Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 21, 1847, Image 3

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. - ,
w in) la Dr. Ltairis • BaanY.—This is the !norm of
t h e i n fluential Democrat stated a few days in
the IVorth ifinviatni 9 11 Ike authority of a lette -wri
ter, as having gone over to federalism in Polo p.
t o n county. After diligent spareldter num ro es
a dvertisements fin. 'the famous Doctor- 7 th° en uiry
bas b een abandoned. No such persO li e n is tond
—no such person is knOwn- The fact i!, some wag
has been hoaxing our federal• Coteibporaly with a
soy o f-great changes in old Notthatupton, and
Kith the prediktion that' that steady Democratic
coun ty would only give Snimx three hundred ma
jority. The latter portion of the information, ought
K , have satisfied hirn that he was hoaxed, brut this
arse of " Dr. hates Ban.tri" fixed the businese.—
~ Who is your friend ? " good neighbor ? ,
ititeklp Italian of Up Markets:,
Ifire York Xiirkeit.
Fsuitur, July 16, 1847.
The market for Flour wait rather active to-day at
. the close, and the mark rt iesteady at yesterday's
rates. Michigan $5,62# and 5,94 ; Genesee $6,06
andfi.l2i. The sales add rip 10 , 000 to 12,000 bbls,
mostly' for shipthent. Fair brand,i Michigan brine ,
t 5.87 7 1, and to arrive next week a sale of 1800 bb ls
was made at 85,94. The receipts are very larp,
and 40,0010bbls were afloat this morning. Of this
a considerable proportion will:go abroad on own
er's account. The market for Southern is dull, and
a Sale of 300 bbls Baltimore was made to arrive at
,5 56i. On the spot, 500 bbls Richmond and
Georgetown sold at 86.
' Meal is in fair request at 83 for Western,
3,50" for Jersey. Sales 1500 bbls.
The market hai been active and buoyant for
Corn, thepurchases having been large to fill .con
uses previously to the anlv#,o: the steamer. The
sales reach 75,000 65 and, 68 for mixed
Western, 68 for flat yello% 72 and 75 for round
yellow, and - 72 for white. 'There were also sales
25,000 Bush to arrive inJuly at 65 and 66 cts. The
supply of samples was not large on 'Change. Wheat
was also in fair demand and held higher, The
sales are 2.1,00 bushels at 120 and 130 for mixed
01'11°,150 for inferior red, and 145 or upWards .for
Genessee. Rye istBs and 87 cts, with • sales 44 4
`OOO bushels. A eof 2000 bushels Barley was,
made at 57 eta., are 42- and 44 cts, and
. Philaidelphla larket.
THURSDAY, July 15th, 1847.
There has been lesS activity in Flour, but prices
are fully sustained, owing to light receipts. Sales
of 500 brie, Western at 85,37 i and some at 85,50 to
• the retailer& Pertp'a Flour fresh, ground, is held
at .5":75, with small sales. Rye Flour is nominal.
Corn Meal—A sale at 53,25 per bd. Grain—A sale
of 1000 bushels good red Wheat at 81,15, and a
lo4of prime at 81,20 per bushel. Rye is worth 72
aril 73 cts. Cohi—Sales of 2000 bushels Penn'a
yellow at 75 cts; It is wanted at this price. A
idle of New Orleans at 79 cts. Oats—A sale of
*them at '42
NOD glinurtisements.
Bvirtue sundry writs of venditioni exponu issued
out ,of the court of common pleas of Bradford co.,
to me directed," shalt eipose to public sale at the house
of THOS r- N OODRt.TF, in the boroUgh of Towan.
as, on Monday, the Edith day of September next. at 2
'o'clock, P. M., the following piece or parcel of land! in
Ridgberry township: bounded north by lands of Perrin
Ihmhart, wiat by lands of Howard P. Burt, south by
land of David Burt, and east by !arid of Buckharx and
Mills CarF: tontshiing !DV dues, eliodt twenty acres
diereofimroovexl, with a small orclivd, log house and
log huh thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Mark A
Burt vs. John hi'Dowell. • ,
ALSO—A piece or parcelof land in Athens township,
tonnded mirth and, halt 14 land of Isaac Shepard. smith
by hulls of Israel Mead ; west by clal post road lead-
Ittr friSto Athens to'Elroini. Containini about t sere,
atinioricas, all impr o ved, with one framed house, and
one shed thereon.
Seized and tikbit in • eiecutioti it the. kit of H: M.
Petrilke if. Alirierdii it.
ALSO—it certain piece or parcel of land in Burling:
tro tp:, bounded north, by the toiriiship line between
Badington and-Springfield; east by land of, Henry L.
Ras, or E. 8. Tracy, and .tin the smith b = Shack
!eon. and west by Isaac fittirgei Conistningline
dred and <thir teen acres more or, less, about thirty acres
Improved, with one framed house, one log house, and one
framed Rarn , and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized arid taken in - execution at the edit df E. Tra:
cry vs. Samuel E. Dickinson.
ALSO—sy virtue of a writ of Levari Facies, The
moth half: of all that piece.Or parcel of land in Smith-
Seld tp., Beginning at a stake and stones at the north
out corner of lot no. 12, and the north-west corner of
lot 00, 13; thenim:eist 28 chains and 50 links to the
north-east 'cornet df. liit no. 13, and the north-west icor
her of lot no. 14, tlienCe south 40 chains and 75 links
to the .oath-east coiner of lot no. 13, • and south-west
corner of lot no. 14, ence west .26 chains meld 50 links
to the south-west_ et of lot no. 13, and south -east
.corner of lot no. l 2„ ence north 40 chains and 75 links
to the place Of bet 'i nn.. The whdle 'rah dfible dee:
allied a:Militant ' - hill:Area ind one acres and thirty
. . .
two perches, I
Seized and talteriti execution it,the suit of Richard
8. Ntuart, trustee of' ary. Caton, vs. William Clark and
Bdint - Betta, tare lehant.
~ JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff:
Sheriff's Office, Tolland", Sdlt 21, 1047.
lot 0 N ETB , of every style bought cheap'for
also, a Jot of PARASOLS, will be - sold at coat to
lase the lot, at No. 5, Brick Bow, C REED..
A T THE SAVINGS BANK may be found the
a cheapest GROCERIES in town. A few articles
which we will enunienite, Vii eupetior ar'ti ' cle
onSeck or pouclione teat green teas of al) prices add
Java; Lagriire coffee,
Powdered and museovada sugar; Molasses, sperm and
- weld candles, lamp and linseed oils, raisins. fish, dce.
July 21. NO. 5, BRICK ROW..
.f;AssfMpR4S VESTING) --slao
striped cheek and brown , linens, gambroons, sum
siernstfsi tar6da, of all prices and qualiities: may be
?whaled it the geeing' Bank, No. 6; Brick. Roar.
July 21. 0". NEEb.
Atinrron NOTICE,
Samuel Coolbaugli to Me use of D. F. Bar
dow. vs. C. Green. No. 210, Dec. T.
1848. Bradford Common Pleas.
THt ondentigned, haiing been appointed auditor to
distribute moneys raised by itlnde of efeetstion
°idle the above snit, will attend to the duties Of his
Vesiatment at his office in Towanda liorough, on Sat.
the 4th driS , of Sept. neit, at tem o'clock In the
7° o e; at which time and place all persons inter/et
milliard to present their - claims. before him, of be
Cebintill—, hod mining in upoti said funds.
July 20, 1847. WILLIAMWATILINS. Auditor.
IRE tio•Partnership heretofore existidg under the
di ,2 lll *, GI H. KINN EY dc CO.. at Bheshequin, was
'`•l by mutual consent on the fret day of Joao
Irloka and accounts will be formed at the
rilatuid open and ready for settlement.
"lauriuly 10 1847. K. C. HARRIS,
ltstPelfroos knowing themselves indebted to the old
I li bast walk up to the Csptkins office and out °MY
alle ' b ut Pay up or kilos *in c;nde aller silty days
.00 ualtilgelacies graoiM.
' e lbequia July 10 1847. IR:KINNEY 11; CO. .
guNKT Entmit¢ 9
41 ,..any Quantity - of New ' G oods ! !
THE undersigned have formed themacires into a
A A, .Pftership at the old stand of H. KINNE Y & CO.
;me. tquin under the name of KINNEY • & BAT
4LEE where they may at aI; times be }Omni ready
"s`their eustometa with the good Mitts of lire
they Mu lie bad in Bradfoni County. Hard
42 4 11 W Lumber all kinds of modem, Wien i n 452
l itt -- "T i ; Any quantity tollinter wanted at the largest
etehalege for, goods. H. KINNEY •
• 0 0 ). BATERLEE•
1847.`g vi cluly t 0 E.HATERtEE. • •
Mmbanbi;t, t.
What are you about here ! inet . ye t guru so
THOtBANISB of - times the question has been asked,
Where on earth are all the Boots and Shoes ma
.nufactured that supply the continual, rush at the comer
of Main and Bridge streets ? O'Hara entirety that ibis
is the place, and these are the things we do it withS!
Seventyl eleven new fashions
eve Iwo seconds!
Put n the Steam! !
Hear ye ! hear ye ! and un mend, that O'Hara, at
the corner of Main and Bridge recut, will sell at retail
this season. 39,781 pairs of Boots, Shoes and Brogans,
at a less price than ever was or probably ever will be of
fered again in Tatiana&
The Ladies' Department- in this establishment is
richly furnished with fashions. Ladies', misses' and
children's fancy sod comnron boots and shoes, even• to
the extremity of the latest fashions. Mistake not the
place —Corner of Main and Bridge streets, the only
Shoe Slore in Bradford County. Half cash and half
trade for Butter. . H. O'HARA.
Towanda, June 16, 1847. '
' NW. • 3. IN -- TOWN AGAIN.
"subscribers are a little later than usual this
spring with their extensive stuck irf merchandise;
but what the good people of Bradford(runty have lost
by. our delay, we will now endeavor to ake up to them
in e quantity, quality and price of o r goads.
f /
. e are now on hand with the LARGEST, BEST
A D CHEAPEST stock of , goods inTowanda, bought
exclusively for cash, find sintxi the great reddetion in
prices. Our stock consists as-usual of
Dry Goods, Groceries. Crockery, Hard ,
ware, Drags and Medicines.
For further particulars look along through the paper.
We need not say " Call and ezamisq , bur G00d.," for
we know that every body Wtii. call at No. 3, before
purchasing elsewhere. • WM. H..DAIRD & CO.
June 15, 1847.
JUST received at No. 3 Brick Row, an extensive
assortment of rich and desirable dress goods .of the
latest style, such as *Wiped Tarlntoti, embroidered mus,
lin, Cherry lustre, M. De Leine, Gingham Lawn,
mourning organdie, Balzorine Glrightstu Robes, Liphes
striped dresses, together with all the new and fashiona
ble fancy goods that could be .found in tht city of New
York. and will be sold cheaper than the same goods
can be bought at spy other ei tablishmettu in the comity.
Remember this, and before yeti purchase stop into
ATS--Tbe largest and best selected assortment of
Sommer Hata. consisting of Pananna,English straw,
Dunstable, Pedal, Pahnleaf, &c., for sale cheap nt
11Q0NNETS--Plorence, China Pedal. Straw and
Lawn Bonnets, all of the latest cushions, at,
BOOTS & SHOES--Men's Calf and Morocco boots,
and Cong,reirs gaiters, and Ladies shoes of every
description at BAIRD'S.
PAINTS &l:HLk.—Linseed, Lamp and Tanner's
Lear ; dry and ground Venitian Red,
and all kinds of Paints for sale at the cheapest store in
Towanda. BAIRD'S NO. 3, B. R.
ISH,—Mackerel, Shad, and Codfish in great ahun
1 dunce at • BAIRD'S,
ROCERIES.— The best article of Tch Coffee Su
lT gar, Rice,Tobacco. & r., can be found ot B A I RIPS.
TRY GOODS.—Every thing in tie line of Dry Goods
jJ usually kept 'in this country, or ever wanted rot'
use, can be found at No. 3. The said goods were pur
chased in New York after the great rush was over, and
when there was a great depression in the Markets, and
consequently were bought cheaper and shall be sold
cheaper than any stock of goods in Bradford cotintv.—
This is true, if we do say it ourselves, and if you inn%
believe it, just drop in at No. 3, n here the children erg
to come! and you will become convinced that goods
Mn be iokl cheap its Towanda. '
SSALT—tOO bbla. Salt just received and for sale
at BAIRD'S, N 0.3, B. R.
FLOUR. -50 sacks of first rate flour just received
and for sale at BAIRD'S, NO. B. R.
New Arrival at No. 1, -Brick Row !
.1. S. Chamberlin,
IS new r3ceiving, and offers for sale at the DRUG
: DEPOT, No. I, Brick Row. a large acklition la his
former stank, consisting of every variety of
Groceries, Drugs and Medicines. Dye Stuffs, Paints,
01Is, Perfumery, Fancy Articles lie.
which will he sold at wholesale or retail, at unusually
low prices. Terms CASH. Towanda, June 16, 1847.
GROCERY'S, in thecountry. can be supplied with
all articles in their line, on the most r ftinionsble
terms, et jel6 No. I, BRICK ROW,
Fourth of July, at No. I, 13 RICK ROW.
. _
n UNBAR'B, Reeve's, and a splendid article of lin
-11 ported CIGAR'; at No. •: BRICK ROW.
.DATENT !NEU/it:IN EA, every kind now in use,
1 can be found at the Drut Depot; Agent for Jayne's
Smith's, Clickener . s. Mott4a, Pain killer, and various
nttiet. medicines. A Cull and general s upply always on
hand jel6 No. 1, BRICK ROW.
OILS, PERFUMERIES, a splendid ankle of Hair
Bros/le-A, Therinoineters, and Fancy Articles, for
sale at • jel6 Na. I. BRICK ROW.
ED RS will find it tu then advantage to call at the
Drug tfcpot,,where they can be stipplied with eve
ry article desired, such as phials,_esences. he., on the
best terms. No, Jl', BRICK ROW
SODA :FOUNTAIN, just erected at the Drug Depot,
to which the attention of the, public is invited.
T Pazw.tvraL 1111.41'2 11SIVIlao
BE Subscriber offers hi§ nevi stock of HATS
AND CAPS at the ling building 'south of the
Bnck Row. where the hot manufactory of Mr. Thomas
was formerly kept. Those. who vq.h to purchase for
Cash, will he pecommodated at very reduced prices.—
Fur Haw from one to four dollars; Silk Hats from one
to three dollars; Wool bats from thirty-sesen and a half
ocotillo one dollar; Caps from eighteen cents to one,
dollar—according to quality. HENRY MERCUR.
May 27, 1547.
_ _
8. & M. C. MERCUR have just received a
p..cod assortment of Ginghams, Lawns, Summer
Shawls, Elowers, Wreaths, &c. &c., which will be sold
cheaper than ever. Tovronda. May 3, 1847.
New Arrival of Goods, by Express!
just received from New York, a beautiful as
ll of tasYna. Ginghami, Bonnet's, Palm
LeatHatts.d-c.. rke., which will be sold very cheap.—
AlSo Cape and Parasols and a variety of other goods.
Call and see the reduction from last spring's prices,
and if you should want any thing in the way of New
Goody. you Will be Wire Wilily.. April 28,1847.
First Arrival' of Goods from New Yor k .
Burton Kitsgsbervo
noW receiving a general assortment of pprin g and
Summer Goods, which will he sold cheaper than
goods wen% ever offered in this place before. kis
friends will find asitiev mount the stel s at his door that
prices go down. Call mid examine for yourselves.—
My goods and prices will rpise themselves. You vein
find a huge and . gemeral s askirtinent of every variety of
Dry Goods; Grocerb er, _Hardware, Crockery, Glass,
INTifils, Iron, Steel. Paints. Oils, Dye Si uffsißoota, Shoes,
.Hats, Ceps, Codfish, &c., &c.
My friends and'the piddle generally are respectfully
invited to call anirematnine my stock, as I am satisfied
can offer them goods cheaper than fft any other Store.
4 May rlth, 1847. • i
BA MD'S NO. 3,13.. R
Metthanbilt, &c.
E. Fox.
TAKES this method of informing every person'who
merits to purhase GOODS, that he has opened en
entire stock of NEW GOODS in No. 2, Brick Row,
formerly occupied by C. & E. Reed, one door be:ow
the Post Office, where he would be hippy to shoW any
one his stock who will favor him with a call as be is
determined not to be undersold by any one in this or any
other Town this side of New York. My stock is very
large, consisting of
. Dry Goods,
Groceries,. Crorktyy,
ll.srdware, Boots h• Shoes, t _
A large assortment of Dri!ss Goode, • •
Suds as Scotch and Line Gingliains, Ging
ham Muslims, Printed and Argandic d 0.,. Oregon
Plaids, Clurialo-ays and Lamadoths. Also,
A great variety of Deitch, English 1 .
And Amencan-cloths, Cassi
meres, twstings, Croton
('loth. Tweeds and
Summer Staffs.
• h . c. 4c.
Don't fail to call, as I will sell for the Ready Rhino
a little less,than any other live man.
Towanda, June 1 1847.
T UST received 12 Chests Fresh Teas, selling from
J 37i to 75 cents per lb., warranted good or no sale
FOX'S. NO. 2. B. R.
(`CONE one and 'Rand seethe best and Cheapest 8t;
‘...1 gar, Coffee and Moklases ia town at
June 1. FOX'S, NO. 2. B. R.
A Mgr Tate 1.4 of Gents kip, seal and coarse hoot;
..1 - 1 line medium and coarse shoes; also Ladies' fine
kid B. 13. Ties, Buskins, Gaiters and half Gaiters. and
an endless variety' of child's shoes at NO. 28. IL
AFEW Family eases HOMCF:OPATHIC Medi
eine, with fleruple's Donfrsjie Physician. A4:O,
a few Hull's Laurie at Fors. Ni). 2, B. R,
CROCKERY GLASSWARE, u first rate assort
ment at jet N 0.2, B. R.
n DOZEN of those cheap 'Parasols left, arilichilre
IV selling at reduced Vices at NO. 2, B. R.
lEtIIIORN and n Bonnets ; also Leghorn, Pearl
braid and Palnileaf hats, and a great variety of Caps
at je I NO. 2. D. R.
►irH'E Ladies do say that the largest and prettiest
_ assortment of Dress Goods, Ribbons, Parasols,
Gloves Hosiery, &c. in town, is to'he found at FOX'S.
Cull and see them, as they are selling from 10 to - 26
IA cent. cheaper than at auy other Store in town at
June I. NO. 2, B. R.
4 .
20f, PIECES Calicoes, th • ruttiest in town, sel-
M ling from 5 to 15 cents • r yard at
• juno 1. NO. 2, B. R.
, an annual meeting of the directors o the "
wanda Savings Bank," C. & E., R U were
elected in irlacs of G. E. Flynt & Co., who • 'terra
expired May tat, 1847.. It is the intention of th- rt
Cashiers & Co., to Sustain the credit of the inetitu
by putting goods low down " to pay up customers.—
We therefore invite our old customers and the public
generally to call and examine our stock of New and
Cheap Goods, just received, and convince themselves
of the truth of the old adage, that '• Goods have, can,
and shall be sold cheaper at the Savings Bank than at
any other establishment in Towanda. No. 5. B. R.
May 18, 1847. C. & E. RE E D.
FOR BALE, a TIMBER LOT, situated in the tp.
of Burlington; in this county, containing shout 157
item., on which is • good mill site. Fcr further par
ticulars enquire of J. H.HAYNES, at Hawley's stoke,
Franklia. July 7, 1847. 2m4
. _
Ws' AIL. AIT 711_'' AL NIT Ilimr• •
anag2l (DO allel3lito
10, ESPECTFUL Ll' informs the citizens of Towan
da, and the public generally that he is prepared to
execute in the neatest style all descriptions of
Sign. Coach or Carriage Painting, or Trim
ming ; and every tariely of Panty
and Ornamental Painting.
From his . long experience and the,: many specimens of
his productions now in use, he entertains a flittering
hope that by close application to his profession, and
'being prompt tk„oriler he may secure a suitableishare of
public patronage. Ile may be found at all times at the
Chair Factory of Tonikins & Makinson, tvhere he will
be on hand to attend to the calls of those who may want
his serv.ces. Towanda, July 6, 1847. ly4
Stock of Goods in the Savings - Bank.
T N corwequence of the great rush at the Savings Bank
1. for Cheap Goals, the proprietor has been induced to
replenish with a splendid assortment of SPRING &
SI'MM.Ett (MODS, which are now opening, and sell
ing at greatly reduced prices. The proprietor. Mr.C.
REED, pledges himself to fully and ,amply sustain the
credit of the institution which it has hitherto borne. Lis.
fur selling gouda cheaper than any other establishment
in Bradford co. Persons desirous of testing this, have
only to call at N 0.5, Brick Ruw, and satisfy thenaseleis.
July 7, 18417. C. REED.
. . .
end Light Ginghams, hare been received at the
.Savingv Bank, and are selling twenty-five per cent.
cheaper Than ever. -jy7 C. HEED.
BOOTS & SHOES--A large and elhatistlesa as
sortment- of coarse and fine hoots and shoes, ladies'
f and half gaiters, kid ties, buskins, French kid slip
pers, children's cloth and morocco shoes are now selling
very low at the Savings Bank, No. 5, Brick Row.
DLES,, grain and grass scytheS, scythe snaths,
rakes, anti Quinebaugh whet stones may be fonnd at the
Savings Bank, Ng. 5, Brick Row. C. REED. ,
Proceed, Gei*liense' sa t
ri II AMBER LIN'S SODA' FOUNT is in a perfect
rage, shout these days, just tiptbere at No. I, Brick
Rrow, where you can find Aristocratic Cigars. Gentle
att !.rt's Fancy touches, and every thing in our line at the
.rug Depot, uncommonly cheap, wholesale and retail.
.July 7„11317. . A.S.CHATEIERLIN.
LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Poet ()(rice
at Athens, Pa., quarter ending June 30,
Abbott C Mott Alvah •
Andrew,' C. r.
Aldrich John C Mundy I. S
Arnold 0 MeDole John
Brion Nancy Merchant M U
Brooks Peter . Norhury T 8
Duck Joseph • 2 Mallery Henry
Brown Artemsa . Palmer John •
Bowman A r
ft& mond Elam
Chapman C D 2 Re ifirld James 2
Cammel H Bmith C B
Carrington J Y • Steward B M
Drake Francis Shilp T
Durphy ilman Snyder Mary A
Dilden Robert . Swartwood Gen K
Edwa•ds A Furman Nicholas
Fabron James Tracy E S
Gardner L AWilcox Elishi •
Hyatt elder L B Weaver Jos
Hawkins A West Wm
klyaU M R Mrs. - Wortley Wm -
Jackson Sophia Watkins Mary
Crum elder-8 Warren Wm
Knickerbocker Adelid York Levies
Livingston C. H. HERRICK. P. M
. _
FA;___ O
lot of New Goods in Towanda.
ONTANYXB' & CO. are receiving • fame end
general assortment of Spring and Sommer Goods
which will be disposed OT at wholesale of ietail at Pe
duced prices. April 20. 1847.
ADIES can find a snpirtini stosortmnia of DRES S LGOO DS & C LOA KINGS. et M ERCUR'S,
QUA W I.S--luantitira of Shawls; nicast kind, going
L.? off feat and cheap at 0. D. BARTLETT'S.
Thomas Elliot & N. C. Tomkhis,
trAyING associated themselves together in the
11 Mercantile business, hope by close application
and strict attention to business, to merit a share of pub
lk patronage. They may always be found ready to
attend to any person who wishes accomodations in their
They will oreqpy the old stand of Elliott & Mercur,
end as it has just been enlarged and made mote spat-i
-ons and convenient, customers will find it very plea
sant to do business in. ELLIOTT & TOM KIM&
May 27, 1847.
UST receivedand for sale a splendid assortment of
Spring and Summer Goods, which will be sold as
cheap for Cash as can be found in Northern Penn's.—
Customars.will find it to their advantage to cull and ex
amine their stock before purchasing elsewhere.
Jltlay 27. lii.morr & TOMKMB.
A 144 quantity of GINGHAMS. just received and
for sale by ELLIOTT & TOMKINS.
4AWNS of all varieties; also Gingham Lawns very
4 low for cash by ELLIOTT & TOM KINS.
BOOTS and Shoe s , the largest stock in man and
cheap as can be bought in the country by E. & T.
SHOES, - Ladies wear of all kinds—French Satin
Button Gaiters, Pa'. tipt. Buskins, kid slips. Last
ing Gaitent.„and a variety of all kinds by X. Ar.
COTTON Yarn, any quantity—also Carprt warp
white and cotored by & T.
LOtiKINUr GLASSES, of every variety for sale
by . je9 E. & T.
RON of all kinds, English and Swedes, together with
rolled end hammered; GLASS as cheap as the
cheapest, and a large stock of NA l LS, by E. &T.
OLE Lable Nail Rods, a very large quantity 11114 cheap
as the eheapest,& li,rariety ofornall iron by E. &
AA SPLENDID assortment Parasols of all sizes. and
.of every variety of,Umbrellas by E. & T.
ONNETS, a good variety Leghorn, Straw, Lawn
and Coburg, cheap as the cheapest by' E. & T.
•-- - _
T EGHORN Hats of all. sizes and descriptions, to•
_l_J gcthcr with a good lot of palmleaf by E. & I'.
AUOOD assortment of C.dicoes. In fact, we have
u good an assortment of all kinds of Dress Goods
as you can find in any store in the country. Also, a
good assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, hod Summer
wear of all kinds and descriptions as cheap for cash as
the cheapest by E. &
_ - - -
QHEETINGS and ghirtings, both blenthed and un
bleached cheap as the cheapest by &
s./iLT.! sviLT!!
200 BARRELS Salt for .ale at
June S. IifOMTANYES' & C
New Spring and Summer Moods.
N. N. RET7'Sy 7
IS now
° opening a new to endid assortment of
staple and fancy goods at is store. (situate on Main
street two:doors below 13 ge street (west side) nearly
opposite Montanye's . Co.) embracing all articles
generally kept in e country, such as
Dry Goo4s-, Groceries„ Crockery and Glass
ware, Hardware. Nails, Iron. all the
moieties of Steel, Glass, Points
Linseed Oil, Lamp Oil 4-c.-
which he offers is purchasers at unusual low prices for
Cash, Produce, or approved credit. And would re•
spectfully invite all who wish to purchase to call end
examine his goods and prices before purchasing else
whero, as he is confident he can offer good bargains.
June 1, 1847.
PRINTS, 11. be !Alines, Gingham', Lawns, &c.—
The Ladies will find a beautiful assoitment at
A GREAT variety of shawls scarfs, parasols Ladies
Jinil Misses' Bonnets very cheap at BETTS'.
- ----
BLACK iEAVER CLOTHS, black and fancy
Cassimeees..arld all aorta of Summer stuffs, a large
June 9
assortment, low for cub at
WINDOW & WALL PAPER, a nice variety and
cheap at BETTS'.
HARRIS & BLOODS' Grass scythes snd scythe
snat4s; also Harris' cradle scythes at BB I'TS'.
HAS the pleasure to inform his friends and custo
mers and the'public in general, that he is just re
ceiving a large and carefully selected stock of seasona
ble Goods, which, as heretofore, ha is prepared to sell
lower than any BRAGGART.
Towanda, June 2.1847.
rOHE largest and most beautiful assortment of Pa
per Hangings ever brought into this place. just
received and for sale cheap at
.0. D. B A RII.E . rI - 8..
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes,
Groceries, Hats and Caps,
Hardware, Bonnets,
Crockery, Books and Stationery,
Iron and Steel,' AO - of all kinds,
Paints and OilA. Glass and Putty.
NEARLY ,every variety of each of the above itinds
or Goods on hand at the •loweat rate at '
BEST tested coil chain for Ball wheels-to raw mills
and other similar uses just received and for sale
cheap by 0. D. BARTLETT.
_ -- - - •
Asplendid assortment of Leghorn and straw Bonnets,
latest style just received and for sale very low
0. li. B A RTLETT
• 1100 i, If*ANTBDI !
OD. nAirri.trr will exchange cloth nr other
Goode for Wool nn the best terms possible.
Towanda. June 1. 1817. •
Asuperior lot ,of Lawns, Summer (iitighams, and
Monterey 'plaids, new- article fur dresses. Also,
prints of all patterns, which are selling extremely low
at the SAVINGS 13 ‘NK.
A large and extensive assortment of Bonnets, con
slstin'gg of Leghorn, Albert Braids, Cbma pearl,
Straw gitnp, English Straw,&c., together with ribbons,
arthictals, wreaths. &c. to match, are now selling at
reduced prices •ai the SAVINGS HANK.
QUMMtR SHAWLS. a beautiful astsortment of
►Li Bemis, Do Lain and Brocha Shaw4s may be found
A RASOLS of every variety and pattern. Also,
Umbrellitc; aft now selling extremely low at the
Towanda. May 24, 1947. SAVINGS BANK.
in 50 lb.-sacks, a superior article. jest received and
for sale by Feb. 22. • 0. I). BA RTLXT
_ .
UST received a large quantity of Fine and Common
Haines. Also, Plated and Japau'd Hanress Trim.
mines at Feb. 25. MERCUR'S.
Flo NAT.klialfP*Mirio
Hjustt received the largest assortment of NEW
GOODS ever brought into Bradford co., which
ho offers in exchange for •
Monroeton, May 10, 1841.
r rlttE FIRM of E. Smith 3 Son is this day diasolied
-L by mutual consent. ' AU accounts., &c, due the
Ornomust he initpediately paid. E. SMITH.
Towanda, May 12, 1817. C. T. SMITH.
.Iractdpubi3c, 47c.
0. D. Bartlett.
BO J'i N E•rs
. 1N • 'I'HE MATTER , 1
Gy - thepa Won ofthe eatige am Pratt.
-. 4. D . 'd
fate of canton township. dee'd.r—in the Or.
phan's C ntrt of Bradford county. of Dec.
Term, 846.
THE 'is and devisees of David Pratt deed., to
wit: benezer Pratt, David Pratt. Asa Pratt.
Jouathici - Pratt, Win. Roberta, Raley Roberta, Jesse
Griffin, el tiriffin,Jultus Pratt and Chester Pratt,
are heithy rally notified that the Orphan'l Court
of Biadfor county oilkthe Bth day ,of May 1847. did
grant a rul upon them to come into said court on the
first Monda of September nett and elect to take or
refuse the estate of said decedent at the valuation made
thereof. - an in to case they shall refuse accept the
nine, to sh w cause if any they have,
.why the same
shall not sold. By the Court.
Jun.! 7, 1847. Clerk ; of, Orphin's Court.
Edward Overton vs. Harry Ar, SprriJina..%o
. 629, September Term. Ite.43,BradforirCom
mon Pleas.
rpHE undersigned, having been appointed an auditor
1 to distribute moneys raised by vrecution, issued in
the above suit, will attend to the duties of his appoint
ment at his office in Towanda borough, on Friday the
9th day of J>'tly nest at 2 o'clock P. M., at which time
and place all persons interested are required to present
their claims before him or be debaried from eotniqg in
upon said funds. HESRV BOOI' LI, Auditor.
June 7, 1847.
- -
Thomas Elliott vs. %ha M. Fox, No: 125,
September Term, 1842, Bradford Ctimmon
Pleas. •
rpHE undersigned having been appointed in auditor
J.. to distnbute moneys raised by virtue orezecution
issued in the above suit, will attend to the duties of his
appointment at his office in Towanda borcugh, on
Saturday the tOth day of July next, at o'c.kick P. M.,
at which time tin d place all persons interested are re
quirrd to present their claims before him, or be debarred
from coming in upon said funds.
Jane 7, 1847. HENRY BOOTH, Auditor.
Of Ike parti,
Dna.; (let
—in the Or
y of Dec,
MIRE heirs reed.
JIL to wit : rheum
Toz-r and Cali imith,
Daniel Vont h, amen
Smith, W m. Sny. Jrink,
Henry brkinnry and Amanda M'Kinney his wife,
and Delibilillrink and John Brink and their guardian,
Ori/Rickey—ortis Brink, Elizabeth Brink, Charles
Brink', Julia Brink and John Brink, Jr., and their
ardian John Briuk—Elizabeth Hensley, James Brink
and Heater Brink, are hereby severally notified that
the Orphan's Court of Bradford county on the 11th
day of May, 1847, did grant a rule upon them to come'
into Court on the first Monday of :September next, and
elect to take or refuse the.cstate of Said decedent at the
valuation made thereof, line in ease they shall refuse
to accept the same, to show cause, if any they have,
why the Shame shall not be sold By the Court,
May 22, 1847. Clerk of Orphans Court.
08, LIRSUAN P to an order of the Orphan's Court of
'Ol Bradford county, will be exposed to public sale at
the house upon the premises in Sheshequin township,
Bradford county, Pa.; on Saturday the 4th day df Sep..
leinbm, 1847, at one o'clock P. M, all of the certain
pieces, lots or parcelecif land lying and' being in said
township, known as the Rienard Horton farm, to be
sold as the property of Patrick Cummings, dec'd.,
bounded as follows: Beginning at a corner, thence by
lots No. 94 and 101, south thirty degrees and 15 mi
nutes. 82 perches to-a corner, thence by parts of lots
'No. 101, 102 and 103, south 59 degrees west, 184
perches to a corner, thence along the Sheshequin road,
north 64i degrees weat,22 perches, north 63 degrees
west, 78 perches to a corner, and thence by parts of
lots No. 91 and 92, north 59 degrees east, 236 perches
to the beginning, being part of lots No. 92,93 and 101
in the old township of Claverack, one of the seventeen
townships, Arc. Centainintr- 92-acres aid allowance,
with a framed house, framed barn, and out houses, and
a large apple °reliant thereon.
ALSO—AII of the two undivided fourth parts or
shares the whole into four equal parts.or shares to be
divided of and in all that certain tract of land being in
Island commonly called Horton's Island,Jying hit the
Susquehanna river, just above the mouth of Sugar
Creek, containing in the Whole. by computation, fllll-:
six acres and one hundred and twenty-five peiches, be
the same more or less. The other half-belonging to
Stephen Newell and Franklin —. Attendance *id
be given at the time and place of sale and terms matt
May 24, 1846. . Adminstrator de &mignon
ALL persons Indel.ted to .the estate of BEN AJAR
ALLYN, late of Warren twp., dee'd., ane hereby
requested to male payment without delayi and those
having claims against said estate. will please present
them duly attested to tho suhscriher.
Warren. May 3, 1847. AdmiListnsid.
- - - - - -
Al.l444sersizonn indebted to the estate of ,
BA RN ES, late of Orwell ',township, deed., are
hereby reqUested to make payment without delay, and
those having claims against &Ad estate. will please pre
sent them duly attested to the supseriher.
CY PRIAN BARNES, Administrator.
Orwell June 10, 1847. With the wilt drutesett
- - -
' A 1.1. persons indebted I to the estate of TRUMAN
1 - 1 KINSM AN, late 'of Towand: borough deed:, are
hereby requested to make payment w (hoot delay, and
those having against said estate, win please Ore=
sentthem dirty attested to the subscriber.
1.. W.TIPPANY; Adminigretor;
Tovisinda, June 15, 1841. '
Al,L' persona indehtetl to the adage of:J. D.. Meivitl,
late df Granville towilship, treed., ate Watuest
ed to mate payment without delay, and those haying
rtitims against said estate, will please prwvani them du
ly utu-sted to the sul;icriher.
Troy, May :18, 1847. Administrators.
- - - -
IN plursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court of'
Bradford county, held at - Towanda. in and for said
county, on the 14th day of May, D:.1817, will be
exposed to sale by public e-mdtie or outcry on the pre
mires, on Wednesday the 28th day of July. A. D. 1847.
at I o'clock P. M., the following piece of land situate
in the townshipo of Springfteld;bounded north by the
county road leading from Troy t,n Tiogh Point. and by
lands of Syteestcr Leonard, easelty lands of Oliver Dales
and lands of Paul Sheinwar, south by tends of Stephen
Bliss, and west by lands of Daniel Bartlett and 1. W.
Mercer and lands of Lemuel Faulkner. Containing
one Iniudred ac ea or thereabouts, with s fere reldry
framed dwelling house, a fronted bon and other Mit
houses thereon erected, and an orchard thereon. The
above will' he sold as the property of Benjamin lioAffee
dec'd.--l'ettrar made knorert on the flay Of sale'. •
June 23, 1847. , Eaecotors of Benj. M'Afee.
The Saddle and Harness Husinesg
1-8 still continued by ELICANAiI SMITH; J. CULP
& O:T. SMll'H, under the Firm . of Ellnmeh
Smith & CO., of the old stand North side Of tlitiPulalc
Square, where wilt he kept constantly on ham! .Best
Plain and quitter: Saddles, Plated and Com mon
Harness, all kinds of Trunks, VgiCtli, and in other
work in their line.
Carriage Trimming 4 - Military reotie
done to otdrr. From their experience 164 purictriaitlx •
they are in, hopes to receive • sisal of public patronage.
W6rk can be had at their chop as cheep as at aroje other
shop in the counts of the same quaihy.. May 18. '47
QFPOEB--Ladies' Misses and Children's: i i lsses ye-
L.,3 fret: ob-huall it :r9 13 :ITS'.
£cgal .(atintitisanents.
m.1i1P11... °.
New bosh. %by
Premunni AWN._ MI Iti
By - -Qs taeritiof t tit
TN 1840—A Silver Meda7Zi
1 1841—A Diploma for Gold
1842—A Diploma for the bre
1843—A Diploma for the bes
1844—A Diploma for soperia
- 1846—A Silver 14edal for the
1846—A Silver Medal fot the
This is to certify, that the ab 6
the records of the A merican
HENRY 114E1018,
Rice. get'. af fhi
• •
th i
A Woolen Facto ry at Ho*:
HE-si46cribers take pgviunr adtiiiiiticifig to If
T'citizens of Bradford county a d vicinity, that they,
have leased Izr a term or yeirs . building situate in
Wyalusircr. township, sod known' Ingham's Fietery.
and which they are now Gjaing up with meelliiiiryend.
apparatus for the , manufacture o Wind and rism"
cloths, flannels, Ake.. in superioV le mid on the most
reasonable terms. Those wishinglk bets wool Manu
factured upon shares will find it td tintii oaf o ok. to
give' hem a calf. as. they are Bet e 'ined that rici*ne
shall beepsred to give th e most • ect satisfactiork,--
They work Wool into Broad or n t rove deeseed cliithe"
for one half the ckoth. of if_preferr , they, rain' iiiiiiti
facture by 'the yogi as folkws:— Vo ile's l66iliiitirreib
Si to $1.25 ; Narrow cloth. fetich 44 . 81 i 50 ite: MU"
articles manufactured for pfdporti nina prices'
Wool carding gig eltitri ifeisiffr *Hi kid 'frail' lin
Short notice endlreasonable tellies:l ,:llieNo gi lt' kit jirlf;
pared for business on or before the Ifirst ofhiiriiiik!*
WyaluSine. April 25.1847. .MALI. & BILL:
corner of Main mod
TINT OPENING, it the corner of 1011 de riiidge
a/ street, a well-selected assortmeet of nelvi`
ionable DR Y GOODS, which w*! be moll iii I,isipy
low for ready pay. The stack * • •in. oC .
Satineit, dannel, cliria*4•lo/ of
prima 1h foWn, edgings, inseitin Bw{lia did
bric muslin., linsey, cantod snail, drilling;
bleached end brown niush (not, to be
surpassed) ticking, check mishmere;
station, wool and bu glover; : -
cotton hose, kw - •
German hatidd. re; •
cotton 814 ponge e
&drub ciii 7 stsqlfai shawhi'e•
Woof eotliforters , catron t i pee, rated
sewingeat° belts,
.poreirs' . •
pins, needles, spoof cotton, °Oki and
suspender, shirt and metal butt° ottit:
el articles, usually foOnd in a at
The public are invited to call a examine the Ikea'
before purchasing elsewhere, as lb will be mold - ibis*.
er 'ban at any other establishment a foiti7.
T:manda, Nov. I f. •
THE subscribe; offers foi. sale on Atakiii•
elle terms, the valuable FARM Ili*
o4ntd anil how O'citfplB4 el icapb' ow.
. -- ell; les44:, a - hale one Mile north' of the bide
of i owanda. The lilt contains FIFTY acees of, adiel
fanning land, nearly all improved, with a le* ad
commodious dwelling house, two barns, an apple of-
chard, and a variety of other choice fruit traces theleoli:
For further particulars, apply to the slibicritii iff Ns
office in-the borough of Toeilt i la: _i. s
June :28, [847. Vvrtipi ELWE4E; Agint.
L IST OF LETTERS rentekiln,g its the Foil Offia
-at Troj; Pa., quarter endinglJune 30, 1847.
Basicat R 8 McStroud Danq 2
Bassett A B - Melntbali Mil iv .
Beasley VW Mason Sopluaa Mrs
Brown AA, Parkhurst D G r i
Bohfoej C.S' Pierce Lund Mid
Chester George 2 Prcrrirt Win • i ,
Chame Was R Perth** Duffer
Comfort Lovina Peters tri&lit - i
Callan* Biaalt T Mni Rollini Aaron '
Evans Wri 't „ it . *Robbins John W
Fisher Philip 2 RamsdaU 0 L Mimi . '
Frank Nathan 2 Rockwell A Mist !
Fish Martha E Mrs • Silvems ; il. II A Mid
Gratin Wm A iltuftiti Mr
Hallo* Caleb I attrition idle Mlii
Jackson Bark* ! Bittimoris 8
Kiff John. '
thesier 1 . .
Kiingnuin eassandei Taylor Chandler - •
RinYttii Jo Town Soma Mimi
Lamb James B Whipple G ta
Li repast int* Williams .1 S
inter Henry .Rev 1 Wiles Polly Mini •
Midi Hanford iirobri Ttio*/
LAtrori RUNYON, F. it
Shaving and flair Dresibigi
. ifiiidineosseooPei,
RESPECTFULLY informs his old friehtli Midi pat
mos, that btrifig horn %liged to ihindolt his for
mer stai d on the afternoon ,of the 12th u1t,..44 is now
perms!lily Prated on the west side of the public
stiMiregiro doors north of Brigel hiveid. Grateful
for palavors, be hopes by superior skill add atisoon
to min in increase of patnaftago trifution. • .
He will always keep on band a supply of oils, es ,
semi* peifnmery, and whotevM ti ikeimary to gird
an agreeable finish td hii otietaitoiii, aid grill spare rid
pains in hii Wearers to adapt his style ed suit the !try
ing maim of his customers.
ALSO--Bhampooiing for restoring and g sire pre.
tentative to' keep ffie !Hair from fililig ott, or turning
dray, tot a beautiful head of hair is. powerful auxiliary
- 0 sy OF LETT RS remaining in the P. 0. '
.l itToWanda, Pa., gOattei ending June 30. 1847,
Briggs Francis • Wnl onCiee Janl Isaac I) Res
W'•ky4ll -
ikeslee E I/ ibler J.
Brown WM - ...; elley Mary Ann,
Brown Alice tt Mni Loop DJ M
Beardsley D J , - I:se Wni
CW.4 A M , Lent Joseph
CarpenterlEdward Lung Evaling j•
Colbam Asoph; Lears to Mc
Cummings S te ph en McGovern Maim
Cooper John . . Malay Joke or D ?wed..
Chandler A Mealy Miefiad
Devine Franc% ' M*Ree Asa Si
Douglas Wm \ Marboduir Joseph
, Dollin Patrick -
_____ Mandrill Clangs*
Dodson John Mora Pat
Etheridge Isaac 'D‘ • Noble Orrin • '
Enrich Leonard • TO'Conriers David
Frost Aaron , Orerpeck Cat&tififelld MN
Foster Luther P Plies Stwarufah Miss'
Foster Mary Sutton Hannah Mre
Fisher John ' Swath John t
Foster Jane Misr . Thrones & .
Uarthsvait Daniel . , Ticker Alton
Harkness Lucinda Mier Titus - Jenne=
Humphrey Thee,''. & Iris trineen Rif:Haiti . r
Hemley Jos • Wei& Mare* ' '
Henn. leolat t Ntalsti Thai ittid loth. ' ,
Hu i Daniel i Welch - Japes
ovriand Mailmiti A lipid Wilcox Jane Hi*. I
ati Robert . .; • Warren Henrjt
all H C .
11 1ile &sand '-
II co4piy.tdeiship lietetolore ettlsdng heft's*
C. & E. REED u this day Jiseelvesi hy tentspil
consent,'the acconftts , notes. doe the Am ere
left wi•N C odes Reed, No: 5, R. R. for ealleetion.
towanda, May 24; 1847; EDWARD REED. '
. •
THE saber-fibril homing nietiritb severe Weiss tile
the !ale Ire in "f owanda. es well as ethic laws.
earnestly7Mpiest t w
hat thoin who %now lhowiskio ill , .
debted Ili - Oldie every effort peasibk fa PUS lad *iamb
that we may be able to meet our honest inanteessit
. .
and continue Mir badness.
MONTANYVB 4o criikave remeiredthairbeijusgi
shanties, a fine doers helm, Briklo -fit when they
I ,tiver loaceonunodate timer cost vs ow the mud
liberal fenny. We have min an heed • feir atm=
Ganda adapted to the 'porn trade, which will he
ed ' i o i r at greatly reduced prices, eempenrd with the rest
ad ance of Goods in the city.
'larch 22. 1847.
.lef Bram;
cat hies. 41
peride Gold Pena.
• -
Gold Peas.
Gold 'Pam
Gold PeOPP4
bast 018 lens:'
triii copy Inea'