Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 30, 1847, Image 4

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[From the : Alliany
Making and Printeikinil M• .
'very- fanner may have nr/ticed that '
the price
obtained for whatever he has ►o 441;:-. always de
pends more or leas on the tinality•i but in !teething,
.perhas, is this so parlicul- - ' anus as M the
article ofbetter. hobble price is readi
ly obtained for some brim or ordinary
butter will bring. In the
markets, the price of be!
twenty-five cents per
dairies. the butter from
twenty to,twenty-fire cent
guocession. Now this di/
- .
ii, and how important it is that this principle should
be duly regarded.
• The first important reluisite in the 'manufacture
'of good . butter, is that the milk be, kept in a proper
temperature, and this, experience has proved to be
from 50 to 60 degrees. To secure this temperature.
the milk-room mu..-t be protected as much as possi
ble against the violent heat - of the sun, and it should
at the same time admit a free circulation of air, as
this facilitates the separation of the cream from the
milk. A cool upper room, an airy cellar, or a"a
spring-house," may be made use of, according to
the location."- If rtmning-water of suificiint cold
ness can be had, it would be preferred. in warm
weather, to set the pans of milk in troughs of stone
or wood through which the Water should constant
ly flow. The writer is aware that a prejudice is
entertained by some against " spring , houses,'' • but
the unfaircriable opinion in regard to them was pro
bably derive twin those which were badly con
stmeled, or trot properly ventilated. A committee
of a Vermont agricuftural society, in an elaborate
report on butter-making; i drawn up a few years
since; recoirimended tharthe pans of milk be set
in troughs of cold-nutnitig water, till the animal
heat had passed otr, and after it had cooled, to
place the pans in water heated to the temperature
of 170 degrees, taking rare-that the milk should not
boil or simmer—the pans to be afterwards set back
on or over the trowths—riot in hot water. It was
stated that this proCess had been found to an has
ten the rising of the cream that :it would all rise.
and could be taken'eff in half the time ordinarily
required, and that also improved the qualify of
the butter by preventflig the sourness of the milk
and cream. The time occupied in heating the
milk of twenty, rows, is said to be twenty-five or
thirty trainutek We cannot from experience,
speak of this mode of managing milk and cream,
but having some practical experience in butter
making; we should not doubt its success. -
We belieVe it to be well established, that to pro
duce the very best butter ? and especially that which
will keep the longest, She cream should be perfect
ly sweet when churned. Some experiments. Very
carefully conducted, some years since, by Dr.
Train, of Edinburg, and published in the Transac
tiona of the Aighland Agricultural Society, clearly
lead to this conclusion,* and we believe it is sup
ported by the observation of the best makers
in this country.
The practice of churning the milk and cream
together is followed in some sections. Its advan
tages are, that in warm weather, or when the milk
is kept in a high temperature, mote butter isobtain
,ol than if the cream only was churned. We are
riot aware that any other advantages are claimed
for this mode; and those who have tried both,
rhurding the milk and cream together, and the
cream alone, state that if the cream rises well, it
affords as much butter as is Obtained from the milk
and cream.
It is true that in regard to the erperimehts of
Dr. Train, before referred to, be concludes That
churning the milk and cream together after they
have become slightly,aeid, seems to be on the
whole the most ecoeojnical process; but the reason
he gives for it, that trr"lt yields II quantity of ex
cellent butter-milk, which is largely used as
an article of diet in teotland, and is of considera
ble consequence as a source of profit, being con
stantly sold in the nrrkets. Where milk and
cream are chinned tamer, it is usual in this
country, to allow the milk to stand till it is curdled,
but hot till whey rises to the top. The best butter
makers are very partictilar "in . regard to this, and
are always careful-to have the milk churned at the
particular stage mentioned.;,
I . l 'oluctrai Burrts..—Thre Obieet in working hut;
ter is to free it fmm the butter-milk, and the CASEIN x
nr checsey particles, which,_ from their tendency
to putrefaction, prevent the butter from keeping
sweet. To effect the separation to the. best ad van=
cvs, it is important that the butter should have,
when it first "comes" in the the chum, aeonsieera
ble degreeifsolidity,and that the particles should
have a tendency to cohere. This will generally
be the case, provided the milk and cream has been
kept in a temperature sufficiently cool, and is hot
too-much bested in churning, And it may be well
to observe here, that the milk and cream should
not be raised in churning higher that 75 degrees,
and that it will be necessary to bring it to
degrees, before churning will be atteneed with
=eh advantage. The use of the thermornetei in
making butter, as well as making cheese, is now
regarded ati almost indispensible. Some butter..
milkers, whose'better is noted for its excellence,
pursue this course in working it : as soon as th,e
butter is taken feign the chum, it is beaten together
by a ladle or spatmla, and afterwards worked in a
brake similar to what is described in thetas, volume
of the Cultivator, pp. IS7;210. ITtie salt is then
added, and is set in a i;34:61 Iplatte fora day or two,
when it is not worked you Keen, as it renders it
oily and injiires its Bator. •
WARMING BUTTER ; when first taken from. the
chum, is a practice the propriety of which has
been considerably controverted ; bat perhaps the
true reason for it is not always understood. When
the weather is alum, or the milk and cream has
been expcoeti to too high ittemperature, the, buter
is apt to "come soft," and in this mate it is very
diffieult to work it pteperly. The use of cold
water, in sigh cases, is to harden the butter and
facilitate the expulsion of the butter- milk. It is of
the-greatest importance that the butter to 1 ropedy
worked, for on the perfection of this part of process
or the entire separation of oleaginous from the ser
ous and cheesy riaiiicles, its keeping quality great
ly depends. There seems, therefore, to be no ob.
jectioo to the Ae of water, when butter is in condi
tion atirnntionerl ; but it would, on the con.
tmry, appear to be decidedly,itiseful in sack cases.
But the question pseseuts itself--suppose' butter
conk! be properly worked and the butter-milk
thoroughly expelled without the use of water,
would washing be evedietit
Practical results, so far as the know ledge of the
write i extend:4, furnish a negative to this question.
ami 13040 ti
from Pier to
could name
brought tom
for years in
lend b. = quail-
If the milk and cream has been kept in a: proper
state, and is not too much heated in churning, the
butter will generally "come hatd,'!„, and may be
readily worked in a through manner without water.
Thai have been made-by dividing parcels of but
ter, produced under such - circumstances as are here
mentioned, washing one portion and working. the
other without wasting,. and the unwashed portion
has been found to keep sweet the longest ;and the"
foci is deemed to be well established, that butter
which ‘Conies" ',efficiently Aid, is injured by be
ing Washed in water. In the belt dairies of Europe
the practice is ant .arirroved. In the chapter on
" Butter,' in the "British Itusblualary," it is remark•
ed in reference to washing, • that it "is a practice
not to be recommended. and in many dairies has
been relinquished." hi the "Fanners' Stories," in
the account of a "Gloucestershire Vale Farm, - '•
which is said to be conducted with M410691' mana
gement. •we are tol.l—"it i 4 found by Loan EXPER
.tr.xec that butler tenting its sweetness mush longer
when no water is used 4) making up."
Upon the whole, we would restrict the washing
of butter tollickse eases where the butter-milk could
not he expelled without it; and would prefer that
course of .management which "would obviate the
necessity of using water for this purpose.
Dr. Philip Physic of Germantown, Pa., who for
several years in succession received the first pre
mium of the Philadelphia Agricultural Society.
pursues the following mode in working - butter.—
When the biitter is taken from the churn, it is laid
on a clean linen cloth spread out as flat as possi
ble, and net more than two inches thick. A bag
of pulverized ice, about half a peck 'in quantity is
provided, and on this is placed the cloth which has
he butter on it, vrherE it remains till the butter is
quite hard : it is worked on a marble slab, with a
wooden spoon or ladle, having a linen cloth next
the butter to take up the boner-milk.
Sstrisa.—The bept rock salt, made perfectly
fine, ought always to be used, if it is wished to
keep the btitter long. A great deal of butter is
spoiled by using impure salt. The loss to the far
mers of this state from this cause is annually very
great, and it is felt to a seribus • degree in all the
western country, It is the opinion of experienced
dealers in butter, -that the price of a large portion
of that which comes from the west and is sold in
the eastern' cities, is injured to the amount 1,
six to eight cents per pound by the use of bad salt.
Less than an ounce ofthe best Turk's Island or
St. Übes salt is sufficient for a pound of butter. hi
some.good dairies, fourteen ounces of salt are used
lei sixteen pounds of hi:Met. • Sugar and Saltpetre
have been.tried, but ettperience has shown that
they are of no special benefit. The salt should be
intimately incorporated with the butter when it is
first taken from' the chum, and the butter should
be set iL the dairy room for twenty-four hours,
when do working it over /gain it will be found
firm and solid. If intended for long keeping, the
butter should be packed in well Owed stone jars,
or well seasoned white oak firkins. Smaller par
eels are geneOly preferred than it was formerly
common to pia up. From 25 to 50 pounds is the
quantity usually wished in a jar or firkin. It is re
commended to keep a strong brine on the butter,
to the depth of an inch.
The preservation of butter depends more on the
total expulsion of all extraneous ingredients, micron
its . perfeet exclusion from the air, than on the quanti
ty of salt with which it may be tnixed. It is pre
pared in England and sent to India, with but very
little salt, and sometimes without any. For this
purpose it is purified by melting before it is salted
ant packed. London thus describes the process :
Let the 'miner be put into a proper vessel, and this
be immersed in another containing water. Let
the'water'be heated till the butter is thouroughly
melterklet it continue in this state for some time,
when the impure parts will subside, leaving at the
top a perfectly pure transparent oil. This, when
it cools, will beer:me opaque and assume a color
nearly resembling that of the original butter, being
somewhat paler, and of a firmer consistence.—
When this refined butter is become a little stiff; the
pure part must be seperated from the dr eg s, and
salted and packed up in the same manner as other
butter ;if will continue sweet much longer - in' hot
climates, it retains the salt much better than ur its
original state. It may also be preserved sweet
without salt by adding to it a certain portion of fine
honey, perhaps an ounce to a pound °neater, and
mixing them together thoroughly, so that they may
be perfectly incorporated.
Coax.—The only advantage in puglting corn
at all, ism destmythe grass, and to k ep the ground
loose, so that the roots may easily find their way
through it. It is obvious that the plaid cannot be
benefited by destroying the /rite of its sustenance.
The injury from breaking the roots of a plant may
however, be counterbalanced by the loosening of
the soil. But every fanner should be very care
hd not to break the roots of hiscom too often-4 he
does, he iinpedes the growth, and sometimes
seriously injures 'his crop. The best farmers in
this district never plongh their com more than once.
They break up the ground effectnally-in the spring,
and plant in ridges. As soon as the grass begins
to make its appearance, they run a harrow twice
in each row. This tears the grass to pieces, and
throws the grass in the middle furrow, The next
run a bull-tortgue on each side 'of the corn. This
sifts the ground when the young roots are forming
and exposes them in some measure, to the warmth
of the sun. The middle of the row is not touched.
The next time they give the ground a good plough
ing and if it requires any further work, they do it
with the harrow. By this system of culture, more
than one-third of labor ordinarily bestowed on
the crop is saved, and a better crop' is the product.
—Albany Cultivator.
Ecosortv tiv CANDLCS.—If yOu are without a
mil-light, and would bum a candle all night, un
less you use the following precaution it is ten to
one an ordinary candle will gutter away in an hour
or two, sometimes to the endangering of the house;
-' This may be avoided by placing as much corn.
mon salt; finely powdered, ai will reach from the
tallow to the Wilma of the black part of the wick
of a partly burned candle, when, if the same be lit,
it will burn very slowly, yielding sufficient light for
a bedchamber ; the salt will gradually sink as the
tallow is consumed the melted tallow being drawn
through the salt and consumed in the wick,''
14x:wk.—To stop:bees from fighting and robbi ng .
another, break the comb of the robbers so that
the honey will mu down among them, and they
wil ...lo to work at home. I had two hivea of bees
(Ic.tnnyed last month by being robbed, and should
ire had another robbed, if I had not received the,
above itilormation.
-414 TOE=
tiOlt the one of DEAFNESS, rains, *ad the the.
-1; .charge of matter iron the ran. Alio all tin:lndio.
agreirable sound*, like the laming oll'<kc' sena, Wing ci
*nil', whining of stem, &c., &c.. "Irak& nit "info
tone of aptatnehing destnan, and also g , thi;ir atten
;kt with the disease- Many penione who le,* hens
d for ten, fifteen. and even twenty yens, and:ware
onhged to me ear tneteßets, have, idler twingnes oitwe
bottles, Wawa amide thew (runlets, being olds rerfeet
ly well. Physicians and thug eons highly neassanend
ha no.
The very great number of happy maths that .Iwre fol
lowed the um of BCARPA'S AtXIUBTIO Oil.. ham
been truly adontihing. And what is wonderful, some
who were deaf from birth, have been so mock knproved
as to bear common conversation very- readily.
. It would be the height of pnrimniption to waning
cure in all cases, bet in nine cases out of arts of recent
date, three is a certainty that the remake will be most
bnppy and entitle:may to the patient. The application
of the oil produces no pain. but on the ratrary an agree-
able and pleasant sensation. The reap for this -midi
eine has .been ermined from an Aerie, of great reputa
tion, who has Wad that deafness, in 'Maven noes out
of twenty, was pledgee() from a want of action in the
nerves of hearing, or a dryness in the ewe; his object
therefore was to find something which would agate a
healthy condition in those parts. Arne a keg anima of
experiments his efforts were at last drowned with see-
Gess, in the discovery of this preparation, which has fil
mier-attic name of BL'A RPVB cow POUND ACOUS
TIC OIL. A long list of ester might be given.
but such is the confidence in the medicine, and as high
has been its reputation, that but one of them will be at
present published:
Most Exresosterstaar Cons!—A litly in Smith-
Reid, Bold. Co., Pa., and now shoot eighty years of
age, had been graduaily getting deaf fee user than 40
years, so that it was next to impossible to make Wilmer
conversation in the loudest tone of voice. Last irrinter
she was induced to in .• Starter's Oil for Deafness." It
is only necessary to add thateshe' mod two bottle; and
is perfectly restored--she fi cured. Any information
in regard to the case may be obtained at the store of Dr.
Jayne, No. 8, South Third strece. - Phibelelphia.
For sale by A. B. CHAMBERLIN, Towanda, Pa.;
only agent for Bradford county. 28-1 y
HEMORRHOIDS, OR PILES, is a dkleasepredue
ed by local irritation costiveness, purgative wimu•
tants, undue determination of blood to the hemorrhoidal
vessels by excessive riding or walking. in a congestive
state of the liver, and peculiarity of the capsulation itself.
It is usually coneidered under.thres fawns, es .stories,
as follows: Blind Pilo White Pitts, sod Bleeding Piler
This disease isso common, and so, very era known,
that a description of its symptoms is On deemed ones
Pry. -
The success that has followed the use of ibeEmbro.
cation in the cure of this disease. hashers tialyawasith.
ing. Physician n3w advise their patiente to try it, as
the only Pile Medicine.
In addition to its being a positive remedy for the Piles,
it newel fails to ewe that IN'POLERABLE ITCHING,
tsvhieb is so very eocortion, and has ite location in the
same parts as the Piles.
Read the &kissing. from the editorsl cottons of Ales
aoder's Weekly Messenger
—Physsciansand Chemist, ban king been unions to
discover a medicine that would curs ewe of the asset
troubkrsoure diseases, the Pike. Swam has it bee
been the result: Dr. JACKS('N'S PILE BUBB°.
CA MN not 4nly stops all bleeding r allays pan end
in oration, subdues that into lovable itching , bet efiseta
al cures, like a charm and in a eery abet time, per
m! whose lives have been rendered miserable for years.
Only a few from the great number of certificates will
be published. Read the following :I .
New York, 72 l Broadway, September 8, 1815.
Dr. N. JAercsois—Dear Sir : Will you wad me ilia
six bottles of your Pile Embrocation ; I wish them
part to keep niyaelf, and part for a legal gentleman, a
friend of mine, who has found greet relief in using
from my bottle two or three times. Yon remember,
when in Philadelphia, I was suffering dreadf.dly. from
this terrible scourge. I only took one bottle from you ;
f xme,
I bare not used "Aube all, and am now perfectly well.
As you mny so ' ' I proclaim the virtues of your
medicine where er I go. I tell every friend about it ;
and it is singul* to perceive bow many are a tiering
in this way—i believe half of my eni Ore
more or less afflicted. Let c
all here as fast you ch
a certificate from me.
libeity to show this r'
Respectfully you .
For sale by A. . t
only Agents for t
. you that you can
to make. When you want
shall have it, and you ate at
after if you wish.
CHAMBERLIN, Towanda, Pa.;
dord County. 28m6 .
..11JrD WILD C FERRY' arrrsitisf.
FOR the permanent • oval of all such disown as
take their rise in a . Imp re Blood, Impaired Di=
gestion, Morbid state of . e Li er and Stomach. Weak
ness of the Nervous Sy .d a Disorded habit of
Constitution generally.
Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry .Bitters
have already, by their substantial excellence, won a
degree of public favor and patronage which puts them
beyond the need of recommendation. Being faithfully
prepared of the most excellent material", they can be
folly confided in by all in need of a tonic, aperient or
alternative remedy.
This preparation will• be found on trial to be a suns
and speedy remedy for the diseases enumerated above.
They purify the blood, secure regular digestion, meat'
a bealty i action of the Liver and Stomach, end strengthen
the nerves, at once securing health and vigor to the
whole system. In all cases of despendeney, wising
from indigestion or nervow irritation, they have been
used with remarkable success; nor are they les useful
as a remedy for Headache, Flatulency, loss of Appetite,
and • general prostration of !heap:ens. At the same
time it must be stated that they are neither violent nor
at all dangerous in their operation, wearing as they do
the desired end, by a steady,'regular and easy influence.
Taken daily, in doses precribed, they will lie found to
, perste in that gentle andsalutary manner, which is. in
ct, their highest recommendation. That prejudice
usually existing against advertised medicines, would
not be merited if bestowed on this. The Wooderfut
cures it has performed and the acknowledged celebrity
of its principals constituents, should at once commend
it to the public favor.
( Mr. Philp Wilcox, New Bedford, was entirely cured
of a confirmed cancer of the stomach, throat and mouth,
and his general health much improved by the use of
only one bottle. Col. John &trial, Bristol, Masa.,
bag voluntarily certified that be was cured by the
Bitters, ofJaundice, Indigestion, Headache end Vertigo.
J. P. Pettus, Esq., New Bedford, was tented of an
eruption of the face.
Dr. W. H. Miller ofll. Y., testifies tbst many of
Ms patients balm been benefitted by the meet the Bitters,
and in every cue they lucre given the mast perfe c t
satisfaction. •
Sold Wholesale and Retail by WYATT &
KETCHUM, 121 Fulton St. N. Y., HUSTON &
LADD, Towanda, and by druggist generally throughout
the U. 8. Prior $l. Large bottles. 13021
ONNETEI—A great saving to the " Heads of the
13 Nation." The Ladies wilt End its great awing to
heir Meads to call and purchase one of those issintiful
Straw, Devon. Gimp. Florence, or Lace, Lawn,Cipal
Bonnets, sellins so cheap at REED'S.
29nriLE18. Sole Leather, Upper Leather and
UV Calf Skins, lower than wee ever offered in
Towanda, by B. KINGSBURY.
DI HINTS -500 different styles, bought in the city of
A- New York, by *henna, an the "awl Awe plan,
atal wiA be -sold accordingly. BAIRD 4 GO.
NEW EkriditiSWArg NT
•f ....' 7:: 4
41511Tint : iit i' , ”Ailitda
'" , '"e't siiieedb , morons* .... Of Tow
•-• ,-- - ' -` - --kr -14 '''.= midi and'en Mac genstilt i th
tqr rpi to Oratr all kinds : CALM 61
/--- -`-i L- irusea n ußs, of the best I
• a . . in rids, sad wattoonship that
"'" be earpesseid,leadditionto theme I
impertinent in renstry shops/ we will hasp on h;7 1 .3 4 1
make to order elan% of canoe. and meet a
pones; 8661 Rocking Chairs, upholstered in superior_
style. and for can and durability cannot - be surpoweel
even in our ',big* cake. Also..the talf 1 French
begany Chair, beitilitally'opholdered, with coded r.
which never bees Its elasticity, and flubbed with
'torn bait seating. : We •Ilatter - o herb
' bad
that her'
bad much experiece in the business, we shall be able
to satisfy all whipsaw feel disposed to call, both as to
quality ind pike.. and by strict ,sitention to ben*
bops to nil* and receive lbe patronage of a liberal
amenity. '• ? L. M. ,11YE & CO f
Towanda, B.‘ - dm J, 184 - 4
li i /LAPIrr PUIR4IE .
MAY BE HAD our shop mut% lower tba it
bee ever been mold% Towa nda. Goods' are
cheap. and wheats. lowed that is the we
can afronLall fie te -do hine et predate ill
be received in payment. Ake, I,EMBERef all
Sept. I.L.M.. NYE 4 C .
11C4113110Er• — .11Ei`itill4111
'ILL be kept ow band a large erisitreetit, and
node to seder es abater
wake and for moo
n!7 Wan ere be produced at any other eillibrlA , tin
the land. Those who are under the neereeity o•
curing that artick will and shall be aelis/Aad. A "
hearse sad pall rway 1w bad in attendance when ' .
Eleptevaber 1.J545. L. M. NYE It ..
Dr. 1. Vpbaa's leviable Ileetnryi -
11 DR. A. UPHAM' a distinguished Phy • of
New York city, la the only real succoaefal reme . fee
that dangerous sad &drawing complaint,-dat ES
—ever offered to en American publie.
Mark this. It is an INTERNAL REMED
trxt an!eaternal application, and will cure Mee
of Pike, either bleeding or blind, inkwell or intAamid,
and probably the only thing ohat will. Tbere is no
mistake *boat it. It ii a positive Ind
permanent. 11 is also • convenient mediae. take,
ann improves the general Beal h in a nnawkabit man
na.. Each box contains twelve doses, at a dose. It
is vety mild in its operating and nay Miriam* in cases
of the mast acute iniunmation wit n danger. A 8
external applications are is the highest degas disagrees
inconcenie t and ofiinsive ; rind from , the very na
ture of the disease, inconvenient in their yard& This
medicine attacks the dream at its same, and metering
the mum, renders the cure metain andpeneseent.
To Manures Laeuts.—Manied ladies mealinoatin
variably subject to that pairtni sad injuring, &erase,
the Piles, with consequent hilliumestion•of the stomach,
bowels end "pine, mailman dila beck. Sow of blood
to to the bead, 4c. The Elects'', is perlbsilyiefe for
pregnant ladies. and the most metal cathartic that can
possibly be used, as it not only removes the Piles and
all inflammatory diseases without pain or irritation,
but will insure anew, time. a safe delivery, and a sound
conetbotien in the offspring.
The Electum, cancans no naineral, erraise. sa al•
oes, colocynth or gamboge, or other poieirfol and inita
live purgative. No fear of taking cAd while under its
influence—no change in diet necessary, If takes as
coaling to directions, a aux forlije iuguaranteed.
Sold wholesale and retail by W Tarr & KILTCHCM,
• General Agents foe the Southern States" 121 Fulton
street, N. Y., HUSTON & LADD. Towanda, and
druggists generally throughout' the United States. Prier
$l, a box. m 22
"litgar Ceakd I &MUM
HE increasing popularity of Dr. G. HENJ.
SUGAR COATED PILLS. has induced a
ninsher of persons to make something they coil et Les
and emit them with sugar, in order to rall them for the
genuine, while they do not possess a with/ of I:a
goodness, nor even assimilste in appearance to the
original, Dr. Smith's Pills. In short, they ate an in-.
tended FRAUD upon the conminisity. A minister
who at first had an interest in en imitation Sugar Coat
e.° Pill, manafactured in Albany. N. Y., has given them
op• as be mys, en account of the miserable dishonest
parties concerned in manufacturing them. The erase
party are now industriously demisting reports calculat
ed to injure Dr. Smiths and vs affect the reputation of
his valuable pills ; but tether tbaa notice them in public,
Dr. Smith is about to institute legal proceedings against
them for their slanders, as he basin another case against
a similar party, in which be recovered a large amount of
damages. These miserable imitators have to resort to
the most abominable means to palm off their counterfeit
pills, as the public know that Dr. Smith's are the original
and genuine. Several instances have come to public
notice in which life has been emlangered by' the onfortu
owe use of the counterfeits. IF is Dr. Smith's Pills
that are doing so much good in the washy—as the
following plainly show.
Use and Recommend Dr. Smith's Pills than all others
This is to certify that I hare med the Sugar Coated
Pills manufactured by 0. Benjamin Smith, of New.
Yost, for some time, and believe them to be E goOd
medicine; and also, from inquiry in that city, I am
persuaded that he is the original inventor, and *lame
is entitled to the beisefit of the invention. • 1,••
Pastor Ist Baptist Church, Pittshirgh:
From the Blue Hen's Chicken. (Del.)
We call the attention of our readers to the certificate
of Rev. S. Williams. Pastor of let iliptist tinrch.
Pittsburgh, in relation to Dr. Smith's Pills. Wo can
ourselves bear testimony' to the excellence of these Pills.
one of us having used them and experieneed great relic
from them.
The share is the best paper in the State of belsware
The " numerals mewl reereasts emus." (Sugar
Coated,) see certainly doing much good in .the whole
country. and are highly esteemed, if one bailie true that
people write and my about them. They are so. may
in their operation that all like them.. The editor / of the
Northern State Jamul, (one of the largest st d beet
papers in the State of N. Y.,) writes as follows; I
Walatoto4, lay 31, ISM
Dr. G. Benj. Smith—
Dear Sir. I was laid op with a hod cold some time
einem my return from N. Y., and during my illness I
made trial of your pills, and I most say I found. them
excellent. They am the best medicine for the purpose
they are intended, that I hare yet seen. I seldom take
pills. but I found yours entirely free from the objections
to which ether pill. are liable. I hope they will coatings
to be a mares of profit to you, as I doubt net they wit he arms of relief to the allicied on a large scale.
Your. truly,
Tonawanda, Pm, &VI 1 8 1846.
Dr. G. Benj. Smith—
Dear Sir: Your fermi left with me a lot of your
Bosun Cause Pasta, and I have but *few 4 "" l left.
Byety box I have sold has given entire satisfsetion. I
have taken them myself and I consider them dm best
pills I bate eves used, and I am not afraid to
recommend Uremia the public. I Irish a farther supply
at cow. Yours respectfully.
Huntington lad., June MOW.
Dr. Smith—
Doer Sir: I am modem of your aisles Viigra•cs
goose GAUP Picts." and find them selling so CIA
that ( think you bad better send me two gross immediate
ly. They give such getieral satisfaction that people' si
i ss m m e m, miles for them, and mit is generally known
I am went for them, I would be very bony to get out.
If G. BENJ. 8111T1t,he not watten with a pen on
the bottom of the box. all Illougar Coaled" Pala ate
Principal Dffiee 179 Greenwich Street, huge brick
Mock, N. Y. Price 23 cents ■ box. •
For ale IV A. 8. C 4 A IittiVIILTN, Towanda..-Pe.
QHAWLB—quantities of :shawls, nice 4 kind, going
off fast arid cheap et 0. llt ummarrrs.
iiirnallinn how
r,'• IN Abair tikt etwAi I I I slew
.ii. Wood NM- clf4fßei
SETTEES -4' Witiwit libido;il6l
- '-'9ENNTEADOI of lorry 4, 4 edp.
dow4rbielk we Will led Sow Ix
or Produce,' or White row
howbor, Whits word, Boa wool,
d awer- "`•" or Ceawober d air ploadrag4 by
4 lltiai44l3Cleetiort—oidow Buttoewood, Wowed
or Moillit, - widlt oleo be roorioed for airmail'. 5.
Tom* skew* aim bribe sods* ismer.
TOwatida, Feb. $2, 1147.
C - 31NA XNI et CMLik *Tarim' ,
This may for Bargain 1
THE subscriber would revectfrilly say to his old
eustamere end the polka generally, dos 'he has
re-coamenced the stunaufacture of Chaim etc., at his
old shop on the with side°, Midge etteet,in the build
ing knormats the " Yslluw Howe." He hoopla:on.
dandy on hood, or-will asks to Older, (is a sea sod
dyeable style sp maiden in his line as cheep as din
cheapest. His Mends can be sorphel with
Fancy, Winans and Comnion Chairs; of differ
ent patterns--Settees, Rocking Chairs,
Children's Chairs, 4-c.. ite
ilso--Bedittads and Tables. - •
Call end see roe st my shop on Bridge steno, sod I
will satisfy you that you east buy reasonable.
N. B...Witito wood, Cucumber end Benenood
plank, wanted in eschanp foci chairs Os reansetalde
terms. JESUS thn.oit.
Towanda, Jan. 20, 1847. ,
IP.A.Cif OM*,
ty M. BAKER vespecthilly Weems the poblic that
LI. be has commenced the GRAVE.STONE lood
nese, in ratite branches, at Towanda, where he' will be
ready at en times to attend to all alb in his line.
Monuments. romtPlubles, Crave-stones. of
evesy description, 4-e..
made is order, ma Mislabel as cheap u WORK and
WARBLE of the sow goality * be obtained at any
shop in the comely. ,
He invite, th e public to elkeed examine his work
and materials, hoping to merit their patronage by strict
attention to Iminess;and by superior workmanship and
good marble.
LETTER-CUTTING done With neidestos end deo
parch, in the lasestatykt.
H i e
Mop en Nam sweet, next dear to T. rs store,
and three doers above Briggs' Hotel.
Towanda, March 17, 1847. 41191
WILCOX & Efit&E . have associated thenweves
in the Boot and Shoe Making business, in the
borough. of Towanda, and may be found at' the old stand
of S. Hathaway Jowly occupied by Elkanah Smitts;near
I. H -Stephens' Exchange Hotel, where they solicit a
share of public patronage. They intend, by a careft I
selection of stock, and by attention to the interests of
their eustonters, to make as neat and durable work as can •
be manufactured in this portion or the country.
They keep constantly on hand, and will manufacture
to onfer, morocco, calf and cosine boots and shoes;
Ladies' Gaiters, shoes and slipig children's &N s. ' gait's'
gaiters and pumps, &c.,
TONIHNIde, Mao , . 14, 184
A Natural Remedy.
1 - TTE CAN confidently effirmrthas among inedieines
V designed fur webersl use, none stand higher in
popular estimation, than
lidlia lkgelable Pills
Hardly a. day passes bet we receive testimonials in their
favor, end the most entlimisatin are thaw who lave
longest need them. What better prove of excelfenee
conkl we ask I In them, we behold- a signal triumph
of principle over prejudice and . truth otr defamation!.
The principle* upon which this cersted medicine
is foundettere brautilidirsimple.' Every one is aware
that, in a state of sickness, the damsel' and bowels are
irregular and. disonlaterk, 04 setram,iss• loner se they,
civninuer in that state, the hod is badly digmted, and
the blood, in consequence of being badly prepared, is.
less fit for the proper support of hal*• end life.—
Should the stomach and bowels continue disordered,
the mischief extends • ths corrupt bunioricoiteer spear
that organ that is weakest and least able to throw them
off, and thins disease becomes seated. The same effect'
is produced in nher ways. Cold, acting upon the
exhaling vesseli of the skin, drives the perspiration mat
ter inward; overbore inducing debility and bad diges
tion, bad air, injuriously effecting the blood and luny ;
unwhohrompediet; close confinernent ; want of-clean
liness; bed habits; and Wary other causes produce the
same result.
From this-brief explication, it will be seen that dis
, Case, whether it irises free. the Mood itself, acted upon
by outward causes, or through the derangement of par
ticular functions, amounts in the end to the sarnething.
Therefore a good vegetable medicine. arch as Wright's
lmlain Vegetable Pills, adapted to cleanse the system'
from the mass of impurities D erhi.h oppresses it, is the
best thing that can be taken. But lit na look into the
subject a little Orithet.
The public will hairs learned enough of C'irelmysteries
of physiology and pathology\ to know that ail medical
treatment is founded upon three Mania of the animal
economy, —First, that the blood circulates through, and
provides support for the whole body ; spread, that it
(the' blond) is entloteed with vitality and aids in pulling
down sod rebuilding-the human edifice; and third, that
all causelese and injurious pa-tides are ejected by one
of four autlets,either the skin, lungs, kidneys or, bowels.
Upon the first of these laws, (the circulation,) is found
ed the hope of reaching remote parts of the system, for
the purpose of removing local disorder. Upon the
ocean], (thei 'vitality of the blood,) depends the efficien
cy of meditine, for it is, well known *hat the more
healthy the body is, the better do medicines open teui- 7
And upon the third. is founded the expectation of
ding the system 'faucet! poisonous particle* which are
the eau* of disease.
Nun , a medicine to be adapted to the human consti
tution meat regard these laws. It mud circulate with
the Wood, it mud aid the vital principle, and like it
carry of the corrupt panicles through each of the ap
pointed ways. Wrigheirludian Vegetable Pills were
related with reference to them laws, and hence are
livery 'ray faillielta,il) remove &seam
A New thug ix Old Wysox.
D".l. COLE would ntspectially inform the citi
zens of Wynn: and vicinity, that alb, diligently
ramming the gaudy of Physic Surgery in all its
vations.bauseltes for better dam three years under the
immediate am sad instructio' n of Nathan 8. , Davie,
'M. D., of Binghamton, in addition to the attendance
on a full and thorough wane of Lectures at the Medi.
ad Caere ‘tor:Cieneva. N. Y. He feels a full amfi
dence in aubithig hie friends and patrons that no, pain.
will he spared to reader himself useful in meliorating
solbsiagprof hir fellow mos; and on all Occasions
will be fowl is medians to give prompt and careful
atseation to emit business is tie line as may fall to his
hands. Dr. Cob may he found for the preheat at the
residenceof D.E. Martin.
,iiiTysoz, Apnl 1847.
LARGE asetwunent of Brood Gloats, Cashmeres lX and Rattiiretts which we have long bees farnorw
for tolling 'good sod elitop l . now cheaper ' there ever -z -
and upon which ere - chaffer:tee the world, just received
at 0.: D. A RTLETT,
Towanda. Nov. 3, 1848.
Wheat, • • Domestic Flannel,
Rye, - Woolen Socks,
Corn, Ilitchwhest,
Oat.., . Flaxseed,
' -Butter, :White Beans.
Cheese, ' COON SKINS,
insiunt. almost anything, (.$
which liberals prices will
he 'paill at ..
... , I). BART11"8.
Towanda, Nov. 3, 1846.
i rice tote: m .4i
sperm. dipped' ird mould candim ; raisi ns b y i i i , bet
of pound, mem, amp, 'emus att6l) mene t pcv imb ed,
and in .fact all kinds ever kept in our line ;lir kai pe o ph
will find it their advantage to purchase' and we till
give you mavens for it:
A Ok Logic sod Common Sevue.
There are thrhe things beyond dispute :-Ist—lf s me
per" out mach money, be must receive as much.
a ff • nosn'a capes 's:* istiusiness sm hem, kis pas t
mest be large. ,
3i Tlerelbre, dle Siam, and Slim giLiAimelf g
the corner j of Main and' Bridge fits., in s swell rho
store, at a cheap rent, can afford to sell beets shots,
bsts & caps, and groceries, 'at lower imam seal ot
better go ity than any, other atom in. lbws
, Now, if is not sound logic, nos and too Mast
make four ; iif it is , common sense magi* yor es
come to us f your Hits & Caps, Boiasas.Bboes dr.
See the -con and let your, own mum decide if it'
was not,,you advantage to give us a. coat,
FINDIN 8 ofall kinds consiantlk en Hogg Timid,
1 4.
awl, heist 'boulder-wicks, kit and Mel *errs, aI
kinds of Nil:R. stalk cord and maps fbr beets, peat
pegging aw , skiving, paring and moiled kaiser-sof
floats. i . ff. O'HARA & CO.
Towendai Nov. I-4,1816.
Elmira, rtiPaitig\Taie: Buffalo Uat,
f . iron 014 7e
T .
RS PnTrietora of the above Line trill contirmite
run a..itte of Massage Boats\between ELMIRA,
CORIVIN and BIIFFA LP, for the accommodative
of Emigra_ s and Fsmiltes,•tnovitte Westisffordiag fs.
citifies not' eretofore offered to the SmigrMatt.fiont dor
aection of ear York, .Pennnrlvirnia„
The Boats of this Line are of the PERK' CLAM.,
fitted and !furnished with all the convenience and INC.
commodatidn of-PACKETS, commanded by expellees
ed Captair4t, and towed by relays of Homes..
Daring he season of T 847, one of the show 800
wilt hover Oorning and Elinien• every week in the fel ,
lowing or r :'
COR Ln.t.ry.' Monday evening, at 6 o'clock. P. M.
EL3IIIII, every Monday evening. at 6 o'clock. I'. M.
Towing i down 'eleneen Lake every Tburoley own
ing; touel, ng at Dig Swain, Lodi. and Dresden, &
leaving" Buffalo for Corning and Elmira, envy Willem
day mornOng.-
FOR- Fit IrWriflr 011 PA 38 As 4; At mit *toiler
as Boanl,l or ar
Wm. Mallory. COrnitigi.• .
S. B. Strang & Co, Hors. •
Winterrante & Tuttle, Iforiektedi-
Nash,- Nmsme,
11. Cr Townsend, Big 81rtnen-
Woodworth & Post, Lodi..
Price & Holly, Genera:
Say & Sweet; Waterloo.
.1. Shoemaker, &nao Fog.. •
Baker & Ross, Anittinno.
' .Wright, Rochedrn. '
H. Niles, Buirink
itir.cßE NIA.TIONAL ItA Gt
ING DBPOTS ; awarded the Dold is Meer honk
Pear lint Premiums, and Two Ilighert Haim 11 18
Netinnah the Marraelusetta, the New leek all di
Peonsyltaniai ratiibitlona, respectively, fer ill, met
splendid! Colored Dagraerteotypes and best Apra ,
ever eildbited,
PortMits takerriniecqtriaitai AO!, withost ref id
we doer:
Inturttetions given in divert- t
A large assortment. of Appait•atua sati!Stbek shot/w'
band, at! the :arrest cash prices
New N' ink. 551 Broadway ; PbOadirphia, l36 C l4 *.
nut t 3.;; Boston, 75 Court, and Stir Hanover Sts.;
1imem,.205 Baltimore St.; Wewhivnit.
Avenuei; Petersburg, Va., Mechanits' lfalr;TiltTM
nati, Ftforth and Walnut,•and 176 Main ; i" .4514 1'
Spring, Broadway ; Pari. , l27 Vieille Rae do Temple ,
Liverpool, 32 Church St.-37. • _
D'AV'Vrzi 21)11.17115 DANI/31;
trtioNiPSON dr. C R AWFORD ,
WHOLESA LE Druggists, No. 40 Marts 04
(South side, below Second.) Philsieltaa.
offer for sale- a large stock of Fresh Druge, Meow,.
and Dye. Stuffs, to which they call the Men*
Countiy Merehents and Healers visiting the Oa.
Cosai, Cabinet, Japan, Black and other verso s'
a superior quality. Also, White and Red Lest 1 "
dow Glass, Paints anti Oils—cheaper than ever.
a - 31 1 1‘. C. also proprietors of the %dm lret•
table alsam, celebrated thmugherst their oan
neigh rim Matta, as the best preparation for da c° l
of Cot Colds, Asthma, &e. Money refuelled*
every initaMee7wherenw benefit is receised.
Phiiadelphrai lan. 8. 1847.
1, ~
WHEREAS my 'wife ESTHER has lett of */
and - board without any juetaniase or
lbja it to forbid all persons barbering ee Motif Y .
q l ,7 l =lttt WI au determined is pay ao &Sr
coo 'NI after *hie date.-
Cebton, May 1, 1847.
A 11J APITITY of superior new Clover ett ili
, y received. and for sale. at MERCU"
TidLE saseriber continues to act as waifs tbt.
Philiodelphia, a stock company of good steads(
puts*Awe' business on as Amiable Pennies_
is also agent for the LYCOIIINO mh Ms
o '
TU!L INSURANCE CO., a errarpony whic h .
trubeen isenstftra/ in the payment of loses r
mote advantages seldom found.
Tinvando4 May 20. O. IP. BARTLXII•
.. .. .. ____
-- 7 - -ni of tl4 Bradford Rer firf.
lion &Ilan andOtty cents per minors; F; 111 .„
dedUcted if paid within the iiii—arrand kr VI!"
ally !in advance, Doe rim be dedorift . ..i
tiubeerihms at . liberty b discontinue el all . "";,.. t o
paying arrearages. Mont kinds of Coe:tray ri Paitneut„ at the market pike.
or . 0„ , 0
linc .ldv in ert se i rtl‘ m d e fo li fill n y ot cents ex ;
every ing su s beett sql"n kl mi i gu ig n ' efil :
me ty-five ciente. A discount made to yearly sd eo
i n Pnuirtion, of Avery description , odd/
i tt ni ':B lY ot e ) :l l " ):itit ted. .*i o pe n i rt w arni a ng na lo fi t i""6
0/f4.3, k ia sl:11111111 .
cm of ro.tago, to emote atteniiint•
• e lulls,sfaa
• and awes baa,
ladies ima m imd
and baskinsosedif
sad mad
I kinds
fiber, Youth's edt
frons4 to Its ;
better snid e
brisbinent in Bads;
4 18 00
Hata and Cif, of
very low.
I. sod 2 Nocker;
from 31 to 88