emma, to
covered dish !• Oys-
I ld her I liked best.
.stiOn. Mince pie!
! tarts ! AVhat's, that ti
Intl it's marked for
rest oft lie world—
poor folks. A bet-
Emma Rod I are of
orate people to take
i9n are a tee
objeetrlto my mak
to serititure. Now,
e for usi:not to keep
1 proceetlintt to get the
1 the turkey WM. fair
er, Hathawty said.
't kneel,
you know,
since my leg was
in the rightosition
rell side, an well
t t
a dark day outside
1g her troubled brow;
chair. Ilathaway's
le like a sun on all
es. Gotl's metric,:
amend them.
• •erity. and progress
ding political advan.
of in an inexpressive
seemed to have
. lie spoke of tile
a glow that wottld
I.not an ear of it hail
lie thanked God for
• c rive red boai J—
at nerer tirtd, an•l
'tanked liu for b*
tx—for a con:ente..d
rt. His voice-trent
o mention Ins chit.,
hvn.... piuu l / 4 441
1. \rah a Ancere tone
We' thank.
eik.thernselves Thy
Avheinted them and
'orelo.,l them' . IN'e