tieuictu of the Markets e w York Market. July 23, 1817. lie market is still buoyant for Breadstuff:s, and e f i ts Gennessee have touched i 55,50, and 7desitable brands 85,25 and !E 0 5 : 373.: in 11 , nr i , not much movement. lint qualities .4pa:!l - — 1:0r . Wheat there is a better enquiry, the r.ites withoUt change. Almut 30.000. * l i ck s al at 81,12 i and 1.15 fur fair to good io tutuvd. and about 1,10 for new Sonthent.- 1 ha , been firmer and the sales rauue from 04 0. Rye is doing Mier and 5000 bushels . sold s a nd So. thus are a,lso better-41 and 42 by Philadelphia Market. • FEIDAY. Jidy 23. Is-17. 'p, ;: IND MEA of :inod fresh nnind i tr,. Flour on Satnntay at 5.5,6 n per hrl. After ,rocept of the Foreign ad vices. the Market (pen cil' Mimday with sates at $5.50 mid Western at GRAOs7.—AII kinds are seaire and the eipt , vontinne limited. Wheat is in moderate hied for grinding. • Sales of 4500 t4.lshels at 11!.!% :ma 1.15 per bushel for good red and 1.20 aide on Wednesday. flye—A sale at '75 ets. Corn —S:iles of Penn 'a yellow on S a t u W ar 0:0--A?rices. have declined : saltis of n! Lu-heir Nor ti Itrt l / 4 ;er at 42 Os, ollwern 37 O r t fi . tcHE.,—Wrwlit ' . Indian Vegetaye Pills arc positive and certain cure for this distressing corn int ; because they purge from the body those W s humors which are the cause not-only of head h. giddiness. natt-ea and sickness, Are, but of all e illg to which flesh is heir." One 25 cent box of • af.ove IHlM , ..tindian Vegetable Pills,'ilay, a sin ; do:e. will frequently carry olf the most vi,,ic )i t tacit of headach t , but in cases of long standing„ rseverance alone is wanted HI order to make a eo:ly cure of. every description of headache. it Highe, laflian Vegetable Pills, also aid and im ove do;i3On and purify the blood, and therefore io new life / rid energy to the whole frame, as. well ~ .'rive di , e ~e of every kind (nun the Body. I3i.w 111 i lIF Set; An COATED Co . usTr.nrwurs.—The Ilv ori(iinal and genuine Indian Vegetable Nis, ,ie the signature of . Villiatu'AVright written with pen on the top el of each box. Nosir. °ma Is Ni TIE, inul to collatei fell this is forgery. ifilice and general depot, lo.liti9 Race st., i.crANYEs' . CO„ Towarlda. Pa„ a,genN for allot d eLwaity. N ri is - cm cnt 9. `TtYIIALLDri2 s'6 ®fit FFICE over the store of F.T. Fox, No. 2, Brick How. Towanda, July 14'17. =I ORPHAN'S l'Oritt SALE. • pursuarce of an ord,7 of the Orphan's Court of Bradlord county, held at Trrwat da on the tenth of May I etii, will be ex'. riled to sale by public a i dae or autery, on tire preniises, on Th u rail ay the lit , ,*.ay of August next, at 1 o'clock P. M.. the follow drseribed lot it-land sit lain the township of Troy, botifided'as follows : North by land tiT Ward, to bc Junes Dewitt, ISOM by ', mi d of Ai n , !artisan. aid ot , st by the Way leading from III.• " , .n Trot. - Containing one hundred acr.;:; or bnln..bclll4 of which WM. Knox, deceased, late t 'l'ee tots tislity. died sr izeB. Term= made known on uc diy of sale, • CII 121,ES DR.\ E, A. MOlililst)N. Aiii k orWm. Knox. dee',l This gray folli!..Baiwains. July '2f,, 1 \ uto,s, ;;I'N sit\ DES AND sl sTi r Fs, sa.lliba at cast, ()Itl)ll.‘N'S ('OI'ILT SALE. N pur•tur ore of an order of the Orphan'A Court of ' Bradford %-oolit!i., held at "I:owarilla, in ;and for said ..unry. Ito the I tth 'day of May, A. D. 1817, wilt lit Wom`ii to Sail . by public Y-ridue or outrry on the pre. \Vedo sdin the 2`stli day of J ily. A. 1). I si 7, at I ,;,lock NI., the follot% ing piece at land situate in lit, too milli!, of Springfield, bounded north by the count road Icahn.; from Troy to Tlog4 Point, and by Iv ster I;eonard, east by lands of Ird% rr (;airs and land, of rout Sheinway, south by land, of st,i,tieri 111,y. and west t i c lands of .Daniel Bartlett an I J. W. 41111 lauds of LClll . lll'l Fifullsner. Coritainirisi nir. !main,'" acre: or thereabouts, kith a two story omit d'ellint: house, a framed barn and other out lioa•e- tln reon erected:and an orchard thereon, The 1,t40e n ill Ire sold ;is the property of . Ilenjaniin 410.A.:—Teroti, wade known on the day of sale. :luny 14-1-1 I Nl:l's. of ,Aerx Iv 1 , -ught cheap for ca,h— , ) a 12.0. a In of I'MtASIII, 4 4, Will In sold at coßt to ‘.. Ow lot. at NIL b. Brirk Bow. C REEL). A T s VlNt;` , 13 Nk may he found (b clicapesi 1:101(1".1:1ES in toun. A few articles ~ tr w itttit we will eututeuate. superior article nik a ek. or pow-h s ow l tea t ctci t, tea, of all (triers and lnantities (.14 J.t%7. Hu, .I‘,l Lea uir crushittl,y powdered and intise.o.o.l ; sperm and at tidd candles: lamp are: intwed f Acc. July 21. Nat. 3i, BUICK IM W. ‘1.11 . 1115. 4' IS - .1 NIEUES VESTINGS-11iSO ,tlipt .1 k gaitilimons, sum :art silo-. tvreild4. ,if all prices and may be ',7rrhaieil at !tic Sinings Hank, Nu. 5, Bib k !tow. „bib' C. REEI).- AU DITOWS. NOTICE Sarni/et t.'doilotozh to.the N ose of D. P...liar omr, r,. ti:itlurri C. Grlteo. No. '2lO, Dec. 7'. Coolnum THE undersigned, 'having been appointed auditor to 11 ;lotnbute moneys r.iised by virtue of extTlition is- Kirdi n the above ' , Alit. ts ill attend to the duties of his iPPoinlinent at his office in Towanda Borough, on Sat lodit the .411 i day of wept. nexj, at two ceel;ick in the 3flr tn. ;'at glitch time and place all persons interest trere.pineil tospresent their claims before him, or he ;levered Ge m coming in upon said funds. _ 4 l ` 2O . I;i17. WILLIAM WATKINS. Auditor. D 155.01.17 I'ION. HE co-Partnership heretofore existing under the name at & et h, at She-shequin, was 4 olved by mutual consent on the first day of June 44 The Hooks and accounts will Ile Council at the °id stand oi,en and ready for settlement. H. KINNEY, • (.1). SATEIILEE, •C. F . wrA:i.s JR. I .r , •llrquoi July 'lO 1547. N..C. iwr , oes knowing themselves indebted to the old ` 4 '"riest walk up to the Captains, office and not only *1 ""°" 41 Pay up 0 r coats will he made after days gralio heille,ilan July 10 1847. 11. KINN E Y & CO. NA - t.11" r ff - t 1:1:1 w 6,2 0 • aad ailv Quantity of New Goods' ! I THE ctidentried have formed thetmelves into a „“ ria " , hip at the old stind of H. KINNEY & CO. "'".hequin fretthe name of KINNEY & SAT r,..ERILEE whcr•• they niar . q. all times be found ready "'ill( get .o their cuomers With the good things of ' life rtfl{' th , car, he had in liradforil County. Hard , pod for I.uoiker ali krnils if produce taken in ea • Any qualitilv of butter wanted at the Inrgest Plitt kietchau ge fur g.)kly. 11. KINNEY. 0. D.' SATERI.EE. iu *quin /Lily 10 1817. E. SATERLEE. Missea and Cliildrereir, a laMe * l ' ton unhand at - fi 'rre. 1.' 9 It Itift 'WC LI Pit (111_21# IL/ IC fs •A" M• c. MERCUR, have removed .their (111 01./1.1 to the Store fomerly' ccupied by i• 1 4 ,. 1 , 4 8 %1.. north sidf of the n o Oublic square, where PPd-ed to tmpply • their rutomers as hereto lowPiuda, %larch 17, ISI7. =I 111EI, P. WA FEE, A . BENJ.J. M'A EE, Exrrutnte of Benj. Nl'.lli,e; itlerchanb*, &'r. BOOTS AND - SHOES. What are you about here? Arn't ye! Yea, I gueuxo ! THOUSANDS of times the question has been asked, I- Where en earth are all the Boots and Shoe", ma nufactured that supply the continual rush at the corner of Main and Budge streets ? `O'Hara answers that this is the place, and these are the things we do it with I . Seventy-eleven new fashions every hot) seconds! . _ = Put on the Steam ! 1 Hear ye ! hear ye ! and understand, that O'Hara, at the Corner of Main and Bridge streets, ufill sell at ' , retail -this season. 39,78! pairs of Boots, Sboelr and Bro g ans, at a less price than ever' was or probably ever will be of fered again in Towanda. • • The Ladies' 11 - apartment in thiii 'establishment richly furnished with fashions. Ladies', ruisses' c and children's fancy arid common boots and shoes, even to the extremity of the latest fashions. Mistake not the place —Cornetor Main and Bridge streets, the only Shot Store i.t Bradford Ctntnly. Half cash and half trade for Butter. H. 011 ARA . Towanda. Juneil6, 1847. NO. 3. IN TOWN AGAIN. . Li E, subscribers are a little later than usual this IL spring with their extensive stock of merchandize ; but what the good people of Bradford county have lost by our delay, we will now endeavor to make up to them in the quantity, quality and price of our. goods. We are now on hand' with the LARGEST, BEST A NEI CHEA PEST stork of goods in Towanda, bought exclusively for cash, and since the great reduction in prices. Our stock consists as usual of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crorkery, hard ; ware, Drugs and Medicines. For further particulars look along through the paper. We need 'not say a Call and examidr our Gund. , ," fur we know that every body WILL call at No. 3, before purchasing elsewhere. WM. H. BAHIDA. June 15,1847. LADIES I)ltEtiS 0()0DS. TI -ST received at N0..3 ... ./14rick Row, an extensive sl assortment of rich ancraArable dress goods 'of the latest style, such as striped Tarleton, embroidered mus lin, Cherry lustre, M. De Laine,. - Gingliam Lawn,, in urning organdie, Ralzorine Gingham Robes, Ladies sniped dresses, together with all the new and fashiona ble fancy goods that could be found in thi city of New York. and will he sold cheaper than the same goods can be bought at any other et tablishment in the county. Remember this, and before yzu purchase stop into H A TS—The largest and best selected assortment of Summer fiats. consisting of Panama,English straw, Dunstable, Pedal, Palmleaf, &k., for sale cheap at lAAIRD'S rt.ONNETl.s—Florener, - China Pedal. Straw and 1. - ) Lawn Bonnets, all of the latest fashions. at ft OUTS & S ES—cMen's Calf and Morocco boots, and Congress giiiters, and radies shoes of every description at BAIRD'S. 1 AINTs h, OlLS—Linseed. Lamp and Tanner's Oil—White Lead, dry and ground Venitian Red, and all kinds of. Paint's- fur sale at the cheapest storc•in Towanda. BAIRD'S NO. 3, B. R. Shad, and Codfish in great shim -1 dauce at BAIRD'S, RocE HlES.—rhe best article of Tea CoffeeSu -1 gar, If irc.Tiihaeco, he found at BAIRD'S. Tlll - GOODS.—Eterything.in tietine of Dry Goods usually kept in this country, or ever wanted fur use, Can he found at No. 3. The said goods were pnr rbased in New York after the great rush was over, and when there was a great depression in the Markets, and consequently were bought cheaper niqi shall be sold eh, frp( r than any st t. ork of goods in Bradford county.— This is (rut, if we do say it ourselves, and if yon don't believe it, just drop in at No. 3, where the children cry n -vow- r 1111.1 you be-conic convinced that, goods ,are be .141 cheap I.i Towanda. • r nu bids. Salt just. received and 'for male ` 3 at B %MD'S, N 11.3, B. R. Imt sacks of first rate 11-Kir just rec'eive•d and for sale at • BAIRD's, NI ). a. B. R. New Arrival at No, 1. Brick Row' .1. S. Chamberlin, r2reisme, and offers tar sale at the DRUG I DEN)T, No, I, lirirk Row. a large ad htion La his former sta,k, eonmstiaig of every variety of Gractrits, Drozs and Medicines. Dye StOffs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Fancy Articles St. • which Pill be sold at wholesale or retail, at unusually low priee4. Terms CASH: Towanda, dupe 16, 1847. ROCERV'S, in the country, can bc:'supplied with lJr all articles in 4heir . line, on the most reasonable terms, at jel6 No. I. BRICK ROW. - I)icr(kEl .I, BROTRER JON ATH XN, for the .1 Fourth of fuly. at No. I, BRICK ROW. TAI'NB %IFS. Reeve's, anti a' splendid article of fm.. .1 ported CIGAR'S, at No. I. BRICK ROW. - DATEN - r MEDICINE : 4 , every kind .nOis , in use, 1. can be halm! at the lirug Depo't ; Ageilt for Jafne's Smith's, Clickener's,!fat's. Pain killer, and various other medic-inc.'. A full and general .apply alvrAys ou jolti 1, BRICK ROW. ( 111. S. PERFUMERIES. it splendid article: of Hair lirthhe.. Thermometers, and Fancy Articles. for sale at j•lti No. 1, BRICK ROW. I:2llDI,Elts will find It to theit advantage to call at the 1 Drug Depot, where they can he supplied With eve iy article desired, Filch as ' ,hints, essences. &c., on the 1.1,4 terms. jet 6 No, 1, BRICK ROW 4,1) DA Ft /1 "NT.% IN, just erected at the Drug Depot, L. 3 to which the attentiol of the public is invited. IS.LL'IJ gifV.I.VAQ T"E;Subscriber ofrets his new stock of HATS AND CAPS at the first building south of the thick Row. where the hat nianufaoory of Mr. Thei'mas was formerly kept. Those who wish to purchase for Cash, will he accommodated ot-.very. reduced pricbi.— Fur-Hats from one to lour dollars; Silk Hats from one to three dollars; Wool hats from thirty-seven and a half cents to one dollar; Caps from eighteen rents to one dollar—according to quality. HEN RY'MERCI.7II. May 27, 1847. • SPRING GOODS, C. ME CUR have just received a H. gisid assortment of Ginghams, Lawns, summer Shawls, rdowers, Wreaths, &c. &c., whirl' will be sold cheaper than ever: Towanda, May 3, 1817. _ _ _ _ New Arrival of Goods, by ,Express! B. KINGSIIERY, HAS just received from New York, a beautiful as sortment of Lawns, Ginghams, Bonnetts, palm Leaf flatts,4c.. &c., which will be Rohl very cheap. AlsO Caps rind -Paragola and a variety of other goods., Cal and sthe reduction from last spring's prices, and if you hould want any thing' in the way of New ft Goody. y ou ill be sure .to buy. April 28,1847. . First Arrival of Goods from New York. Burton Kingsbcry, I S now receiving a general assortment of Spring and Summer Coals, which will be sold cheaper than goods were ever offered in this place before. His friends will find as they mount the steps at his door that prices go down. Call and examine fOr yourselves.— My goods and prices will praise themselves: You will find a large and general assortment of every variety of Dry (pods, Groceri,s, Hardware, CI-ockery, Glass, Nails, Iron, Steel. Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Boots, Shoes, lists, Caps. Codfish, Maekerel, &c., &c. • My friends and the public generally'are respectfully invited to cal and examine my stock, as I sm satisfied I can off,r, them goods cheaper than at any other-Store. • May 17th, Isl 7. BAIRD'S N0..3. B. R 13AIRD'S WM. 11. 13MRD & CO Illerchanbi;e, tic. NEW CUR SUM IN 71r1C2511171.67 AIL NW Mil AIL • , • .• E. 1% F er. T AKES this method of info Mg every person -who wants to purchase C 001.4. that he has opened an entire stock of NEW GOODS,In No. 2, • Brick Row, formerly occupied by C. dr. E Reed, one door below the Post Office, where he woolifirhe happy to strbw any one his stock who will faior him with a call ; as he is determined not to he undersold by my one in this or any other Town this side of New York.. My stock is very large, consisting of Dry Goods. Groceries, Crockery, - • • Hirdtrare,.lloots siio, A lure asswitdod of Dress Goods, Such as Scotch am! Linen Gingkamv. Giirc h fild.lins, Printed and Argandie do., Oregon Chair brays and Lama cloths. Also, A great variety if French, English Anil American sloths. Cassi- • meres, rrstingx. Croton Cloth. Twerdx - and • - Summer Staffs. 4 . c.,yc.,.yr. • bon's fail to call, as 1 will sell fur the Ready Rhino a little less than ark.) , other live man. Towanda, June 1, 18 , 17. . . 1 - I;„__ST_ _received 12 (Thesis Fresh ` Teas, selling from J. all to 75 cows iber lb., warrintei) good or no sale at • FOX'S; NO. 2..8. R. COME one and all and see the hest and cheapest Su gar, Coffee and Molasses in town at. • june 1. FOX'S, NO. 2. B. R. HOOTS .1 .V D SHOES AFIRST rate lot of Gents kip, seal and coarse boots, fine medium and coarse shoes; also Ladies' fine kid B. B. Ties, Buskins, Gaiters and half Gaiters, and an endless variety of child's shoes at NO. 28. R. - - A FEW Family cases HOM(EOI'ATHIC Medi cine, with Hemple'b Domestic Physician. Also,' a few Hull's Laurie at FOX'S. N 0.2, B. R. ROCKERY 4- GLASSWARE, a first rate assort lJ ment at jet NO.2, B. R. n DOZEN - of those cheap Parasols left, wilier' are IV selling at reduced prices at NO. 2, B. IL _ . T E( HORN and Lawn Bonnets; also Leghorn ( Pearl' -/-.4 braid and Palliates( hats, and a great variety of Caps at ' jet, NO. 2. B. R. , - _ THE Ladies do tiny that the largest and prettiest assortment of Dress Goods, Ribbons, Parasols, Gloves Hosiery, &c. in town, is to be found at FOX'S. Call and see them, as they are selling from 10 to 25 per cent. cheaper than at any, giber Store in town at June I. . NO. 2, B. R. 2 , 0(1 PIECES Calicoes, the prettiest in town; set ling from 5 to 15 cents per yard at june.l. NO. 2, B. R. SAVINGS BANK. NEW OPI'ICER,S' ELECTED. A T an annual meeting of the directors of the " A wands Savings Book," C. & E. REElrwere elected in pities of (I. E. Flynt & Co., whose term expired May' Ist, 1847. It is the intention of the new Cashiers & Co., to sustain the credit of the institution IN..' putting goods low down " 'to pay up cultorners.— VVe therefore invite our old customer. and the public zenerally to rail and examine our stock of New and Cheap Goods, just received, and convince themselves of the truth of the old adage. that " 6...x1s have, can; and shall be sold ebeapet.at the Savings Wink than .at any other establishment in Towanda. No. 5. 8. It. May 18,'1847. & E. REED. li7) 1 :1,Z, - ljj,' I:1'401,1j T i `OR SALE. a TIMBER I.OT, tutted in the tp. .11 Burlington, in this county, collTairtjng about 157 acre., on which is a good .mill KM'. Frr further par iirulArs enquire of J. H .11.1 NE :4, at Ilawfry's store, FranLli.i. July 7. 11447. 21n4 Mt :Mr 'l7 MI MT 111E7.: • • Lix_aar.irz 'O's. 112121Yag ESPECTF l'1.1.1" informs the citizens oT Towan -1 do, and the public generally that he as prepared to execute in the neatest style all descriptions of House. Sipt,'Cogrh or Carriage !Jointing. of Trintroing : awl every rorirty of l'anry and Ornantrotol l'aintinz. From his long experience and the minty specimens of his productions now in use, he entertains a flattering hope that by close application to his profession, and being prompt to order he may secure a suitable share of public patsonagr. lie may be found at all times at the Chair Factory of Tomkin: & Makinson, where he will be tin band to attend to the calls of thoao who may'want his serv.ces. PARER-HANGING done on short no tice, in a superior manner and reasonable terms. Towanda, July let 47. ly4 .4.NOTIIER .IDOEIIO.V TO Till; Stock of (m i ods n the Savings Bank. IN consequence 00 the great rush at the gat.ings Bank for Cheap Goo‘l4, the proprietor has been induced to replenish with a stilendid assortment of 'SPRING & tit - Wit ER GOOItS. which are now opening, and sell ing at greatly reduced prices. The proprietor. Mr. C. REED, plcilges himself to fully and amply sustain the credit of the institution which it has hitherto borne, I.e. for selling goods cheaper than any other establishment in Bradford en. Persons tlesiroint of testing this, have only to, call at No. 5, Brick RoW,ind satisfy themselves. July 7, 1817. ' , C. REDD., LAWNS., ORGANDIES, LAWN GINGHAMS, and Light Gingham., have been received at the Savings Bank, and aro selling twenty-five per cent. cheaper than ever. n: • jv7 G. REED. ROOT'S & SHOES—.I ` large and exhaustle s s.; as sortment of coarse and fir,e boots and shoes, ladies' f and half gaiters, kid ties, buskins, French kid slip pers, children's cloth and morocco shoes are now selling very low at the Savings Bank, No. 5, Brick Raw. VEYNOLD'S CEL - EBRATED GRAIN CRA"- DLES, grain and grass scythes, scythe maths, rakes, and quinebaugli whet stones may be found at the Savings Batik. No. 5, Mock Roar. C. REED. Procreesalicinen I rtHAMBERLIN`S SODA FOUNT is in a perfect rage, about these days, just up there at No. 1, Brick Rrow, where you can find Aristocratic Cigars. Gentle em's Fancy touches, and every thing in our lirmat the Drug Depot, uncommonly cheap, wholesale and retail. July 7, 1847. A.S.CHAMBERLIN. IIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office i at Athens, Pa., quarter ending June 80, 1747. Abbott C 4 Molt Alvah Andrews C. P. Mills Jane Aldrich John C Murray L Arnold 0 Mellott, John Brion Nancy Merchant M U • Brooks Peter _ Norbury T Buck Joseph 2 Mallery Henry Brown Artemas Palmer John Bowman A Raymond Elias Chapman CD• 2 Relfield James 2 Cammel.H Smith C B Carrington J Y Steward B M Drake Francis Shilp T • Durphy Lyman Snyder Mary A Dildcn Robert Swartwood Geo K Edwa•ds A - Furman Nicholas Fabron James Tracy E S • Gardner L A Wilcox Elisha Hyatt elder L T Weaver Jos Hawkins A • West Wm • Hyatt M R Mrs. Worley Wm Jackson Sophia Watkins Mary Crum elder S Warren Wm Knickerbocker Adelia York Lavin* Livingston I. • C. H. HERRICK, P.M. • • rirt lot of New Goods. in Towanda. MONTANY & CO. are receiving a large and general assortment of Spring and Summer Good* which will be disposed of at wholesale or retail at re duced prices. April 20. 1847. . LADZES can find a superior itsamtmont of DRESS COODS & CLOAKINUS, at MERCER'S. Zflcrd IMITY L 5 LS~k~Sly • Thomas Elliot & N. C. Tomkins,. AVING associated rhemselves together sin the H Mercantile business, hope by close applwation and strict attention to business, to merit a share of pub. lic patronage.. They may always be found ready to attend to any person who wishes accumodations in their line. • They wilt occupy the old stand of Elliott & Mervin, and' as it has just been enlarged and mode toots spaci ous and convenisnt, customers will find it very plea sant to do business to. ELLIOTT & TOM KINS. May 27, 1847. _ _ .. • • -NEW GOODS' ! NEIV GOODS !! JUST received and for sale a spi.ndid assortment of Sprinv ' and Summer Goods, which will be sold, as t ii cheap for Cash as nbo found in Northern Penn's-- Customsnr will fin it to their advantage to call end ex amine their stock b fore purchasing elsewhere. & TOMKINS May 27 A NY quantity of GINGHAMS, just rencived and L 1 for sale by , ELLIOTT & TOMKINS. T AWNS of all varietirs; also Gingham Lawns very -1-4 low for cash by ELLIOTT & TOM KI :\ S. BOOTS and Slices, the largest stock in toon and cheap as can be bought in the country by E. & T. SHOES, Ladies wear of all kinds—French ..;attiii Button Gaiters, Pa'. tipt. Buskins, kid slifiu„Last ing Gaiters, and a variety of all kinds by E. & 'l'. ( - SUTTON Yarn, any quanniy—also Carpet warp white and colored . by E. & T. . . covKING GLASSES, of every variety for salei -1-4 by &T. I IRON of all kinds, English and Swedes, together with rolled and hammered; GLASS as cheap as cheapest, and a large stock of by E.& T. ULE Labia Nail Rods, a very large quantity as cheap as the cheapest.. & a variety 4,411811 iron by E. & T. ASPLENDID assortment Parasols of all sizes, and of every variety of Umbrellas by E. & T2ONNETS, a good variety Leghorn, Straw, Lawn and Coburg, cheap as the cheapest by E. & I'. LEGHQRN Hata of all sizes and dericriptions, to gether with a good lot of palnileaf by E. &T. A GOOD assortment of C.ilicoes. In fact, we he - se as good, an assortment of ell kinds of Dress Goods as you ran find in any store in the country. A lsp, a good assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, and Summer wear of all kinds and descriptions as cheap for cash as the cheapest by E. & T. `MEETINGS and Shirtings, bush bleached and un -1- bleached cheap as the cheapest by et T. S. LT! S./1 L7' ! S 6) 00 13 J u A n i e l R 8 E L Salt r l7o\ B lir l .A eat N ES' At CO. New Spring and Summer Goods. N. N. BETTS TS now opening a new and splendid assortment of staple and fancy goods at his store, (situate on Main street two doors below Bridge street (west side) nearly opposite Mo?tanye's & Qo.) embracing all articles generilly kept in the country, such as Dry Goods, Grkeries.- Citurkrry and Glass ware, Hardware. .Vails. Iron. all /he varieties of Steel, Glass. Paints Linseed Oil, Lamp Oil 4-r. which-he offers to purchasers at unusual low. priers fur Cash, Produce, or approved credit. And would re spectfully invite all who wish to purchase to call and examine his goods and prices before purchasing else whero, as he is confident he, can offer good bargains. June 1. 1517., P - RIISiTS, M. De l . aincs, Ginghams , Lawns, arc,— The Ladies will find a beautiful a..4sottinvnt at . june 9. BET J'S'. A GREAT variety of shawls searfil, parasols Ladies ../A. and Misses' Bonnets very c h eap at BE I'TS'. B LACK & BEAVER CLOTHS, black and fancy Cassimeres, and all sorts of Summer stuffs, a large aaaortment, low for cash at INDOW & WALL PAPER! a nice variety and cheap at IS Errs'. ORRIS & BLOODS' Grass scythes and scythe H snaths ;also Harris cradle scythes at BE ITS'. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. 0. D. Bartlett. AS the pleasure to inform his friends and custo merss aid the public in genertl. that he is just re ceiving a large and carefully selected stock of se.wita ble,Uoods, ta,bicli, as heretofore, he is prepared to sell lower than any UItAGGAR C. Towanda, June 2, 11447. I' EI? 11.1 .V G I .VG S. THE' largest and most heauttftd 34aortment of Pa per lionginga ever brought. this place. Just received and for sale cheap at IL D. BA R rrei, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Groceries; - Thus and Caps, Hartia•arr, llo»nas, Crockery, Books and Slalionety, Iron and .Sterl. Alper of alll.'inilt. Paints and Oik (;lads and Patty. NEARLY every variety of each of the übuve kinds of Goode on 'hand at the lowest rate at t►. D. BARTLETT'S. COIL t11.11.V. BEST it3l..i t coil chain for 17u11 whiuds ta•raw and other similar uses just rereived and for sale cheap by iO. D. BARTLETT _ • . ON.VE TS. - A . splendid assortment of Leghorn and straw d3onnets, /1 latest style just received and tor gae yery low by O. D. BAR rI,ETT. WOOL II:IA-FED!! Ob. BARTLE TT will exchan g e cloth o• other s Goods for Wool on the best terms possible. Towanda. June I, 1847 Asuperior lot of Lawns, Summer Ginghams, and , Monterey plaids, a new article for dresses. Also, prints of all patterns, which are sellinz extremely low at the SAVINGS BINK. BON N El'S Alarge anal extensive aysortment of Bonnets, con sisting of Leghorn, Albert Braids, Chiba pearl. Straw gimp, English Straw, &c., oi:elite' with ribbons, artificials, wreaths, &c. to match. ore now veiling - at reduced prices at the SAVINGS BANK. Q . LIMIER SHAWLS a beautiful a•snrtment of Berago, Dc Lain and Brocha Shawl.= may be found at the P ARASOLS of every variety and pattern.P Umbrellam, are now selling extremely low at the Towanda, May 24. 18t7. SAVINGS BANK. BUCKWHEAT F 1,015111. A FF huntred pounds BUCK W HEAT ri.ouß CI in 50 lb. sacks, a superior artirk, just received and for sale by Feb. 22. O. D. ILA RTLETT. tIAMES AND HARNESS TRIMMINGS. JUST received a large quantity ol Fine and Common Hamer. Also, Plated and Japan'd Hanress Trim mings at Feb. 22. MERCUR'S. • crto HAS just received the largest assortment of NEW GOODS ever brought into Bradford co., which he offers in exchange fur CASH, LUMBER, or PRODUCE. Tifonrocton, May 10, 1847. DISSOLUTION. r pHE FIRM of E. Smith & Son is this day dissolved 1 by mutual consent. All accounts, &c.. due the firinmust be immediately paid. E. SMITH. Towanda, M iy 12, 1817. C. T. SMITH. SHERIFF'S SALE. 110 . Y irtue of sundry writs of ventliti tttt i mamas issued out of the-court of common-pleas of Uradford co.. tome directed. I shall expose to public 111134 at the house of THUS P 'WOODRUFF, in the borough of Totban da, on. Monday, the sixth Any of ltleptendwr. next. at 2 o'clock, P. M.. the followir.g piece or parcel of laud, to kidgberry township, bounded north 11 lands of Perrin Barnhart*. west by lands of Howard F. Burt, south by land of David Burt. and east by land of ICuel.han and Mills Carr. Containing fifty acme, about twenty- acres thereof improved, With a small orchard, log hoorc and log barn thereon. 'tier/Rd and udteri in execution at the suit of Mark A Burt ‘s. John 111'llowell. .. . - . .1 .A LSO—A piece or parcel of land in Athens townr&ip, bounded north and e.i.st by land of Isaac Shepard -south by lands of Israel Mead. nmd west by the post road lead ing front Athens to Elmira. Coma ttt it tg about I acre. re or less, a 3 improved, wit It one framed house, and one shed thereon. Setzediand taken in execution at the suit of 11. NI. Partridge' vs. Al ine ron 11. Tozer. ALSO—A captain piece or-parcel of land in Burling ton tp., boundell nor:.h by the township line between Burlington antli Springfield, eau by land bf Henry T.. Rota, or E. S. Teary. and on the south by Shack leton, and west hy Isaac Sturges. Containing one hun dred and thirtialn acres more or less, about thirty atms improved, with one framed house, one log house, and WIC framed harn, and a few fruit trees thereof,. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of E. S. Tra cey vs. Samuel E. th kinson. t• t ALSO--By virtue of a writ of Levari .Faciaa, the south half of all that piece or parerl of lend in Smith field tp., Beginning at a stake 'MI stones at the north eastcorner of lot no. 12. and the north-writ corner of lot rid. 13, thence east 26 chains and .50 links to the north cyst corner of lot no. 13, and the north-west cor ner of lot no. 14, thence smith 40 chains and Thtlinks to thee south-east comer of lot no. 13. and south-west ctiTher of lot no. 11, thence wet I:6 Chains and 50 links W the south-west cot ner of lot no. 13, and south-east corner of- t no. 12, thence mini'o chains and 7.1 links to the place of beginning. Th e . hole tract above des hole containing one hundred al, oneacres and thirty two perches. : Seized and takein in ezeruti.m at the snit of Richard Si Stin.rt,,trtistee r f Mary Caton, v 4 Wtiliark Clark and Silas Bette, terre tenant. 4 JOIIS F. -MEANS, Sheriff. Sherifra °trim Towanda, Jury 21,1897. IN TUE MATTER Of the partition of the estate of Dar;d 'Pratt. late if Canton tiariiship. decd.—in the. Or. 1 ,1 1 , 1 , 1 ' 5 C (f Bradford , county, of Ike. Term, 1816. A4IIE he its and devisees of David ' Pratt deed., to AL Nit: Ebenezer I'ratt, David Pratt, Asa Pratt, Jonathan' R. Pratt, Writ. Roberts, Betsey Rubcrts, Jere (kat), Rachel GniTin, Julius Pratt and Chester Pratt, are hereby severally notified that the ffiphari's Omit or Bradford county on the Rth day of May 1847. did grant arctic upon them to come into said court on the fir,t Monday of Bepteniber next and elect to take or infuse the estate of said decedent at the - valuation' made thereof, and in case they shall t . cfuse to accept the same, to show cause if any they hive, why the.same shall not be sold. By the Court. 1.1 MAN E. EE WOLF, Jun , . 7, I 547. Clerk of Orphan's Court IN 'I HE MAT•I'EIi Of the partition of the estate of Benjamin Brink,.dec'd . Itee of She.shetptin to nt/tip —in the Orphan's Court if Bra.lford goun 1J of Bee. T. 1847. 11111iE heirs and devisers of Benjamin Brink dec'd.• to wit: Dmitri Brink,' 13Cink Smith, Alpheus ozer and Calista his nits, Charles Smith, Jelin Smith, Daniel `milt, Orson Smith, Valentine Smith, James W m. Suitt 11, Bache! Smith, Theodore W. Brink, Henry M'Kinncy and Amanda M'Kinney his wife, and Delileh Brink and John Brink and their guardian, Orison Riekey—Orris Drink, Elizabeth Brink, Charles Brink, Julia Brink and John Brink, Jr.. and their guardian John Brink—,Elizabeth Hensley, James Brink and Hester Holmes, are hereby severally notified that the Orphan's Court of Bradford county on the 11th any of May, 1817, did grant a rule upon them to 'come into Court on,the first Mandsy of September•nest, and civet to take or reFuse the estate of said decedent' at the vuluation made thereof, am' in case they shall refuse to accept the same, to show cause, if any Hwy have, why the shame shall not he „old By the Court, LYMAN E. DE WOLF, • ?tiny r:2, 18S1 _t_ AiMIIN IsTIiATOR'S SALE. 13uRst - AN I' to an order of the Orphan's Court of 1 Brad:oril county, will he exposed to pfrblic sale 'at the house nisi% the premises in Sheshequin . township, Bradfonl county, Pa., on, Saturday the 4th they of Sep ie ilier, 1847, at one o'clock P. M., fill of the certain p ces, lots or parcels of land lying and being in said wnship, known as the Richard .Herton tarn., to be Id as .the property of Patrick Cummings, deed., untied as follAvs: Beginning at a corner, thence by o a No. 04 and 101, south thirty degrees and IS mi niattia. 82 perelics to a corner, thence by parts of lots No. 101, 102 and 103, south 59 degrees west, 184 perehe+ to a corner, thence along the Shesherprin road, north 6 . 4 degrees west, 22 perches, north 63 degrees -west. 78 pereltrijo a corner, and thence by p arts of lots No. 91 and. north 59 degrees east, 2.36 perches to the beginning, being mart of. lots No. 92.93 and 101 in the old township of l'hverack, one of the seventeen townships. stir. 47entaioing 92 acres and allowance, with a !thrived house4ramed barn, and out bOuses, and a large apple °reknit.: thereon. AI.SO--111 of the two unirvided fourth parts or shares the whole into four equal parts or almies to be ai,ided of and in all that certain tract of land _being an island rotontonly called llortun's Island, lying in the Suopteltanna liver, just above, the Mouth of ringer ('reek. containing in the whole. by computation, fiity six acres and one hundred and twenty-Ove perches, be the scone more or less. The other hull belonging to tliteplien Nt writ und Franklin —. Attendance will tic given at the time and place of sale and term:. made 'known. HIRAM M,IX , ' • 1816. Admin.trator de ' NMI • 1.1. per.ona indel.ted to the estate of RENAJAH 41 ALLYN, late of Warren twp., deed., are hereby Wiquemed to make pay 'mist without delay, and those having claims against said estate, will please present t*nt duty attested to the suliwriber. NANCY ALLYN, li EN It YC. ALL N, Warren. May 3, 1547. Add& istrator Al.l, i.ersnns indebted to the estate of 40E1, BARN ES, late of Orwell township, deell., are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and (hose having claims against said estate, will please pre 4ent them duly attested tn. the subscrtber, •A 1.1. persona indehteJ to the e.4tate of TRIN AN 11. KINSMAN. late of Towathl.l borough &c . d.. arc hereby requested to make payment w thout delay, an t i tho , :e huing e:aima against a.tid ectate. %a - please pre sent them July atteNte..l to the stilmcriher. L. W. TIFFANY, Ailimnislrator. 1 Towanda, June 15, I S 17. SAVINGS BANK LL,pervons indreliked to the estate of J. 13. Merril/. late or Granville town hip, dec'd., ate ieninuit ed to make payment without delay, and Ousel having elaima against said estate, will please present them du ly attested to the subacriber. The Saddle and harness Business mill continued by ELKANAH SMITH, J. CULP & C. T.' smt rti, under the Firm of Elkinah Smith & CO., at the obi tonna North side 4 "of tba Public Square, where will be kept conetantly on band Beat _Plain and Quiltee Saddles, Plated and Common iHanruw.a, all kinds of Trunks", %lances, and •all other 'work in their line. Carriage Military wtrrk &Me to ordei. - , From their experience and punctualitY. they are in hopes to receive a share of public patronage. Work can be had at their shop as cheap east any Miter 6tiop in the tiolint, of the same quality. May 18, '47 Legal r-Ibusrtisements. Clrrk of Orp Corot ADNIINISTRATOR'S NOTICE AD MINI.•.4TRATOR'S NOTTOE 4PRIAN BARNES, Adminigtrator, Orwell June 10, 1”7. With the will enneted ADNIINIs•I'IIATQR'k NOTICE ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE J .1%1 ES MERRITT. HOS W ELL DUN 13 .% R. A drainistiratorg. Troy, May VI. I R 47 Ncto Work ra4or.rti Preto!llms Awarded to By the American Institute SIN 11440—A.Nbrer Medal for S 'paler Gold rcas. .I. 194 U.—A 1./ipluma Ito Gold l' - , 18.2—A Diploma for the Ira Gold rem. 1943—A I,lom :a f,:r the • quid Pew. • 1944—A Dit.h.xmat ler superio * Gel& War, 1845—A 'Silver Medal fur the beat Gold Pens. 1946—A tither Medal Cut the beat Gehl Pews. This is to certify, that the obey is a tree sop y Irons the records of the Atnerican Inatitia 11 EN It V MEIGt..4, Ere. Sre..af the MEI A Wqoleg Factoiy T "E .talwetittcro take plcasurt i racicit. of IltatifoEd county a have rd ft a terns of years II Wyslusiiix too 'whip, and kUovin and which they, are Now fitting up rpanau. for ike manufacture o broad' and nalffolll Cloths, fJ mnrlr , Ike., in superior at, In owl on the moat reasonable worm— The-e wishing • have weal menu filet toed upon sh i rrs will find it I. their advantage to give them a call, ea they are deter • fined that no pain. • shall' be spared to give the most fect raturisctioar--* . rh o . noik Wool into Broad or n , arerWi.watied clothe for one half the cloth, or if. prefer, • I, they will' menu facture by the yard as folk ors :-13 ail elothiii for from to , Narrow cloth, limn 4to 50 tte. Ottar,- ;trek Its manufactured for provolone'-. to voices. ' Wool carding and cloth dressi g wHf he Jone‘ort short make and reasonable terms. Thee will be pre pared for business on or before the_ n 4 of lithe next. WyaluAti4, April 25, 1947. ALL & HILL. NP,VV DRY GOODS, . Corurr or :gain and li'ridge . _ JusT LNG, at the corned of Maio . elk Brid g e street, Is well-selected assortmrin of new sad ionable DRY COORS, which will he soki nousually. low for ready pay. The stock cotnists in pet of .Satiuett, tionnel, Longhorn, uPpacea,l the cheapest lot of nirs to town, edgings, insertingir, Swiss oral time brie muslins, hnsey , canton flannel, drilling, bleached and brown muslin; (Dot to bis surpassed) ticking, check, cashmere. cotton, wool and buck, gldsesi" cotton hose, suspenders, - German haoddrehf s r cotton and pongee hdkf a. gingham moats, plaid shawls; wool comforters, cotton ttifve, patent thread, sewing silk, cotton balls, pocks phis; needles, srool cotton, hpriks and eyes.' suspender, shirt and metal bunios, with many oth er articles, usually found in a store, not nu/Ahmed, public are incited to call and examine the stock before purchasing elsewhere, as they will-bc soli chap. er than st - any other establishment n town. T..n ands, Nov, 11. i H. O'HA RA. FARM FOR IALE.. THE subscriber o ff er for sale oh PeenOTl• iLle terms, she value le FARM feemerly •, owned and now ocrepi I by Joseph ell, Esq., situate one rni e north of the boro' of °wands. The lot contains F FTY acres of goad farming land, nearly all improv with a large and commodious dwelling house. two erns, an apple or chard, and a variety of other choit4 fruit trees thereon. For further pal tieuldro, apply to — ihe subscriber at his office lathe borough of Towanda. - ' June 48. 1847. WILLIAM 00 WELL,. Agent. T isT OF LETTERS remaininl 1-4 at Troy, Pa., quarter ending Bassett R S Basses ,A 13 McStrql Basses A Mein', I . Beasley Elias - Mason!, Brown A R Parkhu Bonfoey C S Pierce Chester Gamma 2 Proving 'Chase Wm R • Pa rliti Comfort Loviiirt Peters Calkins Sarah T Mrs IRollins Evans Wm T Roblin; • Fisher Philip 2 Rims] 1 1 Frank Nathan 2 Rocker! • I Fish Martha E Mrs briverni (Tustin Wrn A Sharts Ha!lock Caleb She'd° Jacksrin Harlow Simnel Kiir John Thom. Kinsman Cassandcr Taillor itinyon Joab Town: Lamb James ft Whim Linderman Jacob • Wilke' Ailicr Henry Rev 2 Wiles Moore Hanford . Wood Shaving and Hair soiommi Co RESPECTF Y informs hi! rons, that hariing been oblige: mer stand on the afternoon of the permanently 'located on the we square, two doors north of Brigg : for past favors, pc hopes by superi to inerit an increase of patronage i He will always keep. on hand senct,r, perfumery, and Whatever an, agreeable finish to his operatio pains in his endeavors to adapt his ing tastes of his customers. A I.SO—:-. 4 hampooninu for rest .ring and • sure pre ventative to keep the Hair from f. Ming out, or turning gray, for a beautiful head of hair is powerful auxiliary. 11ST OF LETTERS remain no in the P. 0. -I Towanda, Pa., quaver endin.. June 3b, 1847. A Noway Wm J ines saac D Rev Briggs - Francis Joyce mues Blakeslee E D Kibler [..i. , Brown W i n Kelley 'Mary Ann BrOwn Alice R Mrs i Loop J M ' . : Beesley D J Lse, N m Cass A M Lent J eph . . Carpenter Edward Lung ',aline Colliarn Asoph - Lears .o Mc Cummings Stephen MeGo ern Thomas Cooper Jahn - -', Maley John or D Lucas Chandler A . Mealy [Michael . . Devine Frances M'Ke Asa Jr Douglas Wm : Marba er Joseph Dollin Patrick Marsh II Clarissa • " Dodson John Moran' Etheridge Isaac D Noble Pat Orrin Emich Leonard O'Conners David Frosf.Aaron ' Over peck Catherine M Miss Posta. Luther P Place Susannah M. Foster Mary Sutton Hannah Mrs' Fisher John Smith John Foster Jane Miss Thom. a Asaph A • Garthwait Daniel Ticks Aaron • • Harkness Lucinda Miss • Titus ermam ; Humphrey Ttieop. & Jas - 'Vincent Richard ' - Hemley Jos Webb h lAndrear Heinz ' - Hez lleolar Wale Th.. and John Hu•l Daniel ~ Wale limes Howland Malinda A Miss Wilco Jane Miss Hall Hobert • - s Warr w 1.. Henry Hail 11 C• . 9- Yale :: -thrall A. "S. I.IH k RERUN, P.M. w3=m[EE /VII E en-p+ittner.hip het etof re existing between 11 C. & E. REED is this day i diesolved by mutual The accounts, notes. e. , due th e ftl it consent.. furl 'llO left wili Charles, Reed, No. 5, 11. . for collection. CDARLESREZD EDWARD D. ( 1 0h1E TO THEOESCUE! THE oubscrili . era having met With smote !Mai .111 the late fire in *cower ,- - ' well as other losseek earnestly request that those ow thetnsejscs hie &bled will make every effoi to pot se tit tuna* that we may be silk , to mem Yt cognomen% and continue our business. Towanda, May 21, 1647, MONT,A N YE'S At CO. pituntinn a fee doors hel'oar in end to accommodate their liberal trims. We have no Goods adapted to the spring , . ed oral greatly reduced price: advance of Goo& in the city htuch 22. 1847 nnento.- -Levi Brovfn, or Gold hut., mom• Institute. at Ileme., • onnooncing to the I d vicinity, that they buildings Marain !s trigham's Factory. laid) machinery and in the Post Office une 30. 1847. d Daniel 2 .h Mathias - szophrenia Mrs . DD• una Miss Wm rst Daniel. Kittens Anion John W 110 L Minn II A 'Mills H A Miss Julian Min s 3 Chestet Chandler usan Miss Ci s J 3 'oily Miss l'homas rN YON, P. M. Dressing. old friends and pat e to abandon his For- Zth oh.. he is now side of the public .' tavern. Grateful r skill and attention future. la supply of oils, es- Ia necesaary. to give , and will spare no y le to suit the vary- Es a co. rd their betakes met where they oft their esuel fair supply of h will be divas. 4" with the great