Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 30, 1847, Image 3
Lair. from' SaOtie re. ' . A ral ly oftraders have airlr whO leir Salim fe,May 13th, Every thing was tranquil there; rks far th e as_ ;. r i ve s were concerned, but great discalisfactiv,.. with,the military, on account of the governinent of c o t. Pride. , . The former aeconnts ofthe ,dissipation of the of f,:ersand soldiers are fully confirmed:, -• Th e traders. on their rout found .I . lle Imlians very They attack and rob patties of - Americans w herever they ran Goremment has sustained real lames by them, as they have stolen , a lar , e proportion of the cattle, mules; &c. &e., belonging to the United States, mei also Many from the vol unteers and traders. • On the 2itth they wreaked a late train of trading lear ns. killed one of the party, and stole one hun dred head of stock,. . A party of AmeriCans were.cmiting to Santa Fe, with despatehes from Gen. •Keatney, who is soon, expected. „ The volunteers at Santa. Fe are extremely awe isoio , zet home again, but 'in thiS they will be' grievously - disappointed. Wcckt Review . of the Markets. , Philadelphia Market: ' • • . . FRIDAY, inNi 25, 18-17. FLota AND MEAL.—The Flour market has not been animated', and' prices have further declined and the market'closes dull. Sales of 10,000 kis,. principally Westent„at mss. ineluding.some parcels -at :1....7. lined and deli, enact ; 1700 .bets. A3randywine at 57;01, and the Mance Penna. at•tit7. To day t oles tif 1(100 bris. at-8•75, pan Western, 'and 1000 Ed s . - a ”00,1 brand Penna. at 7. Rye Flour--Sales of 5410 Ids at ?.5,50. Corn Meal-110 deelined.- S:des at !..4.62.3 and 1,50. and yesterday and to-day sales of 2300 brit; at 5.4,371, $4.21 did 4,25, part lu t e4 , :tial d elivered. CRAW—Wheat - has tern in fair Sides ; of 20,000 - bushels Penn; ivh e at, chiefly whin., at $l,OO in store ; red and wltiw mixed at t1fi1533 and red at 51,50 and 1,48 : 6 and 9000 busiels Ohio red at '1,50 in store, and ;1144 -al - 1.-13 to-day. Rye has declined. Sales of 2:tte basliels at 95 ets. : Corn—Sales of Sand 60,10 Penn'a and Southern yellow at 95 and 9.13 cts, by welght. - J ifeselYork Market._ . . , _VRIDVV. June 25; 18.17. The market for'Flour was dull in the montiirr. b u t Il i ene was no disposition to time sales to any .zreat vt le. t.:filne lots of oiliti and Michieati were pirl4.l tip at 5:6.75 and 6.873. but at the dose if husittes: on Change the enquiry for export was Utter. anti the market stiffened to '7 fur strait Michigan. and 511.7.12-3 for Gettesee,, with no ~ r 1.:11 wlgtlt ,if Conesee at- that. Sales to arri% i. _nett %meek welt• made at the same price as on the spot. The :i.rtitticy %i t 'll-a rnostlY tor t. •port, partly lot •Frattee. 'Re aglreg-ate soles tVer at It!“-4 2 . 0.000 1.1.1-. In Snaltern the market is r 11 at ;....7,25. and—Small sales. Meal is :.-1,623 and 4,75 for iv,. s .,• rn ;o1: 1 sr', for Jersey, will moderate sales. Wheat verylntavy. being even at present prices tcleively hig. : 11t...: than Flour. The twiiry wa., binned, except at etyme citnee-siou oil previous r..t..4. A sale W . 10.1( I I.lNlit'h , :rekt Illinois was ina,lo at 51,15. ;tint 7bIRI l.ustit-is towed 0:110 . 2'00(1 t-olti at t'1.70 and. 516.23. For one extra: parcel of prime 6„. 11 .•-,•0 ‘‘ iks reported to' have been bid.- 1' rli Is Ite.iyit.r. It !Ilia! YVIIOW Sl)lti as low- as 96 an d tri' hot 't4t)ttle parcels broilLritt 0.8 and 100. The ctles wore 40.000 bu , liels. Mixed hroti. , ht 85 and 1 1 11 and liar yt.llow ill and 95. A sale of 7000 ln,hei. !kit ley \ Va. , • nlade at 75 cis. blur etxport.- 041- :He . Met at 5:1 et;. Itye ":'l.lo..rruttrl.sratre, Hurried, In 7it-eiroke, on Sunday even in„ June 12, by Rev. 11. Mr. Tsitionviic S, ITC, Junior editor the ‘• Susquehanna Register: to II 4;lw:titer of Charles Avery, all ul'litat Ncial 2.6ticrtiscmcnts. . F_ARINI FOR SALE. E subscriber oilers for sale on reason ‘ . • al le term.. the • valuable FARM formerly • "1„dt: owned awl now occupied by Joseph C.Pow. - ell, Esq.. situate ono mile grorth of the bore nt I onAnd.t. Ttic bit contains FI FT Y 11(7 0 5 . 0f good land. nearly improved;' will a large and dwelling house,. twolrarns, an apple. or iiiid a v'arieAY,of other choice fruit trees thereon. Fir iiirthrr 11.11 Lie thlarS, apply ip the subscriber at his An , in the borough of Towanda. •,:v. I * 4 •17. WILLIAM k:LVVELT., 'AzePt• : 4 11EPIIERD'S MEDICINES, tro4 I STI'N G lAnifii.".r, Sarsaparilla, C0U , 211 Candy, .nad 4 Frrrr and Pills. \ ERNI IF UGH, nothing more need be ttaid than %hat Is said in the MI/owing tertlhcatcs are. ndttit., of Luzerue count) : . I eseil Shepherd's Vermifuge for tvet; Of my _children. h °related well, and ex ip , llrtl a iliantity . of "worms. I nn recommend it as a valuable medicine. • .• COliiTnlntrr. • 'nix-if Hit, J an. 2n, 114 , 17.--John K..tions, I.,sq. har Sir—You will please send me four bottles more of Shepherd's Verrniftege. The three bottles purchased of i•. 11 a short time a4o have been is , ed with the happiest ef fects, They were given to three of my children—in one ri•e fis worms were expelled, in another - 161, mid in the t...t 57. lam au:slt , lls to girt" the rest of my family the 'enefits of this inedieme, i l therefore order as alioxT. This is decidedly the hi, Wilds for destroying, worms 'hat his ever been: in this part of the country. I have nut Orock's, rteitkir,t's nod several others, hut without am r4..1 &rt. Yours;. with esteem, l'r:ce CUL per bottle: Savicct. M. SsYnEn. SiiiPlicors Sarsaparilla, fir the permanent (nee • f all diseases ari..sinz front an impure condi , ion of the blood, ' • Vir —Scrofula, it; its various forms, rhetima!ism, pint. 1.6 pustii!e. on the face, crupti9hs on the :4( iii, boils, 4 i4lie,, mem, , or ter ter, cancerous atleelions, rGro serr eyes, scald head, enlargement and pain, of the and 3.did4, lumbago, dropsy, dyspepsia, chrOnic v. 4.1 0.1 t!ie disca-vs arising from an eirf4ll tacTeurv, ids° all chronic constitutional diseases will baY'y y u•i.l under tlii, preparation. Wt..% the lum , ,s.are diseased, as is often the case, nr plu a pimples or pustules appear on the face; f mni,l will vanish, the latter give day, ' of NtwptierirsKars.iiiarilla. Th , medicine under cmisnierstion is is-compound Or is. l 'atton •d Sarsaparilla. and from its coinaining ingre '7 • "holly vegotat , le; which it is lu•lirved are in .no Id , Parstion iif the kind, the most astonishing cm es 64, t• been elTecdeil by its use, Price, 75 cis. per bottle. i;,Tma n .l'errr (1714 .9gue r L.—This intractable and debilitstiltg s'lish pre‘ttils to so great an extent in many Ne ,, ,,nf the country. and whieh is so liable to terminate orratoc sisceral disease, is now entirely cured bv the use of the celettrated GERMAN FEVER AND M;CE PII.IA. These specific Pills never fall to drive the disease' froaLete system, and restore the constitution to its anginal healthy condition. Europe, an well as America. can testify to their Wonderful efficacy. Thou web of bores have been used, and nearly rm many in. touluals restored to health. .“For sale by HODDER & CO., Proprietors, No. 39, Co nti. Frederick street, Baltimore, and by appointed Vests, Prire $1 'icebox. Slopherd's Compound Medicated Candy. fa the - cure of couihs,polds, asthraa. catarrh, bronchi. ; t h ousene.s. sore thiust, croup, spitting of tdpoit, and' complaints of the throat and cheat, artd those '"""ig from a disordered condition of the Lungst and for 'tram' the voice, &c. Price l2i cants per Pa. - Jct.: 6 . hauP i f ; , t liuwe who are troubled with hoarseness of throat, or bronchitis—forget not to note; '7 it am he cured, and that they can find rest, ' 16 4 seized with catairh or complaints of the breast. it rte. kn been seleciclei minimising the Compoand Medicated Can 4Te ted with the utmost Car and A attention, entiwly from the Vegetaidel kingdom—therefore no 1 ' 3 " 4 b e apprehended of its produeitnen the slight '4lriotis eitext. & CO., Towanda ; 3. C. R opmersficld creek ; Mix dt Storrs, Standing t i kterwouil, Ruali, Sts. co. 2m3 BOOTS ANti SHOES. wittareilifilmit 'Xisittmis! THOCBANIiB of times limo hes Matt inked, Wh*e on earth are all the Stintsitstio; tinfoctureo that supply the continual litt i ttediet of Main end linage btrecta 011ars pt is the place, end these re the things] lin diit*itltl . t ot ib. - Seventy-elevesinewlashions every Iwo seconds! - Put tin the Stem :: - - - Heat ye ! heat ye ! and understand. that O'Hara, at the earner of Maio and Bridge strode; will sell et retail this season. 39,781 pairs of Boots, Shoes and Brogan., at a less mice than ever was or probably ever will hear tened again in Towanda _ • The Ladies' „DepartmentAn„thie establishment I •s richly furnished with , fastiiinest 'Ladle., =Wee and children's fancilind common hoots. end shoes, even to the extremity - 16 the latest fashions., blislake net tbe place —Corner of Main and Bridge infests. ; the wily Sloe Store in Bradford County. Half am& and-half •tmilefor Butted' H. O'HARA. Tiiwanda...lune 16, 1847. NO. 3 IN TOWN - AGAIN. rinHE subscribesare a little later than usual thisspling with their extensive stuck of merchandise but what the good people'of Bradford county have lost by our delay, we will now endeavor to make op to them in the'quantity, quality and price of our goods. .': - We are now on hand' with the LARGEST, BEST A ND CHEAPEST stock of goods in Towanda, btitught exclusively fox cash, and since the great reduction in prices. Our stock consists as usual of For further particulars look along through the paper. We need not say •" Call and examine our Goods," fur we ,know that every body WILL call at N 0.3, before pot - chasing elsewhere. WM. H. BAIRD & J l une 15, 1847. s • TUST received at No. 3 Brick Row, an extensive assortment of rich and desirable dress gords of the latest style, such asatriped Tarleton, embroidered- mu. lin, Cherry lustre, M. De Laine, Ginghatit Lawn, mourning organdie, Balzorine Gingham Robes, Ladies erriped dresses, together with all the new and fashions. I , le fancy goochilthat could be found in the city of New York. and ilvili f be sold cheaper than the same goods can be beught 4' any other ler tablishrneni in thecounty. Remember this/and before you purchase stop into t;At.r.w, May 17, 1817. ~~iiß' fir. Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hard ware, Drugs and Medicines. LADIES DRESS GOODS. . H .I . l'S—Tlie largest and best 'mecum assortment of u In flier lists; consisting of Pananta,English strays, Dunstable, Pedal, Paltuleaf, &c., for sale cheap at BAIRD'S ,T) ( 1N N I:TS—Florence, the PAL Straw and L ,vvn Bonnets, all of the latest fashions, at 13 ,)() ! „ksi01: : _ t ensCafarl iorocxcboots, ;;,.ii , r:. L thrstdiLdies st oes ofe,oy dtwription at BAIRD'S. T) A I NTS & 0 I LS--Linseixl, Lamp and Tanner's .1_ Oil—White Lead, dry and ground Venitian Red, and all kinds of Paints for sale at the cheapest store in Towanda. BAIRD'S NO. 3, B. R. %lockers!, Shad, and Codfish inßrZattbsr- G)CERIES.—The best article of Tea Coffee k"Bu gar, it iee.Tobacen, &c., eanhe found at BAIRD'S. MOS.—Everything in tae line of Dry Cr'oods ..I_} usually kept in tine country, or ever wanted Jot use, ran be found ai No. 3. The said goods were por ch:ied in New York after the great rush was over, and when herle watt' a great depression in the Markete. and ontsegnently . were &night cheaper and shall be sold c/o arcr than any stock of goods in Bradford county.— This is true, if we do say ourselves, and if you don't believe it. just drop in' at No a, where - the children, cry to rotor ! and you will become convinced that goods ran be sold cheap in Towanda. WM. BAIRD & CO. - - SALT—ioo bbls. Salt just received and for sale BAIRD'S, N 0.3, B. R. - - --- 1 .4 1 1.0.11 R.—fin sacks of first rate flour just receilosil and for sale at BAIRD'S, NO. 3, B. R. New Arrival at: No. 1, .Brick Row ! .4. 8. Cheranbertin, newr.treiripg, and °tiers for sate at the DRUG I DEPOT,No.I, thick Row. a large addition es his f,rnier stook, coliststilg of every variety of Grorcrii I, Drugs andledigiurs. Dye Staffs, Paints, Oils, PerfamegT, Fancy Articles ke. nhiell Rill be sold a ;wholesale or retail, at unusually low prices ; Terms CASH. Towanda, June 18, 1847. E I [MC EllY'S, in the country. can be supplied *kb. 1.3 all articles in their line, on the most reatianable terms. of jel No. t, BRICK ROW. .L BROTRKR JONATHAN, for the .1 Fourth of July, ut No. f, BRICK ROW. Reeve's, and a splendid artieltrat ported CIGAR'S, at - No .1. BRICK ROW. ATENT MEDICINES, every kind now in nee, 1. eau he Otuntll at the Drug Depot; Agent for Jayne's Clificences, Moffat's, Pain killer, •0d various other istedicittes.' A full and general supply ilways on jel 6 No. 1, BRICK ROW. 011.8' PBI2PIJNIEBIES, a splendid article of Hair Brushes, 'llicricimetcrs, and Fancy Articles, for alle at jei6 No. BRICK ROW. I )EDI.ERS will find it to theit'advantage to call at the Drug- Oeisit, where they can he supplied with eve ry article ihisired,. such as phials, essences. &c., on the hest terms. jelti No, 1, BRICK ROW. c.:1) D I'o LINT A IN, just erected at the Drug Depot, t... 3 to which the attention of the public its invited. - IE2 6ITSZAIII - 120 roil Sulercriber offers his new stock of HATS It AND CAPS at the first 'building south of the Drick.liiiw. where the hat manufactory of Mr. Thomas was formerly kept. Those who wish to purchase for Cnsli, will be accommodated at very reduced prices.—.• Fur Huts from one to four dollars; Silk Hats from one to three dollarli; Wool hats from thirtpseven and a half cents to one - aollar; Caps from eighteen cents to one dollar—according to quality. HENRY MERCUR.. May 27, 1847. SPRING GOODS. HB. & M. C. MERCTIR, have just received . god assortment of Ginghstos, Lawns, Sommer Shawls, Elovvers, Wreaths, &c. &c., which will be sold cheaper than ever. Towanda ! May 3, 1817. New Arrival of Goods, by Express! B. KINGSBER Y. - AS juk, ,cceived From .14. w York, a boalltifill as sortment of Lawns, Gingham's, Boometts, Palm Leaf Haus, 4c.. &c-, which will be sold very cheap.— Also Caps and Parasols and a veriety of other goods. Call and see the reduction from lust spring's prices, end if you should want any thing in the way of New boodr. ou-will lx sure to buy. April 213,1847. • Fiat lot or New Goods in Towanda.. Nl T i t ioNtANyEs , & CO. are receiving s lame rad general assortment; of Spring and Summer Goods which . will be disposed of at wholesale of retail at re docc4l pricos. April 20, 1847. • Vo W.L1122.1911:1L19 HAS just received the birgest assortment of 'NEW GOODS ever brought into_ Dradfonl co., which he uffetd• in cachange for CASH, LUMBER, or PRODUCE. . • onroeton, May 10, MT. LADI VI can Grid a superior aaloetracnt of PRESS GOODS & CLOARINGS, at MERCIJWS. BAIRD'S O. 3, B. R BAIRD'S. , . *;:gre WHINE NEW' STU LR r. IFOIL 4 TAKES tide method of iaformifl i permit wants to purchase GOODS, Mahe, hes opened'" entire meek et NEW . GOODS in No. 2, Iltickfidif; formerly oceepied by C. 'sit E. Reed, wee door the Post Office, *bete he would be Ispiy to show soy one his stock wbo. will favor him with ; as be is determined not to-betmdersold by martinet in ibis.ur any ether Town this side of piew•York. -My stock is very large, consisting .of • Dry Goofiss 'Groceries, Cromer, Hardware, Boots if Shoes, Ile. A large amortaieneof brats - Goody' F - Such as Scotch and Linen Gingkants, Ging- - /sane Mullins,_ Printed and Argandie do, Oregon Plaids, Chambrays and Lama dodo. Also, , A great varsety of Prow* English / And American depths, Casiri- • • were: outings, Croton • Cl oth. Tweeds and Summer &aril tc-ite• Don't fail to call, se I will sell for the Ready Rhino a hide leas than anr other live men. Towanda, Jana 1, 1817. ?UST received 12 Chests Fresh Toss, selling from 371 to ?Scents per lb., wirrinced void or no sale C ° Pr, 'one I. one and all and see the best and cheapest Su ► . and'Molassep in town at 1 FOX'B, NO. 2. B. R. •B I TS AND 'SHOES. • AFIRST rate of Gents kip, futal midcourse boots, fine medium and wane shoes; also Ladies' fine kid B. B, Ties, Buskins, Gaiters an d half Gaiters, end an endless variety of child's shoes at NO. 28. R. A FEW F•inily ewes HOMEOPATHIC Medi -EL tine, - with Reintiee tkweessie Physipian. Al•v, • few Rutra Leeriest • FOX'S. NO. 2, B. R. CROCKERY 4 , GLASSWARE, a first rate aseeA meat* 810.2, B: R. 1 rk DOZ . BB of these therm Parasols left, which are IIJ selling at reduced prices et NO. 2, B. 12. LEGHORN and Lawn Bonnets ; also Leghorn, Pearl -LA btsialtind Patinkaf hats, and a great variety of Caps at ' jet NO. 2. B. IL THE Ladies Jo soy that the largest- and prettiest _assortment of Dress Goods, Ribbons, Parasols, Gloves Hosiery, &e. in town, is to be found-at FOX'S. Call and see them, as they are selling from 10 to 25 per cent. cheaper than at any other Store in town at jane I. NO. 2, B. R. 2011ki P IECES Calicoes, the prettiest in town, sel ling (rum b to I§ cents per yard as • NO: 2, B. R. june 1. ' SAVINGS BANK NEW OFFICERS ELECTED. A T Tan annual meeting of the di ors of the "To- wands Savings Bank," C. & E. REED were elected in plain of G. E. Flynt & Co., whose term expired May Ist, 1847. It is the intention of the new Cashiers & Co., to sustain the credit Male institution by " putting goads low down " to pay up customers.— We therefore invite our old cuatomets and the public generally to call and examine out stock of New and Cheap Goods, just received, and convince themselves of the truth of the old adage, that " Goods have, can, and shalPbe sold ample: at the Savings Rank than at any other establishment in Towanda. No. S. B. R. May, 18, 1847. C. & E. REED. T IST.OF PElB3ONSengaged in vending Goode and 1-4 Merchandise in Bradford county, clarified andar ranged according to law for the year 1847, to wit Nantes or Raga Hers. 'With or without lig. Class. hiconss. Jas. Friteher, Athens bone no lig. 14 7, 00 C. Park - • " " 14 700 H. 8. Coninoek, '" .. 13 10 00 G. A. Perkins, " " . 14 700 LB, Ellsworth, " " 13 10 00 Phelps, " • • 4 14 700 C. H.' Herrick. " - " 14 7 00 Welles & Henn, " " l3 10 00 John Watkins, Athens tp. " 14 700 A. &M. H. Modey, Burlington, " 13 10 00 John N. Daniels " •' 14 700 Corell & Goal, " 4. 13 10 00 Job Mosley, . " " 14 700 EdwaraDverton V. E. Rathbone, Canton, liquor Newman & Brown, " no liquor Asylum, 1r Jaha Horton jr. Elmer Heaton, A. W:ReMbaw, . " U. Moody &Po., Darell, 0. D. Chamberlin, " Coultiatighilk Balisbiary, dra R. K. Hawley, Franklin, S. W. Mercer, T. Hornplaiky, Herrick, Writ. Angie, 1: Warrant, Monroe, 8 & J. D. N. Hinman, do. liquor B. &G. Smith, " fp. Haile &. Son " .. Sohn Hanson, liquor Coolbeughd. Salisbury, do. no liq 14.- L. & IL - Powl4, " " Theo.Huniphrey; Orwell, " Henry Gibbs, " " D. Bailey : i Pike, " A. H. Smith, " " J. E. Bn L. b. Maynard, El Asaph Coolbaugh, Ilidgbery, Cbsa. F. Wilson, " liquor Wm. Campbell, abeshequin, Foduk. Whitbeek. « ' u Kinney & Sauerlee, " L. E. Durfey, Smithfield, liquor E. 8. Tracy, • " no liq. M. Bulliick& Co. " liquor J. C. Adams, ' Standing Stone no liq. Mix & litoirs, " ' liquor H. W.,Truey, " .I Hinton &. - Ladd, Towanda boa " H 8& kW Humor, " DO lig. 8.8. Bet*, " _ " Burton litinushery, 4. " Elliott kTonikins, " " 0. D. Bartlett, Wm. H.D.MI &Co." E. T. Fox. da C. Reed, A. It Chamberlin, Tracy & Moore, .6 , " 11 J. Kiarzbay Jr. 6 . ' ." ' 14 N. N. Betts, " " 14 Hugh#Hira, " " J. D di. E.ll. Montan e &Co. - " 1 i. &E. Runyon, Troy, liquor 1 13 G. F. Readington, .. • " 11 8 W& D F Pomeroy u " ll Baird & Stephens, " no 4 12' o.l'. Ballard, .. Ingot 14 Peckham& Mather, Ulster, no liq. •14 Guy Tracy, " , " 14 -Trnmsn'& Co. " "- - 13 W. Gilson, " " l3 /Oen Holcomb, Wyoom. liquor 14 James Taylor, Wells, no liq. 14 E. &A. Lewis, Wyalusing, " 14 C. B. Fisher, " " 11 W H &G H Welles. " " 13 R. Cooper, - Warren, " 14 700 B. BuffingtOU, " dieneatie 14 350 114:Tyrrel, _ " liquor 14 10 50 AS persona aggrieved by the foregoing Clawification, are hereby notified tiwt an appeal will be held at the Contniasioners Office on Thursday the 151 b day of July. Cff .413 ‘ STOCKW ELL, Appraiser of Mercantile Tax for Bradford comity. THE GRJEFENBERG VEGETABLE PILLti and the Green Mountain Vegdable.Ointment, 63, Mk by the subscriber. only agent for the Knott and bo- rough of Towanda. d 2 N. N. BETTS. LADIES I I BAY, LADIES ! I If you are made up )out minds to buy a nice dream. cloak or shawl tins season, don't fail to call at No. 3, Wick Row, where you can find the most, beat and chea t F li attick; in that hue, that is hype in town, besides all of trimmings. Remember, call at nal I BAIRD'S; FOXV. NO. 2. IL L 7 00 18 75 10 00 M 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 N 7 it 7 - 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 50 no kg. 7 00 7 00 10 50 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 M 7 00 10 50 10 - 00 10 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 15 00 7 00 15 00 15 00 7 00 12 50 7 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 90 7 00 inCin:lP4 o #e, ;caw ftEtw.... h T °maw remtine, themaelle'es the 11 6. 1 044 4 btlainess; Hope by tiffitliapplic' Mien and saki audition/to basement, to meat Awe pub 7 lie pstrodige. -- They may always b. foaniL-sesdy to -attend to any Orson who wishes accommhitions in jbeir They wltimeapy fire old stand of Elliott & germ, and as ithasjuit been enlarged and made more spaci ous anikouvenisnt, customers will find it very plea sant tide l ,businvas in.. ELLIOTT & TOMLIN& litay 27, 1847. r • /NE W GOODS" _NEW GOODS !! TUtiirreeebred and;forsale a spllndid siwortareni, of 0/ Spring and Summer Goods, which will be ,sold ;as cheap for Gash wean be found in Sordoni Peolilk— eingossiars will find it t 0 their advalitagelani call mud es amiss their stock before purchasing elsew h ere. May 27. f T & TOMLIN& A NY quantity of : GINGH;+►MB. just received and [1 fur .aM by _ ELLIOTT & TOMKINS. T AWNS of itit varieties; also Gingham Lawns very Jl-1 low for ninth hy ELLIOTT & TOMKINK, 00T8 and Blues, ,the largest stock in town and 1.) cheap us can be bought in the country by E. &!F. SHOES, Lakes wear of all kinds—French Barrio Britton Gaiters, Pa'. tips. Buskins, kid slips, Last ing Gaiterri t and 4 variety of an kinds by E. &T. COTTON Yarn, any quantity—also Carpet warp white and eolored by • E. de T. V OICING GLASSES, of every variety for sale - • jc9 E. dt. aciN of all kinds, English and Swedes, together with I rolled and hammered; GLASS as cheap as the cheseest, and a large stock of NA I LS, by p.& T. OLD LUble Nail Urals,* eery large quantity *a cheap V as the cheapest. & a variety dental' iron by E 1 & T. A SPLENDID assortment Parasols of all and of every variety of Umbrellas by E. & T. 1110110NNEDS, s good variety Leghorn. .Straw. Lawn LP and Coburg, cheap as the cheapest by E. & T. TEMMEN 'Hats of all sizes sod descriplacms , to -14 gather with s good lot of psinilesf by E. dz. T. A GOOD assortment of C..licoes. In fact, we base sis good an assortment of all kinds of Dress Goods as you can #ad in any store in the country. Also, a good assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, and Summer wear of all kinds. and descriptions as cheap for cash as the cheapest by E. & T. SHE*TINGB acid Shirting', both Wea l Wombed cheap as the cheapest by ' SALT! SALT! c)eirt BARRELS Salt for gale at June 8. NIONTANYEtir & CO. New Spring and Summer Good& N. N. BETTS, T 8 now opening a new and splendid assortment of staple and fancy goods at his store, (situate on Main street two doors below Bridge street (west side) nearly opposite Montanye's & Co.) embracing all articles generally kept in the country, such as Dry Goods, GroteCies,. Crockery and Glass ware. hardware. Nails. Iron. all the • varidies of Steel, Glass,l'oinls Linseed Oil, Lamp Oil 4-c. Which he offens is purchasers at unusual low prices for Caste r Produce. or approved credit. And would re spectfully invite . all who wish to purchase to coll and examine his goods and prices before purchasing else whero, as be is confident be can offer good bargains. June 1. 1897. . RINTB, M. De Laines, Gingham', Lawns, &c.— Tito Ladies will find a beautiful assattment at june 9. "BETTB'. A GREAT variety of Shawls sours, parasols Ladies A and Itlisses Bonnets very cheap at BETTS'. BLACK & BEAVER CLOTHS, blaCk and faney Cassimeres, and ail sorts of Summer stuffs, a large assortment, low for cash at BETTS'. WINDOW &.WALL.PAPER„ a Inca variety and cheap at BE'TTS'. HARMS & BLOOD' Grass scythes and _scythe straths ;also Harris' cradle scythes at BE ITS'. ,NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. O. D. Bartlett, the pleasure to inform his friends and curio -1.1. men and the public in general, that he is just re ceiving a large and carefully selected stock . of seasona ble Goods, which, as heretofore, he is prepared to sell lower than any BRAGGART. Towarunt. June 2, 1847. PiIPER IMNGINGS. T HE largest and most beautiful assortment of Pe perHanginim ever brought into due place. just 'received and for salt eheapat O. D. BARTLETT'S. Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Hats and Caps, Hardware, Bonnets, Crockery: Books and Stationery. Iron and Steel. Paper of all kin.lar. Paints and (NIA. Glass and Putty. NEARLY every variety 4 each of the ammo kinds of Good, on hand at the lowest rate at 0. D. BARTLETT'S. COIL BEST tested coil chain for Bull wheels to raw mills and other similar uses juin received and for sale cheap by 0. D. BARiII.ETT. _ IiON.VE7'B. Asplendid assortment of Leghorn and straw Bonnets, latest style just received and for sale very low h• 0. D. 8.% ItTLETT. WOOL WANTED!! OD. BAR TI.ETT will clehange cloth or other . Goods for Wool on the best terms possible. Towanda, June I, 1847. Asuperior lot of Lawns, Suminer Gingham's, and Monterey plaids,• new article fur dresses. Also, prints of all patterns, which are selling extremely low at the SAVINGS BANK. BON SI ETS. Alarge and extensive assortment of Bonnets, con sisting of'Leghorsi, Aljwlß Braids, China pearl, Btraw gimp, English Straw.dte„ together with ribbons, artificials, wreaths, &C, to Match. are now selling at reduced prices at the 'IIIytVINGS BANK. SUMMF R ISH AW LS a beautiful a.tiort ment of Dane, De Lain and Dream Shawls may b round at the SAVINGS BANK. pARABOIA of every varitty and pattern. A 1330, Unalncites, are now selling i *mutely low at the Towanda, May 24, 1847. SA V iNGS BANK. BUCKWHEAT F r OUR. AFFW pounds BUCKWHEAT FLOUR in 50 lb. sacks, a soiperior article, just received and for sale by Fels. 22. (1. D. BAHTLETT. DAME'S AND HARNESS TRINIMIN(4S. JUST maeleed a large quantity of Fine and Common Names. Also, Plated and Japan'il Hawes* Trim mings at . Feb. 22. , IVERCITWS. nuntasur rf VS L 11 1 U 4 II "07 rrigNDERB his services to his friends and the path. tic generally in all business of his pnifession. Of fice in his dwelling near the comer of ,River and State Streets. Towanda, May 18. 1847. DISSOLUTION. • EVE FIRM of &Smith & Son is this day disaolsea 1 by mutual consent. All accounts, &c., due the rummest he immediately paid. V. Toviapda, May Pi, 11M7. • C. T. SMITH. Mblitriisent - cnts. ••• - • I lit. Tilt .. IiPATTER•• •' : • - r , ' • ' Cr attOlitioit of the - utast - of Hoed , pfisit; 1 - late of Con/on , logiquihip4 eteed..,,in the-117r 'phan a 6 akrt vf :Brae einOty, tor pee r, .: Te , 1840. ° .- ..- . 1 4- - • l ' *. , - ~ o j. , T " eh* and devisees of'llacild Pwit deed, N .3o, wit, Ebenezer Pratt, David Pratt. Ass, Pi,iii. Jonathan B. Pratt. Wm. Roberta, Betsey Roberti, AA* Griffin, Miami Grdfin.Julitm Pratt and Ghewer-Pritt: erelereby•-severally notified that the Urphaft's Colitt. of Huainad county on the. Bth day of Max )847, 4pq grant a rule upon them to come into said court on the first Monday of September treat and' uti:ct to' take ihr refuse the estate of said deoglent at the valuatom wade thereof. sod iu case thry shall _refuse to netts Or mine, to show cause if any theiiiior.. why the tia,..t. shall not be sold. By the Cods. • ' •, - lil MAN E. ItE WOLF,,i' • Ord of Orplein's t;,.flrt . Jun, 1; 1847. AU DITOWN-AOIIC,E. • : Edward Overton vs. Harry N. Spul.ling.,No 629. Stepaber Term. 1843.Bradfura 1.44 a .mon P leas. . . . IptiE undersigned, having been apninted an auditor ,to distribute moneys Mill: . 14 by execution, issued in the above suit, will attend vi Ate duties of his appoint- Ment at 116 rare in Towanda borough, on Friday the .9th day of July nest at 2 o'clock I'. 14..a' which time anal place all persons interested are retiuirod to'preeeni their claims before him or be debaneil Crain coming in upon said funds. 11ENRY BUtIFII, Auditor. June 7,1847. AUDITOR'S NOTICE Thomas Elliott,os. John .M. Jr,. No. 125. &manlier Tenn. 1842, Bradford Common Plum. THE undersigned.having been appoirited an auditor to distribut.• moneys raised by r irtue of.xecutiun issued in the above suit, will, attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in l'owaods borough, on btatunlay the lath day of July next, at 2 o'clock Y. M., at which time and place all persons interested are re quirrd to present their claims before him, or he debarred from coming in upon said funds., June 7, 1847. HENR Y BOOTH, Auditor. Of the partition of the estate of Benjairtin Bank, deed , late of Shesherrin too reship. —in the Orphan's Court of Bradford coun ty of Drc. 7. 1847. THE heirs and devisees of Benjamin Brink deed, to wit Danid Blink, Brink Smith, Alpheus Tozer and Ciliate his wife, Charleis Smith, John Smith, Daniel Smith, Orson Smith, Valentine Smith, JilMel4 Smith, Win. Smith, Rachel Smith, Theodore W. Brink, Henry M'Kiuney and Amanda MtKuoiery his wife; and Delilah Brink and John Brink and their guardian, Orison Rickey—Orris Brink, Elizabeth Brink, Charles Brink. Julia Brink and John Brick, Jr:, and .their guardian John Brink—Elizab. tb Hensley, James Brink and •Hester Mink, are hereby severally notified. that the Orphan's Court of Bradford county on the 1 Rh day of May, 1847, did grant a rule upon them to come into Court on the first Monday of September next, and elect to take or refuse the estate of ,eeil decedent at the valuation made thereof. an.' in ease they shall refuse to accept the same, to show cause, if any they have, *by the shame shall not he sold By the Court, ai end uis- E.& T. LYMAN . E. DE WOLF, . May 22, 11 , 147. , Clerk of Orphan's Court ADM IN ISTRAI OR'S SALE. PURSUA f to an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford county, will be exposed to public sale at the house upon the premises in Sheshequin township, Bradford county, Pa., on Saturday the 4th day of Sep wither, 1817, at one o'klock P. M., all of the certain Nieces, lots Or parcels of land !prig and being ip said biwnship, known as the Richard Horton farm, to be sold as the property of Patrick .Cummings, bounded as tollows : Beginning at a corner. thence by lots No. 94 and 101, south thirty degrees and 1 . 5 nii-' Mites, 82 perches to a corner, thence by parts of lots No. 101, 102 and 103, south 59 degrees west, 484 perches to a corner, thence along the Sheshequin road, north 64} decrees west, 22 perches, north 63 degrees west,' 78 perches to a corner, and theme by parts of lots No. - 01 and 92, north 59 degrees east, 236 perches bribe beginning, bring part of lots No. 92,93 and 101 in the old township of Clavemck, one of the seventrfu townships, &c. Centaining 92 acres and allowance, with a framed house, framed barn, and out houses, end a large apple orchart: thereon. ALSO—AII of the two undivided fourth pans or shares the whole into four equal parts or shares , to be divided of and in all that certain tract of land_ being - an Island commonly called Hurton's island, lying in the Susquehanna river, just shove the mouth of Sher Creek. containing_in the whole. by computation, Ofty six acres and one hundred and twenty-five petehei r be the same more or less. The other hilt belonging to Stephen Newell and Franklin —. Attendance: will be given at the time and place of sale arnl terms made known. HIRAM MIX, May 24, 1840. Adminstrator de teortiartemee. ADMINISTRATOR'S ALL persona net.ted to the estate of BENAJAH al MANN, late of Warren twp., deed., are hereby requested tomake payment without delay, and those having churns against said estate, will please present them duly attested to the subscriber. NANCY ALLYN, HENRY C. ALLYN, Warren. May 3, 1847.- AD MIN ISTRATOICS NOTICE. ALA.ersons indebted' to the estate of JOEL. BARNES.A late of Orwell township, deed., are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and those having' claims meainpt said estate, will please pre rent,.,\ them duly a ted to the subsenber, OYPI AN BARNES. Administrator. Orwell Juno 10, 18 . With. the will armesed. AD NIINIsTRITOR'S no l'l('E. • - ALT.persons indebted to the estate of 'I 'R O! AN KINSMAN, late of Tcrwamla borough doe'd., aro hereby requested to make payment w thorn. delay, and those having claims against said estate, will .please prce sent them duly attested to the subscriber. L. W. TI FF A N V, Administrator. Towanda, June if, 18 , 17. A D)1INISTI1 ATOR'.S: , NOTICE. prisons indatited to the estate of J. B. Menitt, late of tiranvillo township, deed.i.are sequeist ed to payment without delay, and those having. claims agailis!, said estate, will please pm:scut them du ly attested to the subscriber. m}.l3 mERRITT, itoNwELI. DUN Lt.k 0 Administrators.' Troy. May :9, 1847 ORPHAN'S couRT SALE., ri pursuance of an order of the Orphau's Court ,of Bradfonl comity, held at Towanda , in and for said county, on the 14th day of May,:A. D. 1847, Will be exposer] to Wale by public ,endue or outcry on the pre mises, on Wednesday the 28th day of July, A. D. 1847, at I o'clock,P4 M., the following piece of land situate in the township of irprirMfield, botnnied north by the county toad leading from Troy to Tiotra Point. and by landsWf Sylvester Leonard, east by landa of Oliver Oates and lands of I'4ul Shemoray. south by lands of Stephen and !jest by. lailtb, of Daniel Bartlett and J. W. Meteor mid lamb. of Lemuel Faulkner. Containing one hundred acres or thereabouts, with a two story framed dwelling house, a frameljiarn•and other out houses thereon erected, and an orchard thereon. The above will be sold as'ibe looped)! of Benintit WALLA, ilec'il.—Tertna made known on thl day sate. JOEL P. Ai AFEE; hine 1817 COME TO THE RESCUE' T _ H eubseriben having ntrt with green. lovers Jt- the late fire in 'Towanda, Sta well as other how*. earnestly request that those who know theinswalwa its- : Jebted will make every effort p..asil.le to Ina us in funds that w o , may be able to meet our honest engagements andcoutinueout business. MONTAN YE'S & C.O. have removed their busine.s situation a few doosi below Bridge street Witiffe they intend to accommodate their customers on their usual Wirral tenni, We have wow on hand a fair supply of bowls adapted to the spring trade, which wil t _ ed of at greatly reduced price*, compaied with the grout advance of Goods in the city. March 22, 1847. IN THE MATTER BE J. Exerubug of Benj. fiv MONTANVEII & (X) tut i '4lbuirtiecins . rrtimmos'..A.warted. lo Lev ifblktOmeileaLlastitate4e , IN4Rdic... Bit r. Bart./km I—. VIA,/ .. , !6ti;VDiploitio• fur . Gokl Fen 1812•-A Diplome fee the lasi Guli 1943—A . - Itiplatott fur the I est Gold . t 844 harsuptrior•Golik „,...I.64l!& 7 *A• . 'itetr klethid for the !vet I; tvi6-IAIS4. er Medal G t the beet ti titi's is 1.1 ccliify, thlit the' übove. is a .the't•Tilii:of Ai. American Insiittite. • ...#E.I4ItY . • Occ.of the Amen" 11.11 1 —$ IP4LIESO7IIEZie: A 4%Iri t ILN 1 Tr H KAHLE Y, E D aux.— -4:1 kl agrame. foe: ./.• formeily tinder the cd.e oil). A - comminution* Fouith Volume under the editorship of .T- Headley, Jutiiiiii of 0: Nripoi. on ainl, his Marshald," Wayhington iind his Generals,' - Letters f holy," . etc;' We isseatil.ndihilig iii say lug dui this Alisgsadnet - dastitied 4s) lid 4 irl go place ate public estimation.; itiritst walnut . ~,:ly pianist:l*in% present enviable repinaiion, but earn , to itself e far higher popularity, and heiiime the cum.' penal° ut many a circle to which it is w I stranger 4 gladdempg by its Presence,,ahte it eke en influence pure. elevating and healdifid. :rile edit t will-brd hie eider*" dto mike this the nova popular agdzine of the I va day; and while availing himself of am' from the bon writers, he will draw freely from. ' ovrei'tsbetias, less Acne. , ' .. - - and It will continue to maintain its high oral . tenet, nothing will be admitted into its wine eit *blab will' ' minisier to the corrinlt paravoldind - iiii nciessit_teuibi or which the author »sastra k iipum ...I, to blue: or, design is tefolfer the publie aof azini - soillan. leg all the attniction and 'Lariat uf the lighter iieviodi.: • .cats. while it moves ip a dilferent - pethi mid 'in nil -i x- ' , pomxi iis #lO.lOlMe utlior4ol.ll4 .. ..._,.- • ~.,.,,—; .i It is issued moty93ly. cummencitl z wf ' * II YOF,C il i n" . 4jiiii . log 32 pages of orig,ifial matieli.*iiie" i ii ' _llereir. in handsome ' covers; with . 1 iplailifiriii4 .VOltninigiiiiiii. allured:flower, in cub au r wi.h- - • "* * 'mil* and is got, up in every in the t style at AA • ... ; 1 et ...._ _ art. [nuking a p way Fatima or3S4-tal b , prts4 ilinstrattanr, and (wining ali tlega4C a parlor UM'', or "-rich and .Talualda Badt aainbeira and ivolinnea•always Price only Sir.per 4ear, if is siftraw $5. 8 copies for $O3. The Press and the pelNie are daily .1 very highest. teptimerdals of the editorii Magazine; and the tarty and taste wit placing it in the very first • spect, •moiig the thou.ands of Which' {owing. "Mr Haadiy's lively and versatile iho is admirably fitted to give a charm , to • work tile tindertbles.'-Arta l'crk • Emege/in. , " the edit° ' I charge of ./. T. Headley, the moat popular writer°T the age, we predict • still interest will I.e taker •in this 'beady limn-knows mad valuable Magazine s , The name of Heoultey alone is • sure guaranty of success."— !'m Ince acid Mechanic.., • - The new editor has infused that intense and abseib- ing interesvinto its pages for which hii writings ars re markable, l'he•weik has gained in t 1 e Lowe:which enchains the sympathies •scd rivets di attention, with out Wing ahything of its former eh to and vitiated " We wish this Magazine mucheucc F, morals and style."— Wiedkarn Co. Lie' rot-rats , rt. sent guardianship."—Admcqc and .1.4 rota. The editor is well known as one of glee me .I brillitot writers of the day.."—Amer con Ar in! terra, •,' Their motto is to aciivg:e the beautiful with the good .—N. E. Reol'etv. . • •• Mr. Headley contributes to the present May num ber liberally in his usual pledging style." —N. Y Trawler. "His lents will add greatly to the interukut the publicatio . and have great influence in extending its • circulatio .",-- Christian Inteltgenctr: i ",T,hillrerf neat monthly is gaining ravor, refining the roughness of life, and blessing the (roily where it slights, ir ....„,,,..,..u...„—MassachuatitsEal le. i "This is unquestionably the best M gazing of illstlgid in the conistry."--.Naatud.: el Enquiry -. beautiful es it is valeable."—Lu►heren Obaereer. azy A few gal responsible Agents ;wanted. to eircu• Isle this work, to *hum the best indlceuu•nts will be offered. E. E. MILES, Puslieher.- . 4t. 1 151 Nano st.;N. Yetk. No. 1., trick — tow, again i Chamberips, AS just rat final from the Elk; • of New 1 ork 'with a largo supply of Wa . Jewelry and • - criver chaff, 4o Ip. k icing in part, ..:( the folk% irg mina' sr—Limier, / 7 e . , L'Eprne and PI in Watches, with \- - a complete rtment of Gold Jewelry, iroch Ear Rings, Fin ger Rin ;a, Breast Pins, Bracelets. I eta, Gold chains, Gold - Pens, Keys, etc.. Also, all sot of Silverware, and any miantayof Steel Beads—all f WhiCh he offers foranle excreedingly cheap for CABI4. ' Watches repaired on short notice( and warranted to run well, or the money will be refUnded, and a writ ten agreement ;Oren to that effect' if lequired. N. 11.--MAPLE SUGAR, and Pouniry Produce • Biken in ay merit for work ; and ale 'I, learn nnw, and forcer, t int the l'raduce must le peild when the work is dune—l war against credit in all i 4 forms. W. A. WINN BBRLIN, Agent Towanda, April 28. 184 7. shaving and Hair Dressing m 1 t". Solomon Ir informs big o d frierultand pat- Cooptr, T)EBPECTFULL ', runs, that having been obliged t 4 abandon his for met stand an the afternoon of the 1201 ult.:, be is now. '. permanently located on the crest aide Of the. public , square, two doors north of Briggs' ;tavern. (hateful for past favors, lie hop( a by superior Skill and! attention, - to merit an increase of patrtnvige in figure, . I{e will always keep on hand a Supply of ails, es sonars, perfumery, and whatever is 1. aeceseary to give an 'agreeable:finish to his owations. i .ond will spare no pains in' his endeavors to adapt his style to suit the vary ing Pastes of his customers. . ~ ~ A I.Sll—Miampriorring for restoria g and • sure pre vemative to,keep the hair from falli ig ow, or turning gray, for a beautiful head o f hair is r, iowcrful auxiliary. The Saddle and Harness Business "( S still .c.rienuerl by ELK ANA!! S.'..lll"eft, J. CULP 1 '& C.'l'. . z3m rill . , under the rum of E.kanah Smith Se CO., utthe old stand Norttrsideof tha Public Square, where will he kept cut stonily on hind .Best Plain -and Quitter' Saddles, Plated' and Common Harness, all kinds of Trunks, Valier s, ii.d all other Work in their line, Carriuge .To imtnioqr, 4- 34 latiry work dunejo order. Frunitheir experirritM and punctuality, they re in hopes to receive a slims or public patronage. Work can'be bad at their shop as et 'cap as at ory-ether shop in thesonntv of the same 'pod ty. May Is, '47 A Woolen Factory rrliE stili.crtherg take pleasure -IL 'citizens of Bradford. comity arts hairs leased f'r a term of years the Wyalnsing, and Limon a and winch they aro now fiuitnt up 1 1 orparul.oh. for the_ m31)111110 ure r f dolts, flannels, &c. , in superior sty reaannithie terms. Tho,e - widone,- factored upon shares oiii fool it I give them II e3ll, iL4 they are &lett shall be sp ore.l to Give the J:O4 p, They work Vlionl into Proad or na For Me half the cloth. or if prefers facture by the yard Rs 1011, ws $1 to $1.25 , Narrow sloth. Isom artiden, mannfietured t,r prop ohm 4%f1n1 eanlitiZ and cloth dies.i: tiliort notice and reasonahle terms. pared for hosioess on or pefore the Wyalustoor. Apr 25. 1.4 IL _ - - - - 11ISSOLUTIO eo.pastruirahop hesetofo e„;. Sr E. BEE 1) is this day consent. the 40r011atd, lull wi h Charles Reel, N u, 5, B. Tuicantla; May 21. 1847. }: QlloES—Ladie.' Mi:*;;;;.1 1 C firty on hind at t 9 NI i Brown; slit Peas. Pent. IPeasc okl ram ofirrein. - Isar coso;from to.filute. , fulls f t to a friisd. Land. a eopia for snrusgrai the of our which rids eni 'bk in every It. e *elect the El- The Field ! i t Ilome. I.onnouncittrz to the l vie ioity, that they 1 huiVirio renal* in ~: I eighintee rortory. ll ii,h Ot.ielattexy an) Illood and nouns% e Intl on the most x have woof mono . their advantage to I metl that no pains feet • ati4,Jetien.— rotv‘e.resgeil dont, I. they . will mann /0,i.1. cloths hie horn Ito Till els. Other ite pri rex. a will bed ne on They MI ill be pie. Ir 4 orlon, next. - 1 ,T %LI: & HT 1.1.: , exiegeg between moblett by mutual , ohm the ter.entk..ction:, t ivrtEs wAitt) upwn.. a lame v.,- ' 1J I:TM